1 /*
2  * Error-Handling for CLISP
3  * Bruno Haible 1990-2005, 2009, 2017
4  * Marcus Daniels 8.4.1994
5  * Sam Steingold 1998-2012, 2017
6  * German comments translated into English: Stefan Kain 2002-09-11
7  */
9 #include "lispbibl.c"
12    depth of recursion of the output of error messages */
cancel_interrupts(void)14 local void cancel_interrupts (void) {
16   interrupt_pending = false; /* Ctrl-C pending time is soon completed */
17    #ifndef WIN32_NATIVE
18     begin_system_call();
19      #ifdef HAVE_UALARM
20       ualarm(0,0); /* abort SIGALRM timer */
21      #else
22       alarm(0); /* abort SIGALRM timer */
23      #endif
24     end_system_call();
25    #endif
26  #endif
27 }
29 /* UP: Starts the output of an error message.
30  begin_error()
31  < STACK_0: Stream (in general *ERROR-OUTPUT*)
32  < STACK_1: value of *error-handler*
33  < STACK_2: list of arguments for *error-handler*
34  < STACK_3: type of condition (in general SIMPLE-ERROR) or NIL
35  decreases STACK by 7 */
begin_error(void)36 local void begin_error (void)
37 {
38   end_system_call(); /* there is no system call running anymore */
39   cancel_interrupts();
41   /* make sure *ERROR-OUTPUT* is valid */
42   var_stream(S(error_output),strmflags_wr_ch_B);
43   if (!posfixnump(Symbol_value(S(recursive_error_count)))) /* should be a fixnum >=0 */
44     Symbol_value(S(recursive_error_count)) = Fixnum_0; /* otherwise emergency correction */
45   /* increase error-count, if >3 abort output: */
46   dynamic_bind(S(recursive_error_count),
47                fixnum_inc(Symbol_value(S(recursive_error_count)),1));
48   if (posfixnum_to_V(Symbol_value(S(recursive_error_count))) > 3) {
49     /* multiple nested error message. */
50     Symbol_value(S(recursive_error_count)) = Fixnum_0; /* delete error count */
51     /* bind *PRINT-PRETTY* to NIL (in order to save memory): */
52     dynamic_bind(S(print_pretty),NIL);
53     error(serious_condition,
54           /* Note: All translations of this error message should be in
55              pure ASCII, to avoid endless recursion if *terminal-encoding*
56              supports only ASCII characters. */
57           GETTEXT("Unprintable error message"));
58   }
59   var object error_handler = Symbol_value(S(error_handler)); /* *ERROR-HANDLER* */
60   if (!nullp(error_handler)) { /* *ERROR-HANDER* /= NIL */
61     pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(error_handler);
62     pushSTACK(make_string_output_stream()); /* String-Output-Stream */
63   } else if (nullpSv(use_clcs)) { /* SYS::*USE-CLCS* */
64     /* *ERROR-HANDER* = NIL, SYS::*USE-CLCS* = NIL */
65     pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL);
66     pushSTACK(var_stream(S(error_output),strmflags_wr_ch_B)); /* Stream *ERROR-OUTPUT* */
67     fresh_line(&STACK_0); /* new line */
68     write_sstring(&STACK_0,O(error_string1)); /* print "*** - " */
69   } else { /* *ERROR-HANDER* = NIL, SYS::*USE-CLCS* /= NIL */
70     pushSTACK(S(simple_error)); pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(unbound);
71     pushSTACK(make_string_output_stream()); /* String-Output-Stream */
72   }
73 }
75 /* UP: output an error-object. */
write_errorobject(object obj)76 local void write_errorobject (object obj) {
77   if (nullp(STACK_1)) {
78     dynamic_bind(S(prin_stream),unbound); /* bind SYS::*PRIN-STREAM* to #<UNBOUND> */
79     dynamic_bind(S(print_escape),T); /* bind *PRINT-ESCAPE* to T */
80     dynamic_bind(S(print_readably),NIL); /* bind *PRINT-READABLY* to NIL */
81     prin1(&STACK_(0+3+3+3),obj); /* output directly */
82     dynamic_unbind(S(print_readably));
83     dynamic_unbind(S(print_escape));
84     dynamic_unbind(S(prin_stream));
85   } else {
86     /* push obj onto the argument list: */
87     pushSTACK(obj);
88     obj = allocate_cons();
89     Car(obj) = popSTACK();
90     Cdr(obj) = STACK_2; STACK_2 = obj;
91     /* and write "~S" into the format string: */
92     write_ascii_char(&STACK_0,'~'); write_ascii_char(&STACK_0,'S');
93   }
94 }
96 /* UP: outputs an error-character. */
write_errorchar(object obj)97 local void write_errorchar (object obj) {
98   if (nullp(STACK_1)) {
99     write_char(&STACK_0,obj); /* write directly */
100   } else { /* push obj on the argument list: */
101     pushSTACK(obj);
102     obj = allocate_cons();
103     Car(obj) = popSTACK();
104     Cdr(obj) = STACK_2; STACK_2 = obj;
105     /* and write "~A" into the format string: */
106     write_ascii_char(&STACK_0,'~'); write_ascii_char(&STACK_0,'A');
107   }
108 }
110 /* UP: Outputs a piece of an error string without modifications.
111  write_errorasciz_substring(start,end);
112  > start, end: delimit an unmovable string in UTF-8 encoding */
write_errorasciz_substring(const uintB * start,const uintB * end)113 local void write_errorasciz_substring (const uintB* start, const uintB* end)
114 {
115  #ifdef ENABLE_UNICODE
116   var object encoding = O(internal_encoding);
117   var const uintB* bptr = start;
118   var const uintB* bendptr = end;
119   var uintL clen = Encoding_mblen(encoding)(encoding,bptr,bendptr);
120   if (clen > 0) {
121     var DYNAMIC_ARRAY(charbuf,chart,clen);
122     {
123       var chart* cptr = &charbuf[0];
124       var chart* cendptr = cptr+clen;
125       Encoding_mbstowcs(encoding)(encoding,nullobj,&bptr,
126                                   bendptr,&cptr,cendptr);
127       ASSERT(cptr == cendptr);
128     }
129     {
130       var const chart* cptr = &charbuf[0];
131       dotimespL(clen,clen, { write_code_char(&STACK_0,*cptr); cptr++; });
132     }
133     FREE_DYNAMIC_ARRAY(charbuf);
134   }
135  #else
136   var const uintB* bptr = start;
137   while (bptr != end) {
138     write_code_char(&STACK_0,as_chart(*bptr));
139     bptr++;
140   }
141  #endif
142 }
144 /* UP: Outputs an errorstring unchanged.
145  write_errorasciz(asciz);
146  > asciz: errorstring (a non-relocatable ASCIZ-string), in UTF-8 Encoding */
write_errorasciz(const char * asciz)147 local void write_errorasciz (const char* asciz) {
148   write_errorasciz_substring((const uintB*)asciz,
149                              (const uintB*)(asciz + asciz_length(asciz)));
150 }
152 /* UP: Outputs an errorstring. At each tilde-S '~S' an object from the stack
153  is printed, at each tilde-C '~C' a character from the stack is printed.
154  write_errorstring(errorstring)
155  > STACK_0: Stream etc.
156  > errorstring: Errorstring (an non-relocatable ASCIZ-string),
157                 in UTF-8 Encoding
158  > STACK_7, STACK_8, ...: arguments (for each '~S' resp. '~C' one argument),
159    in reversed order as with FUNCALL !
160  < result: STACK-value above the stream and the arguments */
write_errorstring(const char * errorstring)161 local gcv_object_t* write_errorstring (const char* errorstring)
162 {
163   var gcv_object_t* argptr = args_end_pointer STACKop 7; /* pointer above stream and frame */
164   while (1) {
165     var char ch = *errorstring; /* next character */
166     if (ch==0) /* string finished? */
167       break;
168     if (ch=='~') { /* tilde? */
169       if (errorstring[1]=='S') {
170         /* print an object from stack: */
171         write_errorobject(BEFORE(argptr));
172         errorstring += 2;
173         continue;
174       }
175       if (errorstring[1]=='C') {
176         /* print a character from stack: */
177         write_errorchar(BEFORE(argptr));
178         errorstring += 2;
179         continue;
180       }
181       pushSTACK(asciz_to_string(errorstring,Symbol_value(S(utf_8))));
182       error(error_condition,
183              GETTEXT("internal error or error in message catalog: invalid low-level format string ~S"));
184     }
185     /* output all characters until the next special character */
186     var const char* ptr = errorstring;
187     while (1) {
188       ptr++;
189       ch = *ptr;
190       if (ch==0 || ch=='~')
191         break;
192     }
193     write_errorasciz_substring((const uintB*)errorstring,(const uintB*)ptr);
194     errorstring = ptr;
195   }
196   return argptr;
197 }
199 /* SIGNAL the CONDITION and INVOKE the debugger */
signal_and_debug(object condition)200 local _Noreturn void signal_and_debug (object condition) {
201   if (quit_on_signal_in_progress) /* if we are terminating on sighup, */
202     quit();              /* printing the "exiting" messages will fail */
203   pushSTACK(condition); /* save condition */
204   dynamic_bind(S(print_escape),T); /* bind *PRINT-ESCAPE* to NIL */
205   dynamic_bind(S(print_readably),NIL); /* bind *PRINT-READABLY* to NIL */
206   pushSTACK(condition); funcall(L(clcs_signal),1); /* (SIGNAL condition) */
207   dynamic_bind(S(prin_stream),unbound); /* bind SYS::*PRIN-STREAM* to #<UNBOUND> */
208   pushSTACK(STACK_(0+3+3+3)); /* condition */
209   funcall(L(invoke_debugger),1); /* (INVOKE-DEBUGGER condition) */
211 }
213 /* finishes the output of an error message and starts a new driver,
214  (when start_driver_p is true)
215  can trigger GC */
end_error(gcv_object_t * stackptr,bool start_driver_p)216 local maygc void end_error (gcv_object_t* stackptr, bool start_driver_p) {
217 #ifdef MULTITHREAD
218   /* NB: just for debugging - but for now in the release as well.
219      this code is for checking whether there is no part of the runtime
220      that will signal an error while it is considered to be in safe for GC
221      region. Seems there are such possibilities in the xxxaux.d and socket.d.
222      Hope to catch all of them here (it is possible to miss some cases
223      however). */
224   if (spinlock_tryacquire(&current_thread()->_gc_suspend_ack)) {
225     /* this should never happen - we always hold this lock unless we are in
226        blocking system call (or waiting for the GC) */
227     fprint(stderr,"*** thread is going into lisp land without calling end_blocking_call()\n");
228     abort();
229   }
230   if (current_thread()->_suspend_count) {
231     /* hmm aren't we supposed to be suspended? if we are here - there
232        is GC running NOW */
233     fprint(stderr,"*** thread is going into lisp land while GC in progress.\n");
234     abort();
235   }
236 #endif
237   elastic_newline(&STACK_0);
238   if (nullp(STACK_1)) {
239     /* *ERROR-HANDER* = NIL, SYS::*USE-CLCS* = NIL */
240     skipSTACK(4); /* error message has already been printed */
241     /* unbind binding frame for sys::*recursive-error-count*,
242        because no error message output is active */
243     dynamic_unbind(S(recursive_error_count));
244     set_args_end_pointer(stackptr);
245     break_driver(false); /* call break-driver (does not return) */
246   } else {
247     STACK_0 = get_output_stream_string(&STACK_0);
248     var object arguments = nreverse(STACK_2);
249     /* stack layout: type, args, handler, errorstring. */
250     if (boundp(STACK_1)) {
251       /* *ERROR-HANDER* /= NIL
252          stack layout: nil, args, handler, errorstring.
253          execute (apply *error-handler* nil errorstring args): */
254       check_SP(); check_STACK();
255       {
256         var object error_handler = STACK_1; STACK_1 = NIL;
257         apply(error_handler,2,arguments);
258         skipSTACK(2);
259       }
260       /* unbind binding frame for sys::*recursive-error-count*,
261          because no error message output is active */
262       dynamic_unbind(S(recursive_error_count));
263       set_args_end_pointer(stackptr);
264       if (start_driver_p)
265         break_driver(false); /* call break-driver (does not return) */
266     } else {
267       /* *ERROR-HANDER* = NIL, SYS::*USE-CLCS* /= NIL
268          stack layout: type, args, --, errorstring. */
269       var object type = STACK_3;
270       var object errorstring = STACK_0;
271       skipSTACK(4);
272       dynamic_unbind(S(recursive_error_count));
273       /* execute (APPLY #'coerce-to-condition errorstring args
274                         'error type keyword-arguments) */
275       pushSTACK(errorstring); pushSTACK(arguments);
276       pushSTACK(S(error)); pushSTACK(type);
277       var uintC argcount = 4;
278       /* arithmetic-error, division-by-zero, floating-point-overflow,
279          floating-point-underflow --> complete :operation, :operands */
280       if (eq(type,S(simple_arithmetic_error))
281           || eq(type,S(simple_division_by_zero))
282           || eq(type,S(simple_floating_point_overflow))
283           || eq(type,S(simple_floating_point_underflow))) {
284         pushSTACK(S(Koperands)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :operands */
285         pushSTACK(S(Koperation)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :operation */
286         argcount += 4;
287       }
288       /* cell-error, uncound-variable, undefined-function, unbound-slot
289          --> complete :name */
290       if (eq(type,S(simple_cell_error))
291           || eq(type,S(simple_unbound_variable))
292           || eq(type,S(simple_undefined_function))
293           || eq(type,S(simple_unbound_slot))) {
294         pushSTACK(S(Kname)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :name ... */
295         argcount += 2;
296       }
297       /* unbound-slot --> complete :instance */
298       if (eq(type,S(simple_unbound_slot))) {
299         pushSTACK(S(Kinstance)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :instance ... */
300         argcount += 2;
301       }
302       /* type-error, keyword-error --> complete :datum, :expected-type */
303       if (eq(type,S(simple_type_error))
304           || eq(type,S(simple_keyword_error))
305           || eq(type,S(simple_charset_type_error))) {
306         pushSTACK(S(Kexpected_type)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :expected-type ... */
307         pushSTACK(S(Kdatum)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :datum ... */
308         argcount += 4;
309       }
310       /* argument-list-dotted --> complete :datum */
311       if (eq(type,S(simple_argument_list_dotted))) {
312         pushSTACK(S(Kexpected_type)); pushSTACK(S(list)); /* :expected-type 'LIST */
313         pushSTACK(S(Kdatum)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :datum ... */
314         argcount += 4;
315       }
316       /* package-error --> complete :package */
317       if (eq(type,S(simple_package_error))) {
318         pushSTACK(S(Kpackage)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :package ... */
319         argcount += 2;
320       }
321       /* print-not-readable --> complete :object */
322       if (eq(type,S(simple_print_not_readable))) {
323         pushSTACK(S(Kobject)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :object */
324         argcount += 2;
325       }
326       /* stream-error, reader-error, end-of-file --> complete :stream */
327       if (eq(type,S(simple_stream_error))
328           || eq(type,S(simple_reader_error))
329           || eq(type,S(simple_end_of_file))) {
330         pushSTACK(S(Kstream)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :stream ... */
331         argcount += 2;
332       }
333       /* os-stream-error --> complete :stream & :code */
334       if (eq(type,S(os_stream_error))) {
335         STACK_3 = NIL;                                    /* reset errstring */
336         pushSTACK(S(Kcode)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :code ... */
337         pushSTACK(S(Kstream)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :stream ... */
338         argcount += 4;
339       }
340       /* file-error --> complete :pathname */
341       if (eq(type,S(simple_file_error))) {
342         pushSTACK(S(Kpathname)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :pathname ... */
343         argcount += 2;
344       }
345       /* os-file-error --> complete :pathname & :code */
346       if (eq(type,S(os_file_error))) {
347         STACK_3 = NIL;                                    /* reset errstring */
348         pushSTACK(S(Kcode)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :code ... */
349         pushSTACK(S(Kpathname)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :pathname ... */
350         argcount += 4;
351       }
352       /* os-error --> complete :code */
353       if (eq(type,S(os_error))
354          #if defined(WIN32_NATIVE)
355           || eq(type,S(os_error_win32))
356          #endif
357           ) {
358         STACK_3 = NIL;                                    /* reset errstring */
359         pushSTACK(S(Kcode)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :code ... */
360         argcount += 2;
361       }
362       /* source-program-error --> complete :detail */
363       if (eq(type,S(simple_source_program_error))) {
364         pushSTACK(S(Kdetail)); pushSTACK(BEFORE(stackptr)); /* :detail ... */
365         argcount += 2;
366       }
367       funcall(S(coerce_to_condition),argcount); /* SYS::COERCE-TO-CONDITION */
368       set_args_end_pointer(stackptr);
369       if (start_driver_p)
370         signal_and_debug(value1);
371     }
372   }
373 }
375 /* helper -- see doc for error() */
prepare_error(condition_t errortype,const char * errorstring,bool start_driver_p)376 local void prepare_error (condition_t errortype, const char* errorstring,
377                           bool start_driver_p)
378 { /* the common part of error(), check_value() &c */
379   begin_error(); /* start error message */
380   if (!nullp(STACK_3)) { /* *ERROR-HANDLER* = NIL, SYS::*USE-CLCS* /= NIL ? */
381     /* choose error-type-symbol for errortype: */
382     var object sym = S(simple_condition); /* first error-type */
383     sym = objectplus(sym,
384                      (soint)(sizeof(*TheSymbol(sym))
385                              <<(oint_addr_shift-addr_shift))
386                      * (uintL)errortype);
387     STACK_3 = sym;
388   }
389   end_error(write_errorstring(errorstring),start_driver_p); /* finish */
390 }
392 /* Error message with Errorstring. Does not return.
393  error(errortype,errorstring);
394  > errortype: condition type
395  > errorstring: Constant ASCIZ-string, in UTF-8 Encoding.
396    At each tilde-S a LISP-object is taken from STACK and printed instead of
397    the tilde-S.
398  > on the STACK: initialization values for the condition,
399                  according to errortype */
error(condition_t errortype,const char * errorstring)400 modexp _Noreturn void error (condition_t errortype, const char* errorstring) {
401   prepare_error(errortype,errorstring,true); /* finish error message */
402   /* there is no point in using the condition system here:
403      we will get into an infinite loop reporting the error */
404   fprintf(stderr,"[%s:%d] cannot handle the fatal error due to a fatal error in the fatal error handler!\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
405   abort();
406   /* NOTREACHED; */
407 }
409 /* Report an error and try to recover by asking the user to supply a value.
410  check_value(errortype,errorstring);
411  > errortype: condition-type
412  > errorstring: constant ASCIZ-String, in UTF-8 Encoding.
413    At every tilde-S, a LISP-object is taken from the STACK and printed
414    instead of the tilde-S.
415  > on the STACK: PLACE (form to be shown to the user) or NIL, then
416    the initial values for the Condition, depending on error-type
417  < value1, value2: return values from CHECK-VALUE:
418    value1 = value supplied by the user, as is, not evaluated.
419      This does present a problem when the object does not have a readable
420      syntax (e.g., a stream or a CLOS object). The workaround is to use [#.].
421      We can discuss calling eval1(value1) at the end of this function.
422    value2 = indicates whether PLACE should be filled
423  < STACK: cleaned up
424  can trigger GC */
check_value(condition_t errortype,const char * errorstring)425 modexp maygc void check_value (condition_t errortype, const char* errorstring)
426 {
427   prepare_error(errortype,errorstring,nullpSv(use_clcs));
428   /* if SYS::*USE-CLCS* /= NIL, use CHECK-VALUE */
429   pushSTACK(value1); /* place is already on the stack! */
430   funcall(S(check_value),2);
431 }
433 /* Report an error and try to recover by asking the user to choose among some
434  alternatives.
435  correctable_error(errortype,errorstring);
436  > errortype: condition-type
437  > errorstring: constant ASCIZ-String, in UTF-8 Encoding.
438    At every tilde-S, a LISP-object is taken from the STACK and printed
439    instead of the tilde-S.
440  > on the STACK: list of alternatives
441    ((restart-name restart-help-string . value-returned-by-the-restart)*),
442    then the initial values for the Condition, depending on error-type
443  < value1: return value from CORRECTABLE-ERROR, one of the CDDRs of the
444    alternatives
445  < STACK: cleaned up
446  can trigger GC */
correctable_error(condition_t errortype,const char * errorstring)447 global maygc void correctable_error (condition_t errortype, const char* errorstring)
448 {
449   prepare_error(errortype,errorstring,nullpSv(use_clcs));
450   /* if SYS::*USE-CLCS* /= NIL, use CORRECTABLE-ERROR */
451   pushSTACK(value1); /* options are already on the stack! */
452   funcall(S(correctable_error),2);
453 }
455 #if defined(WIN32_NATIVE) || defined(HAVE_DLOPEN)
456 typedef object error_code_converter_t (long code);
457 static error_code_converter_t *ecc_a = (error_code_converter_t*)1;
convert_error_code(long code,error_code_converter_t ** ecc,const char * name)458 local object convert_error_code (long code, error_code_converter_t **ecc,
459                                  const char* name) {
460   if (*ecc == (error_code_converter_t*)1)
461     *ecc = (error_code_converter_t*)find_name(NULL,name);
462   if (*ecc)
463     return (*ecc)(code);
464   return L_to_I(code);
465 }
466 #define ANSIC_error_code_converter(e)                   \
467   convert_error_code(e,&ecc_a,"errno_to_symbol_a")
468 #else
469 #define ANSIC_error_code_converter(e) L_to_I(e)
470 #endif  /* WIN32_NATIVE || HAVE_DLOPEN */
471 #if defined(WIN32_NATIVE)
472 static error_code_converter_t *ecc_w = (error_code_converter_t*)1;
473 #define WINDOWS_error_code_converter(e)         \
474   convert_error_code(e,&ecc_w,"errno_to_symbol_w")
475 #endif
477 #undef OS_error
478 #undef OS_error_arg
479 #undef OS_filestream_error
481 #if defined(WIN32_NATIVE) || defined(UNIX_CYGWIN)
format_message(DWORD errcode)482 local char * format_message (DWORD errcode) {
483   char* ret;
484   begin_system_call();
485   var int status = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |
486                                  FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |
487                                  FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
488                                  NULL, errcode, 0, (LPTSTR)&ret, 0, NULL);
489   end_system_call();
490   if (status == 0)
491     return NULL;
492   /* strip terminating spaces, newlines and periods to conform to strerror */
493   while (cint_white_p(ret[status-1]) || ret[status-1] == '.')
494     status--;
495   ret[status] = 0;
496   return ret;
497 }
498 #endif
500 #ifdef UNIX
501   /* Define OS_error, OS_error_arg. */
502   #include "errunix.c"
503 #else
504   /* Define just ANSIC_error. */
505   #define OS_error ANSIC_error
506   #define OS_error_internal ANSIC_error_internal
507   #include "errunix.c"
508   #undef OS_error_internal
509   #undef OS_error
510 #endif /* UNIX */
512 #ifdef WIN32_NATIVE
513   #include "errwin32.c"
514 #endif
516 #if defined(WIN32_NATIVE) || defined(UNIX_CYGWIN)
517 LISPFUNNF(format_message,1) {
518   DWORD error_code = I_to_uint32(check_uint32(popSTACK()));
519   char *msg = format_message(error_code);
520   if (msg) {
521     VALUES1(asciz_to_string(msg,O(misc_encoding)));
522     begin_system_call();
523     LocalFree(msg);
524     end_system_call();
525   } VALUES1(NIL);
526 }
527 #endif
529 /* Just like OS_error, but takes a channel stream and signals a FILE-ERROR.
530  OS_filestream_error(stream);
531  > stream: a channel stream
532  > end_system_call() already called */
OS_filestream_error(object stream)533 modexp _Noreturn void OS_filestream_error (object stream) {
534   if (streamp(stream)) {
535     if (TheStream(stream)->strmtype == strmtype_file
536         && !nullp(TheStream(stream)->strm_file_truename))
537       OS_error_arg(S(os_file_error),TheStream(stream)->strm_file_truename);
538     else OS_error_arg(S(os_stream_error),stream);
539   } else {
540     OS_error();
541   }
542 }
544 LISPFUN(error,seclass_default,1,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
545 /* (ERROR errorstring {expr})
546  Does not return.
547  (defun error (errorstring &rest args)
548    (if (or *error-handler* (not *use-clcs*))
549      (progn
550        (if *error-handler*
551          (apply *error-handler* nil errorstring args)
552          (progn
553            (fresh-line *error-output*)
554            (write-string "*** - " *error-output*)
555            (apply #'format *error-output* errorstring args)
556            (elastic-newline *error-output*)))
557        (funcall *break-driver* nil))
558      (let ((condition (coerce-to-condition errorstring args 'error
559                                            'simple-error)))
560        (signal condition)
561        (invoke-debugger condition)))) */
562 {
563   if (!nullpSv(error_handler) || nullpSv(use_clcs)) {
564     begin_error(); /* start error message */
565     rest_args_pointer skipSTACKop 1; /* pointer to the arguments */
566     if (nullp(STACK_1)) {
567       /* write error message:
568          (FORMAT *ERROR-OUTPUT* errorstring {expr})
570       var object stream = STACK_0;
571       skipSTACK(4);
572       pushSTACK(stream);
573       pushSTACK(stream);
574       {
575         var gcv_object_t* ptr = rest_args_pointer;
576         var uintC count;
577         dotimespC(count,1+argcount, { pushSTACK(NEXT(ptr)); } );
578       }
579       funcall(S(format),2+argcount);
580       funcall(L(elastic_newline),1);
581     } else {
582       /* write error message:
583          ({handler} nil errorstring {expr}) */
584       var object fun = STACK_1;
585       skipSTACK(4);
586       pushSTACK(NIL);
587       {
588         var gcv_object_t* ptr = rest_args_pointer;
589         var uintC count;
590         dotimespC(count,1+argcount, { pushSTACK(NEXT(ptr)); } );
591       }
592       funcall(fun,2+argcount);
593     }
594     /* finish error message, cf. end_error(): */
595     dynamic_unbind(S(recursive_error_count)); /* no error message output is active */
596     set_args_end_pointer(rest_args_pointer); /* clean up STACK */
597     break_driver(false); /* call break-driver (does not return) */
598   } else {
599     {
600       var object arguments = listof(argcount);
601       pushSTACK(arguments);
602     }
603     pushSTACK(S(error));
604     pushSTACK(S(simple_error));
605     funcall(S(coerce_to_condition),4); /* (SYS::COERCE-TO-CONDITION ...) */
606     signal_and_debug(value1);
607   }
609 }
611 /* (SYSTEM::%DEFCLCS error-types)
612    sets the data needed for ERROR-OF-TYPE. */
613 LISPFUNN(defclcs,1)
614 {
615   O(error_types) = check_vector(popSTACK());
616   var int i;
617   var Symbol conditions = &(symbol_tab.S_simple_condition);
618   var gcv_object_t* et_data = TheSvector(O(error_types))->data;
619   for (i=0; i < number_of_conditions_defined_in_c; i++)
620     ASSERT(eq(Symbol_name(Cdr(et_data[i])),conditions[i].pname));
621   ASSERT(Svector_length(O(error_types)) == number_of_conditions_defined_in_c);
622   VALUES0;
623 }
625 /* Converts a condition type into the corresponding Simple-Condition. */
convert_simple_condition(object type)626 local object convert_simple_condition (object type) {
627   /* traverse vector O(error_types) like an Alist: */
628   var object v = O(error_types);
629   var uintL count = Svector_length(v);
630   if (count > 0) {
631     var gcv_object_t* ptr = &TheSvector(v)->data[0];
632     dotimespL(count,count, {
633       if (eq(type,Car(*ptr)))
634         return Cdr(*ptr);
635       ptr++;
636     });
637   }
638   return type; /* not found -> leave type unchanged */
639 }
641 LISPFUN(cerror_of_type,seclass_default,3,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
642 /* (SYSTEM::CERROR-OF-TYPE continue-format-string type {keyword value}*
643                            error-format-string {arg}*)
644  (defun cerror-of-type (continue-format-string type &rest arguments)
645    (let ((keyword-arguments '()))
646      (loop
647        (unless (and (consp arguments) (symbolp (car arguments))) (return))
648        (push (pop arguments) keyword-arguments)
649        (push (pop arguments) keyword-arguments))
650      (setq keyword-arguments (nreverse keyword-arguments))
651      (let ((error-format-string (first arguments))
652            (args (rest arguments)))
653        (apply #'cerror
654          continue-format-string
655          (if (or *error-handler* (not *use-clcs*))
656            error-format-string
657            (apply #'coerce-to-condition error-format-string args
658                   'cerror (convert-simple-condition type) keyword-arguments))
659          args)))) */
660 {
661   var gcv_object_t* cfstring_ = &Next(rest_args_pointer STACKop 3);
662   var uintC keyword_argcount = 0;
663   rest_args_pointer skipSTACKop 1; /* pointer to the arguments behind type */
664   while (argcount>=2) {
665     var object next_arg = Next(rest_args_pointer); /* next argument */
666     if (!symbolp(next_arg)) /* keyword? */
667       break;
668     rest_args_pointer skipSTACKop -2; argcount -= 2; keyword_argcount += 2;
669   }
670   /* next argument is hopefully a string. */
671   if (!nullpSv(error_handler) || nullpSv(use_clcs)) {
672     /* the type and the keyword-arguments are ignored. */
673     BEFORE(rest_args_pointer) = *cfstring_;
674     funcall(S(cerror),argcount+2);
675     skipSTACK(keyword_argcount+1);
676   } else {
677     var object arguments = listof(argcount);
678     /* stack layout: continue-format-string, type, {keyword, value}*,
679                      errorstring.
680       rearrange the stack a little bit: */
681     var object errorstring = STACK_0;
682     pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL);
683     {
684       var gcv_object_t* ptr2 = args_end_pointer;
685       var gcv_object_t* ptr1 = ptr2 STACKop 4;
686       var uintC count;
687       dotimesC(count,keyword_argcount, { BEFORE(ptr2) = BEFORE(ptr1); } );
688       BEFORE(ptr2) = convert_simple_condition(BEFORE(ptr1));
689       BEFORE(ptr2) = S(cerror);
690       BEFORE(ptr2) = arguments;
691       BEFORE(ptr2) = errorstring;
692       BEFORE(ptr2) = arguments;
693     }
694     /* stack layout: continue-format-string, arguments, errorstring, args,
695                      CERROR, type, {keyword, value}*. */
696     funcall(S(coerce_to_condition),4+keyword_argcount); /* (SYS::COERCE-TO-CONDITION ...) */
697     /* stack layout: continue-format-string, arguments. */
698     arguments = STACK_0;
699     STACK_0 = value1;
700     apply(S(cerror),2,arguments); /* (CERROR continue-format-string condition ...) */
701   }
702 }
704 LISPFUN(error_of_type,seclass_default,2,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
705 /* (SYSTEM::ERROR-OF-TYPE type {keyword value}* errorstring {expr}*)
706  does not return.
707  (defun error-of-type (type &rest arguments)
708    ;; split off keyword arguments from the &rest arguments:
709    (let ((keyword-arguments '()))
710      (loop
711        (unless (and (consp arguments) (symbolp (car arguments))) (return))
712        (push (pop arguments) keyword-arguments)
713        (push (pop arguments) keyword-arguments))
714      (setq keyword-arguments (nreverse keyword-arguments))
715      (let ((errorstring (first arguments))
716            (args (rest arguments)))
717        (if (or *error-handler* (not *use-clcs*))
718          (progn
719            (if *error-handler*
720              (apply *error-handler* nil errorstring args)
721              (progn
722                (fresh-line *error-output*)
723                (write-string "*** - " *error-output*)
724                (apply #'format *error-output* errorstring args)
725                (elastic-newline *error-output*)))
726            (funcall *break-driver* nil))
727          (let ((condition
728                  (apply #'coerce-to-condition errorstring args
729                         'error (convert-simple-condition type)
730                         keyword-arguments)))
731            (signal condition)
732            (invoke-debugger condition)))))) */
733 {
734   var uintC keyword_argcount = 0;
735   rest_args_pointer skipSTACKop 1; /* pointer to the arguments behind type */
736   while (argcount>=2) {
737     var object next_arg = Next(rest_args_pointer); /* next argument */
738     if (!symbolp(next_arg)) /* keyword? */
739       break;
740     rest_args_pointer skipSTACKop -2; argcount -= 2; keyword_argcount += 2;
741   }
742   /* next argument is hopefully a string. */
743   if (!nullpSv(error_handler) || nullpSv(use_clcs)) {
744     /* the type and the keyword-arguments are ignored. */
745     begin_error(); /* start error message */
746     if (nullp(STACK_1)) {
747       /* write error message:
748          (FORMAT *ERROR-OUTPUT* errorstring {expr})
750       var object stream = STACK_0;
751       skipSTACK(4);
752       pushSTACK(stream);
753       pushSTACK(stream);
754       {
755         var gcv_object_t* ptr = rest_args_pointer;
756         var uintC count;
757         dotimespC(count,1+argcount, { pushSTACK(NEXT(ptr)); } );
758       }
759       funcall(S(format),2+argcount);
760       funcall(L(elastic_newline),1);
761     } else {
762       /* write error message:
763          ({handler} nil errorstring {expr}) */
764       var object fun = STACK_1;
765       skipSTACK(4);
766       pushSTACK(NIL);
767       {
768         var gcv_object_t* ptr = rest_args_pointer;
769         var uintC count;
770         dotimespC(count,1+argcount, { pushSTACK(NEXT(ptr)); } );
771       }
772       funcall(fun,2+argcount);
773     }
774     /* finish error message, cf. end_error(): */
775     dynamic_unbind(S(recursive_error_count)); /* no error message output is active */
776     set_args_end_pointer(rest_args_pointer); /* clean up STACK */
777     break_driver(false); /* call break-driver (does not return) */
778   } else {
779     var object arguments = listof(argcount);
780     /* stack layout: type, {keyword, value}*, errorstring.
781        rearrange the stack a little bit: */
782     var object errorstring = STACK_0;
783     pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL);
784     {
785       var gcv_object_t* ptr2 = args_end_pointer;
786       var gcv_object_t* ptr1 = ptr2 STACKop 3;
787       var uintC count;
788       dotimesC(count,keyword_argcount, { BEFORE(ptr2) = BEFORE(ptr1); } );
789       BEFORE(ptr2) = convert_simple_condition(BEFORE(ptr1));
790       BEFORE(ptr2) = S(error);
791       BEFORE(ptr2) = arguments;
792       BEFORE(ptr2) = errorstring;
793     }
794     /* stack layout: errorstring, args, ERROR, type, {keyword, value}*. */
795     funcall(S(coerce_to_condition),4+keyword_argcount); /* (SYS::COERCE-TO-CONDITION ...) */
796     signal_and_debug(value1);
797   }
799 }
801 LISPFUNN(invoke_debugger,1)
802 /* (INVOKE-DEBUGGER condition), CLtL2 p. 915
803  does not return.
804  (defun invoke-debugger (condition)
805    (when *debugger-hook*
806      (let ((debugger-hook *debugger-hook*)
807            (*debugger-hook* nil))
808        (funcall debugger-hook condition debugger-hook)))
809    (funcall *break-driver* nil condition t)) */
810 {
811   var object hook = Symbol_value(S(debugger_hook));
812   if (!nullp(hook)) {
813     var object condition = STACK_0;
814     dynamic_bind(S(debugger_hook),NIL); /* bind *DEBUGGER-HOOK* to NIL */
815     pushSTACK(condition); pushSTACK(hook); funcall(hook,2); /* call Debugger-Hook */
816     dynamic_unbind(S(debugger_hook));
817   }
818   /* *BREAK-DRIVER* can be assumed here as /= NIL. */
819   pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(STACK_(0+1)); pushSTACK(T);
820   funcall(Symbol_value(S(break_driver)),3); /* call break-driver */
821   reset(1); /* returns unexpectedly -> back to the next loop */
823 }
825 /* UP: Executes a break-loop because of keyboard interrupt.
826  > STACK_0 : calling function
827  changes STACK, can trigger GC */
tast_break(void)828 global maygc void tast_break (void)
829 {
830 #if !defined(MULTITHREAD)
831   cancel_interrupts();
833   if (!nullpSv(error_handler) || nullpSv(use_clcs)) {
834     /* simulate begin_error(), 7 elements on the STACK: */
835     pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL);
836     pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL);
837     pushSTACK(var_stream(S(debug_io),strmflags_wr_ch_B)); /* Stream *DEBUG-IO* */
838     fresh_line(&STACK_0); /* new line */
839     write_sstring(&STACK_0,O(error_string1)); /* print "*** - " */
840     /* print string, consume caller names, clean up STACK: */
841     set_args_end_pointer(write_errorstring(GETTEXT("~S: User break")));
842     break_driver(true); /* call break-driver */
843   } else {
844     pushSTACK(CLSTEXT("Continue execution"));
845     pushSTACK(S(simple_interrupt_condition)); /* SYSTEM::[SIMPLE-]INTERRUPT-CONDITION */
846     pushSTACK(CLSTEXT("~S: User break"));
847     pushSTACK(STACK_(0+3)); /* caller */
848     funcall(L(cerror_of_type),4); /* (SYS::CERROR-OF-TYPE "..." 'SYSTEM::[SIMPLE-]INTERRUPT-CONDITION "..." caller) */
849     skipSTACK(1);
850   }
851 #else
852   /* in MT - just clear the STACK */
853   /* it will be very rare to get called here - since the interruptp()
854      does not expand to anything in MT and most use of tast_break() was
855      from it.*/
856   skipSTACK(1);
857 #endif
858 }
860 LISPFUN(clcs_signal,seclass_default,1,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
861 /* (SIGNAL datum {arg}*), CLtL2 p. 888
862  (defun signal (datum &rest arguments)
863    (let ((condition ; CLtL2 p. 918 specifies this
864            (coerce-to-condition datum arguments 'signal
865                                 'simple-condition)))
866      (when (typep condition *break-on-signals*)
867        ; Enter the debugger prior to signalling the condition
868        (restart-case (invoke-debugger condition)
869          (CONTINUE ())))
870      (invoke-handlers condition)
871      nil)) */
872 {
873   {
874     var object arguments = listof(argcount);
875     pushSTACK(arguments);
876   }
877   pushSTACK(S(clcs_signal));
878   pushSTACK(S(simple_condition));
879   funcall(S(coerce_to_condition),4); /* (SYS::COERCE-TO-CONDITION ...) */
880   pushSTACK(value1); /* save condition */
881   pushSTACK(value1); pushSTACK(Symbol_value(S(break_on_signals)));
882   funcall(S(safe_typep),2); /* (SYS::SAFE-TYPEP condition *BREAK-ON-SIGNALS*) */
883   if (!nullp(value1)) {
884     /* call break-driver: (funcall *break-driver* t condition t)
885        *BREAK-DRIVER* can be assumed here as /= NIL . */
886     pushSTACK(T); pushSTACK(STACK_(0+1)); pushSTACK(T);
887     funcall(Symbol_value(S(break_driver)),3);
888   }
889   var object condition = popSTACK(); /* condition back */
890   /* (CATCH 'SYS::DONE-SIGNALING ...). This can be used by handlers to override
891      all other applicable handlers.
892      Build CATCH frame: */
893   pushSTACK(S(done_signaling));
894   var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK STACKop 1; /* pointer above frame */
895   var sp_jmp_buf returner; /* memorize return point */
896   finish_entry_frame(CATCH,returner,, goto catch_return; );
897   /* Call handlers: */
898   invoke_handlers(condition);
899  catch_return: /* we jump to this label, if the catch-frame built
900                   above has caught a throw. */
901   skipSTACK(3); /* unwind CATCH-frame */
902   VALUES1(NIL);
903 }
905 /* check_classname(obj,type)
906  > obj: an object
907  > classname: a symbol expected to name a class with "proper name" classname
908  < result: an object of the given type, either the same as obj or a replacement
909  can trigger GC */
check_classname(object obj,object type)910 modexp maygc object check_classname (object obj, object type) {
911   while (!typep_classname(obj,type)) {
912     pushSTACK(type);            /* save type */
913     pushSTACK(NIL);             /* no PLACE */
914     pushSTACK(obj);             /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
915     pushSTACK(type);            /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
916     pushSTACK(type); pushSTACK(obj);
917     pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
918     check_value(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not of type ~S"));
919     obj = value1; type = popSTACK();
920   }
921   return obj;
922 }
924 #ifdef FOREIGN
925 /* check_fpointer_replacement(obj,restart_p)
926  > obj: an object
927  > restart_p: flag whether to allow entering a replacement
928  < result: a valid foreign pointer, either the same as obj or a replacement
929  can trigger GC */
check_fpointer_replacement(object obj,bool restart_p)930 modexp maygc object check_fpointer_replacement (object obj, bool restart_p) {
931   for (;;) {
932     if (!fpointerp(obj)) {
933       pushSTACK(NIL);                /* no PLACE */
934       pushSTACK(obj);                /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
935       pushSTACK(S(foreign_pointer)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
936       pushSTACK(S(foreign_pointer)); pushSTACK(obj);
937       pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
938       if (restart_p)
939         check_value(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a ~S"));
940       else
941         error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a ~S"));
942       obj = value1;
943       continue;
944     }
945     if (!fp_validp(TheFpointer(obj))) {
946       pushSTACK(NIL);                /* no PLACE */
947       pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
948       if (restart_p)
949         check_value(error_condition,GETTEXT("~S: ~S comes from a previous Lisp session and is invalid"));
950       else
951         error(error_condition,GETTEXT("~S: ~S comes from a previous Lisp session and is invalid"));
952       obj = value1;
953       continue;
954     }
955     break;
956   }
957   return obj;
958 }
959 #endif
961 /* error-message, if an object is not a list.
962  error_list(obj);
963  > obj: non-list */
error_list(object obj)964 modexp _Noreturn void error_list (object obj) {
965   pushSTACK(obj);     /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
966   pushSTACK(S(list)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
967   pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
968   error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a list"));
969 }
971 /* define a global check_TYPE_replacement function
972  > name: type name
973  > expected_type: object O(...)
974  > test: test for the acceptability of the replacement value
975  > error_message: C string GETTEXT(...) */
976 #define MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(typename,expected_type,test,error_message) \
977   modexp maygc object check_##typename##_replacement (object obj) {     \
978     do {                                                                \
979       pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */                                    \
980       pushSTACK(obj); /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */                       \
981       pushSTACK(expected_type); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */     \
982       pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);              \
983       check_value(type_error,error_message);                            \
984       obj = value1;                                                     \
985     } while (!test(obj));                                               \
986     return obj;                                                         \
987   }
989 /* check_list_replacement(obj)
990  > obj: not a list
991  < result: a list, a replacement
992  can trigger GC */
993 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(list,S(list),listp,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a list"))
995 /* Error message, if an object isn't a proper list because it is dotted.
996  error_proper_list_dotted(caller,obj);
997  > caller: the caller (a symbol)
998  > obj: end of the list, non-list */
error_proper_list_dotted(object caller,object obj)999 modexp _Noreturn void error_proper_list_dotted (object caller, object obj) {
1000   pushSTACK(obj);                 /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1001   pushSTACK(O(type_proper_list)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1002   pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(caller);
1003   error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: A proper list must not end with ~S"));
1004 }
1006 /* Error message, if an object isn't a proper list because it is circular.
1007  error_proper_list_circular(caller,obj);
1008  > caller: the caller (a symbol)
1009  > obj: circular list */
error_proper_list_circular(object caller,object obj)1010 global _Noreturn void error_proper_list_circular (object caller, object obj) {
1011   dynamic_bind(S(print_circle),T); /* bind *PRINT-CIRCLE* to T */
1012   pushSTACK(obj);                 /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1013   pushSTACK(O(type_proper_list)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1014   pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(caller);
1015   error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: A proper list must not be circular: ~S"));
1016 }
1018 /* return the name of the current caller (subr or fsubr)
1019  this is only necessary for error signaled from both. */
caller_name(void)1020 local inline object caller_name (void) {
1021   var object caller = subr_self;
1022   return subrp(caller) ? TheSubr(caller)->name : TheFsubr(caller)->name;
1023 }
1025 /* check_symbol_replacement(obj)
1026  > obj: not a symbol
1027  < result: a symbol, a replacement
1028  can trigger GC */
check_symbol_replacement(object obj)1029 global maygc object check_symbol_replacement (object obj) {
1030   do {
1031     pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */
1032     pushSTACK(obj);       /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1033     pushSTACK(S(symbol)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1034     pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(caller_name());
1035     check_value(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a symbol"));
1036     obj = value1;
1037   } while (!symbolp(obj));
1038   return obj;
1039 }
1041 /* check_symbol_non_constant_replacement(obj)
1042  > obj: not a non-constant symbol
1043  > caller: a symbol
1044  < result: a non-constant symbol, a replacement
1045  can trigger GC */
check_symbol_non_constant_replacement(object obj,object caller)1046 global maygc object check_symbol_non_constant_replacement
1047 (object obj, object caller) {
1048   for (;;) {
1049     obj = check_symbol(obj);
1050     if (!constant_var_p(TheSymbol(obj))) break;
1051     pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */
1052     pushSTACK(obj); /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1053     pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(caller);
1054     check_value(source_program_error,
1055                 GETTEXT("~S: ~S is a constant, may not be used as a variable"));
1056     obj = value1;
1057   }
1058   return obj;
1059 }
1061 /* UP: signal an error if a non-symbol was declared (e.g. SPECIAL)
1062  returns the symbol
1063  can trigger GC */
check_symbol_in_declaration(object obj,object decl_identifier,object caller)1064 global maygc object check_symbol_in_declaration (object obj, object decl_identifier, object caller) {
1065   while (!symbolp(obj)) {
1066     pushSTACK(decl_identifier); pushSTACK(caller);
1067     pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */
1068     pushSTACK(obj); /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1069     pushSTACK(decl_identifier); pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(caller);
1070     check_value(source_program_error,
1071                 GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a symbol, cannot be declared ~S"));
1072     caller = popSTACK(); decl_identifier = popSTACK();
1073     obj = value1;
1074   }
1075   return obj;
1076 }
1078 /* UP: make sure that the symbol does not name a global symbol-macro
1079  return the symbol
1080  can trigger GC */
check_symbol_not_symbol_macro(object symbol)1081 global maygc object check_symbol_not_symbol_macro (object symbol) {
1082   symbol = check_symbol(symbol);
1083   if (symmacro_var_p(TheSymbol(symbol))) {
1084     pushSTACK(symbol);                   /* save */
1085     pushSTACK(NIL);                      /* 4 continue-format-string */
1086     pushSTACK(S(simple_program_error));  /* 3 error-type */
1087     pushSTACK(NIL);                      /* 2 error-format-string */
1088     pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name); /* 1 */
1089     pushSTACK(symbol);                   /* 0 */
1090     /* CLSTEXT "can trigger GC", so it cannot be called until
1091        all the arguments have been already pushed on the STACK */
1092     STACK_4 = CLSTEXT("Remove the global SYMBOL-MACRO definition");
1093     if (eq(subr_self,L(proclaim)))
1094       STACK_2 = CLSTEXT("~S: attempting to turn ~S into a SPECIAL variable, but it is already a global SYMBOL-MACRO.");
1095     else if (eq(subr_self,L(proclaim_constant)))
1096       STACK_2 = CLSTEXT("~S: attempting to turn ~S into a constant, but it is already a global SYMBOL-MACRO.");
1097     else STACK_2 = CLSTEXT("~S: interning ~S into the KEYWORD package would turn it into a constant, but it is already a global SYMBOL-MACRO.");
1098     funcall(L(cerror_of_type),5);
1099     /* continue restart ==> remove SYMBOL-MACRO definition */
1100     pushSTACK(STACK_0);                  /* save symbol */
1101     clear_symmacro_flag(TheSymbol(STACK_0/*symbol*/));
1102     pushSTACK(S(symbolmacro)); funcall(L(remprop),2);
1103     symbol = popSTACK();
1104   }
1105   return symbol;
1106 }
1108 /* UP: make sure that the symbol does not name a global special variable
1109  return the symbol
1110  can trigger GC */
check_symbol_not_global_special(object symbol)1111 global maygc object check_symbol_not_global_special (object symbol) {
1112   symbol = check_symbol(symbol);
1113   if (keywordp(symbol)) {
1114     pushSTACK(symbol); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1115     error(program_error,
1116           GETTEXT("~S: the symbol ~S names a global SPECIAL variable"));
1117   }
1118   if (special_var_p(TheSymbol(symbol))) {
1119     pushSTACK(symbol);                   /* save */
1120     pushSTACK(NIL);                      /* 4 continue-format-string */
1121     pushSTACK(S(simple_program_error));  /* 3 error-type */
1122     pushSTACK(NIL);                      /* 2 error-format-string */
1123     pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name); /* 1 */
1124     pushSTACK(symbol);                   /* 0 */
1125     /* CLSTEXT "can trigger GC", so it cannot be called until
1126        all the arguments have been already pushed on the STACK */
1127     STACK_4 = CLSTEXT("Remove the global SPECIAL variable binding");
1128     STACK_2 = CLSTEXT("~S: the symbol ~S names a global SPECIAL variable");
1129     funcall(L(cerror_of_type),5);
1130     /* continue restart ==> remove the global SPECIAL binding */
1131     symbol = popSTACK();
1132     Symbol_value(symbol) = unbound;
1133     clear_special_flag(TheSymbol(symbol));
1134     clear_const_flag(TheSymbol(symbol));
1135   }
1136   return symbol;
1137 }
1139 /* error-message, if an object is not a simple-vector.
1140  error_no_svector(caller,obj);
1141  > caller: caller (a symbol)
1142  > obj: non-Svector */
error_no_svector(object caller,object obj)1143 modexp _Noreturn void error_no_svector (object caller, object obj) {
1144   pushSTACK(obj);              /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1145   pushSTACK(S(simple_vector)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1146   pushSTACK(S(simple_vector)); pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(caller);
1147   error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a ~S"));
1148 }
1150 /* error-message, if an object is not a vector.
1151  error_vector(obj);
1152  > obj: non-vector */
error_vector(object obj)1153 modexp _Noreturn void error_vector (object obj) {
1154   pushSTACK(obj);       /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1155   pushSTACK(S(vector)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1156   pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1157   error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a vector"));
1158 }
1160 /* check_array_replacement(obj)
1161  > obj: not an array
1162  < result: an array, a replacement
1163  can trigger GC */
1164 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(array,S(array),arrayp,
1165                        GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not an array"))
1167 /* check_vector_replacement(obj)
1168  > obj: not an vector
1169  < result: an vector, a replacement
1170  can trigger GC */
1171 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(vector,S(vector),vectorp,
1172                        GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not a vector"))
1174 /* check_byte_vector_replacement(obj)
1175  > obj: not an (ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) (*))
1176  < result: an (ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) (*)), a replacement
1177  can trigger GC */
check_byte_vector_replacement(object obj)1178 modexp maygc object check_byte_vector_replacement (object obj) {
1179   do {
1180     pushSTACK(NIL);             /* no PLACE */
1181     pushSTACK(obj);             /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1182     pushSTACK(O(type_uint8_vector)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1183     pushSTACK(O(type_uint8_vector)); pushSTACK(obj);
1184     pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1185     check_value(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not a vector of type ~S"));
1186     obj = value1;
1187   } while (!bit_vector_p(Atype_8Bit,obj));
1188   return obj;
1189 }
1192 /* error-message, if an object is not an environment.
1193  error_environment(obj);
1194  > obj: non-vector */
error_environment(object obj)1195 global _Noreturn void error_environment (object obj) {
1196   pushSTACK(obj);              /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1197   pushSTACK(O(type_svector5)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1198   pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1199   error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S may not be used as an environment"));
1200 }
1202 /* error-message, if an argument is not a Fixnum >=0 :
1203  error_posfixnum(obj);
1204  > obj: the erroneous argument */
error_posfixnum(object obj)1205 global _Noreturn void error_posfixnum (object obj) {
1206   pushSTACK(obj);               /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1207   pushSTACK(O(type_posfixnum)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1208   pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1209   error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not a nonnegative fixnum"));
1210 }
1212 /* check_posfixnum_replacement(obj)
1213  > obj: not a fixnum >= 0
1214  < result: a fixnum >= 0, a replacement
1215  can trigger GC */
1216 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(posfixnum,O(type_posfixnum),posfixnump,
1217                        GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not a nonnegative fixnum"))
1219 /* check_integer_replacement(obj)
1220  > obj: not an integer
1221  < result: an integer, a replacement
1222  can trigger GC */
1223 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(integer,S(integer),integerp,
1224                        GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not an integer"))
1226 /* check_pos_integer_replacement(obj)
1227  > obj: not an integer >= 0
1228  < result: an integer >= 0, a replacement
1229  can trigger GC */
check_pos_integer_replacement(object obj)1230 modexp maygc object check_pos_integer_replacement (object obj) {
1231   do {
1232     pushSTACK(NIL);                /* no PLACE */
1233     pushSTACK(obj);                /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1234     pushSTACK(O(type_posinteger)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1235     pushSTACK(obj);
1236     pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1237     check_value(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a non-negative integer"));
1238     obj = value1;
1239   } while (!(integerp(obj) && !R_minusp(obj)));
1240   return obj;
1241 }
1243 /* Error when the argument is not a non-negative integer
1244  YES, we _CAN_ create lists longer than MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM!
1245  > kw: keyword naming the argument
1246  > object: bad index */
error_pos_integer(object kw,object obj)1247 global _Noreturn void error_pos_integer (object kw, object obj) {
1248   pushSTACK(obj);                /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1249   pushSTACK(O(type_posinteger)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1250   pushSTACK(obj);
1251   if (eq(kw,nullobj)) {
1252     pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1253     error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: index should not be negative: ~S"));
1254   } else {
1255     pushSTACK(kw); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1256     error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S-index should not be negative: ~S"));
1257   }
1258 }
1260 /* error-message, if an argument is not a Character:
1261  error_char(obj);
1262  > obj: the erroneous argument */
error_char(object obj)1263 global _Noreturn void error_char (object obj) {
1264   pushSTACK(obj);          /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1265   pushSTACK(S(character)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1266   pushSTACK(obj);
1267   pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1268   error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not a character"));
1269 }
1271 /* check_char_replacement(obj)
1272  > obj: not a character
1273  < result: a character, a replacement
1274  can trigger GC */
S(character)1275 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(char,S(character),charp,
1276                        GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not a character"))
1278 /* check_string_replacement(obj)
1279  > obj: not a string
1280  < result: a string, a replacement
1281  can trigger GC */
1282 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(string,S(string),stringp,
1283                        GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not a string"))
1285 /* error-message, if an argument is not a Simple-String:
1286  > obj: the erroneous argument */
1287 modexp _Noreturn void error_sstring (object obj) {
1288   pushSTACK(obj);              /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1289   pushSTACK(S(simple_string)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1290   pushSTACK(S(simple_string)); pushSTACK(obj);
1291   pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1292   error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not a ~S"));
1293 }
1295 /* error-message, if a Simple-String is immutable:
1296  error_sstring_immutable(obj);
1297  > obj: the String */
error_sstring_immutable(object obj)1298 global _Noreturn void error_sstring_immutable (object obj) {
1299   pushSTACK(obj);
1300   error(error_condition,GETTEXT("Attempt to modify a read-only string: ~S"));
1301 }
1303 /* Error message, if an argument is not of type (OR STRING INTEGER).
1304  error_string_integer(obj)  */
error_string_integer(object obj)1305 modexp _Noreturn void error_string_integer (object obj) {
1306   pushSTACK(obj);                    /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1307   pushSTACK(O(type_string_integer)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1308   pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1309   error(type_error,
1310         GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is neither a string nor an integer"));
1311 }
1313 /* Error message, if a string size is too big.
1314  error_stringsize(size);
1315  > size: the desired string length  */
error_stringsize(uintV size)1316 global _Noreturn void error_stringsize (uintV size) {
1317   var object obj = UV_to_I(size);
1318   pushSTACK(obj);                /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1319   pushSTACK(O(type_stringsize)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1320   pushSTACK(obj);
1321   error(type_error,GETTEXT("string too long: desired length ~S exceeds the supported maximum length"));
1322 }
1324 /* error message if an argument is not a class.
1325  error_class(caller,obj);
1326  > obj: the erroneous argument */
error_class(object obj)1327 global _Noreturn void error_class (object obj) {
1328   pushSTACK(obj);      /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1329   pushSTACK(S(class)); /* CLOS:CLASS, TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1330   pushSTACK(obj);
1331   pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name); /* function name */
1332   error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a class"));
1333 }
1335 /* error-message, if an argument is not a Stream:
1336  check_stream_replacement(obj);
1337  > obj: not a stream
1338  < obj: a stream
1339  can trigger GC */
1340 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(stream,S(stream),streamp,
1341                        GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not a stream"))
1343 /* Report an error when the argument is not an encoding:
1344  > obj: the (possibly) bad argument
1345  > default: what to return for :DEFAULT
1346  > keyword_p: true if the object comes from the :EXTERNAL-FORMAT argument
1347  < result: an encoding
1348  can trigger GC */
check_encoding(object arg,const gcv_object_t * e_default,bool keyword_p)1349 global maygc object check_encoding (object arg, const gcv_object_t *e_default,
1350                                     bool keyword_p) {
1351  restart:
1352   if (!boundp(arg) || eq(arg,S(Kdefault)))
1353     return *e_default;
1354   if (encodingp(arg))
1355     return arg;
1356  #ifdef ENABLE_UNICODE
1357   if (symbolp(arg) && constant_var_p(TheSymbol(arg))
1358       && encodingp(Symbol_value(arg)))
1359     return Symbol_value(arg);
1360   #ifdef HAVE_GOOD_ICONV
1361   if (stringp(arg)) {   /* (make-encoding :charset arg) */
1362     pushSTACK(arg);     /* :charset */
1363     pushSTACK(unbound); /* :line-terminator */
1364     pushSTACK(unbound); /* :input-error-action */
1365     pushSTACK(unbound); /* :output-error-action */
1366     pushSTACK(unbound); /* :if-does-not-exist */
1367     C_make_encoding();
1368     return value1;
1369   }
1370   #endif
1371  #else
1372   /* This is a hack to get away without an error. */
1373   if (symbolp(arg) && eq(Symbol_package(arg),O(charset_package)))
1374     return O(default_file_encoding);
1375  #endif
1376   if (eq(arg,S(Kunix)) || eq(arg,S(Kmac)) || eq(arg,S(Kdos))) {
1377     /* (make-encoding :charset default-file-encoding :line-terminator arg) */
1378     pushSTACK(*e_default); /* :charset */
1379     pushSTACK(arg);        /* :line-terminator */
1380     pushSTACK(unbound);    /* :input-error-action */
1381     pushSTACK(unbound);    /* :output-error-action */
1382     pushSTACK(unbound);    /* :if-does-not-exist */
1383     C_make_encoding();
1384     return value1;
1385   }
1386   pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */
1387   pushSTACK(arg);                     /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1388   pushSTACK(O(type_external_format)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1389   pushSTACK(arg);
1390   if (keyword_p) pushSTACK(S(Kexternal_format));
1391   pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1392   check_value(type_error,
1393               keyword_p ? GETTEXT("~S: Illegal ~S argument ~S")
1394               : GETTEXT("~S: Argument ~S is not a character set"));
1395   arg = value1;
1396   goto restart;
1397 }
1399 /* Signal an Error on illegal argument
1400  > arg: bad object
1401  > typ: expected type (may be nullobj to signal a regular error
1402         instead of a type-error)
1403  > key: the argument name (usually a keyword) */
error_illegal_arg(object arg,object typ,object key)1404 global _Noreturn void error_illegal_arg (object arg, object typ, object key) {
1405   condition_t errtype = error_condition;
1406   if (!eq(typ,nullobj)) {
1407     pushSTACK(arg); /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1408     pushSTACK(typ); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1409     errtype = type_error;
1410   }
1411   pushSTACK(arg); pushSTACK(key); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1412   error(errtype,GETTEXT("~S: Illegal ~S argument ~S"));
1413 }
1415 /* Error when the property list has odd length
1416  error_plist_odd(caller,plist);
1417  > plist: bad plist */
error_plist_odd(object plist)1418 modexp _Noreturn void error_plist_odd (object plist) {
1419   pushSTACK(plist);             /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1420   pushSTACK(S(plist));          /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE*/
1421   pushSTACK(plist); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1422   error(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: the property list ~S has an odd length"));
1423 }
1425 /* error-message for non-paired keyword-arguments
1426  error_key_odd(argcount,caller);
1427  > argcount: the number of arguments on the STACK
1428  > caller: function */
error_key_odd(uintC argcount,object caller)1429 modexp _Noreturn void error_key_odd (uintC argcount, object caller) {
1430   var uintC count;
1431   pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL);
1432   for (count=0; count<argcount; count++) STACK_(count) = STACK_(count+2);
1433   STACK_(argcount) = caller;
1434   var object arglist = listof(argcount);
1435   STACK_1 = arglist;
1436   /* ANSI CL wants a PROGRAM-ERROR here. */
1437   error(program_error,
1438         GETTEXT("~S: keyword arguments in ~S should occur pairwise"));
1439 }
1441 /* error-message for flawed keyword
1442  error_key_notkw(kw);
1443  > kw: Non-Symbol
1444  > caller: function */
error_key_notkw(object kw,object caller)1445 global _Noreturn void error_key_notkw (object kw, object caller) {
1446   pushSTACK(kw);        /* KEYWORD-ERROR slot DATUM */
1447   pushSTACK(S(symbol)); /* KEYWORD-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1448   pushSTACK(kw); pushSTACK(S(LLkey)); pushSTACK(caller);
1449   error(keyword_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S marker ~S is not a symbol"));
1450 }
1452 /* error-message for flawed keyword
1453  error_key_badkw(fun,kw,kwlist);
1454  > fun: function
1455  > key: illegal keyword
1456  > val: its value
1457  > kwlist: list of legal keywords */
error_key_badkw(object fun,object key,object val,object kwlist)1458 modexp _Noreturn void error_key_badkw (object fun, object key, object val, object kwlist) {
1459   pushSTACK(key); /* KEYWORD-ERROR slot DATUM */
1460   pushSTACK(kwlist);
1461   pushSTACK(kwlist);
1462   pushSTACK(val);
1463   pushSTACK(key);
1464   pushSTACK(fun);
1465   { /* `(MEMBER ,@kwlist) = KEYWORD-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1466     var object type = allocate_cons();
1467     Car(type) = S(member); Cdr(type) = STACK_4;
1468     STACK_4 = type;
1469   }
1470   error(keyword_error,
1471         GETTEXT("~S: illegal keyword/value pair ~S, ~S in argument list.\n"
1472                 "The allowed keywords are ~S"));
1473 }
1475 /* check_function_replacement(obj)
1476  > obj: not a function
1477  < result: a function, a replacement
1478  can trigger GC */
check_function_replacement(object obj)1479 global maygc object check_function_replacement (object obj) {
1480   do {
1481     pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */
1482     pushSTACK(obj);         /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1483     pushSTACK(S(function)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1484     pushSTACK(obj);
1485     pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1486     check_value(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a function"));
1487     if (symbolp(value1))
1488       obj = Symbol_function(value1);
1489     else if (funnamep(value1)) {
1490       var object name = get(Car(Cdr(value1)),S(setf_function));
1491       if (symbolp(name)) obj = Symbol_function(name);
1492       else obj = value1;
1493     } else if (consp(value1) && eq(Car(value1),S(lambda))) {
1494       pushSTACK(value1); pushSTACK(S(function));
1495       funcall(L(coerce),2);
1496       obj = value1;
1497     } else obj = value1;
1498   } while (!functionp(obj));
1499   return obj;
1500 }
1502 /* error if funname does not have a function definition
1503  check_fdefinition(funname,caller)
1504  > funname: symbol or (setf symbol)
1505  > caller: symbol
1506  < a function object, possibly also installed as (FDEFINITION funname)
1507  can trigger GC */
check_fdefinition(object funname,object caller)1508 global maygc object check_fdefinition (object funname, object caller)
1509 {
1510   var object name = (symbolp(funname) ? funname
1511                      : get(Car(Cdr(funname)),S(setf_function)));
1512   var object def = (symbolp(name) ? (object)Symbol_function(name) : unbound);
1513   var bool store_p = false;
1514   while (!functionp(def)) {
1515     pushSTACK(caller); pushSTACK(funname); /* save */
1516     pushSTACK(S(quote)); pushSTACK(funname); def = listof(2);
1517     pushSTACK(S(fdefinition)); pushSTACK(def); def = listof(2);
1518     pushSTACK(def); /* PLACE */
1519     pushSTACK(STACK_1/*funname*/); /* CELL-ERROR Slot NAME */
1520     pushSTACK(STACK_0); /* funname */
1521     pushSTACK(STACK_4); /* caller */
1522     check_value(undefined_function,GETTEXT("~S: undefined function ~S"));
1523     /* value2 selects the restart: 0: CONTINUE, T: STORE-VALUE, else: USE-VALUE
1524        see also condition.lisp:check-value */
1525     store_p = eq(value2,T);
1526     /* this is the only place where check_value()'s second value is checked
1527        for something other than non-NIL */
1528     if (eq(value2,Fixnum_0)) { /* RETRY restart */
1529       funname = STACK_0;
1530       name = (symbolp(funname) ? funname
1531               : get(Car(Cdr(funname)),S(setf_function)));
1532       value1 = (symbolp(name) ? (object)Symbol_function(name) : unbound);
1533     }
1534     funname = popSTACK(); caller = popSTACK(); /* restore */
1535     def = value1;
1536   }
1537   if (store_p) {                /* STORE-VALUE restart */
1538     name = (symbolp(funname) ? funname
1539             : get(Car(Cdr(funname)),S(setf_function)));
1540     if (!symbolp(name)) {
1541       pushSTACK(Car(Cdr(funname))); /* the symbol in (setf symbol) */
1542       pushSTACK(def); /* save new function */
1543       pushSTACK(funname); funcall(S(get_funname_symbol),1);
1544       pushSTACK(value1); /* save new name */
1545       pushSTACK(value1); pushSTACK(S(setf_function)); pushSTACK(STACK_4);
1546       funcall(L(put),3); /* (put symbol 'setf-function name) */
1547       name = popSTACK(); def = popSTACK(); /* restore */
1548       skipSTACK(1); /* drop symbol in (setf symbol) */
1549     }
1550     Symbol_function(name) = def;
1551   }
1552   return def;
1553 }
1555 /* check_funname_replacement(obj)
1556  > errtype: type of condition to signal if obj is not a function name,
1557             either type_error or source_program_error
1558  > caller: a symbol
1559  > obj: not a function name
1560  < result: a function name, either the same as obj or a replacement
1561  can trigger GC */
check_funname_replacement(condition_t errtype,object caller,object obj)1562 global maygc object check_funname_replacement
1563 (condition_t errtype, object caller, object obj) {
1564   pushSTACK(caller); /* save */
1565   do {
1566     caller = STACK_0;
1567     pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */
1568     switch (errtype) {
1569       case type_error:
1570         pushSTACK(obj);                   /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1571         pushSTACK(O(type_function_name)); /* slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1572         break;
1573       case source_program_error:
1574         pushSTACK(obj);         /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1575         break;
1576       default: NOTREACHED;
1577     }
1578     pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(caller);
1579     check_value(errtype,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a function name; try using a symbol instead"));
1580     obj = value1;
1581   } while (!funnamep(obj));
1582   skipSTACK(1); /* drop caller */
1583   return obj;
1584 }
1586 /* error-message, if an argument is a lambda-expression instead of a function:
1587  caller: caller (a symbol)
1588  obj: the erroneous argument */
error_lambda_expression(object caller,object obj)1589 global _Noreturn void error_lambda_expression (object caller, object obj) {
1590   pushSTACK(obj);         /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1591   pushSTACK(S(function)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1592   pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(caller);
1593   error(type_error,
1594         GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not a function.\n"
1595                 "To get a function in the current environment, write (FUNCTION ...).\n"
1596                 "To get a function in the global environment, write (COERCE '... 'FUNCTION)."));
1597 }
1599 /* too many arguments in a function call
1600  > caller : the function that is reporting the error (unbound == EVAL/APPLY)
1601  > func   : the function being incorrectly called
1602  > ngiven : the number of arguments given
1603  < nmax   : the maximum number of arguments accepted */
error_too_many_args(object caller,object func,uintL ngiven,uintL nmax)1604 global _Noreturn void error_too_many_args (object caller, object func, uintL ngiven, uintL nmax) {
1605   pushSTACK(func);
1606   pushSTACK(fixnum(nmax));
1607   pushSTACK(fixnum(ngiven));
1608   /* ANSI CL wants a PROGRAM-ERROR here. */
1609   if (!boundp(caller))
1610     error(program_error,GETTEXT("EVAL/APPLY: Too many arguments (~S instead of at most ~S) given to ~S"));
1611   else {
1612     pushSTACK(caller);
1613     error(program_error,GETTEXT("~S: Too many arguments (~S instead of at most ~S) given to ~S"));
1614   }
1615 }
1617 /* too few arguments in a function call
1618  > caller : the function that is reporting the error (unbound == EVAL/APPLY)
1619  > func   : the function being incorrectly called
1620  > ngiven : the number of arguments given
1621  < nmin   : the minimum number of arguments required */
error_too_few_args(object caller,object func,uintL ngiven,uintL nmin)1622 global _Noreturn void error_too_few_args (object caller, object func, uintL ngiven, uintL nmin) {
1623   pushSTACK(func);
1624   pushSTACK(fixnum(nmin));
1625   pushSTACK(fixnum(ngiven));
1626   /* ANSI CL wants a PROGRAM-ERROR here. */
1627   if (!boundp(caller))
1628     error(program_error,GETTEXT("EVAL/APPLY: Too few arguments (~S instead of at least ~S) given to ~S"));
1629   else {
1630     pushSTACK(caller);
1631     error(program_error,GETTEXT("~S: Too few arguments (~S instead of at least ~S) given to ~S"));
1632   }
1633 }
1635 /* error-message, if a symbol has no value.
1636  > symbol_: unbound symbol
1637  > restart_p: false if nonreturning
1638  < value1: bound value
1639  < value2: T if STORE-VALUE was selected, NIL otherwise
1640  can trigger GC */
check_variable_value_replacement(gcv_object_t * symbol_,bool restart_p)1641 global maygc void check_variable_value_replacement (gcv_object_t *symbol_,
1642                                                     bool restart_p) {
1643   do {
1644     if (restart_p) pushSTACK(*symbol_); /* PLACE */
1645     pushSTACK(*symbol_); /* CELL-ERROR Slot NAME */
1646     pushSTACK(*symbol_); pushSTACK(caller_name());
1647     if (restart_p)
1648       check_value(unbound_variable,GETTEXT("~S: variable ~S has no value"));
1649     else error(unbound_variable,GETTEXT("~S: variable ~S has no value"));
1650   } while (!boundp(value1));
1651 }
1653 /* error if an argument is not of a given elementary integer C type.
1654  error_c_integer(obj);
1655  > obj: the faulty argument
1656  > tcode: type code: 0 for int8, 1 for int16, 2 for int32, 3 for int64
1657  > signedp: sint or uint */
prepare_c_integer_signal(object obj,int tcode,bool signedp)1658 local const char* prepare_c_integer_signal (object obj, int tcode, bool signedp)
1659 {
1660   pushSTACK(obj);           /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1661   pushSTACK((signedp?&O(type_sint8):&O(type_uint8))[tcode]); /*EXPECTED-TYPE*/
1662   pushSTACK(fixnum(8<<tcode)); pushSTACK(obj);
1663   pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1664   return signedp
1665     ? GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not an integer with at most ~S bits (including the sign bit)")
1666     : GETTEXT("~S: argument ~S is not a nonnegative integer with at most ~S bits");
1667 }
error_c_integer(object obj,int tcode,bool signedp)1668 modexp _Noreturn void error_c_integer (object obj, int tcode, bool signedp) {
1669   error(type_error,prepare_c_integer_signal(obj,tcode,signedp));
1670 }
1672 /* get a replacement of a given elementary integer C type.
1673  check_c_integer_replacement(obj)
1674  > obj: not an integer in the range specified by tcode and signedp (see above)
1675  < obj: an integer in the range specified by tcode and signedp
1676  can trigger GC */
check_c_integer_replacement(object obj,int tcode,bool signedp)1677 modexp maygc object check_c_integer_replacement (object obj, int tcode,
1678                                                  bool signedp) {
1679   while (1) {
1680     pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */
1681     check_value(type_error,prepare_c_integer_signal(obj,tcode,signedp));
1682     obj = value1;
1683     switch (signedp ? tcode : tcode + 4) {
1684       case 0: if (sint8_p(obj)) return obj; else break;
1685       case 1: if (sint16_p(obj)) return obj; else break;
1686       case 2: if (sint32_p(obj)) return obj; else break;
1687       case 3: if (sint64_p(obj)) return obj; else break;
1688       case 4: if (uint8_p(obj)) return obj; else break;
1689       case 5: if (uint16_p(obj)) return obj; else break;
1690       case 6: if (uint32_p(obj)) return obj; else break;
1691       case 7: if (uint64_p(obj)) return obj; else break;
1692       default: NOTREACHED;
1693     }
1694   };
1695 }
1697 #if (int_bitsize==16)
1698   #define uint_type_object  O(type_uint16)
1699   #define sint_type_object  O(type_sint16)
1700 #else /* (int_bitsize==32) */
1701   #define uint_type_object  O(type_uint32)
1702   #define sint_type_object  O(type_sint32)
1703 #endif
1705 /* error, if argument is not an integer in the range of the C type 'uint'.
1706  check_uint_replacement(obj)
1707  > obj: not an integer in the range of uint
1708  < obj: an integer in the range of uint
1709  can trigger GC */
1710 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(uint,uint_type_object,uint_p,
1711                        GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not an `unsigned int' number"))
1713 /* error, if argument is not an integer in the range of the C type 'sint'.
1714  check_sint_replacement(obj)
1715  > obj: not an integer in the range of sint
1716  < obj: an integer in the range of sint
1717  can trigger GC */
1718 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(sint,sint_type_object,sint_p,
1719                        GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not an `int' number"))
1721 #undef uint_type_object
1722 #undef sint_type_object
1724 #if (long_bitsize==32)
1725   #define ulong_type_object  O(type_uint32)
1726   #define slong_type_object  O(type_sint32)
1727 #else /* (long_bitsize==64) */
1728   #define ulong_type_object  O(type_uint64)
1729   #define slong_type_object  O(type_sint64)
1730 #endif
1732 /* error, if argument is not an integer in the range of the C type 'ulong'.
1733  check_ulong_replacement(obj)
1734  > obj: not an integer in the range of ulong
1735  < obj: an integer in the range of ulong
1736  can trigger GC */
1737 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(ulong,ulong_type_object,ulong_p,
1738                        GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a `unsigned long' number"))
1740 /* error, if argument is not an integer in the range of the C type 'slong'.
1741  check_slong_replacement(obj)
1742  > obj: not an integer in the range of slong
1743  < obj: an integer in the range of slong
1744  can trigger GC */
1745 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(slong,slong_type_object,slong_p,
1746                        GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a `long' number"))
1748 #undef ulong_type_object
1749 #undef slong_type_object
1751 /* error, if argument is not a Single-Float.
1752  check_ffloat_replacement(obj)
1753  > obj: not a single-float
1754  < obj: a single-float
1755  can trigger GC */
1756 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(ffloat,S(single_float),single_float_p,
1757                        GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a single-float"))
1759 /* error, if argument is not a Double-Float.
1760  check_dfloat_replacement(obj)
1761  > obj: not a double-float
1762  < obj: a double-float
1763  can trigger GC */
1764 MAKE_CHECK_REPLACEMENT(dfloat,S(double_float),double_float_p,
1765                        GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a double-float"))