1 /* -*- c++ -*- ----------------------------------------------------------
2    LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
3    https://www.lammps.org/, Sandia National Laboratories
4    Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
6    Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
7    DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
8    certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
9    the GNU General Public License.
11    See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
14 #ifndef LMP_MEAM_H
15 #define LMP_MEAM_H
17 #include "math_const.h"    // IWYU pragma: export
19 #include <cmath>
20 #include <string>
22 #define maxelt 5
24 namespace LAMMPS_NS {
25 class Memory;
27 typedef enum { FCC, BCC, HCP, DIM, DIA, DIA3, B1, C11, L12, B2, CH4, LIN, ZIG, TRI } lattice_t;
29 class MEAM {
30  public:
31   MEAM(Memory *mem);
32   ~MEAM();
34  private:
35   Memory *memory;
37   // cutforce = force cutoff
38   // cutforcesq = force cutoff squared
40   double cutforce, cutforcesq;
42   // Ec_meam = cohesive energy
43   // re_meam = nearest-neighbor distance
44   // B_meam = bulk modulus
45   // ielt_meam = atomic number of element
46   // A_meam = adjustable parameter
47   // alpha_meam = sqrt(9*Omega*B/Ec)
48   // rho0_meam = density scaling parameter
49   // delta_meam = heat of formation for alloys
50   // beta[0-3]_meam = electron density constants
51   // t[0-3]_meam = coefficients on densities in Gamma computation
52   // rho_ref_meam = background density for reference structure
53   // ibar_meam(i) = selection parameter for Gamma function for elt i,
54   // lattce_meam(i,j) = lattce configuration for elt i or alloy (i,j)
55   // neltypes = maximum number of element type defined
56   // eltind = index number of pair (similar to Voigt notation; ij = ji)
57   // phir = pair potential function array
58   // phirar[1-6] = spline coeffs
59   // attrac_meam = attraction parameter in Rose energy
60   // repuls_meam = repulsion parameter in Rose energy
61   // nn2_meam = 1 if second nearest neighbors are to be computed, else 0
62   // zbl_meam = 1 if zbl potential for small r to be use, else 0
63   // emb_lin_neg = 1 if linear embedding function for rhob to be used, else 0
64   // bkgd_dyn = 1 if reference densities follows Dynamo, else 0
65   // Cmin_meam, Cmax_meam = min and max values in screening cutoff
66   // rc_meam = cutoff distance for meam
67   // delr_meam = cutoff region for meam
68   // ebound_meam = factor giving maximum boundary of sceen fcn ellipse
69   // augt1 = flag for whether t1 coefficient should be augmented
70   // ialloy = flag for newer alloy formulation (as in dynamo code)
71   // mix_ref_t = flag to recover "old" way of computing t in reference config
72   // erose_form = selection parameter for form of E_rose function
73   // gsmooth_factor = factor determining length of G smoothing region
74   // vind[23]D = Voight notation index maps for 2 and 3D
75   // v2D,v3D = array of factors to apply for Voight notation
77   // nr,dr = pair function discretization parameters
78   // nrar,rdrar = spline coeff array parameters
80   // theta = angle between three atoms in line, zigzag, and trimer reference structures
81   // stheta_meam = sin(theta/2) in radian used in line, zigzag, and trimer reference structures
82   // ctheta_meam = cos(theta/2) in radian used in line, zigzag, and trimer reference structures
84   double Ec_meam[maxelt][maxelt], re_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
85   double A_meam[maxelt], alpha_meam[maxelt][maxelt], rho0_meam[maxelt];
86   double delta_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
87   double beta0_meam[maxelt], beta1_meam[maxelt];
88   double beta2_meam[maxelt], beta3_meam[maxelt];
89   double t0_meam[maxelt], t1_meam[maxelt];
90   double t2_meam[maxelt], t3_meam[maxelt];
91   double rho_ref_meam[maxelt];
92   int ibar_meam[maxelt], ielt_meam[maxelt];
93   lattice_t lattce_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
94   int nn2_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
95   int zbl_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
96   int eltind[maxelt][maxelt];
97   int neltypes;
99   double **phir;
101   double **phirar, **phirar1, **phirar2, **phirar3, **phirar4, **phirar5, **phirar6;
103   double attrac_meam[maxelt][maxelt], repuls_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
105   double Cmin_meam[maxelt][maxelt][maxelt];
106   double Cmax_meam[maxelt][maxelt][maxelt];
107   double rc_meam, delr_meam, ebound_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
108   int augt1, ialloy, mix_ref_t, erose_form;
109   int emb_lin_neg, bkgd_dyn;
110   double gsmooth_factor;
112   int vind2D[3][3], vind3D[3][3][3];    // x-y-z to Voigt-like index
113   int v2D[6], v3D[10];                  // multiplicity of Voigt index (i.e. [1] -> xy+yx = 2
115   int nr, nrar;
116   double dr, rdrar;
118  public:
119   int nmax;
120   double *rho, *rho0, *rho1, *rho2, *rho3, *frhop;
121   double *gamma, *dgamma1, *dgamma2, *dgamma3, *arho2b;
122   double **arho1, **arho2, **arho3, **arho3b, **t_ave, **tsq_ave;
124   int maxneigh;
125   double *scrfcn, *dscrfcn, *fcpair;
127   //angle for trimer, zigzag, line reference structures
128   double stheta_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
129   double ctheta_meam[maxelt][maxelt];
131  protected:
132   // meam_funcs.cpp
134   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
135   // Cutoff function
136   //
fcut(const double xi)137   static double fcut(const double xi)
138   {
139     double a;
140     if (xi >= 1.0)
141       return 1.0;
142     else if (xi <= 0.0)
143       return 0.0;
144     else {
145       // ( 1.d0 - (1.d0 - xi)**4 )**2, but with better codegen
146       a = 1.0 - xi;
147       a *= a;
148       a *= a;
149       a = 1.0 - a;
150       return a * a;
151     }
152   }
154   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
155   // Cutoff function and derivative
156   //
dfcut(const double xi,double & dfc)157   static double dfcut(const double xi, double &dfc)
158   {
159     double a, a3, a4, a1m4;
160     if (xi >= 1.0) {
161       dfc = 0.0;
162       return 1.0;
163     } else if (xi <= 0.0) {
164       dfc = 0.0;
165       return 0.0;
166     } else {
167       a = 1.0 - xi;
168       a3 = a * a * a;
169       a4 = a * a3;
170       a1m4 = 1.0 - a4;
172       dfc = 8 * a1m4 * a3;
173       return a1m4 * a1m4;
174     }
175   }
177   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
178   // Derivative of Cikj w.r.t. rij
179   //     Inputs: rij,rij2,rik2,rjk2
180   //
dCfunc(const double rij2,const double rik2,const double rjk2)181   static double dCfunc(const double rij2, const double rik2, const double rjk2)
182   {
183     double rij4, a, asq, b, denom;
185     rij4 = rij2 * rij2;
186     a = rik2 - rjk2;
187     b = rik2 + rjk2;
188     asq = a * a;
189     denom = rij4 - asq;
190     denom = denom * denom;
191     return -4 * (-2 * rij2 * asq + rij4 * b + asq * b) / denom;
192   }
194   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
195   // Derivative of Cikj w.r.t. rik and rjk
196   //     Inputs: rij,rij2,rik2,rjk2
197   //
dCfunc2(const double rij2,const double rik2,const double rjk2,double & dCikj1,double & dCikj2)198   static void dCfunc2(const double rij2, const double rik2, const double rjk2, double &dCikj1,
199                       double &dCikj2)
200   {
201     double rij4, rik4, rjk4, a, denom;
203     rij4 = rij2 * rij2;
204     rik4 = rik2 * rik2;
205     rjk4 = rjk2 * rjk2;
206     a = rik2 - rjk2;
207     denom = rij4 - a * a;
208     denom = denom * denom;
209     dCikj1 = 4 * rij2 * (rij4 + rik4 + 2 * rik2 * rjk2 - 3 * rjk4 - 2 * rij2 * a) / denom;
210     dCikj2 = 4 * rij2 * (rij4 - 3 * rik4 + 2 * rik2 * rjk2 + rjk4 + 2 * rij2 * a) / denom;
211   }
213   double G_gam(const double gamma, const int ibar, int &errorflag) const;
214   double dG_gam(const double gamma, const int ibar, double &dG) const;
215   static double zbl(const double r, const int z1, const int z2);
216   double embedding(const double A, const double Ec, const double rhobar, double &dF) const;
217   static double erose(const double r, const double re, const double alpha, const double Ec,
218                       const double repuls, const double attrac, const int form);
220   static void get_shpfcn(const lattice_t latt, const double sthe, const double cthe,
221                          double (&s)[3]);
223   static int get_Zij2(const lattice_t latt, const double cmin, const double cmax, const double sthe,
224                       double &a, double &S);
225   static int get_Zij2_b2nn(const lattice_t latt, const double cmin, const double cmax, double &S);
227  protected:
228   void meam_checkindex(int, int, int, int *, int *);
229   void getscreen(int i, double *scrfcn, double *dscrfcn, double *fcpair, double **x, int numneigh,
230                  int *firstneigh, int numneigh_full, int *firstneigh_full, int ntype, int *type,
231                  int *fmap);
232   void calc_rho1(int i, int ntype, int *type, int *fmap, double **x, int numneigh, int *firstneigh,
233                  double *scrfcn, double *fcpair);
235   void alloyparams();
236   void compute_pair_meam();
237   double phi_meam(double, int, int);
238   double phi_meam_series(const double scrn, const int Z1, const int Z2, const int a, const int b,
239                          const double r, const double arat);
240   void compute_reference_density();
241   void get_tavref(double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double, double,
242                   double, double, double, double, double, int, int, lattice_t);
243   void get_sijk(double, int, int, int, double *);
244   void get_densref(double, int, int, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *,
245                    double *, double *);
246   void interpolate_meam(int);
248  public:
249   // clang-format off
250   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
251   // convert lattice spec to lattice_t
252   // only use single-element lattices if single=true
253   // return false on failure
254   // return true and set lat on success
str_to_lat(const std::string & str,bool single,lattice_t & lat)255   static bool str_to_lat(const std::string & str, bool single, lattice_t& lat)
256   {
257     if (str == "fcc") lat = FCC;
258     else if (str == "bcc") lat = BCC;
259     else if (str == "hcp") lat = HCP;
260     else if (str == "dim") lat = DIM;
261     else if (str == "dia") lat = DIA;
262     else if (str == "dia3") lat = DIA3;
263     else if (str == "lin") lat = LIN;
264     else if (str == "zig") lat = ZIG;
265     else if (str == "tri") lat = TRI;
266     else {
267       if (single)
268         return false;
270       if (str == "b1") lat = B1;
271       else if (str == "c11") lat = C11;
272       else if (str == "l12") lat = L12;
273       else if (str == "b2") lat = B2;
274       else if (str == "ch4") lat = CH4;
275       else if (str == "lin") lat =LIN;
276       else if (str == "zig") lat = ZIG;
277       else if (str == "tri") lat = TRI;
278       else return false;
279     }
280     return true;
281   }
282   // clang-format on
283   static int get_Zij(const lattice_t latt);
284   void meam_setup_global(int nelt, lattice_t *lat, int *ielement, double *atwt, double *alpha,
285                          double *b0, double *b1, double *b2, double *b3, double *alat, double *esub,
286                          double *asub, double *t0, double *t1, double *t2, double *t3,
287                          double *rozero, int *ibar);
288   void meam_setup_param(int which, double value, int nindex, int *index /*index(3)*/,
289                         int *errorflag);
290   void meam_setup_done(double *cutmax);
291   void meam_dens_setup(int atom_nmax, int nall, int n_neigh);
292   void meam_dens_init(int i, int ntype, int *type, int *fmap, double **x, int numneigh,
293                       int *firstneigh, int numneigh_full, int *firstneigh_full, int fnoffset);
294   void meam_dens_final(int nlocal, int eflag_either, int eflag_global, int eflag_atom,
295                        double *eng_vdwl, double *eatom, int ntype, int *type, int *fmap,
296                        double **scale, int &errorflag);
297   void meam_force(int i, int eflag_global, int eflag_atom, int vflag_global, int vflag_atom,
298                   double *eng_vdwl, double *eatom, int ntype, int *type, int *fmap, double **scale,
299                   double **x, int numneigh, int *firstneigh, int numneigh_full,
300                   int *firstneigh_full, int fnoffset, double **f, double **vatom, double *virial);
301 };
303 // Functions we need for compat
iszero(const double f)305 static inline bool iszero(const double f)
306 {
307   return fabs(f) < 1e-20;
308 }
isone(const double f)310 static inline bool isone(const double f)
311 {
312   return fabs(f - 1.0) < 1e-20;
313 }
315 // Helper functions
fdiv_zero(const double n,const double d)317 static inline double fdiv_zero(const double n, const double d)
318 {
319   if (iszero(d)) return 0.0;
320   return n / d;
321 }
323 }    // namespace LAMMPS_NS
324 #endif