1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2014-2020 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
16# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
20Mole class and helper functions to handle paramters and attributes for GTO
21integrals. This module serves the interface to the integral library libcint.
24import os, sys
25import types
26import re
27import platform
28import gc
29import time
31import json
32import ctypes
33import numpy
34import numpy as np
35import h5py
36import scipy.special
37import scipy.linalg
38import contextlib
39import threading
40from pyscf import lib
41from pyscf.lib import param
42from pyscf.data import elements
43from pyscf.lib import logger
44from pyscf.gto import cmd_args
45from pyscf.gto import basis
46from pyscf.gto import moleintor
47from pyscf.gto.eval_gto import eval_gto
48from pyscf.gto.ecp import core_configuration
49from pyscf import __config__
51from pyscf.data.elements import ELEMENTS, ELEMENTS_PROTON, \
52        _rm_digit, charge, _symbol, _std_symbol, _atom_symbol, is_ghost_atom, \
53        _std_symbol_without_ghost
55from pyscf.lib.exceptions import BasisNotFoundError, PointGroupSymmetryError
56import warnings
58# For code compatibility in python-2 and python-3
59if sys.version_info >= (3,):
60    unicode = str
63# for _atm, _bas, _env
64CHARGE_OF  = 0
65PTR_COORD  = 1
66NUC_MOD_OF = 2
68ATM_SLOTS  = 6
69ATOM_OF    = 0
70ANG_OF     = 1
71NPRIM_OF   = 2
72NCTR_OF    = 3
73RADI_POWER = 3 # for ECP
74KAPPA_OF   = 4
75SO_TYPE_OF = 4 # for ECP
76PTR_EXP    = 5
77PTR_COEFF  = 6
78BAS_SLOTS  = 8
79# pointer to env
85PTR_F12_ZETA    = 9
86PTR_GTG_ZETA    = 10
87NGRIDS          = 11
88PTR_GRIDS       = 12
91AS_NECPBAS      = 19
92PTR_ENV_START   = 20
93# parameters from libcint
96# nucleus with fractional charges. It can be used to mimic MM particles
98NUC_ECP = 4  # atoms with pseudo potential
100BASE = getattr(__config__, 'BASE', 0)
101NORMALIZE_GTO = getattr(__config__, 'NORMALIZE_GTO', True)
102DISABLE_EVAL = getattr(__config__, 'DISABLE_EVAL', False)
103# Whether to disable the explicit call to gc.collect(). gc.collect() may cause
104# non-negligible overhead (https://github.com/pyscf/pyscf/issues/1038).
105DISABLE_GC = getattr(__config__, 'DISABLE_GC', False)
107def M(**kwargs):
108    r'''This is a shortcut to build up Mole object.
110    Args: Same to :func:`Mole.build`
112    Examples:
114    >>> from pyscf import gto
115    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='6-31g')
116    '''
117    mol = Mole()
118    mol.build(**kwargs)
119    return mol
121def gaussian_int(n, alpha):
122    r'''int_0^inf x^n exp(-alpha x^2) dx'''
123    n1 = (n + 1) * .5
124    return scipy.special.gamma(n1) / (2. * alpha**n1)
126def gto_norm(l, expnt):
127    r'''Normalized factor for GTO radial part   :math:`g=r^l e^{-\alpha r^2}`
129    .. math::
131        \frac{1}{\sqrt{\int g^2 r^2 dr}}
132        = \sqrt{\frac{2^{2l+3} (l+1)! (2a)^{l+1.5}}{(2l+2)!\sqrt{\pi}}}
134    Ref: H. B. Schlegel and M. J. Frisch, Int. J. Quant.  Chem., 54(1995), 83-87.
136    Args:
137        l (int):
138            angular momentum
139        expnt :
140            exponent :math:`\alpha`
142    Returns:
143        normalization factor
145    Examples:
147    >>> print(gto_norm(0, 1))
148    2.5264751109842591
149    '''
150    if l >= 0:
151        #f = 2**(2*l+3) * math.factorial(l+1) * (2*expnt)**(l+1.5) \
152        #        / (math.factorial(2*l+2) * math.sqrt(math.pi))
153        #return math.sqrt(f)
154        return 1/numpy.sqrt(gaussian_int(l*2+2, 2*expnt))
155    else:
156        raise ValueError('l should be > 0')
158def cart2sph(l, c_tensor=None, normalized=None):
159    '''
160    Cartesian to real spherical transformation matrix
162    Kwargs:
163        normalized :
164            How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized.  'sp' means the s and p
165            functions are normalized (this is the convention used by libcint
166            library).
167    '''
168    nf = (l+1)*(l+2)//2
169    if c_tensor is None:
170        c_tensor = numpy.eye(nf)
171    else:
172        c_tensor = numpy.asarray(c_tensor, order='F').reshape(-1,nf)
173    if l == 0 or l == 1:
174        if normalized == 'sp':
175            return c_tensor
176        elif l == 0:
177            return c_tensor * 0.282094791773878143
178        else:
179            return c_tensor * 0.488602511902919921
180    else:
181        assert(l <= 12)
182        nd = l * 2 + 1
183        ngrid = c_tensor.shape[0]
184        c2sph = numpy.zeros((ngrid,nd), order='F')
185        fn = moleintor.libcgto.CINTc2s_ket_sph
186        fn(c2sph.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(ngrid),
187           c_tensor.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(l))
188        return c2sph
190def cart2spinor_kappa(kappa, l=None, normalized=None):
191    '''Cartesian to spinor transformation matrix for kappa
193    Kwargs:
194        normalized :
195            How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized.  'sp' means the s and p
196            functions are normalized (this is the convention used by libcint
197            library).
198    '''
199    if kappa < 0:
200        l = -kappa - 1
201        nd = l * 2 + 2
202    elif kappa > 0:
203        l = kappa
204        nd = l * 2
205    else:
206        assert(l is not None)
207        assert(l <= 12)
208        nd = l * 4 + 2
209    nf = (l+1)*(l+2)//2
210    c2smat = numpy.zeros((nf*2,nd), order='F', dtype=numpy.complex128)
211    cmat = numpy.eye(nf)
212    fn = moleintor.libcgto.CINTc2s_ket_spinor_sf1
213    fn(c2smat.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p),
214       c2smat[nf:].ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p),
215       cmat.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p),
216       ctypes.c_int(nf*2), ctypes.c_int(nf),
217       ctypes.c_int(1), ctypes.c_int(kappa), ctypes.c_int(l))
218    if normalized != 'sp':
219        if l == 0:
220            c2smat *= 0.282094791773878143
221        elif l == 1:
222            c2smat *= 0.488602511902919921
223    # c2smat[0] is the transformation for spin up
224    # c2smat[1] is the transformation for spin down
225    c2smat = c2smat.reshape(2,nf,nd)
226    return c2smat
227cart2j_kappa = cart2spinor_kappa
229def cart2spinor_l(l, normalized=None):
230    '''Cartesian to spinor transformation matrix for angular moment l
232    Kwargs:
233        normalized :
234            How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized.  'sp' means the s and p
235            functions are normalized (this is the convention used by libcint
236            library).
237    '''
238    return cart2spinor_kappa(0, l, normalized)
239cart2j_l = cart2spinor_l
241def sph2spinor_kappa(kappa, l=None):
242    '''Real spherical to spinor transformation matrix for kappa'''
243    from pyscf.symm.sph import sph2spinor
244    ua, ub = sph2spinor(l)
245    if kappa < 0:
246        l = -kappa - 1
247        ua = ua[:,l*2:]
248        ub = ub[:,l*2:]
249    elif kappa > 0:
250        l = kappa
251        ua = ua[:,:l*2]
252        ub = ub[:,:l*2]
253    else:
254        assert(l is not None)
255        assert(l <= 12)
256    return ua, ub
258def sph2spinor_l(l):
259    '''Real spherical to spinor transformation matrix for angular moment l'''
260    return sph2spinor_kappa(0, l)
262def atom_types(atoms, basis=None):
263    '''symmetry inequivalent atoms'''
264    atmgroup = {}
265    for ia, a in enumerate(atoms):
266        if 'GHOST' in a[0].upper():
267            a = ['X'+a[0][5:]] + list(a[1:])
268        if a[0] in atmgroup:
269            atmgroup[a[0]].append(ia)
270        elif basis is None:
271            atmgroup[a[0]] = [ia]
272        else:
273            stdsymb = _std_symbol(a[0])
274            if a[0] in basis:
275                if stdsymb in basis and basis[a[0]] == basis[stdsymb]:
276                    if stdsymb in atmgroup:
277                        atmgroup[stdsymb].append(ia)
278                    else:
279                        atmgroup[stdsymb] = [ia]
280                else:
281                    atmgroup[a[0]] = [ia]
282            elif stdsymb in atmgroup:
283                atmgroup[stdsymb].append(ia)
284            else:
285                atmgroup[stdsymb] = [ia]
286    return atmgroup
289def format_atom(atoms, origin=0, axes=None,
290                unit=getattr(__config__, 'UNIT', 'Ang')):
291    '''Convert the input :attr:`Mole.atom` to the internal data format.
292    Including, changing the nuclear charge to atom symbol, converting the
293    coordinates to AU, rotate and shift the molecule.
294    If the :attr:`~Mole.atom` is a string, it takes ";" and "\\n"
295    for the mark to separate atoms;  "," and arbitrary length of blank space
296    to spearate the individual terms for an atom.  Blank line will be ignored.
298    Args:
299        atoms : list or str
300            the same to :attr:`Mole.atom`
302    Kwargs:
303        origin : ndarray
304            new axis origin.
305        axes : ndarray
306            (new_x, new_y, new_z), new coordinates
307        unit : str or number
308            If unit is one of strings (B, b, Bohr, bohr, AU, au), the coordinates
309            of the input atoms are the atomic unit;  If unit is one of strings
310            (A, a, Angstrom, angstrom, Ang, ang), the coordinates are in the
311            unit of angstrom;  If a number is given, the number are considered
312            as the Bohr value (in angstrom), which should be around 0.53.
313            Set unit=1 if wishing to preserve the unit of the coordinates.
315    Returns:
316        "atoms" in the internal format. The internal format is
317            | atom = [[atom1, (x, y, z)],
318            |         [atom2, (x, y, z)],
319            |         ...
320            |         [atomN, (x, y, z)]]
322    Examples:
324    >>> gto.format_atom('9,0,0,0; h@1 0 0 1', origin=(1,1,1))
325    [['F', [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]], ['H@1', [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0]]]
326    >>> gto.format_atom(['9,0,0,0', (1, (0, 0, 1))], origin=(1,1,1))
327    [['F', [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]], ['H', [-1, -1, 0]]]
328    '''
329    def str2atm(line):
330        dat = line.split()
331        try:
332            coords = [float(x) for x in dat[1:4]]
333        except ValueError:
334            if DISABLE_EVAL:
335                raise ValueError('Failed to parse geometry %s' % line)
336            else:
337                coords = list(eval(','.join(dat[1:4])))
338        if len(coords) != 3:
339            raise ValueError('Coordinates error in %s' % line)
340        return [_atom_symbol(dat[0]), coords]
342    if isinstance(atoms, (str, unicode)):
343        # The input atoms points to a geometry file
344        if os.path.isfile(atoms):
345            try:
346                atoms = fromfile(atoms)
347            except ValueError:
348                sys.stderr.write('\nFailed to parse geometry file  %s\n\n' % atoms)
349                raise
351        atoms = str(atoms.replace(';','\n').replace(',',' ').replace('\t',' '))
352        fmt_atoms = []
353        for dat in atoms.split('\n'):
354            dat = dat.strip()
355            if dat and dat[0] != '#':
356                fmt_atoms.append(dat)
358        if len(fmt_atoms[0].split()) < 4:
359            fmt_atoms = from_zmatrix('\n'.join(fmt_atoms))
360        else:
361            fmt_atoms = [str2atm(line) for line in fmt_atoms]
362    else:
363        fmt_atoms = []
364        for atom in atoms:
365            if isinstance(atom, (str, unicode)):
366                if atom.lstrip()[0] != '#':
367                    fmt_atoms.append(str2atm(atom.replace(',',' ')))
368            else:
369                if isinstance(atom[1], (int, float)):
370                    fmt_atoms.append([_atom_symbol(atom[0]), atom[1:4]])
371                else:
372                    fmt_atoms.append([_atom_symbol(atom[0]), atom[1]])
374    if len(fmt_atoms) == 0:
375        return []
377    if axes is None:
378        axes = numpy.eye(3)
380    if isinstance(unit, (str, unicode)):
381        if unit.upper().startswith(('B', 'AU')):
382            unit = 1.
383        else: #unit[:3].upper() == 'ANG':
384            unit = 1./param.BOHR
385    else:
386        unit = 1./unit
388    c = numpy.array([a[1] for a in fmt_atoms], dtype=numpy.double)
389    c = numpy.einsum('ix,kx->ki', axes * unit, c - origin)
390    z = [a[0] for a in fmt_atoms]
391    return list(zip(z, c.tolist()))
393#TODO: sort exponents
394def format_basis(basis_tab):
395    '''Convert the input :attr:`Mole.basis` to the internal data format.
397    ``{ atom: [(l, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..),
398                    (-exp, c_1, c_2, ..))),
399               (l, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..),
400                    (-exp, c_1, c_2, ..)))], ... }``
402    Args:
403        basis_tab : dict
404            Similar to :attr:`Mole.basis`, it **cannot** be a str
406    Returns:
407        Formated :attr:`~Mole.basis`
409    Examples:
411    >>> gto.format_basis({'H':'sto-3g', 'H^2': '3-21g'})
412    {'H': [[0,
413        [3.4252509099999999, 0.15432897000000001],
414        [0.62391373000000006, 0.53532813999999995],
415        [0.16885539999999999, 0.44463454000000002]]],
416     'H^2': [[0,
417        [5.4471780000000001, 0.15628500000000001],
418        [0.82454700000000003, 0.90469100000000002]],
419        [0, [0.18319199999999999, 1.0]]]}
420    '''
421    basis_converter = _generate_basis_converter()
422    fmt_basis = {}
423    for atom, atom_basis in basis_tab.items():
424        symb = _atom_symbol(atom)
425        fmt_basis[symb] = basis_converter(symb, atom_basis)
427        if len(fmt_basis[symb]) == 0:
428            raise BasisNotFoundError('Basis not found for  %s' % symb)
429    return fmt_basis
431def _generate_basis_converter():
432    def nparray_to_list(item):
433        val = []
434        for x in item:
435            if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)):
436                val.append(nparray_to_list(x))
437            elif isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray):
438                val.append(x.tolist())
439            else:
440                val.append(x)
441        return val
443    def load(basis_name, symb):
444        if basis_name.lower().startswith('unc'):
445            return uncontract(basis.load(basis_name[3:], symb))
446        else:
447            return basis.load(basis_name, symb)
449    def converter(symb, raw_basis):
450        if isinstance(raw_basis, (str, unicode)):
451            bset = load(str(raw_basis), _std_symbol_without_ghost(symb))
452        elif (any(isinstance(x, (str, unicode)) for x in raw_basis)
453              # The first element is the basis of internal format
454              or not isinstance(raw_basis[0][0], int)):
455            stdsymb = _std_symbol_without_ghost(symb)
456            bset = []
457            for rawb in raw_basis:
458                if isinstance(rawb, (str, unicode)):
459                    bset += load(str(rawb), stdsymb)
460                else:
461                    bset += nparray_to_list(rawb)
462        else:
463            bset = nparray_to_list(raw_basis)
464        return bset
465    return converter
467def uncontracted_basis(_basis):
468    '''Uncontract internal format _basis
470    Examples:
472    >>> gto.uncontract(gto.load('sto3g', 'He'))
473    [[0, [6.36242139, 1]], [0, [1.158923, 1]], [0, [0.31364979, 1]]]
474    '''
475    MAXL = 10
476    ubasis_raw = [[] for l in range(MAXL)]
477    ubasis_exp = [[] for l in range(MAXL)]
478    for b in _basis:
479        angl = b[0]
480        kappa = b[1]
481        if isinstance(kappa, int):
482            coeffs = b[2:]
483        else:
484            coeffs = b[1:]
486        if isinstance(kappa, int) and kappa != 0:
487            warnings.warn('For basis with kappa != 0, the uncontract basis might be wrong. '
488                          'Please double check the resultant attribute mol._basis')
489            for p in coeffs:
490                ubasis_raw[angl].append([angl, kappa, [p[0], 1]])
491                ubasis_exp[angl].append(p[0])
492        else:
493            for p in coeffs:
494                ubasis_raw[angl].append([angl, [p[0], 1]])
495                ubasis_exp[angl].append(p[0])
497    # Check linear dependency
498    ubasis = []
499    for l in range(MAXL):
500        basis_l = ubasis_raw[l]
501        if basis_l:
502            es = numpy.array(ubasis_exp[l])
503            # Remove duplicated primitive basis functions
504            es, e_idx = numpy.unique(es.round(9), True)
505            # from large exponent to small exponent
506            for i in reversed(e_idx):
507                ubasis.append(basis_l[i])
508    return ubasis
509uncontract = uncontracted_basis
510contract = contracted_basis = basis.to_general_contraction
512def to_uncontracted_cartesian_basis(mol):
513    '''Decontract the basis of a Mole or a Cell.  Returns a Mole (Cell) object
514    with the uncontracted basis environment and a list of coefficients that
515    transform the uncontracted cartesian basis to the original basis.  Each
516    element in the list corresponds to one shell of the original Mole (Cell).
518    Examples:
520    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='Ne', basis='ccpvdz')
521    >>> pmol, ctr_coeff = mol.to_uncontracted_cartesian_basis()
522    >>> c = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*ctr_coeff)
523    >>> s = reduce(numpy.dot, (c.T, pmol.intor('int1e_ovlp'), c))
524    >>> abs(s-mol.intor('int1e_ovlp')).max()
525    0.0
526    '''
527    import copy
528    lmax = mol._bas[:,ANG_OF].max()
529    if mol.cart:
530        c2s = [numpy.eye((l+1)*(l+2)//2) for l in range(lmax+1)]
531    else:
532        c2s = [cart2sph(l, normalized='sp') for l in range(lmax+1)]
534    pmol = copy.copy(mol)
535    pmol.cart = True
536    _bas = []
537    _env = mol._env.copy()
538    contr_coeff = []
539    for ib in range(mol.nbas):
540        l = mol._bas[ib,ANG_OF]
541        ncart = (l+1)*(l+2)//2
542        es = mol.bas_exp(ib)
543        cs = mol._libcint_ctr_coeff(ib)
544        nprim = cs.shape[0]
545        norm = gto_norm(l, es)
546        c = numpy.einsum('pi,p,xm->pxim', cs, 1./norm, c2s[l])
547        contr_coeff.append(c.reshape(nprim*ncart,-1))
549        pexp = mol._bas[ib,PTR_EXP]
550        pc = mol._bas[ib,PTR_COEFF]
551        bs = numpy.empty((nprim,8), dtype=numpy.int32)
552        bs[:] = mol._bas[ib]
553        bs[:,NCTR_OF] = bs[:,NPRIM_OF] = 1
554        bs[:,PTR_EXP] = numpy.arange(pexp, pexp+nprim)
555        bs[:,PTR_COEFF] = numpy.arange(pc, pc+nprim)
556        _env[pc:pc+nprim] = norm
557        _bas.append(bs)
559    pmol._bas = numpy.asarray(numpy.vstack(_bas), dtype=numpy.int32)
560    pmol._env = _env
561    return pmol, contr_coeff
563def format_ecp(ecp_tab):
564    r'''Convert the input :attr:`ecp` (dict) to the internal data format::
566      { atom: (nelec,  # core electrons
567               ((l,  # l=-1 for UL, l>=0 for Ul to indicate |l><l|
568                 (((exp_1, c_1),  # for r^0
569                   (exp_2, c_2),
570                   ...),
571                  ((exp_1, c_1),  # for r^1
572                   (exp_2, c_2),
573                   ...),
574                  ((exp_1, c_1),  # for r^2
575                   ...))))),
576       ...}
577    '''
578    fmt_ecp = {}
579    for atom, atom_ecp in ecp_tab.items():
580        symb = _atom_symbol(atom)
582        if isinstance(atom_ecp, (str, unicode)):
583            stdsymb = _std_symbol_without_ghost(symb)
584            ecp_dat = basis.load_ecp(str(atom_ecp), stdsymb)
585            if ecp_dat is None or len(ecp_dat) == 0:
586                #raise BasisNotFoundError('ECP not found for  %s' % symb)
587                sys.stderr.write('ECP %s not found for  %s\n' %
588                                 (atom_ecp, symb))
589            else:
590                fmt_ecp[symb] = ecp_dat
591        else:
592            fmt_ecp[symb] = atom_ecp
593    return fmt_ecp
595# transform etb to basis format
596def expand_etb(l, n, alpha, beta):
597    r'''Generate the exponents of even tempered basis for :attr:`Mole.basis`.
598    .. math::
600        e = e^{-\alpha * \beta^{i-1}} for i = 1 .. n
602    Args:
603        l : int
604            Angular momentum
605        n : int
606            Number of GTOs
608    Returns:
609        Formated :attr:`~Mole.basis`
611    Examples:
613    >>> gto.expand_etb(1, 3, 1.5, 2)
614    [[1, [6.0, 1]], [1, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1.5, 1]]]
615    '''
616    return [[l, [alpha*beta**i, 1]] for i in reversed(range(n))]
617def expand_etbs(etbs):
618    r'''Generate even tempered basis.  See also :func:`expand_etb`
620    Args:
621        etbs = [(l, n, alpha, beta), (l, n, alpha, beta),...]
623    Returns:
624        Formated :attr:`~Mole.basis`
626    Examples:
628    >>> gto.expand_etbs([(0, 2, 1.5, 2.), (1, 2, 1, 2.)])
629    [[0, [6.0, 1]], [0, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1., 1]], [1, [2., 1]]]
630    '''
631    return lib.flatten([expand_etb(*etb) for etb in etbs])
632etbs = expand_etbs
634# concatenate two mol
635def conc_env(atm1, bas1, env1, atm2, bas2, env2):
636    r'''Concatenate two Mole's integral parameters.  This function can be used
637    to construct the environment for cross integrals like
639    .. math::
641        \langle \mu | \nu \rangle, \mu \in mol1, \nu \in mol2
643    Returns:
644        Concatenated atm, bas, env
646    Examples:
647        Compute the overlap between H2 molecule and O atom
649    >>> mol1 = gto.M(atom='H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g')
650    >>> mol2 = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0', basis='sto3g')
651    >>> atm3, bas3, env3 = gto.conc_env(mol1._atm, mol1._bas, mol1._env,
652    ...                                 mol2._atm, mol2._bas, mol2._env)
653    >>> gto.moleintor.getints('int1e_ovlp_sph', atm3, bas3, env3, range(2), range(2,5))
654    [[ 0.04875181  0.44714688  0.          0.37820346  0.        ]
655     [ 0.04875181  0.44714688  0.          0.          0.37820346]]
656    '''
657    off = len(env1)
658    natm_off = len(atm1)
659    atm2 = numpy.copy(atm2)
660    bas2 = numpy.copy(bas2)
661    atm2[:,PTR_COORD] += off
662    atm2[:,PTR_ZETA ] += off
663    bas2[:,ATOM_OF  ] += natm_off
664    bas2[:,PTR_EXP  ] += off
665    bas2[:,PTR_COEFF] += off
666    return (numpy.asarray(numpy.vstack((atm1,atm2)), dtype=numpy.int32),
667            numpy.asarray(numpy.vstack((bas1,bas2)), dtype=numpy.int32),
668            numpy.hstack((env1,env2)))
670def conc_mol(mol1, mol2):
671    '''Concatenate two Mole objects.
672    '''
673    if not mol1._built:
674        logger.warn(mol1, 'Warning: object %s not initialized. Initializing %s',
675                    mol1, mol1)
676        mol1.build()
677    if not mol2._built:
678        logger.warn(mol2, 'Warning: object %s not initialized. Initializing %s',
679                    mol2, mol2)
680        mol2.build()
682    mol3 = Mole()
683    mol3._built = True
685    mol3._atm, mol3._bas, mol3._env = \
686            conc_env(mol1._atm, mol1._bas, mol1._env,
687                     mol2._atm, mol2._bas, mol2._env)
688    off = len(mol1._env)
689    natm_off = len(mol1._atm)
690    if len(mol2._ecpbas) == 0:
691        mol3._ecpbas = mol1._ecpbas
692    else:
693        ecpbas2 = numpy.copy(mol2._ecpbas)
694        ecpbas2[:,ATOM_OF  ] += natm_off
695        ecpbas2[:,PTR_EXP  ] += off
696        ecpbas2[:,PTR_COEFF] += off
697        if len(mol1._ecpbas) == 0:
698            mol3._ecpbas = ecpbas2
699        else:
700            mol3._ecpbas = numpy.hstack((mol1._ecpbas, ecpbas2))
702    mol3.verbose = mol1.verbose
703    mol3.output = mol1.output
704    mol3.max_memory = mol1.max_memory
705    mol3.charge = mol1.charge + mol2.charge
706    mol3.spin = abs(mol1.spin - mol2.spin)
707    mol3.symmetry = False
708    mol3.symmetry_subgroup = None
709    mol3.cart = mol1.cart and mol2.cart
711    mol3._atom = mol1._atom + mol2._atom
712    mol3.atom = mol3._atom
713    mol3.unit = 'Bohr'
715    mol3._basis.update(mol2._basis)
716    mol3._basis.update(mol1._basis)
717    mol3._pseudo.update(mol2._pseudo)
718    mol3._pseudo.update(mol1._pseudo)
719    mol3._ecp.update(mol2._ecp)
720    mol3._ecp.update(mol1._ecp)
721    mol3.basis = mol3._basis
722    mol3.ecp = mol3._ecp
724    mol3.nucprop.update(mol1.nucprop)
725    mol3.nucprop.update(mol2.nucprop)
726    return mol3
728# <bas-of-mol1|intor|bas-of-mol2>
729def intor_cross(intor, mol1, mol2, comp=None, grids=None):
730    r'''1-electron integrals from two molecules like
732    .. math::
734        \langle \mu | intor | \nu \rangle, \mu \in mol1, \nu \in mol2
736    Args:
737        intor : str
738            Name of the 1-electron integral, such as int1e_ovlp_sph (spherical overlap),
739            int1e_nuc_cart (cartesian nuclear attraction), int1e_ipovlp_spinor
740            (spinor overlap gradients), etc.  Ref to :func:`getints` for the
741            full list of available 1-electron integral names
742        mol1, mol2:
743            :class:`Mole` objects
745    Kwargs:
746        comp : int
747            Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp_sph has 3 components
748        grids : ndarray
749            Coordinates of grids for the int1e_grids integrals
751    Returns:
752        ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
754    Examples:
755        Compute the overlap between H2 molecule and O atom
757    >>> mol1 = gto.M(atom='H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g')
758    >>> mol2 = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0', basis='sto3g')
759    >>> gto.intor_cross('int1e_ovlp_sph', mol1, mol2)
760    [[ 0.04875181  0.44714688  0.          0.37820346  0.        ]
761     [ 0.04875181  0.44714688  0.          0.          0.37820346]]
762    '''
763    nbas1 = len(mol1._bas)
764    nbas2 = len(mol2._bas)
765    atmc, basc, envc = conc_env(mol1._atm, mol1._bas, mol1._env,
766                                mol2._atm, mol2._bas, mol2._env)
767    if '_grids' in intor:
768        assert grids is not None
769        envc = numpy.append(envc, grids.ravel())
770        envc[NGRIDS] = grids.shape[0]
771        envc[PTR_GRIDS] = envc.size - grids.size
773    shls_slice = (0, nbas1, nbas1, nbas1+nbas2)
775    if (intor.endswith('_sph') or intor.startswith('cint') or
776        intor.endswith('_spinor') or intor.endswith('_cart')):
777        return moleintor.getints(intor, atmc, basc, envc, shls_slice, comp, 0)
778    elif mol1.cart == mol2.cart:
779        intor = mol1._add_suffix(intor)
780        return moleintor.getints(intor, atmc, basc, envc, shls_slice, comp, 0)
781    elif mol1.cart:
782        mat = moleintor.getints(intor+'_cart', atmc, basc, envc, shls_slice, comp, 0)
783        return numpy.dot(mat, mol2.cart2sph_coeff())
784    else:
785        mat = moleintor.getints(intor+'_cart', atmc, basc, envc, shls_slice, comp, 0)
786        return numpy.dot(mol1.cart2sph_coeff().T, mat)
788# append (charge, pointer to coordinates, nuc_mod) to _atm
789def make_atm_env(atom, ptr=0, nuclear_model=NUC_POINT, nucprop={}):
790    '''Convert the internal format :attr:`Mole._atom` to the format required
791    by ``libcint`` integrals
792    '''
793    nuc_charge = charge(atom[0])
794    if nuclear_model == NUC_POINT:
795        zeta = 0
796    elif nuclear_model == NUC_GAUSS:
797        zeta = dyall_nuc_mod(nuc_charge, nucprop)
798    else:  # callable(nuclear_model)
799        zeta = nuclear_model(nuc_charge, nucprop)
800        nuclear_model = NUC_GAUSS
802    _env = numpy.hstack((atom[1], zeta))
803    _atm = numpy.zeros(6, dtype=numpy.int32)
804    _atm[CHARGE_OF] = nuc_charge
805    _atm[PTR_COORD] = ptr
806    _atm[NUC_MOD_OF] = nuclear_model
807    _atm[PTR_ZETA ] = ptr + 3
808    return _atm, _env
810# append (atom, l, nprim, nctr, kappa, ptr_exp, ptr_coeff, 0) to bas
811# absorb normalization into GTO contraction coefficients
812def make_bas_env(basis_add, atom_id=0, ptr=0):
813    '''Convert :attr:`Mole.basis` to the argument ``bas`` for ``libcint`` integrals
814    '''
815    _bas = []
816    _env = []
817    for b in basis_add:
818        if not b:  # == []
819            continue
820        angl = b[0]
821        if angl > 14:
822            sys.stderr.write('Warning: integral library does not support basis '
823                             'with angular momentum > 14\n')
825        if isinstance(b[1], int):
826            kappa = b[1]
827            b_coeff = numpy.array(sorted(list(b[2:]), reverse=True))
828        else:
829            kappa = 0
830            b_coeff = numpy.array(sorted(list(b[1:]), reverse=True))
831        es = b_coeff[:,0]
832        cs = b_coeff[:,1:]
833        nprim, nctr = cs.shape
834        cs = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', cs, gto_norm(angl, es))
835        if NORMALIZE_GTO:
836            cs = _nomalize_contracted_ao(angl, es, cs)
838        _env.append(es)
839        _env.append(cs.T.reshape(-1))
840        ptr_exp = ptr
841        ptr_coeff = ptr_exp + nprim
842        ptr = ptr_coeff + nprim * nctr
843        _bas.append([atom_id, angl, nprim, nctr, kappa, ptr_exp, ptr_coeff, 0])
844    _env = lib.flatten(_env) # flatten nested lists
845    return (numpy.array(_bas, numpy.int32).reshape(-1,BAS_SLOTS),
846            numpy.array(_env, numpy.double))
848def _nomalize_contracted_ao(l, es, cs):
849    #ee = numpy.empty((nprim,nprim))
850    #for i in range(nprim):
851    #    for j in range(i+1):
852    #        ee[i,j] = ee[j,i] = gaussian_int(angl*2+2, es[i]+es[j])
853    #s1 = 1/numpy.sqrt(numpy.einsum('pi,pq,qi->i', cs, ee, cs))
854    ee = es.reshape(-1,1) + es.reshape(1,-1)
855    ee = gaussian_int(l*2+2, ee)
856    s1 = 1. / numpy.sqrt(numpy.einsum('pi,pq,qi->i', cs, ee, cs))
857    return numpy.einsum('pi,i->pi', cs, s1)
859def make_env(atoms, basis, pre_env=[], nucmod={}, nucprop={}):
860    '''Generate the input arguments for ``libcint`` library based on internal
861    format :attr:`Mole._atom` and :attr:`Mole._basis`
862    '''
863    _atm = []
864    _bas = []
865    _env = []
866    ptr_env = len(pre_env)
868    for ia, atom in enumerate(atoms):
869        symb = atom[0]
870        stdsymb = _rm_digit(symb)
872        if ia+1 in nucprop:
873            prop = nucprop[ia+1]
874        elif symb in nucprop:
875            prop = nucprop[symb]
876        else:
877            prop = nucprop.get(stdsymb, {})
879        nuclear_model = NUC_POINT
880        if nucmod:
881            if nucmod is None:
882                nuclear_model = NUC_POINT
883            elif isinstance(nucmod, (int, str, unicode, types.FunctionType)):
884                nuclear_model = _parse_nuc_mod(nucmod)
885            elif ia+1 in nucmod:
886                nuclear_model = _parse_nuc_mod(nucmod[ia+1])
887            elif symb in nucmod:
888                nuclear_model = _parse_nuc_mod(nucmod[symb])
889            elif stdsymb in nucmod:
890                nuclear_model = _parse_nuc_mod(nucmod[stdsymb])
891        atm0, env0 = make_atm_env(atom, ptr_env, nuclear_model, prop)
892        ptr_env = ptr_env + len(env0)
893        _atm.append(atm0)
894        _env.append(env0)
896    _basdic = {}
897    for symb, basis_add in basis.items():
898        bas0, env0 = make_bas_env(basis_add, 0, ptr_env)
899        ptr_env = ptr_env + len(env0)
900        _basdic[symb] = bas0
901        _env.append(env0)
903    for ia, atom in enumerate(atoms):
904        symb = atom[0]
905        puresymb = _rm_digit(symb)
906        if symb in _basdic:
907            b = _basdic[symb].copy()
908        elif puresymb in _basdic:
909            b = _basdic[puresymb].copy()
910        else:
911            if symb[:2].upper() == 'X-':
912                symb = symb[2:]
913            elif symb[:6].upper() == 'GHOST-':
914                symb = symb[6:]
915            puresymb = _rm_digit(symb)
916            if symb in _basdic:
917                b = _basdic[symb].copy()
918            elif puresymb in _basdic:
919                b = _basdic[puresymb].copy()
920            else:
921                sys.stderr.write('Warning: Basis not found for atom %d %s\n' % (ia, symb))
922                continue
923        b[:,ATOM_OF] = ia
924        _bas.append(b)
926    if _atm:
927        _atm = numpy.asarray(numpy.vstack(_atm), numpy.int32).reshape(-1, ATM_SLOTS)
928    else:
929        _atm = numpy.zeros((0,ATM_SLOTS), numpy.int32)
930    if _bas:
931        _bas = numpy.asarray(numpy.vstack(_bas), numpy.int32).reshape(-1, BAS_SLOTS)
932    else:
933        _bas = numpy.zeros((0,BAS_SLOTS), numpy.int32)
934    if _env:
935        _env = numpy.hstack((pre_env,numpy.hstack(_env)))
936    else:
937        _env = numpy.array(pre_env, copy=False)
938    return _atm, _bas, _env
940def make_ecp_env(mol, _atm, ecp, pre_env=[]):
941    '''Generate the input arguments _ecpbas for ECP integrals
942    '''
943    _env = []
944    ptr_env = len(pre_env)
946    _ecpdic = {}
947    for symb, ecp_add in ecp.items():
948        ecp0 = []
949        nelec = ecp_add[0]
950        for lb in ecp_add[1]:
951            for rorder, bi in enumerate(lb[1]):
952                if len(bi) > 0:
953                    ec = numpy.array(sorted(bi, reverse=True))
954                    nexp, ncol = ec.shape
955                    _env.append(ec[:,0])
956                    _env.append(ec[:,1])
957                    ptr_exp, ptr_coeff = ptr_env, ptr_env + nexp
958                    ecp0.append([0, lb[0], nexp, rorder, 0,
959                                 ptr_exp, ptr_coeff, 0])
960                    ptr_env += nexp * 2
962                    if ncol == 3:  # Has SO-ECP
963                        _env.append(ec[:,2])
964                        ptr_coeff, ptr_env = ptr_env, ptr_env + nexp
965                        ecp0.append([0, lb[0], nexp, rorder, 1,
966                                     ptr_exp, ptr_coeff, 0])
968        _ecpdic[symb] = (nelec, numpy.asarray(ecp0, dtype=numpy.int32))
970    _ecpbas = []
971    if _ecpdic:
972        _atm = _atm.copy()
973        for ia, atom in enumerate(mol._atom):
974            symb = atom[0]
975            if symb in _ecpdic:
976                ecp0 = _ecpdic[symb]
977            elif _rm_digit(symb) in _ecpdic:
978                ecp0 = _ecpdic[_rm_digit(symb)]
979            else:
980                ecp0 = None
981            if ecp0 is not None:
982                _atm[ia,CHARGE_OF ] = charge(symb) - ecp0[0]
983                _atm[ia,NUC_MOD_OF] = NUC_ECP
984                b = ecp0[1].copy().reshape(-1,BAS_SLOTS)
985                b[:,ATOM_OF] = ia
986                _ecpbas.append(b)
987    if _ecpbas:
988        _ecpbas = numpy.asarray(numpy.vstack(_ecpbas), numpy.int32)
989        _env = numpy.hstack([pre_env] + _env)
990    else:
991        _ecpbas = numpy.zeros((0,BAS_SLOTS), numpy.int32)
992        _env = pre_env
993    return _atm, _ecpbas, _env
995def tot_electrons(mol):
996    '''Total number of electrons for the given molecule
998    Returns:
999        electron number in integer
1001    Examples:
1003    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 1 0; C 0 0 1', charge=1)
1004    >>> mol.tot_electrons()
1005    6
1006    '''
1007    if mol._atm.size != 0:
1008        nelectron = mol.atom_charges().sum()
1009    elif mol._atom:
1010        nelectron = sum(charge(a[0]) for a in mol._atom)
1011    else:
1012        nelectron = sum(charge(a[0]) for a in format_atom(mol.atom))
1013    nelectron -= mol.charge
1014    nelectron_int = int(round(nelectron))
1016    if abs(nelectron - nelectron_int) > 1e-4:
1017        logger.warn(mol, 'Found fractional number of electrons %f. Round it to %d',
1018                    nelectron, nelectron_int)
1019    return nelectron_int
1021def copy(mol):
1022    '''Deepcopy of the given :class:`Mole` object
1023    '''
1024    import copy
1025    newmol = copy.copy(mol)
1026    newmol._atm    = numpy.copy(mol._atm)
1027    newmol._bas    = numpy.copy(mol._bas)
1028    newmol._env    = numpy.copy(mol._env)
1029    newmol._ecpbas = numpy.copy(mol._ecpbas)
1031    newmol.atom    = copy.deepcopy(mol.atom)
1032    newmol._atom   = copy.deepcopy(mol._atom)
1033    newmol.basis   = copy.deepcopy(mol.basis)
1034    newmol._basis  = copy.deepcopy(mol._basis)
1035    newmol.ecp     = copy.deepcopy(mol.ecp)
1036    newmol._ecp    = copy.deepcopy(mol._ecp)
1037    return newmol
1039def pack(mol):
1040    '''Pack the input args of :class:`Mole` to a dict.
1042    Note this function only pack the input arguments (not the entire Mole
1043    class).  Modifications to mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env are not tracked.
1044    Use :func:`dumps` to serialize the entire Mole object.
1045    '''
1046    mdic = {'atom'    : mol.atom,
1047            'unit'    : mol.unit,
1048            'basis'   : mol.basis,
1049            'charge'  : mol.charge,
1050            'spin'    : mol.spin,
1051            'symmetry': mol.symmetry,
1052            'nucmod'  : mol.nucmod,
1053            'nucprop' : mol.nucprop,
1054            'ecp'     : mol.ecp,
1055            '_nelectron': mol._nelectron,
1056            'verbose' : mol.verbose}
1057    return mdic
1058def unpack(moldic):
1059    '''Unpack a dict which is packed by :func:`pack`, to generate the input
1060    arguments for :class:`Mole` object.
1061    '''
1062    mol = Mole()
1063    mol.__dict__.update(moldic)
1064    return mol
1067def dumps(mol):
1068    '''Serialize Mole object to a JSON formatted str.
1069    '''
1070    exclude_keys = set(('output', 'stdout', '_keys',
1071                        # Constructing in function loads
1072                        'symm_orb', 'irrep_id', 'irrep_name'))
1073    nparray_keys = set(('_atm', '_bas', '_env', '_ecpbas',
1074                        '_symm_orig', '_symm_axes'))
1076    moldic = dict(mol.__dict__)
1077    for k in exclude_keys:
1078        if k in moldic:
1079            del(moldic[k])
1080    for k in nparray_keys:
1081        if isinstance(moldic[k], numpy.ndarray):
1082            moldic[k] = moldic[k].tolist()
1083    moldic['atom'] = repr(mol.atom)
1084    moldic['basis']= repr(mol.basis)
1085    moldic['ecp' ] = repr(mol.ecp)
1087    try:
1088        return json.dumps(moldic)
1089    except TypeError:
1090        def skip_value(dic):
1091            dic1 = {}
1092            for k,v in dic.items():
1093                if (v is None or
1094                    isinstance(v, (str, unicode, bool, int, float))):
1095                    dic1[k] = v
1096                elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
1097                    dic1[k] = v   # Should I recursively skip_vaule?
1098                elif isinstance(v, set):
1099                    dic1[k] = list(v)
1100                elif isinstance(v, dict):
1101                    dic1[k] = skip_value(v)
1102                else:
1103                    msg =('Function mol.dumps drops attribute %s because '
1104                          'it is not JSON-serializable' % k)
1105                    warnings.warn(msg)
1106            return dic1
1107        return json.dumps(skip_value(moldic), skipkeys=True)
1109def loads(molstr):
1110    '''Deserialize a str containing a JSON document to a Mole object.
1111    '''
1112    # the numpy function array is used by eval function
1113    from numpy import array  # noqa
1114    moldic = json.loads(molstr)
1115    if sys.version_info < (3,):
1116        # Convert to utf8 because JSON loads fucntion returns unicode.
1117        def byteify(inp):
1118            if isinstance(inp, dict):
1119                return dict([(byteify(k), byteify(v)) for k, v in inp.iteritems()])
1120            elif isinstance(inp, (tuple, list)):
1121                return [byteify(x) for x in inp]
1122            elif isinstance(inp, unicode):
1123                return inp.encode('utf-8')
1124            else:
1125                return inp
1126        moldic = byteify(moldic)
1127    mol = Mole()
1128    mol.__dict__.update(moldic)
1129    mol.atom = eval(mol.atom)
1130    mol.basis= eval(mol.basis)
1131    mol.ecp  = eval(mol.ecp)
1132    mol._atm = numpy.array(mol._atm, dtype=numpy.int32)
1133    mol._bas = numpy.array(mol._bas, dtype=numpy.int32)
1134    mol._env = numpy.array(mol._env, dtype=numpy.double)
1135    mol._ecpbas = numpy.array(mol._ecpbas, dtype=numpy.int32)
1137    if mol.symmetry and mol._symm_orig is not None:
1138        from pyscf import symm
1139        mol._symm_orig = numpy.array(mol._symm_orig)
1140        mol._symm_axes = numpy.array(mol._symm_axes)
1141        mol.symm_orb, mol.irrep_id = \
1142                symm.symm_adapted_basis(mol, mol.groupname,
1143                                        mol._symm_orig, mol._symm_axes)
1144        mol.irrep_name = [symm.irrep_id2name(mol.groupname, ir)
1145                           for ir in mol.irrep_id]
1147    elif mol.symmetry and mol.symm_orb is not None:
1148        # Backward compatibility. To load symm_orb from chkfile of pyscf-1.6
1149        # and earlier.
1150        symm_orb = []
1152        # decompress symm_orb
1153        for val, x, y, shape in mol.symm_orb:
1154            if isinstance(val[0], list):
1155                # backward compatibility for chkfile of pyscf-1.4 in which val
1156                # is an array of real floats. In pyscf-1.5, val can be a list
1157                # of list, to include the imaginary part
1158                val_real, val_imag = val
1159            else:
1160                val_real, val_imag = val, None
1161            if val_imag is None:
1162                c = numpy.zeros(shape)
1163                c[numpy.array(x),numpy.array(y)] = numpy.array(val_real)
1164            else:
1165                c = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpy.complex128)
1166                val = numpy.array(val_real) + numpy.array(val_imag) * 1j
1167                c[numpy.array(x),numpy.array(y)] = val
1168            symm_orb.append(c)
1169        mol.symm_orb = symm_orb
1171    return mol
1174def len_spinor(l, kappa):
1175    '''The number of spinor associated with given angular momentum and kappa.  If kappa is 0,
1176    return 4l+2
1177    '''
1178    if kappa == 0:
1179        n = (l * 4 + 2)
1180    elif kappa < 0:
1181        n = (l * 2 + 2)
1182    else:
1183        n = (l * 2)
1184    return n
1186def len_cart(l):
1187    '''The number of Cartesian function associated with given angular momentum.
1188    '''
1189    return (l + 1) * (l + 2) // 2
1191def npgto_nr(mol, cart=None):
1192    '''Total number of primitive spherical GTOs for the given :class:`Mole` object'''
1193    if cart is None:
1194        cart = mol.cart
1195    l = mol._bas[:,ANG_OF]
1196    if cart:
1197        return ((l+1)*(l+2)//2 * mol._bas[:,NPRIM_OF]).sum()
1198    else:
1199        return ((l*2+1) * mol._bas[:,NPRIM_OF]).sum()
1200def nao_nr(mol, cart=None):
1201    '''Total number of contracted GTOs for the given :class:`Mole` object'''
1202    if cart is None:
1203        cart = mol.cart
1204    if cart:
1205        return nao_cart(mol)
1206    else:
1207        return ((mol._bas[:,ANG_OF]*2+1) * mol._bas[:,NCTR_OF]).sum()
1208def nao_cart(mol):
1209    '''Total number of contracted cartesian GTOs for the given :class:`Mole` object'''
1210    l = mol._bas[:,ANG_OF]
1211    return ((l+1)*(l+2)//2 * mol._bas[:,NCTR_OF]).sum()
1213# nao_id0:nao_id1 corresponding to bas_id0:bas_id1
1214def nao_nr_range(mol, bas_id0, bas_id1):
1215    '''Lower and upper boundary of contracted spherical basis functions associated
1216    with the given shell range
1218    Args:
1219        mol :
1220            :class:`Mole` object
1221        bas_id0 : int
1222            start shell id
1223        bas_id1 : int
1224            stop shell id
1226    Returns:
1227        tupel of start basis function id and the stop function id
1229    Examples:
1231    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g')
1232    >>> gto.nao_nr_range(mol, 2, 4)
1233    (2, 6)
1234    '''
1235    ao_loc = moleintor.make_loc(mol._bas[:bas_id1], 'sph')
1236    nao_id0 = ao_loc[bas_id0]
1237    nao_id1 = ao_loc[-1]
1238    return nao_id0, nao_id1
1240def nao_2c(mol):
1241    '''Total number of contracted spinor GTOs for the given :class:`Mole` object'''
1242    l = mol._bas[:,ANG_OF]
1243    kappa = mol._bas[:,KAPPA_OF]
1244    dims = (l*4+2) * mol._bas[:,NCTR_OF]
1245    dims[kappa<0] = l[kappa<0] * 2 + 2
1246    dims[kappa>0] = l[kappa>0] * 2
1247    return dims.sum()
1249# nao_id0:nao_id1 corresponding to bas_id0:bas_id1
1250def nao_2c_range(mol, bas_id0, bas_id1):
1251    '''Lower and upper boundary of contracted spinor basis functions associated
1252    with the given shell range
1254    Args:
1255        mol :
1256            :class:`Mole` object
1257        bas_id0 : int
1258            start shell id, 0-based
1259        bas_id1 : int
1260            stop shell id, 0-based
1262    Returns:
1263        tupel of start basis function id and the stop function id
1265    Examples:
1267    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g')
1268    >>> gto.nao_2c_range(mol, 2, 4)
1269    (4, 12)
1270    '''
1271    ao_loc = moleintor.make_loc(mol._bas[:bas_id1], '')
1272    nao_id0 = ao_loc[bas_id0]
1273    nao_id1 = ao_loc[-1]
1274    return nao_id0, nao_id1
1276def ao_loc_nr(mol, cart=None):
1277    '''Offset of every shell in the spherical basis function spectrum
1279    Returns:
1280        list, each entry is the corresponding start basis function id
1282    Examples:
1284    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g')
1285    >>> gto.ao_loc_nr(mol)
1286    [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18]
1287    '''
1288    if cart is None:
1289        cart = mol.cart
1290    if cart:
1291        return moleintor.make_loc(mol._bas, 'cart')
1292    else:
1293        return moleintor.make_loc(mol._bas, 'sph')
1295def ao_loc_2c(mol):
1296    '''Offset of every shell in the spinor basis function spectrum
1298    Returns:
1299        list, each entry is the corresponding start id of spinor function
1301    Examples:
1303    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g')
1304    >>> gto.ao_loc_2c(mol)
1305    [0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 20, 22, 24, 30, 36]
1306    '''
1307    return moleintor.make_loc(mol._bas, 'spinor')
1309def time_reversal_map(mol):
1310    r'''The index to map the spinor functions and its time reversal counterpart.
1311    The returned indices have postive or negative values.  For the i-th basis function,
1312    if the returned j = idx[i] < 0, it means :math:`T|i\rangle = -|j\rangle`,
1313    otherwise :math:`T|i\rangle = |j\rangle`
1314    '''
1315    tao = []
1316    i = 0
1317    for b in mol._bas:
1318        l = b[ANG_OF]
1319        if b[KAPPA_OF] == 0:
1320            djs = (l * 2, l * 2 + 2)
1321        elif b[KAPPA_OF] > 0:
1322            djs = (l * 2,)
1323        else:
1324            djs = (l * 2 + 2,)
1325        if l % 2 == 0:
1326            for n in range(b[NCTR_OF]):
1327                for dj in djs:
1328                    for m in range(0, dj, 2):
1329                        tao.append(-(i + dj - m))
1330                        tao.append(  i + dj - m - 1)
1331                    i += dj
1332        else:
1333            for n in range(b[NCTR_OF]):
1334                for dj in djs:
1335                    for m in range(0, dj, 2):
1336                        tao.append(  i + dj - m)
1337                        tao.append(-(i + dj - m - 1))
1338                    i += dj
1339    return numpy.asarray(tao, dtype=numpy.int32)
1342CHECK_GEOM = getattr(__config__, 'gto_mole_check_geom', True)
1344def energy_nuc(mol, charges=None, coords=None):
1345    '''Compute nuclear repulsion energy (AU) or static Coulomb energy
1347    Returns
1348        float
1349    '''
1350    if charges is None: charges = mol.atom_charges()
1351    if len(charges) <= 1:
1352        return 0
1353    rr = inter_distance(mol, coords)
1354    rr[numpy.diag_indices_from(rr)] = 1e200
1355    if CHECK_GEOM and numpy.any(rr < 1e-5):
1356        for atm_idx in numpy.argwhere(rr<1e-5):
1357            logger.warn(mol, 'Atoms %s have the same coordinates', atm_idx)
1358        raise RuntimeError('Ill geometry')
1359    e = numpy.einsum('i,ij,j->', charges, 1./rr, charges) * .5
1360    return e
1362def inter_distance(mol, coords=None):
1363    '''
1364    Inter-particle distance array
1365    '''
1366    if coords is None: coords = mol.atom_coords()
1367    rr = numpy.linalg.norm(coords.reshape(-1,1,3) - coords, axis=2)
1368    rr[numpy.diag_indices_from(rr)] = 0
1369    return rr
1371def sph_labels(mol, fmt=True, base=BASE):
1372    '''Labels for spherical GTO functions
1374    Kwargs:
1375        fmt : str or bool
1376        if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the
1377        default format is "%d%3s %s%-4s".  if fmt is string, the string will
1378        be used as the print format.
1380    Returns:
1381        List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-real-spherical-notation]
1382        or formatted strings based on the argument "fmt"
1384    Examples:
1386    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g')
1387    >>> gto.sph_labels(mol)
1388    [(0, 'H', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '3s', ''),
1389     (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'z'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'x'),
1390     (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'z')]
1391    '''
1392    count = numpy.zeros((mol.natm, 9), dtype=int)
1393    label = []
1394    for ib in range(mol.nbas):
1395        ia = mol.bas_atom(ib)
1396        l = mol.bas_angular(ib)
1397        strl = param.ANGULAR[l]
1398        nc = mol.bas_nctr(ib)
1399        symb = mol.atom_symbol(ia)
1400        nelec_ecp = mol.atom_nelec_core(ia)
1401        if nelec_ecp == 0 or l > 3:
1402            shl_start = count[ia,l]+l+1
1403        else:
1404            coreshl = core_configuration(nelec_ecp)
1405            shl_start = coreshl[l]+count[ia,l]+l+1
1406        count[ia,l] += nc
1407        for n in range(shl_start, shl_start+nc):
1408            for m in range(-l, l+1):
1409                label.append((ia+base, symb, '%d%s' % (n, strl),
1410                              str(param.REAL_SPHERIC[l][l+m])))
1412    if isinstance(fmt, (str, unicode)):
1413        return [(fmt % x) for x in label]
1414    elif fmt:
1415        return ['%d %s %s%-4s' % x for x in label]
1416    else:
1417        return label
1418spheric_labels = spherical_labels = sph_labels
1420def cart_labels(mol, fmt=True, base=BASE):
1421    '''Labels of Cartesian GTO functions
1423    Kwargs:
1424        fmt : str or bool
1425        if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the
1426        default format is "%d%3s %s%-4s".  if fmt is string, the string will
1427        be used as the print format.
1429    Returns:
1430        List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-xyz-notation)]
1431        or formatted strings based on the argument "fmt"
1432    '''
1433    cartxyz = []
1434    for l in range(max(mol._bas[:,ANG_OF])+1):
1435        xyz = []
1436        for x in range(l, -1, -1):
1437            for y in range(l-x, -1, -1):
1438                z = l-x-y
1439                xyz.append('x'*x + 'y'*y + 'z'*z)
1440        cartxyz.append(xyz)
1442    count = numpy.zeros((mol.natm, 9), dtype=int)
1443    label = []
1444    for ib in range(len(mol._bas)):
1445        ia = mol.bas_atom(ib)
1446        l = mol.bas_angular(ib)
1447        strl = param.ANGULAR[l]
1448        nc = mol.bas_nctr(ib)
1449        symb = mol.atom_symbol(ia)
1450        nelec_ecp = mol.atom_nelec_core(ia)
1451        if nelec_ecp == 0 or l > 3:
1452            shl_start = count[ia,l]+l+1
1453        else:
1454            coreshl = core_configuration(nelec_ecp)
1455            shl_start = coreshl[l]+count[ia,l]+l+1
1456        count[ia,l] += nc
1457        ncart = (l + 1) * (l + 2) // 2
1458        for n in range(shl_start, shl_start+nc):
1459            for m in range(ncart):
1460                label.append((ia+base, symb, '%d%s' % (n, strl), cartxyz[l][m]))
1462    if isinstance(fmt, (str, unicode)):
1463        return [(fmt % x) for x in label]
1464    elif fmt:
1465        return ['%d%3s %s%-4s' % x for x in label]
1466    else:
1467        return label
1469def ao_labels(mol, fmt=True, base=BASE):
1470    '''Labels of AO basis functions
1472    Kwargs:
1473        fmt : str or bool
1474            if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the
1475            default format is "%d%3s %s%-4s".  if fmt is string, the string will
1476            be used as the print format.
1478    Returns:
1479        List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-AO-notation)]
1480        or formatted strings based on the argument "fmt"
1481    '''
1482    if mol.cart:
1483        return mol.cart_labels(fmt, base)
1484    else:
1485        return mol.sph_labels(fmt, base)
1487def spinor_labels(mol, fmt=True, base=BASE):
1488    '''
1489    Labels of spinor GTO functions
1490    '''
1491    count = numpy.zeros((mol.natm, 9), dtype=int)
1492    label = []
1493    for ib in range(mol.nbas):
1494        ia = mol.bas_atom(ib)
1495        l = mol.bas_angular(ib)
1496        kappa = mol.bas_kappa(ib)
1497        strl = param.ANGULAR[l]
1498        nc = mol.bas_nctr(ib)
1499        symb = mol.atom_symbol(ia)
1500        nelec_ecp = mol.atom_nelec_core(ia)
1501        if nelec_ecp == 0 or l > 3:
1502            shl_start = count[ia,l]+l+1
1503        else:
1504            coreshl = core_configuration(nelec_ecp)
1505            shl_start = coreshl[l]+count[ia,l]+l+1
1506        count[ia,l] += nc
1507        for n in range(shl_start, shl_start+nc):
1508            if kappa >= 0:
1509                for m in range(-l*2+1, l*2, 2):
1510                    label.append((ia+base, symb, '%d%s%d/2' % (n, strl, l*2-1),
1511                                  '%d/2'%m))
1512            if kappa <= 0:
1513                for m in range(-l*2-1, l*2+2, 2):
1514                    label.append((ia+base, symb, '%d%s%d/2' % (n, strl, l*2+1),
1515                                  '%d/2'%m))
1517    if isinstance(fmt, (str, unicode)):
1518        return [(fmt % x) for x in label]
1519    elif fmt:
1520        return ['%d %s %s,%-5s' % x for x in label]
1521    else:
1522        return label
1524def search_ao_label(mol, label):
1525    '''Find the index of the AO basis function based on the given ao_label
1527    Args:
1528        ao_label : string or a list of strings
1529            The regular expression pattern to match the orbital labels
1530            returned by mol.ao_labels()
1532    Returns:
1533        A list of index for the AOs that matches the given ao_label RE pattern
1535    Examples:
1537    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='ccpvtz')
1538    >>> mol.search_ao_label('Cl.*p')
1539    [19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30]
1540    >>> mol.search_ao_label('Cl 2p')
1541    [19 20 21]
1542    >>> mol.search_ao_label(['Cl.*d', 'Cl 4p'])
1543    [25 26 27 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40]
1544    '''
1545    return _aolabels2baslst(mol, label)
1547def _aolabels2baslst(mol, aolabels_or_baslst, base=BASE):
1548    if callable(aolabels_or_baslst):
1549        baslst = [i for i,x in enumerate(mol.ao_labels(base=base))
1550                  if aolabels_or_baslst(x)]
1551    elif isinstance(aolabels_or_baslst, str):
1552        aolabels = re.sub(' +', ' ', aolabels_or_baslst.strip(), count=1)
1553        aolabels = re.compile(aolabels)
1554        baslst = [i for i,s in enumerate(mol.ao_labels(base=base))
1555                  if re.search(aolabels, s)]
1556    elif len(aolabels_or_baslst) > 0 and isinstance(aolabels_or_baslst[0], str):
1557        aolabels = [re.compile(re.sub(' +', ' ', x.strip(), count=1))
1558                    for x in aolabels_or_baslst]
1559        baslst = [i for i,t in enumerate(mol.ao_labels(base=base))
1560                  if any(re.search(x, t) for x in aolabels)]
1561    else:
1562        baslst = [i-base for i in aolabels_or_baslst]
1563    return numpy.asarray(baslst, dtype=int)
1565def search_shell_id(mol, atm_id, l):
1566    '''Search the first basis/shell id (**not** the basis function id) which
1567    matches the given atom-id and angular momentum
1569    Args:
1570        atm_id : int
1571            atom id, 0-based
1572        l : int
1573            angular momentum
1575    Returns:
1576        basis id, 0-based.  If not found, return None
1578    Examples:
1580    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g')
1581    >>> mol.search_shell_id(1, 1) # Cl p shell
1582    4
1583    >>> mol.search_shell_id(1, 2) # Cl d shell
1584    None
1585    '''
1586    for ib in range(len(mol._bas)):
1587        ia = mol.bas_atom(ib)
1588        l1 = mol.bas_angular(ib)
1589        if ia == atm_id and l1 == l:
1590            return ib
1592def search_ao_nr(mol, atm_id, l, m, atmshell):
1593    '''Search the first basis function id (**not** the shell id) which matches
1594    the given atom-id, angular momentum magnetic angular momentum, principal shell.
1596    Args:
1597        atm_id : int
1598            atom id, 0-based
1599        l : int
1600            angular momentum
1601        m : int
1602            magnetic angular momentum
1603        atmshell : int
1604            principal quantum number
1606    Returns:
1607        basis function id, 0-based.  If not found, return None
1609    Examples:
1611    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g')
1612    >>> mol.search_ao_nr(1, 1, -1, 3) # Cl 3px
1613    7
1614    '''
1615    ibf = 0
1616    for ib in range(len(mol._bas)):
1617        ia = mol.bas_atom(ib)
1618        l1 = mol.bas_angular(ib)
1619        if mol.cart:
1620            degen = (l1 + 1) * (l1 + 2) // 2
1621        else:
1622            degen = l1 * 2 + 1
1623        nc = mol.bas_nctr(ib)
1624        if ia == atm_id and l1 == l:
1625            if atmshell > nc+l1:
1626                atmshell = atmshell - nc
1627            else:
1628                return ibf + (atmshell-l1-1)*degen + (l1+m)
1629        ibf += degen * nc
1630    raise RuntimeError('Required AO not found')
1632def search_ao_r(mol, atm_id, l, j, m, atmshell):
1633    raise RuntimeError('TODO')
1634#TODO:    ibf = 0
1635#TODO:    for ib in range(len(mol._bas)):
1636#TODO:        ia = mol.bas_atom(ib)
1637#TODO:        l1 = mol.bas_angular(ib)
1638#TODO:        nc = mol.bas_nctr(ib)
1639#TODO:        k = mol.bas_kappa(bas_id)
1640#TODO:        degen = len_spinor(l1, k)
1641#TODO:        if ia == atm_id and l1 == l and k == kappa:
1642#TODO:            if atmshell > nc+l1:
1643#TODO:                atmshell = atmshell - nc
1644#TODO:            else:
1645#TODO:                return ibf + (atmshell-l1-1)*degen + (degen+m)
1646#TODO:        ibf += degen
1648def offset_2c_by_atom(mol):
1649    '''2-component AO offset for each atom.  Return a list, each item
1650    of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
1651    '''
1652    return aoslice_by_atom(mol, mol.ao_loc_2c())
1654def aoslice_by_atom(mol, ao_loc=None):
1655    '''AO offsets for each atom.  Return a list, each item of the list gives
1656    (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
1657    '''
1658    if ao_loc is None:
1659        ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
1661    aorange = numpy.empty((mol.natm,4), dtype=int)
1663    if mol.natm == 0:
1664        return aorange
1666    bas_atom = mol._bas[:,ATOM_OF]
1667    delimiter = numpy.where(bas_atom[0:-1] != bas_atom[1:])[0] + 1
1669    if mol.natm == len(delimiter) + 1:
1670        aorange[:,0] = shell_start = numpy.append(0, delimiter)
1671        aorange[:,1] = shell_end = numpy.append(delimiter, mol.nbas)
1673    else:  # Some atoms miss basis
1674        shell_start = numpy.empty(mol.natm, dtype=int)
1675        shell_start[:] = -1
1676        shell_start[0] = 0
1677        shell_start[bas_atom[0]] = 0
1678        shell_start[bas_atom[delimiter]] = delimiter
1680        shell_end = numpy.empty(mol.natm, dtype=int)
1681        shell_end[0] = 0
1682        shell_end[bas_atom[delimiter-1]] = delimiter
1683        shell_end[bas_atom[-1]] = mol.nbas
1685        for i in range(1, mol.natm):
1686            if shell_start[i] == -1:
1687                shell_start[i] = shell_end[i] = shell_end[i-1]
1689    aorange[:,0] = shell_start
1690    aorange[:,1] = shell_end
1691    aorange[:,2] = ao_loc[shell_start]
1692    aorange[:,3] = ao_loc[shell_end]
1693    return aorange
1694offset_nr_by_atom = aoslice_by_atom
1696def same_basis_set(mol1, mol2):
1697    '''Check whether two molecules use the same basis sets.
1698    The two molecules can have different geometry.
1699    '''
1700    atomtypes1 = atom_types(mol1._atom, mol1._basis)
1701    atomtypes2 = atom_types(mol2._atom, mol2._basis)
1702    if set(atomtypes1.keys()) != set(atomtypes2.keys()):
1703        return False
1704    for k in atomtypes1:
1705        if len(atomtypes1[k]) != len(atomtypes2[k]):
1706            return False
1707        elif mol1._basis.get(k, None) != mol2._basis.get(k, None):
1708            return False
1709    return True
1711def same_mol(mol1, mol2, tol=1e-5, cmp_basis=True, ignore_chiral=False):
1712    '''Compare the two molecules whether they have the same structure.
1714    Kwargs:
1715        tol : float
1716            In Bohr
1717        cmp_basis : bool
1718            Whether to compare basis functions for the two molecules
1719    '''
1720    from pyscf import symm
1722    if mol1._atom.__len__() != mol2._atom.__len__():
1723        return False
1725    chg1 = mol1._atm[:,CHARGE_OF]
1726    chg2 = mol2._atm[:,CHARGE_OF]
1727    if not numpy.all(numpy.sort(chg1) == numpy.sort(chg2)):
1728        return False
1730    if cmp_basis and not same_basis_set(mol1, mol2):
1731        return False
1733    def finger(mol, chgs, coord):
1734        center = numpy.einsum('z,zr->r', chgs, coord) / chgs.sum()
1735        im = inertia_moment(mol, chgs, coord)
1736        # Divid im by chgs.sum(), to normalize im. Otherwise the input tol may
1737        # not reflect the actual deviation.
1738        im /= chgs.sum()
1740        w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(im)
1741        axes = v.T
1742        if numpy.linalg.det(axes) < 0:
1743            axes *= -1
1744        r = numpy.dot(coord-center, axes.T)
1745        return w, r
1747    coord1 = mol1.atom_coords()
1748    coord2 = mol2.atom_coords()
1749    w1, r1 = finger(mol1, chg1, coord1)
1750    w2, r2 = finger(mol2, chg2, coord2)
1751    if not (numpy.allclose(w1, w2, atol=tol)):
1752        return False
1754    rotate_xy  = numpy.array([[-1., 0., 0.],
1755                              [ 0.,-1., 0.],
1756                              [ 0., 0., 1.]])
1757    rotate_yz  = numpy.array([[ 1., 0., 0.],
1758                              [ 0.,-1., 0.],
1759                              [ 0., 0.,-1.]])
1760    rotate_zx  = numpy.array([[-1., 0., 0.],
1761                              [ 0., 1., 0.],
1762                              [ 0., 0.,-1.]])
1764    def inspect(z1, r1, z2, r2):
1765        place = int(-numpy.log10(tol)) - 1
1766        idx = symm.argsort_coords(r2, place)
1767        z2 = z2[idx]
1768        r2 = r2[idx]
1769        for rot in (1, rotate_xy, rotate_yz, rotate_zx):
1770            r1new = numpy.dot(r1, rot)
1771            idx = symm.argsort_coords(r1new, place)
1772            if (numpy.all(z1[idx] == z2) and
1773                numpy.allclose(r1new[idx], r2, atol=tol)):
1774                return True
1775        return False
1777    return (inspect(chg1, r1, chg2, r2) or
1778            (ignore_chiral and inspect(chg1, r1, chg2, -r2)))
1779is_same_mol = same_mol
1781def chiral_mol(mol1, mol2=None):
1782    '''Detect whether the given molelcule is chiral molecule or two molecules
1783    are chiral isomers.
1784    '''
1785    if mol2 is None:
1786        mol2 = mol1.copy()
1787        ptr_coord = mol2._atm[:,PTR_COORD]
1788        mol2._env[ptr_coord  ] *= -1
1789        mol2._env[ptr_coord+1] *= -1
1790        mol2._env[ptr_coord+2] *= -1
1791    return (not same_mol(mol1, mol2, ignore_chiral=False) and
1792            same_mol(mol1, mol2, ignore_chiral=True))
1794def inertia_moment(mol, mass=None, coords=None):
1795    if mass is None:
1796        mass = mol.atom_mass_list()
1797    if coords is None:
1798        coords = mol.atom_coords()
1799    mass_center = numpy.einsum('i,ij->j', mass, coords)/mass.sum()
1800    coords = coords - mass_center
1801    im = numpy.einsum('i,ij,ik->jk', mass, coords, coords)
1802    im = numpy.eye(3) * im.trace() - im
1803    return im
1805def atom_mass_list(mol, isotope_avg=False):
1806    '''A list of mass for all atoms in the molecule
1808    Kwargs:
1809        isotope_avg : boolean
1810            Whether to use the isotope average mass as the atomic mass
1811    '''
1812    if isotope_avg:
1813        mass_table = elements.MASSES
1814    else:
1815        mass_table = elements.ISOTOPE_MAIN
1817    nucprop = mol.nucprop
1818    if nucprop:
1819        mass = []
1820        for ia in range(mol.natm):
1821            z = mol.atom_charge(ia)
1822            symb = mol.atom_symbol(ia)
1823            stdsymb = _std_symbol(symb)
1824            if ia+1 in nucprop:
1825                prop = nucprop[ia+1]
1826            elif symb in nucprop:
1827                prop = nucprop[symb]
1828            else:
1829                prop = nucprop.get(stdsymb, {})
1831            mass.append(prop.get('mass', mass_table[z]))
1832    else:
1833        #mass = [mass_table[z] for z in mol.atom_charges()]
1834        mass = []
1835        for ia in range(mol.natm):
1836            z = charge(mol.atom_symbol(ia))
1837            mass.append(mass_table[z])
1839    return numpy.array(mass)
1841def condense_to_shell(mol, mat, compressor='max'):
1842    '''The given matrix is first partitioned to blocks, based on AO shell as
1843    delimiter. Then call compressor function to abstract each block.
1844    '''
1845    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
1846    if callable(compressor):
1847        abstract = numpy.empty((mol.nbas, mol.nbas))
1848        for i, i0 in enumerate(ao_loc[:mol.nbas]):
1849            for j, j0 in enumerate(ao_loc[:mol.nbas]):
1850                abstract[i,j] = compressor(mat[i0:ao_loc[i+1],j0:ao_loc[j+1]])
1851    else:
1852        abstract = lib.condense(compressor, mat, ao_loc)
1853    return abstract
1856def tostring(mol, format='raw'):
1857    '''Convert molecular geometry to a string of the required format.
1859    Supported output formats:
1860        | raw: Each line is  <symobl> <x> <y> <z>
1861        | xyz: XYZ cartesian coordinates format
1862        | zmat: Z-matrix format
1863    '''
1864    format = format.lower()
1865    if format == 'xyz' or format == 'raw':
1866        coords = mol.atom_coords() * param.BOHR
1867        output = []
1868        if format == 'xyz':
1869            output.append('%d' % mol.natm)
1870            output.append('XYZ from PySCF')
1872        for i in range(mol.natm):
1873            symb = mol.atom_pure_symbol(i)
1874            x, y, z = coords[i]
1875            output.append('%-4s %14.5f %14.5f %14.5f' %
1876                          (symb, x, y, z))
1877        return '\n'.join(output)
1878    elif format == 'zmat':
1879        coords = mol.atom_coords() * param.BOHR
1880        zmat = cart2zmat(coords).splitlines()
1881        output = []
1882        for i, line in enumerate(zmat):
1883            symb = mol.atom_pure_symbol(i)
1884            output.append('%-4s   %s' % (symb, line))
1885        return '\n'.join(output)
1886    else:
1887        raise NotImplementedError
1889def tofile(mol, filename, format=None):
1890    '''Write molecular geometry to a file of the required format.
1892    Supported output formats:
1893        | raw: Each line is  <symobl> <x> <y> <z>
1894        | xyz: XYZ cartesian coordinates format
1895        | zmat: Z-matrix format
1896    '''
1897    if format is None:  # Guess format based on filename
1898        format = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:]
1899    string = tostring(mol, format)
1900    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
1901        f.write(string)
1902        f.write('\n')
1903    return string
1905def fromfile(filename, format=None):
1906    '''Read molecular geometry from a file
1907    (in testing)
1909    Supported formats:
1910        | raw: Each line is  <symobl> <x> <y> <z>
1911        | xyz: XYZ cartesian coordinates format
1912        | zmat: Z-matrix format
1913    '''
1914    if format is None:  # Guess format based on filename
1915        format = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:].lower()
1916        if format not in ('xyz', 'zmat', 'sdf'):
1917            format = 'raw'
1918    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
1919        return fromstring(f.read(), format)
1922def fromstring(string, format='xyz'):
1923    '''Convert the string of the specified format to internal format
1924    (in testing)
1926    Supported formats:
1927        | raw: Each line is  <symobl> <x> <y> <z>
1928        | xyz: XYZ cartesian coordinates format
1929        | zmat: Z-matrix format
1930    '''
1931    format = format.lower()
1932    if format == 'zmat':
1933        return from_zmatrix(string)
1934    elif format == 'xyz':
1935        dat = string.splitlines()
1936        natm = int(dat[0])
1937        return '\n'.join(dat[2:natm+2])
1938    elif format == 'sdf':
1939        raw = string.splitlines()
1940        natoms, nbonds = raw[3].split()[:2]
1941        atoms = []
1942        for line in raw[4:4+int(natoms)]:
1943            d = line.split()
1944            atoms.append('%s %s %s %s' % (d[3], d[0], d[1], d[2]))
1945        return '\n'.join(atoms)
1946    elif format == 'raw':
1947        return string
1948    else:
1949        raise NotImplementedError
1953# Mole class handles three layers: input, internal format, libcint arguments.
1954# The relationship of the three layers are, eg
1955#    .atom (input) <=>  ._atom (for python) <=> ._atm (for libcint)
1956#   .basis (input) <=> ._basis (for python) <=> ._bas (for libcint)
1957# input layer does not talk to libcint directly.  Data are held in python
1958# internal fomrat layer.  Most of methods defined in this class only operates
1959# on the internal format.  Exceptions are make_env, make_atm_env, make_bas_env,
1960# set_common_orig_, set_rinv_orig_ which are used to manipulate the libcint arguments.
1962class Mole(lib.StreamObject):
1963    '''Basic class to hold molecular structure and global options
1965    Attributes:
1966        verbose : int
1967            Print level
1968        output : str or None
1969            Output file, default is None which dumps msg to sys.stdout
1970        max_memory : int, float
1971            Allowed memory in MB
1972        charge : int
1973            Charge of molecule. It affects the electron numbers
1974        spin : int or None
1975            2S, num. alpha electrons - num. beta electrons to control
1976            multiplicity. If spin = None is set, multiplicity will be guessed
1977            based on the neutral molecule.
1978        symmetry : bool or str
1979            Whether to use symmetry.  When this variable is set to True, the
1980            molecule will be rotated and the highest rotation axis will be
1981            placed z-axis.
1982            If a string is given as the name of point group, the given point
1983            group symmetry will be used.  Note that the input molecular
1984            coordinates will not be changed in this case.
1985        symmetry_subgroup : str
1986            subgroup
1988        atom : list or str
1989            To define molecluar structure.  The internal format is
1991            | atom = [[atom1, (x, y, z)],
1992            |         [atom2, (x, y, z)],
1993            |         ...
1994            |         [atomN, (x, y, z)]]
1996        unit : str
1997            Angstrom or Bohr
1998        basis : dict or str
1999            To define basis set.
2000        nucmod : dict or str or [function(nuc_charge, nucprop) => zeta]
2001            Nuclear model.  0 or None means point nuclear model.  Other
2002            values will enable Gaussian nuclear model.  If a function is
2003            assigned to this attribute, the function will be called to
2004            generate the nuclear charge distribution value "zeta" and the
2005            relevant nuclear model will be set to Gaussian model.
2006            Default is point nuclear model.
2007        nucprop : dict
2008            Nuclear properties (like g-factor 'g', quadrupole moments 'Q').
2009            It is needed by pyscf.prop module and submodules.
2010        cart : boolean
2011            Using Cartesian GTO basis and integrals (6d,10f,15g)
2013        ** Following attributes are generated by :func:`Mole.build` **
2015        stdout : file object
2016            Default is sys.stdout if :attr:`Mole.output` is not set
2017        topgroup : str
2018            Point group of the system.
2019        groupname : str
2020            The supported subgroup of the point group. It can be one of SO3,
2021            Dooh, Coov, D2h, C2h, C2v, D2, Cs, Ci, C2, C1
2022        nelectron : int
2023            sum of nuclear charges - :attr:`Mole.charge`
2024        symm_orb : a list of numpy.ndarray
2025            Symmetry adapted basis.  Each element is a set of symm-adapted orbitals
2026            for one irreducible representation.  The list index does **not** correspond
2027            to the id of irreducible representation.
2028        irrep_id : a list of int
2029            Each element is one irreducible representation id associated with the basis
2030            stored in symm_orb.  One irrep id stands for one irreducible representation
2031            symbol.  The irrep symbol and the relevant id are defined in
2032            :attr:`symm.param.IRREP_ID_TABLE`
2033        irrep_name : a list of str
2034            Each element is one irreducible representation symbol associated with the basis
2035            stored in symm_orb.  The irrep symbols are defined in
2036            :attr:`symm.param.IRREP_ID_TABLE`
2037        _built : bool
2038            To label whether :func:`Mole.build` has been called.  It is to
2039            ensure certain functions being initialized only once.
2040        _basis : dict
2041            like :attr:`Mole.basis`, the internal format which is returned from the
2042            parser :func:`format_basis`
2043        _keys : a set of str
2044            Store the keys appeared in the module.  It is used to check misinput attributes
2046        ** Following attributes are arguments used by ``libcint`` library **
2048        _atm :
2049            :code:`[[charge, ptr-of-coord, nuc-model, ptr-zeta, 0, 0], [...]]`
2050            each element reperesents one atom
2051        natm :
2052            number of atoms
2053        _bas :
2054            :code:`[[atom-id, angular-momentum, num-primitive-GTO, num-contracted-GTO, 0, ptr-of-exps, ptr-of-contract-coeff, 0], [...]]`
2055            each element reperesents one shell
2056        nbas :
2057            number of shells
2058        _env :
2059            list of floats to store the coordinates, GTO exponents, contract-coefficients
2061    Examples:
2063    >>> mol = Mole(atom='H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto3g').build()
2064    >>> print(mol.atom_symbol(0))
2065    H^2
2066    >>> print(mol.atom_pure_symbol(0))
2067    H
2068    >>> print(mol.nao_nr())
2069    2
2070    >>> print(mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph'))
2071    [[ 0.99999999  0.43958641]
2072     [ 0.43958641  0.99999999]]
2073    >>> mol.charge = 1
2074    >>> mol.build()
2075    <class 'pyscf.gto.mole.Mole'> has no attributes Charge
2076    '''  # noqa: E501
2078    verbose = getattr(__config__, 'VERBOSE', logger.NOTE)
2080    # the unit (angstrom/bohr) of the coordinates defined by the input self.atom
2081    unit = getattr(__config__, 'UNIT', 'angstrom')
2083    # Whether to hold everything in memory
2084    incore_anyway = getattr(__config__, 'INCORE_ANYWAY', False)
2086    # Using cartesian GTO (6d,10f,15g)
2087    cart = getattr(__config__, 'gto_mole_Mole_cart', False)
2089    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
2090        self.output = None
2091        self.max_memory = param.MAX_MEMORY
2093        self.charge = 0
2094        self.spin = 0 # 2j == nelec_alpha - nelec_beta
2095        self.symmetry = False
2096        self.symmetry_subgroup = None
2097        self.cart = False
2099# Save inputs
2100# self.atom = [(symb/nuc_charge, (coord(Angstrom):0.,0.,0.)), ...]
2101        self.atom = []
2102# self.basis = {atom_type/nuc_charge: [l, kappa, (expnt, c_1, c_2,..),..]}
2103        self.basis = 'sto-3g'
2104# self.nucmod = {atom_symbol: nuclear_model, atom_id: nuc_mod}, atom_id is 1-based
2105        self.nucmod = {}
2106# self.ecp = {atom_symbol: [[l, (r_order, expnt, c),...]]}
2107        self.ecp = {}
2108# Nuclear property. self.nucprop = {atom_symbol: {key: value}}
2109        self.nucprop = {}
2111# don't modify the following private variables, they are not input options
2112        self._atm = numpy.zeros((0,6), dtype=numpy.int32)
2113        self._bas = numpy.zeros((0,8), dtype=numpy.int32)
2114        self._env = numpy.zeros(PTR_ENV_START)
2115        self._ecpbas = numpy.zeros((0,8), dtype=numpy.int32)
2117        self.stdout = sys.stdout
2118        self.groupname = 'C1'
2119        self.topgroup = 'C1'
2120        self.symm_orb = None
2121        self.irrep_id = None
2122        self.irrep_name = None
2123        self._symm_orig = None
2124        self._symm_axes = None
2125        self._nelectron = None
2126        self._nao = None
2127        self._enuc = None
2128        self._atom = []
2129        self._basis = {}
2130        self._ecp = {}
2131        self._built = False
2133        # _pseudo is created to make the mol object consistenet with the mol
2134        # object converted from Cell.to_mol(). It is initialized in the
2135        # Cell.build() method only. Assigning _pseudo to mol object basically
2136        # has no effects. Mole.build() method does not have code to access the
2137        # contents of _pseudo.
2138        self._pseudo = {}
2140        keys = set(('verbose', 'unit', 'cart', 'incore_anyway'))
2141        self._keys = set(self.__dict__.keys()).union(keys)
2142        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
2144    @property
2145    def natm(self):
2146        return len(self._atm)
2147    @property
2148    def nbas(self):
2149        return len(self._bas)
2151    @property
2152    def nelec(self):
2153        ne = self.nelectron
2154        nalpha = (ne + self.spin) // 2
2155        nbeta = nalpha - self.spin
2156        assert(nalpha >= 0 and nbeta >= 0)
2157        if nalpha + nbeta != ne:
2158            raise RuntimeError('Electron number %d and spin %d are not consistent\n'
2159                               'Note mol.spin = 2S = Nalpha - Nbeta, not 2S+1' %
2160                               (ne, self.spin))
2161        return nalpha, nbeta
2162    @nelec.setter
2163    def nelec(self, neleca_nelecb):
2164        neleca, nelecb = neleca_nelecb
2165        self._nelectron = neleca + nelecb
2166        self.spin = neleca - nelecb
2168    @property
2169    def nelectron(self):
2170        if self._nelectron is None:
2171            return self.tot_electrons()
2172        else:
2173            return self._nelectron
2174    @nelectron.setter
2175    def nelectron(self, n):
2176        self._nelectron = n
2178    @property
2179    def multiplicity(self):
2180        return self.spin + 1
2181    @multiplicity.setter
2182    def multiplicity(self, x):
2183        if x is None:
2184            self.spin = None
2185        else:
2186            self.spin = x - 1
2188    @property
2189    def ms(self):
2190        '''Spin quantum number. multiplicity = ms*2+1'''
2191        if self.spin % 2 == 0:
2192            return self.spin // 2
2193        else:
2194            return self.spin * .5
2195    @ms.setter
2196    def ms(self, x):
2197        if x is None:
2198            self.spin = None
2199        else:
2200            self.spin = int(round(2*x, 4))
2202    def __getattr__(self, key):
2203        '''To support accessing methods (mol.HF, mol.KS, mol.CCSD, mol.CASSCF, ...)
2204        from Mole object.
2205        '''
2206        if key[:2] == '__':  # Skip Python builtins
2207            raise AttributeError('Mole object has no attribute %s' % key)
2208        elif key in ('_ipython_canary_method_should_not_exist_',
2209                     '_repr_mimebundle_'):
2210            # https://github.com/mewwts/addict/issues/26
2211            # https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/2014
2212            raise AttributeError
2214        # Import all available modules. Some methods are registered to other
2215        # classes/modules when importing modules in __all__.
2216        from pyscf import __all__  # noqa
2217        from pyscf import scf, dft
2218        for mod in (scf, dft):
2219            method = getattr(mod, key, None)
2220            if callable(method):
2221                return method(self)
2223        if 'TD' in key[:3]:
2224            if key in ('TDHF', 'TDA'):
2225                mf = scf.HF(self)
2226            else:
2227                mf = dft.KS(self)
2228                xc = key.split('TD', 1)[1]
2229                if xc in dft.XC:
2230                    mf.xc = xc
2231                    key = 'TDDFT'
2232        else:
2233            mf = scf.HF(self)
2235        method = getattr(mf, key, None)
2236        if method is None:
2237            raise AttributeError('Mole object has no attribute %s' % key)
2239        # Initialize SCF object for post-SCF methods if applicable
2240        if self.nelectron != 0:
2241            mf.run()
2242        return method
2244# need "deepcopy" here because in shallow copy, _env may get new elements but
2245# with ptr_env unchanged
2246# def __copy__(self):
2247#        cls = self.__class__
2248#        newmol = cls.__new__(cls)
2249#        newmol = ...
2250# do not use __copy__ to aovid iteratively call copy.copy
2251    copy = copy
2253    pack = pack
2255    @classmethod
2256    @lib.with_doc(unpack.__doc__)
2257    def unpack(cls, moldic):
2258        return unpack(moldic)
2260    @lib.with_doc(unpack.__doc__)
2261    def unpack_(self, moldic):
2262        self.__dict__.update(moldic)
2263        return self
2265    dumps = dumps
2267    @classmethod
2268    @lib.with_doc(loads.__doc__)
2269    def loads(cls, molstr):
2270        return loads(molstr)
2272    @lib.with_doc(loads.__doc__)
2273    def loads_(self, molstr):
2274        self.__dict__.update(loads(molstr).__dict__)
2275        return self
2277    def build(self, dump_input=True, parse_arg=True,
2278              verbose=None, output=None, max_memory=None,
2279              atom=None, basis=None, unit=None, nucmod=None, ecp=None,
2280              charge=None, spin=0, symmetry=None, symmetry_subgroup=None,
2281              cart=None):
2282        '''Setup moleclue and initialize some control parameters.  Whenever you
2283        change the value of the attributes of :class:`Mole`, you need call
2284        this function to refresh the internal data of Mole.
2286        Kwargs:
2287            dump_input : bool
2288                whether to dump the contents of input file in the output file
2289            parse_arg : bool
2290                whether to read the sys.argv and overwrite the relevant parameters
2291            verbose : int
2292                Print level.  If given, overwrite :attr:`Mole.verbose`
2293            output : str or None
2294                Output file.  If given, overwrite :attr:`Mole.output`
2295            max_memory : int, float
2296                Allowd memory in MB.  If given, overwrite :attr:`Mole.max_memory`
2297            atom : list or str
2298                To define molecluar structure.
2299            basis : dict or str
2300                To define basis set.
2301            nucmod : dict or str
2302                Nuclear model.  If given, overwrite :attr:`Mole.nucmod`
2303            charge : int
2304                Charge of molecule. It affects the electron numbers
2305                If given, overwrite :attr:`Mole.charge`
2306            spin : int
2307                2S, num. alpha electrons - num. beta electrons to control
2308                multiplicity. If setting spin = None , multiplicity will be
2309                guessed based on the neutral molecule.
2310                If given, overwrite :attr:`Mole.spin`
2311            symmetry : bool or str
2312                Whether to use symmetry.  If given a string of point group
2313                name, the given point group symmetry will be used.
2315        '''
2316        if not DISABLE_GC:
2317            gc.collect()  # To release circular referred objects
2319        if isinstance(dump_input, (str, unicode)):
2320            sys.stderr.write('Assigning the first argument %s to mol.atom\n' %
2321                             dump_input)
2322            dump_input, atom = True, dump_input
2324        if verbose is not None: self.verbose = verbose
2325        if output is not None: self.output = output
2326        if max_memory is not None: self.max_memory = max_memory
2327        if atom is not None: self.atom = atom
2328        if basis is not None: self.basis = basis
2329        if unit is not None: self.unit = unit
2330        if nucmod is not None: self.nucmod = nucmod
2331        if ecp is not None: self.ecp = ecp
2332        if charge is not None: self.charge = charge
2333        if spin != 0: self.spin = spin
2334        if symmetry is not None: self.symmetry = symmetry
2335        if symmetry_subgroup is not None: self.symmetry_subgroup = symmetry_subgroup
2336        if cart is not None: self.cart = cart
2338        if parse_arg:
2339            _update_from_cmdargs_(self)
2341        # avoid opening output file twice
2342        if (self.output is not None
2343            # StringIO() does not have attribute 'name'
2344            and getattr(self.stdout, 'name', None) != self.output):
2346            if self.verbose > logger.QUIET:
2347                if os.path.isfile(self.output):
2348                    print('overwrite output file: %s' % self.output)
2349                else:
2350                    print('output file: %s' % self.output)
2352            if self.output == '/dev/null':
2353                self.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
2354            else:
2355                self.stdout = open(self.output, 'w')
2357        if self.verbose >= logger.WARN:
2358            self.check_sanity()
2360        self._atom = self.format_atom(self.atom, unit=self.unit)
2361        uniq_atoms = set([a[0] for a in self._atom])
2363        if isinstance(self.basis, (str, unicode, tuple, list)):
2364            # specify global basis for whole molecule
2365            _basis = dict(((a, self.basis) for a in uniq_atoms))
2366        elif 'default' in self.basis:
2367            default_basis = self.basis['default']
2368            _basis = dict(((a, default_basis) for a in uniq_atoms))
2369            _basis.update(self.basis)
2370            del(_basis['default'])
2371        else:
2372            _basis = self.basis
2373        self._basis = self.format_basis(_basis)
2375# TODO: Consider ECP info in point group symmetry initialization
2376        if self.ecp:
2377            # Unless explicitly input, ECP should not be assigned to ghost atoms
2378            if isinstance(self.ecp, (str, unicode)):
2379                _ecp = dict([(a, str(self.ecp))
2380                             for a in uniq_atoms if not is_ghost_atom(a)])
2381            elif 'default' in self.ecp:
2382                default_ecp = self.ecp['default']
2383                _ecp = dict(((a, default_ecp)
2384                             for a in uniq_atoms if not is_ghost_atom(a)))
2385                _ecp.update(self.ecp)
2386                del(_ecp['default'])
2387            else:
2388                _ecp = self.ecp
2389            self._ecp = self.format_ecp(_ecp)
2391        env = self._env[:PTR_ENV_START]
2392        self._atm, self._bas, self._env = \
2393                self.make_env(self._atom, self._basis, env, self.nucmod,
2394                              self.nucprop)
2395        self._atm, self._ecpbas, self._env = \
2396                self.make_ecp_env(self._atm, self._ecp, self._env)
2398        if self.spin is None:
2399            self.spin = self.nelectron % 2
2400        else:
2401            # Access self.nelec in which the code checks whether the spin and
2402            # number of electrons are consistent.
2403            self.nelec
2405        if self.symmetry:
2406            self._build_symmetry()
2408        if dump_input and not self._built and self.verbose > logger.NOTE:
2409            self.dump_input()
2411        logger.debug3(self, 'arg.atm = %s', str(self._atm))
2412        logger.debug3(self, 'arg.bas = %s', str(self._bas))
2413        logger.debug3(self, 'arg.env = %s', str(self._env))
2414        logger.debug3(self, 'ecpbas  = %s', str(self._ecpbas))
2416        self._built = True
2417        return self
2418    kernel = build
2420    def _build_symmetry(self):
2421        '''
2422        Update symmetry related attributes: topgroup, groupname, _symm_orig,
2423        _symm_axes, irrep_id, irrep_name, symm_orb
2424        '''
2425        from pyscf import symm
2426        self.topgroup, orig, axes = symm.detect_symm(self._atom, self._basis)
2428        if isinstance(self.symmetry, (str, unicode)):
2429            self.symmetry = str(symm.std_symb(self.symmetry))
2430            try:
2431                self.groupname, axes = symm.as_subgroup(self.topgroup, axes,
2432                                                        self.symmetry)
2433            except PointGroupSymmetryError:
2434                raise PointGroupSymmetryError(
2435                    'Unable to identify input symmetry %s. Try symmetry="%s"' %
2436                    (self.symmetry, self.topgroup))
2437        else:
2438            self.groupname, axes = symm.as_subgroup(self.topgroup, axes,
2439                                                    self.symmetry_subgroup)
2440        self._symm_orig = orig
2441        self._symm_axes = axes
2443        if self.cart and self.groupname in ('Dooh', 'Coov', 'SO3'):
2444            if self.groupname == 'Coov':
2445                self.groupname, lgroup = 'C2v', self.groupname
2446            else:
2447                self.groupname, lgroup = 'D2h', self.groupname
2448            logger.warn(self, 'This version does not support symmetry %s '
2449                        'for cartesian GTO basis. Its subgroup %s is used',
2450                        lgroup, self.groupname)
2452        self.symm_orb, self.irrep_id = \
2453                symm.symm_adapted_basis(self, self.groupname, orig, axes)
2454        self.irrep_name = [symm.irrep_id2name(self.groupname, ir)
2455                           for ir in self.irrep_id]
2456        return self
2458    @lib.with_doc(format_atom.__doc__)
2459    def format_atom(self, atom, origin=0, axes=None, unit='Ang'):
2460        return format_atom(atom, origin, axes, unit)
2462    @lib.with_doc(format_basis.__doc__)
2463    def format_basis(self, basis_tab):
2464        return format_basis(basis_tab)
2466    @lib.with_doc(format_ecp.__doc__)
2467    def format_ecp(self, ecp_tab):
2468        return format_ecp(ecp_tab)
2470    @lib.with_doc(expand_etb.__doc__)
2471    def expand_etb(self, l, n, alpha, beta):
2472        return expand_etb(l, n, alpha, beta)
2474    @lib.with_doc(expand_etbs.__doc__)
2475    def expand_etbs(self, etbs):
2476        return expand_etbs(etbs)
2477    etbs = expand_etbs
2479    @lib.with_doc(make_env.__doc__)
2480    def make_env(self, atoms, basis, pre_env=[], nucmod={}, nucprop=None):
2481        if nucprop is None:
2482            nucprop = self.nucprop
2483        return make_env(atoms, basis, pre_env, nucmod, nucprop)
2485    @lib.with_doc(make_atm_env.__doc__)
2486    def make_atm_env(self, atom, ptr=0, nucmod=NUC_POINT, nucprop=None):
2487        if nucprop is None:
2488            nucprop = self.nucprop.get(atom[0], {})
2489        return make_atm_env(atom, ptr, nucmod, nucprop)
2491    @lib.with_doc(make_bas_env.__doc__)
2492    def make_bas_env(self, basis_add, atom_id=0, ptr=0):
2493        return make_bas_env(basis_add, atom_id, ptr)
2495    @lib.with_doc(make_ecp_env.__doc__)
2496    def make_ecp_env(self, _atm, _ecp, pre_env=[]):
2497        if _ecp:
2498            _atm, _ecpbas, _env = make_ecp_env(self, _atm, _ecp, pre_env)
2499        else:
2500            _atm, _ecpbas, _env = _atm, numpy.zeros((0,BAS_SLOTS)), pre_env
2501        return _atm, _ecpbas, _env
2503    tot_electrons = tot_electrons
2505    @lib.with_doc(gto_norm.__doc__)
2506    def gto_norm(self, l, expnt):
2507        return gto_norm(l, expnt)
2510    def dump_input(self):
2511        import __main__
2512        if hasattr(__main__, '__file__'):
2513            try:
2514                filename = os.path.abspath(__main__.__file__)
2515                finput = open(filename, 'r')
2516                self.stdout.write('#INFO: **** input file is %s ****\n' % filename)
2517                self.stdout.write(finput.read())
2518                self.stdout.write('#INFO: ******************** input file end ********************\n')
2519                self.stdout.write('\n')
2520                self.stdout.write('\n')
2521                finput.close()
2522            except IOError:
2523                logger.warn(self, 'input file does not exist')
2525        self.stdout.write('System: %s  Threads %s\n' %
2526                          (str(platform.uname()), lib.num_threads()))
2527        self.stdout.write('Python %s\n' % sys.version)
2528        self.stdout.write('numpy %s  scipy %s\n' %
2529                          (numpy.__version__, scipy.__version__))
2530        self.stdout.write('Date: %s\n' % time.ctime())
2531        import pyscf
2532        self.stdout.write('PySCF version %s\n' % pyscf.__version__)
2533        info = lib.repo_info(os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..'))
2534        self.stdout.write('PySCF path  %s\n' % info['path'])
2535        if 'git' in info:
2536            self.stdout.write(info['git'] + '\n')
2538        self.stdout.write('\n')
2539        for key in os.environ:
2540            if 'PYSCF' in key:
2541                self.stdout.write('[ENV] %s %s\n' % (key, os.environ[key]))
2542        if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG2:
2543            for key in dir(__config__):
2544                if key[:2] != '__':
2545                    self.stdout.write('[CONFIG] %s = %s\n' %
2546                                      (key, getattr(__config__, key)))
2547        else:
2548            conf_file = getattr(__config__, 'conf_file', None)
2549            self.stdout.write('[CONFIG] conf_file %s\n' % conf_file)
2551        self.stdout.write('[INPUT] verbose = %d\n' % self.verbose)
2552        if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
2553            self.stdout.write('[INPUT] max_memory = %s \n' % self.max_memory)
2554        self.stdout.write('[INPUT] num. atoms = %d\n' % self.natm)
2555        self.stdout.write('[INPUT] num. electrons = %d\n' % self.nelectron)
2556        self.stdout.write('[INPUT] charge = %d\n' % self.charge)
2557        self.stdout.write('[INPUT] spin (= nelec alpha-beta = 2S) = %d\n' % self.spin)
2558        self.stdout.write('[INPUT] symmetry %s subgroup %s\n' %
2559                          (self.symmetry, self.symmetry_subgroup))
2560        self.stdout.write('[INPUT] Mole.unit = %s\n' % self.unit)
2561        if self.cart:
2562            self.stdout.write('[INPUT] Cartesian GTO integrals (6d 10f)\n')
2564        for ia,atom in enumerate(self._atom):
2565            coorda = tuple([x * param.BOHR for x in atom[1]])
2566            coordb = tuple([x for x in atom[1]])
2567            self.stdout.write('[INPUT]%3d %-4s %16.12f %16.12f %16.12f AA  '
2568                              '%16.12f %16.12f %16.12f Bohr\n'
2569                              % ((ia+1, _symbol(atom[0])) + coorda + coordb))
2570        if self.nucmod:
2571            if isinstance(self.nucmod, (int, str, unicode,
2572                                        types.FunctionType)):
2573                nucatms = [_symbol(atom[0]) for atom in self._atom]
2574            else:
2575                nucatms = self.nucmod.keys()
2576            self.stdout.write('[INPUT] Gaussian nuclear model for atoms %s\n' %
2577                              nucatms)
2579        if self.nucprop:
2580            self.stdout.write('[INPUT] nucprop %s\n' % self.nucprop)
2582        if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
2583            self.stdout.write('[INPUT] ---------------- BASIS SET ---------------- \n')
2584            self.stdout.write('[INPUT] l, kappa, [nprim/nctr], '
2585                              'expnt,             c_1 c_2 ...\n')
2586            for atom, basis_set in self._basis.items():
2587                self.stdout.write('[INPUT] %s\n' % atom)
2588                for b in basis_set:
2589                    if isinstance(b[1], int):
2590                        kappa = b[1]
2591                        b_coeff = b[2:]
2592                    else:
2593                        kappa = 0
2594                        b_coeff = b[1:]
2595                    nprim = len(b_coeff)
2596                    nctr = len(b_coeff[0])-1
2597                    if nprim < nctr:
2598                        logger.warn(self, 'num. primitives smaller than num. contracted basis')
2599                    self.stdout.write('[INPUT] %d   %2d    [%-5d/%-4d]  '
2600                                      % (b[0], kappa, nprim, nctr))
2601                    for k, x in enumerate(b_coeff):
2602                        if k == 0:
2603                            self.stdout.write('%-15.12g  ' % x[0])
2604                        else:
2605                            self.stdout.write(' '*32+'%-15.12g  ' % x[0])
2606                        for c in x[1:]:
2607                            self.stdout.write(' %4.12g' % c)
2608                        self.stdout.write('\n')
2610        if self.verbose >= logger.INFO:
2611            self.stdout.write('\n')
2612            logger.info(self, 'nuclear repulsion = %.15g', self.energy_nuc())
2613            if self.symmetry:
2614                if self.topgroup == self.groupname:
2615                    logger.info(self, 'point group symmetry = %s', self.topgroup)
2616                else:
2617                    logger.info(self, 'point group symmetry = %s, use subgroup %s',
2618                                self.topgroup, self.groupname)
2619                for ir in range(self.symm_orb.__len__()):
2620                    logger.info(self, 'num. orbitals of irrep %s = %d',
2621                                self.irrep_name[ir], self.symm_orb[ir].shape[1])
2622            logger.info(self, 'number of shells = %d', self.nbas)
2623            logger.info(self, 'number of NR pGTOs = %d', self.npgto_nr())
2624            logger.info(self, 'number of NR cGTOs = %d', self.nao_nr())
2625            logger.info(self, 'basis = %s', self.basis)
2626            logger.info(self, 'ecp = %s', self.ecp)
2627        if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG2:
2628            for i in range(len(self._bas)):
2629                exps = self.bas_exp(i)
2630                logger.debug1(self, 'bas %d, expnt(s) = %s', i, str(exps))
2632        logger.info(self, 'CPU time: %12.2f', logger.process_clock())
2633        return self
2635    def set_common_origin(self, coord):
2636        '''Update common origin for integrals of dipole, rxp etc.
2637        **Note** the unit of the coordinates needs to be Bohr
2639        Examples:
2641        >>> mol.set_common_origin(0)
2642        >>> mol.set_common_origin((1,0,0))
2643        '''
2644        self._env[PTR_COMMON_ORIG:PTR_COMMON_ORIG+3] = coord
2645        return self
2646    set_common_orig = set_common_origin
2647    set_common_orig_ = set_common_orig    # for backward compatibility
2648    set_common_origin_ = set_common_orig  # for backward compatibility
2650    def with_common_origin(self, coord):
2651        '''Retuen a temporary mol context which has the rquired common origin.
2652        The required common origin has no effects out of the temporary context.
2653        See also :func:`mol.set_common_origin`
2655        Examples:
2657        >>> with mol.with_common_origin((1,0,0)):
2658        ...     mol.intor('int1e_r', comp=3)
2659        '''
2660        coord0 = self._env[PTR_COMMON_ORIG:PTR_COMMON_ORIG+3].copy()
2661        return self._TemporaryMoleContext(self.set_common_origin, (coord,), (coord0,))
2662    with_common_orig = with_common_origin
2664    def set_rinv_origin(self, coord):
2665        r'''Update origin for operator :math:`\frac{1}{|r-R_O|}`.
2666        **Note** the unit is Bohr
2668        Examples:
2670        >>> mol.set_rinv_origin(0)
2671        >>> mol.set_rinv_origin((0,1,0))
2672        '''
2673        self._env[PTR_RINV_ORIG:PTR_RINV_ORIG+3] = coord[:3]
2674        return self
2675    set_rinv_orig = set_rinv_origin
2676    set_rinv_orig_ = set_rinv_orig    # for backward compatibility
2677    set_rinv_origin_ = set_rinv_orig  # for backward compatibility
2679    def with_rinv_origin(self, coord):
2680        '''Retuen a temporary mol context which has the rquired origin of 1/r
2681        operator.  The required origin has no effects out of the temporary
2682        context.  See also :func:`mol.set_rinv_origin`
2684        Examples:
2686        >>> with mol.with_rinv_origin((1,0,0)):
2687        ...     mol.intor('int1e_rinv')
2688        '''
2689        coord0 = self._env[PTR_RINV_ORIG:PTR_RINV_ORIG+3].copy()
2690        return self._TemporaryMoleContext(self.set_rinv_origin, (coord,), (coord0,))
2691    with_rinv_orig = with_rinv_origin
2693    def set_range_coulomb(self, omega):
2694        '''Switch on range-separated Coulomb operator for **all** 2e integrals
2696        Args:
2697            omega : double
2699                | = 0 : Regular electron repulsion integral
2700                | > 0 : Long-range operator  erf(omega r12) / r12
2701                | < 0 : Short-range operator  erfc(omega r12) /r12
2702        '''
2703        if omega is None:
2704            self._env[PTR_RANGE_OMEGA] = 0
2705        else:
2706            self._env[PTR_RANGE_OMEGA] = omega
2707    set_range_coulomb_ = set_range_coulomb  # for backward compatibility
2709    @property
2710    def omega(self):
2711        return self._env[PTR_RANGE_OMEGA]
2712    omega = omega.setter(set_range_coulomb)
2714    def with_range_coulomb(self, omega):
2715        '''Retuen a temporary mol context which sets the required parameter
2716        omega for range-separated Coulomb operator.
2717        If omega = None, return the context for regular Coulomb integrals.
2718        See also :func:`mol.set_range_coulomb`
2720        Examples:
2722        >>> with mol.with_range_coulomb(omega=1.5):
2723        ...     mol.intor('int2e')
2724        '''
2725        omega0 = self._env[PTR_RANGE_OMEGA].copy()
2726        return self._TemporaryMoleContext(self.set_range_coulomb, (omega,), (omega0,))
2728    def with_long_range_coulomb(self, omega):
2729        '''Retuen a temporary mol context for long-range part of
2730        range-separated Coulomb operator.
2731        '''
2732        return self.with_range_coulomb(abs(omega))
2734    def with_short_range_coulomb(self, omega):
2735        '''Retuen a temporary mol context for short-range part of
2736        range-separated Coulomb operator.
2737        '''
2738        return self.with_range_coulomb(-abs(omega))
2740    def set_f12_zeta(self, zeta):
2741        '''Set zeta for YP exp(-zeta r12)/r12 or STG exp(-zeta r12) type integrals
2742        '''
2743        self._env[PTR_F12_ZETA] = zeta
2745    def set_nuc_mod(self, atm_id, zeta):
2746        '''Change the nuclear charge distribution of the given atom ID.  The charge
2747        distribution is defined as: rho(r) = nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2).
2748        This function can **only** be called after .build() method is executed.
2750        Examples:
2752        >>> for ia in range(mol.natm):
2753        ...     zeta = gto.filatov_nuc_mod(mol.atom_charge(ia))
2754        ...     mol.set_nuc_mod(ia, zeta)
2755        '''
2756        ptr = self._atm[atm_id,PTR_ZETA]
2757        self._env[ptr] = zeta
2758        if zeta == 0:
2759            self._atm[atm_id,NUC_MOD_OF] = NUC_POINT
2760        else:
2761            self._atm[atm_id,NUC_MOD_OF] = NUC_GAUSS
2762        return self
2763    set_nuc_mod_ = set_nuc_mod  # for backward compatibility
2765    def set_rinv_zeta(self, zeta):
2766        '''Assume the charge distribution on the "rinv_origin".  zeta is the parameter
2767        to control the charge distribution: rho(r) = Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2).
2768        **Be careful** when call this function. It affects the behavior of
2769        int1e_rinv_* functions.  Make sure to set it back to 0 after using it!
2770        '''
2771        self._env[PTR_RINV_ZETA] = zeta
2772        return self
2773    set_rinv_zeta_ = set_rinv_zeta  # for backward compatibility
2775    def with_rinv_zeta(self, zeta):
2776        '''Retuen a temporary mol context which has the rquired Gaussian charge
2777        distribution placed at "rinv_origin": rho(r) = Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2).
2778        See also :func:`mol.set_rinv_zeta`
2780        Examples:
2782        >>> with mol.with_rinv_zeta(zeta=1.5), mol.with_rinv_origin((1.,0,0)):
2783        ...     mol.intor('int1e_rinv')
2784        '''
2785        zeta0 = self._env[PTR_RINV_ZETA].copy()
2786        return self._TemporaryMoleContext(self.set_rinv_zeta, (zeta,), (zeta0,))
2788    def with_rinv_at_nucleus(self, atm_id):
2789        '''Retuen a temporary mol context in which the rinv operator (1/r) is
2790        treated like the Coulomb potential of a Gaussian charge distribution
2791        rho(r) = Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2) at the place of the input atm_id.
2793        Examples:
2795        >>> with mol.with_rinv_at_nucleus(3):
2796        ...     mol.intor('int1e_rinv')
2797        '''
2798        zeta = self._env[self._atm[atm_id,PTR_ZETA]]
2799        rinv = self.atom_coord(atm_id)
2800        if zeta == 0:
2801            self._env[AS_RINV_ORIG_ATOM] = atm_id  # required by ecp gradients
2802            return self.with_rinv_origin(rinv)
2803        else:
2804            self._env[AS_RINV_ORIG_ATOM] = atm_id  # required by ecp gradients
2805            rinv0 = self._env[PTR_RINV_ORIG:PTR_RINV_ORIG+3].copy()
2806            zeta0 = self._env[PTR_RINV_ZETA].copy()
2808            def set_rinv(z, r):
2809                self._env[PTR_RINV_ZETA] = z
2810                self._env[PTR_RINV_ORIG:PTR_RINV_ORIG+3] = r
2811            return self._TemporaryMoleContext(set_rinv, (zeta,rinv), (zeta0,rinv0))
2812    with_rinv_as_nucleus = with_rinv_at_nucleus  # For backward compatibility
2814    def with_integral_screen(self, threshold):
2815        '''Retuen a temporary mol context which has the rquired integral
2816        screen threshold
2817        '''
2818        expcutoff0 = self._env[PTR_EXPCUTOFF]
2819        expcutoff = abs(numpy.log(threshold))
2820        def set_cutoff(cut):
2821            self._env[PTR_EXPCUTOFF] = cut
2822        return self._TemporaryMoleContext(set_cutoff, (expcutoff,), (expcutoff0,))
2824    def set_geom_(self, atoms_or_coords, unit=None, symmetry=None,
2825                  inplace=True):
2826        '''Update geometry
2827        '''
2828        import copy
2829        if inplace:
2830            mol = self
2831        else:
2832            mol = copy.copy(self)
2833            mol._env = mol._env.copy()
2834        if unit is None:
2835            unit = mol.unit
2836        else:
2837            mol.unit = unit
2838        if symmetry is None:
2839            symmetry = mol.symmetry
2841        if isinstance(atoms_or_coords, numpy.ndarray):
2842            mol.atom = list(zip([x[0] for x in mol._atom],
2843                                atoms_or_coords.tolist()))
2844        else:
2845            mol.atom = atoms_or_coords
2847        if isinstance(atoms_or_coords, numpy.ndarray) and not symmetry:
2848            mol._atom = mol.atom
2850            if isinstance(unit, (str, unicode)):
2851                if unit.upper().startswith(('B', 'AU')):
2852                    unit = 1.
2853                else: #unit[:3].upper() == 'ANG':
2854                    unit = 1./param.BOHR
2855            else:
2856                unit = 1./unit
2857            ptr = mol._atm[:,PTR_COORD]
2858            mol._env[ptr+0] = unit * atoms_or_coords[:,0]
2859            mol._env[ptr+1] = unit * atoms_or_coords[:,1]
2860            mol._env[ptr+2] = unit * atoms_or_coords[:,2]
2861        else:
2862            mol.symmetry = symmetry
2863            mol.build(False, False)
2865        if mol.verbose >= logger.INFO:
2866            logger.info(mol, 'New geometry')
2867            for ia, atom in enumerate(mol._atom):
2868                coorda = tuple([x * param.BOHR for x in atom[1]])
2869                coordb = tuple([x for x in atom[1]])
2870                coords = coorda + coordb
2871                logger.info(mol, ' %3d %-4s %16.12f %16.12f %16.12f AA  '
2872                            '%16.12f %16.12f %16.12f Bohr\n',
2873                            ia+1, mol.atom_symbol(ia), *coords)
2874        return mol
2876    def update(self, chkfile):
2877        return self.update_from_chk(chkfile)
2878    def update_from_chk(self, chkfile):
2879        with h5py.File(chkfile, 'r') as fh5:
2880            mol = loads(fh5['mol'][()])
2881            self.__dict__.update(mol.__dict__)
2882        return self
2884    def has_ecp(self):
2885        '''Whether pseudo potential is used in the system.'''
2886        return len(self._ecpbas) > 0 or self._pseudo
2888    def has_ecp_soc(self):
2889        '''Whether spin-orbit coupling is enabled in ECP.'''
2890        return (len(self._ecpbas) > 0 and
2891                numpy.any(self._ecpbas[:,SO_TYPE_OF] == 1))
2895#NOTE: atm_id or bas_id start from 0
2896    def atom_symbol(self, atm_id):
2897        r'''For the given atom id, return the input symbol (without striping special characters)
2899        Args:
2900            atm_id : int
2901                0-based
2903        Examples:
2905        >>> mol.build(atom='H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1')
2906        >>> mol.atom_symbol(0)
2907        H^2
2908        '''
2909        return _symbol(self._atom[atm_id][0])
2911    def atom_pure_symbol(self, atm_id):
2912        r'''For the given atom id, return the standard symbol (striping special characters)
2914        Args:
2915            atm_id : int
2916                0-based
2918        Examples:
2920        >>> mol.build(atom='H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1')
2921        >>> mol.atom_symbol(0)
2922        H
2923        '''
2924        return _std_symbol(self._atom[atm_id][0])
2926    @property
2927    def elements(self):
2928        '''A list of elements in the molecule'''
2929        return [self.atom_pure_symbol(i) for i in range(self.natm)]
2931    def atom_charge(self, atm_id):
2932        r'''Nuclear effective charge of the given atom id
2933        Note "atom_charge /= charge(atom_symbol)" when ECP is enabled.
2934        Number of electrons screened by ECP can be obtained by charge(atom_symbol)-atom_charge
2936        Args:
2937            atm_id : int
2938                0-based
2940        Examples:
2942        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1')
2943        >>> mol.atom_charge(1)
2944        17
2945        '''
2946        if self._atm[atm_id,NUC_MOD_OF] != NUC_FRAC_CHARGE:
2947            # regular QM atoms
2948            return self._atm[atm_id,CHARGE_OF]
2949        else:
2950            # MM atoms with fractional charges
2951            return self._env[self._atm[atm_id,PTR_FRAC_CHARGE]]
2953    def atom_charges(self):
2954        '''np.asarray([mol.atom_charge(i) for i in range(mol.natm)])'''
2955        z = self._atm[:,CHARGE_OF]
2956        if numpy.any(self._atm[:,NUC_MOD_OF] == NUC_FRAC_CHARGE):
2957            # Create the integer nuclear charges first then replace the MM
2958            # particles with the MM charges that saved in _env[PTR_FRAC_CHARGE]
2959            z = numpy.array(z, dtype=numpy.double)
2960            idx = self._atm[:,NUC_MOD_OF] == NUC_FRAC_CHARGE
2961            # MM fractional charges can be positive or negative
2962            z[idx] = self._env[self._atm[idx,PTR_FRAC_CHARGE]]
2963        return z
2965    def atom_nelec_core(self, atm_id):
2966        '''Number of core electrons for pseudo potential.
2967        '''
2968        return charge(self.atom_symbol(atm_id)) - self.atom_charge(atm_id)
2970    def atom_coord(self, atm_id, unit='Bohr'):
2971        r'''Coordinates (ndarray) of the given atom id
2973        Args:
2974            atm_id : int
2975                0-based
2977        Examples:
2979        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1')
2980        >>> mol.atom_coord(1)
2981        [ 0.          0.          2.07869874]
2982        '''
2983        ptr = self._atm[atm_id,PTR_COORD]
2984        if unit[:3].upper() == 'ANG':
2985            return self._env[ptr:ptr+3] * param.BOHR
2986        else:
2987            return self._env[ptr:ptr+3].copy()
2989    def atom_coords(self, unit='Bohr'):
2990        '''np.asarray([mol.atom_coords(i) for i in range(mol.natm)])'''
2991        ptr = self._atm[:,PTR_COORD]
2992        c = self._env[numpy.vstack((ptr,ptr+1,ptr+2)).T].copy()
2993        if unit[:3].upper() == 'ANG':
2994            c *= param.BOHR
2995        return c
2997    atom_mass_list = atom_mass_list
2999    def atom_nshells(self, atm_id):
3000        r'''Number of basis/shells of the given atom
3002        Args:
3003            atm_id : int
3004                0-based
3006        Examples:
3008        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1')
3009        >>> mol.atom_nshells(1)
3010        5
3011        '''
3012        return (self._bas[:,ATOM_OF] == atm_id).sum()
3014    def atom_shell_ids(self, atm_id):
3015        r'''A list of the shell-ids of the given atom
3017        Args:
3018            atm_id : int
3019                0-based
3021        Examples:
3023        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
3024        >>> mol.atom_shell_ids(1)
3025        [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
3026        '''
3027        return numpy.where(self._bas[:,ATOM_OF] == atm_id)[0]
3029    def bas_coord(self, bas_id):
3030        r'''Coordinates (ndarray) associated with the given basis id
3032        Args:
3033            bas_id : int
3034                0-based
3036        Examples:
3038        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1')
3039        >>> mol.bas_coord(1)
3040        [ 0.          0.          2.07869874]
3041        '''
3042        atm_id = self.bas_atom(bas_id)
3043        ptr = self._atm[atm_id,PTR_COORD]
3044        return self._env[ptr:ptr+3].copy()
3046    def bas_atom(self, bas_id):
3047        r'''The atom (0-based id) that the given basis sits on
3049        Args:
3050            bas_id : int
3051                0-based
3053        Examples:
3055        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
3056        >>> mol.bas_atom(7)
3057        1
3058        '''
3059        return self._bas[bas_id,ATOM_OF].copy()
3061    def bas_angular(self, bas_id):
3062        r'''The angular momentum associated with the given basis
3064        Args:
3065            bas_id : int
3066                0-based
3068        Examples:
3070        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
3071        >>> mol.bas_atom(7)
3072        2
3073        '''
3074        return self._bas[bas_id,ANG_OF].copy()
3076    def bas_nctr(self, bas_id):
3077        r'''The number of contracted GTOs for the given shell
3079        Args:
3080            bas_id : int
3081                0-based
3083        Examples:
3085        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
3086        >>> mol.bas_atom(3)
3087        3
3088        '''
3089        return self._bas[bas_id,NCTR_OF].copy()
3091    def bas_nprim(self, bas_id):
3092        r'''The number of primitive GTOs for the given shell
3094        Args:
3095            bas_id : int
3096                0-based
3098        Examples:
3100        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
3101        >>> mol.bas_atom(3)
3102        11
3103        '''
3104        return self._bas[bas_id,NPRIM_OF].copy()
3106    def bas_kappa(self, bas_id):
3107        r'''Kappa (if l < j, -l-1, else l) of the given shell
3109        Args:
3110            bas_id : int
3111                0-based
3113        Examples:
3115        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
3116        >>> mol.bas_kappa(3)
3117        0
3118        '''
3119        return self._bas[bas_id,KAPPA_OF].copy()
3121    def bas_exp(self, bas_id):
3122        r'''exponents (ndarray) of the given shell
3124        Args:
3125            bas_id : int
3126                0-based
3128        Examples:
3130        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
3131        >>> mol.bas_kappa(0)
3132        [ 13.01     1.962    0.4446]
3133        '''
3134        nprim = self.bas_nprim(bas_id)
3135        ptr = self._bas[bas_id,PTR_EXP]
3136        return self._env[ptr:ptr+nprim].copy()
3138    def _libcint_ctr_coeff(self, bas_id):
3139        nprim = self.bas_nprim(bas_id)
3140        nctr = self.bas_nctr(bas_id)
3141        ptr = self._bas[bas_id,PTR_COEFF]
3142        return self._env[ptr:ptr+nprim*nctr].reshape(nctr,nprim).T
3144    def bas_ctr_coeff(self, bas_id):
3145        r'''Contract coefficients (ndarray) of the given shell
3147        Args:
3148            bas_id : int
3149                0-based
3151        Examples:
3153        >>> mol.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz')
3154        >>> mol.bas_ctr_coeff(0)
3155        [[ 10.03400444]
3156         [  4.1188704 ]
3157         [  1.53971186]]
3158        '''
3159        l = self.bas_angular(bas_id)
3160        es = self.bas_exp(bas_id)
3161        cs = self._libcint_ctr_coeff(bas_id)
3162        cs = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', cs, 1/gto_norm(l, es))
3163        return cs
3165    def bas_len_spinor(self, bas_id):
3166        '''The number of spinor associated with given basis
3167        If kappa is 0, return 4l+2
3168        '''
3169        l = self.bas_angular(bas_id)
3170        k = self.bas_kappa(bas_id)
3171        return len_spinor(l, k)
3173    def bas_len_cart(self, bas_id):
3174        '''The number of Cartesian function associated with given basis
3175        '''
3176        return len_cart(self._bas[bas_id,ANG_OF])
3179    npgto_nr = npgto_nr
3181    nao_nr = nao_nr
3182    nao_2c = nao_2c
3183    nao_cart = nao_cart
3185    nao_nr_range = nao_nr_range
3186    nao_2c_range = nao_2c_range
3188    ao_loc_nr = ao_loc_nr
3189    ao_loc_2c = ao_loc_2c
3191    @property
3192    def nao(self):
3193        if self._nao is None:
3194            return self.nao_nr()
3195        else:
3196            return self._nao
3197    @nao.setter
3198    def nao(self, x):
3199        self._nao = x
3201    ao_loc = property(ao_loc_nr)
3203    tmap = time_reversal_map = time_reversal_map
3205    inertia_moment = inertia_moment
3207    tostring = tostring
3208    tofile = tofile
3210    def fromstring(self, string, format='xyz'):
3211        '''Update the Mole object based on the input geometry string'''
3212        atom = self.format_atom(fromstring(string, format), unit=1)
3213        self.set_geom_(atom, unit='Angstrom', inplace=True)
3214        if format == 'sdf' and 'M  CHG' in string:
3215            raise NotImplementedError
3216            #FIXME self.charge = 0
3217        return self
3219    def fromfile(self, filename, format=None):
3220        '''Update the Mole object based on the input geometry file'''
3221        atom = self.format_atom(fromfile(filename, format), unit=1)
3222        self.set_geom_(atom, unit='Angstrom', inplace=True)
3223        if format == 'sdf':
3224            raise NotImplementedError
3225        return self
3227    def intor(self, intor, comp=None, hermi=0, aosym='s1', out=None,
3228              shls_slice=None, grids=None):
3229        '''Integral generator.
3231        Args:
3232            intor : str
3233                Name of the 1e or 2e AO integrals.  Ref to :func:`getints` for the
3234                complete list of available 1-electron integral names
3236        Kwargs:
3237            comp : int
3238                Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp_sph has 3 components.
3239            hermi : int
3240                Symmetry of the integrals
3242                | 0 : no symmetry assumed (default)
3243                | 1 : hermitian
3244                | 2 : anti-hermitian
3246            grids : ndarray
3247                Coordinates of grids for the int1e_grids integrals
3249        Returns:
3250            ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
3252        Examples:
3254        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto-3g')
3255        >>> mol.intor('int1e_ipnuc_sph', comp=3) # <nabla i | V_nuc | j>
3256        [[[ 0.          0.        ]
3257          [ 0.          0.        ]]
3258         [[ 0.          0.        ]
3259          [ 0.          0.        ]]
3260         [[ 0.10289944  0.48176097]
3261          [-0.48176097 -0.10289944]]]
3262        >>> mol.intor('int1e_nuc_spinor')
3263        [[-1.69771092+0.j  0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j  0.00000000+0.j]
3264         [ 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j  0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j]
3265         [-0.67146312+0.j  0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j  0.00000000+0.j]
3266         [ 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j  0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j]]
3267        '''
3268        if not self._built:
3269            logger.warn(self, 'Warning: intor envs of %s not initialized.', self)
3270            # FIXME: Whether to check _built and call build?  ._bas and .basis
3271            # may not be consistent. calling .build() may leads to wrong intor env.
3272            #self.build(False, False)
3273        intor = self._add_suffix(intor)
3274        bas = self._bas
3275        env = self._env
3276        if 'ECP' in intor:
3277            assert(self._ecp is not None)
3278            bas = numpy.vstack((self._bas, self._ecpbas))
3279            env[AS_ECPBAS_OFFSET] = len(self._bas)
3280            env[AS_NECPBAS] = len(self._ecpbas)
3281            if shls_slice is None:
3282                shls_slice = (0, self.nbas, 0, self.nbas)
3283        elif '_grids' in intor:
3284            assert grids is not None
3285            env = numpy.append(env, grids.ravel())
3286            env[NGRIDS] = grids.shape[0]
3287            env[PTR_GRIDS] = env.size - grids.size
3288        return moleintor.getints(intor, self._atm, bas, env,
3289                                 shls_slice, comp, hermi, aosym, out=out)
3291    def _add_suffix(self, intor, cart=None):
3292        if not (intor[:4] == 'cint' or
3293                intor.endswith(('_sph', '_cart', '_spinor', '_ssc'))):
3294            if cart is None:
3295                cart = self.cart
3296            if cart:
3297                intor = intor + '_cart'
3298            else:
3299                intor = intor + '_sph'
3300        return intor
3302    def intor_symmetric(self, intor, comp=None, grids=None):
3303        '''One-electron integral generator. The integrals are assumed to be hermitian
3305        Args:
3306            intor : str
3307                Name of the 1-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints` for the
3308                complete list of available 1-electron integral names
3310        Kwargs:
3311            comp : int
3312                Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp_sph has 3 components.
3313            grids : ndarray
3314                Coordinates of grids for the int1e_grids integrals
3316        Returns:
3317            ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
3319        Examples:
3321        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto-3g')
3322        >>> mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_nuc_spinor')
3323        [[-1.69771092+0.j  0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j  0.00000000+0.j]
3324         [ 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j  0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j]
3325         [-0.67146312+0.j  0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j  0.00000000+0.j]
3326         [ 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j  0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j]]
3327        '''
3328        return self.intor(intor, comp, 1, aosym='s4', grids=grids)
3330    def intor_asymmetric(self, intor, comp=None, grids=None):
3331        '''One-electron integral generator. The integrals are assumed to be anti-hermitian
3333        Args:
3334            intor : str
3335                Name of the 1-electron integral.  Ref to :func:`getints` for the
3336                complete list of available 1-electron integral names
3338        Kwargs:
3339            comp : int
3340                Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp has 3 components.
3341            grids : ndarray
3342                Coordinates of grids for the int1e_grids integrals
3344        Returns:
3345            ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
3347        Examples:
3349        >>> mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto-3g')
3350        >>> mol.intor_asymmetric('int1e_nuc_spinor')
3351        [[-1.69771092+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  0.67146312+0.j  0.00000000+0.j]
3352         [ 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j  0.00000000+0.j  0.67146312+0.j]
3353         [-0.67146312+0.j  0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j  0.00000000+0.j]
3354         [ 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j  0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j]]
3355        '''
3356        return self.intor(intor, comp, 2, aosym='a4', grids=grids)
3358    @lib.with_doc(moleintor.getints_by_shell.__doc__)
3359    def intor_by_shell(self, intor, shells, comp=None, grids=None):
3360        intor = self._add_suffix(intor)
3361        if 'ECP' in intor:
3362            assert(self._ecp is not None)
3363            bas = numpy.vstack((self._bas, self._ecpbas))
3364            self._env[AS_ECPBAS_OFFSET] = len(self._bas)
3365            self._env[AS_NECPBAS] = len(self._ecpbas)
3366        else:
3367            bas = self._bas
3368        return moleintor.getints_by_shell(intor, shells, self._atm, bas,
3369                                          self._env, comp)
3371    eval_ao = eval_gto = eval_gto
3373    energy_nuc = energy_nuc
3374    def get_enuc(self):
3375        return self.energy_nuc()
3377    sph_labels = spheric_labels = sph_labels
3378    cart_labels = cart_labels
3379    ao_labels = ao_labels
3381    spinor_labels = spinor_labels
3383    search_ao_label = search_ao_label
3385    def search_shell_id(self, atm_id, l):
3386        return search_shell_id(self, atm_id, l)
3388    search_ao_nr = search_ao_nr
3389    search_ao_r = search_ao_r
3391    aoslice_by_atom = aoslice_nr_by_atom = offset_ao_by_atom = offset_nr_by_atom = aoslice_by_atom
3392    aoslice_2c_by_atom = offset_2c_by_atom = offset_2c_by_atom
3394    condense_to_shell = condense_to_shell
3396    to_uncontracted_cartesian_basis = to_uncontracted_cartesian_basis
3398    __add__ = conc_mol
3400    def cart2sph_coeff(self, normalized='sp'):
3401        '''Transformation matrix that transforms Cartesian GTOs to spherical
3402        GTOs for all basis functions
3404        Kwargs:
3405            normalized : string or boolean
3406                How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized.  Except s and p functions,
3407                Cartesian GTOs do not have the universal normalization coefficients
3408                for the different components of the same shell.  The value of this
3409                argument can be one of 'sp', 'all', None.  'sp' means the Cartesian s
3410                and p basis are normalized.  'all' means all Cartesian functions are
3411                normalized.  None means none of the Cartesian functions are normalized.
3412                The default value 'sp' is the convention used by libcint library.
3414        Examples:
3416        >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='ccpvtz')
3417        >>> c = mol.cart2sph_coeff()
3418        >>> s0 = mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph')
3419        >>> s1 = c.T.dot(mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_cart')).dot(c)
3420        >>> print(abs(s1-s0).sum())
3421        >>> 4.58676826646e-15
3422        '''
3423        c2s_l = [cart2sph(l, normalized=normalized) for l in range(12)]
3424        c2s = []
3425        for ib in range(self.nbas):
3426            l = self.bas_angular(ib)
3427            for n in range(self.bas_nctr(ib)):
3428                c2s.append(c2s_l[l])
3429        return scipy.linalg.block_diag(*c2s)
3431    def sph2spinor_coeff(self):
3432        '''Transformation matrix that transforms real-spherical GTOs to spinor
3433        GTOs for all basis functions
3435        Examples:
3437        >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='ccpvtz')
3438        >>> ca, cb = mol.sph2spinor_coeff()
3439        >>> s0 = mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_spinor')
3440        >>> s1 = ca.conj().T.dot(mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph')).dot(ca)
3441        >>> s1+= cb.conj().T.dot(mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph')).dot(cb)
3442        >>> print(abs(s1-s0).max())
3443        >>> 6.66133814775e-16
3444        '''
3445        from pyscf.symm import sph
3446        return sph.sph2spinor_coeff(self)
3449    def apply(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
3450        if callable(fn):
3451            return lib.StreamObject.apply(self, fn, *args, **kwargs)
3452        elif isinstance(fn, (str, unicode)):
3453            method = getattr(self, fn.upper())
3454            return method(*args, **kwargs)
3455        else:
3456            raise TypeError('First argument of .apply method must be a '
3457                            'function/class or a name (string) of a method.')
3459    def ao2mo(self, mo_coeffs, erifile=None, dataname='eri_mo', intor='int2e',
3460              **kwargs):
3461        '''Integral transformation for arbitrary orbitals and arbitrary
3462        integrals.  See more detalied documentation in func:`ao2mo.kernel`.
3464        Args:
3465            mo_coeffs (an np array or a list of arrays) : A matrix of orbital
3466                coefficients if it is a numpy ndarray, or four sets of orbital
3467                coefficients, corresponding to the four indices of (ij|kl).
3469        Kwargs:
3470            erifile (str or h5py File or h5py Group object) : The file/object
3471                to store the transformed integrals.  If not given, the return
3472                value is an array (in memory) of the transformed integrals.
3473            dataname : str
3474                *Note* this argument is effective if erifile is given.
3475                The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format
3476                http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc1.6/UG/09_Groups.html).  By assigning
3477                different dataname, the existed integral file can be reused.  If
3478                the erifile contains the specified dataname, the old integrals
3479                will be replaced by the new one under the key dataname.
3480            intor (str) : integral name Name of the 2-electron integral.  Ref
3481                to :func:`getints_by_shell`
3482                for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
3484        Returns:
3485            An array of transformed integrals if erifile is not given.
3486            Otherwise, return the file/fileobject if erifile is assigned.
3489        Examples:
3491        >>> import pyscf
3492        >>> mol = pyscf.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g')
3493        >>> mo1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10))
3494        >>> mo2 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
3496        >>> eri1 = mol.ao2mo(mo1)
3497        >>> print(eri1.shape)
3498        (55, 55)
3500        >>> eri1 = mol.ao2mo(mo1, compact=False)
3501        >>> print(eri1.shape)
3502        (100, 100)
3504        >>> eri1 = mol.ao2mo(eri, (mo1,mo2,mo2,mo2))
3505        >>> print(eri1.shape)
3506        (80, 36)
3508        >>> eri1 = mol.ao2mo(eri, (mo1,mo2,mo2,mo2), erifile='water.h5')
3509        '''
3510        from pyscf import ao2mo
3511        return ao2mo.kernel(self, mo_coeffs, erifile, dataname, intor, **kwargs)
3513    @contextlib.contextmanager
3514    def _TemporaryMoleContext(self, method, args, args_bak):
3515        '''Almost every method depends on the Mole environment. Ensure the
3516        modification in temporary environment being thread safe
3517        '''
3518        haslock = hasattr(self, '_lock')
3519        if not haslock:
3520            self._lock = threading.RLock()
3522        with self._lock:
3523            method(*args)
3524            try:
3525                yield
3526            finally:
3527                method(*args_bak)
3528                if not haslock:
3529                    del self._lock
3531def _parse_nuc_mod(str_or_int_or_fn):
3532    nucmod = NUC_POINT
3533    if callable(str_or_int_or_fn):
3534        nucmod = str_or_int_or_fn
3535    elif (isinstance(str_or_int_or_fn, (str, unicode)) and
3536          str_or_int_or_fn[0].upper() == 'G'): # 'gauss_nuc'
3537        nucmod = NUC_GAUSS
3538    elif str_or_int_or_fn != 0:
3539        nucmod = NUC_GAUSS
3540    return nucmod
3542def _update_from_cmdargs_(mol):
3543    try:
3544        # Detect whether in Ipython shell
3545        __IPYTHON__  # noqa:
3546        return
3547    except Exception:
3548        pass
3550    if not mol._built: # parse cmdline args only once
3551        opts = cmd_args.cmd_args()
3553        if opts.verbose:
3554            mol.verbose = opts.verbose
3555        if opts.max_memory:
3556            mol.max_memory = opts.max_memory
3558        if opts.output:
3559            mol.output = opts.output
3562def from_zmatrix(atomstr):
3563    '''>>> a = """H
3564    H 1 2.67247631453057
3565    H 1 4.22555607338457 2 50.7684795164077
3566    H 1 2.90305235726773 2 79.3904651036893 3 6.20854462618583"""
3567    >>> for x in zmat2cart(a): print(x)
3568    ['H', array([ 0.,  0.,  0.])]
3569    ['H', array([ 2.67247631,  0.        ,  0.        ])]
3570    ['H', array([ 2.67247631,  0.        ,  3.27310166])]
3571    ['H', array([ 0.53449526,  0.30859098,  2.83668811])]
3572    '''
3573    from pyscf.symm import rotation_mat
3574    atomstr = atomstr.replace(';','\n').replace(',',' ')
3575    symbols = []
3576    coord = []
3577    min_items_per_line = 1
3578    for line_id, line in enumerate(atomstr.splitlines()):
3579        line = line.strip()
3580        if line and line[0] != '#':
3581            rawd = line.split()
3582            if len(rawd) < min_items_per_line:
3583                raise ValueError('Zmatrix format error at L%d %s' % (line_id, line))
3585            symbols.append(rawd[0])
3586            if len(rawd) < 3:
3587                coord.append(numpy.zeros(3))
3588                min_items_per_line = 3
3589            elif len(rawd) == 3:
3590                if DISABLE_EVAL:
3591                    coord.append(numpy.array((float(rawd[2]), 0, 0)))
3592                else:
3593                    coord.append(numpy.array((eval(rawd[2]), 0, 0)))
3594                min_items_per_line = 5
3595            elif len(rawd) == 5:
3596                if DISABLE_EVAL:
3597                    vals = rawd[1:]
3598                else:
3599                    vals = eval(','.join(rawd[1:]))
3600                bonda = int(vals[0]) - 1
3601                bond  = float(vals[1])
3602                anga  = int(vals[2]) - 1
3603                ang   = float(vals[3])/180*numpy.pi
3604                assert(ang >= 0)
3605                v1 = coord[anga] - coord[bonda]
3606                if not numpy.allclose(v1[:2], 0):
3607                    vecn = numpy.cross(v1, numpy.array((0.,0.,1.)))
3608                else: # on z
3609                    vecn = numpy.array((0.,0.,1.))
3610                rmat = rotation_mat(vecn, ang)
3611                c = numpy.dot(rmat, v1) * (bond/numpy.linalg.norm(v1))
3612                coord.append(coord[bonda]+c)
3613                min_items_per_line = 7
3614            else:
3615                if DISABLE_EVAL:
3616                    vals = rawd[1:]
3617                else:
3618                    vals = eval(','.join(rawd[1:]))
3619                bonda = int(vals[0]) - 1
3620                bond  = float(vals[1])
3621                anga  = int(vals[2]) - 1
3622                ang   = float(vals[3])/180*numpy.pi
3623                assert(ang >= 0 and ang <= numpy.pi)
3624                v1 = coord[anga] - coord[bonda]
3625                v1 /= numpy.linalg.norm(v1)
3626                if ang < 1e-7:
3627                    c = v1 * bond
3628                elif numpy.pi-ang < 1e-7:
3629                    c = -v1 * bond
3630                else:
3631                    diha  = int(vals[4]) - 1
3632                    dih   = float(vals[5])/180*numpy.pi
3633                    v2 = coord[diha] - coord[anga]
3634                    vecn = numpy.cross(v2, -v1)
3635                    vecn_norm = numpy.linalg.norm(vecn)
3636                    if vecn_norm < 1e-7:
3637                        if not numpy.allclose(v1[:2], 0):
3638                            vecn = numpy.cross(v1, numpy.array((0.,0.,1.)))
3639                        else: # on z
3640                            vecn = numpy.array((0.,0.,1.))
3641                        rmat = rotation_mat(vecn, ang)
3642                        c = numpy.dot(rmat, v1) * bond
3643                    else:
3644                        rmat = rotation_mat(v1, -dih)
3645                        vecn = numpy.dot(rmat, vecn) / vecn_norm
3646                        rmat = rotation_mat(vecn, ang)
3647                        c = numpy.dot(rmat, v1) * bond
3648                coord.append(coord[bonda]+c)
3649    atoms = list(zip([_atom_symbol(x) for x in symbols], coord))
3650    return atoms
3651zmat2cart = zmat = from_zmatrix
3653def cart2zmat(coord):
3654    '''>>> c = numpy.array((
3655    (0.000000000000,  1.889726124565,  0.000000000000),
3656    (0.000000000000,  0.000000000000, -1.889726124565),
3657    (1.889726124565, -1.889726124565,  0.000000000000),
3658    (1.889726124565,  0.000000000000,  1.133835674739)))
3659    >>> print(cart2zmat(c))
3660    1
3661    1 2.67247631453057
3662    1 4.22555607338457 2 50.7684795164077
3663    1 2.90305235726773 2 79.3904651036893 3 6.20854462618583
3664    '''
3665    zstr = []
3666    zstr.append('1')
3667    if len(coord) > 1:
3668        r1 = coord[1] - coord[0]
3669        nr1 = numpy.linalg.norm(r1)
3670        zstr.append('1 %.15g' % nr1)
3671    if len(coord) > 2:
3672        r2 = coord[2] - coord[0]
3673        nr2 = numpy.linalg.norm(r2)
3674        a = numpy.arccos(numpy.dot(r1,r2)/(nr1*nr2))
3675        zstr.append('1 %.15g 2 %.15g' % (nr2, a*180/numpy.pi))
3676    if len(coord) > 3:
3677        o0, o1, o2 = coord[:3]
3678        p0, p1, p2 = 1, 2, 3
3679        for k, c in enumerate(coord[3:]):
3680            r0 = c - o0
3681            nr0 = numpy.linalg.norm(r0)
3682            r1 = o1 - o0
3683            nr1 = numpy.linalg.norm(r1)
3684            a1 = numpy.arccos(numpy.dot(r0,r1)/(nr0*nr1))
3685            b0 = numpy.cross(r0, r1)
3686            nb0 = numpy.linalg.norm(b0)
3688            if abs(nb0) < 1e-7: # o0, o1, c in line
3689                a2 = 0
3690                zstr.append('%d %.15g %d %.15g %d %.15g' %
3691                            (p0, nr0, p1, a1*180/numpy.pi, p2, a2))
3692            else:
3693                b1 = numpy.cross(o2-o0, r1)
3694                nb1 = numpy.linalg.norm(b1)
3696                if abs(nb1) < 1e-7:  # o0 o1 o2 in line
3697                    a2 = 0
3698                    zstr.append('%d %.15g %d %.15g %d %.15g' %
3699                                (p0, nr0, p1, a1*180/numpy.pi, p2, a2))
3700                    o2 = c
3701                    p2 = 4 + k
3702                else:
3703                    if numpy.dot(numpy.cross(b1, b0), r1) < 0:
3704                        a2 = numpy.arccos(numpy.dot(b1, b0) / (nb0*nb1))
3705                    else:
3706                        a2 =-numpy.arccos(numpy.dot(b1, b0) / (nb0*nb1))
3707                    zstr.append('%d %.15g %d %.15g %d %.15g' %
3708                                (p0, nr0, p1, a1*180/numpy.pi, p2, a2*180/numpy.pi))
3710    return '\n'.join(zstr)
3712def dyall_nuc_mod(nuc_charge, nucprop={}):
3713    ''' Generate the nuclear charge distribution parameter zeta
3714    rho(r) = nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2)
3716    Ref. L. Visscher and K. Dyall, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 67, 207 (1997)
3717    '''
3718    mass = nucprop.get('mass', elements.ISOTOPE_MAIN[nuc_charge])
3719    r = (0.836 * mass**(1./3) + 0.570) / 52917.7249
3720    zeta = 1.5 / (r**2)
3721    return zeta
3723def filatov_nuc_mod(nuc_charge, nucprop={}):
3724    ''' Generate the nuclear charge distribution parameter zeta
3725    rho(r) = nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2)
3727    Ref. M. Filatov and D. Cremer, Theor. Chem. Acc. 108, 168 (2002)
3728         M. Filatov and D. Cremer, Chem. Phys. Lett. 351, 259 (2002)
3729    '''
3730    c = param.LIGHT_SPEED
3731    nuc_charge = charge(nuc_charge)
3732    r = (-0.263188*nuc_charge + 106.016974 + 138.985999/nuc_charge) / c**2
3733    zeta = 1 / (r**2)
3734    return zeta
3736def fakemol_for_charges(coords, expnt=1e16):
3737    '''Construct a fake Mole object that holds the charges on the given
3738    coordinates (coords).  The shape of the charge can be a normal
3739    distribution with the Gaussian exponent (expnt).
3740    '''
3741    nbas = coords.shape[0]
3742    fakeatm = numpy.zeros((nbas,ATM_SLOTS), dtype=numpy.int32)
3743    fakebas = numpy.zeros((nbas,BAS_SLOTS), dtype=numpy.int32)
3744    fakeenv = [0] * PTR_ENV_START
3745    ptr = PTR_ENV_START
3746    fakeatm[:,PTR_COORD] = numpy.arange(ptr, ptr+nbas*3, 3)
3747    fakeenv.append(coords.ravel())
3748    ptr += nbas*3
3749    fakebas[:,ATOM_OF] = numpy.arange(nbas)
3750    fakebas[:,NPRIM_OF] = 1
3751    fakebas[:,NCTR_OF] = 1
3752# approximate point charge with gaussian distribution exp(-1e16*r^2)
3753    fakebas[:,PTR_EXP] = ptr
3754    fakebas[:,PTR_COEFF] = ptr+1
3755    fakeenv.append([expnt, 1/(2*numpy.sqrt(numpy.pi)*gaussian_int(2,expnt))])
3756    ptr += 2
3757    fakemol = Mole()
3758    fakemol._atm = fakeatm
3759    fakemol._bas = fakebas
3760    fakemol._env = numpy.hstack(fakeenv)
3761    fakemol._built = True
3762    return fakemol