1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1995-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 /** \file
19     \brief Fortran utility routines used by Semantic Analyzer to process
20            user-defined generics including overloaded operators
21  */
23 #include "gbldefs.h"
24 #include "global.h"
25 #include "gramtk.h"
26 #include "error.h"
27 #include "symtab.h"
28 #include "symutl.h"
29 #include "dtypeutl.h"
30 #include "semant.h"
31 #include "scan.h"
32 #include "semstk.h"
33 #include "pd.h"
34 #include "machar.h"
35 #include "ast.h"
36 #include "state.h"
38 static int silent_error_mode = 0;
39 #undef E155
40 #define E155(s1, s2)      \
41   if (!silent_error_mode) \
42   error(155, 3, gbl.lineno, s1, s2)
44 static int resolve_generic(int, SST *, ITEM *);
45 static long *args_match(int, int, int, ITEM *, LOGICAL, LOGICAL);
46 static LOGICAL tkr_match(int, SST *, int, LOGICAL);
47 static LOGICAL kwd_match(ITEM *, int, char *);
48 static void get_type_rank(SST *, int *, int *);
49 static ITEM *make_list(SST *, SST *);
50 static int resolve_operator(int, SST *, SST *);
51 static int find_operator(int, SST *, SST *, LOGICAL);
52 static bool queue_generic_tbp_once(SPTR gnr);
53 static bool is_conflicted_generic(SPTR, SPTR);
55 /* macros used by the arg scoring routines */
56 #define UNIT_SZ 3 /**< bits necessary to hold the max *_MATCH value */
57 #define NBR_DISTANCE_ELM_BITS ((sizeof(long) * 8 - 1) / UNIT_SZ)
59 #define DISTANCE_ELM(distance, i) (distance[i / NBR_DISTANCE_ELM_BITS])
61 /* constants returned by by args_match and tkr_match */
62 #define INF_DISTANCE ((long)-1)
63 #define MIN_DISTANCE 0
64 /* also returned by tkr_match */
65 #define EXACT_MATCH 0
66 #define EXTND_MATCH 4
67 /* UNIT_SZ (above) must be the number of bits necessary to hold the max  *_MATCH
68  * value */
70 #define MAN_MAN_MATCH 0
71 #define MAN_DEV_MATCH 1
72 #define MAN_HOST_MATCH 2
74 static int resolved_to_self = 0;
76 /*
77  * Table used to record and return the ST_OPERATOR symbols corresponding
78  * to the intrinsic and the assignment operators.
79  */
80 static struct optabstruct {
81   int opr;    /* if non-zero, locates the ST_OPERATOR symbol */
82   char *name; /* name of the corresponding ST_OPERATOR symbol */
83 } optab[] = {
84     {0, ""},       /* OP_NEG	0 */
85     {0, "+"},      /* OP_ADD	1 */
86     {0, "-"},      /* OP_SUB	2 */
87     {0, "*"},      /* OP_MUL	3 */
88     {0, "/"},      /* OP_DIV	4 */
89     {0, "**"},     /* OP_XTOI	5 */
90     {0, ""},       /* OP_XTOX	6 */
91     {0, ""},       /* OP_CMP	7 */
92     {0, ""},       /* OP_AIF	8 */
93     {0, ""},       /* OP_LD	9 */
94     {0, "="},      /* OP_ST	10 */
95     {0, ""},       /* OP_FUNC	11 */
96     {0, ""},       /* OP_CON	12 */
97     {0, "//"},     /* OP_CAT	13 */
98     {0, ""},       /* OP_LOG	14 */
99     {0, ".eqv."},  /* OP_LEQV	15 */
100     {0, ".neqv."}, /* OP_LNEQV	16 */
101     {0, ".or."},   /* OP_LOR	17 */
102     {0, ".and."},  /* OP_LAND	18 */
103     {0, "=="},     /* OP_EQ	19 */
104     {0, ">="},     /* OP_GE	20 */
105     {0, ">"},      /* OP_GT	21 */
106     {0, "<="},     /* OP_LE	22 */
107     {0, "<"},      /* OP_LT	23 */
108     {0, "!="},     /* OP_NE	24 */
109     {0, ".not."},  /* OP_LNOT	25 */
110     {0, ""},       /* OP_LOC	26 */
111     {0, ""},       /* OP_REF	27 */
112     {0, ""},       /* OP_VAL	28 */
113 };
114 #define OPTABSIZE 29
116 /** \brief Determines if we should (re)generate generic type bound procedure
117  *  (tbp) bindings based on scope. This should only be done once per scope.
118  *
119  *  \param gnr is the SPTR of the symbol to check or 0 if N/A.
120  *
121  *  \return true if we should (re)generate generic tbp bindings, else false.
122  */
123 static bool
queue_generic_tbp_once(SPTR gnr)124 queue_generic_tbp_once(SPTR gnr)
125 {
126   if (GNCNTG(gnr) == 0 || gbl.internal > 1) {
127     static int generic_tbp_scope = 0;
128     bool rslt = (generic_tbp_scope != stb.curr_scope);
129     generic_tbp_scope = stb.curr_scope;
130     return rslt;
131   }
132   return false;
133 }
135 /** \brief Determines if two generic procedures from different
136      modules are conflicted or not.
137  *
138  *  \param found_sptrgen is the first generic procedure sptr.
139  *  \param func_sptrgen is the second generic procedure sptr.
140  *
141  *  \return true if the func_sptrgen and found_sptrgen are not conflicted, else
142  *   false.
143  */
144 static bool
is_conflicted_generic(SPTR func_sptrgen,SPTR found_sptrgen)145 is_conflicted_generic(SPTR func_sptrgen, SPTR found_sptrgen) {
146   return func_sptrgen != found_sptrgen &&
147          (PRIVATEG(func_sptrgen) != PRIVATEG(found_sptrgen) ||
148          NOT_IN_USEONLYG(func_sptrgen) != NOT_IN_USEONLYG(found_sptrgen));
149 }
151 void
check_generic(int gnr)152 check_generic(int gnr)
153 {
154   if (STYPEG(gnr) == ST_USERGENERIC) {
155     ;
156   } else {
157 #if DEBUG
158     assert(STYPEG(gnr) == ST_OPERATOR, "check_generic, expected ST_OPERATOR",
159            STYPEG(gnr), 3);
160 #endif
161   }
162 }
164 int
generic_tbp_call(int gnr,SST * stktop,ITEM * list,ITEM * chevlist)165 generic_tbp_call(int gnr, SST *stktop, ITEM *list, ITEM *chevlist)
166 {
167   int sptr;
168   int dtype;
169   int mem;
171 #if DEBUG
172   if (DBGBIT(3, 256))
173     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "user generic, call %s\n", SYMNAME(gnr));
174 #endif
175   if (queue_generic_tbp_once(gnr)) {
176     queue_tbp(0, 0, 0, 0, TBP_COMPLETE_GENERIC);
177   }
179   if (list == NULL)
180     list = ITEM_END;
181   sptr = resolve_generic(gnr, stktop, list);
182   return sptr;
183 }
185 void
generic_call(int gnr,SST * stktop,ITEM * list,ITEM * chevlist)186 generic_call(int gnr, SST *stktop, ITEM *list, ITEM *chevlist)
187 {
188   int sptr;
190 #if DEBUG
191   if (DBGBIT(3, 256))
192     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "user generic, call %s\n", SYMNAME(gnr));
193 #endif
194   if (list == NULL)
195     list = ITEM_END;
196   sptr = resolve_generic(gnr, stktop, list);
197   if (sptr == 0) {
198     SST_ASTP(stktop, 0);
199     return;
200   }
201 #if DEBUG
202   if (DBGBIT(3, 256))
203     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "user generic resolved to %s\n", SYMNAME(sptr));
204 #endif
205   SST_SYMP(stktop, -sptr);
207     subr_call2(stktop, list, 1);
209 }
211 int
generic_tbp_func(int gnr,SST * stktop,ITEM * list)212 generic_tbp_func(int gnr, SST *stktop, ITEM *list)
213 {
214   int sptr;
216 #if DEBUG
217   if (DBGBIT(3, 256))
218     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "user generic %s\n", SYMNAME(gnr));
219 #endif
221   if (queue_generic_tbp_once(gnr)) {
222     queue_tbp(0, 0, 0, 0, TBP_COMPLETE_GENERIC);
223   }
225   if (list == NULL)
226     list = ITEM_END;
227   sptr = resolve_generic(gnr, stktop, list);
228   return sptr;
229 }
231 int
generic_func(int gnr,SST * stktop,ITEM * list)232 generic_func(int gnr, SST *stktop, ITEM *list)
233 {
234   int sptr;
236 #if DEBUG
237   if (DBGBIT(3, 256))
238     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "user generic %s\n", SYMNAME(gnr));
239 #endif
240   if (list == NULL)
241     list = ITEM_END;
242   sptr = resolve_generic(gnr, stktop, list);
243   if (sptr == 0) {
244     SST_IDP(stktop, S_CONST);
245     SST_DTYPEP(stktop, DT_INT);
246     return 3;
247   }
248   if (sptr == -1) {
249     /*  the generic resolve to a structure constructor  */
250     return 1;
251   }
252 #if DEBUG
253   if (DBGBIT(3, 256)) {
254     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "user generic resolved to %s\n", SYMNAME(sptr));
255     if (sptr < stb.firstosym)
256       fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "USING intrinsic generic\n");
257   }
258 #endif
259   mkident(stktop);
260   SST_SYMP(stktop, sptr);
261   SST_DTYPEP(stktop, DTYPEG(sptr));
262   if (sptr < stb.firstosym) {
263     if (STYPEG(sptr) == ST_PD)
264       return ref_pd(stktop, list);
265     return ref_intrin(stktop, list);
266   }
267   SST_ASTP(stktop, mk_id(sptr));
268   return func_call2(stktop, list, 1);
269 }
271 static long *
set_distance_to(long value,long * distance,int sz)272 set_distance_to(long value, long *distance, int sz)
273 {
274   int i;
276   for (i = 0; i < sz; i++)
277     distance[i] = value;
279   return distance;
280 }
282 /* compare distance, distance; return
283  * -1 if distance1 < distance2
284  *  0 if distance1 == distance2
285  *  1 if distance1 > distance2
286  */
287 static int
cmp_arg_score(long * distance1,long * distance2,int sz)288 cmp_arg_score(long *distance1, long *distance2, int sz)
289 {
290   int i;
291   if (*distance1 != INF_DISTANCE && *distance2 == INF_DISTANCE) {
292     return -1;
293   } else if (*distance1 == INF_DISTANCE && *distance2 != INF_DISTANCE) {
294     return 1;
295   } else if (*distance1 == INF_DISTANCE && *distance2 == INF_DISTANCE) {
296     return 0;
297   }
299   for (i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
300     if (distance1[i] < distance2[i])
301       return -1;
302     else if (distance1[i] > distance2[i])
303       return 1;
304   }
305   return 0;
306 }
308 static int
find_best_generic(int gnr,ITEM * list,int arg_cnt,int try_device,LOGICAL chk_elementals)309 find_best_generic(int gnr, ITEM *list, int arg_cnt, int try_device,
310                   LOGICAL chk_elementals)
311 {
312   int gndsc, nmptr;
313   int sptr;
314   int sptrgen;
315   int found;
316   int bind;
317   int found_bind;
318   int func;
319   long *argdistance;
320   long *min_argdistance = 0;
321   int distance_sz;
322   LOGICAL gnr_in_active_scope;
323   int dscptr;
324   int paramct, curr_paramct;
325   SPTR found_sptrgen, func_sptrgen;
327   /* find the generic's max nbr of formal args and use it to compute
328    * the size of the arg distatnce data item.
329    */
330   paramct = 0;
331   for (sptr = first_hash(gnr); sptr > NOSYM; sptr = HASHLKG(sptr)) {
332     sptrgen = sptr;
333     while (STYPEG(sptrgen) == ST_ALIAS)
334       sptrgen = SYMLKG(sptrgen);
335     for (gndsc = GNDSCG(sptrgen); gndsc; gndsc = SYMI_NEXT(gndsc)) {
336       func = SYMI_SPTR(gndsc);
337       while (STYPEG(func) == ST_MODPROC || STYPEG(func) == ST_ALIAS) {
338         /* Need to get the actual routine symbol in order to
339          * access the arguments and number of arguments of the routine.
340          */
341         func = SYMLKG(func);
342       }
343       dscptr = DPDSCG(func);
344       curr_paramct = PARAMCTG(func);
345       if (curr_paramct > paramct) {
346         paramct = curr_paramct;
347       }
348     }
349   }
350   /* initialize arg distance data item */
351   distance_sz = paramct / NBR_DISTANCE_ELM_BITS + 1;
352   NEW(min_argdistance, long, distance_sz);
353   (void)set_distance_to(INF_DISTANCE, min_argdistance, distance_sz);
355   nmptr = NMPTRG(gnr);
357   found = 0;
358   found_bind = 0;
359   for (sptr = first_hash(gnr); sptr > NOSYM; sptr = HASHLKG(sptr)) {
360     gnr_in_active_scope = FALSE;
361     sptrgen = sptr;
362     if (NMPTRG(sptrgen) != nmptr)
363       continue;
364     if (PRIVATEG(sptr) && gbl.currmod && SCOPEG(sptr) != gbl.currmod)
365       continue;
366     while (STYPEG(sptrgen) == ST_ALIAS)
367       sptrgen = SYMLKG(sptrgen);
368     if (STYPEG(sptrgen) != ST_USERGENERIC)
369       continue;
370     /* is the original symbol (sptr, not sptrgen) in an active scope */
371     if (test_scope(sptr) >= 0 ||
372         (STYPEG(SCOPEG(sptr)) == ST_MODULE && !PRIVATEG(SCOPEG(sptr)))) {
373       gnr_in_active_scope = TRUE;
374     }
375     if (!gnr_in_active_scope && !CLASSG(sptrgen))
376       continue;
377     if (GNCNTG(sptrgen) == 0 && GTYPEG(sptrgen)) {
378       continue; /* Could be an overloaded type */
379     }
380     if (queue_generic_tbp_once(sptrgen)) {
381       queue_tbp(0, 0, 0, 0, TBP_COMPLETE_GENERIC);
382     }
383     if (GNCNTG(sptrgen) == 0 && !IS_TBP(sptrgen)) {
384       /* Ignore if generic tbp overloads sptrgen. This might be
385        * an overloaded intrinsic. We check for an overloaded intrinsic
386        * below.
387        */
389       E155("Empty generic procedure -", SYMNAME(sptr));
390     }
392     for (gndsc = GNDSCG(sptrgen); gndsc; gndsc = SYMI_NEXT(gndsc)) {
393       func = SYMI_SPTR(gndsc);
394       func_sptrgen = sptrgen;
395       if (IS_TBP(func)) {
396         /* For generic type bound procedures, use the implementation
397          * of the generic bind name for the argument comparison.
398          */
399         int mem, dty;
400         bind = func;
401         dty = TBPLNKG(func /*sptrgen*/);
402         func = get_implementation(dty, func, 0, &mem);
403         if (STYPEG(BINDG(mem)) == ST_OPERATOR ||
404             STYPEG(BINDG(mem)) == ST_USERGENERIC) {
405           mem = get_specific_member(dty, func);
406           func = VTABLEG(mem);
407           bind = BINDG(mem);
408         }
409         if (!func)
410           continue;
411         mem = get_generic_member(dty, bind);
412         if (NOPASSG(mem) && generic_tbp_has_pass_and_nopass(dty, BINDG(mem)))
413           continue;
414         if (mem && PRIVATEG(mem) && SCOPEG(stb.curr_scope) != SCOPEG(mem))
415           continue;
416       } else
417         bind = 0;
418       if (STYPEG(func) == ST_MODPROC) {
419         func = SYMLKG(func);
420         if (func == 0)
421           continue;
422       }
423       if (STYPEG(func) == ST_ALIAS)
424         func = SYMLKG(func);
425       if (chk_elementals && ELEMENTALG(func)) {
426         argdistance =
427             args_match(func, arg_cnt, distance_sz, list, TRUE, try_device == 1);
428       } else {
429         argdistance = args_match(func, arg_cnt, distance_sz, list, FALSE,
430                                  try_device == 1);
431       }
432       if (found && func && found != func && *min_argdistance != INF_DISTANCE &&
433           !is_conflicted_generic(func_sptrgen, found_sptrgen) &&
434           cmp_arg_score(argdistance, min_argdistance, distance_sz) == 0) {
435         int len;
436         char *name, *name_cpy;
437         len = strlen(SYMNAME(gnr)) + 1;
438         name_cpy = getitem(0, len);
439         strcpy(name_cpy, SYMNAME(gnr));
440         name = strchr(name_cpy, '$');
441         if (name)
442           *name = '\0';
443         E155("Ambiguous interfaces for generic procedure", name_cpy);
444         FREE(argdistance);
445         break;
446       } else if (cmp_arg_score(argdistance, min_argdistance, distance_sz) ==
447                  -1) {
448         FREE(min_argdistance);
449         min_argdistance = argdistance;
450         found = func;
451         found_bind = bind;
452         found_sptrgen = sptrgen;
453       } else {
454         FREE(argdistance);
455       }
456     }
457   }
458   FREE(min_argdistance);
459   found = (found_bind) ? found_bind : found;
460   return found;
461 }
463 /*
464  * Possible return values:
465  * -1  : generic resolves to a struct constructor
466  *  0  : error
467  * >0  : sptr of the 'specific'
468  */
469 static int
resolve_generic(int gnr,SST * stktop,ITEM * list)470 resolve_generic(int gnr, SST *stktop, ITEM *list)
471 {
472   int nmptr;
473   int arg_cnt;
474   ITEM *itemp;
475   SST *sp;
476   int sptr;
477   int found;
478   int try_device = 0;
480   arg_cnt = 0;
481   for (itemp = list; itemp != ITEM_END; itemp = itemp->next) {
482     arg_cnt++;
483     sp = itemp->t.stkp;
484     if (SST_IDG(sp) == S_TRIPLE) {
485       /* form is e1:e2:e3 */
486       error(76, 3, gbl.lineno, SYMNAME(gnr), CNULL);
487       return 0;
488     }
489     if (SST_IDG(sp) == S_ACONST) {
490       mkexpr(sp);
491     }
492   }
493 #if DEBUG
494   if (DBGBIT(3, 256))
495     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "resolve_generic: %s, count %d\n", SYMNAME(gnr),
496             arg_cnt);
497 #endif
499   nmptr = NMPTRG(gnr);
500 /* search HASH list for all user generics of the same name */
501   {
502     if ((found = find_best_generic(gnr, list, arg_cnt, try_device, FALSE))) {
503       return found;
504     }
505   }
507   if ((found = find_best_generic(gnr, list, arg_cnt, 0, TRUE))) {
508     return found;
509   }
511   /* search HASH list for intrinsic generic of the same name */
512   for (sptr = gnr; sptr; sptr = HASHLKG(sptr)) {
513     if (NMPTRG(sptr) == nmptr && IS_INTRINSIC(STYPEG(sptr)) &&
514         sptr < stb.firstosym) {
515       return sptr;
516     }
517   }
518   if (STYPEG(gnr) == ST_ENTRY || STYPEG(gnr) == ST_PROC) {
519     /* allow specific name to be used also */
520     return gnr;
521   }
522   if (CLASSG(gnr)) {
523     char *name_cpy, *name;
524     name_cpy = getitem(0, strlen(SYMNAME(gnr)) + 1);
525     strcpy(name_cpy, SYMNAME(gnr));
526     name = strchr(name_cpy, '$');
527     if (name)
528       *name = '\0';
529     E155("Could not resolve generic type bound procedure", name_cpy);
530   }
531   if (GTYPEG(gnr)) {
532     ACL *aclp, *hd, *tl;
533     /*
534      * build the ACL list from the list of arguments
535      */
536     hd = tl = NULL;
537     for (itemp = list; itemp != ITEM_END; itemp = itemp->next) {
538       sp = itemp->t.stkp;
539       if (SST_IDG(sp) == S_ACONST || SST_IDG(sp) == S_SCONST) {
540         aclp = SST_ACLG(sp);
541       } else {
542         /* put in ACL */
543         aclp = GET_ACL(15);
544         aclp->id = AC_EXPR;
545         aclp->repeatc = aclp->size = 0;
546         aclp->next = NULL;
547         aclp->subc = NULL;
548         aclp->u1.stkp = sp;
549       }
550       if (!hd) {
551         hd = aclp;
552       } else {
553         tl->next = aclp;
554       }
555       tl = aclp;
556     }
557     sptr = GTYPEG(gnr);
558     /* create head AC_SCONST for element list */
559     aclp = GET_ACL(15);
560     aclp->id = AC_SCONST;
561     aclp->next = NULL;
562     aclp->subc = hd;
563     aclp->dtype = DTYPEG(sptr);
564     SST_IDP(stktop, S_SCONST);
565     SST_DTYPEP(stktop, aclp->dtype);
566     SST_ACLP(stktop, aclp);
567     chk_struct_constructor(aclp);
568     SST_SYMP(stktop, sptr);
569     return -1; /* generic resolves to a struct constructor */
570   }
571   if (CLASSG(gnr)) {
572     char *name_cpy, *name;
573     name_cpy = getitem(0, strlen(SYMNAME(gnr)) + 1);
574     strcpy(name_cpy, SYMNAME(gnr));
575     name = strchr(name_cpy, '$');
576     if (name)
577       *name = '\0';
578     E155("Could not resolve generic type bound procedure", name_cpy);
579   } else
580     E155("Could not resolve generic procedure", SYMNAME(gnr));
581   return 0;
582 }
584 /*
585  * check if arguments passed to a generic match the arguments of the given
586  * specific.
587  */
588 static long *
args_match(int ext,int count,int distance_sz,ITEM * list,LOGICAL elemental,LOGICAL usedevcopy)589 args_match(int ext, int count, int distance_sz, ITEM *list, LOGICAL elemental,
590            LOGICAL usedevcopy)
591 {
592   int dscptr;
593   int paramct;
594   int actual_cnt;
595   int i;
596   char *kwd_str; /* where keyword string for 'ext' is stored */
597   long arg_distance;
598   long *distance;
600   NEW(distance, long, distance_sz);
602   dscptr = DPDSCG(ext);
603   paramct = PARAMCTG(ext);
605   if (count == 0 && paramct == 0)
606     return set_distance_to(MIN_DISTANCE, distance, distance_sz);
607   if (count > paramct)
608     return set_distance_to(INF_DISTANCE, distance, distance_sz);
609   kwd_str = make_kwd_str(ext);
610   if (!kwd_match(list, paramct, kwd_str)) {
611     FREE(kwd_str);
612     return set_distance_to(INF_DISTANCE, distance, distance_sz);
613   }
614   FREE(kwd_str);
616   (void)set_distance_to(MIN_DISTANCE, distance, distance_sz);
617   for (i = 0, actual_cnt = 0; i < paramct && actual_cnt < count;
618        i++, dscptr++) {
619     SST *sp;
620     int dum;
621     int actual;
622     int arg;
623     int distance_dx;
624     sp = ARG_STK(i);
625     if (sp) {
626       (void)chkarg(sp, &dum);
627       XFR_ARGAST(i);
628     }
629     actual = ARG_AST(i);
630     arg = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dscptr);
631     if (arg) {
632       if (actual) {
633         actual_cnt++;
634         arg_distance = tkr_match(arg, sp, actual, elemental);
635         if (arg_distance == INF_DISTANCE) {
636           return set_distance_to(INF_DISTANCE, distance, distance_sz);
637         } else {
638           DISTANCE_ELM(distance, i) =
639               (DISTANCE_ELM(distance, i) << UNIT_SZ) + arg_distance;
640         }
641       } else {
642         DISTANCE_ELM(distance, i) =
643             (DISTANCE_ELM(distance, i) << UNIT_SZ) + MIN_DISTANCE;
644       }
645     } else if (actual == 0 || A_TYPEG(actual) != A_LABEL) {
646       /* alternate returns */
647       return set_distance_to(INF_DISTANCE, distance, distance_sz);
648     }
649   }
651   return distance;
652 }
654 /* Check TYPE-KIND-RANK */
655 static int
tkr_match(int formal,SST * opnd,int actual,int elemental)656 tkr_match(int formal, SST *opnd, int actual, int elemental)
657 {
658   int ddum, dact, elddum, eldact;
659   int rank;
660   int sptr;
661   LOGICAL match_found;
662   int mng_match;
663   LOGICAL formal_assumesz = FALSE;
665   if (!ignore_tkr(formal, IGNORE_M) && ast_is_sym(actual)) {
666     sptr = memsym_of_ast(actual);
667     if ( (ALLOCATTRG(formal) && !ALLOCATTRG(sptr)) ||
668          (POINTERG(formal) && !POINTERG(sptr)) ) {
669       return INF_DISTANCE;
670     }
671   }
673   mng_match = 0;
674   ddum = DTYPEG(formal);
675   elddum = DDTG(ddum);
676   get_type_rank(opnd, &dact, &rank);
677   eldact = DDTG(dact);
678   if (elemental) {
679     dact = eldact;
680     rank = 0;
681   }
682   if (STYPEG(formal) == ST_PROC) {
683     if (actual == 0)
684       return INF_DISTANCE;
685     /* actual must be an ID that is another PROC or ENTRY */
686     if (A_TYPEG(actual) != A_ID)
687       return INF_DISTANCE;
688     sptr = A_SPTRG(actual);
689     if (STYPEG(sptr) != ST_PROC && STYPEG(sptr) != ST_ENTRY &&
690         !IS_INTRINSIC(STYPEG(sptr)))
691       return INF_DISTANCE;
692   } else if (A_TYPEG(actual) == A_ID && (STYPEG(A_SPTRG(actual)) == ST_PROC ||
693              STYPEG(A_SPTRG(actual)) == ST_ENTRY) &&
694              !IS_INTRINSIC(STYPEG(A_SPTRG(actual)))) {
695         /* formal is not an ST_PROC, so return INF_DISTANCE */
696         return INF_DISTANCE;
697   }
698   if (!ignore_tkr(formal, IGNORE_R)) {
699     if (DTY(ddum) == TY_ARRAY) {
700       if (AD_NUMDIM(AD_DPTR(ddum)) != rank) {
701         if (rank && AD_ASSUMSZ(AD_DPTR(ddum)) &&
702             AD_NUMDIM(AD_DPTR(ddum)) == 1) {
703           formal_assumesz = TRUE;
704         } else {
705           return INF_DISTANCE;
706         }
707       }
708     } else /* formal is not an array */
709         if (rank)
710       return INF_DISTANCE;
711   }
713   if (STYPEG(formal) == ST_PROC) {
714     if (IS_INTRINSIC(STYPEG(sptr))) {
715       setimplicit(sptr);
716       dact = DTYPEG(sptr);
717       /* TBD: should EXPST be set??? */
718     }
719     if (ddum == 0) {
720       /* formal has no datatype; was the actual really typed? */
721       if (DCLDG(sptr) && DTYPEG(sptr)) /* actual was given a datatype */
722         return INF_DISTANCE;
723       return EXACT_MATCH + mng_match;
724     }
725     if (dact == 0) {
726       /* actual has no datatype; was the formal explicitly typed? */
727       if (DCLDG(formal) && DTYPEG(formal)) /* formal was declared */
728         return INF_DISTANCE;
729       return EXACT_MATCH + mng_match;
730     }
731     if (!DCLDG(formal) && !FUNCG(formal) && !DCLDG(sptr) && !FUNCG(sptr))
732       /* formal & actual are subroutines?? */
733       return EXACT_MATCH + mng_match;
734   }
736   /* check if type and kind of the data types match */
737   if (DTY(elddum) != DTY(eldact)) {
738     /* element TY_ values are not the same */
739     if (ignore_tkr(formal, IGNORE_K)) {
740       if (same_type_different_kind(elddum, eldact))
741         return EXACT_MATCH + mng_match;
742     } else if (ignore_tkr(formal, IGNORE_T) &&
743                different_type_same_kind(elddum, eldact))
744       return EXACT_MATCH + mng_match;
745   }
746   if (ignore_tkr(formal, IGNORE_T)) {
747     if (ignore_tkr(formal, IGNORE_K))
748       return EXACT_MATCH + mng_match;
749     /* cannot ignore the kind, so it must be the same! */
750     if (different_type_same_kind(elddum, eldact))
751       return EXACT_MATCH + mng_match;
752   }
754   /* check for an exact match first */
755   if (tk_match_arg(ddum, dact, FALSE)) {
756     return formal_assumesz ? EXTND_MATCH + mng_match : EXACT_MATCH + mng_match;
757   } else if (tk_match_arg(ddum, dact, CLASSG(formal))) {
758     return EXTND_MATCH + mng_match;
759   } else if (DTY(elddum) == TY_DERIVED && UNLPOLYG(DTY(elddum + 3))) {
760     /* Dummy argument is declared CLASS(*), so it can
761      * take any rank compatible actual argument.
762      */
763     return formal_assumesz ? EXTND_MATCH + mng_match : EXACT_MATCH + mng_match;
764   }
765   return INF_DISTANCE;
766 }
768 static LOGICAL
kwd_match(ITEM * list,int cnt,char * kwdarg)769 kwd_match(ITEM *list,  /* list of arguments */
770           int cnt,     /* maximum number of arguments allowed for intrinsic */
771           char *kwdarg /* string defining position and keywords of arguments*/
772           )
773 {
774   SST *stkp;
775   int pos;
776   int i;
777   char *kwd, *np;
778   int kwd_len;
779   char *actual_kwd; /* name of keyword used with the actual arg */
780   int actual_kwd_len;
781   LOGICAL kwd_present;
783   /*
784    * NOTE:  'variable' arguments (see get_kwd_args in semfunc2.c)
785    *        will not be seen for user-defined interfaces.
786    */
788   kwd_present = FALSE;
789   sem.argpos = (argpos_t *)getitem(0, sizeof(argpos_t) * cnt);
791   for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
792     ARG_STK(i) = NULL;
793     ARG_AST(i) = 0;
794   }
796   for (pos = 0; list != ITEM_END; list = list->next, pos++) {
797     stkp = list->t.stkp;
798     if (SST_IDG(stkp) == S_KEYWORD) {
799       kwd_present = TRUE;
800       actual_kwd = scn.id.name + SST_CVALG(stkp);
801       actual_kwd_len = strlen(actual_kwd);
802       kwd = kwdarg;
803       for (i = 0; TRUE; i++) {
804 #if DEBUG
805         assert(*kwd != '#', "kwd_match, unexp. #", pos, 3);
806 #endif
807         if (*kwd == '*')
808           kwd++;
809         kwd_len = 0;
810         for (np = kwd; TRUE; np++, kwd_len++)
811           if (*np == ' ' || *np == '\0')
812             break;
813         if (kwd_len == actual_kwd_len &&
814             strncmp(kwd, actual_kwd, actual_kwd_len) == 0)
815           break;
816         if (*np == '\0')
817           return FALSE;
818         kwd = np + 1; /* skip over blank */
819       }
820       if (ARG_STK(i))
821         return FALSE;
822       stkp = SST_E3G(stkp);
823       ARG_STK(i) = stkp;
824       ARG_AST(i) = SST_ASTG(stkp);
825     } else {
826       if (ARG_STK(pos)) {
827         kwd = kwdarg;
828         for (i = 0; TRUE; i++) {
829           if (*kwd == '*' || *kwd == ' ')
830             kwd++;
831           if (*kwd == '\0')
832             return FALSE;
833           kwd_len = 0;
834           for (np = kwd; TRUE; np++) {
835             if (*np == ' ' || *np == '\0')
836               break;
837             kwd_len++;
838           }
839           if (i == pos)
840             break;
841           kwd = np;
842         }
843         return FALSE;
844       }
845       ARG_STK(pos) = stkp;
846       ARG_AST(pos) = SST_ASTG(stkp);
847     }
848   }
850   /* determine if required argument is not present */
852   kwd = kwdarg;
853   for (pos = 0; pos < cnt; pos++, kwd = np) {
854     if (*kwd == ' ')
855       kwd++;
856     if (*kwd == '#' || *kwd == '!')
857       break;
858     kwd_len = 0;
859     for (np = kwd; TRUE; np++) {
860       if (*np == ' ' || *np == '\0')
861         break;
862       kwd_len++;
863     }
864     if (*kwd == '*')
865       continue;
866     if (ARG_STK(pos) == NULL)
867       return FALSE;
868   }
870   return TRUE;
871 }
873 int
defined_operator(int opr,SST * stktop,SST * lop,SST * rop)874 defined_operator(int opr, SST *stktop, SST *lop, SST *rop)
875 {
876   int sptr;
877   ITEM *list;
878   int i;
880 #if DEBUG
881   if (DBGBIT(3, 256))
882     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "user operator %s\n", SYMNAME(opr));
883 #endif
884   if (queue_generic_tbp_once(0))
885     queue_tbp(0, 0, 0, 0, TBP_COMPLETE_GENERIC);
886   if (STYPEG(opr) != ST_OPERATOR) {
887     i = findByNameStypeScope(SYMNAME(opr), ST_OPERATOR, stb.curr_scope);
888     if (i) {
889       opr = i;
890     }
891   }
892   sptr = resolve_operator(opr, lop, rop);
893   if (sptr == 0) {
894     SST_IDP(stktop, S_CONST);
895     SST_DTYPEP(stktop, DT_INT);
896     return 1;
897   }
898 #if DEBUG
899   if (DBGBIT(3, 256))
900     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "user operator resolved to %s\n", SYMNAME(sptr));
901 #endif
903   list = make_list(lop, rop);
904   mkident(stktop);
905   SST_SYMP(stktop, sptr);
906   SST_DTYPEP(stktop, DTYPEG(sptr));
907   SST_ASTP(stktop, mk_id(sptr));
908   return func_call2(stktop, list, 1);
909 }
911 static int
resolve_operator(int opr,SST * lop,SST * rop)912 resolve_operator(int opr, SST *lop, SST *rop)
913 {
914   int func;
915 #if DEBUG
916   if (DBGBIT(3, 256))
917     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "resolve_operator: %s, count %d\n", SYMNAME(opr),
918             rop == NULL ? 1 : 2);
919 #endif
920   func = find_operator(opr, lop, rop, FALSE);
921   if (func != 0) {
922     return func;
923   }
924   /* Redo the search, this time allow type matching for elemental subprograms */
925   func = find_operator(opr, lop, rop, TRUE);
926   if (func != 0) {
927     return func;
928   }
930   /* Overloading did not occur; issue error message only if this is not
931    * an intrinsic operator.
932    */
933   if (INKINDG(opr) == 0) {
934     if (GNCNTG(opr) == 0) {
935       E155("Empty operator -", SYMNAME(opr));
936     } else {
937       E155("Could not resolve operator", SYMNAME(opr));
938     }
939   }
940   return 0;
941 }
943 static int
find_operator(int opr,SST * lop,SST * rop,LOGICAL elemental)944 find_operator(int opr, SST *lop, SST *rop, LOGICAL elemental)
945 {
946   int sptr;
947   int opnd_cnt = rop == NULL ? 1 : 2;
948   int nmptr = NMPTRG(opr);
949   for (sptr = first_hash(opr); sptr; sptr = HASHLKG(sptr)) {
950     int gndsc;
951     int sptrgen = sptr;
952     if (NMPTRG(sptrgen) != nmptr)
953       continue;
954     if (STYPEG(sptrgen) == ST_ALIAS)
955       sptrgen = SYMLKG(sptrgen);
956     if (STYPEG(sptrgen) != ST_OPERATOR)
957       continue;
958     /* is the ST_OPERATOR or ST_ALIAS in an active scope */
959     if (test_scope(sptr) < 0 && !CLASSG(sptrgen))
960       continue;
962     for (gndsc = GNDSCG(sptrgen); gndsc; gndsc = SYMI_NEXT(gndsc)) {
963       int dscptr;
964       int paramct;
965       int bind;
966       int func = SYMI_SPTR(gndsc);
967       if (IS_TBP(func)) {
968         /* For generic type bound procedures, use the implementation
969          * of the generic bind name for the argument comparison.
970          */
971         int mem, dty;
972         bind = func;
973         dty = TBPLNKG(func);
974         func = get_implementation(dty, func, 0, &mem);
975         if (STYPEG(BINDG(mem)) == ST_OPERATOR ||
976             STYPEG(BINDG(mem)) == ST_USERGENERIC) {
977           mem = get_specific_member(dty, func);
978           func = VTABLEG(mem);
979           bind = BINDG(mem);
980         }
981         if (!func)
982           continue;
983         mem = get_generic_member(dty, bind);
984         if (mem && PRIVATEG(mem) && SCOPEG(stb.curr_scope) != SCOPEG(mem))
985           continue;
986       } else {
987         bind = 0;
988       }
989       if (STYPEG(func) == ST_MODPROC) {
990         func = SYMLKG(func);
991         if (func == 0)
992           continue;
993       }
994       if (STYPEG(func) == ST_ALIAS)
995         func = SYMLKG(func);
996       paramct = PARAMCTG(func);
998       if (paramct != opnd_cnt) {
999         if (!bind) {
1000           continue;
1001         } else {
1002           dscptr = DPDSCG(func);
1003           if (paramct == 2 && opnd_cnt == 1) {
1004             int arg = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dscptr + 1);
1005             if (!CCSYMG(arg) || !CLASSG(arg))
1006               continue;
1007           } else if (paramct == 4 && opnd_cnt == 2) {
1008             int arg = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dscptr + 2);
1009             if (!CCSYMG(arg) || !CLASSG(arg))
1010               continue;
1011             arg = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dscptr + 3);
1012             if (!CCSYMG(arg) || !CLASSG(arg))
1013               continue;
1014           } else {
1015             continue;
1016           }
1017         }
1018       }
1019       dscptr = DPDSCG(func);
1020       if (!elemental || ELEMENTALG(func)) {
1021         int arg = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dscptr);
1022         if (arg && (tkr_match(arg, lop, 0, elemental) == INF_DISTANCE))
1023           continue;
1024         if (rop != NULL) {
1025           int arg = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dscptr + 1);
1026           if (arg && (tkr_match(arg, rop, 0, elemental) == INF_DISTANCE))
1027             continue;
1028         }
1029         return bind ? bind : func;
1030       }
1031     }
1032   }
1033   return 0; // not found
1034 }
1036 void
init_intrinsic_opr(void)1037 init_intrinsic_opr(void)
1038 {
1039   int i;
1041   for (i = 0; i <= OP_VAL; i++)
1042     optab[i].opr = 0;
1043 }
1045 void
bind_intrinsic_opr(int val,int opr)1046 bind_intrinsic_opr(int val, int opr)
1047 {
1048   optab[val].opr = opr;
1049   INKINDP(opr, 1);  /* intrinsic or assignment operator */
1050   PDNUMP(opr, val); /* OP_... value */
1051 }
1053 static int
tkn_alias_sym(int tkn_alias)1054 tkn_alias_sym(int tkn_alias)
1055 {
1056   int sym;
1057   switch (tkn_alias) {
1058   case TK_XORX:
1059     sym = getsymbol("x");
1060     break;
1061   case TK_XOR:
1062     sym = getsymbol("xor");
1063     break;
1064   case TK_ORX:
1065     sym = getsymbol("o");
1066     break;
1067   case TK_NOTX:
1068     sym = getsymbol("n");
1069     break;
1070   default:
1071     interr("tkn_alias_sym: no token", 0, 3);
1072     sym = getsymbol("..zz");
1073   }
1074   return sym;
1075 }
1077 int
get_intrinsic_oprsym(int val,int tkn_alias)1078 get_intrinsic_oprsym(int val, int tkn_alias)
1079 {
1080   int sym;
1081   if (!tkn_alias)
1082     sym = getsymbol(optab[val].name);
1083   else
1084     sym = tkn_alias_sym(tkn_alias);
1085   return sym;
1086 }
1088 int
get_intrinsic_opr(int val,int tkn_alias)1089 get_intrinsic_opr(int val, int tkn_alias)
1090 {
1091   int opr;
1092   opr = get_intrinsic_oprsym(val, tkn_alias);
1093   opr = declsym(opr, ST_OPERATOR, FALSE);
1094   bind_intrinsic_opr(val, opr);
1096   return opr;
1097 }
is_intrinsic_opr(int val,SST * stktop,SST * lop,SST * rop,int tkn_alias)1100 is_intrinsic_opr(int val, SST *stktop, SST *lop, SST *rop, int tkn_alias)
1101 {
1102   /*  tkn_alias is currently not referenced */
1103   int opr;
1104   int func;
1105   ITEM *list;
1106   int rank, dtype;
1107   char buf[100];
1109   opr = optab[val].opr;
1110   if (opr) {
1111     func = resolve_operator(opr, lop, rop);
1112     if (!func && /*IN_MODULE*/ sem.mod_cnt && sem.which_pass) {
1113       if (queue_generic_tbp_once(0))
1114         queue_tbp(0, 0, 0, 0, TBP_COMPLETE_GENERIC);
1115       func = resolve_operator(opr, lop, rop);
1116     }
1117     if (CLASSG(func) && IS_TBP(func)) {
1118       int ast, mem, inv;
1119       get_implementation(TBPLNKG(func), func, 0, &mem);
1120       if (NOPASSG(mem)) {
1121         if (val != OP_ST) {
1122           E155("Type bound procedure with NOPASS attribute not valid "
1123                "for generic operator",
1124                SYMNAME(opr));
1125         } else {
1126           E155("Type bound procedure with NOPASS attribute not valid "
1127                "for generic assignment",
1128                SYMNAME(opr));
1129         }
1130         inv = 0;
1131       } else {
1132         inv = get_tbp_argno(func, TBPLNKG(func));
1133       }
1134       if (inv < 1 || inv > 2) {
1135         if (val != OP_ST) {
1136           E155("Invalid type bound procedure in generic set "
1137                "for generic operator",
1138                SYMNAME(opr));
1139         } else {
1140           E155("Invalid type bound procedure in generic set "
1141                "for generic assignment",
1142                SYMNAME(opr));
1143         }
1144         inv = 0;
1145       }
1146       list = make_list(lop, rop);
1147       if (rop != NULL && (inv == 1 || inv == 2)) {
1148         if (SST_IDG(rop) == S_SCONST) {
1149           /* Support operator look up with structure
1150            * constructor argument on RHS.
1151            */
1152           int tmp = getccsym_sc('d', sem.dtemps++, ST_VAR, SC_LOCAL);
1153           DTYPEP(tmp, SST_DTYPEG(rop));
1154           ast = mk_id(tmp);
1155         } else if (inv == 1) {
1156           mkexpr(lop);
1157           ast = SST_ASTG(lop);
1158           if (A_TYPEG(ast) == A_INTR) {
1159             mkexpr(rop);
1160             ast = SST_ASTG(rop);
1161           }
1163         } else {
1164           mkexpr(rop);
1165           ast = SST_ASTG(rop);
1166           if (A_TYPEG(ast) == A_INTR) {
1167             mkexpr(lop);
1168             ast = SST_ASTG(lop);
1169           }
1170         }
1171       } else {
1172         mkexpr(lop);
1173         ast = SST_ASTG(lop);
1174       }
1175       ast = mkmember(TBPLNKG(func), ast, NMPTRG(mem));
1176       SST_ASTP(stktop, ast);
1177       SST_SYMP(stktop, -func);
1178       if (val == OP_ST)
1179         subr_call2(stktop, list, 1);
1180       else
1181         func_call2(stktop, list, 1);
1182       return TRUE;
1183     }
1184     if (func != 0) {
1185 #if DEBUG
1186       if (DBGBIT(3, 256))
1187         fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "intrinsic operator resolved to %s\n",
1188                 SYMNAME(func));
1189 #endif
1190       list = make_list(lop, rop);
1191       mkident(stktop);
1192       SST_SYMP(stktop, -func);
1193       if (val == OP_ST)
1194         subr_call2(stktop, list, 1);
1195       else {
1196         SST_ASTP(stktop, mk_id(func));
1197         SST_DTYPEP(stktop, DTYPEG(func));
1198         func_call2(stktop, list, 1);
1199       }
1200       return TRUE;
1201     }
1202   }
1204   /* Check for illegal use of an operator on a derived type. */
1205   if (val == OP_ST) /* Assignment is ok. */
1206     return FALSE;
1207   get_type_rank(lop, &dtype, &rank);
1208   if (DTYG(dtype) == TY_DERIVED) {
1209     /*
1210      * (reference f20848) - long ago, semgnr.c spelled .ne. as "!=".
1211      * As a consequence, operator(/=) would show up as != in the
1212      * symbol table and propagated to .mod files, such as
1213      * iso_c_binding.  Fixing semgnr means that we will fail to
1214      * process '!=' from mod files; interf.c needs to change '!=' to '/=';
1215      * and the mod file version needs to incremented.  SO, just hack the
1216      * error message when appropriate.
1217      */
1218     if (strcmp(optab[val].name, "!="))
1219       sprintf(buf, "operator %s on a derived type", optab[val].name);
1220     else
1221       sprintf(buf, "operator %s on a derived type", "/=");
1222     error(99, 3, gbl.lineno, buf, CNULL);
1223   } else if (rop != NULL) {
1224     get_type_rank(rop, &dtype, &rank);
1225     if (DTYG(dtype) == TY_DERIVED) {
1226       if (strcmp(optab[val].name, "!="))
1227         sprintf(buf, "operator %s on a derived type", optab[val].name);
1228       else
1229         sprintf(buf, "operator %s on a derived type", "/=");
1230       error(99, 3, gbl.lineno, buf, CNULL);
1231     }
1232   }
1233   return FALSE;
1234 }
1236 static void
get_type_rank(SST * stkptr,int * dt_p,int * rank_p)1237 get_type_rank(SST *stkptr, int *dt_p, int *rank_p)
1238 {
1239   int dtype;
1240   int sptr;
1241   int shape;
1243   dtype = 0;
1244   shape = 0;
1245   switch (SST_IDG(stkptr)) {
1246   case S_IDENT:
1247     sptr = SST_SYMG(stkptr);
1248     switch (STYPEG(sptr)) {
1249     case ST_INTRIN:
1250     case ST_GENERIC:
1251     case ST_PD:
1252       if (!EXPSTG(sptr)) {
1253         /* Not a frozen intrinsic, so assume its a variable */
1254         sptr = newsym(sptr);
1255         STYPEP(sptr, ST_VAR);
1256         /* need storage class (local) */
1257         sem_set_storage_class(sptr);
1258         SST_SYMP(stkptr, sptr);
1259         dtype = DTYPEG(sptr);
1260       }
1261       break;
1262     case ST_UNKNOWN:
1263     case ST_IDENT:
1264     case ST_VAR:
1265     case ST_ARRAY:
1266     case ST_STRUCT:
1267     case ST_ENTRY:
1268     case ST_USERGENERIC:
1269     case ST_PROC:
1270       dtype = DTYPEG(sptr);
1271       break;
1272     default:
1273       break;
1274     }
1275     break;
1276   case S_LVALUE:
1277   case S_LOGEXPR:
1278   case S_EXPR:
1279     dtype = SST_DTYPEG(stkptr);
1280     shape = SST_SHAPEG(stkptr);
1281     break;
1282   case S_CONST:
1283   case S_SCONST:
1284   case S_ACONST:
1285     dtype = SST_DTYPEG(stkptr);
1286     break;
1287   case S_STFUNC:
1288   case S_DERIVED:
1289     dtype = DTYPEG(SST_SYMG(stkptr));
1290     break;
1291   default:
1292     break;
1293   }
1295   *dt_p = dtype;
1296   *rank_p = 0;
1298   if (dtype) {
1299     if (shape)
1300       *rank_p = SHD_NDIM(shape);
1301     else if (DTY(dtype) == TY_ARRAY)
1302       *rank_p = AD_NUMDIM(AD_DPTR(dtype));
1303   }
1305 }
1307 static ITEM *
make_list(SST * lop,SST * rop)1308 make_list(SST *lop, SST *rop)
1309 {
1310   ITEM *list;
1312   list = (ITEM *)getitem(0, sizeof(ITEM));
1313   list->t.stkp = (SST *)getitem(0, sizeof(SST));
1314   *list->t.stkp = *lop;
1316   if (rop != NULL) {
1317     ITEM *tmp;
1318     tmp = (ITEM *)getitem(0, sizeof(ITEM));
1319     tmp->t.stkp = (SST *)getitem(0, sizeof(SST));
1320     *tmp->t.stkp = *rop;
1321     list->next = tmp;
1322     tmp->next = ITEM_END;
1323   } else
1324     list->next = ITEM_END;
1326   return list;
1327 }
rw_gnr_state(RW_ROUTINE,RW_FILE)1329 void rw_gnr_state(RW_ROUTINE, RW_FILE)
1330 {
1331   int nw;
1332   RW_FD(optab, struct optabstruct, OPTABSIZE);
1333 } /* rw_gnr_state */
1335 static void
defined_io_error(char * proc,int is_unformatted,char * msg,int func)1336 defined_io_error(char *proc, int is_unformatted, char *msg, int func)
1337 {
1339   char *buf;
1341   buf = getitem(0, strlen("for defined WRITE(UNFORMATTED), in subroutine") +
1342                        strlen(msg) + 1);
1343   sprintf(buf, "for defined %s(%s), %s in subroutine",
1344           (strcmp(proc, ".read") == 0) ? "READ" : "WRITE",
1345           (is_unformatted) ? "UNFORMATTED" : "FORMATTED", msg);
1347   error(155, 3, gbl.lineno, buf, SYMNAME(func));
1348 }
1350 static void
check_defined_io2(char * proc,int silentmode,int chk_dtype)1351 check_defined_io2(char *proc, int silentmode, int chk_dtype)
1352 {
1353   int gnr, sptr, sptrgen;
1354   LOGICAL gnr_in_active_scope;
1355   int gn_cnt;
1356   int gndsc, nmptr;
1357   int func, paramct, dpdsc, iface, i;
1358   int psptr, dtype, tag;
1359   int mem, is_unformatted, func2;
1360   int seen_error, dtv_dtype;
1361   int extensible, found;
1362   int bind, dt_int;
1363   int second_arg_error;
1365   if (!proc)
1366     return;
1367   if (XBIT(124, 0x10)) {
1368     dt_int = DT_INT8; /* -i8 */
1369   } else {
1370     dt_int = DT_INT;
1371   }
1372   if (chk_dtype) {
1373     if (DTY(chk_dtype) == TY_ARRAY)
1374       chk_dtype = DTY(chk_dtype + 1);
1375     if (DTY(chk_dtype) != TY_DERIVED)
1376       return;
1377   }
1378   gnr = getsymbol(proc);
1379   found = 0;
1380   if (STYPEG(gnr) == ST_USERGENERIC) {
1381     gnr_in_active_scope = FALSE;
1382     nmptr = NMPTRG(gnr);
1383     for (sptr = first_hash(gnr); sptr > NOSYM; sptr = HASHLKG(sptr)) {
1384       sptrgen = sptr;
1385       second_arg_error = seen_error = 0;
1386       dtv_dtype = 0;
1387       extensible = 0;
1388       if (NMPTRG(sptrgen) != nmptr)
1389         continue;
1390       if (STYPEG(sptrgen) == ST_ALIAS)
1391         sptrgen = SYMLKG(sptrgen);
1392       if (STYPEG(sptrgen) != ST_USERGENERIC)
1393         continue;
1394       /* is the original symbol (sptr, not sptrgen) in an active scope */
1395       if (test_scope(sptr)) {
1396         gnr_in_active_scope = TRUE;
1397       }
1398       if (!gnr_in_active_scope && !CLASSG(sptrgen))
1399         continue;
1400       if (GNCNTG(sptrgen) == 0 && GTYPEG(sptrgen))
1401         continue;
1402       if (queue_generic_tbp_once(sptrgen)) {
1403         queue_tbp(0, 0, 0, 0, TBP_COMPLETE_GENERIC);
1404       }
1406       for (gndsc = GNDSCG(sptrgen); gndsc; gndsc = SYMI_NEXT(gndsc)) {
1407         func = SYMI_SPTR(gndsc);
1408         is_unformatted = 0;
1410         if (IS_TBP(func)) {
1411           /* For generic type bound procedures, use the implementation
1412            * of the generic bind name for the argument comparison.
1413            */
1414           int mem, dty;
1415           bind = func;
1416           dty = TBPLNKG(func);
1418           func = get_implementation(dty, func, 0, &mem);
1419           if (STYPEG(BINDG(mem)) == ST_OPERATOR ||
1420               STYPEG(BINDG(mem)) == ST_USERGENERIC) {
1421             mem = get_specific_member(dty, func);
1422             func = VTABLEG(mem);
1423             bind = BINDG(mem);
1424           }
1425           if (!func)
1426             continue;
1427           mem = get_generic_member(dty, bind);
1428           if (NOPASSG(mem) && generic_tbp_has_pass_and_nopass(dty, BINDG(mem)))
1429             continue;
1430           if (mem && PRIVATEG(mem) && SCOPEG(stb.curr_scope) != SCOPEG(mem))
1431             continue;
1432         } else
1433           bind = 0;
1435         for (func2 = (!bind) ? first_hash(func) : first_hash(bind);
1436              func2 > NOSYM; func2 = HASHLKG(func2)) {
1437           if (!test_scope(func2))
1438             continue;
1439           if (UNFMTG(func2)) {
1440             is_unformatted = 1;
1441             break;
1442           }
1443         }
1444         if (FVALG(func)) {
1445           seen_error++;
1446           if (!silentmode) {
1447             if (is_unformatted) {
1448               if (strcmp(proc, ".read") == 0) {
1449                 error(155, 3, gbl.lineno,
1450                       "The generic set for a defined"
1451                       "READ(UNFORMATTED) contains non-subroutine",
1452                       SYMNAME(func));
1453               } else {
1454                 error(155, 3, gbl.lineno,
1455                       "The generic set for a defined"
1456                       "WRITE(UNFORMATTED) contains non-subroutine",
1457                       SYMNAME(func));
1458               }
1459             } else {
1460               if (strcmp(proc, ".read") == 0) {
1461                 error(155, 3, gbl.lineno,
1462                       "The generic set for a defined"
1463                       "READ(FORMATTED) contains non-subroutine",
1464                       SYMNAME(func));
1465               } else {
1466                 error(155, 3, gbl.lineno,
1467                       "The generic set for a defined"
1468                       "WRITE(FORMATTED) contains non-subroutine",
1469                       SYMNAME(func));
1470               }
1471             }
1472           }
1473           continue;
1474         }
1475         paramct = dpdsc = iface = 0;
1476         if (STYPEG(func) == ST_MODPROC) {
1477           func = SYMLKG(func);
1478           if (func <= NOSYM)
1479             continue;
1480         }
1481         if (STYPEG(func) == ST_ALIAS) {
1482           func = SYMLKG(func);
1483           if (func <= NOSYM)
1484             continue;
1485         }
1486         if (STYPEG(func) != ST_PROC && STYPEG(func) != ST_ENTRY)
1487           continue;
1489         proc_arginfo(func, &paramct, &dpdsc, &iface);
1490         if (!dpdsc)
1491           continue;
1493         if (paramct > 4) {
1494           psptr = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dpdsc + (paramct - 1));
1495           if (CLASSG(psptr) && CCSYMG(psptr)) {
1496             --paramct; /* don't count type descriptor arg */
1497           }
1498         }
1500         if (is_unformatted && paramct == 4) {
1501           psptr = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dpdsc);
1502           dtype = DTYPEG(psptr);
1503           if (DTY(dtype) == TY_ARRAY)
1504             dtype = DTY(dtype + 1);
1505           if (DTY(dtype) != TY_DERIVED) {
1506             seen_error++;
1507             if (!silentmode)
1508               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1509                                "first argument must be a derived type", func);
1510             continue;
1511           }
1512           dtv_dtype = dtype;
1513           tag = DTY(dtype + 3);
1514           if (!CLASSG(psptr) && !CFUNCG(tag) && !SEQG(tag)) {
1515             seen_error++;
1516             if (!silentmode)
1517               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1518                                "first argument with extensible type"
1519                                " must be declared CLASS",
1520                                func);
1521           }
1522           if (CLASSG(psptr) && !CFUNCG(tag) && !SEQG(tag)) {
1523             extensible = 1;
1524           }
1525           if (!all_len_parms_assumed(dtype)) {
1526             seen_error++;
1527             if (!silentmode)
1528               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1529                                "all length type parameters must be assumed"
1530                                " for derived type argument 1",
1531                                func);
1532           }
1533           if (INTENTG(psptr) != INTENT_INOUT && INTENTG(psptr) != INTENT_IN) {
1534             seen_error++;
1535             if (!silentmode)
1536               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1537                                "first argument must be declared INTENT(IN)"
1538                                " or INTENT(INOUT)",
1539                                func);
1540           }
1542           psptr = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dpdsc + 1);
1543           dtype = DTYPEG(psptr);
1544           if (DT_ISINT(dtype)) {
1545             dt_int = dtype;
1546           }
1547           if (dtype != dt_int) {
1548             seen_error++;
1549             second_arg_error = 1;
1550             if (!silentmode)
1551               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1552                                "second argument must be declared INTEGER",
1553                                func);
1554           }
1555           if (INTENTG(psptr) != INTENT_IN) {
1556             seen_error++;
1557             if (!silentmode)
1558               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1559                                "second argument must be declared"
1560                                " INTENT(IN)",
1561                                func);
1562           }
1563           psptr = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dpdsc + 2);
1564           dtype = DTYPEG(psptr);
1565           if (dtype != dt_int) {
1566             seen_error++;
1567             if (!silentmode) {
1568               if (second_arg_error) {
1569                 defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1570                                  "third argument must be declared INTEGER",
1571                                  func);
1572               } else {
1573                 defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1574                                  "second and third argument must be declared "
1575                                  "INTEGER",
1576                                  func);
1577               }
1578             }
1579           }
1580           if (INTENTG(psptr) != INTENT_OUT) {
1581             seen_error++;
1582             if (!silentmode)
1583               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1584                                "third argument must be declared "
1585                                "INTENT(INOUT)",
1586                                func);
1587           }
1588           psptr = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dpdsc + 3);
1589           dtype = DTYPEG(psptr);
1590           if (dtype != DT_ASSCHAR) {
1591             seen_error++;
1592             if (!silentmode)
1593               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1594                                "fourth argument must be declared "
1595                                "CHARACTER(LEN=*)",
1596                                func);
1597           }
1598           if (INTENTG(psptr) != INTENT_INOUT) {
1599             seen_error++;
1600             if (!silentmode)
1601               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1602                                "fourth argument must be declared "
1603                                "INTENT(INOUT)",
1604                                func);
1605           }
1606           if (!seen_error) {
1607             /* set UFIO flag on the tag */
1608             if (strcmp(proc, ".read") == 0) {
1609               UFIOP(tag, (DT_IO_UREAD | UFIOG(tag)));
1610             } else {
1611               UFIOP(tag, (DT_IO_UWRITE | UFIOG(tag)));
1612             }
1613             if (chk_dtype && eq_dtype2(dtv_dtype, chk_dtype, extensible)) {
1614               int tag2;
1615               tag2 = DTY(chk_dtype + 3);
1616               found++;
1617               if (strcmp(proc, ".read") == 0) {
1618                 UFIOP(tag2, (DT_IO_UREAD | UFIOG(tag2)));
1619               } else {
1620                 UFIOP(tag2, (DT_IO_UWRITE | UFIOG(tag2)));
1621               }
1622               UFIOP(tag2, (UFIOG(tag2) & ~(DT_IO_NONE)));
1623             }
1624           }
1625         } else if (!is_unformatted && paramct == 6) {
1626           psptr = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dpdsc);
1627           dtype = DTYPEG(psptr);
1628           if (DTY(dtype) == TY_ARRAY)
1629             dtype = DTY(dtype + 1);
1630           if (DTY(dtype) != TY_DERIVED) {
1631             seen_error++;
1632             if (!silentmode)
1633               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1634                                "first argument must be a derived type", func);
1635             continue;
1636           }
1637           dtv_dtype = dtype;
1638           tag = DTY(dtype + 3);
1639           if (!CLASSG(psptr) && !CFUNCG(tag) && !SEQG(tag)) {
1640             seen_error++;
1641             if (!silentmode)
1642               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1643                                "first argument with extensible type"
1644                                " must be declared CLASS",
1645                                func);
1646           }
1647           if (CLASSG(psptr) && !CFUNCG(tag) && !SEQG(tag)) {
1648             extensible = 1;
1649           }
1650           if (!all_len_parms_assumed(dtype)) {
1651             seen_error++;
1652             if (!silentmode)
1653               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1654                                "all length type parameters must be assumed"
1655                                " for derived type argument 1",
1656                                func);
1657           }
1658           if (INTENTG(psptr) != INTENT_INOUT && INTENTG(psptr) != INTENT_IN) {
1659             seen_error++;
1660             if (!silentmode)
1661               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1662                                "first argument must be declared INTENT(IN)"
1663                                " or INTENT(INOUT)",
1664                                func);
1665           }
1667           psptr = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dpdsc + 1);
1668           dtype = DTYPEG(psptr);
1669           if (DT_ISINT(dtype)) {
1670             dt_int = dtype;
1671           }
1672           if (dtype != dt_int) {
1673             seen_error++;
1674             second_arg_error = 1;
1675             if (!silentmode)
1676               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1677                                "second argument must be declared INTEGER",
1678                                func);
1679           }
1680           if (INTENTG(psptr) != INTENT_IN) {
1681             seen_error++;
1682             if (!silentmode)
1683               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1684                                "second argument must be declared"
1685                                " INTENT(IN)",
1686                                func);
1687           }
1688           psptr = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dpdsc + 2);
1689           dtype = DTYPEG(psptr);
1690           if (dtype != DT_ASSCHAR) {
1691             seen_error++;
1692             if (!silentmode)
1693               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1694                                "third argument must be declared "
1695                                "CHARACTER(LEN=*)",
1696                                func);
1697           }
1698           if (INTENTG(psptr) != INTENT_IN) {
1699             seen_error++;
1700             if (!silentmode)
1701               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1702                                "third argument must be declared INTENT(IN)",
1703                                func);
1704           }
1705           psptr = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dpdsc + 3);
1706           dtype = DTYPEG(psptr);
1707           if (DTY(dtype) != TY_ARRAY || DTY(dtype + 1) != dt_int ||
1708               !ASSUMSHPG(psptr) || rank_of_sym(psptr) != 1) {
1709             seen_error++;
1710             if (!silentmode) {
1711               if (!second_arg_error) {
1712                 defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1713                                  "second argument must be declared INTEGER",
1714                                  func);
1715               }
1716               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1717                                "fourth argument must be a rank 1 assumed"
1718                                " shape array of type INTEGER",
1719                                func);
1720             }
1721           }
1722           if (INTENTG(psptr) != INTENT_IN) {
1723             seen_error++;
1724             if (!silentmode)
1725               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1726                                "fourth argument must be declared INTENT(IN)",
1727                                func);
1728           }
1729           psptr = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dpdsc + 4);
1730           dtype = DTYPEG(psptr);
1731           if (dtype != dt_int) {
1732             seen_error++;
1733             if (!silentmode) {
1734               if (second_arg_error) {
1735                 defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1736                                  "fifth argument must be declared INTEGER",
1737                                  func);
1738               } else {
1739                 defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1740                                  "second and fifth argument must be declared "
1741                                  "INTEGER",
1742                                  func);
1743               }
1744             }
1745           }
1746           if (INTENTG(psptr) != INTENT_OUT) {
1747             seen_error++;
1748             if (!silentmode)
1749               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1750                                "fifth argument must be declared "
1751                                "INTENT(OUT)",
1752                                func);
1753           }
1754           psptr = *(aux.dpdsc_base + dpdsc + 5);
1755           dtype = DTYPEG(psptr);
1756           if (dtype != DT_ASSCHAR) {
1757             seen_error++;
1758             if (!silentmode)
1759               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1760                                "sixth argument must be declared "
1761                                "CHARACTER(LEN=*)",
1762                                func);
1763           }
1764           if (INTENTG(psptr) != INTENT_INOUT) {
1765             seen_error++;
1766             if (!silentmode)
1767               defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted,
1768                                "sixth argument must be declared "
1769                                "INTENT(INOUT)",
1770                                func);
1771           }
1773           if (!seen_error) {
1774             /* set UFIO flag on the tag */
1775             if (strcmp(proc, ".read") == 0) {
1776               UFIOP(tag, (DT_IO_FREAD | UFIOG(tag)));
1777             } else {
1778               UFIOP(tag, (DT_IO_FWRITE | UFIOG(tag)));
1779             }
1780             if (chk_dtype && eq_dtype2(dtv_dtype, chk_dtype, extensible)) {
1781               int tag2;
1782               tag2 = DTY(chk_dtype + 3);
1783               found++;
1784               if (strcmp(proc, ".read") == 0) {
1785                 UFIOP(tag2, (DT_IO_FREAD | UFIOG(tag2)));
1786               } else {
1787                 UFIOP(tag2, (DT_IO_FWRITE | UFIOG(tag2)));
1788               }
1789               UFIOP(tag2, (UFIOG(tag2) & ~(DT_IO_NONE)));
1790             }
1791           }
1792         } else {
1793           seen_error++;
1794           if (!silentmode)
1795             defined_io_error(proc, is_unformatted, "invalid argument list",
1796                              func);
1797         }
1798       }
1799     }
1800   }
1801   if (!found && chk_dtype) {
1802     tag = DTY(chk_dtype + 3);
1803     if (!UFIOG(tag)) {
1804       UFIOP(tag, DT_IO_NONE);
1805     }
1806   }
1807 }
1809 /** \brief Return a bit mask indicating which I/O routines are defined for a
1810            derived type.
1811  */
1812 int
dtype_has_defined_io(int dtype)1813 dtype_has_defined_io(int dtype)
1814 {
1815   int tag;
1817   if (DTY(dtype) == TY_ARRAY)
1818     dtype = DTY(dtype + 1);
1819   if (DTY(dtype) != TY_DERIVED)
1820     return 0;
1822   tag = DTY(dtype + 3);
1824   if (!UFIOG(tag)) {
1825     check_defined_io2(".read", 1, dtype);
1826     check_defined_io2(".write", 1, dtype);
1827   }
1828   return UFIOG(tag);
1829 }
1831 void
check_defined_io(void)1832 check_defined_io(void)
1833 {
1835   check_defined_io2(".write", 0, 0);
1836   check_defined_io2(".read", 0, 0);
1837 }
1839 /**
1840    \param read_or_write  0 specifies read, 1 specifies write
1841    \param stktop         SST we're processing.
1842    \param list           argument list for read/write
1843    \return
1844    <pre>
1845    = -1 : error (resolves to struct constructor -- should never happen)
1846    = 0  : error or no I/O subroutine
1847    \> 0  : sptr of the 'specific' defined I/O subroutine
1848    </pre>
1849  */
1850 int
resolve_defined_io(int read_or_write,SST * stktop,ITEM * list)1851 resolve_defined_io(int read_or_write, SST *stktop, ITEM *list)
1852 {
1853   int i;
1854   int gnr = getsymbol(read_or_write ? ".write" : ".read");
1856   if (STYPEG(gnr) != ST_USERGENERIC) {
1857     return 0;
1858   }
1860   resolved_to_self = 0;
1861   silent_error_mode = 1;
1862   i = resolve_generic(gnr, stktop, list);
1863   silent_error_mode = 0;
1864   if (resolved_to_self) {
1865     if (i > NOSYM && !RECURG(gbl.currsub)) {
1866       error(155, 3, gbl.lineno,
1867             "Subroutines that participate in recursive"
1868             " defined I/O operations must be declared RECURSIVE -",
1869             SYMNAME(gbl.currsub));
1870     }
1871     resolved_to_self = 0;
1872   }
1873   return i;
1874 }
1876 void
add_overload(int gnr,int func)1877 add_overload(int gnr, int func)
1878 {
1879   int gnidx;
1880   if (sem.defined_io_type == 2 || sem.defined_io_type == 4) {
1881     UNFMTP(func, 1);
1882   }
1883   gnidx = add_symitem(func, GNDSCG(gnr));
1884   GNDSCP(gnr, gnidx);
1885   GNCNTP(gnr, GNCNTG(gnr) + 1);
1886 #if DEBUG
1887   if (DBGBIT(3, 256))
1888     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "overload %s --> %s, symi_base+%d\n", SYMNAME(gnr),
1889             SYMNAME(func), gnidx);
1890 #endif
1891 }
1893 void
copy_specifics(int fromsptr,int tosptr)1894 copy_specifics(int fromsptr, int tosptr)
1895 {
1896   int symi_src;
1898   assert((STYPEG(fromsptr) == ST_OPERATOR || STYPEG(fromsptr) == ST_USERGENERIC) &&
1899          (STYPEG(tosptr) == ST_OPERATOR || STYPEG(tosptr) == ST_USERGENERIC),
1900          "copy_specifics src or dest not user generic or operator", 0, 3);
1902   for (symi_src = GNDSCG(fromsptr); symi_src; symi_src = SYMI_NEXT(symi_src)) {
1903     /* don't copy if the specific is already in the generic's list */
1904     /* TODO: is comparison of sptrs good enough or is comparison
1905      * of nmptr and signature necessary?
1906      */
1907     int src = SYMI_SPTR(symi_src);
1908     if (!sym_in_sym_list(src, GNDSCG(tosptr))) {
1909       add_overload(tosptr, src);
1910     }
1911   }
1912 }