1 /******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright 1998-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
3  * HYPRE Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
6  ******************************************************************************/
8 //***************************************************************************
9 // This file holds the other functions for HYPRE_LinSysCore
10 //***************************************************************************
12 //***************************************************************************
13 // include files
14 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 // system include files
18 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <math.h>
25 #if 0 /* RDF: Not sure this is really needed */
26 #ifdef WIN32
27 #define strcmp _stricmp
28 #endif
29 #endif
31 //#define HAVE_SYSPDE
33 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 // HYPRE include files
35 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 #include "HYPRE.h"
38 #include "utilities/_hypre_utilities.h"
39 #include "IJ_mv/HYPRE_IJ_mv.h"
40 #include "parcsr_mv/HYPRE_parcsr_mv.h"
41 #include "parcsr_mv/_hypre_parcsr_mv.h"
42 #include "parcsr_ls/HYPRE_parcsr_ls.h"
43 #include "HYPRE_parcsr_bicgstabl.h"
44 #include "HYPRE_parcsr_lsicg.h"
45 #include "HYPRE_parcsr_TFQmr.h"
46 #include "HYPRE_parcsr_bicgs.h"
47 #include "HYPRE_parcsr_symqmr.h"
48 #include "HYPRE_parcsr_fgmres.h"
49 #include "HYPRE_LinSysCore.h"
50 #include "parcsr_mv/_hypre_parcsr_mv.h"
51 #include "HYPRE_LSI_schwarz.h"
52 #include "HYPRE_LSI_ddilut.h"
53 #include "HYPRE_LSI_ddict.h"
54 #include "HYPRE_LSI_poly.h"
55 #include "HYPRE_LSI_block.h"
56 #include "HYPRE_LSI_Uzawa_c.h"
57 #include "HYPRE_LSI_Dsuperlu.h"
58 #include "HYPRE_MLMaxwell.h"
59 #include "HYPRE_FEI.h"
60 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 // SUPERLU include files
62 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 #ifdef HAVE_SUPERLU
65 #include "slu_ddefs.h"
66 #include "slu_util.h"
67 #endif
69 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 // MLI include files
71 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
74 #include "HYPRE_LSI_mli.h"
75 #endif
77 //***************************************************************************
78 // external functions needed here
79 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 extern "C" {
83 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
84  * ML functions
85  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
87 #ifdef HAVE_ML
88    int HYPRE_LSI_MLCreate( MPI_Comm, HYPRE_Solver *);
89    int HYPRE_LSI_MLDestroy( HYPRE_Solver );
90    int HYPRE_LSI_MLSetup( HYPRE_Solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix,
91                           HYPRE_ParVector, HYPRE_ParVector );
92    int HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve( HYPRE_Solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix,
93                           HYPRE_ParVector, HYPRE_ParVector );
94    int HYPRE_LSI_MLSetStrongThreshold( HYPRE_Solver, double );
95    int HYPRE_LSI_MLSetNumPreSmoothings( HYPRE_Solver, int );
96    int HYPRE_LSI_MLSetNumPostSmoothings( HYPRE_Solver, int );
97    int HYPRE_LSI_MLSetPreSmoother( HYPRE_Solver, int );
98    int HYPRE_LSI_MLSetPostSmoother( HYPRE_Solver, int );
99    int HYPRE_LSI_MLSetDampingFactor( HYPRE_Solver, double );
100    int HYPRE_LSI_MLSetMethod( HYPRE_Solver, int );
101    int HYPRE_LSI_MLSetCoarsenScheme( HYPRE_Solver , int );
102    int HYPRE_LSI_MLSetCoarseSolver( HYPRE_Solver, int );
103    int HYPRE_LSI_MLSetNumPDEs( HYPRE_Solver, int );
104 #endif
106 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
107  * MLMaxwell functions
108  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
111    int HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellCreate(MPI_Comm, HYPRE_Solver *);
112    int HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellDestroy(HYPRE_Solver);
113    int HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSetup(HYPRE_Solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix,
114                                 HYPRE_ParVector, HYPRE_ParVector);
115    int HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSolve(HYPRE_Solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix,
116                                 HYPRE_ParVector, HYPRE_ParVector);
117    int HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSetGMatrix(HYPRE_Solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix);
118    int HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSetANNMatrix(HYPRE_Solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix);
119    int HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSetStrongThreshold(HYPRE_Solver, double);
120 #endif
122 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
123  * other functions
124  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
126    void  hypre_qsort1(int *, double *, int, int);
HYPRE_DummyFunction(HYPRE_Solver,HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix,HYPRE_ParVector,HYPRE_ParVector)127    int   HYPRE_DummyFunction(HYPRE_Solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix,
128                             HYPRE_ParVector, HYPRE_ParVector) {return 0;}
129    int   HYPRE_LSI_Search(int*, int, int);
130    int   HYPRE_LSI_SolveIdentity(HYPRE_Solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix,
131                                  HYPRE_ParVector , HYPRE_ParVector);
132    int   HYPRE_LSI_GetParCSRMatrix(HYPRE_IJMatrix,int nrows,int nnz,int*,
133                                    int*,double*);
135 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
136  * Y12 functions (obsolete)
137  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
139 #ifdef Y12M
140    void y12maf_(int*,int*,double*,int*,int*,int*,int*,double*,
141                 int*,int*, double*,int*,double*,int*);
142 #endif
144 }
146 //***************************************************************************
147 // this function takes parameters for setting internal things like solver
148 // and preconditioner choice, etc.
149 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
parameters(int numParams,char ** params)151 int HYPRE_LinSysCore::parameters(int numParams, char **params)
152 {
153    int    i, k, nsweeps, rtype, olevel, reuse=0, precon_override=0;
154    int    solver_override=0, solver_index=-1, precon_index=-1;
155    double weight, dtemp;
156    char   param[256], param1[256], param2[80], param3[80];
157    int    recognized;
159    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 )
160    {
161       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::entering parameters function.\n",mypid_);
162       if ( mypid_ == 0 )
163       {
164          printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::parameters - numParams = %d\n", mypid_,
165                 numParams);
166          for ( i = 0; i < numParams; i++ )
167             printf("           param %d = %s \n", i, params[i]);
168       }
169    }
170    if ( numParams <= 0 ) return (0);
172    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
173    // process the solver and preconditioner selection first
174    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
176    for ( i = 0; i < numParams; i++ )
177    {
178       sscanf(params[i],"%s", param1);
179       strcpy(param3, "invalid");
180       if ( !strcmp(param1, "solver") && (!solver_override) )
181       {
182          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s %s", param, param2, param3);
183          solver_index = i;
184          if (!strcmp(param3, "override")) solver_override = 1;
185       }
186       if ( !strcmp(param1, "preconditioner") && (!precon_override) )
187       {
188          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s %s", param, param2, param3);
189          if ( strcmp(param2, "reuse") )
190          {
191             precon_index = i;
192             if (!strcmp(param3, "override")) precon_override = 1;
193          }
194       }
195    }
197    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
198    // select solver : cg, gmres, superlu, superlux, y12m
199    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
201    if ( solver_index >= 0 )
202    {
203       sscanf(params[solver_index],"%s %s", param, HYSolverName_);
204       selectSolver(HYSolverName_);
205       if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 4 && mypid_ == 0 )
206          printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters solver = %s\n",HYSolverName_);
207    }
209    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
210    // select preconditioner : diagonal, pilut, boomeramg, parasails
211    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
213    if ( precon_index >= 0 )
214    {
215       sscanf(params[precon_index],"%s %s", param, param1);
216       selectPreconditioner(param1);
217       if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 4 && mypid_ == 0 )
218          printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters preconditioner = %s\n",
219                 param1);
220    }
222    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
223    // parse all parameters
224    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
226    for ( i = 0; i < numParams; i++ )
227    {
228       sscanf(params[i],"%s", param1);
230       //----------------------------------------------------------------
231       // help menu
232       //----------------------------------------------------------------
234       recognized = 1;
235       if ( !strcmp(param1, "help") )
236       {
237          printf("%4d : HYPRE_LinSysCore::parameters - available ones : \n",
238                 mypid_);
239          printf("    - outputLevel <d> \n");
240          printf("    - optimizeMemory \n");
241          printf("    - setDebug <slideReduction1,amgDebug,printFEInfo>\n");
242          printf("    - haveFEData <0,1>\n");
243          printf("    - schurReduction\n");
244          printf("    - slideReduction, slideReduction2, slideReduction3\n");
245          printf("    - slideReductionMinNorm <f>\n");
246          printf("    - matrixPartition\n");
247          printf("    - AConjugateProjection <dsize>\n");
248          printf("    - minResProjection <dsize>\n");
249          printf("    - solver <cg,gmres,bicgstab,boomeramg,superlux,..>\n");
250          printf("    - maxIterations <d>\n");
251          printf("    - tolerance <f>\n");
252          printf("    - gmresDim <d>\n");
253          printf("    - stopCrit <absolute,relative>\n");
254          printf("    - pcgRecomputeResiudal\n");
255          printf("    - preconditioner <identity,diagonal,pilut,parasails,\n");
256          printf("    -    boomeramg,ddilut,schwarz,ddict,poly,euclid,...\n");
257          printf("    -    blockP,ml,mli,reuse,parasails_reuse> <override>\n");
258          printf("    - pilutFillin or pilutRowSize <d>\n");
259          printf("    - pilutDropTol <f>\n");
260          printf("    - ddilutFillin <f>\n");
261          printf("    - ddilutDropTol <f> (f*sparsity(A))\n");
262          printf("    - ddilutOverlap\n");
263          printf("    - ddilutReorder\n");
264          printf("    - ddictFillin <f>\n");
265          printf("    - ddictDropTol <f> (f*sparsity(A))\n");
266          printf("    - schwarzNBlocks <d>\n");
267          printf("    - schwarzBlockSize <d>\n");
268          printf("    - polyorder <d>\n");
269          printf("    - superluOrdering <natural,mmd>\n");
270          printf("    - superluScale <y,n>\n");
271          printf("    - amgMaxLevels <d>\n");
272          printf("    - amgCoarsenType <cljp,falgout,ruge,ruge3c,pmis,hmis>\n");
273          printf("    - amgMeasureType <global,local>\n");
274          printf("    - amgRelaxType <jacobi,gsFast,hybrid,hybridsym,l1gs>\n");
275          printf("    - amgNumSweeps <d>\n");
276          printf("    - amgRelaxWeight <f>\n");
277          printf("    - amgRelaxOmega <f>\n");
278          printf("    - amgStrongThreshold <f>\n");
279          printf("    - amgSystemSize <d>\n");
280          printf("    - amgMaxIterations <d>\n");
281          printf("    - amgSmoothType <d>\n");
282          printf("    - amgSmoothNumLevels <d>\n");
283          printf("    - amgSmoothNumSweeps <d>\n");
284          printf("    - amgSchwarzRelaxWt <d>\n");
285          printf("    - amgSchwarzVariant <d>\n");
286          printf("    - amgSchwarzOverlap <d>\n");
287          printf("    - amgSchwarzDomainType <d>\n");
288          printf("    - amgUseGSMG\n");
289          printf("    - amgGSMGNumSamples\n");
290          printf("    - amgAggLevels <d>\n");
291          printf("    - amgInterpType <d>\n");
292          printf("    - amgPmax <d>\n");
293          printf("    - parasailsThreshold <f>\n");
294          printf("    - parasailsNlevels <d>\n");
295          printf("    - parasailsFilter <f>\n");
296          printf("    - parasailsLoadbal <f>\n");
297          printf("    - parasailsSymmetric\n");
298          printf("    - parasailsUnSymmetric\n");
299          printf("    - parasailsReuse <0,1>\n");
300          printf("    - euclidNlevels <d>\n");
301          printf("    - euclidThreshold <f>\n");
302          printf("    - blockP help (to get blockP options) \n");
303          printf("    - amsNumPDEs <d>\n");
304          printf("    - MLI help (to get MLI options) \n");
305          printf("    - syspdeNVars <d> \n");
306 #ifdef HAVE_ML
307          printf("    - mlNumSweeps <d>\n");
308          printf("    - mlRelaxType <jacobi,sgs,vbsgs>\n");
309          printf("    - mlRelaxWeight <f>\n");
310          printf("    - mlStrongThreshold <f>\n");
311          printf("    - mlMethod <amg>\n");
312          printf("    - mlCoarseSolver <superlu,aggregation,GS>\n");
313          printf("    - mlCoarsenScheme <uncoupled,coupled,mis>\n");
314          printf("    - mlNumPDEs <d>\n");
315 #endif
316       }
318       //----------------------------------------------------------------
319       // output level
320       //----------------------------------------------------------------
322       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "outputLevel") )
323       {
324          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &olevel);
325          if ( olevel < 0 ) olevel = 0;
326          if ( olevel > 7 ) olevel = 7;
327          HYOutputLevel_ = ( HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_HIGHMASK ) + olevel;
328          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
329             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters outputLevel = %d\n",
330                    HYOutputLevel_);
331       }
333       //----------------------------------------------------------------
334       // turn on memory optimizer
335       //----------------------------------------------------------------
337       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "optimizeMemory") )
338       {
339          memOptimizerFlag_ = 1;
340          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
341             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters optimizeMemory on\n");
342       }
344       //----------------------------------------------------------------
345       // put no boundary condition on the matrix (for diagnostics only)
346       //----------------------------------------------------------------
348       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "imposeNoBC") )
349       {
350          HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_IMPOSENOBC;
351          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
352             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters imposeNoBC on\n");
353       }
355       //----------------------------------------------------------------
356       // turn on multiple right hand side
357       //----------------------------------------------------------------
359       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "mRHS") )
360       {
361          mRHSFlag_ = 1;
362          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
363             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters multiple rhs on\n");
364       }
366       //----------------------------------------------------------------
367       // set matrix trunction threshold
368       //----------------------------------------------------------------
370       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "setTruncationThreshold") )
371       {
372          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &truncThresh_);
373          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
374             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters truncThresh = %e\n",
375                    truncThresh_);
376       }
378       //----------------------------------------------------------------
379       // turn on fetching diagonal
380       //----------------------------------------------------------------
382       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "set_mixed_diag") )
383       {
384          FEI_mixedDiagFlag_ = 1;
385          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
386             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters set mixed diagonal\n");
387       }
389       //----------------------------------------------------------------
390       // scale the matrix
391       //----------------------------------------------------------------
393       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "slideReductionScaleMatrix") )
394       {
395          slideReductionScaleMatrix_ = 1;
396          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
397             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters slideReduction scaleMat\n");
398       }
400       //----------------------------------------------------------------
401       // special output level
402       //----------------------------------------------------------------
404       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "setDebug") )
405       {
406          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
407          if      (!strcmp(param2, "slideReduction1"))
408             HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_SLIDEREDUCE1;
409          else if (!strcmp(param2, "slideReduction2"))
410             HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_SLIDEREDUCE2;
411          else if (!strcmp(param2, "slideReduction3"))
412             HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_SLIDEREDUCE3;
413          else if (!strcmp(param2, "schurReduction1"))
414             HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_SCHURREDUCE1;
415          else if (!strcmp(param2, "schurReduction2"))
416             HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_SCHURREDUCE2;
417          else if (!strcmp(param2, "schurReduction3"))
418             HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_SCHURREDUCE3;
419          else if (!strcmp(param2, "amgDebug"))
420             HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_AMGDEBUG;
421          else if (!strcmp(param2, "printMat"))
422             HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_PRINTMAT;
423          else if (!strcmp(param2, "printSol"))
424             HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_PRINTSOL;
425          else if (!strcmp(param2, "printReducedMat"))
426             HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_PRINTREDMAT;
427          else if (!strcmp(param2, "printParCSRMat"))
428             HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_PRINTPARCSRMAT;
429          else if (!strcmp(param2, "printFEInfo"))
430             HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_PRINTFEINFO;
431          else if (!strcmp(param2, "ddilut"))
432            HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_DDILUT;
433          else if (!strcmp(param2, "stopAfterPrint"))
434            HYOutputLevel_ |= HYFEI_STOPAFTERPRINT;
435          else if (!strcmp(param2, "off"))
436             HYOutputLevel_ = 0;
437          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
438             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters setDebug %s.\n", param2);
439       }
441       //----------------------------------------------------------------
442       // turn on MLI's FEData module
443       //----------------------------------------------------------------
445       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "haveFEData") )
446       {
447          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &haveFEData_);
448          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
449             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters haveFEData = %d\n",
450                    haveFEData_);
451       }
452       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "haveSFEI") )
453       {
454          haveFEData_ = 2;
455          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
456             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters haveSFEI\n");
457       }
459       //----------------------------------------------------------------
460       // turn on normal equation option
461       //----------------------------------------------------------------
463       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "normalEquation") )
464       {
465          normalEqnFlag_ = 1;
466          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
467             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters - normal equation on.\n");
468       }
470       //----------------------------------------------------------------
471       // perform Schur complement reduction
472       //----------------------------------------------------------------
474       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "schurReduction") )
475       {
476          schurReduction_ = 1;
477          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
478             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters - schur reduction.\n");
479       }
481       //----------------------------------------------------------------
482       // perform slide reduction
483       //----------------------------------------------------------------
485       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "slideReduction") )
486       {
487          slideReduction_ = 1;
488          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
489             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters - slideReduction.\n");
490       }
491       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "slideReduction2") )
492       {
493          slideReduction_ = 2;
494          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
495             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters - slideReduction2.\n");
496       }
497       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "slideReduction3") )
498       {
499          slideReduction_ = 3;
500          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
501             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters - slideReduction3.\n");
502       }
503       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "slideReduction4") )
504       {
505          slideReduction_ = 4;
506          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
507             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters - slideReduction4.\n");
508       }
509       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "slideReductionMinNorm") )
510       {
511          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &slideReductionMinNorm_);
512          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
513             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters - slideReductionMinNorm.\n");
514       }
515       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "matrixPartition") )
516       {
517          matrixPartition_ = 1;
518          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
519             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters - matrixPartition.\n");
520       }
522       //----------------------------------------------------------------
523       // perform A-conjugate projection
524       //----------------------------------------------------------------
526       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "AConjugateProjection") )
527       {
528          if ( HYpbs_ != NULL )
529          {
530             for ( k = 0; k <= projectSize_; k++ )
531                if ( HYpbs_[k] != NULL ) HYPRE_IJVectorDestroy(HYpbs_[k]);
532             delete [] HYpbs_;
533             HYpbs_ = NULL;
534          }
535          if ( HYpxs_ != NULL )
536          {
537             for ( k = 0; k <= projectSize_; k++ )
538                if ( HYpxs_[k] != NULL ) HYPRE_IJVectorDestroy(HYpxs_[k]);
539             delete [] HYpxs_;
540             HYpxs_ = NULL;
541          }
542          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &k);
543          if ( k > 0 && k < 100 ) projectSize_ = k; else projectSize_ = 10;
544          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
545             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters AConjugateProjection = %d\n",
546                    projectSize_);
547          projectionScheme_ = 1;
548       }
550       //----------------------------------------------------------------
551       // perform minimal residual projection
552       //----------------------------------------------------------------
554       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "minResProjection") )
555       {
556          if ( HYpbs_ != NULL )
557          {
558             for ( k = 0; k <= projectSize_; k++ )
559                if ( HYpbs_[k] != NULL ) HYPRE_IJVectorDestroy(HYpbs_[k]);
560             delete [] HYpbs_;
561             HYpbs_ = NULL;
562          }
563          if ( HYpxs_ != NULL )
564          {
565             for ( k = 0; k <= projectSize_; k++ )
566                if ( HYpxs_[k] != NULL ) HYPRE_IJVectorDestroy(HYpxs_[k]);
567             delete [] HYpxs_;
568             HYpxs_ = NULL;
569          }
570          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &k);
571          if ( k > 0 && k < 100 ) projectSize_ = k; else projectSize_ = 10;
572          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
573             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters minResProjection = %d\n",
574                    projectSize_);
575          projectionScheme_ = 2;
576       }
578       //----------------------------------------------------------------
579       // which solver to pick : cg, gmres, superlu, superlux, y12m
580       //----------------------------------------------------------------
582       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "solver") )
583       {
584          solver_override = 0;
585       }
587       //----------------------------------------------------------------
588       // for GMRES, the restart size
589       //----------------------------------------------------------------
591       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "gmresDim") )
592       {
593          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &gmresDim_);
594          if ( gmresDim_ < 1 ) gmresDim_ = 100;
595          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
596             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters gmresDim = %d\n",
597                    gmresDim_);
598       }
600       //----------------------------------------------------------------
601       // for FGMRES, tell it to update the convergence criterion of its
602       // preconditioner, if it is Block preconditioning
603       //----------------------------------------------------------------
605       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "fgmresUpdateTol") )
606       {
607          fgmresUpdateTol_ = 1;
608          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
609             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters fgmresUpdateTol on\n");
610       }
612       //----------------------------------------------------------------
613       // for GMRES, the convergence criterion
614       //----------------------------------------------------------------
616       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "gmresStopCrit") )
617       {
618          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
619          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "absolute" ) ) normAbsRel_ = 1;
620          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "relative" ) ) normAbsRel_ = 0;
621          else                                     normAbsRel_ = 0;
622          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
623              printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters gmresStopCrit = %s\n",
624                    param2);
625       }
627       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "stopCrit") )
628       {
629          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
630          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "absolute") ) normAbsRel_ = 1;
631          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "relative") ) normAbsRel_ = 0;
632          else                                    normAbsRel_ = 0;
634          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
635             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters stopCrit = %s\n",
636                    param2);
637       }
639       //----------------------------------------------------------------
640       // for PCG only
641       //----------------------------------------------------------------
643       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "pcgRecomputeResidual") )
644       {
645          pcgRecomputeRes_ = 1;
646          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
647             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters pcgRecomputeResidual\n");
648       }
650       //----------------------------------------------------------------
651       // preconditioner reuse
652       //----------------------------------------------------------------
654       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "precond_reuse") )
655       {
656          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
657          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "on") )  HYPreconReuse_ = reuse = 1;
658          else                               HYPreconReuse_ = 0;
659          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
660             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters precond_reuse = %s\n",
661                    param2);
662       }
664       //----------------------------------------------------------------
665       // which preconditioner : diagonal, pilut, boomeramg, parasails
666       //----------------------------------------------------------------
668       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "preconditioner") )
669       {
670          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
671          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "reuse") ) HYPreconReuse_ = reuse = 1;
672          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "parasails_reuse") ) parasailsReuse_ = 1;
673       }
675       //----------------------------------------------------------------
676       // maximum number of iterations for pcg or gmres
677       //----------------------------------------------------------------
679       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "maxIterations") )
680       {
681          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &maxIterations_);
682          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
683             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters maxIterations = %d\n",
684                    maxIterations_);
685       }
687       //----------------------------------------------------------------
688       // tolerance as termination criterion
689       //----------------------------------------------------------------
691       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "tolerance") )
692       {
693          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &tolerance_);
694          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
695             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters tolerance = %e\n",
696                    tolerance_);
697       }
699       //----------------------------------------------------------------
700       // pilut preconditioner : max number of nonzeros to keep per row
701       //----------------------------------------------------------------
703       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "pilutFillin") )
704       {
705          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &pilutFillin_);
706          if ( pilutFillin_ < 1 ) pilutFillin_ = 50;
707          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
708             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters pilutFillin_ = %d\n",
709                    pilutFillin_);
710       }
711       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "pilutRowSize") )
712       {
713          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &pilutFillin_);
714          if ( pilutFillin_ < 1 ) pilutFillin_ = 50;
715          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
716             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters pilutFillin_ = %d\n",
717                    pilutFillin_);
718       }
720       //----------------------------------------------------------------
721       // pilut preconditioner : threshold to drop small nonzeros
722       //----------------------------------------------------------------
724       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "pilutDropTol") )
725       {
726          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &pilutDropTol_);
727          if (pilutDropTol_<0.0 || pilutDropTol_ >=1.0) pilutDropTol_ = 0.0;
728          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
729             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters pilutDropTol = %e\n",
730                    pilutDropTol_);
731       }
733       //----------------------------------------------------------------
734       // DDILUT preconditioner : amount of fillin (0 == same as A)
735       //----------------------------------------------------------------
737       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "ddilutFillin") )
738       {
739          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &ddilutFillin_);
740          if ( ddilutFillin_ < 0.0 ) ddilutFillin_ = 0.0;
741          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
742             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters ddilutFillin = %e\n",
743                    ddilutFillin_);
744       }
746       //----------------------------------------------------------------
747       // DDILUT preconditioner : threshold to drop small nonzeros
748       //----------------------------------------------------------------
750       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "ddilutDropTol") )
751       {
752          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &ddilutDropTol_);
753          if (ddilutDropTol_<0.0 || ddilutDropTol_ >=1.0) ddilutDropTol_ = 0.0;
754          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
755             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters ddilutDropTol = %e\n",
756                    ddilutDropTol_);
757       }
759       //----------------------------------------------------------------
760       // DDILUT preconditioner : turn on processor overlap
761       //----------------------------------------------------------------
763       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "ddilutOverlap") )
764       {
765          ddilutOverlap_ = 1;
766          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
767             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters ddilutOverlap = on\n");
768       }
770       //----------------------------------------------------------------
771       // DDILUT preconditioner : reorder based on Cuthill McKee
772       //----------------------------------------------------------------
774       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "ddilutReorder") )
775       {
776          ddilutReorder_ = 1;
777          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
778             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters ddilutReorder = on\n");
779       }
781       //----------------------------------------------------------------
782       // DDICT preconditioner : amount of fillin (0 == same as A)
783       //----------------------------------------------------------------
785       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "ddictFillin") )
786       {
787          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &ddictFillin_);
788          if ( ddictFillin_ < 0.0 ) ddictFillin_ = 0.0;
789          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
790             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters ddictFillin = %e\n",
791                    ddictFillin_);
792       }
794       //----------------------------------------------------------------
795       // DDICT preconditioner : threshold to drop small nonzeros
796       //----------------------------------------------------------------
798       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "ddictDropTol") )
799       {
800          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &ddictDropTol_);
801          if (ddictDropTol_<0.0 || ddictDropTol_ >=1.0) ddictDropTol_ = 0.0;
802          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
803             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters ddictDropTol = %e\n",
804                    ddictDropTol_);
805       }
807       //----------------------------------------------------------------
808       // Schwarz preconditioner : Fillin
809       //----------------------------------------------------------------
811       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "schwarzFillin") )
812       {
813          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &schwarzFillin_);
814          if ( schwarzFillin_ < 0.0 ) schwarzFillin_ = 0.0;
815          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
816             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters schwarzFillin = %e\n",
817                    schwarzFillin_);
818       }
820       //----------------------------------------------------------------
821       // Schwarz preconditioner : block size
822       //----------------------------------------------------------------
824       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "schwarzNBlocks") )
825       {
826          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &schwarzNblocks_);
827          if ( schwarzNblocks_ <= 0 ) schwarzNblocks_ = 1;
828          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
829             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters schwarzNblocks = %d\n",
830                    schwarzNblocks_);
831       }
833       //----------------------------------------------------------------
834       // Schwarz preconditioner : block size
835       //----------------------------------------------------------------
837       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "schwarzBlockSize") )
838       {
839          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &schwarzBlksize_);
840          if ( schwarzBlksize_ <= 0 ) schwarzBlksize_ = 1000;
841          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
842             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters schwarzBlockSize = %d\n",
843                    schwarzBlksize_);
844       }
846       //----------------------------------------------------------------
847       // Polynomial preconditioner : order
848       //----------------------------------------------------------------
850       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "polyOrder") )
851       {
852          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &polyOrder_);
853          if ( polyOrder_ < 0 ) polyOrder_ = 0;
854          if ( polyOrder_ > 8 ) polyOrder_ = 8;
855          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
856             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters polyOrder = %d\n",
857                    polyOrder_);
858       }
860       //----------------------------------------------------------------
861       // superlu : ordering to use (natural, mmd)
862       //----------------------------------------------------------------
864       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "superluOrdering") )
865       {
866          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
867          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "natural" ) ) superluOrdering_ = 0;
868          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "mmd") )      superluOrdering_ = 2;
869          else                                    superluOrdering_ = 0;
870          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
871             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters superluOrdering = %s\n",
872                    param2);
873       }
875       //----------------------------------------------------------------
876       // superlu : scaling none ('N') or both col/row ('B')
877       //----------------------------------------------------------------
879       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "superluScale") )
880       {
881          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
882          if   ( !strcmp(param2, "y" ) ) superluScale_[0] = 'B';
883          else                           superluScale_[0] = 'N';
884          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
885             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters superluScale = %s\n",
886                    param2);
887       }
889       else recognized = 0;
891       //----------------------------------------------------------------
892       // amg preconditoner : coarsening type
893       //----------------------------------------------------------------
895       if (!recognized)
896       {
897       recognized = 1;
898       if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgMaxLevels") )
899       {
900          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgMaxLevels_);
901          if ( amgMaxLevels_ <= 0 ) amgMaxLevels_ = 30;
902          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
903             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgMaxLevels = %d\n",
904                    amgMaxLevels_);
905       }
907       //----------------------------------------------------------------
908       // amg preconditoner : coarsening type
909       //----------------------------------------------------------------
911       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgCoarsenType") )
912       {
913          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
914          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "cljp" ) )    amgCoarsenType_ = 0;
915          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "ruge" ) )    amgCoarsenType_ = 1;
916          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "ruge3c" ) )  amgCoarsenType_ = 4;
917          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "falgout" ) ) amgCoarsenType_ = 6;
918          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "pmis" ) )    amgCoarsenType_ = 8;
919          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "hmis" ) )    amgCoarsenType_ = 10;
920          else                                    amgCoarsenType_ = 0;
921          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
922             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgCoarsenType = %s\n",
923                    param2);
924       }
926       //----------------------------------------------------------------
927       // amg preconditoner : measure
928       //----------------------------------------------------------------
930       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgMeasureType") )
931       {
932          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
933          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "local" ) )   amgMeasureType_ = 0;
934          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "global" ) )  amgMeasureType_ = 1;
935          else                                    amgMeasureType_ = 0;
936          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
937             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgCoarsenType = %s\n",
938                    param2);
939       }
941       //----------------------------------------------------------------
942       // amg preconditoner : no of relaxation sweeps per level
943       //----------------------------------------------------------------
945       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgNumSweeps") )
946       {
947          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &nsweeps);
948          if ( nsweeps < 1 ) nsweeps = 1;
949          for ( k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) amgNumSweeps_[k] = nsweeps;
950          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
951             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgNumSweeps = %d\n",
952                    nsweeps);
953       }
955       //---------------------------------------------------------------
956       // amg preconditoner : which smoother to use
957       //----------------------------------------------------------------
959       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgRelaxType") )
960       {
961          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
962          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "jacobi" ) ) rtype = 0;
963          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "CFjacobi" ) )
964 		{rtype = 0; amgGridRlxType_ = 1;}
965          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "gsSlow") )  rtype = 1;
966          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "gsFast") )  rtype = 4;
967          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "hybrid" ) ) rtype = 3;
968          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "CFhybrid" ) )
969 		{rtype = 3; amgGridRlxType_ = 1;}
970          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "hybridsym" ) ) rtype = 6;
971          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "l1gs" ) ) rtype = 8;
972          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "CFhybridsym" ) )
973 		{rtype = 6; amgGridRlxType_ = 1;}
974          else                                   rtype = 4;
975          for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) amgRelaxType_[k] = rtype;
976          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
977             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgRelaxType = %s\n",
978                    param2);
979       }
981       //---------------------------------------------------------------
982       // amg preconditoner : damping factor for Jacobi smoother
983       //---------------------------------------------------------------
985       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgRelaxWeight") )
986       {
987          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &weight);
988          for ( k = 0; k < 25; k++ ) amgRelaxWeight_[k] = weight;
989          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
990             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgRelaxWeight = %e\n",
991                    weight);
992       }
994       //---------------------------------------------------------------
995       // amg preconditoner : relaxation factor for hybrid smoother
996       //---------------------------------------------------------------
998       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgRelaxOmega") )
999       {
1000          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &weight);
1001          for ( k = 0; k < 25; k++ ) amgRelaxOmega_[k] = weight;
1002          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1003             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgRelaxOmega = %e\n",
1004                    weight);
1005       }
1007       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1008       // amg preconditoner : threshold to determine strong coupling
1009       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1011       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgStrongThreshold") )
1012       {
1013          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &amgStrongThreshold_);
1014          if ( amgStrongThreshold_ < 0.0 || amgStrongThreshold_ > 1.0 )
1015             amgStrongThreshold_ = 0.25;
1016          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1017             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgStrongThreshold = %e\n",
1018                     amgStrongThreshold_);
1019       }
1020       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgStrengthThreshold") )
1021       {
1022          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &amgStrongThreshold_);
1023          if ( amgStrongThreshold_ < 0.0 || amgStrongThreshold_ > 1.0 )
1024             amgStrongThreshold_ = 0.25;
1025          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1026             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgStrengthThreshold = %e\n",
1027                     amgStrongThreshold_);
1028       }
1030       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1031       // amg preconditoner : choose system size
1032       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1034       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgSystemSize") )
1035       {
1036          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgSystemSize_);
1037          if ( amgSystemSize_ <= 0 ) amgSystemSize_ = 1;
1038          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1039             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgSystemSize = %d\n",
1040                    amgSystemSize_);
1041       }
1043       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1044       // amg preconditoner : choose max iterations
1045       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1047       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgMaxIterations") )
1048       {
1049          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgMaxIter_);
1050          if ( amgMaxIter_ <= 0 ) amgMaxIter_ = 1;
1051          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1052             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgMaxIter = %d\n",
1053                    amgMaxIter_);
1054       }
1056       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1057       // amg preconditoner : choose more complex smoother
1058       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1060       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgSmoothType") )
1061       {
1062          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgSmoothType_);
1063          if ( amgSmoothType_ < 0 ) amgSmoothType_ = 0;
1064          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1065             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgSmoothType = %d\n",
1066                    amgSmoothType_);
1067       }
1069       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1070       // amg preconditoner : choose no. of levels for complex smoother
1071       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1073       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgSmoothNumLevels") )
1074       {
1075          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgSmoothNumLevels_);
1076          if ( amgSmoothNumLevels_ < 0 ) amgSmoothNumLevels_ = 0;
1077          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1078             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgSmoothNumLevels = %d\n",
1079                    amgSmoothNumLevels_);
1080       }
1082       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1083       // amg preconditoner : choose no. of sweeps for complex smoother
1084       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1086       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgSmoothNumSweeps") )
1087       {
1088          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgSmoothNumSweeps_);
1089          if ( amgSmoothNumSweeps_ < 0 ) amgSmoothNumSweeps_ = 1;
1090          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1091             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgSmoothNumSweeps = %d\n",
1092                    amgSmoothNumSweeps_);
1093       }
1095       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1096       // amg preconditoner : choose relaxation weight for Schwarz smoother
1097       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1099       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgSchwarzRelaxWt") )
1100       {
1101          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &amgSchwarzRelaxWt_);
1102          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1103             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgSchwarzRelaxWt = %e\n",
1104                    amgSchwarzRelaxWt_);
1105       }
1107       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1108       // amg preconditoner : choose Schwarz smoother variant
1109       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1111       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgSchwarzVariant") )
1112       {
1113          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgSchwarzVariant_);
1114          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1115             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgSchwarzVariant = %d\n",
1116                    amgSchwarzVariant_);
1117       }
1119       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1120       // amg preconditoner : choose Schwarz smoother overlap
1121       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1123       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgSchwarzOverlap") )
1124       {
1125          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgSchwarzOverlap_);
1126          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1127             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgSchwarzOverlap = %d\n",
1128                    amgSchwarzOverlap_);
1129       }
1131       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1132       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1133       // amg preconditoner : choose Schwarz smoother domain type
1134       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1136       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgSchwarzDomainType") )
1137       {
1138          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgSchwarzDomainType_);
1139          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1140             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgSchwarzDomainType = %d\n",
1141                    amgSchwarzDomainType_);
1142       }
1144       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1145       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1146       // amg preconditoner : use gsmg
1147       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1149       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgUseGSMG") )
1150       {
1151          amgUseGSMG_ = 1;
1152          if ( amgGSMGNSamples_ == 0 ) amgGSMGNSamples_ = 5;
1153          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1154             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgUseGSMG.\n");
1155       }
1157       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1158       // amg preconditoner : levels of aggresive coarsening
1159       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1161       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgAggLevels") )
1162       {
1163  	 sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgAggLevels_);
1164 	 if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1165 	   printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters %s = %d\n",
1166 		  param1, amgAggLevels_);
1167       }
1169       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1170       // amg preconditoner : interpolation type
1171       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1173       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgInterpType") )
1174       {
1175  	 sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgInterpType_);
1176 	 if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1177 	   printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters %s = %d\n",
1178 		  param1, amgInterpType_);
1179       }
1181       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1182       // amg preconditoner : interpolation truncation
1183       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1185       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgPmax") )
1186       {
1187  	 sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgPmax_);
1188 	 if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1189 	   printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters %s = %d\n",
1190 		  param1, amgPmax_);
1191       }
1193       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1194       // parasails preconditoner : gsmg number of samples
1195       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1197       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amgGSMGNumSamples") )
1198       {
1199          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amgGSMGNSamples_);
1200          if ( amgGSMGNSamples_ < 0 ) amgGSMGNSamples_ = 5;
1201          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1202             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgGSMGNumSamples = %d\n",
1203                    amgGSMGNSamples_);
1204       }
1206       else recognized = 0;
1207       }
1209       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1210       // parasails preconditoner : threshold ( >= 0.0 )
1211       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1213       if (!recognized)
1214       {
1215       recognized = 1;
1216       if ( !strcmp(param1, "parasailsThreshold") )
1217       {
1218          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &parasailsThreshold_);
1219          if ( parasailsThreshold_ < 0.0 ) parasailsThreshold_ = 0.1;
1220          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1221             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters parasailsThreshold = %e\n",
1222                    parasailsThreshold_);
1223       }
1225       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1226       // parasails preconditoner : nlevels ( >= 0)
1227       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1229       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "parasailsNlevels") )
1230       {
1231          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &parasailsNlevels_);
1232          if ( parasailsNlevels_ < 0 ) parasailsNlevels_ = 1;
1233          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1234             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters parasailsNlevels = %d\n",
1235                    parasailsNlevels_);
1236       }
1238       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1239       // parasails preconditoner : filter
1240       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1242       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "parasailsFilter") )
1243       {
1244          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &parasailsFilter_);
1245          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1246             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters parasailsFilter = %e\n",
1247                    parasailsFilter_);
1248       }
1250       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1251       // parasails preconditoner : loadbal
1252       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1254       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "parasailsLoadbal") )
1255       {
1256          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &parasailsLoadbal_);
1257          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1258             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters parasailsLoadbal = %e\n",
1259                    parasailsLoadbal_);
1260       }
1262       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1263       // parasails preconditoner : symmetry flag (1 - symm, 0 - nonsym)
1264       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1266       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "parasailsSymmetric") )
1267       {
1268          parasailsSym_ = 1;
1269          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1270             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters parasailsSym = sym\n");
1271       }
1272       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "parasailsUnSymmetric") )
1273       {
1274          parasailsSym_ = 0;
1275          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1276             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters parasailsSym = nonsym\n");
1277       }
1279       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1280       // parasails preconditoner : reuse flag
1281       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1283       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "parasailsReuse") )
1284       {
1285          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &parasailsReuse_);
1286          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1287             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters parasailsReuse = %d\n",
1288                    parasailsReuse_);
1289       }
1291       else recognized = 0;
1292       }
1294       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1295       // Euclid preconditoner : fill-in
1296       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1298       if (!recognized)
1299       {
1300       recognized = 1;
1301       if ( !strcmp(param1, "euclidNlevels") )
1302       {
1303          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &olevel);
1304          if ( olevel < 0 ) olevel = 0;
1305          sprintf( euclidargv_[1], "%d", olevel);
1306          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1307             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters euclidNlevels = %d\n",
1308                    olevel);
1309       }
1311       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1312       // Euclid preconditoner : threshold
1313       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1315       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "euclidThreshold") )
1316       {
1317          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &dtemp);
1318          if ( dtemp < 0.0 ) dtemp = 0.0;
1319          sprintf( euclidargv_[3], "%e", dtemp);
1320          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1321             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters euclidThreshold = %e\n",
1322                    dtemp);
1323       }
1325       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1326       // block preconditoner (hold this until this end)
1327       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1329       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "blockP") )
1330       {
1331          if ( HYPreconID_ == HYBLOCK )
1332             HYPRE_LSI_BlockPrecondSetParams(HYPrecon_, params[i]);
1333       }
1335       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1336       // MLI preconditoners  (hold this until the end)
1337       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1339       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "MLI_Hybrid") )
1340       {
1341          MLI_Hybrid_GSA_ = 1;
1342       }
1343       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "MLI_Hybrid_NSIncr") )
1344       {
1345          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &MLI_Hybrid_NSIncr_);
1346          if ( MLI_Hybrid_NSIncr_ <= 0 ) MLI_Hybrid_NSIncr_ = 1;
1347          if ( MLI_Hybrid_NSIncr_ > 10 ) MLI_Hybrid_NSIncr_ = 10;
1348       }
1349       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "MLI_Hybrid_MaxIter") )
1350       {
1351          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &MLI_Hybrid_MaxIter_);
1352          if ( MLI_Hybrid_MaxIter_ <=  0 ) MLI_Hybrid_MaxIter_ = 10;
1353       }
1354       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "MLI_Hybrid_NTrials") )
1355       {
1356          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &MLI_Hybrid_NTrials_);
1357          if ( MLI_Hybrid_NTrials_ <=  0 ) MLI_Hybrid_NTrials_ = 1;
1358       }
1359       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "MLI_Hybrid_ConvRate") )
1360       {
1361          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &MLI_Hybrid_ConvRate_);
1362          if ( MLI_Hybrid_ConvRate_ >=  1.0 ) MLI_Hybrid_ConvRate_ = 1.0;
1363          if ( MLI_Hybrid_ConvRate_ <=  0.0 ) MLI_Hybrid_ConvRate_ = 0.0;
1364       }
1365       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "MLI") )
1366       {
1367 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
1368          if ( HYPreconID_ == HYMLI )
1369             HYPRE_LSI_MLISetParams(HYPrecon_, params[i]);
1370 #else
1371 //         if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 2 && mypid_ == 0 )
1372 //            printf("       HYPRE_LSC::MLI SetParams - MLI unavailable.\n");
1373 #endif
1374       }
1376       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1377       // for Uzawa, the various parameters
1378       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1380       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "Uzawa") )
1381       {
1382          if ( HYPreconID_ == HYUZAWA )
1383             HYPRE_LSI_UzawaSetParams(HYPrecon_, params[i]);
1384       }
1386       else recognized = 0;
1387       }
1389       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1390       // mlpack preconditoner : no of relaxation sweeps per level
1391       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1393       if (!recognized)
1394       {
1395       recognized = 1;
1396       if ( !strcmp(param1, "mlNumPresweeps") )
1397       {
1398          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &nsweeps);
1399          if ( nsweeps < 1 ) nsweeps = 1;
1400          mlNumPreSweeps_ = nsweeps;
1401          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1402             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters mlNumPresweeps = %d\n",
1403                    nsweeps);
1404       }
1405       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "mlNumPostsweeps") )
1406       {
1407          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &nsweeps);
1408          if ( nsweeps < 1 ) nsweeps = 1;
1409          mlNumPostSweeps_ = nsweeps;
1410          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1411             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters mlNumPostsweeps = %d\n",
1412                    nsweeps);
1413       }
1414       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "mlNumSweeps") )
1415       {
1416          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &nsweeps);
1417          if ( nsweeps < 1 ) nsweeps = 1;
1418          mlNumPreSweeps_  = nsweeps;
1419          mlNumPostSweeps_ = nsweeps;
1420          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1421             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters mlNumSweeps = %d\n",
1422                    nsweeps);
1423       }
1425       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1426       // mlpack preconditoner : which smoother to use
1427       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1429       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "mlPresmootherType") )
1430       {
1431          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
1432          rtype = 1;
1433          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "jacobi" ) )  rtype = 0;
1434          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "sgs") )      rtype = 1;
1435          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "sgsseq") )   rtype = 2;
1436          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "vbjacobi"))  rtype = 3;
1437          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "vbsgs") )    rtype = 4;
1438          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "vbsgsseq"))  rtype = 5;
1439          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "ilut") )     rtype = 6;
1440          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "aSchwarz") ) rtype = 7;
1441          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "mSchwarz") ) rtype = 8;
1442          mlPresmootherType_  = rtype;
1443          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1444             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters mlPresmootherType = %s\n",
1445                    param2);
1446       }
1447       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "mlPostsmootherType") )
1448       {
1449          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
1450          rtype = 1;
1451          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "jacobi" ) ) rtype = 0;
1452          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "sgs") )     rtype = 1;
1453          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "sgsseq") )  rtype = 2;
1454          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "vbjacobi")) rtype = 3;
1455          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "vbsgs") )   rtype = 4;
1456          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "vbsgsseq")) rtype = 5;
1457          mlPostsmootherType_  = rtype;
1458          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1459             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters mlPostsmootherType = %s\n",
1460                     param2);
1461       }
1462       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "mlRelaxType") )
1463       {
1464          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
1465          rtype = 1;
1466          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "jacobi" ) ) rtype = 0;
1467          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "sgs") )     rtype = 1;
1468          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "sgsseq") )  rtype = 2;
1469          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "vbjacobi")) rtype = 3;
1470          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "vbsgs") )   rtype = 4;
1471          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "vbsgsseq")) rtype = 5;
1472          mlPresmootherType_ = rtype;
1473          mlPostsmootherType_ = rtype;
1474          if ( rtype == 6 ) mlPostsmootherType_ = 1;
1475          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1476             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters mlRelaxType = %s\n",
1477                    param2);
1478       }
1480       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1481       // mlpack preconditoner : damping factor for Jacobi smoother
1482       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1484       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "mlRelaxWeight") )
1485       {
1486          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &weight);
1487          if ( weight < 0.0 || weight > 1.0 ) weight = 0.5;
1488          mlRelaxWeight_ = weight;
1489          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1490             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters mlRelaxWeight = %e\n",
1491                     weight);
1492       }
1494       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1495       // mlpack preconditoner : threshold to determine strong coupling
1496       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1498       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "mlStrongThreshold") )
1499       {
1500          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &mlStrongThreshold_);
1501          if ( mlStrongThreshold_ < 0.0 || mlStrongThreshold_ > 1.0 )
1502             mlStrongThreshold_ = 0.08;
1503          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1504             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters mlStrongThreshold = %e\n",
1505                    mlStrongThreshold_);
1506       }
1508       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1509       // mlpack preconditoner : method to use
1510       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1512       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "mlMethod") )
1513       {
1514          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
1515          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "amg" ) ) mlMethod_ = 0;
1516          else                                    mlMethod_ = 1;
1517          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1518             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters mlMethod = %d\n",mlMethod_);
1519       }
1521       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1522       // mlpack preconditoner : coarse solver to use
1523       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1525       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "mlCoarseSolver") )
1526       {
1527          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
1528          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "superlu" ) )     mlCoarseSolver_ = 0;
1529          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "aggregation" ) ) mlCoarseSolver_ = 1;
1530          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "GS" ) )          mlCoarseSolver_ = 2;
1531          else                                            mlCoarseSolver_ = 1;
1532          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1533             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters mlCoarseSolver = %d\n",
1534                    mlCoarseSolver_);
1535       }
1537       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1538       // mlpack preconditoner : coarsening scheme to use
1539       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1541       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "mlCoarsenScheme") )
1542       {
1543          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
1544          if      ( !strcmp(param2, "uncoupled" ) ) mlCoarsenScheme_ = 1;
1545          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "coupled" ) )   mlCoarsenScheme_ = 2;
1546          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "mis" ) )       mlCoarsenScheme_ = 3;
1547          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "hybridum" ) )  mlCoarsenScheme_ = 5;
1548          else if ( !strcmp(param2, "hybriduc" ) )  mlCoarsenScheme_ = 6;
1549          else                                          mlCoarsenScheme_ = 1;
1550          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1551             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters mlCoarsenScheme = %d\n",
1552                    mlCoarsenScheme_);
1553       }
1555       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1556       // mlpack preconditoner : no of PDEs (block size)
1557       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1559       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "mlNumPDEs") )
1560       {
1561          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &mlNumPDEs_);
1562          if ( mlNumPDEs_ < 1 ) mlNumPDEs_ = 1;
1563          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1564             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters mlNumPDEs = %d\n",
1565                    mlNumPDEs_);
1566       }
1568       else recognized = 0;
1569       }
1571       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1572       // ams preconditoner : no of PDEs (block size)
1573       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1575       if (!recognized)
1576       {
1577       recognized = 1;
1578       if ( !strcmp(param1, "amsNumPDEs") )
1579       {
1580          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amsNumPDEs_);
1581          if ( amsNumPDEs_ < 1 ) amsNumPDEs_ = 1;
1582          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1583             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsNumPDEs = %d\n",
1584                    amsNumPDEs_);
1585       }
1587       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1588       // ams preconditoner : which smoother to use
1589       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1591       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amsRelaxType") )
1592       {
1593          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
1594          if      (!strcmp(param2, "jacobi"))    amsRelaxType_ = 0;
1595          else if (!strcmp(param2, "scjacobi"))  amsRelaxType_ = 1;
1596          else if (!strcmp(param2, "scgs"))      amsRelaxType_ = 2;
1597          else if (!strcmp(param2, "kaczmarz"))  amsRelaxType_ = 3;
1598          else if (!strcmp(param2, "l1gs*"))     amsRelaxType_ = 4;
1599          else if (!strcmp(param2, "hybridsym")) amsRelaxType_ = 6;
1600          else if (!strcmp(param2, "cheby"))     amsRelaxType_ = 16;
1601          else                                   amsRelaxType_ = 2;
1602          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1603             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsRelaxType = %s\n",
1604                    param2);
1605       }
1607       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1608       // ams preconditoner : no of relaxation sweeps per level
1609       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1611       else if (!strcmp(param1, "amsRelaxTimes"))
1612       {
1613          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amsRelaxTimes_);
1614          if (amsRelaxTimes_ < 1) amsRelaxTimes_ = 1;
1615          if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1616             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgRelaxTimes = %d\n",
1617                    amsRelaxTimes_);
1618       }
1620       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1621       // ams preconditoner : damping factor for Jacobi smoother
1622       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1624       else if (!strcmp(param1, "amsRelaxWeight"))
1625       {
1626          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &amsRelaxWt_);
1627          if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0)
1628             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgRelaxWeight = %e\n",
1629                    amsRelaxWt_);
1630       }
1632       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1633       // ams preconditoner : omega
1634       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1636       else if (!strcmp(param1, "amsRelaxOmega"))
1637       {
1638          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &amsRelaxOmega_);
1639          if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0)
1640             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgRelaxWeight = %e\n",
1641                    amsRelaxOmega_);
1642       }
1644       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1645       // ams preconditoner : cycle type
1646       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1648       else if (!strcmp(param1, "amsCycleType"))
1649       {
1650          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amsCycleType_);
1651          if (amsCycleType_ < 1) amsCycleType_ = 1;
1652          if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0)
1653             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amgCycleType = %s\n",
1654                    param2);
1655       }
1657       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1658       // ams preconditoner : max iterations
1659       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1661       else if (!strcmp(param1, "amsMaxIterations"))
1662       {
1663          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amsMaxIter_);
1664          if (amsMaxIter_ < 1) amsMaxIter_ = 1;
1665          if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0)
1666             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsMaxIterations = %d\n",
1667                    amsMaxIter_);
1668       }
1670       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1671       // ams preconditoner : tolerance
1672       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1674       else if (!strcmp(param1, "amsTolerance"))
1675       {
1676          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &amsTol_);
1677          if (amsTol_ < 0.0) amsTol_ = 0.0;
1678          if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0)
1679             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsTolerance = %e\n",
1680                    amsTol_);
1681       }
1683       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1684       // ams preconditoner : print level
1685       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1687       else if (!strcmp(param1, "amsPrintLevel"))
1688       {
1689          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amsPrintLevel_);
1690          if (amsPrintLevel_ < 0) amsPrintLevel_ = 0;
1691          if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0)
1692             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsPrintLevel = %d\n",
1693                    amsPrintLevel_);
1694       }
1696       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1697       // amg preconditoner : alpha coarsening type
1698       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1700       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amsAlphaCoarsenType") )
1701       {
1702          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
1703          if      (!strcmp(param2, "cljp"))    amsAlphaCoarsenType_ = 0;
1704          else if (!strcmp(param2, "ruge"))    amsAlphaCoarsenType_ = 1;
1705          else if (!strcmp(param2, "ruge3c"))  amsAlphaCoarsenType_ = 4;
1706          else if (!strcmp(param2, "falgout")) amsAlphaCoarsenType_ = 6;
1707          else if (!strcmp(param2, "pmis"))    amsAlphaCoarsenType_ = 8;
1708          else if (!strcmp(param2, "hmis"))    amsAlphaCoarsenType_ = 10;
1709          else                                 amsAlphaCoarsenType_ = 0;
1710          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1711             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsAlphaCoarsenType = %s\n",
1712                    param2);
1713       }
1715       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1716       // amg preconditoner : coarsening type
1717       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1719       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amsBetaCoarsenType") )
1720       {
1721          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
1722          if      (!strcmp(param2, "cljp"))    amsBetaCoarsenType_ = 0;
1723          else if (!strcmp(param2, "ruge"))    amsBetaCoarsenType_ = 1;
1724          else if (!strcmp(param2, "ruge3c"))  amsBetaCoarsenType_ = 4;
1725          else if (!strcmp(param2, "falgout")) amsBetaCoarsenType_ = 6;
1726          else if (!strcmp(param2, "pmis"))    amsBetaCoarsenType_ = 8;
1727          else if (!strcmp(param2, "hmis"))    amsBetaCoarsenType_ = 10;
1728          else                                 amsBetaCoarsenType_ = 0;
1729          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1730             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsBetaCoarsenType = %s\n",
1731                    param2);
1732       }
1734       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1735       // ams preconditoner : levels of aggresive coarseinig
1736       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1738       else if (!strcmp(param1, "amsAlphaAggLevels"))
1739       {
1740          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amsAlphaAggLevels_);
1741          if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0)
1742             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsAlphaAggLevels = %d\n",
1743                    amsAlphaAggLevels_);
1744       }
1746       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1747       // ams preconditoner : interpolation type
1748       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1750       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amsAlphaInterpType") )
1751       {
1752  	 sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amsAlphaInterpType_);
1753 	 if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0)
1754 	   printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsAlphaInterpType = %d\n",
1755 		  amsAlphaInterpType_);
1756       }
1758       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1759       // ams preconditoner : interpolation truncation
1760       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1762       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amsAlphaPmax") )
1763       {
1764  	 sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amsAlphaPmax_);
1765 	 if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0)
1766 	   printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsAlphaPmax = %d\n",
1767 		  amsAlphaPmax_);
1768       }
1770       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1771       // ams preconditoner : levels of aggresive coarseinig
1772       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1774       else if (!strcmp(param1, "amsBetaAggLevels"))
1775       {
1776          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amsBetaAggLevels_);
1777          if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0)
1778             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsBetaAggLevels = %d\n",
1779                    amsAlphaAggLevels_);
1780       }
1782       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1783       // ams preconditoner : interpolation type
1784       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1786       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amsBetaInterpType") )
1787       {
1788  	 sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amsBetaInterpType_);
1789 	 if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0)
1790 	   printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsBetaInterpType = %d\n",
1791 		  amsBetaInterpType_);
1792       }
1794       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1795       // ams preconditoner : interpolation truncation
1796       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1798       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amsBetaPmax") )
1799       {
1800  	 sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &amsBetaPmax_);
1801 	 if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0)
1802 	   printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsBetaPmax = %d\n",
1803 		  amsBetaPmax_);
1804       }
1806       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1807       // ams preconditoner : which smoother to use
1808       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1810       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amsAlphaRelaxType") )
1811       {
1812          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
1813          if      (!strcmp(param2, "jacobi"))    amsAlphaRelaxType_ = 0;
1814          else if (!strcmp(param2, "gsSlow"))    amsAlphaRelaxType_ = 1;
1815          else if (!strcmp(param2, "gsFast"))    amsAlphaRelaxType_ = 4;
1816          else if (!strcmp(param2, "hybrid"))    amsAlphaRelaxType_ = 3;
1817          else if (!strcmp(param2, "hybridsym")) amsAlphaRelaxType_ = 6;
1818          else if (!strcmp(param2, "l1gs" ) )    amsAlphaRelaxType_ = 8;
1819          else                                   amsAlphaRelaxType_ = 4;
1820          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1821             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsAlphaRelaxType = %s\n",
1822                    param2);
1823       }
1825       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1826       // ams preconditoner : which smoother to use
1827       //----------------------------------------------------------------
1829       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amsBetaRelaxType") )
1830       {
1831          sscanf(params[i],"%s %s", param, param2);
1832          if      (!strcmp(param2, "jacobi"))    amsBetaRelaxType_ = 0;
1833          else if (!strcmp(param2, "gsSlow"))    amsBetaRelaxType_ = 1;
1834          else if (!strcmp(param2, "gsFast"))    amsBetaRelaxType_ = 4;
1835          else if (!strcmp(param2, "hybrid"))    amsBetaRelaxType_ = 3;
1836          else if (!strcmp(param2, "hybridsym")) amsBetaRelaxType_ = 6;
1837          else if (!strcmp(param2, "l1gs" ) )    amsBetaRelaxType_ = 8;
1838          else                                   amsBetaRelaxType_ = 4;
1839          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1840             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsBetaRelaxType = %s\n",
1841                    param2);
1842       }
1844       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1845       // amg preconditoner : threshold to determine strong coupling
1846       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1848       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amsAlphaStrengthThreshold") )
1849       {
1850          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &amsAlphaStrengthThresh_);
1851          if (amsAlphaStrengthThresh_<0.0 || amsAlphaStrengthThresh_>1.0)
1852             amsAlphaStrengthThresh_ = 0.25;
1853          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1854             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsAlphaStrengthThresh = %e\n",
1855                     amsAlphaStrengthThresh_);
1856       }
1858       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1859       // amg preconditoner : threshold to determine strong coupling
1860       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1862       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "amsBetaStrengthThreshold") )
1863       {
1864          sscanf(params[i],"%s %lg", param, &amsBetaStrengthThresh_);
1865          if (amsBetaStrengthThresh_<0.0 || amsBetaStrengthThresh_>1.0)
1866             amsBetaStrengthThresh_ = 0.25;
1867          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1868             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters amsBetaStrengthThresh = %e\n",
1869                     amsBetaStrengthThresh_);
1870       }
1872       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1873       // syspde preconditoner : nvars
1874       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1876       else if ( !strcmp(param1, "syspdeNVars") )
1877       {
1878          sscanf(params[i],"%s %d", param, &sysPDENVars_);
1879          if (sysPDENVars_<0 || sysPDENVars_>10)
1880             sysPDENVars_ = 1;
1881          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 && mypid_ == 0 )
1882             printf("       HYPRE_LSC::parameters syspdeNVars = %d\n",
1883                    sysPDENVars_);
1884       }
1886       else recognized = 0;
1887       }
1889       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1890       // error
1891       //---------------------------------------------------------------
1893       if (!recognized)
1894       {
1895          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 2 && mypid_ == 0 )
1896             printf("HYPRE_LSC::parameters WARNING : %s not recognized\n",
1897                     params[i]);
1898       }
1899    }
1901    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1902    // if reuse is requested, set preconditioner reuse flag
1903    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1905    if ( reuse == 1 ) HYPreconReuse_ = 1;
1906    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 )
1907       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::leaving  parameters function.\n",mypid_);
1908    return(0);
1909 }
1911 //***************************************************************************
1912 // set up preconditioners for PCG
1913 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPCGPrecon()1915 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPCGPrecon()
1916 {
1917    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1918    // if matrix has been reloaded, reset preconditioner
1919    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1921    if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 0 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
1922       selectPreconditioner( HYPreconName_ );
1924    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1925    // set up preconditioners
1926    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
1928    switch ( HYPreconID_ )
1929    {
1930       case HYIDENTITY :
1931            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
1932               printf("No preconditioning \n");
1933            HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SolveIdentity,
1934                                      HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
1935            break;
1937       case HYDIAGONAL :
1938            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
1939               printf("Diagonal preconditioning \n");
1940            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
1941               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
1942                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
1943            else
1944            {
1945               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
1946                                         HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScaleSetup,HYPrecon_);
1947               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
1948            }
1949            break;
1951       case HYPILUT :
1952            if ( mypid_ == 0 )
1953               printf("HYPRE_LSI : PCG does not work with pilut.\n");
1954            exit(1);
1955            break;
1957       case HYDDILUT :
1958            if ( mypid_ == 0 )
1959               printf("HYPRE_LSI : PCG does not work with ddilut.\n");
1960            exit(1);
1961            break;
1963       case HYDDICT :
1964            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
1965               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
1966                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
1967            else
1968            {
1969               setupPreconDDICT();
1970               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
1971                                         HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSetup, HYPrecon_);
1972               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
1973            }
1974            break;
1976       case HYSCHWARZ :
1977            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
1978               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
1979                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
1980            else
1981            {
1982               setupPreconSchwarz();
1983               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
1984                                         HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSetup, HYPrecon_);
1985               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
1986            }
1987            break;
1989       case HYPOLY :
1990            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
1991               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
1992                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
1993            else
1994            {
1995               setupPreconPoly();
1996               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
1997                                         HYPRE_LSI_PolySetup, HYPrecon_);
1998               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
1999            }
2000            break;
2002       case HYPARASAILS :
2003            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2004               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
2005                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2006            else
2007            {
2008               setupPreconParaSails();
2009               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
2010                                         HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetup, HYPrecon_);
2011                HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2012            }
2013            break;
2015       case HYBOOMERAMG :
2016            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2017               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
2018                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2019            else
2020            {
2021               setupPreconBoomerAMG();
2022               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
2023                                         HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup, HYPrecon_);
2024               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2025            }
2026            break;
2028       case HYEUCLID :
2029            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2030               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
2031                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2032            else
2033            {
2034               setupPreconEuclid();
2035               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
2036                                        HYPRE_EuclidSetup, HYPrecon_);
2037               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2038            }
2039            break;
2041       case HYBLOCK :
2042            printf("PCG : block preconditioning not available.\n");
2043            exit(1);
2044            break;
2046       case HYML :
2047 #ifdef HAVE_ML
2048            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2049               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
2050                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2051            else
2052            {
2053               setupPreconML();
2054               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
2055                                         HYPRE_LSI_MLSetup, HYPrecon_);
2056               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2057            }
2058 #else
2059            printf("PCG : ML preconditioning not available.\n");
2060 #endif
2061            break;
2063       case HYMLMAXWELL :
2064 #ifdef HAVE_MLMAXWELL
2065            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2066               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSolve,
2067                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2068            else
2069            {
2070               setupPreconMLMaxwell();
2071               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSolve,
2072                                         HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSetup, HYPrecon_);
2073               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2074            }
2075 #else
2076            printf("PCG : ML preconditioning not available.\n");
2077 #endif
2078            break;
2080       case HYMLI :
2081 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
2082            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2083               printf("MLI preconditioning\n");
2084            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2085               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
2086                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2087            else
2088            {
2089               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
2090                                         HYPRE_LSI_MLISetup, HYPrecon_);
2091               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2092            }
2093 #else
2094            printf("PCG : MLI preconditioning not available.\n");
2095 #endif
2096            break;
2098       case HYAMS :
2099            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2100               printf("AMS preconditioning\n");
2101            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2102               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_AMSSolve,
2103                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2104            else
2105            {
2106               setupPreconAMS();
2107               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_AMSSolve,
2108                                         HYPRE_AMSSetup, HYPrecon_);
2109               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2110            }
2111            break;
2113       case HYUZAWA :
2114            printf("PCG : Uzawa preconditioning not available.\n");
2115            exit(1);
2116            break;
2118       case HYSYSPDE :
2119 #ifdef HAVE_SYSPDE
2120            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2121               printf("SysPDe preconditioning\n");
2122            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2123               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
2124                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2125            else
2126            {
2127               setupPreconSysPDE();
2128               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
2129                                         HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetup, HYPrecon_);
2130               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2131            }
2132 #else
2133            printf("PCG : SysPDE preconditioning not available.\n");
2134 #endif
2135            break;
2137       case HYDSLU :
2139            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2140               printf("DSuperLU preconditioning\n");
2141            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2142               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
2143                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2144            else
2145            {
2146               HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetOutputLevel(HYPrecon_, HYOutputLevel_);
2147               HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
2148                                         HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetup, HYPrecon_);
2149               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2150            }
2151 #else
2152            printf("PCG : DSuperLU preconditioning not available.\n");
2153 #endif
2154    }
2155    return;
2156 }
2158 //***************************************************************************
2159 // set up preconditioners for LSICG
2160 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupLSICGPrecon()2162 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupLSICGPrecon()
2163 {
2164    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2165    // if matrix has been reloaded, reset preconditioner
2166    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2168    if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 0 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2169       selectPreconditioner( HYPreconName_ );
2171    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2172    // set up preconditioners
2173    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2175    switch ( HYPreconID_ )
2176    {
2177       case HYIDENTITY :
2178            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
2179               printf("No preconditioning \n");
2180            HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SolveIdentity,
2181                                        HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2182            break;
2184       case HYDIAGONAL :
2185            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
2186               printf("Diagonal preconditioning \n");
2187            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2188               HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
2189                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2190            else
2191            {
2192               HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
2193                                   HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScaleSetup,HYPrecon_);
2194               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2195            }
2196            break;
2198       case HYPILUT :
2199            if ( mypid_ == 0 )
2200               printf("HYPRE_LSI : LSICG does not work with pilut.\n");
2201            exit(1);
2202            break;
2204       case HYDDILUT :
2205            if ( mypid_ == 0 )
2206               printf("HYPRE_LSI : LSICG does not work with ddilut.\n");
2207            exit(1);
2208            break;
2210       case HYDDICT :
2211            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2212               HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
2213                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2214            else
2215            {
2216               setupPreconDDICT();
2217               HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
2218                                           HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSetup, HYPrecon_);
2219               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2220            }
2221            break;
2223       case HYSCHWARZ :
2224            if ( mypid_ == 0 )
2225               printf("HYPRE_LSI : LSICG does not work with Schwarz.\n");
2226            exit(1);
2227            break;
2229       case HYPOLY :
2230            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2231               HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
2232                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2233            else
2234            {
2235               setupPreconPoly();
2236               HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
2237                                           HYPRE_LSI_PolySetup, HYPrecon_);
2238               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2239            }
2240            break;
2242       case HYPARASAILS :
2243            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2244               HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
2245                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2246            else
2247            {
2248               setupPreconParaSails();
2249               HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
2250                                           HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetup,HYPrecon_);
2251               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2252            }
2253            break;
2255       case HYBOOMERAMG :
2256            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2257               HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
2258                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2259            else
2260            {
2261               setupPreconBoomerAMG();
2262               HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
2263                                           HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup, HYPrecon_);
2264               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2265            }
2266            break;
2268       case HYEUCLID :
2269            if ( mypid_ == 0 )
2270               printf("HYPRE_LSI : LSICG does not work with Euclid.\n");
2271            exit(1);
2272            break;
2274       case HYBLOCK :
2275            if ( mypid_ == 0 )
2276               printf("HYPRE_LSI : LSICG does not work with blkprec.\n");
2277            exit(1);
2278            break;
2280       case HYML :
2281            printf("HYPRE_LSI : LSICG - MLI preconditioning not available.\n");
2282            break;
2284       case HYMLMAXWELL :
2285            printf("HYPRE_LSI : LSICG - MLMAXWELL not available.\n");
2286            break;
2288       case HYMLI :
2289 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
2290            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2291               printf("MLI preconditioning\n");
2292            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2293               HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
2294                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2295            else
2296            {
2297               HYPRE_ParCSRLSICGSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
2298                                         HYPRE_LSI_MLISetup, HYPrecon_);
2299               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2300            }
2301 #else
2302            printf("HYPRE_LSI LSICG : MLI preconditioning not available.\n");
2303 #endif
2304            break;
2306       case HYUZAWA :
2307            if ( mypid_ == 0 )
2308               printf("HYPRE_LSI : LSICG does not work with Uzawa.\n");
2309            exit(1);
2310            break;
2312       default :
2313            printf("CG : preconditioner unknown.\n");
2314            exit(1);
2315            break;
2316    }
2317    return;
2318 }
2320 //***************************************************************************
2321 // set up preconditioners for GMRES
2322 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupGMRESPrecon()2324 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupGMRESPrecon()
2325 {
2326    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2327    // if matrix has been reloaded, reset preconditioner
2328    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2330    if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 0 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2331       selectPreconditioner( HYPreconName_ );
2333    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2334    // set up preconditioners
2335    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2337    switch ( HYPreconID_ )
2338    {
2339       case HYIDENTITY :
2340            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
2341               printf("No preconditioning \n");
2342            HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SolveIdentity,
2343                                        HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2344            break;
2346       case HYDIAGONAL :
2347            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
2348               printf("Diagonal preconditioning \n");
2349            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2350               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
2351                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2352            else
2353            {
2354               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
2355                                           HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScaleSetup,HYPrecon_);
2356               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2357            }
2358            break;
2360       case HYPILUT :
2361            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2362               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve,
2363                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2364            else
2365            {
2366               setupPreconPILUT();
2367               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve,
2368                                           HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetup, HYPrecon_);
2369               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2370            }
2371            break;
2373       case HYDDILUT :
2374            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2375               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSolve,
2376                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2377            else
2378            {
2379               setupPreconDDILUT();
2380               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSolve,
2381                                           HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSetup, HYPrecon_);
2382               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2383            }
2384            break;
2386       case HYDDICT :
2387            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2388               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
2389                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2390            else
2391            {
2392               setupPreconDDICT();
2393               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
2394                                           HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSetup, HYPrecon_);
2395               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2396            }
2397            break;
2399       case HYSCHWARZ :
2400            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2401               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
2402                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2403            else
2404            {
2405               setupPreconSchwarz();
2406               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
2407                                           HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSetup, HYPrecon_);
2408               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2409            }
2410            break;
2412       case HYPOLY :
2413            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2414               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
2415                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2416            else
2417            {
2418               setupPreconPoly();
2419               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
2420                                           HYPRE_LSI_PolySetup, HYPrecon_);
2421               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2422            }
2423            break;
2425       case HYPARASAILS :
2426            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2427               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
2428                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2429            else
2430            {
2431               setupPreconParaSails();
2432               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
2433                                           HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetup,HYPrecon_);
2434               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2435            }
2436            break;
2438       case HYBOOMERAMG :
2439            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2440               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
2441                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2442            else
2443            {
2444               setupPreconBoomerAMG();
2445               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
2446                                           HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup, HYPrecon_);
2447               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2448            }
2449            break;
2451       case HYEUCLID :
2452            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2453               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
2454                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2455            else
2456            {
2457               setupPreconEuclid();
2458               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
2459                                           HYPRE_EuclidSetup, HYPrecon_);
2460               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2461            }
2462            break;
2464       case HYBLOCK :
2465            printf("GMRES : block preconditioning not available.\n");
2466            exit(1);
2467            break;
2469       case HYML :
2470 #ifdef HAVE_ML
2471            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2472               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
2473                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2474            else
2475            {
2476               setupPreconML();
2477               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
2478                                           HYPRE_LSI_MLSetup, HYPrecon_);
2479               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2480            }
2481 #else
2482            printf("GMRES : ML preconditioning not available.\n");
2483 #endif
2484            break;
2486       case HYMLMAXWELL :
2487 #ifdef HAVE_MLMAXWELL
2488            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2489               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSolve,
2490                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2491            else
2492            {
2493               setupPreconMLMaxwell();
2494               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSolve,
2495                                           HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSetup, HYPrecon_);
2496               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2497            }
2498 #else
2499            printf("GMRES : ML preconditioning not available.\n");
2500 #endif
2501            break;
2503       case HYMLI :
2504 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
2505            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2506               printf("MLI preconditioning \n");
2507            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2508               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
2509                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2510            else
2511            {
2512               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
2513                                           HYPRE_LSI_MLISetup, HYPrecon_);
2514               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2515            }
2516 #else
2517            printf("GMRES : MLI preconditioning not available.\n");
2518 #endif
2519            break;
2521       case HYUZAWA :
2522            printf("GMRES : Uzawa preconditioning not available.\n");
2523            exit(1);
2524            break;
2526       case HYAMS :
2527            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2528               printf("AMS preconditioning\n");
2529            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2530               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_AMSSolve,
2531                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2532            else
2533            {
2534               setupPreconAMS();
2535               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_AMSSolve,
2536                                           HYPRE_AMSSetup, HYPrecon_);
2537               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2538            }
2539            break;
2541       case HYSYSPDE :
2542 #ifdef HY_SYSPDE
2543            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2544               printf("SysPDe preconditioning\n");
2545            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2546               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
2547                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2548            else
2549            {
2550               setupPreconSysPDE();
2551               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
2552                                           HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetup, HYPrecon_);
2553               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2554            }
2555 #else
2556            printf("GMRES : SysPDe preconditioning not available.\n");
2557 #endif
2558            break;
2560       case HYDSLU :
2562            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2563               printf("DSuperLU preconditioning\n");
2564            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2565               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
2566                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2567            else
2568            {
2569               HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetOutputLevel(HYPrecon_, HYOutputLevel_);
2570               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
2571                                           HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetup, HYPrecon_);
2572               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2573            }
2574 #else
2575            printf("GMRES : DSuperLU preconditioning not available.\n");
2576 #endif
2577            break;
2578    }
2579    return;
2580 }
2582 //***************************************************************************
2583 // set up preconditioners for FGMRES
2584 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupFGMRESPrecon()2586 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupFGMRESPrecon()
2587 {
2588    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2589    // if matrix has been reloaded, reset preconditioner
2590    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2592    if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 0 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2593       selectPreconditioner( HYPreconName_ );
2595    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2596    // set up preconditioners
2597    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2599    switch ( HYPreconID_ )
2600    {
2601       case HYIDENTITY :
2602            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
2603               printf("No preconditioning \n");
2604            HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SolveIdentity,
2605                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2606            break;
2608       case HYDIAGONAL :
2609            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
2610               printf("Diagonal preconditioning \n");
2611            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2612               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
2613                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2614            else
2615            {
2616               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
2617                                          HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScaleSetup,HYPrecon_);
2618               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2619            }
2620            break;
2622       case HYPILUT :
2623            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2624               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve,
2625                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2626            else
2627            {
2628               setupPreconPILUT();
2629               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve,
2630                                            HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetup, HYPrecon_);
2631               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2632            }
2633            break;
2635       case HYDDILUT :
2636            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2637               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSolve,
2638                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2639            else
2640            {
2641               setupPreconDDILUT();
2642               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSolve,
2643                                            HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSetup, HYPrecon_);
2644               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2645            }
2646            break;
2648       case HYDDICT :
2649            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2650               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
2651                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2652            else
2653            {
2654               setupPreconDDICT();
2655               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
2656                                            HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSetup, HYPrecon_);
2657               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2658            }
2659            break;
2661       case HYSCHWARZ :
2662            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2663               HYPRE_ParCSRGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
2664                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2665            else
2666            {
2667               setupPreconSchwarz();
2668               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
2669                                            HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSetup, HYPrecon_);
2670               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2671            }
2672            break;
2674       case HYPOLY :
2675            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2676               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
2677                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2678            else
2679            {
2680               setupPreconPoly();
2681               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
2682                                            HYPRE_LSI_PolySetup, HYPrecon_);
2683               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2684            }
2685            break;
2687       case HYPARASAILS :
2688            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2689               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
2690                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2691            else
2692            {
2693               setupPreconParaSails();
2694               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
2695                                          HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetup,HYPrecon_);
2696               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2697            }
2698            break;
2700       case HYBOOMERAMG :
2701            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2702               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
2703                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2704            else
2705            {
2706               setupPreconBoomerAMG();
2707               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
2708                                            HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup, HYPrecon_);
2709               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2710            }
2711            break;
2713       case HYEUCLID :
2714            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2715               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
2716                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2717            else
2718            {
2719               setupPreconEuclid();
2720               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
2721                                            HYPRE_EuclidSetup, HYPrecon_);
2722               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2723            }
2724            break;
2726       case HYBLOCK :
2727            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2728               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,
2729                     HYPRE_LSI_BlockPrecondSolve, HYPRE_DummyFunction,
2730                     HYPrecon_);
2731            else
2732            {
2733               setupPreconBlock();
2734               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,
2735                                       HYPRE_LSI_BlockPrecondSolve,
2736                                       HYPRE_LSI_BlockPrecondSetup, HYPrecon_);
2737               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2738            }
2739            break;
2741       case HYML :
2742 #ifdef HAVE_ML
2743            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2744               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
2745                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2746            else
2747            {
2748               setupPreconML();
2749               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
2750                                            HYPRE_LSI_MLSetup, HYPrecon_);
2751               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2752            }
2753 #else
2754            printf("FGMRES : ML preconditioning not available.\n");
2755 #endif
2756            break;
2758       case HYMLMAXWELL :
2759            printf("FGMRES : MLMaxwell preconditioning not available.\n");
2760            break;
2762       case HYMLI :
2763 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
2764            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2765               printf("MLI preconditioning \n");
2766            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2767               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
2768                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2769            else
2770            {
2771               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
2772                                            HYPRE_LSI_MLISetup, HYPrecon_);
2773               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2774            }
2775 #else
2776            printf("FGMRES : ML preconditioning not available.\n");
2777 #endif
2778            break;
2780       case HYUZAWA :
2781            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2782               printf("Uzawa preconditioning \n");
2783            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2784               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_UzawaSolve,
2785                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2786            else
2787            {
2788               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_UzawaSolve,
2789                                            HYPRE_LSI_UzawaSetup, HYPrecon_);
2790               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2791            }
2792            break;
2794       case HYAMS :
2795            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2796               printf("AMS preconditioning\n");
2797            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2798               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_AMSSolve,
2799                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2800            else
2801            {
2802               setupPreconAMS();
2803               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_AMSSolve,
2804                                            HYPRE_AMSSetup, HYPrecon_);
2805               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2806            }
2807            break;
2809       case HYSYSPDE :
2810 #ifdef HY_SYSPDE
2811            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2812               printf("SysPDe preconditioning\n");
2813            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2814               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
2815 					   HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2816            else
2817            {
2818               setupPreconSysPDE();
2819               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
2820 					   HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetup, HYPrecon_);
2821               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2822            }
2823 #else
2824            printf("FGMRES : SysPDe preconditioning not available.\n");
2825 #endif
2826            break;
2828       case HYDSLU :
2830            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
2831               printf("DSuperLU preconditioning\n");
2832            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2833               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
2834                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2835            else
2836            {
2837               HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetOutputLevel(HYPrecon_, HYOutputLevel_);
2838               HYPRE_ParCSRFGMRESSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
2839                                            HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetup, HYPrecon_);
2840               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2841            }
2842 #else
2843            printf("FGMRES : DSuperLU preconditioning not available.\n");
2844 #endif
2845            break;
2846    }
2847    return;
2848 }
2850 //***************************************************************************
2851 // set up preconditioners for BiCGSTAB
2852 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupBiCGSTABPrecon()2854 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupBiCGSTABPrecon()
2855 {
2856    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2857    // if matrix has been reloaded, reset preconditioner
2858    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2860    if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 0 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2861       selectPreconditioner( HYPreconName_ );
2863    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2864    // set up preconditioners
2865    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
2867    switch ( HYPreconID_ )
2868    {
2869       case HYIDENTITY :
2870            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
2871               printf("No preconditioning \n");
2872            HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SolveIdentity,
2873                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2874            break;
2876       case HYDIAGONAL :
2877            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
2878               printf("Diagonal preconditioning \n");
2879            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2880               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
2881                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2882            else
2883            {
2884               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
2885                                         HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScaleSetup,HYPrecon_);
2886               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2887            }
2888            break;
2890       case HYPILUT :
2891            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2892               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve,
2893                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2894            else
2895            {
2896               setupPreconPILUT();
2897               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve,
2898                                              HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetup,HYPrecon_);
2899               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2900            }
2901            break;
2903       case HYDDILUT :
2904            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2905               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSolve,
2906                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2907            else
2908            {
2909               setupPreconDDILUT();
2910               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSolve,
2911                                              HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSetup, HYPrecon_);
2912               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2913            }
2914            break;
2916       case HYDDICT :
2917            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2918               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
2919                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2920            else
2921            {
2922               setupPreconDDICT();
2923               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
2924                                              HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSetup, HYPrecon_);
2925               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2926            }
2927            break;
2929       case HYSCHWARZ :
2930            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2931               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
2932                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2933            else
2934            {
2935               setupPreconSchwarz();
2936               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
2937                                              HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSetup,HYPrecon_);
2938               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2939            }
2940            break;
2942       case HYPOLY :
2943            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2944               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
2945                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2946            else
2947            {
2948               setupPreconPoly();
2949               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
2950                                              HYPRE_LSI_PolySetup, HYPrecon_);
2951               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2952            }
2953            break;
2955       case HYPARASAILS :
2956            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2957               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_,
2958                                              HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
2959                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2960            else
2961            {
2962               setupPreconParaSails();
2963               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_,
2964                                              HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
2965                                              HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetup,
2966                                              HYPrecon_);
2967               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2968            }
2969            break;
2971       case HYBOOMERAMG :
2972            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2973               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
2974                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2975            else
2976            {
2977               setupPreconBoomerAMG();
2978               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
2979                                              HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup, HYPrecon_);
2980               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2981            }
2982            break;
2984       case HYEUCLID :
2985            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
2986               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
2987                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
2988            else
2989            {
2990               setupPreconEuclid();
2991               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
2992                                              HYPRE_EuclidSetup,HYPrecon_);
2993               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
2994            }
2995            break;
2997       case HYBLOCK :
2998            printf("BiCGSTAB : block preconditioning not available.\n");
2999            exit(1);
3000            break;
3002       case HYML :
3003 #ifdef HAVE_ML
3004            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3005               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
3006                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3007            else
3008            {
3009               setupPreconML();
3010               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
3011                                              HYPRE_LSI_MLSetup, HYPrecon_);
3012               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3013            }
3014 #else
3015            printf("BiCGSTAB : ML preconditioning not available.\n");
3016 #endif
3017            break;
3019       case HYMLMAXWELL :
3020            printf("BiCGSTAB : MLMaxwell preconditioning not available.\n");
3021            break;
3023       case HYMLI :
3024 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
3025            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3026               printf("MLI preconditioning\n");
3027            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3028               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
3029                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3030            else
3031            {
3032               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
3033                                              HYPRE_LSI_MLISetup, HYPrecon_);
3034               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3035            }
3036 #else
3037            printf("BiCGSTAB : MLI preconditioning not available.\n");
3038 #endif
3039            break;
3041       case HYUZAWA :
3042            printf("BiCGSTAB : Uzawa preconditioning not available.\n");
3043            exit(1);
3044            break;
3046       case HYAMS :
3047            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3048               printf("AMS preconditioning\n");
3049            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3050               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_AMSSolve,
3051                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3052            else
3053            {
3054               setupPreconAMS();
3055               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_AMSSolve,
3056                                              HYPRE_AMSSetup, HYPrecon_);
3057               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3058            }
3059            break;
3061       case HYSYSPDE :
3062 #ifdef HY_SYSPDE
3063            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3064               printf("SysPDe preconditioning\n");
3065            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3066               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
3067 					     HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3068            else
3069            {
3070               setupPreconSysPDE();
3071               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
3072 					     HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetup, HYPrecon_);
3073               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3074            }
3075 #else
3076            printf("BiCGSTAB : SysPDe preconditioning not available.\n");
3077 #endif
3078            break;
3080       case HYDSLU :
3082            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3083               printf("DSuperLU preconditioning\n");
3084            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3085               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
3086                                              HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3087            else
3088            {
3089               HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetOutputLevel(HYPrecon_, HYOutputLevel_);
3090               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
3091                                              HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetup, HYPrecon_);
3092               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3093            }
3094 #else
3095            printf("BiCGSTAB : DSuperLU preconditioning not available.\n");
3096 #endif
3097            break;
3098    }
3099    return;
3100 }
3102 //***************************************************************************
3103 // set up preconditioners for BiCGSTABL
3104 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupBiCGSTABLPrecon()3106 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupBiCGSTABLPrecon()
3107 {
3108    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3109    // if matrix has been reloaded, reset preconditioner
3110    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3112    if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 0 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3113       selectPreconditioner( HYPreconName_ );
3115    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3116    // set up preconditioners
3117    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3119    switch ( HYPreconID_ )
3120    {
3121       case HYIDENTITY :
3122            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
3123               printf("No preconditioning \n");
3124            HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SolveIdentity,
3125                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3126            break;
3128       case HYDIAGONAL :
3129            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
3130               printf("Diagonal preconditioning \n");
3131            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3132               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
3133                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3134            else
3135            {
3136               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
3137                                          HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScaleSetup,HYPrecon_);
3138               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3139            }
3140            break;
3142       case HYPILUT :
3143            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3144               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve,
3145                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3146            else
3147            {
3148               setupPreconPILUT();
3149               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve,
3150                                             HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetup, HYPrecon_);
3151               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3152            }
3153            break;
3155       case HYDDILUT :
3156            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3157               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSolve,
3158                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3159            else
3160            {
3161               setupPreconDDILUT();
3162               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSolve,
3163                                               HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSetup,HYPrecon_);
3164               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3165            }
3166            break;
3168       case HYDDICT :
3169            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3170               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
3171                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3172            else
3173            {
3174               setupPreconDDICT();
3175               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
3176                                               HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSetup, HYPrecon_);
3177               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3178            }
3179            break;
3181       case HYSCHWARZ :
3182            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3183               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
3184                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3185            else
3186            {
3187               setupPreconSchwarz();
3188               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
3189                                              HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSetup,HYPrecon_);
3190               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3191            }
3192            break;
3194       case HYPOLY :
3195            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3196               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
3197                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3198            else
3199            {
3200               setupPreconPoly();
3201               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
3202                                               HYPRE_LSI_PolySetup, HYPrecon_);
3203               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3204            }
3205            break;
3207       case HYPARASAILS :
3208            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3209               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_,
3210                                               HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
3211                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3212            else
3213            {
3214               setupPreconParaSails();
3215               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_,
3216                                               HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
3217                                               HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetup,
3218                                               HYPrecon_);
3219               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3220            }
3221            break;
3223       case HYBOOMERAMG :
3224            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3225               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
3226                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3227            else
3228            {
3229               setupPreconBoomerAMG();
3230               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
3231                                               HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup, HYPrecon_);
3232               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3233            }
3234            break;
3236       case HYEUCLID :
3237            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3238               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
3239                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3240            else
3241            {
3242               setupPreconEuclid();
3243               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
3244                                               HYPRE_EuclidSetup,
3245                                               HYPrecon_);
3246               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3247            }
3248            break;
3250       case HYBLOCK :
3251            printf("BiCGSTABL : block preconditioning not available.\n");
3252            exit(1);
3253            break;
3255       case HYML :
3256 #ifdef HAVE_ML
3257            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3258               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
3259                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3260            else
3261            {
3262               setupPreconML();
3263               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
3264                                               HYPRE_LSI_MLSetup, HYPrecon_);
3265               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3266            }
3267 #else
3268            printf("BiCGSTABL : ML preconditioning not available.\n");
3269 #endif
3270            break;
3272       case HYMLMAXWELL :
3273            printf("BiCGSTABL : MLMaxwell preconditioning not available.\n");
3274            break;
3276       case HYMLI :
3277 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
3278            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3279               printf("MLI preconditioning \n");
3280            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3281               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
3282                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3283            else
3284            {
3285               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
3286                                               HYPRE_LSI_MLISetup, HYPrecon_);
3287               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3288            }
3289 #else
3290            printf("BiCGSTABL : ML preconditioning not available.\n");
3291 #endif
3292            break;
3294       case HYUZAWA :
3295            printf("BiCGSTABL : Uzawa preconditioning not available.\n");
3296            exit(1);
3297            break;
3299       case HYAMS :
3300            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3301               printf("AMS preconditioning\n");
3302            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3303               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_AMSSolve,
3304                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3305            else
3306            {
3307               setupPreconAMS();
3308               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_AMSSolve,
3309                                               HYPRE_AMSSetup, HYPrecon_);
3310               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3311            }
3312            break;
3314       case HYSYSPDE :
3315 #ifdef HY_SYSPDE
3316            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3317               printf("SysPDe preconditioning\n");
3318            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3319               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
3320 					      HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3321            else
3322            {
3323               setupPreconSysPDE();
3324               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
3325 					      HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetup, HYPrecon_);
3326               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3327            }
3328 #else
3329            printf("BiCGSTABL : SysPDe preconditioning not available.\n");
3330 #endif
3331            break;
3333       case HYDSLU :
3335            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3336               printf("DSuperLU preconditioning\n");
3337            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3338               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
3339                                               HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3340            else
3341            {
3342               HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetOutputLevel(HYPrecon_, HYOutputLevel_);
3343               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSTABLSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
3344                                               HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetup, HYPrecon_);
3345               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3346            }
3347 #else
3348            printf("BiCGSTABL : DSuperLU preconditioning not available.\n");
3349 #endif
3350            break;
3351    }
3352    return;
3353 }
3355 //***************************************************************************
3356 // set up preconditioners for TFQMR
3357 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupTFQmrPrecon()3359 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupTFQmrPrecon()
3360 {
3361    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3362    // if matrix has been reloaded, reset preconditioner
3363    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3365    if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 0 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3366       selectPreconditioner( HYPreconName_ );
3368    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3369    // set up preconditioners
3370    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3372    switch ( HYPreconID_ )
3373    {
3374       case HYIDENTITY :
3375            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
3376               printf("No preconditioning \n");
3377            HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SolveIdentity,
3378                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3379            break;
3381       case HYDIAGONAL :
3382            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
3383               printf("Diagonal preconditioning \n");
3384            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3385               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
3386                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3387            else
3388            {
3389               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
3390                                           HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScaleSetup,HYPrecon_);
3391               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3392            }
3393            break;
3395       case HYPILUT :
3396            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3397               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve,
3398                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3399            else
3400            {
3401               setupPreconPILUT();
3402               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve,
3403                                           HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetup, HYPrecon_);
3404               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3405            }
3406            break;
3408       case HYDDILUT :
3409            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3410               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSolve,
3411                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3412            else
3413            {
3414               setupPreconDDILUT();
3415               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSolve,
3416                                           HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSetup, HYPrecon_);
3417               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3418            }
3419            break;
3421       case HYDDICT :
3422            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3423               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
3424                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3425            else
3426            {
3427               setupPreconDDICT();
3428               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
3429                                           HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSetup, HYPrecon_);
3430               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3431            }
3432            break;
3434       case HYSCHWARZ :
3435            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3436               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
3437                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3438            else
3439            {
3440               setupPreconSchwarz();
3441               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
3442                                           HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSetup, HYPrecon_);
3443               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3444            }
3445            break;
3447       case HYPOLY :
3448            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3449               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
3450                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3451            else
3452            {
3453               setupPreconPoly();
3454               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
3455                                           HYPRE_LSI_PolySetup, HYPrecon_);
3456               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3457            }
3458            break;
3460       case HYPARASAILS :
3461            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3462               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
3463                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3464            else
3465            {
3466               setupPreconParaSails();
3467               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
3468                                           HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetup,HYPrecon_);
3469               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3470            }
3471            break;
3473       case HYBOOMERAMG :
3474            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3475               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
3476                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3477            else
3478            {
3479               setupPreconBoomerAMG();
3480               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
3481                                           HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup, HYPrecon_);
3482               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3483            }
3484            break;
3486       case HYEUCLID :
3487            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3488               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
3489                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3490            else
3491            {
3492               setupPreconEuclid();
3493               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
3494                                           HYPRE_EuclidSetup, HYPrecon_);
3495               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3496            }
3497            break;
3499       case HYBLOCK :
3500            printf("TFQMR : block preconditioning not available.\n");
3501            exit(1);
3502            break;
3504       case HYML :
3505 #ifdef HAVE_ML
3506            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3507               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
3508                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3509            else
3510            {
3511               setupPreconML();
3512               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
3513                                           HYPRE_LSI_MLSetup, HYPrecon_);
3514               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3515            }
3516 #else
3517            printf("TFQMR : ML preconditioning not available.\n");
3518 #endif
3519            break;
3521       case HYMLMAXWELL :
3522            printf("TFQMR : MLMaxwell preconditioning not available.\n");
3523            break;
3525       case HYMLI :
3526 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
3527            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3528               printf("MLI preconditioning \n");
3529            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3530               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
3531                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3532            else
3533            {
3534               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
3535                                           HYPRE_LSI_MLISetup, HYPrecon_);
3536               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3537            }
3538 #else
3539            printf("TFQMR : MLI preconditioning not available.\n");
3540 #endif
3541            break;
3543       case HYUZAWA :
3544            printf("TFQMR : Uzawa preconditioning not available.\n");
3545            exit(1);
3546            break;
3548       case HYAMS :
3549            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3550               printf("AMS preconditioning\n");
3551            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3552               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_AMSSolve,
3553                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3554            else
3555            {
3556               setupPreconAMS();
3557               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_AMSSolve,
3558                                           HYPRE_AMSSetup, HYPrecon_);
3559               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3560            }
3561            break;
3563       case HYSYSPDE :
3564 #ifdef HY_SYSPDE
3565            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3566               printf("SysPDe preconditioning\n");
3567            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3568               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
3569                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3570            else
3571            {
3572               setupPreconSysPDE();
3573               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
3574                                           HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetup, HYPrecon_);
3575               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3576            }
3577 #else
3578            printf("TFQMR : SysPDe preconditioning not available.\n");
3579 #endif
3580            break;
3582       case HYDSLU :
3584            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3585               printf("DSuperLU preconditioning\n");
3586            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3587               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
3588                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3589            else
3590            {
3591               HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetOutputLevel(HYPrecon_, HYOutputLevel_);
3592               HYPRE_ParCSRTFQmrSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
3593                                           HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetup, HYPrecon_);
3594               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3595            }
3596 #else
3597            printf("TFQMR : DSuperLU preconditioning not available.\n");
3598 #endif
3599            break;
3600    }
3601    return;
3602 }
3604 //***************************************************************************
3605 // set up preconditioners for BiCGS
3606 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupBiCGSPrecon()3608 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupBiCGSPrecon()
3609 {
3610    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3611    // if matrix has been reloaded, reset preconditioner
3612    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3614    if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 0 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3615       selectPreconditioner( HYPreconName_ );
3617    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3618    // set up preconditioners
3619    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3621    switch ( HYPreconID_ )
3622    {
3623       case HYIDENTITY :
3624            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
3625               printf("No preconditioning \n");
3626            HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SolveIdentity,
3627                                        HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3628            break;
3630       case HYDIAGONAL :
3631            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
3632               printf("Diagonal preconditioning \n");
3633            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3634               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
3635                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3636            else
3637            {
3638               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
3639                                           HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScaleSetup,HYPrecon_);
3640               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3641            }
3642            break;
3644       case HYPILUT :
3645            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3646               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve,
3647                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3648            else
3649            {
3650               setupPreconPILUT();
3651               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSolve,
3652                                           HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetup, HYPrecon_);
3653               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3654            }
3655            break;
3657       case HYDDILUT :
3658            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3659               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSolve,
3660                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3661            else
3662            {
3663               setupPreconDDILUT();
3664               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSolve,
3665                                           HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSetup, HYPrecon_);
3666               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3667            }
3668            break;
3670       case HYDDICT :
3671            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3672               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
3673                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3674            else
3675            {
3676               setupPreconDDICT();
3677               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
3678                                           HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSetup, HYPrecon_);
3679               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3680            }
3681            break;
3683       case HYSCHWARZ :
3684            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3685               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
3686                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3687            else
3688            {
3689               setupPreconSchwarz();
3690               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSolve,
3691                                           HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSetup, HYPrecon_);
3692               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3693            }
3694            break;
3696       case HYPOLY :
3697            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3698               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
3699                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3700            else
3701            {
3702               setupPreconPoly();
3703               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
3704                                           HYPRE_LSI_PolySetup, HYPrecon_);
3705               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3706            }
3707            break;
3709       case HYPARASAILS :
3710            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3711               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
3712                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3713            else
3714            {
3715               setupPreconParaSails();
3716               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
3717                                           HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetup,HYPrecon_);
3718               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3719            }
3720            break;
3722       case HYBOOMERAMG :
3723            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3724               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
3725                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3726            else
3727            {
3728               setupPreconBoomerAMG();
3729               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
3730                                           HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup, HYPrecon_);
3731               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3732            }
3733            break;
3735       case HYEUCLID :
3736            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3737               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
3738                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3739            else
3740            {
3741               setupPreconEuclid();
3742               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_EuclidSolve,
3743                                           HYPRE_EuclidSetup, HYPrecon_);
3744               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3745            }
3746            break;
3748       case HYBLOCK :
3749            printf("BiCGS : block preconditioning not available.\n");
3750            exit(1);
3751            break;
3753       case HYML :
3754 #ifdef HAVE_ML
3755            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3756               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
3757                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3758            else
3759            {
3760               setupPreconML();
3761               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
3762                                           HYPRE_LSI_MLSetup, HYPrecon_);
3763               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3764            }
3765 #else
3766            printf("BiCGS : ML preconditioning not available.\n");
3767 #endif
3768            break;
3770       case HYMLMAXWELL :
3771            printf("BiCGS : MLMaxwell preconditioning not available.\n");
3772            break;
3774       case HYMLI :
3775 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
3776            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3777               printf("MLI preconditioning \n");
3778            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3779               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
3780                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3781            else
3782            {
3783               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
3784                                           HYPRE_LSI_MLISetup, HYPrecon_);
3785               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3786            }
3787 #else
3788            printf("BiCGS : MLI preconditioning not available.\n");
3789 #endif
3790            break;
3792       case HYUZAWA :
3793            printf("BiCGS : Uzawa preconditioning not available.\n");
3794            exit(1);
3795            break;
3797       case HYAMS :
3798            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3799               printf("AMS preconditioning\n");
3800            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3801               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_AMSSolve,
3802                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3803            else
3804            {
3805               setupPreconAMS();
3806               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_AMSSolve,
3807                                           HYPRE_AMSSetup, HYPrecon_);
3808               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3809            }
3810            break;
3812       case HYSYSPDE :
3813 #ifdef HY_SYSPDE
3814            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3815               printf("SysPDe preconditioning\n");
3816            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3817               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
3818 					  HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3819            else
3820            {
3821               setupPreconSysPDE();
3822               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
3823 					  HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetup, HYPrecon_);
3824               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3825            }
3826 #else
3827            printf("BiCGS : SysPDe preconditioning not available.\n");
3828 #endif
3829            break;
3831       case HYDSLU :
3833            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
3834               printf("DSuperLU preconditioning\n");
3835            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3836               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
3837                                           HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3838            else
3839            {
3840               HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetOutputLevel(HYPrecon_, HYOutputLevel_);
3841               HYPRE_ParCSRBiCGSSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve,
3842                                           HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetup, HYPrecon_);
3843               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3844            }
3845 #else
3846            printf("BiCGS : DSuperLU preconditioning not available.\n");
3847 #endif
3848            break;
3849    }
3850    return;
3851 }
3853 //***************************************************************************
3854 // set up preconditioners for Symmetric QMR
3855 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupSymQMRPrecon()3857 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupSymQMRPrecon()
3858 {
3859    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3860    // if matrix has been reloaded, reset preconditioner
3861    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3863    if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 0 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3864       selectPreconditioner( HYPreconName_ );
3866    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3867    // set up preconditioners
3868    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
3870    switch ( HYPreconID_ )
3871    {
3872       case HYIDENTITY :
3873            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
3874               printf("No preconditioning \n");
3875            HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_SolveIdentity,
3876                                         HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3877            break;
3879       case HYDIAGONAL :
3880            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
3881               printf("Diagonal preconditioning \n");
3882            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3883               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
3884                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3885            else
3886            {
3887               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScale,
3888                                            HYPRE_ParCSRDiagScaleSetup,HYPrecon_);
3889               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3890            }
3891            break;
3893       case HYPILUT :
3894            printf("ERROR : PILUT does not match SymQMR in general.\n");
3895            exit(1);
3896            break;
3898       case HYDDILUT :
3899            printf("ERROR : DDILUT does not match SymQMR in general.\n");
3900            exit(1);
3901            break;
3903       case HYDDICT :
3904            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3905               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
3906                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3907            else
3908            {
3909               setupPreconDDICT();
3910               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSolve,
3911                                            HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSetup, HYPrecon_);
3912               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3913            }
3914            break;
3916       case HYSCHWARZ :
3917            printf("ERROR : Schwarz does not match SymQMR in general.\n");
3918            exit(1);
3919            break;
3921       case HYPOLY :
3922            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3923               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
3924                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3925            else
3926            {
3927               setupPreconPoly();
3928               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_PolySolve,
3929                                            HYPRE_LSI_PolySetup, HYPrecon_);
3930               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3931            }
3932            break;
3934       case HYPARASAILS :
3935            if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 )
3936               HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetLogging(HYPrecon_, 1);
3937            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3938               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
3939                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3940            else
3941            {
3942               setupPreconParaSails();
3943               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSolve,
3944                                           HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetup,HYPrecon_);
3945               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3946            }
3947            break;
3949       case HYBOOMERAMG :
3950            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3951               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
3952                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3953            else
3954            {
3955               setupPreconBoomerAMG();
3956               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve,
3957                                            HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup, HYPrecon_);
3958               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3959            }
3960            break;
3962       case HYEUCLID :
3963            printf("ERROR : Euclid does not match SymQMR in general.\n");
3964            exit(1);
3965            break;
3967       case HYBLOCK :
3968            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3969               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_,
3970                     HYPRE_LSI_BlockPrecondSolve, HYPRE_DummyFunction,
3971                     HYPrecon_);
3972            else
3973            {
3974               setupPreconBlock();
3975               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_,
3976                                       HYPRE_LSI_BlockPrecondSolve,
3977                                       HYPRE_LSI_BlockPrecondSetup, HYPrecon_);
3978               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3979            }
3980            break;
3982       case HYML :
3983 #ifdef HAVE_ML
3984            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
3985               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
3986                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
3987            else
3988            {
3989               setupPreconML();
3990               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLSolve,
3991                                            HYPRE_LSI_MLSetup, HYPrecon_);
3992               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
3993            }
3994 #else
3995            printf("SymQMR : ML preconditioning not available.\n");
3996 #endif
3997            break;
3999       case HYMLMAXWELL :
4000            printf("SymQMR : MLMaxwell preconditioning not available.\n");
4001            break;
4003       case HYMLI :
4004 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
4005            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
4006               printf("MLI preconditioning \n");
4007            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
4008               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
4009                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
4010            else
4011            {
4012               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_LSI_MLISolve,
4013                                            HYPRE_LSI_MLISetup, HYPrecon_);
4014               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
4015            }
4016 #else
4017            printf("SymQMR : MLI preconditioning not available.\n");
4018 #endif
4019            break;
4021       case HYUZAWA :
4022            printf("SymQMR : Uzawa preconditioning not available.\n");
4023            exit(1);
4024            break;
4026       case HYAMS :
4027            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
4028               printf("AMS preconditioning\n");
4029            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
4030               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_,HYPRE_AMSSolve,
4031                                            HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
4032            else
4033            {
4034               setupPreconAMS();
4035               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_AMSSolve,
4036                                            HYPRE_AMSSetup, HYPrecon_);
4037               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
4038            }
4039            break;
4041       case HYSYSPDE :
4042 #ifdef HY_SYSPDE
4043            if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
4044               printf("SysPDe preconditioning\n");
4045            if ( HYPreconReuse_ == 1 && HYPreconSetup_ == 1 )
4046               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
4047 					   HYPRE_DummyFunction, HYPrecon_);
4048            else
4049            {
4050               setupPreconSysPDE();
4051               HYPRE_ParCSRSymQMRSetPrecond(HYSolver_, HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESolve,
4052 					   HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetup, HYPrecon_);
4053               HYPreconSetup_ = 1;
4054            }
4055 #else
4056            printf("SymQMR : SysPDe preconditioning not available.\n");
4057 #endif
4058            break;
4060       case HYDSLU :
4061            printf("BiCGS : DSuperLU preconditioning not an option.\n");
4062            break;
4063    }
4064    return;
4065 }
4067 //***************************************************************************
4068 // this function sets up BOOMERAMG preconditioner
4069 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconBoomerAMG()4071 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconBoomerAMG()
4072 {
4073    int          i, j, *num_sweeps, *relax_type, **relax_points;
4074    double       *relax_wt, *relax_omega;
4076    if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
4077    {
4078       printf("AMG max levels   = %d\n", amgMaxLevels_);
4079       printf("AMG coarsen type = %d\n", amgCoarsenType_);
4080       printf("AMG measure type = %d\n", amgMeasureType_);
4081       printf("AMG threshold    = %e\n", amgStrongThreshold_);
4082       printf("AMG numsweeps    = %d\n", amgNumSweeps_[0]);
4083       printf("AMG relax type   = %d\n", amgRelaxType_[0]);
4084       if (amgGridRlxType_) printf("AMG CF smoothing \n");
4085       printf("AMG relax weight = %e\n", amgRelaxWeight_[0]);
4086       printf("AMG relax omega  = %e\n", amgRelaxOmega_[0]);
4087       printf("AMG system size  = %d\n", amgSystemSize_);
4088       printf("AMG smooth type  = %d\n", amgSmoothType_);
4089       printf("AMG smooth numlevels  = %d\n", amgSmoothNumLevels_);
4090       printf("AMG smooth numsweeps  = %d\n", amgSmoothNumSweeps_);
4091       printf("AMG Schwarz variant = %d\n", amgSchwarzVariant_);
4092       printf("AMG Schwarz overlap = %d\n", amgSchwarzOverlap_);
4093       printf("AMG Schwarz domain type = %d\n", amgSchwarzDomainType_);
4094       printf("AMG Schwarz relax weight = %e\n", amgSchwarzRelaxWt_);
4095    }
4096    if ( HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_AMGDEBUG )
4097    {
4098       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetDebugFlag(HYPrecon_, 0);
4099       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetPrintLevel(HYPrecon_, 1);
4100    }
4101    if ( amgSystemSize_ > 1 )
4102       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNumFunctions(HYPrecon_, amgSystemSize_);
4103    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMaxLevels(HYPrecon_, amgMaxLevels_);
4104    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCoarsenType(HYPrecon_, amgCoarsenType_);
4105    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMeasureType(HYPrecon_, amgMeasureType_);
4106    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetStrongThreshold(HYPrecon_,amgStrongThreshold_);
4107    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetTol(HYPrecon_, 0.0e0);
4108    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMaxIter(HYPrecon_, 1);
4109    num_sweeps = hypre_CTAlloc(int,4,HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4110    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) num_sweeps[i] = amgNumSweeps_[i];
4112    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNumGridSweeps(HYPrecon_, num_sweeps);
4113    relax_type = hypre_CTAlloc(int,4,HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4114    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) relax_type[i] = amgRelaxType_[i];
4116    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetGridRelaxType(HYPrecon_, relax_type);
4117    relax_wt = hypre_CTAlloc(double,amgMaxLevels_,HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4118    for ( i = 0; i < amgMaxLevels_; i++ ) relax_wt[i] = amgRelaxWeight_[i];
4119    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxWeight(HYPrecon_, relax_wt);
4121    relax_omega = hypre_CTAlloc(double,amgMaxLevels_,HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4122    for ( i = 0; i < amgMaxLevels_; i++ ) relax_omega[i] = amgRelaxOmega_[i];
4123    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetOmega(HYPrecon_, relax_omega);
4125    if (amgGridRlxType_)
4126    {
4127       relax_points = hypre_CTAlloc(int*,4,HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4128       relax_points[0] = hypre_CTAlloc(int,num_sweeps[0],HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4129       for ( j = 0; j < num_sweeps[0]; j++ ) relax_points[0][j] = 0;
4130       relax_points[1] = hypre_CTAlloc(int,2*num_sweeps[1],HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4131       for ( j = 0; j < num_sweeps[1]; j+=2 )
4132 	 {relax_points[1][j] = -1;relax_points[1][j+1] =  1;}
4133       relax_points[2] = hypre_CTAlloc(int,2*num_sweeps[2],HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4134       for ( j = 0; j < num_sweeps[2]; j+=2 )
4135 	 {relax_points[2][j] = -1;relax_points[2][j+1] =  1;}
4136       relax_points[3] = hypre_CTAlloc(int,num_sweeps[3],HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4137       for ( j = 0; j < num_sweeps[3]; j++ ) relax_points[3][j] = 0;
4138    }
4139    else
4140    {
4141       relax_points = hypre_CTAlloc(int*,4,HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4142       for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
4143       {
4144          relax_points[i] = hypre_CTAlloc(int,num_sweeps[i],HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4145          for ( j = 0; j < num_sweeps[i]; j++ ) relax_points[i][j] = 0;
4146       }
4147    }
4148    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetGridRelaxPoints(HYPrecon_, relax_points);
4150    if ( amgSmoothNumLevels_ > 0 )
4151    {
4152       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothType(HYPrecon_, amgSmoothType_);
4153       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothNumLevels(HYPrecon_, amgSmoothNumLevels_);
4154       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothNumSweeps(HYPrecon_, amgSmoothNumSweeps_);
4155       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSchwarzRlxWeight(HYPrecon_, amgSchwarzRelaxWt_);
4156       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetVariant(HYPrecon_, amgSchwarzVariant_);
4157       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetOverlap(HYPrecon_, amgSchwarzOverlap_);
4158       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetDomainType(HYPrecon_, amgSchwarzDomainType_);
4159    }
4161    if ( amgUseGSMG_ == 1 )
4162    {
4163       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetGSMG(HYPrecon_, 4);
4164       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNumSamples(HYPrecon_,amgGSMGNSamples_);
4165    }
4167    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetAggNumLevels(HYPrecon_, amgAggLevels_);
4168    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetInterpType(HYPrecon_, amgInterpType_);
4169    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetPMaxElmts(HYPrecon_, amgPmax_);
4170 }
4172 //***************************************************************************
4173 // this function sets up ML preconditioner
4174 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconML()4176 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconML()
4177 {
4178 #ifdef HAVE_ML
4179    if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
4180    {
4181       printf("ML strong threshold = %e\n", mlStrongThreshold_);
4182       printf("ML numsweeps(pre)   = %d\n", mlNumPreSweeps_);
4183       printf("ML numsweeps(post)  = %d\n", mlNumPostSweeps_);
4184       printf("ML smoother (pre)   = %d\n", mlPresmootherType_);
4185       printf("ML smoother (post)  = %d\n", mlPostsmootherType_);
4186       printf("ML relax weight     = %e\n", mlRelaxWeight_);
4187    }
4188    HYPRE_LSI_MLSetMethod(HYPrecon_,mlMethod_);
4189    HYPRE_LSI_MLSetCoarseSolver(HYPrecon_,mlCoarseSolver_);
4190    HYPRE_LSI_MLSetCoarsenScheme(HYPrecon_,mlCoarsenScheme_);
4191    HYPRE_LSI_MLSetStrongThreshold(HYPrecon_,mlStrongThreshold_);
4192    HYPRE_LSI_MLSetNumPreSmoothings(HYPrecon_,mlNumPreSweeps_);
4193    HYPRE_LSI_MLSetNumPostSmoothings(HYPrecon_,mlNumPostSweeps_);
4194    HYPRE_LSI_MLSetPreSmoother(HYPrecon_,mlPresmootherType_);
4195    HYPRE_LSI_MLSetPostSmoother(HYPrecon_,mlPostsmootherType_);
4196    HYPRE_LSI_MLSetDampingFactor(HYPrecon_,mlRelaxWeight_);
4197    HYPRE_LSI_MLSetNumPDEs(HYPrecon_,mlNumPDEs_);
4198 #else
4199    return;
4200 #endif
4201 }
4203 //***************************************************************************
4204 // this function sets up MLMaxwell preconditioner
4205 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconMLMaxwell()4207 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconMLMaxwell()
4208 {
4209 #ifdef HAVE_MLMAXWELL
4210    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr;
4212    if (maxwellGEN_ != NULL)
4213       HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSetGMatrix(HYPrecon_,maxwellGEN_);
4214    else
4215    {
4216       printf("HYPRE_LSC::setupPreconMLMaxwell ERROR - no G matrix.\n");
4217       exit(1);
4218    }
4219    if (maxwellANN_ == NULL)
4220    {
4221       HYPRE_IJMatrixGetObject(currA_, (void **) &A_csr);
4222       hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator((hypre_ParCSRMatrix *) maxwellGEN_,
4223                                       (hypre_ParCSRMatrix *) A_csr,
4224                                       (hypre_ParCSRMatrix *) maxwellGEN_,
4225                                       (hypre_ParCSRMatrix **) &maxwellANN_);
4226    }
4227    HYPRE_LSI_MLMaxwellSetANNMatrix(HYPrecon_,maxwellANN_);
4228 #else
4229    return;
4230 #endif
4231 }
4233 //***************************************************************************
4234 // this function sets up AMS preconditioner
4235 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconAMS()4237 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconAMS()
4238 {
4239 #if 0
4240    HYPRE_ParVector    parVecX, parVecY, parVecZ;
4241 #endif
4243    /* Set AMS parameters */
4244    HYPRE_AMSSetDimension(HYPrecon_, amsNumPDEs_);
4245    HYPRE_AMSSetMaxIter(HYPrecon_, amsMaxIter_);
4246    HYPRE_AMSSetTol(HYPrecon_, amsTol_);
4247    HYPRE_AMSSetCycleType(HYPrecon_, amsCycleType_);
4248    HYPRE_AMSSetPrintLevel(HYPrecon_, amsPrintLevel_);
4249    HYPRE_AMSSetSmoothingOptions(HYPrecon_, amsRelaxType_, amsRelaxTimes_,
4250                                 amsRelaxWt_, amsRelaxOmega_);
4252    if (amsBetaPoisson_ != NULL)
4253       HYPRE_AMSSetBetaPoissonMatrix(HYPrecon_, amsBetaPoisson_);
4255    HYPRE_AMSSetAlphaAMGOptions(HYPrecon_, amsAlphaCoarsenType_,
4256             amsAlphaAggLevels_, amsAlphaRelaxType_, amsAlphaStrengthThresh_,
4257             amsAlphaInterpType_, amsAlphaPmax_);
4258    HYPRE_AMSSetBetaAMGOptions(HYPrecon_, amsBetaCoarsenType_,
4259             amsBetaAggLevels_, amsBetaRelaxType_, amsBetaStrengthThresh_,
4260             amsBetaInterpType_, amsBetaPmax_);
4262 #if 0
4263    if (maxwellGEN_ != NULL)
4264       HYPRE_AMSSetDiscreteGradient(HYPrecon_, maxwellGEN_);
4265    else
4266    {
4267       printf("HYPRE_LSC::setupPreconAMS ERROR - no G matrix.\n");
4268       exit(1);
4269    }
4270    if (amsX_ == NULL && amsY_ != NULL)
4271    {
4272       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(amsX_, (void **) &parVecX);
4273       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(amsY_, (void **) &parVecY);
4274       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(amsZ_, (void **) &parVecZ);
4275       HYPRE_AMSSetCoordinateVectors(HYPrecon_,parVecX,parVecY,parVecZ);
4276    }
4277 #endif
4279    // Call AMS to construct the discrete gradient matrix G
4280    // and the nodal coordinate vectors
4281    {
4282       HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr;
4283       HYPRE_ParVector    b_csr;
4284       HYPRE_ParVector    x_csr;
4286       HYPRE_IJMatrixGetObject(currA_, (void **) &A_csr);
4287       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currB_, (void **) &b_csr);
4288       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currX_, (void **) &x_csr);
4290       if( amsG_ == NULL )  {
4292         //Old way of doing things
4293         //only works for 1 domain per processor (in ALE3D)
4294         //not compatible with contact
4295         HYPRE_AMSFEISetup(HYPrecon_,
4296                           A_csr,
4297                           b_csr,
4298                           x_csr,
4299                           AMSData_.EdgeNodeList_,
4300                           AMSData_.NodeNumbers_,
4301                           AMSData_.numEdges_,
4302                           AMSData_.numLocalNodes_,
4303                           AMSData_.numNodes_,
4304                           AMSData_.NodalCoord_);
4305       } else {
4306         //New Code//
4307         HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix G_csr;
4308         HYPRE_ParVector X_csr;
4309         HYPRE_ParVector Y_csr;
4310         HYPRE_ParVector Z_csr;
4311         HYPRE_IJMatrixGetObject(amsG_, (void **) &G_csr);
4312         HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(amsX_, (void **) &X_csr);
4313         HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(amsY_, (void **) &Y_csr);
4314         HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(amsZ_, (void **) &Z_csr);
4315         HYPRE_AMSSetCoordinateVectors(HYPrecon_,X_csr,Y_csr,Z_csr);
4316         bool debugprint = false;
4317         if( debugprint ) {
4318           HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixPrint( G_csr, "G.parcsr" );
4319           HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixPrint( A_csr, "A.parcsr" );
4320           HYPRE_ParVectorPrint(    b_csr, "B.parvector" );
4321           HYPRE_ParVectorPrint(    X_csr, "X.parvector" );
4322           HYPRE_ParVectorPrint(    Y_csr, "Y.parvector" );
4323           HYPRE_ParVectorPrint(    Z_csr, "Z.parvector" );
4324         }
4325         HYPRE_AMSSetDiscreteGradient(HYPrecon_,G_csr);
4326       }
4327       if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
4328         printf("AMSprecon: finished building auxiliary info, calling AMSSetup\n");
4329       //int ierr = HYPRE_AMSSetup(HYPrecon_,A_csr,b_csr,x_csr);
4330       if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
4331         printf("AMSprecon: finished with AMSSetup\n");
4332    }
4334 }
4336 //***************************************************************************
4337 // this function sets up DDICT preconditioner
4338 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconDDICT()4340 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconDDICT()
4341 {
4342    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
4343    {
4344       printf("DDICT - fillin   = %e\n", ddictFillin_);
4345       printf("DDICT - drop tol = %e\n", ddictDropTol_);
4346    }
4347    if ( HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_DDILUT )
4348       HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSetOutputLevel(HYPrecon_,2);
4349    HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSetFillin(HYPrecon_,ddictFillin_);
4350    HYPRE_LSI_DDICTSetDropTolerance(HYPrecon_,ddictDropTol_);
4351 }
4353 //***************************************************************************
4354 // this function sets up DDILUT preconditioner
4355 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconDDILUT()4357 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconDDILUT()
4358 {
4359    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
4360    {
4361       printf("DDILUT - fillin   = %e\n", ddilutFillin_);
4362       printf("DDILUT - drop tol = %e\n", ddilutDropTol_);
4363    }
4364    if ( HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_DDILUT )
4365       HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSetOutputLevel(HYPrecon_,2);
4366    if ( ddilutReorder_ ) HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSetReorder(HYPrecon_);
4367    HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSetFillin(HYPrecon_,ddilutFillin_);
4368    HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSetDropTolerance(HYPrecon_,ddilutDropTol_);
4369    if ( ddilutOverlap_ == 1 ) HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSetOverlap(HYPrecon_);
4370    if ( ddilutReorder_ == 1 ) HYPRE_LSI_DDIlutSetReorder(HYPrecon_);
4371 }
4373 //***************************************************************************
4374 // this function sets up Schwarz preconditioner
4375 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconSchwarz()4377 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconSchwarz()
4378 {
4379    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
4380    {
4381       printf("Schwarz - ILU fillin = %e\n", schwarzFillin_);
4382       printf("Schwarz - nBlocks    = %d\n", schwarzNblocks_);
4383       printf("Schwarz - blockSize  = %d\n", schwarzBlksize_);
4384    }
4385    if ( HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_DDILUT )
4386       HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSetOutputLevel(HYPrecon_,2);
4387    HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSetILUTFillin(HYPrecon_,schwarzFillin_);
4388    HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSetNBlocks(HYPrecon_, schwarzNblocks_);
4389    HYPRE_LSI_SchwarzSetBlockSize(HYPrecon_, schwarzBlksize_);
4390 }
4392 //***************************************************************************
4393 // this function sets up Polynomial preconditioner
4394 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconPoly()4396 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconPoly()
4397 {
4398    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
4399       printf("Polynomial preconditioning - order = %d\n",polyOrder_ );
4400    HYPRE_LSI_PolySetOrder(HYPrecon_, polyOrder_);
4401 }
4403 //***************************************************************************
4404 // this function sets up ParaSails preconditioner
4405 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconParaSails()4407 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconParaSails()
4408 {
4409    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
4410    {
4411       printf("ParaSails - nlevels   = %d\n",parasailsNlevels_);
4412       printf("ParaSails - threshold = %e\n",parasailsThreshold_);
4413       printf("ParaSails - filter    = %e\n",parasailsFilter_);
4414       printf("ParaSails - sym       = %d\n",parasailsSym_);
4415       printf("ParaSails - loadbal   = %e\n",parasailsLoadbal_);
4416    }
4417    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 )
4418       HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetLogging(HYPrecon_, 1);
4419    HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetSym(HYPrecon_,parasailsSym_);
4420    HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetParams(HYPrecon_, parasailsThreshold_,
4421                                   parasailsNlevels_);
4422    HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetFilter(HYPrecon_, parasailsFilter_);
4423    HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetLoadbal(HYPrecon_, parasailsLoadbal_);
4424    HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetReuse(HYPrecon_, parasailsReuse_);
4425 }
4427 //***************************************************************************
4428 // this function sets up Euclid preconditioner
4429 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconEuclid()4431 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconEuclid()
4432 {
4433    if ((HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0)
4434    {
4435       for ( int i = 0; i < euclidargc_; i++ )
4436          printf("Euclid parameter : %s %s\n", euclidargv_[2*i],
4437                                               euclidargv_[2*i+1]);
4438    }
4439    HYPRE_EuclidSetParams(HYPrecon_,euclidargc_*2,euclidargv_);
4440 }
4442 //***************************************************************************
4443 // this function sets up Pilut preconditioner
4444 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconPILUT()4446 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconPILUT()
4447 {
4448    if (pilutFillin_ == 0) pilutFillin_ = pilutMaxNnzPerRow_;
4449    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
4450    {
4451       printf("PILUT - row size = %d\n", pilutFillin_);
4452       printf("PILUT - drop tol = %e\n", pilutDropTol_);
4453    }
4454    HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetFactorRowSize(HYPrecon_,pilutFillin_);
4455    HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetDropTolerance(HYPrecon_,pilutDropTol_);
4456 }
4458 //***************************************************************************
4459 // this function sets up block preconditioner
4460 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconBlock()4462 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconBlock()
4463 {
4464    HYPRE_Lookup *newLookup;
4465    newLookup = hypre_TAlloc(HYPRE_Lookup, 1, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4466    newLookup->object = (void *) lookup_;
4467    HYPRE_LSI_BlockPrecondSetLookup( HYPrecon_, newLookup );
4468    free( newLookup );
4469 }
4471 //***************************************************************************
4472 // this function sets up system pde preconditioner
4473 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setupPreconSysPDE()4475 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::setupPreconSysPDE()
4476 {
4477 #ifdef HAVE_SYSPDE
4478    if (sysPDEMethod_ >= 0)
4479       HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetMethod(HYPrecon_, sysPDEMethod_);
4480    if (sysPDEFormat_ >= 0)
4481       HYPRE_ParCSRFormat(HYPrecon_, sysPDEFormat_);
4482    if (sysPDETol_ > 0.0)
4483       HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetTol(HYPrecon_, sysPDETol_);
4484    if (sysPDEMaxIter_ > 0)
4485       HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetMaxIter(HYPrecon_, sysPDEMaxIter_);
4486    if (sysPDENumPre_ > 0)
4487       HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetNPre(HYPrecon_, sysPDENumPre_);
4488    if (sysPDENumPost_ > 0)
4489       HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetNPost(HYPrecon_, sysPDENumPost_);
4490    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 )
4491       HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetLogging(HYPrecon_, 1);
4492    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 )
4493       HYPRE_ParCSRSysPDESetPrintLevel(HYPrecon_,  1);
4494 #endif
4495 }
4497 //***************************************************************************
4498 // this function solve the incoming linear system using Boomeramg
4499 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
solveUsingBoomeramg(int & status)4501 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::solveUsingBoomeramg(int& status)
4502 {
4503    int                i, j, *relax_type, *num_sweeps, **relax_points;
4504    double             *relax_wt, *relax_omega;
4505    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr;
4506    HYPRE_ParVector    b_csr;
4507    HYPRE_ParVector    x_csr;
4509    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4510    // get matrix and vectors in ParCSR format
4511    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4513    HYPRE_IJMatrixGetObject(currA_, (void **) &A_csr);
4514    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currB_, (void **) &b_csr);
4515    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currX_, (void **) &x_csr);
4517    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4518    // set BoomerAMG parameters
4519    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4521    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetCoarsenType(HYSolver_, amgCoarsenType_);
4522    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMeasureType(HYSolver_, amgMeasureType_);
4523    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetStrongThreshold(HYSolver_, amgStrongThreshold_);
4525    num_sweeps = hypre_CTAlloc(int,4,HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4526    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) num_sweeps[i] = amgNumSweeps_[i];
4527    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNumGridSweeps(HYSolver_, num_sweeps);
4529    relax_type = hypre_CTAlloc(int,4,HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4530    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) relax_type[i] = amgRelaxType_[i];
4531    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetGridRelaxType(HYSolver_, relax_type);
4533    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMaxLevels(HYPrecon_, amgMaxLevels_);
4534    relax_wt = hypre_CTAlloc(double, amgMaxLevels_,HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4535    for ( i = 0; i <  amgMaxLevels_; i++ ) relax_wt[i] = amgRelaxWeight_[i];
4536    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetRelaxWeight(HYSolver_, relax_wt);
4538    relax_omega = hypre_CTAlloc(double, amgMaxLevels_,HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4539    for ( i = 0; i <  amgMaxLevels_; i++ ) relax_omega[i] = amgRelaxOmega_[i];
4540    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetOmega(HYPrecon_, relax_omega);
4542    relax_points = hypre_CTAlloc(int*,4,HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4543    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
4544    {
4545       relax_points[i] = hypre_CTAlloc(int,num_sweeps[i],HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
4546       for ( j = 0; j < num_sweeps[i]; j++ ) relax_points[i][j] = 0;
4547    }
4548    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetGridRelaxPoints(HYPrecon_, relax_points);
4549    if ( amgSmoothNumLevels_ > 0 )
4550    {
4551       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothType(HYPrecon_, amgSmoothType_);
4552       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothNumLevels(HYPrecon_, amgSmoothNumLevels_);
4553       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSmoothNumSweeps(HYPrecon_, amgSmoothNumSweeps_);
4554       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetSchwarzRlxWeight(HYPrecon_, amgSchwarzRelaxWt_);
4555       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetVariant(HYPrecon_, amgSchwarzVariant_);
4556       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetOverlap(HYPrecon_, amgSchwarzOverlap_);
4557       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetDomainType(HYPrecon_, amgSchwarzDomainType_);
4558    }
4560    if ( amgUseGSMG_ == 1 )
4561    {
4562       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetGSMG(HYPrecon_, 4);
4563       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetNumSamples(HYPrecon_,amgGSMGNSamples_);
4564    }
4565    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 && mypid_ == 0 )
4566    {
4567       printf("***************************************************\n");
4568       printf("* Boomeramg (AMG) solver \n");
4569       printf("* coarsen type          = %d\n", amgCoarsenType_);
4570       printf("* measure type          = %d\n", amgMeasureType_);
4571       printf("* threshold             = %e\n", amgStrongThreshold_);
4572       printf("* numsweeps             = %d\n", amgNumSweeps_[0]);
4573       printf("* relax type            = %d\n", amgRelaxType_[0]);
4574       printf("* relax weight          = %e\n", amgRelaxWeight_[0]);
4575       printf("* maximum iterations    = %d\n", maxIterations_);
4576       printf("* smooth type  = %d\n", amgSmoothType_);
4577       printf("* smooth numlevels  = %d\n", amgSmoothNumLevels_);
4578       printf("* smooth numsweeps  = %d\n", amgSmoothNumSweeps_);
4579       printf("* Schwarz variant = %d\n", amgSchwarzVariant_);
4580       printf("* Schwarz overlap = %d\n", amgSchwarzOverlap_);
4581       printf("* Schwarz domain type = %d\n", amgSchwarzDomainType_);
4582       printf("* Schwarz relax weight = %e\n", amgSchwarzRelaxWt_);
4583       printf("* convergence tolerance = %e\n", tolerance_);
4584       printf("*--------------------------------------------------\n");
4585    }
4586    if ( HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_AMGDEBUG )
4587    {
4588       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetDebugFlag(HYSolver_, 0);
4589       HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetPrintLevel(HYSolver_, 1);
4590    }
4591    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMaxIter(HYSolver_, maxIterations_);
4592    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetMeasureType(HYSolver_, 0);
4593    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup( HYSolver_, A_csr, b_csr, x_csr );
4595    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4596    // BoomerAMG solve
4597    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4599    HYPRE_BoomerAMGSolve( HYSolver_, A_csr, b_csr, x_csr );
4601    status = 0;
4602 }
4604 //***************************************************************************
4605 // this function solve the incoming linear system using SuperLU
4606 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
solveUsingSuperLU(int & status)4608 double HYPRE_LinSysCore::solveUsingSuperLU(int& status)
4609 {
4610   double             rnorm=-1.0;
4611 #ifdef HAVE_SUPERLU
4612    int                i, nnz, nrows, ierr;
4613    int                rowSize, *colInd, *new_ia, *new_ja, *ind_array;
4614    int                nz_ptr, *partition, start_row, end_row;
4615    double             *colVal, *new_a;
4616    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr;
4617    HYPRE_ParVector    r_csr;
4618    HYPRE_ParVector    b_csr;
4619    HYPRE_ParVector    x_csr;
4621    int                info=0, permc_spec;
4622    int                *perm_r, *perm_c;
4623    double             *rhs, *soln;
4624    superlu_options_t  slu_options;
4625    SuperLUStat_t      slu_stat;
4626    SuperMatrix        A2, B, L, U;
4627    NRformat           *Ustore;
4628    SCformat           *Lstore;
4630    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4631    // available for sequential processing only for now
4632    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4634    if ( numProcs_ > 1 )
4635    {
4636       printf("solveUsingSuperLU ERROR - too many processors.\n");
4637       status = -1;
4638       return rnorm;
4639    }
4641    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4642    // need to construct a CSR matrix, and the column indices should
4643    // have been stored in colIndices and rowLengths
4644    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4646    if ( localStartRow_ != 1 )
4647    {
4648       printf("solveUsingSuperLU ERROR - row does not start at 1\n");
4649       status = -1;
4650       return rnorm;
4651    }
4653    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4654    // get information about the current matrix
4655    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4657    HYPRE_IJMatrixGetObject(currA_, (void **) &A_csr);
4658    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetRowPartitioning( A_csr, &partition );
4659    start_row = partition[0];
4660    end_row   = partition[1] - 1;
4661    nrows     = end_row - start_row + 1;
4662    free( partition );
4664    nnz = 0;
4665    for ( i = start_row; i <= end_row; i++ )
4666    {
4667       HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetRow(A_csr,i,&rowSize,&colInd,&colVal);
4668       nnz += rowSize;
4669       HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixRestoreRow(A_csr,i,&rowSize,&colInd,&colVal);
4670    }
4672    new_ia = new int[nrows+1];
4673    new_ja = new int[nnz];
4674    new_a  = new double[nnz];
4675    nz_ptr = HYPRE_LSI_GetParCSRMatrix(currA_,nrows,nnz,new_ia,new_ja,new_a);
4676    nnz    = nz_ptr;
4678    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4679    // set up SuperLU CSR matrix and the corresponding rhs
4680    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4682    dCreate_CompRow_Matrix(&A2,nrows,nrows,nnz,new_a,new_ja,new_ia,
4683                           SLU_NR,SLU_D,SLU_GE);
4684    ind_array = new int[nrows];
4685    for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ ) ind_array[i] = i;
4686    rhs = new double[nrows];
4688    ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorGetValues(currB_, nrows, ind_array, rhs);
4690    hypre_assert(!ierr);
4691    dCreate_Dense_Matrix(&B, nrows, 1, rhs, nrows, SLU_DN, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
4693    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4694    // set up the rest and solve (permc_spec=0 : natural ordering)
4695    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4697    perm_r = new int[nrows];
4698    perm_c = new int[nrows];
4699    permc_spec = superluOrdering_;
4700    get_perm_c(permc_spec, &A2, perm_c);
4701    for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ ) perm_r[i] = 0;
4703    set_default_options(&slu_options);
4704    slu_options.ColPerm = MY_PERMC;
4705    slu_options.Fact = DOFACT;
4706    StatInit(&slu_stat);
4707    dgssv(&slu_options, &A2, perm_c, perm_r, &L, &U, &B, &slu_stat, &info);
4709    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4710    // postprocessing of the return status information
4711    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4713    if ( info == 0 )
4714    {
4715       status = 1;
4716       Lstore = (SCformat *) L.Store;
4717       Ustore = (NRformat *) U.Store;
4718       if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 )
4719       {
4720          printf("No of nonzeros in factor L = %d\n", Lstore->nnz);
4721          printf("No of nonzeros in factor U = %d\n", Ustore->nnz);
4722          printf("SuperLU : NNZ in L+U = %d\n",Lstore->nnz+Ustore->nnz-nrows);
4723       }
4724    }
4725    else
4726    {
4727       status = 0;
4728       printf("HYPRE_LinSysCore::solveUsingSuperLU - dgssv error = %d\n",info);
4729    }
4731    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4732    // fetch the solution and find residual norm
4733    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4735    if ( info == 0 )
4736    {
4737       soln = (double *) ((DNformat *) B.Store)->nzval;
4738       ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorSetValues(currX_, nrows, (const int *) ind_array,
4739                    	       (const double *) soln);
4740       hypre_assert(!ierr);
4742       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currX_, (void **) &x_csr);
4743       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currB_, (void **) &b_csr);
4744       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currR_, (void **) &r_csr);
4746       ierr = HYPRE_ParVectorCopy( b_csr, r_csr );
4747       hypre_assert(!ierr);
4748       HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixMatvec( -1.0, A_csr, x_csr, 1.0, r_csr );
4749       ierr = HYPRE_ParVectorInnerProd( r_csr, r_csr, &rnorm);
4750       hypre_assert(!ierr);
4751       rnorm = sqrt( rnorm );
4752       if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 2 )
4753          printf("HYPRE_LSC::solveUsingSuperLU - FINAL NORM = %e.\n",rnorm);
4754    }
4756    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4757    // clean up
4758    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4760    delete [] ind_array;
4761    delete [] rhs;
4762    delete [] perm_c;
4763    delete [] perm_r;
4764    delete [] new_ia;
4765    delete [] new_ja;
4766    delete [] new_a;
4767    Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store(&B);
4768    Destroy_SuperNode_Matrix(&L);
4769    SUPERLU_FREE( A2.Store );
4770    SUPERLU_FREE( ((NRformat *) U.Store)->colind);
4771    SUPERLU_FREE( ((NRformat *) U.Store)->rowptr);
4772    SUPERLU_FREE( ((NRformat *) U.Store)->nzval);
4773    SUPERLU_FREE( U.Store );
4774    StatFree(&slu_stat);
4775 #else
4776    status = -1;
4777    printf("HYPRE_LSC::solveUsingSuperLU : not available.\n");
4778 #endif
4779    return rnorm;
4780 }
4782 //***************************************************************************
4783 // this function solve the incoming linear system using SuperLU
4784 // using expert mode
4785 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
solveUsingSuperLUX(int & status)4787 double HYPRE_LinSysCore::solveUsingSuperLUX(int& status)
4788 {
4789    double             rnorm=-1.0;
4790 #ifdef HAVE_SUPERLU
4791    int                i, nnz, nrows, ierr;
4792    int                rowSize, *colInd, *new_ia, *new_ja, *ind_array;
4793    int                nz_ptr;
4794    int                *partition, start_row, end_row;
4795    double             *colVal, *new_a;
4796    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr;
4797    HYPRE_ParVector    r_csr;
4798    HYPRE_ParVector    b_csr;
4799    HYPRE_ParVector    x_csr;
4801    int                info, permc_spec;
4802    int                *perm_r, *perm_c, *etree, lwork;
4803    double             *rhs, *soln, *sol2;
4804    double             *R, *C;
4805    double             *ferr, *berr;
4806    double             rpg, rcond;
4807    void               *work=NULL;
4808    char               equed[1];
4809    GlobalLU_t         Glu;
4810    mem_usage_t        mem_usage;
4811    superlu_options_t  slu_options;
4812    SuperLUStat_t      slu_stat;
4813    SuperMatrix        A2, B, X, L, U;
4814    NRformat           *Ustore;
4815    SCformat           *Lstore;
4817    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4818    // available for sequential processing only for now
4819    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4821    if ( numProcs_ > 1 )
4822    {
4823       printf("solveUsingSuperLUX ERROR - too many processors.\n");
4824       status = -1;
4825       return rnorm;
4826    }
4828    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4829    // need to construct a CSR matrix, and the column indices should
4830    // have been stored in colIndices and rowLengths
4831    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4833    if ( localStartRow_ != 1 )
4834    {
4835       printf("solveUsingSuperLUX ERROR - row not start at 1\n");
4836       status = -1;
4837       return rnorm;
4838    }
4840    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4841    // get information about the current matrix
4842    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4844    HYPRE_IJMatrixGetObject(currA_, (void**) &A_csr);
4845    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetRowPartitioning( A_csr, &partition );
4846    start_row = partition[0];
4847    end_row   = partition[1] - 1;
4848    nrows     = end_row - start_row + 1;
4849    free( partition );
4851    nnz = 0;
4852    for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ )
4853    {
4854       HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetRow(A_csr,i,&rowSize,&colInd,&colVal);
4855       nnz += rowSize;
4856       HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixRestoreRow(A_csr,i,&rowSize,&colInd,&colVal);
4857    }
4859    new_ia = new int[nrows+1];
4860    new_ja = new int[nnz];
4861    new_a  = new double[nnz];
4862    nz_ptr = HYPRE_LSI_GetParCSRMatrix(currA_,nrows,nnz,new_ia,new_ja,new_a);
4863    nnz    = nz_ptr;
4865    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4866    // set up SuperLU CSR matrix and the corresponding rhs
4867    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4869    dCreate_CompRow_Matrix(&A2,nrows,nrows,nnz,new_a,new_ja,new_ia,SLU_NR,
4870                           SLU_D,SLU_GE);
4871    ind_array = new int[nrows];
4872    for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ ) ind_array[i] = i;
4874    rhs = new double[nrows];
4875    ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorGetValues(currB_, nrows, ind_array, rhs);
4876    hypre_assert(!ierr);
4877    dCreate_Dense_Matrix(&B, nrows, 1, rhs, nrows, SLU_DN, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
4879    soln = new double[nrows];
4880    for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ ) soln[i] = 0.0;
4881    dCreate_Dense_Matrix(&X, nrows, 1, soln, nrows, SLU_DN, SLU_D, SLU_GE);
4883    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4884    // set up the other parameters (permc_spec=0 : natural ordering)
4885    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4887    perm_r = new int[nrows];
4888    for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ ) perm_r[i] = 0;
4889    perm_c = new int[nrows];
4890    etree  = new int[nrows];
4891    permc_spec = superluOrdering_;
4892    get_perm_c(permc_spec, &A2, perm_c);
4893    lwork                    = 0;
4894    set_default_options(&slu_options);
4895    slu_options.ColPerm      = MY_PERMC;
4896    slu_options.Equil        = YES;
4897    slu_options.Trans        = NOTRANS;
4898    slu_options.Fact         = DOFACT;
4899    slu_options.IterRefine   = SLU_DOUBLE;
4900    slu_options.DiagPivotThresh = 1.0;
4901    slu_options.PivotGrowth = YES;
4902    slu_options.ConditionNumber = YES;
4904    StatInit(&slu_stat);
4905    *equed = 'N';
4906    R    = (double *) SUPERLU_MALLOC(A2.nrow * sizeof(double));
4907    C    = (double *) SUPERLU_MALLOC(A2.ncol * sizeof(double));
4908    ferr = (double *) SUPERLU_MALLOC(sizeof(double));
4909    berr = (double *) SUPERLU_MALLOC(sizeof(double));
4911    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4912    // solve
4913    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4915 //   dgssvx(&slu_options, &A2, perm_c, perm_r, etree,
4916 //          equed, R, C, &L, &U, work, lwork, &B, &X,
4917 //          &rpg, &rcond, ferr, berr, &mem_usage, &slu_stat, &info);
4918    dgssvx(&slu_options, &A2, perm_c, perm_r, etree,
4919           equed, R, C, &L, &U, work, lwork, &B, &X,
4920           &rpg, &rcond, ferr, berr, &Glu, &mem_usage, &slu_stat, &info);
4922    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4923    // print SuperLU internal information at the first step
4924    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4926    if ( info == 0 || info == nrows+1 )
4927    {
4928       status = 1;
4929       Lstore = (SCformat *) L.Store;
4930       Ustore = (NRformat *) U.Store;
4931       if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 )
4932       {
4933          printf("Recip. pivot growth = %e\n", rpg);
4934          printf("%8s%16s%16s\n", "rhs", "FERR", "BERR");
4935          printf("%8d%16e%16e\n", 1, ferr[0], berr[0]);
4936          if ( rcond != 0.0 )
4937             printf("   SuperLU : condition number = %e\n", 1.0/rcond);
4938          else
4939             printf("   SuperLU : Recip. condition number = %e\n", rcond);
4940          printf("No of nonzeros in factor L = %d\n", Lstore->nnz);
4941          printf("No of nonzeros in factor U = %d\n", Ustore->nnz);
4942          printf("SuperLUX : NNZ in L+U = %d\n", Lstore->nnz+Ustore->nnz-nrows);
4943       }
4944    }
4945    else
4946    {
4947       printf("solveUsingSuperLUX - dgssvx error code = %d\n",info);
4948       status = 0;
4949    }
4951    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4952    // fetch the solution and find residual norm
4953    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4955    if ( status == 1 )
4956    {
4957       sol2 = (double *) ((DNformat *) X.Store)->nzval;
4959       ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorSetValues(currX_, nrows, (const int *) ind_array,
4960                    	       (const double *) sol2);
4961       hypre_assert(!ierr);
4963       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currX_, (void **) &x_csr);
4964       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currR_, (void **) &r_csr);
4965       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currB_, (void **) &b_csr);
4966       ierr = HYPRE_ParVectorCopy( b_csr, r_csr );
4967       hypre_assert(!ierr);
4968       ierr = HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixMatvec( -1.0, A_csr, x_csr, 1.0, r_csr );
4969       hypre_assert(!ierr);
4970       ierr = HYPRE_ParVectorInnerProd( r_csr, r_csr, &rnorm);
4971       hypre_assert(!ierr);
4972       rnorm = sqrt( rnorm );
4973       if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 2 )
4974          printf("HYPRE_LSC::solveUsingSuperLUX - FINAL NORM = %e.\n",rnorm);
4975    }
4977    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4978    // clean up
4979    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
4981    delete [] ind_array;
4982    delete [] perm_c;
4983    delete [] perm_r;
4984    delete [] etree;
4985    delete [] rhs;
4986    delete [] soln;
4987    delete [] new_ia;
4988    delete [] new_ja;
4989    delete [] new_a;
4990    Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store(&B);
4991    Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store(&X);
4992    Destroy_SuperNode_Matrix(&L);
4993    SUPERLU_FREE( A2.Store );
4994    SUPERLU_FREE( ((NRformat *) U.Store)->colind);
4995    SUPERLU_FREE( ((NRformat *) U.Store)->rowptr);
4996    SUPERLU_FREE( ((NRformat *) U.Store)->nzval);
4997    SUPERLU_FREE( U.Store );
4998    SUPERLU_FREE (R);
4999    SUPERLU_FREE (C);
5000    SUPERLU_FREE (ferr);
5001    SUPERLU_FREE (berr);
5002    StatFree(&slu_stat);
5003 #else
5004    status = -1;
5005    printf("HYPRE_LSC::solveUsingSuperLUX : not available.\n");
5006 #endif
5007    return rnorm;
5008 }
5010 //***************************************************************************
5011 // this function solve the incoming linear system using distributed SuperLU
5012 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
solveUsingDSuperLU(int & status)5014 double HYPRE_LinSysCore::solveUsingDSuperLU(int& status)
5015 {
5016    double rnorm=1.0;
5018    int                ierr;
5019    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr;
5020    HYPRE_ParVector    x_csr, b_csr, r_csr;
5022    HYPRE_IJMatrixGetObject(currA_, (void **) &A_csr);
5023    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currX_, (void **) &x_csr);
5024    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currB_, (void **) &b_csr);
5025    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currR_, (void **) &r_csr);
5027    HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUCreate(comm_, &HYSolver_);
5028    HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetOutputLevel(HYSolver_, HYOutputLevel_);
5029    HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSetup(HYSolver_, A_csr, b_csr, x_csr);
5030    HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUSolve(HYSolver_, A_csr, b_csr, x_csr);
5031    HYPRE_LSI_DSuperLUDestroy(HYSolver_);
5032    ierr = HYPRE_ParVectorCopy( b_csr, r_csr );
5033    hypre_assert(!ierr);
5034    ierr = HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixMatvec( -1.0, A_csr, x_csr, 1.0, r_csr );
5035    hypre_assert(!ierr);
5036    ierr = HYPRE_ParVectorInnerProd( r_csr, r_csr, &rnorm);
5037    hypre_assert(!ierr);
5038    rnorm = sqrt( rnorm );
5039    //if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 )
5040    //   printf("HYPRE_LSC::solveUsingDSuperLU - FINAL NORM = %e.\n",rnorm);
5041 #endif
5042    return rnorm;
5043 }
5045 //***************************************************************************
5046 // this function solve the incoming linear system using Y12M
5047 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
solveUsingY12M(int & status)5049 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::solveUsingY12M(int& status)
5050 {
5051 #ifdef Y12M
5052    int                i, k, nnz, nrows, ierr;
5053    int                rowSize, *colInd, *ind_array;
5054    int                j, nz_ptr, *colLengths, count, maxRowSize;
5055    double             *colVal, rnorm;
5056    double             upperSum, lowerSum, *accuSoln, *origRhs;
5057    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr;
5058    HYPRE_ParVector    r_csr;
5059    HYPRE_ParVector    b_csr;
5060    HYPRE_ParVector    x_csr;
5062    int                n, nn, nn1, *rnr, *snr, *ha, iha, iflag[10], ifail;
5063    double             *pivot, *val, *rhs, aflag[8];
5065    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5066    // available for sequential processing only for now
5067    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5069    if ( numProcs_ > 1 )
5070    {
5071       printf("solveUsingY12M ERROR - too many processors.\n");
5072       status = 0;
5073       return;
5074    }
5076    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5077    // need to construct a CSR matrix, and the column indices should
5078    // have been stored in colIndices and rowLengths
5079    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5081    if ( localStartRow_ != 1 )
5082    {
5083       printf("solveUsingY12M ERROR - row does not start at 1.\n");
5084       status = -1;
5085       return;
5086    }
5087    if (slideReduction_  == 1)
5088         nrows = localEndRow_ - 2 * nConstraints_;
5089    else if (slideReduction_  == 2 || slideReduction_ == 3)
5090         nrows = localEndRow_ - nConstraints_;
5091    else if (schurReduction_ == 1)
5092         nrows = localEndRow_ - localStartRow_ + 1 - A21NRows_;
5093    else nrows = localEndRow_;
5095    colLengths = new int[nrows];
5096    for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ ) colLengths[i] = 0;
5098    maxRowSize = 0;
5099    HYPRE_IJMatrixGetObject(currA_, (void**) &A_csr);
5101    for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ )
5102    {
5103       HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetRow(A_csr,i,&rowSize,&colInd,&colVal);
5104       maxRowSize = ( rowSize > maxRowSize ) ? rowSize : maxRowSize;
5105       for ( j = 0; j < rowSize; j++ )
5106          if ( colVal[j] != 0.0 ) colLengths[colInd[j]]++;
5107       HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixRestoreRow(A_csr,i,&rowSize,&colInd,&colVal);
5108    }
5109    nnz   = 0;
5110    for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ ) nnz += colLengths[i];
5112    nn     = 2 * nnz;
5113    nn1    = 2 * nnz;
5114    snr    = new int[nn];
5115    rnr    = new int[nn1];
5116    val    = new double[nn];
5117    pivot  = new double[nrows];
5118    iha    = nrows;
5119    ha     = new int[iha*11];
5121    nz_ptr = 0;
5122    for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ )
5123    {
5124       HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetRow(A_csr,i,&rowSize,&colInd,&colVal);
5125       for ( j = 0; j < rowSize; j++ )
5126       {
5127          if ( colVal[j] != 0.0 )
5128          {
5129             rnr[nz_ptr] = i + 1;
5130             snr[nz_ptr] = colInd[j] + 1;
5131             val[nz_ptr] = colVal[j];
5132             nz_ptr++;
5133          }
5134       }
5135       HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixRestoreRow(A_csr,i,&rowSize,&colInd,&colVal);
5136    }
5138    nnz = nz_ptr;
5140    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5141    // set up other parameters and the right hand side
5142    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5144    aflag[0] = 16.0;
5145    aflag[1] = 0.0;
5146    aflag[2] = 1.0e8;
5147    aflag[3] = 1.0e-12;
5148    iflag[0] = 1;
5149    iflag[1] = 3;
5150    iflag[2] = 1;
5151    iflag[3] = 0;
5152    iflag[4] = 2;
5153    ind_array = new int[nrows];
5154    for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ ) ind_array[i] = i;
5155    rhs = new double[nrows];
5157    ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorGetValues(currB_, nrows, ind_array, rhs);
5158    hypre_assert(!ierr);
5160    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5161    // call Y12M to solve the linear system
5162    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5164    y12maf_(&nrows,&nnz,val,snr,&nn,rnr,&nn1,pivot,ha,&iha,aflag,iflag,
5165            rhs,&ifail);
5166    if ( ifail != 0 && (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 )
5167    {
5168       printf("solveUsingY12M WARNING - ifail = %d\n", ifail);
5169    }
5171    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5172    // postprocessing
5173    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5175    if ( ifail == 0 )
5176    {
5177       ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorSetValues(currX_, nrows, (const int *) &ind_array,
5178                    	       (const double *) rhs);
5179       hypre_assert(!ierr);
5181       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currX_, (void**) &x_csr);
5182       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currR_, (void**) &r_csr);
5183       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currB_, (void**) &b_csr);
5184       ierr = HYPRE_ParVectorCopy( b_csr, r_csr );
5185       hypre_assert(!ierr);
5186       ierr = HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixMatvec( -1.0, A_csr, x_csr, 1.0, r_csr );
5187       hypre_assert(!ierr);
5188       ierr = HYPRE_ParVectorInnerProd( r_csr, r_csr, &rnorm);
5189       hypre_assert(!ierr);
5190       rnorm = sqrt( rnorm );
5191       if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 )
5192          printf("HYPRE_LSC::solveUsingY12M - final norm = %e.\n", rnorm);
5193    }
5195    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5196    // clean up
5197    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5199    delete [] ind_array;
5200    delete [] rhs;
5201    delete [] val;
5202    delete [] snr;
5203    delete [] rnr;
5204    delete [] ha;
5205    delete [] pivot;
5206 #else
5207    status = -1;
5208    printf("HYPRE_LSC::solveUsingY12M - not available.\n");
5209 #endif
5210 }
5212 //***************************************************************************
5213 // this function solve the incoming linear system using Y12M
5214 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
solveUsingAMGe(int & iterations)5216 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::solveUsingAMGe(int &iterations)
5217 {
5218 #ifdef HAVE_AMGE
5219    int                i, nrows, ierr, *ind_array, status;
5220    double             rnorm, *rhs, *sol;
5221    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr;
5222    HYPRE_ParVector    r_csr;
5223    HYPRE_ParVector    b_csr;
5224    HYPRE_ParVector    x_csr;
5226    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5227    // available for sequential processing only for now
5228    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5230    if ( numProcs_ > 1 )
5231    {
5232       printf("solveUsingAMGE ERROR - too many processors.\n");
5233       iterations = 0;
5234       return;
5235    }
5237    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5238    // need to construct a CSR matrix, and the column indices should
5239    // have been stored in colIndices and rowLengths
5240    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5242    if ( localStartRow_ != 1 )
5243    {
5244       printf("solveUsingAMGe ERROR - row does not start at 1.\n");
5245       status = -1;
5246       return;
5247    }
5248    if (slideReduction_  == 1)
5249         nrows = localEndRow_ - 2 * nConstraints_;
5250    else if (slideReduction_  == 2 || slideReduction_ == 3)
5251         nrows = localEndRow_ - nConstraints_;
5252    else if (schurReduction_ == 1)
5253         nrows = localEndRow_ - localStartRow_ + 1 - A21NRows_;
5254    else nrows = localEndRow_;
5256    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5257    // set up the right hand side
5258    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5260    ind_array = new int[nrows];
5261    for ( i = 0; i < nrows; i++ ) ind_array[i] = i;
5262    rhs = new double[nrows];
5264    ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorGetValues(currB_, nrows, ind_array, rhs);
5265    hypre_assert(!ierr);
5267    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5268    // call Y12M to solve the linear system
5269    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5271    sol = new double[nrows];
5272    status = HYPRE_LSI_AMGeSolve( rhs, sol );
5274    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5275    // postprocessing
5276    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5278    ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorSetValues(currX_, nrows, (const int *) &ind_array,
5279                                   (const double *) sol);
5280    hypre_assert(!ierr);
5282    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currX_, (void**) &x_csr);
5283    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currR_, (void**) &r_csr);
5284    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currB_, (void**) &b_csr);
5286    ierr = HYPRE_ParVectorCopy( b_csr, r_csr );
5287    hypre_assert(!ierr);
5288    ierr = HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixMatvec( -1.0, A_csr, x_csr, 1.0, r_csr );
5289    hypre_assert(!ierr);
5290    ierr = HYPRE_ParVectorInnerProd( r_csr, r_csr, &rnorm);
5291    hypre_assert(!ierr);
5292    rnorm = sqrt( rnorm );
5293    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 1 )
5294       printf("HYPRE_LSC::solveUsingAMGe - final norm = %e.\n", rnorm);
5296    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5297    // clean up
5298    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5300    delete [] ind_array;
5301    delete [] rhs;
5302    delete [] sol;
5303 #else
5304    iterations = 0;
5305    printf("HYPRE_LSC::solveUsingAMGe - not available.\n");
5306 #endif
5307 }
5309 //***************************************************************************
5310 // this function loads in the constraint numbers for reduction
5311 // (to activate automatic slave search, constrList should be NULL)
5312 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
loadConstraintNumbers(int nConstr,int * constrList)5314 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::loadConstraintNumbers(int nConstr, int *constrList)
5315 {
5316    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 )
5317       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::loadConstraintNumbers - size = %d\n",
5318                     mypid_, nConstr);
5319    nConstraints_ = nConstr;
5320    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 )
5321       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::leaving  loadConstraintNumbers\n", mypid_);
5322 }
5324 //***************************************************************************
5325 // this function extracts the the version number from HYPRE
5326 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
getVersion()5328 char *HYPRE_LinSysCore::getVersion()
5329 {
5330    static char extVersion[100];
5331    char        hypre[200], hypreVersion[50], ctmp[50];
5332    sprintf(hypre, "%s", HYPRE_VERSION);
5333    sscanf(hypre, "%s %s", ctmp, hypreVersion);
5334    sprintf(extVersion, "%s-%s", HYPRE_FEI_Version(), hypreVersion);
5335    return extVersion;
5336 }
5338 //***************************************************************************
5339 // create a node to equation map from the solution vector
5340 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
beginCreateMapFromSoln()5342 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::beginCreateMapFromSoln()
5343 {
5344    mapFromSolnFlag_    = 1;
5345    mapFromSolnLengMax_ = 10;
5346    mapFromSolnLeng_    = 0;
5347    mapFromSolnList_    = new int[mapFromSolnLengMax_];
5348    mapFromSolnList2_   = new int[mapFromSolnLengMax_];
5349    return;
5350 }
5352 //***************************************************************************
5353 // create a node to equation map from the solution vector
5354 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
endCreateMapFromSoln()5356 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::endCreateMapFromSoln()
5357 {
5358    int    i, *iarray;
5359    double *darray;
5361    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 )
5362       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::entering endCreateMapFromSoln.\n",mypid_);
5364    mapFromSolnFlag_ = 0;
5365    if ( mapFromSolnLeng_ > 0 )
5366       darray = new double[mapFromSolnLeng_];
5367    for ( i = 0; i < mapFromSolnLeng_; i++ )
5368       darray[i] = (double) mapFromSolnList_[i];
5370    hypre_qsort1(mapFromSolnList2_, darray, 0, mapFromSolnLeng_-1);
5371    iarray = mapFromSolnList2_;
5372    mapFromSolnList2_ = mapFromSolnList_;
5373    mapFromSolnList_ = iarray;
5374    for ( i = 0; i < mapFromSolnLeng_; i++ )
5375       mapFromSolnList2_[i] = (int) darray[i];
5376    delete [] darray;
5378    for ( i = 0; i < mapFromSolnLeng_; i++ )
5379       printf("HYPRE_LSC::mapFromSoln %d = %d\n",mapFromSolnList_[i],
5380              mapFromSolnList2_[i]);
5382    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 3 )
5383       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::leaving  endCreateMapFromSoln.\n",mypid_);
5384 }
5386 //***************************************************************************
5387 // add extra nonzero entries into the matrix data structure
5388 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
putIntoMappedMatrix(int row,int numValues,const double * values,const int * scatterIndices)5390 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::putIntoMappedMatrix(int row, int numValues,
5391                   const double* values, const int* scatterIndices)
5392 {
5393    int    i, index, colIndex, localRow, mappedRow, mappedCol, newLeng;
5394    int    *tempInd, ind2;
5395    double *tempVal;
5397    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5398    // error checking
5399    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5401    if ( systemAssembled_ == 1 )
5402    {
5403       printf("putIntoMappedMatrix ERROR : matrix already assembled\n");
5404       exit(1);
5405    }
5406    if ( (row+1) < localStartRow_ || (row+1) > localEndRow_ )
5407    {
5408       printf("putIntoMappedMatrix ERROR : invalid row number %d.\n",row);
5409       exit(1);
5410    }
5411    index = HYPRE_LSI_Search(mapFromSolnList_, row, mapFromSolnLeng_);
5413    if ( index >= 0 ) mappedRow = mapFromSolnList2_[index];
5414    else              mappedRow = row;
5415    localRow = mappedRow - localStartRow_ + 1;
5417    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5418    // load the local matrix
5419    //-------------------------------------------------------------------
5421    newLeng = rowLengths_[localRow] + numValues;
5422    tempInd = new int[newLeng];
5423    tempVal = new double[newLeng];
5424    for ( i = 0; i < rowLengths_[localRow]; i++ )
5425    {
5426       tempVal[i] = colValues_[localRow][i];
5427       tempInd[i] = colIndices_[localRow][i];
5428    }
5429    delete [] colValues_[localRow];
5430    delete [] colIndices_[localRow];
5431    colValues_[localRow] = tempVal;
5432    colIndices_[localRow] = tempInd;
5434    index = rowLengths_[localRow];
5436    for ( i = 0; i < numValues; i++ )
5437    {
5438       colIndex = scatterIndices[i];
5440       ind2 = HYPRE_LSI_Search(mapFromSolnList_,colIndex,mapFromSolnLeng_);
5441       if ( mapFromSolnList_ != NULL ) mappedCol = mapFromSolnList2_[ind2];
5442       else                            mappedCol = colIndex;
5444       ind2 = HYPRE_LSI_Search(colIndices_[localRow],mappedCol+1,index);
5445       if ( ind2 >= 0 )
5446       {
5447          newLeng--;
5448          colValues_[localRow][ind2] = values[i];
5449          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 4 )
5450             printf("%4d : putIntoMappedMatrix (add) : row, col = %8d %8d %e \n",
5451                    mypid_, localRow, colIndices_[localRow][ind2]-1,
5452                    colValues_[localRow][ind2]);
5453       }
5454       else
5455       {
5456          ind2 = index;
5457          colIndices_[localRow][index] = mappedCol + 1;
5458          colValues_[localRow][index++] = values[i];
5459          if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 4 )
5460             printf("%4d : putIntoMappedMatrix : row, col = %8d %8d %e \n",
5461                    mypid_, localRow, colIndices_[localRow][ind2]-1,
5462                    colValues_[localRow][ind2]);
5463          hypre_qsort1(colIndices_[localRow],colValues_[localRow],0,index-1);
5464       }
5465    }
5466    rowLengths_[localRow] = newLeng;
5467 }
5469 //***************************************************************************
5470 // project the initial guess into the previous solutions (x + X inv(R) Q^T b)
5471 // Given r and B (a collection of right hand vectors such that A X = B)
5472 //
5473 //          min   || r - B v ||
5474 //           v
5475 //
5476 // = min (trans(r) r - trans(r) B v-trans(v) trans(B) r+trans(v) trans(B) B v)
5477 //
5478 // ==> trans(B) r = trans(B) B v ==> v = inv(trans(B) B) trans(B) r
5479 //
5480 // Once v is computed, x = x + X v
5481 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
computeMinResProjection(HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr,HYPRE_ParVector x_csr,HYPRE_ParVector b_csr)5483 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::computeMinResProjection(HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr,
5484                               HYPRE_ParVector x_csr, HYPRE_ParVector b_csr)
5485 {
5486    int             i;
5487    double          alpha;
5488    HYPRE_ParVector r_csr, v_csr, w_csr;
5490    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5491    // diagnostic message
5492    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5494    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 4 )
5495        printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::entering computeMinResProjection %d\n",mypid_,
5496              projectCurrSize_);
5497    if ( projectCurrSize_ == 0 && HYpxs_ == NULL ) return;
5499    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5500    // compute r = b - A x, save Ax (to w)
5501    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5503    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currR_, (void **) &r_csr);
5504    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpbs_[projectSize_], (void **) &w_csr);
5505    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixMatvec( 1.0, A_csr, x_csr, 0.0, w_csr );
5506    HYPRE_ParVectorCopy( b_csr, r_csr );
5507    alpha = -1.0;
5508    hypre_ParVectorAxpy(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)w_csr,(hypre_ParVector*)r_csr);
5510    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5511    // compute x + X v, accumulate offset to b (in w)
5512    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5514    for ( i = 0; i < projectCurrSize_; i++ )
5515    {
5516       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpbs_[i], (void **) &v_csr);
5517       HYPRE_ParVectorInnerProd( r_csr, v_csr, &alpha);
5518       hypre_ParVectorAxpy(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)v_csr,
5519                                 (hypre_ParVector*)w_csr);
5520       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpxs_[i], (void **) &v_csr);
5521       hypre_ParVectorAxpy(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)v_csr,
5522                                 (hypre_ParVector*)x_csr);
5523    }
5525    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5526    // save x and b away (and adjust b)
5527    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5529    alpha = - 1.0;
5530    hypre_ParVectorAxpy(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)w_csr,(hypre_ParVector*)b_csr);
5532    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpxs_[projectSize_], (void **) &v_csr);
5533    HYPRE_ParVectorCopy( x_csr, v_csr );
5534    hypre_ParVectorScale(0.0,(hypre_ParVector*)x_csr);
5536    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5537    // diagnostic message
5538    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5540    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 4 )
5541       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC:: leaving computeMinResProjection n", mypid_);
5542    return;
5543 }
5545 //***************************************************************************
5546 // add a new pair of (x,b) vectors to the projection space
5547 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
addToMinResProjectionSpace(HYPRE_IJVector xvec,HYPRE_IJVector bvec)5549 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::addToMinResProjectionSpace(HYPRE_IJVector xvec,
5550                                                   HYPRE_IJVector bvec)
5551 {
5552    int                i, ierr, *partition, start_row, end_row;
5553    double             alpha;
5554    HYPRE_ParVector    v_csr, x_csr, xn_csr, b_csr, r_csr, bn_csr;
5555    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr;
5557    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5558    // diagnostic message
5559    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5561    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 4 )
5562       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::addToProjectionSpace %d\n",mypid_,
5563              projectCurrSize_);
5565    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5566    // fetch the matrix and vectors
5567    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5569    HYPRE_IJMatrixGetObject(currA_, (void **) &A_csr);
5570    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(xvec, (void **) &x_csr);
5571    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(bvec, (void **) &b_csr);
5572    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currR_, (void **) &r_csr);
5574    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5575    // initially, allocate space for B's and X's and R
5576    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5578    if ( projectCurrSize_ == 0 && HYpbs_ == NULL )
5579    {
5580       HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetRowPartitioning( A_csr, &partition );
5581       start_row = partition[mypid_];
5582       end_row   = partition[mypid_+1] - 1;
5583       free( partition );
5584       HYpxs_    = new HYPRE_IJVector[projectSize_+1];
5585       HYpbs_    = new HYPRE_IJVector[projectSize_+1];
5587       for ( i = 0; i <= projectSize_; i++ )
5588       {
5589          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorCreate(comm_, start_row, end_row, &(HYpbs_[i]));
5590          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorSetObjectType(HYpbs_[i], HYPRE_PARCSR);
5591          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize(HYpbs_[i]);
5592          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorAssemble(HYpbs_[i]);
5593          hypre_assert( !ierr );
5594       }
5595       for ( i = 0; i <= projectSize_; i++ )
5596       {
5597          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorCreate(comm_, start_row, end_row, &(HYpxs_[i]));
5598          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorSetObjectType(HYpxs_[i], HYPRE_PARCSR);
5599          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize(HYpxs_[i]);
5600          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorAssemble(HYpxs_[i]);
5601          hypre_assert(!ierr);
5602       }
5603    }
5605    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5606    // if buffer has been filled, move things up (but for now, restart)
5607    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5609    if ( projectCurrSize_ >= projectSize_ )
5610    {
5611       //projectCurrSize_--;
5612       //tmpxvec = HYpxs_[0];
5613       //tmpbvec = HYpbs_[0];
5614       //for ( i = 0; i < projectCurrSize_; i++ )
5615       //{
5616       //   HYpbs_[i] = HYpbs_[i+1];
5617       //   HYpxs_[i] = HYpxs_[i+1];
5618       //}
5619       //HYpxs_[projectCurrSize_] = tmpxvec;
5620       //HYpbs_[projectCurrSize_] = tmpbvec;
5621       projectCurrSize_ = 0;
5622    }
5624    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5625    // fetch projection vectors
5626    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5628    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpxs_[projectCurrSize_], (void **) &xn_csr);
5629    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpbs_[projectCurrSize_], (void **) &bn_csr);
5631    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5632    // copy incoming initial guess to buffer
5633    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5635    HYPRE_ParVectorCopy( x_csr, xn_csr );
5637    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5638    // compute bn = A * x
5639    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5641    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixMatvec( 1.0, A_csr, x_csr, 0.0, bn_csr );
5642    HYPRE_ParVectorCopy( bn_csr, r_csr );
5644    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5645    // compute new vectors
5646    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5648    for ( i = 0; i < projectCurrSize_; i++ )
5649    {
5650       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpbs_[i], (void **) &v_csr);
5651       HYPRE_ParVectorInnerProd(r_csr, v_csr, &alpha);
5652       alpha = - alpha;
5653       if ( alpha != 0.0 )
5654       {
5655          hypre_ParVectorAxpy(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)v_csr,
5656                                    (hypre_ParVector*)bn_csr);
5657          HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpxs_[i], (void **) &v_csr);
5658          hypre_ParVectorAxpy(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)v_csr,
5659                                    (hypre_ParVector*)xn_csr);
5660       }
5661    }
5662    HYPRE_ParVectorInnerProd( bn_csr, bn_csr, &alpha);
5663    alpha = sqrt( alpha );
5664    if ( alpha != 0.0 )
5665    {
5666       alpha = 1.0 / alpha;
5667       hypre_ParVectorScale(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)bn_csr);
5668       hypre_ParVectorScale(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)xn_csr);
5669       projectCurrSize_++;
5670    }
5672    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5673    // update final solution
5674    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5676    if ( alpha != 0.0 )
5677    {
5678       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpxs_[projectSize_], (void **) &v_csr);
5679       hypre_ParVectorAxpy(1.0,(hypre_ParVector*)v_csr,(hypre_ParVector*)x_csr);
5681       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpbs_[projectSize_], (void **) &v_csr);
5682       hypre_ParVectorAxpy(1.0,(hypre_ParVector*)v_csr,(hypre_ParVector*)b_csr);
5683    }
5685    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5686    // diagnostic message
5687    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5689    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 4 )
5690       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::leaving addToProjectionSpace %d\n",mypid_,
5691               projectCurrSize_);
5692 }
5694 //***************************************************************************
5695 // project the initial guess into the previous solution space
5696 //
5697 //          min   || trans(x - xbar) A (x - xbar) ||
5698 //
5699 // solutions (phi_i) at previous steps
5700 //
5701 // (1) compute r = b - A * x_0
5702 // (2) compute alpha_i = (r, phi_i) for all previous stored vectors
5703 // (3) x_stored = x_0 + sum (alpha_i * phi_i)
5704 // (4) b_stored = A * x_0 + sum (alpha_i * psi_i)
5705 // (5) b = b - b_stored, x = 0
5706 //
5707 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
computeAConjProjection(HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr,HYPRE_ParVector x_csr,HYPRE_ParVector b_csr)5709 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::computeAConjProjection(HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr,
5710                               HYPRE_ParVector x_csr, HYPRE_ParVector b_csr)
5711 {
5712    int                i;
5713    double             alpha;
5714    HYPRE_ParVector    r_csr, v_csr, w_csr;
5716    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5717    // diagnostic message
5718    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5720    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 4 )
5721       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::entering computeAConjProjection %d\n",mypid_,
5722              projectCurrSize_);
5723    if ( projectCurrSize_ == 0 && HYpxs_ == NULL ) return;
5725    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5726    // fetch vectors
5727    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5729    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(currR_, (void **) &r_csr);
5730    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpbs_[projectSize_], (void **) &w_csr);
5732    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5733    // compute r = b - A x_0, save A * x_0 (to w)
5734    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5736    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixMatvec( 1.0, A_csr, x_csr, 0.0, w_csr );
5737    HYPRE_ParVectorCopy( b_csr, r_csr );
5738    alpha = -1.0;
5739    hypre_ParVectorAxpy(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)w_csr,(hypre_ParVector*)r_csr);
5741    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5742    // compute alpha_i = (phi_i, r)
5743    // then x = x + alpha_i * phi_i for all i
5744    // then w = w + alpha_i * psi_i for all i
5745    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5747    for ( i = 0; i < projectCurrSize_; i++ )
5748    {
5749       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpxs_[i], (void **) &v_csr);
5750       HYPRE_ParVectorInnerProd(r_csr,  v_csr, &alpha);
5751       hypre_ParVectorAxpy(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)v_csr,
5752                                 (hypre_ParVector*)x_csr);
5754       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpbs_[i], (void **) &v_csr);
5755       hypre_ParVectorAxpy(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)v_csr,
5756                                 (hypre_ParVector*)w_csr);
5757    }
5759    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5760    // store x away
5761    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5763    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpxs_[projectSize_], (void **) &v_csr);
5764    HYPRE_ParVectorCopy( x_csr, v_csr );
5765    hypre_ParVectorScale(0.0,(hypre_ParVector*)x_csr);
5767    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5768    // compute new residual b = b - w
5769    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5771    alpha = -1.0;
5772    hypre_ParVectorAxpy(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)w_csr,(hypre_ParVector*)b_csr);
5774    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5775    // diagnostic message
5776    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5778    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 4 )
5779       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC:: leaving computeAConjProjection n", mypid_);
5780    return;
5781 }
5783 //***************************************************************************
5784 // add x to the projection space
5785 //
5786 // (1) compute alpha_i = (x, psi_i) for all previous stored vectors
5787 // (2) phi_n = x - sum(alpha_i * phi_i)
5788 // (3) phi_n = phi_n / norm(phi_n)_A
5789 // (4) psi_n = A * phi_n
5790 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
addToAConjProjectionSpace(HYPRE_IJVector xvec,HYPRE_IJVector bvec)5792 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::addToAConjProjectionSpace(HYPRE_IJVector xvec,
5793                                                  HYPRE_IJVector bvec)
5794 {
5795    int                i, ierr, *partition, start_row, end_row;
5796    double             alpha;
5797    HYPRE_ParVector    v_csr, x_csr, b_csr, bn_csr, xn_csr;
5798    //HYPRE_IJVector     tmpxvec;
5799    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A_csr;
5801    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5802    // diagnostic message
5803    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5805    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 4 )
5806       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::addToAConjProjectionSpace %d\n",mypid_,
5807              projectCurrSize_);
5809    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5810    // fetch the matrix and vectors
5811    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5813    HYPRE_IJMatrixGetObject(currA_, (void **) &A_csr);
5814    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(xvec, (void **) &x_csr);
5815    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(bvec, (void **) &b_csr);
5817    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5818    // initially, allocate space for the phi's and psi's
5819    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5821    if ( projectCurrSize_ == 0 && HYpxs_ == NULL )
5822    {
5823       HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixGetRowPartitioning( A_csr, &partition );
5824       start_row = partition[mypid_];
5825       end_row   = partition[mypid_+1] - 1;
5826       free( partition );
5827       HYpxs_    = new HYPRE_IJVector[projectSize_+1];
5828       HYpbs_    = new HYPRE_IJVector[projectSize_+1];
5830       for ( i = 0; i <= projectSize_; i++ )
5831       {
5832          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorCreate(comm_, start_row, end_row, &(HYpbs_[i]));
5833          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorSetObjectType(HYpbs_[i], HYPRE_PARCSR);
5834          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize(HYpbs_[i]);
5835          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorAssemble(HYpbs_[i]);
5836          hypre_assert( !ierr );
5837       }
5838       for ( i = 0; i <= projectSize_; i++ )
5839       {
5840          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorCreate(comm_, start_row, end_row, &(HYpxs_[i]));
5841          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorSetObjectType(HYpxs_[i], HYPRE_PARCSR);
5842          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize(HYpxs_[i]);
5843          ierr = HYPRE_IJVectorAssemble(HYpxs_[i]);
5844          hypre_assert(!ierr);
5845       }
5846    }
5848    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5849    // if buffer has been filled, move things up (but for now, restart)
5850    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5852    if ( projectCurrSize_ >= projectSize_ )
5853    {
5854       //projectCurrSize_--;
5855       //tmpxvec = HYpxs_[0];
5856       //for ( i = 0; i < projectCurrSize_; i++ ) HYpxs_[i] = HYpxs_[i+1];
5857       //HYpxs_[projectCurrSize_] = tmpxvec;
5858       projectCurrSize_ = 0;
5859    }
5861    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5862    // fetch the projection vectors
5863    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5865    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpxs_[projectCurrSize_], (void **) &xn_csr);
5866    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpbs_[projectCurrSize_], (void **) &bn_csr);
5868    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5869    // compute the new A-conjugate vector and its A-norm
5870    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5872    HYPRE_ParVectorCopy( x_csr, xn_csr );
5873    for ( i = 0; i < projectCurrSize_; i++ )
5874    {
5875       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpbs_[i], (void **) &v_csr);
5876       HYPRE_ParVectorInnerProd( x_csr, v_csr, &alpha);
5877       if ( alpha != 0.0 )
5878       {
5879          alpha = - alpha;
5880          HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpxs_[i], (void **) &v_csr);
5881          hypre_ParVectorAxpy(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)v_csr,
5882                                    (hypre_ParVector*)xn_csr);
5883       }
5884    }
5885    HYPRE_ParCSRMatrixMatvec( 1.0, A_csr, xn_csr, 0.0, bn_csr );
5886    HYPRE_ParVectorInnerProd( xn_csr, bn_csr, &alpha);
5887    if ( alpha != 0.0 )
5888    {
5889       alpha = 1.0 / sqrt( alpha );
5890       hypre_ParVectorScale(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)xn_csr);
5891       hypre_ParVectorScale(alpha,(hypre_ParVector*)bn_csr);
5892       projectCurrSize_++;
5893    }
5895    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5896    // update final solution
5897    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5899    if ( alpha != 0.0 )
5900    {
5901       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpxs_[projectSize_], (void **) &v_csr);
5902       hypre_ParVectorAxpy(1.0,(hypre_ParVector*)v_csr,(hypre_ParVector*)x_csr);
5904       HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(HYpbs_[projectSize_], (void **) &v_csr);
5905       hypre_ParVectorAxpy(1.0,(hypre_ParVector*)v_csr,(hypre_ParVector*)b_csr);
5906    }
5908    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5909    // diagnostic message
5910    //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5912    if ( (HYOutputLevel_ & HYFEI_SPECIALMASK) >= 4 )
5913       printf("%4d : HYPRE_LSC::leaving addToAConjProjectionSpace %d\n",mypid_,
5914               projectCurrSize_);
5915 }
5917 //***************************************************************************
5918 //***************************************************************************
5919 // MLI specific functions
5920 //***************************************************************************
5921 //***************************************************************************
5923 //***************************************************************************
5924 // initialize field information
5925 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
FE_initFields(int nFields,int * fieldSizes,int * fieldIDs)5927 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::FE_initFields(int nFields, int *fieldSizes,
5928                                      int *fieldIDs)
5929 {
5930 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
5931    if ( haveFEData_ == 1 && feData_ != NULL )
5932       HYPRE_LSI_MLIFEDataInitFields(feData_,nFields,fieldSizes,fieldIDs);
5933 #else
5934    (void) nFields;
5935    (void) fieldSizes;
5936    (void) fieldIDs;
5937 #endif
5938    return;
5939 }
5941 //***************************************************************************
5942 // initialize element block
5943 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
FE_initElemBlock(int nElems,int nNodesPerElem,int numNodeFields,int * nodeFieldIDs)5945 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::FE_initElemBlock(int nElems, int nNodesPerElem,
5946                                         int numNodeFields, int *nodeFieldIDs)
5947 {
5948 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
5949    int status;
5950    if ( haveFEData_ == 1 && feData_ != NULL )
5951    {
5952       status = HYPRE_LSI_MLIFEDataInitElemBlock(feData_, nElems,
5953                            nNodesPerElem, numNodeFields, nodeFieldIDs);
5954       if ( status )
5955       {
5956          if      (haveFEData_ == 1) HYPRE_LSI_MLIFEDataDestroy(feData_);
5957          else if (haveFEData_ == 2) HYPRE_LSI_MLISFEIDestroy(feData_);
5958          feData_ = NULL;
5959          haveFEData_ = 0;
5960       }
5961    }
5962 #else
5963    (void) nElems;
5964    (void) nNodesPerElem;
5965    (void) numNodeFields;
5966    (void) nodeFieldIDs;
5967 #endif
5968    return;
5969 }
5971 //***************************************************************************
5972 // initialize element node list
5973 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
FE_initElemNodeList(int elemID,int nNodesPerElem,int * nodeIDs)5975 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::FE_initElemNodeList(int elemID, int nNodesPerElem,
5976                                            int *nodeIDs)
5977 {
5978 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
5979    if ( haveFEData_ == 1 && feData_ != NULL )
5980       HYPRE_LSI_MLIFEDataInitElemNodeList(feData_, elemID, nNodesPerElem,
5981                                           nodeIDs);
5982 #else
5983    (void) elemID;
5984    (void) nNodesPerElem;
5985    (void) nodeIDs;
5986 #endif
5987    return;
5988 }
5990 //***************************************************************************
5991 // initialize shared nodes
5992 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
FE_initSharedNodes(int nShared,int * sharedIDs,int * sharedPLengs,int ** sharedProcs)5994 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::FE_initSharedNodes(int nShared, int *sharedIDs,
5995                                         int *sharedPLengs, int **sharedProcs)
5996 {
5997 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
5998    if ( haveFEData_ == 1 && feData_ != NULL )
5999       HYPRE_LSI_MLIFEDataInitSharedNodes(feData_, nShared, sharedIDs,
6000                                          sharedPLengs, sharedProcs);
6001 #else
6002    (void) nShared;
6003    (void) sharedIDs;
6004    (void) sharedPLengs;
6005    (void) sharedProcs;
6006 #endif
6007    return;
6008 }
6010 //***************************************************************************
6011 // initialize complete
6012 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
FE_initComplete()6014 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::FE_initComplete()
6015 {
6016 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
6017    if ( haveFEData_ == 1 && feData_ != NULL )
6018       HYPRE_LSI_MLIFEDataInitComplete(feData_);
6019 #endif
6020    return;
6021 }
6023 //***************************************************************************
6024 // load element matrix
6025 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
FE_loadElemMatrix(int elemID,int nNodes,int * elemNodeList,int matDim,double ** elemMat)6027 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::FE_loadElemMatrix(int elemID, int nNodes,
6028                          int *elemNodeList, int matDim, double **elemMat)
6029 {
6030 #ifdef HAVE_MLI
6031    if ( haveFEData_ == 1 && feData_ != NULL )
6032       HYPRE_LSI_MLIFEDataLoadElemMatrix(feData_, elemID, nNodes, elemNodeList,
6033                                         matDim, elemMat);
6034 #else
6035    (void) elemID;
6036    (void) nNodes;
6037    (void) elemNodeList;
6038    (void) matDim;
6039    (void) elemMat;
6040 #endif
6041    return;
6042 }
6044 //***************************************************************************
6045 // build nodal coordinates
6046 // (to be used by AMS preconditioner, but it has been replaced with better
6047 //  scheme. So when time is ripe, this function should be deleted.)
6048 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HYPRE_LSI_BuildNodalCoordinates()6050 void HYPRE_LinSysCore::HYPRE_LSI_BuildNodalCoordinates()
6051 {
6052    int    localNRows, *procNRows, *iTempArray, iP, iN, iS, *nodeProcMap;
6053    int    *procList, nSends, *sendProcs, *sendLengs, **iSendBufs;
6054    int    nRecvs, *recvLengs, *recvProcs, **iRecvBufs, iR, numNodes, eqnInd;
6055    int    *flags, arrayLeng, coordLength, ierr, procIndex, iD;
6056    double **dSendBufs, **dRecvBufs, *nCoords, *vecData;
6057    MPI_Request *mpiRequests;
6058    MPI_Status  mpiStatus;
6059    HYPRE_ParVector parVec;
6061    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6062    /* construct procNRows array                                */
6063    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6065    localNRows = localEndRow_ - localStartRow_ + 1;
6066    procNRows = new int[numProcs_+1];
6067    iTempArray = new int[numProcs_];
6068    for (iP = 0; iP <= numProcs_; iP++) procNRows[iP] = 0;
6069    procNRows[mypid_] = localNRows;
6070    MPI_Allreduce(procNRows,iTempArray,numProcs_,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,comm_);
6071    procNRows[0] = 0;
6072    for (iP = 1; iP <= numProcs_; iP++)
6073       procNRows[iP] = procNRows[iP-1] + iTempArray[iP-1];
6075    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6076    /* construct node to processor map                          */
6077    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6079    nodeProcMap = new int[MLI_NumNodes_];
6080    for (iN = 0; iN < MLI_NumNodes_; iN++)
6081    {
6082       nodeProcMap[iN] = -1;
6083       if (MLI_EqnNumbers_[iN] < procNRows[mypid_] ||
6084           MLI_EqnNumbers_[iN] >= procNRows[mypid_+1])
6085       {
6086          for (iP = 0; iP < numProcs_; iP++)
6087             if (MLI_EqnNumbers_[iN] < procNRows[iP]) break;
6088          nodeProcMap[iN] = iP - 1;
6089       }
6090    }
6092    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6093    /* construct send information                               */
6094    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6096    procList = new int[numProcs_];
6097    for (iP = 0; iP < numProcs_; iP++) procList[iP] = 0;
6098    for (iN = 0; iN < numProcs_; iN++)
6099       if (nodeProcMap[iN] >= 0) procList[nodeProcMap[iN]]++;
6100    nSends = 0;
6101    for (iP = 0; iP < numProcs_; iP++) if (procList[iP] > 0) nSends++;
6102    if (nSends > 0)
6103    {
6104       sendProcs = new int[nSends];
6105       sendLengs = new int[nSends];
6106       iSendBufs = new int*[nSends];
6107       dSendBufs = new double*[nSends];
6108    }
6109    nSends = 0;
6110    for (iP = 0; iP < numProcs_; iP++)
6111    {
6112       if (procList[iP] > 0)
6113       {
6114          sendLengs[nSends] = procList[iP];
6115          sendProcs[nSends++] = iP;
6116       }
6117    }
6119    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6120    /* construct recv information                               */
6121    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6123    for (iP = 0; iP < numProcs_; iP++) procList[iP] = 0;
6124    for (iP = 0; iP < nSends; iP++) procList[sendProcs[iP]]++;
6125    MPI_Allreduce(procList,iTempArray,numProcs_,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,comm_);
6126    nRecvs = iTempArray[mypid_];
6127    if (nRecvs > 0)
6128    {
6129       recvLengs = new int[nRecvs];
6130       recvProcs = new int[nRecvs];
6131       iRecvBufs = new int*[nRecvs];
6132       dRecvBufs = new double*[nRecvs];
6133       mpiRequests = new MPI_Request[nRecvs];
6134    }
6135    for (iP = 0; iP < nRecvs; iP++)
6136       MPI_Irecv(&(recvLengs[iP]), 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 29421,
6137                 comm_, &(mpiRequests[iP]));
6138    for (iP = 0; iP < nSends; iP++)
6139       MPI_Send(&(sendLengs[iP]), 1, MPI_INT, sendProcs[iP], 29421, comm_);
6140    for (iP = 0; iP < nRecvs; iP++)
6141    {
6142       MPI_Wait(&(mpiRequests[iP]), &mpiStatus);
6143       recvProcs[iP] = mpiStatus.MPI_SOURCE;
6144    }
6146    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6147    /* communicate equation numbers information                */
6148    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6150    for (iP = 0; iP < nRecvs; iP++)
6151    {
6152       iRecvBufs[iP] = new int[recvLengs[iP]];
6153       MPI_Irecv(iRecvBufs[iP], recvLengs[iP], MPI_INT, recvProcs[iP],
6154                 29422, comm_, &(mpiRequests[iP]));
6155    }
6156    for (iP = 0; iP < nSends; iP++)
6157    {
6158       iSendBufs[iP] = new int[sendLengs[iP]];
6159       sendLengs[iP] = 0;
6160    }
6161    for (iN = 0; iN < MLI_NumNodes_; iN++)
6162    {
6163       if (nodeProcMap[iN] >= 0)
6164       {
6165          procIndex = nodeProcMap[iN];
6166          for (iP = 0; iP < nSends; iP++)
6167             if (procIndex == sendProcs[iP]) break;
6168          iSendBufs[iP][sendLengs[iP]++] = MLI_EqnNumbers_[iN];
6169       }
6170    }
6171    for (iP = 0; iP < nSends; iP++)
6172    {
6173       MPI_Send(iSendBufs[iP], sendLengs[iP], MPI_INT, sendProcs[iP],
6174                29422, comm_);
6175    }
6176    for (iP = 0; iP < nRecvs; iP++) MPI_Wait(&(mpiRequests[iP]),&mpiStatus);
6178    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6179    /* communicate coordinate information                       */
6180    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6182    for (iP = 0; iP < nRecvs; iP++)
6183    {
6184       dRecvBufs[iP] = new double[recvLengs[iP]*MLI_FieldSize_];
6185       MPI_Irecv(dRecvBufs[iP], recvLengs[iP]*MLI_FieldSize_, MPI_DOUBLE,
6186                 recvProcs[iP], 29425, comm_, &(mpiRequests[iP]));
6187    }
6188    for (iP = 0; iP < nSends; iP++)
6189    {
6190       dSendBufs[iP] = new double[sendLengs[iP]*MLI_FieldSize_];
6191       sendLengs[iP] = 0;
6192    }
6193    for (iN = 0; iN < MLI_NumNodes_; iN++)
6194    {
6195       if (nodeProcMap[iN] >= 0)
6196       {
6197          procIndex = nodeProcMap[iN];
6198          for (iP = 0; iP < nSends; iP++)
6199             if (procIndex == sendProcs[iP]) break;
6200          for (iD = 0; iD < MLI_FieldSize_; iD++)
6201             dSendBufs[iP][sendLengs[iP]++] =
6202                       MLI_NodalCoord_[iN*MLI_FieldSize_+iD];
6203       }
6204    }
6205    for (iP = 0; iP < nSends; iP++)
6206    {
6207       sendLengs[iP] /= MLI_FieldSize_;
6208       MPI_Send(dSendBufs[iP], sendLengs[iP]*MLI_FieldSize_, MPI_DOUBLE,
6209                sendProcs[iP], 29425, comm_);
6210    }
6211    for (iP = 0; iP < nRecvs; iP++) MPI_Wait(&(mpiRequests[iP]),&mpiStatus);
6213    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6214    /* check any duplicate coordinate information               */
6215    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6217    arrayLeng = MLI_NumNodes_;
6218    for (iP = 0; iP < nRecvs; iP++) arrayLeng += recvLengs[iP];
6219    flags = new int[arrayLeng];
6220    for (iN = 0; iN < arrayLeng; iN++) flags[iN] = 0;
6221    for (iN = 0; iN < MLI_NumNodes_; iN++)
6222    {
6223       if (nodeProcMap[iN] < 0)
6224       {
6225          eqnInd = (MLI_EqnNumbers_[iN] - procNRows[mypid_]) / MLI_FieldSize_;
6226          if (eqnInd >= arrayLeng)
6227          {
6228             printf("%d : LoadNodalCoordinates - ERROR(1).\n", mypid_);
6229             exit(1);
6230          }
6231          flags[eqnInd] = 1;
6232       }
6233    }
6234    for (iP = 0; iP < nRecvs; iP++)
6235    {
6236       for (iR = 0; iR < recvLengs[iP]; iR++)
6237       {
6238          eqnInd = (iRecvBufs[iP][iR] - procNRows[mypid_]) / MLI_FieldSize_;
6239          if (eqnInd >= arrayLeng)
6240          {
6241             printf("%d : LoadNodalCoordinates - ERROR(2).\n", mypid_);
6242             exit(1);
6243          }
6244          flags[eqnInd] = 1;
6245       }
6246    }
6247    numNodes = 0;
6248    for (iN = 0; iN < arrayLeng; iN++)
6249    {
6250       if ( flags[iN] == 0 ) break;
6251       else                  numNodes++;
6252    }
6253    delete [] flags;
6255    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6256    /* set up nodal coordinate information in correct order     */
6257    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6259    coordLength = MLI_NumNodes_ * MLI_FieldSize_;
6260    nCoords = new double[coordLength];
6262    arrayLeng = MLI_NumNodes_ * MLI_FieldSize_;
6263    for (iN = 0; iN < MLI_NumNodes_; iN++)
6264    {
6265       if (nodeProcMap[iN] < 0)
6266       {
6267          eqnInd = (MLI_EqnNumbers_[iN] - procNRows[mypid_]) / MLI_FieldSize_;
6268          if (eqnInd >= 0 && eqnInd < arrayLeng)
6269             for (iD = 0; iD < MLI_FieldSize_; iD++)
6270                nCoords[eqnInd*MLI_FieldSize_+iD] =
6271                       MLI_NodalCoord_[iN*MLI_FieldSize_+iD];
6272       }
6273    }
6274    for (iP = 0; iP < nRecvs; iP++)
6275    {
6276       for (iR = 0; iR < recvLengs[iP]; iR++)
6277       {
6278          eqnInd = (iRecvBufs[iP][iR] - procNRows[mypid_]) / MLI_FieldSize_;
6279          if (eqnInd >= 0 && eqnInd < arrayLeng)
6280             for (iD = 0; iD < MLI_FieldSize_; iD++)
6281                nCoords[eqnInd*MLI_FieldSize_+iD] =
6282                      dRecvBufs[iP][iR*MLI_FieldSize_+iD];
6283       }
6284    }
6286    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6287    /* create AMS vectors                                       */
6288    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6290    localNRows = localEndRow_ - localStartRow_ + 1;
6291    ierr  = HYPRE_IJVectorCreate(comm_,(localStartRow_-1)/MLI_FieldSize_,
6292                  localEndRow_/MLI_FieldSize_-1, &amsX_);
6293    ierr += HYPRE_IJVectorSetObjectType(amsX_, HYPRE_PARCSR);
6294    ierr += HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize(amsX_);
6295    ierr += HYPRE_IJVectorAssemble(amsX_);
6296    hypre_assert(!ierr);
6297    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(amsX_, (void **) &parVec);
6298    vecData = (double *) hypre_VectorData(hypre_ParVectorLocalVector((hypre_ParVector *) parVec));
6299    for (iN = 0; iN < localNRows/MLI_FieldSize_; iN++)
6300       vecData[iN] = nCoords[iN*MLI_FieldSize_];
6301    ierr  = HYPRE_IJVectorCreate(comm_,(localStartRow_-1)/MLI_FieldSize_,
6302                  localEndRow_/MLI_FieldSize_-1, &amsY_);
6303    ierr += HYPRE_IJVectorSetObjectType(amsY_, HYPRE_PARCSR);
6304    ierr += HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize(amsY_);
6305    ierr += HYPRE_IJVectorAssemble(amsY_);
6306    hypre_assert(!ierr);
6307    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(amsY_, (void **) &parVec);
6308    vecData = (double *) hypre_VectorData(hypre_ParVectorLocalVector((hypre_ParVector *) parVec));
6309    for (iN = 0; iN < localNRows/MLI_FieldSize_; iN++)
6310       vecData[iN] = nCoords[iN*MLI_FieldSize_+1];
6311    ierr  = HYPRE_IJVectorCreate(comm_,(localStartRow_-1)/MLI_FieldSize_,
6312                  localEndRow_/MLI_FieldSize_-1, &amsZ_);
6313    ierr += HYPRE_IJVectorSetObjectType(amsZ_, HYPRE_PARCSR);
6314    ierr += HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize(amsZ_);
6315    ierr += HYPRE_IJVectorAssemble(amsZ_);
6316    hypre_assert(!ierr);
6317    HYPRE_IJVectorGetObject(amsZ_, (void **) &parVec);
6318    vecData = (double *) hypre_VectorData(hypre_ParVectorLocalVector((hypre_ParVector *) parVec));
6319    for (iN = 0; iN < localNRows/MLI_FieldSize_; iN++)
6320       vecData[iN] = nCoords[iN*MLI_FieldSize_+2];
6322    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6323    /* clean up                                                 */
6324    /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
6326    delete [] procList;
6327    delete [] iTempArray;
6328    delete [] nodeProcMap;
6329    delete [] procNRows;
6330    delete [] nCoords;
6331    if (nSends > 0)
6332    {
6333       delete [] sendProcs;
6334       delete [] sendLengs;
6335       for (iS = 0; iS < nSends; iS++) delete [] iSendBufs[iS];
6336       for (iS = 0; iS < nSends; iS++) delete [] dSendBufs[iS];
6337       delete [] dSendBufs;
6338       delete [] iSendBufs;
6339    }
6340    if (nRecvs > 0)
6341    {
6342       delete [] recvProcs;
6343       delete [] recvLengs;
6344       for (iR = 0; iR < nRecvs; iR++) delete [] iRecvBufs[iR];
6345       for (iR = 0; iR < nRecvs; iR++) delete [] dRecvBufs[iR];
6346       delete [] iRecvBufs;
6347       delete [] dRecvBufs;
6348       delete [] mpiRequests;
6349    }
6350    return;
6351 }