1 /* Copyright (c) 2007, 2013 Timothy Wall, Markus Karg, All Rights Reserved
2  *
3  * The contents of this file is dual-licensed under 2
4  * alternative Open Source/Free licenses: LGPL 2.1 or later and
5  * Apache License 2.0. (starting with JNA version 4.0.0).
6  *
7  * You can freely decide which license you want to apply to
8  * the project.
9  *
10  * You may obtain a copy of the LGPL License at:
11  *
12  * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html
13  *
14  * A copy is also included in the downloadable source code package
15  * containing JNA, in file "LGPL2.1".
16  *
17  * You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at:
18  *
19  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/
20  *
21  * A copy is also included in the downloadable source code package
22  * containing JNA, in file "AL2.0".
23  */
24 package com.sun.jna.platform.win32;
26 import com.sun.jna.Native;
27 import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
28 import com.sun.jna.Structure;
29 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.ICONINFO;
30 import com.sun.jna.ptr.ByteByReference;
31 import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
32 import com.sun.jna.win32.StdCallLibrary;
33 import com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIOptions;
36 /**
37  * Provides access to the w32 user32 library. Incomplete implementation to
38  * support demos.
39  *
40  * @author Todd Fast, todd.fast@sun.com
41  * @author twalljava@dev.java.net
42  * @author Tobias Wolf, wolf.tobias@gmx.net
43  * @author Markus KARG (markus[at]headcrashing[dot]eu)
44  * @author Andreas "PAX" Lück, onkelpax-git[at]yahoo.de
45  */
46 public interface User32 extends StdCallLibrary, WinUser, WinNT {
48     /** The instance. */
49     User32 INSTANCE = Native.load("user32", User32.class, W32APIOptions.DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
51     /**
52      * Handle for message-only window.
53      */
54     HWND HWND_MESSAGE = new HWND(Pointer.createConstant(-3));
56     /** The cs globalclass. */
57     int CS_GLOBALCLASS = 0x4000;
59     /** The ws ex topmost. */
60     int WS_EX_TOPMOST = 0x00000008;
62     /** The hRecipient parameter is a window handle. */
63     int DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE = 0x00000000;
65     /** The hRecipient parameter is a service status handle. */
66     int DEVICE_NOTIFY_SERVICE_HANDLE = 0x00000001;
68     /** The device notify all interface classes. */
71     /**
72      * <p>
73      * Sets the show state based on the SW_ value specified in the <a href=
74      * "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686331(v=vs.85).aspx">
75      * <strong xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">STARTUPINFO</strong></a>
76      * structure passed to the <a href=
77      * "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682425(v=vs.85).aspx">
78      * <strong xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">CreateProcess</strong></a>
79      * function by the program that started the application.
80      * </p>
81      */
82     int SW_SHOWDEFAULT = 10;
84     /**
85      * This function retrieves a handle to a display device context (DC) for the
86      * client area of the specified window. The display device context can be
87      * used in subsequent graphics display interface (GDI) functions to draw in
88      * the client area of the window.
89      *
90      * @param hWnd
91      *            Handle to the window whose device context is to be retrieved.
92      *            If this value is NULL, GetDC retrieves the device context for
93      *            the entire screen.
94      * @return The handle the device context for the specified window's client
95      *         area indicates success. NULL indicates failure. To get extended
96      *         error information, call GetLastError.
97      */
GetDC(HWND hWnd)98     HDC GetDC(HWND hWnd);
100     /**
101      * This function releases a device context (DC), freeing it for use by other
102      * applications. The effect of ReleaseDC depends on the type of device
103      * context.
104      *
105      * @param hWnd
106      *            Handle to the window whose device context is to be released.
107      * @param hDC
108      *            Handle to the device context to be released.
109      * @return The return value specifies whether the device context is
110      *         released. 1 indicates that the device context is released. Zero
111      *         indicates that the device context is not released.
112      */
ReleaseDC(HWND hWnd, HDC hDC)113     int ReleaseDC(HWND hWnd, HDC hDC);
115     /**
116      * This function retrieves the handle to the top-level window whose class
117      * name and window name match the specified strings. This function does not
118      * search child windows.
119      *
120      * @param lpClassName
121      *            Long pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the
122      *            class name or is an atom that identifies the class-name
123      *            string. If this parameter is an atom, it must be a global atom
124      *            created by a previous call to the GlobalAddAtom function. The
125      *            atom, a 16-bit value, must be placed in the low-order word of
126      *            lpClassName; the high-order word must be zero.
127      * @param lpWindowName
128      *            Long pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the
129      *            window name (the window's title). If this parameter is NULL,
130      *            all window names match.
131      * @return A handle to the window that has the specified class name and
132      *         window name indicates success. NULL indicates failure. To get
133      *         extended error information, call GetLastError.
134      */
FindWindow(String lpClassName, String lpWindowName)135     HWND FindWindow(String lpClassName, String lpWindowName);
137     /**
138      * This function retrieves the name of the class to which the specified
139      * window belongs.
140      *
141      * @param hWnd
142      *            Handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the
143      *            window belongs.
144      * @param lpClassName
145      *            Long pointer to the buffer that is to receive the class name
146      *            string.
147      * @param nMaxCount
148      *            Specifies the length, in characters, of the buffer pointed to
149      *            by the lpClassName parameter. The class name string is
150      *            truncated if it is longer than the buffer.
151      * @return The number of characters copied to the specified buffer indicates
152      *         success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error
153      *         information, call GetLastError.
154      */
GetClassName(HWND hWnd, char[] lpClassName, int nMaxCount)155     int GetClassName(HWND hWnd, char[] lpClassName, int nMaxCount);
157     /**
158      * Retrieves information about the active window or a specified graphical
159      * user interface (GUI) thread.
160      *
161      * @param idThread
162      *            Identifies the thread for which information is to be
163      *            retrieved. To retrieve this value, use the
164      *            GetWindowThreadProcessId function. If this parameter is NULL,
165      *            the function returns information for the foreground thread.
166      * @param lpgui
167      *            Pointer to a GUITHREADINFO structure that receives information
168      *            describing the thread. Note that you must set
169      *            GUITHREADINFO.cbSize to sizeof(GUITHREADINFO) before calling
170      *            this function.
171      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
172      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
173      *         information, call GetLastError.
174      */
GetGUIThreadInfo(int idThread, GUITHREADINFO lpgui)175     boolean GetGUIThreadInfo(int idThread, GUITHREADINFO lpgui);
177     /**
178      * The GetWindowInfo function retrieves information about the specified
179      * window.
180      *
181      * @param hWnd
182      *            Handle to the window whose information is to be retrieved.
183      * @param pwi
184      *            Pointer to a WINDOWINFO structure to receive the information.
185      *            Note that you must set WINDOWINFO.cbSize to sizeof(WINDOWINFO)
186      *            before calling this function.
187      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
188      *         function fails, the return value is zero.
189      */
GetWindowInfo(HWND hWnd, WINDOWINFO pwi)190     boolean GetWindowInfo(HWND hWnd, WINDOWINFO pwi);
192     /**
193      * This function retrieves the dimensions of the bounding rectangle of the
194      * specified window. The dimensions are given in screen coordinates that are
195      * relative to the upper-left corner of the screen.
196      *
197      * @param hWnd
198      *            Handle to the window.
199      * @param rect
200      *            Long pointer to a RECT structure that receives the screen
201      *            coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the
202      *            window.
203      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
204      *         function fails, the return value is zero.
205      */
GetWindowRect(HWND hWnd, RECT rect)206     boolean GetWindowRect(HWND hWnd, RECT rect);
208     /**
209      * This function retrieves the coordinates of a window's client area.
210      * The client coordinates specify the upper-left and lower-right corners of the
211      * client area. Because client coordinates are relative to the upper-left
212      * corner of a window's client area, the coordinates of the upper-left corner
213      * are (0,0).
214      *
215      * @param hWnd
216      *            Handle to the window.
217      * @param rect
218      *            Long pointer to a RECT structure that structure that receives
219      *            the client coordinates. The left and top members are zero. The
220      *            right and bottom members contain the width and height of the
221      *            window.
222      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
223      *         function fails, the return value is zero.
224      */
GetClientRect(HWND hWnd, RECT rect)225     boolean GetClientRect(HWND hWnd, RECT rect);
227     /**
228      * This function copies the text of the specified window's title bar - if it
229      * has one - into a buffer. If the specified window is a control, the text
230      * of the control is copied.
231      *
232      * @param hWnd
233      *            Handle to the window or control containing the text.
234      * @param lpString
235      *            Long pointer to the buffer that will receive the text.
236      * @param nMaxCount
237      *            Specifies the maximum number of characters to copy to the
238      *            buffer, including the NULL character. If the text exceeds this
239      *            limit, it is truncated.
240      * @return The length, in characters, of the copied string, not including
241      *         the terminating null character, indicates success. Zero indicates
242      *         that the window has no title bar or text, if the title bar is
243      *         empty, or if the window or control handle is invalid. To get
244      *         extended error information, call GetLastError. This function
245      *         cannot retrieve the text of an edit control in another
246      *         application.
247      */
GetWindowText(HWND hWnd, char[] lpString, int nMaxCount)248     int GetWindowText(HWND hWnd, char[] lpString, int nMaxCount);
250     /**
251      * This function retrieves the length, in characters, of the specified
252      * window's title bar text - if the window has a title bar. If the specified
253      * window is a control, the function retrieves the length of the text within
254      * the control.
255      *
256      * @param hWnd
257      *            Handle to the window or control.
258      * @return The length, in characters, of the text indicates success. Under
259      *         certain conditions, this value may actually be greater than the
260      *         length of the text. Zero indicates that the window has no text.
261      *         To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
262      */
GetWindowTextLength(HWND hWnd)263     int GetWindowTextLength(HWND hWnd);
265     /**
266      * The GetWindowModuleFileName function retrieves the full path and file
267      * name of the module associated with the specified window handle.
268      *
269      * @param hWnd
270      *            Handle to the window whose module file name will be retrieved.
271      * @param lpszFileName
272      *            Pointer to a buffer that receives the path and file name.
273      * @param cchFileNameMax
274      *            Specifies the maximum number of TCHARs that can be copied into
275      *            the lpszFileName buffer.
276      * @return The return value is the total number of TCHARs copied into the
277      *         buffer.
278      */
GetWindowModuleFileName(HWND hWnd, char[] lpszFileName, int cchFileNameMax)279     int GetWindowModuleFileName(HWND hWnd, char[] lpszFileName, int cchFileNameMax);
281     /**
282      * This function retrieves the identifier of the thread that created the
283      * specified window and, optionally, the identifier of the process that
284      * created the window.
285      *
286      * @param hWnd
287      *            Handle to the window.
288      * @param lpdwProcessId
289      *            Pointer to a 32-bit value that receives the process
290      *            identifier. If this parameter is not NULL,
291      *            GetWindowThreadProcessId copies the identifier of the process
292      *            to the 32-bit value; otherwise, it does not.
293      * @return The return value is the identifier of the thread that created the
294      *         window.
295      */
GetWindowThreadProcessId(HWND hWnd, IntByReference lpdwProcessId)296     int GetWindowThreadProcessId(HWND hWnd, IntByReference lpdwProcessId);
298     /**
299      * This function enumerates all top-level windows on the screen by passing
300      * the handle to each window, in turn, to an application-defined callback
301      * function. EnumWindows continues until the last top-level window is
302      * enumerated or the callback function returns FALSE.
303      *
304      * @param lpEnumFunc
305      *            Long pointer to an application-defined callback function.
306      * @param data
307      *            Specifies an application-defined value to be passed to the
308      *            callback function.
309      * @return Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates failure. To get
310      *         extended error information, call GetLastError.
311      */
EnumWindows(WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, Pointer data)312     boolean EnumWindows(WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, Pointer data);
314     /**
315      * The EnumChildWindows function enumerates the child windows that belong to
316      * the specified parent window by passing the handle to each child window,
317      * in turn, to an application-defined callback function. EnumChildWindows
318      * continues until the last child window is enumerated or the callback
319      * function returns FALSE.
320      *
321      * @param hWnd
322      *            Handle to the parent window whose child windows are to be
323      *            enumerated. If this parameter is NULL, this function is
324      *            equivalent to EnumWindows.
325      * @param lpEnumFunc
326      *            Pointer to an application-defined callback function.
327      * @param data
328      *            Specifies an application-defined value to be passed to the
329      *            callback function.
330      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
331      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
332      *         information, call GetLastError. If EnumChildProc returns zero,
333      *         the return value is also zero. In this case, the callback
334      *         function should call SetLastError to obtain a meaningful error
335      *         code to be returned to the caller of EnumChildWindows.
336      */
EnumChildWindows(HWND hWnd, WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, Pointer data)337     boolean EnumChildWindows(HWND hWnd, WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, Pointer data);
339     /**
340      * The EnumThreadWindows function enumerates all nonchild windows associated
341      * with a thread by passing the handle to each window, in turn, to an
342      * application-defined callback function. EnumThreadWindows continues until
343      * the last window is enumerated or the callback function returns FALSE. To
344      * enumerate child windows of a particular window, use the EnumChildWindows
345      * function.
346      *
347      * @param dwThreadId
348      *            Identifies the thread whose windows are to be enumerated.
349      * @param lpEnumFunc
350      *            Pointer to an application-defined callback function.
351      * @param data
352      *            Specifies an application-defined value to be passed to the
353      *            callback function.
354      * @return If the callback function returns TRUE for all windows in the
355      *         thread specified by dwThreadId, the return value is TRUE. If the
356      *         callback function returns FALSE on any enumerated window, or if
357      *         there are no windows found in the thread specified by dwThreadId,
358      *         the return value is FALSE.
359      */
EnumThreadWindows(int dwThreadId, WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, Pointer data)360     boolean EnumThreadWindows(int dwThreadId, WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, Pointer data);
362     /**
363      * The FlashWindowEx function flashes the specified window. It does not
364      * change the active state of the window.
365      *
366      * @param pfwi
367      *            Pointer to the FLASHWINFO structure.
368      * @return The return value specifies the window's state before the call to
369      *         the FlashWindowEx function. If the window caption was drawn as
370      *         active before the call, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise,
371      *         the return value is zero.
372      */
FlashWindowEx(FLASHWINFO pfwi)373     boolean FlashWindowEx(FLASHWINFO pfwi);
375     /**
376      * This function loads the specified icon resource from the executable
377      * (.exe) file associated with an application instance.
378      *
379      * @param hInstance
380      *            Handle to an instance of the module whose executable file
381      *            contains the icon to be loaded. This parameter must be NULL
382      *            when a standard icon is being loaded.
383      * @param iconName
384      *            Long pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the
385      *            name of the icon resource to be loaded. Alternatively, this
386      *            parameter can contain the resource identifier in the low-order
387      *            word and zero in the high-order word. Use the MAKEINTRESOURCE
388      *            macro to create this value.
389      *            <p>
390      *            To use one of the predefined icons, set the hInstance
391      *            parameter to NULL and the lpIconName parameter to one of the
392      *            following values: {@link WinUser#IDC_APPSTARTING} etc.</p>
393      * @return A handle to the newly loaded icon indicates success. NULL
394      *         indicates failure. To get extended error information, call
395      *         GetLastError.
396      */
LoadIcon(HINSTANCE hInstance, String iconName)397     HICON LoadIcon(HINSTANCE hInstance, String iconName);
399     /**
400      * This function loads an icon, cursor, or bitmap.
401      *
402      * @param hinst
403      *            Handle to an instance of the module that contains the image to
404      *            be loaded.
405      * @param name
406      *            Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the name of
407      *            the image resource in the hinst module that identifies the
408      *            image to load.
409      * @param type
410      *            Specifies the type of image to be loaded.
411      * @param xDesired
412      *            Specifies the width, in pixels, of the icon or cursor. If this
413      *            parameter is zero, the function uses the SM_CXICON or
414      *            SM_CXCURSOR system metric value to set the width. If uType is
415      *            IMAGE_BITMAP, this parameter must be zero.
416      * @param yDesired
417      *            Specifies the height, in pixels, of the icon or cursor. If
418      *            this parameter is zero, the function uses the SM_CYICON or
419      *            SM_CYCURSOR system metric value to set the height. If uType is
420      *            IMAGE_BITMAP, this parameter must be zero.
421      * @param load
422      *            Set to zero.
423      * @return The handle of the newly loaded image indicates success. NULL
424      *         indicates failure. To get extended error information, call
425      *         GetLastError.
426      */
LoadImage(HINSTANCE hinst, String name, int type, int xDesired, int yDesired, int load)427     HANDLE LoadImage(HINSTANCE hinst, String name, int type, int xDesired,
428                      int yDesired, int load);
430     /**
431      * This function destroys an icon and frees any memory the icon occupied.
432      *
433      * @param hicon
434      *            Handle to the icon to be destroyed. The icon must not be in
435      *            use.
436      * @return Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates failure. To get
437      *         extended error information, call GetLastError.
438      */
DestroyIcon(HICON hicon)439     boolean DestroyIcon(HICON hicon);
441     /**
442      * This function retrieves information about the specified window.
443      * GetWindowLong also retrieves the 32-bit (long) value at the specified
444      * offset into the extra window memory of a window.
445      *
446      * @param hWnd
447      *            Handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the
448      *            window belongs.
449      * @param nIndex
450      *            Specifies the zero-based offset to the value to be retrieved.
451      * @return The requested 32-bit value indicates success. Zero indicates
452      *         failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
453      */
GetWindowLong(HWND hWnd, int nIndex)454     int GetWindowLong(HWND hWnd, int nIndex);
456     /**
457      * This function changes an attribute of the specified window. SetWindowLong
458      * also sets a 32-bit (LONG) value at the specified offset into the extra
459      * window memory of a window.
460      *
461      * @param hWnd
462      *            Handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the
463      *            window belongs.
464      * @param nIndex
465      *            Specifies the zero-based offset to the value to be set.
466      * @param dwNewLong
467      *            Specifies the replacement value.
468      * @return The previous value of the specified 32-bit integer indicates
469      *         success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error
470      *         information, call GetLastError.
471      */
SetWindowLong(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong)472     int SetWindowLong(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong);
474     /**
475      * The GetWindowLongPtr function retrieves information about the specified
476      * window. The function also retrieves the value at a specified offset into
477      * the extra window memory.
478      *
479      * @param hWnd
480      *            Handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the
481      *            window belongs.
482      * @param nIndex
483      *            Specifies the zero-based offset to the value to be retrieved.
484      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is the requested
485      *         value. If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get
486      *         extended error information, call GetLastError. If SetWindowLong
487      *         or SetWindowLongPtr has not been called previously,
488      *         GetWindowLongPtr returns zero for values in the extra window or
489      *         class memory.
490      */
GetWindowLongPtr(HWND hWnd, int nIndex)491     LONG_PTR GetWindowLongPtr(HWND hWnd, int nIndex);
493     /**
494      * The SetWindowLongPtr function changes an attribute of the specified
495      * window. The function also sets a value at the specified offset in the
496      * extra window memory.
497      *
498      * @param hWnd
499      *            Handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the
500      *            window belongs.
501      * @param nIndex
502      *            Specifies the zero-based offset to the value to be set.
503      * @param dwNewLongPtr
504      *            Specifies the replacement value.
505      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is the previous value
506      *         of the specified offset. If the function fails, the return value
507      *         is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. If
508      *         the previous value is zero and the function succeeds, the return
509      *         value is zero, but the function does not clear the last error
510      *         information. To determine success or failure, clear the last
511      *         error information by calling SetLastError(0), then call
512      *         SetWindowLongPtr. Function failure will be indicated by a return
513      *         value of zero and a GetLastError result that is nonzero.
514      */
SetWindowLongPtr(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, Pointer dwNewLongPtr)515     Pointer SetWindowLongPtr(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, Pointer dwNewLongPtr);
517     /**
518      * The SetLayeredWindowAttributes function sets the opacity and transparency
519      * color key of a layered window.
520      *
521      * @param hwnd
522      *            Handle to the layered window.
523      * @param crKey
524      *            COLORREF structure that specifies the transparency color key
525      *            to be used when composing the layered window.
526      * @param bAlpha
527      *            Alpha value used to describe the opacity of the layered
528      *            window.
529      * @param dwFlags
530      *            Specifies an action to take.
531      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
532      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
533      *         information, call GetLastError.
534      */
SetLayeredWindowAttributes(HWND hwnd, int crKey, byte bAlpha, int dwFlags)535     boolean SetLayeredWindowAttributes(HWND hwnd, int crKey, byte bAlpha, int dwFlags);
537     /**
538      * The GetLayeredWindowAttributes function retrieves the opacity and
539      * transparency color key of a layered window.
540      *
541      * @param hwnd
542      *            Handle to the layered window. A layered window is created by
543      *            specifying WS_EX_LAYERED when creating the window with the
544      *            CreateWindowEx function or by setting WS_EX_LAYERED via
545      *            SetWindowLong after the window has been created.
546      * @param pcrKey
547      *            Pointer to a COLORREF value that receives the transparency
548      *            color key to be used when composing the layered window. All
549      *            pixels painted by the window in this color will be
550      *            transparent. This can be NULL if the argument is not needed.
551      * @param pbAlpha
552      *            Pointer to a BYTE that receives the Alpha value used to
553      *            describe the opacity of the layered window. Similar to the
554      *            SourceConstantAlpha member of the BLENDFUNCTION structure.
555      *            When the variable referred to by pbAlpha is 0, the window is
556      *            completely transparent. When the variable referred to by
557      *            pbAlpha is 255, the window is opaque. This can be NULL if the
558      *            argument is not needed.
559      * @param pdwFlags
560      *            Pointer to a DWORD that receives a layering flag. This can be
561      *            NULL if the argument is not needed.
562      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
563      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
564      *         information, call GetLastError.
565      */
GetLayeredWindowAttributes(HWND hwnd, IntByReference pcrKey, ByteByReference pbAlpha, IntByReference pdwFlags)566     boolean GetLayeredWindowAttributes(HWND hwnd, IntByReference pcrKey,
567                         ByteByReference pbAlpha, IntByReference pdwFlags);
569     /**
570      * The UpdateLayeredWindow function updates the position, size, shape,
571      * content, and translucency of a layered window.
572      *
573      * @param hwnd
574      *            Handle to a layered window. A layered window is created by
575      *            specifying WS_EX_LAYERED when creating the window with the
576      *            CreateWindowEx function.
577      * @param hdcDst
578      *            Handle to a device context (DC) for the screen. This handle is
579      *            obtained by specifying NULL when calling the function. It is
580      *            used for palette color matching when the window contents are
581      *            updated. If hdcDst isNULL, the default palette will be used.
582      *            If hdcSrc is NULL, hdcDst must be NULL.
583      * @param pptDst
584      *            Pointer to a POINT structure that specifies the new screen
585      *            position of the layered window. If the current position is not
586      *            changing, pptDst can be NULL.
587      * @param psize
588      *            Pointer to a SIZE structure that specifies the new size of the
589      *            layered window. If the size of the window is not changing,
590      *            psize can be NULL. If hdcSrc is NULL, psize must be NULL.
591      * @param hdcSrc
592      *            Handle to a DC for the surface that defines the layered
593      *            window. This handle can be obtained by calling the
594      *            CreateCompatibleDC function. If the shape and visual context
595      *            of the window are not changing, hdcSrc can be NULL.
596      * @param pptSrc
597      *            Pointer to a POINT structure that specifies the location of
598      *            the layer in the device context. If hdcSrc is NULL, pptSrc
599      *            should be NULL.
600      * @param crKey
601      *            Pointer to a COLORREF value that specifies the color key to be
602      *            used when composing the layered window. To generate a
603      *            COLORREF, use the RGB macro.
604      * @param pblend
605      *            Pointer to a BLENDFUNCTION structure that specifies the
606      *            transparency value to be used when composing the layered
607      *            window.
608      * @param dwFlags
609      *            ULW_* flags.
610      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
611      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
612      *         information, call GetLastError.
613      */
UpdateLayeredWindow(HWND hwnd, HDC hdcDst, POINT pptDst, SIZE psize, HDC hdcSrc, POINT pptSrc, int crKey, BLENDFUNCTION pblend, int dwFlags)614     boolean UpdateLayeredWindow(HWND hwnd, HDC hdcDst, POINT pptDst,
615                                 SIZE psize, HDC hdcSrc, POINT pptSrc, int crKey,
616                                 BLENDFUNCTION pblend, int dwFlags);
618     /**
619      * This function sets the window region of a window. The window region
620      * determines the area within the window where the system permits drawing.
621      * The system does not display any portion of a window that lies outside of
622      * the window region.
623      *
624      * @param hWnd
625      *            Handle to the window whose window region is to be set.
626      * @param hRgn
627      *            Handle to a region. The function sets the window region of the
628      *            window to this region. If hRgn is NULL, the function sets the
629      *            window region to NULL.
630      * @param bRedraw
631      *            Specifies whether the system redraws the window after setting
632      *            the window region. If bRedraw is TRUE, the system does so;
633      *            otherwise, it does not. Typically, you set bRedraw to TRUE if
634      *            the window is visible.
635      * @return Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates failure. To get
636      *         extended error information, call GetLastError.
637      */
SetWindowRgn(HWND hWnd, HRGN hRgn, boolean bRedraw)638     int SetWindowRgn(HWND hWnd, HRGN hRgn, boolean bRedraw);
640     /**
641      * The GetKeyboardState function copies the status of the 256 virtual keys
642      * to the specified buffer.
643      *
644      * @param lpKeyState
645      *            Pointer to the 256-byte array that receives the status data
646      *            for each virtual key.
647      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
648      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
649      *         information, call GetLastError.
650      */
GetKeyboardState(byte[] lpKeyState)651     boolean GetKeyboardState(byte[] lpKeyState);
653     /**
654      * This function determines whether a key is up or down at the time the
655      * function is called, and whether the key was pressed after a previous call
656      * to GetAsyncKeyState.
657      *
658      * @param vKey
659      *            Specifies one of 256 possible virtual-key codes.
660      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value specifies whether the
661      *         key was pressed since the last call to GetAsyncKeyState, and
662      *         whether the key is currently up or down. If the most significant
663      *         bit is set, the key is down.
664      */
GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey)665     short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey);
667     /**
668      * The SetWindowsHookEx function installs an application-defined hook
669      * procedure into a hook chain. You would install a hook procedure to
670      * monitor the system for certain types of events. These events are
671      * associated either with a specific thread or with all threads in the same
672      * desktop as the calling thread.
673      *
674      * @param idHook
675      *            Specifies the type of hook procedure to be installed.
676      * @param lpfn
677      *            Pointer to the hook procedure.
678      * @param hMod
679      *            Handle to the DLL containing the hook procedure pointed to by
680      *            the lpfn parameter.
681      * @param dwThreadId
682      *            Specifies the identifier of the thread with which the hook
683      *            procedure is to be associated.
684      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the
685      *         hook procedure. If the function fails, the return value is NULL.
686      *         To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
687      */
SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, HOOKPROC lpfn, HINSTANCE hMod, int dwThreadId)688     HHOOK SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, HOOKPROC lpfn, HINSTANCE hMod, int dwThreadId);
690     /**
691      * The CallNextHookEx function passes the hook information to the next hook
692      * procedure in the current hook chain. A hook procedure can call this
693      * function either before or after processing the hook information.
694      *
695      * @param hhk
696      *            Ignored.
697      * @param nCode
698      *            Specifies the hook code passed to the current hook procedure.
699      *            The next hook procedure uses this code to determine how to
700      *            process the hook information.
701      * @param wParam
702      *            Specifies the wParam value passed to the current hook
703      *            procedure. The meaning of this parameter depends on the type
704      *            of hook associated with the current hook chain.
705      * @param lParam
706      *            Specifies the lParam value passed to the current hook
707      *            procedure. The meaning of this parameter depends on the type
708      *            of hook associated with the current hook chain.
709      * @return This value is returned by the next hook procedure in the chain.
710      *         The current hook procedure must also return this value. The
711      *         meaning of the return value depends on the hook type.
712      */
CallNextHookEx(HHOOK hhk, int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)713     LRESULT CallNextHookEx(HHOOK hhk, int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
715     /**
716      * The UnhookWindowsHookEx function removes a hook procedure installed in a
717      * hook chain by the SetWindowsHookEx function.
718      *
719      * @param hhk
720      *            Handle to the hook to be removed. This parameter is a hook
721      *            handle obtained by a previous call to SetWindowsHookEx.
722      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
723      *         function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
724      *         information, call GetLastError.
725      */
UnhookWindowsHookEx(HHOOK hhk)726     boolean UnhookWindowsHookEx(HHOOK hhk);
728     /**
729      * This function retrieves a message from the calling thread's message queue
730      * and places it in the specified structure.
731      *
732      * @param lpMsg
733      *            Pointer to an MSG structure that receives message information
734      *            from the thread's message queue.
735      * @param hWnd
736      *            Handle to the window whose messages are to be retrieved. One
737      *            value has a special meaning.
738      * @param wMsgFilterMin
739      *            Specifies the integer value of the lowest message value to be
740      *            retrieved.
741      * @param wMsgFilterMax
742      *            Specifies the integer value of the highest message value to be
743      *            retrieved.
744      * @return If the function retrieves a message other than WM_QUIT, the
745      *         return value is nonzero.
746      *
747      * <p>If the function retrieves the WM_QUIT message, the return value is zero.</p>
748      *
749      * <p>If there is an error, the return value is -1. For example, the function
750      * fails if hWnd is an invalid window handle or lpMsg is an invalid pointer.
751      * To get extended error information, call GetLastError.</p>
752      */
GetMessage(MSG lpMsg, HWND hWnd, int wMsgFilterMin, int wMsgFilterMax)753     int GetMessage(MSG lpMsg, HWND hWnd, int wMsgFilterMin, int wMsgFilterMax);
755     /**
756      * This function checks a thread message queue for a message and places the
757      * message (if any) in the specified structure.
758      *
759      * @param lpMsg
760      *            Pointer to an MSG structure that receives message information.
761      * @param hWnd
762      *            Handle to the window whose messages are to be examined.
763      * @param wMsgFilterMin
764      *            Specifies the value of the first message in the range of
765      *            messages to be examined.
766      * @param wMsgFilterMax
767      *            Specifies the value of the last message in the range of
768      *            messages to be examined.
769      * @param wRemoveMsg
770      *            Specifies how messages are handled. This parameter can be one
771      *            of the following values.
772      * @return Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates failure.
773      */
PeekMessage(MSG lpMsg, HWND hWnd, int wMsgFilterMin, int wMsgFilterMax, int wRemoveMsg)774     boolean PeekMessage(MSG lpMsg, HWND hWnd, int wMsgFilterMin,
775             int wMsgFilterMax, int wRemoveMsg);
777     /**
778      * This function translates virtual-key messages into character messages.
779      * The character messages are posted to the calling thread's message queue,
780      * to be read the next time the thread calls the GetMessage or PeekMessage
781      * function.
782      *
783      * @param lpMsg
784      *            Pointer to an MSG structure that contains message information
785      *            retrieved from the calling thread's message queue by using the
786      *            GetMessage or PeekMessage function.
787      * @return Nonzero indicates that the message is translated, that is, a
788      *         character message is posted to the thread's message queue. If the
789      *         message is WM_KEYDOWN or WM_SYSKEYDOWN, the return value is
790      *         nonzero, regardless of the translation. Zero indicates that the
791      *         message is not translated, that is, a character message is not
792      *         posted to the thread's message queue.
793      */
TranslateMessage(MSG lpMsg)794     boolean TranslateMessage(MSG lpMsg);
796     /**
797      * This function dispatches a message to a window procedure. It is typically
798      * used to dispatch a message retrieved by the GetMessage function.
799      *
800      * @param lpMsg
801      *            Pointer to an MSG structure that contains the message.
802      * @return The return value specifies the value returned by the window
803      *         procedure. Although its meaning depends on the message being
804      *         dispatched, the return value generally is ignored.
805      */
DispatchMessage(MSG lpMsg)806     LRESULT DispatchMessage(MSG lpMsg);
808     /**
809      * This function places a message in the message queue associated with the
810      * thread that created the specified window and then returns without waiting
811      * for the thread to process the message. Messages in a message queue are
812      * retrieved by calls to the GetMessage or PeekMessage function.
813      *
814      * @param hWnd
815      *            Handle to the window whose window procedure is to receive the
816      *            message.
817      * @param msg
818      *            Specifies the message to be posted.
819      * @param wParam
820      *            Specifies additional message-specific information.
821      * @param lParam
822      *            Specifies additional message-specific information.
823      */
PostMessage(HWND hWnd, int msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)824     void PostMessage(HWND hWnd, int msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
826     /**
827      * Posts a message to the message queue of the specified thread. It returns
828      * without waiting for the thread to process the message.
829      *
830      * @param idThread The identifier of the thread to which the message is to
831      * be posted.
832      *
833      * <p>The function fails if the specified thread does not have a
834      * message queue. The system creates a thread's message queue when the
835      * thread makes its first call to one of the User or GDI functions.</p>
836      *
837      * <p>Message posting is subject to UIPI. The thread of a process can post
838      * messages only to posted-message queues of threads in processes of lesser
839      * or equal integrity level.</p>
840      *
841      * <p>This thread must have the SE_TCB_NAME privilege to post a message to a
842      * thread that belongs to a process with the same locally unique identifier
843      * (LUID) but is in a different desktop. Otherwise, the function fails
844      * and returns ERROR_INVALID_THREAD_ID.</p>
845      *
846      * <p>This thread must either belong to the same desktop as the calling
847      * thread or to a process with the same LUID. Otherwise, the function
848      * fails and returns ERROR_INVALID_THREAD_ID.</p>
849      *
850      * @param Msg The type of message to be posted.
851      *
852      * @param wParam Additional message-specific information.
853      *
854      * @param lParam Additional message-specific information.
855      *
856      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
857      *
858      * <p>If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
859      * information, call GetLastError.</p><p>GetLastError returns
860      * ERROR_INVALID_THREAD_ID if idThread is not a valid thread identifier, or
861      * if the thread specified by idThread does not have a message queue.</p>
862      * <p>GetLastError returns ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA when the message limit is hit.</p>
863      */
PostThreadMessage(int idThread, int Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)864     int PostThreadMessage(int  idThread, int  Msg, WPARAM wParam,  LPARAM lParam);
866     /**
867      * This function indicates to Windows that a thread has made a request to
868      * terminate (quit). It is typically used in response to a WM_DESTROY
869      * message.
870      *
871      * @param nExitCode
872      *            Specifies an application exit code. This value is used as the
873      *            wParam parameter of the WM_QUIT message.
874      */
PostQuitMessage(int nExitCode)875     void PostQuitMessage(int nExitCode);
877     /**
878      * The GetSystemMetrics function retrieves various system metrics (widths
879      * and heights of display elements) and system configuration settings. All
880      * dimensions retrieved by GetSystemMetrics are in pixels.
881      *
882      * @param nIndex
883      *            System metric or configuration setting to retrieve. This
884      *            parameter can be one of the following values. Note that all
885      *            SM_CX* values are widths and all SM_CY* values are heights.
886      *            Also note that all settings designed to return Boolean data
887      *            represent TRUE as any nonzero value, and FALSE as a zero
888      *            value.
889      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is the requested
890      *         system metric or configuration setting. If the function fails,
891      *         the return value is zero. GetLastError does not provide extended
892      *         error information.
893      */
GetSystemMetrics(int nIndex)894     int GetSystemMetrics(int nIndex);
896     /**
897      * Changes the parent window of the specified child window.
898      *
899      * @param hWndChild
900      *            A handle to the child window.
901      *
902      * @param hWndNewParent
903      *            A handle to the new parent window. If this parameter is NULL,
904      *            the desktop window becomes the new parent window. If this
905      *            parameter is HWND_MESSAGE, the child window becomes a
906      *            message-only window.
907      *
908      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
909      *
910      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
911      *         error information, call GetLastError.
912      */
SetParent(HWND hWndChild, HWND hWndNewParent)913     HWND SetParent(HWND hWndChild, HWND hWndNewParent);
915     /**
916      * Determines the visibility state of the specified window.
917      *
918      * @param hWnd
919      *            A handle to the window to be tested.
920      *
921      * @return If the specified window, its parent window, its parent's parent
922      *         window, and so forth, have the WS_VISIBLE style, the return value
923      *         is nonzero. Otherwise, the return value is zero.
924      *
925      *         Because the return value specifies whether the window has the
926      *         WS_VISIBLE style, it may be nonzero even if the window is totally
927      *         obscured by other windows.
928      */
IsWindowVisible(HWND hWnd)929     boolean IsWindowVisible(HWND hWnd);
931     /**
932      * Changes the position and dimensions of the specified window. For a
933      * top-level window, the position and dimensions are relative to the
934      * upper-left corner of the screen. For a child window, they are relative to
935      * the upper-left corner of the parent window's client area.
936      *
937      * @param hWnd
938      *            A handle to the window.
939      *
940      * @param X
941      *            The new position of the left side of the window.
942      *
943      * @param Y
944      *            The new position of the top of the window.
945      *
946      * @param nWidth
947      *            The new width of the window.
948      *
949      * @param nHeight
950      *            The new height of the window.
951      *
952      * @param bRepaint
953      *            Indicates whether the window is to be repainted. If this
954      *            parameter is TRUE, the window receives a message. If the
955      *            parameter is FALSE, no repainting of any kind occurs. This
956      *            applies to the client area, the nonclient area (including the
957      *            title bar and scroll bars), and any part of the parent window
958      *            uncovered as a result of moving a child window.
959      *
960      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
961      *
962      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
963      *         error information, call GetLastError.
964      */
MoveWindow(HWND hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, boolean bRepaint)965     boolean MoveWindow(HWND hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, boolean bRepaint);
967     /**
968      * Changes the size, position, and Z order of a child, pop-up, or top-level
969      * window. These windows are ordered according to their appearance on the
970      * screen. The topmost window receives the highest rank and is the first
971      * window in the Z order.
972      *
973      * @param hWnd
974      *            A handle to the window.
975      *
976      * @param hWndInsertAfter
977      *            A handle to the window to precede the positioned window in the
978      *            Z order.
979      *
980      * @param X
981      *            The new position of the left side of the window, in client
982      *            coordinates.
983      *
984      * @param Y
985      *            The new position of the top of the window, in client
986      *            coordinates.
987      *
988      * @param cx
989      *            The new width of the window, in pixels.
990      *
991      * @param cy
992      *            The new height of the window, in pixels.
993      *
994      * @param uFlags
995      *            The window sizing and positioning flags.
996      *
997      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
998      *
999      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1000      *         error information, call GetLastError.
1001      */
SetWindowPos(HWND hWnd, HWND hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, int uFlags)1002     boolean SetWindowPos(HWND hWnd, HWND hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx,
1003                          int cy, int uFlags);
1005     /**
1006      * Attaches or detaches the input processing mechanism of one thread to that
1007      * of another thread.
1008      *
1009      * @param idAttach
1010      *            The identifier of the thread to be attached to another thread.
1011      *            The thread to be attached cannot be a system thread.
1012      *
1013      * @param idAttachTo
1014      *            The identifier of the thread to which idAttach will be
1015      *            attached. This thread cannot be a system thread. A thread
1016      *            cannot attach to itself. Therefore, idAttachTo cannot equal
1017      *            idAttach.
1018      *
1019      * @param fAttach
1020      *            If this parameter is TRUE, the two threads are attached. If
1021      *            the parameter is FALSE, the threads are detached.
1022      *
1023      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
1024      */
AttachThreadInput(DWORD idAttach, DWORD idAttachTo, boolean fAttach)1025     boolean AttachThreadInput(DWORD idAttach, DWORD idAttachTo, boolean fAttach);
1027     /**
1028      * Brings the thread that created the specified window into the foreground
1029      * and activates the window. Keyboard input is directed to the window, and
1030      * various visual cues are changed for the user. The system assigns a
1031      * slightly higher priority to the thread that created the foreground window
1032      * than it does to other threads.
1033      *
1034      * @param hWnd
1035      *            A handle to the window that should be activated and brought to
1036      *            the foreground.
1037      *
1038      * @return If the window was brought to the foreground, the return value is
1039      *         nonzero.
1040      */
SetForegroundWindow(HWND hWnd)1041     boolean SetForegroundWindow(HWND hWnd);
1043     /**
1044      * Retrieves a handle to the foreground window (the window with which the
1045      * user is currently working). The system assigns a slightly higher priority
1046      * to the thread that creates the foreground window than it does to other
1047      * threads.
1048      *
1049      * @return The return value is a handle to the foreground window. The
1050      *         foreground window can be NULL in certain circumstances, such as
1051      *         when a window is losing activation.
1052      */
GetForegroundWindow()1053     HWND GetForegroundWindow();
1055     /**
1056      * Sets the keyboard focus to the specified window. The window must be
1057      * attached to the calling thread's message queue.
1058      *
1059      * @param hWnd
1060      *            A handle to the window that will receive the keyboard input.
1061      *            If this parameter is NULL, keystrokes are ignored.
1062      *
1063      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the
1064      *         window that previously had the keyboard focus. If the hWnd
1065      *         parameter is invalid or the window is not attached to the calling
1066      *         thread's message queue, the return value is NULL. To get extended
1067      *         error information, call GetLastError.
1068      */
SetFocus(HWND hWnd)1069     HWND SetFocus(HWND hWnd);
1071     /**
1072      * Synthesizes keystrokes, mouse motions, and button clicks.
1073      *
1074      * @param nInputs
1075      *            The number of structures in the pInputs array.
1076      *
1077      * @param pInputs
1078      *            An array of INPUT structures. Each structure represents an
1079      *            event to be inserted into the keyboard or mouse input stream.
1080      *
1081      * @param cbSize
1082      *            The size, in bytes, of an INPUT structure. If cbSize is not
1083      *            the size of an INPUT structure, the function fails.
1084      *
1085      * @return The function returns the number of events that it successfully
1086      *         inserted into the keyboard or mouse input stream. If the function
1087      *         returns zero, the input was already blocked by another thread. To
1088      *         get extended error information, call GetLastError.
1089      *
1090      *         This function fails when it is blocked by UIPI. Note that neither
1091      *         GetLastError nor the return value will indicate the failure was
1092      *         caused by UIPI blocking.
1093      */
SendInput(DWORD nInputs, WinUser.INPUT[] pInputs, int cbSize)1094     DWORD SendInput(DWORD nInputs, WinUser.INPUT[] pInputs, int cbSize);
1096     /**
1097      * Waits until the specified process has finished processing its initial
1098      * input and is waiting for user input with no input pending, or until the
1099      * time-out interval has elapsed.
1100      *
1101      * @param hProcess
1102      *            A handle to the process. If this process is a console
1103      *            application or does not have a message queue, WaitForInputIdle
1104      *            returns immediately.
1105      *
1106      * @param dwMilliseconds
1107      *            The time-out interval, in milliseconds. If dwMilliseconds is
1108      *            INFINITE, the function does not return until the process is
1109      *            idle.
1110      *
1111      * @return The following table shows the possible return values for this
1112      *         function.
1113      *         <table>
1114      *         <caption>Possible return values</caption>
1115      *         <tr>
1116      *         <th>Return code/value</th>
1117      *         <th>Description</th>
1118      *         </tr>
1119      *         <tr>
1120      *         <td>0</td>
1121      *         <td>The wait was satisfied successfully.</td>
1122      *         </tr>
1123      *         <tr>
1124      *         <td>WAIT_TIMEOUT</td>
1125      *         <td>The wait was terminated because the time-out interval
1126      *         elapsed.</td>
1127      *         </tr>
1128      *         <tr>
1129      *         <td>WAIT_FAILED</td>
1130      *         <td>An error occurred.</td>
1131      *         </tr>
1132      *         </table>
1133      */
WaitForInputIdle(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwMilliseconds)1134     DWORD WaitForInputIdle(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwMilliseconds);
1136     /**
1137      * The InvalidateRect function adds a rectangle to the specified window's
1138      * update region. The update region represents the portion of the window's
1139      * client area that must be redrawn.
1140      *
1141      * @param hWnd
1142      *            A handle to the window whose update region has changed. If
1143      *            this parameter is NULL, the system invalidates and redraws all
1144      *            windows, not just the windows for this application, and sends
1145      *            the WM_ERASEBKGND and WM_NCPAINT messages before the function
1146      *            returns. Setting this parameter to NULL is not recommended.
1147      *
1148      * @param lpRect
1149      *            A pointer to a RECT structure that contains the client
1150      *            coordinates of the rectangle to be added to the update region.
1151      *            If this parameter is NULL, the entire client area is added to
1152      *            the update region.
1153      *
1154      * @param bErase
1155      *            Specifies whether the background within the update region is
1156      *            to be erased when the update region is processed. If this
1157      *            parameter is TRUE, the background is erased when the
1158      *            BeginPaint function is called. If this parameter is FALSE, the
1159      *            background remains unchanged.
1160      *
1161      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
1162      *         function fails, the return value is zero.
1163      */
InvalidateRect(HWND hWnd, RECT lpRect, boolean bErase)1164     boolean InvalidateRect(HWND hWnd, RECT lpRect, boolean bErase);
1166     /**
1167      * The RedrawWindow function updates the specified rectangle or region in a
1168      * window's client area.
1169      *
1170      * @param hWnd
1171      *            A handle to the window to be redrawn. If this parameter is
1172      *            NULL, the desktop window is updated.
1173      *
1174      * @param lprcUpdate
1175      *            A pointer to a RECT structure containing the coordinates, in
1176      *            device units, of the update rectangle. This parameter is
1177      *            ignored if the hrgnUpdate parameter identifies a region.
1178      *
1179      * @param hrgnUpdate
1180      *            A handle to the update region. If both the hrgnUpdate and
1181      *            lprcUpdate parameters are NULL, the entire client area is
1182      *            added to the update region.
1183      *
1184      * @param flags
1185      *            One or more redraw flags. This parameter can be used to
1186      *            invalidate or validate a window, control repainting, and
1187      *            control which windows are affected by RedrawWindow.
1188      *
1189      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
1190      *         function fails, the return value is zero.
1191      */
RedrawWindow(HWND hWnd, RECT lprcUpdate, HRGN hrgnUpdate, DWORD flags)1192     boolean RedrawWindow(HWND hWnd, RECT lprcUpdate, HRGN hrgnUpdate, DWORD flags);
1194     /**
1195      * Retrieves a handle to a window that has the specified relationship
1196      * (Z-Order or owner) to the specified window.
1197      *
1198      * @param hWnd
1199      *            A handle to a window. The window handle retrieved is relative
1200      *            to this window, based on the value of the uCmd parameter.
1201      *
1202      * @param uCmd
1203      *            The relationship between the specified window and the window
1204      *            whose handle is to be retrieved.
1205      *
1206      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is a window handle. If
1207      *         no window exists with the specified relationship to the specified
1208      *         window, the return value is NULL. To get extended error
1209      *         information, call GetLastError.
1210      */
GetWindow(HWND hWnd, DWORD uCmd)1211     HWND GetWindow(HWND hWnd, DWORD uCmd);
1213     /**
1214      * The UpdateWindow function updates the client area of the specified window
1215      * by sending a WM_PAINT message to the window if the window's update region
1216      * is not empty. The function sends a WM_PAINT message directly to the
1217      * window procedure of the specified window, bypassing the application
1218      * queue. If the update region is empty, no message is sent.
1219      *
1220      * @param hWnd
1221      *            Handle to the window to be updated.
1222      *
1223      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the
1224      *         function fails, the return value is zero.
1225      */
UpdateWindow(HWND hWnd)1226     boolean UpdateWindow(HWND hWnd);
1228     /**
1229      * Sets the specified window's show state.
1230      *
1231      * @param hWnd
1232      *            A handle to the window.
1233      *
1234      * @param nCmdShow
1235      *            Controls how the window is to be shown. This parameter is
1236      *            ignored the first time an application calls ShowWindow, if the
1237      *            program that launched the application provides a STARTUPINFO
1238      *            structure. Otherwise, the first time ShowWindow is called, the
1239      *            value should be the value obtained by the WinMain function in
1240      *            its nCmdShow parameter.
1241      *
1242      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
1243      *
1244      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1245      *         error information, call GetLastError.
1246      */
ShowWindow(HWND hWnd, int nCmdShow)1247     boolean ShowWindow(HWND hWnd, int nCmdShow);
1249     /**
1250      * Minimizes (but does not destroy) the specified window.
1251      *
1252      * @param hWnd
1253      *            A handle to the window to be minimized.
1254      *
1255      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
1256      *
1257      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1258      *         error information, call GetLastError.
1259      */
CloseWindow(HWND hWnd)1260     boolean CloseWindow(HWND hWnd);
1262     /**
1263      * Defines a system-wide hot key.
1264      *
1265      * @param hWnd
1266      *            A handle to the window that will receive
1267      * @param id
1268      *            The identifier of the hot key
1269      * @param fsModifiers
1270      *            The keys that must be pressed in combination with the key
1271      *            specified by the uVirtKey parameter in order to generate the
1272      * @param vk
1273      *            The virtual-key code of the hot key
1274      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
1275      *
1276      *         <p>If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1277      *         error information, call {@link Kernel32#GetLastError}.
1278      *         {@link WinUser#WM_HOTKEY} messages generated by the hot key
1279      *         {@link WinUser#WM_HOTKEY} message.</p>
1280      *         A combination of the following values
1281      *         <ul>
1282      *         <li>{@link WinUser#MOD_ALT} Either ALT key must be held down.</li>
1283      *         <li>{@link WinUser#MOD_CONTROL} Either CTRL key must be held
1284      *         down.</li>
1285      *         <li>{@link WinUser#MOD_NOREPEAT} Changes the hotkey behavior so
1286      *         that the keyboard auto-repeat does not yield multiple hotkey
1287      *         notifications. <p><b>
1288      *         Windows Vista and Windows XP/2000: This flag is not
1289      *         supported.</b></p></li>
1290      *         <li>{@link WinUser#MOD_SHIFT} Either SHIFT key must be held down.
1291      *         </li>
1292      *         <li>{@link WinUser#MOD_WIN} Either WINDOWS key was held down.
1293      *         These keys are labeled with the Windows logo.</li>
1294      *         </ul>
1295      */
RegisterHotKey(HWND hWnd, int id, int fsModifiers, int vk)1296     boolean RegisterHotKey(HWND hWnd, int id, int fsModifiers, int vk);
1298     /**
1299      * Frees a hot key previously registered by the calling thread.
1300      *
1301      * @param hWnd
1302      *            A handle to the window associated with the hot key to be
1303      *            freed. This parameter should be NULL if the hot key is not
1304      *            associated with a window.
1305      *
1306      * @param id
1307      *            The identifier of the hot key to be freed.
1308      *
1309      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
1310      *
1311      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1312      *         error information, call {@link Kernel32#GetLastError}.
1313      */
UnregisterHotKey(Pointer hWnd, int id)1314     boolean UnregisterHotKey(Pointer hWnd, int id);
1316     /**
1317      * Retrieves the time of the last input event.
1318      *
1319      * @param plii
1320      *            structure that receives the time of the last input event
1321      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
1322      *
1323      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1324      *         error information, call {@link Kernel32#GetLastError}.
1325      */
GetLastInputInfo(LASTINPUTINFO plii)1326     boolean GetLastInputInfo(LASTINPUTINFO plii);
1328     /**
1329      * Registers a window class for subsequent use in calls to the CreateWindow
1330      * or CreateWindowEx function.
1331      *
1332      * @param lpwcx
1333      *            Type: const WNDCLASSEX* A pointer to a WNDCLASSEX structure.
1334      *            You must fill the structure with the appropriate class
1335      *            attributes before passing it to the function.
1336      *
1337      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is a class atom that
1338      *         uniquely identifies the class being registered. This atom can
1339      *         only be used by the CreateWindow, CreateWindowEx, GetClassInfo,
1340      *         GetClassInfoEx, FindWindow, FindWindowEx, and UnregisterClass
1341      *         functions and the IActiveIMMap::FilterClientWindows method.
1342      *
1343      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1344      *         error information, call {@link Kernel32#GetLastError}.
1345      */
RegisterClassEx(WNDCLASSEX lpwcx)1346     ATOM RegisterClassEx(WNDCLASSEX lpwcx);
1348     /**
1349      * Unregisters a window class, freeing the memory required for the class.
1350      *
1351      * @param lpClassName
1352      *            [in] Type: LPCTSTR
1353      *
1354      *            A null-terminated string or a class atom. If lpClassName is a
1355      *            string, it specifies the window class name. This class name
1356      *            must have been registered by a previous call to the
1357      *            RegisterClass or RegisterClassEx function. System classes,
1358      *            such as dialog box controls, cannot be unregistered. If this
1359      *            parameter is an atom, it must be a class atom created by a
1360      *            previous call to the RegisterClass or RegisterClassEx
1361      *            function. The atom must be in the low-order word of
1362      *            lpClassName; the high-order word must be zero.
1363      *
1364      * @param hInstance
1365      *            [in,optional] Type: HINSTANCE A handle to the instance of the
1366      *            module that created the class. *
1367      *
1368      * @return Type: BOOL If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
1369      *
1370      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1371      *         error information, call {@link Kernel32#GetLastError}.
1372      */
UnregisterClass(String lpClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance)1373     boolean UnregisterClass(String lpClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance);
1375     /**
1376      * Creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window with an extended window
1377      * style; otherwise, this function is identical to the CreateWindow
1378      * function. For more information about creating a window and for full
1379      * descriptions of the other parameters of CreateWindowEx, see CreateWindow.
1380      *
1381      * @param dwExStyle
1382      *            [in] Type: DWORD
1383      *
1384      *            The extended window style of the window being created. For a
1385      *            list of possible values,see Extended Window Styles.
1386      *
1387      * @param lpClassName
1388      *            [in, optional] Type: LPCTSTR
1389      *
1390      *            A null-terminated string or a class atom created by a previous
1391      *            call to the RegisterClass or RegisterClassEx function. The
1392      *            atom must be in the low-order word of lpClassName; the
1393      *            high-order word must be zero. If lpClassName is a string, it
1394      *            specifies the window class name. The class name can be any
1395      *            name registered with RegisterClass or RegisterClassEx,
1396      *            provided that the module that registers the class is also the
1397      *            module that creates the window. The class name can also be any
1398      *            of the predefined system class names.
1399      *
1400      * @param lpWindowName
1401      *            [in, optional] Type: LPCTSTR
1402      *
1403      *            The window name. If the window style specifies a title bar,
1404      *            the window title pointed to by lpWindowName is displayed in
1405      *            the title bar. When using CreateWindow to create controls,
1406      *            such as buttons, check boxes, and static controls, use
1407      *            lpWindowName to specify the text of the control. When creating
1408      *            a static control with the SS_ICON style, use lpWindowName to
1409      *            specify the icon name or identifier. To specify an identifier,
1410      *            use the syntax "#num".
1411      *
1412      * @param dwStyle
1413      *            [in] Type: DWORD
1414      *
1415      *            The style of the window being created. This parameter can be a
1416      *            combination of the window style values, plus the control
1417      *            styles indicated in the Remarks section.
1418      *
1419      * @param x
1420      *            [in] Type: int
1421      *
1422      *            The initial horizontal position of the window. For an
1423      *            overlapped or pop-up window, the x parameter is the initial
1424      *            x-coordinate of the window's upper-left corner, in screen
1425      *            coordinates. For a child window, x is the x-coordinate of the
1426      *            upper-left corner of the window relative to the upper-left
1427      *            corner of the parent window's client area. If x is set to
1428      *            CW_USEDEFAULT, the system selects the default position for the
1429      *            window's upper-left corner and ignores the y parameter.
1430      *            CW_USEDEFAULT is valid only for overlapped windows; if it is
1431      *            specified for a pop-up or child window, the x and y parameters
1432      *            are set to zero.
1433      *
1434      * @param y
1435      *            [in] Type: int
1436      *
1437      *            The initial vertical position of the window. For an overlapped
1438      *            or pop-up window, the y parameter is the initial y-coordinate
1439      *            of the window's upper-left corner, in screen coordinates. For
1440      *            a child window, y is the initial y-coordinate of the
1441      *            upper-left corner of the child window relative to the
1442      *            upper-left corner of the parent window's client area. For a
1443      *            list box y is the initial y-coordinate of the upper-left
1444      *            corner of the list box's client area relative to the
1445      *            upper-left corner of the parent window's client area.
1446      *
1447      *            If an overlapped window is created with the WS_VISIBLE style
1448      *            bit set and the x parameter is set to CW_USEDEFAULT, then the
1449      *            y parameter determines how the window is shown. If the y
1450      *            parameter is CW_USEDEFAULT, then the window manager calls
1451      *            ShowWindow with the SW_SHOW flag after the window has been
1452      *            created. If the y parameter is some other value, then the
1453      *            window manager calls ShowWindow with that value as the
1454      *            nCmdShow parameter.
1455      *
1456      * @param nWidth
1457      *            [in] Type: int
1458      *
1459      *            The width, in device units, of the window. For overlapped
1460      *            windows, nWidth is the window's width, in screen coordinates,
1461      *            or CW_USEDEFAULT. If nWidth is CW_USEDEFAULT, the system
1462      *            selects a default width and height for the window; the default
1463      *            width extends from the initial x-coordinates to the right edge
1464      *            of the screen; the default height extends from the initial
1465      *            y-coordinate to the top of the icon area. CW_USEDEFAULT is
1466      *            valid only for overlapped windows; if CW_USEDEFAULT is
1467      *            specified for a pop-up or child window, the nWidth and nHeight
1468      *            parameter are set to zero.
1469      *
1470      * @param nHeight
1471      *            [in] Type: int
1472      *
1473      *            The height, in device units, of the window. For overlapped
1474      *            windows, nHeight is the window's height, in screen
1475      *            coordinates. If the nWidth parameter is set to CW_USEDEFAULT,
1476      *            the system ignores nHeight.
1477      *
1478      * @param hWndParent
1479      *            [in, optional] Type: HWND
1480      *
1481      *            A handle to the parent or owner window of the window being
1482      *            created. To create a child window or an owned window, supply a
1483      *            valid window handle. This parameter is optional for pop-up
1484      *            windows.
1485      *
1486      *            To create a message-only window, supply HWND_MESSAGE or a
1487      *            handle to an existing message-only window.
1488      *
1489      * @param hMenu
1490      *            [in, optional] Type: HMENU
1491      *
1492      *            A handle to a menu, or specifies a child-window identifier,
1493      *            depending on the window style. For an overlapped or pop-up
1494      *            window, hMenu identifies the menu to be used with the window;
1495      *            it can be NULL if the class menu is to be used. For a child
1496      *            window, hMenu specifies the child-window identifier, an
1497      *            integer value used by a dialog box control to notify its
1498      *            parent about events. The application determines the
1499      *            child-window identifier; it must be unique for all child
1500      *            windows with the same parent window.
1501      *
1502      * @param hInstance
1503      *            [in, optional] Type: HINSTANCE
1504      *
1505      *            A handle to the instance of the module to be associated with
1506      *            the window.
1507      *
1508      * @param lpParam
1509      *            [in, optional] Type: LPVOID
1510      *
1511      *            Pointer to a value to be passed to the window through the
1512      *            CREATESTRUCT structure (lpCreateParams member) pointed to by
1513      *            the lParam param of the WM_CREATE message. This message is
1514      *            sent to the created window by this function before it returns.
1515      *
1516      *            If an application calls CreateWindow to create a MDI client
1517      *            window, lpParam should point to a CLIENTCREATESTRUCT
1518      *            structure. If an MDI client window calls CreateWindow to
1519      *            create an MDI child window, lpParam should point to a
1520      *            MDICREATESTRUCT structure. lpParam may be NULL if no
1521      *            additional data is needed.
1522      *
1523      * @return Type: HWND
1524      *
1525      *         If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the new
1526      *         window.
1527      *
1528      *         If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended
1529      *         error information, call GetLastError.
1530      *
1531      *         <p>This function typically fails for one of the following reasons:</p>
1532      *         <ul>
1533      *         <li>an invalid parameter value</li>
1534      *         <li>the system class was registered by a different module</li>
1535      *         <li>The WH_CBT hook is installed and returns a failure code</li>
1536      *         <li>if one of the controls in the dialog template is not registered,
1537      *          or its window window procedure fails WM_CREATE or
1538      *         WM_NCCREATE</li>
1539      *         </ul>
1540      */
CreateWindowEx(int dwExStyle, String lpClassName, String lpWindowName, int dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPVOID lpParam)1541     HWND CreateWindowEx(int dwExStyle, String lpClassName,
1542                                String lpWindowName, int dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth,
1543                                int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance,
1544                                LPVOID lpParam);
1546     /**
1547      * Destroys the specified window. The function sends WM_DESTROY and
1548      * WM_NCDESTROY messages to the window to deactivate it and remove the
1549      * keyboard focus from it. The function also destroys the window's menu,
1550      * flushes the thread message queue, destroys timers, removes clipboard
1551      * ownership, and breaks the clipboard viewer chain (if the window is at the
1552      * top of the viewer chain).
1553      *
1554      * If the specified window is a parent or owner window, DestroyWindow
1555      * automatically destroys the associated child or owned windows when it
1556      * destroys the parent or owner window. The function first destroys child or
1557      * owned windows, and then it destroys the parent or owner window.
1558      *
1559      * DestroyWindow also destroys modeless dialog boxes created by the
1560      * CreateDialog function.
1561      *
1562      * @param hWnd
1563      *            [in] Type: HWND A handle to the window to be destroyed.
1564      *
1565      * @return Type: BOOL If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
1566      *
1567      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1568      *         error information, call {@link Kernel32#GetLastError}.
1569      */
DestroyWindow(HWND hWnd)1570     boolean DestroyWindow(HWND hWnd);
1572     /**
1573      * Retrieves information about a window class, including a handle to the
1574      * small icon associated with the window class. The GetClassInfo function
1575      * does not retrieve a handle to the small icon.
1576      *
1577      * @param hinst
1578      *            [in, optional] Type: HINSTANCE
1579      *
1580      *            A handle to the instance of the application that created the
1581      *            class. To retrieve information about classes defined by the
1582      *            system (such as buttons or list boxes), set this parameter to
1583      *            NULL.
1584      *
1585      * @param lpszClass
1586      *            [in] Type: LPCTSTR
1587      *
1588      *            The class name. The name must be that of a preregistered class
1589      *            or a class registered by a previous call to the RegisterClass
1590      *            or RegisterClassEx function. Alternatively, this parameter can
1591      *            be a class atom created by a previous call to RegisterClass or
1592      *            RegisterClassEx. The atom must be in the low-order word of
1593      *            lpszClass; the high-order word must be zero.
1594      *
1595      * @param lpwcx
1596      *            [out] Type: LPWNDCLASSEX
1597      *
1598      *            A pointer to a WNDCLASSEX structure that receives the
1599      *            information about the class.
1600      *
1601      * @return Type: BOOL If the function finds a matching class and
1602      *         successfully copies the data, the return value is nonzero.
1603      *
1604      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1605      *         error information, call {@link Kernel32#GetLastError} .
1606      */
GetClassInfoEx(HINSTANCE hinst, String lpszClass, WNDCLASSEX lpwcx)1607     boolean GetClassInfoEx(HINSTANCE hinst, String lpszClass, WNDCLASSEX lpwcx);
1609     /**
1610      * Passes message information to the specified window procedure.
1611      *
1612      * @param lpPrevWndFunc
1613      *            The previous window procedure. If this value is obtained by calling
1614      *            the GetWindowLong function with the nIndex parameter set to GWL_WNDPROC
1615      *            or DWL_DLGPROC, it is actually either the address of a window or dialog
1616      *            box procedure, or a special internal value meaningful only to
1617      *            CallWindowProc.
1618      *
1619      * @param hWnd
1620      *            A handle to the window procedure to receive the message.
1621      *
1622      * @param Msg
1623      *            The message.
1624      *
1625      * @param wParam
1626      *            Additional message information. The content of this parameter
1627      *            depends on the value of the Msg parameter.
1628      *
1629      * @param lParam
1630      *            Additional message information. The content of this parameter
1631      *            depends on the value of the Msg parameter.
1632      *
1633      * @return The return value is the result of the message processing and depends on
1634      *         the message.
1635      *         <p>
1636      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1637      *         error information, call {@link Kernel32#GetLastError}.
1638      */
CallWindowProc(Pointer lpPrevWndFunc, HWND hWnd, int Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)1639     LRESULT CallWindowProc(Pointer lpPrevWndFunc, HWND hWnd, int Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
1641     /**
1642      * Calls the default window procedure to provide default processing for any
1643      * window messages that an application does not process. This function
1644      * ensures that every message is processed. DefWindowProc is called with the
1645      * same parameters received by the window procedure.
1646      *
1647      * @param hWnd
1648      *            [in] Type: HWND
1649      *
1650      *            A handle to the window procedure that received the message.
1651      *
1652      * @param Msg
1653      *            [in] Type: UINT
1654      *
1655      *            The message.
1656      *
1657      * @param wParam
1658      *            [in] Type: WPARAM
1659      *
1660      *            Additional message information. The content of this parameter
1661      *            depends on the value of the Msg parameter.
1662      *
1663      * @param lParam
1664      *            [in] Type: LPARAM
1665      *
1666      *            Additional message information. The content of this parameter
1667      *            depends on the value of the Msg parameter.
1668      *
1669      * @return Type: LRESULT The return value is the result of the message
1670      *         processing and depends on the message.
1671      *
1672      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1673      *         error information, call {@link Kernel32#GetLastError}.
1674      */
DefWindowProc(HWND hWnd, int Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)1675     LRESULT DefWindowProc(HWND hWnd, int Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
1677     /**
1678      * Registers the device or type of device for which a window will receive
1679      * notifications.
1680      *
1681      * @param hRecipient [in] A handle to the window or service that will receive
1682      *             device events for the devices specified in the
1683      *             NotificationFilter parameter. The same window handle can be
1684      *             used in multiple calls to RegisterDeviceNotification.
1685      *
1686      *             Services can specify either a window handle or service status
1687      *             handle.
1688      *
1689      * @param notificationFilter
1690      *            [in] A pointer to a block of data that specifies the type of
1691      *            device for which notifications should be sent. This block
1692      *            always begins with the DEV_BROADCAST_HDR structure. The data
1693      *            following this header is dependent on the value of the
1694      *            dbch_devicetype member, which can be
1695      *            DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE or DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE. For more
1696      *            information, see Remarks.
1697      *
1698      * @param Flags
1699      *            [in] This parameter can be one of the following values.
1700      *            DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE0x00000000 The hRecipient parameter
1701      *            is a window handle.
1702      *
1703      *            DEVICE_NOTIFY_SERVICE_HANDLE0x00000001 The hRecipient
1704      *            parameter is a service status handle.
1705      *
1706      *            In addition, you can specify the following value.
1707      *
1708      *            DEVICE_NOTIFY_ALL_INTERFACE_CLASSES0x00000004 Notifies the
1709      *            recipient of device interface events for all device interface
1710      *            classes. (The dbcc_classguid member is ignored.)
1711      *
1712      *            This value can be used only if the dbch_devicetype member is
1713      *            DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE.
1714      *
1715      * @return value
1716      *
1717      *         If the function succeeds, the return value is a device
1718      *         notification handle.
1719      *
1720      *         If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended
1721      *         error information, call GetLastError.
1722      */
RegisterDeviceNotification(HANDLE hRecipient, Structure notificationFilter, int Flags)1723     HDEVNOTIFY RegisterDeviceNotification(HANDLE hRecipient, Structure notificationFilter, int Flags);
1725     /**
1726      * Closes the specified device notification handle.
1727      *
1728      * @param Handle [in] Device notification handle returned by the
1729      *         RegisterDeviceNotification function.
1730      *
1731      * @return Return value
1732      *
1733      *         If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
1734      *
1735      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
1736      *         error information, call GetLastError.
1737      */
UnregisterDeviceNotification(HDEVNOTIFY Handle)1738     boolean UnregisterDeviceNotification(HDEVNOTIFY Handle);
1740     /**
1741      * Defines a new window message that is guaranteed to be unique throughout the system.
1742      * The message value can be used when sending or posting messages.
1743      *
1744      * @param string
1745      *            The message to be registered.
1746      *
1747      * @return If the message is successfully registered, the return value is a message identifier in the range 0xC000 through 0xFFFF.
1748      *         <p>
1749      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
1750      *         </p>
1751      */
RegisterWindowMessage(String string)1752     int RegisterWindowMessage(String string);
1754     /**
1755      * Retrieves a handle to the display monitor that contains a specified point.
1756      * @param pt A POINT structure that specifies the point of interest in virtual-screen
1757      *        coordinates.
1758      * @param dwFlags Determines the function's return value if the window does not intersect
1759      *        any display monitor. This parameter can be one of the following values.
1760      *        <ul><li>MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST</li>
1761      *        <li>MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL</li>
1762      *        <li>MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY</li></ul>
1763      * @return If the point is contained by a display monitor, the return value is an HMONITOR
1764      *        handle to that display monitor. If the point is not contained by a display monitor,
1765      *        the return value depends on the value of dwFlags.
1766      */
MonitorFromPoint(POINT.ByValue pt, int dwFlags)1767     HMONITOR MonitorFromPoint(POINT.ByValue pt, int dwFlags);
1769     /**
1770      * Retrieves a handle to the display monitor that has the largest area of intersection with
1771      * a specified rectangle.
1772      * @param lprc A pointer to a RECT structure that specifies the rectangle of interest in
1773      *        virtual-screen coordinates.
1774      * @param dwFlags Determines the function's return value if the window does not intersect
1775      *        any display monitor. This parameter can be one of the following values.
1776      *        <ul><li>MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST</li>
1777      *        <li>MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL</li>
1778      *        <li>MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY</li></ul>
1779      * @return If the rectangle intersects one or more display monitor rectangles, the return
1780      *        value is an HMONITOR handle to the display monitor that has the largest area of
1781      *        intersection with the rectangle. If the rectangle does not intersect a display
1782      *        monitor, the return value depends on the value of dwFlags.
1783      */
MonitorFromRect(RECT lprc, int dwFlags)1784     HMONITOR MonitorFromRect(RECT lprc, int dwFlags);
1786     /**
1787      * Retrieves a handle to the display monitor that has the largest area of intersection with
1788      * the bounding rectangle of a specified window.
1789      * <p>
1790      * If the window is currently minimized, MonitorFromWindow uses the rectangle of the window
1791      * before it was minimized.</p>
1792      * @param hwnd A handle to the window of interest.
1793      * @param dwFlags Determines the function's return value if the window does not intersect
1794      *        any display monitor. This parameter can be one of the following values.
1795      *        <ul><li>MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST</li>
1796      *        <li>MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL</li>
1797      *        <li>MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY</li></ul>
1798      * @return If the window intersects one or more display monitor rectangles, the return value
1799      *        is an HMONITOR handle to the display monitor that has the largest area of
1800      *        intersection with the window. If the window does not intersect a display monitor,
1801      *        the return value depends on the value of dwFlags.
1802      */
MonitorFromWindow(HWND hwnd, int dwFlags)1803     HMONITOR MonitorFromWindow(HWND hwnd, int dwFlags);
1805     /**
1806      * Retrieves information about a display monitor.
1807      * @param hMonitor A handle to the display monitor of interest.
1808      * @param lpmi A pointer to a {@link WinUser.MONITORINFO} structure that receives information about
1809      *        the specified display monitor.
1810      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function
1811      *        fails, the return value is zero.
1812      */
GetMonitorInfo(HMONITOR hMonitor, MONITORINFO lpmi)1813     BOOL GetMonitorInfo(HMONITOR hMonitor, MONITORINFO lpmi);
1815     /**
1816      * Retrieves information about a display monitor.
1817      * @param hMonitor A handle to the display monitor of interest.
1818      * @param lpmi A pointer to a {@link WinUser.MONITORINFOEX} structure that receives information about
1819      *        the specified display monitor.
1820      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function
1821      *        fails, the return value is zero.
1822      */
GetMonitorInfo(HMONITOR hMonitor, MONITORINFOEX lpmi)1823     BOOL GetMonitorInfo(HMONITOR hMonitor, MONITORINFOEX lpmi);
1825     /**
1826      * Enumerates display monitors (including invisible pseudo-monitors associated with the mirroring drivers)
1827      * that intersect a region formed by the intersection of a specified clipping rectangle and the visible
1828      * region of a device context. EnumDisplayMonitors calls an application-defined MonitorEnumProc callback
1829      * function once for each monitor that is enumerated. Note that GetSystemMetrics (SM_CMONITORS) counts
1830      * only the display monitors.
1831      *
1832      * @param hdc A handle to a display device context that defines the visible region of interest. If this
1833      *        parameter is NULL, the hdcMonitor parameter passed to the callback function will be NULL, and
1834      *        the visible region of interest is the virtual screen that encompasses all the displays on the
1835      *        desktop.
1836      * @param lprcClip A pointer to a RECT structure that specifies a clipping rectangle. The region of
1837      *        interest is the intersection of the clipping rectangle with the visible region specified by hdc.
1838      *        If hdc is non-NULL, the coordinates of the clipping rectangle are relative to the origin of the
1839      *        hdc. If hdc is NULL, the coordinates are virtual-screen coordinates. This parameter can be NULL
1840      *        if you don't want to clip the region specified by hdc.
1841      * @param lpfnEnum A pointer to an application-defined callback function.
1842      * @param dwData Application-defined data that EnumDisplayMonitors passes directly to the lpfnEnum function.
1843      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value
1844      *        is zero.
1845      */
EnumDisplayMonitors(HDC hdc, RECT lprcClip, MONITORENUMPROC lpfnEnum, LPARAM dwData)1846     BOOL EnumDisplayMonitors(HDC hdc, RECT lprcClip, MONITORENUMPROC lpfnEnum, LPARAM dwData);
1848     /**
1849      * Retrieves the show state and the restored, minimized, and maximized
1850      * positions of the specified window.
1851      *
1852      * @param hwnd A handle to the window.
1853      * @param lpwndpl A pointer to the WINDOWPLACEMENT structure that receives the
1854      *        show state and position information.
1855      * @return The number of characters copied to the specified buffer indicates
1856      *        success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error
1857      *        information, call GetLastError.
1858      */
GetWindowPlacement(HWND hwnd, WINDOWPLACEMENT lpwndpl)1859     BOOL GetWindowPlacement(HWND hwnd, WINDOWPLACEMENT lpwndpl);
1861     /**
1862      * Sets the show state and the restored, minimized, and maximized positions
1863      * of the specified window.
1864      *
1865      * @param hwnd A handle to the window.
1866      * @param lpwndpl A pointer to a WINDOWPLACEMENT structure that specifies the
1867      *        new show state and window positions.
1868      * @return The number of characters copied to the specified buffer indicates
1869      *        success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error
1870      *        information, call GetLastError.
1871      */
SetWindowPlacement(HWND hwnd, WINDOWPLACEMENT lpwndpl)1872     BOOL SetWindowPlacement(HWND hwnd, WINDOWPLACEMENT lpwndpl);
1874     /**
1875      * Calculates the required size of the window rectangle, based on the desired
1876      * client-rectangle size. The window rectangle can then be passed to the CreateWindow
1877      * function to create a window whose client area is the desired size.
1878      *
1879      * To specify an extended window style, use the AdjustWindowRectEx function.
1880      *
1881      * A client rectangle is the smallest rectangle that completely encloses a
1882      * client area. A window rectangle is the smallest rectangle that completely
1883      * encloses the window, which includes the client area and the nonclient area.
1884      *
1885      * The AdjustWindowRect function does not add extra space when a menu bar wraps
1886      * to two or more rows.
1887      *
1888      * The AdjustWindowRect function does not take the WS_VSCROLL or WS_HSCROLL
1889      * styles into account. To account for the scroll bars, call the GetSystemMetrics
1890      * function with SM_CXVSCROLL or SM_CYHSCROLL.
1891      *
1892      * @param lpRect A pointer to a RECT structure that contains the coordinates
1893      *        of the top-left and bottom-right corners  of the desired client area.
1894      *        When the function returns, the structure contains the coordinates
1895      *        of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the window to accommodate
1896      *        the desired client area.
1897      * @param dwStyle The window style of the window whose required size is to be
1898      *        calculated. Note that you cannot specify the WS_OVERLAPPED style.
1899      * @param bMenu Indicates whether the window has a menu.
1900      * @return The number of characters copied to the specified buffer indicates
1901      *        success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error
1902      *        information, call GetLastError.
1903      */
AdjustWindowRect(RECT lpRect, DWORD dwStyle, BOOL bMenu)1904     BOOL AdjustWindowRect(RECT lpRect, DWORD dwStyle, BOOL bMenu);
1906     /**
1907      * Calculates the required size of the window rectangle, based on the desired
1908      * client-rectangle size. The window rectangle can then be passed to the CreateWindowEx
1909      * function to create a window whose client area is the desired size.
1910      *
1911      * A client rectangle is the smallest rectangle that completely encloses a
1912      * client area. A window rectangle is the smallest rectangle that completely
1913      * encloses the window, which includes the client area and the nonclient area.
1914      *
1915      * The AdjustWindowRectEx function does not add extra space when a menu bar wraps
1916      * to two or more rows.
1917      *
1918      * The AdjustWindowRectEx function does not take the WS_VSCROLL or WS_HSCROLL
1919      * styles into account. To account for the scroll bars, call the GetSystemMetrics
1920      * function with SM_CXVSCROLL or SM_CYHSCROLL.
1921      *
1922      * @param lpRect A pointer to a RECT structure that contains the coordinates
1923      *        of the top-left and bottom-right corners  of the desired client area.
1924      *        When the function returns, the structure contains the coordinates
1925      *        of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the window to accommodate
1926      *        the desired client area.
1927      * @param dwStyle The window style of the window whose required size is to be
1928      *        calculated. Note that you cannot specify the WS_OVERLAPPED style.
1929      * @param bMenu Indicates whether the window has a menu.
1930      * @param dwExStyle The extended window style of the window whose required size
1931      *        is to be calculated.
1932      * @return The number of characters copied to the specified buffer indicates
1933      *        success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended error
1934      *        information, call GetLastError.
1935      */
AdjustWindowRectEx(RECT lpRect, DWORD dwStyle, BOOL bMenu, DWORD dwExStyle)1936     BOOL AdjustWindowRectEx(RECT lpRect, DWORD dwStyle, BOOL bMenu, DWORD dwExStyle);
1938     /**
1939      * Logs off the interactive user, shuts down the system, or shuts down and restarts
1940      * the system. It sends the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message to all applications to
1941      * determine if they can be terminated.
1942      *
1943      * When this function is called, the caller must specify whether or not applications
1944      * with unsaved changes should be forcibly closed. If the caller chooses not to force
1945      * these applications to close and an application with unsaved changes is running on
1946      * the console session, the shutdown will remain in progress until the user logged
1947      * into the console session aborts the shutdown, saves changes, closes the application,
1948      * or forces the application to close. During this period, the shutdown may not be
1949      * aborted except by the console user, and another shutdown may not be initiated.
1950      *
1951      * Calling this function with the value of the uFlags parameter set to EWX_FORCE avoids
1952      * this situation. Remember that doing this may result in loss of data.
1953      *
1954      * To set a shutdown priority for an application relative to other applications in the
1955      * system, use the SetProcessShutdownParameters function.
1956      *
1957      * During a shutdown or log-off operation, running applications are allowed a specific
1958      * amount of time to respond to the shutdown request. If this time expires before all
1959      * applications have stopped, the system displays a user interface that allows the user
1960      * to forcibly shut down the system or to cancel the shutdown request. If the EWX_FORCE
1961      * value is specified, the system forces running applications to stop when the time expires.
1962      *
1963      * If the EWX_FORCEIFHUNG value is specified, the system forces hung applications to close
1964      * and does not display the dialog box.
1965      *
1966      * Console processes receive a separate notification message, CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT or
1967      * CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT, as the situation warrants. A console process routes these messages
1968      * to its HandlerRoutine function. ExitWindowsEx sends these notification messages
1969      * asynchronously; thus, an application cannot assume that the console notification messages
1970      * have been handled when a call to ExitWindowsEx returns.
1971      *
1972      * To shut down or restart the system, the calling process must use the {@link com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32#AdjustTokenPrivileges}
1973      * function to enable the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege. For more information, see Running with Special Privileges.
1974      *
1975      * @param uFlags The shutdown type. This parameter must include one of EWX_HYBRID_SHUTDOWN,
1977      *        parameter can optionally include one of EWX_FORCE or EWX_FORCEIFHUNG.
1978      * @param dReason The reason for initiating the shutdown. This parameter must be one
1979      *        of the system shutdown reason codes. If this parameter is zero, the
1980      *        SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_PLANNED reason code will not be set and therefore the
1981      *        default action is an undefined shutdown that is logged as "No title for
1982      *        this reason could be found". By default, it is also an unplanned shutdown.
1983      *        Depending on how the system is configured, an unplanned shutdown triggers
1984      *        the creation of a file that contains the system state information, which
1985      *        can delay shutdown. Therefore, do not use zero for this parameter.
1986      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Because the function
1987      *        executes asynchronously, a nonzero return value indicates that the shutdown has been
1988      *        initiated. It does not indicate whether the shutdown will succeed. It is possible
1989      *        that the system, the user, or another application will abort the shutdown. If the
1990      *        function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
1991      */
ExitWindowsEx(UINT uFlags, DWORD dReason)1992     BOOL ExitWindowsEx(UINT uFlags, DWORD dReason);
1994     /**
1995      * Locks the workstation's display. Locking a workstation protects it from unauthorized use. The
1996      * LockWorkStation function is callable only by processes running on the interactive desktop.
1997      * In addition, the user must be logged on, and the workstation cannot already be locked.
1998      *
1999      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Because the function executes
2000      *        asynchronously, a nonzero return value indicates that the operation has been initiated.
2001      *        It does not indicate whether the workstation has been successfully locked. If the
2002      *        function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
2003      */
LockWorkStation()2004     BOOL LockWorkStation();
2006     /**
2007      * Retrieves information about the specified icon or cursor.
2008      *
2009      * @param hIcon
2010      *            A handle to the icon or cursor.
2011      *            <p>
2012      *            To retrieve information about a standard icon or cursor,
2013      *            specify one of the following values and use the
2014      *            MAKEINTRESOURCE macro to create this value:
2015      *            {@link WinUser#IDC_APPSTARTING} etc.</p>
2016      * @param piconinfo
2017      *            A pointer to an ICONINFO structure. The function fills in the
2018      *            structure's members.
2019      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is {@code true} and
2020      *         the function fills in the members of the specified ICONINFO
2021      *         structure.
2022      *         <p>
2023      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
2024      *         error information, call {@link Kernel32#GetLastError()}.</p>
2025      */
GetIconInfo(HICON hIcon, ICONINFO piconinfo)2026     boolean GetIconInfo(HICON hIcon, ICONINFO piconinfo);
2028     /**
2029      * Sends the specified message to one or more windows.
2030      *
2031      * @param hWnd
2032      *            A handle to the window whose window procedure will receive the
2033      *            message.
2034      *            <p>
2035      *            If this parameter is HWND_BROADCAST ((HWND)0xffff), the
2036      *            message is sent to all top-level windows in the system,
2037      *            including disabled or invisible unowned windows. The function
2038      *            does not return until each window has timed out. Therefore,
2039      *            the total wait time can be up to the value of uTimeout
2040      *            multiplied by the number of top-level windows.</p>
2041      * @param msg
2042      *            The message to be sent.
2043      * @param wParam
2044      *            Any additional message-specific information.
2045      * @param lParam
2046      *            Any additional message-specific information.
2047      * @param fuFlags
2048      *            The behavior of this function. This parameter can be one or
2049      *            more of the following values: {@link WinUser#SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG}
2050      *            etc.
2051      * @param uTimeout
2052      *            The duration of the time-out period, in milliseconds. If the
2053      *            message is a broadcast message, each window can use the full
2054      *            time-out period. For example, if you specify a five second
2055      *            time-out period and there are three top-level windows that
2056      *            fail to process the message, you could have up to a 15 second
2057      *            delay.
2058      * @param lpdwResult
2059      *            The result of the message processing. The value of this
2060      *            parameter depends on the message that is specified.
2061      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
2062      *         SendMessageTimeout does not provide information about individual
2063      *         windows timing out if HWND_BROADCAST is used.
2064      *         <p>
2065      *         If the function fails or times out, the return value is 0. To get
2066      *         extended error information, call GetLastError. If GetLastError
2067      *         returns ERROR_TIMEOUT, then the function timed out.
2068      *         </p>
2069      *         Windows 2000: If {@link Kernel32#GetLastError()} returns 0, then
2070      *         the function timed out.
2071      */
SendMessageTimeout(HWND hWnd, int msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, int fuFlags, int uTimeout, DWORDByReference lpdwResult)2072     LRESULT SendMessageTimeout(HWND hWnd, int msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,
2073         int fuFlags, int uTimeout, DWORDByReference lpdwResult);
2075     /**
2076      * Retrieves the specified value from the WNDCLASSEX structure associated
2077      * with the specified window.
2078      *
2079      * @param hWnd
2080      *            A handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the
2081      *            window belongs.
2082      * @param nIndex
2083      *            The value to be retrieved. To retrieve a value from the extra
2084      *            class memory, specify the positive, zero-based byte offset of
2085      *            the value to be retrieved. Valid values are in the range zero
2086      *            through the number of bytes of extra class memory, minus
2087      *            eight; for example, if you specified 24 or more bytes of extra
2088      *            class memory, a value of 16 would be an index to the third
2089      *            integer.To retrieve any other value from the WNDCLASSEX
2090      *            structure, specify one of the following values:
2091      *            {@link WinUser#GCW_ATOM} etc.
2092      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is the requested
2093      *         value.
2094      *         <p>
2095      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
2096      *         error information, call {@link Kernel32#GetLastError()}.</p>
2097      */
GetClassLongPtr(HWND hWnd, int nIndex)2098     ULONG_PTR GetClassLongPtr(HWND hWnd, int nIndex);
2100     /**
2101      * @param pRawInputDeviceList
2102      *            An array of {@link WinUser.RAWINPUTDEVICELIST} structures for the devices
2103      *            attached to the system. If (@code null}, the number of devices is
2104      *            returned in <tt>puiNumDevices</tt>
2105      * @param puiNumDevices
2106      *            If <tt>pRawInputDeviceList</tt> is {@code null}, the function populates
2107      *            this variable with the number of devices attached to the system;
2108      *            otherwise, this variable specifies the number of {@link WinUser.RAWINPUTDEVICELIST}
2109      *            structures that can be contained in the buffer to which <tt>pRawInputDeviceList</tt>
2110      *            points. If this value is less than the number of devices attached to
2111      *            the system, the function returns the actual number of devices in this
2112      *            variable and fails with ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.
2113      * @param cbSize
2114      *            The size of a {@link WinUser.RAWINPUTDEVICELIST} structure, in bytes.
2115      * @return If the function is successful, the return value is the number of devices
2116      *             stored in the buffer pointed to by <tt>pRawInputDeviceList</tt>. On
2117      *             any other error, the function returns -1 and {@code GetLastError}
2118      *             returns the error indication.
2119      * @see WinUser.RAWINPUTDEVICELIST#sizeof()
2120      * @see <A HREF="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms645598(v=vs.85).aspx">GetRawInputDeviceList</A>
2121      */
GetRawInputDeviceList(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST[] pRawInputDeviceList, IntByReference puiNumDevices, int cbSize)2122     int GetRawInputDeviceList(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST[] pRawInputDeviceList, IntByReference puiNumDevices, int cbSize);
2125     /**
2126      * Retrieves a handle to the desktop window. The desktop window covers the
2127      * entire screen. The desktop window is the area on top of which other
2128      * windows are painted.
2129      *
2130      * @return Type: HWND The return value is a handle to the desktop window.
2131      */
GetDesktopWindow()2132     HWND GetDesktopWindow();
2134     /**
2135      * The PrintWindow function copies a visual window into the specified device
2136      * context (DC), typically a printer DC.
2137      *
2138      * @param hWnd
2139      *            A handle to the window that will be copied.
2140      * @param dest
2141      *            A handle to the destination device context.
2142      * @param flags
2143      *            The drawing options. It can be one of the following values:
2144      *            <br>
2145      *            PW_CLIENTONLY:<br>
2146      *            Only the client area of the window is copied to hdcBlt. By
2147      *            default, the entire window is copied.
2148      * @return If the function succeeds, it returns true (MSDN: a nonzero
2149      *         value). If the function fails, it returns false (MSDN: zero).
2150      */
PrintWindow(HWND hWnd, HDC dest, int flags)2151     boolean PrintWindow(HWND hWnd, HDC dest, int flags);
2153     /**
2154      * Determines whether the specified window is enabled for mouse and keyboard
2155      * input.
2156      *
2157      * @param hWnd
2158      *            A handle to the window to be tested.
2159      * @return If the window is enabled, the return value is true (nonzero).<br>
2160      *         If the window is not enabled, the return value is false (zero).
2161      */
IsWindowEnabled(HWND hWnd)2162     boolean IsWindowEnabled(HWND hWnd);
2164     /**
2165      * Determines whether the specified window handle identifies an existing
2166      * window. <br>
2167      * A thread should not use IsWindow for a window that it did not create
2168      * because the window could be destroyed after this function was called.<br>
2169      * Further, because window handles are recycled the handle could even point
2170      * to a different window.
2171      *
2172      * @param hWnd
2173      *            A handle to the window to be tested.
2174      * @return If the window handle identifies an existing window, the return
2175      *         value is true (nonzero).<br>
2176      *         If the window handle does not identify an existing window, the
2177      *         return value is false (zero).
2178      */
IsWindow(HWND hWnd)2179     boolean IsWindow(HWND hWnd);
2181     /**
2182      * @param parent
2183      *            Type: <strong>HWND</strong><br>
2184      *            A handle to the parent window whose child windows are to be
2185      *            searched.<br>
2186      *            If <em>hwndParent</em> is <strong>NULL</strong>, the function
2187      *            uses the desktop window as the parent window. The function
2188      *            searches among windows that are child windows of the desktop.
2189      *            <br>
2190      *            If <em>hwndParent</em> is <strong>HWND_MESSAGE</strong>, the
2191      *            function searches all <a href=
2192      *            "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms632599(v=vs.85).aspx#message_only">
2193      *            message-only windows</a>.<br>
2194      * @param child
2195      *            Type: <strong>HWND</strong><br>
2196      *            A handle to a child window. The search begins with the next
2197      *            child window in the Z order. The child window must be a direct
2198      *            child window of <em>hwndParent</em>, not just a descendant
2199      *            window.<br>
2200      *            If <em>hwndChildAfter</em> is <strong>NULL</strong>, the
2201      *            search begins with the first child window of
2202      *            <em>hwndParent</em>.<br>
2203      *            Note that if both <em>hwndParent</em> and
2204      *            <em>hwndChildAfter</em> are <strong>NULL</strong>, the
2205      *            function searches all top-level and message-only windows.<br>
2206      * @param className
2207      *            Type: <strong>LPCTSTR</strong><br>
2208      *            The class name or a class atom created by a previous call to
2209      *            the <a href=
2210      *            "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms633586(v=vs.85).aspx">
2211      *            <strong xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">RegisterClass
2212      *            </strong></a> or <a href=
2213      *            "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms633587(v=vs.85).aspx">
2214      *            <strong xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">RegisterClassEx
2215      *            </strong></a> function. The atom must be placed in the
2216      *            low-order word of <em>lpszClass</em>; the high-order word must
2217      *            be zero.<br>
2218      *            If <em>lpszClass</em> is a string, it specifies the window
2219      *            class name. The class name can be any name registered with
2220      *            <a href=
2221      *            "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms633586(v=vs.85).aspx">
2222      *            <strong xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">RegisterClass
2223      *            </strong></a> or <a href=
2224      *            "https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms633587(v=vs.85).aspx">
2225      *            <strong xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">RegisterClassEx
2226      *            </strong></a>, or any of the predefined control-class names,
2227      *            or it can be <code>MAKEINTATOM(0x8000)</code>. In this latter
2228      *            case, 0x8000 is the atom for a menu class. For more
2229      *            information, see the Remarks section of this topic.<br>
2230      * @param window
2231      *            Type: <strong>LPCTSTR</strong><br>
2232      *            The window name (the window's title). If this parameter is
2233      *            <strong>NULL</strong>, all window names match.
2234      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the
2235      *         window that has the specified class and window names. <br>
2236      *         If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended
2237      *         error information, call GetLastError.
2238      */
FindWindowEx(HWND parent, HWND child, String className, String window)2239     HWND FindWindowEx(HWND parent, HWND child, String className, String window);
2241     /**
2242      * Retrieves the handle to the ancestor of the specified window.
2243      *
2244      * @param hwnd
2245      *            A handle to the window whose ancestor is to be retrieved. If
2246      *            this parameter is the desktop window, the function returns
2247      *            NULL.
2248      * @param gaFlags
2249      *            The ancestor to be retrieved. This parameter can be one of the
2250      *            following values:<br>
2251      *            <ul>
2252      *            <li>GA_PARENT (1) -- Retrieves the parent window. This does
2253      *            not include the owner, as it does with the GetParent function.
2254      *            </li>
2255      *            <li>GA_ROOT (2) -- Retrieves the root window by walking the
2256      *            chain of parent windows..</li>
2257      *            <li>GA_ROOTOWNER (3) -- Retrieves the owned root window by
2258      *            walking the chain of parent and owner windows returned by
2259      *            GetParent..</li>
2260      *            </ul>
2261      * @return The return value is the handle to the ancestor window.
2262      */
GetAncestor(HWND hwnd, int gaFlags)2263     HWND GetAncestor(HWND hwnd, int gaFlags);
2265     /**
2266      * Retrieves the position of the mouse cursor, in screen coordinates.
2267      *
2268      * @param p
2269      *            lpPoint [out]<br>
2270      *            Type: LPPOINT<br>
2271      *            A pointer to a POINT structure that receives the screen
2272      *            coordinates of the cursor.
2273      * @return Type: BOOL.<br>
2274      *         Returns nonzero if successful or zero otherwise. To get extended
2275      *         error information, call GetLastError.
2276      */
GetCursorPos(POINT p)2277     boolean GetCursorPos(POINT p);
2279     /**
2280      * Moves the cursor to the specified screen coordinates.<br>
2281      * If the new coordinates are not within the screen rectangle set by the
2282      * most recent ClipCursor function call, the system automatically adjusts
2283      * the coordinates so that the cursor stays within the rectangle.
2284      *
2285      * @param x
2286      *            The new x-coordinate of the cursor, in screen coordinates.
2287      * @param y
2288      *            The new y-coordinate of the cursor, in screen coordinates.
2289      * @return Type: BOOL.<br>
2290      *         Returns nonzero if successful or zero otherwise. To get extended
2291      *         error information, call GetLastError.
2292      */
SetCursorPos(long x, long y)2293     boolean SetCursorPos(long x, long y);
2295     /**
2296      * @param eventMin
2297      *            Type: UINT<br>
2298      *            Specifies the event constant for the lowest event value in the
2299      *            range of events that are handled by the hook function.<br>
2300      *            This parameter can be set to EVENT_MIN to indicate the lowest
2301      *            possible event value.
2302      * @param eventMax
2303      *            Type: UINT<br>
2304      *            Specifies the event constant for the highest event value in
2305      *            the range of events that are handled by the hook function.<br>
2306      *            This parameter can be set to EVENT_MAX to indicate the highest
2307      *            possible event value.
2308      * @param hmodWinEventProc
2309      *            Type: HMODULE<br>
2310      *            Handle to the DLL that contains the hook function at
2311      *            lpfnWinEventProc, if the WINEVENT_INCONTEXT flag is specified
2312      *            in the dwFlags parameter.<br>
2313      *            If the hook function is not located in a DLL, or if the
2314      *            WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT flag is specified, this parameter is
2315      *            NULL.
2316      * @param winEventProc
2317      *            Type: WINEVENTPROC<br>
2318      *            Pointer to the event hook function. For more information about
2319      *            this function, see WinEventProc.
2320      * @param processID
2321      *            Type: DWORD<br>
2322      *            Specifies the ID of the process from which the hook function
2323      *            receives events.<br>
2324      *            Specify zero (0) to receive events from all processes on the
2325      *            current desktop.
2326      * @param threadID
2327      *            Type: DWORD<br>
2328      *            Specifies the ID of the thread from which the hook function
2329      *            receives events.<br>
2330      *            If this parameter is zero, the hook function is associated
2331      *            with all existing threads on the current desktop.
2332      * @param flags
2333      *            Type: UINT<br>
2334      *            Flag values that specify the location of the hook function and
2335      *            of the events to be skipped.<br>
2336      *            The following flags are valid:<br>
2337      *            <ul>
2338      *            <li><b> WINEVENT_INCONTEXT:</b> The DLL that contains the
2339      *            callback function is mapped into the address space of the
2340      *            process that generates the event.<br>
2341      *            With this flag, the system sends event notifications to the
2342      *            callback function as they occur.<br>
2343      *            The hook function must be in a DLL when this flag is
2344      *            specified. <br>
2345      *            This flag has no effect when both the calling process and the
2346      *            generating process are not 32-bit or 64-bit processes, or when
2347      *            the generating process is a console application.<br>
2348      *            For more information, see In-Context Hook Functions.</li>
2349      *            <li><b>WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT:</b> The callback function is not
2350      *            mapped into the address space of the process that generates
2351      *            the event.<br>
2352      *            Because the hook function is called across process boundaries,
2353      *            the system must queue events.<br>
2354      *            Although this method is asynchronous, events are guaranteed to
2355      *            be in sequential order. <br>
2356      *            For more information, see Out-of-Context Hook Functions.</li>
2357      *            <li><b>WINEVENT_SKIPOWNPROCESS:</b><br>
2358      *            Prevents this instance of the hook from receiving the events
2359      *            that are generated by threads in this process. <br>
2360      *            This flag does not prevent threads from generating events.
2361      *            </li>
2362      *            <li><b>WINEVENT_SKIPOWNTHREAD:</b><br>
2363      *            Prevents this instance of the hook from receiving the events
2364      *            that are generated by the thread that is registering this
2365      *            hook.</li>
2366      *            </ul>
2367      * @return Type: HWINEVENTHOOK<br>
2368      *         If successful, returns an HWINEVENTHOOK value that identifies
2369      *         this event hook instance. Applications save this return value to
2370      *         use it with the UnhookWinEvent function.<br>
2371      *         If unsuccessful, returns zero.<br>
2372      */
SetWinEventHook(int eventMin, int eventMax, HMODULE hmodWinEventProc, WinEventProc winEventProc, int processID, int threadID, int flags)2373     HANDLE SetWinEventHook(int eventMin, int eventMax, HMODULE hmodWinEventProc, WinEventProc winEventProc,
2374             int processID, int threadID, int flags);
2376     /**
2377      * Removes an event hook function created by a previous call to
2378      * SetWinEventHook.
2379      *
2380      * @param hook
2381      *            Type: HWINEVENTHOOK<br>
2382      *            Handle to the event hook returned in the previous call to
2383      *            SetWinEventHook.
2384      * @return Type: BOOL If successful, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.
2385      *         <br>
2386      *         Three common errors cause this function to fail:<br>
2387      *         The hWinEventHook parameter is NULL or not valid.<br>
2388      *         The event hook specified by hWinEventHook was already removed.
2389      *         <br>
2390      *         UnhookWinEvent is called from a thread that is different from the
2391      *         original call to SetWinEventHook.<br>
2392      */
UnhookWinEvent(HANDLE hook)2393     boolean UnhookWinEvent(HANDLE hook);
2395     /**
2396      * Copies the specified icon from another module to the current module.
2397      *
2398      * @param hIcon
2399      *            A handle to the icon to be copied.
2400      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the
2401      *         duplicate icon. <br>
2402      *         If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended
2403      *         error information, call GetLastError.
2404      * @see <a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms648058(S.85).aspx">MSDN</a>
2405      */
CopyIcon(HICON hIcon)2406     HICON CopyIcon(HICON hIcon);
2408     /**
2409      * Retrieves the specified 32-bit (DWORD) value from the WNDCLASSEX
2410      * structure associated with the specified window. Note If you are
2411      * retrieving a pointer or a handle, this function has been superseded by
2412      * the GetClassLongPtr function. <br>
2413      * (Pointers and handles are 32 bits on 32-bit Windows and 64 bits on 64-bit
2414      * Windows.)
2415      *
2416      * @param hWnd
2417      *            A handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the
2418      *            window belongs.
2419      * @param nIndex
2420      *            The value to be retrieved. To retrieve a value from the extra
2421      *            class memory, specify the positive, zero-based byte offset of
2422      *            the value to be retrieved. Valid values are in the range zero
2423      *            through the number of bytes of extra class memory, minus four;
2424      *            for example, if you specified 12 or more bytes of extra class
2425      *            memory, a value of 8 would be an index to the third integer.
2426      *            To retrieve any other value from the WNDCLASSEX structure,
2427      *            specify one of the following values.<br> GCW_ATOM: -32<br>
2428      *            Retrieves an ATOM value that uniquely identifies the window
2429      *            class. This is the same atom that the RegisterClassEx function
2430      *            returns.<br>
2431      *            GCL_CBCLSEXTRA: -20<br>
2432      *            Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the extra memory associated
2433      *            with the class.<br>
2434      *            GCL_CBWNDEXTRA: -18<br>
2435      *            Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the extra window memory
2436      *            associated with each window in the class. For information on
2437      *            how to access this memory, see GetWindowLong.<br>
2438      *            GCL_HBRBACKGROUND: -10<br>
2439      *            Retrieves a handle to the background brush associated with the
2440      *            class.<br>
2441      *            GCL_HCURSOR: -12<br>
2442      *            Retrieves a handle to the cursor associated with the class.
2443      *            <br>
2444      *            GCL_HICON: -14<br>
2445      *            Retrieves a handle to the icon associated with the class.<br>
2446      *            GCL_HICONSM: -34<br>
2447      *            Retrieves a handle to the small icon associated with the
2448      *            class.<br>
2449      *            GCL_HMODULE: -16<br>
2450      *            Retrieves a handle to the module that registered the class.
2451      *            <br>
2452      *            GCL_MENUNAME: -8<br>
2453      *            Retrieves the address of the menu name string. The string
2454      *            identifies the menu resource associated with the class.<br>
2455      *            GCL_STYLE: -26<br>
2456      *            Retrieves the window-class style bits.<br>
2457      *            GCL_WNDPROC: -24<br>
2458      *            Retrieves the address of the window procedure, or a handle
2459      *            representing the address of the window procedure. You must use
2460      *            the CallWindowProc function to call the window procedure.
2461      * @return Type: DWORD If the function succeeds, the return value is the
2462      *         requested value.<br>
2463      *         If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
2464      *         error information, call GetLastError.<br>
2465      */
GetClassLong(HWND hWnd, int nIndex)2466     int GetClassLong(HWND hWnd, int nIndex);
2468     /**
2469      * Registers a new clipboard format. This format can then be used as a
2470      * valid clipboard format.
2471      *
2472      * @param formatName The name of the new format.
2473      *
2474      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value identifies the
2475      * registered clipboard format.
2476      *
2477      * <p> If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended
2478      * error information, call GetLastError.</p>
2479      */
RegisterClipboardFormat(String formatName)2480     public int RegisterClipboardFormat(String formatName);
2482     /**
2483      * Retrieves the window handle to the active window attached to the
2484      * calling thread's message queue.
2485      *
2486      * @return Type: HWND The return value is the handle to the active
2487      * window attached to the calling thread's message queue. Otherwise,
2488      * the return value is NULL.
2489      */
GetActiveWindow()2490     public HWND GetActiveWindow();
2492     /**
2493      * Sends the specified message to a window or windows.
2494      * The SendMessage function calls the window procedure for the specified window and
2495      * does not return until the window procedure has processed the message.
2496      *
2497       * To send a message and return immediately, use the SendMessageCallback or SendNotifyMessage function.
2498       * To post a message to a thread's message queue and return immediately,
2499       * use the PostMessage or PostThreadMessage function.
2500      *
2501      * @param hWnd A handle to the window whose window procedure will receive the message.
2502      *         If this parameter is HWND_BROADCAST ((HWND)0xffff), the message is sent to all
2503      *         top-level windows in the system, including disabled or invisible unowned windows,
2504      *         overlapped windows, and pop-up windows; but the message is not sent to child windows.
2505      *         Message sending is subject to UIPI. The thread of a process can send messages
2506      *         only to message queues of threads in processes of lesser or equal integrity level.
2507      *
2508      * @param msg The message to be sent.
2509      *         For lists of the system-provided messages, see System-Defined Messages.
2510      * @param wParam Additional message-specific information.
2511      * @param lParam Additional message-specific information.
2512      *
2513      * @return The return value specifies the result of the message processing; it depends on the message sent.
2514      *
2515      * Two classic usage :
2516      *  - with a WM_USER+x msg value : wParam and lParam are numeric values
2517      *  - with a WM_COPYDATA msg value : wParam is the length of the structure and lParam a pointer to a COPYDATASTRUCT
2518      */
SendMessage(HWND hWnd, int msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)2519     LRESULT SendMessage(HWND hWnd, int msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
2521     /**
2522      * Retrieves the input locale identifiers (formerly called keyboard layout
2523      * handles) corresponding to the current set of input locales in the system. The
2524      * function copies the identifiers to the specified buffer.
2525      *
2526      * @param nBuff  The maximum number of handles that the buffer can hold.
2527      * @param lpList A pointer to the buffer that receives the array of input locale
2528      *               identifiers.
2529      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of input
2530      *         locale identifiers copied to the buffer or, if nBuff is zero, the
2531      *         return value is the size, in array elements, of the buffer needed to
2532      *         receive all current input locale identifiers. If the function fails,
2533      *         the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call
2534      *         GetLastError.
2535      */
GetKeyboardLayoutList(int nBuff, HKL[] lpList)2536     int GetKeyboardLayoutList(int nBuff, HKL[] lpList);
2538     /**
2539      * Retrieves the active input locale identifier (formerly called the keyboard
2540      * layout).
2541      *
2542      * @param idThread The identifier of the thread to query, or 0 for the current
2543      *                 thread.
2544      * @return The return value is the input locale identifier for the thread. The
2545      *         low word contains a Language Identifier for the input language and
2546      *         the high word contains a device handle to the physical layout of the
2547      *         keyboard.
2548      */
GetKeyboardLayout(int idThread)2549     HKL GetKeyboardLayout(int idThread);
2551     /**
2552      * This function retrieves the name of the active keyboard layout.
2553      *
2554      * @param pwszKLID [in] Pointer to the buffer of at least {@link #KL_NAMELENGTH}
2555      *                 characters that is to receive the name of the keyboard
2556      *                 layout, including the terminating null character.
2557      * @return Nonzero indicates success. Zero indicates failure. To get extended
2558      *         error information, call GetLastError.
2559      */
GetKeyboardLayoutName(char[] pwszKLID)2560     boolean GetKeyboardLayoutName(char[] pwszKLID);
2562     /**
2563      * Translates a character to the corresponding virtual-key code and shift state.
2564      * The function translates the character using the input language and physical
2565      * keyboard layout identified by the input locale identifier.
2566      *
2567      * @param ch    The character to be translated into a virtual-key code.
2568      * @param dwhkl Input locale identifier to use for translating the specified
2569      *              code. This parameter can be any input locale identifier
2570      *              previously returned by the #LoadKeyboardLayout()
2571      *              function.
2572      * @return If the function succeeds, the low-order byte of the return value
2573      *         contains the virtual-key code and the high-order byte contains the
2574      *         shift state, which can be a combination of the following flag bits.
2575      *         <dl>
2576      *         <dt>1</dt>
2577      *         <dd>Either SHIFT key is pressed. Use
2578      *         {@link WinUser#MODIFIER_SHIFT_MASK}.</dd>
2579      *         <dt>2</dt>
2580      *         <dd>Either CTRL key is pressed. Use
2581      *         {@link WinUser#MODIFIER_CTRL_MASK}.</dd>
2582      *         <dt>4</dt>
2583      *         <dd>Either ALT key is pressed. Use
2584      *         {@link WinUser#MODIFIER_ALT_MASK}.</dd>
2585      *         <dt>8</dt>
2586      *         <dd>The Hankaku key is pressed. Use
2587      *         {@link WinUser#MODIFIER_HANKAKU_MASK}.</dd>
2588      *         <dt>16</dt>
2589      *         <dd>Reserved (defined by the keyboard layout driver). Use
2590      *         {@link WinUser#MODIFIER_RESERVED1_MASK}.</dd>
2591      *         <dt>32</dt>
2592      *         <dd>Reserved (defined by the keyboard layout driver). Use
2593      *         {@link WinUser#MODIFIER_RESERVED2_MASK}.</dd>
2594      *         </dl>
2595      *         If the function finds no key that translates to the passed character
2596      *         code, both the low-order and high-order bytes contain -1.
2597      */
VkKeyScanExA(byte ch, HKL dwhkl)2598     short VkKeyScanExA(byte ch, HKL dwhkl);
2600     /**
2601      * Translates a character to the corresponding virtual-key code and shift state.
2602      * The function translates the character using the input language and physical
2603      * keyboard layout identified by the input locale identifier.
2604      *
2605      * @param ch    The character to be translated into a virtual-key code.
2606      * @param dwhkl Input locale identifier to use for translating the specified
2607      *              code. This parameter can be any input locale identifier
2608      *              previously returned by the #LoadKeyboardLayout()
2609      *              function.
2610      * @return If the function succeeds, the low-order byte of the return value
2611      *         contains the virtual-key code and the high-order byte contains the
2612      *         shift state, which can be a combination of the following flag bits.
2613      *         <dl>
2614      *         <dt>1</dt>
2615      *         <dd>Either SHIFT key is pressed. Use
2616      *         {@link WinUser#MODIFIER_SHIFT_MASK}.</dd>
2617      *         <dt>2</dt>
2618      *         <dd>Either CTRL key is pressed. Use
2619      *         {@link WinUser#MODIFIER_CTRL_MASK}.</dd>
2620      *         <dt>4</dt>
2621      *         <dd>Either ALT key is pressed. Use
2622      *         {@link WinUser#MODIFIER_ALT_MASK}.</dd>
2623      *         <dt>8</dt>
2624      *         <dd>The Hankaku key is pressed. Use
2625      *         {@link WinUser#MODIFIER_HANKAKU_MASK}.</dd>
2626      *         <dt>16</dt>
2627      *         <dd>Reserved (defined by the keyboard layout driver). Use
2628      *         {@link WinUser#MODIFIER_RESERVED1_MASK}.</dd>
2629      *         <dt>32</dt>
2630      *         <dd>Reserved (defined by the keyboard layout driver). Use
2631      *         {@link WinUser#MODIFIER_RESERVED2_MASK}.</dd>
2632      *         </dl>
2633      *         If the function finds no key that translates to the passed character
2634      *         code, both the low-order and high-order bytes contain -1.
2635      */
VkKeyScanExW(char ch, HKL dwhkl)2636     short VkKeyScanExW(char ch, HKL dwhkl);
2638     /**
2639      * Translates (maps) a virtual-key code into a scan code or character value, or
2640      * translates a scan code into a virtual-key code. The function translates the
2641      * codes using the input language and an input locale identifier.
2642      *
2643      * @param uCode    The virtual-key code or scan code for a key. How this value
2644      *                 is interpreted depends on the value of the uMapType
2645      *                 parameter. Starting with Windows Vista, the high byte of the
2646      *                 uCode value can contain either 0xe0 or 0xe1 to specify the
2647      *                 extended scan code.
2648      * @param uMapType The translation to perform. The value of this parameter
2649      *                 depends on the value of the uCode parameter. One of
2650      *                 {@link WinUser#MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR},
2651      *                 {@link WinUser#MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC},
2652      *                 {@link WinUser#MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC_EX},
2653      *                 {@link WinUser#MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK},
2654      *                 {@link WinUser#MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK_EX}
2655      *
2656      * @param dwhkl    Input locale identifier to use for translating the specified
2657      *                 code. This parameter can be any input locale identifier
2658      *                 previously returned by the #LoadKeyboardLayout()
2659      *                 function.
2660      * @return The return value is either a scan code, a virtual-key code, or a
2661      *         character value, depending on the value of uCode and uMapType. If
2662      *         there is no translation, the return value is zero.
2663      */
MapVirtualKeyEx(int uCode, int uMapType, HKL dwhkl)2664     int MapVirtualKeyEx(int uCode, int uMapType, HKL dwhkl);
2666     /**
2667      * Translates the specified virtual-key code and keyboard state to the
2668      * corresponding Unicode character or characters.
2669      *
2670      * @param wVirtKey   The virtual-key code to be translated.
2671      * @param wScanCode  The hardware scan code of the key to be translated. The
2672      *                   high-order bit of this value is set if the key is up.
2673      * @param lpKeyState A pointer to a 256-byte array that contains the current
2674      *                   keyboard state. Each element (byte) in the array contains
2675      *                   the state of one key. If the high-order bit of a byte is
2676      *                   set, the key is down.
2677      * @param pwszBuff   The buffer that receives the translated Unicode character
2678      *                   or characters. However, this buffer may be returned without
2679      *                   being null-terminated even though the variable name
2680      *                   suggests that it is null-terminated.
2681      * @param cchBuff    The size, in characters, of the buffer pointed to by the
2682      *                   pwszBuff parameter.
2683      * @param wFlags     The behavior of the function. If bit 0 is set, a menu is
2684      *                   active. If bit 2 is set, keyboard state is not changed
2685      *                   (Windows 10, version 1607 and newer) All other bits
2686      *                   (through 31) are reserved.
2687      * @param dwhkl      Input locale identifier to use for translating the
2688      *                   specified code. This parameter can be any input locale
2689      *                   identifier previously returned by the
2690      *                   #LoadKeyboardLayout() function.
2691      * @return The function returns one of the following values.
2692      *         <dl>
2693      *         <dt>-1</dt>
2694      *         <dd>The specified virtual key is a dead-key character (accent or
2695      *         diacritic). This value is returned regardless of the keyboard layout,
2696      *         even if several characters have been typed and are stored in the
2697      *         keyboard state. If possible, even with Unicode keyboard layouts, the
2698      *         function has written a spacing version of the dead-key character to
2699      *         the buffer specified by pwszBuff. For example, the function writes
2700      *         the character SPACING ACUTE (0x00B4), rather than the character
2701      *         NON_SPACING ACUTE (0x0301).</dd>
2702      *         <dt>0</dt>
2703      *         <dd>The specified virtual key has no translation for the current
2704      *         state of the keyboard. Nothing was written to the buffer specified by
2705      *         pwszBuff.</dd>
2706      *         <dt>1</dt>
2707      *         <dd>One character was written to the buffer specified by
2708      *         pwszBuff.</dd>
2709      *         <dt>2&le;value</dt>
2710      *         <dd>Two or more characters were written to the buffer specified by
2711      *         pwszBuff. The most common cause for this is that a dead-key character
2712      *         (accent or diacritic) stored in the keyboard layout could not be
2713      *         combined with the specified virtual key to form a single character.
2714      *         However, the buffer may contain more characters than the return value
2715      *         specifies. When this happens, any extra characters are invalid and
2716      *         should be ignored.</dd>
2717      *         </dl>
2718      *
2719      */
ToUnicodeEx(int wVirtKey, int wScanCode, byte[] lpKeyState, char[] pwszBuff, int cchBuff, int wFlags, HKL dwhkl)2720     int ToUnicodeEx(int wVirtKey, int wScanCode, byte[] lpKeyState, char[] pwszBuff, int cchBuff, int wFlags,
2721             HKL dwhkl);
2723     /**
2724      * Loads a string resource from the executable file associated with a specified
2725      * module, copies the string into a buffer, and appends a terminating null
2726      * character.
2727      *
2728      * @param hInstance    A handle to an instance of the module whose executable
2729      *                     file contains the string resource. To get the handle to
2730      *                     the application itself, call the GetModuleHandle function
2731      *                     with NULL.
2732      * @param uID          The identifier of the string to be loaded.
2733      * @param lpBuffer     The buffer is to receive the string. Must be of
2734      *                     sufficient length to hold a pointer (8 bytes).
2735      * @param cchBufferMax The size of the buffer, in characters. The string is
2736      *                     truncated and null-terminated if it is longer than the
2737      *                     number of characters specified. If this parameter is 0,
2738      *                     then lpBuffer receives a read-only pointer to the
2739      *                     resource itself.
2740      * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of
2741      *         characters copied into the buffer, not including the terminating null
2742      *         character, or zero if the string resource does not exist. To get
2743      *         extended error information, call GetLastError.
2744      *
2745      */
LoadString(HINSTANCE hInstance, int uID, Pointer lpBuffer, int cchBufferMax)2746     int LoadString(HINSTANCE hInstance, int uID, Pointer lpBuffer, int cchBufferMax);
2747 }