1 /*! \file
2  * \brief Pilot structure handling.
3  * \details Functions and structs for reading, writing and modifying OMF:2097 pilot data structures.
4  * \copyright MIT license.
5  * \date 2013-2014
6  * \author Andrew Thompson
7  * \author Tuomas Virtanen
8  */
10 #ifndef _SD_PILOT_H
11 #define _SD_PILOT_H
13 #include <stdint.h>
14 #include "shadowdive/palette.h"
16     #include "shadowdive/internal/reader.h"
17     #include "shadowdive/internal/memreader.h"
18     #include "shadowdive/internal/writer.h"
19     #include "shadowdive/internal/memwriter.h"
20 #endif
22 #ifdef __cplusplus
23 extern "C" {
24 #endif
26 /*! \brief PIC pilot information
27  *
28  * Contains a pilot information. Current upgrades, powers, tournament, etc.
29  */
30 typedef struct {
31     uint32_t unknown_a;      ///< Unknown
32     char name[18];           ///< Pilot name
33     uint16_t wins;           ///< Matches won by this pilot
34     uint16_t losses;         ///< Matches lost by this pilot
35     uint8_t rank;            ///< Rank
36     uint8_t har_id;          ///< Har Identifier (255 = random)
37     uint8_t arm_power;       ///< HAR Arm power (0-9).
38     uint8_t leg_power;       ///< HAR Leg power (0-9).
39     uint8_t arm_speed;       ///< HAR Arm speed (0-9).
40     uint8_t leg_speed;       ///< HAR Leg speed (0-9).
41     uint8_t armor;           ///< Har armor (0-9).
42     uint8_t stun_resistance; ///< Har stun resistance (0-9).
43     uint8_t power;           ///< Pilot power (1-25).
44     uint8_t agility;         ///< Pilot agility (1-25).
45     uint8_t endurance;       ///< Pilot endurance (1-25).
46     uint16_t offense;        ///< Offense preference value (100 high, should be under 200).
47     uint16_t defense;        ///< Defense preference value (100 high, should be under 200).
48     uint32_t money;          ///< Amount of money the pilot currently has
49     uint8_t color_1;         ///< Color 1 field for the HAR (0-15). 255 means random.
50     uint8_t color_2;         ///< Color 2 field for the HAR (0-15). 255 means random.
51     uint8_t color_3;         ///< Color 3 field for the HAR (0-15). 255 means random.
52     char trn_name[13];       ///< Tournament file
53     char trn_desc[31];       ///< Tournament description
54     char trn_image[13];      ///< Tournament image file
55     float unk_f_c;           ///< Unknown
56     float unk_f_d;           ///< Unknown
57     uint8_t pilot_id;        ///< Pilot ID
58     uint8_t unknown_k;       ///< Unknown
59     uint16_t force_arena;    ///< Tells if this pilot needs to play on a certain arena
60     uint8_t difficulty;      ///< Difficulty setting
61     char unk_block_b[2];     ///< Unknown
62     uint8_t movement;        ///< Pilot can move in rankings
63     uint16_t unk_block_c[3]; ///< Unknown
64     char enhancements[11];   ///< Har enchancements. A field for each HAR.
66     uint8_t secret;          ///< This character is a secret character, and only comes out when requirements match
67     uint8_t only_fight_once; ///< This character can only be fought once per tournament
68     uint8_t req_enemy;       ///< Required defeated enemy for this character to appear (Value 0 if not set, otherwise character id + 1)
69     uint8_t req_difficulty;  ///< Required difficulty level for this character to appear
70     uint8_t req_rank;        ///< Required minimum ranking for this character to appear
71     uint8_t req_vitality;    ///< Required vitality for this character to appear
72     uint8_t req_fighter;     ///< Required fighter for this character to appear
73     uint8_t req_accuracy;    ///< Required accuracy for this character to appear
74     uint8_t req_avg_dmg;     ///< Required average damage for this character to appear
75     uint8_t req_max_rank;    ///< When you reach this ranking, this character appears.
76     uint8_t req_scrap;       ///< Must have scrapped an enemy for this character to appear
77     uint8_t req_destroy;     ///< Must have destroyed an enemy for this character to appear
79     uint8_t att_normal;      ///< Standard fighting method
80     uint8_t att_hyper;       ///< More aggressive
81     uint8_t att_jump;        ///< Jumps more often
82     uint8_t att_def;         ///< More defensive
83     uint8_t att_sniper;      ///< Tries to sneak in quick hits
85     uint16_t unk_block_d[3]; ///< Unknown
86     int16_t ap_throw;        ///< AI Preference for throw moves. Accepted value range (-400, 400).
87     int16_t ap_special;      ///< AI Preference for special moves. Accepted value range (-400, 400).
88     int16_t ap_jump;         ///< AI Preference for jump moves. Accepted value range (-400, 400).
89     int16_t ap_high;         ///< AI Preference for high moves. Accepted value range (-400, 400).
90     int16_t ap_low;          ///< AI Preference for low moves. Accepted value range (-400, 400).
91     int16_t ap_middle;       ///< AI Preference for middle moves. Accepted value range (-400, 400).
92     int16_t pref_jump;       ///< AI Preference for jump movement. Accepted value range (-400, 400).
93     int16_t pref_fwd;        ///< AI Preference for forwards movement. Accepted value range (-400, 400).
94     int16_t pref_back;       ///< AI Preference for backwards movement. Accepted value range (-400, 400).
95     uint32_t unknown_e;      ///< Unknown
96     float learning;          ///< How actively this pilot learns your combat tactics. Accepted value range (0-15).
97     float forget;            ///< How quickly this pilot forgets your combat tactics. Accepted value range (0-3).
98     char unk_block_f[14];    ///< Unknown. Probably pointers and scratch variables
99     uint16_t enemies_inc_unranked; ///< Enemies in current tournament, including unranked opponents
100     uint16_t enemies_ex_unranked;  ///< Same as above, excluding unranked opponents.
102     uint16_t unk_d_a;        ///< Unknown.
103     uint32_t unk_d_b;        ///< Unknown. Possible a bitmask ?
105     uint32_t winnings;       ///< Money made by winning opponents
106     uint32_t total_value;    ///< Total value for the pilot
107     float unk_f_a;           ///< Unknown
108     float unk_f_b;           ///< Unknown
109     sd_palette palette;      ///< Palette for photo ?
110     uint16_t unk_block_i;    ///< Unknown
111     uint16_t photo_id;       ///< Which face photo this pilot uses
113     char *quotes[10];        ///< Pilot quotes for each supported language
114 } sd_pilot;
116 /*! \brief Initialize pilot struct
117  *
118  * Initializes the pilot structure with empty values.
119  *
120  * \retval SD_INVALID_INPUT Pilot struct pointer was NULL
121  * \retval SD_SUCCESS Success.
122  *
123  * \param pilot Allocated pilot struct pointer.
124  */
125 int sd_pilot_create(sd_pilot *pilot);
127 /*! \brief Free pilot structure
128  *
129  * Frees up all memory reserved by the pilot structure.
130  * All contents will be freed, all pointers to contents will be invalid.
131  *
132  * \param pilot Pilot struct pointer.
133  */
134 void sd_pilot_free(sd_pilot *pilot);
136 #ifdef SD_USE_INTERNAL
137 void sd_pilot_load_player_from_mem(sd_mreader *mreader, sd_pilot *pilot);
138 void sd_pilot_load_from_mem(sd_mreader *mreader, sd_pilot *pilot);
139 int sd_pilot_load(sd_reader *reader, sd_pilot *pilot);
140 void sd_pilot_save_player_to_mem(sd_mwriter *mwriter, const sd_pilot *pilot);
141 void sd_pilot_save_to_mem(sd_mwriter *mwriter, const sd_pilot *pilot);
142 int sd_pilot_save(sd_writer *writer, const sd_pilot *pilot);
143 #endif
145 #ifdef __cplusplus
146 }
147 #endif
149 #endif // _SD_PILOT_H