1 #ifndef __CS_GRADIENT_H__
2 #define __CS_GRADIENT_H__
4 /*============================================================================
5  * Gradient reconstruction.
6  *============================================================================*/
8 /*
9   This file is part of Code_Saturne, a general-purpose CFD tool.
11   Copyright (C) 1998-2021 EDF S.A.
13   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
14   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
15   Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
16   version.
18   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
20   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
21   details.
23   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
24   this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
25   Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
26 */
28 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31  *  Local headers
32  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 #include "cs_base.h"
35 #include "cs_halo.h"
36 #include "cs_internal_coupling.h"
37 #include "cs_mesh.h"
38 #include "cs_mesh_quantities.h"
40 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
44 /*=============================================================================
45  * Local Macro definitions
46  *============================================================================*/
48 /*============================================================================
49  * Type definition
50  *============================================================================*/
52 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
53  * Gradient reconstruction method
54  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
56 typedef enum {
58   CS_GRADIENT_GREEN_ITER,        /*!< Iterative */
59   CS_GRADIENT_LSQ,               /*!< Least-squares */
60   CS_GRADIENT_GREEN_LSQ,         /*!< Green-Gauss reconstruction with
61                                    least squares gradient face values */
62   CS_GRADIENT_GREEN_VTX          /*!< Green-Gauss with vertex interpolation */
64 } cs_gradient_type_t;
66 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
67  * Gradient limiter mode
68  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
70 typedef enum {
72   CS_GRADIENT_LIMIT_NONE = -1,   /*!< no limiter */
73   CS_GRADIENT_LIMIT_CELL = 0,    /*!< cell values extrapolated by cell gradient
74                                    to neighbor cells can not exceed the
75                                    limiting factor  times the actual value */
76   CS_GRADIENT_LIMIT_FACE = 1,    /*!< cell values extrapolated by face gradient
77                                    (mean of cell gradients) extrapolated to
78                                    neighbor cells can not exceed the limiting
79                                    factor times the actual value */
81 } cs_gradient_limit_t;
83 /*============================================================================
84  *  Global variables
85  *============================================================================*/
87 /* Short names for gradient types */
89 extern const char *cs_gradient_type_name[];
91 /*============================================================================
92  * Public function prototypes for Fortran API
93  *============================================================================*/
95 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
96  * Compute the steady balance due to porous modelling for the pressure
97  * gradient
98  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
100 void CS_PROCF (grdpor, GRDPOR)
101 (
102  const int   *const inc          /* <-- 0 or 1: increment or not         */
103 );
105 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
106  * Compute cell gradient of vector field.
107  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
109 void CS_PROCF (cgdvec, CGDVEC)
110 (
111  const int              *const f_id,      /* <-- field id, or -1              */
112  const int              *const imrgra,    /* <-- gradient computation mode    */
113  const int              *const inc,       /* <-- 0 or 1: increment or not     */
114  const int              *const n_r_sweeps,/* <-- >1: with reconstruction      */
115  const int              *const iwarnp,    /* <-- verbosity level              */
116  const int              *const imligp,    /* <-- type of clipping             */
117  const cs_real_t        *const epsrgp,    /* <-- precision for iterative
118                                                  gradient calculation         */
119  const cs_real_t        *const climgp,    /* <-- clipping coefficient         */
120  const cs_real_3_t             coefav[],  /* <-- boundary condition term      */
121  const cs_real_33_t            coefbv[],  /* <-- boundary condition term      */
122        cs_real_3_t             pvar[],    /* <-- gradient's base variable     */
123        cs_real_33_t            grad[]     /* <-> gradient of the variable
124                                                  (du_i/dx_j : gradv[][i][j])  */
125 );
127 /*=============================================================================
128  * Public function prototypes
129  *============================================================================*/
131 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
132  * Initialize gradient computation API.
133  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
135 void
136 cs_gradient_initialize(void);
138 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139  * Finalize gradient computation API.
140  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
142 void
143 cs_gradient_finalize(void);
145 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
146 /*!
147  * \brief  Free saved gradient quantities.
148  *
149  * This is required when the mesh changes, so that the on-demand computation
150  * will be updated.
151  */
152 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
154 void
155 cs_gradient_free_quantities(void);
157 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
158 /*!
159  * \brief  Compute cell gradient of scalar field or component of vector or
160  *         tensor field.
161  *
162  * \param[in]       var_name       variable name
163  * \param[in]       gradient_type  gradient type
164  * \param[in]       halo_type      halo type
165  * \param[in]       inc            if 0, solve on increment; 1 otherwise
166  * \param[in]       recompute_cocg should COCG FV quantities be recomputed ?
167  * \param[in]       n_r_sweeps     if > 1, number of reconstruction sweeps
168  *                                 (only used by CS_GRADIENT_GREEN_ITER)
169  * \param[in]       tr_dim         ignored
170  * \param[in]       hyd_p_flag     flag for hydrostatic pressure
171  * \param[in]       w_stride       stride for weighting coefficient
172  * \param[in]       verbosity      verbosity level
173  * \param[in]       clip_mode      clipping mode
174  * \param[in]       epsilon        precision for iterative gradient calculation
175  * \param[in]       clip_coeff     clipping coefficient
176  * \param[in]       f_ext          exterior force generating the
177  *                                 hydrostatic pressure
178  * \param[in]       bc_coeff_a     boundary condition term a
179  * \param[in]       bc_coeff_b     boundary condition term b
180  * \param[in, out]  var            gradient's base variable
181  * \param[in, out]  c_weight       cell variable weight, or NULL
182  * \param[in]       cpl            associated internal coupling, or NULL
183  * \param[out]      grad           gradient
184  */
185 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
187 void
188 cs_gradient_scalar(const char                    *var_name,
189                    cs_gradient_type_t             gradient_type,
190                    cs_halo_type_t                 halo_type,
191                    int                            inc,
192                    bool                           recompute_cocg,
193                    int                            n_r_sweeps,
194                    int                            tr_dim,
195                    int                            hyd_p_flag,
196                    int                            w_stride,
197                    int                            verbosity,
198                    cs_gradient_limit_t            clip_mode,
199                    double                         epsilon,
200                    double                         clip_coeff,
201                    cs_real_3_t                    f_ext[],
202                    const cs_real_t                bc_coeff_a[],
203                    const cs_real_t                bc_coeff_b[],
204                    cs_real_t                      var[restrict],
205                    cs_real_t            *restrict c_weight,
206                    const cs_internal_coupling_t  *cpl,
207                    cs_real_t                      grad[restrict][3]);
209 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
210 /*!
211  * \brief  Compute cell gradient of vector field.
212  *
213  * \param[in]       var_name        variable name
214  * \param[in]       gradient_type   gradient type
215  * \param[in]       halo_type       halo type
216  * \param[in]       inc             if 0, solve on increment; 1 otherwise
217  * \param[in]       n_r_sweeps      if > 1, number of reconstruction sweeps
218  *                                  (only used by CS_GRADIENT_GREEN_ITER)
219  * \param[in]       verbosity       verbosity level
220  * \param[in]       clip_mode       clipping mode
221  * \param[in]       epsilon         precision for iterative gradient calculation
222  * \param[in]       clip_coeff      clipping coefficient
223  * \param[in]       bc_coeff_a      boundary condition term a
224  * \param[in]       bc_coeff_b      boundary condition term b
225  * \param[in, out]  var             gradient's base variable
226  * \param[in, out]  c_weight        cell variable weight, or NULL
227  * \param[in]       cpl             associated internal coupling, or NULL
228  * \param[out]      gradv           gradient
229                                     (\f$ \der{u_i}{x_j} \f$ is gradv[][i][j])
230  */
231 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
233 void
234 cs_gradient_vector(const char                    *var_name,
235                    cs_gradient_type_t             gradient_type,
236                    cs_halo_type_t                 halo_type,
237                    int                            inc,
238                    int                            n_r_sweeps,
239                    int                            verbosity,
240                    cs_gradient_limit_t            clip_mode,
241                    double                         epsilon,
242                    double                         clip_coeff,
243                    const cs_real_t                bc_coeff_a[][3],
244                    const cs_real_t                bc_coeff_b[][3][3],
245                    cs_real_t                      var[restrict][3],
246                    cs_real_t        *restrict     c_weight,
247                    const cs_internal_coupling_t  *cpl,
248                    cs_real_t                      gradv[restrict][3][3]);
250 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
251 /*!
252  * \brief  Compute cell gradient of tensor.
253  *
254  * \param[in]       var_name        variable name
255  * \param[in]       gradient_type   gradient type
256  * \param[in]       halo_type       halo type
257  * \param[in]       inc             if 0, solve on increment; 1 otherwise
258  * \param[in]       n_r_sweeps      if > 1, number of reconstruction sweeps
259  *                                  (only used by CS_GRADIENT_GREEN_ITER)
260  * \param[in]       verbosity       verbosity level
261  * \param[in]       clip_mode       clipping mode
262  * \param[in]       epsilon         precision for iterative gradient calculation
263  * \param[in]       clip_coeff      clipping coefficient
264  * \param[in]       bc_coeff_a      boundary condition term a
265  * \param[in]       bc_coeff_b      boundary condition term b
266  * \param[in, out]  var             gradient's base variable
267  * \param[out]      grad            gradient
268                                     (\f$ \der{t_ij}{x_k} \f$ is grad[][ij][k])
269  */
270 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
272 void
273 cs_gradient_tensor(const char                *var_name,
274                    cs_gradient_type_t         gradient_type,
275                    cs_halo_type_t             halo_type,
276                    int                        inc,
277                    int                        n_r_sweeps,
278                    int                        verbosity,
279                    cs_gradient_limit_t        clip_mode,
280                    double                     epsilon,
281                    double                     clip_coeff,
282                    const cs_real_6_t          bc_coeff_a[],
283                    const cs_real_66_t         bc_coeff_b[],
284                    cs_real_6_t      *restrict var,
285                    cs_real_63_t     *restrict grad);
287 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
288 /*!
289  * \brief  Compute cell gradient of scalar field or component of vector or
290  *         tensor field.
291  *
292  * This variant of the \ref cs_gradient_scalar function assumes ghost cell
293  * values for input arrays (var and optionally c_weight)
294  * have already been synchronized.
295  *
296  * \param[in]   var_name        variable name
297  * \param[in]   gradient_type   gradient type
298  * \param[in]   halo_type       halo type
299  * \param[in]   inc             if 0, solve on increment; 1 otherwise
300  * \param[in]   recompute_cocg  should COCG FV quantities be recomputed ?
301  * \param[in]   n_r_sweeps      if > 1, number of reconstruction sweeps
302  *                              (only used by CS_GRADIENT_GREEN_ITER)
303  * \param[in]   hyd_p_flag      flag for hydrostatic pressure
304  * \param[in]   w_stride        stride for weighting coefficient
305  * \param[in]   verbosity       verbosity level
306  * \param[in]   clip_mode       clipping mode
307  * \param[in]   epsilon         precision for iterative gradient calculation
308  * \param[in]   clip_coeff      clipping coefficient
309  * \param[in]   f_ext           exterior force generating the
310  *                              hydrostatic pressure
311  * \param[in]   bc_coeff_a      boundary condition term a
312  * \param[in]   bc_coeff_b      boundary condition term b
313  * \param[in]   var             gradient's base variable
314  * \param[in]   c_weight        cell variable weight, or NULL
315  * \param[in]   cpl             associated internal coupling, or NULL
316  * \param[out]  grad            gradient
317  */
318 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
320 void
321 cs_gradient_scalar_synced_input(const char                 *var_name,
322                                 cs_gradient_type_t          gradient_type,
323                                 cs_halo_type_t              halo_type,
324                                 int                         inc,
325                                 bool                        recompute_cocg,
326                                 int                         n_r_sweeps,
327                                 int                         hyd_p_flag,
328                                 int                         w_stride,
329                                 int                         verbosity,
330                                 cs_gradient_limit_t         clip_mode,
331                                 double                      epsilon,
332                                 double                      clip_coeff,
333                                 cs_real_t                   f_ext[][3],
334                                 const cs_real_t             bc_coeff_a[],
335                                 const cs_real_t             bc_coeff_b[],
336                                 const cs_real_t             var[restrict],
337                                 const cs_real_t             c_weight[restrict],
338                                 const cs_internal_coupling_t  *cpl,
339                                 cs_real_t                   grad[restrict][3]);
341 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
342 /*!
343  * \brief  Compute cell gradient of vector field.
344  *
345  * This variant of the \ref cs_gradient_vector function assumes ghost cell
346  * values for input arrays (var and optionally c_weight)
347  * have already been synchronized.
348  *
349  * \param[in]   var_name        variable name
350  * \param[in]   gradient_type   gradient type
351  * \param[in]   halo_type       halo type
352  * \param[in]   inc             if 0, solve on increment; 1 otherwise
353  * \param[in]   n_r_sweeps      if > 1, number of reconstruction sweeps
354  *                              (only used by CS_GRADIENT_GREEN_ITER)
355  * \param[in]   verbosity       verbosity level
356  * \param[in]   clip_mode       clipping mode
357  * \param[in]   epsilon         precision for iterative gradient calculation
358  * \param[in]   clip_coeff      clipping coefficient
359  * \param[in]   bc_coeff_a      boundary condition term a
360  * \param[in]   bc_coeff_b      boundary condition term b
361  * \param[in]   var             gradient's base variable
362  * \param[in]   c_weight        cell variable weight, or NULL
363  * \param[in]   cpl             associated internal coupling, or NULL
364  * \param[out]  grad            gradient
365                                 (\f$ \der{u_i}{x_j} \f$ is gradv[][i][j])
366  */
367 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
369 void
370 cs_gradient_vector_synced_input(const char                *var_name,
371                                 cs_gradient_type_t         gradient_type,
372                                 cs_halo_type_t             halo_type,
373                                 int                        inc,
374                                 int                        n_r_sweeps,
375                                 int                        verbosity,
376                                 cs_gradient_limit_t        clip_mode,
377                                 double                     epsilon,
378                                 double                     clip_coeff,
379                                 const cs_real_t            bc_coeff_a[][3],
380                                 const cs_real_t            bc_coeff_b[][3][3],
381                                 const cs_real_t            var[restrict][3],
382                                 const cs_real_t            c_weight[restrict],
383                                 const cs_internal_coupling_t  *cpl,
384                                 cs_real_t                  grad[restrict][3][3]);
386 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
387 /*!
388  * \brief  Compute cell gradient of tensor.
389  *
390  * This variant of the \ref cs_gradient_tensor function assumes ghost cell
391  * values for input arrays (var and optionally c_weight)
392  * have already been synchronized.
393  *
394  * \param[in]       var_name        variable name
395  * \param[in]       gradient_type   gradient type
396  * \param[in]       halo_type       halo type
397  * \param[in]       inc             if 0, solve on increment; 1 otherwise
398  * \param[in]       n_r_sweeps      if > 1, number of reconstruction sweeps
399  *                                  (only used by CS_GRADIENT_GREEN_ITER)
400  * \param[in]       verbosity       verbosity level
401  * \param[in]       clip_mode       clipping mode
402  * \param[in]       epsilon         precision for iterative gradient calculation
403  * \param[in]       clip_coeff      clipping coefficient
404  * \param[in]       bc_coeff_a      boundary condition term a
405  * \param[in]       bc_coeff_b      boundary condition term b
406  * \param[in, out]  var             gradient's base variable
407  * \param[out]      grad            gradient
408                                     (\f$ \der{t_ij}{x_k} \f$ is grad[][ij][k])
409  */
410 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
412 void
413 cs_gradient_tensor_synced_input(const char                *var_name,
414                                 cs_gradient_type_t         gradient_type,
415                                 cs_halo_type_t             halo_type,
416                                 int                        inc,
417                                 int                        n_r_sweeps,
418                                 int                        verbosity,
419                                 cs_gradient_limit_t        clip_mode,
420                                 double                     epsilon,
421                                 double                     clip_coeff,
422                                 const cs_real_t            bc_coeff_a[][6],
423                                 const cs_real_t            bc_coeff_b[][6][6],
424                                 const cs_real_t            var[restrict][6],
425                                 cs_real_63_t     *restrict grad);
427 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
428 /*!
429  * \brief  Compute the gradient of a scalar field at a given cell
430  *         using least-squares reconstruction.
431  *
432  * This assumes ghost cell values which might be used are already
433  * synchronized.
434  *
435  * When boundary conditions are provided, both the bc_coeff_a and bc_coeff_b
436  * arrays must be given. If boundary values are known, bc_coeff_a
437  * can point to the boundary values array, and bc_coeff_b set to NULL.
438  * If bc_coeff_a is NULL, bc_coeff_b is ignored.
439  *
440  * \param[in]   m               pointer to associated mesh structure
441  * \param[in]   fvq             pointer to associated finite volume quantities
442  * \param[in]   c_id            cell id
443  * \param[in]   halo_type       halo type
444  * \param[in]   bc_coeff_a      boundary condition term a, or NULL
445  * \param[in]   bc_coeff_b      boundary condition term b, or NULL
446  * \param[in]   var             gradient's base variable
447  * \param[in]   c_weight        cell variable weight, or NULL
448  * \param[out]  grad            gradient
449  */
450 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
452 void
453 cs_gradient_scalar_cell(const cs_mesh_t             *m,
454                         const cs_mesh_quantities_t  *fvq,
455                         cs_lnum_t                    c_id,
456                         cs_halo_type_t               halo_type,
457                         const cs_real_t              bc_coeff_a[],
458                         const cs_real_t              bc_coeff_b[],
459                         const cs_real_t              var[],
460                         const cs_real_t              c_weight[],
461                         cs_real_t                    grad[3]);
463 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
464 /*!
465  * \brief  Compute the gradient of a vector field at a given cell
466  *         using least-squares reconstruction.
467  *
468  * This assumes ghost cell values which might be used are already
469  * synchronized.
470  *
471  * When boundary conditions are provided, both the bc_coeff_a and bc_coeff_b
472  * arrays must be given. If boundary values are known, bc_coeff_a
473  * can point to the boundary values array, and bc_coeff_b set to NULL.
474  * If bc_coeff_a is NULL, bc_coeff_b is ignored.
475  *
476  * \param[in]   m               pointer to associated mesh structure
477  * \param[in]   fvq             pointer to associated finite volume quantities
478  * \param[in]   c_id            cell id
479  * \param[in]   halo_type       halo type
480  * \param[in]   bc_coeff_a      boundary condition term a, or NULL
481  * \param[in]   bc_coeff_b      boundary condition term b, or NULL
482  * \param[in]   var             gradient's base variable
483  * \param[in]   c_weight        cell variable weight, or NULL
484  * \param[out]  grad            gradient
485  */
486 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
488 void
489 cs_gradient_vector_cell(const cs_mesh_t             *m,
490                         const cs_mesh_quantities_t  *fvq,
491                         cs_lnum_t                    c_id,
492                         cs_halo_type_t               halo_type,
493                         const cs_real_t              bc_coeff_a[][3],
494                         const cs_real_t              bc_coeff_b[][3][3],
495                         const cs_real_t              var[restrict][3],
496                         const cs_real_t              c_weight[],
497                         cs_real_t                    grad[3][3]);
499 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
500 /*!
501  * \brief  Compute the gradient of a tensor field at a given cell
502  *         using least-squares reconstruction.
503  *
504  * This assumes ghost cell values which might be used are already
505  * synchronized.
506  *
507  * When boundary conditions are provided, both the bc_coeff_a and bc_coeff_b
508  * arrays must be given. If boundary values are known, bc_coeff_a
509  * can point to the boundary values array, and bc_coeff_b set to NULL.
510  * If bc_coeff_a is NULL, bc_coeff_b is ignored.
511  *
512  * \param[in]   m               pointer to associated mesh structure
513  * \param[in]   fvq             pointer to associated finite volume quantities
514  * \param[in]   c_id            cell id
515  * \param[in]   halo_type       halo type
516  * \param[in]   bc_coeff_a      boundary condition term a, or NULL
517  * \param[in]   bc_coeff_b      boundary condition term b, or NULL
518  * \param[in]   var             gradient's base variable
519  * \param[in]   c_weight        cell variable weight, or NULL
520  * \param[out]  grad            gradient
521  */
522 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
524 void
525 cs_gradient_tensor_cell(const cs_mesh_t             *m,
526                         const cs_mesh_quantities_t  *fvq,
527                         cs_lnum_t                    c_id,
528                         cs_halo_type_t               halo_type,
529                         const cs_real_t              bc_coeff_a[][6],
530                         const cs_real_t              bc_coeff_b[][6][6],
531                         const cs_real_t              var[restrict][6],
532                         const cs_real_t              c_weight[],
533                         cs_real_t                    grad[6][3]);
535 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
536  * Determine gradient type by Fortran "imrgra" value
537  *
538  * parameters:
539  *   imrgra         <-- Fortran gradient option
540  *   gradient_type  --> gradient type
541  *   halo_type      --> halo type
542  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
544 void
545 cs_gradient_type_by_imrgra(int                  imrgra,
546                            cs_gradient_type_t  *gradient_type,
547                            cs_halo_type_t      *halo_type);
549 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
550 /*!
551  * \brief compute the steady balance due to porous modelling for the pressure
552  *        gradient.
553  *
554  * \param[in]  inc  if 0, solve on increment; 1 otherwise
555  */
556 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
558 void
559 cs_gradient_porosity_balance(int inc);
561 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
565 #endif /* __CS_GRADIENT__ */