1 /**
2  *  @file Reaction.cpp
3  */
5 // This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
6 // at https://cantera.org/license.txt for license and copyright information.
8 #include "cantera/kinetics/Reaction.h"
9 #include "cantera/kinetics/ReactionFactory.h"
10 #include "cantera/kinetics/ReactionRateFactory.h"
11 #include "cantera/kinetics/FalloffFactory.h"
12 #include "cantera/kinetics/Kinetics.h"
13 #include "cantera/thermo/ThermoPhase.h"
14 #include "cantera/base/ctml.h"
15 #include "cantera/base/Array.h"
16 #include "cantera/base/AnyMap.h"
17 #include "cantera/base/utilities.h"
18 #include "cantera/base/stringUtils.h"
19 #include <sstream>
20 #include <set>
22 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
24 namespace ba = boost::algorithm;
26 namespace Cantera
27 {
Reaction()29 Reaction::Reaction()
30     : reaction_type(NONE)
31     , reversible(true)
32     , duplicate(false)
33     , allow_nonreactant_orders(false)
34     , allow_negative_orders(false)
35     , rate_units(0.0)
36     , m_valid(true)
37 {
38 }
Reaction(const Composition & reactants_,const Composition & products_)40 Reaction::Reaction(const Composition& reactants_,
41                    const Composition& products_)
42     : reaction_type(NONE)
43     , reactants(reactants_)
44     , products(products_)
45     , reversible(true)
46     , duplicate(false)
47     , allow_nonreactant_orders(false)
48     , allow_negative_orders(false)
49     , rate_units(0.0)
50     , m_valid(true)
51 {
52 }
Reaction(int type)54 Reaction::Reaction(int type)
55     : reaction_type(type)
56     , reversible(true)
57     , duplicate(false)
58     , allow_nonreactant_orders(false)
59     , allow_negative_orders(false)
60     , rate_units(0.0)
61     , m_valid(true)
62 {
63     warn_deprecated("Reaction::Reaction()",
64         "To be removed after Cantera 2.6. Use constructor without parameter "
65         "'type' instead.");
66 }
Reaction(int type,const Composition & reactants_,const Composition & products_)68 Reaction::Reaction(int type, const Composition& reactants_,
69                    const Composition& products_)
70     : reaction_type(type)
71     , reactants(reactants_)
72     , products(products_)
73     , reversible(true)
74     , duplicate(false)
75     , allow_nonreactant_orders(false)
76     , allow_negative_orders(false)
77     , rate_units(0.0)
78     , m_valid(true)
79 {
80     warn_deprecated("Reaction::Reaction()",
81         "To be removed after Cantera 2.6. Use constructor without parameter "
82         "'type' instead.");
83 }
validate()85 void Reaction::validate()
86 {
87     if (!allow_nonreactant_orders) {
88         for (const auto& order : orders) {
89             if (reactants.find(order.first) == reactants.end()) {
90                 throw InputFileError("Reaction::validate", input,
91                     "Reaction order specified for non-reactant species '{}'",
92                     order.first);
93            }
94         }
95     }
97     if (!allow_negative_orders) {
98         for (const auto& order : orders) {
99             if (order.second < 0.0) {
100                 throw InputFileError("Reaction::validate", input,
101                     "Negative reaction order specified for species '{}'",
102                     order.first);
103             }
104         }
105     }
107     // If reaction orders are specified, then this reaction does not follow
108     // mass-action kinetics, and is not an elementary reaction. So check that it
109     // is not reversible, since computing the reverse rate from thermochemistry
110     // only works for elementary reactions.
111     if (reversible && !orders.empty()) {
112         throw InputFileError("Reaction::validate", input,
113             "Reaction orders may only be given for irreversible reactions");
114     }
116     // Call validation of reaction rate evaluator
117     if (!usesLegacy()) {
118         m_rate->validate(equation());
119     }
120 }
parameters(bool withInput) const122 AnyMap Reaction::parameters(bool withInput) const
123 {
124     AnyMap out;
125     getParameters(out);
126     if (withInput) {
127         out.update(input);
128     }
130     static bool reg = AnyMap::addOrderingRules("Reaction",
131         {{"head", "type"},
132          {"head", "equation"},
133          {"tail", "duplicate"},
134          {"tail", "orders"},
135          {"tail", "negative-orders"},
136          {"tail", "nonreactant-orders"}
137         });
138     if (reg) {
139         out["__type__"] = "Reaction";
140     }
141     return out;
142 }
getParameters(AnyMap & reactionNode) const144 void Reaction::getParameters(AnyMap& reactionNode) const
145 {
146     reactionNode["equation"] = equation();
148     if (duplicate) {
149         reactionNode["duplicate"] = true;
150     }
151     if (orders.size()) {
152         reactionNode["orders"] = orders;
153     }
154     if (allow_negative_orders) {
155         reactionNode["negative-orders"] = true;
156     }
157     if (allow_nonreactant_orders) {
158         reactionNode["nonreactant-orders"] = true;
159     }
161     if (m_rate) {
162         reactionNode.update(m_rate->parameters(rate_units));
163     }
164 }
setParameters(const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)166 void Reaction::setParameters(const AnyMap& node, const Kinetics& kin)
167 {
168     if (node.empty()) {
169         // empty node: used by newReaction() factory loader
170         return;
171     }
173     parseReactionEquation(*this, node["equation"], kin);
174     // Non-stoichiometric reaction orders
175     if (node.hasKey("orders")) {
176         for (const auto& order : node["orders"].asMap<double>()) {
177             orders[order.first] = order.second;
178             if (kin.kineticsSpeciesIndex(order.first) == npos) {
179                 setValid(false);
180             }
181         }
182     }
184     // remove optional third body notation (used by ChebyshevReaction)
185     reactants.erase("(+M)");
186     products.erase("(+M)");
188     // Flags
189     id = node.getString("id", "");
190     duplicate = node.getBool("duplicate", false);
191     allow_negative_orders = node.getBool("negative-orders", false);
192     allow_nonreactant_orders = node.getBool("nonreactant-orders", false);
194     calculateRateCoeffUnits(kin);
195     input = node;
196 }
setRate(shared_ptr<ReactionRateBase> rate)198 void Reaction::setRate(shared_ptr<ReactionRateBase> rate)
199 {
200     if (!rate) {
201         // null pointer
202         m_rate.reset();
203     } else {
204         m_rate = rate;
205     }
206 }
reactantString() const208 std::string Reaction::reactantString() const
209 {
210     std::ostringstream result;
211     for (auto iter = reactants.begin(); iter != reactants.end(); ++iter) {
212         if (iter != reactants.begin()) {
213             result << " + ";
214         }
215         if (iter->second != 1.0) {
216             result << iter->second << " ";
217         }
218         result << iter->first;
219     }
220   return result.str();
221 }
productString() const223 std::string Reaction::productString() const
224 {
225     std::ostringstream result;
226     for (auto iter = products.begin(); iter != products.end(); ++iter) {
227         if (iter != products.begin()) {
228             result << " + ";
229         }
230         if (iter->second != 1.0) {
231             result << iter->second << " ";
232         }
233         result << iter->first;
234     }
235   return result.str();
236 }
equation() const238 std::string Reaction::equation() const
239 {
240     if (reversible) {
241         return reactantString() + " <=> " + productString();
242     } else {
243         return reactantString() + " => " + productString();
244     }
245 }
calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics & kin)247 void Reaction::calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics& kin)
248 {
249     if (!valid()) {
250         // If a reaction is invalid because of missing species in the Kinetics
251         // object, determining the units of the rate coefficient is impossible.
252         return;
253     }
255     // Determine the units of the rate coefficient
256     Units rxn_phase_units = kin.thermo(kin.reactionPhaseIndex()).standardConcentrationUnits();
257     rate_units = rxn_phase_units;
258     rate_units *= Units(1.0, 0, 0, -1);
259     for (const auto& order : orders) {
260         const auto& phase = kin.speciesPhase(order.first);
261         rate_units *= phase.standardConcentrationUnits().pow(-order.second);
262     }
263     for (const auto& stoich : reactants) {
264         // Order for each reactant is the reactant stoichiometric coefficient,
265         // unless already overridden by user-specified orders
266         if (stoich.first == "M" || ba::starts_with(stoich.first, "(+")) {
267             // calculateRateCoeffUnits may be called before these pseudo-species
268             // have been stripped from the reactants
269             continue;
270         } else if (orders.find(stoich.first) == orders.end()) {
271             const auto& phase = kin.speciesPhase(stoich.first);
272             rate_units *= phase.standardConcentrationUnits().pow(-stoich.second);
273         }
274     }
276     if (m_rate) {
277         // Ensure that reaction rate object is updated
278         m_rate->setUnits(rate_units);
279     }
280 }
updateUndeclared(std::vector<std::string> & undeclared,const Composition & comp,const Kinetics & kin)282 void updateUndeclared(std::vector<std::string>& undeclared,
283                       const Composition& comp, const Kinetics& kin)
284 {
285     for (const auto& sp: comp) {
286         if (kin.kineticsSpeciesIndex(sp.first) == npos) {
287             undeclared.emplace_back(sp.first);
288         }
289     }
290 }
undeclaredThirdBodies(const Kinetics & kin) const292 std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, bool> Reaction::undeclaredThirdBodies(
293         const Kinetics& kin) const
294 {
295     std::vector<std::string> undeclared;
296     if (m_third_body) {
297         updateUndeclared(undeclared, m_third_body->efficiencies, kin);
298         bool specified_collision_partner = dynamic_cast<const ThreeBodyReaction3*>(
299             this)->specified_collision_partner;
300         return std::make_pair(undeclared, specified_collision_partner);
301     }
302     return std::make_pair(undeclared, false);
303 }
checkBalance(const Kinetics & kin) const305 void Reaction::checkBalance(const Kinetics& kin) const
306 {
307     Composition balr, balp;
309     // iterate over products and reactants
310     for (const auto& sp : products) {
311         const ThermoPhase& ph = kin.speciesPhase(sp.first);
312         size_t k = ph.speciesIndex(sp.first);
313         double stoich = sp.second;
314         for (size_t m = 0; m < ph.nElements(); m++) {
315             balr[ph.elementName(m)] = 0.0; // so that balr contains all species
316             balp[ph.elementName(m)] += stoich * ph.nAtoms(k, m);
317         }
318     }
319     for (const auto& sp : reactants) {
320         const ThermoPhase& ph = kin.speciesPhase(sp.first);
321         size_t k = ph.speciesIndex(sp.first);
322         double stoich = sp.second;
323         for (size_t m = 0; m < ph.nElements(); m++) {
324             balr[ph.elementName(m)] += stoich * ph.nAtoms(k, m);
325         }
326     }
328     std::string msg;
329     bool ok = true;
330     for (const auto& el : balr) {
331         const std::string& elem = el.first;
332         double elemsum = balr[elem] + balp[elem];
333         double elemdiff = fabs(balp[elem] - balr[elem]);
334         if (elemsum > 0.0 && elemdiff / elemsum > 1e-4) {
335             ok = false;
336             msg += fmt::format("  {}           {}           {}\n",
337                                elem, balr[elem], balp[elem]);
338         }
339     }
340     if (!ok) {
341         throw InputFileError("Reaction::checkBalance", input,
342             "The following reaction is unbalanced: {}\n"
343             "  Element    Reactants    Products\n{}",
344             equation(), msg);
345     }
346 }
checkSpecies(const Kinetics & kin) const348 bool Reaction::checkSpecies(const Kinetics& kin) const
349 {
350     // Check for undeclared species
351     std::vector<std::string> undeclared;
352     updateUndeclared(undeclared, reactants, kin);
353     updateUndeclared(undeclared, products, kin);
354     if (!undeclared.empty()) {
355         if (kin.skipUndeclaredSpecies()) {
356             return false;
357         } else {
358             throw InputFileError("Reaction::checkSpecies", input, "Reaction '{}'\n"
359                 "contains undeclared species: '{}'",
360                 equation(), boost::algorithm::join(undeclared, "', '"));
361         }
362     }
364     undeclared.clear();
365     updateUndeclared(undeclared, orders, kin);
366     if (!undeclared.empty()) {
367         if (kin.skipUndeclaredSpecies()) {
368             return false;
369         } else {
370             if (input.hasKey("orders")) {
371                 throw InputFileError("Reaction::checkSpecies", input["orders"],
372                     "Reaction '{}'\n"
373                     "defines reaction orders for undeclared species: '{}'",
374                     equation(), boost::algorithm::join(undeclared, "', '"));
375             }
376             // Error for empty input AnyMap (e.g. XML)
377             throw InputFileError("Reaction::checkSpecies", input, "Reaction '{}'\n"
378                 "defines reaction orders for undeclared species: '{}'",
379                 equation(), boost::algorithm::join(undeclared, "', '"));
380         }
381     }
383     // Use helper function while there is no uniform handling of third bodies
384     auto third = undeclaredThirdBodies(kin);
385     undeclared = third.first;
386     bool specified_collision_partner_ = third.second;
387     if (!undeclared.empty()) {
388         if (!kin.skipUndeclaredThirdBodies()) {
389             if (input.hasKey("efficiencies")) {
390                 throw InputFileError("Reaction::checkSpecies", input["efficiencies"],
391                     "Reaction '{}'\n"
392                     "defines third-body efficiencies for undeclared species: '{}'",
393                     equation(), boost::algorithm::join(undeclared, "', '"));
394             }
395             // Error for specified ThirdBody or empty input AnyMap
396             throw InputFileError("Reaction::checkSpecies", input, "Reaction '{}'\n"
397                 "is a three-body reaction with undeclared species: '{}'",
398                 equation(), boost::algorithm::join(undeclared, "', '"));
399         } else if (kin.skipUndeclaredSpecies() && specified_collision_partner_) {
400             return false;
401         }
402     }
404     checkBalance(kin);
406     return true;
407 }
ElementaryReaction2(const Composition & reactants_,const Composition products_,const Arrhenius & rate_)409 ElementaryReaction2::ElementaryReaction2(const Composition& reactants_,
410                                          const Composition products_,
411                                          const Arrhenius& rate_)
412     : Reaction(reactants_, products_)
413     , rate(rate_)
414     , allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor(false)
415 {
416     reaction_type = ELEMENTARY_RXN;
417 }
ElementaryReaction2()419 ElementaryReaction2::ElementaryReaction2()
420     : Reaction()
421     , allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor(false)
422 {
423     reaction_type = ELEMENTARY_RXN;
424 }
validate()426 void ElementaryReaction2::validate()
427 {
428     Reaction::validate();
429     if (!allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor &&
430         rate.preExponentialFactor() < 0) {
431         throw InputFileError("ElementaryReaction2::validate", input,
432             "Undeclared negative pre-exponential factor found in reaction '"
433             + equation() + "'");
434     }
435 }
getParameters(AnyMap & reactionNode) const437 void ElementaryReaction2::getParameters(AnyMap& reactionNode) const
438 {
439     Reaction::getParameters(reactionNode);
440     if (allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor) {
441         reactionNode["negative-A"] = true;
442     }
443     AnyMap rateNode;
444     rate.getParameters(rateNode, rate_units);
445     reactionNode["rate-constant"] = std::move(rateNode);
446 }
ThirdBody(double default_eff)448 ThirdBody::ThirdBody(double default_eff)
449     : default_efficiency(default_eff)
450 {
451 }
ThirdBody(const AnyMap & node)453 ThirdBody::ThirdBody(const AnyMap& node)
454 {
455     setEfficiencies(node);
456 }
setEfficiencies(const AnyMap & node)458 void ThirdBody::setEfficiencies(const AnyMap& node)
459 {
460     default_efficiency = node.getDouble("default-efficiency", 1.0);
461     if (node.hasKey("efficiencies")) {
462         efficiencies = node["efficiencies"].asMap<double>();
463     }
464 }
efficiency(const std::string & k) const466 double ThirdBody::efficiency(const std::string& k) const
467 {
468     return getValue(efficiencies, k, default_efficiency);
469 }
ThreeBodyReaction2()471 ThreeBodyReaction2::ThreeBodyReaction2()
472 {
473     reaction_type = THREE_BODY_RXN;
474 }
ThreeBodyReaction2(const Composition & reactants_,const Composition & products_,const Arrhenius & rate_,const ThirdBody & tbody)476 ThreeBodyReaction2::ThreeBodyReaction2(const Composition& reactants_,
477                                        const Composition& products_,
478                                        const Arrhenius& rate_,
479                                        const ThirdBody& tbody)
480     : ElementaryReaction2(reactants_, products_, rate_)
481     , third_body(tbody)
482 {
483     reaction_type = THREE_BODY_RXN;
484 }
reactantString() const486 std::string ThreeBodyReaction2::reactantString() const
487 {
488     if (specified_collision_partner) {
489         return ElementaryReaction2::reactantString() + " + "
490             + third_body.efficiencies.begin()->first;
491     } else {
492         return ElementaryReaction2::reactantString() + " + M";
493     }
494 }
productString() const496 std::string ThreeBodyReaction2::productString() const
497 {
498     if (specified_collision_partner) {
499         return ElementaryReaction2::productString() + " + "
500             + third_body.efficiencies.begin()->first;
501     } else {
502         return ElementaryReaction2::productString() + " + M";
503     }
504 }
calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics & kin)506 void ThreeBodyReaction2::calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics& kin)
507 {
508     ElementaryReaction2::calculateRateCoeffUnits(kin);
509     bool specified_collision_partner_ = false;
510     for (const auto& reac : reactants) {
511         // While this reaction was already identified as a three-body reaction in a
512         // pre-processing step, this method is often called before a three-body
513         // reaction is fully instantiated. For the determination of the correct units,
514         // it is necessary to check whether the reaction uses a generic 'M' or an
515         // explicitly specified collision partner that may not have been deleted yet.
516         if (reac.first != "M" && products.count(reac.first)) {
517             // detected specified third-body collision partner
518             specified_collision_partner_ = true;
519         }
520     }
521     if (!specified_collision_partner_) {
522         const ThermoPhase& rxn_phase = kin.thermo(kin.reactionPhaseIndex());
523         rate_units *= rxn_phase.standardConcentrationUnits().pow(-1);
524     }
525 }
getParameters(AnyMap & reactionNode) const527 void ThreeBodyReaction2::getParameters(AnyMap& reactionNode) const
528 {
529     ElementaryReaction2::getParameters(reactionNode);
530     if (!specified_collision_partner) {
531         reactionNode["type"] = "three-body";
532         reactionNode["efficiencies"] = third_body.efficiencies;
533         reactionNode["efficiencies"].setFlowStyle();
534         if (third_body.default_efficiency != 1.0) {
535             reactionNode["default-efficiency"] = third_body.default_efficiency;
536         }
537     }
538 }
undeclaredThirdBodies(const Kinetics & kin) const540 std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, bool> ThreeBodyReaction2::undeclaredThirdBodies(
541         const Kinetics& kin) const
542 {
543     std::vector<std::string> undeclared;
544     updateUndeclared(undeclared, third_body.efficiencies, kin);
545     return std::make_pair(undeclared, specified_collision_partner);
546 }
FalloffReaction()548 FalloffReaction::FalloffReaction()
549     : Reaction()
550     , falloff(new Falloff())
551     , allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor(false)
552     , low_rate_units(0.0)
553 {
554     reaction_type = FALLOFF_RXN;
555 }
FalloffReaction(const Composition & reactants_,const Composition & products_,const Arrhenius & low_rate_,const Arrhenius & high_rate_,const ThirdBody & tbody)557 FalloffReaction::FalloffReaction(
558         const Composition& reactants_, const Composition& products_,
559         const Arrhenius& low_rate_, const Arrhenius& high_rate_,
560         const ThirdBody& tbody)
561     : Reaction(reactants_, products_)
562     , low_rate(low_rate_)
563     , high_rate(high_rate_)
564     , third_body(tbody)
565     , falloff(new Falloff())
566     , allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor(false)
567     , low_rate_units(0.0)
568 {
569     reaction_type = FALLOFF_RXN;
570 }
reactantString() const572 std::string FalloffReaction::reactantString() const
573 {
574     if (third_body.default_efficiency == 0 &&
575         third_body.efficiencies.size() == 1) {
576         return Reaction::reactantString() + " (+" +
577             third_body.efficiencies.begin()->first + ")";
578     } else {
579         return Reaction::reactantString() + " (+M)";
580     }
581 }
productString() const583 std::string FalloffReaction::productString() const
584 {
585     if (third_body.default_efficiency == 0 &&
586         third_body.efficiencies.size() == 1) {
587         return Reaction::productString() + " (+" +
588             third_body.efficiencies.begin()->first + ")";
589     } else {
590         return Reaction::productString() + " (+M)";
591     }
592 }
validate()594 void FalloffReaction::validate()
595 {
596     Reaction::validate();
597     if (!allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor &&
598         (low_rate.preExponentialFactor() < 0 ||
599          high_rate.preExponentialFactor() < 0)) {
600         throw InputFileError("FalloffReaction::validate", input, "Negative "
601             "pre-exponential factor found for reaction '" + equation() + "'");
602     }
603     if (low_rate.preExponentialFactor() * high_rate.preExponentialFactor() < 0) {
604         throw InputFileError("FalloffReaction::validate", input, "High and "
605             "low rate pre-exponential factors must have the same sign."
606             "Reaction: '{}'", equation());
607     }
608 }
calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics & kin)610 void FalloffReaction::calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics& kin)
611 {
612     Reaction::calculateRateCoeffUnits(kin);
613     const ThermoPhase& rxn_phase = kin.thermo(kin.reactionPhaseIndex());
614     low_rate_units = rate_units;
615     low_rate_units *= rxn_phase.standardConcentrationUnits().pow(-1);
616 }
getParameters(AnyMap & reactionNode) const618 void FalloffReaction::getParameters(AnyMap& reactionNode) const
619 {
620     Reaction::getParameters(reactionNode);
621     reactionNode["type"] = "falloff";
622     AnyMap lowRateNode;
623     low_rate.getParameters(lowRateNode, low_rate_units);
624     reactionNode["low-P-rate-constant"] = std::move(lowRateNode);
625     AnyMap highRateNode;
626     high_rate.getParameters(highRateNode, rate_units);
627     reactionNode["high-P-rate-constant"] = std::move(highRateNode);
628     falloff->getParameters(reactionNode);
630     reactionNode["efficiencies"] = third_body.efficiencies;
631     reactionNode["efficiencies"].setFlowStyle();
632     if (third_body.default_efficiency != 1.0) {
633         reactionNode["default-efficiency"] = third_body.default_efficiency;
634     }
635 }
undeclaredThirdBodies(const Kinetics & kin) const637 std::pair<std::vector<std::string>, bool> FalloffReaction::undeclaredThirdBodies(
638         const Kinetics& kin) const
639 {
640     std::vector<std::string> undeclared;
641     updateUndeclared(undeclared, third_body.efficiencies, kin);
642     return std::make_pair(undeclared, false);
643 }
ChemicallyActivatedReaction()645 ChemicallyActivatedReaction::ChemicallyActivatedReaction()
646 {
647     reaction_type = CHEMACT_RXN;
648 }
ChemicallyActivatedReaction(const Composition & reactants_,const Composition & products_,const Arrhenius & low_rate_,const Arrhenius & high_rate_,const ThirdBody & tbody)650 ChemicallyActivatedReaction::ChemicallyActivatedReaction(
651         const Composition& reactants_, const Composition& products_,
652         const Arrhenius& low_rate_, const Arrhenius& high_rate_,
653         const ThirdBody& tbody)
654     : FalloffReaction(reactants_, products_, low_rate_, high_rate_, tbody)
655 {
656     reaction_type = CHEMACT_RXN;
657 }
calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics & kin)659 void ChemicallyActivatedReaction::calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics& kin)
660 {
661     Reaction::calculateRateCoeffUnits(kin); // Skip FalloffReaction
662     const ThermoPhase& rxn_phase = kin.thermo(kin.reactionPhaseIndex());
663     low_rate_units = rate_units;
664     rate_units *= rxn_phase.standardConcentrationUnits();
665 }
getParameters(AnyMap & reactionNode) const667 void ChemicallyActivatedReaction::getParameters(AnyMap& reactionNode) const
668 {
669     FalloffReaction::getParameters(reactionNode);
670     reactionNode["type"] = "chemically-activated";
671 }
PlogReaction2()673 PlogReaction2::PlogReaction2()
674     : Reaction()
675 {
676     reaction_type = PLOG_RXN;
677 }
PlogReaction2(const Composition & reactants_,const Composition & products_,const Plog & rate_)679 PlogReaction2::PlogReaction2(const Composition& reactants_,
680                              const Composition& products_, const Plog& rate_)
681     : Reaction(reactants_, products_)
682     , rate(rate_)
683 {
684     reaction_type = PLOG_RXN;
685 }
getParameters(AnyMap & reactionNode) const687 void PlogReaction2::getParameters(AnyMap& reactionNode) const
688 {
689     Reaction::getParameters(reactionNode);
690     reactionNode["type"] = "pressure-dependent-Arrhenius";
691     rate.getParameters(reactionNode, rate_units);
692 }
ChebyshevReaction2()694 ChebyshevReaction2::ChebyshevReaction2()
695     : Reaction()
696 {
697     reaction_type = CHEBYSHEV_RXN;
698 }
ChebyshevReaction2(const Composition & reactants_,const Composition & products_,const Chebyshev & rate_)700 ChebyshevReaction2::ChebyshevReaction2(const Composition& reactants_,
701                                        const Composition& products_,
702                                        const Chebyshev& rate_)
703     : Reaction(reactants_, products_)
704     , rate(rate_)
705 {
706     reaction_type = CHEBYSHEV_RXN;
707 }
getParameters(AnyMap & reactionNode) const709 void ChebyshevReaction2::getParameters(AnyMap& reactionNode) const
710 {
711     Reaction::getParameters(reactionNode);
712     reactionNode["type"] = "Chebyshev";
713     rate.getParameters(reactionNode, rate_units);
714 }
InterfaceReaction()716 InterfaceReaction::InterfaceReaction()
717     : is_sticking_coefficient(false)
718     , use_motz_wise_correction(false)
719 {
720     reaction_type = INTERFACE_RXN;
721 }
InterfaceReaction(const Composition & reactants_,const Composition & products_,const Arrhenius & rate_,bool isStick)723 InterfaceReaction::InterfaceReaction(const Composition& reactants_,
724                                      const Composition& products_,
725                                      const Arrhenius& rate_,
726                                      bool isStick)
727     : ElementaryReaction2(reactants_, products_, rate_)
728     , is_sticking_coefficient(isStick)
729     , use_motz_wise_correction(false)
730 {
731     reaction_type = INTERFACE_RXN;
732 }
calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics & kin)734 void InterfaceReaction::calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics& kin)
735 {
736     ElementaryReaction2::calculateRateCoeffUnits(kin);
737     if (is_sticking_coefficient || input.hasKey("sticking-coefficient")) {
738         rate_units = Units(1.0); // sticking coefficients are dimensionless
739     }
740 }
getParameters(AnyMap & reactionNode) const742 void InterfaceReaction::getParameters(AnyMap& reactionNode) const
743 {
744     ElementaryReaction2::getParameters(reactionNode);
745     if (is_sticking_coefficient) {
746         reactionNode["sticking-coefficient"] = std::move(reactionNode["rate-constant"]);
747         reactionNode.erase("rate-constant");
748     }
749     if (use_motz_wise_correction) {
750         reactionNode["Motz-Wise"] = true;
751     }
752     if (!sticking_species.empty()) {
753         reactionNode["sticking-species"] = sticking_species;
754     }
755     if (!coverage_deps.empty()) {
756         AnyMap deps;
757         for (const auto& d : coverage_deps) {
758             AnyMap dep;
759             dep["a"] = d.second.a;
760             dep["m"] = d.second.m;
761             dep["E"].setQuantity(d.second.E, "K", true);
762             deps[d.first] = std::move(dep);
763         }
764         reactionNode["coverage-dependencies"] = std::move(deps);
765     }
766 }
ElectrochemicalReaction()768 ElectrochemicalReaction::ElectrochemicalReaction()
769     : beta(0.5)
770     , exchange_current_density_formulation(false)
771 {
772 }
ElectrochemicalReaction(const Composition & reactants_,const Composition & products_,const Arrhenius & rate_)774 ElectrochemicalReaction::ElectrochemicalReaction(const Composition& reactants_,
775                                                  const Composition& products_,
776                                                  const Arrhenius& rate_)
777     : InterfaceReaction(reactants_, products_, rate_)
778     , beta(0.5)
779     , exchange_current_density_formulation(false)
780 {
781 }
getParameters(AnyMap & reactionNode) const783 void ElectrochemicalReaction::getParameters(AnyMap& reactionNode) const
784 {
785     InterfaceReaction::getParameters(reactionNode);
786     if (beta != 0.5) {
787         reactionNode["beta"] = beta;
788     }
789     if (exchange_current_density_formulation) {
790         reactionNode["exchange-current-density-formulation"] = true;
791     }
792 }
BlowersMaselReaction()794 BlowersMaselReaction::BlowersMaselReaction()
795     : allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor(false)
796 {
797     reaction_type = BLOWERSMASEL_RXN;
798 }
validate()800 void BlowersMaselReaction::validate()
801 {
802     Reaction::validate();
803     if (!allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor &&
804         rate.preExponentialFactor() < 0) {
805         throw InputFileError("BlowersMaselReaction::validate", input,
806             "Undeclared negative pre-exponential factor found in reaction '"
807             + equation() + "'");
808     }
809 }
BlowersMaselReaction(const Composition & reactants_,const Composition & products_,const BlowersMasel & rate_)811 BlowersMaselReaction::BlowersMaselReaction(const Composition& reactants_,
812                                            const Composition& products_,
813                                            const BlowersMasel& rate_)
814     : Reaction(reactants_, products_)
815     , rate(rate_)
816     , allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor(false)
817 {
818     reaction_type = BLOWERSMASEL_RXN;
819 }
getParameters(AnyMap & reactionNode) const821 void BlowersMaselReaction::getParameters(AnyMap& reactionNode) const
822 {
823     Reaction::getParameters(reactionNode);
824     reactionNode["type"] = "Blowers-Masel";
825     if (allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor) {
826         reactionNode["negative-A"] = true;
827     }
828     AnyMap rateNode;
829     rate.getParameters(rateNode, rate_units);
830     reactionNode["rate-constant"] = std::move(rateNode);
831 }
BlowersMaselInterfaceReaction()833 BlowersMaselInterfaceReaction::BlowersMaselInterfaceReaction()
834     : is_sticking_coefficient(false)
835     , use_motz_wise_correction(false)
836 {
837     reaction_type = BMINTERFACE_RXN;
838 }
BlowersMaselInterfaceReaction(const Composition & reactants_,const Composition & products_,const BlowersMasel & rate_,bool isStick)840 BlowersMaselInterfaceReaction::BlowersMaselInterfaceReaction(const Composition& reactants_,
841                                          const Composition& products_,
842                                          const BlowersMasel& rate_,
843                                          bool isStick)
844     : BlowersMaselReaction(reactants_, products_, rate_)
845     , is_sticking_coefficient(isStick)
846     , use_motz_wise_correction(false)
847 {
848     reaction_type = BMINTERFACE_RXN;
849 }
calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics & kin)851 void BlowersMaselInterfaceReaction::calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics& kin)
852 {
853     BlowersMaselReaction::calculateRateCoeffUnits(kin);
854     if (is_sticking_coefficient || input.hasKey("sticking-coefficient")) {
855         rate_units = Units(1.0); // sticking coefficients are dimensionless
856     }
857 }
getParameters(AnyMap & reactionNode) const859 void BlowersMaselInterfaceReaction::getParameters(AnyMap& reactionNode) const
860 {
861     BlowersMaselReaction::getParameters(reactionNode);
862     reactionNode["type"] = "Blowers-Masel";
863     if (is_sticking_coefficient) {
864         reactionNode["sticking-coefficient"] = std::move(reactionNode["rate-constant"]);
865         reactionNode.erase("rate-constant");
866     }
867     if (use_motz_wise_correction) {
868         reactionNode["Motz-Wise"] = true;
869     }
870     if (!sticking_species.empty()) {
871         reactionNode["sticking-species"] = sticking_species;
872     }
873     if (!coverage_deps.empty()) {
874         AnyMap deps;
875         for (const auto& d : coverage_deps) {
876             AnyMap dep;
877             dep["a"] = d.second.a;
878             dep["m"] = d.second.m;
879             dep["E"].setQuantity(d.second.E, "K", true);
880             deps[d.first] = std::move(dep);
881         }
882         reactionNode["coverage-dependencies"] = std::move(deps);
883     }
884 }
ElementaryReaction3()886 ElementaryReaction3::ElementaryReaction3()
887 {
888     setRate(newReactionRate(type()));
889 }
ElementaryReaction3(const Composition & reactants,const Composition & products,const ArrheniusRate & rate)891 ElementaryReaction3::ElementaryReaction3(const Composition& reactants,
892                                          const Composition& products,
893                                          const ArrheniusRate& rate)
894     : Reaction(reactants, products)
895 {
896     m_rate.reset(new ArrheniusRate(rate));
897 }
ElementaryReaction3(const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)899 ElementaryReaction3::ElementaryReaction3(const AnyMap& node, const Kinetics& kin)
900 {
901     if (!node.empty()) {
902         setParameters(node, kin);
903         setRate(newReactionRate(node, rate_units));
904     } else {
905         setRate(newReactionRate(type()));
906     }
907 }
ThreeBodyReaction3()909 ThreeBodyReaction3::ThreeBodyReaction3()
910 {
911     m_third_body.reset(new ThirdBody);
912     setRate(newReactionRate(type()));
913 }
ThreeBodyReaction3(const Composition & reactants,const Composition & products,const ArrheniusRate & rate,const ThirdBody & tbody)915 ThreeBodyReaction3::ThreeBodyReaction3(const Composition& reactants,
916                                        const Composition& products,
917                                        const ArrheniusRate& rate,
918                                        const ThirdBody& tbody)
919     : ElementaryReaction3(reactants, products, rate)
920 {
921     m_third_body = std::make_shared<ThirdBody>(tbody);
922 }
ThreeBodyReaction3(const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)924 ThreeBodyReaction3::ThreeBodyReaction3(const AnyMap& node, const Kinetics& kin)
925 {
926     m_third_body.reset(new ThirdBody);
927     if (!node.empty()) {
928         setParameters(node, kin);
929         setRate(newReactionRate(node, rate_units));
930     } else {
931         setRate(newReactionRate(type()));
932     }
933 }
detectEfficiencies()935 bool ThreeBodyReaction3::detectEfficiencies()
936 {
937     for (const auto& reac : reactants) {
938         // detect explicitly specified collision partner
939         if (products.count(reac.first)) {
940             m_third_body->efficiencies[reac.first] = 1.;
941         }
942     }
944     if (m_third_body->efficiencies.size() == 0) {
945         return false;
946     } else if (m_third_body->efficiencies.size() > 1) {
947         throw CanteraError("ThreeBodyReaction3::detectEfficiencies",
948             "Found more than one explicitly specified collision partner\n"
949             "in reaction '{}'.", equation());
950     }
952     m_third_body->default_efficiency = 0.;
953     specified_collision_partner = true;
954     auto sp = m_third_body->efficiencies.begin();
956     // adjust reactant coefficients
957     auto reac = reactants.find(sp->first);
958     if (trunc(reac->second) != 1) {
959         reac->second -= 1.;
960     } else {
961         reactants.erase(reac);
962     }
964     // adjust product coefficients
965     auto prod = products.find(sp->first);
966     if (trunc(prod->second) != 1) {
967         prod->second -= 1.;
968     } else {
969         products.erase(prod);
970     }
972     return true;
973 }
calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics & kin)975 void ThreeBodyReaction3::calculateRateCoeffUnits(const Kinetics& kin)
976 {
977     ElementaryReaction3::calculateRateCoeffUnits(kin);
978     bool specified_collision_partner_ = false;
979     for (const auto& reac : reactants) {
980         // While this reaction was already identified as a three-body reaction in a
981         // pre-processing step, this method is often called before a three-body
982         // reaction is fully instantiated. For the determination of the correct units,
983         // it is necessary to check whether the reaction uses a generic 'M' or an
984         // explicitly specified collision partner that may not have been deleted yet.
985         if (reac.first != "M" && products.count(reac.first)) {
986             // detected specified third-body collision partner
987             specified_collision_partner_ = true;
988         }
989     }
990     if (!specified_collision_partner_) {
991         const ThermoPhase& rxn_phase = kin.thermo(kin.reactionPhaseIndex());
992         rate_units *= rxn_phase.standardConcentrationUnits().pow(-1);
993     }
994 }
setParameters(const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)996 void ThreeBodyReaction3::setParameters(const AnyMap& node, const Kinetics& kin)
997 {
998     if (node.empty()) {
999         // empty node: used by newReaction() factory loader
1000         return;
1001     }
1002     Reaction::setParameters(node, kin);
1003     if (reactants.count("M") != 1 || products.count("M") != 1) {
1004         if (!detectEfficiencies()) {
1005             throw InputFileError("ThreeBodyReaction3::setParameters", node["equation"],
1006                 "Reaction equation '{}' does not contain third body 'M'",
1007                 node["equation"].asString());
1008         }
1009         return;
1010     }
1012     reactants.erase("M");
1013     products.erase("M");
1014     m_third_body->setEfficiencies(node);
1015 }
getParameters(AnyMap & reactionNode) const1017 void ThreeBodyReaction3::getParameters(AnyMap& reactionNode) const
1018 {
1019     Reaction::getParameters(reactionNode);
1020     if (!specified_collision_partner) {
1021         reactionNode["type"] = "three-body";
1022         reactionNode["efficiencies"] = m_third_body->efficiencies;
1023         reactionNode["efficiencies"].setFlowStyle();
1024         if (m_third_body->default_efficiency != 1.0) {
1025             reactionNode["default-efficiency"] = m_third_body->default_efficiency;
1026         }
1027     }
1028 }
reactantString() const1030 std::string ThreeBodyReaction3::reactantString() const
1031 {
1032     if (specified_collision_partner) {
1033         return ElementaryReaction3::reactantString() + " + "
1034             + m_third_body->efficiencies.begin()->first;
1035     } else {
1036         return ElementaryReaction3::reactantString() + " + M";
1037     }
1038 }
productString() const1040 std::string ThreeBodyReaction3::productString() const
1041 {
1042     if (specified_collision_partner) {
1043         return ElementaryReaction3::productString() + " + "
1044             + m_third_body->efficiencies.begin()->first;
1045     } else {
1046         return ElementaryReaction3::productString() + " + M";
1047     }
1048 }
PlogReaction3()1050 PlogReaction3::PlogReaction3()
1051 {
1052     setRate(newReactionRate(type()));
1053 }
PlogReaction3(const Composition & reactants,const Composition & products,const PlogRate & rate)1055 PlogReaction3::PlogReaction3(const Composition& reactants,
1056                              const Composition& products, const PlogRate& rate)
1057     : Reaction(reactants, products)
1058 {
1059     m_rate.reset(new PlogRate(rate));
1060 }
PlogReaction3(const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1062 PlogReaction3::PlogReaction3(const AnyMap& node, const Kinetics& kin)
1063 {
1064     if (!node.empty()) {
1065         setParameters(node, kin);
1066         setRate(newReactionRate(node, rate_units));
1067     } else {
1068         setRate(newReactionRate(type()));
1069     }
1070 }
ChebyshevReaction3()1072 ChebyshevReaction3::ChebyshevReaction3()
1073 {
1074     setRate(newReactionRate(type()));
1075 }
ChebyshevReaction3(const Composition & reactants,const Composition & products,const ChebyshevRate3 & rate)1077 ChebyshevReaction3::ChebyshevReaction3(const Composition& reactants,
1078                                        const Composition& products,
1079                                        const ChebyshevRate3& rate)
1080     : Reaction(reactants, products)
1081 {
1082     m_rate.reset(new ChebyshevRate3(rate));
1083 }
ChebyshevReaction3(const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1085 ChebyshevReaction3::ChebyshevReaction3(const AnyMap& node, const Kinetics& kin)
1086 {
1087     if (!node.empty()) {
1088         setParameters(node, kin);
1089         setRate(newReactionRate(node, rate_units));
1090     } else {
1091         setRate(newReactionRate(type()));
1092     }
1093 }
CustomFunc1Reaction()1095 CustomFunc1Reaction::CustomFunc1Reaction()
1096 {
1097     setRate(newReactionRate(type()));
1098 }
CustomFunc1Reaction(const Composition & reactants,const Composition & products,const CustomFunc1Rate & rate)1100 CustomFunc1Reaction::CustomFunc1Reaction(const Composition& reactants,
1101                                          const Composition& products,
1102                                          const CustomFunc1Rate& rate)
1103     : Reaction(reactants, products)
1104 {
1105     m_rate.reset(new CustomFunc1Rate(rate));
1106 }
CustomFunc1Reaction(const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1108 CustomFunc1Reaction::CustomFunc1Reaction(const AnyMap& node, const Kinetics& kin)
1109 {
1110     if (!node.empty()) {
1111         setParameters(node, kin);
1112         setRate(newReactionRate(node, rate_units));
1113     } else {
1114         setRate(newReactionRate(type()));
1115     }
1116 }
readArrhenius(const XML_Node & arrhenius_node)1118 Arrhenius readArrhenius(const XML_Node& arrhenius_node)
1119 {
1120     return Arrhenius(getFloat(arrhenius_node, "A", "toSI"),
1121                      getFloat(arrhenius_node, "b"),
1122                      getFloat(arrhenius_node, "E", "actEnergy") / GasConstant);
1123 }
readArrhenius(const Reaction & R,const AnyValue & rate,const Kinetics & kin,const UnitSystem & units,int pressure_dependence=0)1125 Arrhenius readArrhenius(const Reaction& R, const AnyValue& rate,
1126                         const Kinetics& kin, const UnitSystem& units,
1127                         int pressure_dependence=0)
1128 {
1129     double A, b, Ta;
1130     Units rc_units = R.rate_units;
1131     if (pressure_dependence) {
1132         Units rxn_phase_units = kin.thermo(kin.reactionPhaseIndex()).standardConcentrationUnits();
1133         rc_units *= rxn_phase_units.pow(-pressure_dependence);
1134     }
1135     if (rate.is<AnyMap>()) {
1136         auto& rate_map = rate.as<AnyMap>();
1137         A = units.convert(rate_map["A"], rc_units);
1138         b = rate_map["b"].asDouble();
1139         Ta = units.convertActivationEnergy(rate_map["Ea"], "K");
1140     } else {
1141         auto& rate_vec = rate.asVector<AnyValue>(3);
1142         A = units.convert(rate_vec[0], rc_units);
1143         b = rate_vec[1].asDouble();
1144         Ta = units.convertActivationEnergy(rate_vec[2], "K");
1145     }
1146     return Arrhenius(A, b, Ta);
1147 }
1149 //! Parse falloff parameters, given a rateCoeff node
1150 /*!
1151  * @verbatim
1152  <falloff type="Troe"> 0.5 73.2 5000. 9999. </falloff>
1153  @endverbatim
1154 */
readFalloff(FalloffReaction & R,const XML_Node & rc_node)1155 void readFalloff(FalloffReaction& R, const XML_Node& rc_node)
1156 {
1157     XML_Node& falloff = rc_node.child("falloff");
1158     std::vector<std::string> p;
1159     vector_fp falloff_parameters;
1160     getStringArray(falloff, p);
1161     size_t np = p.size();
1162     for (size_t n = 0; n < np; n++) {
1163         falloff_parameters.push_back(fpValueCheck(p[n]));
1164     }
1166     if (caseInsensitiveEquals(falloff["type"], "lindemann")) {
1167         if (np != 0) {
1168             throw CanteraError("readFalloff", "Lindemann parameterization "
1169                 "takes no parameters, but {} were given", np);
1170         }
1171         R.falloff = newFalloff("Lindemann", falloff_parameters);
1172     } else if (caseInsensitiveEquals(falloff["type"], "troe")) {
1173         if (np != 3 && np != 4) {
1174             throw CanteraError("readFalloff", "Troe parameterization takes "
1175                 "3 or 4 parameters, but {} were given", np);
1176         }
1177         R.falloff = newFalloff("Troe", falloff_parameters);
1178     } else if (caseInsensitiveEquals(falloff["type"], "sri")) {
1179         if (np != 3 && np != 5) {
1180             throw CanteraError("readFalloff", "SRI parameterization takes "
1181                 "3 or 5 parameters, but {} were given", np);
1182         }
1183         R.falloff = newFalloff("SRI", falloff_parameters);
1184     } else if (caseInsensitiveEquals(falloff["type"], "tsang")) {
1185         if (np != 2) {
1186             throw CanteraError("readFalloff", "Tsang parameterization takes "
1187                 "2 parameters, but {} were given", np);
1188         }
1189         R.falloff = newFalloff("Tsang", falloff_parameters);
1190     } else {
1191         throw CanteraError("readFalloff", "Unrecognized falloff type: '{}'",
1192                            falloff["type"]);
1193     }
1194 }
readFalloff(FalloffReaction & R,const AnyMap & node)1196 void readFalloff(FalloffReaction& R, const AnyMap& node)
1197 {
1198     if (node.hasKey("Troe")) {
1199         auto& f = node["Troe"].as<AnyMap>();
1200         vector_fp params{
1201             f["A"].asDouble(),
1202             f["T3"].asDouble(),
1203             f["T1"].asDouble()
1204         };
1205         if (f.hasKey("T2")) {
1206             params.push_back(f["T2"].asDouble());
1207         }
1208         R.falloff = newFalloff("Troe", params);
1209     } else if (node.hasKey("SRI")) {
1210         auto& f = node["SRI"].as<AnyMap>();
1211         vector_fp params{
1212             f["A"].asDouble(),
1213             f["B"].asDouble(),
1214             f["C"].asDouble()
1215         };
1216         if (f.hasKey("D")) {
1217             params.push_back(f["D"].asDouble());
1218         }
1219         if (f.hasKey("E")) {
1220             params.push_back(f["E"].asDouble());
1221         }
1222         R.falloff = newFalloff("SRI", params);
1223     } else if (node.hasKey("Tsang")) {
1224         auto& f = node["Tsang"].as<AnyMap>();
1225         vector_fp params{
1226             f["A"].asDouble(),
1227             f["B"].asDouble()
1228         };
1229         R.falloff = newFalloff("Tsang", params);
1230     } else {
1231         R.falloff = newFalloff("Lindemann", {});
1232     }
1233 }
readEfficiencies(ThirdBody & tbody,const XML_Node & rc_node)1235 void readEfficiencies(ThirdBody& tbody, const XML_Node& rc_node)
1236 {
1237     if (!rc_node.hasChild("efficiencies")) {
1238         tbody.default_efficiency = 1.0;
1239         return;
1240     }
1241     const XML_Node& eff_node = rc_node.child("efficiencies");
1242     tbody.default_efficiency = fpValue(eff_node["default"]);
1243     tbody.efficiencies = parseCompString(eff_node.value());
1244 }
readEfficiencies(ThirdBody & tbody,const AnyMap & node)1246 void readEfficiencies(ThirdBody& tbody, const AnyMap& node)
1247 {
1248     tbody.setEfficiencies(node);
1249 }
readBlowersMasel(const Reaction & R,const AnyValue & rate,const Kinetics & kin,const UnitSystem & units,int pressure_dependence=0)1251 BlowersMasel readBlowersMasel(const Reaction& R, const AnyValue& rate,
1252                         const Kinetics& kin, const UnitSystem& units,
1253                         int pressure_dependence=0)
1254 {
1255     double A, b, Ta0, w;
1256     Units rc_units = R.rate_units;
1257     if (pressure_dependence) {
1258         Units rxn_phase_units = kin.thermo(kin.reactionPhaseIndex()).standardConcentrationUnits();
1259         rc_units *= rxn_phase_units.pow(-pressure_dependence);
1260     }
1261     if (rate.is<AnyMap>()) {
1262         auto& rate_map = rate.as<AnyMap>();
1263         A = units.convert(rate_map["A"], rc_units);
1264         b = rate_map["b"].asDouble();
1265         Ta0 = units.convertActivationEnergy(rate_map["Ea0"], "K");
1266         w = units.convertActivationEnergy(rate_map["w"], "K");
1267     } else {
1268         auto& rate_vec = rate.asVector<AnyValue>(4);
1269         A = units.convert(rate_vec[0], rc_units);
1270         b = rate_vec[1].asDouble();
1271         Ta0 = units.convertActivationEnergy(rate_vec[2], "K");
1272         w = units.convertActivationEnergy(rate_vec[3], "K");
1273     }
1274     return BlowersMasel(A, b, Ta0, w);
1275 }
detectEfficiencies(ThreeBodyReaction2 & R)1277 bool detectEfficiencies(ThreeBodyReaction2& R)
1278 {
1279     for (const auto& reac : R.reactants) {
1280         // detect explicitly specified collision partner
1281         if (R.products.count(reac.first)) {
1282             R.third_body.efficiencies[reac.first] = 1.;
1283         }
1284     }
1286     if (R.third_body.efficiencies.size() == 0) {
1287         return false;
1288     } else if (R.third_body.efficiencies.size() > 1) {
1289         throw CanteraError("detectEfficiencies",
1290             "Found more than one explicitly specified collision partner\n"
1291             "in reaction '{}'.", R.equation());
1292     }
1294     R.third_body.default_efficiency = 0.;
1295     R.specified_collision_partner = true;
1296     auto sp = R.third_body.efficiencies.begin();
1298     // adjust reactant coefficients
1299     auto reac = R.reactants.find(sp->first);
1300     if (trunc(reac->second) != 1) {
1301         reac->second -= 1.;
1302     } else {
1303         R.reactants.erase(reac);
1304     }
1306     // adjust product coefficients
1307     auto prod = R.products.find(sp->first);
1308     if (trunc(prod->second) != 1) {
1309         prod->second -= 1.;
1310     } else {
1311         R.products.erase(prod);
1312     }
1314     return true;
1315 }
setupReaction(Reaction & R,const XML_Node & rxn_node)1317 void setupReaction(Reaction& R, const XML_Node& rxn_node)
1318 {
1319     // Reactant and product stoichiometries
1320     R.reactants = parseCompString(rxn_node.child("reactants").value());
1321     R.products = parseCompString(rxn_node.child("products").value());
1323     // Non-stoichiometric reaction orders
1324     std::vector<XML_Node*> orders = rxn_node.getChildren("order");
1325     for (size_t i = 0; i < orders.size(); i++) {
1326         R.orders[orders[i]->attrib("species")] = orders[i]->fp_value();
1327     }
1329     // Flags
1330     R.id = rxn_node.attrib("id");
1331     R.duplicate = rxn_node.hasAttrib("duplicate");
1332     const std::string& rev = rxn_node["reversible"];
1333     R.reversible = (rev == "true" || rev == "yes");
1334 }
parseReactionEquation(Reaction & R,const AnyValue & equation,const Kinetics & kin)1336 void parseReactionEquation(Reaction& R, const AnyValue& equation,
1337                            const Kinetics& kin) {
1338     // Parse the reaction equation to determine participating species and
1339     // stoichiometric coefficients
1340     std::vector<std::string> tokens;
1341     tokenizeString(equation.asString(), tokens);
1342     tokens.push_back("+"); // makes parsing last species not a special case
1344     size_t last_used = npos; // index of last-used token
1345     bool reactants = true;
1346     for (size_t i = 1; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
1347         if (tokens[i] == "+" || ba::starts_with(tokens[i], "(+") ||
1348             tokens[i] == "<=>" || tokens[i] == "=" || tokens[i] == "=>") {
1349             std::string species = tokens[i-1];
1351             double stoich;
1352             if (last_used != npos && tokens[last_used] == "(+") {
1353                 // Falloff third body with space, e.g. "(+ M)"
1354                 species = "(+" + species;
1355                 stoich = -1;
1356             } else if (last_used == i-1 && ba::starts_with(species, "(+")
1357                        && ba::ends_with(species, ")")) {
1358                 // Falloff 3rd body written without space, e.g. "(+M)"
1359                 stoich = -1;
1360             } else if (last_used == i-2) { // Species with no stoich. coefficient
1361                 stoich = 1.0;
1362             } else if (last_used == i-3) { // Stoich. coefficient and species
1363                 try {
1364                     stoich = fpValueCheck(tokens[i-2]);
1365                 } catch (CanteraError& err) {
1366                     throw InputFileError("parseReactionEquation", equation,
1367                         err.getMessage());
1368                 }
1369             } else {
1370                 throw InputFileError("parseReactionEquation", equation,
1371                     "Error parsing reaction string '{}'.\n"
1372                     "Current token: '{}'\nlast_used: '{}'",
1373                     equation.asString(), tokens[i],
1374                     (last_used == npos) ? "n/a" : tokens[last_used]);
1375             }
1376             if (kin.kineticsSpeciesIndex(species) == npos
1377                 && stoich != -1 && species != "M") {
1378                 R.setValid(false);
1379             }
1381             if (reactants) {
1382                 R.reactants[species] += stoich;
1383             } else {
1384                 R.products[species] += stoich;
1385             }
1387             last_used = i;
1388         }
1390         // Tokens after this point are part of the products string
1391         if (tokens[i] == "<=>" || tokens[i] == "=") {
1392             R.reversible = true;
1393             reactants = false;
1394         } else if (tokens[i] == "=>") {
1395             R.reversible = false;
1396             reactants = false;
1397         }
1398     }
1399 }
setupReaction(Reaction & R,const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1401 void setupReaction(Reaction& R, const AnyMap& node, const Kinetics& kin)
1402 {
1403     parseReactionEquation(R, node["equation"], kin);
1404     // Non-stoichiometric reaction orders
1405     if (node.hasKey("orders")) {
1406         for (const auto& order : node["orders"].asMap<double>()) {
1407             R.orders[order.first] = order.second;
1408             if (kin.kineticsSpeciesIndex(order.first) == npos) {
1409                 R.setValid(false);
1410             }
1411         }
1412     }
1414     //Flags
1415     R.id = node.getString("id", "");
1416     R.duplicate = node.getBool("duplicate", false);
1417     R.allow_negative_orders = node.getBool("negative-orders", false);
1418     R.allow_nonreactant_orders = node.getBool("nonreactant-orders", false);
1420     R.input = node;
1421     R.calculateRateCoeffUnits(kin);
1422 }
setupElementaryReaction(ElementaryReaction2 & R,const XML_Node & rxn_node)1424 void setupElementaryReaction(ElementaryReaction2& R, const XML_Node& rxn_node)
1425 {
1426     const XML_Node& rc_node = rxn_node.child("rateCoeff");
1427     if (rc_node.hasChild("Arrhenius")) {
1428         R.rate = readArrhenius(rc_node.child("Arrhenius"));
1429     } else if (rc_node.hasChild("Arrhenius_ExchangeCurrentDensity")) {
1430         R.rate = readArrhenius(rc_node.child("Arrhenius_ExchangeCurrentDensity"));
1431     } else {
1432         throw CanteraError("setupElementaryReaction", "Couldn't find Arrhenius node");
1433     }
1434     if (rxn_node["negative_A"] == "yes") {
1435         R.allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor = true;
1436     }
1437     if (rxn_node["negative_orders"] == "yes") {
1438         R.allow_negative_orders = true;
1439     }
1440     if (rxn_node["nonreactant_orders"] == "yes") {
1441         R.allow_nonreactant_orders = true;
1442     }
1443     setupReaction(R, rxn_node);
1444 }
setupElementaryReaction(ElementaryReaction2 & R,const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1446 void setupElementaryReaction(ElementaryReaction2& R, const AnyMap& node,
1447                              const Kinetics& kin)
1448 {
1449     setupReaction(R, node, kin);
1450     R.allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor = node.getBool("negative-A", false);
1451     R.rate = readArrhenius(R, node["rate-constant"], kin, node.units());
1452 }
setupThreeBodyReaction(ThreeBodyReaction2 & R,const XML_Node & rxn_node)1454 void setupThreeBodyReaction(ThreeBodyReaction2& R, const XML_Node& rxn_node)
1455 {
1456     readEfficiencies(R.third_body, rxn_node.child("rateCoeff"));
1457     setupElementaryReaction(R, rxn_node);
1458     if (R.third_body.efficiencies.size() == 0) {
1459         detectEfficiencies(R);
1460     }
1461 }
setupThreeBodyReaction(ThreeBodyReaction2 & R,const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1463 void setupThreeBodyReaction(ThreeBodyReaction2& R, const AnyMap& node,
1464                             const Kinetics& kin)
1465 {
1466     setupElementaryReaction(R, node, kin);
1467     if (R.reactants.count("M") != 1 || R.products.count("M") != 1) {
1468         if (!detectEfficiencies(R)) {
1469             throw InputFileError("setupThreeBodyReaction", node["equation"],
1470                 "Reaction equation '{}' does not contain third body 'M'",
1471                 node["equation"].asString());
1472         }
1473     } else {
1474         R.reactants.erase("M");
1475         R.products.erase("M");
1476         readEfficiencies(R.third_body, node);
1477     }
1478 }
setupFalloffReaction(FalloffReaction & R,const XML_Node & rxn_node)1480 void setupFalloffReaction(FalloffReaction& R, const XML_Node& rxn_node)
1481 {
1482     XML_Node& rc_node = rxn_node.child("rateCoeff");
1483     std::vector<XML_Node*> rates = rc_node.getChildren("Arrhenius");
1484     int nLow = 0;
1485     int nHigh = 0;
1486     for (size_t i = 0; i < rates.size(); i++) {
1487         XML_Node& node = *rates[i];
1488         if (node["name"] == "") {
1489             R.high_rate = readArrhenius(node);
1490             nHigh++;
1491         } else if (node["name"] == "k0") {
1492             R.low_rate = readArrhenius(node);
1493             nLow++;
1494         } else {
1495             throw CanteraError("setupFalloffReaction", "Found an Arrhenius XML "
1496                 "node with an unexpected type '" + node["name"] + "'");
1497         }
1498     }
1499     if (nLow != 1 || nHigh != 1) {
1500         throw CanteraError("setupFalloffReaction", "Did not find the correct "
1501             "number of Arrhenius rate expressions");
1502     }
1503     if (rxn_node["negative_A"] == "yes") {
1504         R.allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor = true;
1505     }
1506     readFalloff(R, rc_node);
1507     readEfficiencies(R.third_body, rc_node);
1508     setupReaction(R, rxn_node);
1509 }
setupFalloffReaction(FalloffReaction & R,const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1511 void setupFalloffReaction(FalloffReaction& R, const AnyMap& node,
1512                           const Kinetics& kin)
1513 {
1514     setupReaction(R, node, kin);
1515     // setupReaction sets the stoichiometric coefficient for the falloff third
1516     // body to -1.
1517     std::string third_body;
1518     for (auto& reactant : R.reactants) {
1519         if (reactant.second == -1 && ba::starts_with(reactant.first, "(+")) {
1520             third_body = reactant.first;
1521             break;
1522         }
1523     }
1525     // Equation must contain a third body, and it must appear on both sides
1526     if (third_body == "") {
1527         throw InputFileError("setupFalloffReaction", node["equation"],
1528             "Reactants for reaction '{}' do not contain a pressure-dependent "
1529             "third body", node["equation"].asString());
1530     } else if (R.products.count(third_body) == 0) {
1531         throw InputFileError("setupFalloffReaction", node["equation"],
1532             "Unable to match third body '{}' in reactants and products of "
1533             "reaction '{}'", third_body, node["equation"].asString());
1534     }
1536     // Remove the dummy species
1537     R.reactants.erase(third_body);
1538     R.products.erase(third_body);
1540     R.allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor = node.getBool("negative-A", false);
1541     if (third_body == "(+M)") {
1542         readEfficiencies(R.third_body, node);
1543     } else {
1544         // Specific species is listed as the third body
1545         R.third_body.default_efficiency = 0;
1546         R.third_body.efficiencies[third_body.substr(2, third_body.size() - 3)] = 1.0;
1547     }
1549     R.low_rate = readArrhenius(R, node["low-P-rate-constant"], kin,
1550                                 node.units(), 1);
1551     R.high_rate = readArrhenius(R, node["high-P-rate-constant"], kin,
1552                                 node.units());
1554     readFalloff(R, node);
1555 }
setupChemicallyActivatedReaction(ChemicallyActivatedReaction & R,const XML_Node & rxn_node)1557 void setupChemicallyActivatedReaction(ChemicallyActivatedReaction& R,
1558                                       const XML_Node& rxn_node)
1559 {
1560     XML_Node& rc_node = rxn_node.child("rateCoeff");
1561     std::vector<XML_Node*> rates = rc_node.getChildren("Arrhenius");
1562     int nLow = 0;
1563     int nHigh = 0;
1564     for (size_t i = 0; i < rates.size(); i++) {
1565         XML_Node& node = *rates[i];
1566         if (node["name"] == "kHigh") {
1567             R.high_rate = readArrhenius(node);
1568             nHigh++;
1569         } else if (node["name"] == "") {
1570             R.low_rate = readArrhenius(node);
1571             nLow++;
1572         } else {
1573             throw CanteraError("setupChemicallyActivatedReaction", "Found an "
1574                 "Arrhenius XML node with an unexpected type '" + node["name"] + "'");
1575         }
1576     }
1577     if (nLow != 1 || nHigh != 1) {
1578         throw CanteraError("setupChemicallyActivatedReaction", "Did not find "
1579             "the correct number of Arrhenius rate expressions");
1580     }
1581     readFalloff(R, rc_node);
1582     readEfficiencies(R.third_body, rc_node);
1583     setupReaction(R, rxn_node);
1584 }
setupPlogReaction(PlogReaction2 & R,const XML_Node & rxn_node)1586 void setupPlogReaction(PlogReaction2& R, const XML_Node& rxn_node)
1587 {
1588     XML_Node& rc = rxn_node.child("rateCoeff");
1589     std::multimap<double, Arrhenius> rates;
1590     for (size_t m = 0; m < rc.nChildren(); m++) {
1591         const XML_Node& node = rc.child(m);
1592         rates.insert({getFloat(node, "P", "toSI"), readArrhenius(node)});
1593     }
1594     R.rate = Plog(rates);
1595     setupReaction(R, rxn_node);
1596 }
setupPlogReaction(PlogReaction2 & R,const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1598 void setupPlogReaction(PlogReaction2& R, const AnyMap& node, const Kinetics& kin)
1599 {
1600     setupReaction(R, node, kin);
1601     std::multimap<double, Arrhenius> rates;
1602     for (const auto& rate : node.at("rate-constants").asVector<AnyMap>()) {
1603         rates.insert({rate.convert("P", "Pa"),
1604                       readArrhenius(R, AnyValue(rate), kin, node.units())});
1605     }
1606     R.rate = Plog(rates);
1607 }
validate()1609 void PlogReaction2::validate()
1610 {
1611     Reaction::validate();
1612     rate.validate(equation());
1613 }
setupChebyshevReaction(ChebyshevReaction2 & R,const XML_Node & rxn_node)1615 void setupChebyshevReaction(ChebyshevReaction2& R, const XML_Node& rxn_node)
1616 {
1617     XML_Node& rc = rxn_node.child("rateCoeff");
1618     const XML_Node& coeff_node = rc.child("floatArray");
1619     size_t nP = atoi(coeff_node["degreeP"].c_str());
1620     size_t nT = atoi(coeff_node["degreeT"].c_str());
1622     vector_fp coeffs_flat;
1623     getFloatArray(rc, coeffs_flat, false);
1624     Array2D coeffs(nT, nP);
1625     for (size_t t = 0; t < nT; t++) {
1626         for (size_t p = 0; p < nP; p++) {
1627             coeffs(t,p) = coeffs_flat[nP*t + p];
1628         }
1629     }
1630     R.rate = Chebyshev(getFloat(rc, "Tmin", "toSI"),
1631                        getFloat(rc, "Tmax", "toSI"),
1632                        getFloat(rc, "Pmin", "toSI"),
1633                        getFloat(rc, "Pmax", "toSI"),
1634                        coeffs);
1635     setupReaction(R, rxn_node);
1636 }
setupChebyshevReaction(ChebyshevReaction2 & R,const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1638 void setupChebyshevReaction(ChebyshevReaction2&R, const AnyMap& node,
1639                             const Kinetics& kin)
1640 {
1641     setupReaction(R, node, kin);
1642     R.reactants.erase("(+M)"); // remove optional third body notation
1643     R.products.erase("(+M)");
1644     const auto& T_range = node["temperature-range"].asVector<AnyValue>(2);
1645     const auto& P_range = node["pressure-range"].asVector<AnyValue>(2);
1646     auto& vcoeffs = node["data"].asVector<vector_fp>();
1647     Array2D coeffs(vcoeffs.size(), vcoeffs[0].size());
1648     for (size_t i = 0; i < coeffs.nRows(); i++) {
1649         if (vcoeffs[i].size() != vcoeffs[0].size()) {
1650             throw InputFileError("setupChebyshevReaction", node["data"],
1651                 "Inconsistent number of coefficients in row {} of matrix", i + 1);
1652         }
1653         for (size_t j = 0; j < coeffs.nColumns(); j++) {
1654             coeffs(i, j) = vcoeffs[i][j];
1655         }
1656     }
1657     const UnitSystem& units = node.units();
1658     coeffs(0, 0) += std::log10(units.convertTo(1.0, R.rate_units));
1659     R.rate = Chebyshev(units.convert(T_range[0], "K"),
1660                        units.convert(T_range[1], "K"),
1661                        units.convert(P_range[0], "Pa"),
1662                        units.convert(P_range[1], "Pa"),
1663                        coeffs);
1664 }
setupInterfaceReaction(InterfaceReaction & R,const XML_Node & rxn_node)1666 void setupInterfaceReaction(InterfaceReaction& R, const XML_Node& rxn_node)
1667 {
1668     XML_Node& arr = rxn_node.child("rateCoeff").child("Arrhenius");
1669     if (caseInsensitiveEquals(arr["type"], "stick")) {
1670         R.is_sticking_coefficient = true;
1671         R.sticking_species = arr["species"];
1673         if (caseInsensitiveEquals(arr["motz_wise"], "true")) {
1674             R.use_motz_wise_correction = true;
1675         } else if (caseInsensitiveEquals(arr["motz_wise"], "false")) {
1676             R.use_motz_wise_correction = false;
1677         } else {
1678             // Default value for all reactions
1679             XML_Node* parent = rxn_node.parent();
1680             if (parent && parent->name() == "reactionData"
1681                 && caseInsensitiveEquals((*parent)["motz_wise"], "true")) {
1682                 R.use_motz_wise_correction = true;
1683             }
1684         }
1685     }
1686     std::vector<XML_Node*> cov = arr.getChildren("coverage");
1687     for (const auto& node : cov) {
1688         CoverageDependency& cdep = R.coverage_deps[node->attrib("species")];
1689         cdep.a = getFloat(*node, "a", "toSI");
1690         cdep.m = getFloat(*node, "m");
1691         cdep.E = getFloat(*node, "e", "actEnergy") / GasConstant;
1692     }
1693     setupElementaryReaction(R, rxn_node);
1694 }
setupInterfaceReaction(InterfaceReaction & R,const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1696 void setupInterfaceReaction(InterfaceReaction& R, const AnyMap& node,
1697                             const Kinetics& kin)
1698 {
1699     setupReaction(R, node, kin);
1700     R.allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor = node.getBool("negative-A", false);
1702     if (node.hasKey("rate-constant")) {
1703         R.rate = readArrhenius(R, node["rate-constant"], kin, node.units());
1704     } else if (node.hasKey("sticking-coefficient")) {
1705         R.is_sticking_coefficient = true;
1706         R.rate = readArrhenius(R, node["sticking-coefficient"], kin, node.units());
1707         R.use_motz_wise_correction = node.getBool("Motz-Wise",
1708             kin.thermo().input().getBool("Motz-Wise", false));
1709         R.sticking_species = node.getString("sticking-species", "");
1710     } else {
1711         throw InputFileError("setupInterfaceReaction", node,
1712             "Reaction must include either a 'rate-constant' or"
1713             " 'sticking-coefficient' node.");
1714     }
1716     if (node.hasKey("coverage-dependencies")) {
1717         for (const auto& item : node["coverage-dependencies"].as<AnyMap>()) {
1718             double a, E, m;
1719             if (item.second.is<AnyMap>()) {
1720                 auto& cov_map = item.second.as<AnyMap>();
1721                 a = cov_map["a"].asDouble();
1722                 m = cov_map["m"].asDouble();
1723                 E = node.units().convertActivationEnergy(cov_map["E"], "K");
1724             } else {
1725                 auto& cov_vec = item.second.asVector<AnyValue>(3);
1726                 a = cov_vec[0].asDouble();
1727                 m = cov_vec[1].asDouble();
1728                 E = node.units().convertActivationEnergy(cov_vec[2], "K");
1729             }
1730             R.coverage_deps[item.first] = CoverageDependency(a, E, m);
1731         }
1732     }
1733 }
setupElectrochemicalReaction(ElectrochemicalReaction & R,const XML_Node & rxn_node)1735 void setupElectrochemicalReaction(ElectrochemicalReaction& R,
1736                                   const XML_Node& rxn_node)
1737 {
1738     XML_Node& rc = rxn_node.child("rateCoeff");
1739     std::string rc_type = toLowerCopy(rc["type"]);
1740     if (rc_type == "exchangecurrentdensity") {
1741         R.exchange_current_density_formulation = true;
1742     } else if (rc_type != "" && rc_type != "arrhenius") {
1743         throw CanteraError("setupElectrochemicalReaction",
1744             "Unknown rate coefficient type: '" + rc_type + "'");
1745     }
1746     if (rc.hasChild("Arrhenius_ExchangeCurrentDensity")) {
1747         R.exchange_current_density_formulation = true;
1748     }
1750     if (rc.hasChild("electrochem") && rc.child("electrochem").hasAttrib("beta")) {
1751         R.beta = fpValueCheck(rc.child("electrochem")["beta"]);
1752     }
1754     setupInterfaceReaction(R, rxn_node);
1756     // Override orders based on the <orders> node
1757     if (rxn_node.hasChild("orders")) {
1758         Composition orders = parseCompString(rxn_node.child("orders").value());
1759         for (const auto& order : orders) {
1760             R.orders[order.first] = order.second;
1761         }
1762     }
1763 }
setupElectrochemicalReaction(ElectrochemicalReaction & R,const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1765 void setupElectrochemicalReaction(ElectrochemicalReaction& R,
1766                                   const AnyMap& node, const Kinetics& kin)
1767 {
1768     setupInterfaceReaction(R, node, kin);
1769     R.beta = node.getDouble("beta", 0.5);
1770     R.exchange_current_density_formulation = node.getBool(
1771         "exchange-current-density-formulation", false);
1772 }
setupBlowersMaselReaction(BlowersMaselReaction & R,const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1774 void setupBlowersMaselReaction(BlowersMaselReaction& R, const AnyMap& node,
1775                              const Kinetics& kin)
1776 {
1777     setupReaction(R, node, kin);
1778     R.allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor = node.getBool("negative-A", false);
1779     R.rate = readBlowersMasel(R, node["rate-constant"], kin, node.units());
1780 }
setupBlowersMaselInterfaceReaction(BlowersMaselInterfaceReaction & R,const AnyMap & node,const Kinetics & kin)1782 void setupBlowersMaselInterfaceReaction(BlowersMaselInterfaceReaction& R, const AnyMap& node,
1783                             const Kinetics& kin)
1784 {
1785     setupReaction(R, node, kin);
1786     R.allow_negative_pre_exponential_factor = node.getBool("negative-A", false);
1788     if (node.hasKey("rate-constant")) {
1789         R.rate = readBlowersMasel(R, node["rate-constant"], kin, node.units());
1790     } else if (node.hasKey("sticking-coefficient")) {
1791         R.is_sticking_coefficient = true;
1792         R.rate = readBlowersMasel(R, node["sticking-coefficient"], kin, node.units());
1793         R.use_motz_wise_correction = node.getBool("Motz-Wise",
1794             kin.thermo().input().getBool("Motz-Wise", false));
1795         R.sticking_species = node.getString("sticking-species", "");
1796     } else {
1797         throw InputFileError("setupBlowersMaselInterfaceReaction", node,
1798             "Reaction must include either a 'rate-constant' or"
1799             " 'sticking-coefficient' node.");
1800     }
1802     if (node.hasKey("coverage-dependencies")) {
1803         for (const auto& item : node["coverage-dependencies"].as<AnyMap>()) {
1804             double a, E, m;
1805             if (item.second.is<AnyMap>()) {
1806                 auto& cov_map = item.second.as<AnyMap>();
1807                 a = cov_map["a"].asDouble();
1808                 m = cov_map["m"].asDouble();
1809                 E = node.units().convertActivationEnergy(cov_map["E"], "K");
1810             } else {
1811                 auto& cov_vec = item.second.asVector<AnyValue>(3);
1812                 a = cov_vec[0].asDouble();
1813                 m = cov_vec[1].asDouble();
1814                 E = node.units().convertActivationEnergy(cov_vec[2], "K");
1815             }
1816             R.coverage_deps[item.first] = CoverageDependency(a, E, m);
1817         }
1818     }
1819 }
getReactions(const XML_Node & node)1821 std::vector<shared_ptr<Reaction> > getReactions(const XML_Node& node)
1822 {
1823     std::vector<shared_ptr<Reaction> > all_reactions;
1824     for (const auto& rxnnode : node.child("reactionData").getChildren("reaction")) {
1825         all_reactions.push_back(newReaction(*rxnnode));
1826     }
1827     return all_reactions;
1828 }
getReactions(const AnyValue & items,Kinetics & kinetics)1830 std::vector<shared_ptr<Reaction>> getReactions(const AnyValue& items,
1831                                                Kinetics& kinetics)
1832 {
1833     std::vector<shared_ptr<Reaction>> all_reactions;
1834     for (const auto& node : items.asVector<AnyMap>()) {
1835         shared_ptr<Reaction> R(newReaction(node, kinetics));
1836         R->validate();
1837         if (R->valid() && R->checkSpecies(kinetics)) {
1838             all_reactions.emplace_back(R);
1839         }
1840     }
1841     return all_reactions;
1842 }
1844 }