1 #ifndef __CS_PARTITION_H__
2 #define __CS_PARTITION_H__
4 /*============================================================================
5  * Define cs_mesh_t fields from cs_mesh_builder_t fields.
6  *============================================================================*/
8 /*
9   This file is part of Code_Saturne, a general-purpose CFD tool.
11   Copyright (C) 1998-2021 EDF S.A.
13   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
14   the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
15   Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
16   version.
18   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
19   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
20   FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
21   details.
23   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
24   this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
25   Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
26 */
28 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31  *  Local headers
32  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 #include "cs_defs.h"
36 #include "cs_base.h"
37 #include "cs_log.h"
39 #include "cs_mesh.h"
40 #include "cs_mesh_builder.h"
42 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
46 /*=============================================================================
47  * Macro definitions
48  *============================================================================*/
50 /*============================================================================
51  * Type definitions
52  *============================================================================*/
54 /* Partitioning stage
55  *
56  * Partitioning is always done just after reading the mesh, unless a
57  * partitioning input file is available, in which case the partitioning
58  * read replaces this stage.
59  *
60  * When a mesh modification implying a change of cell connectivity graph
61  * is expected, the mesh may be re-partitioned after the pre-processing
62  * stage, prior to calculation. By default, re-partitioning is only done
63  * if the partitioning algorithm chosen for that stage is expected to
64  * produce different results due to the connectivity change. This is
65  * the case for graph-based algorithms such as those of METIS or SCOTCH,
66  * when mesh joining is defined, or additional periodic matching is defined
67  * (and the algorithm is not configured to ignore periodicity information).
68  *
69  * There are thus two possible partitioning stages:
70  *
71  * - CS_PARTITION_FOR_PREPROCESS, which is optional, and occurs
72  *   just  after reading the mesh.
73  * - CS_PARTITION_MAIN, which occurs just after reading the mesh if
74  *   it is the only stage,, or after mesh preprocessing (and before
75  *   computation), if the partitioning for preprocessing stage is
76  *   activated.
77  *
78  * The number of partitioning stages is determined automatically based on
79  * information provided through cs_partition_set_preprocess_hints(),
80  * but re-partitioning may also be forced or inhibited using the
81  * cs_partition_set_preprocess() function.
82  */
84 typedef enum {
86   CS_PARTITION_FOR_PREPROCESS,  /* Partitioning for preprocessing stage */
87   CS_PARTITION_MAIN             /* Partitioning for computation stage */
89 } cs_partition_stage_t;
92 /* Partitioning algorithm type
93  *
94  * If the default algorithm is selected, the choice will be based on the
95  * following priority, depending on available libraries:
96  * -  Pt-Scotch (or Scotch if partitioning on one rank);
97  * -  ParMETIS (or METIS if partitioning on one rank);
98  * -  Morton space-filling curve (in bounding box)
99  *
100  * If both partitioning stages are active, the default for the preprocessing
101  * stage will be based on the Morton space-filling curve (in bounding box),
102  * as this should be cheaper, and the initial cell connectivity graph
103  * is usually expected to be modified during preprocessing.
104  */
106 typedef enum {
108   CS_PARTITION_DEFAULT,           /* Default partitioning (based on stage) */
109   CS_PARTITION_SFC_MORTON_BOX,    /* Morton (Z) curve in bounding box */
110   CS_PARTITION_SFC_MORTON_CUBE,   /* Morton (Z) curve in bounding cube */
111   CS_PARTITION_SFC_HILBERT_BOX,   /* Peano-Hilbert curve in bounding box */
112   CS_PARTITION_SFC_HILBERT_CUBE,  /* Peano-Hilbert curve in bounding cube */
113   CS_PARTITION_SCOTCH,            /* PT-SCOTCH or SCOTCH */
114   CS_PARTITION_METIS,             /* ParMETIS or METIS */
115   CS_PARTITION_BLOCK              /* Unoptimized (naive) block partitioning */
117 } cs_partition_algorithm_t;
119 /*============================================================================
120  * Static global variables
121  *============================================================================*/
123 /*=============================================================================
124  * Public function prototypes
125  *============================================================================*/
127 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
128  * Print information on external libraries
129  *
130  * parameters:
131  *   log_type  <--  log type
132  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
134 void
135 cs_partition_external_library_info(cs_log_t  log_type);
137 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
138  * Set algorithm for domain partitioning for a given partitioning stage.
139  *
140  * parameters:
141  *   stage        <-- associated partitioning stage
142  *   algorithm    <-- partitioning algorithm choice
143  *   rank_step    <-- if > 1, partitioning done on at most
144  *                    n_ranks / rank_step processes
145  *                    (for graph-based partitioning only)
146  *   ignore_perio <-- if true, ignore periodicity information when present
147  *                    when present (for graph-based
148  *                    (for graph-based partitioning only)
149  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
151 void
152 cs_partition_set_algorithm(cs_partition_stage_t      stage,
153                            cs_partition_algorithm_t  algorithm,
154                            int                       rank_step,
155                            bool                      ignore_perio);
157 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
158  * Set partitioning write to file option.
159  *
160  * Partitioning information for subsequent calculations is written to file
161  * after the last partitioning stage depending on the output level.
162  *
163  * Note that partitioning information for additional partitionings is
164  * always written to file, regardless of this option.
165  *
166  * parameters:
167  *   write_flag <-- option to save partitioning information:
168  *                  0: never
169  *                  1: for graph-based partitioning only (default)
170  *                  2: always
171  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
173 void
174 cs_partition_set_write_level(int  write_flag);
176 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
177  * Define hints indicating if initial partitioning fo a preprocessing
178  * stage is required.
179  *
180  * parameters:
181  *   join          <-- true if a mesh joining operation is planned
182  *   join_periodic <-- true if a mesh periodic matching operation is planned
183  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
185 void
186 cs_partition_set_preprocess_hints(bool  join,
187                                   bool  join_periodic);
189 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
190  * Activate or deactivate initial partitioning for preprocessing.
191  *
192  * parameters:
193  *   active <-- true to activate pre-partitiong for the preprocessing
194  *              stage, false to de-activate it
195  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
197 void
198 cs_partition_set_preprocess(bool  active);
200 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
201  * Indicate if initial partitioning for preprocessing is required.
202  *
203  * returns:
204  *   true if initial partitioning for preprocessing is active,
205  *   false otherwise
206  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
208 bool
209 cs_partition_get_preprocess(void);
211 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
212  * Define list of extra partitionings to build.
213  *
214  * Partitionings in this list will be output to file, and may be used for
215  * subsequent calculations.
216  *
217  * When partitioning for both preprocessing and calculation stages, output to
218  * file of partioning data or generation of additional partitionings
219  * (see \ref cs_partition_add_partitions) will only be done for the
220  * second stage.
221  *
222  * parameters:
223  *   n_extra_partitions    <-- number of extra partitionings to compute
224  *   extra_partitions_list <-- list of extra partitions to compute
225  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
227 void
228 cs_partition_add_partitions(int  n_extra_partitions,
229                             int  extra_partitions_list[]);
231 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
232  * Compute partitioning for a given mesh.
233  *
234  * parameters:
235  *   mesh         <-- pointer to mesh structure
236  *   mesh_builder <-> pointer to mesh builder structure
237  *   stage        <-- associated partitioning stage
238  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
240 void
241 cs_partition(cs_mesh_t             *mesh,
242              cs_mesh_builder_t     *mesh_builder,
243              cs_partition_stage_t   stage);
245 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
249 #endif /* __CS_PARTITION_H__ */