2 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
4 //
5 // This program is free software distributed under the
6 // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
7 // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
8 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 /// \file hw_bsp.c
10 /// \brief convert SRB2 map
12 #include "../doomdef.h"
13 #include "../doomstat.h"
14 #ifdef HWRENDER
15 #include "hw_glob.h"
16 #include "../r_local.h"
17 #include "../z_zone.h"
18 #include "../console.h"
19 #include "../v_video.h"
20 #include "../m_menu.h"
21 #include "../i_system.h"
22 #include "../m_argv.h"
23 #include "../i_video.h"
24 #include "../w_wad.h"
25 #include "../p_setup.h" // levelfadecol
27 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 // This is global data for planes rendering
29 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 extrasubsector_t *extrasubsectors = NULL;
33 // newsubsectors are subsectors without segs, added for the plane polygons
34 #define NEWSUBSECTORS 50
35 static size_t totsubsectors;
36 size_t addsubsector;
38 typedef struct
39 {
40 	float x, y;
41 	float dx, dy;
42 } fdivline_t;
44 // ==========================================================================
45 //                                    FLOOR & CEILING CONVEX POLYS GENERATION
46 // ==========================================================================
48 //debug counters
49 static INT32 nobackpoly = 0;
50 static INT32 skipcut = 0;
51 static INT32 totalsubsecpolys = 0;
53 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 // Polygon fast alloc / free
55 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 //hurdler: quick fix for those who wants to play with larger wad
58 #define ZPLANALLOC
59 #ifndef ZPLANALLOC
60 //#define POLYPOOLSIZE 1024000 // may be much over what is needed
61 /// \todo check out how much is used
62 static size_t POLYPOOLSIZE = 1024000;
64 static UINT8 *gl_polypool = NULL;
65 static UINT8 *gl_ppcurrent;
66 static size_t gl_ppfree;
67 #endif
69 // only between levels, clear poly pool
HWR_ClearPolys(void)70 static void HWR_ClearPolys(void)
71 {
72 #ifndef ZPLANALLOC
73 	gl_ppcurrent = gl_polypool;
74 	gl_ppfree = POLYPOOLSIZE;
75 #endif
76 }
78 // allocate  pool for fast alloc of polys
HWR_InitPolyPool(void)79 void HWR_InitPolyPool(void)
80 {
81 #ifndef ZPLANALLOC
82 	INT32 pnum;
84 	//hurdler: quick fix for those who wants to play with larger wad
85 	if ((pnum = M_CheckParm("-polypoolsize")))
86 		POLYPOOLSIZE = atoi(myargv[pnum+1])*1024; // (in kb)
88 	CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "HWR_InitPolyPool(): allocating %d bytes\n", POLYPOOLSIZE);
89 	gl_polypool = malloc(POLYPOOLSIZE);
90 	if (!gl_polypool)
91 		I_Error("HWR_InitPolyPool(): couldn't malloc polypool\n");
92 	HWR_ClearPolys();
93 #endif
94 }
HWR_FreePolyPool(void)96 void HWR_FreePolyPool(void)
97 {
98 #ifndef ZPLANALLOC
99 	if (gl_polypool)
100 		free(gl_polypool);
101 	gl_polypool = NULL;
102 #endif
103 }
HWR_AllocPoly(INT32 numpts)105 static poly_t *HWR_AllocPoly(INT32 numpts)
106 {
107 	poly_t *p;
108 	size_t size = sizeof (poly_t) + sizeof (polyvertex_t) * numpts;
109 #ifdef ZPLANALLOC
110 	p = Z_Malloc(size, PU_HWRPLANE, NULL);
111 #else
112 #ifdef PARANOIA
113 	if (!gl_polypool)
114 		I_Error("Used gl_polypool without init!\n");
115 	if (!gl_ppcurrent)
116 		I_Error("gl_ppcurrent == NULL!\n");
117 #endif
119 	if (gl_ppfree < size)
120 		I_Error("HWR_AllocPoly(): no more memory %u bytes left, %u bytes needed\n\n%s\n",
121 		        gl_ppfree, size, "You can try the param -polypoolsize 2048 (or higher if needed)");
123 	p = (poly_t *)gl_ppcurrent;
124 	gl_ppcurrent += size;
125 	gl_ppfree -= size;
126 #endif
127 	p->numpts = numpts;
128 	return p;
129 }
HWR_AllocVertex(void)131 static polyvertex_t *HWR_AllocVertex(void)
132 {
133 	polyvertex_t *p;
134 	size_t size = sizeof (polyvertex_t);
135 #ifdef ZPLANALLOC
136 	p = Z_Malloc(size, PU_HWRPLANE, NULL);
137 #else
138 	if (gl_ppfree < size)
139 		I_Error("HWR_AllocVertex(): no more memory %u bytes left, %u bytes needed\n\n%s\n",
140 		        gl_ppfree, size, "You can try the param -polypoolsize 2048 (or higher if needed)");
142 	p = (polyvertex_t *)gl_ppcurrent;
143 	gl_ppcurrent += size;
144 	gl_ppfree -= size;
145 #endif
146 	return p;
147 }
149 /// \todo polygons should be freed in reverse order for efficiency,
150 /// for now don't free because it doesn't free in reverse order
HWR_FreePoly(poly_t * poly)151 static void HWR_FreePoly(poly_t *poly)
152 {
153 #ifdef ZPLANALLOC
154 	Z_Free(poly);
155 #else
156 	const size_t size = sizeof (poly_t) + sizeof (polyvertex_t) * poly->numpts;
157 	memset(poly, 0x00, size);
158 	//mempoly -= polysize;
159 #endif
160 }
163 // Return interception along bsp line,
164 // with the polygon segment
165 //
166 static float bspfrac;
fracdivline(fdivline_t * bsp,polyvertex_t * v1,polyvertex_t * v2)167 static polyvertex_t *fracdivline(fdivline_t *bsp, polyvertex_t *v1,
168 	polyvertex_t *v2)
169 {
170 	static polyvertex_t pt;
171 	double frac;
172 	double num;
173 	double den;
174 	double v1x,v1y,v1dx,v1dy;
175 	double v2x,v2y,v2dx,v2dy;
177 	// a segment of a polygon
178 	v1x  = v1->x;
179 	v1y  = v1->y;
180 	v1dx = v2->x - v1->x;
181 	v1dy = v2->y - v1->y;
183 	// the bsp partition line
184 	v2x  = bsp->x;
185 	v2y  = bsp->y;
186 	v2dx = bsp->dx;
187 	v2dy = bsp->dy;
189 	den = v2dy*v1dx - v2dx*v1dy;
190 	if (fabsf((float)den) < 1.0E-36f) // avoid checking exactly for 0.0
191 		return NULL;       // parallel
193 	// first check the frac along the polygon segment,
194 	// (do not accept hit with the extensions)
195 	num = (v2x - v1x)*v2dy + (v1y - v2y)*v2dx;
196 	frac = num / den;
197 	if (frac < 0.0l || frac > 1.0l)
198 		return NULL;
200 	// now get the frac along the BSP line
201 	// which is useful to determine what is left, what is right
202 	num = (v2x - v1x)*v1dy + (v1y - v2y)*v1dx;
203 	frac = num / den;
204 	bspfrac = (float)frac;
207 	// find the interception point along the partition line
208 	pt.x = (float)(v2x + v2dx*frac);
209 	pt.y = (float)(v2y + v2dy*frac);
211 	return &pt;
212 }
214 // if two vertice coords have a x and/or y difference
215 // of less or equal than 1 FRACUNIT, they are considered the same
216 // point. Note: hardcoded value, 1.0f could be anything else.
SameVertice(polyvertex_t * p1,polyvertex_t * p2)217 static boolean SameVertice (polyvertex_t *p1, polyvertex_t *p2)
218 {
219 #if 0
220 	float diff;
221 	diff = p2->x - p1->x;
222 	if (diff < -1.5f || diff > 1.5f)
223 		return false;
224 	diff = p2->y - p1->y;
225 	if (diff < -1.5f || diff > 1.5f)
226 		return false;
227 #elif 0
228 	if (p1->x != p2->x)
229 		return false;
230 	if (p1->y != p2->y)
231 		return false;
232 #elif 0
233 	if (fabsf( p2->x - p1->x ) > 1.0E-36f )
234 		return false;
235 	if (fabsf( p2->y - p1->y ) > 1.0E-36f )
236 		return false;
237 #else
238 #define  DIVLINE_VERTEX_DIFF   0.45f
239 	float ep = DIVLINE_VERTEX_DIFF;
240 	if (fabsf( p2->x - p1->x ) > ep )
241 		return false;
242 	if (fabsf( p2->y - p1->y ) > ep )
243 		return false;
244 #endif
245 	// p1 and p2 are considered the same vertex
246 	return true;
247 }
250 // split a _CONVEX_ polygon in two convex polygons
251 // outputs:
252 //   frontpoly : polygon on right side of bsp line
253 //   backpoly  : polygon on left side
254 //
SplitPoly(fdivline_t * bsp,poly_t * poly,poly_t ** frontpoly,poly_t ** backpoly)255 static void SplitPoly (fdivline_t *bsp,         //splitting parametric line
256                        poly_t *poly,            //the convex poly we split
257                        poly_t **frontpoly,      //return one poly here
258                        poly_t **backpoly)       //return the other here
259 {
260 	INT32      i,j;
261 	polyvertex_t *pv;
263 	INT32          ps = -1,pe = -1;
264 	INT32          nptfront,nptback;
265 	polyvertex_t vs = {0,0,0};
266 	polyvertex_t ve = {0,0,0};
267 	polyvertex_t lastpv = {0,0,0};
268 	float        fracs = 0.0f,frace = 0.0f; //used to tell which poly is on
269 	                                        // the front side of the bsp partition line
270 	INT32         psonline = 0, peonline = 0;
272 	for (i = 0; i < poly->numpts; i++)
273 	{
274 		j = i + 1;
275 		if (j == poly->numpts) j = 0;
277 		// start & end points
278 		pv = fracdivline(bsp, &poly->pts[i], &poly->pts[j]);
280 		if (pv == NULL)
281 			continue;
283 		if (ps < 0)
284 		{
285 			// first point
286 			ps = i;
287 			vs = *pv;
288 			fracs = bspfrac;
289 		}
290 		else
291 		{
292 			//the partition line traverse a junction between two segments
293 			// or the two points are so close, they can be considered as one
294 			// thus, don't accept, since split 2 must be another vertex
295 			if (SameVertice(pv, &lastpv))
296 			{
297 				if (pe < 0)
298 				{
299 					ps = i;
300 					psonline = 1;
301 				}
302 				else
303 				{
304 					pe = i;
305 					peonline = 1;
306 				}
307 			}
308 			else
309 			{
310 				if (pe < 0)
311 				{
312 					pe = i;
313 					ve = *pv;
314 					frace = bspfrac;
315 				}
316 				else
317 				{
318 				// a frac, not same vertice as last one
319 				// we already got pt2 so pt 2 is not on the line,
320 				// so we probably got back to the start point
321 				// which is on the line
322 					if (SameVertice(pv, &vs))
323 						psonline = 1;
324 					break;
325 				}
326 			}
327 		}
329 		// remember last point intercept to detect identical points
330 		lastpv = *pv;
331 	}
333 	// no split: the partition line is either parallel and
334 	// aligned with one of the poly segments, or the line is totally
335 	// out of the polygon and doesn't traverse it (happens if the bsp
336 	// is fooled by some trick where the sidedefs don't point to
337 	// the right sectors)
338 	if (ps < 0)
339 	{
340 		//I_Error("SplitPoly: did not split polygon (%d %d)\n"
341 		//        "debugpos %d",ps,pe,debugpos);
343 		// this eventually happens with 'broken' BSP's that accept
344 		// linedefs where each side point the same sector, that is:
345 		// the deep water effect with the original Doom
347 		/// \todo make sure front poly is to front of partition line?
349 		*frontpoly = poly;
350 		*backpoly = NULL;
351 		return;
352 	}
354 	if (pe < 0)
355 	{
356 		//I_Error("SplitPoly: only one point for split line (%d %d)", ps, pe);
357 		*frontpoly = poly;
358 		*backpoly = NULL;
359 		return;
360 	}
361 	if (pe <= ps)
362 		I_Error("SplitPoly: invalid splitting line (%d %d)", ps, pe);
364 	// number of points on each side, _not_ counting those
365 	// that may lie just one the line
366 	nptback  = pe - ps - peonline;
367 	nptfront = poly->numpts - peonline - psonline - nptback;
369 	if (nptback > 0)
370 		*backpoly = HWR_AllocPoly(2 + nptback);
371 	else
372 		*backpoly = NULL;
373 	if (nptfront > 0)
374 		*frontpoly = HWR_AllocPoly(2 + nptfront);
375 	else
376 		*frontpoly = NULL;
378 	// generate FRONT poly
379 	if (*frontpoly)
380 	{
381 		pv = (*frontpoly)->pts;
382 		*pv++ = vs;
383 		*pv++ = ve;
384 		i = pe;
385 		do
386 		{
387 			if (++i == poly->numpts)
388 				i = 0;
389 			*pv++ = poly->pts[i];
390 		} while (i != ps && --nptfront);
391 	}
393 	// generate BACK poly
394 	if (*backpoly)
395 	{
396 		pv = (*backpoly)->pts;
397 		*pv++ = ve;
398 		*pv++ = vs;
399 		i = ps;
400 		do
401 		{
402 			if (++i == poly->numpts)
403 				i = 0;
404 			*pv++ = poly->pts[i];
405 		} while (i != pe && --nptback);
406 	}
408 	// make sure frontpoly is the one on the 'right' side
409 	// of the partition line
410 	if (fracs > frace)
411 	{
412 		poly_t *swappoly;
413 		swappoly = *backpoly;
414 		*backpoly = *frontpoly;
415 		*frontpoly = swappoly;
416 	}
418 	HWR_FreePoly (poly);
419 }
422 // use each seg of the poly as a partition line, keep only the
423 // part of the convex poly to the front of the seg (that is,
424 // the part inside the sector), the part behind the seg, is
425 // the void space and is cut out
426 //
CutOutSubsecPoly(seg_t * lseg,INT32 count,poly_t * poly)427 static poly_t *CutOutSubsecPoly(seg_t *lseg, INT32 count, poly_t *poly)
428 {
429 	INT32 i, j;
431 	polyvertex_t *pv;
433 	INT32 nump = 0, ps, pe;
434 	polyvertex_t vs = {0, 0, 0}, ve = {0, 0, 0},
435 		p1 = {0, 0, 0}, p2 = {0, 0, 0};
436 	float fracs = 0.0f;
438 	fdivline_t cutseg; // x, y, dx, dy as start of node_t struct
440 	poly_t *temppoly;
442 	// for each seg of the subsector
443 	for (; count--; lseg++)
444 	{
445 		line_t *line = lseg->linedef;
447 		if (lseg->glseg)
448 			continue;
450 		//x,y,dx,dy (like a divline)
451 		p1.x = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lseg->side ? line->v2->x : line->v1->x);
452 		p1.y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lseg->side ? line->v2->y : line->v1->y);
453 		p2.x = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lseg->side ? line->v1->x : line->v2->x);
454 		p2.y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lseg->side ? line->v1->y : line->v2->y);
456 		cutseg.x = p1.x;
457 		cutseg.y = p1.y;
458 		cutseg.dx = p2.x - p1.x;
459 		cutseg.dy = p2.y - p1.y;
461 		// see if it cuts the convex poly
462 		ps = -1;
463 		pe = -1;
464 		for (i = 0; i < poly->numpts; i++)
465 		{
466 			j = i + 1;
467 			if (j == poly->numpts)
468 				j = 0;
470 			pv = fracdivline(&cutseg, &poly->pts[i], &poly->pts[j]);
472 			if (pv == NULL)
473 				continue;
475 			if (ps < 0)
476 			{
477 				ps = i;
478 				vs = *pv;
479 				fracs = bspfrac;
480 			}
481 			else
482 			{
483 				//frac 1 on previous segment,
484 				//     0 on the next,
485 				//the split line goes through one of the convex poly
486 				// vertices, happens quite often since the convex
487 				// poly is already adjacent to the subsector segs
488 				// on most borders
489 				if (SameVertice(pv, &vs))
490 					continue;
492 				if (fracs <= bspfrac)
493 				{
494 					nump = 2 + poly->numpts - (i-ps);
495 					pe = ps;
496 					ps = i;
497 					ve = *pv;
498 				}
499 				else
500 				{
501 					nump = 2 + (i-ps);
502 					pe = i;
503 					ve = vs;
504 					vs = *pv;
505 				}
506 				//found 2nd point
507 				break;
508 			}
509 		}
511 		// there was a split
512 		if (ps >= 0)
513 		{
514 			//need 2 points
515 			if (pe >= 0)
516 			{
517 				// generate FRONT poly
518 				temppoly = HWR_AllocPoly(nump);
519 				pv = temppoly->pts;
520 				*pv++ = vs;
521 				*pv++ = ve;
522 				do
523 				{
524 					if (++ps == poly->numpts)
525 						ps = 0;
526 					*pv++ = poly->pts[ps];
527 				} while (ps != pe);
528 				HWR_FreePoly(poly);
529 				poly = temppoly;
530 			}
531 			//hmmm... maybe we should NOT accept this, but this happens
532 			// only when the cut is not needed it seems (when the cut
533 			// line is aligned to one of the borders of the poly, and
534 			// only some times..)
535 			else
536 				skipcut++;
537 			//    I_Error("CutOutPoly: only one point for split line (%d %d) %d", ps, pe, debugpos);
538 		}
539 	}
540 	return poly;
541 }
543 // At this point, the poly should be convex and the exact
544 // layout of the subsector, it is not always the case,
545 // so continue to cut off the poly into smaller parts with
546 // each seg of the subsector.
547 //
HWR_SubsecPoly(INT32 num,poly_t * poly)548 static inline void HWR_SubsecPoly(INT32 num, poly_t *poly)
549 {
550 	INT16 count;
551 	subsector_t *sub;
552 	seg_t *lseg;
554 	sub = &subsectors[num];
555 	count = sub->numlines;
556 	lseg = &segs[sub->firstline];
558 	if (poly)
559 	{
560 		poly = CutOutSubsecPoly (lseg,count,poly);
561 		totalsubsecpolys++;
562 		//extra data for this subsector
563 		extrasubsectors[num].planepoly = poly;
564 	}
565 }
567 // the bsp divline have not enouth presition
568 // search for the segs source of this divline
SearchDivline(node_t * bsp,fdivline_t * divline)569 static inline void SearchDivline(node_t *bsp, fdivline_t *divline)
570 {
571 	divline->x = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(bsp->x);
572 	divline->y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(bsp->y);
573 	divline->dx = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(bsp->dx);
574 	divline->dy = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(bsp->dy);
575 }
578 //Hurdler: implement a loading status
579 static size_t ls_count = 0;
580 static UINT8 ls_percent = 0;
loading_status(void)582 static void loading_status(void)
583 {
584 	char s[16];
585 	int x, y;
587 	I_OsPolling();
588 	CON_Drawer();
589 	sprintf(s, "%d%%", (++ls_percent)<<1);
590 	x = BASEVIDWIDTH/2;
592 	V_DrawFill(0, 0, BASEVIDWIDTH, BASEVIDHEIGHT, 31); // Black background to match fade in effect
593 	//V_DrawPatchFill(W_CachePatchName("SRB2BACK",PU_CACHE)); // SRB2 background, ehhh too bright.
594 	M_DrawTextBox(x-58, y-8, 13, 1);
595 	V_DrawString(x-50, y, V_YELLOWMAP, "Loading...");
596 	V_DrawRightAlignedString(x+50, y, V_YELLOWMAP, s);
598 	// Is this really necessary at this point..?
601 	V_DrawCenteredString(BASEVIDWIDTH/2, 70, V_YELLOWMAP, "USE AT SONIC'S RISK.");
603 	I_UpdateNoVsync();
604 }
605 #endif
607 // poly : the convex polygon that encloses all child subsectors
WalkBSPNode(INT32 bspnum,poly_t * poly,UINT16 * leafnode,fixed_t * bbox)608 static void WalkBSPNode(INT32 bspnum, poly_t *poly, UINT16 *leafnode, fixed_t *bbox)
609 {
610 	node_t *bsp;
611 	poly_t *backpoly, *frontpoly;
612 	fdivline_t fdivline;
613 	polyvertex_t *pt;
614 	INT32 i;
616 	// Found a subsector?
617 	if (bspnum & NF_SUBSECTOR)
618 	{
619 		if (bspnum == -1)
620 		{
621 			// BP: i think this code is useless and wrong because
622 			// - bspnum==-1 happens only when numsubsectors == 0
623 			// - it can't happens in bsp recursive call since bspnum is a INT32 and children is UINT16
624 			// - the BSP is complet !! (there just can have subsector without segs) (i am not sure of this point)
626 			// do we have a valid polygon ?
627 			if (poly && poly->numpts > 2)
628 			{
629 				CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "Adding a new subsector\n");
630 				if (addsubsector == numsubsectors + NEWSUBSECTORS)
631 					I_Error("WalkBSPNode: not enough addsubsectors\n");
632 				else if (addsubsector > 0x7fff)
633 					I_Error("WalkBSPNode: addsubsector > 0x7fff\n");
634 				*leafnode = (UINT16)((UINT16)addsubsector | NF_SUBSECTOR);
635 				extrasubsectors[addsubsector].planepoly = poly;
636 				addsubsector++;
637 			}
639 			//add subsectors without segs here?
640 			//HWR_SubsecPoly(0, NULL);
641 		}
642 		else
643 		{
644 			HWR_SubsecPoly(bspnum & ~NF_SUBSECTOR, poly);
646 			//Hurdler: implement a loading status
648 			if (ls_count-- <= 0)
649 			{
650 				ls_count = numsubsectors/50;
651 				loading_status();
652 			}
653 #endif
654 		}
655 		M_ClearBox(bbox);
656 		poly = extrasubsectors[bspnum & ~NF_SUBSECTOR].planepoly;
658 		for (i = 0, pt = poly->pts; i < poly->numpts; i++,pt++)
659 			M_AddToBox(bbox, FLOAT_TO_FIXED(pt->x), FLOAT_TO_FIXED(pt->y));
661 		return;
662 	}
664 	bsp = &nodes[bspnum];
665 	SearchDivline(bsp, &fdivline);
666 	SplitPoly(&fdivline, poly, &frontpoly, &backpoly);
667 	poly = NULL;
669 	//debug
670 	if (!backpoly)
671 		nobackpoly++;
673 	// Recursively divide front space.
674 	if (frontpoly)
675 	{
676 		WalkBSPNode(bsp->children[0], frontpoly, &bsp->children[0],bsp->bbox[0]);
678 		// copy child bbox
679 		M_Memcpy(bbox, bsp->bbox[0], 4*sizeof (fixed_t));
680 	}
681 	else
682 		I_Error("WalkBSPNode: no front poly?");
684 	// Recursively divide back space.
685 	if (backpoly)
686 	{
687 		// Correct back bbox to include floor/ceiling convex polygon
688 		WalkBSPNode(bsp->children[1], backpoly, &bsp->children[1], bsp->bbox[1]);
690 		// enlarge bbox with second child
691 		M_AddToBox(bbox, bsp->bbox[1][BOXLEFT  ],
692 		                 bsp->bbox[1][BOXTOP   ]);
693 		M_AddToBox(bbox, bsp->bbox[1][BOXRIGHT ],
694 		                 bsp->bbox[1][BOXBOTTOM]);
695 	}
696 }
698 // FIXME: use Z_Malloc() STATIC ?
HWR_FreeExtraSubsectors(void)699 void HWR_FreeExtraSubsectors(void)
700 {
701 	if (extrasubsectors)
702 		free(extrasubsectors);
703 	extrasubsectors = NULL;
704 }
706 #define MAXDIST 1.5f
707 // BP: can't move vertex: DON'T change polygon geometry! (convex)
708 //#define MOVEVERTEX
PointInSeg(polyvertex_t * a,polyvertex_t * v1,polyvertex_t * v2)709 static boolean PointInSeg(polyvertex_t *a,polyvertex_t *v1,polyvertex_t *v2)
710 {
711 	register float ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy,d,norm;
712 	register polyvertex_t *p;
714 	// check bbox of the seg first
715 	if (v1->x > v2->x)
716 	{
717 		p = v1;
718 		v1 = v2;
719 		v2 = p;
720 	}
722 	if (a->x < v1->x-MAXDIST || a->x > v2->x+MAXDIST)
723 		return false;
725 	if (v1->y > v2->y)
726 	{
727 		p = v1;
728 		v1 = v2;
729 		v2 = p;
730 	}
731 	if (a->y < v1->y-MAXDIST || a->y > v2->y+MAXDIST)
732 		return false;
734 	// v1 = origine
735 	ax= v2->x-v1->x;
736 	ay= v2->y-v1->y;
737 	norm = (float)hypot(ax, ay);
738 	ax /= norm;
739 	ay /= norm;
740 	bx = a->x-v1->x;
741 	by = a->y-v1->y;
742 	//d = a.b
743 	d =ax*bx+ay*by;
744 	// bound of the seg
745 	if (d < 0 || d > norm)
746 		return false;
747 	//c = d.1a-b
748 	cx = ax*d-bx;
749 	cy = ay*d-by;
750 #ifdef MOVEVERTEX
751 	if (cx*cx+cy*cy <= MAXDIST*MAXDIST)
752 	{
753 		// ajust a little the point position
754 		a->x = ax*d+v1->x;
755 		a->y = ay*d+v1->y;
756 		// anyway the correction is not enouth
757 		return true;
758 	}
759 	return false;
760 #else
761 	return cx*cx+cy*cy <= MAXDIST*MAXDIST;
762 #endif
763 }
765 static INT32 numsplitpoly;
SearchSegInBSP(INT32 bspnum,polyvertex_t * p,poly_t * poly)767 static void SearchSegInBSP(INT32 bspnum,polyvertex_t *p,poly_t *poly)
768 {
769 	poly_t  *q;
770 	INT32     j,k;
772 	if (bspnum & NF_SUBSECTOR)
773 	{
774 		if (bspnum != -1)
775 		{
776 			bspnum &= ~NF_SUBSECTOR;
777 			q = extrasubsectors[bspnum].planepoly;
778 			if (poly == q || !q)
779 				return;
780 			for (j = 0; j < q->numpts; j++)
781 			{
782 				k = j+1;
783 				if (k == q->numpts) k = 0;
784 				if (!SameVertice(p, &q->pts[j])
785 					&& !SameVertice(p, &q->pts[k])
786 					&& PointInSeg(p, &q->pts[j],
787 						&q->pts[k]))
788 				{
789 					poly_t *newpoly = HWR_AllocPoly(q->numpts+1);
790 					INT32 n;
792 					for (n = 0; n <= j; n++)
793 						newpoly->pts[n] = q->pts[n];
794 					newpoly->pts[k] = *p;
795 					for (n = k+1; n < newpoly->numpts; n++)
796 						newpoly->pts[n] = q->pts[n-1];
797 					numsplitpoly++;
798 					extrasubsectors[bspnum].planepoly =
799 						newpoly;
800 					HWR_FreePoly(q);
801 					return;
802 				}
803 			}
804 		}
805 		return;
806 	}
808 	if ((FIXED_TO_FLOAT(nodes[bspnum].bbox[0][BOXBOTTOM])-MAXDIST <= p->y) &&
809 	    (FIXED_TO_FLOAT(nodes[bspnum].bbox[0][BOXTOP   ])+MAXDIST >= p->y) &&
810 	    (FIXED_TO_FLOAT(nodes[bspnum].bbox[0][BOXLEFT  ])-MAXDIST <= p->x) &&
811 	    (FIXED_TO_FLOAT(nodes[bspnum].bbox[0][BOXRIGHT ])+MAXDIST >= p->x))
812 		SearchSegInBSP(nodes[bspnum].children[0],p,poly);
814 	if ((FIXED_TO_FLOAT(nodes[bspnum].bbox[1][BOXBOTTOM])-MAXDIST <= p->y) &&
815 	    (FIXED_TO_FLOAT(nodes[bspnum].bbox[1][BOXTOP   ])+MAXDIST >= p->y) &&
816 	    (FIXED_TO_FLOAT(nodes[bspnum].bbox[1][BOXLEFT  ])-MAXDIST <= p->x) &&
817 	    (FIXED_TO_FLOAT(nodes[bspnum].bbox[1][BOXRIGHT ])+MAXDIST >= p->x))
818 		SearchSegInBSP(nodes[bspnum].children[1],p,poly);
819 }
821 // search for T-intersection problem
822 // BP : It can be mush more faster doing this at the same time of the splitpoly
823 // but we must use a different structure : polygone pointing on segs
824 // segs pointing on polygone and on vertex (too mush complicated, well not
825 // realy but i am soo lasy), the methode discibed is also better for segs presition
SolveTProblem(void)826 static INT32 SolveTProblem(void)
827 {
828 	poly_t *p;
829 	INT32 i;
830 	size_t l;
832 	if (cv_glsolvetjoin.value == 0)
833 		return 0;
835 	CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "Solving T-joins. This may take a while. Please wait...\n");
837 	CON_Drawer(); //let the user know what we are doing
838 	I_FinishUpdate(); // page flip or blit buffer
839 #endif
841 	numsplitpoly = 0;
843 	for (l = 0; l < addsubsector; l++)
844 	{
845 		p = extrasubsectors[l].planepoly;
846 		if (p)
847 			for (i = 0; i < p->numpts; i++)
848 				SearchSegInBSP((INT32)numnodes-1, &p->pts[i], p);
849 	}
850 	//CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "numsplitpoly %d\n", numsplitpoly);
851 	return numsplitpoly;
852 }
854 #define NEARDIST (0.75f)
855 #define MYMAX    (10000000000000.0f)
857 /* Adjust true segs (from the segs lump) to be exactely the same as
858  * plane polygone segs
859  * This also convert fixed_t point of segs in float (in moste case
860  * it share the same vertice
861  */
AdjustSegs(void)862 static void AdjustSegs(void)
863 {
864 	size_t i, count;
865 	INT32 j;
866 	seg_t *lseg;
867 	poly_t *p;
868 	INT32 v1found = 0, v2found = 0;
869 	float nearv1, nearv2;
871 	for (i = 0; i < numsubsectors; i++)
872 	{
873 		count = subsectors[i].numlines;
874 		lseg = &segs[subsectors[i].firstline];
875 		p = extrasubsectors[i].planepoly;
876 		//if (!p)
877 			//continue;
878 		for (; count--; lseg++)
879 		{
880 			float distv1,distv2,tmp;
881 			nearv1 = nearv2 = MYMAX;
883 			// Don't touch polyobject segs. We'll compensate
884 			// for this when we go about drawing them.
885 			if (lseg->polyseg)
886 				continue;
888 			if (p) {
889 				for (j = 0; j < p->numpts; j++)
890 				{
891 					distv1 = p->pts[j].x - FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lseg->v1->x);
892 					tmp    = p->pts[j].y - FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lseg->v1->y);
893 					distv1 = distv1*distv1+tmp*tmp;
894 					if (distv1 <= nearv1)
895 					{
896 						v1found = j;
897 						nearv1 = distv1;
898 					}
899 					// the same with v2
900 					distv2 = p->pts[j].x - FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lseg->v2->x);
901 					tmp    = p->pts[j].y - FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lseg->v2->y);
902 					distv2 = distv2*distv2+tmp*tmp;
903 					if (distv2 <= nearv2)
904 					{
905 						v2found = j;
906 						nearv2 = distv2;
907 					}
908 				}
909 			}
910 			if (p && nearv1 <= NEARDIST*NEARDIST)
911 				// share vertice with segs
912 				lseg->pv1 = &(p->pts[v1found]);
913 			else
914 			{
915 				// BP: here we can do better, using PointInSeg and compute
916 				// the right point position also split a polygone side to
917 				// solve a T-intersection, but too mush work
919 				// convert fixed vertex to float vertex
920 				polyvertex_t *pv = HWR_AllocVertex();
921 				pv->x = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lseg->v1->x);
922 				pv->y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lseg->v1->y);
923 				lseg->pv1 = pv;
924 			}
925 			if (p && nearv2 <= NEARDIST*NEARDIST)
926 				lseg->pv2 = &(p->pts[v2found]);
927 			else
928 			{
929 				polyvertex_t *pv = HWR_AllocVertex();
930 				pv->x = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lseg->v2->x);
931 				pv->y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(lseg->v2->y);
932 				lseg->pv2 = pv;
933 			}
935 			// recompute length
936 			{
937 				float x,y;
938 				x = ((polyvertex_t *)lseg->pv2)->x - ((polyvertex_t *)lseg->pv1)->x
940 				y = ((polyvertex_t *)lseg->pv2)->y - ((polyvertex_t *)lseg->pv1)->y
942 				lseg->flength = (float)hypot(x, y);
943 				// BP: debug see this kind of segs
944 				//if (nearv2 > NEARDIST*NEARDIST || nearv1 > NEARDIST*NEARDIST)
945 				//    lseg->length = 1;
946 			}
947 		}
948 	}
949 }
952 // call this routine after the BSP of a Doom wad file is loaded,
953 // and it will generate all the convex polys for the hardware renderer
HWR_CreatePlanePolygons(INT32 bspnum)954 void HWR_CreatePlanePolygons(INT32 bspnum)
955 {
956 	poly_t *rootp;
957 	polyvertex_t *rootpv;
958 	size_t i;
959 	fixed_t rootbbox[4];
961 	CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "Creating polygons, please wait...\n");
963 	ls_count = ls_percent = 0; // reset the loading status
964 	CON_Drawer(); //let the user know what we are doing
965 	I_FinishUpdate(); // page flip or blit buffer
966 #endif
968 	HWR_ClearPolys();
970 	// find min/max boundaries of map
971 	//CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "Looking for boundaries of map...\n");
972 	M_ClearBox(rootbbox);
973 	for (i = 0;i < numvertexes; i++)
974 		M_AddToBox(rootbbox, vertexes[i].x, vertexes[i].y);
976 	//CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "Generating subsector polygons... %d subsectors\n", numsubsectors);
978 	HWR_FreeExtraSubsectors();
979 	// allocate extra data for each subsector present in map
980 	totsubsectors = numsubsectors + NEWSUBSECTORS;
981 	extrasubsectors = calloc(totsubsectors, sizeof (*extrasubsectors));
982 	if (extrasubsectors == NULL)
983 		I_Error("couldn't malloc extrasubsectors totsubsectors %s\n", sizeu1(totsubsectors));
985 	// allocate table for back to front drawing of subsectors
986 	/*gl_drawsubsectors = (INT16 *)malloc(sizeof (*gl_drawsubsectors) * totsubsectors);
987 	if (!gl_drawsubsectors)
988 		I_Error("couldn't malloc gl_drawsubsectors\n");*/
990 	// number of the first new subsector that might be added
991 	addsubsector = numsubsectors;
993 	// construct the initial convex poly that encloses the full map
994 	rootp = HWR_AllocPoly(4);
995 	rootpv = rootp->pts;
997 	rootpv->x = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(rootbbox[BOXLEFT  ]);
998 	rootpv->y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(rootbbox[BOXBOTTOM]);  //lr
999 	rootpv++;
1000 	rootpv->x = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(rootbbox[BOXLEFT  ]);
1001 	rootpv->y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(rootbbox[BOXTOP   ]);  //ur
1002 	rootpv++;
1003 	rootpv->x = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(rootbbox[BOXRIGHT ]);
1004 	rootpv->y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(rootbbox[BOXTOP   ]);  //ul
1005 	rootpv++;
1006 	rootpv->x = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(rootbbox[BOXRIGHT ]);
1007 	rootpv->y = FIXED_TO_FLOAT(rootbbox[BOXBOTTOM]);  //ll
1008 	rootpv++;
1010 	WalkBSPNode(bspnum, rootp, NULL,rootbbox);
1012 	i = SolveTProblem();
1013 	//CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "%d point divides a polygon line\n",i);
1014 	AdjustSegs();
1016 	//debug debug..
1017 	//if (nobackpoly)
1018 	//    CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "no back polygon %u times\n",nobackpoly);
1019 	//"(should happen only with the deep water trick)"
1020 	//if (skipcut)
1021 	//    CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "%u cuts were skipped because of only one point\n",skipcut);
1023 	//CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "done: %u total subsector convex polygons\n", totalsubsecpolys);
1024 }
1026 #endif //HWRENDER