1# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see PYFITS.rst
4import datetime
5import os
6import sys
7import warnings
8from contextlib import suppress
9from inspect import signature, Parameter
11import numpy as np
13from astropy.io.fits import conf
14from astropy.io.fits.file import _File
15from astropy.io.fits.header import (Header, _BasicHeader, _pad_length,
16                                    _DelayedHeader)
17from astropy.io.fits.util import (_is_int, _is_pseudo_integer, _pseudo_zero,
18                    itersubclasses, decode_ascii, _get_array_mmap, first,
19                    _free_space_check, _extract_number)
20from astropy.io.fits.verify import _Verify, _ErrList
22from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
23from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
24from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated_renamed_argument
27__all__ = [
28    "DELAYED",
29    # classes
30    "InvalidHDUException",
31    "ExtensionHDU",
32    "NonstandardExtHDU",
36class _Delayed:
37    pass
40DELAYED = _Delayed()
43BITPIX2DTYPE = {8: 'uint8', 16: 'int16', 32: 'int32', 64: 'int64',
44                -32: 'float32', -64: 'float64'}
45"""Maps FITS BITPIX values to Numpy dtype names."""
47DTYPE2BITPIX = {'int8': 8, 'uint8': 8, 'int16': 16, 'uint16': 16,
48                'int32': 32, 'uint32': 32, 'int64': 64, 'uint64': 64,
49                'float32': -32, 'float64': -64}
51Maps Numpy dtype names to FITS BITPIX values (this includes unsigned
52integers, with the assumption that the pseudo-unsigned integer convention
53will be used in this case.
57class InvalidHDUException(Exception):
58    """
59    A custom exception class used mainly to signal to _BaseHDU.__new__ that
60    an HDU cannot possibly be considered valid, and must be assumed to be
61    corrupted.
62    """
65def _hdu_class_from_header(cls, header):
66    """
67    Iterates through the subclasses of _BaseHDU and uses that class's
68    match_header() method to determine which subclass to instantiate.
70    It's important to be aware that the class hierarchy is traversed in a
71    depth-last order.  Each match_header() should identify an HDU type as
72    uniquely as possible.  Abstract types may choose to simply return False
73    or raise NotImplementedError to be skipped.
75    If any unexpected exceptions are raised while evaluating
76    match_header(), the type is taken to be _CorruptedHDU.
78    Used primarily by _BaseHDU._readfrom_internal and _BaseHDU._from_data to
79    find an appropriate HDU class to use based on values in the header.
80    """
82    klass = cls  # By default, if no subclasses are defined
83    if header:
84        for c in reversed(list(itersubclasses(cls))):
85            try:
86                # HDU classes built into astropy.io.fits are always considered,
87                # but extension HDUs must be explicitly registered
88                if not (c.__module__.startswith('astropy.io.fits.') or
89                        c in cls._hdu_registry):
90                    continue
91                if c.match_header(header):
92                    klass = c
93                    break
94            except NotImplementedError:
95                continue
96            except Exception as exc:
97                warnings.warn(
98                    'An exception occurred matching an HDU header to the '
99                    'appropriate HDU type: {}'.format(exc),
100                    AstropyUserWarning)
101                warnings.warn('The HDU will be treated as corrupted.',
102                              AstropyUserWarning)
103                klass = _CorruptedHDU
104                del exc
105                break
107    return klass
110# TODO: Come up with a better __repr__ for HDUs (and for HDULists, for that
111# matter)
112class _BaseHDU:
113    """Base class for all HDU (header data unit) classes."""
115    _hdu_registry = set()
117    # This HDU type is part of the FITS standard
118    _standard = True
120    # Byte to use for padding out blocks
121    _padding_byte = '\x00'
123    _default_name = ''
125    # _header uses a descriptor to delay the loading of the fits.Header object
126    # until it is necessary.
127    _header = _DelayedHeader()
129    def __init__(self, data=None, header=None, *args, **kwargs):
130        if header is None:
131            header = Header()
132        self._header = header
133        self._header_str = None
134        self._file = None
135        self._buffer = None
136        self._header_offset = None
137        self._data_offset = None
138        self._data_size = None
140        # This internal variable is used to track whether the data attribute
141        # still points to the same data array as when the HDU was originally
142        # created (this does not track whether the data is actually the same
143        # content-wise)
144        self._data_replaced = False
145        self._data_needs_rescale = False
146        self._new = True
147        self._output_checksum = False
149        if 'DATASUM' in self._header and 'CHECKSUM' not in self._header:
150            self._output_checksum = 'datasum'
151        elif 'CHECKSUM' in self._header:
152            self._output_checksum = True
154    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
155        # Add the same data.deleter to all HDUs with a data property.
156        # It's unfortunate, but there's otherwise no straightforward way
157        # that a property can inherit setters/deleters of the property of the
158        # same name on base classes.
159        data_prop = cls.__dict__.get('data', None)
160        if (isinstance(data_prop, (lazyproperty, property))
161                and data_prop.fdel is None):
162            # Don't do anything if the class has already explicitly
163            # set the deleter for its data property
164            def data(self):
165                # The deleter
166                if self._file is not None and self._data_loaded:
167                    data_refcount = sys.getrefcount(self.data)
168                    # Manually delete *now* so that FITS_rec.__del__
169                    # cleanup can happen if applicable
170                    del self.__dict__['data']
171                    # Don't even do this unless the *only* reference to the
172                    # .data array was the one we're deleting by deleting
173                    # this attribute; if any other references to the array
174                    # are hanging around (perhaps the user ran ``data =
175                    # hdu.data``) don't even consider this:
176                    if data_refcount == 2:
177                        self._file._maybe_close_mmap()
179            setattr(cls, 'data', data_prop.deleter(data))
181        return super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
183    @property
184    def header(self):
185        return self._header
187    @header.setter
188    def header(self, value):
189        self._header = value
191    @property
192    def name(self):
193        # Convert the value to a string to be flexible in some pathological
194        # cases (see ticket #96)
195        return str(self._header.get('EXTNAME', self._default_name))
197    @name.setter
198    def name(self, value):
199        if not isinstance(value, str):
200            raise TypeError("'name' attribute must be a string")
201        if not conf.extension_name_case_sensitive:
202            value = value.upper()
203        if 'EXTNAME' in self._header:
204            self._header['EXTNAME'] = value
205        else:
206            self._header['EXTNAME'] = (value, 'extension name')
208    @property
209    def ver(self):
210        return self._header.get('EXTVER', 1)
212    @ver.setter
213    def ver(self, value):
214        if not _is_int(value):
215            raise TypeError("'ver' attribute must be an integer")
216        if 'EXTVER' in self._header:
217            self._header['EXTVER'] = value
218        else:
219            self._header['EXTVER'] = (value, 'extension value')
221    @property
222    def level(self):
223        return self._header.get('EXTLEVEL', 1)
225    @level.setter
226    def level(self, value):
227        if not _is_int(value):
228            raise TypeError("'level' attribute must be an integer")
229        if 'EXTLEVEL' in self._header:
230            self._header['EXTLEVEL'] = value
231        else:
232            self._header['EXTLEVEL'] = (value, 'extension level')
234    @property
235    def is_image(self):
236        return (
237            self.name == 'PRIMARY' or
238            ('XTENSION' in self._header and
239             (self._header['XTENSION'] == 'IMAGE' or
240              (self._header['XTENSION'] == 'BINTABLE' and
241               'ZIMAGE' in self._header and self._header['ZIMAGE'] is True))))
243    @property
244    def _data_loaded(self):
245        return ('data' in self.__dict__ and self.data is not DELAYED)
247    @property
248    def _has_data(self):
249        return self._data_loaded and self.data is not None
251    @classmethod
252    def register_hdu(cls, hducls):
253        cls._hdu_registry.add(hducls)
255    @classmethod
256    def unregister_hdu(cls, hducls):
257        if hducls in cls._hdu_registry:
258            cls._hdu_registry.remove(hducls)
260    @classmethod
261    def match_header(cls, header):
262        raise NotImplementedError
264    @classmethod
265    def fromstring(cls, data, checksum=False, ignore_missing_end=False,
266                   **kwargs):
267        """
268        Creates a new HDU object of the appropriate type from a string
269        containing the HDU's entire header and, optionally, its data.
271        Note: When creating a new HDU from a string without a backing file
272        object, the data of that HDU may be read-only.  It depends on whether
273        the underlying string was an immutable Python str/bytes object, or some
274        kind of read-write memory buffer such as a `memoryview`.
276        Parameters
277        ----------
278        data : str, bytearray, memoryview, ndarray
279           A byte string containing the HDU's header and data.
281        checksum : bool, optional
282           Check the HDU's checksum and/or datasum.
284        ignore_missing_end : bool, optional
285           Ignore a missing end card in the header data.  Note that without the
286           end card the end of the header may be ambiguous and resulted in a
287           corrupt HDU.  In this case the assumption is that the first 2880
288           block that does not begin with valid FITS header data is the
289           beginning of the data.
291        kwargs : optional
292           May consist of additional keyword arguments specific to an HDU
293           type--these correspond to keywords recognized by the constructors of
294           different HDU classes such as `PrimaryHDU`, `ImageHDU`, or
295           `BinTableHDU`.  Any unrecognized keyword arguments are simply
296           ignored.
297        """
299        return cls._readfrom_internal(data, checksum=checksum,
300                                      ignore_missing_end=ignore_missing_end,
301                                      **kwargs)
303    @classmethod
304    def readfrom(cls, fileobj, checksum=False, ignore_missing_end=False,
305                 **kwargs):
306        """
307        Read the HDU from a file.  Normally an HDU should be opened with
308        :func:`open` which reads the entire HDU list in a FITS file.  But this
309        method is still provided for symmetry with :func:`writeto`.
311        Parameters
312        ----------
313        fileobj : file-like
314            Input FITS file.  The file's seek pointer is assumed to be at the
315            beginning of the HDU.
317        checksum : bool
318            If `True`, verifies that both ``DATASUM`` and ``CHECKSUM`` card
319            values (when present in the HDU header) match the header and data
320            of all HDU's in the file.
322        ignore_missing_end : bool
323            Do not issue an exception when opening a file that is missing an
324            ``END`` card in the last header.
325        """
327        # TODO: Figure out a way to make it possible for the _File
328        # constructor to be a noop if the argument is already a _File
329        if not isinstance(fileobj, _File):
330            fileobj = _File(fileobj)
332        hdu = cls._readfrom_internal(fileobj, checksum=checksum,
333                                     ignore_missing_end=ignore_missing_end,
334                                     **kwargs)
336        # If the checksum had to be checked the data may have already been read
337        # from the file, in which case we don't want to seek relative
338        fileobj.seek(hdu._data_offset + hdu._data_size, os.SEEK_SET)
339        return hdu
341    @deprecated_renamed_argument('clobber', 'overwrite', '2.0',
342                                 message='"clobber" was deprecated in version '
343                                         '2.0 and will be removed in version '
344                                         '5.1. Use argument "overwrite" '
345                                         'instead.')
346    def writeto(self, name, output_verify='exception', overwrite=False,
347                checksum=False):
348        """
349        Write the HDU to a new file. This is a convenience method to
350        provide a user easier output interface if only one HDU needs
351        to be written to a file.
353        Parameters
354        ----------
355        name : path-like or file-like
356            Output FITS file.  If the file object is already opened, it must
357            be opened in a writeable mode.
359        output_verify : str
360            Output verification option.  Must be one of ``"fix"``,
361            ``"silentfix"``, ``"ignore"``, ``"warn"``, or
362            ``"exception"``.  May also be any combination of ``"fix"`` or
363            ``"silentfix"`` with ``"+ignore"``, ``+warn``, or ``+exception"
364            (e.g. ``"fix+warn"``).  See :ref:`astropy:verify` for more info.
366        overwrite : bool, optional
367            If ``True``, overwrite the output file if it exists. Raises an
368            ``OSError`` if ``False`` and the output file exists. Default is
369            ``False``.
371            .. versionchanged:: 1.3
372               ``overwrite`` replaces the deprecated ``clobber`` argument.
374        checksum : bool
375            When `True` adds both ``DATASUM`` and ``CHECKSUM`` cards
376            to the header of the HDU when written to the file.
377        """
379        from .hdulist import HDUList
381        hdulist = HDUList([self])
382        hdulist.writeto(name, output_verify, overwrite=overwrite,
383                        checksum=checksum)
385    @classmethod
386    def _from_data(cls, data, header, **kwargs):
387        """
388        Instantiate the HDU object after guessing the HDU class from the
389        FITS Header.
390        """
391        klass = _hdu_class_from_header(cls, header)
392        return klass(data=data, header=header, **kwargs)
394    @classmethod
395    def _readfrom_internal(cls, data, header=None, checksum=False,
396                           ignore_missing_end=False, **kwargs):
397        """
398        Provides the bulk of the internal implementation for readfrom and
399        fromstring.
401        For some special cases, supports using a header that was already
402        created, and just using the input data for the actual array data.
403        """
405        hdu_buffer = None
406        hdu_fileobj = None
407        header_offset = 0
409        if isinstance(data, _File):
410            if header is None:
411                header_offset = data.tell()
412                try:
413                    # First we try to read the header with the fast parser
414                    # from _BasicHeader, which will read only the standard
415                    # 8 character keywords to get the structural keywords
416                    # that are needed to build the HDU object.
417                    header_str, header = _BasicHeader.fromfile(data)
418                except Exception:
419                    # If the fast header parsing failed, then fallback to
420                    # the classic Header parser, which has better support
421                    # and reporting for the various issues that can be found
422                    # in the wild.
423                    data.seek(header_offset)
424                    header = Header.fromfile(data,
425                                             endcard=not ignore_missing_end)
426            hdu_fileobj = data
427            data_offset = data.tell()  # *after* reading the header
428        else:
429            try:
430                # Test that the given object supports the buffer interface by
431                # ensuring an ndarray can be created from it
432                np.ndarray((), dtype='ubyte', buffer=data)
433            except TypeError:
434                raise TypeError(
435                    'The provided object {!r} does not contain an underlying '
436                    'memory buffer.  fromstring() requires an object that '
437                    'supports the buffer interface such as bytes, buffer, '
438                    'memoryview, ndarray, etc.  This restriction is to ensure '
439                    'that efficient access to the array/table data is possible.'
440                    .format(data))
442            if header is None:
443                def block_iter(nbytes):
444                    idx = 0
445                    while idx < len(data):
446                        yield data[idx:idx + nbytes]
447                        idx += nbytes
449                header_str, header = Header._from_blocks(
450                    block_iter, True, '', not ignore_missing_end, True)
452                if len(data) > len(header_str):
453                    hdu_buffer = data
454            elif data:
455                hdu_buffer = data
457            header_offset = 0
458            data_offset = len(header_str)
460        # Determine the appropriate arguments to pass to the constructor from
461        # self._kwargs.  self._kwargs contains any number of optional arguments
462        # that may or may not be valid depending on the HDU type
463        cls = _hdu_class_from_header(cls, header)
464        sig = signature(cls.__init__)
465        new_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
466        if Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD not in (x.kind for x in sig.parameters.values()):
467            # If __init__ accepts arbitrary keyword arguments, then we can go
468            # ahead and pass all keyword arguments; otherwise we need to delete
469            # any that are invalid
470            for key in kwargs:
471                if key not in sig.parameters:
472                    del new_kwargs[key]
474        try:
475            hdu = cls(data=DELAYED, header=header, **new_kwargs)
476        except TypeError:
477            # This may happen because some HDU class (e.g. GroupsHDU) wants
478            # to set a keyword on the header, which is not possible with the
479            # _BasicHeader. While HDU classes should not need to modify the
480            # header in general, sometimes this is needed to fix it. So in
481            # this case we build a full Header and try again to create the
482            # HDU object.
483            if isinstance(header, _BasicHeader):
484                header = Header.fromstring(header_str)
485                hdu = cls(data=DELAYED, header=header, **new_kwargs)
486            else:
487                raise
489        # One of these may be None, depending on whether the data came from a
490        # file or a string buffer--later this will be further abstracted
491        hdu._file = hdu_fileobj
492        hdu._buffer = hdu_buffer
494        hdu._header_offset = header_offset     # beginning of the header area
495        hdu._data_offset = data_offset         # beginning of the data area
497        # data area size, including padding
498        size = hdu.size
499        hdu._data_size = size + _pad_length(size)
501        if isinstance(hdu._header, _BasicHeader):
502            # Delete the temporary _BasicHeader.
503            # We need to do this before an eventual checksum computation,
504            # since it needs to modify temporarily the header
505            #
506            # The header string is stored in the HDU._header_str attribute,
507            # so that it can be used directly when we need to create the
508            # classic Header object, without having to parse again the file.
509            del hdu._header
510            hdu._header_str = header_str
512        # Checksums are not checked on invalid HDU types
513        if checksum and checksum != 'remove' and isinstance(hdu, _ValidHDU):
514            hdu._verify_checksum_datasum()
516        return hdu
518    def _get_raw_data(self, shape, code, offset):
519        """
520        Return raw array from either the HDU's memory buffer or underlying
521        file.
522        """
524        if isinstance(shape, int):
525            shape = (shape,)
527        if self._buffer:
528            return np.ndarray(shape, dtype=code, buffer=self._buffer,
529                              offset=offset)
530        elif self._file:
531            return self._file.readarray(offset=offset, dtype=code, shape=shape)
532        else:
533            return None
535    # TODO: Rework checksum handling so that it's not necessary to add a
536    # checksum argument here
537    # TODO: The BaseHDU class shouldn't even handle checksums since they're
538    # only implemented on _ValidHDU...
539    def _prewriteto(self, checksum=False, inplace=False):
540        self._update_pseudo_int_scale_keywords()
542        # Handle checksum
543        self._update_checksum(checksum)
545    def _update_pseudo_int_scale_keywords(self):
546        """
547        If the data is signed int 8, unsigned int 16, 32, or 64,
548        add BSCALE/BZERO cards to header.
549        """
551        if (self._has_data and self._standard and
552                _is_pseudo_integer(self.data.dtype)):
553            # CompImageHDUs need TFIELDS immediately after GCOUNT,
554            # so BSCALE has to go after TFIELDS if it exists.
555            if 'TFIELDS' in self._header:
556                self._header.set('BSCALE', 1, after='TFIELDS')
557            elif 'GCOUNT' in self._header:
558                self._header.set('BSCALE', 1, after='GCOUNT')
559            else:
560                self._header.set('BSCALE', 1)
561            self._header.set('BZERO', _pseudo_zero(self.data.dtype),
562                             after='BSCALE')
564    def _update_checksum(self, checksum, checksum_keyword='CHECKSUM',
565                         datasum_keyword='DATASUM'):
566        """Update the 'CHECKSUM' and 'DATASUM' keywords in the header (or
567        keywords with equivalent semantics given by the ``checksum_keyword``
568        and ``datasum_keyword`` arguments--see for example ``CompImageHDU``
569        for an example of why this might need to be overridden).
570        """
572        # If the data is loaded it isn't necessarily 'modified', but we have no
573        # way of knowing for sure
574        modified = self._header._modified or self._data_loaded
576        if checksum == 'remove':
577            if checksum_keyword in self._header:
578                del self._header[checksum_keyword]
580            if datasum_keyword in self._header:
581                del self._header[datasum_keyword]
582        elif (modified or self._new or
583                (checksum and ('CHECKSUM' not in self._header or
584                               'DATASUM' not in self._header or
585                               not self._checksum_valid or
586                               not self._datasum_valid))):
587            if checksum == 'datasum':
588                self.add_datasum(datasum_keyword=datasum_keyword)
589            elif checksum:
590                self.add_checksum(checksum_keyword=checksum_keyword,
591                                  datasum_keyword=datasum_keyword)
593    def _postwriteto(self):
594        # If data is unsigned integer 16, 32 or 64, remove the
595        # BSCALE/BZERO cards
596        if (self._has_data and self._standard and
597                _is_pseudo_integer(self.data.dtype)):
598            for keyword in ('BSCALE', 'BZERO'):
599                with suppress(KeyError):
600                    del self._header[keyword]
602    def _writeheader(self, fileobj):
603        offset = 0
604        with suppress(AttributeError, OSError):
605            offset = fileobj.tell()
607        self._header.tofile(fileobj)
609        try:
610            size = fileobj.tell() - offset
611        except (AttributeError, OSError):
612            size = len(str(self._header))
614        return offset, size
616    def _writedata(self, fileobj):
617        size = 0
618        fileobj.flush()
619        try:
620            offset = fileobj.tell()
621        except (AttributeError, OSError):
622            offset = 0
624        if self._data_loaded or self._data_needs_rescale:
625            if self.data is not None:
626                size += self._writedata_internal(fileobj)
627            # pad the FITS data block
628            # to avoid a bug in the lustre filesystem client, don't
629            # write zero-byte objects
630            if size > 0 and _pad_length(size) > 0:
631                padding = _pad_length(size) * self._padding_byte
632                # TODO: Not that this is ever likely, but if for some odd
633                # reason _padding_byte is > 0x80 this will fail; but really if
634                # somebody's custom fits format is doing that, they're doing it
635                # wrong and should be reprimanded harshly.
636                fileobj.write(padding.encode('ascii'))
637                size += len(padding)
638        else:
639            # The data has not been modified or does not need need to be
640            # rescaled, so it can be copied, unmodified, directly from an
641            # existing file or buffer
642            size += self._writedata_direct_copy(fileobj)
644        # flush, to make sure the content is written
645        fileobj.flush()
647        # return both the location and the size of the data area
648        return offset, size
650    def _writedata_internal(self, fileobj):
651        """
652        The beginning and end of most _writedata() implementations are the
653        same, but the details of writing the data array itself can vary between
654        HDU types, so that should be implemented in this method.
656        Should return the size in bytes of the data written.
657        """
659        fileobj.writearray(self.data)
660        return self.data.size * self.data.itemsize
662    def _writedata_direct_copy(self, fileobj):
663        """Copies the data directly from one file/buffer to the new file.
665        For now this is handled by loading the raw data from the existing data
666        (including any padding) via a memory map or from an already in-memory
667        buffer and using Numpy's existing file-writing facilities to write to
668        the new file.
670        If this proves too slow a more direct approach may be used.
671        """
672        raw = self._get_raw_data(self._data_size, 'ubyte', self._data_offset)
673        if raw is not None:
674            fileobj.writearray(raw)
675            return raw.nbytes
676        else:
677            return 0
679    # TODO: This is the start of moving HDU writing out of the _File class;
680    # Though right now this is an internal private method (though still used by
681    # HDUList, eventually the plan is to have this be moved into writeto()
682    # somehow...
683    def _writeto(self, fileobj, inplace=False, copy=False):
684        try:
685            dirname = os.path.dirname(fileobj._file.name)
686        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
687            dirname = None
689        with _free_space_check(self, dirname):
690            self._writeto_internal(fileobj, inplace, copy)
692    def _writeto_internal(self, fileobj, inplace, copy):
693        # For now fileobj is assumed to be a _File object
694        if not inplace or self._new:
695            header_offset, _ = self._writeheader(fileobj)
696            data_offset, data_size = self._writedata(fileobj)
698            # Set the various data location attributes on newly-written HDUs
699            if self._new:
700                self._header_offset = header_offset
701                self._data_offset = data_offset
702                self._data_size = data_size
703            return
705        hdrloc = self._header_offset
706        hdrsize = self._data_offset - self._header_offset
707        datloc = self._data_offset
708        datsize = self._data_size
710        if self._header._modified:
711            # Seek to the original header location in the file
712            self._file.seek(hdrloc)
713            # This should update hdrloc with he header location in the new file
714            hdrloc, hdrsize = self._writeheader(fileobj)
716            # If the data is to be written below with self._writedata, that
717            # will also properly update the data location; but it should be
718            # updated here too
719            datloc = hdrloc + hdrsize
720        elif copy:
721            # Seek to the original header location in the file
722            self._file.seek(hdrloc)
723            # Before writing, update the hdrloc with the current file position,
724            # which is the hdrloc for the new file
725            hdrloc = fileobj.tell()
726            fileobj.write(self._file.read(hdrsize))
727            # The header size is unchanged, but the data location may be
728            # different from before depending on if previous HDUs were resized
729            datloc = fileobj.tell()
731        if self._data_loaded:
732            if self.data is not None:
733                # Seek through the array's bases for an memmap'd array; we
734                # can't rely on the _File object to give us this info since
735                # the user may have replaced the previous mmap'd array
736                if copy or self._data_replaced:
737                    # Of course, if we're copying the data to a new file
738                    # we don't care about flushing the original mmap;
739                    # instead just read it into the new file
740                    array_mmap = None
741                else:
742                    array_mmap = _get_array_mmap(self.data)
744                if array_mmap is not None:
745                    array_mmap.flush()
746                else:
747                    self._file.seek(self._data_offset)
748                    datloc, datsize = self._writedata(fileobj)
749        elif copy:
750            datsize = self._writedata_direct_copy(fileobj)
752        self._header_offset = hdrloc
753        self._data_offset = datloc
754        self._data_size = datsize
755        self._data_replaced = False
757    def _close(self, closed=True):
758        # If the data was mmap'd, close the underlying mmap (this will
759        # prevent any future access to the .data attribute if there are
760        # not other references to it; if there are other references then
761        # it is up to the user to clean those up
762        if (closed and self._data_loaded and
763                _get_array_mmap(self.data) is not None):
764            del self.data
767# For backwards-compatibility, though nobody should have
768# been using this directly:
769_AllHDU = _BaseHDU
771# For convenience...
772# TODO: register_hdu could be made into a class decorator which would be pretty
773# cool, but only once 2.6 support is dropped.
774register_hdu = _BaseHDU.register_hdu
775unregister_hdu = _BaseHDU.unregister_hdu
778class _CorruptedHDU(_BaseHDU):
779    """
780    A Corrupted HDU class.
782    This class is used when one or more mandatory `Card`s are
783    corrupted (unparsable), such as the ``BITPIX``, ``NAXIS``, or
784    ``END`` cards.  A corrupted HDU usually means that the data size
785    cannot be calculated or the ``END`` card is not found.  In the case
786    of a missing ``END`` card, the `Header` may also contain the binary
787    data
789    .. note::
790       In future, it may be possible to decipher where the last block
791       of the `Header` ends, but this task may be difficult when the
792       extension is a `TableHDU` containing ASCII data.
793    """
795    @property
796    def size(self):
797        """
798        Returns the size (in bytes) of the HDU's data part.
799        """
801        # Note: On compressed files this might report a negative size; but the
802        # file is corrupt anyways so I'm not too worried about it.
803        if self._buffer is not None:
804            return len(self._buffer) - self._data_offset
806        return self._file.size - self._data_offset
808    def _summary(self):
809        return (self.name, self.ver, 'CorruptedHDU')
811    def verify(self):
812        pass
815class _NonstandardHDU(_BaseHDU, _Verify):
816    """
817    A Non-standard HDU class.
819    This class is used for a Primary HDU when the ``SIMPLE`` Card has
820    a value of `False`.  A non-standard HDU comes from a file that
821    resembles a FITS file but departs from the standards in some
822    significant way.  One example would be files where the numbers are
823    in the DEC VAX internal storage format rather than the standard
824    FITS most significant byte first.  The header for this HDU should
825    be valid.  The data for this HDU is read from the file as a byte
826    stream that begins at the first byte after the header ``END`` card
827    and continues until the end of the file.
828    """
830    _standard = False
832    @classmethod
833    def match_header(cls, header):
834        """
835        Matches any HDU that has the 'SIMPLE' keyword but is not a standard
836        Primary or Groups HDU.
837        """
839        # The SIMPLE keyword must be in the first card
840        card = header.cards[0]
842        # The check that 'GROUPS' is missing is a bit redundant, since the
843        # match_header for GroupsHDU will always be called before this one.
844        if card.keyword == 'SIMPLE':
845            if 'GROUPS' not in header and card.value is False:
846                return True
847            else:
848                raise InvalidHDUException
849        else:
850            return False
852    @property
853    def size(self):
854        """
855        Returns the size (in bytes) of the HDU's data part.
856        """
858        if self._buffer is not None:
859            return len(self._buffer) - self._data_offset
861        return self._file.size - self._data_offset
863    def _writedata(self, fileobj):
864        """
865        Differs from the base class :class:`_writedata` in that it doesn't
866        automatically add padding, and treats the data as a string of raw bytes
867        instead of an array.
868        """
870        offset = 0
871        size = 0
873        fileobj.flush()
874        try:
875            offset = fileobj.tell()
876        except OSError:
877            offset = 0
879        if self.data is not None:
880            fileobj.write(self.data)
881            # flush, to make sure the content is written
882            fileobj.flush()
883            size = len(self.data)
885        # return both the location and the size of the data area
886        return offset, size
888    def _summary(self):
889        return (self.name, self.ver, 'NonstandardHDU', len(self._header))
891    @lazyproperty
892    def data(self):
893        """
894        Return the file data.
895        """
897        return self._get_raw_data(self.size, 'ubyte', self._data_offset)
899    def _verify(self, option='warn'):
900        errs = _ErrList([], unit='Card')
902        # verify each card
903        for card in self._header.cards:
904            errs.append(card._verify(option))
906        return errs
909class _ValidHDU(_BaseHDU, _Verify):
910    """
911    Base class for all HDUs which are not corrupted.
912    """
914    def __init__(self, data=None, header=None, name=None, ver=None, **kwargs):
915        super().__init__(data=data, header=header)
917        if (header is not None and
918                not isinstance(header, (Header, _BasicHeader))):
919            # TODO: Instead maybe try initializing a new Header object from
920            # whatever is passed in as the header--there are various types
921            # of objects that could work for this...
922            raise ValueError('header must be a Header object')
924        # NOTE:  private data members _checksum and _datasum are used by the
925        # utility script "fitscheck" to detect missing checksums.
926        self._checksum = None
927        self._checksum_valid = None
928        self._datasum = None
929        self._datasum_valid = None
931        if name is not None:
932            self.name = name
933        if ver is not None:
934            self.ver = ver
936    @classmethod
937    def match_header(cls, header):
938        """
939        Matches any HDU that is not recognized as having either the SIMPLE or
940        XTENSION keyword in its header's first card, but is nonetheless not
941        corrupted.
943        TODO: Maybe it would make more sense to use _NonstandardHDU in this
944        case?  Not sure...
945        """
947        return first(header.keys()) not in ('SIMPLE', 'XTENSION')
949    @property
950    def size(self):
951        """
952        Size (in bytes) of the data portion of the HDU.
953        """
955        size = 0
956        naxis = self._header.get('NAXIS', 0)
957        if naxis > 0:
958            size = 1
959            for idx in range(naxis):
960                size = size * self._header['NAXIS' + str(idx + 1)]
961            bitpix = self._header['BITPIX']
962            gcount = self._header.get('GCOUNT', 1)
963            pcount = self._header.get('PCOUNT', 0)
964            size = abs(bitpix) * gcount * (pcount + size) // 8
965        return size
967    def filebytes(self):
968        """
969        Calculates and returns the number of bytes that this HDU will write to
970        a file.
971        """
973        f = _File()
974        # TODO: Fix this once new HDU writing API is settled on
975        return self._writeheader(f)[1] + self._writedata(f)[1]
977    def fileinfo(self):
978        """
979        Returns a dictionary detailing information about the locations
980        of this HDU within any associated file.  The values are only
981        valid after a read or write of the associated file with no
982        intervening changes to the `HDUList`.
984        Returns
985        -------
986        dict or None
988           The dictionary details information about the locations of
989           this HDU within an associated file.  Returns `None` when
990           the HDU is not associated with a file.
992           Dictionary contents:
994           ========== ================================================
995           Key        Value
996           ========== ================================================
997           file       File object associated with the HDU
998           filemode   Mode in which the file was opened (readonly, copyonwrite,
999                      update, append, ostream)
1000           hdrLoc     Starting byte location of header in file
1001           datLoc     Starting byte location of data block in file
1002           datSpan    Data size including padding
1003           ========== ================================================
1004        """
1006        if hasattr(self, '_file') and self._file:
1007            return {'file': self._file, 'filemode': self._file.mode,
1008                    'hdrLoc': self._header_offset, 'datLoc': self._data_offset,
1009                    'datSpan': self._data_size}
1010        else:
1011            return None
1013    def copy(self):
1014        """
1015        Make a copy of the HDU, both header and data are copied.
1016        """
1018        if self.data is not None:
1019            data = self.data.copy()
1020        else:
1021            data = None
1022        return self.__class__(data=data, header=self._header.copy())
1024    def _verify(self, option='warn'):
1025        errs = _ErrList([], unit='Card')
1027        is_valid = BITPIX2DTYPE.__contains__
1029        # Verify location and value of mandatory keywords.
1030        # Do the first card here, instead of in the respective HDU classes, so
1031        # the checking is in order, in case of required cards in wrong order.
1032        if isinstance(self, ExtensionHDU):
1033            firstkey = 'XTENSION'
1034            firstval = self._extension
1035        else:
1036            firstkey = 'SIMPLE'
1037            firstval = True
1039        self.req_cards(firstkey, 0, None, firstval, option, errs)
1040        self.req_cards('BITPIX', 1, lambda v: (_is_int(v) and is_valid(v)), 8,
1041                       option, errs)
1042        self.req_cards('NAXIS', 2,
1043                       lambda v: (_is_int(v) and 0 <= v <= 999), 0,
1044                       option, errs)
1046        naxis = self._header.get('NAXIS', 0)
1047        if naxis < 1000:
1048            for ax in range(3, naxis + 3):
1049                key = 'NAXIS' + str(ax - 2)
1050                self.req_cards(key, ax,
1051                               lambda v: (_is_int(v) and v >= 0),
1052                               _extract_number(self._header[key], default=1),
1053                               option, errs)
1055            # Remove NAXISj cards where j is not in range 1, naxis inclusive.
1056            for keyword in self._header:
1057                if keyword.startswith('NAXIS') and len(keyword) > 5:
1058                    try:
1059                        number = int(keyword[5:])
1060                        if number <= 0 or number > naxis:
1061                            raise ValueError
1062                    except ValueError:
1063                        err_text = ("NAXISj keyword out of range ('{}' when "
1064                                    "NAXIS == {})".format(keyword, naxis))
1066                        def fix(self=self, keyword=keyword):
1067                            del self._header[keyword]
1069                        errs.append(
1070                            self.run_option(option=option, err_text=err_text,
1071                                            fix=fix, fix_text="Deleted."))
1073        # Verify that the EXTNAME keyword exists and is a string
1074        if 'EXTNAME' in self._header:
1075            if not isinstance(self._header['EXTNAME'], str):
1076                err_text = 'The EXTNAME keyword must have a string value.'
1077                fix_text = 'Converted the EXTNAME keyword to a string value.'
1079                def fix(header=self._header):
1080                    header['EXTNAME'] = str(header['EXTNAME'])
1082                errs.append(self.run_option(option, err_text=err_text,
1083                                            fix_text=fix_text, fix=fix))
1085        # verify each card
1086        for card in self._header.cards:
1087            errs.append(card._verify(option))
1089        return errs
1091    # TODO: Improve this API a little bit--for one, most of these arguments
1092    # could be optional
1093    def req_cards(self, keyword, pos, test, fix_value, option, errlist):
1094        """
1095        Check the existence, location, and value of a required `Card`.
1097        Parameters
1098        ----------
1099        keyword : str
1100            The keyword to validate
1102        pos : int, callable
1103            If an ``int``, this specifies the exact location this card should
1104            have in the header.  Remember that Python is zero-indexed, so this
1105            means ``pos=0`` requires the card to be the first card in the
1106            header.  If given a callable, it should take one argument--the
1107            actual position of the keyword--and return `True` or `False`.  This
1108            can be used for custom evaluation.  For example if
1109            ``pos=lambda idx: idx > 10`` this will check that the keyword's
1110            index is greater than 10.
1112        test : callable
1113            This should be a callable (generally a function) that is passed the
1114            value of the given keyword and returns `True` or `False`.  This can
1115            be used to validate the value associated with the given keyword.
1117        fix_value : str, int, float, complex, bool, None
1118            A valid value for a FITS keyword to to use if the given ``test``
1119            fails to replace an invalid value.  In other words, this provides
1120            a default value to use as a replacement if the keyword's current
1121            value is invalid.  If `None`, there is no replacement value and the
1122            keyword is unfixable.
1124        option : str
1125            Output verification option.  Must be one of ``"fix"``,
1126            ``"silentfix"``, ``"ignore"``, ``"warn"``, or
1127            ``"exception"``.  May also be any combination of ``"fix"`` or
1128            ``"silentfix"`` with ``"+ignore"``, ``+warn``, or ``+exception"
1129            (e.g. ``"fix+warn"``).  See :ref:`astropy:verify` for more info.
1131        errlist : list
1132            A list of validation errors already found in the FITS file; this is
1133            used primarily for the validation system to collect errors across
1134            multiple HDUs and multiple calls to `req_cards`.
1136        Notes
1137        -----
1138        If ``pos=None``, the card can be anywhere in the header.  If the card
1139        does not exist, the new card will have the ``fix_value`` as its value
1140        when created.  Also check the card's value by using the ``test``
1141        argument.
1142        """
1144        errs = errlist
1145        fix = None
1147        try:
1148            index = self._header.index(keyword)
1149        except ValueError:
1150            index = None
1152        fixable = fix_value is not None
1154        insert_pos = len(self._header) + 1
1156        # If pos is an int, insert at the given position (and convert it to a
1157        # lambda)
1158        if _is_int(pos):
1159            insert_pos = pos
1160            pos = lambda x: x == insert_pos
1162        # if the card does not exist
1163        if index is None:
1164            err_text = f"'{keyword}' card does not exist."
1165            fix_text = f"Fixed by inserting a new '{keyword}' card."
1166            if fixable:
1167                # use repr to accommodate both string and non-string types
1168                # Boolean is also OK in this constructor
1169                card = (keyword, fix_value)
1171                def fix(self=self, insert_pos=insert_pos, card=card):
1172                    self._header.insert(insert_pos, card)
1174            errs.append(self.run_option(option, err_text=err_text,
1175                        fix_text=fix_text, fix=fix, fixable=fixable))
1176        else:
1177            # if the supposed location is specified
1178            if pos is not None:
1179                if not pos(index):
1180                    err_text = f"'{keyword}' card at the wrong place (card {index})."
1181                    fix_text = f"Fixed by moving it to the right place (card {insert_pos})."
1183                    def fix(self=self, index=index, insert_pos=insert_pos):
1184                        card = self._header.cards[index]
1185                        del self._header[index]
1186                        self._header.insert(insert_pos, card)
1188                    errs.append(self.run_option(option, err_text=err_text,
1189                                fix_text=fix_text, fix=fix))
1191            # if value checking is specified
1192            if test:
1193                val = self._header[keyword]
1194                if not test(val):
1195                    err_text = f"'{keyword}' card has invalid value '{val}'."
1196                    fix_text = f"Fixed by setting a new value '{fix_value}'."
1198                    if fixable:
1199                        def fix(self=self, keyword=keyword, val=fix_value):
1200                            self._header[keyword] = fix_value
1202                    errs.append(self.run_option(option, err_text=err_text,
1203                                fix_text=fix_text, fix=fix, fixable=fixable))
1205        return errs
1207    def add_datasum(self, when=None, datasum_keyword='DATASUM'):
1208        """
1209        Add the ``DATASUM`` card to this HDU with the value set to the
1210        checksum calculated for the data.
1212        Parameters
1213        ----------
1214        when : str, optional
1215            Comment string for the card that by default represents the
1216            time when the checksum was calculated
1218        datasum_keyword : str, optional
1219            The name of the header keyword to store the datasum value in;
1220            this is typically 'DATASUM' per convention, but there exist
1221            use cases in which a different keyword should be used
1223        Returns
1224        -------
1225        checksum : int
1226            The calculated datasum
1228        Notes
1229        -----
1230        For testing purposes, provide a ``when`` argument to enable the comment
1231        value in the card to remain consistent.  This will enable the
1232        generation of a ``CHECKSUM`` card with a consistent value.
1233        """
1235        cs = self._calculate_datasum()
1237        if when is None:
1238            when = f'data unit checksum updated {self._get_timestamp()}'
1240        self._header[datasum_keyword] = (str(cs), when)
1241        return cs
1243    def add_checksum(self, when=None, override_datasum=False,
1244                     checksum_keyword='CHECKSUM', datasum_keyword='DATASUM'):
1245        """
1246        Add the ``CHECKSUM`` and ``DATASUM`` cards to this HDU with
1247        the values set to the checksum calculated for the HDU and the
1248        data respectively.  The addition of the ``DATASUM`` card may
1249        be overridden.
1251        Parameters
1252        ----------
1253        when : str, optional
1254           comment string for the cards; by default the comments
1255           will represent the time when the checksum was calculated
1257        override_datasum : bool, optional
1258           add the ``CHECKSUM`` card only
1260        checksum_keyword : str, optional
1261            The name of the header keyword to store the checksum value in; this
1262            is typically 'CHECKSUM' per convention, but there exist use cases
1263            in which a different keyword should be used
1265        datasum_keyword : str, optional
1266            See ``checksum_keyword``
1268        Notes
1269        -----
1270        For testing purposes, first call `add_datasum` with a ``when``
1271        argument, then call `add_checksum` with a ``when`` argument and
1272        ``override_datasum`` set to `True`.  This will provide consistent
1273        comments for both cards and enable the generation of a ``CHECKSUM``
1274        card with a consistent value.
1275        """
1277        if not override_datasum:
1278            # Calculate and add the data checksum to the header.
1279            data_cs = self.add_datasum(when, datasum_keyword=datasum_keyword)
1280        else:
1281            # Just calculate the data checksum
1282            data_cs = self._calculate_datasum()
1284        if when is None:
1285            when = f'HDU checksum updated {self._get_timestamp()}'
1287        # Add the CHECKSUM card to the header with a value of all zeros.
1288        if datasum_keyword in self._header:
1289            self._header.set(checksum_keyword, '0' * 16, when,
1290                             before=datasum_keyword)
1291        else:
1292            self._header.set(checksum_keyword, '0' * 16, when)
1294        csum = self._calculate_checksum(data_cs,
1295                                        checksum_keyword=checksum_keyword)
1296        self._header[checksum_keyword] = csum
1298    def verify_datasum(self):
1299        """
1300        Verify that the value in the ``DATASUM`` keyword matches the value
1301        calculated for the ``DATASUM`` of the current HDU data.
1303        Returns
1304        -------
1305        valid : int
1306           - 0 - failure
1307           - 1 - success
1308           - 2 - no ``DATASUM`` keyword present
1309        """
1311        if 'DATASUM' in self._header:
1312            datasum = self._calculate_datasum()
1313            if datasum == int(self._header['DATASUM']):
1314                return 1
1315            else:
1316                # Failed
1317                return 0
1318        else:
1319            return 2
1321    def verify_checksum(self):
1322        """
1323        Verify that the value in the ``CHECKSUM`` keyword matches the
1324        value calculated for the current HDU CHECKSUM.
1326        Returns
1327        -------
1328        valid : int
1329           - 0 - failure
1330           - 1 - success
1331           - 2 - no ``CHECKSUM`` keyword present
1332        """
1334        if 'CHECKSUM' in self._header:
1335            if 'DATASUM' in self._header:
1336                datasum = self._calculate_datasum()
1337            else:
1338                datasum = 0
1339            checksum = self._calculate_checksum(datasum)
1340            if checksum == self._header['CHECKSUM']:
1341                return 1
1342            else:
1343                # Failed
1344                return 0
1345        else:
1346            return 2
1348    def _verify_checksum_datasum(self):
1349        """
1350        Verify the checksum/datasum values if the cards exist in the header.
1351        Simply displays warnings if either the checksum or datasum don't match.
1352        """
1354        if 'CHECKSUM' in self._header:
1355            self._checksum = self._header['CHECKSUM']
1356            self._checksum_valid = self.verify_checksum()
1357            if not self._checksum_valid:
1358                warnings.warn(
1359                    'Checksum verification failed for HDU {}.\n'.format(
1360                        (self.name, self.ver)), AstropyUserWarning)
1362        if 'DATASUM' in self._header:
1363            self._datasum = self._header['DATASUM']
1364            self._datasum_valid = self.verify_datasum()
1365            if not self._datasum_valid:
1366                warnings.warn(
1367                    'Datasum verification failed for HDU {}.\n'.format(
1368                        (self.name, self.ver)), AstropyUserWarning)
1370    def _get_timestamp(self):
1371        """
1372        Return the current timestamp in ISO 8601 format, with microseconds
1373        stripped off.
1375        Ex.: 2007-05-30T19:05:11
1376        """
1378        return datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()[:19]
1380    def _calculate_datasum(self):
1381        """
1382        Calculate the value for the ``DATASUM`` card in the HDU.
1383        """
1385        if not self._data_loaded:
1386            # This is the case where the data has not been read from the file
1387            # yet.  We find the data in the file, read it, and calculate the
1388            # datasum.
1389            if self.size > 0:
1390                raw_data = self._get_raw_data(self._data_size, 'ubyte',
1391                                              self._data_offset)
1392                return self._compute_checksum(raw_data)
1393            else:
1394                return 0
1395        elif self.data is not None:
1396            return self._compute_checksum(self.data.view('ubyte'))
1397        else:
1398            return 0
1400    def _calculate_checksum(self, datasum, checksum_keyword='CHECKSUM'):
1401        """
1402        Calculate the value of the ``CHECKSUM`` card in the HDU.
1403        """
1405        old_checksum = self._header[checksum_keyword]
1406        self._header[checksum_keyword] = '0' * 16
1408        # Convert the header to bytes.
1409        s = self._header.tostring().encode('utf8')
1411        # Calculate the checksum of the Header and data.
1412        cs = self._compute_checksum(np.frombuffer(s, dtype='ubyte'), datasum)
1414        # Encode the checksum into a string.
1415        s = self._char_encode(~cs)
1417        # Return the header card value.
1418        self._header[checksum_keyword] = old_checksum
1420        return s
1422    def _compute_checksum(self, data, sum32=0):
1423        """
1424        Compute the ones-complement checksum of a sequence of bytes.
1426        Parameters
1427        ----------
1428        data
1429            a memory region to checksum
1431        sum32
1432            incremental checksum value from another region
1434        Returns
1435        -------
1436        ones complement checksum
1437        """
1439        blocklen = 2880
1440        sum32 = np.uint32(sum32)
1441        for i in range(0, len(data), blocklen):
1442            length = min(blocklen, len(data) - i)   # ????
1443            sum32 = self._compute_hdu_checksum(data[i:i + length], sum32)
1444        return sum32
1446    def _compute_hdu_checksum(self, data, sum32=0):
1447        """
1448        Translated from FITS Checksum Proposal by Seaman, Pence, and Rots.
1449        Use uint32 literals as a hedge against type promotion to int64.
1451        This code should only be called with blocks of 2880 bytes
1452        Longer blocks result in non-standard checksums with carry overflow
1453        Historically,  this code *was* called with larger blocks and for that
1454        reason still needs to be for backward compatibility.
1455        """
1457        u8 = np.uint32(8)
1458        u16 = np.uint32(16)
1459        uFFFF = np.uint32(0xFFFF)
1461        if data.nbytes % 2:
1462            last = data[-1]
1463            data = data[:-1]
1464        else:
1465            last = np.uint32(0)
1467        data = data.view('>u2')
1469        hi = sum32 >> u16
1470        lo = sum32 & uFFFF
1471        hi += np.add.reduce(data[0::2], dtype=np.uint64)
1472        lo += np.add.reduce(data[1::2], dtype=np.uint64)
1474        if (data.nbytes // 2) % 2:
1475            lo += last << u8
1476        else:
1477            hi += last << u8
1479        hicarry = hi >> u16
1480        locarry = lo >> u16
1482        while hicarry or locarry:
1483            hi = (hi & uFFFF) + locarry
1484            lo = (lo & uFFFF) + hicarry
1485            hicarry = hi >> u16
1486            locarry = lo >> u16
1488        return (hi << u16) + lo
1490    # _MASK and _EXCLUDE used for encoding the checksum value into a character
1491    # string.
1492    _MASK = [0xFF000000,
1493             0x00FF0000,
1494             0x0000FF00,
1495             0x000000FF]
1497    _EXCLUDE = [0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40,
1498                0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, 0x60]
1500    def _encode_byte(self, byte):
1501        """
1502        Encode a single byte.
1503        """
1505        quotient = byte // 4 + ord('0')
1506        remainder = byte % 4
1508        ch = np.array(
1509            [(quotient + remainder), quotient, quotient, quotient],
1510            dtype='int32')
1512        check = True
1513        while check:
1514            check = False
1515            for x in self._EXCLUDE:
1516                for j in [0, 2]:
1517                    if ch[j] == x or ch[j + 1] == x:
1518                        ch[j] += 1
1519                        ch[j + 1] -= 1
1520                        check = True
1521        return ch
1523    def _char_encode(self, value):
1524        """
1525        Encodes the checksum ``value`` using the algorithm described
1526        in SPR section A.7.2 and returns it as a 16 character string.
1528        Parameters
1529        ----------
1530        value
1531            a checksum
1533        Returns
1534        -------
1535        ascii encoded checksum
1536        """
1538        value = np.uint32(value)
1540        asc = np.zeros((16,), dtype='byte')
1541        ascii = np.zeros((16,), dtype='byte')
1543        for i in range(4):
1544            byte = (value & self._MASK[i]) >> ((3 - i) * 8)
1545            ch = self._encode_byte(byte)
1546            for j in range(4):
1547                asc[4 * j + i] = ch[j]
1549        for i in range(16):
1550            ascii[i] = asc[(i + 15) % 16]
1552        return decode_ascii(ascii.tobytes())
1555class ExtensionHDU(_ValidHDU):
1556    """
1557    An extension HDU class.
1559    This class is the base class for the `TableHDU`, `ImageHDU`, and
1560    `BinTableHDU` classes.
1561    """
1563    _extension = ''
1565    @classmethod
1566    def match_header(cls, header):
1567        """
1568        This class should never be instantiated directly.  Either a standard
1569        extension HDU type should be used for a specific extension, or
1570        NonstandardExtHDU should be used.
1571        """
1573        raise NotImplementedError
1575    @deprecated_renamed_argument('clobber', 'overwrite', '2.0',
1576                                 message='"clobber" was deprecated in version '
1577                                         '2.0 and will be removed in version '
1578                                         '5.1. Use argument "overwrite" '
1579                                         'instead.')
1580    def writeto(self, name, output_verify='exception', overwrite=False,
1581                checksum=False):
1582        """
1583        Works similarly to the normal writeto(), but prepends a default
1584        `PrimaryHDU` are required by extension HDUs (which cannot stand on
1585        their own).
1587        .. versionchanged:: 1.3
1588           ``overwrite`` replaces the deprecated ``clobber`` argument.
1589        """
1591        from .hdulist import HDUList
1592        from .image import PrimaryHDU
1594        hdulist = HDUList([PrimaryHDU(), self])
1595        hdulist.writeto(name, output_verify, overwrite=overwrite,
1596                        checksum=checksum)
1598    def _verify(self, option='warn'):
1600        errs = super()._verify(option=option)
1602        # Verify location and value of mandatory keywords.
1603        naxis = self._header.get('NAXIS', 0)
1604        self.req_cards('PCOUNT', naxis + 3, lambda v: (_is_int(v) and v >= 0),
1605                       0, option, errs)
1606        self.req_cards('GCOUNT', naxis + 4, lambda v: (_is_int(v) and v == 1),
1607                       1, option, errs)
1609        return errs
1612# For backwards compatibility, though this needs to be deprecated
1613# TODO: Mark this as deprecated
1614_ExtensionHDU = ExtensionHDU
1617class NonstandardExtHDU(ExtensionHDU):
1618    """
1619    A Non-standard Extension HDU class.
1621    This class is used for an Extension HDU when the ``XTENSION``
1622    `Card` has a non-standard value.  In this case, Astropy can figure
1623    out how big the data is but not what it is.  The data for this HDU
1624    is read from the file as a byte stream that begins at the first
1625    byte after the header ``END`` card and continues until the
1626    beginning of the next header or the end of the file.
1627    """
1629    _standard = False
1631    @classmethod
1632    def match_header(cls, header):
1633        """
1634        Matches any extension HDU that is not one of the standard extension HDU
1635        types.
1636        """
1638        card = header.cards[0]
1639        xtension = card.value
1640        if isinstance(xtension, str):
1641            xtension = xtension.rstrip()
1642        # A3DTABLE is not really considered a 'standard' extension, as it was
1643        # sort of the prototype for BINTABLE; however, since our BINTABLE
1644        # implementation handles A3DTABLE HDUs it is listed here.
1645        standard_xtensions = ('IMAGE', 'TABLE', 'BINTABLE', 'A3DTABLE')
1646        # The check that xtension is not one of the standard types should be
1647        # redundant.
1648        return (card.keyword == 'XTENSION' and
1649                xtension not in standard_xtensions)
1651    def _summary(self):
1652        axes = tuple(self.data.shape)
1653        return (self.name, self.ver, 'NonstandardExtHDU', len(self._header), axes)
1655    @lazyproperty
1656    def data(self):
1657        """
1658        Return the file data.
1659        """
1661        return self._get_raw_data(self.size, 'ubyte', self._data_offset)
1664# TODO: Mark this as deprecated
1665_NonstandardExtHDU = NonstandardExtHDU