1 /*******************************************************
2 module swehouse.h
3 house and (simple) aspect calculation
5 *******************************************************/
7 /* Copyright (C) 1997 - 2021 Astrodienst AG, Switzerland.  All rights reserved.
9   License conditions
10   ------------------
12   This file is part of Swiss Ephemeris.
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23   a) GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
24   b) Swiss Ephemeris Professional License
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42   Among other things, the License requires that the copyright notices and
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45   Authors of the Swiss Ephemeris: Dieter Koch and Alois Treindl
47   The authors of Swiss Ephemeris have no control or influence over any of
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57   The trademarks 'Swiss Ephemeris' and 'Swiss Ephemeris inside' may be used
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59 */
61 struct houses {
62 	  double cusp[37];
63 	  double cusp_speed[37];
64 	  double ac;
65 	  double ac_speed;	// speed of ac
66 	  double mc;
67 	  double mc_speed;	// speed of mc
68 	  double armc_speed;	// speed of armc
69 	  double vertex;
70 	  double vertex_speed;	// speed of vertex
71 	  double equasc;
72 	  double equasc_speed;	// speed
73 	  double coasc1;
74 	  double coasc1_speed;	// speed
75 	  double coasc2;
76 	  double coasc2_speed;	// speed
77 	  double polasc;
78 	  double polasc_speed;	// speed
79 	  double sundec;	// declination of Sun for Sunshine houses
80 	  AS_BOOL do_speed;
81 	  AS_BOOL do_hspeed;
82 	  AS_BOOL do_interpol;
83 	  char serr[AS_MAXCH];
84 	};
86 #define HOUSES 	struct houses
87 #define VERY_SMALL	1E-10
89 #define degtocs(x)    (d2l((x) * DEG))
90 #define cstodeg(x)    (double)((x) * CS2DEG)
92 #define sind(x) sin((x) * DEGTORAD)
93 #define cosd(x) cos((x) * DEGTORAD)
94 #define tand(x) tan((x) * DEGTORAD)
95 #define asind(x) (asin(x) * RADTODEG)
96 #define acosd(x) (acos(x) * RADTODEG)
97 #define atand(x) (atan(x) * RADTODEG)
98 #define atan2d(y, x) (atan2(y, x) * RADTODEG)