1 /*! \file migration.h*/
2 #ifndef MIGRATION_HEADER /*migration.h */
5 #include "definitions.h"
6 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
7   Maximum likelihood estimation of migration rates
8   using coalescent trees
10   Peter Beerli
11   School of Computational Science
12   Department of Biological Sciences
13   Florida State University
14   Tallahassee FL 32306-4120
15   beerli@fsu.edu
17   Copyright 2002 Peter Beerli and Joseph Felsenstein, Seattle WA
18   Copyright 2003 Peter Beerli, Tallahassee FL
20  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
21  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
22  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
23  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
24  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
25  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
26  to the following conditions:
28  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
29  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
39  $Id: migration.h 2165 2013-08-24 16:33:45Z beerli $
40   *----------------------------------------------------------------
41 */
42 /**
43  * Definitions used for the program migrate
44  * this file holds structures and typedefs
45  * and defines
46  */
49 /* Altivec support [NOT WORKING YET]*/
50 #ifdef ALTIVEC
51 #include "altivec.h"
52 #endif /*ALTIVEC*/
54 #ifdef ZNZ
55 #include "znzlib.h"
56 #endif
58 typedef char allele_type[DEFAULT_ALLELENMLENGTH]; //!< allele type string
60 typedef long twin_fmt[2];
61 typedef long quad_fmt[4];
62 typedef MYREAL pair[2];
63 typedef long longpair[2];
64 typedef float tetra[9];
65 typedef float duo[2];
66 #ifdef ALTIVEC
67 typedef FloatVec sitelike;
68 #else
69 #ifdef VARMUT
70 //  best model for condlike? chunks of numcategs * (condlike_site * numsites)
71 //  accessing a single 1D array?
72 //
73 typedef MYREAL * sitelike; //this allows to tread each site as a different datatype with its own mutation model
74 #else
75 #ifdef GAP
76 typedef MYREAL sitelike[5];
77 #else
78 typedef MYREAL sitelike[4];
79 #endif /*GAP*/
80 #endif /*VARMUT*/
81 #endif /*ALTIVEC*/
83 typedef sitelike *ratelike;
84 typedef ratelike *phenotype;
85 typedef MYREAL contribarr[MAXCATEGS]; //!< \todo conditional likelihoods should change to 1-D vector
86 typedef short seqval[MAXCATEGS];
88 typedef char allele_fmt[LINESIZE];
89 //typedef char allele_fmt[DEFAULT_ALLELENMLENGTH];
91 /// tipdate format
92 typedef struct tipdate_fmt
93 {
94   MYREAL date;
95   long   id;
96   char * name;
97 }
98 tipdate_fmt;
100 /// records when the automatic stop of burnin happened
101 typedef struct _burnin_record_fmt
102 {
103   long locus;
104   long replicate;
105   long stopstep;
106   MYREAL ess;
107   MYREAL accept;
108   MYREAL variance;
109   MYREAL oldvariance;
110   long worker;
111 } burnin_record_fmt;
114 #ifdef BEAGLE
115 typedef struct _beagle_fmt {
116   boolean instance;
117   int *instance_handle; // indicator to the workorder for the GPU/CPU likelihood calculation
118   int numallocpartials;
119   int numpartials;
120   double *partials; //  conditional likelihood for each site
121   int  numallocallyweights; // pattern weighting
122   int *allyweights;// pattern weighting
123   double *weights; // these are the probabilities of the site rates (should move out to mutationmodels)
125   int numallocbranches;
126   int numbranches;
127   double *branch_lengths; // branchlengths for (for each edge leading to a child)
128   int *branch_indices;    // indicator for transition matices
129   int numallocoperations;
130   int numoperations;
131   int *operations;  // holds the operation for each parent,leftchild,lefttransitionmatrix,rightchild,rightt..
133   int *scalingfactorsindices;
134   int scalingfactorscount;
136 } beagle_fmt;
137 #endif /*BEAGLE*/
140 /// likelihood ratio test data structure
141 typedef struct lr_data_fmt
142 {
143     short type;   //!< type of test \todo check whether this is obsolete
144     long elem;    //!< number of elements in value1 and value2
145     char *value1; //!< values to test using a mix of numbers and m,c, etc
146     char *value2; //!< not used, reserved fo pairwise tests
147     char *connect;//!< custom migration matrix for value1 [no user interaction]
148 }
149 lr_data_fmt;
151 /// likelihood ratio test structure
152 typedef struct lratio_fmt
153 {
154     long alloccounter; //!< number of elements allocated in data
155     long counter;      //!< number of elements in data
156     lr_data_fmt *data; //!< contains the LRT data
157 }
158 lratio_fmt;
160 /// temporary structure to hold precomputed values for the conditional likelihood calculation
161 typedef struct valrec
162 {
163     MYREAL rat, ratxi, ratxv, zz, z1, y1, ww1, zz1, ww2, zz2, z1zz, z1yy, xiz1,
164     xiy1xv, ww1zz1, vv1zz1, ww2zz2, vv2zz2;
165 }
166 valrec;
168 /// 2-D array to pointers to valrec structures
169 typedef valrec ***tbl_fmt;
171 /// union to hold the conditional likelihood data in tree nodes
172 typedef union xarray_fmt
173 {
174     MYREAL *a;  //!< used for allelic types
175     phenotype s;//!< used for sequence data types
176 }
177 xarray_fmt;
179 #ifdef UEP
180 /// union to hold unique event polymorphism conditional likelihood data
181 typedef union ueparray_fmt
182 {
183     MYREAL *a; //!< holds probabilities for many state data \todo check the usage of UEP union
184     pair *s;   //!< holds probabilities for 0/1 data
185 }
186 ueparray_fmt;
187 #endif
188 #ifdef VARMUT
189 typedef struct varmut_fmt
190 {
191   //sequence model
192   MYREAL freqa, freqt, freqg, freqc;      //!< base frequencies
193   MYREAL freqr, freqy;                    //!< frequency of purins
194   MYREAL freqar, freqcy, freqgr, freqty;  //!< frequency of transitions
195   MYREAL aa, bb;                          //
196   long oldsite;                           //!< number of site patterns (raw, with SNP adjustment
197   long endsite;                           //!< number of site patterns
198   MYREAL xi;                              //!< ratio of transitions
199   MYREAL xv;                              //!< ratio of transversions
200   MYREAL ttratio;                         //!< ration between transitions and transversions
201   MYREAL fracchange;                      //
202   //msat model
204   //allele model
206 } varmut_fmt;
207 #endif /*VARMUT*/
210 /// sequence data structure
211 typedef struct seqmodel_fmt
212 {
213   // MYREAL freqa, freqt, freqg, freqc;      //!< base frequencies
214   // MYREAL freqr, freqy;                    //!< frequency of purins
215   // MYREAL freqar, freqcy, freqgr, freqty;  //!< frequency of transitions
216   // BASEFREQLENGTH is defined in definitions.h
217   MYREAL basefrequencies[BASEFREQLENGTH];             //!< base frequencies (a,c,g,t), gap, purins (r,y), transitions (ar,cy,gr,ty)
218   // rate matrix that should be in basefrequencies [g=nucleotide g, G=gap]
219   // pa pc pg pt pG
220   // rac rag rat raG rcg rct rcG rgt rgG rtG
221   // model vector (Huelsenbeck and Alfaro) augmented to allow the inclusion of gaps but using an additional class 0 --> set to zero.
222   //          abcdefghij
223   // no gaps:
224   // minimal: 1110110100
225   // JC/F81:  1110110100
226   // F84:     1110110100
227   // maximal: 1230450600
228   // full model:
229   // minimal: 1111111111
230   // JC/F81:  1110110100
231   // maximal: 123456789a
232   //
233   MYREAL aa, bb;                          //
234   long oldsite;                           //!< number of site patterns (raw, with SNP adjustment
235   long endsite;                           //!< number of site patterns
236   MYREAL xi;                              //!< ratio of transitions
237   MYREAL xv;                              //!< ratio of transversions
238   MYREAL ttratio;                         //!< ration between transitions and transversions
239   MYREAL fracchange;                      //
240   long *sites;                            //
241   long *alias;                            //
242   long *ally;                             //
243   long *category;                         //
244   short *weight;                          //
245   long weightsum;                         //
246   long *aliasweight;                      //
247   long *location;                         //
248   long addon;                             //
249   boolean *links;                         //!< information about link status of locus
250   long *savealiasweight;                 //!< keeps a savecopy of the aliasweights
251   boolean done;
252 }
253 seqmodel_fmt;
255 /// defines the data structure read from infile
256 typedef struct _data
257 {
258     FILE *infile;           //!< data file
259     FILE *utreefile;        //!< user tree input file
260     FILE *weightfile;       //!< site weighting file
261     FILE *catfile;          //!< site categories file
262     FILE *sumfile;          //!< intermediate output summary file
263     FILE *distfile;         //!< distance file among individuals, instead of treefile
264     FILE *geofile;          //!< geographic distance among sampling locations
265     FILE *divfile;          //!< fixed divergence time among populations
266     FILE *datefile;         //!< sample date for each individual
267 #ifdef UEP
268     FILE *uepfile;          //!< unique event polymorphism file
269     int **uep;              //!< uep data holder
270     long uepsites;          //!< number of UEP sites
271     MYREAL uepfreq0;        //!< base frequency for 0
272     MYREAL uepfreq1;        //!< base frequency for  1
273 #endif
274     char *****yy;           //!< data holder
275     MYREAL *geo;            //!< geographic distance data holder
276     MYREAL *lgeo;           //!< log of geo
277     MYREAL **ogeo;          //!< original of geo as read from the geofile
278     char ***allele;    //
279     long *maxalleles;       //!< maximal number of alleles in dataset
280     boolean *skiploci;      //!< number of loci to skip -- loci with no data
281     char **popnames;        //!< array of the population names
282     long **numind;          //!< array of the number of individuals
283     long **numalleles;      //
284   tipdate_fmt ***sampledates;
285   MYREAL maxsampledate;
286     char ****indnames;       //!< array of individual names per population
287     long numpop;            //!< number of populations
288     long loci;              //!< number of loci
289   long *position;           //!< position on chromosome [what to do with mutiple chromosomes?]
290     seqmodel_fmt **seq;      //!< sequence data model
291     MYREAL freq;            //
292     MYREAL freqlast;        //
293     char dlm;               //!< delimiter for allelic data
294     boolean hasghost;       //!< whether there is a population with no data or not \todo check if hasghost is still needed
295   long ***shuffled;         //!< holds the random subset of individuals
296   boolean oneliner;         //!< if a () is used in the sites lines it is assumed that all loci are on one line
297   char *datatype;
298   char *locitypes;          //!< holds all datatypes for each locus, options->datatype is the default
299   char **locusname;
300   long *subloci;            //!< holds the number of strictly linked "loci" that make up the locus for migrate
301   long numdatatypealloc;
302   long numsublocialloc;
303   long numlocitypesalloc;
304   long *numrepeatnumbers;
305   long **repeatnumbers;
306   long *repeatlength;
307   boolean has_repeats;
308   MYREAL *locusweight; //invariant loci treatment
309 }
310 data_fmt;
312 /// holds histogram and associated statistics for each locus
313 typedef struct _bayeshistogram
314 {
315     long binsum; //sum of all elements of all parameters and bins
316     long *bins;        // number of bins for each parameter
317     float *results;   // contains histogram, size is bins*numparam
318     char *set95; // holds in/out HPD set for 95% probability
319     char *set50; // holds in/out HPD set for 50% probability [this is attached to cred95]
320     // on a per parameter basis
321     // structure has a data storage vectors and the following are all pointers into it
322     long numparam;    // number of parameters
323     MYREAL *datastore; // data storage, size is numparam*10
324     // pointers into data storage
325     MYREAL *minima;    // contains minimal values for each parameter
326     MYREAL *maxima;    // contains maximal values for each parameter
327     MYREAL *adjmaxima;// holds maxima values used in histogram [are smaller than maxima]
328     MYREAL *cred50l;    // holds 50%-credibility margins (<all lower values>,
329     MYREAL *cred50u;   //<all high values>)
330     MYREAL *cred95l;    // holds 95%-credibility margins (<all lower values>)
331     MYREAL *cred95u;   //<all high values>)
332     MYREAL *modes;    // holds 95%-credibility margins (<all lower values>, <all high values>)
333     MYREAL *medians;
334     MYREAL *means;
335     MYREAL *stds;
336     MYREAL **covariance; // holds the covariance structure per locus
337   long n; //holds the number of samples taken, this seem to be missing for the reading from mdimfile, but available otherwise
338 } bayeshistogram_fmt;
340 /// holds data for Bayesian approach
341 typedef struct _bayes
342 {
343   long count;
344   long numpop2;
345   longpair *map; //mapping of parameter using custom migration matrix
346   MYREAL *datastore; //data store for
347   // pointers into datastore
348   MYREAL *priormean; // holds the means of priors
349   MYREAL *priorstd; // holds the standard deviation of priors [not always filled]
350   MYREAL *prioralpha; // holds alpha of prior distribution [not always filled]
351   MYREAL *delta; // change scale [how big can this be
352   MYREAL *minparam;// minimal allowed parameter value
353   MYREAL *maxparam; // maximal allowed parameter value
354   MYREAL *meanparam; // mean values for expprior
355   MYREAL *alphaparam; // alpha value for gamma
356   MYREAL *betaparam; // beta value for gamma
357   // record all changes of parameters
358   MYREAL *params;  // save for parameter vectors
359   long allocparams; //number of allocated parameter vectors
360   long numparams;  //number of saved parameter vectors
361   long paramnum;  // which param one is working with
362   MYREAL starttime; // start time that was used to change the lineage on tree
363   MYREAL stoptime; // stop time that was used to change the lineage on the tree
364   MYREAL oldval;    //holds prob(G|param)
365   long *datastore2; // datastore for long integer variables
366   // pointers into datastore2
367   long *accept;  //holds numbers of accepted changes for each parameter AND the tree
368   long *trials; //holds how many time was tried to change a parameter
369   // holds histogram for each locus and summary statistics
370   bayeshistogram_fmt *histogram;
371   MYREAL *deltahist; // delta for all histograms per parameters [important for multilocus case
372   char * custm2; //pointer to the world->options->custm2;
373   boolean mu;
374   long mdiminterval ; // interval at which the whole parameter list is printed to file
375   int prettyhist;
376   MYREAL *scaling_factors;
377   MYREAL *histtotal;
378   MYREAL maxmaxvala;
379   // speed improvement to beat the slow malloc for large string allocation
380   // measures size of first string and uses that currently size * 2;
381   boolean has_linesize;
382   long linesize;
383   long progresslinesize;
384   long *mdimfilecount;
385   MYREAL *priors;
386 }
387 bayes_fmt;
389 /// storage for bayesian prior related parameters
390 typedef struct prior_fmt
391 {
392   MYREAL min;
393   MYREAL mean;
394   MYREAL std;
395   MYREAL max;
396   MYREAL delta;
397   MYREAL alpha;
398   long   bins;
399 } prior_fmt;
402 /// data storage for all options
403 typedef struct _option
404 {
405     char **buffer;  //pointer to buffer when MPI-worker otherwise NULL
406     FILE *parmfile;
407     FILE *seedfile;
408     FILE *logfile;
409     FILE *mixfile;
410     /*general options */
411     //
412     // name length
413     long nmlength;  /* length of individual names */
414     long popnmlength;  /* length of population names */
415     long allelenmlength;  /* length of allele names */
416     //
417     // custom migration matrix setup
418     char *custm;   /* custom migration matrix: theta are first */
419     char *custm2;   /*custom migration matrix: theta on diagonal */
420     //long symn;
421     //long sym2n;
422     //long zeron;
423     //long constn;
424     //long tmn;
425     //long mmn;
426    // long *zeroparam;
427    // long *constparam;
428    // twin_fmt *symparam;
429    // quad_fmt *sym2param;
430    // long *mmparam;
432     /*input/output options */
433     int menu;
434     boolean progress;
435     boolean verbose;
436     boolean writelog;
437     boolean uep;
438     MYREAL ueprate;
439     MYREAL uepmu;
440     MYREAL uepnu;
441     MYREAL uepfreq0;
442     MYREAL uepfreq1;
443     boolean movingsteps;
444     MYREAL acceptfreq;
445     boolean printdata;
446   boolean printcov;
447     boolean usertree;
448     boolean usertreewithmig;
449     boolean randomtree;
450     short treeprint;
451   long treeinc;
452     boolean usem;
453   boolean recordedusem;
454     short migvar;
455     boolean plot;
456     boolean plotnow;
457     short plotmethod;
458     short plotvar;
459     short plotscale;
460     MYREAL plotrange[4];
461     long plotintervals;
462     MYREAL *plotxvalues;
463     MYREAL *plotyvalues;
464     boolean simulation;
465     boolean mighist;
466   boolean mighist_all;
467   long mighist_counter;
468   long mighist_increment;
469   boolean skyline;
470   float eventbinsize;
471   boolean mixplot;
472   boolean dist;
473   boolean geo;
474   boolean div;
475   char *parmfilename;
476   char *infilename;
477   char *outfilename;
478   char *pdfoutfilename;
479   char *logfilename;
480   char *mathfilename;
481   char *treefilename;
482   char *utreefilename;
483   char *catfilename;
484   char *weightfilename;
485   char *sumfilename;
486   char *mighistfilename;
487   char *skylinefilename;
488   char *distfilename;
489   char *geofilename;
490   char *divfilename;
491   char *bootfilename;
492   char *seedfilename;
493   char *mixfilename;
494 #ifdef UEP
495   char *uepfilename;
496 #endif
497   char *datefilename;
498   char *bayesfilename;
499   char *bayesmdimfilename;
500   boolean mdimdelete;
501   int use_compressed;
502   boolean prioralone;
504     char title[LINESIZE + 1];
505     lratio_fmt *lratio;
506     boolean aic;
507     boolean fast_aic;
508     MYREAL aicmod;
509     FILE *aicfile;
510     char * aicfilename;
511     char aictype[3];
512     char fsttype;
513     boolean printfst;
514     short profile;
515     char profilemethod;
516     long df;
517     boolean qdprofile;
518     boolean printprofsummary;
519     boolean printprofile;
520     short profileparamtype;
522     /* data options */
523     char datatype;
524   boolean include_unknown;
525     short migration_model;
526     char dlm;
527     long micro_stepnum;
528     long micro_threshold;
529   int msat_option;
530   pair msat_tuning;
531     MYREAL **steps;
532     boolean interleaved;
533     MYREAL seqerror;
534     MYREAL *ttratio;
535     boolean fastlike;
536     boolean freqsfrom;
537     long categs;
538     MYREAL *rate;
539     long rcategs;
540     MYREAL *rrate;
541     MYREAL *probcat;
542   long seqrate_gamma_num; /*number of loci for gamma values*/
543   MYREAL *seqrate_gamma; /* for gamma values for many loci*/
544     MYREAL probsum;
545     boolean gammarates;
546     boolean autocorr;
547     MYREAL lambda;
548     boolean weights;
549     MYREAL freqa;
550     MYREAL freqc;
551     MYREAL freqg;
552     MYREAL freqt;
553     /* random number options */
554     short autoseed;
555     unsigned long inseed;
556     unsigned long saveseed;
557     /* mcmc options */
558     boolean bayes_infer;
559   boolean integrated_like;
560   /* slice sampling*/
561   boolean slice_sampling[PRIOR_SIZE];
562   MYREAL *slice_sticksizes;
563     MYREAL updateratio;
564     int bayesprior[3];
565   int bayespretty;
566     prior_fmt *bayespriortheta;
567     prior_fmt *bayespriorm;
568     prior_fmt *bayespriorrate;
569     bayes_fmt *bayes;
570   boolean has_bayesfile;
571   boolean has_bayesmdimfile;
572   long bayesmdiminterval;
573     short thetaguess;
574     short migrguess;
575     boolean gamma;
576   boolean murates;
577   boolean murates_fromdata;
578   boolean bayesmurates;
579     MYREAL alphavalue;
580     MYREAL *mu_rates;
581     long muloci;
582   long *newpops;
583   long newpops_numalloc;
584   long newpops_numpop;
585   //  boolean poprelabeled;
586   MYREAL *inheritance_scalars;
587   long inheritance_scalars_numalloc;
588   boolean has_datefile;
589 #ifdef LONGSUM
591     boolean fluctuate;
592     MYREAL *flucrates;
593 #endif
594   long burn_in;
595   char burnin_autostop;
596   short heating;
597   MYREAL *thetag;
598   long numthetag;
599   MYREAL *mg;
600   long nummg;
601   long schains;
602   long sincrement;
603   long ssteps;
604   long lchains;
605   long lincrement;
606   long lsteps;
607   MYREAL lcepsilon;
608   boolean gelman;
609   boolean gelmanpairs;
610   long pluschain;  //how many chains are allowed , currently HARDCODED
611   boolean replicate;
612   long replicatenum;
613   long gridpoints;
614   long numpop;
615   MYREAL heat[50];
616   boolean adaptiveheat;
617   long heating_interval;
618   long heated_chains;
619   /* save genealogy summary options */
620   boolean readsum;
621   boolean writesum;
622   /* threading over loci */
623   int cpu;
624   //
625   // fatal attraction of zero resistance
626   MYREAL minmigsumstat;
627   //
628   MYREAL *mutationrate_year; // keeps mutation rate per year for each locus
629   long mutationrate_year_numalloc; //
630   MYREAL generation_year;
631   long randomsubset;
632   unsigned long randomsubsetseed;
633 #ifdef SEASON
634   MYREAL *timings; // vector of time points (options)
635   long numtimings; // number of elements in the timings vector
636   MYREAL **timemodifiers; // vector of parameter modifier vectors
637 #endif
638   boolean heatedswap_off;
639   boolean has_autotune;
640   MYREAL autotune;
641   long totalsites; //for snp data
642   MYREAL *wattersons;
643   long *segregs;
644   boolean onlyvariable;  // analyze only variable sequence loci
645   MYREAL locusweight;    // use a weight to calculate the invariant locus
646   boolean has_variableandone; // use only one invariant locus and reweight
647   long firstinvariant; // locus number of first invariant locus to reweight using locusweight
648 }
649 option_fmt;
651 //defines the mutations models used in the extended "Ican do everything mutation model string thing"
652 typedef struct _mutationmodel {
653   long numpatterns; // number of site patterns
654   long numsites;
655   long numstates; // number of states in model: DNA=4, DNA+gap=5, msat>2
656   double *basefreqs;
657   long numsiterates;
658   double *siterates;
659   double *siteprobs;
660   char datatype; //specifices the model
661   double *eigenvectormatrix;
662   double *inverseeigenvectormatrix;
663   double *eigenvalues;
664 } mutationmodel_fmt;
666 /* used in the tree structure */
667 /// defines a node in the tree structure
668 typedef struct _node
669 {
670     struct _node *next, *back;
671     boolean tip;
672     char type;
673     long number;
674     long pop;
675     long actualpop;
676     long id;
677   long bid;
678   boolean visited;
679     xarray_fmt x;
680 #ifdef UEP
682     int *uep;
683     ueparray_fmt ux;
684     MYREAL uepscale;
685 #endif
686     MYREAL *s;
687     MYREAL *scale;
688     char *nayme;
689     boolean top;
690     boolean dirty;
691   MYREAL v;
692   MYREAL tyme;
693     MYREAL length;
694 }
695 node;
697 /// defines a node in the the timelist structure with reference to the tree node
698 typedef struct vtlist
699 {
700     node *eventnode;  /* node with age=tyme */
701     MYREAL age;   /* tyme from top nodelet */
702     MYREAL interval;  /* interval t[i+1].age - t[i].age */
703     long *lineages;
704     long from;
705     long to;
706     /*  long pop; */
707     long slice;
708   boolean visited;
709 }
710 vtlist;
712 /// holds the tree, access should be done only through root
713 typedef struct tree_fmt
714 {
715     node **nodep;
716     node *root;
717     long pop;
718     long tips;
719 }
720 tree_fmt;
722 /// holds timeslist that is used in the MCMC run
723 typedef struct timelist_fmt
724 {
725     long numpop;
726     long copies;
727     long allocT;
728     long T;
729     long oldT;
730   vtlist *tl;
731   long *lineages;
732 }
733 timelist_fmt;
735 ///
736 /// holds minimal statistic for the longsum version, this allows to calculate changes in size etc through time
737 /// holds all tree information: ordered: list of lineages, frompop, topop, eventtime, eventtype
738 #ifdef LONGSUM
739 typedef struct longsum_fmt
740 {
741     long *lineages;
742     long *lineages2;
743     long fromto; //indicator into migration matrix mm2m(from,to)
744     long to;
745     MYREAL eventtime;
746     MYREAL interval;
747     char eventtype;
748 }
749 longsum_fmt;
750 #endif /*LONGSUM*/
752 ///
753 /// time archive, holds minimal statistic for a single tree
754 /// is a compressed version of the longsum_fmt with many things precalculated
755 typedef struct tarchive_fmt
756 {
757     long copies;
758     MYREAL lcopies;
759     MYREAL *data;   //hold content
760 #ifdef ALTIVEC
762     FloatVec *vdata;
763 #endif
765     MYREAL *point;  // points into data
766     MYREAL *wait;   // points into data
767     MYREAL *kt;   //points to wait
768     MYREAL *km;   //points to wait
769     MYREAL *p;   // points to point
770     MYREAL *mindex;  // points to point
771 #ifdef LONGSUM
773     longsum_fmt *longsum; // holds all tree information: ordered: list of lineages, frompop, topop, eventtime, eventtype
774     long longsumlen; // holds list of groups in longsum.
775 #endif /*LONGSUM*/
777 }
778 tarchive_fmt;
780 ///
781 /// time archive holds all statistics for all trees
782 typedef struct timearchive_fmt
783 {
784     long allocT;
785     long T;
786     long numpop;
787     long sumtips;
788     MYREAL param_like;
789     MYREAL thb;
790     MYREAL alpha;
791 #ifdef ALTIVEC
792     // FloatVec *lcopiesvec;
793     // FloatVec *data;
794 #endif /*ALTIVEC*/
796     tarchive_fmt *tl;         // holds each tree (summary)
797     MYREAL *parameters;  // holds all the parameter data
798     MYREAL *param;  // pointer into parameters
799     MYREAL *param0;  //pointer into parameters
800     MYREAL *lparam0;  //pointer into parameters
801     MYREAL *likelihood;  //pointer into parameters
802     long trials;
803     MYREAL normd;
804 }
805 timearchive_fmt;
808 /// holds pltting parameters
809 typedef struct _plotmax
810 {
811     MYREAL x1;
812     MYREAL y1;
813     MYREAL l1;
814     MYREAL x2;
815     MYREAL y2;
816     MYREAL l2;
817 }
818 plotmax_fmt;
820 /// holds quantile information
821 typedef struct _quantile_fmt
822 {
823     char *name;
824     MYREAL *param;
825 }
826 quantile_fmt;
828 /// format for migration events
829 /// holds time, from, to, and sumtips
830 ///typedef MYREAL migevent_fmt[4];
831 typedef struct _migevent_fmt
832 {
833   float age;
834   int from;
835   int to;
836   long sumlines;
837 } migevent_fmt;
839 /// holds migration events for migration event time histogram
840 typedef struct _mighist_fmt
841 {
842   long allocsize;
843   long copies;
844   long weight;
845   long migeventsize;
846   migevent_fmt *migevents;
847 }
848 mighist_fmt;
850 /// holds all migration histograms for all loci
851 typedef struct _mighistloci_fmt
852 {
853   // records migration events into mighist container
854   mighist_fmt *mighist;
855   long mighistnum;
856   long allocsize;
858   // records all events  parameters per bin derived from timelist
859   // should make communication over MPI much smaller
860   duo **migeventbins;
861   long *migeventbinnum;
862   // records all expected  parameters per bin derived from timelist
863   tetra **eventbins;
864   long *eventbinnum;
865   MYREAL eventbinsize; // used for eventbins and migeventbins
867 }
868 mighistloci_fmt;
870 /// \todo what does this format do?
871 typedef struct _histogram_fmt
872 {
873     long count;
874     MYREAL *time;
875     long *weight;
876 }
877 histogram_fmt;
879 /// reduced set of options that are used to run the MCMC chain
880 typedef struct _worldoption
881 {
882     boolean gamma;
883     MYREAL alphavalue;
884     boolean murates;
885   boolean murates_fromdata;
886     long muloci;
887     MYREAL *mu_rates;
888     MYREAL *lmu_rates;
889   MYREAL *meanmu;
890   MYREAL *inheritance_scalars;
891   boolean prioralone;
892   MYREAL *heat;
893   MYREAL *averageheat;
894 #ifdef LONGSUM
896     boolean fluctuate;
897 #endif
899     short migration_model;
900     char *custm;
901     char *custm2;
902     MYREAL *thetag;
903     MYREAL *mg;
904     long zeron;
905     long *zeroparam;
906     long constn;
907     long *constparam;
908     long symn;
909     long sym2n;
910     twin_fmt *symparam;
911     quad_fmt *sym2param;
912     long tmn;
913     long mmn;
914     long *mmparam;
915     boolean mixplot;
916     boolean progress;
917     boolean writelog;
918     FILE *logfile;
919     boolean plotnow;
920     boolean verbose;
921     boolean replicate;
922     boolean gelman;
923   boolean gelmanpairs;
924     MYREAL lcepsilon;
925     boolean simulation;
926     char datatype;
927     long lsteps;
928     long lincr;
929     MYREAL loglsteps;
930     long treeprint;
931   long treeinc;
932     long movingsteps;
933     MYREAL acceptfreq;
934     long rcategs;
935     long categs;
936     short heating;
937     long heated_chains;
938     long heating_interval;
939   long heating_count;
940     boolean adaptiveheat;
941     char profilemethod;
942     boolean printprofile;
943     boolean printprofsummary;
944     long profileparamtype;
945     long df;
946     long lchains;
947     long replicatenum;
948     long *micro_threshold;
949     long micro_stepnum;
950   pair msat_tuning;
951     MYREAL ***steps;
952     MYREAL *rrate;
953     MYREAL *rate;
954     MYREAL *probcat;
955     long pluschain;
956     boolean mighist;
957   boolean mighist_all;
958   long mighist_counter;
959   long mighist_increment;
960   boolean skyline;
961   float eventbinsize;
962     long burn_in;
963   char burnin_autostop;
964     boolean usem;
965     short migvar;
966     boolean plot;
967     long plotmethod;
968     long plotintervals;
969     MYREAL plotrange[4];
970     short plotscale;
971     long plotvar;
972     MYREAL *plotxvalues;
973     MYREAL *plotyvalues;
974     lratio_fmt *lratio;
975     boolean aic;
976     boolean fast_aic;
977     MYREAL aicmod;
978     FILE *aicfile;
979     char aictype[3];
980     MYREAL lambda;
981     FILE *mixfile;
982 #ifdef UEP
984     boolean uep;
985     MYREAL ueprate;
986     MYREAL uepmu;
987     MYREAL uepnu;
988     MYREAL uepfreq0;
989     MYREAL uepfreq1;
990 #endif
992     boolean fastlike;
993     boolean bayes_infer;
994   boolean slice_sampling[PRIOR_SIZE];
995   MYREAL *slice_sticksizes;
996   MYREAL updateratio;
997   boolean has_bayesfile;
998   boolean has_bayesmdimfile;
999   long bayesmdiminterval;
1000     MYREAL minmigsumstat;
1001   boolean has_datefile;
1002   MYREAL *mutationrate_year; // keeps mutation rate per year for each locus
1003   long mutationrate_year_numalloc; //
1004   MYREAL generation_year;
1005   boolean treeinmemory;
1006   boolean heatedswap_off;
1007   boolean has_autotune;
1008   MYREAL autotune;
1009   boolean onlyvariable;  // analyze only variable sequence loci
1010   MYREAL locusweight;    // use a weight to calculate the invariant locus
1011   boolean has_variableandone; // use only one invariant locus and reweight
1012   long firstinvariant; // locus number of first invariant locus to reweight using locusweight
1014 }
1015 worldoption_fmt;
1017 /// defines the time range of a unique event polymorphism
1018 typedef struct _ueptime
1019 {
1020     long size;
1021     long *populations;  // population the nodes are in
1022     MYREAL *ueptime;  // first elementis bottom most time , last elem is
1023     // topmost time,in between are for each migration events
1024 }
1025 ueptime_fmt;
1027 /// reduced set of parameters related to the data used to run MCMC
1028 typedef struct _worlddata
1029 {
1030   boolean *skiploci;
1031   MYREAL *geo;
1032   MYREAL *lgeo;
1033   long *maxalleles;
1034   seqmodel_fmt **seq;
1035   FILE *sumfile;
1036   MYREAL freq;
1037   MYREAL freqlast;
1038   tipdate_fmt ***sampledates;
1039   MYREAL maxsampledate;
1040   long **numind;
1041 #ifdef UEP
1043     long uepsites;
1044 #endif
1045   MYREAL *locusweight; //invariant loci treatment
1046 }
1047 worlddata_fmt;
1049 //typedef struct _proposal_fmt proposal_fmt;
1051 typedef struct _convergence
1052 {
1053   MYREAL *gelmanmeanmaxR;
1054   MYREAL gelmanmeanRall;
1055   MYREAL gelmanmaxRall;
1056   MYREAL *chain_s;
1057   MYREAL *chain_means;
1058   long *chain_counts;
1059 } convergence_fmt;
1061 #ifdef MPI
1062 typedef struct _mpirequest_fmt
1063 {
1064   char *tempstr;
1065   int sender;
1066   int tag;
1067 } mpirequest_fmt;
1068 #endif
1069 /// holds all the parameters etc to run the program
1071 //typedef struct proposal_fmt;
1073 typedef struct _world
1074 {
1075   /* generalities */
1076   char *name;
1077   char *worldname;
1078   worldoption_fmt *options;
1079   worlddata_fmt *data;
1081 #ifdef MPI
1082   int *who;
1083   int *mpistack;
1084   long mpistack_numalloc;
1085   mpirequest_fmt *mpistack_request;
1086   long mpistack_request_numalloc;
1087   long mpistack_requestnum;
1088   long mpistacknum;
1089 #ifdef SLOWNET
1091   int *profilewho;
1092 #endif
1093 #endif /*MPI*/
1094   long allocbufsize;
1095   char *buffer;   // buffer for profiles, not needed before profiletables()
1096   long loci;
1097   long skipped;   /*loci with no data */
1098   long locus;   /* the current locus, if single then set to 0 */
1099   long thislocus;  /* the real current locus, the whole locus scheme
1100 			needs revision */
1101   long numpop;
1102   long numpop2;
1103   long sumtips;
1104   /* migration parameter array  starts and ends */
1105   int *mstart;
1106   int *mend;
1108   /* time archives, contains the data/results for summarizing */
1109   timearchive_fmt **atl;
1111   /* migration histogram reporter */
1112   mighistloci_fmt *mighistloci;
1113   long mighistlocinum;
1115   /*tree material */
1116   node **nodep;
1117   node *root;
1118   MYREAL treelen;
1119   long unique_id;
1120   tbl_fmt tbl;
1121   contribarr *contribution;
1122   /* parameter */
1123   MYREAL *param0;
1124   MYREAL *param00;
1125   MYREAL **fstparam;
1126   /*allows for 3 different rate changes at specific times*/
1127 #ifdef LONGSUM
1128   MYREAL *flucrates;
1129   MYREAL *lflucrates;
1130 #endif
1131   /* mcmc related */
1132   long *lineages;
1133   timelist_fmt *treetimes;
1134   MYREAL *mig0list;
1135   MYREAL **migproblist;
1136   long *design0list;
1138   /*nr related */
1139   MYREAL ***apg0;  /* part-loglikelihoods of param0 */
1140   MYREAL ***apg;  /* part-loglikelihoods of param */
1142   /*heating scheme */
1143   long actualinc;
1144   long increment;
1145   //  MYREAL heatratio;
1146   boolean cold; /* true for cold chain, false for all others*/
1147     MYREAL heat;
1148     MYREAL averageheat;
1149   MYREAL varheat;
1150   long heatid;
1151   struct _proposal_fmt *proposal;
1152   boolean has_proposal_details;
1153   MYREAL essminimum;
1154   MYREAL logprior;
1155     long treeswapcount;
1156     /* reporting time */
1157     time_t starttime;
1158     long treesdone;
1159     long treestotal;
1160   boolean in_burnin;
1161   burnin_record_fmt *burnin_stops;
1162   long burnin_z;
1163     /* gelman R reporting/checking "gelman-convergence option" */
1164   convergence_fmt *convergence;
1166     long chains;
1167     boolean start;  //I need this in estimateParameter()
1168     /* reporting */
1169     MYREAL *likelihood;  /* data likelihoods */
1170     long alloclike; /* how many likelihoods can we store */
1171     long numlike;   /* how many likelihoods maximally are stored */
1172     plotmax_fmt **plotmax;
1173     quantile_fmt *quantiles;
1174     boolean **percentile_failed; /*indicator whether the percentile calculation failed*/
1175     boolean percentile_some_failed; /*some precentiles failed*/
1176     MYREAL maxdatallike;  /* the maximum log likelihood of a chain */
1177     MYREAL allikemax;  /* the maximum log likelihood  the best tree */
1178     boolean in_last_chain; /*for last CHAIN option in print-tree */
1179     MYREAL param_like;  /* current parameter likelihood [=current chain] */
1180     MYREAL **chainlikes;  /* parameter likelihood of replicate/last chains all loci */
1181     long trials;
1182     MYREAL normd;
1183     long repkind;
1184     long rep;   // defines single cahin estimators
1185     long replicate;  //holdss the replicate we are in
1186     long repstop;
1187     long lsteps;
1188     MYREAL ***cov;
1189     long migration_counts;
1190     char ****plane;
1191 #ifdef UEP
1193     MYREAL ueplikelihood;
1194     MYREAL **ueplike;  // contains uep like per tree pop x ueps
1195     MYREAL ****ueplikestore; // constains all ueplike long-steps x pop x uep
1196     ueptime_fmt *ueptime;  //contains ueptime per tree and mutation
1197     ueptime_fmt ***ueptimestore; //contains all ueptimes
1198     long ***ueprootstore;  //stores uep status at root
1199     long *oldrootuep;
1200     long **uepanc;
1201 #endif
1202     long accept;
1203     MYREAL accept_freq;
1204     long swapped;
1205     long G;
1206   long bayesaccept;
1207   bayes_fmt *bayes;
1208   FILE *bayesfile;
1209 #ifdef ZNZ
1210   znzFile bayesmdimfile;
1211 #else
1212   FILE *bayesmdimfile;
1213 #endif
1214   FILE *outfile;
1215   FILE *pdfoutfile;
1216   FILE *treefile;
1217   FILE *mathfile;
1218   FILE *mighistfile;
1219   FILE *skylinefile;
1220   char **treespace;
1221   long *treespacenum;
1222   long *treespacealloc;
1223   MYREAL *besttreelike;
1224   // Bayes factor
1225   MYREAL *bf;
1226   MYREAL *bfscale;
1227   MYREAL *hmscale;
1228   MYREAL *amscale;
1229   MYREAL *hm;
1230   MYREAL *am;
1231   // autocorrelation and ESS
1232   MYREAL *autocorrelation;
1233   MYREAL *effective_sample;
1234   MYREAL *auto_archive;
1235   MYREAL *ess_archive;
1237   node **node_collection;
1238   long node_collection_count;
1239   long node_collection_allocated;
1240 #ifdef MPI
1241 #ifdef PARALIO
1242   MPI_File mpi_bayesmdimfile;
1243 #endif
1244 #endif
1245   long *nummutationmodels;//per locus
1246   long *sublocistarts;//per locus
1247   long *maxnumpattern;//per locus
1248   mutationmodel_fmt *mutationmodels;
1249   //
1250   float page_width;
1251   float page_height;
1252   //
1253 #ifdef BEAGLE
1254   beagle_fmt *beagle;
1255 #endif
1256 #ifdef SEASON
1257   MYREAL *timings; // vector of time points
1258   long numtimings; // number of elements in the timings vector
1259   MYREAL **timemodifiers; // vector of parameter modifier vectors
1260 #endif
1261   char * warning;
1262   long warningsize;
1263   long warningallocsize;
1264   long maxreplicate;
1265   long *accept_archive;
1266   long *trials_archive;
1267 }
1268 world_fmt;
1272 /// helper for the ML maximizer, nr originally came from newton-raphson
1273 typedef struct _nr_fmt
1274 {
1275     long partsize;  /*number of part-variables, fixed per model */
1276     MYREAL *parts;  /* parts of the first and second derivatives */
1277     MYREAL *d;   /* first derivates */
1278     MYREAL *od;
1279     MYREAL *dv;
1280     MYREAL *delta;
1281     MYREAL *gdelta;
1282     MYREAL *param;  /* changed values of param */
1283     MYREAL *lparam;  /* changed values of log(param) */
1284     MYREAL *values;  /* profile values */
1285     MYREAL *locilikes;
1287   //  MYREAL *saved;  /* saved first derivates (used in MPI code) */
1288     /* migration parameter array  starts and ends */
1289     int *mstart;   //link to world->mstart
1290     int *mend;   //link to world->mend
1291     MYREAL normd;
1292     long repkind;
1293     long repstart;
1294     long repstop;
1295     //  long numg;
1296     timearchive_fmt **atl;
1297     world_fmt *world;
1298     MYREAL **dd;   /* second derivatives */
1299     MYREAL llike;   /* parameter LOGlikelihood */
1300     MYREAL lastllike;  /* parameter LOGlikelihood */
1301     MYREAL ollike;  /* old "   " */
1302     MYREAL *datalike;  /*P(D|G) */
1303     MYREAL ***apg0;  /* part-loglikelihoods of param0 */
1304     MYREAL ***apg;  /* part-loglikelihoods of param */
1305     MYREAL *apg_max;  /* maxvalue of apg */
1306   long seqrate_gamma_num; /*number of loci for gamma values*/
1307   MYREAL *seqrate_gamma; /* for gamma values for many loci*/
1308     MYREAL *rate;   /* rates for gamma rates */
1309     MYREAL *probcat;  /* probabilities for gamma rates */
1310     long categs;   /* #categories for gamma rates */
1311     MYREAL alpha;
1312     long numpop;   /* number of populations */
1313     long numpop2;   /* 2*numpop */
1314     MYREAL *PGC;   /* uncorrected llike */
1315     MYREAL *oPGC;   /* uncorrected ollike */
1316     long copy_nr;   /* number of genealogies */
1317     boolean *skiploci;
1318     long profilenum;  /* number of profile parameters */
1319     long *profiles;  /* which profile parameters */
1320     long *indeks;   /* which noprofile parameters */
1321 }
1322 nr_fmt;
1324 /// helper format for the maximizer and the profile calculator
1325 typedef struct helper_fmt
1326 {
1327     long locus;
1328     nr_fmt *nr;
1329     timearchive_fmt **atl;
1330     //MYREAL *param;
1331     long which;
1332     MYREAL weight;
1333     MYREAL ll;
1334     boolean multilocus;
1335     boolean boolgamma;
1336     long analystype;
1337     MYREAL *dv;
1338     MYREAL *xv;
1339     MYREAL *expxv;
1340     MYREAL sign;
1341     MYREAL lamda;
1342 }
1343 helper_fmt;
1346 /// migration table
1347 typedef struct _migr_table_fmt
1348 {
1349     long from;
1350     long to;
1351     MYREAL time;
1352 }
1353 migr_table_fmt;
1355 ///
1356 /// during the treeupdates we need a scratchpad, proposal_fmt
1357 /// holds all temporary data
1358 typedef  struct _proposal_fmt
1359 {
1360     world_fmt *world;
1361     char datatype;
1362     long sumtips;
1363     long numpop;
1364     long endsite;
1365     MYREAL fracchange;
1366     MYREAL *param0;
1367     node *root;
1368     short migration_model;
1369     long listsize; // holds the size of several nodelists
1370     boolean mig_removed;
1371     MYREAL rr;
1372     node **nodedata;      // holds abovenodes and bordernodes
1373     node *origin;            // pointers into nodedata
1374     node *target;            // ....
1375     node *realtarget;
1376     node *tsister;
1377     node *realtsister;
1378     node *osister;
1379     node *realosister;
1380     node *ocousin;
1381     node *realocousin;
1382     node *oback;
1383     node *realoback;
1384     node **line_f;
1385     node **line_t;
1386     node *connect;
1387     MYREAL likelihood;
1388     MYREAL ueplikelihood;
1389     MYREAL **ueplike;
1390     MYREAL time;
1391     MYREAL v;
1392     MYREAL vs;
1393     xarray_fmt xt;
1394     xarray_fmt xf;
1395     MYREAL *mf;
1396     MYREAL *mt;
1397 //could be used to calculate p(gn|go):   MYREAL nu;
1398 #ifdef UEP
1399     ueparray_fmt ut;
1400     ueparray_fmt uf;
1401     node *firstuep;
1402     MYREAL *umf;
1403     MYREAL *umt;
1404 #endif
1406     node **aboveorigin;
1407     node **bordernodes;
1408     migr_table_fmt *migr_table;
1409     migr_table_fmt *migr_table2;
1410     long migr_table_counter;
1411     long migr_table_counter2;
1412     long old_migr_table_counter;
1413     long old_migr_table_counter2;
1414     long timeslice;
1415     MYREAL *mig0list;
1416     long *design0list;
1417     MYREAL treelen;
1419 #ifdef BEAGLE
1420   long parentid;
1421   long leftid;
1422   long rightid;
1423 #endif
1424 } proposal_fmt;
1427 /// splines are not yet used in the profiles
1428 typedef struct spline_fmt
1429 {
1430     long ntab;
1431     long nwork;
1432     MYREAL *param;
1433     MYREAL *like;
1434     MYREAL *diff;
1435     MYREAL *diff2;
1436     long *constr;
1437     long *diagn;
1438     MYREAL *work;
1439 }
1440 spline_fmt;
1442 /// ?????????????????
1443 typedef struct locusdata_fmt
1444 {
1445     long locus;
1446     world_fmt **universe;
1447     option_fmt *options;
1448     data_fmt *data;
1449 }
1450 locusdata_fmt;
1453 /// holds the minimal statistic for AIC for each model
1454 typedef struct _aic_fmt
1455 {
1456     MYREAL aic;
1457     char *pattern;
1458     long numparam;
1459     MYREAL mle;
1460     MYREAL lrt;
1461     MYREAL prob;
1462     MYREAL probcorr;
1463 }
1464 aic_fmt;
1466 /// holds all models that are used for the AIC
1467 typedef struct _aic
1468 {
1469     aic_fmt * aicvec;
1470     long aicnum;
1471     MYREAL *param0;
1472 }
1473 aic_struct;
1475 ///
1476 /// plot options
1477 typedef struct _plotfield_fmt
1478 {
1479     boolean print;
1480     char type;   // 'a' = ascii plot (see mig-histogram.c) , 'p' = PDF plotting (see pretty.c)
1481     long xsize;   // width  printpositions in chars
1482     long ysize;   // height printpositions in chars
1483     char xaxis[255];  //xaxis label
1484     char yaxis[255];  //yaxis label
1485     char yfaxis[255];  //frequency yaxis label
1486     char title[255];
1487     float *yfreq;
1488     long *y;
1489     char **data;   //the plotplane
1490 }
1491 plotfield_fmt;
1493 /// 3 longs used for random number
1494 typedef long longer[3];  /* used in random.c */
1497 extern long *seed;
1498 extern long *newseed;
1499 #ifdef SLOWNET
1500 extern MYREAL (*calc_like) (helper_fmt *, MYREAL *, MYREAL *);
1501 extern void (*calc_gradient) (nr_fmt *, helper_fmt *, MYREAL *);
1502 extern void (*setup_param0) (world_fmt *, nr_fmt *, long, long, long, long,
1503                                  long, boolean);
1505 #endif
1506 //#ifdef MEMDEBUG
1507 //#include <memcheck.h>
1508 //#endif
1509 #include "sort.h"
1510 //#include "migrate_mpi.h"
1511 #endif