1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
7 /***************************************************************************
8                           sccolor.h  -  description
9                              -------------------
10     begin                : Sun Sep 9 2001
11     copyright            : (C) 2001 by Franz Schmid
12     email                : Franz.Schmid@altmuehlnet.de
13  ***************************************************************************/
15 /***************************************************************************
16  *                                                                         *
17  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
18  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
19  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
20  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
21  *                                                                         *
22  ***************************************************************************/
24 #ifndef SCCOLOR_H
25 #define SCCOLOR_H
27 #include <QColor>
28 #include <QMap>
29 #include <QPointer>
30 #include <QString>
32 #include "scribusapi.h"
34 class  ScribusDoc;
35 struct RGBColorF;
37 /**
38   *@author Franz Schmid
39   * \brief This Class adds support for CMYK-Colors to Qt.
40   * its API is based on the API of QColor
41   */
43 /** Scribus color models */
44 enum colorModel
45 {
46 	colorModelRGB,
47 	colorModelCMYK,
48 	colorModelLab
49 };
51 class SCRIBUS_API ScColor
52 {
53 public:
55 	friend class ScColorEngine;
57 	/** \brief Constructs a ScColor with 4 Components set to 0 */
58 	ScColor();
59 	/** \brief Constructs a ScColor with 4 Components in the range from 0 - 255 */
60 	ScColor(int c, int m, int y, int k);
61 	/** \brief Constructs a RGB color with 3 Components in the range from 0 - 255 */
62 	ScColor(int r, int g, int b);
63 	/** \brief Constructs a Lab color with 3 Components */
64 	ScColor(double l, double a, double b);
66 	bool operator==(const ScColor& other) const;
68 	/** \brief Same as the Constructor but for an existing Color */
69 	void setColor(int c, int m, int y, int k);
71 	/** \brief Same as the Constructor but for an existing Color */
72 	void setColorF(double c, double m, double y, double k);
74 	/** \brief Define color as a CMYK color with specified values */
75 	void setCmykColor(int c, int m, int y, int k);
77 	/** \brief Define color as a CMYK color with specified values */
78 	void setCmykColorF(double c, double m, double y, double k);
80 	/** \brief Define color as a RGB color with specified values */
81 	void setRgbColor(int r, int g, int b);
83 	/** \brief Define color as a RGB color with specified values */
84 	void setRgbColorF(double r, double g, double b);
86 	/** \brief Define color as a Lab color with specified values */
87 	void setLabColor(double l, double a, double b);
89 	/** \brief get the color model */
90 	colorModel getColorModel () const;
92 	/** \brief Computes a ScColor for a QColor */
93 	void fromQColor(QColor color);
95 	/** \brief Returns the RGB color
96 	* Must not be called if color is the None Color. */
97 	void getRawRGBColor(RGBColorF* rgb) const;
98 	void getRawRGBColor(int *r, int *g, int *b) const;
99 	QColor getRawRGBColor() const;
101 	/** \brief Returns the 4 Values that form an ScColor.
102 	* Returns meaningful results only if color is a cmyk color.
103 	* Must not be called if color is the None Color. */
104 	void getCMYK(int *c, int *m, int *y, int *k) const;
106 	/** \brief Returns the 4 Values that form an ScColor.
107 	* Returns meaningful results only if color is a cmyk color.
108 	* Must not be called if color is the None Color. */
109 	void getCMYK(double *c, double *m, double *y, double *k) const;
111 	/** \brief Returns the 3 Values that form an RGBColor
112 	* Returns meaningful results only if color is a rgb color.
113 	* Must not be called if color is the None Color. */
114 	void getRGB(int *r, int *g, int *b) const;
116 	/** \brief Returns the 3 Values that form an RGBColor
117 	* Returns meaningful results only if color is a rgb color.
118 	* Must not be called if color is the None Color. */
119 	void getRGB(double *r, double *g, double *b) const;
121 	/** \brief Returns the 3 Values that form an LabColor
122 	* Returns meaningful results only if color is a Lab color.
123 	* Must not be called if color is the None Color. */
124 	void getLab(double *L, double *a, double *b) const;
126 	/** \brief Returns the ScColor as an Hex-String in the Form #CCYYMMKK for a CMYK color or ##RRGGBB for a RGB color.
127 	* For the None color return the "None" string. */
128 	QString name() const;
129 	/** \brief Returns the ScColor as an Hex-String in the Form #RRGGBB
130 	* If doc member is not specified, return meaningful result only for RGB colors. */
131 	QString nameRGB(const ScribusDoc* doc = nullptr) const;
132 	/** \brief Returns the ScColor as an Hex-String in the Form #CCYYMMKK
133 	* If doc member is not specified, return meaningful result only for CMYK colors. */
134 	QString nameCMYK(const ScribusDoc* doc = nullptr) const;
136 	/** \brief Sets the Values of a color from an Hex-String in the Form #CCMMYYKK or #RRGGBB */
137 	void setNamedColor(QString colorName);
139 	/** \brief If the color is a process color (ie neither spot, nor registration) */
140 	bool isProcessColor() const;
141 	/** \brief If the color is a spot color */
142 	bool isSpotColor() const;
143 	/** \brief Set a color to be a spot color or not. No effect if color is the None color. */
144 	void setSpotColor(bool s);
145 	/** \brief If the color is a registration color */
146 	bool isRegistrationColor() const;
147 	/** \brief Set a color to be a registration color or not. No effect if color is the None color. */
148 	void setRegistrationColor(bool s);
150 private:
151 	/** \brief Color values (depends of color model) */
152 	double m_values[4] {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
153 	/** \brief L component of Color */
154 	double m_L_val {0.0};
155 	/** \brief a component of Color */
156 	double m_a_val {0.0};
157 	/** \brief b component of Color */
158 	double m_b_val {0.0};
160 	/** \brief Flag, true if the Color is a Spotcolor */
161 	bool m_Spot {false};
162 	/** \brief Flag, true if the Color is a Registration color */
163 	bool m_Regist {false};
164 	/** \brief Color model of the current color */
165 	colorModel m_Model {colorModelRGB};
166 };
168 class SCRIBUS_API ColorList : public QMap<QString, ScColor>
169 {
170 protected:
171 	QPointer<ScribusDoc> m_doc;
172 	bool m_retainDoc;
174 	/** \brief Ensure availability of black color. */
175 	void ensureBlack();
177 	/** \brief Ensure availability of white color. */
178 	void ensureWhite();
180 	/** \brief Ensure availability of registration color. */
181 	void ensureRegistration();
183 public:
184 	ColorList(ScribusDoc* doc = nullptr, bool retainDoc = false);
186 	ColorList& operator= (const ColorList& list);
188 	/** \brief Get the document the list is related , return in cpp due to scribusdoc class delcaration */
189 	ScribusDoc* document() const;
191 	/** \brief Assign the doc to which the list belong to.*/
192 	void setDocument(ScribusDoc* doc);
194 	/** \brief Add colors from the specified list. Colors are added using shadow copy.*/
195 	void addColors(const ColorList& colorList, bool overwrite = true);
197 	/** \brief Copy colors from the specified list.*/
198 	void copyColors(const ColorList& colorList, bool overwrite = true);
200 	/** \brief Ensure availability of black and white colors. */
201 	void ensureDefaultColors();
203 	/** \brief Try to add ScColor col to the list, if col already exists either by name or by value the existing color name is returned. */
204 	QString tryAddColor(QString name, ScColor col);
205 };
207 #endif