1! This file is part of xtb.
3! Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Stefan Grimme
5! xtb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6! the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8! (at your option) any later version.
10! xtb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13! GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16! along with xtb.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18module xtb_mctc_convert
19   use xtb_mctc_accuracy, only : wp
20   use xtb_mctc_constants
21   implicit none
22   private
23!  convert bohr (a.u.) to Ångström and back
24   real(wp),public,parameter :: autoaa = 0.52917726_wp
25   real(wp),public,parameter :: aatoau = 1.0_wp/autoaa
26!  convert Hartree to eV and back
27   real(wp),public,parameter :: autoev = 27.21138505_wp
28   real(wp),public,parameter :: evtoau = 1.0_wp/autoev
29!  convert Hartree to kcal/mol and back
30   real(wp),public,parameter :: autokcal = 627.50947428_wp
31   real(wp),public,parameter :: kcaltoau = 1.0_wp/autokcal
32!  convert Hartree to kJ/mol and back
33   real(wp),public,parameter :: autokj = 2625.49964038_wp
34   real(wp),public,parameter :: kjtoau = 1.0_wp/autokj
35!  convert Hartree to reciproce centimeters/wavenumbers and back
36   real(wp),public,parameter :: autorcm = 219474.63067_wp
37   real(wp),public,parameter :: autowav = autorcm
38   real(wp),public,parameter :: rcmtoau = 1.0_wp/autorcm
39   real(wp),public,parameter :: wavtoau = 1.0_wp/autowav
40!  convert Hartree to nanometers and back
41   real(wp),public,parameter :: autonm = 45.56335266_wp
42   real(wp),public,parameter :: nmtoau = 1.0_wp/autonm
43!  masses
44!  amu -> kg :: conversion from atomic mass units to kg
45!  me  -> kg :: electron mass (a.u.) in kg
46!  amu -> au :: conversion from a.u. to amu
47   real(wp),public,parameter :: amutokg = 1.660539040e-27_wp
48   real(wp),public,parameter :: kgtoamu = 1.0_wp/amutokg
49   real(wp),public,parameter :: metokg  = 9.10938356e-31_wp
50   real(wp),public,parameter :: kgtome  = 1.0_wp/metokg
51   real(wp),public,parameter :: amutoau = amutokg*kgtome
52   real(wp),public,parameter :: autoamu = kgtoamu*metokg
53!  femtosectons to atomic time units
54   real(wp),public,parameter :: fstoau = 41.3413733365614_wp
55   real(wp),public,parameter :: autofs = 1.0_wp/fstoau
56!  Coulomb to atomic charge units (electrons)
57   real(wp),public,parameter :: autoc = 1.6021766208e-19_wp
58   real(wp),public,parameter :: ctoau = 1.0_wp/autoc
59!  Debye to atomic units
60   real(wp),public,parameter :: autod = autoc * lightspeed * autoaa**2 * fstoau * 1.0e+16_wp
61   real(wp),public,parameter :: dtoau = 1.0_wp/autod
62!  Dipole derivatives along mass-weighted normal mode coordinates (a.u.) to km/mol (IR int.)
63   real(wp),public,parameter :: autokmmol = 1.7770969e+6_wp
64end module xtb_mctc_convert