1 /*
2  * Copyright 2010-2014 OpenXcom Developers.
3  *
4  * This file is part of OpenXcom.
5  *
6  * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  */
22 namespace OpenXcom
23 {
25 class SavedBattleGame;
26 class Craft;
27 class Ufo;
28 class RuleTerrain;
29 class ResourcePack;
30 class BattleItem;
31 class MapBlock;
32 class Vehicle;
33 class Tile;
34 class RuleItem;
35 class Unit;
36 class AlienRace;
37 class AlienDeployment;
38 class Game;
39 class Base;
40 class TerrorSite;
41 class AlienBase;
42 class BattleUnit;
44 /**
45  * A utility class that generates the initial battlescape data. Taking into account mission type, craft and ufo involved, terrain type,...
46  */
47 class BattlescapeGenerator
48 {
49 private:
50 	Game *_game;
51 	SavedBattleGame *_save;
52 	ResourcePack *_res;
53 	Craft *_craft;
54 	Ufo *_ufo;
55 	Base *_base;
56 	TerrorSite *_terror;
57 	AlienBase *_alienBase;
58 	RuleTerrain *_terrain;
59 	int _mapsize_x, _mapsize_y, _mapsize_z;
60 	int _worldTexture, _worldShade;
61 	int _unitSequence;
62 	Tile *_craftInventoryTile;
63 	std::string _alienRace;
64 	int _alienItemLevel;
65 	bool _allowAutoLoadout, _baseInventory;
66 	int _craftX, _craftY, _craftZ;
68 	/// Generates a new battlescape map.
69 	void generateMap();
70 	/// Adds a vehicle to the game.
71 	BattleUnit *addXCOMVehicle(Vehicle *v);
72 	/// Adds a soldier to the game.
73 	BattleUnit *addXCOMUnit(BattleUnit *unit);
74 	/// Adds an alien to the game.
75 	BattleUnit *addAlien(Unit *rules, int alienRank, bool outside);
76 	/// Adds a civlian to the game.
77 	BattleUnit *addCivilian(Unit *rules);
78 	/// Places an item on a soldier based on equipment layout.
79 	bool placeItemByLayout(BattleItem *item);
80 	/// Adds an item to a unit and the game.
81 	bool addItem(BattleItem *item, BattleUnit *unit, bool allowSecondClip = false);
82 	/// Loads an XCom MAP file.
83 	int loadMAP(MapBlock *mapblock, int xoff, int yoff, RuleTerrain *terrain, int objectIDOffset, bool discovered = false, bool craft = false);
84 	/// Loads an XCom RMP file.
85 	void loadRMP(MapBlock *mapblock, int xoff, int yoff, int segment);
86 	/// Fills power sources with an elerium-115 object.
87 	void fuelPowerSources();
88 	/// Possibly explodes ufo powersources.
89 	void explodePowerSources();
90 	/// Deploys the XCOM units on the mission.
91 	void deployXCOM();
92 	/// Runs necessary checks before physically setting the position.
93 	bool canPlaceXCOMUnit(Tile *tile);
94 	/// Deploys the aliens, according to the alien deployment rules.
95 	void deployAliens(AlienRace *race, AlienDeployment *deployment);
96 	/// Spawns civilians on a terror mission.
97 	void deployCivilians(int max);
98 	/// Gets battlescape terrain.
99 	RuleTerrain *getTerrain(int tex, double lat);
100 public:
101 	/// Creates a new BattlescapeGenerator class
102 	BattlescapeGenerator(Game *game);
103 	/// Cleans up the BattlescapeGenerator.
104 	~BattlescapeGenerator();
105 	/// Sets the XCom craft.
106 	void setCraft(Craft *craft);
107 	/// Sets the ufo.
108 	void setUfo(Ufo* ufo);
109 	/// Sets the polygon texture.
110 	void setWorldTexture(int texture);
111 	/// Sets the polygon shade.
112 	void setWorldShade(int shade);
113 	/// Sets the alien race.
114 	void setAlienRace(const std::string &alienRace);
115 	/// Sets the alien item level.
116 	void setAlienItemlevel(int alienItemLevel);
117 	/// Sets the XCom base.
118 	void setBase(Base *base);
119 	/// Sets the terror site.
120 	void setTerrorSite(TerrorSite* site);
121 	/// Sets the alien base
122 	void setAlienBase(AlienBase* base);
123 	/// Runs the generator.
124 	void run();
125 	/// Sets up the next stage (for cydonia/tftd terror missions).
126 	void nextStage();
127 	/// Finds a spot near a friend to spawn at.
128 	bool placeUnitNearFriend(BattleUnit *unit);
129 	/// Generates an inventory battlescape.
130 	void runInventory(Craft *craft);
131 	/// Load all Xcom weapons.
132 	void loadWeapons();
133 };
135 }
137 #endif