1import h5py
3from ont_fast5_api import CURRENT_FAST5_VERSION
4from ont_fast5_api.fast5_file import Fast5File, Fast5FileTypeError
5from ont_fast5_api.fast5_read import AbstractFast5, Fast5Read
6from ont_fast5_api.static_data import HARDLINK_GROUPS, OPTIONAL_READ_GROUPS
9class MultiFast5File(AbstractFast5):
10    def __init__(self, filename, mode='r', driver=None):
11        # See https://docs.h5py.org/en/stable/high/file.html#file-drivers for
12        # information on why you might want to use a specific driver.
13        self.filename = filename
14        self.mode = mode
15        self.handle = h5py.File(self.filename, self.mode, driver=driver)
16        self._run_id_map = None
17        if mode != 'r' and 'file_version' not in self.handle.attrs:
18            try:
19                self.handle.attrs['file_version'] = str(CURRENT_FAST5_VERSION)
20            except IOError as e:
21                raise IOError("Could not write 'file_version' in mode '{}' to fast5 file: {}"
22                                   "".format(self.filename, self.mode)) from e
24    def get_reads(self):
25        for group_name in self.handle:
26            if group_name.startswith('read_'):
27                yield Fast5Read(self, group_name[5:])
29    def get_read_ids(self):
30        # Return all groups with the 'read_' stripped from the front
31        return [group_name[5:] for group_name in self.handle if group_name.startswith('read_')]
33    def get_read(self, read_id):
34        group_name = "read_" + read_id
35        if group_name not in self.handle:
36            raise KeyError("Read '{}' not in: {}".format(group_name, self.filename))
37        return Fast5Read(self, read_id)
39    def create_read(self, read_id, run_id):
40        DeprecationWarning("'MultiFast5File.create_read()' will be deprecated. "
41                           "Use `MultiFast5File.create_empty_read()` instead")
42        return self.create_empty_read(read_id, run_id)
44    def create_empty_read(self, read_id, run_id):
45        group_name = "read_" + read_id
46        if group_name not in self.handle:
47            try:
48                self.handle.create_group(group_name)
49            except ValueError as e:
50                raise ValueError("Could not create group '{}' in file: {}".format(group_name, self.filename)) from e
51            try:
52                for shared_group in HARDLINK_GROUPS:
53                    self.handle["{}/{}".format(group_name, shared_group)] = \
54                        self.handle["read_{}/{}".format(self.run_id_map[run_id], shared_group)]
55            except KeyError:
56                # If we can't hardlink to existing groups then continue as normal
57                # registering this read as the new source of metadata for this run_id_map
58                self.run_id_map[run_id] = read_id
59            self.handle[group_name].attrs["run_id"] = run_id
60        else:
61            raise ValueError("Read '{}' already exists in: {}".format(group_name, self.filename))
62        return Fast5Read(self, read_id)
65    @property
66    def run_id_map(self):
67        if self._run_id_map is None:
68            self._run_id_map = dict()
69            for read in self.get_reads():
70                try:
71                    self._run_id_map[read.run_id] = read.read_id
72                except KeyError:
73                    # If we can't find the read.run_id then there is a KeyError
74                    # We want to ignore these cases since they can't be linked anyway
75                    pass
76        return self._run_id_map
78    def add_existing_read(self, read_to_add, target_compression=None, sanitize=False):
79        if isinstance(read_to_add, Fast5File):
80            self._add_read_from_single(read_to_add, target_compression, sanitize=sanitize)
81        elif isinstance(read_to_add.parent, MultiFast5File):
82            self._add_read_from_multi(read_to_add, target_compression, sanitize=sanitize)
83        else:
84            raise Fast5FileTypeError("Could not add read to output file from input file type '{}' with path '{}'"
85                                     "".format(type(read_to_add.parent), read_to_add.parent.filename))
87    def _add_read_from_multi(self, read_to_add, target_compression, sanitize=False):
88        read_name = "read_" + read_to_add.read_id
89        self.handle.create_group(read_name)
90        output_group = self.handle[read_name]
91        copy_attributes(read_to_add.handle.attrs, output_group)
92        for subgroup in read_to_add.handle:
93            if sanitize and subgroup in OPTIONAL_READ_GROUPS:
94                # skip optional groups when sanitizing
95                continue
96            elif subgroup == read_to_add.raw_dataset_group_name \
97                    and target_compression is not None \
98                    and str(target_compression) not in read_to_add.raw_compression_filters:
99                raw_attrs = read_to_add.handle[read_to_add.raw_dataset_group_name].attrs
100                raw_data = read_to_add.handle[read_to_add.raw_dataset_name]
101                output_read = self.get_read(read_to_add.read_id)
102                output_read.add_raw_data(raw_data, raw_attrs, compression=target_compression)
103                continue
104            elif subgroup in HARDLINK_GROUPS:
105                if read_to_add.run_id in self.run_id_map:
106                    # There may be a group to link to, but we must check it actually exists!
107                    hardlink_source = "read_{}/{}".format(self.run_id_map[read_to_add.run_id], subgroup)
108                    if hardlink_source in self.handle:
109                        hardlink_dest = "read_{}/{}".format(read_to_add.read_id, subgroup)
110                        self.handle[hardlink_dest] = self.handle[hardlink_source]
111                        continue
112                # If we couldn't hardlink to anything we need to make the group we create available for future reads
113                self.run_id_map[read_to_add.run_id] = read_to_add.read_id
114            # If we haven't done a special-case copy then we can fall back on the default copy
115            output_group.copy(read_to_add.handle[subgroup], subgroup)
117    def _add_read_from_single(self, read_to_add, target_compression, sanitize=False):
118        read_name = "read_" + read_to_add.read_id
119        self.handle.create_group(read_name)
120        output_group = self.handle[read_name]
121        copy_attributes(read_to_add.handle.attrs, output_group)
122        for subgroup in read_to_add.handle:
123            if sanitize and subgroup in OPTIONAL_READ_GROUPS:
124                # skip optional groups when sanitizing
125                continue
126            elif subgroup == "UniqueGlobalKey":
127                for unique_group in read_to_add.handle["UniqueGlobalKey"]:
128                    if unique_group in HARDLINK_GROUPS and read_to_add.run_id in self.run_id_map:
129                        hardlink_source = "read_{}/{}".format(self.run_id_map[read_to_add.run_id], unique_group)
130                        if hardlink_source in self.handle:
131                            hardlink_dest = "read_{}/{}".format(read_to_add.read_id, unique_group)
132                            self.handle[hardlink_dest] = self.handle[hardlink_source]
133                    else:
134                        output_group.copy(read_to_add.handle["UniqueGlobalKey/{}".format(unique_group)],
135                                          unique_group)
136                self.run_id_map[read_to_add.run_id] = read_to_add.read_id
137            elif subgroup == "Raw":
138                if target_compression is None or str(target_compression) in read_to_add.raw_compression_filters:
139                    output_group.copy(read_to_add.handle[read_to_add.raw_dataset_group_name], "Raw")
140                else:
141                    raw_attrs = read_to_add.handle[read_to_add.raw_dataset_group_name].attrs
142                    raw_data = read_to_add.handle[read_to_add.raw_dataset_name]
143                    output_read = self.get_read(read_to_add.read_id)
144                    output_read.add_raw_data(raw_data, raw_attrs, compression=target_compression)
145            else:
146                if not sanitize:
147                    output_group.copy(read_to_add.handle[subgroup], subgroup)
150def copy_attributes(input_attrs, output_group):
151    for k, v in input_attrs.items():
152        output_group.attrs[k] = v