1 /*
3 curve.c - code for computing cm curves
5 Copyright (C) 2009 Andreas Enge
7 This file is part of CM.
9 CM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
10 the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
11 Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the license, or (at your
12 option) any later version.
14 CM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
16 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
17 for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
20 with CM; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
21 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
22 */
24 #include "cm_class-impl.h"
26 static bool curve_is_crypto (mpz_t l, mpz_t c, mpz_t n, int_cl_t d,
27    mpz_t p, bool verbose);
28 static void curve_compute_param (mpz_t p, mpz_t n, mpz_t l, mpz_t c,
29       int_cl_t d, int fieldsize, bool verbose);
31 /*****************************************************************************/
curve_is_crypto(mpz_t l,mpz_t c,mpz_t n,int_cl_t d,mpz_t p,bool verbose)33 static bool curve_is_crypto (mpz_t l, mpz_t c, mpz_t n, int_cl_t d,
34    mpz_t p, bool verbose)
35    /* checks whether n might be a cryptographically secure cardinality for a */
36    /* curve over F_p with discriminant d                                     */
37    /* first tests if n, divided by a small cofactor, becomes a prime; if     */
38    /* yes, the prime is returned via l, and the cofactor via c               */
39    /* The cofactor which must be admitted depends on the discriminant;       */
40    /* 4 : d = 1 (8); 4 | d and d/4 = 0 or 1 (4)                              */
41    /* 2 : 4 | d and d/4 = 2 or 3 (4);                                        */
42    /* 1 : d = 5 (8)                                                          */
43    /* Watch out: Divisibility by the cofactor itself is not tested!          */
44    /* Then tests for supersingular, anomalous and MOV curves.                */
46 {
47    mpz_t t, rem;
48    int k;
50    if (d % 4 == 0)
51    {
52       if (d % 16 == 0 || ((d / 4) - 1) % 4 == 0)
53       {
54          mpz_tdiv_q_2exp (l, n, 2);
55          mpz_set_ui (c, 4);
56       }
57       else
58       {
59          mpz_tdiv_q_2exp (l, n, 1);
60          mpz_set_ui (c, 2);
61       }
62    }
63    else if ((d - 1) % 8 == 0)
64    {
65       mpz_tdiv_q_2exp (l, n, 2);
66       mpz_set_ui (c, 4);
67    }
68    else
69    {
70       mpz_set (l, n);
71       mpz_set_ui (c, 1);
72    }
74    if (!cm_nt_is_prime (l)) {
75       if (verbose)
76          printf (".");
77       return false;
78    }
80    mpz_init (t);
81    mpz_init (rem);
82    mpz_sub (t, n, p);
83    mpz_sub_ui (t, t, 1);
84    mpz_abs (t, t);
86    if (mpz_cmp_ui (t, 0) == 0)
87    {
88       printf ("S");
89       return false;
90    }
91    else if (mpz_cmp_ui (t, 1) == 0)
92    {
93       printf ("A");
94       return false;
95    }
97    /* testing the MOV condition that q does not divide p^k - 1 for small */
98    /* values of k                                                        */
99    k = 1;
100    mpz_set (t, p);
101    mpz_mod (rem, t, l);
102    while (k <= 9 && mpz_cmp_ui (rem, 1) != 0)
103    {
104       k++;
105       mpz_mul (t, t, p);
106       mpz_mod (rem, t, l);
107    }
108    if (k <= 9)
109    {
110       printf ("M%i", k);
111       return false;
112    }
114    mpz_clear (t);
115    mpz_clear (rem);
117    return true;
118 }
120 /*****************************************************************************/
curve_compute_param(mpz_t p,mpz_t n,mpz_t l,mpz_t c,int_cl_t d,int fieldsize,bool verbose)122 static void curve_compute_param (mpz_t p, mpz_t n, mpz_t l, mpz_t c,
123       int_cl_t d, int fieldsize, bool verbose)
124    /* computes the curve parameters p (size of prime field), n (cardinality  */
125    /* of curve), l (prime order of point) and c (n/l)                        */
126    /* Try u and v until u^2 - v^2 d is 4 times a prime. Congruences of u and */
127    /* v modulo 2 and 4 are taken into account, also to make sure that the    */
128    /* cofactor of the curve cardinality can be as small as possible.         */
129    /* Conditions:                                                            */
130    /* d = 5 (8): u odd, v odd  (cofactor 1)                                  */
131    /* d = 1 (8): u = 2 (4), v = 0 (4) (cofactor 4)                           */
132    /*         or u = 0 (4), v = 2 (4) (cofactor 4, sometimes even higher)    */
133    /* 4 | d, d/4 = 2 (4): u = 2 (4), v odd (cofactor 2)                      */
134    /* 4 | d, d/4 = 3 (4): u = 0 (4), v odd (cofactor 2)                      */
135    /* 4 | d, d/4 = 1 (4): u = 2 (4), v even (cofactor 4)                     */
136    /*                  or u = 0 (4), v odd (cofactor 8)                      */
137    /* 4 | d, d/4 = 0 (4): u = 2 (4) (cofactor 4)                             */
138    /* To simplify the implementation, we step through the u and v in steps   */
139    /* of 4.                                                                  */
140 {
141    mpz_t u, v, tmp;
142    long unsigned int v_start;
143    bool found = false;
144    int deltav = 1000;
146    if (fieldsize % 2 != 0)
147       fieldsize++;
149    mpz_init (u);
150    mpz_init (v);
151    mpz_init (tmp);
153    mpz_set_ui (u, 1);
154    mpz_mul_2exp (u, u, (fieldsize + 2) / 4);
155    mpz_sub_ui (u, u, 2);
156    mpz_mul_2exp (u, u, (fieldsize + 4) / 4);
157    v_start = 1;
159    /* so far, u is divisible by 4; update */
160    if ((d - 5) % 8 == 0)
161       mpz_add_ui (u, u, 1);
162    else if (d % 8 == 0)
163       mpz_add_ui (u, u, 2);
164    else if ((d - 1) % 8 == 0 || (d % 4 == 0 && (d / 4 - 1) % 4 == 0))
165    {
166       mpz_add_ui (u, u, 2);
167       v_start = 4;
168    }
170    while (!found)
171    {
172       if (deltav == 1000)
173       {
174          mpz_add_ui (u, u, 4);
175          mpz_set_ui (v, v_start);
176          deltav = 0;
177       }
178       else
179       {
180          mpz_add_ui (v, v, 4);
181          deltav++;
182       }
184       mpz_mul (tmp, u, u);
185       mpz_pow_ui (p, v, 2);
186       mpz_mul_si (p, p, d);
187       mpz_sub (p, tmp, p);
188       /* should be divisible by 4... */
189       mpz_tdiv_q_2exp (p, p, 2);
190       if (cm_nt_is_prime (p))
191       {
192          mpz_add_ui (n, p, 1);
193          mpz_sub (n, n, u);
194          if (curve_is_crypto (l, c, n, d, p, verbose))
195             found = true;
196          else
197          {
198             mpz_add_ui (n, p, 1);
199             mpz_add (n, n, u);
200             if (curve_is_crypto (l, c, n, d, p, verbose))
201                found = true;
202          }
203       }
204    }
206    if (verbose) {
207       printf ("p   = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, p); printf ("\n");
208       printf ("u   = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, u); printf ("\n");
209       printf ("v   = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, v); printf ("\n");
210       printf ("n   = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, n); printf ("\n");
211       printf ("l   = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, l); printf ("\n");
212       printf ("N/l = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, c); printf ("\n");
213    }
215    mpz_clear (u);
216    mpz_clear (v);
217    mpz_clear (tmp);
218 }
220 /*****************************************************************************/
cm_curve_compute_curve(int_cl_t d,char inv,int fieldsize,const char * modpoldir,bool readwrite,bool print,bool verbose)222 void cm_curve_compute_curve (int_cl_t d, char inv, int fieldsize,
223    const char* modpoldir, bool readwrite, bool print, bool verbose)
224    /* computes a curve with the good number of points, using the given       */
225    /* invariant                                                              */
226    /* If readwrite is true, tries to read the polynomial from a file, and    */
227    /* computes it and writes it to the file if it is not yet present.        */
228    /* print indicates whether the curve parameters shall be displayed on     */
229    /* screen                                                                 */
230 {
231    mpz_t  p;
232       /* the size of the base field */
233    mpz_t  n, l, c;
234       /* the cardinality of the curve, the prime order of a base point and  */
235       /* the cofactor C = N/Q                                               */
236    mpz_t* j;
237    mpz_t  nonsquare;
238       /* a quadratic non-residue modulo P to compute quadratic twists        */
239    mpz_t  a, b, k, P_x, P_y, x, y;
240       /* the curve parameters mod P, an auxiliary variable and point         */
241       /* coordinates of a random point on the curve (twice)                  */
242    mpz_t  tmp;
243    bool   P_infty;
244    int    i, no_j;
245    bool   ok = false;
246       /* true if at least one suitable curve could be found */
247    int    count = 0;
248       /* number of suitable curves */
249    cm_timer  clock;
251    mpz_init (p);
252    mpz_init (n);
253    mpz_init (l);
254    mpz_init (c);
255    mpz_init (tmp);
256    mpz_init (a);
257    mpz_init (b);
258    mpz_init (k);
259    mpz_init (P_x);
260    mpz_init (P_y);
261    mpz_init (x);
262    mpz_init (y);
263    mpz_init_set_ui (nonsquare, 2);
265    cm_timer_start (clock);
266    curve_compute_param (p, n, l, c, d, fieldsize, verbose);
267    cm_timer_stop (clock);
268    while (mpz_jacobi (nonsquare, p) != -1)
269       mpz_add_ui (nonsquare, nonsquare, 1);
270    if (verbose)
271       printf ("--- Time for P: %.1f\n\n", cm_timer_get (clock));
273    j = cm_class_get_j_mod_P (d, inv, p, &no_j, modpoldir, readwrite, verbose);
275    cm_timer_start (clock);
276    for (i = 0; i < no_j && !ok; i++)
277    {
278       /* construct one curve with the given j-invariant */
279       if (mpz_cmp_ui (j [i], 1728) == 0)
280       /* may occur with spurious roots of modular polynomials */
281       {
282          mpz_set_ui (a, 1);
283          mpz_set_ui (b, 0);
284       }
285       else if (mpz_cmp_ui (j [i], 0) == 0)
286       /* should not occur as d \not= -3 */
287       {
288          mpz_set_ui (a, 0);
289          mpz_set_ui (b, 1);
290       }
291       else
292       {
293          /* k = j [i] / (1728 - j_mod) */
294          mpz_sub_ui (k, j [i], 1728);
295          mpz_neg (k, k);
296          mpz_invert (tmp, k, p);
297          mpz_mul (k, tmp, j [i]);
298          /* b = 2 * k; */
299          mpz_mul_2exp (b, k, 1);
300          mpz_mod (b, b, p);
301          /* a = 3 * k; */
302          mpz_add (a, b, k);
303          mpz_mod (a, a, p);
304       }
306       cm_nt_elliptic_curve_random (P_x, P_y, c, a, b, p);
307       mpz_set (x, P_x);
308       mpz_set (y, P_y);
309       P_infty = false;
310       cm_nt_elliptic_curve_multiply (P_x, P_y, &P_infty, l, a, p);
311       if (P_infty) {
312          ok = true;
313          count++;
314       }
315       else {
316          /* consider the quadratic twist */
317          mpz_pow_ui (tmp, nonsquare, 2);
318          mpz_mul (a, a, tmp);
319          mpz_mod (a, a, p);
320          mpz_mul (b, b, tmp);
321          mpz_mul (b, b, nonsquare);
322          mpz_mod (b, b, p);
323          cm_nt_elliptic_curve_random (P_x, P_y, c, a, b, p);
324          mpz_set (x, P_x);
325          mpz_set (y, P_y);
326          P_infty = false;
327          cm_nt_elliptic_curve_multiply (P_x, P_y, &P_infty, l, a, p);
328          if (P_infty) {
329             ok = true;
330             count++;
331          }
332       }
333    }
335    if (!ok) {
336       printf ("\n*** No suitable curve found!\n");
337       exit (1);
338    }
340    cm_timer_stop (clock);
341    if (print) {
342       printf ("p = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, p); printf ("\n");
343       printf ("n = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, n); printf ("\n");
344       printf ("  = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, c);
345       printf (" * "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, l); printf ("\n");
346       printf ("j = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, j [i-1]); printf ("\n");
347       printf ("a = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, a); printf ("\n");
348       printf ("b = "); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, b); printf ("\n");
349    }
350    if (verbose)
351       printf ("--- Time for curve: %.1f\n", cm_timer_get (clock));
353    for (i = 0; i < no_j; i++)
354       mpz_clear (j [i]);
355    free (j);
356    mpz_clear (p);
357    mpz_clear (n);
358    mpz_clear (l);
359    mpz_clear (c);
360    mpz_clear (tmp);
361    mpz_clear (a);
362    mpz_clear (b);
363    mpz_clear (k);
364    mpz_clear (P_x);
365    mpz_clear (P_y);
366    mpz_clear (x);
367    mpz_clear (y);
368    mpz_clear (nonsquare);
369 }
371 /*****************************************************************************/
372 /*****************************************************************************/