1 /*
2 *class++
3 *  Name:
4 *     CmpRegion
6 *  Purpose:
7 *     A combination of two regions within a single Frame
9 *  Constructor Function:
10 c     astCmpRegion
13 *  Description:
14 *     A CmpRegion is a Region which allows two component
15 *     Regions (of any class) to be combined to form a more complex
16 *     Region. This combination may be performed a boolean AND, OR
17 *     or XOR (exclusive OR) operator. If the AND operator is
18 *     used, then a position is inside the CmpRegion only if it is
19 *     inside both of its two component Regions. If the OR operator is
20 *     used, then a position is inside the CmpRegion if it is inside
21 *     either (or both) of its two component Regions. If the XOR operator
22 *     is used, then a position is inside the CmpRegion if it is inside
23 *     one but not both of its two component Regions. Other operators can
24 *     be formed by negating one or both component Regions before using
25 *     them to construct a new CmpRegion.
26 *
27 *     The two component Region need not refer to the same coordinate
28 *     Frame, but it must be possible for the
29 c     astConvert
30 f     AST_CONVERT
31 *     function to determine a Mapping between them (an error will be
32 *     reported otherwise when the CmpRegion is created). For instance,
33 *     a CmpRegion may combine a Region defined within an ICRS SkyFrame
34 *     with a Region defined within a Galactic SkyFrame. This is
35 *     acceptable because the SkyFrame class knows how to convert between
36 *     these two systems, and consequently the
37 c     astConvert
38 f     AST_CONVERT
39 *     function will also be able to convert between them. In such cases,
40 *     the second component Region will be mapped into the coordinate Frame
41 *     of the first component Region, and the Frame represented by the
42 *     CmpRegion as a whole will be the Frame of the first component Region.
43 *
44 *     Since a CmpRegion is itself a Region, it can be used as a
45 *     component in forming further CmpRegions. Regions of arbitrary
46 *     complexity may be built from simple individual Regions in this
47 *     way.
49 *  Inheritance:
50 *     The CmpRegion class inherits from the Region class.
52 *  Attributes:
53 *     The CmpRegion class does not define any new attributes beyond those
54 *     which are applicable to all Regions.
56 *  Functions:
57 c     The CmpRegion class does not define any new functions beyond those
58 f     The CmpRegion class does not define any new routines beyond those
59 *     which are applicable to all Regions.
61 *  Copyright:
62 *     Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Council for the Central Laboratory of the
63 *     Research Councils
64 *     Copyright (C) 2009 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
65 *     All Rights Reserved.
67 *  Licence:
68 *     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
69 *     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
70 *     License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
71 *     version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
72 *     version.
73 *
74 *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
75 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
77 *     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
78 *
79 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
80 *     License along with this program.  If not, see
81 *     <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
83 *  Authors:
84 *     DSB: David S. Berry (Starlink)
86 *  History:
87 *     7-OCT-2004 (DSB):
88 *        Original version.
89 *     28-MAY-2007 (DSB):
90 *        - Corrected RegBaseMesh.
91 *        - In RegBaseBox, if the CmpRegion is bounded find the box by
92 *        finding the extreme position sin a mesh covering the boundary.
93 *     20-JAN-2009 (DSB):
94 *        Over-ride astRegBasePick.
95 *     19-MAR-2009 (DSB):
96 *        Over-ride the astDecompose method.
97 *     8-SEP-2009 (DSB):
98 *        Fix logic in RegTrace.
99 *     9-SEP-2009 (DSB):
100 *        - Added astCmpRegionList
101 *        - Added support for XOR
102 *        - Override astGetObjSize.
103 *     27-APR-2012 (DSB):
104 *        - Cache the bounded property.
105 *        - Speed up plotting of CmpRegions by using the cached negation
106 *        of a Region instead of setting the Regions's Negated flag (which
107 *        causes the Region's cache to be cleared).
108 *     30-APR-2012 (DSB):
109 *        Use geodesic distance to measure distances around the two component
110 *        Regions when tracing the border. Previously, a distance normalised
111 *        from zero to one was used for both component Regions, but this gives
112 *        greater priority to Regions higher in the CmpRegion nesting order,
113 *        resulting in a high chance that lower Regions will not be seen.
114 *     7-JUN-2012 (DSB):
115 *        Override astRegSplit method.
116 *     21-NOV-2012 (DSB):
117 *        Map the regions returned by RegSplit into the current Frame of the
118 *        CmpRegion.
119 *class--
120 */
122 /* Module Macros. */
123 /* ============== */
124 /* Set the name of the class we are implementing. This indicates to
125    the header files that define class interfaces that they should make
126    "protected" symbols available. */
127 #define astCLASS CmpRegion
129 /* Macros which return the maximum and minimum of two values. */
130 #define MAX(aa,bb) ((aa)>(bb)?(aa):(bb))
131 #define MIN(aa,bb) ((aa)<(bb)?(aa):(bb))
133 /* Include files. */
134 /* ============== */
135 /* Interface definitions. */
136 /* ---------------------- */
138 #include "globals.h"             /* Thread-safe global data access */
139 #include "error.h"               /* Error reporting facilities */
140 #include "memory.h"              /* Memory allocation facilities */
141 #include "object.h"              /* Base Object class */
142 #include "pointset.h"            /* Sets of points/coordinates */
143 #include "region.h"              /* Regions (parent class) */
144 #include "channel.h"             /* I/O channels */
145 #include "nullregion.h"          /* Boundless Regions */
146 #include "cmpregion.h"           /* Interface definition for this class */
147 #include "unitmap.h"             /* Unit Mapings */
149 /* Error code definitions. */
150 /* ----------------------- */
151 #include "ast_err.h"             /* AST error codes */
153 /* C header files. */
154 /* --------------- */
155 #include <stdarg.h>
156 #include <stddef.h>
157 #include <string.h>
158 #include <stdio.h>
159 #include <limits.h>
161 /* Module Variables. */
162 /* ================= */
164 /* Address of this static variable is used as a unique identifier for
165    member of this class. */
166 static int class_check;
168 /* Pointers to parent class methods which are extended by this class. */
169 static AstPointSet *(* parent_transform)( AstMapping *, AstPointSet *, int, AstPointSet *, int * );
170 static AstRegion *(* parent_getdefunc)( AstRegion *, int * );
171 static void (* parent_setregfs)( AstRegion *, AstFrame *, int * );
172 static AstMapping *(* parent_simplify)( AstMapping *, int * );
173 static int (* parent_equal)( AstObject *, AstObject *, int * );
174 static void (* parent_setclosed)( AstRegion *, int, int * );
175 static void (* parent_setmeshsize)( AstRegion *, int, int * );
176 static void (* parent_clearclosed)( AstRegion *, int * );
177 static void (* parent_clearmeshsize)( AstRegion *, int * );
178 static double (*parent_getfillfactor)( AstRegion *, int * );
179 static void (*parent_regsetattrib)( AstRegion *, const char *, char **, int * );
180 static void (*parent_regclearattrib)( AstRegion *, const char *, char **, int * );
181 static void (* parent_resetcache)( AstRegion *, int * );
182 static int (* parent_getobjsize)( AstObject *, int * );
184 #if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
185 static int (* parent_managelock)( AstObject *, int, int, AstObject **, int * );
186 #endif
189 #ifdef THREAD_SAFE
190 /* Define how to initialise thread-specific globals. */
191 #define GLOBAL_inits \
192    globals->Class_Init = 0;
194 /* Create the function that initialises global data for this module. */
195 astMAKE_INITGLOBALS(CmpRegion)
197 /* Define macros for accessing each item of thread specific global data. */
198 #define class_init astGLOBAL(CmpRegion,Class_Init)
199 #define class_vtab astGLOBAL(CmpRegion,Class_Vtab)
202 #include <pthread.h>
205 #else
208 /* Define the class virtual function table and its initialisation flag
209    as static variables. */
210 static AstCmpRegionVtab class_vtab;   /* Virtual function table */
211 static int class_init = 0;       /* Virtual function table initialised? */
213 #endif
215 /* External Interface Function Prototypes. */
216 /* ======================================= */
217 /* The following functions have public prototypes only (i.e. no
218    protected prototypes), so we must provide local prototypes for use
219    within this module. */
220 AstCmpRegion *astCmpRegionId_( void *, void *, int, const char *, ... );
222 /* Prototypes for Private Member Functions. */
223 /* ======================================== */
224 static AstMapping *Simplify( AstMapping *, int * );
225 static AstPointSet *RegBaseMesh( AstRegion *, int * );
226 static AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *, AstPointSet *, int, AstPointSet *, int * );
227 static AstRegion *GetDefUnc( AstRegion *, int * );
228 static AstRegion *MatchRegion( AstRegion *, int, AstRegion *, const char *, int * );
229 static AstRegion *RegBasePick( AstRegion *this, int, const int *, int * );
230 static AstRegion **RegSplit( AstRegion *, int *, int * );
231 static double GetFillFactor( AstRegion *, int * );
232 static int CmpRegionList( AstCmpRegion *, int *, AstRegion ***, int * );
233 static int Equal( AstObject *, AstObject *, int * );
234 static int GetBounded( AstRegion *, int * );
235 static int GetObjSize( AstObject *, int * );
236 static int RegPins( AstRegion *, AstPointSet *, AstRegion *, int **, int * );
237 static int RegTrace( AstRegion *, int, double *, double **, int * );
238 static void ClearClosed( AstRegion *, int * );
239 static void ClearMeshSize( AstRegion *, int * );
240 static void Copy( const AstObject *, AstObject *, int * );
241 static void Decompose( AstMapping *, AstMapping **, AstMapping **, int *, int *, int *, int * );
242 static void Delete( AstObject *, int * );
243 static void Dump( AstObject *, AstChannel *, int * );
244 static void GetRegions( AstCmpRegion *, AstRegion **, AstRegion **, int *, int *, int *, int * );
245 static void RegBaseBox( AstRegion *, double *, double *, int * );
246 static void RegBaseBox2( AstRegion *, double *, double *, int * );
247 static void RegClearAttrib( AstRegion *, const char *, char **, int * );
248 static void RegSetAttrib( AstRegion *, const char *, char **, int * );
249 static void ResetCache( AstRegion *this, int * );
250 static void SetBreakInfo( AstCmpRegion *, int, int * );
251 static void SetClosed( AstRegion *, int, int * );
252 static void SetMeshSize( AstRegion *, int, int * );
253 static void SetRegFS( AstRegion *, AstFrame *, int * );
254 static void XORCheck( AstCmpRegion *, int * );
256 #if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
257 static int ManageLock( AstObject *, int, int, AstObject **, int * );
258 #endif
261 /* Member functions. */
262 /* ================= */
CmpRegionList(AstCmpRegion * this,int * nreg,AstRegion *** reg_list,int * status)263 int CmpRegionList( AstCmpRegion *this, int *nreg, AstRegion ***reg_list,
264                    int *status ) {
265 /*
266 *+
267 *  Name:
268 *     astCmpRegionList
270 *  Purpose:
271 *     Decompose a CmpRegion into a sequence of simpler Regions.
273 *  Type:
274 *     Protected virtual function.
276 *  Synopsis:
277 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
278 *     int astCmpRegionList( AstCmpRegion *this, int *nreg,
279 *                           AstRegion ***reg_list, int *status )
281 *  Class Membership:
282 *     CmpRegion method.
284 *  Description:
285 *     This function decomposes a CmpRegion into a sequence of simpler
286 *     Regions which may be applied in sequence to achieve the same
287 *     effect.
289 *  Parameters:
290 *     this
291 *        Pointer to the CmpRegion to be decomposed (the CmpRegion is not
292 *        actually modified by this function).
293 *     nreg
294 *        The address of an int which holds a count of the number of
295 *        individual Regions in the decomposition. On entry, this
296 *        should count the number of Regions already in the
297 *        "*reg_list" array (below). On exit, it is updated to include
298 *        any new Regions appended by this function.
299 *     reg_list
300 *        Address of a pointer to an array of Region pointers. On
301 *        entry, this array pointer should either be NULL (if no
302 *        Regions have yet been obtained) or should point at a
303 *        dynamically allocated array containing Region pointers
304 *        ("*nreg" in number) which have been obtained from a previous
305 *        invocation of this function.
306 *
307 *        On exit, the dynamic array will be enlarged to contain any
308 *        new Region pointers that result from the decomposition
309 *        requested. These pointers will be appended to any previously
310 *        present, and the array pointer will be updated as necessary
311 *        to refer to the enlarged array (any space released by the
312 *        original array will be freed automatically).
313 *
314 *        The new Region pointers returned will identify a sequence of
315 *        Region which, when applied in order, will represent an area
316 *        equivalent to that of the original Region.
317 *
318 *        All the Region pointers returned by this function should be
319 *        annulled by the caller, using astAnnul, when no longer
320 *        required. The dynamic array holding these pointers should
321 *        also be freed, using astFree.
323 *  Returned Value:
324 *     An integer identifying the boolean operation that should be used to
325 *     combine the Regions returned in "reg_list". This will be AST__AND
326 *     or AST__OR.
328 *-
329 */
331 /* Local Variables: */
332    AstCmpRegion *cmpreg;
333    int add;
334    int result;
336 /* Check the global error status. */
337    if ( !astOK ) return AST__AND;
339 /* Check if this CmpRegion has an equivalent XOR representation. Is so,
340    store details of the XOR representation in the CmpRegion. */
341    XORCheck( this, status );
343 /* The CmpRegion class only has full support for AND and OR operators.
344    However, it can also represent XOR operators, but it does this by
345    an equivalent set of AND and OR operators. When an XOR CmpRegion is
346    created, the original supplied argument regions are stored in
347    "this->xor1" and "this->xor2", and the component Regions placed in the
348    new CmpRegion are actually CmpRegions that implement the equivalent
349    of an XOR operation, using AND and OR operators. We want to hide this
350    to the outside world, so if the supplied CmpRegion represents an XOR
351    operation, add the XOR regions to the returned list, and return an
352    XOR operator. */
353    if( this->xor1 ) {
354       *reg_list = astGrow( *reg_list, *nreg + 2, sizeof( AstRegion * ) );
355       if( astOK ) {
356          ( *reg_list )[ (*nreg)++ ] = astClone( this->xor1 );
357          ( *reg_list )[ (*nreg)++ ] = astClone( this->xor2 );
358       }
359       result = AST__XOR;
361 /* For AND and OR operators, we deal with the component Regions directly. */
362    } else {
364 /* If the first component of the supplied CmpRegion is itself a CmpRegion
365    that uses the same boolean operator as "this", call this function
366    recursively to add its component Regions to the returned list. */
367       add = 1;
368       if( astIsACmpRegion( this->region1 ) ) {
369          cmpreg = (AstCmpRegion *) this->region1;
370          if( cmpreg->oper == this->oper ) {
371             (void) CmpRegionList( cmpreg, nreg, reg_list, status );
372             add = 0;
373          }
374       }
376 /* Otherwise, add the component Region directly into the returned list of
377    Regions. */
378       if( add ) {
379          *reg_list = astGrow( *reg_list, *nreg + 1, sizeof( AstRegion * ) );
380          if( astOK ) {
381             ( *reg_list )[ *nreg ] = astClone( this->region1 );
382             ( *nreg )++;
383          }
384       }
386 /* Do the same for the second component region */
387       add = 1;
388       if( astIsACmpRegion( this->region2 ) ) {
389          cmpreg = (AstCmpRegion *) this->region2;
390          if( cmpreg->oper == this->oper ) {
391             (void) CmpRegionList( cmpreg, nreg, reg_list, status );
392             add = 0;
393          }
394       }
396       if( add ) {
397          *reg_list = astGrow( *reg_list, *nreg + 1, sizeof( AstRegion * ) );
398          if( astOK ) {
399             ( *reg_list )[ *nreg ] = astClone( this->region2 );
400             ( *nreg )++;
401          }
402       }
404       result = this->oper;
405    }
407 /* Return the boolean operator used to combine the regions in the
408    returned array. */
409    return result;
410 }
Decompose(AstMapping * this_mapping,AstMapping ** map1,AstMapping ** map2,int * series,int * invert1,int * invert2,int * status)412 static void Decompose( AstMapping *this_mapping, AstMapping **map1,
413                        AstMapping **map2, int *series, int *invert1,
414                        int *invert2, int *status ) {
415 /*
416 *
417 *  Name:
418 *     Decompose
420 *  Purpose:
421 *     Decompose a CmpRegion into two component Regions.
423 *  Type:
424 *     Private function.
426 *  Synopsis:
427 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
428 *     void Decompose( AstMapping *this, AstMapping **map1,
429 *                     AstMapping **map2, int *series,
430 *                     int *invert1, int *invert2, int *status )
432 *  Class Membership:
433 *     CmpRegion member function (over-rides the protected astDecompose
434 *     method inherited from the Mapping class).
436 *  Description:
437 *     This function returns pointers to two Mappings which, when applied
438 *     either in series or parallel, are equivalent to the supplied Mapping.
439 *
440 *     Since the Frame class inherits from the Mapping class, Frames can
441 *     be considered as special types of Mappings and so this method can
442 *     be used to decompose either CmpMaps, CmpFrames, CmpRegions or Prisms.
444 *  Parameters:
445 *     this
446 *        Pointer to the Mapping.
447 *     map1
448 *        Address of a location to receive a pointer to first component
449 *        Mapping.
450 *     map2
451 *        Address of a location to receive a pointer to second component
452 *        Mapping.
453 *     series
454 *        Address of a location to receive a value indicating if the
455 *        component Mappings are applied in series or parallel. A non-zero
456 *        value means that the supplied Mapping is equivalent to applying map1
457 *        followed by map2 in series. A zero value means that the supplied
458 *        Mapping is equivalent to applying map1 to the lower numbered axes
459 *        and map2 to the higher numbered axes, in parallel.
460 *     invert1
461 *        The value of the Invert attribute to be used with map1.
462 *     invert2
463 *        The value of the Invert attribute to be used with map2.
464 *     status
465 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
467 *  Notes:
468 *     - Any changes made to the component rames using the returned
469 *     pointers will be reflected in the supplied CmpFrame.
471 *-
472 */
475 /* Local Variables: */
476    AstCmpRegion *this;              /* Pointer to CmpRegion structure */
478 /* Check the global error status. */
479    if ( !astOK ) return;
481 /* Obtain a pointer to the CmpMap structure. */
482    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_mapping;
484 /* The components Frames of a CmpRegion are considered to be series
485    Mappings. */
486    if( series ) *series = 1;
488 /* The Frames are returned in their original order whether or not the
489    CmpRegion has been inverted. */
490    if( map1 ) *map1 = astClone( this->region1 );
491    if( map2 ) *map2 = astClone( this->region2 );
493 /* The invert flags dont mean anything for a Region, but we return them
494    anyway. If the CmpRegion has been inverted, return inverted Invert flags. */
495    if( astGetInvert( this ) ) {
496       if( invert1 ) *invert1 = astGetInvert( this->region1 ) ? 0 : 1;
497       if( invert2 ) *invert2 = astGetInvert( this->region2 ) ? 0 : 1;
499 /* If the CmpRegion has not been inverted, return the current Invert flags. */
500    } else {
501       if( invert1 ) *invert1 = astGetInvert( this->region1 );
502       if( invert2 ) *invert2 = astGetInvert( this->region2 );
503    }
504 }
Equal(AstObject * this_object,AstObject * that_object,int * status)506 static int Equal( AstObject *this_object, AstObject *that_object, int *status ) {
507 /*
508 *  Name:
509 *     Equal
511 *  Purpose:
512 *     Test if two Objects are equivalent.
514 *  Type:
515 *     Private function.
517 *  Synopsis:
518 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
519 *     int Equal( AstObject *this_object, AstObject *that_object, int *status )
521 *  Class Membership:
522 *     CmpRegion member function (over-rides the astEqual protected
523 *     method inherited from the Region class).
525 *  Description:
526 *     This function returns a boolean result (0 or 1) to indicate whether
527 *     two CmpRegions are equivalent.
529 *  Parameters:
530 *     this
531 *        Pointer to the first CmpRegion.
532 *     that
533 *        Pointer to the second CmpRegion.
534 *     status
535 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
537 *  Returned Value:
538 *     One if the CmpRegions are equivalent, zero otherwise.
540 *  Notes:
541 *     - The CmpRegions are equivalent if their component Regions are
542 *     equivalent and if they have the same boolean operation, negation
543 *     and closed flags.
544 *     - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
545 *     with the global status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
546 */
548 /* Local Variables: */
549    AstCmpRegion *that;
550    AstCmpRegion *this;
551    int result;
553 /* Initialise. */
554    result = 0;
556 /* Check the global error status. */
557    if ( !astOK ) return result;
559 /* Invoke the Equal method inherited from the parent Region class. This checks
560    that the Objects are both of the same class, and have the same Negated
561    and Closed flags (amongst other things). */
562    if( (*parent_equal)( this_object, that_object, status ) ) {
564 /* Obtain pointers to the two CmpRegion structures. */
565       this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_object;
566       that = (AstCmpRegion *) that_object;
568 /* Test their first component Regions for equality. */
569       if( astEqual( this->region1, that->region1 ) ) {
571 /* Test their second component Regions for equality. */
572          if( astEqual( this->region2, that->region2 ) ) {
574 /* Test their boolean operator for equality. */
575             if( this->oper == that->oper ) result = 1;
576          }
577       }
578    }
580 /* If an error occurred, clear the result value. */
581    if ( !astOK ) result = 0;
583 /* Return the result, */
584    return result;
585 }
587 /*
588 *  Name:
589 *     MAKE_SET
591 *  Purpose:
592 *     Define a function to set an attribute value for a CmpRegion.
594 *  Type:
595 *     Private macro.
597 *  Synopsis:
598 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
599 *     MAKE_SET(attribute,lattribute,type)
601 *  Class Membership:
602 *     Defined by the CmpRegion class.
604 *  Description:
605 *     This macro expands to an implementation of a private member function
606 *     of the form:
607 *
608 *        static void Set<Attribute>( AstRegion *this, <Type> value )
609 *
610 *     that sets the value of a specified Region attribute in the parent
611 *     Region structure and also in the component Regions.
613 *  Parameters:
614 *     attribute
615 *        Name of the attribute, as it appears in the function name.
616 *     lattribute
617 *        Name of the attribute, all in lower case.
618 *     type
619 *        The C type of the attribute.
620 */
622 /* Define the macro. */
623 #define MAKE_SET(attribute,lattribute,type) \
624 static void Set##attribute( AstRegion *this_region, type value, int *status ) { \
625 \
626 /* Local Variables: */ \
627    AstCmpRegion *this;         /* Pointer to the CmpRegion structure */ \
628 \
629 /* Check the global error status. */ \
630    if ( !astOK ) return; \
631 \
632 /* Use the parent method to set the value in the parent Region structure. */ \
633    (*parent_set##lattribute)( this_region, value, status ); \
634 \
635 /* Also set the value in the two component Regions. */ \
636    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region; \
637    astSet##attribute( this->region1, value ); \
638    astSet##attribute( this->region2, value ); \
639 }
641 /* Use the above macro to create accessors for the MeshSize and Closed attributes. */
MAKE_SET(MeshSize,meshsize,int)642 MAKE_SET(MeshSize,meshsize,int)
643 MAKE_SET(Closed,closed,int)
645 /* Undefine the macro. */
646 #undef MAKE_SET
648 /*
649 *  Name:
650 *     MAKE_CLEAR
652 *  Purpose:
653 *     Define a function to clear an attribute value for a CmpRegion.
655 *  Type:
656 *     Private macro.
658 *  Synopsis:
659 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
660 *     MAKE_CLEAR(attribute,lattribute)
662 *  Class Membership:
663 *     Defined by the CmpRegion class.
665 *  Description:
666 *     This macro expands to an implementation of a private member function
667 *     of the form:
668 *
669 *        static void Clear<Attribute>( AstRegion *this )
670 *
671 *     that sets the value of a specified Region attribute in the parent
672 *     Region structure and also in the component Regions.
674 *  Parameters:
675 *     attribute
676 *        Name of the attribute, as it appears in the function name.
677 *     lattribute
678 *        Name of the attribute, all in lower case.
679 */
681 /* Define the macro. */
682 #define MAKE_CLEAR(attribute,lattribute) \
683 static void Clear##attribute( AstRegion *this_region, int *status ) { \
684 \
685 /* Local Variables: */ \
686    AstCmpRegion *this;         /* Pointer to the CmpRegion structure */ \
687 \
688 /* Check the global error status. */ \
689    if ( !astOK ) return; \
690 \
691 /* Use the parent method to clear the value in the parent Region structure. */ \
692    (*parent_clear##lattribute)( this_region, status ); \
693 \
694 /* Also clear the value in the two component Regions. */ \
695    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region; \
696    astClear##attribute( this->region1 ); \
697    astClear##attribute( this->region2 ); \
698 }
700 /* Use the above macro to create accessors for the MeshSize and Closed attributes. */
701 MAKE_CLEAR(MeshSize,meshsize)
702 MAKE_CLEAR(Closed,closed)
704 /* Undefine the macro. */
705 #undef MAKE_CLEAR
707 static int GetBounded( AstRegion *this_region, int *status ) {
708 /*
709 *  Name:
710 *     GetBounded
712 *  Purpose:
713 *     Is the Region bounded?
715 *  Type:
716 *     Private function.
718 *  Synopsis:
719 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
720 *     int GetBounded( AstRegion *this, int *status )
722 *  Class Membership:
723 *     CmpRegion method (over-rides the astGetBounded method inherited from
724 *     the Region class).
726 *  Description:
727 *     This function returns a flag indicating if the Region is bounded.
728 *     The implementation provided by the base Region class is suitable
729 *     for Region sub-classes representing the inside of a single closed
730 *     curve (e.g. Circle, Ellipse, Box, etc). Other sub-classes (such as
731 *     CmpRegion, PointList, etc ) may need to provide their own
732 *     implementations.
734 *  Parameters:
735 *     this
736 *        Pointer to the Region.
737 *     status
738 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
740 *  Returned Value:
741 *     Non-zero if the Region is bounded. Zero otherwise.
743 */
745 /* Local Variables: */
746    AstCmpRegion *this;        /* Pointer to CmpRegion structure */
747    AstRegion *reg1;           /* Pointer to first component Region */
748    AstRegion *reg2;           /* Pointer to second component Region */
749    int neg1;                  /* Negated flag to use with first component */
750    int neg2;                  /* Negated flag to use with second component */
751    int oper;                  /* Combination operator */
752    int overlap;               /* Nature of overlap between components */
753    int reg1b;                 /* Is the first component Region bounded?*/
754    int reg2b;                 /* Is the second component Region bounded?*/
755    int result;                /* Returned result */
757 /* Initialise */
758    result = 0;
760 /* Check the global error status. */
761    if ( !astOK ) return result;
763 /* Get a pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
764    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
766 /* Only calculated a new value if there is no cached value in the Region. */
767    if( this->bounded == -INT_MAX ) {
769 /* Get the component Regions, how they should be combined, and the
770    Negated values which should be used with them. The returned values
771    take account of whether the supplied CmpRegion has itself been Negated
772    or not. The returned Regions represent regions within the base Frame
773    of the FrameSet encapsulated by the parent Region structure. */
774       GetRegions( this, &reg1, &reg2, &oper, &neg1, &neg2, status );
776 /* If the first component Region does not have the required value for
777    its "Negated" attribute, use the negation of "reg1" in place of "reg1"
778    itself. */
779       if( neg1 != astGetNegated( reg1 ) ) {
780          AstRegion *tmp = astGetNegation( reg1 );
781          (void) astAnnul( reg1 );
782          reg1 = tmp;
783       }
785 /* If the second component Region does not have the required value for
786    its "Negated" attribute, use the negation of "reg2" in place of "reg2"
787    itself. */
788       if( neg2 != astGetNegated( reg2 ) ) {
789          AstRegion *tmp = astGetNegation( reg2 );
790          (void) astAnnul( reg2 );
791          reg2 = tmp;
792       }
794 /* See if either of the component Regions is bounded. */
795       reg1b = astGetBounded( reg1 );
796       reg2b = astGetBounded( reg2 );
798 /* If the regions are ANDed... */
799       if( oper == AST__AND ) {
801 /* If either one of the two components are bounded, then the AND region is
802    bounded. */
803          if( reg1b || reg2b ) {
804             result = 1;
806 /* If neither of the two components is bounded, then the AND region is
807    unbounded if there is partial or no overlap between them and is bounded
808    otherwise. */
809          } else {
810             overlap = astOverlap( reg1, reg2 );
811             if( overlap == 1 || overlap == 4 || overlap == 6 ) {
812                result = 0;
813             } else {
814                result = 1;
815             }
816          }
818 /* If the regions are ORed... */
819       } else {
821 /* If either one of the two components is unbounded, then the OR region is
822    unbounded. */
823          if( !reg1b || !reg2b ) {
824             result = 0;
826 /* If both of the two components are bounded, then the OR region is also
827    bounded. */
828          } else {
829             result = 1;
830          }
831       }
833 /* Free resources. */
834       reg1 = astAnnul( reg1 );
835       reg2 = astAnnul( reg2 );
837 /* Cache the value in the CmpRegion. */
838       this->bounded = astOK ? result : -INT_MAX;
839    }
841 /* Return zero if an error occurred. Otherwise, return the cached value. */
842    if( astOK ) {
843       result = ( this->bounded == -INT_MAX ) ? 0 : this->bounded;
844    } else {
845       result = 0;
846    }
848 /* Return the required pointer. */
849    return result;
850 }
GetFillFactor(AstRegion * this_region,int * status)852 static double GetFillFactor( AstRegion *this_region, int *status ) {
853 /*
854 *  Name:
855 *     GetFillFactor
857 *  Purpose:
858 *     Obtain the value of the FillFactor attribute for a CmpRegion.
860 *  Type:
861 *     Private function.
863 *  Synopsis:
864 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
865 *     double GetFillFactor( AstRegion *this, int *status )
867 *  Class Membership:
868 *     CmpRegion member function (over-rides the astGetFillFactor method inherited
869 *     from the Region class).
871 *  Description:
872 *     This function returns the value of the FillFactor attribute for a
873 *     CmpRegion.  A suitable default value is returned if no value has
874 *     previously been set.
876 *  Parameters:
877 *     this
878 *        Pointer to the CmpRegion.
879 *     status
880 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
882 *  Returned Value:
883 *     The FillFactor value to use.
885 */
887 /* Local Variables: */
888    AstCmpRegion *this;
889    double result;
891 /* Check the global error status. */
892    if ( !astOK ) return AST__BAD;
894 /* Initialise. */
895    result = AST__BAD;
897 /* Obtain a pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
898    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
900 /* See if a FillFactor value has been set. If so, use the parent
901    astGetFillFactor  method to obtain it. */
902    if ( astTestFillFactor( this ) ) {
903       result = (*parent_getfillfactor)( this_region, status );
905 /* Otherwise, we will generate a default value equal to the FillFactor values
906    of the first component Region. */
907    } else {
908       result = astGetFillFactor( this->region1 );
909    }
911 /* If an error occurred, clear the returned value. */
912    if ( !astOK ) result = AST__BAD;
914 /* Return the result. */
915    return result;
916 }
GetObjSize(AstObject * this_object,int * status)918 static int GetObjSize( AstObject *this_object, int *status ) {
919 /*
920 *  Name:
921 *     GetObjSize
923 *  Purpose:
924 *     Return the in-memory size of an Object.
926 *  Type:
927 *     Private function.
929 *  Synopsis:
930 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
931 *     int GetObjSize( AstObject *this, int *status )
933 *  Class Membership:
934 *     CmpRegion member function (over-rides the astGetObjSize protected
935 *     method inherited from the parent class).
937 *  Description:
938 *     This function returns the in-memory size of the supplied CmpRegion,
939 *     in bytes.
941 *  Parameters:
942 *     this
943 *        Pointer to the CmpRegion.
944 *     status
945 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
947 *  Returned Value:
948 *     The Object size, in bytes.
950 *  Notes:
951 *     - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
952 *     with the global status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
953 */
955 /* Local Variables: */
956    AstCmpRegion *this;        /* Pointer to CmpRegion structure */
957    int result;                /* Result value to return */
959 /* Initialise. */
960    result = 0;
962 /* Check the global error status. */
963    if ( !astOK ) return result;
965 /* Obtain a pointers to the CmpRegion structure. */
966    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_object;
968 /* Invoke the GetObjSize method inherited from the parent class, and then
969    add on any components of the class structure defined by this class
970    which are stored in dynamically allocated memory. */
971    result = (*parent_getobjsize)( this_object, status );
973    result += astGetObjSize( this->region1 );
974    result += astGetObjSize( this->region2 );
975    if( this->xor1 ) result += astGetObjSize( this->xor1 );
976    if( this->xor2 ) result += astGetObjSize( this->xor2 );
978 /* If an error occurred, clear the result value. */
979    if ( !astOK ) result = 0;
981 /* Return the result, */
982    return result;
983 }
GetRegions(AstCmpRegion * this,AstRegion ** reg1,AstRegion ** reg2,int * oper,int * neg1,int * neg2,int * status)985 static void GetRegions( AstCmpRegion *this, AstRegion **reg1, AstRegion **reg2,
986                         int *oper, int *neg1, int *neg2, int *status ) {
987 /*
988 *
989 *  Name:
990 *     GetRegions
992 *  Purpose:
993 *     Get the component Regions of a CmpRegion.
995 *  Type:
996 *     Private function.
998 *  Synopsis:
999 *     #include "region.h"
1000 *     void GetRegions( AstCmpRegion *this, AstRegion **reg1, AstRegion **reg2,
1001 *                      int *oper, int *neg1, int *neg2, int *status )
1003 *  Class Membership:
1004 *     CmpRegion member function
1006 *  Description:
1007 *     This function returns pointers to two Regions which, when applied
1008 *     using the returned boolean operator, are equivalent to the supplied
1009 *     Region. If the CmpRegion has been negated, then the returned operator
1010 *     and "negated" flags will be set such that they represent the
1011 *     negated CmpRegion.
1012 *
1013 *     The current Frames in both the returned component Regions will be
1014 *     equivalent to the base Frame in the FrameSet encapsulated by the
1015 *     parent Region structure.
1017 *  Parameters:
1018 *     this
1019 *        Pointer to the CmpRegion.
1020 *     reg1
1021 *        Address of a location to receive a pointer to first component
1022 *        Region. The current Frame in this region will be equivalent to
1023 *        the base Frame in the FrameSet
1024 *     reg2
1025 *        Address of a location to receive a pointer to second component
1026 *        Region.
1027 *     oper
1028 *        Address of a location to receive a value indicating how the
1029 *        component Regions are combined together. This will be one of
1030 *        AST__AND or AST__OR
1031 *     neg1
1032 *        The value of the Negated attribute to be used with reg1.
1033 *     neg2
1034 *        The value of the Negated attribute to be used with reg2.
1035 *     status
1036 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1038 *  Notes:
1039 *     - Any changes made to the component Regions using the returned
1040 *     pointers will be reflected in the supplied CmpRegion.
1042 *-
1043 */
1045 /* Initialise */
1046    if( reg1 ) *reg1 = NULL;
1047    if( reg2 ) *reg2 = NULL;
1049 /* Check the global error status. */
1050    if ( !astOK ) return;
1052 /* Return the component Region pointers. */
1053    if( reg1 ) *reg1 = astClone( this->region1 );
1054    if( reg2 ) *reg2 = astClone( this->region2 );
1056 /* Initialise the other returned items. Note, the CmpRegion initialiser
1057    stored a deep copy of the supplied component Regions, and so we do not
1058    need to worry about attributes of the components having been changed
1059    after the creation of the CmpRegion. This is different to the CmpMap
1060    class which merely clones its supplied component pointers and so has
1061    to save copies of the original Invert settings within the CmpMap
1062    structure. */
1063    if( oper ) *oper = this->oper;
1064    if( neg1 ) *neg1 = astGetNegated( this->region1 );
1065    if( neg2 ) *neg2 = astGetNegated( this->region2 );
1067 /* If the CmpRegion has been inverted, we modify the boolean operator and
1068    negation flags so that they reflect the inverted CmpRegion. */
1069    if( astGetNegated( this ) ) {
1071 /* If the component Regions are combined using AND, then the negated
1072    CmpRegion combines its negated components using  OR. */
1073       if( this->oper == AST__AND ){
1074          if( oper ) *oper = AST__OR;
1075          if( neg1 ) *neg1 = *neg1 ? 0 : 1;
1076          if( neg2 ) *neg2 = *neg2 ? 0 : 1;
1078 /* If the component Regions are combined using OR, then the negated CmpRegion
1079    combines its negated components using  AND. */
1080       } else if( this->oper == AST__OR ){
1081          if( oper ) *oper = AST__AND;
1082          if( neg1 ) *neg1 = *neg1 ? 0 : 1;
1083          if( neg2 ) *neg2 = *neg2 ? 0 : 1;
1085       } else if( astOK ) {
1086          astError( AST__INTER, "GetRegions(%s): The %s refers to an unknown "
1087                    "boolean operator with identifier %d (internal AST "
1088                    "programming error).", status, astGetClass( this ),
1089                    astGetClass( this ), this->oper );
1090       }
1091    }
1092 }
GetDefUnc(AstRegion * this_region,int * status)1094 static AstRegion *GetDefUnc( AstRegion *this_region, int *status ) {
1095 /*
1096 *  Name:
1097 *     GetDefUnc
1099 *  Purpose:
1100 *     Obtain a pointer to the default uncertainty Region for a given Region.
1102 *  Type:
1103 *     Private function.
1105 *  Synopsis:
1106 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
1107 *     AstRegion *GetDefUnc( AstRegion *this )
1109 *  Class Membership:
1110 *     CmpRegion method (over-rides the astGetDefUnc method inherited from
1111 *     the Region class).
1113 *     This function returns a pointer to a Region which represents the
1114 *     default uncertainty associated with a position on the boundary of the
1115 *     given  Region. The returned Region refers to the base Frame within the
1116 *     FrameSet encapsulated by the supplied Region.
1118 *  Parameters:
1119 *     this
1120 *        Pointer to the Region.
1122 *  Returned Value:
1123 *     A pointer to the Region. This should be annulled (using astAnnul)
1124 *     when no longer needed.
1126 *  Notes:
1127 *     - A NULL pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
1128 *     with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
1129 *     reason.
1130 */
1132 /* Local Variables: */
1133    AstCmpRegion *this;        /* Pointer to CmpRegion structure */
1134    AstRegion *result;         /* Returned pointer */
1136 /* Initialise */
1137    result = NULL;
1139 /* Check the global error status. */
1140    if ( !astOK ) return result;
1142 /* Get a pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
1143    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
1145 /* If the first component region has non-default uncertainty, use it as
1146    the default uncertainty for the CmpRegion. Note, the current Frame of
1147    an uncertainty Region is assumed to be the same as the base Frame in the
1148    CmpRegion. */
1149    if( astTestUnc( this->region1 ) ) {
1150       result = astGetUncFrm( this->region1, AST__CURRENT );
1152 /* Otherwise, if the second component region has non-default uncertainty,
1153    use it as the default uncertainty for the CmpRegion. */
1154    } else if( astTestUnc( this->region2 ) ) {
1155       result = astGetUncFrm( this->region2, AST__CURRENT );
1157 /* Otherwise, use the parent method to determine the default uncertainty. */
1158    } else {
1159       result = (* parent_getdefunc)( this_region, status );
1160    }
1162 /* Return NULL if an error occurred. */
1163    if( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
1165 /* Return the required pointer. */
1166    return result;
1167 }
astInitCmpRegionVtab_(AstCmpRegionVtab * vtab,const char * name,int * status)1169 void astInitCmpRegionVtab_(  AstCmpRegionVtab *vtab, const char *name, int *status ) {
1170 /*
1171 *+
1172 *  Name:
1173 *     astInitCmpRegionVtab
1175 *  Purpose:
1176 *     Initialise a virtual function table for a CmpRegion.
1178 *  Type:
1179 *     Protected function.
1181 *  Synopsis:
1182 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
1183 *     void astInitCmpRegionVtab( AstCmpRegionVtab *vtab, const char *name )
1185 *  Class Membership:
1186 *     CmpRegion vtab initialiser.
1188 *  Description:
1189 *     This function initialises the component of a virtual function
1190 *     table which is used by the CmpRegion class.
1192 *  Parameters:
1193 *     vtab
1194 *        Pointer to the virtual function table. The components used by
1195 *        all ancestral classes will be initialised if they have not already
1196 *        been initialised.
1197 *     name
1198 *        Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which contains
1199 *        the name of the class to which the virtual function table belongs (it
1200 *        is this pointer value that will subsequently be returned by the Object
1201 *        astClass function).
1202 *-
1203 */
1205 /* Local Variables: */
1206    astDECLARE_GLOBALS            /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
1207    AstMappingVtab *mapping;      /* Pointer to Mapping component of Vtab */
1208    AstObjectVtab *object;        /* Pointer to Object component of Vtab */
1209    AstRegionVtab *region;        /* Pointer to Region component of Vtab */
1211 /* Check the local error status. */
1212    if ( !astOK ) return;
1215 /* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
1216    astGET_GLOBALS(NULL);
1218 /* Initialize the component of the virtual function table used by the
1219    parent class. */
1220    astInitRegionVtab( (AstRegionVtab *) vtab, name );
1222 /* Store a unique "magic" value in the virtual function table. This
1223    will be used (by astIsACmpRegion) to determine if an object belongs to
1224    this class.  We can conveniently use the address of the (static)
1225    class_check variable to generate this unique value. */
1226    vtab->id.check = &class_check;
1227    vtab->id.parent = &(((AstRegionVtab *) vtab)->id);
1229 /* Initialise member function pointers. */
1230 /* ------------------------------------ */
1231 /* Store pointers to the member functions (implemented here) that
1232    provide virtual methods for this class. */
1234    vtab->CmpRegionList = CmpRegionList;
1236 /* Save the inherited pointers to methods that will be extended, and
1237    replace them with pointers to the new member functions. */
1238    object = (AstObjectVtab *) vtab;
1239    mapping = (AstMappingVtab *) vtab;
1240    region = (AstRegionVtab *) vtab;
1242    parent_transform = mapping->Transform;
1243    mapping->Transform = Transform;
1245    parent_simplify = mapping->Simplify;
1246    mapping->Simplify = Simplify;
1248    parent_getdefunc = region->GetDefUnc;
1249    region->GetDefUnc = GetDefUnc;
1251    parent_setregfs = region->SetRegFS;
1252    region->SetRegFS = SetRegFS;
1254    parent_resetcache = region->ResetCache;
1255    region->ResetCache = ResetCache;
1257    parent_equal = object->Equal;
1258    object->Equal = Equal;
1260    parent_getobjsize = object->GetObjSize;
1261    object->GetObjSize = GetObjSize;
1263 #if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
1264    parent_managelock = object->ManageLock;
1265    object->ManageLock = ManageLock;
1266 #endif
1268    parent_clearclosed = region->ClearClosed;
1269    region->ClearClosed = ClearClosed;
1271    parent_clearmeshsize = region->ClearMeshSize;
1272    region->ClearMeshSize = ClearMeshSize;
1274    parent_setclosed = region->SetClosed;
1275    region->SetClosed = SetClosed;
1277    parent_setmeshsize = region->SetMeshSize;
1278    region->SetMeshSize = SetMeshSize;
1280    parent_getfillfactor = region->GetFillFactor;
1281    region->GetFillFactor = GetFillFactor;
1283    parent_regsetattrib = region->RegSetAttrib;
1284    region->RegSetAttrib = RegSetAttrib;
1286    parent_regclearattrib = region->RegClearAttrib;
1287    region->RegClearAttrib = RegClearAttrib;
1289 /* Store replacement pointers for methods which will be over-ridden by
1290    new member functions implemented here. */
1291    mapping->Decompose = Decompose;
1292    region->RegBaseBox = RegBaseBox;
1293    region->RegBaseBox2 = RegBaseBox2;
1294    region->RegBaseMesh = RegBaseMesh;
1295    region->RegSplit = RegSplit;
1296    region->RegPins = RegPins;
1297    region->RegTrace = RegTrace;
1298    region->GetBounded = GetBounded;
1299    region->RegBasePick = RegBasePick;
1301 /* Declare the copy constructor, destructor and class dump function. */
1302    astSetCopy( vtab, Copy );
1303    astSetDelete( vtab, Delete );
1304    astSetDump( vtab, Dump, "CmpRegion", "Combination of two Regions" );
1306 /* If we have just initialised the vtab for the current class, indicate
1307    that the vtab is now initialised, and store a pointer to the class
1308    identifier in the base "object" level of the vtab. */
1309    if( vtab == &class_vtab ) {
1310       class_init = 1;
1311       astSetVtabClassIdentifier( vtab, &(vtab->id) );
1312    }
1313 }
1315 #if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
ManageLock(AstObject * this_object,int mode,int extra,AstObject ** fail,int * status)1316 static int ManageLock( AstObject *this_object, int mode, int extra,
1317                        AstObject **fail, int *status ) {
1318 /*
1319 *  Name:
1320 *     ManageLock
1322 *  Purpose:
1323 *     Manage the thread lock on an Object.
1325 *  Type:
1326 *     Private function.
1328 *  Synopsis:
1329 *     #include "object.h"
1330 *     AstObject *ManageLock( AstObject *this, int mode, int extra,
1331 *                            AstObject **fail, int *status )
1333 *  Class Membership:
1334 *     CmpRegion member function (over-rides the astManageLock protected
1335 *     method inherited from the parent class).
1337 *  Description:
1338 *     This function manages the thread lock on the supplied Object. The
1339 *     lock can be locked, unlocked or checked by this function as
1340 *     deteremined by parameter "mode". See astLock for details of the way
1341 *     these locks are used.
1343 *  Parameters:
1344 *     this
1345 *        Pointer to the Object.
1346 *     mode
1347 *        An integer flag indicating what the function should do:
1348 *
1349 *        AST__LOCK: Lock the Object for exclusive use by the calling
1350 *        thread. The "extra" value indicates what should be done if the
1351 *        Object is already locked (wait or report an error - see astLock).
1352 *
1353 *        AST__UNLOCK: Unlock the Object for use by other threads.
1354 *
1355 *        AST__CHECKLOCK: Check that the object is locked for use by the
1356 *        calling thread (report an error if not).
1357 *     extra
1358 *        Extra mode-specific information.
1359 *     fail
1360 *        If a non-zero function value is returned, a pointer to the
1361 *        Object that caused the failure is returned at "*fail". This may
1362 *        be "this" or it may be an Object contained within "this". Note,
1363 *        the Object's reference count is not incremented, and so the
1364 *        returned pointer should not be annulled. A NULL pointer is
1365 *        returned if this function returns a value of zero.
1366 *     status
1367 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1369 *  Returned Value:
1370 *    A local status value:
1371 *        0 - Success
1372 *        1 - Could not lock or unlock the object because it was already
1373 *            locked by another thread.
1374 *        2 - Failed to lock a POSIX mutex
1375 *        3 - Failed to unlock a POSIX mutex
1376 *        4 - Bad "mode" value supplied.
1378 *  Notes:
1379 *     - This function attempts to execute even if an error has already
1380 *     occurred.
1381 */
1383 /* Local Variables: */
1384    AstCmpRegion *this;       /* Pointer to CmpRegion structure */
1385    int result;               /* Returned status value */
1387 /* Initialise */
1388    result = 0;
1390 /* Check the supplied pointer is not NULL. */
1391    if( !this_object ) return result;
1393 /* Obtain a pointers to the CmpRegion structure. */
1394    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_object;
1396 /* Invoke the ManageLock method inherited from the parent class. */
1397    if( !result ) result = (*parent_managelock)( this_object, mode, extra,
1398                                                 fail, status );
1400 /* Invoke the astManageLock method on any Objects contained within
1401    the supplied Object. */
1402    if( !result ) result = astManageLock( this->region1, mode, extra, fail );
1403    if( !result ) result = astManageLock( this->region2, mode, extra, fail );
1405    return result;
1407 }
1408 #endif
MatchRegion(AstRegion * this,int ifrm,AstRegion * that,const char * method,int * status)1410 static AstRegion *MatchRegion( AstRegion *this, int ifrm, AstRegion *that,
1411                                const char *method, int *status ) {
1412 /*
1413 *  Name:
1414 *     MatchRegion
1416 *  Purpose:
1417 *     Map a Region into the Frame of another Region.
1419 *  Type:
1420 *     Private function.
1422 *  Synopsis:
1423 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
1424 *     AstRegion *MatchRegion( AstRegion *this, int ifrm, AstRegion *that,
1425 *                             const char *method, int *status )
1427 *  Class Membership:
1428 *     CmpRegion method.
1430 *  Description:
1431 *     This function returns a pointer to a new Region which is a copy of
1432 *     "that" mapped into either the base or current Frame of "this".
1434 *  Parameters:
1435 *     this
1436 *        Pointer to a Region defining the Frame of the returned Region.
1437 *     ifrm
1438 *        The index of a Frame within the FrameSet encapsulated by "this".
1439 *        The returned Region will refer to the requested Frame. It should
1440 *        be either AST__CURRENT or AST__BASE.
1441 *     that
1442 *        Pointer to a Region defining the shape and extent of the
1443 *        returned Region.
1444 *     method
1445 *        Pointer to a string holding the calling method.This is only used
1446 *        in error messages.
1447 *     status
1448 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1450 *  Returned Value:
1451 *     A pointer to a new Region. This should be annulled (using astAnnul)
1452 *     when no longer needed.
1454 *  Notes:
1455 *     - A NULL pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
1456 *     with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
1457 *     reason.
1458 */
1460 /* Local Variables: */
1461    AstFrame *frm;             /* Current Frame from "fs" */
1462    AstFrameSet *fs;           /* FrameSet connecting that to this */
1463    AstMapping *map;           /* Base->Current Mapping from "fs" */
1464    AstRegion *result;         /* Returned pointer */
1466 /* Initialise */
1467    result = NULL;
1469 /* Check the global error status. Also return NULL if no Regions were
1470    supplied. */
1471    if ( !astOK || !this || !that ) return result;
1473 /* Temporarily invert "this" if we are matching its base Frame (since the
1474    astConvert method matches current Frames). */
1475    if( ifrm == AST__BASE ) astInvert( this );
1477 /* Find a FrameSet connecting the current Frames of the two Regions */
1478    fs = astConvert( that, this, "" );
1480 /* Re-instate the original Frame indices in "this" if required. */
1481    if( ifrm == AST__BASE ) astInvert( this );
1483 /* Check a conversion path was found. */
1484    if( fs ) {
1486 /* Get the Frame and Mapping form the FrameSet. */
1487       frm = astGetFrame( fs, AST__CURRENT );
1488       map = astGetMapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
1490 /* Re-map the Region. */
1491       result = astMapRegion( that, map, frm );
1493 /* Free resources. */
1494       frm = astAnnul( frm );
1495       map = astAnnul( map );
1496       fs = astAnnul( fs );
1498 /* Report an error if there is no conversion between the two Frames. */
1499    } else {
1500       astError( AST__INTER, "%s(%s): MatchRegion cannot convert between "
1501                 "the two supplied coordinate Frames (internal AST "
1502                 "programming error).", status, method, astGetClass( this ) );
1503    }
1505 /* Annul the returned pointer if an error has occurred. */
1506    if( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
1508 /* Return the result. */
1509    return result;
1510 }
RegBaseBox(AstRegion * this_region,double * lbnd,double * ubnd,int * status)1512 static void RegBaseBox( AstRegion *this_region, double *lbnd, double *ubnd, int *status ){
1513 /*
1514 *  Name:
1515 *     RegBaseBox
1517 *  Purpose:
1518 *     Returns the bounding box of an un-negated Region in the base Frame of
1519 *     the encapsulated FrameSet.
1521 *  Type:
1522 *     Private function.
1524 *  Synopsis:
1525 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
1526 *     void RegBaseBox( AstRegion *this, double *lbnd, double *ubnd, int *status )
1528 *  Class Membership:
1529 *     CmpRegion member function (over-rides the astRegBaseBox protected
1530 *     method inherited from the Region class).
1532 *  Description:
1533 *     This function returns the upper and lower axis bounds of a Region in
1534 *     the base Frame of the encapsulated FrameSet, assuming the Region
1535 *     has not been negated. That is, the value of the Negated attribute
1536 *     is ignored.
1538 *  Parameters:
1539 *     this
1540 *        Pointer to the Region.
1541 *     lbnd
1542 *        Pointer to an array in which to return the lower axis bounds
1543 *        covered by the Region in the base Frame of the encapsulated
1544 *        FrameSet. It should have at least as many elements as there are
1545 *        axes in the base Frame.
1546 *     ubnd
1547 *        Pointer to an array in which to return the upper axis bounds
1548 *        covered by the Region in the base Frame of the encapsulated
1549 *        FrameSet. It should have at least as many elements as there are
1550 *        axes in the base Frame.
1551 *     status
1552 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1554 */
1556 /* Local Variables: */
1557    AstCmpRegion *this;          /* Pointer to CmpRegion structure */
1558    AstPointSet *ps;             /* Mesh pointset */
1559    AstRegion *reg1;             /* Pointer to first component Region */
1560    AstRegion *reg2;             /* Pointer to second component Region */
1561    double **ptr;                /* Pointer to mesh data */
1562    double *clbnd1;              /* Point to 1st comp lower bounds array */
1563    double *clbnd2;              /* Point to 2nd comp lower bounds array */
1564    double *cubnd1;              /* Point to 1st comp upper bounds array */
1565    double *cubnd2;              /* Point to 2nd comp upper bounds array */
1566    double *p;                   /* Pointer to next coordinate value */
1567    double lb;                   /* Lower limit */
1568    double ub;                   /* Upper limit */
1569    int i;                       /* Axis index */
1570    int icoord;                  /* Coordinate index */
1571    int inc1;                    /* First component interval is included? */
1572    int inc2;                    /* Second component interval is included? */
1573    int ipoint;                  /* Point index */
1574    int nax;                     /* Number of axes in Frame */
1575    int ncoord;                  /* Number of coords */
1576    int neg1;                    /* First component negated? */
1577    int neg2;                    /* Second component negated? */
1578    int npoint;                  /* Number of points */
1580 /* Check the global error status. */
1581    if ( !astOK ) return;
1583 /* Get a pointer to the CmpRegion structure */
1584    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
1586 /* If the CmpRegion is bounded, we find the bounding box using a mesh of
1587    points spread evenly over the boundary of the CmpRegion. */
1588    if( astGetBounded( this ) ) {
1589       ps = astRegBaseMesh( this_region );
1590       ptr = astGetPoints( ps );
1591       ncoord = astGetNcoord( ps );
1592       npoint = astGetNpoint( ps );
1594       if( astOK ) {
1595          for( icoord = 0; icoord < ncoord; icoord++ ) {
1596             lbnd[ icoord ] = DBL_MAX;
1597             ubnd[ icoord ] = -DBL_MAX;
1598             p = ptr[ icoord ];
1599             for( ipoint = 0; ipoint < npoint; ipoint++, p++ ) {
1600                if( *p != AST__BAD ) {
1601                   if( *p < lbnd[ icoord ] )  lbnd[ icoord ] = *p;
1602                   if( *p > ubnd[ icoord ] )  ubnd[ icoord ] = *p;
1603                }
1604             }
1605          }
1606       }
1607       ps = astAnnul( ps );
1609 /* If the CmpRegion is not bounded we look at each axis individually. */
1610    } else {
1612 /* Get pointers to the component Regions. */
1613       reg1 = this->region1;
1614       reg2 = this->region2;
1616 /* Get their negated flags */
1617       neg1 = astGetNegated( reg1 );
1618       neg2 = astGetNegated( reg2 );
1620 /* The base Frame of the parent Region structure is the current Frame of
1621    the component Regions. Get the no. of axes in this Frame. */
1622       nax = astGetNaxes( reg1 );
1624 /* Get the bounding boxes of the component Regions in this Frame. */
1625       clbnd1 = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nax );
1626       cubnd1 = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nax );
1627       clbnd2 = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nax );
1628       cubnd2 = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nax );
1629       if( astOK ) {
1630          astGetRegionBounds( reg1, clbnd1, cubnd1 );
1631          astGetRegionBounds( reg2, clbnd2, cubnd2 );
1633 /* Loop round every axis. */
1634          for( i = 0; i < nax; i++ ) {
1636 /* If the first component Region has been negated, the lower and upper
1637    bounds from the first component are the bounds of an *excluded* axis
1638    interval, not an included interval. If either of the bounds are
1639    infinite, we can swap it to an included interval. If both bounds are
1640    finite, we cannot convert to an included interval. In this case, we
1641    assume that the gap will be filled at some point on another axis, if
1642    there is more than 1 axis, and convert it to an unbouded included
1643    interval. */
1644             inc1 = 1;
1645             if( neg1 ) {
1646                lb = clbnd1[ i ];
1647                ub = cubnd1[ i ];
1648                if( lb == -DBL_MAX ) clbnd1[ i ] = ub;
1649                if( ub == DBL_MAX ) cubnd1[ i ] = lb;
1650                if( lb != -DBL_MAX && ub != DBL_MAX ) {
1651                   if( nax == 1 ) {
1652                      inc1 = 0;
1653                   } else {
1654                      clbnd1[ i ] = -DBL_MAX;
1655                      cubnd1[ i ] = DBL_MAX;
1656                   }
1657                }
1658             }
1660 /* Likewise attempt to convert an excluded interval into an included
1661    interval for the second component Region. */
1662             inc2 = 1;
1663             if( neg2 ) {
1664                lb = clbnd2[ i ];
1665                ub = cubnd2[ i ];
1666                if( lb == -DBL_MAX ) clbnd2[ i ] = ub;
1667                if( ub == DBL_MAX ) cubnd2[ i ] = lb;
1668                if( lb != -DBL_MAX && ub != DBL_MAX ) {
1669                   if( nax == 1 ) {
1670                      inc2 = 0;
1671                   } else {
1672                      clbnd2[ i ] = -DBL_MAX;
1673                      cubnd2[ i ] = DBL_MAX;
1674                   }
1675                }
1676             }
1678 /* If the component Regions are combined using AND, find the overlap of
1679    the axis intervals. This depends on whether the intervals are included
1680    or excluded. */
1681             if( this->oper == AST__AND ) {
1683                if( inc1 ) {
1684                   if( inc2 ) {
1685                      lbnd[ i ] = MAX( clbnd1[ i ], clbnd2[ i ] );
1686                      ubnd[ i ] = MIN( cubnd1[ i ], cubnd2[ i ] );
1687                   } else {
1688                      lbnd[ i ] = clbnd1[ i ] < clbnd2[ i ] ? clbnd1[ i ] : cubnd2[ i ];
1689                      ubnd[ i ] = cubnd1[ i ] > cubnd2[ i ] ? cubnd1[ i ] : clbnd2[ i ];
1690                   }
1691                } else {
1692                   if( inc2 ) {
1693                      lbnd[ i ] = clbnd2[ i ] < clbnd1[ i ] ? clbnd2[ i ] : cubnd1[ i ];
1694                      ubnd[ i ] = cubnd2[ i ] > cubnd1[ i ] ? cubnd2[ i ] : clbnd1[ i ];
1695                   } else {
1696                      lbnd[ i ] = clbnd1[ i ] < clbnd2[ i ] ? clbnd1[ i ] : cubnd2[ i ];
1697                      ubnd[ i ] = cubnd1[ i ] > cubnd2[ i ] ? cubnd1[ i ] : clbnd2[ i ];
1698                   }
1699                }
1701 /* If the component Regions are not combined using AND, find the union of
1702    the axis intervals. */
1703             } else {
1704                if( inc1 && inc2 ) {
1705                   lbnd[ i ] = MIN( clbnd1[ i ], clbnd2[ i ] );
1706                   ubnd[ i ] = MAX( cubnd1[ i ], cubnd2[ i ] );
1707                } else {
1708                   lbnd[ i ] = -DBL_MAX;
1709                   ubnd[ i ] = DBL_MAX;
1710                }
1711             }
1712          }
1713       }
1715 /* Free resources. */
1716       clbnd1 = astFree( clbnd1 );
1717       cubnd1 = astFree( cubnd1 );
1718       clbnd2 = astFree( clbnd2 );
1719       cubnd2 = astFree( cubnd2 );
1720    }
1721 }
RegBaseBox2(AstRegion * this_region,double * lbnd,double * ubnd,int * status)1723 static void RegBaseBox2( AstRegion *this_region, double *lbnd, double *ubnd, int *status ){
1724 /*
1725 *  Name:
1726 *     RegBaseBox2
1728 *  Purpose:
1729 *     Returns the bounding box of an un-negated Region in the base Frame of
1730 *     the encapsulated FrameSet.
1732 *  Type:
1733 *     Private function.
1735 *  Synopsis:
1736 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
1737 *     void RegBaseBox2( AstRegion *this, double *lbnd, double *ubnd, int *status )
1739 *  Class Membership:
1740 *     CmpRegion member function (over-rides the astRegBaseBox2 protected
1741 *     method inherited from the Region class).
1743 *  Description:
1744 *     This function is similar to astRegBaseBox in that it returns the
1745 *     upper and lower axis bounds of a Region in the base Frame of the
1746 *     encapsulated FrameSet. But, in addition to assuming that the
1747 *     supplied Region has not been negated, it also assumes that any
1748 *     component Regions contained within the supplied Region have not been
1749 *     negated.
1751 *  Parameters:
1752 *     this
1753 *        Pointer to the Region.
1754 *     lbnd
1755 *        Pointer to an array in which to return the lower axis bounds
1756 *        covered by the Region in the base Frame of the encapsulated
1757 *        FrameSet. It should have at least as many elements as there are
1758 *        axes in the base Frame.
1759 *     ubnd
1760 *        Pointer to an array in which to return the upper axis bounds
1761 *        covered by the Region in the base Frame of the encapsulated
1762 *        FrameSet. It should have at least as many elements as there are
1763 *        axes in the base Frame.
1764 *     status
1765 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1767 */
1769 /* Local Variables: */
1770    AstCmpRegion *this;          /* Pointer to CmpRegion structure */
1771    AstRegion *reg1;             /* Pointer to first component Region */
1772    AstRegion *reg2;             /* Pointer to second component Region */
1773    double *clbnd1;              /* Point to 1st comp lower bounds array */
1774    double *clbnd2;              /* Point to 2nd comp lower bounds array */
1775    double *cubnd1;              /* Point to 1st comp upper bounds array */
1776    double *cubnd2;              /* Point to 2nd comp upper bounds array */
1777    int i;                       /* Axis index */
1778    int nax;                     /* Number of axes in Frame */
1780 /* Check the global error status. */
1781    if ( !astOK ) return;
1783 /* Get a pointer to the CmpRegion structure */
1784    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
1786 /* Get pointers to the component Regions. */
1787    reg1 = this->region1;
1788    reg2 = this->region2;
1790 /* The base Frame of the parent Region structure is the current Frame of
1791    the component Regions. Get the no. of axes in this Frame. */
1792    nax = astGetNaxes( reg1 );
1794 /* Get the bounding boxes of the component Regions in this Frame. */
1795    clbnd1 = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nax );
1796    cubnd1 = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nax );
1797    clbnd2 = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nax );
1798    cubnd2 = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nax );
1799    if( astOK ) {
1800       astGetRegionBounds2( reg1, clbnd1, cubnd1 );
1801       astGetRegionBounds2( reg2, clbnd2, cubnd2 );
1803 /* How we combine the two bounding boxes depends on the boolean operator
1804    associated with this CmpRegion.  For AND find the overlap of the two
1805    bounding boxes. For other operators find the union. */
1806       if( this->oper == AST__AND ) {
1807          for( i = 0; i < nax; i++ ) {
1808             lbnd[ i ]= MAX( clbnd1[ i ], clbnd2[ i ] );
1809             ubnd[ i ]= MIN( cubnd1[ i ], cubnd2[ i ] );
1810          }
1812       } else {
1813          for( i = 0; i < nax; i++ ) {
1814             lbnd[ i ]= MIN( clbnd1[ i ], clbnd2[ i ] );
1815             ubnd[ i ]= MAX( cubnd1[ i ], cubnd2[ i ] );
1816          }
1817       }
1818    }
1820 /* Free resources. */
1821    clbnd1 = astFree( clbnd1 );
1822    cubnd1 = astFree( cubnd1 );
1823    clbnd2 = astFree( clbnd2 );
1824    cubnd2 = astFree( cubnd2 );
1826 }
RegBaseMesh(AstRegion * this_region,int * status)1828 static AstPointSet *RegBaseMesh( AstRegion *this_region, int *status ){
1829 /*
1830 *  Name:
1831 *     RegBaseMesh
1833 *  Purpose:
1834 *     Return a PointSet containing a mesh of points on the boundary of a
1835 *     Region in its base Frame.
1837 *  Type:
1838 *     Private function.
1840 *  Synopsis:
1841 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
1842 *     AstPointSet *astRegBaseMesh( AstRegion *this, int *status )
1844 *  Class Membership:
1845 *     CmpRegion member function (over-rides the astRegBaseMesh protected
1846 *     method inherited from the Region class).
1848 *  Description:
1849 *     This function returns a PointSet containing a mesh of points on the
1850 *     boundary of the Region. The points refer to the base Frame of
1851 *     the encapsulated FrameSet.
1853 *  Parameters:
1854 *     this
1855 *        Pointer to the Region.
1856 *     status
1857 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1859 *  Returned Value:
1860 *     Pointer to the PointSet. Annul the pointer using astAnnul when it
1861 *     is no longer needed.
1863 *  Notes:
1864 *    - A NULL pointer is returned if an error has already occurred, or if
1865 *    this function should fail for any reason.
1867 */
1870 /* Local Variables: */
1871    AstCmpRegion *this;            /* The CmpRegion structure */
1872    AstPointSet *mesh1;            /* PointSet holding mesh for 1st component */
1873    AstPointSet *mesh1b;           /* Mesh for 1st component mapped by 2nd comp. */
1874    AstPointSet *mesh2;            /* PointSet holding mesh for 2nd component */
1875    AstPointSet *mesh2b;           /* Mesh for 2nd component mapped by 1st comp. */
1876    AstPointSet *result;           /* Returned pointer */
1877    AstRegion *reg1;               /* Pointer to first component Region */
1878    AstRegion *reg2;               /* Pointer to second component Region */
1879    double **ptr1;                 /* Pointer to array of mesh1b axis value pointers */
1880    double **ptr2;                 /* Pointer to array of mesh2b axis value pointers */
1881    double **ptr;                  /* Pointer to array of total axis value pointers */
1882    double *lbnd;                  /* Pointer to array of bounding box lower bounds */
1883    double *ubnd;                  /* Pointer to array of bounding box upper bounds */
1884    double v;                      /* Axis value */
1885    int hasMesh1;                  /* Does 1st component Region have a mesh? */
1886    int hasMesh2;                  /* Does 2nd component Region have a mesh? */
1887    int ic;                        /* Axis index */
1888    int ip;                        /* Input point index */
1889    int jp;                        /* Output point index */
1890    int nc;                        /* No. of axis values per point */
1891    int np1;                       /* No. of points in mesh1b */
1892    int np2;                       /* No. of points in mesh2b */
1893    int np;                        /* No. of points in returned PointSet */
1894    int ok;                        /* Were all axis values good at this point? */
1896 /* Initialise */
1897    result= NULL;
1899 /* Check the global error status. */
1900    if ( !astOK ) return result;
1902 /* Get a pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
1903    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
1905 /* If the Region structure contains a pointer to a PointSet holding
1906    a previously created mesh, return it. */
1907    if( this_region->basemesh ) {
1908       result = astClone( this_region->basemesh );
1910 /* Otherwise, create a new mesh. */
1911    } else {
1913 /* Get pointers to the component regions. */
1914       reg1 = this->region1;
1915       reg2 = this->region2;
1917 /* A mesh can only be produced for a Region if it is bounded when either
1918    negated or un-negated. See if meshes can be produced for the component
1919    Regions. */
1920       hasMesh1 = astGetBounded( reg1 );
1921       if( !hasMesh1 ){
1922          astNegate( reg1 );
1923          hasMesh1 = astGetBounded( reg1 );
1924          astNegate( reg1 );
1925       }
1927       hasMesh2 = astGetBounded( reg2 );
1928       if( !hasMesh2 ){
1929          astNegate( reg2 );
1930          hasMesh2 = astGetBounded( reg2 );
1931          astNegate( reg2 );
1932       }
1934 /* If neither Region has a mesh we cannot produce a mesh. */
1935       if( !hasMesh1 && !hasMesh2 && astOK ) {
1936          astError( AST__INTER, "astRegBaseMesh(%s): No mesh can be "
1937                    "produced for the %s bacause neither of its component "
1938                    "Regions has a mesh (internal AST programming error).", status,
1939                    astGetClass( this ), astGetClass( this ) );
1941 /* If only one Region has a mesh, we can produce a mesh so long as the
1942     boolean operator is not OR. */
1943       } else if( ( !hasMesh1 || !hasMesh2 ) && this->oper == AST__OR && astOK ) {
1944          astError( AST__INTER, "astRegBaseMesh(%s): No mesh can be produced "
1945                    "for the %s bacause one its component Regions has no "
1946                    "mesh and the union of the Regions is required (internal "
1947                    "AST programming error).", status, astGetClass( this ), astGetClass( this ) );
1948       }
1950 /* Allocate memory to hold a bounding box in the base Frame of the CmpRegion. */
1951       nc = astGetNin( this_region->frameset );
1952       lbnd = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nc );
1953       ubnd = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nc );
1955 /* Get current Frame meshes covering the two component Regions (the current
1956    Frame of the component Regions is the same as the base Frame of the parent
1957    Region). We now know that at least one Region has a mesh. If the other
1958    one does not have a mesh we may be able to create a mesh by taking the
1959    intersection of the Region with the bounding box of the bounded Region. */
1960       if( hasMesh1 ) {
1961          mesh1 = astRegMesh( reg1 );
1962          if( hasMesh2 ) {
1963             mesh2 = astRegMesh( reg2 );
1964          } else {
1965             astGetRegionBounds( reg1, lbnd, ubnd );
1966             mesh2 = astBndMesh( reg2, lbnd, ubnd );
1967          }
1969       } else {
1970          mesh2 = astRegMesh( reg2 );
1971          astGetRegionBounds( reg2, lbnd, ubnd );
1972          mesh1 = astBndMesh( reg1, lbnd, ubnd );
1973       }
1975 /* If the CmpRegion represents the intersection of the two component Regions
1976    (AND operator), the total mesh is the sum of the component mesh points
1977    which are inside the other component region. If the CmpRegion represents
1978    the union of the two component Regions (OR operator), the total mesh is
1979    the sum of the component mesh points which are outside the other component
1980    region. So temporarily negate the component Regions if they are
1981    combined using OR. */
1982       if( this->oper == AST__OR ) {
1983          astNegate( reg1 );
1984          astNegate( reg2 );
1985       }
1987 /* Transform the mesh for the first component using the second component
1988    as a Mapping. Mesh points outside (or inside if "oper" is OR) the bounds
1989    of the second component will be set bad. */
1990       mesh1b = astTransform( reg2, mesh1, 1, NULL );
1992 /* Transform the mesh for the second component using the first component
1993    as a Mapping. Mesh points outside (or inside if "oper" is OR) the bounds
1994    of the first component will be set bad. */
1995       mesh2b = astTransform( reg1, mesh2, 1, NULL );
1997 /* If required, negate them again to bring them back to their original state.*/
1998       if( this->oper == AST__OR ) {
1999          astNegate( reg1 );
2000          astNegate( reg2 );
2001       }
2003 /* The required mesh contains all the good points form both mesh1b and
2004    mesh2b (i.e. all boundary points which are inside -or inside if "oper"
2005    is OR- the other component Region). Create a PointSet assuming that all
2006    points are good. First allocate an array to hold pointers to the arrays
2007    holding coordinate values for each axis. */
2008       nc = astGetNcoord( mesh1b );
2009       np1 = astGetNpoint( mesh1b );
2010       np2 = astGetNpoint( mesh2b );
2011       np = np1 + np2;
2012       result = astPointSet( np, nc, "", status );
2013       ptr = astGetPoints( result );
2015 /* Get points to the axis values of the mapped meshes. */
2016       ptr1 = astGetPoints( mesh1b );
2017       ptr2 = astGetPoints( mesh2b );
2019 /* Check pointers can be used safely. */
2020       if( astOK ) {
2022 /* Initialise the index of the next point in the total mesh. */
2023          jp = 0;
2025 /* Loop round all the points in the transformed mesh for the first
2026    component. */
2027          for( ip = 0; ip < np1; ip++ ) {
2029 /* Assume this point has good axis values */
2030             ok = 1;
2032 /* Copy the axis values into the total mesh. Break if a bad axis value is
2033    found. */
2034             for( ic = 0; ic < nc; ic++ ) {
2035                v = ptr1[ ic ][ ip ];
2036                if( v != AST__BAD ) {
2037                   ptr[ ic ][ jp ] = v;
2038                } else {
2039                   ok = 0;
2040                   break;
2041                }
2042             }
2044 /* If no bad axis values were found, increment the index of the next
2045    point in the total mesh. */
2046             if( ok ) jp++;
2047          }
2049 /* Now similarly copy the good values from the second transformed mesh onto
2050    the end of the total mesh array. */
2051          for( ip = 0; ip < np2; ip++ ) {
2052             ok = 1;
2053             for( ic = 0; ic < nc; ic++ ) {
2054                v = ptr2[ ic ][ ip ];
2055                if( v != AST__BAD ) {
2056                   ptr[ ic ][ jp ] = v;
2057                } else {
2058                   ok = 0;
2059                   break;
2060                }
2061             }
2062             if( ok ) jp++;
2063          }
2065 /* If the total mesh contains no good points, we will create a PointSet
2066    holding a single bad position. */
2067          if( jp == 0 ) {
2068             np = 1;
2069             for( ic = 0; ic < nc; ic++ ) ptr[ ic ][ 0 ] = AST__BAD;
2070          } else {
2071             np = jp;
2072          }
2074 /* Adjust the size of the returned PointSet to exclude the extra space
2075    caused by any axis values being bad in the transformed meshes. */
2076          astSetNpoint( result, np );
2078       }
2080 /* Free resources. */
2081       mesh1 = astAnnul( mesh1 );
2082       mesh2 = astAnnul( mesh2 );
2083       mesh1b = astAnnul( mesh1b );
2084       mesh2b = astAnnul( mesh2b );
2085       lbnd = astFree( lbnd );
2086       ubnd = astFree( ubnd );
2088 /* Save the returned pointer in the Region structure so that it does not
2089    need to be created again next time this function is called. */
2090       if( astOK && result ) this_region->basemesh = astClone( result );
2091    }
2093 /* Annul the result if an error has occurred. */
2094    if( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
2096 /* Return a pointer to the output PointSet. */
2097    return result;
2098 }
RegBasePick(AstRegion * this_region,int naxes,const int * axes,int * status)2100 static AstRegion *RegBasePick( AstRegion *this_region, int naxes,
2101                                const int *axes, int *status ){
2102 /*
2103 *  Name:
2104 *     RegBasePick
2106 *  Purpose:
2107 *     Return a Region formed by picking selected base Frame axes from the
2108 *     supplied Region.
2110 *  Type:
2111 *     Private function.
2113 *  Synopsis:
2114 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
2115 *     AstRegion *RegBasePick( AstRegion *this, int naxes, const int *axes,
2116 *                             int *status )
2118 *  Class Membership:
2119 *     CmpRegion member function (over-rides the astRegBasePick protected
2120 *     method inherited from the Region class).
2122 *  Description:
2123 *     This function attempts to return a Region that is spanned by selected
2124 *     axes from the base Frame of the encapsulated FrameSet of the supplied
2125 *     Region. This may or may not be possible, depending on the class of
2126 *     Region. If it is not possible a NULL pointer is returned.
2128 *  Parameters:
2129 *     this
2130 *        Pointer to the Region.
2131 *     naxes
2132 *        The number of base Frame axes to select.
2133 *     axes
2134 *        An array holding the zero-based indices of the base Frame axes
2135 *        that are to be selected.
2136 *     status
2137 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2139 *  Returned Value:
2140 *     Pointer to the Region, or NULL if no region can be formed.
2142 *  Notes:
2143 *    - A NULL pointer is returned if an error has already occurred, or if
2144 *    this function should fail for any reason.
2145 */
2147 /* Local Variables: */
2148    AstCmpRegion *this;     /* Pointer to CmpRegion structure */
2149    AstFrame *frm1;         /* Axes picked from the 1st encapsulated Region */
2150    AstFrame *frm2;         /* Axes picked from the 2nd encapsulated Region */
2151    AstRegion *result;      /* Returned Region */
2153 /* Initialise */
2154    result = NULL;
2156 /* Check the global error status. */
2157    if ( !astOK ) return result;
2159 /* Get a pointer to the CmpRegion information. */
2160    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
2162 /* Both encapsulated regions refer to the same Frame (the base Frame of
2163    the parent Region), so attempt to pick the requested axs from them.
2164    If the resulting Frames are not Regions, we cannot pick the requested
2165    axes so return the NULL Frame pointer initialised above. */
2166    frm1 = astPickAxes( this->region1, naxes, axes, NULL );
2167    if( astIsARegion( frm1 ) ) {
2168       frm2 = astPickAxes( this->region2, naxes, axes, NULL );
2169       if( astIsARegion( frm2 ) ) {
2171 /* Create the new CmpRegion. */
2172          result = (AstRegion *) astCmpRegion( (AstRegion *) frm1,
2173                                               (AstRegion *) frm2,
2174                                               this->oper, "", status );
2175       }
2177 /* Free resources */
2178       frm2 = astAnnul( frm2 );
2179    }
2180    frm1 = astAnnul( frm1 );
2182 /* Return a NULL pointer if an error has occurred. */
2183    if( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
2185 /* Return the result. */
2186    return result;
2187 }
RegPins(AstRegion * this_region,AstPointSet * pset,AstRegion * unc,int ** mask,int * status)2189 static int RegPins( AstRegion *this_region, AstPointSet *pset, AstRegion *unc,
2190                     int **mask, int *status ){
2191 /*
2192 *  Name:
2193 *     RegPins
2195 *  Purpose:
2196 *     Check if a set of points fall on the boundary of a given CmpRegion.
2198 *  Type:
2199 *     Private function.
2201 *  Synopsis:
2202 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
2203 *     int RegPins( AstRegion *this, AstPointSet *pset, AstRegion *unc,
2204 *                  int **mask, int *status )
2206 *  Class Membership:
2207 *     CmpRegion member function (over-rides the astRegPins protected
2208 *     method inherited from the Region class).
2210 *  Description:
2211 *     This function returns a flag indicating if the supplied set of
2212 *     points all fall on the boundary of the given CmpRegion.
2213 *
2214 *     Some tolerance is allowed, as specified by the uncertainty Region
2215 *     stored in the supplied CmpRegion "this", and the supplied uncertainty
2216 *     Region "unc" which describes the uncertainty of the supplied points.
2218 *  Parameters:
2219 *     this
2220 *        Pointer to the CmpRegion.
2221 *     pset
2222 *        Pointer to the PointSet. The points are assumed to refer to the
2223 *        base Frame of the FrameSet encapsulated by "this".
2224 *     unc
2225 *        Pointer to a Region representing the uncertainties in the points
2226 *        given by "pset". The Region is assumed to represent the base Frame
2227 *        of the FrameSet encapsulated by "this". Zero uncertainity is assumed
2228 *        if NULL is supplied.
2229 *     mask
2230 *        Pointer to location at which to return a pointer to a newly
2231 *        allocated dynamic array of ints. The number of elements in this
2232 *        array is equal to the value of the Npoint attribute of "pset".
2233 *        Each element in the returned array is set to 1 if the
2234 *        corresponding position in "pset" is on the boundary of the Region
2235 *        and is set to zero otherwise. A NULL value may be supplied
2236 *        in which case no array is created. If created, the array should
2237 *        be freed using astFree when no longer needed.
2238 *     status
2239 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2241 *  Returned Value:
2242 *     Non-zero if the points all fall on the boundary of the given
2243 *     Region, to within the tolerance specified. Zero otherwise.
2245 */
2247 /* Local variables: */
2248    AstCmpRegion *this;          /* Pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
2249    AstPointSet *pset1;          /* Points masked by 1st component Region */
2250    AstPointSet *pset2;          /* Points masked by 2nd component Region */
2251    AstPointSet *psetb1;         /* Points in base Frame of 1st component Region */
2252    AstPointSet *psetb2;         /* Points in base Frame of 2nd component Region */
2253    AstRegion *reg1;             /* Pointer to first component Region */
2254    AstRegion *reg2;             /* Pointer to second component Region */
2255    AstRegion *unc1;             /* Base Frame uncertainty in 1st component Region */
2256    AstRegion *unc2;             /* Base Frame uncertainty in 2nd component Region */
2257    double **ptr1;               /* Pointer to axis values in "pset1" */
2258    double **ptr2;               /* Pointer to axis values in "pset2" */
2259    double *p1;                  /* Pointer to next axis zero value for pset1 */
2260    double *p2;                  /* Pointer to next axis zero value for pset2 */
2261    int *mask1;                  /* Mask for first component boundary */
2262    int *mask2;                  /* Mask for second component boundary */
2263    int ip;                      /* Point index */
2264    int np;                      /* Number of points */
2265    int result;                  /* Returned flag */
2267 /* Initialise */
2268    result = 0;
2269    if( mask ) *mask = NULL;
2271 /* Check the inherited status. */
2272    if( !astOK ) return result;
2274 /* Get a pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
2275    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
2277 /* Get pointers to the two component Regions. */
2278    reg1 = this->region1;
2279    reg2 = this->region2;
2281 /* Get a mask which indicates if each supplied point is on or off the
2282    boundary of the first component Region. astRegPins expects its "pset"
2283    argument to contain positions in the base Frame of the Region, so
2284    we must first transform the supplied points into the base Frame of
2285    "reg1". We must also map the uncertainty into the base Frame of the
2286    component Region. */
2287    psetb1 = astRegTransform( reg1, pset, 0, NULL, NULL );
2288    unc1 = MatchRegion( reg1, AST__BASE, unc, "astRegPins", status );
2289    astRegPins( reg1, psetb1, unc1, &mask1 );
2291 /* Likewise, get a mask which indicates if each supplied point is on or off
2292    the boundary of the second component Region. */
2293    psetb2 = astRegTransform( reg2, pset, 0, NULL, NULL );
2294    unc2 = MatchRegion( reg2, AST__BASE, unc, "astRegPins", status );
2295    astRegPins( reg2, psetb2, unc2, &mask2 );
2297 /* The criteria for a point to be on the boundary of the CmpRegion depend
2298    on the boolean operator being used. If component regions A and B are
2299    ANDed together, then a point is on the boundary of the CmpRegion if
2300    either 1) it is on the boundary of A and inside B, or 2) it is on the
2301    boundary of B and inside A. If the component regions are ORed together,
2302    then a point is on the boundary of the CmpRegion if either 1) it is on
2303    the boundary of A and outside B, or 2) it is on the boundary of B and
2304    outside A. Either we need to transform the supplied PointSet using each
2305    component Region as a Mapping. But if using OR we temporarily negate
2306    the Regions. */
2307    if( this->oper == AST__OR ) {
2308       astNegate( reg1 );
2309       astNegate( reg2 );
2310    }
2311    pset1 = astTransform( reg1, pset, 1, NULL );
2312    pset2 = astTransform( reg2, pset, 1, NULL );
2313    if( this->oper == AST__OR ) {
2314       astNegate( reg1 );
2315       astNegate( reg2 );
2316    }
2318 /* Get pointers to the axis values in these PointSets */
2319    ptr1 = astGetPoints( pset1 );
2320    ptr2 = astGetPoints( pset2 );
2322 /* If required, create an output mask array */
2323    np = astGetNpoint( pset );
2324    if( mask ) *mask = astMalloc( sizeof(int)*(size_t) np );
2326 /* Check pointers can be used safely. */
2327    if( astOK ) {
2329 /* We can use the values for the first axis to indicate if a point is
2330    inside or outside a Region. So store pointers to the first axis arrays. */
2331       p1 = ptr1[ 0 ];
2332       p2 = ptr2[ 0 ];
2334 /* Assume all points are on the boundary of the CmpRegion. */
2335       result = 1;
2337 /* If we are creating an output mask, we must check every point. Otherwise
2338    we can stop checking when we find the first point which is not on the
2339    boundary of the CmpRegion. */
2340       if( mask ) {
2342          for( ip = 0; ip < np; ip++ ) {
2343             if( ( mask1[ ip ] && p2[ ip ] != AST__BAD ) ||
2344                 ( mask2[ ip ] && p1[ ip ] != AST__BAD ) ){
2345                (*mask)[ ip ] = 1;
2346             } else {
2347                (*mask)[ ip ] = 0;
2348                result = 0;
2349             }
2350          }
2352       } else {
2354          for( ip = 0; ip < np; ip++ ) {
2355             if( ( !mask1[ ip ] || p2[ ip ] == AST__BAD ) &&
2356                 ( !mask2[ ip ] || p1[ ip ] == AST__BAD ) ){
2357                result = 0;
2358                break;
2359             }
2360          }
2361       }
2362    }
2364 /* Free resources */
2365    mask1 = astFree( mask1 );
2366    mask2 = astFree( mask2 );
2367    pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
2368    pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
2369    psetb1 = astAnnul( psetb1 );
2370    psetb2 = astAnnul( psetb2 );
2371    if( unc1 ) unc1 = astAnnul( unc1 );
2372    if( unc2 ) unc2 = astAnnul( unc2 );
2374 /* If an error has occurred, return zero. */
2375    if( !astOK ) {
2376       result = 0;
2377       if( mask ) *mask = astAnnul( *mask );
2378    }
2380 /* Return the result. */
2381    return result;
2382 }
RegSetAttrib(AstRegion * this_region,const char * setting,char ** base_setting,int * status)2384 static void RegSetAttrib( AstRegion *this_region, const char *setting,
2385                           char **base_setting, int *status ) {
2386 /*
2387 *  Name:
2388 *     RegSetAttrib
2390 *  Purpose:
2391 *     Set an attribute value for a Region.
2393 *  Type:
2394 *     Private function.
2396 *  Synopsis:
2397 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
2398 *     void RegSetAttrib( AstRegion *this, const char *setting,
2399 *                        char **base_setting, int *status )
2401 *  Class Membership:
2402 *     CmpRegion method (over-rides the astRegSetAttrib method inherited from
2403 *     the Region class).
2405 *  Description:
2406 *     This function assigns an attribute value to both the base and
2407 *     current Frame in the FrameSet encapsulated within a Region, without
2408 *     remapping either Frame.
2409 *
2410 *     No error is reported if the attribute is not recognised by the base
2411 *     Frame.
2413 *  Parameters:
2414 *     this
2415 *        Pointer to the Region.
2416 *     setting
2417 *        Pointer to a null terminated attribute setting string. NOTE, IT
2418 *        SHOULD BE ENTIRELY LOWER CASE. The supplied string will be
2419 *        interpreted using the public interpretation implemented by
2420 *        astSetAttrib. This can be different to the interpretation of the
2421 *        protected accessor functions. For instance, the public
2422 *        interpretation of an unqualified floating point value for the
2423 *        Epoch attribute is to interpet the value as a gregorian year,
2424 *        but the protected interpretation is to interpret the value as an
2425 *        MJD.
2426 *     base_setting
2427 *        Address of a location at which to return a pointer to the null
2428 *        terminated attribute setting string which was applied to the
2429 *        base Frame of the encapsulated FrameSet. This may differ from
2430 *        the supplied setting if the supplied setting contains an axis
2431 *        index and the current->base Mapping in the FrameSet produces an
2432 *        axis permutation. The returned pointer should be freed using
2433 *        astFree when no longer needed. A NULL pointer may be supplied in
2434 *        which case no pointer is returned.
2435 *     status
2436 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2438 */
2440 /* Local Variables: */
2441    AstCmpRegion *this;
2442    char *bset;
2443    int rep;
2445 /* Check the global error status. */
2446    if ( !astOK ) return;
2448 /* Get a pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
2449    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
2451 /* Use the RegSetAttrib method inherited from the parent class to apply the
2452    setting to the current and base Frames in the FrameSet encapsulated by the
2453    parent Region structure. */
2454    (*parent_regsetattrib)( this_region, setting, &bset, status );
2456 /* Now apply the base Frame setting to the component Regions (the current
2457    Frame within the component Regions is equivalent to the base Frame in the
2458    parent Region structure). Annul any "attribute unknown" error that results
2459    from attempting to do this. */
2460    if( astOK ) {
2461       rep = astReporting( 0 );
2462       astRegSetAttrib( this->region1, bset, NULL );
2463       astRegSetAttrib( this->region2, bset, NULL );
2464       if( astStatus == AST__BADAT ) astClearStatus;
2465       astReporting( rep );
2466    }
2468 /* If required, return the base Frame setting string, otherwise free it. */
2469    if( base_setting ) {
2470       *base_setting = bset;
2471    } else {
2472       bset = astFree( bset );
2473    }
2474 }
RegSplit(AstRegion * this_region,int * nlist,int * status)2476 static AstRegion **RegSplit( AstRegion *this_region, int *nlist, int *status ){
2477 /*
2478 *+
2479 *  Name:
2480 *     RegSplit
2482 *  Purpose:
2483 *     Split a Region into a list of disjoint component Regions.
2485 *  Type:
2486 *     Private function.
2488 *  Synopsis:
2489 *     #include "region.h"
2490 *     AstRegion **astRegSplit( AstRegion *this, int *nlist )
2492 *  Class Membership:
2493 *     CmpRegion member function (overrides the astRegSplit method
2494 *     inherited from the parent Region class).
2496 *  Description:
2497 *     This function splits the supplied Region into a set of disjoint
2498 *     component Regions. If the Region cannot be split, then the returned
2499 *     array contains only one pointer - a clone of the supplied Region
2500 *     pointer.
2502 *  Parameters:
2503 *     this
2504 *        Pointer to the Region.
2505 *     nlist
2506 *        Pointer to an int in which to return the number of elements in
2507 *        the returned array.
2509 *  Returned Value:
2510 *     Pointer to dynamically alloctaed memory holding an array of Region
2511 *     pointers. The length of this array is given by the value returned
2512 *     in "*nlist". The pointers in the returned array should be annulled
2513 *     using astAnnul when no longer needed, and the memory used to hold
2514 *     the array should be freed using astFree.
2516 *  Notes:
2517 *    - A NULL pointer is returned if an error has already occurred, or if
2518 *    this function should fail for any reason.
2519 *-
2520 */
2522 /* Local Variables; */
2523    AstCmpRegion *new;
2524    AstCmpRegion *this;
2525    AstFrame *frm;
2526    AstFrameSet *fs;
2527    AstMapping *map;
2528    AstRegion **cmplist;
2529    AstRegion **result;
2530    AstRegion *cmpreg;
2531    AstRegion *new_reg;
2532    int icomp;
2533    int ifirst;
2534    int ilist;
2535    int iw;
2536    int jcomp;
2537    int ncomp;
2538    int nn;
2539    int unbounded;
2541 /* Initialise. */
2542    result = NULL;
2543    *nlist = 0;
2545 /* Check the local error status. */
2546    if ( !astOK ) return result;
2548 /* Get a pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
2549    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
2551 /* Can only split non-inverted CmpRegions that combine their components
2552    using the OR operator. */
2553    if( this->oper == AST__OR && !astGetNegated( this->region1 ) &&
2554                                 !astGetNegated( this->region2 ) ) {
2556 /* Indicate we have not yet found any unbounded component regions. */
2557       unbounded = 0;
2559 /* Process each of the two component Regions in turn. */
2560       for( icomp = 0; icomp < 2 && !unbounded; icomp++ ) {
2561          cmpreg = icomp ? this->region2 : this->region1;
2563 /* Create a set of disjoint Regions that are equivalent to the current
2564    component Region, and loop round them. */
2565          cmplist = astRegSplit( cmpreg, &ncomp );
2566          for( jcomp = 0; jcomp < ncomp; jcomp++ ) {
2568 /* If any of the components are unbounds, we cannot split the supplied
2569    Region. */
2570             unbounded = unbounded || !astGetBounded( cmplist[ jcomp ] );
2571             if( ! unbounded ) {
2573 /* Initialise the index within the returned list of the first Region that
2574    overlaps the current disjoint component Region. */
2575                ifirst = -1;
2577 /* Loop round all the Regions currently in the returned list. */
2578                for( ilist = 0; ilist < *nlist; ilist++ ) {
2579                   if( result[ ilist ] ) {
2581 /* See if the current disjoint component overlaps the current entry in
2582    the returned list. */
2583                      if( astOverlap( cmplist[ jcomp ], result[ ilist ] ) > 1 ) {
2585 /* If this is the first overlap found for the current disjoint component,
2586    form a CmpRegion that combines the two overlapping Regions, and use it
2587    to replace the current entry in the returned list. */
2588                         if( ifirst == -1 ) {
2589                            new = astCmpRegion( cmplist[ jcomp ], result[ ilist ],
2590                                                AST__OR, " ", status );
2591                            (void) astAnnul( result[ ilist ] );
2592                            result[ ilist ] = (AstRegion *) new;
2594 /* Note the index within the returned list of the first Region that overlaps
2595    the current disjoint component Region. */
2596                            ifirst = ilist;
2598 /* If this is the second or later overlap, add the overlapping returned Region
2599    into the CmpRegion that it is stored at index "ifirsT" in the returned
2600    list. */
2601                         } else {
2602                            new = astCmpRegion( result[ ilist ], result[ ifirst ],
2603                                                AST__OR, " ", status );
2604                            result[ ilist ] = astAnnul( result[ ilist ] );
2605                            (void) astAnnul( result[ ifirst ] );
2606                            result[ ifirst ] = (AstRegion *) new;
2607                         }
2608                      }
2609                   }
2610                }
2612 /* If the current disjoint component does not overlap any of the Regions
2613    already in the returned list, append the current disjoint component to
2614    the end of the returned list. */
2615                if( ifirst == -1 ) {
2616                   ilist = (*nlist)++;
2617                   result = astGrow( result, *nlist, sizeof( *result ) );
2618                   if( astOK ) result[ ilist ] = astClone( cmplist[ jcomp ] );
2619                }
2620             }
2622 /* Annul the pointer to the disjoint component Region. */
2623             cmplist[ jcomp ] = astAnnul( cmplist[ jcomp ] );
2624          }
2626 /* Free the mnemory holding the list of disjoint components. */
2627          cmplist = astFree( cmplist );
2628       }
2629    }
2631 /* If any unbounded components were found, ensure the returned list is
2632    empty. */
2633    if( unbounded && result ) {
2634       for( ilist = 0; ilist < *nlist; ilist++ ) {
2635          if( result[ ilist ] ) result[ ilist ] = astAnnul( result[ ilist ] );
2636       }
2637       result = astFree( result );
2638       *nlist = 0;
2640 /* Otherwise, shuffle later entries down to fill any NULL slots in the returned
2641    list. */
2642    } else if( result ){
2643       nn = *nlist;
2644       iw = 0;
2645       for( ilist = 0; ilist < nn; ilist++ ) {
2646          if( result[ ilist ] ) result[ iw++ ] = result[ ilist ];
2647       }
2648       *nlist = iw;
2649    }
2651 /* If this CmpRegion cannot be split, the returned list just holds a
2652    clone of the Region pointer. */
2653    if( !result ) {
2654       result = astMalloc( sizeof( *result ) );
2655       if( astOK ) {
2656          result[ 0 ] = astClone( this );
2657          *nlist = 1;
2658       }
2659    }
2661 /* Remap any returned Regions so that they are defined within the same
2662    coordinate system as the supplied Region. */
2663    if( result && *nlist > 0 )  {
2664       fs = this_region->frameset;
2665       map = astGetMapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
2666       frm = astGetFrame( fs, AST__CURRENT );
2667       for( ilist = 0; ilist < *nlist; ilist++ ) {
2668          new_reg = astMapRegion( result[ ilist ], map, frm );
2669          (void) astAnnul( result[ ilist ] );
2670          result[ ilist ] = new_reg;
2671       }
2672       map = astAnnul( map );
2673       frm = astAnnul( frm );
2674    }
2676 /* Free all returned pointers if an error has occurred. */
2677    if( !astOK && result ) {
2678       for( ilist = 0; ilist < *nlist; ilist++ ) {
2679          result[ ilist ] = astAnnul( result[ ilist ] );
2680       }
2681       result = astFree( result );
2682       *nlist = 0;
2683    }
2685 /* Return the result. */
2686    return result;
2687 }
RegTrace(AstRegion * this_region,int n,double * dist,double ** ptr,int * status)2689 static int RegTrace( AstRegion *this_region, int n, double *dist, double **ptr,
2690                      int *status ){
2691 /*
2692 *+
2693 *  Name:
2694 *     RegTrace
2696 *  Purpose:
2697 *     Return requested positions on the boundary of a 2D Region.
2699 *  Type:
2700 *     Private function.
2702 *  Synopsis:
2703 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
2704 *     int astRegTrace( AstRegion *this, int n, double *dist, double **ptr );
2706 *  Class Membership:
2707 *     CmpRegion member function (overrides the astRegTrace method
2708 *     inherited from the parent Region class).
2710 *  Description:
2711 *     This function returns positions on the boundary of the supplied
2712 *     Region, if possible. The required positions are indicated by a
2713 *     supplied list of scalar parameter values in the range zero to one.
2714 *     Zero corresponds to some arbitrary starting point on the boundary,
2715 *     and one corresponds to the end (which for a closed region will be
2716 *     the same place as the start).
2718 *  Parameters:
2719 *     this
2720 *        Pointer to the Region.
2721 *     n
2722 *        The number of positions to return. If this is zero, the function
2723 *        returns without action (but the returned function value still
2724 *        indicates if the method is supported or not).
2725 *     dist
2726 *        Pointer to an array of "n" scalar parameter values in the range
2727 *        0 to 1.0.
2728 *     ptr
2729 *        A pointer to an array of pointers. The number of elements in
2730 *        this array should equal tthe number of axes in the Frame spanned
2731 *        by the Region. Each element of the array should be a pointer to
2732 *        an array of "n" doubles, in which to return the "n" values for
2733 *        the corresponding axis. The contents of the arrays are unchanged
2734 *        if the supplied Region belongs to a class that does not
2735 *        implement this method.
2737 *  Returned Value:
2738 *     Non-zero if the astRegTrace method is implemented by the class
2739 *     of Region supplied, and zero if not.
2741 *  Notes:
2742 *    - The current algorithm results in the boundary of the CmpRegion
2743 *    being dis-contiguous - supplied distance values from zero up to some
2744 *    mid-value correspond to positions on the first component Region, and
2745 *    higher distance (up to 1.0) correspond to points on the second
2746 *    component Region.
2748 *-
2749 */
2751 /* Local Variables; */
2752    AstCmpRegion *this;
2753    AstFrame *frm;
2754    AstMapping *map;
2755    AstPointSet *bpset;
2756    AstPointSet *cpset;
2757    AstRegion *ureg1;
2758    AstRegion *ureg2;
2759    double **bptr;
2760    int i;
2761    int j;
2762    int ncur;
2763    int result;
2764    double *rval;
2765    double *off;
2766    double *r1d;
2767    double *r2d;
2768    double *r1ptr[ 2 ];
2769    double *r2ptr[ 2 ];
2770    double **r1ptrb;
2771    double **r2ptrb;
2772    double dbreak;
2773    double dtot;
2774    double x;
2775    double x0;
2776    int r1n;
2777    int r2n;
2778    AstPointSet *r1pset;
2779    AstPointSet *r2pset;
2780    AstPointSet *r1psetb;
2781    AstPointSet *r2psetb;
2783 /* Initialise */
2784    result = 0;
2786 /* Check inherited status. */
2787    if( ! astOK ) return result;
2789 /* Get a pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
2790    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
2792 /* Get a pointer to the base Frame in the encapsulated FrameSet. */
2793    frm = astGetFrame( this_region->frameset, AST__BASE );
2795 /* Check it is 2-dimensional. */
2796    result = 1;
2797    if( astGetNaxes( frm ) != 2 ) result = 0;
2799 /* Check the component Regions can be traced. */
2800    if( !astRegTrace( this->region1, 0, NULL, NULL ) ||
2801        !astRegTrace( this->region1, 0, NULL, NULL ) ) result = 0;
2803 /* Check we have some points to find. */
2804    if( result && n > 0 ) {
2806 /* We first determine the required positions in the base Frame of the
2807    Region, and then transform them into the current Frame. Get the
2808    base->current Mapping, and the number of current Frame axes. */
2809       map = astGetMapping( this_region->frameset, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
2811 /* If it's a UnitMap we do not need to do the transformation, so put the
2812    base Frame positions directly into the supplied arrays. */
2813       if( astIsAUnitMap( map ) ) {
2814          bpset = NULL;
2815          bptr = ptr;
2816          ncur = 2;
2818 /* Otherwise, create a PointSet to hold the base Frame positions. */
2819       } else {
2820          bpset = astPointSet( n, 2, " ", status );
2821          bptr = astGetPoints( bpset );
2822          ncur = astGetNout( map );
2823       }
2825       r1d = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*n );
2826       r2d = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*n );
2828 /* Ensure information about the breaks in the boundary of each component
2829    region is available within the CmpRegion structure. These breaks are
2830    the points at which the two boundaries cross. */
2831       SetBreakInfo( this, 0, status );
2832       SetBreakInfo( this, 1, status );
2834 /* Get the constants needed to convert the supplied distances (normalised
2835    so that the border of the entire CmpRegion has a length of 1.0), into
2836    geodesic distances around the border of each component Region. */
2837       dtot = this->d0[ 0 ] + this->d0[ 1 ];
2838       dbreak = this->d0[ 0 ]/dtot;
2840 /* Initialise here to avoid compiler warnings. */
2841       r1n = 0;
2842       r2n = 0;
2844 /* Check the pointers can be used safely. */
2845       if( astOK ) {
2847 /* Loop round all supplied distances, determining if they represent a
2848    position on the first or second component Region. */
2849          for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
2851 /* If the current distance represents a point in the second component
2852    Region... */
2853             if( dist[ i ] > dbreak ) {
2855 /* Find the correspond distance around the used sections of the second
2856    component region (normalised so that the entire border of the
2857    component region has a length of "this->d0[1]"). */
2858                x0 = ( dist[ i ] - dbreak )*dtot;
2859                x = x0;
2861 /* Convert this into the correspond distance around the entire border of
2862    the second component region (normalised so that the entire border of the
2863    component region has unit length). */
2864                rval = this->rvals[ 1 ];
2865                off = this->offs[ 1 ];
2867                for( j = 0; j < this->nbreak[ 1 ]; j++,rval++,off++ ) {
2868                   if( *rval >= x0 ) break;
2869                   x += *off;
2870                }
2872 /* Store this as the next distance to move around the second component
2873    Region, normalising it to the range 0 to 1 as required by astRegTrace. */
2874                r2d[ r2n++ ] = x/this->dtot[ 1 ];
2876 /* Now we do the same if the current distance corresponds to a position
2877    in the first component Region. */
2878             } else {
2880                x0 = dist[ i ]*dtot;
2881                x = x0;
2883                rval = this->rvals[ 0 ];
2884                off = this->offs[ 0 ];
2886                for( j = 0; j < this->nbreak[ 0 ]; j++,rval++,off++ ) {
2887                   if( *rval >= x0 ) break;
2888                   x += *off;
2889                }
2891                r1d[ r1n++ ] = x/this->dtot[ 0 ];
2893             }
2895          }
2896       }
2898 /* Allocate memory to hold the axis values at the corresponding positions
2899    in the first component Region. */
2900       r1ptr[ 0 ] = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*r1n );
2901       r1ptr[ 1 ] = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*r1n );
2903 /* Allocate memory to hold the axis values at the corresponding positions
2904    in the second component Region. */
2905       r2ptr[ 0 ] = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*r2n );
2906       r2ptr[ 1 ] = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*r2n );
2908 /* Check the pointers can be used safely. */
2909       if( astOK ) {
2911 /* Find the axis values at each of the required positions that fall in
2912    the first component Region. Negate it first if needed to ensure the
2913    Region is bounded (not guaranteed, but likely). */
2914          if( astGetBounded( this->region1 ) ) {
2915             (void) astRegTrace( this->region1, r1n, r1d, r1ptr );
2916          } else {
2917             AstRegion *negation = astGetNegation( this->region1 );
2918             (void) astRegTrace( negation, r1n, r1d, r1ptr );
2919             negation = astAnnul( negation );
2920          }
2922 /* Do the same for the second component Region. */
2923          if( astGetBounded( this->region2 ) ) {
2924             (void) astRegTrace( this->region2, r2n, r2d, r2ptr );
2925          } else {
2926             AstRegion *negation = astGetNegation( this->region2 );
2927             (void) astRegTrace( negation, r2n, r2d, r2ptr );
2928             negation = astAnnul( negation );
2929          }
2931 /* The arrays of positions returned by the above calls to astRegTrace may
2932    include points that should not be there (e.g. points on the boundary
2933    of one component region that should have been blanked due to being inside
2934    the second component region - if the regions are ORed together). This
2935    is a consequence of the relatively low value of the "NP" local constant
2936    in function SetBreakInfo. So we now refine the positions to exclude
2937    any such unwanted positions.
2939    If the two component Regions are ANDed together, we want to remove the
2940    positions from the boundary of the required component Region that fall
2941    outside the other region. We can do this by simply using the other Region
2942    as a Mapping. If the two component Regions are ORed together, we want to
2943    remove the position that fall within (rather than outside) the other
2944    Region. To do this we need to negate the other region  first. */
2945          if( this->oper == AST__OR ) {
2946             ureg1 = astGetNegation( this->region1 );
2947             ureg2 = astGetNegation( this->region2 );
2948          } else {
2949             ureg1 = astClone( this->region1 );
2950             ureg2 = astClone( this->region2 );
2951          }
2953 /* Now transform the points on the boundary of the first Region in order
2954    to set invalid those positions which are not on the boundary of the
2955    supplied CmpRegion. */
2956          if( r1n > 0 ) {
2957             r1pset = astPointSet( r1n, 2, " ", status );
2958             astSetPoints( r1pset, r1ptr );
2959             r1psetb = astTransform( ureg2, r1pset, 1, NULL );
2960             r1ptrb = astGetPoints( r1psetb );
2961          } else {
2962             r1pset = NULL;
2963             r1psetb = NULL;
2964             r1ptrb = NULL;
2965          }
2967 /* Now transform the points on the boundary of the second Region in order
2968    to set invalid those positions which are not on the boundary of the
2969    supplied CmpRegion. */
2970          if( r2n > 0 ) {
2971             r2pset = astPointSet( r2n, 2, " ", status );
2972             astSetPoints( r2pset, r2ptr );
2973             r2psetb = astTransform( ureg1, r2pset, 1, NULL );
2974             r2ptrb = astGetPoints( r2psetb );
2975          } else {
2976             r2pset = NULL;
2977             r2psetb = NULL;
2978             r2ptrb = NULL;
2979          }
2981 /* Free the begation pointers. */
2982          ureg1 = astAnnul( ureg1 );
2983          ureg2 = astAnnul( ureg2 );
2985 /* Check pointer can be used safely. */
2986          if( astOK ) {
2988 /* Copy the boundary positions from each component Region into a single
2989    PointSet. These positions are in the base Frame of the CmpRegion. */
2990             r1n = 0;
2991             r2n = 0;
2992             for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
2993                if( dist[ i ] > dbreak ) {
2994                   bptr[ 0 ][ i ] = r2ptrb[ 0 ][ r2n ];
2995                   bptr[ 1 ][ i ] = r2ptrb[ 1 ][ r2n++ ];
2996                } else {
2997                   bptr[ 0 ][ i ] = r1ptrb[ 0 ][ r1n ];
2998                   bptr[ 1 ][ i ] = r1ptrb[ 1 ][ r1n++ ];
2999                }
3000             }
3002          }
3004 /* Free resources. */
3005          if( r1pset ) r1pset = astAnnul( r1pset );
3006          if( r2pset ) r2pset = astAnnul( r2pset );
3007          if( r1psetb ) r1psetb = astAnnul( r1psetb );
3008          if( r2psetb ) r2psetb = astAnnul( r2psetb );
3010       }
3012 /* If required, transform the base frame positions into the current
3013    Frame of the CmpRegion, storing them in the supplied array. Then
3014    free resources. */
3015       if( bpset ) {
3016          cpset = astPointSet( n, ncur, " ", status );
3017          astSetPoints( cpset, ptr );
3019          (void) astTransform( map, bpset, 1, cpset );
3021          cpset = astAnnul( cpset );
3022          bpset = astAnnul( bpset );
3023       }
3025 /* Free remaining resources. */
3026       map = astAnnul( map );
3027    }
3028    frm = astAnnul( frm );
3030 /* Return the result. */
3031    return result;
3032 }
RegClearAttrib(AstRegion * this_region,const char * attrib,char ** base_attrib,int * status)3034 static void RegClearAttrib( AstRegion *this_region, const char *attrib,
3035                             char **base_attrib, int *status ) {
3036 /*
3037 *  Name:
3038 *     RegClearAttrib
3040 *  Purpose:
3041 *     Clear an attribute value for a Region.
3043 *  Type:
3044 *     Private function.
3046 *  Synopsis:
3047 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
3048 *     void RegClearAttrib( AstRegion *this, const char *attrib,
3049 *                          char **base_attrib, int *status )
3051 *  Class Membership:
3052 *     CmpRegion member function (over-rides the astRegClearAttrib method
3053 *     inherited from the Region class).
3055 *  Description:
3056 *     This function clears the value of a named attribute in both the base
3057 *     and current Frame in the FrameSet encapsulated within a Region, without
3058 *     remapping either Frame.
3059 *
3060 *     No error is reported if the attribute is not recognised by the base
3061 *     Frame.
3063 *  Parameters:
3064 *     this
3065 *        Pointer to the Region.
3066 *     attrib
3067 *        Pointer to a null terminated string holding the attribute name.
3069 *     base_attrib
3070 *        Address of a location at which to return a pointer to the null
3071 *        terminated string holding the attribute name which was cleared in
3072 *        the base Frame of the encapsulated FrameSet. This may differ from
3073 *        the supplied attribute if the supplied attribute contains an axis
3074 *        index and the current->base Mapping in the FrameSet produces an
3075 *        axis permutation. The returned pointer should be freed using
3076 *        astFree when no longer needed. A NULL pointer may be supplied in
3077 *        which case no pointer is returned.
3078 *     status
3079 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
3081 */
3083 /* Local Variables: */
3084    AstCmpRegion *this;
3085    char *batt;
3086    int rep;
3088 /* Check the global error status. */
3089    if ( !astOK ) return;
3091 /* Get a pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
3092    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
3094 /* Use the RegClearAttrib method inherited from the parent class to clear the
3095    attribute in the current and base Frames in the FrameSet encapsulated by
3096    the parent Region structure. */
3097    (*parent_regclearattrib)( this_region, attrib, &batt, status );
3099 /* Now clear the base Frame attribute to the component Regions (the current
3100    Frame within the component Regions is equivalent to the base Frame in the
3101    parent Region structure). Annul any "attribute unknown" error that results
3102    from attempting to do this. */
3103    if( astOK ) {
3104       rep = astReporting( 0 );
3105       astRegClearAttrib( this->region1, batt, NULL );
3106       astRegClearAttrib( this->region2, batt, NULL );
3107       if( astStatus == AST__BADAT ) astClearStatus;
3108       astReporting( rep );
3109    }
3111 /* If required, return the base Frame attribute name, otherwise free it. */
3112    if( base_attrib ) {
3113       *base_attrib = batt;
3114    } else {
3115       batt = astFree( batt );
3116    }
3117 }
ResetCache(AstRegion * this_region,int * status)3119 static void ResetCache( AstRegion *this_region, int *status ){
3120 /*
3121 *  Name:
3122 *     ResetCache
3124 *  Purpose:
3125 *     Clear cached information within the supplied Region.
3127 *  Type:
3128 *     Private function.
3130 *  Synopsis:
3131 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
3132 *     void ResetCache( AstRegion *this, int *status )
3134 *  Class Membership:
3135 *     Region member function (overrides the astResetCache method
3136 *     inherited from the parent Region class).
3138 *  Description:
3139 *     This function clears cached information from the supplied Region
3140 *     structure.
3142 *  Parameters:
3143 *     this
3144 *        Pointer to the Region.
3145 *     status
3146 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
3147 */
3149 /* Local Variables *: */
3150    AstCmpRegion *this;
3151    int i;
3153 /* Check a Region was supplied. */
3154    if( this_region ) {
3156 /* Get a pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
3157       this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_region;
3159 /* Clear information cached in the CmpRegion structure. */
3160       for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
3161          this->rvals[ i ] = astFree(  this->rvals[ i ] );
3162          this->offs[ i ] = astFree(  this->offs[ i ] );
3163          this->nbreak[ i ] = 0;
3164          this->d0[ i ] = AST__BAD;
3165          this->dtot[ i ] = AST__BAD;
3166       }
3168       this->bounded = -INT_MAX;
3170 /* Clear information cached in the component regions. */
3171       if( this->region1 ) astResetCache( this->region1 );
3172       if( this->region2 ) astResetCache( this->region2 );
3174 /* Clear information cached in the parent Region structure. */
3175       (*parent_resetcache)( this_region, status );
3176    }
3177 }
SetBreakInfo(AstCmpRegion * this,int comp,int * status)3179 static void SetBreakInfo( AstCmpRegion *this, int comp, int *status ){
3180 /*
3181 *  Name:
3182 *     SetBreakInfo
3184 *  Purpose:
3185 *     Ensure that a CmpRegion has information about the breaks in the
3186 *     boundaries of one of the two component Regions.
3188 *  Type:
3189 *     Private function.
3191 *  Synopsis:
3192 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
3193 *     void SetBreakInfo( AstCmpRegion *this, int comp, int *status )
3195 *  Class Membership:
3196 *     CmpRegion method.
3198 *  Description:
3199 *     This function returns without action if the supplied CmpRegion
3200 *     already contains break information for the specified component Region.
3201 *     Otherwise, it creates the required information and stores it in the
3202 *     CmpRegion.
3203 *
3204 *     Each component Region in the CmpRegion has a boundary. But in
3205 *     general only part of the boundary of a component Region will also
3206 *     be included in the CmpRegion boundary. Thus the component Region
3207 *     boundary can be broken up into sections; sections that form part
3208 *     of the CmpRegion boundary, and sections that do not. This function
3209 *     stores information about the breaks between these sections.
3210 *
3211 *     The complete boundary of a component Region is parameterised by a
3212 *     geodesic distance that goes from 0.0 to the value found by this
3213 *     function and stored in this->dtot (the total geodesic distance
3214 *     around the border). This function find the ranges of this parameter
3215 *     that correspond to the sections of the boundary that are also on the
3216 *     CmpRegion boundary, and thus finds the total length that the component
3217 *     boundary contributes to the CmpRegion boundary. This length is stored
3218 *     in "this->d0" (a two element array, one for each component Region).
3219 *
3220 *     It also find two arrays "this->rvals" and "this->offs" that allow a
3221 *     distance value in the range 0.0 to "this->d0" (i.e. a distance
3222 *     measured by skipping over the parts of the component boundary that
3223 *     are not on the CmpRegion boundary), to be converted into the
3224 *     corresponding distance value in the range 0.0 to "this->dtot" (i.e. a
3225 *     distance measured round the complete component boundary, including the
3226 *     parts not on the CmpRegion boundary).
3228 *  Parameters:
3229 *     this
3230 *        Pointer to a CmpRegion.
3231 *     comp
3232 *        Zero or one, indicating which component Region is to be checked.
3233 *     status
3234 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
3236 */
3238 /* The number of points to be spread evenly over the entire boundary of the
3239    component Region. */
3240 #define NP 101
3242 /* Local Variables: */
3243    AstFrame *frm;
3244    AstPointSet *pset1;
3245    AstPointSet *pset2;
3246    AstRegion *other;
3247    AstRegion *reg;
3248    AstRegion *uother;
3249    double **ptr2;
3250    double **ptr1;
3251    double *d;
3252    double *offs;
3253    double *p0;
3254    double *p1;
3255    double *p;
3256    double *q;
3257    double *rvals;
3258    double delta;
3259    double dist;
3260    double pnt1[ 2 ];
3261    double pnt2[ 2 ];
3262    double rbad;
3263    double rval;
3264    double totdist;
3265    int i;
3266    int j;
3267    int nn;
3268    int prevgood;
3270 /* Check inherited status */
3271    if( !astOK ) return;
3273 /* If the information describing breaks in the component boundary has not
3274    yet been set up, do so now. */
3275    if( this->d0[ comp ] == AST__BAD ) {
3277 /* Get a pointer to the component Region for which break information is
3278    required. */
3279       reg = comp ? this->region2 : this->region1;
3281 /* Check the component class implements the astRegTrace method. */
3282       if( astRegTrace( reg, 0, NULL, NULL ) ) {
3284 /* Create a pointSet to hold axis values at evenly spaced positions along
3285    the entire boundary of the selected component region. */
3286          pset1 = astPointSet( NP, 2, " ", status );
3287          ptr1 = astGetPoints( pset1 );
3289 /* Allocate memory to hold an array of corresponding scalar distances around
3290    the boundary. */
3291          d = astMalloc( NP*sizeof( double ) );
3293 /* Check pointers can be used safely. */
3294          if( astOK ) {
3296 /* Get the distance increment between points (at this point the distances
3297    are normalised so that the entire boundary has unit length, as
3298    required by astRegTrace). */
3299             delta = 1.0/( NP - 1 );
3301 /* Set up the array of evenly spaced distances around the boundary of the
3302    component region. */
3303             for( i = 0; i < NP; i++ ) d[ i ] = i*delta;
3305 /* Get the corresponding Frame positions. If the Region is unbounded
3306    (e.g. a negated circle, etc), then negate it first in the hope that
3307    this may produced a bounded Region. */
3308             if( astGetBounded( reg ) ) {
3309                (void) astRegTrace( reg, NP, d, ptr1 );
3310             } else {
3311                AstRegion *negation = astGetNegation( reg );
3312                (void) astRegTrace( negation, NP, d, ptr1 );
3313                negation = astAnnul( negation );
3314             }
3316 /* Get a pointer to the other component Region. */
3317             other = comp ? this->region1 : this->region2;
3319 /* If the two component Regions are ANDed together, we want to remove the
3320    positions from the boundary of the required component Region that fall
3321    outside the other region. We can do this by simply using the other Region
3322    as a Mapping. If the two component Regions are ORed together, we want to
3323    remove the position that fall within (rather than outside) the other
3324    Region. To do this we need to negate the other region  first. */
3325             if( this->oper == AST__OR ) {
3326                uother = astGetNegation( other );
3327             } else {
3328                uother = astClone( other );
3329             }
3331 /* Now transform the points on the boundary of the selected Region in
3332    order to set invalid those positions which are not on the boundary of
3333    the supplied CmpRegion. */
3334             pset2 = astTransform( uother, pset1, 1, NULL );
3336 /* Annul the negation pointer */
3337             uother = astAnnul( uother );
3339 /* Modify the distance array by setting invalid each element that is not
3340    on the boundary of the CmpRegion. */
3341             ptr2 = astGetPoints( pset2 );
3342             if( astOK ) {
3343                p = ptr2[ 0 ];
3344                q = ptr2[ 1 ];
3345                for( i = 0; i < NP; i++,p++,q++ ) {
3346                   if( *p == AST__BAD || *q == AST__BAD ) d[ i ] = AST__BAD;
3347                }
3349 /* At each good/bad junction in this list, extend the good section by one
3350    point. This ensures that the good sections of the curve do in fact
3351    touch each other (they may in fact overlap a little but that does not
3352    matter). */
3353                prevgood = ( d[ 0 ] != AST__BAD );
3354                for( i = 1; i < NP; i++,p++,q++ ) {
3355                   if( d[ i ] == AST__BAD ) {
3356                      if( prevgood ) d[ i ] = i*delta;
3357                      prevgood = 0;
3359                   } else {
3360                      if( !prevgood ) d[ i - 1 ] = ( i - 1 )*delta;
3361                      prevgood = 1;
3362                   }
3363                }
3365 /* Find the total geodesic distance around the border. This is only an
3366    approximation but it is only used to give a relative weight to this
3367    component within the CmpFrame, and so does not need to be very accurate. */
3368                frm = astGetFrame( reg->frameset, AST__CURRENT );
3369                p0 = ptr1[ 0 ];
3370                p1 = ptr1[ 1 ];
3371                totdist = 0;
3372                pnt1[ 0 ] = *(p0++);
3373                pnt1[ 1 ] = *(p1++);
3374                for( i = 1; i < NP; i++ ) {
3375                   pnt2[ 0 ] = *(p0++);
3376                   pnt2[ 1 ] = *(p1++);
3377                   dist = astDistance( frm, pnt1, pnt2 );
3378                   if( dist != AST__BAD ) totdist += dist;
3379                   pnt1[ 0 ] = pnt2[ 0 ];
3380                   pnt1[ 1 ] = pnt2[ 1 ];
3381                }
3383 /* Change delta so that it represents a geodesic distance, rather than a
3384    normalised distance in the range zero to one. Working in geodesic distance
3385    (e.g. Radians on a SkyFrame) prevents Regions higher up in a complex nested
3386    CmpRegion being given higher priority than a lower Region. */
3387                delta *= totdist;
3389 /* Now create two arrays - "rvals" holds the distance travelled around
3390    the used parts of the border at which breaks occur, "offs" holds the jump
3391    in distance around the complete border at each break. The distance
3392    around the complete border is normalised to the range [0.0,1.0].
3393    Therefore the total distance around the used parts of the border will in
3394    general be less than 1.0 */
3395                if( d[ 0 ] == AST__BAD ) {
3396                   nn = 1;
3397                   j = 0;
3398                   rvals = astMalloc( sizeof( double ) );
3399                   offs = astMalloc( sizeof( double ) );
3400                   if( astOK ) rvals[ 0 ] = -0.5*delta;
3401                   rbad = 0.5;
3402                   prevgood = 0;
3403                   rval = -0.5*delta;
3405                } else {
3406                   nn = 0;
3407                   rvals = NULL;
3408                   offs = NULL;
3409                   prevgood = 1;
3410                   rbad = 0.0;
3411                   rval = 0.0;
3412                }
3414                for( i = 1; i < NP; i++,p++,q++ ) {
3416                   if( d[ i ] == AST__BAD ) {
3417                      if( prevgood ) {
3418                         j = nn++;
3419                         rvals = astGrow( rvals, nn, sizeof( double ) );
3420                         offs = astGrow( offs, nn, sizeof( double ) );
3421                         if( astOK ) {
3422                            rvals[ j ] = rval + 0.5*delta;
3423                            rbad = 0.0;
3424                         } else {
3425                            break;
3426                         }
3427                         prevgood = 0;
3428                      }
3430                      rbad += 1.0;
3432                   } else {
3433                      if( !prevgood ) {
3434                         offs[ j ] = rbad*delta;
3435                         prevgood = 1;
3436                      }
3437                      rval += delta;
3438                   }
3439                }
3441                if( !prevgood ) {
3442                   rval += 0.5*delta;
3443                   offs[ j ] = rbad*delta;
3444                }
3446 /* Record the information in the CmpRegion structure. */
3447                this->rvals[ comp ] = rvals;
3448                this->offs[ comp ] = offs;
3449                this->nbreak[ comp ] = nn;
3450                this->d0[ comp ] = rval;
3451                this->dtot[ comp ] = totdist;
3452             }
3454 /* Free resources. */
3455             pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
3456          }
3458          pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
3459          d = astFree( d );
3461       }
3462    }
3463 }
3465 #undef NP
SetRegFS(AstRegion * this_region,AstFrame * frm,int * status)3467 static void SetRegFS( AstRegion *this_region, AstFrame *frm, int *status ) {
3468 /*
3469 *  Name:
3470 *     SetRegFS
3472 *  Purpose:
3473 *     Stores a new FrameSet in a Region
3475 *  Type:
3476 *     Private function.
3478 *  Synopsis:
3479 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
3480 *     void SetRegFS( AstRegion *this_region, AstFrame *frm, int *status )
3482 *  Class Membership:
3483 *     CmpRegion method (over-rides the astSetRegFS method inherited from
3484 *     the Region class).
3486 *  Description:
3487 *     This function creates a new FrameSet and stores it in the supplied
3488 *     Region. The new FrameSet contains two copies of the supplied
3489 *     Frame, connected by a UnitMap.
3491 *  Parameters:
3492 *     this
3493 *        Pointer to the Region.
3494 *     frm
3495 *        The Frame to use.
3496 *     status
3497 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
3499 */
3501 /* Local Variables: */
3502    AstRegion *creg;        /* Pointer to component Region structure */
3504 /* Check the global error status. */
3505    if ( !astOK ) return;
3507 /* Invoke the parent method to store the FrameSet in the parent Region
3508    structure. */
3509    (* parent_setregfs)( this_region, frm, status );
3511 /* If either component Region has a dummy FrameSet use this method
3512    recursively to give them the same FrameSet. */
3513    creg = ((AstCmpRegion *) this_region )->region1;
3514    if( creg && !astGetRegionFS( creg ) ) astSetRegFS( creg, frm );
3516    creg = ((AstCmpRegion *) this_region )->region2;
3517    if( creg && !astGetRegionFS( creg ) ) astSetRegFS( creg, frm );
3519 }
Simplify(AstMapping * this_mapping,int * status)3521 static AstMapping *Simplify( AstMapping *this_mapping, int *status ) {
3522 /*
3523 *  Name:
3524 *     Simplify
3526 *  Purpose:
3527 *     Simplify a Region.
3529 *  Type:
3530 *     Private function.
3532 *  Synopsis:
3533 *     #include "region.h"
3534 *     AstMapping *Simplify( AstMapping *this, int *status )
3536 *  Class Membership:
3537 *     CmpRegion method (over-rides the astSimplify method inherited from
3538 *     the Region class).
3540 *  Description:
3541 *     This function simplifies a CmpRegion to eliminate redundant
3542 *     computational steps, or to merge separate steps which can be
3543 *     performed more efficiently in a single operation.
3545 *  Parameters:
3546 *     this
3547 *        Pointer to the original Region.
3548 *     status
3549 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
3551 *  Returned Value:
3552 *     A new pointer to the (possibly simplified) Region.
3554 *  Notes:
3555 *     - A NULL pointer value will be returned if this function is
3556 *     invoked with the AST error status set, or if it should fail for
3557 *     any reason.
3559 *  Deficiencies:
3560 *     - Currently, this function does not attempt to map the component
3561 *     Regions into the current Frame of the parent Region structure.
3562 *     Both components should be mapped into the current Frame, and if the
3563 *     resulting base->current Mappings in *both* remapped component Regions are
3564 *     UnitMaps, then a new CmpRegion should be created from the re-mapped
3565 *     Regions.
3566 */
3568 /* Local Variables: */
3569    AstCmpRegion *newb;           /* New CmpRegion defined in base Frame */
3570    AstCmpRegion *newc;           /* New CmpRegion defined in current Frame */
3571    AstFrame *frm;                /* Current Frame */
3572    AstMapping *map;              /* Base->current Mapping */
3573    AstMapping *result;           /* Result pointer to return */
3574    AstRegion *csreg1;            /* Copy of simplified first component Region */
3575    AstRegion *csreg2;            /* Copy of simplified second component Region */
3576    AstRegion *nullreg;           /* Null or infinfite Region */
3577    AstRegion *othereg;           /* Non-Null and non-infinfite Region */
3578    AstRegion *reg1;              /* First component Region */
3579    AstRegion *reg2;              /* Second component Region */
3580    AstRegion *sreg1;             /* Simplified first component Region */
3581    AstRegion *sreg2;             /* Simplified second component Region */
3582    int neg1;                     /* Negated flag to use with first component */
3583    int neg2;                     /* Negated flag to use with second component */
3584    int oper;                     /* Boolean operator used to combine components */
3585    int overlap;                  /* Nature of overlap between components */
3586    int simpler;                  /* Has any simplification taken place? */
3588 /* Initialise. */
3589    result = NULL;
3591 /* Check the global error status. */
3592    if ( !astOK ) return result;
3594 /* Invoke the parent Simplify method inherited from the Region class. This
3595    will simplify the encapsulated FrameSet and uncertainty Region. The
3596    returned pointer identifies a region within the current Frame of the
3597    FrameSet encapsulated by the parent Region structure. Note this by
3598    storing the pointer in the "newc" ("c" for "current") variable. */
3599    newc = (AstCmpRegion *) (*parent_simplify)( this_mapping, status );
3601 /* Note if any simplification took place. This is assumed to be the case
3602    if the pointer returned by the above call is different to the supplied
3603    pointer. */
3604    simpler = ( (AstMapping *) newc != this_mapping );
3606 /* Below we may create a new simplified region which identifies a region
3607    within the base Frame of the FrameSet encapsulated by the parent Region
3608    structure. Such a result will need to be mapped into the current Frame
3609    before being returned. The "newb" variable ("b" for "base") will be
3610    used to store a pointer to such a result. Initialise this variable to
3611    indicate that we do not yet have a base Frame result. */
3612    newb = NULL;
3614 /* Get the component Regions, how they should be combined, and the
3615    Negated values which should be used with them. The returned values
3616    take account of whether the supplied CmpRegion has itself been Negated
3617    or not. The returned Regions represent regions within the base Frame
3618    of the FrameSet encapsulated by the parent Region structure. */
3619    GetRegions( newc, &reg1, &reg2, &oper, &neg1, &neg2, status );
3621 /* If the first component Region does not have the required value for
3622    its "Negated" attribute, use the negation of "reg1" in place of "reg1"
3623    itself. */
3624    if( neg1 != astGetNegated( reg1 ) ) {
3625       AstRegion *tmp = astGetNegation( reg1 );
3626       (void) astAnnul( reg1 );
3627       reg1 = tmp;
3628    }
3630 /* If the second component Region does not have the required value for
3631    its "Negated" attribute, use the negation of "reg2" in place of "reg2"
3632    itself. */
3633    if( neg2 != astGetNegated( reg2 ) ) {
3634       AstRegion *tmp = astGetNegation( reg2 );
3635       (void) astAnnul( reg2 );
3636       reg2 = tmp;
3637    }
3639 /* Simplify each of the two components. */
3640    sreg1 = astSimplify( reg1 );
3641    sreg2 = astSimplify( reg2 );
3643 /* Note if any simplification took place. */
3644    simpler = simpler || ( sreg1 != reg1 || sreg2 != reg2 );
3646 /* If either component is null or infinite we can exclude it from the
3647    returned Region. */
3648    if( astIsANullRegion( sreg1 ) || astIsANullRegion( sreg2 ) ) {
3650 /* Get a pointer to the non-null Region. The following is still valid
3651    even if both regions are null or infinite. */
3652       if( astIsANullRegion( sreg1 ) ){
3653          nullreg = sreg1;
3654          othereg = sreg2;
3655       } else {
3656          nullreg = sreg2;
3657          othereg = sreg1;
3658       }
3660 /* If null.. */
3661       if( !astGetNegated( nullreg ) ){
3662          if( oper == AST__AND ) {
3663             newb = (AstCmpRegion *) astNullRegion( othereg,
3664                                              astGetUnc( othereg, 0 ), "", status );
3666          } else if( oper == AST__OR ) {
3667             newb = astCopy( othereg );
3669          } else {
3670             astError( AST__INTER, "astSimplify(%s): The %s refers to an "
3671                       "unknown boolean operator with identifier %d (internal "
3672                       "AST programming error).", status, astGetClass( newc ),
3673                       astGetClass( newc ), oper );
3674          }
3676 /* If infinite.. */
3677       } else {
3678          if( oper == AST__AND ) {
3679             newb = astCopy( othereg );
3681          } else if( oper == AST__OR ) {
3682             newb = (AstCmpRegion *) astNullRegion( othereg,
3683                                       astGetUnc( othereg, 0 ), "negated=1", status );
3685          } else {
3686             astError( AST__INTER, "astSimplify(%s): The %s refers to an "
3687                       "unknown boolean operator with identifier %d (internal "
3688                       "AST programming error).", status, astGetClass( newc ),
3689                       astGetClass( newc ), oper );
3690          }
3691       }
3693 /* Flag that we have done some simplication.*/
3694       simpler = 1;
3696 /* If neither component is null or infinite, see if it is possible to
3697    remove one or both of the components on the basis of the overlap
3698    between them. */
3699    } else {
3700       overlap = astOverlap( sreg1, sreg2 );
3702 /* If the components have no overlap, and they are combined using AND, then
3703    the CmpRegion is null. */
3704       if( ( overlap == 1 || overlap == 6 ) && oper == AST__AND ) {
3705          newb = (AstCmpRegion *) astNullRegion( sreg1, astGetUnc( sreg1, 0 ),
3706                                                 "", status );
3707          simpler = 1;
3709 /* If one component is the negation of the other component, and they are
3710    combined using OR, then the CmpRegion is infinite. This is represented
3711    by a negated null region.*/
3712       } else if( overlap == 6 && oper == AST__OR ) {
3713          newb = (AstCmpRegion  *) astNullRegion( sreg1, astGetUnc( sreg1, 0 ),
3714                                                  "negated=1", status );
3715          simpler = 1;
3717 /* If the two components are identical... */
3718       } else if( overlap == 5 ) {
3719          simpler = 1;
3721 /* If combined with AND or OR, the CmpRegion can be replaced by the first
3722    (or second) component Region. */
3723          if( oper == AST__AND || oper == AST__OR ) {
3724             newb = astCopy( sreg1 );
3725          } else {
3726             astError( AST__INTER, "astSimplify(%s): The %s refers to an "
3727                       "unknown boolean operator with identifier %d (internal "
3728                       "AST programming error).", status, astGetClass( newc ),
3729                       astGetClass( newc ), oper );
3730          }
3732 /* If the first component is entirely contained within the second
3733    component, and they are combined using AND or OR, then the CmpRegion
3734    can be replaced by the first or second component. */
3735       } else if( overlap == 2 && ( oper == AST__AND || oper == AST__OR ) ){
3736          newb = astCopy( ( oper == AST__AND ) ? sreg1 : sreg2 );
3737          simpler = 1;
3739 /* If the second component is entirely contained within the first
3740    component, and they are combined using AND or OR, then the CmpRegion
3741    can be replaced by the second or first component. */
3742       } else if( overlap == 3 && ( oper == AST__AND || oper == AST__OR ) ){
3743          newb = astCopy( ( oper == AST__AND ) ? sreg2 : sreg1 );
3744          simpler = 1;
3746 /* Otherwise, no further simplication is possible, so either create a new
3747    CmpRegion or leave the "newb" pointer NULL (which will cause "newc" to
3748    be used), depending on whether the components were simplified. */
3749       } else if( simpler ){
3750          csreg1 = astCopy( sreg1 );
3751          csreg2 = astCopy( sreg2 );
3752          newb = astCmpRegion( csreg1, csreg2, oper, "", status );
3753          csreg1 = astAnnul( csreg1 );
3754          csreg2 = astAnnul( csreg2 );
3756       }
3757    }
3759 /* If any simplification took place, decide whether to use the "newc" or
3760    "newb" pointer for the returned Mapping. If "newb" is non-NULL we use
3761    it, otherwise we use "newc". If "newb" is used we must first map the
3762    result Region from the base Frame of the FrameSet encapsulated
3763    by the parent Region structure, to the current Frame. */
3764    if( simpler ) {
3765       if( newb ){
3766          frm = astGetFrame( ((AstRegion *) newc)->frameset, AST__CURRENT );
3767          map = astGetMapping( ((AstRegion *) newc)->frameset, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
3768          result = astMapRegion( newb, map, frm );
3769          frm = astAnnul( frm );
3770          map = astAnnul( map );
3771          newb = astAnnul( newb );
3772       } else {
3773          result = astClone( newc );
3774       }
3776 /* If no simplification took place, return a clone of the supplied pointer. */
3777    } else {
3778       result = astClone( this_mapping );
3779    }
3781 /* Free resources. */
3782    reg1 = astAnnul( reg1 );
3783    reg2 = astAnnul( reg2 );
3784    sreg1 = astAnnul( sreg1 );
3785    sreg2 = astAnnul( sreg2 );
3786    newc = astAnnul( newc );
3788 /* If an error occurred, annul the returned Mapping. */
3789    if ( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
3791 /* Return the result. */
3792    return result;
3793 }
Transform(AstMapping * this_mapping,AstPointSet * in,int forward,AstPointSet * out,int * status)3795 static AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *this_mapping, AstPointSet *in,
3796                                int forward, AstPointSet *out, int *status ) {
3797 /*
3798 *  Name:
3799 *     Transform
3801 *  Purpose:
3802 *     Apply a CmpRegion to transform a set of points.
3804 *  Type:
3805 *     Private function.
3807 *  Synopsis:
3808 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
3809 *     AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *this, AstPointSet *in,
3810 *                             int forward, AstPointSet *out, int *status )
3812 *  Class Membership:
3813 *     CmpRegion member function (over-rides the astTransform method inherited
3814 *     from the Region class).
3816 *  Description:
3817 *     This function takes a CmpRegion and a set of points encapsulated in a
3818 *     PointSet and transforms the points so as to apply the required Region.
3819 *     This implies applying each of the CmpRegion's component Regions in turn,
3820 *     either in series or in parallel.
3822 *  Parameters:
3823 *     this
3824 *        Pointer to the CmpRegion.
3825 *     in
3826 *        Pointer to the PointSet associated with the input coordinate values.
3827 *     forward
3828 *        A non-zero value indicates that the forward coordinate transformation
3829 *        should be applied, while a zero value requests the inverse
3830 *        transformation.
3831 *     out
3832 *        Pointer to a PointSet which will hold the transformed (output)
3833 *        coordinate values. A NULL value may also be given, in which case a
3834 *        new PointSet will be created by this function.
3835 *     status
3836 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
3838 *  Returned Value:
3839 *     Pointer to the output (possibly new) PointSet.
3841 *  Notes:
3842 *     -  A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
3843 *     global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
3844 *     -  The number of coordinate values per point in the input PointSet must
3845 *     match the number of coordinates for the CmpRegion being applied.
3846 *     -  If an output PointSet is supplied, it must have space for sufficient
3847 *     number of points and coordinate values per point to accommodate the
3848 *     result. Any excess space will be ignored.
3849 */
3851 /* Local Variables: */
3852    AstCmpRegion *this;           /* Pointer to the CmpRegion structure */
3853    AstPointSet *ps1;             /* Pointer to PointSet for first component */
3854    AstPointSet *ps2;             /* Pointer to PointSet for second component */
3855    AstPointSet *pset_tmp;        /* Pointer to PointSet holding base Frame positions*/
3856    AstPointSet *result;          /* Pointer to output PointSet */
3857    AstRegion *reg1;              /* Pointer to first component Region */
3858    AstRegion *reg2;              /* Pointer to second component Region */
3859    double **ptr1;                /* Pointer to first component axis values */
3860    double **ptr2;                /* Pointer to second component axis values */
3861    double **ptr_out;             /* Pointer to output coordinate data */
3862    int coord;                    /* Zero-based index for coordinates */
3863    int good;                     /* Is the point inside the CmpRegion? */
3864    int ncoord_out;               /* No. of coordinates per output point */
3865    int ncoord_tmp;               /* No. of coordinates per base Frame point */
3866    int neg1;                     /* Negated value for first component Region */
3867    int neg2;                     /* Negated value for second component Region */
3868    int npoint;                   /* No. of points */
3869    int oper;                     /* Boolean operator to use */
3870    int point;                    /* Loop counter for points */
3872 /* Initialise. */
3873    result = NULL;
3875 /* Check the global error status. */
3876    if ( !astOK ) return result;
3878 /* Get a Pointer to the CmpRegion structure */
3879    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_mapping;
3881 /* Get the component Regions, how they should be combined, and the
3882    Negated values which should be used with them. The returned values
3883    take account of whether the supplied CmpRegion has itself been Negated
3884    or not. The returned Regions represent regions within the base Frame
3885    of the FrameSet encapsulated by the parent Region structure. */
3886    GetRegions( this, &reg1, &reg2, &oper, &neg1, &neg2, status );
3888 /* If the first component Region does not have the required value for
3889    its "Negated" attribute, use the negation of "reg1" in place of "reg1"
3890    itself. */
3891    if( neg1 != astGetNegated( reg1 ) ) {
3892       AstRegion *tmp = astGetNegation( reg1 );
3893       (void) astAnnul( reg1 );
3894       reg1 = tmp;
3895    }
3897 /* If the second component Region does not have the required value for
3898    its "Negated" attribute, use the negation of "reg2" in place of "reg2"
3899    itself. */
3900    if( neg2 != astGetNegated( reg2 ) ) {
3901       AstRegion *tmp = astGetNegation( reg2 );
3902       (void) astAnnul( reg2 );
3903       reg2 = tmp;
3904    }
3906 /* Apply the parent mapping using the stored pointer to the Transform member
3907    function inherited from the parent Region class. This function validates
3908    all arguments and generates an output PointSet if necessary, containing
3909    a copy of the input PointSet. */
3910    result = (*parent_transform)( this_mapping, in, forward, out, status );
3912 /* We will now extend the parent astTransform method by performing the
3913    calculations needed to generate the output coordinate values. */
3915 /* First use the encapsulated FrameSet in the parent Region structure to
3916    transform the supplied positions from the current Frame in the
3917    encapsulated FrameSet (the Frame represented by the CmpRegion), to the
3918    base Frame (the Frame in which the component Regions are defined). Note,
3919    the returned pointer may be a clone of the "in" pointer, and so we
3920    must be carefull not to modify the contents of the returned PointSet. */
3921    pset_tmp = astRegTransform( this, in, 0, NULL, NULL );
3923 /* Now transform this PointSet using each of the two component Regions in
3924    turn. */
3925    ps1 = astTransform( reg1, pset_tmp, 0, NULL );
3926    ps2 = astTransform( reg2, pset_tmp, 0, NULL );
3928 /* Determine the numbers of points and coordinates per point for these base
3929    Frame PointSets and obtain pointers for accessing the base Frame and output
3930    coordinate values. */
3931    npoint = astGetNpoint( pset_tmp );
3932    ncoord_tmp = astGetNcoord( pset_tmp );
3933    ptr1 = astGetPoints( ps1 );
3934    ptr2 = astGetPoints( ps2 );
3935    ncoord_out = astGetNcoord( result );
3936    ptr_out = astGetPoints( result );
3938 /* Perform coordinate arithmetic. */
3939 /* ------------------------------ */
3940    if ( astOK ) {
3942 /* First deal with ANDed Regions */
3943       if( oper == AST__AND ) {
3944          for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
3945             good = 0;
3947             for ( coord = 0; coord < ncoord_tmp; coord++ ) {
3948                if( ptr1[ coord ][ point ] != AST__BAD &&
3949                    ptr2[ coord ][ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
3950                   good = 1;
3951                   break;
3952                }
3953             }
3955             if( !good ) {
3956                for ( coord = 0; coord < ncoord_out; coord++ ) {
3957                   ptr_out[ coord ][ point ] = AST__BAD;
3958                }
3959             }
3960          }
3962 /* Now deal with ORed Regions */
3963       } else if( oper == AST__OR ) {
3964          for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
3965             good = 0;
3967             for ( coord = 0; coord < ncoord_tmp; coord++ ) {
3968                if( ptr1[ coord ][ point ] != AST__BAD ||
3969                    ptr2[ coord ][ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
3970                   good = 1;
3971                   break;
3972                }
3973             }
3975             if( !good ) {
3976                for ( coord = 0; coord < ncoord_out; coord++ ) {
3977                   ptr_out[ coord ][ point ] = AST__BAD;
3978                }
3979             }
3980          }
3982 /* Report error for any unknown operator. */
3983       } else if( astOK ) {
3984          astError( AST__INTER, "astTransform(%s): The %s refers to an unknown "
3985                    "boolean operator with identifier %d (internal AST "
3986                    "programming error).", status, astGetClass( this ),
3987                     astGetClass( this ), oper );
3988       }
3989    }
3991 /* Free resources. */
3992    reg1 = astAnnul( reg1 );
3993    reg2 = astAnnul( reg2 );
3994    ps1 = astAnnul( ps1 );
3995    ps2 = astAnnul( ps2 );
3996    pset_tmp = astAnnul( pset_tmp );
3998 /* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the output PointSet (if
3999    allocated by this function) and setting a NULL result pointer. */
4000    if ( !astOK ) {
4001       if ( !out ) result = astDelete( result );
4002       result = NULL;
4003    }
4005 /* Return a pointer to the output PointSet. */
4006    return result;
4007 }
XORCheck(AstCmpRegion * this,int * status)4009 static void XORCheck( AstCmpRegion *this, int *status ) {
4010 /*
4011 *  Name:
4012 *     XORCheck
4014 *  Purpose:
4015 *     Check if the supplied CmpRegion represents an XOR operation.
4017 *  Type:
4018 *     Private function.
4020 *  Synopsis:
4021 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
4022 *      void XORCheck( AstCmpRegion *this, int *status )
4024 *  Class Membership:
4025 *     CmpRegion method
4027 *  Decription:
4028 *     This function analyses the component Regions within the supplied
4029 *     CmpRegion to see if the CmpRegion is equivalent to an XOR operation
4030 *     on two other Regions. If it is, teh Regions that are XORed are
4031 *     stored in the supplied CmpRegion.
4033 *  Parameters:
4034 *     this
4035 *        Pointer to the CmpRegion.
4037 */
4039 /* Local Variables: */
4040    AstCmpRegion *cmpreg1;
4041    AstCmpRegion *cmpreg2;
4042    int xor;
4044 /* Check the global error status. */
4045    if ( !astOK ) return;
4047 /* If the CmpRegion is already known to be an XOR operation, return
4048    without action. */
4049    if( this->xor1 ) return;
4051 /* To be equivalent to an XOR operation, the supplied CmpRegion must be an
4052    OR operation and each component Region must be a CmpRegion. */
4053    if( this->oper == AST__OR && astIsACmpRegion( this->region1 )
4054                              && astIsACmpRegion( this->region2 ) ) {
4055       cmpreg1 = (AstCmpRegion *) this->region1;
4056       cmpreg2 = (AstCmpRegion *) this->region2;
4058 /* Each component CmpRegion must be an AND operation. */
4059       if( cmpreg1->oper == AST__AND && cmpreg2->oper == AST__AND ) {
4061 /* Temporarily negate the first component of the first CmpRegion. */
4062          astNegate( cmpreg1->region1 );
4064 /* Initially, assume the supplied CmpRegion is not equivalent to an XOR
4065    operation. */
4066          xor = 0;
4068 /* This negated region must be equal to one of the two component Regions
4069    in the second component CmpRegion. Check the first. */
4070          if( astEqual( cmpreg1->region1, cmpreg2->region1 ) ) {
4072 /* We now check that the other two Regions are equal (after negating the
4073    first). If so, set "xor" non-zero. */
4074             astNegate( cmpreg1->region2 );
4075             if( astEqual( cmpreg1->region2, cmpreg2->region2 ) ) xor = 1;
4076             astNegate( cmpreg1->region2 );
4078 /* Do equiovalent checks the other way round. */
4079          } else if( astEqual( cmpreg1->region1, cmpreg2->region2 ) ) {
4080             astNegate( cmpreg1->region2 );
4081             if( astEqual( cmpreg1->region2, cmpreg2->region1 ) ) xor = 1;
4082             astNegate( cmpreg1->region2 );
4083          }
4085 /* Re-instate the original state of the Negated attribute in the first
4086    component of the first CmpRegion. */
4087          astNegate( cmpreg1->region1 );
4089 /* If the supplied CmpRegion is equivalent to an XOR operation, store
4090    copies of the components in the supplied CmpRegion. */
4091          if( xor ) {
4092             this->xor1 = astCopy( cmpreg1->region1 );
4093             this->xor2 = astCopy( cmpreg1->region2 );
4095 /* We need to negate one of these two Region (it doesn't matter which),
4096    and we choose to negate which ever of them is already negated (so that
4097    it becomes un-negated). */
4098             if( astGetNegated( this->xor1 ) ) {
4099                astNegate( this->xor1 );
4100             } else {
4101                astNegate( this->xor2 );
4102             }
4103          }
4104       }
4105    }
4106 }
4108 /* Copy constructor. */
4109 /* ----------------- */
Copy(const AstObject * objin,AstObject * objout,int * status)4110 static void Copy( const AstObject *objin, AstObject *objout, int *status ) {
4111 /*
4112 *  Name:
4113 *     Copy
4115 *  Purpose:
4116 *     Copy constructor for CmpRegion objects.
4118 *  Type:
4119 *     Private function.
4121 *  Synopsis:
4122 *     void Copy( const AstObject *objin, AstObject *objout, int *status )
4124 *  Description:
4125 *     This function implements the copy constructor for CmpRegion objects.
4127 *  Parameters:
4128 *     objin
4129 *        Pointer to the object to be copied.
4130 *     objout
4131 *        Pointer to the object being constructed.
4132 *     status
4133 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4135 *  Returned Value:
4136 *     void
4138 *  Notes:
4139 *     -  This constructor makes a deep copy, including a copy of the component
4140 *     Regions within the CmpRegion.
4141 */
4143 /* Local Variables: */
4144    AstCmpRegion *in;                /* Pointer to input CmpRegion */
4145    AstCmpRegion *out;               /* Pointer to output CmpRegion */
4146    int i;                           /* Loop count */
4148 /* Check the global error status. */
4149    if ( !astOK ) return;
4151 /* Obtain pointers to the input and output CmpRegions. */
4152    in = (AstCmpRegion *) objin;
4153    out = (AstCmpRegion *) objout;
4155 /* For safety, start by clearing any memory references in the output
4156    Region that were copied from the input Region. */
4157    out->region1 = NULL;
4158    out->region2 = NULL;
4159    out->xor1 = NULL;
4160    out->xor2 = NULL;
4162    for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
4163       out->rvals[ i ] = NULL;
4164       out->offs[ i ] = NULL;
4165    }
4167 /* Make copies of these Regions and store pointers to them in the output
4168    CmpRegion structure. */
4169    out->region1 = astCopy( in->region1 );
4170    out->region2 = astCopy( in->region2 );
4171    if( in->xor1 ) out->xor1 = astCopy( in->xor1 );
4172    if( in->xor2 ) out->xor2 = astCopy( in->xor2 );
4174 /* Copy cached arrays. */
4175    for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
4176       out->rvals[ i ] = astStore( NULL, in->rvals[ i ], in->nbreak[ i ]*sizeof( **in->rvals ) );
4177       out->offs[ i ] = astStore( NULL, in->offs[ i ], in->nbreak[ i ]*sizeof( **in->offs ) );
4178    }
4179 }
4181 /* Destructor. */
4182 /* ----------- */
Delete(AstObject * obj,int * status)4183 static void Delete( AstObject *obj, int *status ) {
4184 /*
4185 *  Name:
4186 *     Delete
4188 *  Purpose:
4189 *     Destructor for CmpRegion objects.
4191 *  Type:
4192 *     Private function.
4194 *  Synopsis:
4195 *     void Delete( AstObject *obj, int *status )
4197 *  Description:
4198 *     This function implements the destructor for CmpRegion objects.
4200 *  Parameters:
4201 *     obj
4202 *        Pointer to the object to be deleted.
4203 *     status
4204 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4206 *  Returned Value:
4207 *     void
4209 *  Notes:
4210 *     This function attempts to execute even if the global error status is
4211 *     set.
4212 */
4214 /* Local Variables: */
4215    AstCmpRegion *this;              /* Pointer to CmpRegion */
4216    int i;
4218 /* Obtain a pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
4219    this = (AstCmpRegion *) obj;
4221 /* Free arrays holding cached information. */
4222    for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
4223       this->rvals[ i ] = astFree( this->rvals[ i ] );
4224       this->offs[ i ] = astFree( this->offs[ i ] );
4225    }
4227 /* Annul the pointers to the component Regions. */
4228    this->region1 = astAnnul( this->region1 );
4229    this->region2 = astAnnul( this->region2 );
4230    if( this->xor1 ) this->xor1 = astAnnul( this->xor1 );
4231    if( this->xor2 ) this->xor2 = astAnnul( this->xor2 );
4232 }
4234 /* Dump function. */
4235 /* -------------- */
Dump(AstObject * this_object,AstChannel * channel,int * status)4236 static void Dump( AstObject *this_object, AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
4237 /*
4238 *  Name:
4239 *     Dump
4241 *  Purpose:
4242 *     Dump function for CmpRegion objects.
4244 *  Type:
4245 *     Private function.
4247 *  Synopsis:
4248 *     void Dump( AstObject *this, AstChannel *channel, int *status )
4250 *  Description:
4251 *     This function implements the Dump function which writes out data
4252 *     for the CmpRegion class to an output Channel.
4254 *  Parameters:
4255 *     this
4256 *        Pointer to the CmpRegion whose data are being written.
4257 *     channel
4258 *        Pointer to the Channel to which the data are being written.
4259 *     status
4260 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4261 */
4263 /* Local Variables: */
4264    AstRegion *reg1;              /* First Region to include in dump */
4265    AstRegion *reg2;              /* Second Region to include in dump */
4266    AstCmpRegion *this;           /* Pointer to the CmpRegion structure */
4267    const char *comment;          /* Pointer to comment string */
4268    int ival;                     /* Integer value */
4269    int oper;                     /* The operator to include in the dump */
4271 /* Check the global error status. */
4272    if ( !astOK ) return;
4274 /* Obtain a pointer to the CmpRegion structure. */
4275    this = (AstCmpRegion *) this_object;
4277 /* Check if this CmpRegion has an equivalent XOR representation. Is so,
4278    store details of the XOR representation in the CmpRegion. */
4279    XORCheck( this, status );
4281 /* Choose the operator and component regions to include in the dump. If
4282    the CmpRegion originally used an XOR operator, then save the XORed
4283    regions. Otherwise, store the real component Regions. */
4284    if( this->xor1 ) {
4285       oper = AST__XOR;
4286       reg1 = this->xor1;
4287       reg2 = this->xor2;
4288    } else {
4289       oper = this->oper;
4290       reg1 = this->region1;
4291       reg2 = this->region2;
4292    }
4294 /* Write out values representing the instance variables for the CmpRegion
4295    class.  Accompany these with appropriate comment strings, possibly
4296    depending on the values being written.*/
4298 /* In the case of attributes, we first use the appropriate (private)
4299    Test...  member function to see if they are set. If so, we then use
4300    the (private) Get... function to obtain the value to be written
4301    out.
4303    For attributes which are not set, we use the astGet... method to
4304    obtain the value instead. This will supply a default value
4305    (possibly provided by a derived class which over-rides this method)
4306    which is more useful to a human reader as it corresponds to the
4307    actual default attribute value.  Since "set" will be zero, these
4308    values are for information only and will not be read back. */
4310 /* Oper */
4311 /* ------- */
4312    ival = oper;
4313    if( ival == AST__AND ) {
4314       comment = "Regions combined using Boolean AND";
4315    } else if( ival == AST__OR ) {
4316       comment = "Regions combined using Boolean OR";
4317    } else if( ival == AST__XOR ) {
4318       comment = "Regions combined using Boolean XOR";
4319    } else {
4320       comment = "Regions combined using unknown operator";
4321    }
4322    astWriteInt( channel, "Operator", 1, 0, ival, comment );
4324 /* First Region. */
4325 /* -------------- */
4326    astWriteObject( channel, "RegionA", 1, 1, reg1,
4327                    "First component Region" );
4329 /* Second Region. */
4330 /* --------------- */
4331    astWriteObject( channel, "RegionB", 1, 1, reg2,
4332                    "Second component Region" );
4333 }
4335 /* Standard class functions. */
4336 /* ========================= */
4337 /* Implement the astIsACmpRegion and astCheckCmpRegion functions using the
4338    macros defined for this purpose in the "object.h" header file. */
astMAKE_ISA(CmpRegion,Region)4339 astMAKE_ISA(CmpRegion,Region)
4340 astMAKE_CHECK(CmpRegion)
4342 AstCmpRegion *astCmpRegion_( void *region1_void, void *region2_void, int oper,
4343                              const char *options, int *status, ...) {
4344 /*
4345 *+
4346 *  Name:
4347 *     astCmpRegion
4349 *  Purpose:
4350 *     Create a CmpRegion.
4352 *  Type:
4353 *     Protected function.
4355 *  Synopsis:
4356 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
4357 *     AstCmpRegion *astCmpRegion( AstRegion *region1, AstRegion *region2,
4358 *                                 int oper, const char *options, ..., int *status )
4360 *  Class Membership:
4361 *     CmpRegion constructor.
4363 *  Description:
4364 *     This function creates a new CmpRegion and optionally initialises its
4365 *     attributes.
4367 *  Parameters:
4368 *     region1
4369 *        Pointer to the first Region.
4370 *     region2
4371 *        Pointer to the second Region.
4372 *     oper
4373 *        The boolean operator with which to combine the two Regions. Either
4374 *        AST__AND or AST__OR.
4375 *     options
4376 *        Pointer to a null terminated string containing an optional
4377 *        comma-separated list of attribute assignments to be used for
4378 *        initialising the new CmpRegion. The syntax used is the same as for the
4379 *        astSet method and may include "printf" format specifiers identified
4380 *        by "%" symbols in the normal way.
4381 *     status
4382 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4383 *     ...
4384 *        If the "options" string contains "%" format specifiers, then an
4385 *        optional list of arguments may follow it in order to supply values to
4386 *        be substituted for these specifiers. The rules for supplying these
4387 *        are identical to those for the astSet method (and for the C "printf"
4388 *        function).
4390 *  Returned Value:
4391 *     A pointer to the new CmpRegion.
4393 *  Notes:
4394 *     - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
4395 *     with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
4396 *     reason.
4397 *-
4399 *  Implementation Notes:
4400 *     - This function implements the basic CmpRegion constructor which is
4401 *     available via the protected interface to the CmpRegion class.  A
4402 *     public interface is provided by the astCmpRegionId_ function.
4403 *     - Because this function has a variable argument list, it is
4404 *     invoked by a macro that evaluates to a function pointer (not a
4405 *     function invocation) and no checking or casting of arguments is
4406 *     performed before the function is invoked. Because of this, the
4407 *     "region1" and "region2" parameters are of type (void *) and are
4408 *     converted and validated within the function itself.
4409 */
4411 /* Local Variables: */
4412    astDECLARE_GLOBALS            /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
4413    AstCmpRegion *new;              /* Pointer to new CmpRegion */
4414    AstRegion *region1;             /* Pointer to first Region structure */
4415    AstRegion *region2;             /* Pointer to second Region structure */
4416    va_list args;                   /* Variable argument list */
4418 /* Initialise. */
4419    new = NULL;
4421 /* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
4422    astGET_GLOBALS(NULL);
4424 /* Check the global status. */
4425    if ( !astOK ) return new;
4427 /* Obtain and validate pointers to the Region structures provided. */
4428    region1 = astCheckRegion( region1_void );
4429    region2 = astCheckRegion( region2_void );
4430    if ( astOK ) {
4432 /* Initialise the CmpRegion, allocating memory and initialising the
4433    virtual function table as well if necessary. */
4434       new = astInitCmpRegion( NULL, sizeof( AstCmpRegion ), !class_init,
4435                               &class_vtab, "CmpRegion", region1, region2,
4436                               oper );
4438 /* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been
4439    initialised. */
4440       if ( astOK ) {
4441          class_init = 1;
4443 /* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the
4444    options string to the astVSet method to initialise the new CmpRegion's
4445    attributes. */
4446          va_start( args, status );
4447          astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
4448          va_end( args );
4450 /* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
4451          if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
4452       }
4453    }
4455 /* Return a pointer to the new CmpRegion. */
4456    return new;
4457 }
astCmpRegionId_(void * region1_void,void * region2_void,int oper,const char * options,...)4459 AstCmpRegion *astCmpRegionId_( void *region1_void, void *region2_void,
4460                                int oper, const char *options, ... ) {
4461 /*
4462 *++
4463 *  Name:
4464 c     astCmpRegion
4465 f     AST_CMPREGION
4467 *  Purpose:
4468 *     Create a CmpRegion.
4470 *  Type:
4471 *     Public function.
4473 *  Synopsis:
4474 c     #include "cmpregion.h"
4475 c     AstCmpRegion *astCmpRegion( AstRegion *region1, AstRegion *region2,
4476 c                                 int oper, const char *options, ... )
4479 *  Class Membership:
4480 *     CmpRegion constructor.
4482 *  Description:
4483 *     This function creates a new CmpRegion and optionally initialises
4484 *     its attributes.
4485 *
4486 *     A CmpRegion is a Region which allows two component
4487 *     Regions (of any class) to be combined to form a more complex
4488 *     Region. This combination may be performed a boolean AND, OR
4489 *     or XOR (exclusive OR) operator. If the AND operator is
4490 *     used, then a position is inside the CmpRegion only if it is
4491 *     inside both of its two component Regions. If the OR operator is
4492 *     used, then a position is inside the CmpRegion if it is inside
4493 *     either (or both) of its two component Regions. If the XOR operator
4494 *     is used, then a position is inside the CmpRegion if it is inside
4495 *     one but not both of its two component Regions. Other operators can
4496 *     be formed by negating one or both component Regions before using
4497 *     them to construct a new CmpRegion.
4498 *
4499 *     The two component Region need not refer to the same coordinate
4500 *     Frame, but it must be possible for the
4501 c     astConvert
4502 f     AST_CONVERT
4503 *     function to determine a Mapping between them (an error will be
4504 *     reported otherwise when the CmpRegion is created). For instance,
4505 *     a CmpRegion may combine a Region defined within an ICRS SkyFrame
4506 *     with a Region defined within a Galactic SkyFrame. This is
4507 *     acceptable because the SkyFrame class knows how to convert between
4508 *     these two systems, and consequently the
4509 c     astConvert
4510 f     AST_CONVERT
4511 *     function will also be able to convert between them. In such cases,
4512 *     the second component Region will be mapped into the coordinate Frame
4513 *     of the first component Region, and the Frame represented by the
4514 *     CmpRegion as a whole will be the Frame of the first component Region.
4515 *
4516 *     Since a CmpRegion is itself a Region, it can be used as a
4517 *     component in forming further CmpRegions. Regions of arbitrary
4518 *     complexity may be built from simple individual Regions in this
4519 *     way.
4521 *  Parameters:
4522 c     region1
4523 f     REGION1 = INTEGER (Given)
4524 *        Pointer to the first component Region.
4525 c     region2
4526 f     REGION2 = INTEGER (Given)
4527 *        Pointer to the second component Region. This Region will be
4528 *        transformed into the coordinate Frame of the first region before
4529 *        use. An error will be reported if this is not possible.
4530 c     oper
4531 f     OPER = INTEGER (Given)
4532 *        The boolean operator with which to combine the two Regions. This
4533 *        must be one of the symbolic constants AST__AND, AST__OR or AST__XOR.
4534 c     options
4535 f     OPTIONS = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given)
4536 c        Pointer to a null-terminated string containing an optional
4537 c        comma-separated list of attribute assignments to be used for
4538 c        initialising the new CmpRegion. The syntax used is identical to
4539 c        that for the astSet function and may include "printf" format
4540 c        specifiers identified by "%" symbols in the normal way.
4541 f        A character string containing an optional comma-separated
4542 f        list of attribute assignments to be used for initialising the
4543 f        new CmpRegion. The syntax used is identical to that for the
4544 f        AST_SET routine.
4545 c     ...
4546 c        If the "options" string contains "%" format specifiers, then
4547 c        an optional list of additional arguments may follow it in
4548 c        order to supply values to be substituted for these
4549 c        specifiers. The rules for supplying these are identical to
4550 c        those for the astSet function (and for the C "printf"
4551 c        function).
4552 f     STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
4553 f        The global status.
4555 *  Returned Value:
4556 c     astCmpRegion()
4558 *        A pointer to the new CmpRegion.
4560 *  Notes:
4561 *     - If one of the supplied Regions has an associated uncertainty,
4562 *     that uncertainty will also be used for the returned CmpRegion.
4563 *     If both supplied Regions have associated uncertainties, the
4564 *     uncertainty associated with the first Region will be used for the
4565 *     returned CmpRegion.
4566 *     - Deep copies are taken of the supplied Regions. This means that
4567 *     any subsequent changes made to the component Regions using the
4568 *     supplied pointers will have no effect on the CmpRegion.
4569 *     - A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this
4570 c     function is invoked with the AST error status set, or if it
4571 f     function is invoked with STATUS set to an error value, or if it
4572 *     should fail for any reason.
4573 *--
4575 *  Implementation Notes:
4576 *     - This function implements the external (public) interface to
4577 *     the astCmpRegion constructor function. It returns an ID value
4578 *     (instead of a true C pointer) to external users, and must be
4579 *     provided because astCmpRegion_ has a variable argument list which
4580 *     cannot be encapsulated in a macro (where this conversion would
4581 *     otherwise occur).
4582 *     - Because no checking or casting of arguments is performed
4583 *     before the function is invoked, the "region1" and "region2" parameters
4584 *     are of type (void *) and are converted from an ID value to a
4585 *     pointer and validated within the function itself.
4586 *     - The variable argument list also prevents this function from
4587 *     invoking astCmpRegion_ directly, so it must be a re-implementation
4588 *     of it in all respects, except for the conversions between IDs
4589 *     and pointers on input/output of Objects.
4590 */
4592 /* Local Variables: */
4593    astDECLARE_GLOBALS            /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
4594    AstCmpRegion *new;              /* Pointer to new CmpRegion */
4595    AstRegion *region1;             /* Pointer to first Region structure */
4596    AstRegion *region2;             /* Pointer to second Region structure */
4597    va_list args;                   /* Variable argument list */
4599    int *status;                  /* Pointer to inherited status value */
4601 /* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
4602    astGET_GLOBALS(NULL);
4604 /* Initialise. */
4605    new = NULL;
4607 /* Get a pointer to the inherited status value. */
4608    status = astGetStatusPtr;
4610 /* Check the global status. */
4611    if ( !astOK ) return new;
4613 /* Obtain the Region pointers from the ID's supplied and validate the
4614    pointers to ensure they identify valid Regions. */
4615    region1 = astVerifyRegion( astMakePointer( region1_void ) );
4616    region2 = astVerifyRegion( astMakePointer( region2_void ) );
4617    if ( astOK ) {
4619 /* Initialise the CmpRegion, allocating memory and initialising the
4620    virtual function table as well if necessary. */
4621       new = astInitCmpRegion( NULL, sizeof( AstCmpRegion ), !class_init,
4622                               &class_vtab, "CmpRegion", region1, region2,
4623                               oper );
4625 /* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been initialised. */
4626       if ( astOK ) {
4627          class_init = 1;
4629 /* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the
4630    options string to the astVSet method to initialise the new CmpRegion's
4631    attributes. */
4632          va_start( args, options );
4633          astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
4634          va_end( args );
4636 /* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
4637          if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
4638       }
4639    }
4641 /* Return an ID value for the new CmpRegion. */
4642    return astMakeId( new );
4643 }
astInitCmpRegion_(void * mem,size_t size,int init,AstCmpRegionVtab * vtab,const char * name,AstRegion * region1,AstRegion * region2,int oper,int * status)4645 AstCmpRegion *astInitCmpRegion_( void *mem, size_t size, int init,
4646                                  AstCmpRegionVtab *vtab, const char *name,
4647                                  AstRegion *region1, AstRegion *region2,
4648                                  int oper, int *status ) {
4649 /*
4650 *+
4651 *  Name:
4652 *     astInitCmpRegion
4654 *  Purpose:
4655 *     Initialise a CmpRegion.
4657 *  Type:
4658 *     Protected function.
4660 *  Synopsis:
4661 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
4662 *     AstCmpRegion *astInitCmpRegion_( void *mem, size_t size, int init,
4663 *                                      AstCmpRegionVtab *vtab, const char *name,
4664 *                                      AstRegion *region1, AstRegion *region2,
4665 *                                      int oper )
4667 *  Class Membership:
4668 *     CmpRegion initialiser.
4670 *  Description:
4671 *     This function is provided for use by class implementations to initialise
4672 *     a new CmpRegion object. It allocates memory (if necessary) to
4673 *     accommodate the CmpRegion plus any additional data associated with the
4674 *     derived class. It then initialises a CmpRegion structure at the start
4675 *     of this memory. If the "init" flag is set, it also initialises the
4676 *     contents of a virtual function table for a CmpRegion at the start of
4677 *     the memory passed via the "vtab" parameter.
4679 *  Parameters:
4680 *     mem
4681 *        A pointer to the memory in which the CmpRegion is to be initialised.
4682 *        This must be of sufficient size to accommodate the CmpRegion data
4683 *        (sizeof(CmpRegion)) plus any data used by the derived class. If a
4684 *        value of NULL is given, this function will allocate the memory itself
4685 *        using the "size" parameter to determine its size.
4686 *     size
4687 *        The amount of memory used by the CmpRegion (plus derived class
4688 *        data). This will be used to allocate memory if a value of NULL is
4689 *        given for the "mem" parameter. This value is also stored in the
4690 *        CmpRegion structure, so a valid value must be supplied even if not
4691 *        required for allocating memory.
4692 *     init
4693 *        A logical flag indicating if the CmpRegion's virtual function table
4694 *        is to be initialised. If this value is non-zero, the virtual function
4695 *        table will be initialised by this function.
4696 *     vtab
4697 *        Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be associated
4698 *        with the new CmpRegion.
4699 *     name
4700 *        Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which contains
4701 *        the name of the class to which the new object belongs (it is this
4702 *        pointer value that will subsequently be returned by the Object
4703 *        astClass function).
4704 *     region1
4705 *        Pointer to the first Region.
4706 *     region2
4707 *        Pointer to the second Region.
4708 *     oper
4709 *        The boolean operator to use. Must be one of AST__AND, AST__OR or
4710 *        AST__XOR.
4712 *  Returned Value:
4713 *     A pointer to the new CmpRegion.
4715 *  Notes:
4716 *     -  A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
4717 *     global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
4718 *-
4719 */
4721 /* Local Variables: */
4722    AstCmpRegion *new;            /* Pointer to new CmpRegion */
4723    AstFrame *frm;                /* Frame encapsulated by first Region */
4724    AstFrameSet *fs;              /* FrameSet connecting supplied Regions */
4725    AstMapping *map;              /* Mapping between two supplied Regions */
4726    AstMapping *smap;             /* Simplified Mapping between two supplied Regions */
4727    AstRegion *new_reg1;          /* Replacement for first region */
4728    AstRegion *new_reg2;          /* Replacement for second region */
4729    AstRegion *reg1;              /* First Region to store in the CmpRegion */
4730    AstRegion *reg2;              /* Second Region to store in the CmpRegion */
4731    AstRegion *xor1;              /* Copy of first supplied Region or NULL */
4732    AstRegion *xor2;              /* Copy of second supplied Region or NULL */
4733    int i;                        /* Loop count */
4734    int used_oper;                /* The boolean operation actually used */
4736 /* Check the global status. */
4737    if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
4739 /* If necessary, initialise the virtual function table. */
4740    if ( init ) astInitCmpRegionVtab( vtab, name );
4742 /* Initialise. */
4743    new = NULL;
4745 /* Check the supplied oper value. */
4746    if( oper != AST__AND && oper != AST__OR && oper != AST__XOR && astOK ) {
4747       astError( AST__INTRD, "astInitCmpRegion(%s): Illegal "
4748                 "boolean operator value (%d) supplied.", status, name, oper );
4749    }
4751 /* Take copies of the supplied Regions. */
4752    reg1 = astCopy( region1 );
4753    reg2 = astCopy( region2 );
4755 /* Get the Mapping from the second to the first Region. */
4756    fs = astConvert( reg2, reg1, "" );
4758 /* Report an error if not possible. */
4759    if( fs == NULL ) {
4760       frm = NULL;
4761       if( astOK ) astError( AST__INTRD, "astInitCmpRegion(%s): No Mapping can "
4762                             "be found between the two supplied Regions.", status, name );
4764 /* Otherwise, map the second Region into the Frame of the first (unless
4765    they are already in the same Frame). This results in both component
4766    Frames having the same current Frame. This current Frame is used as the
4767    encapsulated Frame within the parent Region structure. */
4768    } else {
4769       frm = astGetFrame( fs, AST__CURRENT );
4770       map = astGetMapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
4771       smap = astSimplify( map );
4772       if( !astIsAUnitMap( smap ) ) {
4773          new_reg2 = astMapRegion( reg2, smap, frm );
4774          (void) astAnnul( reg2 );
4775          reg2 = new_reg2;
4776       }
4777       smap = astAnnul( smap );
4778       map = astAnnul( map );
4779       fs = astAnnul( fs );
4780    }
4782 /* The CmpRegion class does not implement XOR directly (as it does for
4783    AND and OR). Instead, when requested to create an XOR CmpRegion, it
4784    creates a CmpRegion that uses AND and OR to simulate XOR. The top
4785    level XOR CmpRegion actually uses AST__OR and the two component
4786    regions within it are CmpRegions formed by combing the two supplied
4787    Regions (one being negated first) using AND. Create the required
4788    component Regions. */
4789    if( oper == AST__XOR ) {
4790       astNegate( reg1 );
4791       new_reg1 = (AstRegion *) astCmpRegion( reg1, reg2, AST__AND, " ",
4792                                              status );
4793       astNegate( reg1 );
4795       astNegate( reg2 );
4796       new_reg2 = (AstRegion *) astCmpRegion( reg1, reg2, AST__AND, " ",
4797                                              status );
4798       astNegate( reg2 );
4800       xor1 = reg1;
4801       xor2 = reg2;
4803       reg1 = new_reg1;
4804       reg2 = new_reg2;
4806       used_oper = AST__OR;
4808 /* For AND and OR, use the supplied operator. */
4809    } else {
4810       xor1 = NULL;
4811       xor2 = NULL;
4812       used_oper = oper;
4813    }
4815 /* Initialise a Region structure (the parent class) as the first component
4816    within the CmpRegion structure, allocating memory if necessary. A NULL
4817    PointSet is suppled as the two component Regions will perform the function
4818    of defining the Region shape. The base Frame of the FrameSet in the
4819    parent Region structure will be the same as the current Frames of the
4820    FrameSets in the two component Regions. */
4821    if ( astOK ) {
4822       new = (AstCmpRegion *) astInitRegion( mem, size, 0,
4823                                           (AstRegionVtab *) vtab, name,
4824                                           frm, NULL, NULL );
4826 /* Initialise the CmpRegion data. */
4827 /* --------------------------- */
4828 /* Store pointers to the component Regions. */
4829       new->region1 = astClone( reg1 );
4830       new->region2 = astClone( reg2 );
4832 /* Note the operator used to combine the somponent Regions. */
4833       new->oper = used_oper;
4835 /* If we are creating an XOR CmpRegion, save copies of the supplied
4836    Regions (i.e. the supplied Regions which are XORed). These will not
4837    be the same as "reg1" and "reg2" since each of those two regions will
4838    be CmpRegions that combine the supplied Regions using AST__AND. */
4839       if( oper == AST__XOR ) {
4840          new->xor1 = xor1;
4841          new->xor2 = xor2;
4842       } else {
4843          new->xor1 = NULL;
4844          new->xor2 = NULL;
4845       }
4847 /* Initialised cached values to show they have not yet been found. */
4848       for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
4849          new->rvals[ i ] = NULL;
4850          new->offs[ i ] = NULL;
4851          new->nbreak[ i ] = 0;
4852          new->d0[ i ] = AST__BAD;
4853          new->dtot[ i ] = AST__BAD;
4854       }
4855       new->bounded = -INT_MAX;
4857 /* If the base->current Mapping in the FrameSet within each component Region
4858    is a UnitMap, then the FrameSet does not need to be included in the
4859    Dump of the new CmpRegion. Set the RegionFS attribute of the component
4860    Region to zero to flag this. */
4861       map = astGetMapping( reg1->frameset, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
4862       if( astIsAUnitMap( map ) ) astSetRegionFS( reg1, 0 );
4863       map = astAnnul( map );
4865       map = astGetMapping( reg2->frameset, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
4866       if( astIsAUnitMap( map ) ) astSetRegionFS( reg2, 0 );
4867       map = astAnnul( map );
4869 /* Copy attribute values from the first component Region to the parent
4870    Region. */
4871       if( astTestMeshSize( new->region1 ) ) {
4872          astSetMeshSize( new,  astGetMeshSize( new->region1 ) );
4873       }
4874       if( astTestClosed( new->region1 ) ) {
4875          astSetClosed( new,  astGetClosed( new->region1 ) );
4876       }
4878 /* If an error occurred, clean up by annulling the Region pointers and
4879    deleting the new object. */
4880       if ( !astOK ) {
4881          new->region1 = astAnnul( new->region1 );
4882          new->region2 = astAnnul( new->region2 );
4883          new = astDelete( new );
4884       }
4885    }
4887 /* Free resources */
4888    reg1 = astAnnul( reg1 );
4889    reg2 = astAnnul( reg2 );
4890    if( frm ) frm = astAnnul( frm );
4892 /* Return a pointer to the new object. */
4893    return new;
4894 }
astLoadCmpRegion_(void * mem,size_t size,AstCmpRegionVtab * vtab,const char * name,AstChannel * channel,int * status)4896 AstCmpRegion *astLoadCmpRegion_( void *mem, size_t size,
4897                                  AstCmpRegionVtab *vtab, const char *name,
4898                                  AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
4899 /*
4900 *+
4901 *  Name:
4902 *     astLoadCmpRegion
4904 *  Purpose:
4905 *     Load a CmpRegion.
4907 *  Type:
4908 *     Protected function.
4910 *  Synopsis:
4911 *     #include "cmpregion.h"
4912 *     AstCmpRegion *astLoadCmpRegion( void *mem, size_t size,
4913 *                                     AstCmpRegionVtab *vtab, const char *name,
4914 *                                     AstChannel *channel )
4916 *  Class Membership:
4917 *     CmpRegion loader.
4919 *  Description:
4920 *     This function is provided to load a new CmpRegion using data read
4921 *     from a Channel. It first loads the data used by the parent class
4922 *     (which allocates memory if necessary) and then initialises a
4923 *     CmpRegion structure in this memory, using data read from the input
4924 *     Channel.
4925 *
4926 *     If the "init" flag is set, it also initialises the contents of a
4927 *     virtual function table for a CmpRegion at the start of the memory
4928 *     passed via the "vtab" parameter.
4931 *  Parameters:
4932 *     mem
4933 *        A pointer to the memory into which the CmpRegion is to be
4934 *        loaded.  This must be of sufficient size to accommodate the
4935 *        CmpRegion data (sizeof(CmpRegion)) plus any data used by derived
4936 *        classes. If a value of NULL is given, this function will
4937 *        allocate the memory itself using the "size" parameter to
4938 *        determine its size.
4939 *     size
4940 *        The amount of memory used by the CmpRegion (plus derived class
4941 *        data).  This will be used to allocate memory if a value of
4942 *        NULL is given for the "mem" parameter. This value is also
4943 *        stored in the CmpRegion structure, so a valid value must be
4944 *        supplied even if not required for allocating memory.
4945 *
4946 *        If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "size" value is ignored
4947 *        and sizeof(AstCmpRegion) is used instead.
4948 *     vtab
4949 *        Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be
4950 *        associated with the new CmpRegion. If this is NULL, a pointer to
4951 *        the (static) virtual function table for the CmpRegion class is
4952 *        used instead.
4953 *     name
4954 *        Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which
4955 *        contains the name of the class to which the new object
4956 *        belongs (it is this pointer value that will subsequently be
4957 *        returned by the astGetClass method).
4958 *
4959 *        If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "name" value is ignored
4960 *        and a pointer to the string "CmpRegion" is used instead.
4962 *  Returned Value:
4963 *     A pointer to the new CmpRegion.
4965 *  Notes:
4966 *     - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
4967 *     with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
4968 *     reason.
4969 *-
4970 */
4972 /* Local Variables: */
4973    AstCmpRegion *new;            /* Pointer to the new CmpRegion */
4974    AstRegion *reg1;              /* First Region read from dump */
4975    AstRegion *reg2;              /* Second Region read from dump */
4976    AstFrame *f1;                 /* Base Frame in parent Region */
4977    AstRegion *creg;              /* Pointer to component Region */
4978    astDECLARE_GLOBALS            /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
4979    int i;                        /* Loop count */
4980    int oper;                     /* The operator to include in the dump */
4982 /* Initialise. */
4983    new = NULL;
4985 /* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
4986    astGET_GLOBALS(channel);
4988 /* Check the global error status. */
4989    if ( !astOK ) return new;
4991 /* If a NULL virtual function table has been supplied, then this is
4992    the first loader to be invoked for this CmpRegion. In this case the
4993    CmpRegion belongs to this class, so supply appropriate values to be
4994    passed to the parent class loader (and its parent, etc.). */
4995    if ( !vtab ) {
4996       size = sizeof( AstCmpRegion );
4997       vtab = &class_vtab;
4998       name = "CmpRegion";
5000 /* If required, initialise the virtual function table for this class. */
5001       if ( !class_init ) {
5002          astInitCmpRegionVtab( vtab, name );
5003          class_init = 1;
5004       }
5005    }
5007 /* Invoke the parent class loader to load data for all the ancestral
5008    classes of the current one, returning a pointer to the resulting
5009    partly-built CmpRegion. */
5010    new = astLoadRegion( mem, size, (AstRegionVtab *) vtab, name,
5011                          channel );
5013    if ( astOK ) {
5015 /* Read input data. */
5016 /* ================ */
5017 /* Request the input Channel to read all the input data appropriate to
5018    this class into the internal "values list". */
5019       astReadClassData( channel, "CmpRegion" );
5021 /* Now read each individual data item from this list and use it to
5022    initialise the appropriate instance variable(s) for this class. */
5024 /* In the case of attributes, we first read the "raw" input value,
5025    supplying the "unset" value as the default. If a "set" value is
5026    obtained, we then use the appropriate (private) Set... member
5027    function to validate and set the value properly. */
5029 /* Operator */
5030 /* -------- */
5031       oper = astReadInt( channel, "operator", AST__AND );
5033 /* First Region. */
5034 /* -------------- */
5035       reg1 = astReadObject( channel, "regiona", NULL );
5037 /* Second Region. */
5038 /* --------------- */
5039       reg2 = astReadObject( channel, "regionb", NULL );
5041 /* Initialised cached values to show they have not yet been found. */
5042       for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
5043          new->rvals[ i ] = NULL;
5044          new->offs[ i ] = NULL;
5045          new->nbreak[ i ] = 0;
5046          new->d0[ i ] = AST__BAD;
5047          new->dtot[ i ] = AST__BAD;
5048       }
5049       new->bounded = -INT_MAX;
5051 /* The CmpRegion class does not implement XOR directly (as it does for
5052    AND and OR). Instead, when requested to create an XOR CmpRegion, it
5053    creates a CmpRegion that uses AND and OR to simulate XOR. The top
5054    level XOR CmpRegion actually uses AST__OR and the two component
5055    regions within it are CmpRegions formed by combing the two supplied
5056    Regions (one being negated first) using AND. Create the required
5057    component Regions. */
5058       if( oper == AST__XOR ) {
5059          astNegate( reg1 );
5060          new->region1 = (AstRegion *) astCmpRegion( reg1, reg2, AST__AND,
5061                                                     " ", status );
5062          astNegate( reg1 );
5064          astNegate( reg2 );
5065          new->region2 = (AstRegion *) astCmpRegion( reg1, reg2, AST__AND,
5066                                                     " ", status );
5067          astNegate( reg2 );
5069          new->xor1 = reg1;
5070          new->xor2 = reg2;
5072          new->oper = AST__OR;
5074 /* For AND and OR, use the supplied Regions and operator. */
5075       } else {
5076          new->region1 = reg1;
5077          new->region2 = reg2;
5078          new->xor1 = NULL;
5079          new->xor2 = NULL;
5080          new->oper = oper;
5081       }
5083 /* If either component Region has a dummy FrameSet rather than the correct
5084    FrameSet, the correct FrameSet will have copies of the base Frame of the
5085    new CmpRegion as both its current and base Frames, connected by a UnitMap
5086    (this is equivalent to a FrameSet containing a single Frame). However if
5087    the new CmpRegion being loaded has itself got a dummy FrameSet, then we do
5088    not do this since we do not yet know what the correct FrameSet is. In this
5089    case we wait until the parent Region invokes the astSetRegFS method on the
5090    new CmpRegion. */
5091       if( !astRegDummyFS( new ) ) {
5092          f1 = astGetFrame( ((AstRegion *) new)->frameset, AST__BASE );
5093          creg = new->region1;
5094          if( astRegDummyFS( creg ) ) astSetRegFS( creg, f1 );
5095          creg = new->region2;
5096          if( astRegDummyFS( creg ) ) astSetRegFS( creg, f1 );
5097          f1 = astAnnul( f1 );
5098       }
5100 /* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new CmpRegion. */
5101       if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
5102    }
5104 /* Return the new CmpRegion pointer. */
5105    return new;
5106 }
5108 /* Virtual function interfaces. */
5109 /* ============================ */
5110 /* These provide the external interface to the virtual functions defined by
5111    this class. Each simply checks the global error status and then locates and
5112    executes the appropriate member function, using the function pointer stored
5113    in the object's virtual function table (this pointer is located using the
5114    astMEMBER macro defined in "object.h").
5116    Note that the member function may not be the one defined here, as it may
5117    have been over-ridden by a derived class. However, it should still have the
5118    same interface. */
astCmpRegionList_(AstCmpRegion * this,int * nreg,AstRegion *** reg_list,int * status)5120 int astCmpRegionList_( AstCmpRegion *this, int *nreg, AstRegion ***reg_list,
5121                        int *status ) {
5122    if ( !astOK ) return AST__AND;
5123    return (**astMEMBER(this,CmpRegion,CmpRegionList))( this, nreg, reg_list,
5124                                                        status );
5125 }