1 /*------------------------------------------------------
2  Maximum likelihood estimation
3  of migration rate  and effective population size
4  using a Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo algorithm
5  -------------------------------------------------------
6  M C M C   R O U T I N E S
8  Markov Monte Carlo stuff: treechange, acceptance
11  Peter Beerli 1996, Seattle
12  beerli@fsu.edu
14  Copyright 1996-2002 Peter Beerli and Joseph Felsenstein, Seattle WA
15  Copyright 2003-2013 Peter Beerli, Tallahassee FL
17  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
18  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
19  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
20  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
21  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
22  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject
23  to the following conditions:
25  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
26  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
36  $Id: mcmc1.c 2169 2013-08-24 19:02:04Z beerli $
37  -------------------------------------------------------*/
38 /* \file mcmc1.c
40  Tree changer and acceptance rejection scheme
42  */
43 #include "migration.h"
44 #include "sighandler.h"
45 #include "tools.h"
46 #include "random.h"
47 #include "tree.h"
48 #include "mcmc2.h"
49 #ifdef UEP
50 #include "uep.h"
51 #endif
53 #include "bayes.h"
55 #ifdef BEAGLE
56 #include "calculator.h"
57 #endif
60 #include <dmalloc.h>
61 #endif
63 #define MIGRATION_AIR (boolean) 1
64 #define MIGRATION_IN_TREE (boolean) 0
65 #define NO_MIGR_NODES 0
66 #define WITH_MIGR_NODES 1
68 boolean debugtip;
70 extern int myID;
71 extern MYREAL probg_treetimesX(world_fmt *world, vtlist *tl, long T);
73 extern void     zero_xseq(xarray_fmt *x, long sites, long categs);
75 /* prototypes ------------------------------------------- */
76 // metropolize over trees
77 long tree_update (world_fmt * world, long g);
78 /* private functions */
79 void new_localtimelist (timelist_fmt ** ntl, timelist_fmt * otl, long numpop);
80 void new_proposal (proposal_fmt ** proposal, timelist_fmt * tl,
81                    world_fmt * world);
82 void set_new_proposal (proposal_fmt ** proposal, timelist_fmt * tl, world_fmt * world);
83 void chooseOrigin (proposal_fmt * proposal);
84 void construct_localtimelist (timelist_fmt * timevector,
85                               proposal_fmt * proposal);
86 void traverseAllNodes (node * theNode, node *** nodelist, long *node_elem,
87                        long *oldnode_elem, int include_migration);
88 void chooseTarget (proposal_fmt * proposal, timelist_fmt * timevector,
89                    node ** bordernodes, long *bordernum);
90 void findbordernodes (node * theNode, proposal_fmt * proposal, long pop,
91                       node *** bordernodes, long *allocsize, long *bordernum, vtlist ** tyme,
92                       long gte);
93 void free_masterproposal (proposal_fmt * proposal);
94 void free_timevector (timelist_fmt * timevector);
95 void prune_timelist (timelist_fmt * oldtv, timelist_fmt * newtv, register node ** __restrict ptr, proposal_fmt * proposal, long numpop);
97 long xor (node ** ptrl1, node ** ptrl2);
98 long rmigrcount (proposal_fmt * proposal);
100 int migrate_old (proposal_fmt * proposal, node * up,
101                  long *old_migr_table_counter, boolean air);
102 int migrate (proposal_fmt * proposal, node * up);
103 int migrateb (proposal_fmt * proposal, node * up);
105 int pre_population (proposal_fmt * proposal, vtlist * ltime, long gte,
106                     long *slider);
108 boolean acceptlike (world_fmt * world, proposal_fmt * proposal, long g,
109                     timelist_fmt * tyme);
110 MYREAL eventtime (proposal_fmt * proposal, long pop, vtlist * tentry,
111                   char *event);
112 node *showsister (node * theNode);
113 void count_migrations (node * p, long *count);
114 long migration_from (long to, proposal_fmt * proposal);
116 MYREAL prob_tree (world_fmt * world, timelist_fmt * tyme);
117 void traverse_check(node *theNode);
118 void reset_proposal (proposal_fmt ** proposal, world_fmt *world);
121 /* Functions ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/
122 void
set_tree_dirty(node * p)123 set_tree_dirty (node * p)
124 {
125     switch (p->type)
126     {
127         case 'm':
128             set_dirty (p);
129             set_tree_dirty (p->next->back);
130             break;
131         case 't':
132             break;
133         case 'i':
134             set_dirty (p);
135             set_tree_dirty (p->next->back);
136             set_tree_dirty (p->next->next->back);
137             break;
138         case 'r':
139             set_dirty (p);
140             set_tree_dirty (p->next->back);
141             break;
142     }
143 }
145 /*=======================================================*/
146 long
tree_update(world_fmt * world,long g)147 tree_update (world_fmt * world, long g)
148 {    /*return 1 if tree was accepted, 0 otherwise */
149     //    static long treefilepos; /* write position in the treefile */
150 #ifdef BEAGLE
151     int beagle_control=1;
152 #endif
153     //short show=0;
154     boolean coalesced;
155     //  boolean test;
156     char event;
157     long slider;
158     long bordernum;
159     long actualpop = -99, zz;
160     MYREAL endtime, nexttime, age;
161 #ifdef UEP
163     boolean uepsuccess = FALSE;
164 #endif
165 #ifdef TESTING2
166     proposal_fmt *proposal = world->proposal;
167 #else
168     proposal_fmt *proposal=NULL;
169 #endif
170     /*scratchpad  in which all involved nodes
171      are recorded and help arrays, e.g. migration arrays,
172      are stored */
173     timelist_fmt *timevector = NULL; /* local timelist */
174     vtlist *tentry = NULL; /*pointer into timeslice */
176     /* ---------------------------------------------------------
177      initialize local timelist and construct residual timelist
178      find the start node and snip of the branch and node below */
179 #ifdef __MWERKS__
181     eventloop ();
182 #endif
183     new_localtimelist (&timevector, &world->treetimes[0], world->numpop);
184 #ifdef TESTING2
185     if(world->has_proposal_details)
186         reset_proposal (&proposal, world);//, &world->treetimes[0], world);
187     else
188     {
189     	set_new_proposal (&proposal, &world->treetimes[0], world);
190     	world->has_proposal_details = TRUE;
191     }
192 #else
193     new_proposal (&proposal, &world->treetimes[0], world);
194 #endif
195     chooseOrigin (proposal);
196     //
197     if(world->options->bayes_infer)
198     {
199         world->bayes->starttime = -proposal->origin->tyme; // we start with negative value to
200         // indicate that we do not know yet whether we will accept this move or not
201         // if the move is accepted then the time will be negated (->positiv), we record
202         // all start and stop times one could easily imagine that some parameter values
203         // never gets accepted by the genealogy, and when we record this for bayesallfile we would
204         // like to know this. see further doen at the acceptance for the proposals
205     }
206     //
207     construct_localtimelist (timevector, proposal);
208     tentry = &(*timevector).tl[0];
209     age = proposal->origin->tyme;
210     zz = 0;
211     while ((tentry->age < age || tentry->age - age < SMALLEPSILON)&& zz < (*timevector).T)
212     {
213         tentry = &(*timevector).tl[zz];
214         zz++;
215     }
216     zz--;
217     nexttime = tentry->age;
218     if ((*timevector).T > 1)
219         endtime = (*timevector).tl[(*timevector).T - 2].age;
220     else
221         endtime = 0.0;
222     proposal->time = 0.0;
223 #ifdef TREEDEBUG
224     fprintf(stdout,"%i> begin zz=%li nextime=%f (pt=%f+age=%f)=%f,pot=%f\n",myID, zz, nexttime, proposal->time, age, age+proposal->time,proposal->origin->tyme);
225 #endif
226     proposal->time = age;
227     coalesced = FALSE;
228     /*------------------------------------
229      main loop: sliding down the tree  */
230     slider = 0;
231 #ifdef DEBUG
232     //printf("\nTime    Pop Type Lineages [mutrate=%f]\n",proposal->world->options->mu_rates[world->locus]);
233 #endif
234     while (nexttime <= endtime)
235     {
236         actualpop =
237         (proposal->migr_table_counter >
238          0) ? proposal->migr_table[proposal->migr_table_counter -
239                                    1].from : proposal->origin->pop;
240 #ifdef TREEDEBUG
241         if(age == 0.0 && proposal->origin->tyme>0.0)
242         {
243             printf("\n\n%f\n\n",age);
244         }
245 #endif
246         proposal->time = eventtime (proposal, actualpop, tentry, &event);
247 #ifdef TREEDEBUG
248         fprintf(stdout,"%i> zz=%li (pt=%f+age=%f)=%f,pot=%f\n",myID, zz, proposal->time, age, age+proposal->time,proposal->origin->tyme);
249 #endif
250         proposal->time += age;
251         //	age = proposal->time;
253         if(proposal->time < proposal->origin->tyme)
254         {
255             fprintf(stdout,"%i> Proposal failed because of unordered entry in time list, abort this sample\nProposed time=%f origin time=%f nexttime=%f\n", myID, proposal->time, proposal->origin->tyme, nexttime);
256             // we end up here when the migration events exceed the upper limit
257 #ifndef TESTING2
258             free_masterproposal (proposal);
259 #endif
260             free_timevector (timevector);
261             return 0;
262             //	    error("Proposal of time failed\n");
263         }
264         if (proposal->time < nexttime)
265         {
266             if (event == 'm')
267             {
268                 if (!migrate (proposal, proposal->origin))
269                 {
270                     // we end up here when the migration events exceed the upper limit
271 #ifndef TESTING2
272                     free_masterproposal (proposal);
273 #endif
274                     free_timevector (timevector);
275                     //warning("Event was migration event but could not match a lineage to it\n");
276                     return 0;
277                 }
278                 age = proposal->time;
279                 continue;
280             }
281             else
282             {   /*coalesce */
283                 chooseTarget (proposal, timevector, proposal->bordernodes,
284                               &bordernum);
285                 if(bordernum == 0)
286                 {
287                     if (!migrate (proposal, proposal->origin))
288                     {
289                         // we end up here when the migration events exceed the upper limit
290 #ifndef TESTING2
291                         free_masterproposal (proposal);
292 #endif
293                         free_timevector (timevector);
294                         return 0;
295                     }
296                     age = proposal->time;
297                     continue;
298                     //		    warning("chooseTarget failed at age %f\n", proposal->time);
299                     //		    free_proposal (proposal);
300                     //		    free_timevector (timevector);
301                     //		    return 0;
302                 }
303                 pretendcoalesce1p (proposal);
304 #ifdef UEP
305                 uepsuccess = is_success_pseudo_uep (proposal);
306 #endif
308                 coalesced = TRUE;
309                 break;
310             }
311         }   /*end if proposal->time < nextime */
312         age = nexttime;
313 #ifdef TREEDEBUG
314         if(age < proposal->origin->tyme)
315         {
316             printf("darn: nextime=%f\n",nexttime);
317         }
318 #endif
319         zz++;
320         if(zz >= timevector->T)
321         {
322             break;
323         }
324         tentry = &(*timevector).tl[zz]; /*next entry in timelist */
325         nexttime = tentry->age;
326     }
327     if (!coalesced)
328     {
329         if (!pre_population(proposal, (*timevector).tl, (*timevector).T - 1, &slider))
330         {
331 #ifndef TESTING2
332             free_masterproposal (proposal);
333 #endif
334             free_timevector (timevector);
335             return 0;
336         }
337         //	fprintf(stderr,"%i> last time=%f, end time = %f (%c)\n", myID, age,(*timevector).tl[(*timevector).T-1].eventnode->tyme,(*timevector).tl[(*timevector).T-1].eventnode->type );
338         pretendcoalesce1p (proposal);
339 #ifdef UEP
341         uepsuccess = is_success_pseudo_uep (proposal);
342 #endif
344     }
345     if (
346 #ifdef UEP
347         ((!world->options->uep && !uepsuccess)
348          || (world->options->uep && uepsuccess)) &&
349 #endif
350         (acceptlike (world, proposal, g, timevector)))
351     {
352 #ifdef BEAGLE
353         printf("Accepted\n");
354         change_beagle(world->root->next->back,world->beagle,world->sumtips);
355 #endif
356         if (proposal->time > world->root->tyme)
357         {   /*saveguard */
358             world->root->tyme += proposal->time;
359         }
360         coalesce1p (proposal);
361         //DEBUG
362         //traverse_check(crawlback (proposal->root->next));printf("*");
363 #ifdef DEBUG
364         //traverse_adjust(world->root->next->back, 1.0);
365 #endif
366         // record the time interval that was used for the lineage.
367         if(world->options->bayes_infer)
368         {
369             world->bayes->starttime = -world->bayes->starttime;
370             world->bayes->stoptime = proposal->time;
371             world->treelen = 0.0;
372             calc_treelength (world->root->next->back, &world->treelen);
373         }
374         //
375 #ifdef UEP
376         world->likelihood[g] = treelikelihood (world);
377         if (world->options->uep)
378         {
379             update_uep (world->root->next->back, world);
380             check_uep_root (world->root->next->back, world);
381             world->treelen = 0.0;
382             calc_treelength (world->root->next->back, &world->treelen);
383             world->ueplikelihood = ueplikelihood (world);
384             world->likelihood[g] = /*world->ueplikelihood +*/ world->likelihood[g];
385         }
386 #else
387 #ifdef BEAGLE
388         //	set_beagle_dirty(proposal->origin,proposal->target,showtop(world->root->next->back));
389         //reset_beagle(world->beagle);
390         //smooth (world->root->next, crawlback(world->root->next), world, world->locus);
391         //if(world->beagle->numbranches>0)
392         //  {
393         world->likelihood[g] = proposal->likelihood; //treelikelihood (world);
394         if(beagle_control==1)
395         {
396             printf("Recalculate LnL using treelikelihood()\n");
397             world->likelihood[g] = force_beagle_recalculate(world,world->locus);
398             printf("%i> %f = newLnL=%f + recalcLnL=%f\n",myID, proposal->likelihood - world->likelihood[g], proposal->likelihood,world->likelihood[g]);
399         }
400         //  }
401 #else
402         world->likelihood[g] = treelikelihood (world);
403 #endif /*BEAGLE*/
404 #endif /*UEP*/
405         /* create a new timelist */
406         construct_tymelist (world, &world->treetimes[0]);
407         //        if (world->options->treeprint != _NONE && world->cold)
408         //  print_tree (world, g, &treefilepos);
409         world->migration_counts = 0;
410         /* report the number of migration on the tree */
411         count_migrations (world->root->next->back, &world->migration_counts);
412 #ifndef TESTING2
413         free_masterproposal (proposal);
414 #endif
415         free_timevector (timevector);
416         return 1;   /* new tree accepted */
417     }
418     else
419     {
420         // record the time interval that was used for the lineage.
421         if(world->options->bayes_infer)
422         {
423             world->bayes->stoptime = -proposal->time;
424         }
425         //traverse_check(crawlback (proposal->root->next));printf(".");
426         //
427     }
428 #ifndef TESTING2
429     free_masterproposal (proposal);
430 #endif
431     free_timevector (timevector);
432     return 0;   /* not accepted */
433 }
slatkin_importance(world_mt * world,long g)436 long slatkin_importance(world_mt *world, long g)
437 {
438     long slice=0;
439     // create timelist with times drawn using the parameters
440     new_localtimelist (&timevector, &world->treetimes[0], world->numpop);
441     while (slice < sumlineages)
442     {
443         actualpop =
444         (proposal->migr_table_counter >
445          0) ? proposal->migr_table[proposal->migr_table_counter -
446                                    1].from : proposal->origin->pop;
447         age = (*timevector).tl[slice].age;
448         (*timevector).tl[slice].age = age + eventtime (proposal, actualpop, tentry, &event);
449     }
450     // calculate which two datapoints to join give the distance
451 }
452 #endif
454 /*=======================================================*/
455 ///
456 /// allocate the timelist, contains  times and lineages at that time
457 /// lineages have a large storage device that is accessed from the
458 /// tl[i].lineages.
459 void
new_localtimelist(timelist_fmt ** ntl,timelist_fmt * otl,long numpop)460 new_localtimelist (timelist_fmt ** ntl, timelist_fmt * otl, long numpop)
461 {
462     //    long i;
463     (*ntl) = (timelist_fmt *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (timelist_fmt));
464     (*ntl)->tl = (vtlist *) mymalloc ((*otl).allocT * sizeof (vtlist));
465     (*ntl)->allocT = otl->allocT;
466     (*ntl)->T = otl->T;
467     (*ntl)->oldT = otl->oldT;
468     //memcpy ((*ntl)->tl, otl->tl, otl->allocT * sizeof (vtlist));
469     allocate_lineages (ntl, 0, numpop);
470     //memcpy ((*ntl)->lineages, otl->lineages, (*ntl)->allocT * numpop * sizeof (long));
471 }
473 ///
474 /// reuse a global timelist to store values, this should save
475 /// malloc/free calls
476 void
new_localtimelist_new(timelist_fmt ** ntl,timelist_fmt * otl,long numpop)477 new_localtimelist_new (timelist_fmt ** ntl, timelist_fmt * otl, long numpop)
478 {
479     // UNFINISHED
480     //    long i;
481     //    (*ntl) = (timelist_fmt *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (timelist_fmt));
482     if((*ntl)->allocT < otl->allocT)
483     {
484         (*ntl)->tl = (vtlist *) myrealloc ((*ntl)->tl,(*otl).allocT * sizeof (vtlist));
485         //      memset((*ntl)->tl+((*ntl)->allocT),0,sizeof(vtlist)*((*otl)->allocT-(*ntl)->allocT));
486         (*ntl)->allocT = otl->allocT;
487     }
488     (*ntl)->T = otl->T;
489     memcpy ((*ntl)->tl, otl->tl, otl->allocT * sizeof (vtlist));
490     allocate_lineages (ntl, 0, numpop);
491     memcpy ((*ntl)->lineages, otl->lineages, (*ntl)->allocT * numpop * sizeof (long));
492 }
496 void
new_proposal(proposal_fmt ** proposal,timelist_fmt * tl,world_fmt * world)497 new_proposal (proposal_fmt ** proposal, timelist_fmt * tl, world_fmt * world)
498 {
499 #ifdef UEP
500     long j;
501 #endif
502     long mal = world->data->maxalleles[world->locus];
503     //long listsize = ((*tl).allocT + (*tl).T + 5);
504     long listsize = 2*(world->sumtips + 2);
505     long sumtips = world->sumtips;
507     // allocate the scratchpad (contains a shadow of the tree)
508     (*proposal) = (proposal_fmt *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (proposal_fmt));
509     (*proposal)->likelihood = -HUGE;
510     // pointers and values to outside structures
511     (*proposal)->world = world;
512     (*proposal)->datatype = world->options->datatype;
513     (*proposal)->sumtips = world->sumtips;
514     (*proposal)->numpop = world->numpop;
515     (*proposal)->endsite = world->data->seq[0]->endsite;
516     (*proposal)->fracchange = world->data->seq[0]->fracchange;
517     (*proposal)->param0 = world->param0;
518     (*proposal)->root = world->root;
519     (*proposal)->migration_model = world->options->migration_model;
520     // precalculated values
521     (*proposal)->mig0list = world->mig0list;
522     (*proposal)->design0list = world->design0list;
524     (*proposal)->listsize =  listsize;
526     // nodes above the picked node + migration nodes
527     (*proposal)->aboveorigin =
528     (node **) mycalloc (listsize, sizeof (node *));
530     // node data holding vector for bordernodes, line_f, line_t
531     (*proposal)->nodedata =
532     (node **) mycalloc (3 * listsize, sizeof (node *));
533     // adjacent nodes of the picked nodes
534     (*proposal)->bordernodes = (*proposal)->nodedata;
535     // line_f nodes
536     (*proposal)->line_f =   (*proposal)->bordernodes + listsize;
537     (*proposal)->line_t =  (*proposal)->line_f + listsize;
538     // mf holds also mt array
539     (*proposal)->mf = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (2* (*proposal)->endsite, sizeof (MYREAL));
540     (*proposal)->mt = (*proposal)->mf + (*proposal)->endsite;
542     if (strchr (SEQUENCETYPES, (*proposal)->datatype))
543     {
544         allocate_xseq(&(*proposal)->xf, world->data->seq[0]->endsite, world->options->rcategs);
545         allocate_xseq(&(*proposal)->xt, world->data->seq[0]->endsite, world->options->rcategs);
546     }
547     else
548     {
549         (*proposal)->xf.a = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (MYREAL) * mal);
550         (*proposal)->xt.a = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (MYREAL) * mal);
551     }
552     (*proposal)->old_migr_table_counter = 4 * sumtips /* 100 */ ;
553     (*proposal)->old_migr_table_counter2 = 4 * sumtips /* 100 */ ;
554     (*proposal)->migr_table =
555     (migr_table_fmt *) mycalloc (1,
556                                  sizeof (migr_table_fmt) *
557                                  (*proposal)->old_migr_table_counter);
558     (*proposal)->migr_table2 =
559     (migr_table_fmt *) mycalloc ((*proposal)->old_migr_table_counter2,
560                                  sizeof (migr_table_fmt));
561     (*proposal)->migr_table_counter = 0;
562     (*proposal)->migr_table_counter2 = 0;
563 #ifdef UEP
564     if (world->options->uep)
565     {
566         (*proposal)->ueplike =
567         (MYREAL **) mycalloc (world->data->uepsites, sizeof (MYREAL *));
568         (*proposal)->ueplike[0] =
569         (MYREAL *) mycalloc (world->numpop * world->data->uepsites,
570                              sizeof (MYREAL));
571         for (j = 1; j < world->data->uepsites; ++j)
572             (*proposal)->ueplike[j] = (*proposal)->ueplike[0] + j * world->numpop;
574         (*proposal)->ut.s = (pair *) mycalloc (world->data->uepsites, sizeof (pair));
575         (*proposal)->uf.s = (pair *) mycalloc (world->data->uepsites, sizeof (pair));
576         (*proposal)->umt = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (world->data->uepsites, sizeof (MYREAL));
577         (*proposal)->umf = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (world->data->uepsites, sizeof (MYREAL));
578     }
579 #endif
581 #ifdef BEAGLE
582     (*proposal)->leftid   = 0;
583     (*proposal)->rightid  = 0;
584     (*proposal)->parentid = 0;
585     reset_beagle(world->beagle);
586 #endif
587 }
589 ///
590 /// sets new proposal structure using template gproposal, this function will be called most of the time instead of new_proposal()
591 void
set_new_proposal(proposal_fmt ** proposal,timelist_fmt * tl,world_fmt * world)592 set_new_proposal (proposal_fmt ** proposal, timelist_fmt * tl, world_fmt * world)
593 {
594     long mal = world->data->maxalleles[world->locus];
595     //long oldsize=0;
596     long newsize =0;
597     long sumtips = world->sumtips;
598 #ifdef UEP
599     long j;
600 #endif
601     long listsize = 2*(world->sumtips + 2);
602     (*proposal)->likelihood = -HUGE;
603     (*proposal)->sumtips = sumtips;
604     // pointers and values to outside structures
605     (*proposal)->world = world;
606     (*proposal)->datatype = world->options->datatype;
607     (*proposal)->numpop = world->numpop;
608     (*proposal)->endsite = world->data->seq[0]->endsite;
609     (*proposal)->fracchange = world->data->seq[0]->fracchange;
610     (*proposal)->param0 = world->param0;
611     (*proposal)->root = world->root;
612     (*proposal)->migration_model = world->options->migration_model;
613     // precalculated values
614     (*proposal)->mig0list = world->mig0list;
615     (*proposal)->design0list = world->design0list;
616     newsize = 4 * listsize;
617     if((*proposal)->nodedata == NULL)
618         (*proposal)->nodedata = (node **) mycalloc (newsize, sizeof (node *));
619     else
620         (*proposal)->nodedata = (node **) myrealloc ((*proposal)->nodedata, newsize * sizeof (node *));
621     //xcode  oldsize = (*proposal)->listsize;
622     memset((*proposal)->nodedata, 0, newsize * sizeof (node *));
623     (*proposal)->aboveorigin = (*proposal)->nodedata;
624     (*proposal)->bordernodes = (*proposal)->nodedata + listsize;
625     (*proposal)->line_f =   (*proposal)->bordernodes + listsize;
626     (*proposal)->line_t =  (*proposal)->line_f + listsize;
627     (*proposal)->listsize =  listsize;
628     // mf holds also mt array
629     (*proposal)->mf = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (2* (*proposal)->endsite, sizeof (MYREAL));
630     (*proposal)->mt = (*proposal)->mf + (*proposal)->endsite;
631     if (strchr (SEQUENCETYPES, (*proposal)->datatype))
632     {
633         allocate_xseq(&(*proposal)->xf, world->data->seq[0]->endsite, world->options->rcategs);
634         allocate_xseq(&(*proposal)->xt, world->data->seq[0]->endsite, world->options->rcategs);
635     }
636     else
637     {
638         (*proposal)->xf.a = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (MYREAL) * mal);
639         (*proposal)->xt.a = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (MYREAL) * mal);
640     }
641     (*proposal)->old_migr_table_counter = 4 * sumtips /* 100 */ ;
642     (*proposal)->old_migr_table_counter2 = 4 * sumtips /* 100 */ ;
643     (*proposal)->migr_table =
644     (migr_table_fmt *) mycalloc (1,
645                                  sizeof (migr_table_fmt) *
646                                  (*proposal)->old_migr_table_counter);
647     (*proposal)->migr_table2 =
648     (migr_table_fmt *) mycalloc ((*proposal)->old_migr_table_counter2,
649                                  sizeof (migr_table_fmt));
650     (*proposal)->migr_table_counter = 0;
651     (*proposal)->migr_table_counter2 = 0;
652 #ifdef UEP
653     if (world->options->uep)
654     {
655         (*proposal)->ueplike =
656         (MYREAL **) mycalloc (world->data->uepsites, sizeof (MYREAL *));
657         (*proposal)->ueplike[0] =
658         (MYREAL *) mycalloc (world->numpop * world->data->uepsites,
659                              sizeof (MYREAL));
660         for (j = 1; j < world->data->uepsites; ++j)
661             (*proposal)->ueplike[j] = (*proposal)->ueplike[0] + j * world->numpop;
663         (*proposal)->ut.s = (pair *) mycalloc (world->data->uepsites, sizeof (pair));
664         (*proposal)->uf.s = (pair *) mycalloc (world->data->uepsites, sizeof (pair));
665         (*proposal)->umt = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (world->data->uepsites, sizeof (MYREAL));
666         (*proposal)->umf = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (world->data->uepsites, sizeof (MYREAL));
667     }
668 #endif
670 #ifdef BEAGLE
671     (*proposal)->leftid   = 0;
672     (*proposal)->rightid  = 0;
673     (*proposal)->parentid = 0;
674     reset_beagle(world->beagle);
675 #endif
676 }
679 void
jumblenodes(node ** s,long n)680 jumblenodes (node ** s, long n)
681 {
682     node **temp;
684     long i, rr, tn = n;
686     temp = (node **) mycalloc (1, sizeof (node *) * n);
687     memcpy (temp, s, sizeof (node *) * n);
688     for (i = 0; i < n && tn > 0; i++)
689     {
690         s[i] = temp[rr = RANDINT (0L, tn - 1)];
691         temp[rr] = temp[tn - 1];
692         tn--;
693     }
694     myfree(temp);
695 }
traverse_check(node * theNode)697 void traverse_check(node *theNode)
698 {
699     if (theNode != NULL)
700     {
701         if (theNode->type != 't')
702         {
703             if (theNode->next->back != NULL)
704             {
705                 if(theNode->tyme < showtop(theNode->next->back)->tyme)
706                 {
707                     printf("Problem in traverse_check: id=%li time=%f type=%c time-up-next=%f type_up=%c\n",
708                            theNode->id, theNode->tyme, theNode->type, theNode->next->back->tyme, theNode->next->back->type);
709                     error("time conflict");
710                 }
711                 traverse_check (theNode->next->back);
712             }
713             if (theNode->type != 'm' && theNode->next->next->back != NULL)
714             {
715                 if(theNode->tyme < theNode->next->next->back->tyme)
716                 {
717                     printf("Problem in traverse_check: id=%li time=%f type=%c time-up-next-next=%f\n",
718                            theNode->id, theNode->tyme, theNode->type, theNode->next->next->back->tyme);
719                     error("time conflict");
720                 }
722                 traverse_check (theNode->next->next->back);
723             }
724         }
725     }
726     else
727     {
728         error("Node is NULL????");
729     }
730 }
732 ///
733 /// tags the lineage that was added the last time the tree was changed.
traverse_tagnew(node * theNode,node * origin)734 void traverse_tagnew(node *theNode, node *origin)
735 {
736     if (theNode != NULL)
737     {
738         theNode->visited = FALSE;
739         if (theNode->type != 't'  && theNode->next->next->back != NULL)
740         {
741             if(theNode->top != 1)
742                 theNode = showtop(theNode);
743             //error("");
745             traverse_tagnew (theNode->next->back, origin);
746             if (theNode->type != 'm' && theNode->next->next->back != NULL)
747             {
748                 traverse_tagnew (theNode->next->next->back, origin);
749             }
750         }
751         if(theNode==origin)
752         {
753             while(theNode != NULL && theNode->type != 'r')
754             {
755                 theNode = showtop(showtop(theNode)->back);
756                 theNode->visited = TRUE;
757             }
758         }
759     }
760     else
761     {
762         error("a missing node pointer encountered, aborted");
763     }
764 }
766 ///
767 /// pick a node at random from the available list of nodes, this code will even
768 /// work with datasets where there are only two nodes.
769 void
chooseOrigin(proposal_fmt * proposal)770 chooseOrigin (proposal_fmt * proposal)
771 {
772     long elem = 0;
773     // oldelem = (proposal->sumtips * 2.);
774     node *tmp=NULL, **goal;
775     //032110 goal = (node **) mycalloc (oldelem, sizeof (node *));
776     //#ifdef DEBUG
777     //traverse_check(crawlback (proposal->root->next));
778     //#endif
779     //032110 traverseAllNodes (crawlback (proposal->root->next), &goal, &elem, &oldelem,
780     //032110                  NO_MIGR_NODES);
781     goal = proposal->world->nodep;
782     elem = proposal->world->sumtips * 2;
783     switch(elem)
784     {
785         case 0:
786             error("problem with choosing a node for the tree change [choosOrigin()]");
787             break;
788         case 1:
789         case 2:
790             tmp = goal[0];
791             break;
792         default:
793             tmp = goal[RANDINT (0L, elem - 2)];
794             while(tmp->back->type =='r')
795                 tmp = goal[RANDINT (0L, elem - 2)];
796             break;
797     }
798     //032110 myfree(goal);
799     proposal->origin = tmp;
800     if (proposal->origin != showtop (crawlback (proposal->root->next)))
801     {
802         proposal->oback = showtop (crawlback (proposal->origin));
803         proposal->osister = showsister (proposal->origin);
804         if (proposal->oback != showtop (crawlback (proposal->root->next)))
805         {
806             proposal->ocousin = showsister (proposal->oback);
807         }
808         else
809         {
810             proposal->ocousin = NULL;
811         }
812     }
813     if (proposal->origin == NULL)
814         error ("Designation of origin for branch removal failed");
815 }
818 ///
819 /// construct a list of ordered times with pointers to the tree
820 /// using the origin to prune the old time list
821 void
construct_localtimelist(timelist_fmt * timevector,proposal_fmt * proposal)822 construct_localtimelist (timelist_fmt * timevector, proposal_fmt * proposal)
823 {
824 #ifdef TREEDEBUG
825     double dif;
826     long ii;
827 #endif
828     long z = 0;
829     long oz = proposal->listsize;
830     //    long numpop = timevector->numpop = proposal->numpop;
831     traverseAllNodes (crawlback (proposal->origin)->back,
832                       &proposal->aboveorigin, &z, &oz, WITH_MIGR_NODES);
833     proposal->aboveorigin[z++] = proposal->oback;
834     proposal->aboveorigin[z] = NULL;
835     prune_timelist(&proposal->world->treetimes[0],timevector, proposal->aboveorigin, proposal, proposal->world->numpop);
836     add_partlineages(proposal->numpop, &timevector);
837 #ifdef TREEDEBUG
838     for(ii=0;ii<timevector->T-2;ii++)
839     {
840         printf("%i> ii=%li %0.5f  (%li->%li) %c %3li",myID, ii, timevector->tl[ii].age,
841                timevector->tl[ii].from, timevector->tl[ii].to,
842                timevector->tl[ii].eventnode->type,timevector->tl[ii].lineages[0]);
843         long jj;
844         for(jj = 1;jj < proposal->numpop; jj++)
845             printf(" %3li",timevector->tl[ii].lineages[jj]);
846         printf(" backtyme:%f dif:%f\n",showtop(timevector->tl[ii].eventnode->back)->tyme,dif=showtop(timevector->tl[ii].eventnode->back)->tyme-timevector->tl[ii].eventnode->tyme);
847         if(dif<0.0)
848         {
849             error("shit");
850         }
851     }
852 #endif
853 }
855 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
856  finds all nodes in a tree starting at the root node and crawling up
857  to the tips in a recursive fashion, writing nodeptrs in the nodelist vector
858  the flag include_migration is 1 if we want to touch the migration nodes too,
859  otherwise =0 -> jump over the migration nodes. for convenience we define the
860  the macros NO_MIGR_NODES=0 and WITH_MIGR_NODES=1 in the treesetup.h file
861  PB 1995
862  */
863 void
traverseAllNodes(node * theNode,node *** nodelist,long * node_elem,long * oldnode_elem,int include_migration)864 traverseAllNodes (node * theNode, node *** nodelist, long *node_elem,
865                   long *oldnode_elem, int include_migration)
866 {
867     static long counter=0;
868     long elem;
869     counter++;
870     if(theNode->type != 'r' && theNode->tyme > showtop(theNode->back)->tyme)
871     {
872         printf("%i> TTRAVERSETRAVERSETRAVERSETRAVERSE\nfunction was called with %li times: with node (%c) time %f and node (%c) time %f\n",
873                myID, counter, theNode->type,  theNode->tyme, showtop(theNode->back)->type, showtop(theNode->back)->tyme);
874         error("traverseAllNodes() failed");
875     }
877     if (include_migration == NO_MIGR_NODES)
878     {
879         // nodelist needs to be at least twice as long as sumtips
880         // otherwise it will run out of reserved memory
881         if (theNode->type != 't')
882         {
883             if (crawlback (theNode->next) != NULL)
884                 traverseAllNodes (crawlback (theNode->next), nodelist, node_elem,
885                                   oldnode_elem, NO_MIGR_NODES);
886             if (theNode->type != 'm' && crawlback (theNode->next->next) != NULL)
887                 traverseAllNodes (crawlback (theNode->next->next), nodelist,
888                                   node_elem, oldnode_elem, NO_MIGR_NODES);
889             (*nodelist)[(*node_elem)] = theNode;
890             (*node_elem) += 1;
891             if (theNode->type == 'm')
892             {
893                 error ("Migration node encountered?! and died!");
894             }
895             if(*node_elem > *oldnode_elem)
896                 error("die on the spot, this should not happen. Failed in traverseAllNodes without migration nodes");
897         }
898         else
899         {
900             (*nodelist)[(*node_elem)] = theNode;
901             (*node_elem) += 1;
902             if(*node_elem > *oldnode_elem)
903                 error("die on the spot, this should not happen. Failed in traverseAllNodes without migration nodes at tip");
904         }
905     }
906     else
907     {
908         if (theNode->type != 't')
909         {
910             if (theNode->next->back != NULL)
911                 traverseAllNodes (theNode->next->back, nodelist, node_elem,
912                                   oldnode_elem, WITH_MIGR_NODES);
913             if (theNode->type != 'm' && theNode->next->next->back != NULL)
914                 traverseAllNodes (theNode->next->next->back, nodelist, node_elem,
915                                   oldnode_elem, WITH_MIGR_NODES);
916             if ((*node_elem) == (*oldnode_elem - 2))
917             {
918                 elem = (*oldnode_elem) + (*oldnode_elem);
919                 (*nodelist) =
920                 (node **) myrealloc ((*nodelist), sizeof (node *) * elem);
921                 memset ((*nodelist) + (*oldnode_elem), 0,
922                         sizeof (node *) * (elem - (*oldnode_elem)));
923                 *oldnode_elem = elem;
924             }
925             (*nodelist)[(*node_elem)++] = theNode;
926         }
927         else
928         {
929             if ((*node_elem) == (*oldnode_elem - 2))
930             {
931                 elem = (*oldnode_elem) + (*oldnode_elem);
932                 (*nodelist) =
933                 (node **) myrealloc ((*nodelist), sizeof (node *) * elem);
934                 memset ((*nodelist) + (*oldnode_elem), 0,
935                         sizeof (node *) * (elem - (*oldnode_elem)));
936                 *oldnode_elem = elem;
937             }
938             (*nodelist)[(*node_elem)++] = theNode;
939         }
940     }
941 }
943 ///
944 /// copies elements from the old timelist (oldtv)
945 /// into the new local timeslist (newtv) checking whether they
946 /// are used after the removal of the residual tree that is above the origin (ptr)
947 void
prune_timelist(timelist_fmt * oldtv,timelist_fmt * newtv,register node ** __restrict ptr,proposal_fmt * proposal,long numpop)948 prune_timelist (timelist_fmt * oldtv, timelist_fmt * newtv,  register node ** __restrict ptr, proposal_fmt * proposal, long numpop)
949 {
950     register long i    = 0;
951     register long j    = 0;
952     register node * thenode;
953     long          slot = 0;
954     vtlist        * tls;
956     slot=0;
957     // go through all slices in old time list and
958     // extract node pointers
959     for (i = 0; i < (*oldtv).T; i++)
960     {
961         j = 0;
962         thenode = (*oldtv).tl[i].eventnode;
963         while ((thenode != ptr[j]) && (ptr[j] != NULL))
964         {
965             j++;
966         }
967         // if the comparison reaches the end of the ptr list that holds an NULL element at the end
968         // then the node needs to be present in the new time list.
969         if (ptr[j] == NULL)
970         {
971             tls = &((*newtv).tl[slot]);
972             tls->eventnode = thenode ;
973             tls->age       = (*oldtv).tl[i].age ;
974             tls->interval  = (*oldtv).tl[i].interval ;
975             if(thenode!=NULL)
976             {
977                 tls->from      = thenode->pop;
978                 tls->to        = thenode->actualpop;
979             }
980             tls->slice     = slot;
981             slot++;
982         }
983     }
984     (*newtv).T = slot;
985     //   if ((*newtv).tl[(*newtv).T - 1].eventnode->type != 'r')
986     //{
987     //    error ("Root not at the end of local timelist\n");
988     //}
989     // sort seems to be necessary with dated samples
990     qsort ((void *) (*newtv).tl, (*newtv).T, sizeof (vtlist), agecmp);
991 }
993 /* replaces nodepointers in list 1 with NULL if they are present in list 2
994  returns the first NULL slot in the array.
995  */
996 long
xor(node ** ptrl1,node ** ptrl2)997 xor (node ** ptrl1, node ** ptrl2)
998 {
999     long i = 0, j = 0, slot = -1;
1000     /* assumes that there is an NULL element at the end */
1001     for (i = 0; ptrl1[i] != NULL; j = 0, i++)
1002     {
1003         while ((ptrl1[i] != ptrl2[j]) && (ptrl2[j] != NULL))
1004             j++;
1005         if (ptrl2[j] != NULL)
1006         {
1007             if (slot == -1)
1008                 slot = i;
1009             ptrl1[i] = NULL;
1010         }
1011     }
1012     return slot;
1013 }
1015 /* migrate() fills the PROPOSAL->MIGRATION_TABLE in the tree or
1016  PROPOSAL->MIGRATION_TABLE2 when at the bottom of the tree
1018  PROPOSAL proposal-scratchpad
1019  UP       node above (younger)
1020  MIGR_TABLE_COUNTER migration array counter,
1021  will increase by one during execution
1022  AIR      if true standard execution, if false updating the last
1023  lineage in the residual tree.
1024  */
1025 int
migrate(proposal_fmt * proposal,node * up)1026 migrate (proposal_fmt * proposal, node * up)
1027 {
1028     long tmp;
1029     long numpop = proposal->numpop;
1030     long i = proposal->migr_table_counter;
1031     migr_table_fmt *array = proposal->migr_table;
1032     if (i > MIGRATION_LIMIT * numpop || numpop < 2)
1033     {
1034         return 0;
1035     }
1036     if (i > 0)
1037         array[i].to = array[i - 1].from;
1038     else
1039         array[i].to = up->pop;
1040     tmp = migration_from (array[i].to, proposal);
1042     if(tmp < numpop)
1043         array[i].from = tmp;
1044     else
1045         return 0;
1047     //DEBUG
1048     // printf("i: %3li %li %li\n",i,proposal->migr_table[i].from,proposal->migr_table[i].to);
1049     array[i++].time = proposal->time;
1050     if(proposal->time < proposal->origin->tyme)
1051     {
1052         error("in migrate() wrong time found");
1053     }
1054     if (i >= proposal->old_migr_table_counter)
1055     {
1056         proposal->old_migr_table_counter += 10;
1057         proposal->migr_table =
1058         (migr_table_fmt *) myrealloc (proposal->migr_table,
1059                                       sizeof (migr_table_fmt) *
1060                                       (proposal->old_migr_table_counter));
1061     }
1062     proposal->migr_table_counter = i;
1063     return 1;
1064 }
1066 int
migrateb(proposal_fmt * proposal,node * up)1067 migrateb (proposal_fmt * proposal, node * up)
1068 {
1069     long i = proposal->migr_table_counter2;
1070     migr_table_fmt *array = proposal->migr_table2;
1071     if (i > MIGRATION_LIMIT * proposal->numpop)
1072     {
1073         return 0;
1074     }
1075     if (i > 0)
1076         array[i].to = array[i - 1].from;
1077     else
1078         array[i].to = up->pop;
1079     array[i].from = migration_from (array[i].to, proposal);
1080     //  printf("t: %3li %li %li\n",i,proposal->migr_table2[i].from,proposal->migr_table2[i].to);
1081     array[i].time = proposal->time;
1082     i++;
1083     if (i >= proposal->old_migr_table_counter2)
1084     {
1085         proposal->old_migr_table_counter2 += 10;
1086         proposal->migr_table2 =
1087         (migr_table_fmt *) myrealloc (proposal->migr_table2,
1088                                       sizeof (migr_table_fmt) *
1089                                       (proposal->old_migr_table_counter2));
1090     }
1091     proposal->migr_table_counter2 = i;
1092     return 1;
1093 }
1095 int
migrate_old(proposal_fmt * proposal,node * up,long * old_migr_table_counter,boolean air)1096 migrate_old (proposal_fmt * proposal, node * up, long *old_migr_table_counter,
1097              boolean air)
1098 {
1099     migr_table_fmt *array;
1100     long i;
1101     if (air)
1102     {
1103         array = proposal->migr_table;
1104         i = proposal->migr_table_counter;
1105     }
1106     else
1107     {
1108         array = proposal->migr_table2;
1109         i = proposal->migr_table_counter2;
1110     }
1111     if (i > MIGRATION_LIMIT * proposal->numpop)
1112     {
1113         //      FPRINTF (stdout, "migration limit reached\n");
1114         return 0;
1115     }
1116     switch (proposal->migration_model)
1117     {
1118         case ISLAND:
1119         case ISLAND_VARTHETA:
1120         case MATRIX:
1121         case MATRIX_SAMETHETA:
1122         case MATRIX_ARBITRARY:
1123             if (i > 0)
1124                 array[i].to = array[i - 1].from;
1125             else
1126                 array[i].to = up->pop;
1127             array[i].from = migration_from (array[i].to, proposal);
1128             //      printf("i: %3li %li %li\n",i,proposal->migr_table[i].from,proposal->migr_table[i].to);
1129             //      printf("b: %3li %li %li\n",i,proposal->migr_table2[i].from,proposal->migr_table2[i].to);
1130             break;
1131         case CONTINUUM:
1132         case STEPSTONE:
1133             error ("not yet implemented\n");
1134             break;
1135         default:
1136             break;
1137     }
1138     array[i++].time = proposal->time;
1139     if (i >= (*old_migr_table_counter))
1140     {
1141         (*old_migr_table_counter) += 10;
1142         if (air)
1143         {
1144             proposal->migr_table =
1145             (migr_table_fmt *) myrealloc (proposal->migr_table,
1146                                           sizeof (migr_table_fmt) *
1147                                           (*old_migr_table_counter));
1148             //xcode  array = proposal->migr_table;
1149         }
1150         else
1151         {
1152             proposal->migr_table2 =
1153             (migr_table_fmt *) myrealloc (proposal->migr_table2,
1154                                           sizeof (migr_table_fmt) *
1155                                           (*old_migr_table_counter));
1156             //xcode array = proposal->migr_table;
1157         }
1158     }
1159     if (air)
1160     {
1161         proposal->migr_table_counter = i;
1162     }
1163     else
1164     {
1165         proposal->migr_table_counter2 = i;
1166     }
1167     return 1;
1168 }
1170 /* migration_from() returns the FROM population when there was a migration
1171  TO        population to migrate to
1172  PROPOSAL  proposal-scratchpad
1173  */
1174 long
migration_from_old(long to,proposal_fmt * proposal)1175 migration_from_old (long to, proposal_fmt * proposal)
1176 {
1177   // not completely fixed for change if Nm tracking!!!! //@@
1178     long j, ii, msta, msto;
1179     MYREAL *geo = proposal->world->data->geo;
1180     MYREAL *r, rr = UNIF_RANDUM ();
1181     boolean usem = proposal->world->options->usem;
1182     r = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (MYREAL) * proposal->numpop);
1183     msta = mstart (to, proposal->numpop);
1184     msto = mend (to, proposal->numpop);
1185     if (usem)
1186       {
1187 	r[0] = proposal->param0[msta]/proposal->param0[to] * geo[msta];//@@
1188 	for (j = 1, ii = msta + 1; ii < msto; j++, ii++)
1189 	  {
1190 	    r[j] = r[j - 1] + geo[ii] * proposal->param0[ii]/proposal->param0[to];//@@
1191 	  }
1192       }
1193     else
1194       {
1195 	r[0] = proposal->param0[msta] * geo[msta];
1196 	for (j = 1, ii = msta + 1; ii < msto; j++, ii++)
1197 	  {
1198 	    r[j] = r[j - 1] + geo[ii] * proposal->param0[ii];
1199 	  }
1200       }
1201     ii = 0;
1202     while (rr > r[ii] / r[j - 1])
1203     {
1204         ii++;
1205     }
1206     myfree(r);
1207     if (ii < to)
1208         return ii;
1209     else
1210         return ++ii;
1211 }
1213 long
migration_from(long to,proposal_fmt * proposal)1214 migration_from (long to, proposal_fmt * proposal)
1215 {
1216     long ii = 0;
1217     MYREAL *r = proposal->world->migproblist[to];
1218     MYREAL rr = UNIF_RANDUM ();
1219     while (rr >  r[ii] && ii < proposal->world->numpop-1)
1220     {
1221         ii++;
1222     }
1223 #ifdef TREEDEBUG
1224     if(r[ii] == 0.0)
1225     {
1226         warning("DEBUG: migproblist does not contain a migration probability\n");
1227     }
1228 #endif
1229     if (ii < to)
1230         return ii;
1231     else
1232         return ++ii;
1233 }
1235 void
chooseTarget(proposal_fmt * proposal,timelist_fmt * timevector,node ** bordernodes,long * bordernum)1236 chooseTarget (proposal_fmt * proposal, timelist_fmt * timevector,
1237               node ** bordernodes, long *bordernum)
1238 {
1239     long actualpop = -99;
1240     node *rb = crawlback (proposal->root->next);
1241     *bordernum = 0;
1242     proposal->target = NULL;
1243     proposal->realtarget = NULL;
1244     if (proposal->migr_table_counter == 0)
1245         actualpop = proposal->origin->pop;
1246     else
1247         actualpop = proposal->migr_table[proposal->migr_table_counter - 1].from;
1248     if (rb->tyme < proposal->time)
1249     {
1250         error ("Wrong Time for action in chooseTarget()\n");
1251     }
1252     findbordernodes (rb, proposal, actualpop, &bordernodes, &proposal->listsize, bordernum,
1253                      &(*timevector).tl, (*timevector).T);
1254     if (*bordernum > 0)
1255     {
1256         // found elegible linages to coalesce to
1257         proposal->target = bordernodes[RANDINT (0L, (*bordernum) - 1)];
1258         if (proposal->target != rb)
1259         {
1260             proposal->tsister = showsister (proposal->target);
1261             proposal->realtsister = crawlback (proposal->tsister)->back;
1262         }
1263         else
1264             proposal->tsister = NULL;
1265         proposal->realtarget = proposal->target;
1266         if (proposal->target->type == 'm')
1267             proposal->target = crawlback (showtop (proposal->target)->next);
1268     }
1269     else
1270     {
1271         // no lineage to coalesce to was found.
1272         proposal->target = NULL;
1273         proposal->tsister = NULL;
1274         proposal->realtsister = NULL;
1275         proposal->realtarget = NULL;
1276     }
1277 }
1279 void
findbordernodes(node * theNode,proposal_fmt * proposal,long pop,node *** bordernodes,long * allocsize,long * bordernum,vtlist ** tyme,long gte)1280 findbordernodes (node * theNode, proposal_fmt * proposal, long pop,
1281                  node *** bordernodes, long *allocsize, long *bordernum, vtlist ** tyme,
1282                  long gte)
1283 {
1284     node *tmp, *back;
1285     // we search on the old tree and reaching the oback node that was excised from
1286     // from the residual tree we jump over it and go up the sister branch and back is
1287     // going further down than the oback node
1288     if (theNode == proposal->oback)
1289     {
1290         tmp = showtop (crawlback (proposal->osister)->back);
1291         back = showtop (proposal->oback->back);
1292     }
1293     else
1294     {
1295         tmp = showtop (theNode);
1296         back = showtop (theNode->back);
1297     }
1298     if (pop == tmp->pop && pop == back->actualpop && tmp->tyme < proposal->time
1299         && back->tyme > proposal->time)
1300     {
1301         // lineage end points bracket the the new proposed time,
1302         // therefore this branch needs to be included
1303         (*bordernodes)[(*bordernum)++] = tmp;
1304         return;
1305     }
1306     else
1307     {
1308         // the lineage does not fit the populations (it may fit the time, so)
1309         // the if here checks this
1310         if (back->tyme < proposal->time)
1311         {
1312             // this makes sure that we looked at all lineages that
1313             // may be electable to receive a coalescent have been looked
1314             // at, if we reach here the time of the proposal is older than
1315             // all available lineages on this branch and we safely can stop
1316             // following this branch.
1317             return;
1318         }
1319         // if we are still working on interior nodes and the proposal time is still
1320         // younger than then lineage bracketing nodes we need to continue our search
1321         // up in the tree following right and left branches, but need to stop when
1322         // we encounter a tip node (this is important with dated tips because these can
1323         // be interspersed in the timelist.
1324         if (tmp->type != 't')
1325         {
1326             if (tmp->next->back != NULL)
1327                 findbordernodes (tmp->next->back, proposal, pop, bordernodes, allocsize,
1328                                  bordernum, tyme, gte);
1329             if (tmp->type != 'm' && tmp->next->next->back != NULL)
1330                 findbordernodes (tmp->next->next->back, proposal, pop,
1331                                  bordernodes, allocsize, bordernum, tyme, gte);
1332         }
1333     }
1334 }
1336 /*
1337  boolean
1338  same_pop(node * up, MYREAL tyme, long pop)
1339  {
1340  node *oldnn = showtop(up->back);
1341  node *nn = up;
1342  while (nn->tyme < tyme) {
1343  oldnn = nn;
1344  nn = showtop(nn->back);
1345  }
1346  if (oldnn->pop == pop && nn->actualpop == pop)
1347  return TRUE;
1348  else
1349  return FALSE;
1350  }
1351  */
1354 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1355  simulates two lineages at once, if we are extending below the last node */
1356 int
pre_population(proposal_fmt * proposal,vtlist * ltime,long gte,long * slider)1357 pre_population (proposal_fmt * proposal, vtlist * ltime, long gte,
1358                 long *slider)
1359 {
1360     boolean coalesced = FALSE;
1361     boolean choice = FALSE;
1362     long pop1 = -99, pop2 = -98;
1363     //  long msta1=0, msto1=0;
1364     //  long msta2=0, msto2=0;
1365     MYREAL ux;
1366     MYREAL  rate = proposal->world->options->mu_rates[proposal->world->locus];
1367     MYREAL  invrate = 1./rate;
1368     MYREAL age1, denom, rr, r0, r1, horizon, mm, mm2;
1369     //    MYREAL denom_invrate;
1370     if (gte > 0)
1371         proposal->realtarget = ltime[gte - 1].eventnode;
1372     else
1373         proposal->realtarget = ltime[0].eventnode->next->back; //?????gte
1374     if (proposal->realtarget == proposal->oback)
1375     {
1376         proposal->realtarget = crawlback (proposal->osister)->back;
1377     }
1378     if (proposal->realtarget->type == 'm')
1379     {
1380         proposal->target = crawlback (proposal->realtarget->next);
1381         if (proposal->target == proposal->oback)
1382         {
1383             proposal->target = proposal->osister;
1384         }
1385     }
1386     else
1387     {
1388         proposal->target = proposal->realtarget;
1389     }
1390     proposal->tsister = NULL;
1391     pop2 = proposal->realtarget->pop;
1392     pop1 =
1393     proposal->migr_table_counter >
1394     0 ? proposal->migr_table[proposal->migr_table_counter -
1395                              1].from : proposal->origin->pop;
1396     age1 =
1397     MAX (proposal->realtarget->tyme,
1398          proposal->migr_table_counter >
1399          0 ? proposal->migr_table[proposal->migr_table_counter -
1400                                   1].time : proposal->origin->tyme);
1401     horizon = MAX (proposal->oback->tyme, age1);
1402     while (age1 < horizon)
1403     {
1404         mm = proposal->mig0list[pop1] * invrate;
1405         //mm = 0.0;
1406         //msta1 = mstart(pop1,proposal->numpop);
1407         //msto1 = mend(pop1,proposal->numpop);
1408         //      for (i = msta1; i < msto1; i++)
1409         //{
1410         //mm += proposal->param0[i];
1411         //}
1412         if (pop1 == pop2)
1413         {
1414             denom = mm + (2. / (proposal->param0[pop1] * rate));
1415             //	    denom_invrate = denom * invrate;
1416             ux = UNIF_RANDUM();
1417             //            proposal->time = age1 - LOG(ux) / denom_invrate;
1418             proposal->time = age1 - LOG(ux) / denom;
1419             age1 = proposal->time;
1420             if (age1 < horizon)
1421             {
1422                 rr = UNIF_RANDUM ();
1423                 r0 = (2. / (proposal->param0[pop1] * rate)) / denom;
1424                 if (rr < r0)
1425                 {
1426                     return 1;
1427                 }
1428             }
1429         }
1430         else
1431         {
1432             denom = mm;
1433             proposal->time = age1 - LOG (UNIF_RANDUM ()) / denom;
1434             age1 = proposal->time;
1435         }
1436         if (age1 < horizon)
1437         {
1438             if (!migrate (proposal, proposal->origin))
1439                 //                      &proposal->old_migr_table_counter, MIGRATION_AIR))
1440             {
1441                 return 0;
1442             }
1443             pop1 =
1444             proposal->migr_table_counter >
1445             0 ? proposal->migr_table[proposal->migr_table_counter -
1446                                      1].from : proposal->origin->pop;
1447         }
1448     }
1449     age1 = horizon;
1450     while (!coalesced)
1451     {
1452         //mm = mm2 = 0;
1453         //msta1 = mstart(pop1,proposal->numpop);
1454         //msto1 = mend(pop1,proposal->numpop);
1455         //msta2 = mstart(pop2,proposal->numpop);
1456         //msto2 = mend(pop2,proposal->numpop);
1457         //for (i = msta1; i < msto1; i++)
1458         //{
1459         //mm += proposal->param0[i];
1460         //}
1462         //limits treesize
1463         if(proposal->time > 1000000)
1464             return 0;
1466         mm = proposal->mig0list[pop1] * invrate;
1467         mm2 = proposal->mig0list[pop2] * invrate;
1469         if (pop1 == pop2)
1470         {
1471             denom = 2. * mm + (2. / proposal->param0[pop1] * rate);
1472             //	    denom_invrate = denom * invrate;
1473             proposal->time = age1 - LOG (UNIF_RANDUM ()) / denom;
1474             age1 = proposal->time;
1475             rr = UNIF_RANDUM ();
1476             r0 = ((2. / proposal->param0[pop1] * rate) / denom);
1477             r1 = r0 + mm / denom;
1478             if (rr < r0)
1479             {
1480                 return 1;
1481             }
1482             else
1483             {
1484                 if (rr < r1)
1485                 {
1486                     choice = TRUE;
1487                 }
1488                 else
1489                 {
1490                     choice = FALSE;
1491                 }
1492             }
1493         }
1494         else
1495         {   /*pop1 not equal pop2 */
1496             //for (i = msta2; i < msta2; i++)
1497             //{
1498             //mm2 += proposal->param0[i];
1499             //}
1500             denom = mm + mm2;
1501             //	    denom_invrate = denom * invrate;
1502             proposal->time = age1 - LOG (UNIF_RANDUM ()) / denom;
1503             age1 = proposal->time;
1504             if (RANDUM () < (mm / denom))
1505             {
1506                 choice = TRUE;
1507             }
1508             else
1509             {
1510                 choice = FALSE;
1511             }
1512         }
1513         if (choice)
1514         {
1515             if (!migrate (proposal, proposal->origin))
1516                 //                      &proposal->old_migr_table_counter, MIGRATION_AIR))
1517             {
1518                 return 0;  /* migration limit reached */
1519             }
1520             pop1 =
1521             proposal->migr_table_counter >
1522             0 ? proposal->migr_table[proposal->migr_table_counter -
1523                                      1].from : proposal->origin->pop;
1524         }
1525         else
1526         {
1527             if (!migrateb (proposal, proposal->realtarget))
1528                 //                      &proposal->old_migr_table_counter2,
1529                 //                      MIGRATION_IN_TREE))
1530             {
1531                 return 0;  /* migration limit reached */
1532             }
1533             pop2 =
1534             proposal->migr_table_counter2 >
1535             0 ? proposal->migr_table2[proposal->migr_table_counter2 -
1536                                       1].from : proposal->realtarget->pop;
1537         }
1538     }
1539     error ("Reached the end of function without coalescing");
1540     return -1;   /*makes the compiler happy */
1541 }
1543 #ifdef TESTING2
1544 ///
1545 /// freeing the proposal structure, this is the replacement of the real free_proposal method
1546 /// and does not allocate, but reuses old memory
1547 //void free_proposal(proposal_fmt *proposal)/
1548 //{
1549     // do nothing
1550 //}
reset_simple_proposal_variables(proposal_fmt ** proposal)1551 void reset_simple_proposal_variables(proposal_fmt **proposal)
1552 {
1553     (*proposal)->mig_removed = FALSE;
1554     (*proposal)->rr = 0.0;
1555     (*proposal)->origin = NULL;
1556     (*proposal)->target = NULL;
1557     (*proposal)->realtarget = NULL;
1558     (*proposal)->tsister = NULL;
1559     (*proposal)->realtsister = NULL;
1560     (*proposal)->osister = NULL;
1561     (*proposal)->realosister = NULL;
1562     (*proposal)->ocousin = NULL;
1563     (*proposal)->realocousin = NULL;
1564     (*proposal)->oback = NULL;
1565     (*proposal)->realoback = NULL;
1566     //
1567     (*proposal)->connect = NULL;
1568     (*proposal)->likelihood = 0.0;
1569     (*proposal)->time = 0.0;
1570     (*proposal)->v = 0.0;
1571     (*proposal)->vs = 0.0;
1572     //
1573 #ifdef UEP
1574     (*proposal)->ueplikelihood = 0.0;
1575 #endif
1576     (*proposal)->migr_table_counter=0;
1577     (*proposal)->migr_table_counter2=0;
1578     (*proposal)->timeslice = 0;
1579     //
1580     (*proposal)->treelen = 0.0;
1581 #ifdef BEAGLE
1582     (*proposal)->parentid = 0;
1583     (*proposal)->leftid = 0;
1584     (*proposal)->rightid = 0;
1585 #endif
1586 }
1588 void
reset_proposal(proposal_fmt ** proposal,world_fmt * world)1589 reset_proposal (proposal_fmt ** proposal, world_fmt *world)
1590 {
1591     const long listsize = 2 * (world->sumtips + 2);
1592     const long newsize = 4 * listsize;
1593     const long mal = (*proposal)->world->data->maxalleles[(*proposal)->world->locus];
1594     (*proposal)->likelihood = -HUGE;
1595     // pointers and values to outside structures
1596     (*proposal)->world = world;
1597     (*proposal)->datatype = world->options->datatype;
1598     (*proposal)->sumtips = world->sumtips;
1599     (*proposal)->numpop = world->numpop;
1600     (*proposal)->endsite = world->data->seq[0]->endsite;
1601     (*proposal)->fracchange = world->data->seq[0]->fracchange;
1602     (*proposal)->param0 = world->param0;
1603     (*proposal)->root = world->root;
1604     (*proposal)->migration_model = world->options->migration_model;
1605     // precalculated values
1606     (*proposal)->mig0list = world->mig0list;
1607     (*proposal)->design0list = world->design0list;
1608     (*proposal)->listsize =  listsize;
1609     // ..line_t are also reset with this
1610     long i;
1611     for(i=0;i<newsize;i++)
1612         (*proposal)->nodedata[i]=NULL;
1613     //  memset((*proposal)->nodedata,0,sizeof(node *) * newsize);
1614     memset((*proposal)->mf,0, sizeof(MYREAL)*(2 * (*proposal)->endsite)); // (*proposal)->mt is also freed with this
1615     // resetting pointers
1616     reset_simple_proposal_variables(proposal);
1618     if (strchr (SEQUENCETYPES, (*proposal)->datatype))
1619     {
1620         zero_xseq(&(*proposal)->xf,(*proposal)->world->data->seq[0]->endsite, (*proposal)->world->options->rcategs);
1621         zero_xseq(&(*proposal)->xt,(*proposal)->world->data->seq[0]->endsite, (*proposal)->world->options->rcategs);
1622     }
1623     else
1624     {
1625         memset((*proposal)->xf.a, 0, mal);
1626         memset((*proposal)->xt.a, 0, mal);
1627     }
1628     memset((*proposal)->migr_table, 0, sizeof(migr_table_fmt) * (*proposal)->old_migr_table_counter);
1629     memset((*proposal)->migr_table2, 0, sizeof(migr_table_fmt) * (*proposal)->old_migr_table_counter2);
1630 #ifdef UEP
1632     if ((*proposal)->world->options->uep)
1633     {
1634         memset((*proposal)->ueplike, 0, sizeof(MYREAL) * world->numpop * world->data->uepsites);
1635         for (j = 1; j < world->data->uepsites; ++j)
1636             (*(*proposal))->ueplike[j] = (*(*proposal))->ueplike[0] + j * world->numpop;
1638         memset((*proposal)->uf.s, 0, world->data->uepsites * sizeof(pair));
1639         memset((*proposal)->ut.s, 0, world->data->uepsites * sizeof(pair));
1640         memset((*proposal)->umf, 0, world->data->uepsites * sizeof(MYREAL));
1641         memset((*proposal)->umt, 0, world->data->uepsites * sizeof(MYREAL));
1642     }
1643 #endif
1644 }
1645 #endif
1646 ///
1647 /// freeing the proposal structure, this will be replaced by a function that resets permanently
1648 /// allocated structure [reset_proposal()]
1649 void
free_masterproposal(proposal_fmt * proposal)1650 free_masterproposal (proposal_fmt * proposal)
1651 {
1652     //static long count=0;
1653     myfree(proposal->aboveorigin);
1654     // myfree(proposal->bordernodes);
1655     // myfree(proposal->line_f);
1656     // myfree(proposal->line_t);
1657     //  printf("%li ",count++);fflush(stdout);
1658     myfree(proposal->nodedata); // ..line_t are also freed with this
1659     myfree(proposal->mf); // proposal->mt is also freed with this
1660     if (strchr (SEQUENCETYPES, proposal->datatype))
1661     {
1662         myfree(proposal->xf.s[0]);
1663         myfree(proposal->xt.s[0]);
1664         myfree(proposal->xf.s);
1665         myfree(proposal->xt.s);
1666     }
1667     else
1668     {
1669         myfree(proposal->xf.a);
1670         myfree(proposal->xt.a);
1671     }
1672     myfree(proposal->migr_table);
1673     myfree(proposal->migr_table2);
1674 #ifdef UEP
1676     if (proposal->world->options->uep)
1677     {
1678         myfree(proposal->ueplike[0]);
1679         myfree(proposal->ueplike);
1680         myfree(proposal->uf.s);
1681         myfree(proposal->ut.s);
1682         myfree(proposal->umf);
1683         myfree(proposal->umt);
1685     }
1686 #endif
1687     myfree(proposal);
1688 }
1689 //#endif /*TESTING*/
1692 void
free_timevector(timelist_fmt * timevector)1693 free_timevector (timelist_fmt * timevector)
1694 {
1695     //    long i;
1696     //    for (i = 0; i < timevector->allocT; i++)
1697     //    {
1698     //        myfree(timevector->tl[i].lineages);
1699     //    }
1700     myfree(timevector->lineages);
1701     myfree(timevector->tl);
1702     myfree(timevector);
1703 }
1705 ///
1706 /// using a global timevector to save malloc/free pair calls and
1707 /// so to save time
1708 void
free_timevector_new(timelist_fmt * timevector)1709 free_timevector_new (timelist_fmt * timevector)
1710 {
1711     //    memset(timevector->lineages, 0, sizeof(long) * );
1712     // (timevector->tl);
1713 }
1715 /*----------------------------------------------------------*
1716  * rejection/acceptance of the new tree according to the likelihood
1717  * and an acceptance ratio which is higher the better the
1718  * likelihood values are (-> Metropolis)
1719  */
1720 boolean
acceptlike(world_fmt * world,proposal_fmt * proposal,long g,timelist_fmt * tyme)1721 acceptlike (world_fmt * world, proposal_fmt * proposal, long g,
1722             timelist_fmt * tyme)
1723 {
1724     //proposal changes when chain is stuck, to accept some new trees without
1725     //considering data to remove out of sticky area [hopefully]
1726     static long not_accepted = 0;
1728     const long limit = MIGRATION_LIMIT * world->numpop;
1730     long rm  = 0L;
1731     long rmc = rmigrcount (proposal);
1733     MYREAL rr;
1734     MYREAL expo;
1736 #ifdef UEP
1737     node *first;
1738 #endif
1740     rm =  proposal->migr_table_counter + proposal->migr_table_counter2
1741     + world->migration_counts - rmc;
1743     if (rm > limit)
1744     {
1745         // warning might disturb parallel runs and might be not really useful at all
1746         //        if (report || g != oldg)
1747         //        {
1748         //            warning ("migration limit (%li) exceeded: %li\n",
1749         //                     MIGRATION_LIMIT * world->numpop, rm);
1750         //            warning
1751         //            ("results may be underestimating migration rates for this chain\n");
1752         //            report = FALSE;
1753         //            oldg = g;
1754         //        }
1755 #ifdef BEAGLE
1756         printf("Reset to: %f\n",world->likelihood[g]);
1757         //set_beagle_dirty(proposal->origin,proposal->target,showtop(world->root->next->back));
1758         //calcLnL(world, world->beagle->instance);
1759 #endif
1760         return FALSE;
1761     }
1762 #ifdef UEP
1763     if (world->options->uep)
1764     {
1765         first = first_uep2 (proposal->world->root->next->back,
1766                             proposal->world->root->next->back,
1767                             proposal->world->data->uepsites);
1768         proposal->firstuep = first_uep (first, proposal->world->root,
1769                                         proposal->world->data->uepsites);
1770         proposal->ueplikelihood = pseudo_ueplikelihood (world, proposal);
1771         proposal->likelihood = pseudotreelikelihood (world, proposal);
1772     }
1773     else
1774     {
1775         proposal->likelihood = pseudotreelikelihood (world, proposal);
1776     }
1777 #else
1778     //    printf("DEBUG: world->likellihood[%li]=%f heat=%f\n",g,world->likelihood[g],world->heat);
1779     proposal->likelihood = pseudotreelikelihood (world, proposal);
1780     //printf("DEBUG: proposal->likellihood=%f heat=%f\n",proposal->likelihood, world->heat);
1781 #endif
1783     //if(proposal->likelihood <= -HUGE &&  world->likelihood[g] <= -HUGE)
1784     //  {
1785 	//	if(!world->in_burnin)
1786 	//  {
1787     //long burnin = world->options->burn_in;
1788     //world->options->burn_in *= 10;
1789     //fprintf(stdout,"likelihood is -inf, insert a burn-in phase\n");
1790     //	    burnin_chain(world);
1791     //world->options->burn_in = burnin;
1792     //  }
1793     //	return TRUE;
1794     // }
1795     //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ <<<<<<
1796     //    if(world->cold)
1797     //  {
1798     //	printf("%f %f %f\n",world->likelihood[g], proposal->likelihood, -world->likelihood[g]+ proposal->likelihood);
1799     // }
1800     if (world->likelihood[g] < proposal->likelihood)
1801     {
1802         not_accepted = 0;
1803         return TRUE;
1804     }
1805     if (!world->options->heating)
1806     {
1807         expo = proposal->likelihood - world->likelihood[g];
1808         rr = LOG (RANDUM ());
1809         if (rr < expo)
1810         {
1811             not_accepted = 0;
1812             return TRUE;
1813         }
1814     }
1815     else
1816     {
1817         expo = (proposal->likelihood - world->likelihood[g]) * world->heat;
1818         rr = LOG (RANDUM ());
1819         if (rr < expo)
1820         {
1821             not_accepted = 0;
1822             return TRUE;
1823         }
1824     }
1825     if(world->options->prioralone)
1826     {
1827         return TRUE;
1828     }
1829     return FALSE;
1830 }
1832 long
rmigrcount(proposal_fmt * proposal)1833 rmigrcount (proposal_fmt * proposal)
1834 {
1835     node *p;
1836     long count = 0;
1837     for (p = proposal->origin; p != proposal->oback; p = showtop (p->back))
1838     {
1839         if (p->type == 'm')
1840             count++;
1841     }
1842     return count;
1843 }
1846 ///
1847 /// generates the time interval to the next event (migration or coalescence)
1848 /// and also decides what event happens.
1849 /// This funcion is modified by the rate of the mutation rate that can be
1850 /// estimated in a Bayesian context, and be fixed in a ML context
1851 /// this rate is only influencing the time and not the eventtype
1852 /// because the rate cancels out of the ratio that chooses the event.
eventtime(proposal_fmt * proposal,long pop,vtlist * tentry,char * event)1854 eventtime (proposal_fmt * proposal, long pop, vtlist * tentry, char *event)
1855 {
1856     //    static boolean mig_force = TRUE;
1857     MYREAL  interval;
1858     MYREAL  lines;
1859     MYREAL  denom;
1860     MYREAL  invdenom;
1861     MYREAL  rate = proposal->world->options->mu_rates[proposal->world->locus];
1862     MYREAL  invrate = 1./ rate;
1863     MYREAL  mm         = proposal->mig0list[pop] * invrate ;
1864     //long    design0    = proposal->design0list[pop];
1865     //could be used to calculate p(gn|go): MYREAL nu;
1866     lines    = 2.0 * tentry->lineages[pop];
1867     denom    = mm + (lines * (1.0 / (proposal->param0[pop]*rate)));
1868     invdenom = 1.0 / denom;
1869     interval =  (-(LOG (/*nu = */UNIF_RANDUM ())) * invdenom) ;
1870     //could be used to calculate p(gn|go): proposal->nu += nu; //adds the probabilities (=random numbers);
1871     //[overcautious]
1872     //if (interval < 0.0)
1873     //    error("interval time is negative");
1874     if (lines > 0.0)
1875     {
1876         if ((UNIF_RANDUM ()) < (mm * invdenom))
1877         {
1878             *event = 'm';
1879             return interval;
1880         }
1881         else
1882         {
1883             *event = 'c';
1884             return interval;
1885         }
1886     }
1887     else
1888     {
1889         //      printf("mcmc1.c 1653 pop = %li, lines = %li\n", pop, tentry->lineages[pop]);
1890         *event = 'm';
1891         return interval;
1892     }
1893 }
1895 /*--------------------------------------------------------*
1896  * showsister()
1897  * find the sisternode, by going down the branch and up on
1898  * the other side again, neglecting the migration nodes.
1899  */
1900 node *
showsister(node * theNode)1901 showsister (node * theNode)
1902 {
1903     node *tmp = crawlback (theNode);
1905     if (tmp->next->top)
1906     {
1907         return crawlback (tmp->next->next);
1908     }
1909     else
1910     {
1911         if (tmp->next->next->top)
1912         {
1913             return crawlback (tmp->next);
1914         }
1915         else
1916         {
1917             error ("error in treestructure, cannot find sisternode\n");
1918         }
1919     }
1920     return NULL;
1921 }
1923 void
count_migrations(node * p,long * count)1924 count_migrations (node * p, long *count)
1925 {
1926     if (p->type != 't')
1927     {
1928         if (p->type == 'm')
1929         {
1930             *count += 1;
1931             count_migrations (p->next->back, count);
1932         }
1933         else
1934         {
1935             count_migrations (p->next->back, count);
1936             count_migrations (p->next->next->back, count);
1937         }
1938     }
1939 }
prob_tree(world_fmt * world,timelist_fmt * tyme)1942 prob_tree (world_fmt * world, timelist_fmt * tyme)
1943 {
1944     long j, pop;
1945     MYREAL mm, cc, ss = 0;
1946     long tlfrom;
1947     boolean usem = world->options->usem;
1948     MYREAL pk;
1949     const MYREAL mu_rate = world->options->mu_rates[world->locus];
1950     //const MYREAL lmu_rate = world->options->lmu_rates[world->locus];
1951     tyme->tl[0].interval = tyme->tl[0].age;
1952     for (j = 1; j < tyme->T; j++)
1953     {
1954         tyme->tl[j].interval = tyme->tl[j].age - tyme->tl[j - 1].age;
1955     }
1956     for (j = 0; j < tyme->T - 1; j++)
1957     {
1958         mm = cc = 0.0;
1959         for (pop = 0; pop < world->numpop; pop++)
1960         {
1961             mm += tyme->tl[j].lineages[pop] * world->mig0list[pop];
1962             cc += tyme->tl[j].lineages[pop] * (tyme->tl[j].lineages[pop] -
1963 					       1) / (world->param0[pop] * mu_rate);
1964         }
1965         ss += -(tyme->tl[j].interval) * (mm + cc);
1966 	tlfrom = tyme->tl[j].from;
1967         if (tlfrom == tyme->tl[j].to)
1968             ss += LOG2 - LOG (world->param0[tlfrom]*mu_rate);
1969         else
1970 	  { //@@
1971 	    pk = usem ? world->param0[tlfrom]/mu_rate : world->param0[tlfrom] /(mu_rate * world->param0[pop]);
1972             ss += LOG (pk);
1973 	  }
1974     }
1975     return ss;
1976 }