1 //  Copyright (c) 2015-2016 John Biddiscombe
2 //  Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Thomas Heller
3 //  Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Hartmut Kaiser
4 //
5 //  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
6 //  file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
11 #include <plugins/parcelport/parcelport_logging.hpp>
12 #include <hpx/runtime/parcelset/parcel_buffer.hpp>
13 #include <hpx/util/assert.hpp>
14 //
15 #include <array>
16 #include <cstdint>
17 #include <cstddef>
18 #include <cstring>
19 #include <utility>
20 #include <vector>
22 // A generic header structure that can be used by parcelports
23 // currently, the libfabric parcelport makes use of it
24 namespace hpx {
25 namespace parcelset {
26 namespace policies {
27 namespace libfabric
28 {
29     namespace detail
30     {
31         typedef serialization::serialization_chunk chunktype;
33         // if chunks are not piggybacked, we must send an rma handle for chunk acccess
34         // and state how many other rma chunks need to be retrieved (since this is
35         // normally stored in the missing chunk info)
36         struct chunk_header {
37             uint32_t  num_rma_chunks;
38             chunktype chunk_rma;
39         };
41         // data we send if there are zero copy blocks (or non piggybacked header/chunks)
42         struct rma_info {
43             uint64_t tag;
44         };
46         // data we send if message is piggybacked
47         struct message_info {
48             uint64_t message_size;
49         };
51         // data we send if both message and chunk data are -not- piggybacked
52         // to store the rma information for the message (that otherwise whould be in
53         // the chunk data)
54         struct message_chunk {
55             chunktype message_rma;
56         };
58         // this header block is always sent
59         struct header_block {
60             uint32_t  num_chunks;
61             uint32_t  flags;     // for padding to nice boundary (only need a few bits)
62         };
63     }
65     template <int SIZE>
66     struct header
67     {
68         static constexpr unsigned int header_block_size = sizeof(detail::header_block);
69         static constexpr unsigned int data_size_        = SIZE - header_block_size;
70         //
71         static const unsigned int chunk_flag    = 0x01; // chunks piggybacked
72         static const unsigned int message_flag  = 0x02; // message pigybacked
73         static const unsigned int normal_flag   = 0x04; // normal chunks present
74         static const unsigned int zerocopy_flag = 0x08; // zerocopy chunks present
76         typedef serialization::serialization_chunk chunktype;
78     private:
79         //
80         // this is the actual header content
81         //
82         detail::header_block         message_header;
83         std::array<char, data_size_> data_;
84         // the data block is laid out as follows for each optional item
85         // message_header - always present header_block_size
86         // chunk data   : sizeof(chunktype) * numchunks : when chunks piggybacked
87         //           or : sizeof(chunk_header)  : when chunks not piggybacked
88         // rma_info     : sizeof(rma_info)      : when we have anything to be rma'd
89         // message_info : sizeof(message_info)  : only when message pigybacked
90         //           or : sizeof(message_chunk) : when message+chunk both not piggybacked
91         // .....
92         // message      : buffer.size_ : only when message piggybacked
94     public:
95         //
96         template <typename Buffer>
headerhpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header97         header(Buffer const & buffer, void* tag)
98         {
99             const std::vector<chunktype>& chunks = buffer.chunks_;
100             //
101             message_header.flags      = 0;
102             message_header.num_chunks = chunks.size();
103             message_header.flags     |= buffer.num_chunks_.first  ? zerocopy_flag : 0;
104             message_header.flags     |= buffer.num_chunks_.second ? normal_flag : 0;
106             // space occupied by chunk data
107             size_t chunkbytes = chunks.size() * sizeof(chunktype);
109             // can we send the chunk info inside the header
110             // (NB. we add +1 chunk just in case of a non piggybacked message chunk)
111             if ((chunkbytes+sizeof(chunktype)) <= data_size_)  {
112                 message_header.flags |= chunk_flag;
113                 // copy chunk data directly into the header
114                 std::memcpy(&data_[chunk_data_offset()], chunks.data(), chunkbytes);
115             }
116             else
117             {
118                 LOG_DEBUG_MSG("Too many chunks for header "
119                     << decnumber(chunks.size())
120                     << "requires bytes " << decnumber(chunkbytes));
121                 message_header.flags &= ~chunk_flag;
122                 message_header.flags |= zerocopy_flag;
123                 // send just rma-get information, address and rma key will be added later
124                 detail::chunk_header *ch =
125                     reinterpret_cast<detail::chunk_header*>(&data_[chunk_data_offset()]);
126                 ch->num_rma_chunks = buffer.num_chunks_.first;
127                 ch->chunk_rma =
128                     serialization::create_pointer_chunk(nullptr, chunkbytes, 0);
129                 // reset chunkbytes size to size of rma hunk header
130                 chunkbytes = sizeof(detail::chunk_header);
131             }
133             // can we send main message inside the header
134             if (buffer.data_.size() <= (data_size_ - chunkbytes)) {
135                 message_header.flags |= message_flag;
136                 detail::message_info *info = message_info_ptr();
137                 info->message_size = buffer.size_;
138             }
139             else {
140                 message_header.flags &= ~message_flag;
141                 message_header.flags |= zerocopy_flag;
142                 if ((message_header.flags & chunk_flag) != 0) {
143                     // if chunks are piggybacked, just add one rma chunk for the message
144                     message_header.num_chunks += 1;
145                     chunktype message =
146                         serialization::create_pointer_chunk(nullptr, buffer.size_, 0);
147                     std::memcpy(&data_[chunkbytes], &message, sizeof(chunktype));
148                 }
149                 else {
150                     // the message isn't piggybacked and neither is the chunk data
151                     // so we must add rma-get information for the message
152                     detail::message_chunk *mc = reinterpret_cast<detail::message_chunk*>
153                         (&data_[message_info_offset()]);
154                     LOG_DEBUG_MSG("Setting chunk free message size to "
155                         << decnumber(buffer.size_)
156                         << "offset " << decnumber(message_info_offset()));
157                     mc->message_rma =
158                         serialization::create_pointer_chunk(nullptr, buffer.size_, 0);
159                 }
160             }
162             // set the rma tag
163             if ((message_header.flags & zerocopy_flag) != 0) {
164                 auto ptr = rma_info_ptr();
165                 ptr->tag = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(tag);
166             }
168             LOG_DEBUG_MSG("Header : " << *this);
169         }
171         // --------------------------------------------------------------------
operator <<(std::ostream & os,header<SIZE> & h)172         friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, header<SIZE> & h)
173         {
174             os  << "Flags " << hexbyte(h.message_header.flags)
175                 << "chunk_data_offset " << decnumber(h.chunk_data_offset())
176                 << "rma_info_offset " << decnumber(h.rma_info_offset())
177                 << "message_info_offset " << decnumber(h.message_info_offset())
178                 << "message_offset " << decnumber(h.message_offset())
179                 << "header length " << decnumber(h.header_length())
180                 << "message length " << hexlength(h.message_size())
181                 << "chunks " << decnumber(h.num_chunks())
182                 << "zerocopy ( " << decnumber(h.num_zero_copy_chunks()) << ") "
183                 << "normal ( " << decnumber(h.num_index_chunks()) << ") "
184                 << "piggyback " << decnumber((h.message_piggy_back()))
185                 << "tag " << hexuint64(h.tag());
186             return os;
187         }
189     public:
190         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
191         // if chunks are piggybacked, return pointer to list of chunk data
chunk_ptrhpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header192         inline char *chunk_ptr()
193         {
194             if ((message_header.flags & chunk_flag) == 0) {
195                 return nullptr;
196             }
197             return reinterpret_cast<char *>(&data_[chunk_data_offset()]);
198         }
200         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
201         // if chunks are not piggybacked, return pointer to chunk rma info
chunk_header_ptrhpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header202         inline detail::chunk_header *chunk_header_ptr()
203         {
204             if ((message_header.flags & chunk_flag) == 0) {
205                 return reinterpret_cast<detail::chunk_header *>
206                     (&data_[chunk_data_offset()]);
207             }
208             return nullptr;
209         }
211         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
212         // if there are rma blocks, return pointer to the rma tag
rma_info_ptrhpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header213         inline detail::rma_info *rma_info_ptr()
214         {
215             if ((message_header.flags & zerocopy_flag) == 0) {
216                 return nullptr;
217             }
218             return reinterpret_cast<detail::rma_info *>(&data_[rma_info_offset()]);
219         }
221         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
222         // if message is piggybacked, return pointer to start of message block
message_info_ptrhpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header223         inline detail::message_info *message_info_ptr()
224         {
225             if ((message_header.flags & message_flag) == 0) {
226                 return nullptr;
227             }
228             return reinterpret_cast<detail::message_info*>
229                 (&data_[message_info_offset()]);
230         }
232         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
233         // if message+chunk are not piggybacked, return pointer to message chunk
message_chunk_ptrhpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header234         inline detail::message_chunk *message_chunk_ptr()
235         {
236             if ((message_header.flags & message_flag) == 0 &&
237                 (message_header.flags & chunk_flag) == 0)
238             {
239                 return reinterpret_cast<detail::message_chunk*>
240                     (&data_[message_info_offset()]);
241             }
242             return nullptr;
243         }
245         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
message_ptrhpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header246         inline char *message_ptr()
247         {
248             if ((message_header.flags & message_flag) == 0) {
249                 return nullptr;
250             }
251             return reinterpret_cast<char*>(&data_[message_offset()]);
252         }
254         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
chunk_data_offsethpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header255         inline uint32_t chunk_data_offset() const
256         {
257             // just in case we ever add any new stuff
258             return 0;
259         }
rma_info_offsethpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header261         inline uint32_t rma_info_offset() const
262         {
263             // add the chunk data offset
264             std::uint32_t size = chunk_data_offset();
265             if ((message_header.flags & chunk_flag) !=0) {
266                 size = (message_header.num_chunks * sizeof(chunktype));
267             }
268             else {
269                 // chunks are not piggybacked, insert rma details
270                 size = sizeof(detail::chunk_header);
271             }
272             return size;
273         }
message_info_offsethpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header275         inline uint32_t message_info_offset() const
276         {
277             // add the rma info offset
278             std::uint32_t size = rma_info_offset();
279             if ((message_header.flags & zerocopy_flag) != 0) {
280                 size += sizeof(detail::rma_info);
281             }
282             return size;
283         }
message_offsethpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header285         inline uint32_t message_offset() const
286         {
287             // add the message info offset
288             std::uint32_t size = message_info_offset();
289             if ((message_header.flags & message_flag) !=0) {
290                 size += sizeof(detail::message_info);
291             }
292             else if ((message_header.flags & message_flag) == 0 &&
293                      (message_header.flags & chunk_flag) == 0)
294             {
295                 size += sizeof(detail::message_chunk);
296             }
297             return size;
298         }
300         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
301         // here beginneth the main public API
302         // ------------------------------------------------------------------
chunk_datahpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header303         inline char * chunk_data()
304         {
305             return chunk_ptr();
306         }
message_datahpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header308         inline char *message_data()
309         {
310             return message_ptr();
311         }
message_piggy_backhpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header313         inline bool message_piggy_back()
314         {
315             return message_ptr()!=nullptr;
316         }
taghpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header318         inline uint64_t tag()
319         {
320             auto ptr = rma_info_ptr();
321             return ptr ? ptr->tag : 0;
322         }
message_sizehpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header324         inline uint32_t message_size()
325         {
326             auto ptr = message_info_ptr();
327             if (ptr) {
328                 return ptr->message_size;
329             }
330             // if the data is not piggybacked then look at the final chunk
331             chunktype *chunks = reinterpret_cast<chunktype *>(chunk_ptr());
332             if (!chunks) {
333                 detail::message_chunk *mc = message_chunk_ptr();
334                 LOG_DEBUG_MSG("chunk free message size is "
335                     << decnumber(mc->message_rma.size_)
336                     << "offset was " << decnumber(message_info_offset()));
337                 return mc->message_rma.size_;
338             }
339             return chunks[message_header.num_chunks-1].size_;
340         }
342         // the full size of all the header information
header_lengthhpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header343         inline std::uint32_t header_length()
344         {
345             std::uint32_t size = header_block_size + message_offset();
346             return size;
347         }
set_message_rdma_infohpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header349         inline void set_message_rdma_info(uint64_t key, const void *addr)
350         {
351             chunktype *chunks = reinterpret_cast<chunktype *>(chunk_ptr());
352             if (!chunks) {
353                 detail::message_chunk *mc = message_chunk_ptr();
354                 chunks = &mc->message_rma;
355             }
356             else {
357                 chunks = &chunks[message_header.num_chunks-1];
358             }
359             // the last chunk will be our RMA message chunk
360             chunks->rkey_       = key;
361             chunks->data_.cpos_ = addr;
362         }
num_chunkshpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header364         std::uint32_t num_chunks()
365         {
366             return message_header.num_chunks;
367         }
num_zero_copy_chunkshpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header369         std::uint32_t num_zero_copy_chunks()
370         {
371             chunktype *chunks = reinterpret_cast<chunktype *>(chunk_ptr());
372             if (!chunks) {
373                 throw std::runtime_error("num_zero_copy_chunks without chunk data");
374             }
375             uint32_t num=0;
376             for (uint32_t i=0; i<message_header.num_chunks; ++i) {
377                 if (chunks[i].type_ == serialization::chunk_type::chunk_type_pointer) {
378                     ++num;
379                 }
380             }
381             return num;
382         }
num_index_chunkshpx::parcelset::policies::libfabric::header384         std::uint32_t num_index_chunks()
385         {
386             chunktype *chunks = reinterpret_cast<chunktype *>(chunk_ptr());
387             if (!chunks) {
388                 throw std::runtime_error("num_index_chunks without chunk data");
389             }
390             uint32_t num=0;
391             for (uint32_t i=0; i<message_header.num_chunks; ++i) {
392                 if (chunks[i].type_ == serialization::chunk_type::chunk_type_index) {
393                     ++num;
394                 }
395             }
396             return num;
397         }
399     };
401 }}}}
403 #endif