1 /**
2  * @file monster.h
3  *
4  * Interface of monster functionality, AI, actions, spawning, loading, etc.
5  */
6 #ifndef __MONSTER_H__
7 #define __MONSTER_H__
11 #ifdef __cplusplus
12 extern "C" {
13 #endif
15 typedef enum MON_MODE {
17 	/** Movement towards N, NW, or NE */
18 	MM_WALK,
19 	/** Movement towards S, SW, or SE */
20 	MM_WALK2,
21 	/** Movement towards W or E */
22 	MM_WALK3,
35 	MM_HEAL,
36 	MM_TALK,
37 } MON_MODE;
39 typedef struct CMonster {
40 	_monster_id mtype;
41 	/** placeflag enum as a flags*/
42 	Uint8 mPlaceFlags;
43 	AnimStruct Anims[6];
44 	TSnd *Snds[4][2];
45 	Sint32 width;
46 	Sint32 width2;
47 	uint16_t mMinHP;
48 	uint16_t mMaxHP;
49 	bool has_special;
50 	Uint8 mAFNum;
51 	Sint8 mdeadval;
52 	const MonsterData *MData;
53 	/**
54 	 * A TRN file contains a sequence of color transitions, represented
55 	 * as indexes into a palette. (a 256 byte array of palette indices)
56 	 */
57 	Uint8 *trans_file;
58 } CMonster;
60 typedef struct MonsterStruct { // note: missing field _mAFNum
61 	Sint32 _mMTidx;
62 	MON_MODE _mmode;
63 	Uint8 _mgoal;
64 	Sint32 _mgoalvar1;
65 	Sint32 _mgoalvar2;
66 	Sint32 _mgoalvar3;
67 	Uint8 _pathcount;
68 	/** Tile X-position of monster */
69 	Sint32 _mx;
70 	/** Tile Y-position of monster */
71 	Sint32 _my;
72 	/** Future tile X-position of monster. Set at start of walking animation */
73 	Sint32 _mfutx;
74 	/** Future tile Y-position of monster. Set at start of walking animation */
75 	Sint32 _mfuty;
76 	/** Most recent X-position in dMonster. */
77 	Sint32 _moldx;
78 	/** Most recent Y-position in dMonster. */
79 	Sint32 _moldy;
80 	/** Monster sprite's pixel X-offset from tile. */
81 	Sint32 _mxoff;
82 	/** Monster sprite's pixel Y-offset from tile. */
83 	Sint32 _myoff;
84 	/** Pixel X-velocity while walking. Applied to _mxoff */
85 	Sint32 _mxvel;
86 	/** Pixel Y-velocity while walking. Applied to _myoff */
87 	Sint32 _myvel;
88 	/** Direction faced by monster (direction enum) */
89 	Sint32 _mdir;
90 	/** The current target of the mosnter. An index in to either the plr or monster array based on the _meflag value. */
91 	Sint32 _menemy;
92 	/** X-coordinate of enemy (usually correspond's to the enemy's futx value) */
93 	Uint8 _menemyx;
94 	/** Y-coordinate of enemy (usually correspond's to the enemy's futy value) */
95 	Uint8 _menemyy;
96 	Uint8 *_mAnimData;
97 	/** Tick length of each frame in the current animation */
98 	Sint32 _mAnimDelay;
99 	/** Increases by one each game tick, counting how close we are to _pAnimDelay */
100 	Sint32 _mAnimCnt;
101 	/** Number of frames in current animation */
102 	Sint32 _mAnimLen;
103 	/** Current frame of animation. */
104 	Sint32 _mAnimFrame;
105 	bool _mDelFlag;
106 	Sint32 _mVar1;
107 	Sint32 _mVar2;
108 	Sint32 _mVar3;
109 	Sint32 _mVar4;
110 	Sint32 _mVar5;
111 	/** Used as _mxoff but with a higher range so that we can correctly apply velocities of a smaller number */
112 	Sint32 _mVar6;
113 	/** Used as _myoff but with a higher range so that we can correctly apply velocities of a smaller number */
114 	Sint32 _mVar7;
115 	/** Value used to measure progress for moving from one tile to another */
116 	Sint32 _mVar8;
117 	Sint32 _mmaxhp;
118 	Sint32 _mhitpoints;
119 	_mai_id _mAi;
120 	Uint8 _mint;
121 	Uint32 _mFlags;
122 	Uint8 _msquelch;
123 	Sint32 _lastx;
124 	Sint32 _lasty;
125 	Sint32 _mRndSeed;
126 	Sint32 _mAISeed;
127 	Uint8 _uniqtype;
128 	Uint8 _uniqtrans;
129 	Sint8 _udeadval;
130 	Sint8 mWhoHit;
131 	Sint8 mLevel;
132 	Uint16 mExp;
133 	Uint16 mHit;
134 	Uint8 mMinDamage;
135 	Uint8 mMaxDamage;
136 	Uint16 mHit2;
137 	Uint8 mMinDamage2;
138 	Uint8 mMaxDamage2;
139 	Uint8 mArmorClass;
140 	Uint16 mMagicRes;
141 	Sint32 mtalkmsg;
142 	Uint8 leader;
143 	Uint8 leaderflag;
144 	Uint8 packsize;
145 	Sint8 mlid; // BUGFIX -1 is used when not emitting light this should be signed (fixed)
146 	const char *mName;
147 	CMonster *MType;
148 	const MonsterData *MData;
149 } MonsterStruct;
151 extern int monstkills[MAXMONSTERS];
152 extern int monstactive[MAXMONSTERS];
153 extern int nummonsters;
154 extern BOOLEAN sgbSaveSoundOn;
155 extern MonsterStruct monster[MAXMONSTERS];
156 extern CMonster Monsters[MAX_LVLMTYPES];
157 extern int nummtypes;
159 void InitLevelMonsters();
160 void GetLevelMTypes();
161 void InitMonsterGFX(int monst);
162 void InitMonster(int i, int rd, int mtype, int x, int y);
163 void ClrAllMonsters();
164 void monster_some_crypt();
165 void PlaceGroup(int mtype, int num, int leaderf, int leader);
166 void InitMonsters();
167 void SetMapMonsters(BYTE *pMap, int startx, int starty);
168 void DeleteMonster(int i);
169 int AddMonster(int x, int y, int dir, int mtype, BOOL InMap);
170 void monster_43C785(int i);
171 BOOL M_Talker(int i);
172 void M_StartStand(int i, int md);
173 void M_ClearSquares(int i);
174 void M_GetKnockback(int i);
175 void M_StartHit(int i, int pnum, int dam);
176 void M_StartKill(int i, int pnum);
177 void M_SyncStartKill(int i, int x, int y, int pnum);
178 void M_Teleport(int i);
179 void M_UpdateLeader(int i);
180 void DoEnding();
181 void PrepDoEnding();
182 void M_WalkDir(int i, int md);
183 void MAI_Zombie(int i);
184 void MAI_SkelSd(int i);
185 void MAI_Snake(int i);
186 void MAI_Bat(int i);
187 void MAI_SkelBow(int i);
188 void MAI_Fat(int i);
189 void MAI_Sneak(int i);
190 void MAI_Fireman(int i);
191 void MAI_Fallen(int i);
192 void MAI_Cleaver(int i);
193 void MAI_Round(int i, BOOL special);
194 void MAI_GoatMc(int i);
195 void MAI_Ranged(int i, int missile_type, BOOL special);
196 void MAI_GoatBow(int i);
197 void MAI_Succ(int i);
198 void MAI_Lich(int i);
199 void MAI_ArchLich(int i);
200 void MAI_Psychorb(int i);
201 void MAI_Necromorb(int i);
202 void MAI_AcidUniq(int i);
203 void MAI_Firebat(int i);
204 void MAI_Torchant(int i);
205 void MAI_Scav(int i);
206 void MAI_Garg(int i);
207 void MAI_RoundRanged(int i, int missile_type, BOOL checkdoors, int dam, int lessmissiles);
208 void MAI_Magma(int i);
209 void MAI_Storm(int i);
210 void MAI_BoneDemon(int i);
211 void MAI_Acid(int i);
212 void MAI_Diablo(int i);
213 void MAI_Mega(int i);
214 void MAI_Golum(int i);
215 void MAI_SkelKing(int i);
216 void MAI_Rhino(int i);
217 void MAI_HorkDemon(int i);
218 void MAI_Counselor(int i);
219 void MAI_Garbud(int i);
220 void MAI_Zhar(int i);
221 void MAI_SnotSpil(int i);
222 void MAI_Lazurus(int i);
223 void MAI_Lazhelp(int i);
224 void MAI_Lachdanan(int i);
225 void MAI_Warlord(int i);
226 void DeleteMonsterList();
227 void ProcessMonsters();
228 void FreeMonsters();
229 BOOL DirOK(int i, int mdir);
230 BOOL PosOkMissile(int x, int y);
231 BOOL CheckNoSolid(int x, int y);
232 BOOL LineClearF(BOOL (*Clear)(int, int), int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
233 BOOL LineClear(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
234 BOOL LineClearF1(BOOL (*Clear)(int, int, int), int monst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
235 void SyncMonsterAnim(int i);
236 void M_FallenFear(int x, int y);
237 void PrintMonstHistory(int mt);
238 void PrintUniqueHistory();
239 void MissToMonst(int i, int x, int y);
240 BOOL PosOkMonst(int i, int x, int y);
241 BOOLEAN monster_posok(int i, int x, int y);
242 BOOL PosOkMonst2(int i, int x, int y);
243 BOOL PosOkMonst3(int i, int x, int y);
244 BOOL IsSkel(int mt);
245 BOOL IsGoat(int mt);
246 int M_SpawnSkel(int x, int y, int dir);
247 BOOL SpawnSkeleton(int ii, int x, int y);
248 int PreSpawnSkeleton();
249 void TalktoMonster(int i);
250 void SpawnGolum(int i, int x, int y, int mi);
251 BOOL CanTalkToMonst(int m);
252 BOOL CheckMonsterHit(int m, BOOL *ret);
253 int encode_enemy(int m);
254 void decode_enemy(int m, int enemy);
256 /* data */
258 extern int opposite[8];
259 extern int offset_x[8];
260 extern int offset_y[8];
262 #ifdef __cplusplus
263 }
264 #endif
268 #endif /* __MONSTER_H__ */