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36 #include "workspacedialog.h"
38 #include "dockmanager.h"
40 #include <utils/algorithm.h>
42 #include <QInputDialog>
43 #include <QRegularExpression>
44 #include <QValidator>
46 namespace ADS {
48 class WorkspaceValidator : public QValidator
49 {
50 public:
51     WorkspaceValidator(QObject *parent, const QStringList &workspaces);
52     void fixup(QString &input) const override;
53     QValidator::State validate(QString &input, int &pos) const override;
55 private:
56     QStringList m_workspaces;
57 };
WorkspaceValidator(QObject * parent,const QStringList & workspaces)59 WorkspaceValidator::WorkspaceValidator(QObject *parent, const QStringList &workspaces)
60     : QValidator(parent)
61     , m_workspaces(workspaces)
62 {}
validate(QString & input,int & pos) const64 QValidator::State WorkspaceValidator::validate(QString &input, int &pos) const
65 {
66     Q_UNUSED(pos)
68     static const QRegularExpression rx("^[a-zA-Z0-9 ()\\-]*$");
70     if (!rx.match(input).hasMatch())
71         return QValidator::Invalid;
73     if (m_workspaces.contains(input))
74         return QValidator::Intermediate;
75     else
76         return QValidator::Acceptable;
77 }
fixup(QString & input) const79 void WorkspaceValidator::fixup(QString &input) const
80 {
81     int i = 2;
82     QString copy;
83     do {
84         copy = input + QLatin1String(" (") + QString::number(i) + QLatin1Char(')');
85         ++i;
86     } while (m_workspaces.contains(copy));
87     input = copy;
88 }
WorkspaceNameInputDialog(DockManager * manager,QWidget * parent)90 WorkspaceNameInputDialog::WorkspaceNameInputDialog(DockManager *manager, QWidget *parent)
91     : QDialog(parent)
92     , m_manager(manager)
93 {
94     auto hlayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
95     auto label = new QLabel(tr("Enter the name of the workspace:"), this);
96     hlayout->addWidget(label);
97     m_newWorkspaceLineEdit = new QLineEdit(this);
98     m_newWorkspaceLineEdit->setValidator(new WorkspaceValidator(this, m_manager->workspaces()));
99     hlayout->addWidget(m_newWorkspaceLineEdit);
100     auto buttons = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel,
101                                         Qt::Horizontal,
102                                         this);
103     m_okButton = buttons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok);
104     m_switchToButton = new QPushButton;
105     buttons->addButton(m_switchToButton, QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole);
106     connect(m_switchToButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [this]() { m_usedSwitchTo = true; });
107     connect(buttons, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept);
108     connect(buttons, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject);
109     hlayout->addWidget(buttons);
110     setLayout(hlayout);
111 }
setActionText(const QString & actionText,const QString & openActionText)113 void WorkspaceNameInputDialog::setActionText(const QString &actionText,
114                                              const QString &openActionText)
115 {
116     m_okButton->setText(actionText);
117     m_switchToButton->setText(openActionText);
118 }
setValue(const QString & value)120 void WorkspaceNameInputDialog::setValue(const QString &value)
121 {
122     m_newWorkspaceLineEdit->setText(value);
123 }
value() const125 QString WorkspaceNameInputDialog::value() const
126 {
127     return m_newWorkspaceLineEdit->text();
128 }
isSwitchToRequested() const130 bool WorkspaceNameInputDialog::isSwitchToRequested() const
131 {
132     return m_usedSwitchTo;
133 }
WorkspaceDialog(DockManager * manager,QWidget * parent)135 WorkspaceDialog::WorkspaceDialog(DockManager *manager, QWidget *parent)
136     : QDialog(parent)
137     , m_manager(manager)
138 {
139     m_ui.setupUi(this);
140     m_ui.workspaceView->setActivationMode(Utils::DoubleClickActivation);
142     connect(m_ui.btCreateNew,
143             &QAbstractButton::clicked,
144             m_ui.workspaceView,
145             &WorkspaceView::createNewWorkspace);
146     connect(m_ui.btClone,
147             &QAbstractButton::clicked,
148             m_ui.workspaceView,
149             &WorkspaceView::cloneCurrentWorkspace);
150     connect(m_ui.btDelete,
151             &QAbstractButton::clicked,
152             m_ui.workspaceView,
153             &WorkspaceView::deleteSelectedWorkspaces);
154     connect(m_ui.btSwitch,
155             &QAbstractButton::clicked,
156             m_ui.workspaceView,
157             &WorkspaceView::switchToCurrentWorkspace);
158     connect(m_ui.btRename,
159             &QAbstractButton::clicked,
160             m_ui.workspaceView,
161             &WorkspaceView::renameCurrentWorkspace);
162     connect(m_ui.btReset,
163             &QAbstractButton::clicked,
164             m_ui.workspaceView,
165             &WorkspaceView::resetCurrentWorkspace);
166     connect(m_ui.workspaceView,
167             &WorkspaceView::workspaceActivated,
168             m_ui.workspaceView,
169             &WorkspaceView::switchToCurrentWorkspace);
170     connect(m_ui.workspaceView,
171             &WorkspaceView::workspacesSelected,
172             this,
173             &WorkspaceDialog::updateActions);
174     connect(m_ui.btImport,
175             &QAbstractButton::clicked,
176             m_ui.workspaceView,
177             &WorkspaceView::importWorkspace);
178     connect(m_ui.btExport,
179             &QAbstractButton::clicked,
180             m_ui.workspaceView,
181             &WorkspaceView::exportCurrentWorkspace);
183     m_ui.whatsAWorkspaceLabel->setOpenExternalLinks(true);
185    updateActions(m_ui.workspaceView->selectedWorkspaces());
186 }
setAutoLoadWorkspace(bool check)188 void WorkspaceDialog::setAutoLoadWorkspace(bool check)
189 {
190     m_ui.autoLoadCheckBox->setChecked(check);
191 }
autoLoadWorkspace() const193 bool WorkspaceDialog::autoLoadWorkspace() const
194 {
195     return m_ui.autoLoadCheckBox->checkState() == Qt::Checked;
196 }
dockManager() const198 DockManager *WorkspaceDialog::dockManager() const
199 {
200     return m_manager;
201 }
updateActions(const QStringList & workspaces)203 void WorkspaceDialog::updateActions(const QStringList &workspaces)
204 {
205     if (workspaces.isEmpty()) {
206         m_ui.btDelete->setEnabled(false);
207         m_ui.btRename->setEnabled(false);
208         m_ui.btClone->setEnabled(false);
209         m_ui.btReset->setEnabled(false);
210         m_ui.btSwitch->setEnabled(false);
211         m_ui.btExport->setEnabled(false);
212         return;
213     }
214     const bool presetIsSelected = Utils::anyOf(workspaces, [this](const QString &workspace) {
215         return m_manager->isWorkspacePreset(workspace);
216     });
217     const bool activeIsSelected = Utils::anyOf(workspaces, [this](const QString &workspace) {
218         return workspace == m_manager->activeWorkspace();
219     });
220     m_ui.btDelete->setEnabled(!activeIsSelected && !presetIsSelected);
221     m_ui.btRename->setEnabled(workspaces.size() == 1 && !presetIsSelected);
222     m_ui.btClone->setEnabled(workspaces.size() == 1);
223     m_ui.btReset->setEnabled(presetIsSelected);
224     m_ui.btSwitch->setEnabled(workspaces.size() == 1);
225     m_ui.btExport->setEnabled(workspaces.size() == 1);
226 }
228 } // namespace ADS