1 /********************************************************************\
2  * Query.h : api for finding transactions                           *
3  * Copyright 2000 Bill Gribble <grib@billgribble.com>               *
4  * Copyright 2002 Linas Vepstas <linas@linas.org>                   *
5  *                                                                  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    *
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   *
8  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   *
9  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.              *
10  *                                                                  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  *
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   *
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.                     *
15  *                                                                  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
17  * along with this program; if not, contact:                        *
18  *                                                                  *
19  * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942       *
20  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652       *
21  * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu@gnu.org                   *
22 \********************************************************************/
24 #ifndef GNUCASH_QUERY_H
25 #define GNUCASH_QUERY_H
27 #include <sys/types.h>
28 #include <time.h>
29 #include <glib.h>
30 #include "qof.h"
31 #include "Account.h"
33 /*
34  * This function defines a compatibility API from the old Query API to
35  * the new Query API.  Note that it is not a 100% complete equivalent.
36  * Many functions have a one-to-one mapping in the new API, but many
37  * others do not.
38  */
40 typedef QofQuery Query;
42 typedef enum
43 {
44     QUERY_TXN_MATCH_ALL = 1, /* match all accounts */
45     QUERY_TXN_MATCH_ANY = 2  /* match any account */
46 } query_txn_match_t;
48 /* After the query has been set up, call one of these to run the query.
49  *    XXX The routines below should be replaced by a query
50  *    that explicitly asks for a list of the desired item.
51  *
52  * The xaccQueryGetSplits() routine returns all splits matching the
53  *    query.  Any given split will appear at most once in the result;
54  *    however, several splits from one transaction may appear in the list.
55  *    The caller MUST NOT change the GList.
56  */
58 /**
59  * The xaccQueryGetSplitsUniqueTrans() routine returns splits matching
60  *    the query, but only one matching split per transaction will be
61  *    returned.  In other words, any given transaction will be
62  *    represented at most once in the returned list.  The caller must
63  *    free the GList.
64  */
65 SplitList   * xaccQueryGetSplitsUniqueTrans(QofQuery *q);
67 /**
68  * The xaccQueryGetTransactions() routine returns a list of
69  *    transactions that match the query.  The GList must be freed by
70  *    the caller. The query_run_t argument is used to provide account
71  *    matching in the following way:
72  *
73  *    query_txn_match_t describes how to match accounts when querying
74  *    for transactions with xaccQueryGetTransactions().
75  *    What is the difference between 'ANY' and 'ALL', you
76  *    may ask?  First, let us recall that a transaction consists
77  *    of splits, and each split belongs to exactly one account.
78  *    Specifying "MATCH_ALL"  means that *every* account that
79  *    shows up in the query must also show up in some split in
80  *    the transaction (in order for that transaction to be
81  *    selected).  By contrast, specifying 'ANY' means that
82  *    any account in the query must show up in some split
83  *    in the transaction (in order for the transaction to
84  *    be selected).  Thus, 'ANY' acts as a boolean-OR when
85  *    matching accounts, whereas 'AND' acts as a boolean-AND
86  *    for matching accounts.  Whew. Got that?
87  */
88 TransList   * xaccQueryGetTransactions(QofQuery * q, query_txn_match_t type);
90 /**
91  * The xaccQueryGetLots() routine is just like GetTransactions() except
92  *    it returns a list of Lots.
93  *
94  */
95 LotList     * xaccQueryGetLots(QofQuery * q, query_txn_match_t type);
97 /*******************************************************************
98  *  match-adding API
99  *******************************************************************/
101 void xaccQueryAddAccountMatch(QofQuery *, AccountList *,
102                               QofGuidMatch how, QofQueryOp op);
104 void xaccQueryAddAccountGUIDMatch(QofQuery *, AccountGUIDList *,
105                                   QofGuidMatch, QofQueryOp);
107 void xaccQueryAddSingleAccountMatch(QofQuery *, Account *, QofQueryOp);
109 void xaccQueryAddStringMatch (QofQuery* q, const char *matchstring,
110                               gboolean case_sens, gboolean use_regexp,
111                               QofQueryCompare how, QofQueryOp op,
112                               const char * path, ...);
113 void
114 xaccQueryAddDescriptionMatch(QofQuery *q, const char *m, gboolean c, gboolean r,
115                              QofQueryCompare how, QofQueryOp o);
116 void
117 xaccQueryAddNotesMatch(QofQuery *q, const char *m, gboolean c, gboolean r,
118                              QofQueryCompare how, QofQueryOp o);
119 void
120 xaccQueryAddNumberMatch(QofQuery *q, const char *m, gboolean c, gboolean r,
121                         QofQueryCompare how, QofQueryOp o);
122 void
123 xaccQueryAddActionMatch(QofQuery *q, const char *m, gboolean c, gboolean r,
124                         QofQueryCompare how, QofQueryOp o);
125 void
126 xaccQueryAddMemoMatch(QofQuery *q, const char *m, gboolean c, gboolean r,
127                       QofQueryCompare how, QofQueryOp o);
128 void
129 xaccQueryAddValueMatch(QofQuery *q, gnc_numeric amt, QofNumericMatch sgn,
130                        QofQueryCompare how, QofQueryOp op);
131 void
132 xaccQueryAddSharePriceMatch(QofQuery *q, gnc_numeric amt, QofQueryCompare how,
133                             QofQueryOp op);
134 void
135 xaccQueryAddSharesMatch(QofQuery *q, gnc_numeric amt, QofQueryCompare how,
136                         QofQueryOp op);
137 void
138 xaccQueryAddBalanceMatch(QofQuery *q, QofQueryCompare bal, QofQueryOp op);
140 void xaccQueryAddNumericMatch (QofQuery *q, gnc_numeric amount,
141                                QofNumericMatch sign, QofQueryCompare how,
142                                QofQueryOp op, const char * path, ...);
144 /** The DateMatch queries match transactions whose posted date
145  *    is in a date range.  If use_start is TRUE, then a matching
146  *    posted date will be greater than the start date.   If
147  *    use_end is TRUE, then a match occurs for posted dates earlier
148  *    than the end date.  If both flags are set, then *both*
149  *    conditions must hold ('and').  If neither flag is set, then
150  *    all transactions are matched.
151  */
153 void xaccQueryAddDateMatch(QofQuery * q, gboolean use_start,
154                            int sday, int smonth, int syear,
155                            gboolean use_end, int eday, int emonth, int eyear,
156                            QofQueryOp op);
157 void xaccQueryAddDateMatchTT(QofQuery * q,
158                              gboolean use_start, time64 stt,
159                              gboolean use_end, time64 ett,
160                              QofQueryOp op);
161 void xaccQueryGetDateMatchTT (QofQuery * q,
162                               time64 * stt,
163                               time64 * ett);
165 void xaccQueryAddClosingTransMatch(QofQuery *q, gboolean value, QofQueryOp op);
167 typedef enum
168 {
169     CLEARED_NONE       = 0x0000,
170     CLEARED_NO         = 0x0001,
171     CLEARED_CLEARED    = 0x0002,
172     CLEARED_RECONCILED = 0x0004,
173     CLEARED_FROZEN     = 0x0008,
174     CLEARED_VOIDED     = 0x0010,
175     CLEARED_ALL        = 0x001F
176 } cleared_match_t;
178 void xaccQueryAddClearedMatch(QofQuery * q, cleared_match_t how, QofQueryOp op);
179 void xaccQueryAddGUIDMatch(QofQuery * q, const GncGUID *guid,
180                            QofIdType id_type, QofQueryOp op);
183 /*******************************************************************
184  *  compatibility interface with old QofQuery API
185  *******************************************************************/
186 time64 xaccQueryGetEarliestDateFound(QofQuery * q);
187 time64 xaccQueryGetLatestDateFound(QofQuery * q);
189 #endif