1 //
2 // Copyright 2016 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 //    names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 //    and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 //    the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
27 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
28 #include "pxr/usd/pcp/iterator.h"
29 #include "pxr/usd/pcp/layerStack.h"
30 #include "pxr/usd/pcp/node.h"
31 #include "pxr/usd/pcp/mapExpression.h"
32 #include "pxr/usd/pcp/mapFunction.h"
33 #include "pxr/usd/pcp/types.h"
34 #include "pxr/usd/sdf/types.h"
36 #include "pxr/base/arch/attributes.h"
37 #include "pxr/base/tf/declarePtrs.h"
38 #include "pxr/base/tf/refBase.h"
39 #include "pxr/base/tf/weakBase.h"
41 #include <memory>
42 #include <utility>
43 #include <vector>
47 class PcpArc;
48 class PcpLayerStackSite;
52 /// \class PcpPrimIndex_Graph
53 ///
54 /// Internal representation of the graph used to represent sources of
55 /// opinions in the prim index.
56 ///
57 class PcpPrimIndex_Graph
58     : public TfSimpleRefBase
59     , public TfWeakBase
60 {
61 public:
62     /// Creates a new graph with a root node for site \p rootSite.
63     static PcpPrimIndex_GraphRefPtr New(const PcpLayerStackSite& rootSite,
64                                         bool usd);
66     /// Creates a new graph that is a clone of \p rhs.
67     static PcpPrimIndex_GraphRefPtr New(const PcpPrimIndex_GraphPtr& rhs);
69     /// Returns true if this graph was created in USD mode.
70     bool IsUsd() const;
72     /// Get/set whether this prim index has an authored payload.
73     /// Note that it does not necessarily mean that the payload has been
74     /// loaded if this is set to true.
75     void SetHasPayloads(bool hasPayloads);
76     bool HasPayloads() const;
78     /// Get/set whether this prim index is instanceable.
79     void SetIsInstanceable(bool isInstanceable);
80     bool IsInstanceable() const;
82     /// Returns this graph's root node. This should always return a valid
83     /// node.
84     PcpNodeRef GetRootNode() const;
86     /// Returns the indexes of the nodes that encompass all direct child
87     /// nodes in the specified range as well as their descendants, in
88     /// strong-to-weak order.
89     ///
90     /// By default, this returns a range encompassing the entire graph.
91     std::pair<size_t, size_t>
92     GetNodeIndexesForRange(PcpRangeType rangeType = PcpRangeTypeAll) const;
94     /// Returns a node from the graph that uses the given site and can
95     /// contribute specs, if one exists. If multiple nodes in the graph
96     /// use the same site, the one that will be returned by this function
97     /// is undefined.
98     PcpNodeRef GetNodeUsingSite(const PcpLayerStackSite& site) const;
100     /// Appends the final element of \p childPath to each node's site path.
101     /// This takes the entire childPath as an optimization -- it's often the
102     /// case that the site paths are the parent path of childPath, in which case
103     /// we can just reuse childPath instead of reassembling a new matching path.
104     void AppendChildNameToAllSites(const SdfPath& childPath);
106     /// Inserts a new node with site \p site as a child of \p parentNode,
107     /// connected via \p arc.
108     /// Returns the newly-added child node.
109     /// If the new node would exceeed the graph capacity, an invalid
110     /// PcpNodeRef is returned.
111     PcpNodeRef InsertChildNode(
112         const PcpNodeRef& parentNode,
113         const PcpLayerStackSite& site, const PcpArc& arc,
114         PcpErrorBasePtr *error);
116     /// Inserts \p subgraph as a child of \p parentNode. The root node of
117     /// \p subgraph will be an immediate child of \p parentNode, connected via
118     /// \p arc.
119     /// Returns the root node of the newly-added subgraph.
120     /// If the new nodes would exceeed the graph capacity, an invalid
121     /// PcpNodeRef is returned.
122     PcpNodeRef InsertChildSubgraph(
123         const PcpNodeRef& parentNode,
124         const PcpPrimIndex_GraphPtr& subgraph, const PcpArc& arc,
125         PcpErrorBasePtr *error);
127     /// Finalizes the graph. This optimizes internal data structures and
128     /// should be called once the graph is fully generated.
129     void Finalize();
131     /// Return true if the graph is in a finalized state.
132     bool IsFinalized() const;
134     /// Get the SdSite from compressed site \p site.
GetSdSite(const Pcp_CompressedSdSite & site)135     SdfSite GetSdSite(const Pcp_CompressedSdSite& site) const
136     {
137         return SdfSite(_GetNode(site.nodeIndex).
138                                  layerStack->GetLayers()[site.layerIndex],
139                              _nodeSitePaths[site.nodeIndex]);
140     }
142     /// Make an uncompressed site reference from compressed site \p site.
GetSiteRef(const Pcp_CompressedSdSite & site)143     Pcp_SdSiteRef GetSiteRef(const Pcp_CompressedSdSite& site) const
144     {
145         return Pcp_SdSiteRef(_GetNode(site.nodeIndex).
146                                  layerStack->GetLayers()[site.layerIndex],
147                              _nodeSitePaths[site.nodeIndex]);
148     }
150     /// Get a node from compressed site \p site.
GetNode(const Pcp_CompressedSdSite & site)151     PcpNodeRef GetNode(const Pcp_CompressedSdSite& site)
152     {
153         TF_VERIFY(site.nodeIndex < _GetNumNodes());
154         return PcpNodeRef(this, site.nodeIndex);
155     }
157 private:
158     // Forward declarations for internal data structures.
159     struct _Arc;
160     struct _ArcStrengthOrder;
161     struct _Node;
163     // Private constructors -- use New instead.
164     PcpPrimIndex_Graph(const PcpLayerStackSite& rootSite, bool usd);
165     PcpPrimIndex_Graph(const PcpPrimIndex_Graph& rhs);
167     size_t _CreateNode(
168         const PcpLayerStackSite& site, const PcpArc& arc);
169     size_t _CreateNodesForSubgraph(
170         const PcpPrimIndex_Graph& subgraph, const PcpArc& arc);
172     PcpNodeRef _InsertChildInStrengthOrder(
173         size_t parentNodeIdx, size_t childNodeIdx);
175     void _DetachSharedNodePool();
177     // Iterates through the immediate children of the root node looking
178     // for the first node for which p(node) is true and the first subsequent
179     // node where p(node) is false. Returns the indexes of the resulting
180     // nodes.
181     template <class Predicate>
182     std::pair<size_t, size_t> _FindRootChildRange(const Predicate& p) const;
184     // Helper functions to compute a mapping between node indexes and
185     // the strength order of the corresponding node.
186     //
187     // Returns:
188     // True if the order of nodes in the node pool is the same as strength
189     // ordering, false otherwise.
190     //
191     // nodeIndexToStrengthOrder[i] => strength order of node at index i.
192     bool _ComputeStrengthOrderIndexMapping(
193         std::vector<size_t>* nodeIndexToStrengthOrder) const;
194     bool _ComputeStrengthOrderIndexMappingRecursively(
195         size_t nodeIdx, size_t* strengthIdx,
196         std::vector<size_t>* nodeIndexToStrengthOrder) const;
198     // Helper function to compute a node index mapping that erases nodes
199     // that have been marked for culling.
200     //
201     // Returns:
202     // True if any nodes marked for culling can be erased, false otherwise.
203     // culledNodeMapping[i] => index of node i after culled nodes are erased.
204     bool _ComputeEraseCulledNodeIndexMapping(
205         std::vector<size_t>* culledNodeMapping) const;
207     // Transforms the node pool by applying the given node index mapping.
208     // References to to other nodes in the pool are fixed up appropriately.
209     //
210     // \p nodeIndexMap is a vector of the same size as the node pool, where
211     // \p nodeIndexMap[i] => new position of node i.
212     // If \p nodeIndexMap[i] == _invalidNodeIndex, that node will be erased.
213     void _ApplyNodeIndexMapping(const std::vector<size_t>& nodeIndexMap);
215 private:
216     // PcpNodeRef is allowed to reach directly into the node pool to get/set
217     // data.
218     friend class PcpNodeRef;
219     friend class PcpNodeRef_ChildrenIterator;
220     friend class PcpNodeRef_ChildrenReverseIterator;
221     friend class PcpNodeRef_PrivateChildrenConstIterator;
222     friend class PcpNodeRef_PrivateChildrenConstReverseIterator;
224     // NOTE: These accessors assume the consumer will be changing the node
225     //       and may cause shared node data to be copied locally.
226     _Node& _GetWriteableNode(size_t idx);
227     _Node& _GetWriteableNode(const PcpNodeRef& node);
_GetNumNodes()229     size_t _GetNumNodes() const
230     {
231         return _data->nodes.size();
232     }
_GetNode(size_t idx)234     const _Node& _GetNode(size_t idx) const
235     {
236         TF_VERIFY(idx < _GetNumNodes());
237         return _data->nodes[idx];
238     }
_GetNode(const PcpNodeRef & node)239     const _Node& _GetNode(const PcpNodeRef& node) const
240     {
241         return _GetNode(node._GetNodeIndex());
242     }
244 private:
245     // Allow Pcp_Statistics access to internal data for diagnostics.
246     friend class Pcp_Statistics;
248     struct _Node {
249         static const size_t _nodeIndexSize = 15;
250         static const size_t _childrenSize  = 10;
251         static const size_t _depthSize     = 10;
252         // These types should be just large enough to hold the above sizes.
253         // This allows this structure to be packed into less space.
254         typedef unsigned short _NodeIndexType;
255         typedef unsigned short _ChildrenSizeType;
256         typedef unsigned short _DepthSizeType;
258         // Index used to represent an invalid node.
259         static const size_t _invalidNodeIndex = (1lu << _nodeIndexSize) - 1lu;
_Node_Node261         _Node()
262             /* The equivalent initializations to the memset().
263             , permission(SdfPermissionPublic)
264             , hasSymmetry(false)
265             , inert(false)
266             , culled(false)
267             , permissionDenied(false)
268             , arcType(PcpArcTypeRoot)
269             , arcSiblingNumAtOrigin(0)
270             , arcNamespaceDepth(0)
271             , arcParentIndex(0)
272             , arcOriginIndex(0)
273             */
274         {
275             memset(&smallInts, 0, sizeof(smallInts));
276             smallInts.arcParentIndex   = _invalidNodeIndex;
277             smallInts.arcOriginIndex   = _invalidNodeIndex;
278             smallInts.firstChildIndex  = _invalidNodeIndex;
279             smallInts.lastChildIndex   = _invalidNodeIndex;
280             smallInts.prevSiblingIndex = _invalidNodeIndex;
281             smallInts.nextSiblingIndex = _invalidNodeIndex;
282         }
Swap_Node284         void Swap(_Node& rhs)
285         {
286             std::swap(layerStack, rhs.layerStack);
287             mapToRoot.Swap(rhs.mapToRoot);
288             mapToParent.Swap(rhs.mapToParent);
289             std::swap(smallInts, rhs.smallInts);
290         }
292         void SetArc(const PcpArc& arc);
294         // NOTE: We pack all info into _Node, including stuff that
295         //       would reasonably encapsulate in other types like
296         //       info about the arc to the parent, so we can lay
297         //       out the data in memory as tightly as possible.
299         // The layer stack for this node.
300         PcpLayerStackRefPtr layerStack;
301         // Mapping function used to translate from this node directly
302         // to the root node. This is essentially the composition of the
303         // mapToParent for every arc between this node and the root.
304         PcpMapExpression mapToRoot;
305         // The value-mapping function used to map values from this arc's source
306         // node to its parent node.
307         PcpMapExpression mapToParent;
308         // Pack the non-byte sized integers into an unnamed structure.
309         // This allows us to initialize them all at once.  g++ will,
310         // surprisingly, initialize each individually in the default
311         // copy constructor if they're direct members of _Node.
312         struct _SmallInts {
313             // The permissions for this node (whether specs on this node
314             // can be accessed from other nodes).
315             SdfPermission permission:2;
316             // Whether this node contributes symmetry information to
317             // composition. This implies that prims at this node's site
318             // or at any of its namespace ancestors contain symmetry
319             // information.
320             bool hasSymmetry:1;
321             // Whether this node is inert. This is set to true in cases
322             // where a node is needed to represent a structural dependency
323             // but no opinions are allowed to be added.
324             bool inert:1;
325             // Whether this node was culled. This implies that no opinions
326             // exist at this node and all child nodes. Because of this,
327             // prim indexing does not need to expand this node to look for
328             // other arcs.
329             bool culled:1;
330             // Whether this node is in violation of permission settings.
331             // This is set to true when: we arrive at this node from a
332             // node that was marked \c SdfPermissionPrivate, or we arrive
333             // at this node from  another node that was denied permission.
334             bool permissionDenied:1;
335             // The type of the arc to the parent node.  We only need 4
336             // bits but we use 5 to avoid signed/unsigned issues.
337             PcpArcType arcType:5;
338             // Index among sibling arcs at origin; lower is stronger
339             _ChildrenSizeType arcSiblingNumAtOrigin:_childrenSize;
340             // Absolute depth in namespace of node that introduced this
341             // node.  Note that this does *not* count any variant
342             // selections.
343             _DepthSizeType arcNamespaceDepth:_depthSize;
345             // The following are padded to word size to avoid needing to
346             // bit shift for read/write access and having to access two
347             // words to read a value that straddles two machine words.
348             // Note that bitfield layout should be examined when any
349             // field is added, removed, or resized.
351             // The index of the parent (or target) node of this arc.
352             _NodeIndexType:0;
353             _NodeIndexType arcParentIndex:_nodeIndexSize;
354             // The index of the origin node of this arc.
355             _NodeIndexType:0;
356             _NodeIndexType arcOriginIndex:_nodeIndexSize;
358             // The indexes of the first/last child, previous/next sibling.
359             // The previous sibling index of a first child and the next
360             // sibling index of a last child are _invalidNodeIndex (i.e.
361             // they form a list, not a ring).
362             _NodeIndexType:0;
363             _NodeIndexType firstChildIndex:_nodeIndexSize;
364             _NodeIndexType:0;
365             _NodeIndexType lastChildIndex:_nodeIndexSize;
366             _NodeIndexType:0;
367             _NodeIndexType prevSiblingIndex:_nodeIndexSize;
368             _NodeIndexType:0;
369             _NodeIndexType nextSiblingIndex:_nodeIndexSize;
370         }
371         // Make this structure as small as possible.
372 #if defined(ARCH_COMPILER_GCC) || defined(ARCH_COMPILER_CLANG)
373         __attribute__((packed))
374 #endif
375         ;
376         _SmallInts smallInts;
377     };
379     typedef std::vector<_Node> _NodePool;
381     struct _SharedData {
_SharedData_SharedData382         _SharedData(bool usd_)
383             : finalized(false)
384             , usd(usd_)
385             , hasPayloads(false)
386             , instanceable(false)
387         { }
389         // Pool of nodes for this graph.
390         _NodePool nodes;
392         // Whether this node pool has been finalized.
393         bool finalized:1;
394         // Whether this prim index is composed in USD mode.
395         bool usd:1;
396         // Whether this prim index has authored payloads.
397         bool hasPayloads:1;
398         // Whether this prim index is instanceable.
399         bool instanceable:1;
400     };
402     // Container of graph data. PcpPrimIndex_Graph implements a
403     // copy-on-write scheme, so this data may be shared among multiple graph
404     // instances.
405     std::shared_ptr<_SharedData> _data;
407     // The following data is not included in the shared data object above
408     // because they will typically differ between graph instances. Including
409     // them in the shared data object would cause more graph instances to
410     // be created.
412     // Site paths for each node. Elements in this vector correspond to nodes
413     // in the shared node pool. Together, _data->nodes[i].layerStack and
414     // _nodeSitePaths[i] form a node's site.
415     std::vector<SdfPath> _nodeSitePaths;
417     // Flags indicating whether a particular node has any specs to contribute
418     // to the composed prim. Elements in this vector correspond to nodes in
419     // the shared node pool.
420     std::vector<bool> _nodeHasSpecs;
421 };