1 /* *****************************************************************
2     MESQUITE -- The Mesh Quality Improvement Toolkit
4     Copyright 2004 Sandia Corporation and Argonne National
5     Laboratory.  Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000
6     with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
7     rights in this software.
9     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17     Lesser General Public License for more details.
19     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20     (lgpl.txt) along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
21     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
23     diachin2@llnl.gov, djmelan@sandia.gov, mbrewer@sandia.gov,
24     pknupp@sandia.gov, tleurent@mcs.anl.gov, tmunson@mcs.anl.gov
26   ***************************************************************** */
27 //
28 // ORIG-DATE: 16-May-02 at 10:26:21
29 //  LAST-MOD: 18-Jun-04 at 11:36:07 by Thomas Leurent
30 //
31 /*! \file MsqMeshEntity.cpp
33 \brief All elements in Mesquite are of type MsqMeshEntity. Their associated
34 functionality is implemented in this file.
36     \author Thomas Leurent
37     \author Michael Brewer
38     \author Darryl Melander
39     \date 2002-05-16
40  */
42 #include "Mesquite.hpp"
43 #include "MsqMeshEntity.hpp"
44 #include "MsqVertex.hpp"
45 #include "PatchData.hpp"
47 #include <vector>
48 #include <ostream>
49 using std::vector;
50 using std::ostream;
51 using std::endl;
53 namespace MBMesquite {
55 //! Gets the indices of the vertices of this element.
56 //! The indices are only valid in the PatchData from which
57 //! this element was retrieved.
58 //! The order of the vertices is the canonical order for this
59 //! element's type.
get_vertex_indices(std::vector<std::size_t> & vertices) const60 void MsqMeshEntity::get_vertex_indices(std::vector<std::size_t> &vertices) const
61 {
62   vertices.resize( vertex_count() );
63   std::copy( vertexIndices, vertexIndices + vertex_count(), vertices.begin() );
64 }
66 //! Gets the indices of the vertices of this element.
67 //! The indices are only valid in the PatchData from which
68 //! this element was retrieved.
69 //! The order of the vertices is the canonical order for this
70 //! element's type.
71 //! The indices are placed appended to the end of the list.
72 //! The list is not cleared before appending this entity's vertices.
append_vertex_indices(std::vector<std::size_t> & vertex_list) const73 void MsqMeshEntity::append_vertex_indices(std::vector<std::size_t> &vertex_list) const
74 {
75   vertex_list.insert(vertex_list.end(),
76                      vertexIndices,
77                      vertexIndices + vertex_count());
78 }
get_node_indices(std::vector<std::size_t> & indices) const80 void MsqMeshEntity::get_node_indices( std::vector<std::size_t>& indices ) const
81 {
82   indices.resize( node_count() );
83   std::copy( vertexIndices, vertexIndices + node_count(), indices.begin() );
84 }
append_node_indices(std::vector<std::size_t> & indices) const86 void MsqMeshEntity::append_node_indices( std::vector<std::size_t>& indices ) const
87 {
88   indices.insert( indices.end(), vertexIndices, vertexIndices + node_count() );
89 }
92 /*! The centroid of an element containing n vertices with equal masses is located at
93   \f[ \b{x} = \frac{ \sum_{i=1}^{n} \b{x}_i }{ n }  \f]
94   where \f$ \b{x}_i  ,\, i=1,...,n\f$ are the vertices coordinates.
95 */
get_centroid(Vector3D & centroid,const PatchData & pd,MsqError & err) const96 void MsqMeshEntity::get_centroid(Vector3D &centroid, const PatchData &pd, MsqError &err) const
97 {
98   centroid = 0.0;
99   const MsqVertex* vtces = pd.get_vertex_array(err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
100   size_t nve = vertex_count();
101   for (size_t i=0; i<nve; ++i)
102     centroid += vtces[vertexIndices[i]];
103   centroid /= nve;
104 }
corner_volume(const Vector3D & v0,const Vector3D & v1,const Vector3D & v2,const Vector3D & v3)107 static inline double corner_volume( const Vector3D& v0,
108                                     const Vector3D& v1,
109                                     const Vector3D& v2,
110                                     const Vector3D& v3 )
111 {
112   return (v1 - v0) * (v2 - v0) % (v3 - v0);
113 }
115 /*!
116   \brief Computes the area of the given element.  Returned value is
117   always non-negative.  If the entity passed is not a two-dimensional
118   element, an error is set.*/
compute_unsigned_area(PatchData & pd,MsqError & err)119 double MsqMeshEntity::compute_unsigned_area(PatchData &pd, MsqError &err) {
120   const MsqVertex* verts=pd.get_vertex_array(err);MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
121   double tem=0.0;
122   switch (mType)
123   {
125     case TRIANGLE:
126       tem =  ((verts[vertexIndices[1]]-verts[vertexIndices[0]])*
127               (verts[vertexIndices[2]]-verts[vertexIndices[0]])).length();
128       return 0.5*tem;
130     case QUADRILATERAL:
131       tem = ((verts[vertexIndices[1]]-verts[vertexIndices[0]])*
132              (verts[vertexIndices[3]]-verts[vertexIndices[0]])).length();
133       tem += ((verts[vertexIndices[3]]-verts[vertexIndices[2]])*
134               (verts[vertexIndices[1]]-verts[vertexIndices[2]])).length();
135       return (tem/2.0);
137     case POLYGON:
138         // assume convex
139       for (unsigned i = 1; i < numVertexIndices-1; ++i)
140         tem += ((verts[vertexIndices[i]] - verts[vertexIndices[0]]) *
141                 (verts[vertexIndices[i+1]] - verts[vertexIndices[0]])).length();
142       return 0.5 * tem;
144     case TETRAHEDRON:
145       return 1.0/6.0 * fabs( corner_volume( verts[vertexIndices[0]],
146                                             verts[vertexIndices[1]],
147                                             verts[vertexIndices[2]],
148                                             verts[vertexIndices[3]] ) );
150     case PYRAMID: {
151       Vector3D m = verts[vertexIndices[0]] + verts[vertexIndices[1]]
152                  + verts[vertexIndices[2]] + verts[vertexIndices[3]];
153       Vector3D t1 = verts[vertexIndices[0]] - verts[vertexIndices[2]];
154       Vector3D t2 = verts[vertexIndices[1]] - verts[vertexIndices[3]];
155       tem = ((t1 + t2) * (t1 - t2)) % (verts[vertexIndices[4]] - 0.25 * m);
156       return (1.0/12.0) * fabs(tem);
157     }
159     case PRISM: {
160       tem  = corner_volume( verts[vertexIndices[0]],
161                             verts[vertexIndices[1]],
162                             verts[vertexIndices[2]],
163                             verts[vertexIndices[3]] );
165       tem += corner_volume( verts[vertexIndices[1]],
166                             verts[vertexIndices[2]],
167                             verts[vertexIndices[3]],
168                             verts[vertexIndices[4]] );
170       tem += corner_volume( verts[vertexIndices[2]],
171                             verts[vertexIndices[3]],
172                             verts[vertexIndices[4]],
173                             verts[vertexIndices[5]] );
175       return 1.0/6.0 * fabs(tem);
176     }
178     case HEXAHEDRON: {
180       tem  = corner_volume( verts[vertexIndices[1]],
181                             verts[vertexIndices[2]],
182                             verts[vertexIndices[0]],
183                             verts[vertexIndices[5]] );
185       tem += corner_volume( verts[vertexIndices[3]],
186                             verts[vertexIndices[0]],
187                             verts[vertexIndices[2]],
188                             verts[vertexIndices[7]] );
190       tem += corner_volume( verts[vertexIndices[4]],
191                             verts[vertexIndices[7]],
192                             verts[vertexIndices[5]],
193                             verts[vertexIndices[0]] );
195       tem += corner_volume( verts[vertexIndices[6]],
196                             verts[vertexIndices[5]],
197                             verts[vertexIndices[7]],
198                             verts[vertexIndices[2]] );
200       tem += corner_volume( verts[vertexIndices[5]],
201                             verts[vertexIndices[2]],
202                             verts[vertexIndices[0]],
203                             verts[vertexIndices[7]] );
205       return (1.0/6.0) * fabs(tem);
206     }
208     default:
209       MSQ_SETERR(err)("Invalid type of element passed to compute unsigned area.",
210                       MsqError::UNSUPPORTED_ELEMENT);
211       return 0;
212   }
213   return 0;
214 }
216 /*!
217   \brief Computes the area of the given element.  Returned value can be
218   negative.  If the entity passed is not a two-dimensional element, an
219   error is set.*/
compute_signed_area(PatchData & pd,MsqError & err)220 double MsqMeshEntity::compute_signed_area(PatchData &pd, MsqError &err) {
221   const MsqVertex* verts=pd.get_vertex_array(err);MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
222   double tem=0.0;
223   double tem2=0.0;
224   Vector3D surface_normal;
225   Vector3D cross_vec;
226   size_t element_index=pd.get_element_index(this);
228   switch (mType)
229   {
231     case TRIANGLE:
232       cross_vec=((verts[vertexIndices[1]]-verts[vertexIndices[0]])*
233       (verts[vertexIndices[2]]-verts[vertexIndices[0]]));
234       pd.get_domain_normal_at_element(element_index,surface_normal,err);
235       MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
236       tem =  (cross_vec.length()/2.0);
237         //if normals do not point in same general direction, negate area
238       if(cross_vec%surface_normal<0){
239         tem *= -1;
240       }
242       return tem;
244     case QUADRILATERAL:
245       cross_vec=((verts[vertexIndices[1]]-verts[vertexIndices[0]])*
246                  (verts[vertexIndices[3]]-verts[vertexIndices[0]]));
247       pd.get_domain_normal_at_element(element_index,surface_normal,err);
248       MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
249       tem =  (cross_vec.length()/2.0);
250         //if normals do not point in same general direction, negate area
251       if(cross_vec%surface_normal<0){
252         tem *= -1;
253       }
254       cross_vec=((verts[vertexIndices[3]]-verts[vertexIndices[2]])*
255                  (verts[vertexIndices[1]]-verts[vertexIndices[2]]));
256       tem2 =  (cross_vec.length()/2.0);
257         //if normals do not point in same general direction, negate area
258       if(cross_vec%surface_normal<0){
259         tem2 *= -1;
260           //test to make sure surface normal existed
261           //if(surface_normal.length_squared()<.5){
262           //err.set_msg("compute_signed_area called without surface_normal available.");
263           //}
264       }
265       return (tem + tem2);
267     default:
268       MSQ_SETERR(err)("Invalid type of element passed to compute unsigned area.",
269                        MsqError::UNSUPPORTED_ELEMENT);
270       return 0;
271   };
272   return 0.0;
273 }
275 /*!Appends the indices (in the vertex array) of the vertices to connected
276   to vertex_array[vertex_index] to the end of the vector vert_indices.
277   The connected vertices are right-hand ordered as defined by the
278   entity.
280 */
get_connected_vertices(std::size_t vertex_index,std::vector<std::size_t> & vert_indices,MsqError & err)281 void MsqMeshEntity::get_connected_vertices(
282                                     std::size_t vertex_index,
283                                     std::vector<std::size_t> &vert_indices,
284                                     MsqError &err)
285 {
286     //index is set to the index in the vertexIndices corresponding
287     //to vertex_index
288   int index;
289   for (index = vertex_count() - 1; index >= 0; --index)
290     if (vertexIndices[index] == vertex_index)
291       break;
292   if (index < 0)
293   {
294     MSQ_SETERR(err)("Invalid vertex index.", MsqError::INVALID_ARG);
295     return;
296   }
298   unsigned n;
299   const unsigned* indices = TopologyInfo::adjacent_vertices( mType, index, n );
300   if (!indices)
301     MSQ_SETERR(err)("Element type not available", MsqError::INVALID_ARG);
302   for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
303     vert_indices.push_back( vertexIndices[indices[i]] );
304 }
306 /*! Gives the normal at the surface point corner_pt ... but if not available,
307     gives the normalized cross product of corner_vec1 and corner_vec2.
308   */
309 /*
310 void MsqMeshEntity::compute_corner_normal(size_t corner,
311                                           Vector3D &normal,
312                                           PatchData &pd,
313                                           MsqError &err)
314 {
315   if ( get_element_type()==TRIANGLE || get_element_type()==QUADRILATERAL )
316   {
317       // There are two cases where we cannot get a normal from the
318       // geometry that are not errors:
319       // 1) There is no domain set
320       // 2) The vertex is at a degenerate point on the geometry (e.g.
321       //     tip of a cone.)
323     bool have_normal = false;
325       // Get normal from domain
326     if (pd.domain_set())
327     {
328       size_t index = pd.get_element_index(this);
329       pd.get_domain_normal_at_corner( index, corner, normal, err );
330       MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
332       double length = normal.length();
333       if (length > DBL_EPSILON)
334       {
335         have_normal = true;
336         normal /= length;
337       }
338     }
340       // If failed to get normal from domain, calculate
341       // from adjacent vertices.
342     if ( !have_normal )
343     {
344       const int num_corner = this->vertex_count();
345       const int prev_corner = (corner + num_corner - 1) % num_corner;
346       const int next_corner = (corner + 1 ) % num_corner;
347       const size_t this_idx = vertexIndices[corner];
348       const size_t prev_idx = vertexIndices[prev_corner];
349       const size_t next_idx = vertexIndices[next_corner];
350       normal = (pd.vertex_by_index(next_idx) - pd.vertex_by_index(this_idx))
351              * (pd.vertex_by_index(prev_idx) - pd.vertex_by_index(this_idx));
352       normal.normalize();
353     }
354   }
355   else
356     MSQ_SETERR(err)("Should only be used for faces (tri, quads, ...).",
357                     MsqError::INVALID_ARG);
358 }
359 */
compute_corner_normals(Vector3D normals[],PatchData & pd,MsqError & err)361 void MsqMeshEntity::compute_corner_normals( Vector3D normals[],
362                                             PatchData &pd,
363                                             MsqError &err)
364 {
365   EntityTopology type = get_element_type();
366   if (type != TRIANGLE && type != QUADRILATERAL && type != POLYGON)
367   {
368       MSQ_SETERR(err)("Should only be used for faces (tri, quads, ...).",
369                     MsqError::INVALID_ARG);
370       return;
371   }
374     // There are two cases where we cannot get a normal from the
375     // geometry that are not errors:
376     // 1) There is no domain set
377     // 2) The vertex is at a degenerate point on the geometry (e.g.
378     //     tip of a cone.)
380     // Get normal from domain
381   if (pd.domain_set())
382   {
383     size_t index = pd.get_element_index(this);
384     pd.get_domain_normals_at_corners( index, normals, err );
385     MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
386   }
388     // Check if normals are valid (none are valid if !pd.domain_set())
389   const unsigned count = vertex_count();
390   for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i)
391   {
392       // If got valid normal from domain,
393       // make it a unit vector and continue.
394     if (pd.domain_set())
395     {
396       double length = normals[i].length();
397       if (length > DBL_EPSILON)
398       {
399         normals[i] /= length;
400         continue;
401       }
402     }
404     const size_t prev_idx = vertexIndices[(i + count - 1) % count];
405     const size_t this_idx = vertexIndices[i];
406     const size_t next_idx = vertexIndices[(i + 1) % count];
408       // Calculate normal using edges adjacent to corner
409     normals[i] = (pd.vertex_by_index(next_idx) - pd.vertex_by_index(this_idx))
410                * (pd.vertex_by_index(prev_idx) - pd.vertex_by_index(this_idx));
411     normals[i].normalize();
412   }
413 }
operator <<(ostream & stream,const MsqMeshEntity & entity)415 ostream& operator<<( ostream& stream, const MsqMeshEntity& entity )
416 {
417   size_t num_vert = entity.vertex_count();
418   stream << "MsqMeshEntity " << &entity << " with vertices ";
419   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_vert; ++i)
420     stream << entity.vertexIndices[i] << " ";
421   stream << endl;
422   return stream;
423 }
428 /*! Get a array of indices that specifies for the given vertex
429   the correct matrix map.  This is used by the I_DFT point
430   relaxation methods in the laplacian smoothers.
432 */
get_local_matrix_map_about_vertex(PatchData & pd,MsqVertex * vert,size_t local_map_size,int * local_map,MsqError & err) const433 size_t MsqMeshEntity::get_local_matrix_map_about_vertex(
434   PatchData &pd, MsqVertex* vert, size_t local_map_size,
435   int* local_map, MsqError &err) const
436 {
437     //i iterates through elem's vertices
438   int i=0;
439     //index is set to the index in the vertexIndices corresponding
440     //to vertex_index
441   int index=-1;
442   int return_val=0;
443   const MsqVertex* vertex_array = pd.get_vertex_array(err);
444   if(err)
445     return return_val;
447   switch (mType)
448   {
449     case TRIANGLE:
450       MSQ_SETERR(err)("Requested function not yet supported for Triangles.",
451                       MsqError::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
453       break;
455     case QUADRILATERAL:
456       MSQ_SETERR(err)("Requested function not yet supported for Quadrilaterals.",
457                       MsqError::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
459       break;
461     case TETRAHEDRON:
462       if(local_map_size<4){
463         MSQ_SETERR(err)("Array of incorrect length sent to function.",
464                         MsqError::INVALID_ARG);
465         return return_val;
466       }
467       return_val = 4;
468       while(i<4)
469       {
470         if(&vertex_array[vertexIndices[i]]==vert)
471         {
472           index=i;
473           break;
474         }
475         ++i;
476       }
477       switch(index){
478         case(0):
479           local_map[0]=0;
480           local_map[1]=1;
481           local_map[2]=2;
482           local_map[3]=3;
483           break;
484         case(1):
485           local_map[0]=1;
486           local_map[1]=0;
487           local_map[2]=3;
488           local_map[3]=2;
489           break;
490         case(2):
491           local_map[0]=2;
492           local_map[1]=3;
493           local_map[2]=0;
494           local_map[3]=1;
495           break;
496         case(3):
497           local_map[0]=3;
498           local_map[1]=2;
499           local_map[2]=1;
500           local_map[3]=0;
501           break;
502         default:
503           local_map[0]=-1;
504           local_map[1]=-1;
505           local_map[2]=-1;
506           local_map[3]=-1;
507       };
509       break;
511     case HEXAHEDRON:
512       MSQ_SETERR(err)("Requested function not yet supported for Hexahedrons.",
513                       MsqError::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
515       break;
516     default:
517       MSQ_SETERR(err)("Element type not available", MsqError::UNSUPPORTED_ELEMENT);
518       break;
519   }
520   return return_val;
522 }
check_element_orientation(PatchData & pd,int & inverted,int & total,MsqError & err)525 void MsqMeshEntity::check_element_orientation(
526   PatchData &pd, int& inverted, int& total, MsqError &err)
527 {
528   NodeSet all = all_nodes( err ); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
529   unsigned i;
531   if (TopologyInfo::dimension(mType) == 2) {
532     if (!pd.domain_set()) {
533       total = 0;
534       inverted = 0;
535       return;
536     }
538     const MappingFunction2D* mf = pd.get_mapping_function_2D( mType );
539     if (!mf) {
540       check_element_orientation_corners( pd, inverted, total, err );
541       return;
542     }
544     NodeSet sample = mf->sample_points( all );
545     total = sample.num_nodes();
546     inverted = 0;
548     if (sample.have_any_corner_node()) {
549       for (i = 0; i < TopologyInfo::corners(mType); ++i)
550         if (sample.corner_node(i))
551           inverted += inverted_jacobian_2d( pd, all, Sample(0,i), err );
552     }
553     if (sample.have_any_mid_edge_node()) {
554       for (i = 0; i < TopologyInfo::edges(mType); ++i)
555         if (sample.mid_edge_node(i))
556           inverted += inverted_jacobian_2d( pd, all, Sample(1,i), err );
557     }
558     if (sample.have_any_mid_face_node())
559       inverted += inverted_jacobian_2d( pd, all, Sample(2,0), err );
560   }
561   else {
562     const MappingFunction3D* mf = pd.get_mapping_function_3D( mType );
563     if (!mf) {
564       check_element_orientation_corners( pd, inverted, total, err );
565       return;
566     }
568     NodeSet sample = mf->sample_points( all );
569     total = sample.num_nodes();
570     inverted = 0;
572     if (sample.have_any_corner_node()) {
573       for (i = 0; i < TopologyInfo::corners(mType); ++i)
574         if (sample.corner_node(i))
575           inverted += inverted_jacobian_3d( pd, all, Sample(0,i), err );
576     }
577     if (sample.have_any_mid_edge_node()) {
578       for (i = 0; i < TopologyInfo::edges(mType); ++i)
579         if (sample.mid_edge_node(i))
580           inverted += inverted_jacobian_3d( pd, all, Sample(1,i), err );
581     }
582     if (sample.have_any_mid_face_node()) {
583       for (i = 0; i < TopologyInfo::faces(mType); ++i)
584         if (sample.mid_face_node(i))
585           inverted += inverted_jacobian_3d( pd, all, Sample(2,i), err );
586     }
587     if (sample.have_any_mid_region_node()) {
588       inverted += inverted_jacobian_3d( pd, all, Sample(3,0), err );
589     }
590   }
591 }
593 bool
inverted_jacobian_3d(PatchData & pd,NodeSet nodes,Sample sample,MsqError & err)594 MsqMeshEntity::inverted_jacobian_3d( PatchData& pd, NodeSet nodes, Sample sample, MsqError& err )
595 {
596   MsqMatrix<3,3> J;
597   MsqVector<3> junk[27];
598   size_t junk2[27], junk3;
599   assert(node_count() <= 27);
601   const MappingFunction3D* mf = pd.get_mapping_function_3D( mType );
602   mf->jacobian( pd, pd.get_element_index(this), nodes,
603                 sample, junk2, junk, junk3, J, err );
604   MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
605   //const double size_eps_sqr = sqr_Frobenius( J ) * DBL_EPSILON;
606   const double d = det(J);
607   double l1 = J.column(0) % J.column(0);
608   double l2 = J.column(1) % J.column(1);
609   double l3 = J.column(2) % J.column(2);
610   return d < 0 || d*d < DBL_EPSILON*DBL_EPSILON * l1*l2*l3;
611 }
613 bool
inverted_jacobian_2d(PatchData & pd,NodeSet nodes,Sample sample,MsqError & err)614 MsqMeshEntity::inverted_jacobian_2d( PatchData& pd, NodeSet nodes, Sample sample, MsqError& err )
615 {
616   MsqMatrix<3,2> J;
617   MsqVector<2> junk[9];
618   size_t junk2[9], junk3;
619   assert(node_count() <= 9);
621   const int idx = pd.get_element_index(this);
622   const MappingFunction2D* mf = pd.get_mapping_function_2D( mType );
623   mf->jacobian( pd, idx, nodes, sample, junk2, junk, junk3, J, err );
624   MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
625   const MsqVector<3> cross = J.column(0) * J.column(1);
627   if (pd.domain_set()) {
628     Vector3D norm;
629     pd.get_domain_normal_at_sample( pd.get_element_index(this), sample, norm, err );
630     MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
632     const MsqVector<3> N(&norm[0]);
633     if (cross % N < 0.0)
634       return true;
635   }
637   const double l1 = J.column(0) % J.column(0);
638   const double l2 = J.column(1) % J.column(1);
639   return cross % cross < DBL_EPSILON*DBL_EPSILON * l1*l2;
640 }
642 NodeSet
all_nodes(MsqError & err) const643 MsqMeshEntity::all_nodes( MsqError& err ) const
644 {
645   bool mid_edge, mid_face, mid_vol;
646   TopologyInfo::higher_order( mType, node_count(), mid_edge, mid_face, mid_vol, err );
647   NodeSet result;
648   result.set_all_corner_nodes( mType );
649   if (mid_edge)
650     result.set_all_mid_edge_nodes( mType );
651   if (mid_face)
652     result.set_all_mid_face_nodes( mType );
653   if (mid_vol)
654     result.set_all_mid_region_nodes( mType );
655   return result;
656 }
check_element_orientation_corners(PatchData & pd,int & inverted,int & total,MsqError & err)658 void MsqMeshEntity::check_element_orientation_corners(
659   PatchData &pd,
660   int& inverted,
661   int& total,
662   MsqError &err)
663 {
664   int num_nodes = node_count();
665   total = inverted = 0;
667   if (node_count() > vertex_count()) {
668     MSQ_SETERR(err)("Cannot perform inversion test for higher-order element"
669                     " without mapping function.", MsqError::UNSUPPORTED_ELEMENT );
670     return;
671   }
673   const MsqVertex *vertices = pd.get_vertex_array(err);  MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
675   const Vector3D d_con(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
677   int i;
678   Vector3D coord_vectors[3];
679   Vector3D center_vector;
681   switch(mType) {
682     case TRIANGLE:
684       if (!pd.domain_set())
685         return;
687       pd.get_domain_normal_at_element(this, coord_vectors[2], err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
688       coord_vectors[2] = coord_vectors[2] / coord_vectors[2].length();// Need unit normal
689       center_vector = vertices[vertexIndices[0]];
690       coord_vectors[0] = vertices[vertexIndices[1]]-center_vector;
691       coord_vectors[1] = vertices[vertexIndices[2]]-center_vector;
692       total = 1;
693       inverted = (coord_vectors[2]%(coord_vectors[0]*coord_vectors[1] ) <= 0.0);
694       break;
696     case QUADRILATERAL:
698       if (!pd.domain_set())
699         return;
701       pd.get_domain_normal_at_element(this, coord_vectors[2], err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
702       coord_vectors[2] = coord_vectors[2] / coord_vectors[2].length();// Need unit normal
704       for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
705         center_vector = vertices[vertexIndices[i]];
706         coord_vectors[0] = vertices[vertexIndices[(i+1)%4]]-center_vector;
707         coord_vectors[1] = vertices[vertexIndices[(i+3)%4]]-center_vector;
708         ++total;
709         inverted += (coord_vectors[2]%(coord_vectors[0]*coord_vectors[1] ) <= 0.0);
710       }
711       break;
713     case TETRAHEDRON:
714       center_vector = vertices[vertexIndices[0]];
715       coord_vectors[0] = vertices[vertexIndices[1]]-center_vector;
716       coord_vectors[1] = vertices[vertexIndices[2]]-center_vector;
717       coord_vectors[2] = vertices[vertexIndices[3]]-center_vector;
718       total = 1;
719       inverted = ( coord_vectors[0]%(coord_vectors[1]*coord_vectors[2] ) <= 0.0);
720       break;
722     case POLYGON:
724       if (!pd.domain_set())
725         return;
727       pd.get_domain_normal_at_element(this, coord_vectors[2], err); MSQ_ERRRTN(err);
728       coord_vectors[2] = coord_vectors[2] / coord_vectors[2].length();// Need unit normal
730       for (i = 0; i < num_nodes; ++i) {
731         center_vector = vertices[vertexIndices[i]];
732         coord_vectors[0] = vertices[vertexIndices[(i+1)%num_nodes]]-center_vector;
733         coord_vectors[1] = vertices[vertexIndices[(i+num_nodes-1)%num_nodes]]-center_vector;
734         ++total;
735         inverted += (coord_vectors[2]%(coord_vectors[0]*coord_vectors[1] ) <= 0.0);
736       }
737       break;
739     default: // generic code for 3D elements
740     {
741       size_t num_corners = corner_count();
742       unsigned num_adj;
743       const unsigned* adj_idx;
744       for (unsigned j = 0; j < num_corners; ++j)
745       {
746         adj_idx = TopologyInfo::adjacent_vertices( mType, j, num_adj );
747         if (3 != num_adj)
748         {
749           MSQ_SETERR(err)("Unsupported element type.", MsqError::INVALID_ARG);
750           return;
751         }
753         center_vector = vertices[vertexIndices[j]];
754         coord_vectors[0] = vertices[vertexIndices[adj_idx[0]]] - center_vector;
755         coord_vectors[1] = vertices[vertexIndices[adj_idx[1]]] - center_vector;
756         coord_vectors[2] = vertices[vertexIndices[adj_idx[2]]] - center_vector;
757         ++total;
758         inverted += (coord_vectors[0]%(coord_vectors[1]*coord_vectors[2] ) <= 0.0);
759       }
760       break;
761     }
762   } // end switch over element type
763 }
765 } // namespace MBMesquite