1 /*
2  *  Copyright 2002-2004 Adrian Thurston <thurston@complang.org>
3  */
5 /*  This file is part of Ragel.
6  *
7  *  Ragel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  *  (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  *  Ragel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  *  along with Ragel; if not, write to the Free Software
19  *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
20  */
22 #include "fsmgraph.h"
23 #include <iostream>
24 using std::cerr;
25 using std::endl;
27 CondData *condData = 0;
28 KeyOps *keyOps = 0;
30 /* Insert an action into an action table. */
setAction(int ordering,Action * action)31 void ActionTable::setAction( int ordering, Action *action )
32 {
33 	/* Multi-insert in case specific instances of an action appear in a
34 	 * transition more than once. */
35 	insertMulti( ordering, action );
36 }
38 /* Set all the action from another action table in this table. */
setActions(const ActionTable & other)39 void ActionTable::setActions( const ActionTable &other )
40 {
41 	for ( ActionTable::Iter action = other; action.lte(); action++ )
42 		insertMulti( action->key, action->value );
43 }
setActions(int * orderings,Action ** actions,int nActs)45 void ActionTable::setActions( int *orderings, Action **actions, int nActs )
46 {
47 	for ( int a = 0; a < nActs; a++ )
48 		insertMulti( orderings[a], actions[a] );
49 }
hasAction(Action * action)51 bool ActionTable::hasAction( Action *action )
52 {
53 	for ( int a = 0; a < length(); a++ ) {
54 		if ( data[a].value == action )
55 			return true;
56 	}
57 	return false;
58 }
60 /* Insert an action into an action table. */
setAction(int ordering,LongestMatchPart * action)61 void LmActionTable::setAction( int ordering, LongestMatchPart *action )
62 {
63 	/* Multi-insert in case specific instances of an action appear in a
64 	 * transition more than once. */
65 	insertMulti( ordering, action );
66 }
68 /* Set all the action from another action table in this table. */
setActions(const LmActionTable & other)69 void LmActionTable::setActions( const LmActionTable &other )
70 {
71 	for ( LmActionTable::Iter action = other; action.lte(); action++ )
72 		insertMulti( action->key, action->value );
73 }
setAction(int ordering,Action * action,int transferPoint)75 void ErrActionTable::setAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint )
76 {
77 	insertMulti( ErrActionTableEl( action, ordering, transferPoint ) );
78 }
setActions(const ErrActionTable & other)80 void ErrActionTable::setActions( const ErrActionTable &other )
81 {
82 	for ( ErrActionTable::Iter act = other; act.lte(); act++ )
83 		insertMulti( ErrActionTableEl( act->action, act->ordering, act->transferPoint ) );
84 }
86 /* Insert a priority into this priority table. Looks out for priorities on
87  * duplicate keys. */
setPrior(int ordering,PriorDesc * desc)88 void PriorTable::setPrior( int ordering, PriorDesc *desc )
89 {
90 	PriorEl *lastHit = 0;
91 	PriorEl *insed = insert( PriorEl(ordering, desc), &lastHit );
92 	if ( insed == 0 ) {
93 		/* This already has a priority on the same key as desc. Overwrite the
94 		 * priority if the ordering is larger (later in time). */
95 		if ( ordering >= lastHit->ordering )
96 			*lastHit = PriorEl( ordering, desc );
97 	}
98 }
100 /* Set all the priorities from a priorTable in this table. */
setPriors(const PriorTable & other)101 void PriorTable::setPriors( const PriorTable &other )
102 {
103 	/* Loop src priorities once to overwrite duplicates. */
104 	PriorTable::Iter priorIt = other;
105 	for ( ; priorIt.lte(); priorIt++ )
106 		setPrior( priorIt->ordering, priorIt->desc );
107 }
109 /* Set the priority of starting transitions. Isolates the start state so it has
110  * no other entry points, then sets the priorities of all the transitions out
111  * of the start state. If the start state is final, then the outPrior of the
112  * start state is also set. The idea is that a machine that accepts the null
113  * string can still specify the starting trans prior for when it accepts the
114  * null word. */
startFsmPrior(int ordering,PriorDesc * prior)115 void FsmAp::startFsmPrior( int ordering, PriorDesc *prior )
116 {
117 	/* Make sure the start state has no other entry points. */
118 	isolateStartState();
120 	/* Walk all transitions out of the start state. */
121 	for ( TransList::Iter trans = startState->outList; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
122 		if ( trans->toState != 0 )
123 			trans->priorTable.setPrior( ordering, prior );
124 	}
126 	/* If the new start state is final then set the out priority. This follows
127 	 * the same convention as setting start action in the out action table of
128 	 * a final start state. */
129 	if ( startState->stateBits & STB_ISFINAL )
130 		startState->outPriorTable.setPrior( ordering, prior );
131 }
133 /* Set the priority of all transitions in a graph. Walks all transition lists
134  * and all def transitions. */
allTransPrior(int ordering,PriorDesc * prior)135 void FsmAp::allTransPrior( int ordering, PriorDesc *prior )
136 {
137 	/* Walk the list of all states. */
138 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
139 		/* Walk the out list of the state. */
140 		for ( TransList::Iter trans = state->outList; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
141 			if ( trans->toState != 0 )
142 				trans->priorTable.setPrior( ordering, prior );
143 		}
144 	}
145 }
147 /* Set the priority of all transitions that go into a final state. Note that if
148  * any entry states are final, we will not be setting the priority of any
149  * transitions that may go into those states in the future. The graph does not
150  * support pending in transitions in the same way pending out transitions are
151  * supported. */
finishFsmPrior(int ordering,PriorDesc * prior)152 void FsmAp::finishFsmPrior( int ordering, PriorDesc *prior )
153 {
154 	/* Walk all final states. */
155 	for ( StateSet::Iter state = finStateSet; state.lte(); state++ ) {
156 		/* Walk all in transitions of the final state. */
157 		for ( TransInList::Iter trans = (*state)->inList; trans.lte(); trans++ )
158 			trans->priorTable.setPrior( ordering, prior );
159 	}
160 }
162 /* Set the priority of any future out transitions that may be made going out of
163  * this state machine. */
leaveFsmPrior(int ordering,PriorDesc * prior)164 void FsmAp::leaveFsmPrior( int ordering, PriorDesc *prior )
165 {
166 	/* Set priority in all final states. */
167 	for ( StateSet::Iter state = finStateSet; state.lte(); state++ )
168 		(*state)->outPriorTable.setPrior( ordering, prior );
169 }
172 /* Set actions to execute on starting transitions. Isolates the start state
173  * so it has no other entry points, then adds to the transition functions
174  * of all the transitions out of the start state. If the start state is final,
175  * then the func is also added to the start state's out func list. The idea is
176  * that a machine that accepts the null string can execute a start func when it
177  * matches the null word, which can only be done when leaving the start/final
178  * state. */
startFsmAction(int ordering,Action * action)179 void FsmAp::startFsmAction( int ordering, Action *action )
180 {
181 	/* Make sure the start state has no other entry points. */
182 	isolateStartState();
184 	/* Walk the start state's transitions, setting functions. */
185 	for ( TransList::Iter trans = startState->outList; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
186 		if ( trans->toState != 0 )
187 			trans->actionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
188 	}
190 	/* If start state is final then add the action to the out action table.
191 	 * This means that when the null string is accepted the start action will
192 	 * not be bypassed. */
193 	if ( startState->stateBits & STB_ISFINAL )
194 		startState->outActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
195 }
197 /* Set functions to execute on all transitions. Walks the out lists of all
198  * states. */
allTransAction(int ordering,Action * action)199 void FsmAp::allTransAction( int ordering, Action *action )
200 {
201 	/* Walk all states. */
202 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
203 		/* Walk the out list of the state. */
204 		for ( TransList::Iter trans = state->outList; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
205 			if ( trans->toState != 0 )
206 				trans->actionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
207 		}
208 	}
209 }
211 /* Specify functions to execute upon entering final states. If the start state
212  * is final we can't really specify a function to execute upon entering that
213  * final state the first time. So function really means whenever entering a
214  * final state from within the same fsm. */
finishFsmAction(int ordering,Action * action)215 void FsmAp::finishFsmAction( int ordering, Action *action )
216 {
217 	/* Walk all final states. */
218 	for ( StateSet::Iter state = finStateSet; state.lte(); state++ ) {
219 		/* Walk the final state's in list. */
220 		for ( TransInList::Iter trans = (*state)->inList; trans.lte(); trans++ )
221 			trans->actionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
222 	}
223 }
225 /* Add functions to any future out transitions that may be made going out of
226  * this state machine. */
leaveFsmAction(int ordering,Action * action)227 void FsmAp::leaveFsmAction( int ordering, Action *action )
228 {
229 	/* Insert the action in the outActionTable of all final states. */
230 	for ( StateSet::Iter state = finStateSet; state.lte(); state++ )
231 		(*state)->outActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
232 }
234 /* Add functions to the longest match action table for constructing scanners. */
longMatchAction(int ordering,LongestMatchPart * lmPart)235 void FsmAp::longMatchAction( int ordering, LongestMatchPart *lmPart )
236 {
237 	/* Walk all final states. */
238 	for ( StateSet::Iter state = finStateSet; state.lte(); state++ ) {
239 		/* Walk the final state's in list. */
240 		for ( TransInList::Iter trans = (*state)->inList; trans.lte(); trans++ )
241 			trans->lmActionTable.setAction( ordering, lmPart );
242 	}
243 }
fillGaps(StateAp * state)245 void FsmAp::fillGaps( StateAp *state )
246 {
247 	if ( state->outList.length() == 0 ) {
248 		/* Add the range on the lower and upper bound. */
249 		attachNewTrans( state, 0, keyOps->minKey, keyOps->maxKey );
250 	}
251 	else {
252 		TransList srcList;
253 		srcList.transfer( state->outList );
255 		/* Check for a gap at the beginning. */
256 		TransList::Iter trans = srcList, next;
257 		if ( keyOps->minKey < trans->lowKey ) {
258 			/* Make the high key and append. */
259 			Key highKey = trans->lowKey;
260 			highKey.decrement();
262 			attachNewTrans( state, 0, keyOps->minKey, highKey );
263 		}
265 		/* Write the transition. */
266 		next = trans.next();
267 		state->outList.append( trans );
269 		/* Keep the last high end. */
270 		Key lastHigh = trans->highKey;
272 		/* Loop each source range. */
273 		for ( trans = next; trans.lte(); trans = next ) {
274 			/* Make the next key following the last range. */
275 			Key nextKey = lastHigh;
276 			nextKey.increment();
278 			/* Check for a gap from last up to here. */
279 			if ( nextKey < trans->lowKey ) {
280 				/* Make the high end of the range that fills the gap. */
281 				Key highKey = trans->lowKey;
282 				highKey.decrement();
284 				attachNewTrans( state, 0, nextKey, highKey );
285 			}
287 			/* Reduce the transition. If it reduced to anything then add it. */
288 			next = trans.next();
289 			state->outList.append( trans );
291 			/* Keep the last high end. */
292 			lastHigh = trans->highKey;
293 		}
295 		/* Now check for a gap on the end to fill. */
296 		if ( lastHigh < keyOps->maxKey ) {
297 			/* Get a copy of the default. */
298 			lastHigh.increment();
300 			attachNewTrans( state, 0, lastHigh, keyOps->maxKey );
301 		}
302 	}
303 }
setErrorActions(StateAp * state,const ActionTable & other)305 void FsmAp::setErrorActions( StateAp *state, const ActionTable &other )
306 {
307 	/* Fill any gaps in the out list with an error transition. */
308 	fillGaps( state );
310 	/* Set error transitions in the transitions that go to error. */
311 	for ( TransList::Iter trans = state->outList; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
312 		if ( trans->toState == 0 )
313 			trans->actionTable.setActions( other );
314 	}
315 }
setErrorAction(StateAp * state,int ordering,Action * action)317 void FsmAp::setErrorAction( StateAp *state, int ordering, Action *action )
318 {
319 	/* Fill any gaps in the out list with an error transition. */
320 	fillGaps( state );
322 	/* Set error transitions in the transitions that go to error. */
323 	for ( TransList::Iter trans = state->outList; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
324 		if ( trans->toState == 0 )
325 			trans->actionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
326 	}
327 }
330 /* Give a target state for error transitions. */
setErrorTarget(StateAp * state,StateAp * target,int * orderings,Action ** actions,int nActs)331 void FsmAp::setErrorTarget( StateAp *state, StateAp *target, int *orderings,
332 			Action **actions, int nActs )
333 {
334 	/* Fill any gaps in the out list with an error transition. */
335 	fillGaps( state );
337 	/* Set error target in the transitions that go to error. */
338 	for ( TransList::Iter trans = state->outList; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
339 		if ( trans->toState == 0 ) {
340 			/* The trans goes to error, redirect it. */
341 			redirectErrorTrans( trans->fromState, target, trans );
342 			trans->actionTable.setActions( orderings, actions, nActs );
343 		}
344 	}
345 }
transferOutActions(StateAp * state)347 void FsmAp::transferOutActions( StateAp *state )
348 {
349 	for ( ActionTable::Iter act = state->outActionTable; act.lte(); act++ )
350 		state->eofActionTable.setAction( act->key, act->value );
351 	state->outActionTable.empty();
352 }
transferErrorActions(StateAp * state,int transferPoint)354 void FsmAp::transferErrorActions( StateAp *state, int transferPoint )
355 {
356 	for ( int i = 0; i < state->errActionTable.length(); ) {
357 		ErrActionTableEl *act = state->errActionTable.data + i;
358 		if ( act->transferPoint == transferPoint ) {
359 			/* Transfer the error action and remove it. */
360 			setErrorAction( state, act->ordering, act->action );
361 			if ( ! state->isFinState() )
362 				state->eofActionTable.setAction( act->ordering, act->action );
363 			state->errActionTable.vremove( i );
364 		}
365 		else {
366 			/* Not transfering and deleting, skip over the item. */
367 			i += 1;
368 		}
369 	}
370 }
372 /* Set error actions in the start state. */
startErrorAction(int ordering,Action * action,int transferPoint)373 void FsmAp::startErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint )
374 {
375 	/* Make sure the start state has no other entry points. */
376 	isolateStartState();
378 	/* Add the actions. */
379 	startState->errActionTable.setAction( ordering, action, transferPoint );
380 }
382 /* Set error actions in all states where there is a transition out. */
allErrorAction(int ordering,Action * action,int transferPoint)383 void FsmAp::allErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint )
384 {
385 	/* Insert actions in the error action table of all states. */
386 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ )
387 		state->errActionTable.setAction( ordering, action, transferPoint );
388 }
390 /* Set error actions in final states. */
finalErrorAction(int ordering,Action * action,int transferPoint)391 void FsmAp::finalErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint )
392 {
393 	/* Add the action to the error table of final states. */
394 	for ( StateSet::Iter state = finStateSet; state.lte(); state++ )
395 		(*state)->errActionTable.setAction( ordering, action, transferPoint );
396 }
notStartErrorAction(int ordering,Action * action,int transferPoint)398 void FsmAp::notStartErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint )
399 {
400 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
401 		if ( state != startState )
402 			state->errActionTable.setAction( ordering, action, transferPoint );
403 	}
404 }
notFinalErrorAction(int ordering,Action * action,int transferPoint)406 void FsmAp::notFinalErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint )
407 {
408 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
409 		if ( ! state->isFinState() )
410 			state->errActionTable.setAction( ordering, action, transferPoint );
411 	}
412 }
414 /* Set error actions in the states that have transitions into a final state. */
middleErrorAction(int ordering,Action * action,int transferPoint)415 void FsmAp::middleErrorAction( int ordering, Action *action, int transferPoint )
416 {
417 	/* Isolate the start state in case it is reachable from in inside the
418 	 * machine, in which case we don't want it set. */
419 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
420 		if ( state != startState && ! state->isFinState() )
421 			state->errActionTable.setAction( ordering, action, transferPoint );
422 	}
423 }
425 /* Set EOF actions in the start state. */
startEOFAction(int ordering,Action * action)426 void FsmAp::startEOFAction( int ordering, Action *action )
427 {
428 	/* Make sure the start state has no other entry points. */
429 	isolateStartState();
431 	/* Add the actions. */
432 	startState->eofActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
433 }
435 /* Set EOF actions in all states where there is a transition out. */
allEOFAction(int ordering,Action * action)436 void FsmAp::allEOFAction( int ordering, Action *action )
437 {
438 	/* Insert actions in the EOF action table of all states. */
439 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ )
440 		state->eofActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
441 }
443 /* Set EOF actions in final states. */
finalEOFAction(int ordering,Action * action)444 void FsmAp::finalEOFAction( int ordering, Action *action )
445 {
446 	/* Add the action to the error table of final states. */
447 	for ( StateSet::Iter state = finStateSet; state.lte(); state++ )
448 		(*state)->eofActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
449 }
notStartEOFAction(int ordering,Action * action)451 void FsmAp::notStartEOFAction( int ordering, Action *action )
452 {
453 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
454 		if ( state != startState )
455 			state->eofActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
456 	}
457 }
notFinalEOFAction(int ordering,Action * action)459 void FsmAp::notFinalEOFAction( int ordering, Action *action )
460 {
461 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
462 		if ( ! state->isFinState() )
463 			state->eofActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
464 	}
465 }
467 /* Set EOF actions in the states that have transitions into a final state. */
middleEOFAction(int ordering,Action * action)468 void FsmAp::middleEOFAction( int ordering, Action *action )
469 {
470 	/* Set the actions in all states that are not the start state and not final. */
471 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
472 		if ( state != startState && ! state->isFinState() )
473 			state->eofActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
474 	}
475 }
477 /*
478  * Set To State Actions.
479  */
481 /* Set to state actions in the start state. */
startToStateAction(int ordering,Action * action)482 void FsmAp::startToStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
483 {
484 	/* Make sure the start state has no other entry points. */
485 	isolateStartState();
486 	startState->toStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
487 }
489 /* Set to state actions in all states. */
allToStateAction(int ordering,Action * action)490 void FsmAp::allToStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
491 {
492 	/* Insert the action on all states. */
493 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ )
494 		state->toStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
495 }
497 /* Set to state actions in final states. */
finalToStateAction(int ordering,Action * action)498 void FsmAp::finalToStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
499 {
500 	/* Add the action to the error table of final states. */
501 	for ( StateSet::Iter state = finStateSet; state.lte(); state++ )
502 		(*state)->toStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
503 }
notStartToStateAction(int ordering,Action * action)505 void FsmAp::notStartToStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
506 {
507 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
508 		if ( state != startState )
509 			state->toStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
510 	}
511 }
notFinalToStateAction(int ordering,Action * action)513 void FsmAp::notFinalToStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
514 {
515 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
516 		if ( ! state->isFinState() )
517 			state->toStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
518 	}
519 }
521 /* Set to state actions in states that are not final and not the start state. */
middleToStateAction(int ordering,Action * action)522 void FsmAp::middleToStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
523 {
524 	/* Set the action in all states that are not the start state and not final. */
525 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
526 		if ( state != startState && ! state->isFinState() )
527 			state->toStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
528 	}
529 }
531 /*
532  * Set From State Actions.
533  */
startFromStateAction(int ordering,Action * action)535 void FsmAp::startFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
536 {
537 	/* Make sure the start state has no other entry points. */
538 	isolateStartState();
539 	startState->fromStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
540 }
allFromStateAction(int ordering,Action * action)542 void FsmAp::allFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
543 {
544 	/* Insert the action on all states. */
545 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ )
546 		state->fromStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
547 }
finalFromStateAction(int ordering,Action * action)549 void FsmAp::finalFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
550 {
551 	/* Add the action to the error table of final states. */
552 	for ( StateSet::Iter state = finStateSet; state.lte(); state++ )
553 		(*state)->fromStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
554 }
notStartFromStateAction(int ordering,Action * action)556 void FsmAp::notStartFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
557 {
558 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
559 		if ( state != startState )
560 			state->fromStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
561 	}
562 }
notFinalFromStateAction(int ordering,Action * action)564 void FsmAp::notFinalFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
565 {
566 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
567 		if ( ! state->isFinState() )
568 			state->fromStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
569 	}
570 }
middleFromStateAction(int ordering,Action * action)572 void FsmAp::middleFromStateAction( int ordering, Action *action )
573 {
574 	/* Set the action in all states that are not the start state and not final. */
575 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
576 		if ( state != startState && ! state->isFinState() )
577 			state->fromStateActionTable.setAction( ordering, action );
578 	}
579 }
581 /* Shift the function ordering of the start transitions to start
582  * at fromOrder and increase in units of 1. Useful before staring.
583  * Returns the maximum number of order numbers used. */
shiftStartActionOrder(int fromOrder)584 int FsmAp::shiftStartActionOrder( int fromOrder )
585 {
586 	int maxUsed = 0;
588 	/* Walk the start state's transitions, shifting function ordering. */
589 	for ( TransList::Iter trans = startState->outList; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
590 		/* Walk the function data for the transition and set the keys to
591 		 * increasing values starting at fromOrder. */
592 		int curFromOrder = fromOrder;
593 		ActionTable::Iter action = trans->actionTable;
594 		for ( ; action.lte(); action++ )
595 			action->key = curFromOrder++;
597 		/* Keep track of the max number of orders used. */
598 		if ( curFromOrder - fromOrder > maxUsed )
599 			maxUsed = curFromOrder - fromOrder;
600 	}
602 	return maxUsed;
603 }
605 /* Remove all priorities. */
clearAllPriorities()606 void FsmAp::clearAllPriorities()
607 {
608 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
609 		/* Clear out priority data. */
610 		state->outPriorTable.empty();
612 		/* Clear transition data from the out transitions. */
613 		for ( TransList::Iter trans = state->outList; trans.lte(); trans++ )
614 			trans->priorTable.empty();
615 	}
616 }
618 /* Zeros out the function ordering keys. This may be called before minimization
619  * when it is known that no more fsm operations are going to be done.  This
620  * will achieve greater reduction as states will not be separated on the basis
621  * of function ordering. */
nullActionKeys()622 void FsmAp::nullActionKeys( )
623 {
624 	/* For each state... */
625 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
626 		/* Walk the transitions for the state. */
627 		for ( TransList::Iter trans = state->outList; trans.lte(); trans++ ) {
628 			/* Walk the action table for the transition. */
629 			for ( ActionTable::Iter action = trans->actionTable;
630 					action.lte(); action++ )
631 				action->key = 0;
633 			/* Walk the action table for the transition. */
634 			for ( LmActionTable::Iter action = trans->lmActionTable;
635 					action.lte(); action++ )
636 				action->key = 0;
637 		}
639 		/* Null the action keys of the to state action table. */
640 		for ( ActionTable::Iter action = state->toStateActionTable;
641 				action.lte(); action++ )
642 			action->key = 0;
644 		/* Null the action keys of the from state action table. */
645 		for ( ActionTable::Iter action = state->fromStateActionTable;
646 				action.lte(); action++ )
647 			action->key = 0;
649 		/* Null the action keys of the out transtions. */
650 		for ( ActionTable::Iter action = state->outActionTable;
651 				action.lte(); action++ )
652 			action->key = 0;
654 		/* Null the action keys of the error action table. */
655 		for ( ErrActionTable::Iter action = state->errActionTable;
656 				action.lte(); action++ )
657 			action->ordering = 0;
659 		/* Null the action keys eof action table. */
660 		for ( ActionTable::Iter action = state->eofActionTable;
661 				action.lte(); action++ )
662 			action->key = 0;
663 	}
664 }
666 /* Walk the list of states and verify that non final states do not have out
667  * data, that all stateBits are cleared, and that there are no states with
668  * zero foreign in transitions. */
verifyStates()669 void FsmAp::verifyStates()
670 {
671 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ ) {
672 		/* Non final states should not have leaving data. */
673 		if ( ! (state->stateBits & STB_ISFINAL) ) {
674 			assert( state->outActionTable.length() == 0 );
675 			assert( state->outCondSet.length() == 0 );
676 			assert( state->outPriorTable.length() == 0 );
677 		}
679 		/* Data used in algorithms should be cleared. */
680 		assert( (state->stateBits & STB_BOTH) == 0 );
681 		assert( state->foreignInTrans > 0 );
682 	}
683 }
685 /* Compare two transitions according to their relative priority. Since the
686  * base transition has no priority associated with it, the default is to
687  * return equal. */
comparePrior(const PriorTable & priorTable1,const PriorTable & priorTable2)688 int FsmAp::comparePrior( const PriorTable &priorTable1, const PriorTable &priorTable2 )
689 {
690 	/* Looking for differing priorities on same keys. Need to concurrently
691 	 * scan the priority lists. */
692 	PriorTable::Iter pd1 = priorTable1;
693 	PriorTable::Iter pd2 = priorTable2;
694 	while ( pd1.lte() && pd2.lte() ) {
695 		/* Check keys. */
696 		if ( pd1->desc->key < pd2->desc->key )
697 			pd1.increment();
698 		else if ( pd1->desc->key > pd2->desc->key )
699 			pd2.increment();
700 		/* Keys are the same, check priorities. */
701 		else if ( pd1->desc->priority < pd2->desc->priority )
702 			return -1;
703 		else if ( pd1->desc->priority > pd2->desc->priority )
704 			return 1;
705 		else {
706 			/* Keys and priorities are equal, advance both. */
707 			pd1.increment();
708 			pd2.increment();
709 		}
710 	}
712 	/* No differing priorities on the same key. */
713 	return 0;
714 }
716 /* Compares two transitions according to priority and functions. Pointers
717  * should not be null. Does not consider to state or from state.  Compare two
718  * transitions according to the data contained in the transitions.  Data means
719  * any properties added to user transitions that may differentiate them. Since
720  * the base transition has no data, the default is to return equal. */
compareTransData(TransAp * trans1,TransAp * trans2)721 int FsmAp::compareTransData( TransAp *trans1, TransAp *trans2 )
722 {
723 	/* Compare the prior table. */
724 	int cmpRes = CmpPriorTable::compare( trans1->priorTable,
725 			trans2->priorTable );
726 	if ( cmpRes != 0 )
727 		return cmpRes;
729 	/* Compare longest match action tables. */
730 	cmpRes = CmpLmActionTable::compare(trans1->lmActionTable,
731 			trans2->lmActionTable);
732 	if ( cmpRes != 0 )
733 		return cmpRes;
735 	/* Compare action tables. */
736 	return CmpActionTable::compare(trans1->actionTable,
737 			trans2->actionTable);
738 }
740 /* Callback invoked when another trans (or possibly this) is added into this
741  * transition during the merging process.  Draw in any properties of srcTrans
742  * into this transition. AddInTrans is called when a new transitions is made
743  * that will be a duplicate of another transition or a combination of several
744  * other transitions. AddInTrans will be called for each transition that the
745  * new transition is to represent. */
addInTrans(TransAp * destTrans,TransAp * srcTrans)746 void FsmAp::addInTrans( TransAp *destTrans, TransAp *srcTrans )
747 {
748 	/* Protect against adding in from ourselves. */
749 	if ( srcTrans == destTrans ) {
750 		/* Adding in ourselves, need to make a copy of the source transitions.
751 		 * The priorities are not copied in as that would have no effect. */
752 		destTrans->lmActionTable.setActions( LmActionTable(srcTrans->lmActionTable) );
753 		destTrans->actionTable.setActions( ActionTable(srcTrans->actionTable) );
754 	}
755 	else {
756 		/* Not a copy of ourself, get the functions and priorities. */
757 		destTrans->lmActionTable.setActions( srcTrans->lmActionTable );
758 		destTrans->actionTable.setActions( srcTrans->actionTable );
759 		destTrans->priorTable.setPriors( srcTrans->priorTable );
760 	}
761 }
763 /* Compare the properties of states that are embedded by users. Compares out
764  * priorities, out transitions, to, from, out, error and eof action tables. */
compareStateData(const StateAp * state1,const StateAp * state2)765 int FsmAp::compareStateData( const StateAp *state1, const StateAp *state2 )
766 {
767 	/* Compare the out priority table. */
768 	int cmpRes = CmpPriorTable::
769 			compare( state1->outPriorTable, state2->outPriorTable );
770 	if ( cmpRes != 0 )
771 		return cmpRes;
773 	/* Test to state action tables. */
774 	cmpRes = CmpActionTable::compare( state1->toStateActionTable,
775 			state2->toStateActionTable );
776 	if ( cmpRes != 0 )
777 		return cmpRes;
779 	/* Test from state action tables. */
780 	cmpRes = CmpActionTable::compare( state1->fromStateActionTable,
781 			state2->fromStateActionTable );
782 	if ( cmpRes != 0 )
783 		return cmpRes;
785 	/* Test out action tables. */
786 	cmpRes = CmpActionTable::compare( state1->outActionTable,
787 			state2->outActionTable );
788 	if ( cmpRes != 0 )
789 		return cmpRes;
791 	/* Test out condition sets. */
792 	cmpRes = CmpOutCondSet::compare( state1->outCondSet,
793 			state2->outCondSet );
794 	if ( cmpRes != 0 )
795 		return cmpRes;
797 	/* Test out error action tables. */
798 	cmpRes = CmpErrActionTable::compare( state1->errActionTable,
799 			state2->errActionTable );
800 	if ( cmpRes != 0 )
801 		return cmpRes;
803 	/* Test eof action tables. */
804 	return CmpActionTable::compare( state1->eofActionTable,
805 			state2->eofActionTable );
806 }
809 /* Invoked when a state looses its final state status and the leaving
810  * transition embedding data should be deleted. */
clearOutData(StateAp * state)811 void FsmAp::clearOutData( StateAp *state )
812 {
813 	/* Kill the out actions and priorities. */
814 	state->outActionTable.empty();
815 	state->outCondSet.empty();
816 	state->outPriorTable.empty();
817 }
hasOutData(StateAp * state)819 bool FsmAp::hasOutData( StateAp *state )
820 {
821 	return ( state->outActionTable.length() > 0 ||
822 			state->outCondSet.length() > 0 ||
823 			state->outPriorTable.length() > 0 );
824 }
826 /*
827  * Setting Conditions.
828  */
830 void logNewExpansion( Expansion *exp );
831 void logCondSpace( CondSpace *condSpace );
addCondSpace(const CondSet & condSet)833 CondSpace *FsmAp::addCondSpace( const CondSet &condSet )
834 {
835 	CondSpace *condSpace = condData->condSpaceMap.find( condSet );
836 	if ( condSpace == 0 ) {
837 		/* Do we have enough keyspace left? */
838 		Size availableSpace = condData->lastCondKey.availableSpace();
839 		Size neededSpace = (1 << condSet.length() ) * keyOps->alphSize();
840 		if ( neededSpace > availableSpace )
841 			throw FsmConstructFail( FsmConstructFail::CondNoKeySpace );
843 		Key baseKey = condData->lastCondKey;
844 		baseKey.increment();
845 		condData->lastCondKey += (1 << condSet.length() ) * keyOps->alphSize();
847 		condSpace = new CondSpace( condSet );
848 		condSpace->baseKey = baseKey;
849 		condData->condSpaceMap.insert( condSpace );
851 		#ifdef LOG_CONDS
852 		cerr << "adding new condition space" << endl;
853 		cerr << "  condition set: ";
854 		logCondSpace( condSpace );
855 		cerr << endl;
856 		cerr << "  baseKey: " << baseKey.getVal() << endl;
857 		#endif
858 	}
859 	return condSpace;
860 }
startFsmCondition(Action * condAction,bool sense)862 void FsmAp::startFsmCondition( Action *condAction, bool sense )
863 {
864 	/* Make sure the start state has no other entry points. */
865 	isolateStartState();
866 	embedCondition( startState, condAction, sense );
867 }
allTransCondition(Action * condAction,bool sense)869 void FsmAp::allTransCondition( Action *condAction, bool sense )
870 {
871 	for ( StateList::Iter state = stateList; state.lte(); state++ )
872 		embedCondition( state, condAction, sense );
873 }
leaveFsmCondition(Action * condAction,bool sense)875 void FsmAp::leaveFsmCondition( Action *condAction, bool sense )
876 {
877 	for ( StateSet::Iter state = finStateSet; state.lte(); state++ )
878 		(*state)->outCondSet.insert( OutCond( condAction, sense ) );
879 }