1 /* floatexp.c: exponential function and friends, based on floatnum. */
2 /*
3     Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Wolf Lammen.
5     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License , or
8     (at your option) any later version.
10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13     GNU General Public License for more details.
15     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16     along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to:
18       The Free Software Foundation, Inc.
19       59 Temple Place, Suite 330
20       Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
23     You may contact the author by:
24        e-mail:  ookami1 <at> gmx <dot> de
25        mail:  Wolf Lammen
26               Oertzweg 45
27               22307 Hamburg
28               Germany
30 *************************************************************************/
31 #include "floatconst.h"
32 #include "floatcommon.h"
33 #include "floatseries.h"
34 #include "floatexp.h"
36 /* uses the addition theorem
37    cosh(2x)-1 == 2*(cosh x - 1)*(cosh x + 1)
38    to reduce the argument to the range |x| < 0.01.
39    Starting with x == 1, you need 7 reduction steps
40    to achieve the desired magnitude.
41    The relative error is < 8e-100 for a 100 digit result.
42    The return value is 0, if the result underflows.
43    |x| < 1, otherwise the final process, where
44    the reductions are unwinded, becomes too
45    unstable */
46 char
_coshminus1lt1(floatnum x,int digits)47 _coshminus1lt1(
48   floatnum x,
49   int digits)
50 {
51   floatstruct tmp;
52   int reductions;
54   if (float_iszero(x))
55     return 1;
56   float_abs(x);
57   reductions = 0;
58   while(float_getexponent(x) >= -2)
59   {
60     float_mul(x, x, &c1Div2, digits+1);
61     ++reductions;
62   }
63   if (!coshminus1near0(x, digits) && reductions == 0)
64     return !float_iszero(x);
65   float_create(&tmp);
66   for(; reductions-- > 0;)
67   {
68     float_mul(&tmp, x, x, digits);
69     float_add(x, x, x, digits+2);
70     float_add(x, x, &tmp, digits+2);
71     float_add(x, x, x, digits+2);
72   }
73   float_free(&tmp);
74   return 1;
75 }
77 /* sinh x == sqrt((cosh x - 1) * (cosh x + 1)) */
78 static void
_sinhfromcoshminus1(floatnum x,int digits)79 _sinhfromcoshminus1(
80   floatnum x,
81   int digits)
82 {
83   floatstruct tmp;
85   float_create(&tmp);
86   float_add(&tmp, x, &c2, digits);
87   float_mul(x, &tmp, x, digits+1);
88   float_sqrt(x, digits+1);
89   float_free(&tmp);
90 }
92 /* sinh x for |x| < 1. Derived from cosh x - 1.
93    The relative error is < 8e-100 for a 100 digit result */
94 void
_sinhlt1(floatnum x,int digits)95 _sinhlt1(
96   floatnum x,
97   int digits)
98 {
99   signed char sgn;
100   if (float_getexponent(x) < -digits)
101     /* for very small x: sinh(x) approx. == x. */
102     return;
103   sgn = float_getsign(x);
104   _coshminus1lt1(x, digits);
105   _sinhfromcoshminus1(x, digits);
106   float_setsign(x, sgn);
107 }
109 /* evaluates exp(x) - 1. This value can be obtained
110    by exp(x) - 1 == sinh(x) + cosh(x) - 1
111    relative error < 8e-100 for a 100 digit result */
112 void
_expminus1lt1(floatnum x,int digits)113 _expminus1lt1(
114   floatnum x,
115   int digits)
116 {
117   floatstruct tmp;
118   signed char sgn;
120   if (float_getexponent(x) < -digits || float_iszero(x))
121     /* for very small x: exp(x)-1 approx.== x */
122     return;
123   float_create(&tmp);
124   sgn = float_getsign(x);
125   _coshminus1lt1(x, digits);
126   float_copy(&tmp, x, EXACT);
127   _sinhfromcoshminus1(x, digits);
128   float_setsign(x, sgn);
129   float_add(x, x, &tmp, digits+1);
130   float_free(&tmp);
131 }
133 /* exp(x) for 0 <= x < ln 10
134    relative error < 5e-100 */
135 void
_expltln10(floatnum x,int digits)136 _expltln10(
137   floatnum x,
138   int digits)
139 {
140   int expx;
141   int factor;
142   char sgnf;
144   expx = float_getexponent(x);
145   factor = 1;
146   if (expx >= -1)
147   {
148     sgnf = leadingdigits(x, 2 + expx);
149     if (sgnf > 4)
150     {
151       if (sgnf < 9)
152       {
153         factor = 2;
154         float_sub(x, x, &cLn2, digits+1);
155       }
156       else if (sgnf < 14)
157       {
158         factor = 3;
159         float_sub(x, x, &cLn3, digits+1);
160       }
161       else if (sgnf < 21)
162       {
163         factor = 7;
164         float_sub(x, x, &cLn7, digits+1);
165       }
166       else
167       {
168         factor = 10;
169         float_sub(x, x, &cLn10, digits+1);
170       }
171     }
172   }
173   _expminus1lt1(x, digits);
174   float_add(x, x, &c1, digits+1);
175   if (factor != 1)
176     float_muli(x, x, factor, digits+1);
177 }
179 /* exp(x) for all x. Underflow or overflow is
180    indicated by the return value (0, if error)
181    relative error for 100 digit results is 5e-100 */
182 char
_exp(floatnum x,int digits)183 _exp(
184   floatnum x,
185   int digits)
186 {
187   floatstruct exp, tmp;
188   int expx, extra;
189   char ok;
191   if (float_iszero(x))
192   {
193     float_copy(x, &c1, EXACT);
194     return 1;
195   }
196   expx = float_getexponent(x);
197   if (expx >= (int)(BITS_IN_EXP >> 1))
198     /* obvious overflow or underflow */
199     return 0;
201   float_create(&exp);
202   float_create(&tmp);
203   float_setzero(&exp);
205   if (expx >= 0)
206   {
207     float_div(&exp, x, &cLn10, expx+1);
208     float_int(&exp);
209     extra = float_getexponent(&exp)+1;
210     float_mul(&tmp, &exp, &cLn10, digits+extra);
211     float_sub(x, x, &tmp, digits+extra);
212     if (float_cmp(x, &cLn10) >= 0)
213     {
214       float_add(&exp, &exp, &c1, EXACT);
215       float_sub(x, x, &cLn10, digits);
216     }
217   }
218   if (float_getsign(x) < 0)
219   {
220     float_sub(&exp, &exp, &c1, EXACT);
221     float_add(x, x, &cLn10, digits);
222   }
223   /* when we get here 0 <= x < ln 10 */
224   _expltln10(x, digits);
225   /* just in case rounding leads to a value >= 10 */
226   expx = float_getexponent(x);
227   if (expx != 0)
228     float_addi(&exp, &exp, expx, EXACT);
230   ok = 1;
231   if (!float_iszero(&exp))
232   {
233     expx = float_asinteger(&exp);
234     ok = expx != 0;
235     float_setexponent(x, expx);
236   }
237   float_free(&exp);
238   float_free(&tmp);
239   return ok && !float_isnan(x);
240 }
242 static char
_0_5exp(floatnum x,int digits)243 _0_5exp(
244   floatnum x,
245   int digits)
246 {
247   float_sub(x, x, &cLn2, digits + (3*logexp(x)/10)+1);
248   return _exp(x, digits);
249 }
251 /* exp(x)-1 for all x. Overflow is
252    indicated by the return value (0, if error)
253    relative error for 100 digit results is 8e-100 */
254 char
_expminus1(floatnum x,int digits)255 _expminus1(
256   floatnum x,
257   int digits)
258 {
259   int expr;
261   if (float_abscmp(x, &c1Div2) < 0)
262   {
263     _expminus1lt1(x, digits);
264     return 1;
265   }
266   if (float_getsign(x) < 0)
267   {
268     expr = (2*float_getexponent(x)/5);
269     if (expr >= digits)
270       float_setinteger(x, -1);
271     else
272     {
273       _exp(x, digits-expr);
274       float_sub(x, x, &c1, digits);
275     }
276     return 1;
277   }
278   if (!_exp(x, digits))
279     return 0;
280   float_sub(x, x, &c1, digits);
281   return 1;
282 }
284 static void
_addreciproc(floatnum x,int digits,signed char sgn)285 _addreciproc(
286   floatnum x,
287   int digits,
288   signed char sgn)
289 {
290   floatstruct tmp;
291   int expx;
293   expx = float_getexponent(x);
294   if (2*expx < digits)
295   {
296     float_create(&tmp);
297     float_muli(&tmp, x, 4, digits-2*expx);
298     float_reciprocal(&tmp, digits-2*expx);
299     float_setsign(&tmp, sgn);
300     float_add(x, x, &tmp, digits+1);
301     float_free(&tmp);
302   }
303 }
305 /* cosh(x)-1 for all x. Underflow or overflow is
306    indicated by the return value (0, if error)
307    relative error for 100 digit results is 6e-100 */
309 char
_coshminus1(floatnum x,int digits)310 _coshminus1(
311   floatnum x,
312   int digits)
313 {
314   if (float_getexponent(x) < 0 || float_iszero(x))
315     return _coshminus1lt1(x, digits);
316   if(!_0_5exp(x, digits))
317     return 0;
318   _addreciproc(x, digits, 1);
319   float_sub(x, x, &c1, digits);
320   return 1;
321 }
323 /* sinh(x) for all x. Overflow is
324    indicated by the return value (0, if error)
325    relative error for 100 digit results is < 8e-100 */
326 char
_sinh(floatnum x,int digits)327 _sinh(
328   floatnum x,
329   int digits)
330 {
331   if (float_getexponent(x) < 0 || float_iszero(x))
332     _sinhlt1(x, digits);
333   else
334   {
335     if(!_0_5exp(x, digits))
336       return 0;
337     _addreciproc(x, digits, -1);
338   }
339   return 1;
340 }
342 /* tanh(x) for |x| <= 0.5.
343    relative error for 100 digit results is < 7e-100 */
344 void
_tanhlt0_5(floatnum x,int digits)345 _tanhlt0_5(
346   floatnum x,
347   int digits)
348 {
349   floatstruct tmp;
350   signed char sgn;
352   float_create(&tmp);
353   sgn = float_getsign(x);
354   float_abs(x);
355   float_add(x, x, x, digits+1);
356   _expminus1lt1(x, digits);
357   float_add(&tmp, x, &c2, digits);
358   float_div(x, x, &tmp, digits);
359   float_setsign(x, sgn);
360   float_free(&tmp);
361 }
363 /* tanh(x)-1 for x > 0.
364    relative error for 100 digit results is < 9e-100 */
365 char
_tanhminus1gt0(floatnum x,int digits)366 _tanhminus1gt0(
367   floatnum x,
368   int digits)
369 {
370   if (float_add(x, x, x, digits+1) && _0_5exp(x, digits))
371   {
372     float_add(x, x, &c1Div2, digits+1);
373     float_reciprocal(x, digits+1);
374     float_setsign(x, -1);
375     return 1;
376   }
377   return 0;
378 }
380 void
_tanhgt0_5(floatnum x,int digits)381 _tanhgt0_5(
382   floatnum x,
383   int digits)
384 {
385   int expx;
387   expx = float_getexponent(x);
388   if (5*expx >= digits)
389     float_copy(x, &c1, EXACT);
390   else
391   {
392     _tanhminus1gt0(x, digits - 5*expx);
393     float_add(x, x, &c1, digits);
394   }
395 }
397 char
_power10(floatnum x,int digits)398 _power10(
399   floatnum x,
400   int digits)
401 {
402   int exp;
404   if (float_isinteger(x))
405   {
406     exp = float_asinteger(x);
407     if (exp == 0 && !float_iszero(x))
408       return 0;
409     float_copy(x, &c1, EXACT);
410     float_setexponent(x, exp);
411     return !float_isnan(x);
412   }
413   return float_mul(x, x, &cLn10, digits+2) && _exp(x, digits);
414 }