1 /*
2     Copyright (C) 1998  Dennis Roddeman
3     email: dennis.roddeman@feat.nl
5     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation
18     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA, 02111-1307, USA
19 */
21 #include "tochnog.h"
23 #define EPS_ATAN 1.e-10
bounda()25 void bounda( )
27 {
28   long int in=0, ready=0, iuknwn=0, inod=0, iboun=0, found=0,
29     max_bounda=0, max_bounda_unknown=0, max_bounda_force=0,
30     bounda_time_user=0, ind1=0, ipuknwn=0, iu=0, iu_start=0, iu_end=0,
31     inc=0, ninc=0, length=0, range_length=0, unknown=0, force=0,
32     idim=0, time=0, sine=0, user=0, rotate=0, rotate_axis=0,
33     use_geom=0, swit=0, swit_node=0, bounda_length=0,
34     use_range=0, use_all=0, use_node_set=0, ifreq=0, nfreq=0, indx=0, max_node=0,
35     bounda_time_file=0, length_bounda_time=0, ldum=0, idum[1],
36     *val=NULL, *integer_range=NULL,
37     *dof_label=NULL, *dof_type=NULL, *node_bounded=NULL;
38   double load=0., time0=0., time1=0., load0=0., load1=0., factor=0.,
39     time_current=0., time_total=0., dtime=0., amplitude=0., frequency=0.,
40     time_start=0., radius=0., angle_start=0.,
41     angle_total=0., rdum=0., ddum[MDIM], coord_start[MDIM], coord_total[MDIM],
42     *bounda_time=NULL, *new_node_dof=NULL,
43     *node_dof=NULL, *bounda_sine=NULL, *node_rhside=NULL;
45   swit = set_swit(-1,-1,"bounda");
46   if ( swit ) pri( "In routine BOUNDA" );
48   val = get_new_int(MBOUNDA);
49   integer_range = get_new_int(MRANGE);
50   dof_label = get_new_int(MUKNWN);
51   dof_type = get_new_int(MUKNWN);
52   bounda_time = get_new_dbl(DATA_ITEM_SIZE);
54   db_set_int( NODE_BOUNDED, VERSION_NORMAL );
56   groundflow_phreatic_apply();
58   db_max_index( BOUNDA_UNKNOWN, max_bounda_unknown, VERSION_NORMAL, GET );
59   db_max_index( BOUNDA_FORCE, max_bounda_force, VERSION_NORMAL, GET );
60   if ( max_bounda_unknown<0 && max_bounda_force<0 ) goto end_of_bounda;
62   db_max_index( NODE, max_node, VERSION_NORMAL, GET );
63   if ( max_node<0 ) goto end_of_bounda;
65   nodes_in_geometry = get_new_int( 1+max_node );
67   db( DOF_LABEL, 0, dof_label, ddum, ldum, VERSION_NORMAL, GET_IF_EXISTS );
68   db( DOF_TYPE, 0, dof_type, ddum, ldum, VERSION_NORMAL, GET_IF_EXISTS );
69   db( DTIME, 0, idum, &dtime, ldum, VERSION_NEW, GET_IF_EXISTS );
70   db( TIME_CURRENT, 0, idum, &time_current, ldum,
72   time_total = time_current + dtime;
73   if ( swit ) pri( "time_total", time_total );
75   if ( max_bounda_unknown>max_bounda ) max_bounda = max_bounda_unknown;
76   if ( max_bounda_force>max_bounda ) max_bounda = max_bounda_force;
77   for ( iboun=0; iboun<=max_bounda; iboun++ ) {
78     unknown = db_active_index( BOUNDA_UNKNOWN, iboun, VERSION_NORMAL );
79     force   = db_active_index( BOUNDA_FORCE, iboun, VERSION_NORMAL );
80     bounda_time_user = -NO; db( BOUNDA_TIME_USER, iboun, &bounda_time_user, ddum,
82     if ( unknown || force ) {
83       if ( swit ) pri( "iboun", iboun );
84       time =  sine = user = 0; ninc = 2;
85       if      ( db_active_index( BOUNDA_SINE, iboun, VERSION_NORMAL ) ) {
86         bounda_sine = db_dbl( BOUNDA_SINE, iboun, VERSION_NORMAL );
87         time_start = bounda_sine[0];
88         nfreq = ( db_len( BOUNDA_SINE, iboun, VERSION_NORMAL ) - 1 ) / 2;
89         ninc = 2;
90         sine = 1;
91       }
92       else if ( bounda_time_user==-YES ) {
93         ninc = 2;
94         user = 1;
95       }
96       else if ( db_active_index( BOUNDA_TIME_FILE, iboun, VERSION_NORMAL ) ) {
97         db( BOUNDA_TIME_FILE, iboun, &bounda_time_file, ddum, ldum,
99         if ( bounda_time_file==-YES ) {
100           bounda_time_file_apply( iboun, time_total, bounda_time, ninc );
101           time = 1;
102         }
103         else
104           db_error( BOUNDA_TIME_FILE, iboun );
105       }
106       else if ( db_active_index( BOUNDA_TIME, iboun, VERSION_NORMAL ) ) {
107         db( BOUNDA_TIME, iboun, idum, bounda_time, length_bounda_time,
108           VERSION_NORMAL, GET );
109         time = 1;
110         if ( length_bounda_time==1 )
111           ninc = 2;
112         else {
113           if ( length_bounda_time<4 ) db_error( BOUNDA_TIME, iboun );
114           ninc = length_bounda_time / 2;
115         }
116       }
117       else {
118         ninc = 2;
119         time = 1;
120         length_bounda_time = 0;
121       }
123       if ( unknown ) {
124         db( BOUNDA_UNKNOWN, iboun, val, ddum, bounda_length,
125           VERSION_NORMAL, GET );
126         if ( bounda_length<2 ) db_error( BOUNDA_UNKNOWN, iboun );
127         rotate = 0; rotate_axis = val[bounda_length-1];
128         if      ( rotate_axis==-ROTATION_X_AXIS ) {
129           rotate = 1;
130           val[bounda_length-1] = dof_label[vel_indx+1*nder];
131           val[bounda_length-0] = dof_label[vel_indx+2*nder];
132           bounda_length++;
133         }
134         else if ( rotate_axis==-ROTATION_Y_AXIS ) {
135           rotate = 1;
136           val[bounda_length-1] = dof_label[vel_indx+0*nder];
137           val[bounda_length-0] = dof_label[vel_indx+2*nder];
138           bounda_length++;
139         }
140         else if ( rotate_axis==-ROTATION_Z_AXIS ) {
141           rotate = 1;
142           val[bounda_length-1] = dof_label[vel_indx+0*nder];
143           val[bounda_length-0] = dof_label[vel_indx+1*nder];
144           bounda_length++;
145         }
146       }
147       else {
148         assert( force );
149         db( BOUNDA_FORCE, iboun, val, ddum, bounda_length,
150           VERSION_NORMAL, GET );
151         if ( bounda_length<2 ) db_error( BOUNDA_FORCE, iboun );
152       }
153       if ( val[0]<0 && db_data_class(val[0])==GEOMETRY ) {
154         array_move( val, geometry_ent, 2 );
155         array_set( nodes_in_geometry, 0, 1+max_node );
156         parallel_sys_routine( &parallel_geometry );
157       }
159       found = 0;
160       for ( inc=0; !found && inc<ninc-1; inc++ ) {
162         if ( time ) {
163           if      ( length_bounda_time==0 ) {
164             load = 0.;
165             found = 1;
166           }
167           else if ( length_bounda_time==1 ) {
168             load =  bounda_time[0];
169             found = 1;
170           }
171           else {
172             time0 = bounda_time[inc*2+0];
173             load0 = bounda_time[inc*2+1];
174             time1 = bounda_time[inc*2+2];
175             load1 = bounda_time[inc*2+3];
176             if ( time0>=time1 ) db_error( BOUNDA_TIME, iboun );
177             if ( swit ) {
178               pri( "time_total", time_total );
179               pri( "time0", time0 );
180               pri( "time1", time1 );
181               pri( "load0", load0 );
182               pri( "load1", load1 );
183             }
184             if ( time_total>=(time0-1.e-10) && time_total<=time1 ) {
185               found = 1;
186               if ( time0==time1 ) load = load0;
187               else load = load0 + (load1-load0)*(time_total-time0)/(time1-time0);
188             }
189           }
190         }
191         else if ( user ) {
192           load = 0.;
193           found = 1;
194           user_bounda_time( iboun, time_total, load );
195         }
196         else if ( sine )
197           found = time_current>=time_start;
198         else {
199           load = 0.;
200           found = 1;
201         }
203         if ( found ) {
205           iu_end = bounda_length - 1;
206           use_geom = use_range = use_all = use_node_set = 0;
207           if      ( val[0]==-RA ) {
208             use_range = 1;
209             range_expand( val, integer_range, length, range_length );
210             iu_start = length;
211           }
212           else if ( val[0]==-ALL ) {
213             use_all  = 1;
214             iu_start = 1;
215           }
216           else if ( val[0]==-NODE_SET ) {
217             use_node_set = 1;
218             iu_start = 1;
219           }
220           else if ( val[0]<0 && db_data_class(val[0])==GEOMETRY ) {
221             use_geom = 1;
222             iu_start = 2;
223           }
224           else
225             iu_start = 1;
227           for ( in=0, ready=0; !ready; in++ ) {
228             found = 0;
229             if      ( use_range ) {
230               inod = integer_range[in];
231               factor = 1.;
232               found = 1;
233             }
234             else if ( use_all ) {
235               if ( db_active_index( NODE, in, VERSION_NORMAL ) ) {
236                 inod = in;
237                 factor = 1.;
238                 found = 1;
239               }
240             }
241             else if ( use_geom  ) {
242               if ( nodes_in_geometry[in] ) {
243                 found = 1;
244                 inod = in;
245                 geometry( in, ddum, val, found, factor, ddum, rdum,
247               }
248             }
249             else if ( use_node_set  ) {
250               inod = in;
251               if ( db_active_index( NODE_SET, inod, VERSION_NORMAL ) ) {
252                 found = 1;
253                 factor = 1.;
254               }
255             }
256             else {
257               inod = val[0];
258               factor = 1.;
259               found = 1;
260             }
261             if ( found ) {
262               if ( db_active_index( NODE, inod, VERSION_NORMAL ) ) {
263                 swit_node = swit;
264                 swit = set_swit(-1,inod,"bounda");
265                 if ( swit ) pri( "inod", inod );
266                 for ( iu=iu_start; iu<=iu_end; iu++ ) {
267                   array_member( dof_label, val[iu], nuknwn, iuknwn );
268                   if ( iuknwn<0 ) {
269                     if ( unknown )
270                       db_error( BOUNDA_UNKNOWN, iboun );
271                     else
272                       db_error( BOUNDA_FORCE, iboun );
273                   }
274                   ipuknwn = iuknwn / nder;
275                   if ( unknown ) {
276                     node_bounded = db_int( NODE_BOUNDED, inod, VERSION_NORMAL );
277                     new_node_dof = db_dbl( NODE_DOF, inod, VERSION_NEW );
278                     node_dof = db_dbl( NODE_DOF, inod, VERSION_NORMAL );
279                     if ( swit ) pri( "node_dof", node_dof, nuknwn );
280                     ind1 = ipuknwn*nder + nder - 1;
281                     node_bounded[ipuknwn] = 1;
282                     if ( sine ) {
283                       new_node_dof[iuknwn] = new_node_dof[ind1] = 0.;
284                       for ( ifreq=0; ifreq<nfreq; ifreq++ ) {
285                         frequency = bounda_sine[1+ifreq*2+0];
286                         amplitude = bounda_sine[1+ifreq*2+1];
287                         new_node_dof[iuknwn] += factor * amplitude *
288                           sin( 2. * PIRAD * frequency * time_total );
289                         if ( derivatives ) new_node_dof[ind1] +=
290                           factor * amplitude * 2. * PIRAD * frequency *
291                           cos( 2. * PIRAD * frequency * time_total );
292                       }
293                     }
294                     else if ( rotate ) {
295                       db( NODE, inod, idum, coord_start, ldum,
296                         VERSION_NORMAL, GET );
297                       if ( materi_displacement ) {
298                         for ( idim=0; idim<ndim; idim++ )
299                           coord_start[idim] += node_dof[dis_indx+idim*nder];
300                       }
301                       if      ( rotate_axis==-ROTATION_X_AXIS ) {
302                         radius = sqrt( coord_start[1]*coord_start[1] +
303                           coord_start[2]*coord_start[2] );
304                         if ( scalar_dabs(coord_start[1])<EPS_ATAN ) {
305                           if ( coord_start[2]>=0. )
306                             angle_start = 1.*PIRAD/2.;
307                           else
308                             angle_start = 3.*PIRAD/2.;
309                         }
310                         else {
311                           angle_start =
312                             atan(scalar_dabs(coord_start[2]/coord_start[1]));
313                           if      ( coord_start[1]<0. && coord_start[2]>=0. )
314                             angle_start = 1.*PIRAD - angle_start;
315                           else if ( coord_start[1]<0. && coord_start[2]<0. )
316                             angle_start = 1.*PIRAD + angle_start;
317                           else if ( coord_start[1]>0. && coord_start[2]<0. )
318                             angle_start = 2.*PIRAD - angle_start;
319                         }
320                         angle_total = angle_start +
321                           factor * load * dtime * PIRAD / 180.;
322                         coord_total[0] = coord_start[0];
323                         coord_total[1] = radius * cos(angle_total);
324                         coord_total[2] = radius * sin(angle_total);
325                       }
326                       else if ( rotate_axis==-ROTATION_Y_AXIS ) {
327                         radius = sqrt( coord_start[0]*coord_start[0] +
328                           coord_start[2]*coord_start[2] );
329                         if ( scalar_dabs(coord_start[0])<EPS_ATAN ) {
330                           if ( coord_start[2]>=0. )
331                             angle_start = 1.*PIRAD/2.;
332                           else
333                             angle_start = 3.*PIRAD/2.;
334                         }
335                         else {
336                           angle_start =
337                             atan(scalar_dabs(coord_start[2]/coord_start[0]));
338                           if      ( coord_start[0]<0. && coord_start[2]>=0. )
339                             angle_start = 1.*PIRAD - angle_start;
340                           else if ( coord_start[0]<0. && coord_start[2]<0. )
341                             angle_start = 1.*PIRAD + angle_start;
342                           else if ( coord_start[0]>0. && coord_start[2]<0. )
343                             angle_start = 2.*PIRAD - angle_start;
344                         }
345                         angle_total = angle_start -
346                           factor * load * dtime * PIRAD / 180.;
347                         coord_total[1] = coord_start[1];
348                         coord_total[0] = radius * cos(angle_total);
349                         coord_total[2] = radius * sin(angle_total);
350                       }
351                       else {
352                         assert( rotate_axis==-ROTATION_Z_AXIS );
353                         radius = sqrt( coord_start[0]*coord_start[0] +
354                           coord_start[1]*coord_start[1] );
355                         if ( scalar_dabs(coord_start[0])<EPS_ATAN ) {
356                           if ( coord_start[1]>=0. )
357                             angle_start = 1.*PIRAD/2.;
358                           else
359                             angle_start = 3.*PIRAD/2.;
360                         }
361                         else {
362                           angle_start =
363                             atan(scalar_dabs(coord_start[1]/coord_start[0]));
364                           if      ( coord_start[0]<0. && coord_start[1]>=0. )
365                             angle_start = 1.*PIRAD - angle_start;
366                           else if ( coord_start[0]<0. && coord_start[1]<0. )
367                             angle_start = 1.*PIRAD + angle_start;
368                           else if ( coord_start[0]>0. && coord_start[1]<0. )
369                             angle_start = 2.*PIRAD - angle_start;
370                         }
371                         angle_total = angle_start +
372                           factor * load * dtime * PIRAD / 180.;
373                         coord_total[2] = coord_start[2];
374                         coord_total[0] = radius * cos(angle_total);
375                         coord_total[1] = radius * sin(angle_total);
376                       }
377                       idim = ( iuknwn - vel_indx ) / nder;
378                       new_node_dof[iuknwn] =
379                         ( coord_total[idim] - coord_start[idim] ) / dtime;
380                       if ( derivatives ) new_node_dof[ind1] =
381                         ( new_node_dof[iuknwn] - node_dof[iuknwn] ) / dtime;
382                     }
383                     else {
384                       new_node_dof[iuknwn] = factor * load;
385                       if ( derivatives ) new_node_dof[ind1] =
386                         ( new_node_dof[iuknwn] - node_dof[iuknwn] ) / dtime;
387                     }
388                     if ( dof_type[iuknwn]==-MATERI_DISPLACEMENT ) {
389                       indx = vel_indx + ( iuknwn - dis_indx );
390                       new_node_dof[indx] =
391                       ( new_node_dof[iuknwn] - node_dof[iuknwn] ) / dtime;
392                       node_bounded[indx/nder] = 1;
393                     }
394                     if ( dof_type[iuknwn]==-MATERI_VELOCITY_INTEGRATED ) {
395                       indx = vel_indx + ( iuknwn - veli_indx );
396                       new_node_dof[indx] =
397                       ( new_node_dof[iuknwn] - node_dof[iuknwn] ) / dtime;
398                       node_bounded[indx/nder] = 1;
399                     }
400                     if ( dof_type[iuknwn]==-MAXWELL_E ) {
401                       indx = maxfe_indx + ( iuknwn - maxe_indx );
402                       new_node_dof[indx] =
403                       ( new_node_dof[iuknwn] - node_dof[iuknwn] ) / dtime;
404                       node_bounded[indx/nder] = 1;
405                     }
406                     if ( dof_type[iuknwn]==-WAVE_SCALAR ) {
407                       new_node_dof[fscal_indx] =
408                       ( new_node_dof[iuknwn] - node_dof[iuknwn] ) / dtime;
409                       node_bounded[fscal_indx/nder] = 1;
410                     }
411                     if ( swit ) {
412                       pri( "node_bounded", node_bounded, npuknwn );
413                       pri( "new_node_dof", new_node_dof, nuknwn );
414                     }
415                   }
416                   else if ( force ) {
417                     if      ( dof_type[iuknwn]==-MATERI_DISPLACEMENT )
418                       indx = vel_indx + ( iuknwn - dis_indx );
419                     else if ( dof_type[iuknwn]==-MATERI_VELOCITY_INTEGRATED )
420                       indx = vel_indx + ( iuknwn - veli_indx );
421                     else if ( dof_type[iuknwn]==-MATERI_DISPLACEMENT )
422                       indx = fscal_indx + ( iuknwn - scal_indx );
423                     else
424                       indx = iuknwn;
425                     indx /= nder;
426                     node_rhside = db_dbl( NODE_RHSIDE, inod, VERSION_NORMAL );
427                     if ( sine ) {
428                       node_rhside[indx] = 0.;
429                       for ( ifreq=0; ifreq<nfreq; ifreq++ ) {
430                         frequency = bounda_sine[1+ifreq*2+0];
431                         amplitude = bounda_sine[1+ifreq*2+1];
432                         node_rhside[indx] += factor*amplitude*
433                           sin(2.*PIRAD*frequency*time_total);
434                       }
435                     }
436                     else {
437                       node_rhside[indx] = factor * load;
438                     }
439                   }
440                 }
441                 swit = swit_node;
442               }
443             }
444             if      ( use_range )
445               ready = ( (in+1)==range_length );
446             else if ( use_all )
447               ready = ( in==max_node );
448             else if ( use_geom )
449               ready = ( in==max_node );
450             else if ( use_node_set )
451               ready = ( in==max_node );
452             else
453               ready = 1;
454           }
455         }
456       }
457     }
458   }
460   delete[] nodes_in_geometry;
462   end_of_bounda:
464   delete[] val;
465   delete[] integer_range;
466   delete[] dof_label;
467   delete[] dof_type;
468   delete[] bounda_time;
470   if ( swit ) pri( "Out routine BOUNDA" );
472 }
bounda_time_file_apply(long int iboun,double time_total,double bounda_time[],long int & ninc)474 void bounda_time_file_apply( long int iboun, double time_total,
475   double bounda_time[], long int &ninc )
477 {
478   long int n=0, found=0;
479   char str[MCHAR], filename[MCHAR];
480   double old_load=0., old_time=0., new_load=0., new_time=0.;
482   strcpy( filename, long_to_a(iboun,str) );
483   strcat( filename, ".bounda" );
484   ifstream in( filename );
485   if ( !in ) db_error( BOUNDA_TIME_FILE, iboun );
487   ninc = 0;
488   for ( ; !in.eof() && !found ; ) {
489     n++;
490     old_load = new_load;
491     old_time = new_time;
492     if ( !(in>>new_time) || !(in>>new_load) )
493       db_error( BOUNDA_TIME_FILE, iboun );
494     if ( n>1 && time_total>=old_time && time_total<=new_time ) {
495       found = 1;
496       ninc = 2;
497       bounda_time[0] = old_time;
498       bounda_time[1] = old_load;
499       bounda_time[2] = new_time;
500       bounda_time[3] = new_load;
501     }
502   }
503   if ( ninc<2 ) db_error( BOUNDA_TIME_FILE, iboun );
505   in.close();
506 }