1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
4 #ifndef DUNE_UGGRID_HH
5 #define DUNE_UGGRID_HH
7 /** \file
8  * \brief The UGGrid class
9  */
11 #include <memory>
13 #include <dune/common/classname.hh>
14 #include <dune/common/parallel/communication.hh>
15 #include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
16 #include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
18 #include <dune/grid/common/boundarysegment.hh>
19 #include <dune/grid/common/capabilities.hh>
20 #include <dune/grid/common/grid.hh>
24 #ifdef ModelP
25 #include <dune/common/parallel/mpicommunication.hh>
26 #endif
28 /* [Before reading the following: the macros UG_DIM_2 and UG_DIM_3 where named
29  *  _2 and _3, respectively, up until ug-3.12.0.]
30  *
31  * The following lines including the necessary UG headers are somewhat
32    tricky.  Here's what's happening:
33    UG can support two- and three-dimensional grids.  You choose by setting
34    either UG_DIM_2 or UG_DIM_3 while compiling.  This changes all sorts of stuff, in
35    particular data structures in the headers.
36    UG was never supposed to provide 2d and 3d grids at the same time.
37    However, when compiling it as c++, the dimension-dependent parts are
38    wrapped up cleanly in the namespaces UG::D2 and UG::D3, respectively.  That
39    way it is possible to link together the UG lib for 2d and the one for 3d.
40    But we also need the headers twice!  Once with UG_DIM_2 set and once with UG_DIM_3!
41    So here we go:*/
43 /* The following define tells the UG headers that we want access to a few
44    special fields, for example the extra index fields in the element data structures.
45    This define remains only for backwards compatibility with older version of UG.
46    All dune-uggrid versions since 2016-08-05 do not need this #define or the #undef
47    further below. */
48 #define FOR_DUNE
50 // Set UG's space-dimension flag to 2d
51 #define UG_DIM_2
52 // And include all necessary UG headers
53 #include "uggrid/ugincludes.hh"
56 // Wrap a few large UG macros by functions before they get undef'ed away.
57 // Here: The 2d-version of the macros
58 #define UG_DIM 2
59 #include "uggrid/ugwrapper.hh"
60 #undef UG_DIM
62 // UG defines a whole load of preprocessor macros.  ug_undefs.hh undefines
63 // them all, so we don't get name clashes.
64 #include "uggrid/ug_undefs.hh"
65 #undef UG_DIM_2
67 /* Now we're done with 2d, and we can do the whole thing over again for 3d */
69 /* All macros set by UG have been unset.  This includes the macros that ensure
70    single inclusion of headers.  We can thus include them again.  However, we
71    only want to include those headers again that contain dimension-dependent stuff.
72    Therefore, we set a few single-inclusion defines manually before including
73    ugincludes.hh again.
74  */
75 #define UGTYPES_H
76 #define __HEAPS__
77 #define __UGENV__
78 #define __DEVICESH__
79 #ifdef ModelP
80 #define __PPIF__
81 #endif
83 #define UG_DIM_3
84 #include "uggrid/ugincludes.hh"
87 // Wrap a few large UG macros by functions before they get undef'ed away.
88 // This time it's the 3d-versions.
89 #define UG_DIM 3
90 #include "uggrid/ugwrapper.hh"
91 #undef UG_DIM
93 // undef all macros defined by UG
94 #include "uggrid/ug_undefs.hh"
96 #undef UG_DIM_3
97 #undef FOR_DUNE
99 // The components of the UGGrid interface
100 #include "uggrid/uggridgeometry.hh"
101 #include "uggrid/uggridlocalgeometry.hh"
102 #include "uggrid/uggridentity.hh"
103 #include "uggrid/uggridentityseed.hh"
104 #include "uggrid/uggridintersections.hh"
105 #include "uggrid/uggridintersectioniterators.hh"
106 #include "uggrid/uggridleveliterator.hh"
107 #include "uggrid/uggridleafiterator.hh"
108 #include "uggrid/uggridhieriterator.hh"
109 #include "uggrid/uggridindexsets.hh"
110 #include <dune/grid/uggrid/uggridviews.hh>
111 #ifdef ModelP
112 #include "uggrid/ugmessagebuffer.hh"
113 #include "uggrid/uglbgatherscatter.hh"
114 #endif
116 // Not needed here, but included for user convenience
117 #include "uggrid/uggridfactory.hh"
119 #ifdef ModelP
120 template <class DataHandle, int GridDim, int codim>
121 const Dune::UGGrid<GridDim>* Dune::UGMessageBuffer<DataHandle, GridDim, codim>::grid_;
123 template <class DataHandle, int GridDim, int codim>
124 DataHandle *Dune::UGMessageBuffer<DataHandle,GridDim,codim>::duneDataHandle_ = nullptr;
126 template <class DataHandle, int GridDim, int codim>
127 int Dune::UGMessageBuffer<DataHandle,GridDim,codim>::level = -1;
128 #endif // ModelP
130 namespace Dune {
132 #ifdef ModelP
133     using UGCollectiveCommunication = CollectiveCommunication<MPI_Comm>;
134 #else
135     using UGCollectiveCommunication = CollectiveCommunication<No_Comm>;
136 #endif
138   template<int dim>
139   struct UGGridFamily
140   {
141     typedef GridTraits<dim,dim,Dune::UGGrid<dim>,
142         UGGridGeometry,
143         UGGridEntity,
144         UGGridLevelIterator,
145         UGGridLeafIntersection,
146         UGGridLevelIntersection,
147         UGGridLeafIntersectionIterator,
148         UGGridLevelIntersectionIterator,
149         UGGridHierarchicIterator,
150         UGGridLeafIterator,
151         UGGridLevelIndexSet< const UGGrid<dim> >,
152         UGGridLeafIndexSet< const UGGrid<dim> >,
153         UGGridIdSet< const UGGrid<dim> >,
154         typename UG_NS<dim>::UG_ID_TYPE,
155         UGGridIdSet< const UGGrid<dim> >,
156         typename UG_NS<dim>::UG_ID_TYPE,
157         UGCollectiveCommunication,
158         UGGridLevelGridViewTraits,
159         UGGridLeafGridViewTraits,
160         UGGridEntitySeed,
161         UGGridLocalGeometry>
162     Traits;
163   };
166   //**********************************************************************
167   //
168   // --UGGrid
169   //
170   //**********************************************************************
172   /**
173      \brief Front-end for the grid manager of the finite element toolbox UG3
175      \ingroup GridImplementations
177      This is the implementation of the grid interface using the UG3 grid management
178      system.  It is best described in this <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s007910050003">paper</a>.
179      To our knowledge, the original code is not available anymore,
180      but the relevant parts have been forked into the %Dune module
181      dune-uggrid, available from <a href="https://www.dune-project.org/modules/dune-uggrid"></a>.
183      UGGrid provides conforming grids
184      in two and three space dimensions.  The grids can be mixed, i.e.
185      2d grids can contain triangles and quadrilaterals and 3d grids can
186      contain tetrahedra and hexahedra and also pyramids and prisms.
187      The grid refinement rules are very flexible.  Local adaptive red/green
188      refinement is the default, but a special method in the UGGrid class
189      allows you to directly access a number of anisotropic refinements rules.
190      Last but not least, the UG grid manager is completely parallelized,
191      and you can use boundaries parametrized by either analytical expressions
192      or high-resolution piecewise linear surfaces.
194      In your %Dune application, you can instantiate objects of the
195      type UGGrid<2> or UGGrid<3>.  You can have more than one, if
196      you choose.  It is even possible to have 2d and 3d grids at the same
197      time, even though the original UG system never intended to support
198      this!
200      See the documentation for the factory class GridFactory<UGGrid<dimworld> >
201      to learn how to create UGGrid objects.
202    */
203   template <int dim>
204   class UGGrid : public GridDefaultImplementation  <dim, dim, double, UGGridFamily<dim> >
205   {
206     typedef GridDefaultImplementation <dim, dim, double, UGGridFamily<dim> > Base;
208     friend class UGGridGeometry<0,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
209     friend class UGGridGeometry<dim,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
210     friend class UGGridGeometry<1,2,const UGGrid<dim> >;
211     friend class UGGridGeometry<2,3,const UGGrid<dim> >;
213     friend class UGGridEntity <0,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
214     friend class UGGridEntity <1,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
215     friend class UGGridEntity <2,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
216     friend class UGGridEntity <dim,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >;
217     friend class UGGridHierarchicIterator<const UGGrid<dim> >;
218     friend class UGGridLeafIntersection<const UGGrid<dim> >;
219     friend class UGGridLevelIntersection<const UGGrid<dim> >;
220     friend class UGGridLeafIntersectionIterator<const UGGrid<dim> >;
221     friend class UGGridLevelIntersectionIterator<const UGGrid<dim> >;
223     friend class UGGridLevelIndexSet<const UGGrid<dim> >;
224     friend class UGGridLeafIndexSet<const UGGrid<dim> >;
225     friend class UGGridIdSet<const UGGrid<dim> >;
226     template <class GridImp_>
227     friend class UGGridLeafGridView;
228     template <class GridImp_>
229     friend class UGGridLevelGridView;
231     friend class GridFactory<UGGrid<dim> >;
233 #ifdef ModelP
234     friend class UGLBGatherScatter;
235 #endif
237     template <int codim_, PartitionIteratorType PiType_, class GridImp_>
238     friend class UGGridLeafIterator;
239     template <int codim_, PartitionIteratorType PiType_, class GridImp_>
240     friend class UGGridLevelIterator;
242     /** \brief UGGrid is only implemented for 2 and 3 dimension */
243     static_assert(dim==2 || dim==3, "Use UGGrid only for 2d and 3d!");
245     // The different instantiations are mutual friends so they can access
246     // each others numOfUGGrids field
247     friend class UGGrid<2>;
248     friend class UGGrid<3>;
250     //**********************************************************
251     // The Interface Methods
252     //**********************************************************
253   public:
254     //! type of the used GridFamily for this grid
255     typedef UGGridFamily<dim>  GridFamily;
257     // the Traits
258     typedef typename UGGridFamily<dim>::Traits Traits;
260     //! The type used to store coordinates
261     typedef UG::DOUBLE ctype;
263     //! The type used for process ranks
264     typedef unsigned int Rank;
266     /** \brief Default constructor
267      */
268     UGGrid(UGCollectiveCommunication comm = {});
270     //! Destructor
271     ~UGGrid()  noexcept(false);
273     //! Return maximum level defined in this grid. Levels are numbered
274     //! 0 ... maxlevel with 0 the coarsest level.
275     int maxLevel() const;
277     /** \brief Create an Entity from an EntitySeed */
278     template <typename Seed>
279     typename Traits::template Codim<Seed::codimension>::Entity
entity(const Seed & seed) const280     entity(const Seed& seed) const
281     {
282       const int codim = Seed::codimension;
283       return typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::Entity(UGGridEntity<codim,dim,const UGGrid<dim> >(seed.impl().target(),this));
284     }
286     /** \brief Number of grid entities per level and codim
287      */
288     int size (int level, int codim) const;
290     //! number of leaf entities per codim in this process
size(int codim) const291     int size (int codim) const
292     {
293       return leafIndexSet().size(codim);
294     }
296     //! number of entities per level and geometry type in this process
size(int level,GeometryType type) const297     int size (int level, GeometryType type) const
298     {
299       return this->levelIndexSet(level).size(type);
300     }
302     //! number of leaf entities per geometry type in this process
size(GeometryType type) const303     int size (GeometryType type) const
304     {
305       return this->leafIndexSet().size(type);
306     }
308     /** \brief Return the number of boundary segments */
numBoundarySegments() const309     size_t numBoundarySegments() const {
310       // The number is stored as a member of UGGrid upon grid creation.
311       // The corresponding data structure is not exported by UG.  (It is in ug/dom/std/std_internal.h)
312       return numBoundarySegments_;
313     }
315     /** \brief Access to the GlobalIdSet */
globalIdSet() const316     const typename Traits::GlobalIdSet& globalIdSet() const
317     {
318       return idSet_;
319     }
321     /** \brief Access to the LocalIdSet */
localIdSet() const322     const typename Traits::LocalIdSet& localIdSet() const
323     {
324       return idSet_;
325     }
327     /** \brief Access to the LevelIndexSets */
levelIndexSet(int level) const328     const typename Traits::LevelIndexSet& levelIndexSet(int level) const
329     {
330       if (level<0 || level>maxLevel())
331         DUNE_THROW(GridError, "levelIndexSet of nonexisting level " << level << " requested!");
332       return *levelIndexSets_[level];
333     }
335     /** \brief Access to the LeafIndexSet */
leafIndexSet() const336     const typename Traits::LeafIndexSet& leafIndexSet() const
337     {
338       return leafIndexSet_;
339     }
341     /** @name Grid Refinement Methods */
342     /*@{*/
344     /** \brief Mark element for refinement
345         \param refCount <ul>
346         <li> 1: mark for red refinement </li>
347         <li> -1: mark for coarsening </li>
348         <li> 0: delete a possible refinement mark </li>
349         </ul>
350         \param e Element to be marked
351        \return <ul>
352         <li> true, if element was marked </li>
353         <li> false, if nothing changed </li>
354         </ul>
355      */
356     bool mark(int refCount, const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity & e );
358     /** \brief Mark method accepting a UG refinement rule
360        \param e element to be marked for refinement
361        \param rule One of the UG refinement rules
362        \param side If rule==UG::%D2::%BLUE (one quadrilateral is split into two rectangles)
363        you can choose the orientation of the cut by setting side==0 or side==1
365        The available values for RefinementRule are:  (see the RefinementRule enum in ug/gm/gm.h)
366        <h3>2D</h3>
368        - NO_REFINEMENT
369        - COPY
370        - RED
371        - BLUE
372        - COARSE
373        - BISECTION_1
374        - BISECTION_2_Q
375        - BISECTION_2_T1
376        - BISECTION_2_T2
377        - BISECTION_3
379        <h3>3D</h3>
381        - NO_REFINEMENT
382        - COPY
383        - RED
384        - COARSE
386        - TETRA_RED_HEX
388        - PRISM_BISECT_1_2
389        - PRISM_QUADSECT
390        - PRISM_BISECT_HEX0
391        - PRISM_BISECT_HEX1
392        - PRISM_BISECT_HEX2
393        - PRISM_ROTATE_LEFT
394        - PRISM_ROTATE_RGHT
396        - PRISM_RED_HEX
397        - PRISM_BISECT_0_1
398        - PRISM_BISECT_0_2
399        - PRISM_BISECT_0_3
401        - HEX_BISECT_0_1
402        - HEX_BISECT_0_2
403        - HEX_BISECT_0_3
404        - HEX_TRISECT_0
405        - HEX_TRISECT_5
406        - HEX_QUADSECT_0
407        - HEX_QUADSECT_1
408        - HEX_QUADSECT_2
409        - HEX_BISECT_HEXPRI0
410        - HEX_BISECT_HEXPRI1
412      */
413     bool mark(const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity & e,
414               typename UG_NS<dim>::RefinementRule rule,
415               int side=0);
417     /** \brief Query whether element is marked for refinement */
418     int getMark(const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity& e) const;
420     /** \brief returns true, if some elements might be coarsend during grid
421        adaption, here always returns true */
422     bool preAdapt();
424     //! Triggers the grid refinement process
425     bool adapt();
427     /** \brief Clean up refinement markers */
428     void postAdapt();
429     /*@}*/
431     /** \brief Distributes the grid and some data over the available nodes in a distributed machine
433         \tparam DataHandle works like the data handle for the communicate
434         methods.
436         \return True, if grid has changed, false otherwise
437      */
438     template<class DataHandle>
loadBalance(DataHandle & dataHandle)439     bool loadBalance (DataHandle& dataHandle)
440     {
441 #ifdef ModelP
442       // gather element data
443       if (dataHandle.contains(dim, 0))
444         UGLBGatherScatter::template gather<0>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
446       // gather node data
447       if (dataHandle.contains(dim,dim))
448         UGLBGatherScatter::template gather<dim>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
449 #endif
451       // the load balancing step now also attaches
452       // the data to the entities and distributes it
453       loadBalance();
455 #ifdef ModelP
456       // scatter element data
457       if (dataHandle.contains(dim, 0))
458         UGLBGatherScatter::template scatter<0>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
460       // scatter node data
461       if (dataHandle.contains(dim,dim))
462         UGLBGatherScatter::template scatter<dim>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
463 #endif
465       return true;
466     }
468     /** \brief Distributes this grid over the available nodes in a distributed machine
470        \bug The return value is always 'true'
472        \param minlevel The coarsest grid level that gets distributed
473      */
474     bool loadBalance(int minlevel=0);
476     /** \brief Distribute this grid over a distributed machine
477      *
478      * \param[in] targetProcessors For each leaf element the rank of the process the element shall be sent to
479      * \param[in] fromLevel The lowest level that gets redistributed (set to 0 when in doubt)
480      *
481      * This method allows to (re-)distribute the grid controlled by an external grid repartitioning library.
482      * You need to get that library to assign a target rank to each interior element in the leaf grid.  With this
483      * information in a std::vector, call this method, and UG will do the actual repartitioning.
484      * Each leaf element will be sent to the assigned target rank.  For all other elements we look at
485      * where there children are being sent to.  The parent is then sent to where most of its children are
486      * (Familienzusammenfuehrung).
487      *
488      * The size of the input array targetProcessors is expected to be equal to the number of elements in
489      * the 'all'-partition, i.e., the number Interior elements plus the number of Ghost elements.
490      * To get the array entry corresponding to an Interior element, a MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper
491      * with layout class MCMGElementLayout is used.  Array entries corresponding to Ghost elements are ignored.
492      *
493      * In some cases you may also want to leave the lowest levels on one process, to have them all together
494      * for multigrid coarse grid corrections.  In that case, use the fromLevel parameter with a value other
495      * than zero, to redistribute only elements above a certain level.
496      *
497      * The fromLevel argument is also needed to allow the compiler to distinguish this method from
498      * the loadBalance method with a single template DataHandle argument.
499      *
500      * \note In theory you can assign a target rank to any element on any level, and UG will magically transfer
501      * the element to that rank and make everything come out right.  This is not supported by the UGGrid interface,
502      * because I didn't see a use case for it.  If you do need it please ask on the Dune mailing list.
503      *
504      * \return true
505      */
506     bool loadBalance(const std::vector<Rank>& targetProcessors, unsigned int fromLevel);
508     /** \brief Distributes the grid over the processes of a parallel machine, and sends data along with it
509      *
510      * \param[in] targetProcessors For each leaf element the rank of the process the element shall be sent to
511      * \param[in] fromLevel The lowest level that gets redistributed (set to 0 when in doubt)
512      * \param[in,out] dataHandle A data handle object that does the gathering and scattering of data
513      * \tparam DataHandle works like the data handle for the communicate methods.
514      *
515      * \return true
516      */
517     template<class DataHandle>
loadBalance(const std::vector<Rank> & targetProcessors,unsigned int fromLevel,DataHandle & dataHandle)518     bool loadBalance (const std::vector<Rank>& targetProcessors, unsigned int fromLevel, DataHandle& dataHandle)
519     {
520 #ifdef ModelP
521       // gather element data
522       if (dataHandle.contains(dim, 0))
523         UGLBGatherScatter::template gather<0>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
525       // gather node data
526       if (dataHandle.contains(dim,dim))
527         UGLBGatherScatter::template gather<dim>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
528 #endif
530       // the load balancing step now also attaches
531       // the data to the entities and distributes it
532       loadBalance(targetProcessors,fromLevel);
534 #ifdef ModelP
535       // scatter element data
536       if (dataHandle.contains(dim, 0))
537         UGLBGatherScatter::template scatter<0>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
539       // scatter node data
540       if (dataHandle.contains(dim,dim))
541         UGLBGatherScatter::template scatter<dim>(this->leafGridView(), dataHandle);
542 #endif
544       return true;
545     }
547     /** the collective communication */
comm() const548     const UGCollectiveCommunication& comm () const
549     {
550       return ccobj_;
551     }
553   protected:
554 #ifdef ModelP
555     template <int codim, class GridView, class DataHandle>
communicateUG_(const GridView & gv,int level,DataHandle & dataHandle,InterfaceType iftype,CommunicationDirection dir) const556     void communicateUG_(const GridView& gv, int level,
557                         DataHandle &dataHandle,
558                         InterfaceType iftype,
559                         CommunicationDirection dir) const
560     {
561       typename UG_NS<dim>::DDD_IF_DIR ugIfDir;
562       // Translate the communication direction from Dune-Speak to UG-Speak
563       if (dir==ForwardCommunication)
564         ugIfDir = UG_NS<dim>::IF_FORWARD();
565       else
566         ugIfDir = UG_NS<dim>::IF_BACKWARD();
568       typedef UGMessageBuffer<DataHandle,dim,codim> UGMsgBuf;
569       UGMsgBuf::duneDataHandle_ = &dataHandle;
571       UGMsgBuf::level = level;
573       std::vector<typename UG_NS<dim>::DDD_IF> ugIfs = findDDDInterfaces(iftype, codim);
575       unsigned bufSize = UGMsgBuf::ugBufferSize(gv);
576       if (!bufSize)
577         return;     // we don't need to communicate if we don't have any data!
578       UGMsgBuf::grid_ = this;
579       for (unsigned i=0; i < ugIfs.size(); ++i)
580         UG_NS<dim>::DDD_IFOneway(multigrid_->dddContext(),
581                                  ugIfs[i],
582                                  ugIfDir,
583                                  bufSize,
584                                  &UGMsgBuf::ugGather_,
585                                  &UGMsgBuf::ugScatter_);
586     }
588     /** \brief Translate Dune communication interface to UG communication interface */
589     std::vector<typename UG_NS<dim>::DDD_IF> findDDDInterfaces(InterfaceType iftype,
590                                                                int codim) const;
591 #endif
592   public:
593     // **********************************************************
594     // End of Interface Methods
595     // **********************************************************
597     /** \brief Rudimentary substitute for a hierarchic iterator on faces
598         \param e, elementSide Grid face specified by an element and one of its sides
599         \param maxl The finest level that should be traversed by the iterator
600         \param[out] childElements For each subface: element index, elementSide, and level
601         \param[out] childElementSides Indices for transformation because Dune numbers the
602                                       faces of several elements differently than UG
603      */
604     void getChildrenOfSubface(const typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity & e,
605                               int elementSide,
606                               int maxl,
607                               std::vector<typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity>& childElements,
608                               std::vector<unsigned char>& childElementSides) const;
610     /** \brief The different forms of grid refinement that UG supports */
611     enum RefinementType {
612       /** \brief New level consists only of the refined elements and the closure*/
613       LOCAL,
614       /** \brief New level consists of the refined elements and the unrefined ones, too */
615       COPY
616     };
618     /** \brief Decide whether to add a green closure to locally refined grid sections or not */
619     enum ClosureType {
620       /** \brief Standard red/green refinement */
621       GREEN,
622       /** \brief No closure, results in nonconforming meshes */
623       NONE
624     };
626     /** \brief Sets the type of grid refinement */
setRefinementType(RefinementType type)627     void setRefinementType(RefinementType type) {
628       refinementType_ = type;
629     }
631     /** \brief Sets the type of grid refinement closure */
setClosureType(ClosureType type)632     void setClosureType(ClosureType type) {
633       closureType_ = type;
634     }
636     /** \brief Sets a vertex to a new position
638        Changing a vertex' position changes its position on all grid levels!*/
639     void setPosition(const typename Traits::template Codim<dim>::Entity& e,
640                      const FieldVector<double, dim>& pos);
642     /** \brief Does uniform refinement
643      *
644      * \param n Number of uniform refinement steps
645      */
646     void globalRefine(int n);
648     /** \brief Save entire grid hierarchy to disk
650        Test implementation -- not working!
651      */
652     void saveState(const std::string& filename) const;
654     /** \brief Read entire grid hierarchy from disk
656        Test implementation -- not working!
657      */
658     void loadState(const std::string& filename);
660   private:
661     /** \brief UG multigrid, which contains the actual grid hierarchy structure */
662     typename UG_NS<dim>::MultiGrid* multigrid_;
664     /** \brief The collective communication object. */
665     UGCollectiveCommunication ccobj_;
667     /** \brief Recomputes entity indices after the grid was changed
668         \param setLevelZero If this is false, level indices of the level 0 are not touched
669         \param nodePermutation Permutation array for the vertex level 0 indices.  If this is NULL,
670         the identity is used.
671      */
672     void setIndices(bool setLevelZero,
673                     std::vector<unsigned int>* nodePermutation);
675     // Each UGGrid object has a unique name to identify it in the
676     // UG environment structure
677     std::string name_;
679     // Our set of level indices
680     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UGGridLevelIndexSet<const UGGrid<dim> > > > levelIndexSets_;
682     UGGridLeafIndexSet<const UGGrid<dim> > leafIndexSet_;
684     // One id set implementation
685     // Used for both the local and the global UGGrid id sets
686     UGGridIdSet<const UGGrid<dim> > idSet_;
688     //! The type of grid refinement currently in use
689     RefinementType refinementType_;
691     //! The type of grid refinement closure currently in use
692     ClosureType closureType_;
694     /** \brief Number of UGGrids currently in use.
695      *
696      * This counts the number of UGGrids currently instantiated.  All
697      * constructors of UGGrid look at this variable.  If it is zero, they
698      * initialize UG before proceeding.  Destructors use the same mechanism
699      * to safely shut down UG after deleting the last UGGrid object.
700      */
701     static int numOfUGGrids;
703     /** \brief Remember whether some element has been marked for refinement
704         ever since the last call to adapt().
706         This is here to implement the return value of adapt().
707      */
708     bool someElementHasBeenMarkedForRefinement_;
710     /** \brief Remember whether some element has been marked for coarsening
711         ever since the last call to adapt().
713         This is here to implement the return value of preAdapt().
714      */
715     bool someElementHasBeenMarkedForCoarsening_;
717     /** \brief The classes implementing the geometry of the boundary segments, if requested */
718     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BoundarySegment<dim> > > boundarySegments_;
720     /** \brief Overall number of coarse grid boundary segments.
722        This includes the number of linear segments.
723        Hence numBoundarySegments_ >= boundarySegments_.size()   (greater than or equal)
724      */
725     unsigned int numBoundarySegments_;
727   }; // end Class UGGrid
729   namespace Capabilities
730   {
731     /** \struct hasEntity
732        \ingroup UGGrid
733      */
735     /** \struct hasBackupRestoreFacilities
736        \ingroup UGGrid
737      */
739     /** \struct IsUnstructured
740        \ingroup UGGrid
741      */
743     /** \brief UGGrid has entities of all codimensions
744        \ingroup UGGrid
745      */
746     template<int dim, int codim>
747     struct hasEntity< UGGrid<dim>, codim>
748     {
749       static const bool v = true;
750     };
752     /**
753      * \brief Set default for hasEntityIterator to false
754      * UGGrid can currently only iterate over elements and vertices
755      * \ingroup UGGrid
756      **/
757     template<int dim, int codim>
758     struct hasEntityIterator<UGGrid<dim>, codim>
759     {
760       static const bool v = false;
761     };
763     /**
764      * \brief UGGrid can iterate over codim=0 entities (elements)
765      * \ingroup UGGrid
766      **/
767     template<int dim>
768     struct hasEntityIterator<UGGrid<dim>, 0>
769     {
770       static const bool v = true;
771     };
773     /**
774      * \brief UGGrid can iterate over codim=dim entities (vertices)
775      * \ingroup UGGrid
776      **/
777     template<int dim>
778     struct hasEntityIterator<UGGrid<dim>, dim>
779     {
780       static const bool v = true;
781     };
783     /** \brief UGGrid can communicate on entities of all (existing) codimensions
784      *  \ingroup UGGrid
785      */
786     template<int dim, int codim>
787     struct canCommunicate<UGGrid<dim>, codim>
788     {
789       static const bool v = (codim>=0 && codim<=dim);
790     };
792     /** \brief UGGrid is levelwise conforming
793        \ingroup UGGrid
794      */
795     template<int dim>
796     struct isLevelwiseConforming< UGGrid<dim> >
797     {
798       static const bool v = true;
799     };
801     /** \brief UGGrid may not be leafwise conforming
802        \ingroup UGGrid
803      */
804     template<int dim>
805     struct isLeafwiseConforming< UGGrid<dim> >
806     {
807       static const bool v = false;
808     };
810   }
812 } // namespace Dune
814 #endif   // HAVE_UG || DOXYGEN
815 #endif   // DUNE_UGGRID_HH