4 /*============================================================================
5  * Geometric computations for building discretization operators which is
6  * shared by several files
7  *============================================================================*/
9 /*
10   This file is part of Code_Saturne, a general-purpose CFD tool.
12   Copyright (C) 1998-2021 EDF S.A.
14   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
15   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
16   Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
17   version.
19   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
21   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
22   details.
24   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
25   this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
26   Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
27 */
29 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
30  * Standard C library headers
31  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
34  *  Local headers
35  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
37 #include "cs_cdo_local.h"
38 #include "cs_math.h"
40 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
44 /*============================================================================
45  * Macro definitions
46  *============================================================================*/
48 /*============================================================================
49  * Type definitions
50  *============================================================================*/
52 /*=============================================================================
53  * Inline static function prototypes
54  *============================================================================*/
56 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
57 /*!
58  * \brief  Compute the value of the constant gradient of the Lagrange function
59  *         attached to xc in p_{f,c} (constant inside this volume)
60  *         Cellwise version.
61  *
62  * \param[in]      f        face number in the cellwise numbering to handle
63  * \param[in]      cm       pointer to a cell_mesh_t structure
64  * \param[in, out] grd_c    gradient of the Lagrange function related to xc
65  */
66 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
68 inline static void
cs_compute_grdfc_cw(short int f,const cs_cell_mesh_t * cm,cs_real_t * grd_c)69 cs_compute_grdfc_cw(short int               f,
70                     const cs_cell_mesh_t   *cm,
71                     cs_real_t              *grd_c)
72 {
73   /* Sanity checks */
74   assert(cs_eflag_test(cm->flag, CS_FLAG_COMP_PFQ | CS_FLAG_COMP_HFQ));
76   const cs_real_t  ohf = -cm->f_sgn[f]/cm->hfc[f];
78   grd_c[0] = ohf * cm->face[f].unitv[0];
79   grd_c[1] = ohf * cm->face[f].unitv[1];
80   grd_c[2] = ohf * cm->face[f].unitv[2];
81 }
83 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
84 /*!
85  * \brief  Compute the value of the constant gradient of the Lagrange function
86  *         attached to xc in p_{f,c} (constant inside this volume)
87  *         Facewise version.
88  *
89  * \param[in]      f        face number in the cellwise numbering to handle
90  * \param[in]      cm       pointer to a cell_mesh_t structure
91  * \param[in, out] grd_c    gradient of the Lagrange function related to xc
92  */
93 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
95 inline static void
cs_compute_grdfc_fw(const cs_face_mesh_t * fm,cs_real_t * grd_c)96 cs_compute_grdfc_fw(const cs_face_mesh_t   *fm,
97                     cs_real_t              *grd_c)
98 {
99   const cs_real_t  ohf = -fm->f_sgn/fm->hfc;
101   grd_c[0] = ohf * fm->face.unitv[0];
102   grd_c[1] = ohf * fm->face.unitv[1];
103   grd_c[2] = ohf * fm->face.unitv[2];
104 }
106 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
107 /*!
108  * \brief  Compute the weight wef = |tef|/|f|
109  *
110  * \param[in]       f          id of the face in the cell-wise numbering
111  * \param[in]       cm         pointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
112  * \param[in, out]  wef        pointer to an array storing the weight/vertex
113  */
114 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
116 inline static void
cs_compute_wef(short int f,const cs_cell_mesh_t * cm,cs_real_t * wef)117 cs_compute_wef(short int                 f,
118                const cs_cell_mesh_t     *cm,
119                cs_real_t                *wef)
120 {
121   /* Sanity checks */
122   assert(cs_eflag_test(cm->flag, CS_FLAG_COMP_PFQ | CS_FLAG_COMP_FEQ));
124   const short int  *f2e_idx = cm->f2e_idx + f;
125   const double  *tef_vals = cm->tef + f2e_idx[0];
126   const double  inv_f = 1./cm->face[f].meas;
128   /* Compute a weight for each edge of the current face */
129   for (short int e = 0; e < f2e_idx[1] - f2e_idx[0]; e++)
130     wef[e] = tef_vals[e] * inv_f;
131 }
133 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
134 /*!
135  * \brief  Compute the volume related to each tetrahedron of base tef and apex
136  *         x_c (there are as many tetrahedra as edges in a face)
137  *
138  * \param[in]       f      id of the face in the cell-wise numbering
139  * \param[in]       cm     pointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
140  * \param[in, out]  pefc   pointer to an array storing the volumes
141  */
142 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
144 inline static void
cs_compute_pefc(short int f,const cs_cell_mesh_t * cm,cs_real_t * pefc)145 cs_compute_pefc(short int                 f,
146                 const cs_cell_mesh_t     *cm,
147                 cs_real_t                *pefc)
148 {
149   /* Sanity checks */
150   assert(cs_eflag_test(cm->flag,
151                        CS_FLAG_COMP_PFQ | CS_FLAG_COMP_FEQ | CS_FLAG_COMP_PFC));
153   const short int  *f2e_idx = cm->f2e_idx + f;
154   const double  *tef_vals = cm->tef + f2e_idx[0];
155   const double  f_coef = cm->pvol_f[f]/cm->face[f].meas;
157   /* Compute a weight for each edge of the current face */
158   for (short int e = 0; e < f2e_idx[1] - f2e_idx[0]; e++)
159     pefc[e] = tef_vals[e] * f_coef;
160 }
162 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
163 /*!
164  * \brief  Compute for a face the weight related to each vertex w_{v,f}
165  *         This weight is equal to |dc(v) cap f|/|f| so that the sum of the
166  *         weights is equal to 1.
167  *
168  * \param[in]       f          id of the face in the cell-wise numbering
169  * \param[in]       cm         pointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
170  * \param[in, out]  wvf        pointer to an array storing the weight/vertex
171  *                             (allocated to the number of cell vertices)
172  */
173 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
175 inline static void
cs_compute_wvf(short int f,const cs_cell_mesh_t * cm,cs_real_t * wvf)176 cs_compute_wvf(short int                 f,
177                const cs_cell_mesh_t     *cm,
178                cs_real_t                *wvf)
179 {
180   /* Sanity checks */
181   assert(cs_eflag_test(cm->flag,
182                        CS_FLAG_COMP_PFQ | CS_FLAG_COMP_FEQ | CS_FLAG_COMP_EV));
184   /* Reset weights */
185   memset(wvf, 0, cm->n_vc*sizeof(cs_real_t));
187   const short int  *f2e_idx = cm->f2e_idx + f;
188   const short int  *f2e_ids = cm->f2e_ids + f2e_idx[0];
189   const double  *tef_vals = cm->tef + f2e_idx[0];
190   const double  inv_f = 1./cm->face[f].meas;
192   /* Compute a weight for each vertex of the current face */
193   for (short int e = 0; e < f2e_idx[1] - f2e_idx[0]; e++) {
195     const short int  *v = cm->e2v_ids + 2*f2e_ids[e];
196     const double  w = 0.5*tef_vals[e] * inv_f;
197     wvf[v[0]] += w;
198     wvf[v[1]] += w;
200   }
201 }
203 /*============================================================================
204  * Public function prototypes
205  *============================================================================*/
207 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
208 /*!
209  * \brief   Compute the inertial matrix of a cell with respect to the point
210  *          called "center". This computation is performed exactly thanks to
211  *          quadrature based on a "tetrahedrization" of the cell.
212  *
213  * \param[in]       cm       pointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
214  * \param[in]       f        id of the face in the cell numbering
215  * \param[in]       ax       main X-axis for the face-related coordinate system
216  * \param[in]       ay       main Y-axis for the face-related coordinate system
217  * \param[in]       center   coordinates of the face center
218  * \param[in, out]  cov      2x2 symmetric covariance matrix to compute
219  */
220 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
222 void
223 cs_compute_face_covariance_tensor(const cs_cell_mesh_t   *cm,
224                                   short int               f,
225                                   const cs_nvec3_t        ax,
226                                   const cs_nvec3_t        ay,
227                                   const cs_real_t         center[3],
228                                   cs_real_t               cov[3]);
230 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
231 /*!
232  * \brief   Compute the inertial matrix of a cell with respect to the point
233  *          called "center". This computation is performed exactly thanks to
234  *          quadrature based on a "tetrahedrization" of the cell.
235  *
236  * \param[in]       cm       pointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
237  * \param[in]       center   coordinates of the cell center
238  * \param[in, out]  inertia  inertia matrix to compute
239  */
240 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
242 void
243 cs_compute_inertia_tensor(const cs_cell_mesh_t   *cm,
244                           const cs_real_t         center[3],
245                           cs_real_t               inertia[3][3]);
247 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
248 /*!
249  * \brief   Compute the gradient of a Lagrange function related to primal
250  *          vertices in a p_{ef,c} subvolume of a cell c where e is an edge
251  *          belonging to the face f with vertices v1 and v2
252  *
253  * \param[in]       v1        number of the first vertex in cell numbering
254  * \param[in]       v2        number of the second vertex in cell numbering
255  * \param[in]       deq       dual edge quantities
256  * \param[in]       uvc       xc --> xv unit tangent vector
257  * \param[in]       lvc       xc --> xv vector length
258  * \param[in, out]  grd_v1   gradient of Lagrange function related to v1
259  * \param[in, out]  grd_v2   gradient of Lagrange function related to v2
260  */
261 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
263 void
264 cs_compute_grd_ve(const short int      v1,
265                   const short int      v2,
266                   const cs_nvec3_t     deq,
267                   const cs_real_3_t    uvc[],
268                   const cs_real_t      lvc[],
269                   cs_real_t           *grd_v1,
270                   cs_real_t           *grd_v2);
272 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
273 /*!
274  * \brief  Compute for a face the weight related to each vertex w_{v,f} and
275  *         the weight related to each edge
276  *         w_{v,f} = |dc(v) cap f|/|f|
277  *         Sum of w_{v,f} over the face vertices is equal to 1
278  *         Sum of w_{e,f} over the face edges is equal to 1
279  *
280  * \param[in]       f      id of the face in the cell-wise numbering
281  * \param[in]       cm     pointer to a cs_cell_mesh_t structure
282  * \param[in, out]  wvf    weights of each face vertex
283  * \param[in, out]  wef    weights of each face edge
284  */
285 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
287 void
288 cs_compute_wef_wvf(short int                 f,
289                    const cs_cell_mesh_t     *cm,
290                    cs_real_t                *wvf,
291                    cs_real_t                *wef);
293 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
297 #endif /* __CS_CDO_SCHEME_GEOMETRY_H__ */