1 /*
2 XLiFE++ is an extended library of finite elements written in C++
3     Copyright (C) 2014  Lunéville, Eric; Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas; Lafranche, Yvon; Nguyen, Manh-Ha; Chambeyron, Colin
5     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
9     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12     GNU General Public License for more details.
13     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  */
17 /*!
18   \file RefElement.hpp
19   \authors D. Martin, N. Kielbasiewicz
20   \since 27 nov 2002
21   \date 6 aug 2012
23   \brief Definition of the xlifepp::RefElement class
25   A xlifepp::RefElement object represents the standard FE reference element.
26   It is mainly defined by a xlifepp::GeomRefElement and an interpolation which
27   implies a predefined set of degrees of freedom (D.o.F)
28   Only required xlifepp::RefElement objects are instantiated at run time.
30   Inheriting classes :
31     - xlifepp::RefSegment (1D)
32     - xlifepp::RefTriangle, xlifepp::RefQuadrangle (2D)
33     - xlifepp::RefTetrahedron, xlifepp::RefPrism, xlifepp::RefHexahedron (3D)
35   IMPORTANT : A finite element involves a lot of arrays of numbering such as
36   local numbers in an element, on a side ...
38   These numbers always start with first item bearing number 1, though this value is
39   stored in item 0 of an array or vector.
41   IMPORTANT : Implicit local numbering of D.o.F
43   D.o.F in an element are stored and referred to according to what is called
44   "the local numbering of D.o.F's" which never appears explicitly in the code.
45   Those local numbers of D.o.F can only be "seen" in the arrays of local numbering
46   on edges or faces "numbering_of_DOF".
47   Sketches of local numbering for 1d an 2d elements can be found in implementation
48   of classes xlifepp::RefSegment, xlifepp::RefTriangle or xlifepp::RefQuadrangle.
50   That "IMPLICIT" numbering of D.o.F's should obey the following rules which
51   are used to create global numbering of D.o.F. in a Finite Element interpolation space :
53   -#  D.o.F's supported by vertices of element should be numbered first in the order
54   of (local) numbering of vertices, that is D.o.F supported by first vertex
55   in element should bear first (or smallest) numbers, and so on.
56   This set of D.o.F's can be empty, in which case nbDofsOnVertices_ = 0,
57   otherwise nbDofsOnVertices_ is the number of such D.o.F's.
58   -# each first D.o.F's supported by a node on an edge (excluding vertices) or
59   supported by an edge should be numbered ascendingly according to local numbering
60   of edges, then continue with second D.o.F's and so on
61   that is first D.o.F with support in edge #1 should bear first number following
62   the local numbers of D.o.F's on vertices, then come first D.o.F's on edge #2 and so on.
63   This set of D.o.F's can be empty, in which case nbDofsInSideOfSides_ = 0,
64   otherwise nbDofsInSideOfSides_ is the number of such D.o.F.s
65   -# idem for D.o.F's on faces for 3d elements (replace nbDofsInSideOfSides_ with nbDofsInSides_)
66   -# then come all other D.o.F's (for instance, internal or non-sharable D.o.F's)
68   As an example, nodes of Pk-Lagrange triangles are numbered as follows
70   \verbatim
71   2      2          2              2                  2
72   | \    | \        | \            | \                | \
73   3---1  5   4      5   7          5  10              5  13
74    k=1   |     \    |     \        |     \            |     \
75          3---6---1  8  10   4      8  14   7          8  17  10
76             k=2     |         \    |         \        |         \
77                     3---6---9---1 11  15  13   4     11  20  19   7
78                          k=3       |             \    |             \
79                                    3---6---9--12---1 14  18  21  16   4
80                                           k=4         |                 \
81                                                       3---6---9--12--15--1
82                                                               k=5
83   \endverbatim
84 */
85 #ifndef REF_ELEMENT_HPP
86 #define REF_ELEMENT_HPP
88 #include "config.h"
89 #include "utils.h"
90 #include "Interpolation.hpp"
91 #include "ShapeValues.hpp"
92 #include "RefDof.hpp"
93 #include "GeomRefElement.hpp"
96 namespace xlifepp
97 {
98 class Quadrature;   //forward class
100 /*! types of map applied to shape functions of reference element
101     standard map          : J{-t}         Lagrange FE
102     contravariantPiolaMap : J*J{-t}/|J|   div conforming FE
103     covariantPiolaMap     : J{-t}*J{-t}   curl conforming FE
104 */
105 enum FEMapType {_standardMap,_contravariantPiolaMap,_covariantPiolaMap};
107 /*!
108    types of compatibility rule to applied to side dofs
109      _noDofCompatibility   : no rule to apply (case of Lagrange dofs)
110      _signDofCompatibility : sign correction due to normal/tangent vector orientation (case of Hcurl, Hdiv element)
111 */
112 enum DofCompatibility {_noDofCompatibility,_signDofCompatibility};
114 /*!
115   \class RefElement
116   A RefElement object represents the standard FE reference element.
117  */
118 typedef std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType, std::vector<number_t> > > splitvec_t;
119 class RefElement
120 {
121 public:
122   // pointers to GeomRefElement and Interpolation
123   GeomRefElement* geomRefElem_p;        //!< geometric data is gathered from geometric reference element
124   const Interpolation* interpolation_p; //!< interpolation parameters
125   std::vector<RefDof*> refDofs;         //!< vector of local reference Degrees of Freedom
126   FEMapType mapType;                    //!< type of map applied to shape functions of reference element
127   DofCompatibility dofCompatibility;    //!< compatibility rule to applied to side dofs (_noDofCompatibility,_signDofCompatibility)
128   dimen_t dimShapeFunction;             //!< dimension of shape function
129   bool rotateDof;                       //!< if true, apply rotation (given by childs) to shape values in order to insure correct matching on shared side
130   number_t maxDegree;                   //!< maximum degree of shape functions
132 protected:
133   string_t name_;   //!< reference element name (for documentation or debug purposes)
134   number_t nbDofs_; //!< number of Degrees Of Freedom
135   number_t nbPts_;  //!< number of Points (for local coordinates of points) (NEEDED only as dimension of local coordinates array ?)
136   //  number_t nbNodes_; //!< number of Nodes (i.e. D.o.F support, might not be useful)
139   // These are only needed to create global numbering of D.o.F's
140   number_t nbDofsOnVertices_;    //!< sharable D.o.F on vertices are first D.o.F in element
141   number_t nbDofsInSideOfSides_; //!< sharable D.o.F on side of sides (edges), excluding the previous ones, are next
142   number_t nbDofsInSides_;       //!< sharable D.o.F on sides (faces or edges), excluding the previous ones, are next
143   number_t nbInternalDofs_;      //!< finally come non-sharable D.o.F's
145   /*
146     These are only used (and should only be relied upon) for FE computation on sides
147     They need not be defined for all kinds of elements, for instance for elements
148     each side of which does not "naturally" define a finite element in lower dimension
149     (e.g. Hcurl or Hdiv edge elements; also see actualRefElement() function)
150    */
151   std::vector<RefElement*> sideRefElems_;       //!< pointers to side reference elements (in 2d sideRefElems_ is set to sideOfSideRefElems_)
152   std::vector<RefElement*> sideOfSideRefElems_; //!< pointers to side of side (1D) reference elements
154   // vector<ReferenceSideInterpolation*> side_interpolations_;
155   // interpolation data on sides (in 2d side_interpolations_ is set to edge_interpolations_)
156   // vector<ReferenceSideInterpolation*> edge_interpolations_;
157   // interpolation data on edges
158   // Matrix<real_t> shapeFunCoeffs;    //!< matrix representing shape functions coefficients in polynoms basis
160 public:
161   std::vector<std::vector<number_t> > sideDofNumbers_;       //!< list of dof numbers for each side
162   std::vector<std::vector<number_t> > sideOfSideDofNumbers_; //!< list of dof numbers for each side of side (edge in 3D)
163   //internal side dofs mapping when vertices of side are permuted (used when build global dofs)
dofsMap(const number_t & i,const number_t & j,const number_t & k=0) const164   virtual std::vector<number_t> dofsMap(const number_t& i, const number_t& j, const number_t& k=0) const  //!< dofs permutation
165   {return std::vector<number_t>();}  //no permutation
sideDofsMap(const number_t & n,const number_t & i,const number_t & j,const number_t & k=0) const166   virtual number_t sideDofsMap(const number_t & n, const number_t & i, const number_t & j, const number_t & k=0) const //face in 3d or edge in 2d
167   {return n;}
sideofsideDofsMap(const number_t & n,const number_t & i,const number_t & j=0) const168   virtual number_t sideofsideDofsMap(const number_t & n, const number_t & i, const number_t & j=0) const //edge in 3d
169   {return n;}
170   number_t sideOf(number_t) const;         //return side number of a dof if it is located on a side (0 if not), 2D and 3D
171   number_t sideOfSideOf(number_t) const;   //return side of side number of a dof if it is located on a side of side (0 if not), 3D only
173   //data and tools to manage formal representation of shape values, say shape values as polynomials (optional)
174 public:
175   PolynomialsBasis Wk;                             //!< shape functions basis
176   std::vector<PolynomialsBasis> dWk;               //!< derivatives of shape functions basis
178 public:
179   bool hasShapeValues;                                               //!< tell that ref element has shapevalues, generally true
180   mutable ShapeValues shapeValues;                                   //!< to store shape values at a point
181   mutable std::vector<ShapeValues> shvs_;                            //!< temporary structure to store shape values at some points
182   mutable std::map<Quadrature*,std::vector<ShapeValues> > qshvs_;    //!< temporary structure to store shape values at some points of quadrature
183   mutable std::map<Quadrature*,std::vector<ShapeValues> > qshvs_aux; //!< temporary structure to store auxiliary shape values at some points of quadrature
185 private:
186   static const bool isSharable_ = true; //!< returns true is sharable (means that it can be a side of another element)
188 public:
189   static std::vector<RefElement*> theRefElements; //!< vector to store run-time RefElement pointers
190   static void clearGlobalVector();                //!< delete all RefElement objects
192   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
193   // Constructors, Destructor
194   // Warning* Constructor should not be invoked directly:
195   //          use RefElementFind function to create or find such an object
196   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
197 public:
198   RefElement(); //!< default constructor
199   RefElement(ShapeType, const Interpolation* ); //!< constructor by shape & interpolation
200   virtual ~RefElement(); //!< destructor
202 private: // copy of a RefElement object is forbidden
203   RefElement(const RefElement&); //!< no copy constructor
204   void operator=(const RefElement&); //!< no assignment operator=
206 public:
207   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
208   // Public accessors
209   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
211   //! returns associated Geometric Reference Element
interpolation() const212   const Interpolation& interpolation() const { return *interpolation_p; }
213   //! returns element numtype (order for Lagrange element)
order() const214   number_t order() const {return interpolation_p->numtype;}
isSimplex() const215   bool isSimplex() const                           //! returns true for a segment or triangle or tetrahedron
216   {return geomRefElem_p->isSimplex();}
217   //! returns element dimension
dim() const218   dimen_t dim() const { return geomRefElem_p->dim(); }
219   //! returns (protected) reference element name
name() const220   string_t name() const { return name_; }
221   //! returns (protected) number of points
nbPts() const222   number_t nbPts() const  { return nbPts_; }
223   //! returns (protected) number of D.o.F supported by vertices
nbDofsOnVertices() const224   number_t nbDofsOnVertices() const { return nbDofsOnVertices_; }
225   //! returns (protected) number of D.o.F supported by edges excluding D.o.F support by vertices
nbDofsInSideOfSides() const226   number_t nbDofsInSideOfSides() const { return nbDofsInSideOfSides_; }
227   //! returns (protected) number of D.o.F supported by faces excluding D.o.F supported by vertices or edges
nbDofsInSides() const228   number_t nbDofsInSides() const { return nbDofsInSides_; }
229   //! returns this if sideNum = 0 or reference element of sideDim side sideNum(sideNum = 1, ...)
230   // Eric : I am not sure that it is longer true
actualRefElement(const number_t sideNum=0,const dimen_t sideDim=0) const231   const RefElement* actualRefElement(const number_t sideNum = 0, const dimen_t sideDim = 0) const
232   {
233     if ( sideNum == 0 ) { return this; }
234     else if ( sideDim == 1 ) { return sideOfSideRefElems_[sideNum - 1]; }
235     else { return sideRefElems_[sideNum - 1];}
236   }
sideRefElems() const238   const std::vector<RefElement*>& sideRefElems() const
239   {return sideRefElems_;}
240   /*!
241     returns this if sideNum = 0 or reference element of side sideNum (sideNum = 1, ...)
242     non const version, to avoid a forbidden const to non const cast in Space class
243   */
refElement(number_t sideNum=0)244   RefElement* refElement(number_t sideNum = 0)
245   {
246     if ( sideNum == 0 ) { return this; }
247     return sideRefElems_[sideNum - 1];
248   }
249   //! returns this if sideNum = 0 or reference element of side sideNum (sideNum = 1, ...)
refElement(number_t sideNum=0) const250   const RefElement* refElement(number_t sideNum = 0) const //!
251   {
252     if ( sideNum == 0 ) { return this; }
253     return sideRefElems_[sideNum - 1];
254   }
255   //! return associated Geometric Reference Element (i=0) or GeomRefElement of its side i
geomRefElement(number_t sideNum=0) const256   const GeomRefElement* geomRefElement(number_t sideNum = 0) const
257   {
258     if ( sideNum == 0 ) { return geomRefElem_p; }
259     return sideRefElems_[sideNum - 1]->geomRefElem_p;
260   }
261   //   ReferenceSideInterpolation* sideInterpolation(const number_t sideNum, const dimen_t sideDim = 0) const
262   //      //! return interpolation pointer if sideNum = 0
263   //      //!        interpolation pointer of sideDim side sideNum (sideNum = 1, ...)
264   //   {
265   //      if ( sideDim == 1 ) return edge_interpolations_[sideNum-1];
266   //      else return side_interpolations_[sideNum-1];
267   //   }
268   //! returns number of element D.o.F's (sideNum = 0) number of D.o.F's on a given sideDim side sideNum (sideNum = 1, ...)
269   number_t nbDofs(const number_t sideNum = 0, const dimen_t sideDim = 0) const;
270   //! returns number of element internal D.o.F (sideNum = 0 ) or number of internal D.o.F's on  sideDim side sideNum (sideNum = 1, ...)
271   number_t nbInternalDofs(const number_t sideNum = 0, const dimen_t sideDim = 0) const;
273   ShapeType shapeType() const;   //!<returns shape of element
275   //  const std::vector<number_t>& vertexDofNumbers()const                  //! dof numbers of dofs on vertices
276   //                         {return vertexDofNumbers_;}
278   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
279   // Public Member Utility functions (declarations)
280   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
281   void buildPolynomialTree();                     //!< build tree representation of polynomial shape functions
computeShapeFunctions()282   virtual void computeShapeFunctions()            //! compute shape functions
283   { error("not_handled","computeShapeFunctions()"); }
285   size_t shapeValueSize() const; //!< length of shape function storage computed from set of D.o.Fs
286   // computes shape values
287   virtual void computeShapeValues(std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator it_pt, ShapeValues& shv, const bool withDeriv = true) const = 0;
computeShapeValues(std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator it_pt,const bool withDeriv=true) const288   void computeShapeValues(std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator it_pt, const bool withDeriv = true) const
289   {computeShapeValues(it_pt,shapeValues,withDeriv);}
290   std::vector<ShapeValues> getShapeValues(const std::vector< std::vector<real_t> >& xs, const bool withDeriv = true) const;
291   void computeShapeValuesFromShapeFunctions(std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator it_pt, ShapeValues& shv, const bool withDeriv) const;
computeShapeValuesFromShapeFunctions(std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator it_pt,const bool withDeriv) const292   void computeShapeValuesFromShapeFunctions(std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator it_pt, const bool withDeriv) const
293   {computeShapeValuesFromShapeFunctions(it_pt,shapeValues,withDeriv);}
rotateDofs(const std::vector<number_t> &,ShapeValues & shv,bool withDerivative=false) const294   virtual void rotateDofs(const std::vector<number_t>&, ShapeValues& shv, bool withDerivative=false) const {} //!< apply rotation to some shapevalues (rotation given by children)
296   //split stuff
297   virtual std::vector<std::vector<number_t> > splitP1() const; //!< return nodes numbers of first order elements (P1) when splitting current element
298   //! return nodes numbers of first order elements of same shape when splitting current element
299   //  (Lagrange elements only)
300   virtual splitvec_t splitO1() const;
301   //! returns reference to splitting scheme computed by splitO1
302   virtual const splitvec_t& getO1splitting() const = 0;
303   virtual std::vector<std::pair<number_t,number_t> > splitP1Side(number_t s) const;   //!< return side numbers of first order elements (P1) when splitting current element
305   //print utility
306   virtual void print(std::ostream&, bool withDerivative=false) const;                     //!< print RefElement
print(PrintStream & os,bool withDerivative=false) const307   virtual void print(PrintStream& os, bool withDerivative=false) const                    //!  print RefElement
308   {print(os.currentStream(), withDerivative);}
print(CoutStream & os,bool withDerivative=false) const309   virtual void print(CoutStream& os, bool withDerivative=false) const                    //!  print RefElement
310   {   print(std::cout,withDerivative);
311       if(os.traceOnFile) print(os.printStream->currentStream(), withDerivative);
312   }
313   friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const RefElement&);
314   void printShapeValues(std::ostream&, std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator it_pt) const;  //!< print RefElement shape functions
printShapeValues(PrintStream & os,std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator it_pt) const315   void printShapeValues(PrintStream& os, std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator it_pt) const //!  print RefElement shape functions
316   {printShapeValues(os.currentStream(), it_pt);}
317   void printShapeValues(std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator it_pt) const; //!< print RefElement shape functions
318   //! print reference element as P1 reference
319   virtual void outputAsP1(std::ofstream& os, const int, const std::vector<number_t>& ranks) const = 0;
321 protected:
322   void sideOfSideRefElement(); //!< reference element constructors on element edges
323   void sideRefElement();       //!< reference element constructors on element faces
324   void lagrangeRefDofs(dimen_t dimE, number_t nbV, number_t nbDI=0,
325                        number_t nbE=0, number_t nbDE=0,
326                        number_t nbF=0, number_t nbDF=0);          //!< creates Reference D.O.F in Lagrange standard reference element
327   void lagrangeRefDofs(dimen_t dimE, number_t nbV, number_t nbDI,
328                        number_t nbE, number_t nbDE,
329                        std::vector<number_t> nbDF);          //!< creates Reference D.O.F in Lagrange standard reference element
330   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
331   // errors handlers
332   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
333   void noSuchFunction(const string_t& s) const; //!< function not yet implemented in a child class
335   friend class Element;
338   // #ifdef FIG4TEX_OUTPUT
339   //    string fig4TexFileName();
340   //    void fig4TeXVertexPt(ofstream&, vector<real_t>::const_iterator, number_t&);
341   //    void fig4TeXEdgePt(ofstream&, const number_t, number_t&, const string_t&, const string_t& = "");
342   //    void fig4TeXFacePt(ofstream&, const number_t, const number_t, number_t& pts, const string_t& posit);
343   //    void fig4TeXInternalPoints2d(ofstream&, number_t&);
344   //    void fig4TeXSmallFace(ofstream&, const number_t, const number_t, const number_t);
345   // #endif  /* FIG4TEX_OUTPUT */
348 public:
349   // splitting tools
350   std::vector<std::vector<number_t> > splitLagrange1DToP1() const;  //!< creates the list of nodes numbers of first order segment elements when splitting Lagrange element
351   std::vector<std::vector<number_t> > splitLagrange2DToP1() const;  //!< creates the list of nodes numbers of first order triangle elements when splitting Lagrange element
352   std::vector<std::vector<number_t> > splitLagrange3DToP1() const;  //!< creates the list of nodes numbers of first order tetrahedron elements when splitting Lagrange element
353 //  splitvec_t splitLagrange2DToQ1() const;  //!< creates the list of nodes numbers of first order quadrangle elements when splitting Lagrange element (unused)
354   splitvec_t splitLagrange3DToQ1() const;  //!< creates the list of nodes numbers of first order hexahedron elements when splitting Lagrange element
355   splitvec_t splitLagrange3DToPrismO1() const;  //!< creates the list of nodes numbers of first order prism elements when splitting Lagrange element
357 }; // end of class RefElement
359 //=================================================================================
360 // Extern class related functions
361 //=================================================================================
362 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const RefElement&); //!< output operator
363 void simplexVertexOutput(std::ofstream& os, const int, const int v1, const int v2, const int v3 = 0, const int v4 = 0);
364 bool tetrahedraIntersect(const Point& A1,const Point& B1, const Point& C1, const Point& D1,
365                          const Point& A2,const Point& B2, const Point& C2, const Point& D2); //utility
367 //=================================================================================
368 // Splitting utility functions
369 //=================================================================================
371 /*!
372   \struct SortPointsByXAndY
373   sort nodes according to coordinates
374  */
375 struct SortPointsByXAndY
376 {
377   bool operator() (const std::pair<number_t,Point>& p, const std::pair<number_t,Point>& q);
378 };
380 int_t whichSide(const Point& p, const Point& n, const std::vector<Point>& pts); //!< determines if a plane splits a set of points
381 bool tetrahedraOverlap(const std::vector<Point>& t1,const std::vector<Point>& t2); //!< determines if 2 tetrahedra overlap
382 bool prismValid(const std::set<std::pair<number_t,Point>, SortPointsByXAndY>& face1, const std::set<std::pair<number_t,Point>,SortPointsByXAndY>& face2); //! determines if a prism is valid
383 bool areNeighbors2D(const Point& p, const Point& q, real_t tol); //!< determines if 2D points are neighbors
384 bool areNeighbors3D(const Point& p, const Point& q, real_t tol); //!< determines if 3D points are neighbors
386 /*!
387   RefElementFind
388   definition of a Reference Element by shape number and interpolation
389   use existing Reference Element object if one already exists
390   otherwise create a new one, in both cases returns pointer to the object
391  */
392 RefElement* findRefElement(ShapeType, const Interpolation*);
393 RefElement* selectRefSegment(const Interpolation*);
394 RefElement* selectRefTriangle(const Interpolation*);
395 RefElement* selectRefQuadrangle(const Interpolation*);
396 RefElement* selectRefTetrahedron(const Interpolation*);
397 RefElement* selectRefPrism(const Interpolation*);
398 RefElement* selectRefHexahedron(const Interpolation*);
399 RefElement* selectRefPyramid(const Interpolation*);
401 } // end of namespace xlifepp
403 #endif /* REF_ELEMENT_HPP */