1 #ifndef _KVI_CHANNEL_H_
2 #define _KVI_CHANNEL_H_
3 //=============================================================================
4 //
5 //   File : KviChannelWindow.h
6 //   Creation date : Tue Aug  1 2000 01:42:00 by Szymon Stefanek
7 //
8 //   This file is part of the KVIrc IRC client distribution
9 //   Copyright (C) 2000-2011 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
10 //
11 //   This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
12 //   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
13 //   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
14 //   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 //
16 //   This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
17 //   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 //   See the GNU General Public License for more details.
20 //
21 //   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 //   along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23 //   Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
24 //
25 //=============================================================================
27 /**
28 * \file KviChannelWindow.h
29 * \author Szymon Stefanek
30 * \brief Channel widget: abstraction of an IRC channel
31 */
33 #include "kvi_settings.h"
34 #include "KviConsoleWindow.h"
35 #include "KviWindow.h"
36 #include "KviIrcUserDataBase.h"
37 #include "KviPixmap.h"
38 #include "KviUserListView.h"
39 #include "KviTimeUtils.h"
40 #include "KviModeWidget.h"
42 #include <QDateTime>
43 #include <QList>
44 #include <QString>
45 #include <QStringList>
46 #include <QToolButton>
48 #include <map>
49 #include <vector>
51 class KviConsoleWindow;
52 class KviIrcMask;
53 class KviMaskEditor;
54 class KviModeEditor;
55 class KviTalHBox;
56 class KviThemedLabel;
57 class KviTopicWidget;
60 // windows compiler wants this instead of the forward decl
61 #include "KviMaskEditor.h"
62 #else
63 struct KviMaskEntry; // KviMaskEditor.h
64 #endif
66 /**
67 * \def KVI_CHANNEL_AVERAGE_USERS The average channel users of a channel
68 * \def KVI_CHANNEL_ACTION_HISTORY_MAX_COUNT Maximum actions count we keep in memory
69 * \def KVI_CHANNEL_ACTION_HISTORY_MAX_TIMESPAN Timespan of the oldest action we keep in memory (600 secs = 10 mins)
70 */
76 #endif
78 /**
79 * \struct _KviChannelAction
80 * \brief A struct which holds the channel actions
81 */
82 struct KviChannelAction
83 {
84 	QString szNick;           // action source nick
85 	unsigned int uActionType; // type of the action
86 	kvi_time_t tTime;         // time of the action
87 	int iTemperature;         // temperature of the action
88 };
90 /**
91 * \struct _KviChannelActivityStats
92 * \brief A struct which holds the activity stats
93 */
94 struct KviChannelActivityStats
95 {
96 	unsigned int uActionCount;            // number of actions in the history
97 	bool bStatsInaccurate;                // the stats are inaccurate because we have just joined the chan
98 	unsigned int uLastActionTimeSpan;     // the timespan between the last action and now
99 	unsigned int uFirstActionTimeSpan;    // the time span between the first and the last action
100 	double dActionsPerMinute;             // average number of actions per minute in the lastActionTimeSpan
101 	unsigned int uActionsInTheLastMinute; // number of actions in the last minute
102 	int iAverageActionTemperature;        // the average chan temperature
103 	unsigned int uHotActionCount;
104 	unsigned int uHotActionPercent;
105 	QStringList lTalkingUsers; // users that seem to be talking NOW
106 	QStringList lWereTalkingUsers;
107 };
109 /**
110 * \class KviChannelWindow
111 * \brief The class which manages a channel
112 */
113 class KVIRC_API KviChannelWindow : public KviWindow
114 {
116 public:
117 	/**
118 	* \enum StateFlag
119 	* \brief Holds the state flags of the channel
120 	*/
121 	enum StateFlag
122 	{
123 		HaveAllNames = 1,             /**< Flag for "have all names" */
124 		HaveWhoList = (1 << 2),       /**< Flag for "have WHO list" */
125 		DeadChan = (1 << 3),          /**< Flag for "dead channel" */
126 		SentWhoRequest = (1 << 4),    /**< Flag to set WHO request */
127 		SentPart = (1 << 5),          /**< Flag to set PART request */
128 		Synchronized = (1 << 6),      /**< Flag to set SYNC request */
129 		NoCloseOnPart = (1 << 7),     /**< Flag to set no close on part */
130 		SentSyncWhoRequest = (1 << 8) /**< Flag for SYNC request */
131 	};
133 	/**
134 	* \enum ActivityLimit
135 	* \brief Holds the limits of the activity in a channel
136 	*/
137 	enum ActivityLimit
138 	{
139 		Ice = 5,        /**< The limit to be "ice" */
140 		VeryCold = 10,  /**< The limit to be "very cold" */
141 		Cold = 20,      /**< The limit to be "cold" */
142 		Undefined = 30, /**< The limit to be "undefined" */
143 		Hot = 50,       /**< The limit to be "hot" */
144 		VeryHot = 70    /**< The limit to be "very hot" */
145 	};
147 	/**
148 	* \brief Constructs the channel object
149 	* \param lpConsole The console of the context
150 	* \param szName The name of the channel
151 	* \return KviChannelWindow
152 	*/
153 	KviChannelWindow(KviConsoleWindow * lpConsole, const QString & szName);
155 	/**
156 	* \brief Destroys the channel object
157 	*/
158 	~KviChannelWindow();
160 protected:
161 	KviTalSplitter * m_pTopSplitter;
162 	KviTalSplitter * m_pVertSplitter;
163 	QToolButton * m_pDoubleViewButton;
164 	KviWindowToolPageButton * m_pListViewButton;
165 	KviWindowToolPageButton * m_pModeEditorButton;
166 	std::map<char, KviWindowToolPageButton *> m_ListEditorButtons;
167 	std::map<char, KviMaskEditor *> m_ListEditors;
168 	KviModeEditor * m_pModeEditor;
169 	KviIrcView * m_pMessageView;
170 	KviTopicWidget * m_pTopicWidget;
171 	KviUserListView * m_pUserListView;
172 	KviModeWidget * m_pModeWidget;
173 	int m_iStateFlags;
174 	QString m_szSentModeRequests;
175 	QString m_szChannelMode;
176 	std::map<char, QString> m_szChannelParameterModes;
177 	std::map<char, std::vector<KviMaskEntry *>> m_ModeLists;
178 	KviPixmap m_privateBackground;
179 	QDateTime m_joinTime;
180 	QString m_szNameWithUserFlag;
181 	QStringList * m_pTmpHighLighted;
182 	unsigned int m_uActionHistoryHotActionCount;
183 	QList<KviChannelAction *> m_lActionHistory;
184 	kvi_time_t m_tLastReceivedWhoReply;
185 	QList<int> m_VertSplitterSizesList;
186 	QList<int> m_SplitterSizesList;
187 	KviTalHBox * m_pButtonContainer;
189 public:
190 	/**
191 	* \brief Returns the user listview object
192 	* \return KviUserListView *
193 	*/
userListView()194 	KviUserListView * userListView() { return m_pUserListView; };
196 	/**
197 	* \brief Returns the topic widget object
198 	* \return KviTopicWidget *
199 	*/
topicWidget()200 	KviTopicWidget * topicWidget() { return m_pTopicWidget; };
202 	/**
203 	* \brief Returns the irc view object
204 	* \return KviIrcView *
205 	*/
messageView()206 	KviIrcView * messageView() const { return m_pMessageView; };
208 	/**
209 	* \brief Returns the button container object
210 	* \return QFrame *
211 	*/
buttonContainer()212 	QFrame * buttonContainer() override { return (QFrame *)m_pButtonContainer; }
214 	/**
215 	* \brief Returns a list of masks for a specific mode
216 	* \return const std::vector<KviMaskEntry *> &
217 	*/
modeMasks(char cMode)218 	const std::vector<KviMaskEntry *> & modeMasks(char cMode) const
219 	{
220 		static const std::vector<KviMaskEntry *> EMPTY_VECTOR;
221 		const auto it = m_ModeLists.find(cMode);
222 		if(it != m_ModeLists.end())
223 			return it->second;
224 		return EMPTY_VECTOR;
225 	};
227 	/**
228 	* \brief Returns the first selected nickname in the userlist
229 	* \return QString *
230 	*/
firstSelectedNickname()231 	QString * firstSelectedNickname() { return m_pUserListView->firstSelectedNickname(); };
233 	/**
234 	* \brief Returns the next selected nickname in the userlist
235 	* \return QString *
236 	*/
nextSelectedNickname()237 	QString * nextSelectedNickname() { return m_pUserListView->nextSelectedNickname(); };
239 	/**
240 	* \brief Returns the name of the channel
241 	* \return const QString &
242 	*/
target()243 	const QString & target() override { return windowName(); }
245 	/**
246 	* \brief Returns the name of the channel with user flags
247 	* \return const QString &
248 	*/
nameWithUserFlag()249 	const QString & nameWithUserFlag() { return m_szNameWithUserFlag; };
251 	/**
252 	* \brief Gets the channel activity stats and put them in the buffer
253 	* \param pStats The buffer where to store the data
254 	* \return void
255 	*/
256 	void getChannelActivityStats(KviChannelActivityStats * pStats);
258 	/**
259 	* \brief Returns the number of selected users
260 	* \return int
261 	*/
selectedCount()262 	int selectedCount() { return m_pUserListView->selectedCount(); };
264 	/**
265 	* \brief Returns the number of users with chanowner status
266 	* \return int
267 	*/
chanOwnerCount()268 	int chanOwnerCount() { return m_pUserListView->chanOwnerCount(); };
270 	/**
271 	* \brief Returns the number of users with chanadmin status
272 	* \return int
273 	*/
chanAdminCount()274 	int chanAdminCount() { return m_pUserListView->chanAdminCount(); };
276 	/**
277 	* \brief Returns the number of users with op status
278 	* \return int
279 	*/
opCount()280 	int opCount() { return m_pUserListView->opCount(); };
282 	/**
283 	* \brief Returns the number of users with halfop status
284 	* \return int
285 	*/
halfOpCount()286 	int halfOpCount() { return m_pUserListView->halfOpCount(); };
288 	/**
289 	* \brief Returns the number of users with voice status
290 	* \return int
291 	*/
voiceCount()292 	int voiceCount() { return m_pUserListView->voiceCount(); };
294 	/**
295 	* \brief Returns the number of users with userop status
296 	* \return int
297 	*/
userOpCount()298 	int userOpCount() { return m_pUserListView->userOpCount(); };
300 	/**
301 	* \brief Returns the number of users
302 	* \return unsigned int
303 	*/
count()304 	unsigned int count() { return m_pUserListView->count(); };
306 	/**
307 	* \brief Returns the number of masks is a channel mode list
308 	* \return size_t
309 	*/
maskCount(char cMode)310 	size_t maskCount(char cMode) const { return this->modeMasks(cMode).size(); };
312 	/**
313 	* \brief Called when someone sets a channel mode that is stored in a list; these modes require a parameter that is tipically a mask
314 	*
315 	* Examples:
316 	*  - b: ban with mask
317 	*  - e: ban exception with mask
318 	*  - I: invite exception with mask
319 	*  - q: channel owner with nick (unreal) or quiet ban (ircd-seven)
320 	*  - g: spam filter word (inspircd)
321 	* \param cMode The type of the mask
322 	* \param szMask The mask set (more generically, the parameter)
323 	* \param bAdd Whether to add or remove the mask
324 	* \param szSetBy Who set the mask
325 	* \param uSetAt The datetime when the mask was set
326 	* \param szChangeMask If bAdd is false and this string is set, the mask will be updated instead that removed
327 	* \return void
328 	*/
329 	void setModeInList(char cMode, const QString & szMask, bool bAdd, const QString & szSetBy, unsigned int uSetAt, QString szChangeMask = QString());
331 	/**
332 	* \brief Returns the time of the last received WHO reply
333 	* \return kvi_time_t
334 	*/
lastReceivedWhoReply()335 	kvi_time_t lastReceivedWhoReply() { return m_tLastReceivedWhoReply; };
337 	/**
338 	* \brief Sets the time of the last received WHO reply
339 	* \param tTime The source time
340 	* \return void
341 	*/
setLastReceivedWhoReply(kvi_time_t tTime)342 	void setLastReceivedWhoReply(kvi_time_t tTime) { m_tLastReceivedWhoReply = tTime; };
344 	/**
345 	* \brief Returns true if we have sent the sync WHO request
346 	* \return bool
347 	*/
sentSyncWhoRequest()348 	bool sentSyncWhoRequest() { return (m_iStateFlags & SentSyncWhoRequest); };
350 	/**
351 	* \brief Sets the sync WHO request flag
352 	* \return void
353 	*/
setSentSyncWhoRequest()354 	void setSentSyncWhoRequest() { m_iStateFlags |= SentSyncWhoRequest; };
356 	/**
357 	* \brief Clears the sync WHO request flag
358 	* \return void
359 	*/
clearSentSyncWhoRequest()360 	void clearSentSyncWhoRequest() { m_iStateFlags ^= SentSyncWhoRequest; };
362 	/**
363 	* \brief Returns true if we have sent the WHO request
364 	* \return bool
365 	*/
sentWhoRequest()366 	bool sentWhoRequest() { return (m_iStateFlags & SentWhoRequest); };
368 	/**
369 	* \brief Sets the WHO request flag
370 	* \return void
371 	*/
setSentWhoRequest()372 	void setSentWhoRequest() { m_iStateFlags |= SentWhoRequest; };
374 	/**
375 	* \brief Returns true if we have sent a list request for a specific channel mode
376 	* \return bool
377 	*/
sentListRequest(char cMode)378 	bool sentListRequest(char cMode) { return m_szSentModeRequests.contains(cMode); };
380 	/**
381 	* \brief Sets the "sent request" flag for a specific channel mode
382 	* \return void
383 	*/
setSentListRequest(char cMode)384 	void setSentListRequest(char cMode) { m_szSentModeRequests.append(cMode); };
386 	/**
387 	* \brief Clears the "sent request" flag for a specific chanel mode
388 	* \return void
389 	*/
setListRequestDone(char cMode)390 	void setListRequestDone(char cMode)
391 	{
392 		m_szSentModeRequests.remove(cMode);
393 		checkChannelSync();
394 	};
396 	/**
397 	* \brief Returns true if the channel has all names
398 	* \return bool
399 	*/
hasAllNames()400 	bool hasAllNames() { return (m_iStateFlags & HaveAllNames); };
402 	/**
403 	* \brief Sets the existence of all names
404 	* \return void
405 	*/
setHasAllNames()406 	void setHasAllNames()
407 	{
408 		m_iStateFlags |= HaveAllNames;
409 		checkChannelSync();
410 	};
412 	/**
413 	* \brief Returns true if the channel has an invite list
414 	* \return bool
415 	*/
hasInviteList()416 	bool hasInviteList() { return m_ModeLists.count('I'); };
418 	/**
419 	* \brief Returns true if the channel has a WHO list
420 	* \return bool
421 	*/
hasWhoList()422 	bool hasWhoList() { return (m_iStateFlags & HaveWhoList); };
424 	/**
425 	* \brief Sets the existence of the WHO list
426 	* \return void
427 	*/
setHasWhoList()428 	void setHasWhoList()
429 	{
430 		m_iStateFlags |= HaveWhoList;
431 		checkChannelSync();
432 	};
434 	/**
435 	* \brief Returns true if the channel has a ban list
436 	* \return bool
437 	*/
hasBanList()438 	bool hasBanList() { return m_ModeLists.count('b'); };
440 	/**
441 	* \brief Returns true if the channel has a ban exception list
442 	* \return bool
443 	*/
hasBanExceptionList()444 	bool hasBanExceptionList() { return m_ModeLists.count('e'); };
446 	/**
447 	* \brief Returns true if the channel has a quiet ban list
448 	* \return bool
449 	*/
hasQuietBanList()450 	bool hasQuietBanList() { return m_ModeLists.count('q'); };
452 	/**
453 	* \brief Returns true if the channel has to be closed on part
454 	* \return bool
455 	*/
closeOnPart()456 	bool closeOnPart() { return !(m_iStateFlags & NoCloseOnPart); };
458 	/**
459 	* \brief Called when we want to part a channel
460 	* \param bCloseOnPart Whether to leave channel open after part
461 	* \param bShowMessage Whether to show part message
462 	* \return void
463 	*/
464 	void partMessageSent(bool bCloseOnPart = true, bool bShowMessage = true);
466 	/**
467 	* \brief Colors the icon who tells how much activity there is
468 	* \param puActivityValue The value of the activity
469 	* \param puActivityTemperature The temperature of the activity
470 	* \return bool
471 	*/
472 	bool activityMeter(unsigned int * puActivityValue, unsigned int * puActivityTemperature) override;
474 	/**
475 	* \brief Sets the channel as dead
476 	* \return void
477 	*/
478 	void setDeadChan();
480 	/**
481 	* \brief Returns true if the channel is dead
482 	* \return bool
483 	*/
isDeadChan()484 	bool isDeadChan() { return (m_iStateFlags & DeadChan); };
486 	/**
487 	* \brief Sets the channel as alive
488 	* \return void
489 	*/
490 	void setAliveChan();
492 	/**
493 	* \brief Prepends the user flag to the nickname
494 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user
495 	* \param szBuffer The buffer :)
496 	* \return void
497 	*/
prependUserFlag(const QString & szNick,QString & szBuffer)498 	void prependUserFlag(const QString & szNick, QString & szBuffer) { m_pUserListView->prependUserFlag(szNick, szBuffer); };
500 	/**
501 	* \brief Returns the flag of a user
502 	* \param szNick The nick of the user
503 	* \return char
504 	*/
getUserFlag(const QString & szNick)505 	char getUserFlag(const QString & szNick) { return m_pUserListView->getUserFlag(szNick); };
507 	/**
508 	* \brief Returns the size of the channel
509 	* \return QSize
510 	*/
511 	QSize sizeHint() const override;
513 	/**
514 	* \brief Enables or disable the userlist updates
515 	* \param bEnable Whether to enable the updates
516 	* \return void
517 	*/
enableUserListUpdates(bool bEnable)518 	void enableUserListUpdates(bool bEnable) { m_pUserListView->enableUpdates(bEnable); };
520 	/**
521 	* \brief Called when a user joins the channel
522 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user
523 	* \param szUser The username of the user
524 	* \param szHost The hostname of the user
525 	* \param iFlags The flags of the user
526 	* \return KviUserListEntry *
527 	*/
528 	KviUserListEntry * join(const QString & szNick, const QString & szUser = QString(), const QString & szHost = QString(), int iFlags = 0) { return m_pUserListView->join(szNick, szUser, szHost, iFlags); };
530 	/**
531 	* \brief Returns true if the avatar of a user is changed
532 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user
533 	* \return bool
534 	*/
avatarChanged(const QString & szNick)535 	bool avatarChanged(const QString & szNick) { return m_pUserListView->avatarChanged(szNick); };
537 	/**
538 	* \brief Sets the chan owner mode
539 	* \param szNick The nick to set the mode on
540 	* \param bChanOwner Whether to set or unset the mode on the user
541 	* \return bool
542 	*/
setChanOwner(const QString & szNick,bool bChanOwner)543 	bool setChanOwner(const QString & szNick, bool bChanOwner) { return m_pUserListView->setChanOwner(szNick, bChanOwner); };
545 	/**
546 	* \brief Sets the chan admin mode
547 	* \param szNick The nick to set the mode on
548 	* \param bChanAdmin Whether to set or unset the mode on the user
549 	* \return bool
550 	*/
setChanAdmin(const QString & szNick,bool bChanAdmin)551 	bool setChanAdmin(const QString & szNick, bool bChanAdmin) { return m_pUserListView->setChanAdmin(szNick, bChanAdmin); };
553 	/**
554 	* \brief Sets the operator mode
555 	* \param szNick The nick to set the mode on
556 	* \param bOp Whether to set or unset the mode on the user
557 	* \param bIsMe Whether the user opped is us
558 	* \return bool
559 	*/
560 	bool setOp(const QString & szNick, bool bOp, bool bIsMe);
562 	/**
563 	* \brief Sets the half operator mode
564 	* \param szNick The nick to set the mode on
565 	* \param bHalfOp Whether to set or unset the mode on the user
566 	* \return bool
567 	*/
setHalfOp(const QString & szNick,bool bHalfOp,bool)568 	bool setHalfOp(const QString & szNick, bool bHalfOp, bool) { return m_pUserListView->setHalfOp(szNick, bHalfOp); };
570 	/**
571 	* \brief Sets the voice mode
572 	* \param szNick The nick to set the mode on
573 	* \param bVoice Whether to set or unset the mode on the user
574 	* \return bool
575 	*/
setVoice(const QString & szNick,bool bVoice,bool)576 	bool setVoice(const QString & szNick, bool bVoice, bool) { return m_pUserListView->setVoice(szNick, bVoice); };
578 	/**
579 	* \brief Sets the user operator mode
580 	* \param szNick The nick to set the mode on
581 	* \param bUserOp Whether to set or unset the mode on the user
582 	* \return bool
583 	*/
setUserOp(const QString & szNick,bool bUserOp,bool)584 	bool setUserOp(const QString & szNick, bool bUserOp, bool) { return m_pUserListView->setUserOp(szNick, bUserOp); };
586 	/**
587 	* \brief Returns true if the user is a chan owner
588 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user to check
589 	* \param bAtLeast Whether the user is at least a chan owner
590 	* \return bool
591 	*/
592 	bool isChanOwner(const QString & szNick, bool bAtLeast = false) { return m_pUserListView->isChanOwner(szNick, bAtLeast); };
594 	/**
595 	* \brief Returns true if the user is a chan admin
596 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user to check
597 	* \param bAtLeast Whether the user is at least a chan admin
598 	* \return bool
599 	*/
600 	bool isChanAdmin(const QString & szNick, bool bAtLeast = false) { return m_pUserListView->isChanAdmin(szNick, bAtLeast); };
602 	/**
603 	* \brief Returns true if the user is an operator
604 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user to check
605 	* \param bAtLeast Whether the user is at least an operator
606 	* \return bool
607 	*/
608 	bool isOp(const QString & szNick, bool bAtLeast = false) { return m_pUserListView->isOp(szNick, bAtLeast); };
610 	/**
611 	* \brief Returns true if the user is a half operator
612 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user to check
613 	* \param bAtLeast Whether the user is at least a half operator
614 	* \return bool
615 	*/
616 	bool isHalfOp(const QString & szNick, bool bAtLeast = false) { return m_pUserListView->isHalfOp(szNick, bAtLeast); };
618 	/**
619 	* \brief Returns true if the user is a voice
620 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user to check
621 	* \param bAtLeast Whether the user is at least a voice
622 	* \return bool
623 	*/
624 	bool isVoice(const QString & szNick, bool bAtLeast = false) { return m_pUserListView->isVoice(szNick, bAtLeast); };
626 	/**
627 	* \brief Returns true if the user is a user operator
628 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user to check
629 	* \param bAtLeast Whether the user is at least a user operator
630 	* \return bool
631 	*/
632 	bool isUserOp(const QString & szNick, bool bAtLeast = false) { return m_pUserListView->isUserOp(szNick, bAtLeast); };
634 	/**
635 	* \brief Returns true if we are an ircop
636 	* \param bAtLeast Whether we are at least an ircop
637 	* \return bool
638 	*/
639 	bool isMeIrcOp(bool bAtLeast = false);
641 	/**
642 	* \brief Returns true if we are a chan owner
643 	* \param bAtLeast Whether we are at least a chan owner
644 	* \return bool
645 	*/
646 	bool isMeChanOwner(bool bAtLeast = false);
648 	/**
649 	* \brief Returns true if we are a chan admin
650 	* \param bAtLeast Whether we are at least a chan admin
651 	* \return bool
652 	*/
653 	bool isMeChanAdmin(bool bAtLeast = false);
655 	/**
656 	* \brief Returns true if we are an operator
657 	* \param bAtLeast Whether we are at least an operator
658 	* \return bool
659 	*/
660 	bool isMeOp(bool bAtLeast = false);
662 	/**
663 	* \brief Returns true if we are a half operator
664 	* \param bAtLeast Whether we are at least a half operator
665 	* \return bool
666 	*/
667 	bool isMeHalfOp(bool bAtLeast = false);
669 	/**
670 	* \brief Returns true if we are a voice
671 	* \param bAtLeast Whether we are at least a voice
672 	* \return bool
673 	*/
674 	bool isMeVoice(bool bAtLeast = false);
676 	/**
677 	* \brief Returns true if we are a user operator
678 	* \param bAtLeast Whether we are at least a user operator
679 	* \return bool
680 	*/
681 	bool isMeUserOp(bool bAtLeast = false);
683 	/**
684 	* \brief Perform a user action in the channel
685 	* \param user The user who made the action
686 	* \param uActionType The type of the action
687 	* \return void
688 	*/
689 	void userAction(KviIrcMask * user, unsigned int uActionType);
691 	/**
692 	* \brief Perform a user action in the channel
693 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user who made the action
694 	* \param uActionType The type of the action
695 	* \return void
696 	*/
697 	void userAction(const QString & szNick, unsigned int uActionType);
699 	/**
700 	* \brief Perform a user action in the channel
701 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user who made the action
702 	* \param szUser The username of the user who made the action
703 	* \param szHost The hostname of the user who made the action
704 	* \param uActionType The type of the action
705 	* \return void
706 	*/
707 	void userAction(const QString & szNick, const QString & szUser, const QString & szHost, unsigned int uActionType);
709 	/**
710 	* \brief Called when someone perform an action in the channel
711 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user who made the action
712 	* \param uActionType The type of the action
713 	* \param iTemperature The temperature of the action
714 	* \return void
715 	*/
716 	void channelAction(const QString & szNick, unsigned int uActionType, int iTemperature);
718 	/**
719 	* \brief Called when someone changes his nick
720 	* \param szOldNick The old nickname of the user
721 	* \param szNewNick The new nickname of the user
722 	* \return bool
723 	*/
724 	bool nickChange(const QString & szOldNick, const QString & szNewNick);
726 	/**
727 	* \brief Called when someone parts the channel
728 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user who parts
729 	* \return bool
730 	*/
731 	bool part(const QString & szNick);
733 	/**
734 	* \brief Returns true if the user is on the channel
735 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user
736 	* \return bool
737 	*/
isOn(const QString & szNick)738 	bool isOn(const QString & szNick) { return (m_pUserListView->findEntry(szNick) != 0); };
740 	/**
741 	* \brief Searches for a user in the userlist
742 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user to find
743 	* \return KviUserListEntry *
744 	*/
findEntry(const QString & szNick)745 	KviUserListEntry * findEntry(const QString & szNick) { return m_pUserListView->findEntry(szNick); };
747 	/**
748 	* \brief Returns our flags
749 	* \return int
750 	*/
751 	int myFlags();
753 	/**
754 	* \brief Updates the tooltip over the channel modes
755 	* \return void
756 	*/
757 	void updateModeLabel();
759 	/**
760 	* \brief Outputs a message to the channel window
761 	* \param iMsgType The type of the message
762 	* \param szMsg The message :)
763 	* \return void
764 	*/
765 	virtual void outputMessage(int iMsgType, const QString & szMsg, const QDateTime & datetime = QDateTime());
767 	/**
768 	* \brief Called when we send a message
769 	* \param szBuffer The buffer :)
770 	* \param bUserFeedback Whether to display the echo feedback to the user
771 	* \return void
772 	*/
773 	void ownMessage(const QString & szBuffer, bool bUserFeedback = true) override;
775 	/**
776 	* \brief Called when we perform an action
777 	* \param szBuffer The buffer :)
778 	* \return void
779 	*/
780 	void ownAction(const QString & szBuffer) override;
782 	/**
783 	* \brief Sets a plain (parameter-less) channel mode, (eg: +m)
784 	* \param cMode The mode to set
785 	* \param bAdd Whether to add or remove the mode
786 	* \return void
787 	*/
788 	void setChannelMode(char cMode, bool bAdd);
790 	/**
791 	* \brief Returns only the plain (parameter-less) channel modes (eg: mi)
792 	* \return QString
793 	*/
plainChannelMode()794 	QString plainChannelMode() { return m_szChannelMode; };
796 	/**
797 	* \brief Fills szBuffer with all set channel modes, but without any parameters (eg: lkmi)
798 	* \param szBuffer The buffer :)
799 	* \return void
800 	*/
801 	void getChannelModeString(QString & szBuffer);
803 	/**
804 	* \brief Fills szBuffer with all set channel modes and any parameters (eg: mi l:10 k:password)
805 	* \param szBuffer The buffer :)
806 	* \return void
807 	*/
808 	QString getChannelModeStringWithEmbeddedParams();
810 	/**
811 	* \brief Sets a channel mode with a parameter; an empty parameter unsets the mode (eg: +k password)
812 	* \param cMode The mode
813 	* \param szParam The parameter for the mode
814 	* \return void
815 	*/
816 	void setChannelModeWithParam(char cMode, QString & szParam);
818 	/**
819 	* \brief Returns true if the channel has a mode with parameter set (eg. mode k)
820 	* \param cMode The mode
821 	* \return bool
822 	*/
hasChannelMode(char cMode)823 	bool hasChannelMode(char cMode) { return m_szChannelParameterModes.count(cMode); };
825 	/**
826 	* \brief Returns the value (parameter) for a channel mode (eg. the password for mode k)
827 	* \param cMode The mode
828 	* \return QString
829 	*/
channelModeParam(char cMode)830 	QString channelModeParam(char cMode) const
831 	{
832 		const auto it = m_szChannelParameterModes.find(cMode);
833 		if(it != m_szChannelParameterModes.end())
834 			return it->second;
835 		return QString();
836 	};
838 	/**
839 	* \brief Adds a user to the highlight list
840 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user
841 	* \return void
842 	*/
843 	void addHighlightedUser(const QString & szNick);
845 	/**
846 	* \brief Removes a user from the highlight list
847 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user
848 	* \return void
849 	*/
850 	void removeHighlightedUser(const QString & szNick);
852 	/**
853 	* \brief Returns true if the user is highlighted
854 	* \param szNick The nickname of the user
855 	* \return bool
856 	*/
isHighlightedUser(const QString & szNick)857 	bool isHighlightedUser(const QString & szNick) { return m_pTmpHighLighted->contains(szNick, Qt::CaseInsensitive); };
859 	/**
860 	* \brief Called when the channel losts the focus by the user
861 	* \return void
862 	*/
863 	void lostUserFocus() override;
865 	/**
866 	* \brief Creates the tooltip over the channel treeview
867 	* \param szBuffer The buffer where to store the data
868 	* \return void
869 	*/
870 	void getWindowListTipText(QString & szBuffer) override;
872 	/**
873 	* \brief Unhighlights the windowlist item
874 	* \return void
875 	*/
876 	void unhighlight();
878 	/**
879 	* \brief Gets the KviIrcConnectionServerInfo structure associated to the current connection
880 	* \return KviIrcConnectionServerInfo*
881 	*/
882 	KviIrcConnectionServerInfo * serverInfo();
884 	/**
885 	* \brief Checks the channel synchronization time
886 	* \return void
887 	*/
888 	void checkChannelSync();
890 	/**
891 	* \brief Returns the KviIrcView that was last clicked in this window
892 	*
893 	* Acts as view() except for split view windows
894 	* See also: view()
895 	* \return KviIrcView *
896 	*/
897 	KviIrcView * lastClickedView() const override;
899 protected:
900 	/**
901 	* \brief Filters the events
902 	* \param pObject The object
903 	* \param pEvent The event
904 	* \return bool
905 	*/
906 	bool eventFilter(QObject * pObject, QEvent * pEvent) override;
908 	/**
909 	* \brief Returns the correct icon for the channel
910 	* \return QPixmap *
911 	*/
912 	QPixmap * myIconPtr() override;
914 	/**
915 	* \brief Fills in the caption buffers
916 	* \return void
917 	*/
918 	void fillCaptionBuffers() override;
920 	/**
921 	* \brief Gets the group name
922 	* \param szBuffer The buffer where to save the data
923 	* \return void
924 	*/
925 	void getConfigGroupName(QString & szBuffer) override;
927 	/**
928 	* \brief Saves the properties to file
929 	* \param pCfg The config file
930 	* \return void
931 	*/
932 	void saveProperties(KviConfigurationFile * pCfg) override;
934 	/**
935 	* \brief Loads the properties from file
936 	* \param pCfg The config file
937 	* \return void
938 	*/
939 	void loadProperties(KviConfigurationFile * pCfg) override;
941 	/**
942 	* \brief Applies the options
943 	* \return void
944 	*/
945 	void applyOptions() override;
947 	/**
948 	* \brief Gets the base name for log file
949 	* \param szBuffer The buffer where to save data
950 	* \return void
951 	*/
952 	void getBaseLogFileName(QString & szBuffer) override;
954 	/**
955 	* \brief Trigger the OnChannelWindowCreated event
956 	* \return void
957 	*/
958 	void triggerCreationEvents() override;
960 	/**
961 	* \brief Called when someone sets a mask in the channel's lists
962 	* \param szMask The mask set
963 	* \param bAdd Whether to add or remove the mask
964 	* \param szSetBy Who set the mask
965 	* \param uSetAt The datetime when the mask was set
966 	* \param l The list of masks in the channel lists
967 	* \param ppEd The mask editor window
968 	* \param szChangeMask If bAdd is false and this string is set, the mask will be updated instead that removed
969 	* \return void
970 	*/
971 	void internalMask(const QString & szMask, bool bAdd, const QString & szSetBy, unsigned int uSetAt, std::vector<KviMaskEntry *> & l, KviMaskEditor ** ppEd, QString & szChangeMask);
973 	/**
974 	* \brief Splits the channel view into two views
975 	*
976 	* The upper one will be used to show all system messages like join,
977 	* parts, quits, topics and so on, while the lower one will be used to
978 	* show the users messages.
979 	* \param bShow Whether to show the double view
980 	* \return void
981 	*/
982 	void showDoubleView(bool bShow);
984 	/**
985 	* \brief Fixes the action history
986 	* \return void
987 	*/
988 	void fixActionHistory();
990 	/**
991 	* \brief Gets the talking user stats to fill in the tooltip
992 	* \param szBuffer The buffer where to store the data
993 	* \param list The list of talking users
994 	* \param bPast Whether the activity is recent or in the past
995 	* \return void
996 	*/
997 	void getTalkingUsersStats(QString & szBuffer, QStringList & list, bool bPast);
999 	/**
1000 	* \brief Preprocess message stripping control bytes
1001 	* \param szMessage The message :)
1002 	* \return void
1003 	*/
1004 	void preprocessMessage(QString & szMessage) override;
1006 	void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) override;
1007 	void closeEvent(QCloseEvent * pEvent) override;
1008 public slots:
1009 	/**
1010 	* \brief Toggles the double view mode
1011 	* \return void
1012 	*/
1013 	void toggleDoubleView();
1015 private slots:
1016 	/**
1017 	* \brief Toggles the userlist view
1018 	* \return void
1019 	*/
1020 	void toggleListView();
1022 	/**
1023 	* \brief Toggles a list mode editor
1024 	* \return void
1025 	*/
1026 	void toggleListModeEditor();
1028 	/**
1029 	* \brief Toggles the mode editor
1030 	* \return void
1031 	*/
1032 	void toggleModeEditor();
1034 	/**
1035 	* \brief Called when we close the mode editor
1036 	*/
1037 	void modeSelectorDone();
1039 	/**
1040 	* \brief Called when we select the topic
1041 	* \param szTopic The topic :)
1042 	* \return void
1043 	*/
1044 	void topicSelected(const QString & szTopic);
1046 	/**
1047 	* \brief Called when we select the modes from the mode editor
1048 	* \param szMode The modes selected, including any plus/minus sign and parameters
1049 	* \return void
1050 	*/
1051 	void setMode(const QString & szMode);
1053 	/**
1054 	* \brief Called when we right-click the irc view.
1055 	*
1056 	* Trigger the OnChannelPopupRequest event
1057 	* \return void
1058 	*/
1059 	void textViewRightClicked();
1061 	/**
1062 	* \brief Removes the masks from the mask editor window
1063 	* \param pEd The mask editor
1064 	* \param pList The list of masks to remove
1065 	* \return void
1066 	*/
1067 	void removeMasks(KviMaskEditor * pEd, const std::vector<KviMaskEntry *> & pList);
1069 	/**
1070 	* \brief Toggles tool buttons widget over the listview
1071 	* \return void
1072 	*/
1073 	void toggleToolButtons();
1075 signals:
1076 	/**
1077 	* \brief Emitted when our op status change
1078 	* \return void
1079 	*/
1080 	void opStatusChanged();
1081 };
1083 #endif //_KVI_CHANNEL_H_