1 /*
2  * assocfunc - association table routines
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 1999-2007,2021  David I. Bell
5  *
6  * Calc is open software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7  * the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License
8  * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9  *
10  * Calc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
12  * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.	 See the GNU Lesser General
13  * Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * A copy of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is
16  * distributed with calc under the filename COPYING-LGPL.  You should have
17  * received a copy with calc; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc.
18  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
19  *
20  * Under source code control:	1993/07/20 23:04:27
21  * File existed as early as:	1993
22  *
23  * Share and enjoy!  :-)	http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/calc/
24  */
26 /*
27  * Association table routines.
28  * An association table is a type of value which can be "indexed" by
29  * one or more arbitrary values.  Each element in the table is thus an
30  * association between a particular set of index values and a result value.
31  * The elements in an association table are stored in a hash table for
32  * quick access.
33  */
36 #include "value.h"
39 #include "banned.h"	/* include after system header <> includes */
42 #define MINHASHSIZE	31	/* minimum size of hash tables */
43 #define GROWHASHSIZE	50	/* approximate growth for hash tables */
44 #define CHAINLENGTH	10	/* desired number of elements on a hash chain */
45 #define ELEMSIZE(n)	(sizeof(ASSOCELEM) + (sizeof(VALUE) * ((n) - 1)))
48 S_FUNC ASSOCELEM *elemindex(ASSOC *ap, long index);
49 S_FUNC BOOL compareindices(VALUE *v1, VALUE *v2, long dim);
50 S_FUNC void resize(ASSOC *ap, long newsize);
51 S_FUNC void assoc_elemfree(ASSOCELEM *ep);
54 /*
55  * Return the address of the value specified by normal indexing of
56  * an association.  The create flag is TRUE if a value is going to be
57  * assigned into the specified indexing location.  If create is FALSE and
58  * the index value doesn't exist, a pointer to a NULL value is returned.
59  *
60  * given:
61  *	ap		association to index into
62  *	create		whether to create the index value
63  *	dim		dimension of the indexing
64  *	indices		table of values being indexed by
65  */
66 VALUE *
associndex(ASSOC * ap,BOOL create,long dim,VALUE * indices)67 associndex(ASSOC *ap, BOOL create, long dim, VALUE *indices)
68 {
69 	ASSOCELEM **listhead;
70 	ASSOCELEM *ep;
72 	QCKHASH hash;
73 	int i;
75 	if (dim < 0) {
76 		math_error("Negative dimension for indexing association");
78 	}
80 	/*
81 	 * Calculate the hash value to use for this set of indices
82 	 * so that we can first select the correct hash chain, and
83 	 * also so we can quickly compare each element for a match.
84 	 */
86 	for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
87 		hash = hashvalue(&indices[i], hash);
89 	/*
90 	 * Search the correct hash chain for the specified set of indices.
91 	 * If found, return the address of the found element's value.
92 	 */
93 	listhead = &ap->a_table[hash % ap->a_size];
94 	for (ep = *listhead; ep; ep = ep->e_next) {
95 		if ((ep->e_hash != hash) || (ep->e_dim != dim))
96 			continue;
97 		if (compareindices(ep->e_indices, indices, dim))
98 			return &ep->e_value;
99 	}
101 	/*
102 	 * The set of indices was not found.
103 	 * Either return a pointer to a NULL value for a read reference,
104 	 * or allocate a new element in the list for a write reference.
105 	 */
106 	if (!create) {
107 		val.v_type = V_NULL;
108 		val.v_subtype = V_NOSUBTYPE;
109 		return &val;
110 	}
112 	ep = (ASSOCELEM *) malloc(ELEMSIZE(dim));
113 	if (ep == NULL) {
114 		math_error("Cannot allocate association element");
115 		/*NOTREACHED*/
116 	}
117 	ep->e_dim = dim;
118 	ep->e_hash = hash;
119 	ep->e_value.v_type = V_NULL;
120 	ep->e_value.v_subtype = V_NOSUBTYPE;
121 	for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
122 		copyvalue(&indices[i], &ep->e_indices[i]);
123 	ep->e_next = *listhead;
124 	*listhead = ep;
125 	ap->a_count++;
127 	resize(ap, ap->a_count / CHAINLENGTH);
129 	return &ep->e_value;
130 }
133 /*
134  * Search an association for the specified value starting at the
135  * specified index.  Returns 0 and stores index if value found,
136  * otherwise returns 1.
137  */
138 int
assocsearch(ASSOC * ap,VALUE * vp,long i,long j,ZVALUE * index)139 assocsearch(ASSOC *ap, VALUE *vp, long i, long j, ZVALUE *index)
140 {
141 	ASSOCELEM *ep;
143 	if (i < 0 || j > ap->a_count) {
144 		math_error("This should not happen in assocsearch");
145 		/*NOTREACHED*/
146 	}
147 	while (i < j) {
148 		ep = elemindex(ap, i);
149 		if (ep == NULL) {
150 			math_error("This should not happen in assocsearch");
151 			/*NOTREACHED*/
152 		}
153 		if (acceptvalue(&ep->e_value, vp)) {
154 			utoz(i, index);
155 			return 0;
156 		}
157 		i++;
158 	}
159 	return 1;
160 }
163 /*
164  * Search an association backwards for the specified value starting at the
165  * specified index.  Returns 0 and stores the index if the value is
166  * found; otherwise returns 1.
167  */
168 int
assocrsearch(ASSOC * ap,VALUE * vp,long i,long j,ZVALUE * index)169 assocrsearch(ASSOC *ap, VALUE *vp, long i, long j, ZVALUE *index)
170 {
171 	ASSOCELEM *ep;
173 	if (i < 0 || j > ap->a_count) {
174 		math_error("This should not happen in assocsearch");
175 		/*NOTREACHED*/
176 	}
177 	j--;
178 	while (j >= i) {
179 		ep = elemindex(ap, j);
180 		if (ep == NULL) {
181 			math_error("This should not happen in assocsearch");
182 			/*NOTREACHED*/
183 		}
184 		if (acceptvalue(&ep->e_value, vp)) {
185 			utoz(j, index);
186 			return 0;
187 		}
188 		j--;
189 	}
190 	return 1;
191 }
194 /*
195  * Return the address of an element of an association indexed by the
196  * double-bracket operation.
197  *
198  * given:
199  *	ap		association to index into
200  *	index		index of desired element
201  */
elemindex(ASSOC * ap,long index)203 elemindex(ASSOC *ap, long index)
204 {
205 	ASSOCELEM *ep;
206 	int i;
208 	if ((index < 0) || (index > ap->a_count))
209 		return NULL;
211 	/*
212 	 * This loop should be made more efficient by remembering
213 	 * previously requested locations within the association.
214 	 */
215 	for (i = 0; i < ap->a_size; i++) {
216 		for (ep = ap->a_table[i]; ep; ep = ep->e_next) {
217 			if (index-- == 0)
218 				return ep;
219 		}
220 	}
221 	return NULL;
222 }
225 /*
226  * Return the address of the value specified by double-bracket indexing
227  * of an association.  Returns NULL if there is no such element.
228  *
229  * given:
230  *	ap		association to index into
231  *	index		index of desired element
232  */
233 VALUE *
assocfindex(ASSOC * ap,long index)234 assocfindex(ASSOC *ap, long index)
235 {
236 	ASSOCELEM *ep;
238 	ep = elemindex(ap, index);
239 	if (ep == NULL)
240 		return NULL;
241 	return &ep->e_value;
242 }
245 /*
246  * Returns the list of indices for an association element with specified
247  * double-bracket index.
248  */
249 LIST *
associndices(ASSOC * ap,long index)250 associndices(ASSOC *ap, long index)
251 {
252 	ASSOCELEM *ep;
253 	LIST *lp;
254 	int i;
256 	ep = elemindex(ap, index);
257 	if (ep == NULL)
258 		return NULL;
259 	lp = listalloc();
260 	for (i = 0; i < ep->e_dim; i++)
261 		insertlistlast(lp, &ep->e_indices[i]);
262 	return lp;
263 }
266 /*
267  * Compare two associations to see if they are identical.
268  * Returns TRUE if they are different.
269  */
270 BOOL
assoccmp(ASSOC * ap1,ASSOC * ap2)271 assoccmp(ASSOC *ap1, ASSOC *ap2)
272 {
273 	ASSOCELEM **table1;
274 	ASSOCELEM *ep1;
275 	ASSOCELEM *ep2;
276 	long size1;
277 	long size2;
278 	QCKHASH hash;
279 	long dim;
281 	if (ap1 == ap2)
282 		return FALSE;
283 	if (ap1->a_count != ap2->a_count)
284 		return TRUE;
286 	table1 = ap1->a_table;
287 	size1 = ap1->a_size;
288 	size2 = ap2->a_size;
289 	while (size1-- > 0) {
290 		for (ep1 = *table1++; ep1; ep1 = ep1->e_next) {
291 			hash = ep1->e_hash;
292 			dim = ep1->e_dim;
293 			for (ep2 = ap2->a_table[hash % size2]; ;
294 				ep2 = ep2->e_next) {
295 				if (ep2 == NULL)
296 					return TRUE;
297 				if (ep2->e_hash != hash)
298 					continue;
299 				if (ep2->e_dim != dim)
300 					continue;
301 				if (compareindices(ep1->e_indices,
302 					ep2->e_indices, dim))
303 						break;
304 			}
305 			if (comparevalue(&ep1->e_value, &ep2->e_value))
306 				return TRUE;
307 		}
308 	}
309 	return FALSE;
310 }
313 /*
314  * Copy an association value.
315  */
316 ASSOC *
assoccopy(ASSOC * oldap)317 assoccopy(ASSOC *oldap)
318 {
319 	ASSOC *ap;
320 	ASSOCELEM *oldep;
321 	ASSOCELEM *ep;
322 	ASSOCELEM **listhead;
323 	int oldhi;
324 	int i;
326 	ap = assocalloc(oldap->a_count / CHAINLENGTH);
327 	ap->a_count = oldap->a_count;
329 	for (oldhi = 0; oldhi < oldap->a_size; oldhi++) {
330 		for (oldep = oldap->a_table[oldhi]; oldep;
331 			oldep = oldep->e_next) {
332 			ep = (ASSOCELEM *) malloc(ELEMSIZE(oldep->e_dim));
333 			if (ep == NULL) {
334 				math_error("Cannot allocate "
335 					   "association element");
336 				/*NOTREACHED*/
337 			}
338 			ep->e_dim = oldep->e_dim;
339 			ep->e_hash = oldep->e_hash;
340 			ep->e_value.v_type = V_NULL;
341 			ep->e_value.v_subtype = V_NOSUBTYPE;
342 			for (i = 0; i < ep->e_dim; i++)
343 				copyvalue(&oldep->e_indices[i],
344 					  &ep->e_indices[i]);
345 			copyvalue(&oldep->e_value, &ep->e_value);
346 			listhead = &ap->a_table[ep->e_hash % ap->a_size];
347 			ep->e_next = *listhead;
348 			*listhead = ep;
349 		}
350 	}
351 	return ap;
352 }
355 /*
356  * Resize the hash table for an association to be the specified size.
357  * This is only actually done if the growth from the previous size is
358  * enough to make this worthwhile.
359  */
360 S_FUNC void
resize(ASSOC * ap,long newsize)361 resize(ASSOC *ap, long newsize)
362 {
363 	ASSOCELEM **oldtable;
364 	ASSOCELEM **newtable;
365 	ASSOCELEM **oldlist;
366 	ASSOCELEM **newlist;
367 	ASSOCELEM *ep;
368 	int i;
370 	if (newsize < ap->a_size + GROWHASHSIZE)
371 		return;
373 	newsize = (long) next_prime((FULL)newsize);
374 	newtable = (ASSOCELEM **) malloc(sizeof(ASSOCELEM *) * newsize);
375 	if (newtable == NULL) {
376 		math_error("No memory to grow association");
377 		/*NOTREACHED*/
378 	}
379 	for (i = 0; i < newsize; i++)
380 		newtable[i] = NULL;
382 	oldtable = ap->a_table;
383 	oldlist = oldtable;
384 	for (i = 0; i < ap->a_size; i++) {
385 		while (*oldlist) {
386 			ep = *oldlist;
387 			*oldlist = ep->e_next;
388 			newlist = &newtable[ep->e_hash % newsize];
389 			ep->e_next = *newlist;
390 			*newlist = ep;
391 		}
392 		oldlist++;
393 	}
395 	ap->a_table = newtable;
396 	ap->a_size = newsize;
397 	free((char *) oldtable);
398 }
401 /*
402  * Free an association element, along with any contained values.
403  */
404 S_FUNC void
assoc_elemfree(ASSOCELEM * ep)405 assoc_elemfree(ASSOCELEM *ep)
406 {
407 	int i;
409 	for (i = 0; i < ep->e_dim; i++)
410 		freevalue(&ep->e_indices[i]);
411 	freevalue(&ep->e_value);
412 	ep->e_dim = 0;
413 	ep->e_next = NULL;
414 	free((char *) ep);
415 }
418 /*
419  * Allocate a new association value with an initial hash table.
420  * The hash table size is set at specified (but at least a minimum size).
421  */
422 ASSOC *
assocalloc(long initsize)423 assocalloc(long initsize)
424 {
425 	register ASSOC *ap;
426 	int i;
428 	if (initsize < MINHASHSIZE)
429 		initsize = MINHASHSIZE;
430 	ap = (ASSOC *) malloc(sizeof(ASSOC));
431 	if (ap == NULL) {
432 		math_error("No memory for association");
433 		/*NOTREACHED*/
434 	}
435 	ap->a_count = 0;
436 	ap->a_size = initsize;
437 	ap->a_table = (ASSOCELEM **) malloc(sizeof(ASSOCELEM *) * initsize);
438 	if (ap->a_table == NULL) {
439 		free((char *) ap);
440 		math_error("No memory for association");
441 		/*NOTREACHED*/
442 	}
443 	for (i = 0; i < initsize; i++)
444 		ap->a_table[i] = NULL;
445 	return ap;
446 }
449 /*
450  * Free an association value, along with all of its elements.
451  */
452 void
assocfree(ASSOC * ap)453 assocfree(ASSOC *ap)
454 {
455 	ASSOCELEM **listhead;
456 	ASSOCELEM *ep;
457 	ASSOCELEM *nextep;
458 	int i;
460 	listhead = ap->a_table;
461 	for (i = 0; i < ap->a_size; i++) {
462 		nextep = *listhead;
463 		*listhead = NULL;
464 		while (nextep) {
465 			ep = nextep;
466 			nextep = ep->e_next;
467 			assoc_elemfree(ep);
468 		}
469 		listhead++;
470 	}
471 	free((char *) ap->a_table);
472 	ap->a_table = NULL;
473 	free((char *) ap);
474 }
477 /*
478  * Print out an association along with the specified number of
479  * its elements.  The elements are printed out in shortened form.
480  */
481 void
assocprint(ASSOC * ap,long max_print)482 assocprint(ASSOC *ap, long max_print)
483 {
484 	ASSOCELEM *ep;
485 	long index;
486 	long i;
487 	int savemode;
489 	if (max_print <= 0) {
490 		math_fmt("assoc (%ld element%s)", ap->a_count,
491 			((ap->a_count == 1) ? "" : "s"));
492 		return;
493 	}
494 	math_fmt("\n  assoc (%ld element%s):\n", ap->a_count,
495 		((ap->a_count == 1) ? "" : "s"));
497 	for (index = 0; ((index < max_print) && (index < ap->a_count));
498 		index++) {
499 		ep = elemindex(ap, index);
500 		if (ep == NULL)
501 			continue;
502 		math_str("  [");
503 		for (i = 0; i < ep->e_dim; i++) {
504 			if (i)
505 				math_chr(',');
506 			savemode = math_setmode(MODE_FRAC);
507 			printvalue(&ep->e_indices[i],
509 			math_setmode(savemode);
510 		}
511 		math_str("] = ");
512 		printvalue(&ep->e_value, PRINT_SHORT | PRINT_UNAMBIG);
513 		math_chr('\n');
514 	}
515 	if (max_print < ap->a_count)
516 		math_str("  ...\n");
517 }
520 /*
521  * Compare two lists of index values to see if they are identical.
522  * Returns TRUE if they are the same.
523  */
compareindices(VALUE * v1,VALUE * v2,long dim)525 compareindices(VALUE *v1, VALUE *v2, long dim)
526 {
527 	int i;
529 	for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
530 		if (v1[i].v_type != v2[i].v_type)
531 			return FALSE;
533 	while (dim-- > 0)
534 		if (comparevalue(v1++, v2++))
535 			return FALSE;
537 	return TRUE;
538 }