1 /****************************************************************/
2 /* file alloc.c
4 ARIBAS interpreter for Arithmetic
5 Copyright (C) 1996-2002 O.Forster
7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
21 Address of the author
23     Otto Forster
24     Math. Institut der LMU
25     Theresienstr. 39
26     D-80333 Muenchen, Germany
28 Email   forster@mathematik.uni-muenchen.de
29 */
30 /****************************************************************/
32 /*
33 ** alloc.c
34 ** memory allocation and garbage collection functions
35 **
36 ** date of last change
37 ** 1995-03-29
38 ** 1996-10-04   changed iniconfig
39 ** 1997-04-18   various SIZE defines, changed mvsymtab, tempfree
40 ** 1997-09-06   memory allocation #ifdef M_LARGE
41 ** 1997-12-26   small changes in iniconfig
42 ** 1998-01-06   fixed small bug in moveobj
43 ** 2002-04-05   changed some configuration constants
44 */
46 #include "common.h"
48 /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
49 /* configuration constants */
51 #define SMALL_BLOCK0SIZE     4000   /* unit is sizeof(truc) = 4 */
52 #define MED_BLOCK0SIZE       8000
53 #define BIG_BLOCK0SIZE      16000
54 #define SMALL_BLOCKSIZE     12240   /* multiple of 255 */
55 #define MED_BLOCKSIZE       16320   /* multiple of 255, < 2**14 */
56 #define BIG_BLOCKSIZE       65280   /* multiple of 255, < 2**16 */
58 #ifdef M_SMALL
60 #define HASHTABSIZE  509    /* size of hash table (prime) */
61 #define BLOCKMAX      16
62 #define ARIBUFSIZE  5000    /* size of bignum buffer (word2's) */
65 #define RESERVE     6000    /* soviel Bytes sollen freibleiben */
66 #define WORKSTKSIZE 6000    /* size of evaluation+work stack (word4's) */
67 #define ARGSTKSIZE  7000    /* size of argument+save stack (word4's) */
69 #endif
71 #ifdef M_LARGE
72 #include <assert.h>
74 #define HASHTABSIZE     1009    /* size of hash table (prime) */
75 #define BLOCKMAX         192    /* must be < 255 */
78 #define RESERVE        16000
80 #define ARGSTKSIZE     16000
82 #ifdef MEM
83 #if (MEM >= 1) && (MEM <= 32)
84 #define MEM_DEFAULT    (MEM*1024)
85 #endif
86 #endif /* MEM */
87 #ifdef INTSIZE
88 #if (INTSIZE >= 20) && (INTSIZE <= 300)
89 #define ARIBUFSIZE      (INTSIZE * 209)
90 #endif
91 #else
92 #define ARIBUFSIZE      10000   /* size of bignum buffer (word2's) */
93 #endif /* INTSIZE */
94 #endif /* M_LARGE */
97 #ifndef MEM_DEFAULT
99 #ifdef ATARIST
100 #define MEM_DEFAULT 512
101 #endif
102 #ifdef MsDOS
103 #define MEM_DEFAULT 300
104 #endif
105 #ifdef DjGPP
106 #define MEM_DEFAULT 2048
107 #endif
108 #ifdef MsWIN32
109 #define MEM_DEFAULT 2048
110 #endif
111 #ifdef genUNiX
112 #define MEM_DEFAULT 2048
113 #endif
115 #endif /* MEM_DEFAULT */
117 /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
119 PUBLIC truc *Symbol;
120 PUBLIC truc *Memory[BLOCKMAX+1];
121 PUBLIC trucptr *Symtab;     /* symbol table */
122 PUBLIC size_t hashtabSize;
123 PUBLIC truc *WorkStack;     /* evaluation stack (also work stack) */
124 PUBLIC truc *evalStkPtr, *workStkPtr;
125 PUBLIC truc *ArgStack;      /* argument stack (also save stack) */
126 PUBLIC truc *argStkPtr, *saveStkPtr;
127 PUBLIC truc *basePtr;
129 PUBLIC word2 *AriBuf, *PrimTab;
130 PUBLIC word2 *AriScratch, *AuxBuf;
131 PUBLIC size_t aribufSize, auxbufSize, scrbufSize;
132         /* unit is sizeof(word2) */
134 PUBLIC void inialloc    _((void));
135 PUBLIC int memalloc _((int mem));
136 PUBLIC void dealloc _((void));
137 PUBLIC void resetarr    _((void));
138 PUBLIC int initend  _((void));
139 PUBLIC int tempfree _((int flg));
140 PUBLIC int inpack   _((truc obj, truc pack));
141 PUBLIC char *stringalloc  _((unsigned int size));
142 PUBLIC unsigned getblocksize  _((void));
143 PUBLIC size_t new0  _((unsigned int size));
144 PUBLIC truc newobj  _((int flg, unsigned int size, trucptr *ptraddr));
145 PUBLIC truc new0obj _((int flg, unsigned int size, trucptr *ptraddr));
146 PUBLIC unsigned obj4size  _((int type, truc *ptr));
147 PUBLIC void cpy4arr _((truc *ptr1, unsigned len, truc *ptr2));
149 /*--------------------------------------------------------*/
151 typedef struct {
152     byte    flag;
153     byte    flg2;
154     word2   curbot;
155     word2   blkceil;
156     word2   blkbot;
157 } blkdesc;
159 PRIVATE char *Stringpool;
160 PRIVATE char *Stringsys;
162 PRIVATE size_t symBot, userBot;
163 PRIVATE size_t memBot, memCeil;
164 PRIVATE size_t argstkSize, workstkSize, blockSize, block0Size;
165 PRIVATE int curblock, noofblocks, auxindex0, maxblocks;
166 PRIVATE blkdesc blockinfo[BLOCKMAX+1];
168 PRIVATE word4 gccount = 0;
170 PRIVATE truc gcsym, memavsym;
172 PRIVATE void iniconfig  _((int mem));
173 PRIVATE void inisymtab  _((void));
174 PRIVATE void iniblock   _((void));
175 PRIVATE void memstatistics  _((long slot[4]));
176 PRIVATE void displaymem     _((long s[]));
177 PRIVATE void gcstatistics   _((void));
178 PRIVATE int memshrink   _((int nnew, int nold));
179 PRIVATE truc Fmemavail  _((int argn));
180 PRIVATE void nextblock  _((unsigned int size));
181 PRIVATE void clearbufs  _((void));
182 PRIVATE truc Fgc    _((int argn));
183 PRIVATE int garbcollect  _((int mode));
184 PRIVATE void prepgc _((void));
185 PRIVATE void endgc  _((void));
186 PRIVATE void mvsymtab   _((void));
187 PRIVATE void mvargstk   _((void));
188 PRIVATE void mvevalstk  _((void));
189 PRIVATE void moveobj    _((truc *x));
190 PRIVATE int toupdate    _((truc *x));
191 PRIVATE int datupdate   _((int flg));
193 #define FREE        0
194 #define HALFFULL    1
195 #define FULL        2
196 #define RESERVED    4
197 #define NOAGERL     8
199 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
inialloc()200 PUBLIC void inialloc()
201 {
202     gcsym   = newsymsig("gc",   sFBINARY, (wtruc)Fgc, s_01);
203     memavsym= newsymsig("memavail", sFBINARY, (wtruc)Fmemavail, s_01);
204 }
205 /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
iniconfig(mem)206 PRIVATE void iniconfig(mem)
207 int mem;
208 {
209     int k;
210     long memmax;
212 #ifdef M_LARGE
213     assert(sizeof(word4) == 4);
214     assert(sizeof(word2) == 2);
215 #endif
216     argstkSize = ARGSTKSIZE;
217     workstkSize = WORKSTKSIZE;
218     hashtabSize = HASHTABSIZE;
219     aribufSize = ARIBUFSIZE;
220     blockSize = BLOCKSIZE;
221     block0Size = BLOCK0SIZE;
223     if(mem <= 0) {
224         mem = MEM_DEFAULT;
225     }
226 #ifdef M_LARGE
227     else if(mem < 1000) {
228         block0Size = MED_BLOCK0SIZE;
229         if(mem < 512)
230             mem = 512;
231     }
232 #else
233     else if(mem < 64)
234         mem = 64;
235 #endif
236 #ifdef ATARIST
237     else if(mem >= 1000) {
238         blockSize = BIG_BLOCKSIZE;
239         block0Size = MED_BLOCK0SIZE;
240     }
241 #endif
242 #ifdef DOSorTOS
243     else if(mem >= 200)
244         blockSize = MED_BLOCKSIZE;
245 #endif
246     memmax = blockSize;
247     memmax *= BLOCKMAX;
248     memmax /= 255;
249     if(mem > memmax)
250         mem = memmax;
251     if(mem < 2000) {
252         if(mem < 96) {
253             maxblocks = 2;
254         }
255         else {
256             for(k=3; k<BLOCKMAX; k++)
257                 if(mem/k <= blockSize/255)
258                     break;
259             maxblocks = k;
260         }
261         blockSize = mem/maxblocks;
262         blockSize *= 255;
263         blockSize &= 0xFFFE;    /* make even */
264     }
265     else {  /* mem >= 2000 */
266         maxblocks = (mem + blockSize/510)/(blockSize/255);
267         if(maxblocks > BLOCKMAX)
268             maxblocks = BLOCKMAX;
269     }
270 }
271 /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
272 /*
273 ** allocate memory for Symtab,
274 ** ArgStack, WorkStack, EvalStack,
275 ** Symbol and Memory
276 ** returns total amount of allocated memory (in kilobytes)
277 */
memalloc(mem)278 PUBLIC int memalloc(mem)
279 int mem;
280 {
281     int k;
282     unsigned long memallsize;
283     size_t size;
284     void *ptr;
286     stacklimit();
288     iniconfig(mem);
289     size = sizeof(trucptr) * hashtabSize;
290     memallsize = size;
291     ptr = malloc(size);
292     if(ptr) {
293         Symtab = (trucptr *)ptr;
294         size = sizeof(truc) * argstkSize;
295         memallsize += size;
296         ptr = malloc(size);
297     }
298     if(ptr) {
299         ArgStack = (truc *)ptr;
300         size = sizeof(truc) * workstkSize;
301         memallsize += size;
302         ptr = malloc(size);
303     }
304     if(ptr) {
305         WorkStack = (truc *)ptr;
306         size = sizeof(word2)*(aribufSize + PRIMTABSIZE + 16);
307         memallsize += size;
308         ptr = malloc(size);
309     }
310     if(ptr) {
311         AriBuf = (word2 *)ptr;
312         PrimTab = AriBuf + aribufSize + 16;
313         inisymtab();
314         resetarr();
315     }
316     else
317         faterr(err_memory);
319     size = sizeof(truc) * block0Size;
320     ptr = malloc(size);
321 #ifdef M_LARGE
322     noofblocks = maxblocks;
323     if(ptr) {
324         memallsize += size;
325         Memory[0] = (truc *)ptr;
326     }
327     else {
328         goto errmem;
329     }
330     size = sizeof(truc)*blockSize*noofblocks;
331     ptr = malloc(size);
332     if(ptr) {
333         memallsize += size;
334         Memory[1] = (truc *)ptr;
335         for(k=2; k<=noofblocks; k++)
336             Memory[k] = Memory[k-1] + blockSize;
337     }
338     else {
339         goto errmem;
340     }
341 #else /* !M_LARGE */
342     k = 0;
343     while(ptr != NULL) {
344         memallsize += size;
345         Memory[k] = (truc *)ptr;
346         if(++k > maxblocks)
347             break;
348         size = sizeof(truc) * blockSize;
349         ptr = malloc(size);
350     }
351     noofblocks = k-1;
352 #endif /* ?M_LARGE */
353     ptr = malloc(RESERVE);  /* test free memory */
354     if(ptr != NULL)
355         free(ptr);
356     else {
357         free(Memory[noofblocks]);
358         noofblocks--;
359         memallsize -= size;
360     }
361     if(noofblocks < 2)
362         goto errmem;
363     Symbol = Memory[0];
364     symBot = 0;
365     Stringpool = (char *)(Symbol + block0Size);
366     iniblock();
367     return((int)(memallsize >> 10));
368   errmem:
369     faterr(err_memory);
370     return(0);
371 }
372 /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
dealloc()373 PUBLIC void dealloc()
374 {
376 #ifdef M_LARGE
377     free(Memory[1]);
378 #else
379     int i;
380     for(i=noofblocks; i>=1; i--)
381         if(blockinfo[i].blkbot == 0)
382             free(Memory[i]);
383 #endif
384     free(Symbol);
385     free(AriBuf);
386     free(WorkStack);
387     free(ArgStack);
388     free(Symtab);
389 }
390 /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
resetarr()391 PUBLIC void resetarr()
392 {
393     workStkPtr = WorkStack - 1;
394     evalStkPtr = WorkStack + workstkSize;
395     argStkPtr  = ArgStack - 1;
396     saveStkPtr = ArgStack + argstkSize;
397     basePtr    = ArgStack;
398 }
399 /* ------------------------------------------------------- */
inisymtab()400 PRIVATE void inisymtab()
401 {
402     trucptr *sympt;
403     int i;
405     sympt = Symtab;
406     i = hashtabSize;
407     while(--i >= 0)
408         *sympt++ = NULL;
409 }
410 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
iniblock()411 PRIVATE void iniblock()
412 {
413     int split, m;
414     int i;
416     scrbufSize =
417         (blockSize / sizeof(word2)) * sizeof(truc);
418 #ifdef M_LARGE
419     auxbufSize =
420     (noofblocks*blockSize/2)/sizeof(word2)*sizeof(truc) - scrbufSize;
421 #else /* !M_LARGE */
422     auxbufSize = scrbufSize;
423     if(noofblocks == 3)
424         auxbufSize /= 2;
425     else if(noofblocks < 3)
426         auxbufSize = 0;
427 #endif /* ?M_LARGE */
429     m = (noofblocks+1)/2 + 1;
430     split = (noofblocks & 1) && (noofblocks < BLOCKMAX);
431     if(split) {
432         noofblocks++;
433         for(i=noofblocks; i>=m; i--)
434             Memory[i] = Memory[i-1];
435     }
436     blockinfo[0].flag = noofblocks;
437     for(i=1; i<=noofblocks; i++) {
438         blockinfo[i].flag = (i<m ? FREE : RESERVED);
439         blockinfo[i].blkbot = 0;
440         blockinfo[i].curbot = 0;
441         blockinfo[i].blkceil = blockSize;
442     }
443     if(split) {
444         blockinfo[m-1].blkceil = blockSize/2;
445         blockinfo[m].blkbot = blockSize/2;
446         blockinfo[m].curbot = blockSize/2;
447     }
448     curblock = 1;
449     memBot = blockinfo[curblock].blkbot;
450     memCeil = blockinfo[curblock].blkceil;
451     AriScratch = (word2 *)Memory[noofblocks];
453 #ifdef M_LARGE
454     auxindex0 = noofblocks/2+1;
455 #else /* !M_LARGE */
456     auxindex0 = noofblocks-1;
457 #endif /* ?M_LARGE */
458     AuxBuf = (word2 *)Memory[auxindex0];
459 }
460 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
461 /*
462 ** must be called at the end of initializations
463 ** sets global variables userBot and Stringsys
464 ** returns number of bytes used by system for symbols and symbol names
465 */
initend()466 PUBLIC int initend()
467 {
468     size_t n;
470     userBot = symBot;
471     Stringsys = Stringpool;
473     n = (char *)(Symbol + block0Size) - Stringsys;
474     n += sizeof(truc)*userBot;
475     return(n);
476 }
477 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
478 /*
479 ** Mit Argument flg > 0: Gibt die zweite Haelfte der Memory-Bloecke frei
480 ** Mit Argument flg == 0: Allokiert von neuem die freigegebenen
481 ** Memorybloecke
482 ** Rueckgabewert: 1 bei Erfolg, 0 bei Fehler
483 */
tempfree(flg)484 PUBLIC int tempfree(flg)
485 int flg;
486 {
487 #ifdef M_SMALL
488     int i, m, res;
489     size_t size;
490     void *ptr;
492     m = (noofblocks/2) + 1;
493     if(blockinfo[m].blkbot > 0)
494         m++;
495     if(flg > 0) {
496         garbcollect(1);
497         if(blockinfo[1].flag == RESERVED)
498             garbcollect(1);
499         /* nun ist zweite Haelfte frei */
500         for(i=noofblocks; i>=m; i--)
501             free(Memory[i]);
502     }
503     else {
504         size = blockSize * sizeof(truc);
505         for(i=m; i<=noofblocks; i++) {
506             ptr = malloc(size);
507             if(ptr == NULL) {
508                 res = memshrink(i-1,noofblocks);
509                 if(res == 0) {
510                 noofblocks = i-1;
511                 return(0);
512                 }
513                 else
514                 break;
515             }
516             Memory[i] = (truc *)ptr;
517         }
518         AriScratch = (word2 *)Memory[noofblocks];
519         AuxBuf = (word2 *)Memory[noofblocks-1];
520     }
521 #endif /* M_SMALL */
522     return(1);
523 }
524 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
525 /*
526 ** Reduziert die Anzahl der Memory-Bloecke von nold auf nnew
527 ** Es wird vorausgesetzt, dass die derzeit aktiven Bloecke
528 ** zur ersten Haelfte gehoeren und dass nnew < nold
529 ** Rueckgabewert: 1 bei Erfolg, 0 bei Misserfolg
530 */
memshrink(nnew,nold)531 PRIVATE int memshrink(nnew,nold)
532 int nnew, nold;
533 {
534 #ifdef M_SMALL
535     int i,m,m1,split;
537     m = (nold/2) + 1;
538     split = (blockinfo[m].blkbot > 0);
539     if(split)
540         nnew--;
541     if(nnew < 2)
542         return(0);
543     else if(nnew == 2)
544         auxbufSize = 0;
545     else if(nnew == 3)
546         auxbufSize /= 2;
547     m1 = nnew/2;
548     for(i=m1; i<m; i++) {
549         if(blockinfo[m].blkbot < blockinfo[m].curbot)
550             return(0);
551     }
552     if(split) {
553         for(i=m; i<=nnew; i++)
554             Memory[i] = Memory[i+1];
555         blockinfo[m-1].blkceil = blockinfo[m].blkceil;
556         blockinfo[m].blkbot = 0;
557     }
558     m = (nnew+1)/2;
559     if(nnew & 1) {
560         nnew++;
561         for(i=nnew; i>m; i--)
562             Memory[i] = Memory[i-1];
563         blockinfo[m].blkceil /= 2;
564         blockinfo[m+1].blkbot = blockinfo[m].blkceil;
565     }
566     for(i=nnew; i>m; i--)
567         blockinfo[i].flag = RESERVED;
568     noofblocks = nnew;
569 #endif  /* M_SMALL */
570     return(1);
571 }
572 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
inpack(obj,pack)573 PUBLIC int inpack(obj,pack)
574 truc obj, pack;
575 {
576     variant v;
577     int sys;
579     v.xx = obj;
580     sys = (v.pp.ww < userBot);
581     if(pack == arisym)
582         return(sys);
583     else if(pack == usersym)
584         return(!sys);
585     else
586         return(0);
587 }
588 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
memstatistics(slot)589 PRIVATE void memstatistics(slot)
590 long slot[4];
591 {
592     int i, flg;
593     unsigned b,c;
594     unsigned long nres = 0, nact = 0, nfree = 0, nsymb;
595     unsigned s = sizeof(truc);
597     for(i=1; i<=noofblocks; i++) {
598         b = blockinfo[i].blkbot;
599         c = blockinfo[i].blkceil;
600         if((flg = blockinfo[i].flag) == RESERVED) {
601             nres += c - b;
602         }
603         else {
604             nact += c - b;
605             if(flg < FULL) {
606             b = (i == curblock ? memBot : blockinfo[i].curbot);
607             nfree += c - b;
608             }
609         }
610     }
611     slot[0] = s * nres;
612     slot[1] = s * nact;
613     slot[2] = s * nfree;
614     nsymb = Stringpool - (char *)(Symbol + symBot);
615     slot[3] = nsymb;
616 }
617 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
displaymem(s)618 PRIVATE void displaymem(s)
619 long s[];
620 {
621     int n;
622     long diff;
624     diff = s[1] - s[2];
625     n = s2form(OutBuf,"~8D Bytes reserved; ~D Bytes active ",
626         (wtruc)s[0],(wtruc)s[1]);
627     s2form(OutBuf+n,"(~D used, ~D free)",(wtruc)diff,(wtruc)s[2]);
628     fprintline(tstdout,OutBuf);
629     s1form(OutBuf,
630       "~8D Bytes free for user defined symbols and symbol names", (wtruc)s[3]);
631     fprintline(tstdout,OutBuf);
632 }
633 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
gcstatistics()634 PRIVATE void gcstatistics()
635 {
636     fnewline(tstdout);
637     s1form(OutBuf,"total number of garbage collections: ~D", (wtruc)gccount);
638     fprintline(tstdout,OutBuf);
639 }
640 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
Fmemavail(argn)641 PRIVATE truc Fmemavail(argn)
642 int argn;
643 {
644     long s[4];
645     unsigned f;
646     int verbose;
648     verbose = (argn == 0 || *argStkPtr != zero);
650     memstatistics(s);
651     if(verbose) {
652         gcstatistics();
653         displaymem(s);
654     }
655     f = s[2] >> 10;     /* free kilobytes */
656     return(mkfixnum(f));
657 }
658 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
stringalloc(size)659 PUBLIC char *stringalloc(size)
660 unsigned int size;  /* unit for size is sizeof(char) */
661 {
662     if(Stringpool - size <= (char *)(Symbol + symBot))
663         faterr(err_memory);
664     Stringpool -= size;
665     return(Stringpool);
666 }
667 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
getblocksize()668 PUBLIC unsigned getblocksize()
669 {
670     return(blockSize);
671 }
672 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
new0(size)673 PUBLIC size_t new0(size)
674 unsigned int size;  /* unit for size is sizeof(truc) */
675 {
676     size_t loc;
678     loc = symBot;
679     symBot += size;
680 #ifdef ALIGN8
681     if (symBot & 0x1)
682         symBot++;
683 #endif
684     if(Stringpool <= (char *)(Symbol + symBot))
685         faterr(err_memory);
686     return(loc);
687 }
688 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
newobj(flg,size,ptraddr)689 PUBLIC truc newobj(flg,size,ptraddr)
690 int flg;
691 unsigned int size;
692 trucptr *ptraddr;
693 {
694     variant v;
696     if(size > memCeil - memBot) {
697         nextblock(size);
698     }
699     v.pp.b0 = flg;
700     v.pp.b1 = curblock;
701     v.pp.ww = memBot;
702     *ptraddr = Memory[curblock] + memBot;
704     memBot += size;
705     return(v.xx);
706 }
707 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
708 /*
709 ** allocation from memory block 0
710 ** (for symbols, not moved during garbage collection)
711 */
new0obj(flg,size,ptraddr)712 PUBLIC truc new0obj(flg,size,ptraddr)
713 int flg;
714 unsigned int size;  /* unit for size is sizeof(truc) */
715 trucptr *ptraddr;
716 {
717     variant v;
718     size_t loc = new0(size);
720     v.pp.b0 = flg;
721     v.pp.b1 = 0;
722     v.pp.ww = loc;
723     *ptraddr = Symbol + loc;
725     return(v.xx);
726 }
727 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
nextblock(size)728 PRIVATE void nextblock(size)
729 unsigned int size;
730 {
731     int i,k;
732     int collected = 0;
734     blockinfo[curblock].curbot = memBot;
735     blockinfo[curblock].flag =
736         (memCeil - memBot >= NOAGERL ? HALFFULL : FULL);
738     if(size > blockSize) {
739         reset(err_2large);
740     }
741   nochmal:
742     k = curblock;
743     for(i=1; i<=noofblocks; i++) {
744         if(++k > noofblocks)
745             k = 1;
746         if((blockinfo[k].flag <= HALFFULL) &&
747            (size <= blockinfo[k].blkceil - blockinfo[k].curbot)) {
748             memBot = blockinfo[k].curbot;
749             memCeil = blockinfo[k].blkceil;
750             curblock = k;
751             return;
752         }
753     }
754     if(!collected && garbcollect(1)) {
755         collected = 1;
756         goto nochmal;
757     }
758     clearbufs();
759     if(garbcollect(0))
760         reset(err_memev);
761     else
762         faterr(err_garb);
763 }
764 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
clearbufs()765 PRIVATE void clearbufs()
766 {
767     *res3Ptr = zero;
768     *res2Ptr = zero;
769     *res1Ptr = zero;
770     *brkbindPtr = zero;
771 }
772 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
Fgc(argn)773 PRIVATE truc Fgc(argn)
774 int argn;
775 {
776     garbcollect(1);
777     return Fmemavail(argn);
778 }
779 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
garbcollect(mode)780 PRIVATE int garbcollect(mode)
781 int mode;   /* mode = 0: emergency collection */
782 {
783     static int merk = 0;
785     gccount++;
786     if(merk++) {
787         merk = 0;
788         return(0);
789     }
790     prepgc();
791     mvsymtab();
792     if(mode > 0) {
793         mvargstk();
794         mvevalstk();
795     }
796     endgc();
798     --merk;
799     return(1);
800 }
801 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
prepgc()802 PRIVATE void prepgc()
803 {
804     int i, first = 1;
805     for(i=1; i<=noofblocks; i++) {
806         blockinfo[i].curbot = blockinfo[i].blkbot;
807         if(blockinfo[i].flag == RESERVED) {
808             blockinfo[i].flag = FREE;
809             if(first) {
810                 curblock = i;
811                 memBot = blockinfo[i].curbot;
812                 memCeil = blockinfo[i].blkceil;
813                 first = 0;
814             }
815         }
816         else
817             blockinfo[i].flag = RESERVED;
818     }
819 }
820 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
endgc()821 PRIVATE void endgc()
822 {
823     int scratchind, auxind;
825     blockinfo[curblock].curbot = memBot;
827     if(blockinfo[1].flag == RESERVED) {
828         scratchind = 1;
829         auxind = 2;
830     }
831     else {
832         scratchind = noofblocks;
833         auxind = auxindex0;
834     }
835     AriScratch = (word2 *)Memory[scratchind];
836     AuxBuf = (word2 *)Memory[auxind];
837 }
838 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
mvsymtab()839 PRIVATE void mvsymtab()
840 {
841     int n, flg;
842     truc *x;
844     *res3Ptr = zero;
845     n = 0;
846     while((x = nextsymptr(n++)) != NULL) {
847         flg = *FLAGPTR(x);
848         if(flg & sGCMOVEBIND)
849             moveobj(SYMBINDPTR(x));
850     }
851 }
852 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
mvargstk()853 PRIVATE void mvargstk()
854 {
855     truc *ptr;
857     ptr = ArgStack - 1;
858     while(++ptr <= argStkPtr)
859         moveobj(ptr);
860 }
861 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
mvevalstk()862 PRIVATE void mvevalstk()
863 {
864     truc *ptr;
866     ptr = WorkStack - 1;
867     while(++ptr <= workStkPtr)
868         moveobj(ptr);
870     ptr = WorkStack + workstkSize;
871     while(--ptr >= evalStkPtr)
872         moveobj(ptr);
873 }
874 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
moveobj(x)875 PRIVATE void moveobj(x)
876 truc *x;
877 {
878     int flg;
879     unsigned int len;
880     truc *ptr, *ptr2;
882   nochmal:
883     flg = toupdate(x);
884     if(!flg)
885         return;
887     ptr = TAddress(x);
888     if(*FLAGPTR(ptr) == GCMARK) {   /* update *x */
889         *x = *ptr;
890         *FLAGPTR(x) = flg;
891         return;
892     }
893     len = obj4size(flg,ptr);
895     if(len == 0)    /* this case should not happen */
896         return;
898     *x = newobj(flg,len,&ptr2);
899     cpy4arr(ptr,len,ptr2);
900     *ptr = *x;          /* put forwarding address */
901     *FLAGPTR(ptr) = GCMARK;
903     if(datupdate(flg) && (len >= 2)) {
904         while(--len > 1)    /* first element always fixed */
905             moveobj(++ptr2);
906         /*** tail recursion elimination *******/
907         x = ptr2 + 1;
908         goto nochmal;
909     }
910 }
911 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
912 /*
913 ** returns 0, if *x needs no update; else returns flag of *x
914 */
toupdate(x)915 PRIVATE int toupdate(x)
916 truc *x;
917 {
918     int flg, seg;
920     flg = *FLAGPTR(x);
921     if(flg & FIXMASK)
922         return(0);
923     seg = *SEGPTR(x);
924     if(seg == 0 || blockinfo[seg].flag != RESERVED)
925         return(0);
926     else {
927         return(flg);
928     }
929 }
930 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
931 /*
932 ** returns 0, if data of object are fixed, else returns 1
933 */
datupdate(flg)934 PRIVATE int datupdate(flg)
935 int flg;
936 {
937     if(flg == fSTREAM)
938         return(0);
939     else if(flg <= fVECTOR)
940         return(1);
941     else
942         return(0);
943 }
944 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
945 /*
946 ** return size of objects (unit is sizeof(truc)=4)
947 ** which are not fixed during garbage collection
948 */
obj4size(type,ptr)949 PUBLIC unsigned obj4size(type,ptr)
950 int type;
951 truc *ptr;
952 {
953     unsigned int len;
955     switch(type) {
956     case fBIGNUM:
957     case fGF2NINT:
958         len = ((struct bigcell *)ptr)->len;
959         return(SIZEOFBIG(len));
960     case fSTRING:
961     case fBYTESTRING:
962         len = ((struct strcell *)ptr)->len;
963         return(SIZEOFSTRING(len));
964     case fSTREAM:
965         return(SIZEOFSTREAM);
966     case fVECTOR:
967         len = ((struct vector *)ptr)->len;
968         return(SIZEOFVECTOR(len));
969     case fPOINTER:
970     case fRECORD:
971         len = ((struct record *)ptr)->len;
972         return(SIZEOFRECORD(len));
973     case fSPECIAL1:
974     case fBUILTIN1:
975         return(SIZEOFOPNODE(1));
976     case fSPECIAL2:
977     case fBUILTIN2:
978         return(SIZEOFOPNODE(2));
979     case fTUPLE:
980     case fWHILEXPR:
981     case fIFEXPR:
982     case fFOREXPR:
983     case fCOMPEXPR:
984         len = ((struct compnode *)ptr)->len;
985         return(SIZEOFCOMP(len));
986     case fSPECIALn:
987     case fBUILTINn:
988     case fFUNCALL:
989         len = *ARGCPTR(ptr);
990         return(SIZEOFFUNODE(len));
991     case fFUNDEF:
992         return(SIZEOFFUNDEF);
993     case fSTACK:
994         return(SIZEOFSTACK);
995     default:
996         if(type >= fFLTOBJ) {
997             len = fltprec(type);
998             return(SIZEOFFLOAT(len));
999         }
1000         else {
1001             error(gcsym,err_case,mkfixnum(type));
1002             return(0);
1003         }
1004     }
1005 }
1006 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
1007 /*
1008 ** kopiert das word4-Array (ptr1,len) nach ptr2
1009 */
cpy4arr(ptr1,len,ptr2)1010 PUBLIC void cpy4arr(ptr1,len,ptr2)
1011 truc *ptr1, *ptr2;
1012 unsigned int len;
1013 {
1014     while(len--)
1015         *ptr2++ = *ptr1++;
1016 }
1017 /************************************************************************/