1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file term_database.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds, Morgan Deters, Tim King
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief term database class
13  **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
20 #include <map>
21 #include <unordered_set>
23 #include "expr/attribute.h"
24 #include "expr/node_trie.h"
25 #include "theory/quantifiers/quant_util.h"
26 #include "theory/theory.h"
27 #include "theory/type_enumerator.h"
29 namespace CVC4 {
30 namespace theory {
32 class QuantifiersEngine;
34 namespace inst{
35   class Trigger;
36   class HigherOrderTrigger;
37 }
39 namespace quantifiers {
41 namespace fmcheck {
42   class FullModelChecker;
43 }
45 class TermDbSygus;
46 class QuantConflictFind;
47 class RelevantDomain;
48 class ConjectureGenerator;
49 class TermGenerator;
50 class TermGenEnv;
52 /** Term Database
53  *
54  * This class is a key utility used by
55  * a number of approaches for quantifier instantiation,
56  * including E-matching, conflict-based instantiation,
57  * and model-based instantiation.
58  *
59  * The primary responsibilities for this class are to :
60  * (1) Maintain a list of all ground terms that exist in the quantifier-free
61  *     solvers, as notified through the master equality engine.
62  * (2) Build TNodeTrie objects that index all ground terms, per operator.
63  *
64  * Like other utilities, its reset(...) function is called
65  * at the beginning of full or last call effort checks.
66  * This initializes the database for the round. However,
67  * notice that TNodeTrie objects are computed
68  * lazily for performance reasons.
69  */
70 class TermDb : public QuantifiersUtil {
71   friend class ::CVC4::theory::QuantifiersEngine;
72   // TODO: eliminate these
73   friend class ::CVC4::theory::quantifiers::ConjectureGenerator;
74   friend class ::CVC4::theory::quantifiers::TermGenEnv;
75   typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, int, NodeHashFunction> NodeIntMap;
76   typedef context::CDHashMap<Node, bool, NodeHashFunction> NodeBoolMap;
78  public:
79   TermDb(context::Context* c, context::UserContext* u, QuantifiersEngine* qe);
80   ~TermDb();
81   /** presolve (called once per user check-sat) */
82   void presolve();
83   /** reset (calculate which terms are active) */
84   bool reset(Theory::Effort effort) override;
85   /** register quantified formula */
86   void registerQuantifier(Node q) override;
87   /** identify */
identify()88   std::string identify() const override { return "TermDb"; }
89   /** get number of operators */
90   unsigned getNumOperators();
91   /** get operator at index i */
92   Node getOperator(unsigned i);
93   /** ground terms for operator
94   * Get the number of ground terms with operator f that have been added to the
95   * database
96   */
97   unsigned getNumGroundTerms(Node f) const;
98   /** get ground term for operator
99   * Get the i^th ground term with operator f that has been added to the database
100   */
101   Node getGroundTerm(Node f, unsigned i) const;
102   /** get num type terms
103   * Get the number of ground terms of tn that have been added to the database
104   */
105   unsigned getNumTypeGroundTerms(TypeNode tn) const;
106   /** get type ground term
107   * Returns the i^th ground term of type tn
108   */
109   Node getTypeGroundTerm(TypeNode tn, unsigned i) const;
110   /** get or make ground term
111   * Returns the first ground term of type tn,
112   * or makes one if none exist.
113   */
114   Node getOrMakeTypeGroundTerm(TypeNode tn);
115   /** make fresh variable
116   * Returns a fresh variable of type tn.
117   * This will return only a single fresh
118   * variable per type.
119   */
120   Node getOrMakeTypeFreshVariable(TypeNode tn);
121   /** add a term to the database
122   * withinQuant is whether n is within the body of a quantified formula
123   * withinInstClosure is whether n is within an inst-closure operator (see
124   * Bansal et al CAV 2015).
125   */
126   void addTerm(Node n,
127                std::set<Node>& added,
128                bool withinQuant = false,
129                bool withinInstClosure = false);
130   /** get match operator for term n
131   *
132   * If n has a kind that we index, this function will
133   * typically return n.getOperator().
134   *
135   * However, for parametric operators f, the match operator is an arbitrary
136   * chosen f-application.  For example, consider array select:
137   * A : (Array Int Int)
138   * B : (Array Bool Int)
139   * We require that terms like (select A 1) and (select B 2) are indexed in
140   * separate
141   * data structures despite the fact that
142   *    (select A 1).getOperator()==(select B 2).getOperator().
143   * Hence, for the above terms, we may return:
144   * getMatchOperator( (select A 1) ) = (select A 1), and
145   * getMatchOperator( (select B 2) ) = (select B 2).
146   * The match operator is the first instance of an application of the parametric
147   * operator of its type.
148   *
149   * If n has a kind that we do not index (like PLUS),
150   * then this function returns Node::null().
151   */
152   Node getMatchOperator(Node n);
153   /** get term arg index for all f-applications in the current context */
154   TNodeTrie* getTermArgTrie(Node f);
155   /** get the term arg trie for f-applications in the equivalence class of eqc.
156    */
157   TNodeTrie* getTermArgTrie(Node eqc, Node f);
158   /** get congruent term
159   * If possible, returns a term t such that:
160   * (1) t is a term that is currently indexed by this database,
161   * (2) t is of the form f( t1, ..., tk ) and n is of the form f( s1, ..., sk ),
162   *     where ti is in the equivalence class of si for i=1...k.
163   */
164   TNode getCongruentTerm(Node f, Node n);
165   /** get congruent term
166   * If possible, returns a term t such that:
167   * (1) t is a term that is currently indexed by this database,
168   * (2) t is of the form f( t1, ..., tk ) where ti is in the
169   *     equivalence class of args[i] for i=1...k.
170   */
171   TNode getCongruentTerm(Node f, std::vector<TNode>& args);
172   /** in relevant domain
173   * Returns true if there is at least one term t such that:
174   * (1) t is a term that is currently indexed by this database,
175   * (2) t is of the form f( t1, ..., tk ) and ti is in the
176   *     equivalence class of r.
177   */
178   bool inRelevantDomain(TNode f, unsigned i, TNode r);
179   /** evaluate term
180    *
181   * Returns a term n' such that n = n' is entailed based on the equality
182   * information qy.  This function may generate new terms. In particular,
183   * we typically rewrite maximal
184   * subterms of n to terms that exist in the equality engine specified by qy.
185   *
186   * useEntailmentTests is whether to use the theory engine's entailmentCheck
187   * call, for increased precision. This is not frequently used.
188   */
189   Node evaluateTerm(TNode n,
190                     EqualityQuery* qy = NULL,
191                     bool useEntailmentTests = false);
192   /** get entailed term
193    *
194   * If possible, returns a term n' such that:
195   * (1) n' exists in the current equality engine (as specified by qy),
196   * (2) n = n' is entailed in the current context.
197   * It returns null if no such term can be found.
198   * Wrt evaluateTerm, this version does not construct new terms, and
199   * thus is less aggressive.
200   */
201   TNode getEntailedTerm(TNode n, EqualityQuery* qy = NULL);
202   /** get entailed term
203    *
204   * If possible, returns a term n' such that:
205   * (1) n' exists in the current equality engine (as specified by qy),
206   * (2) n * subs = n' is entailed in the current context, where * is denotes
207   * substitution application.
208   * It returns null if no such term can be found.
209   * subsRep is whether the substitution maps to terms that are representatives
210   * according to qy.
211   * Wrt evaluateTerm, this version does not construct new terms, and
212   * thus is less aggressive.
213   */
214   TNode getEntailedTerm(TNode n,
215                         std::map<TNode, TNode>& subs,
216                         bool subsRep,
217                         EqualityQuery* qy = NULL);
218   /** is entailed
219   * Checks whether the current context entails n with polarity pol, based on the
220   * equality information qy.
221   * Returns true if the entailment can be successfully shown.
222   */
223   bool isEntailed(TNode n, bool pol, EqualityQuery* qy = NULL);
224   /** is entailed
225    *
226   * Checks whether the current context entails ( n * subs ) with polarity pol,
227   * based on the equality information qy,
228   * where * denotes substitution application.
229   * subsRep is whether the substitution maps to terms that are representatives
230   * according to qy.
231   */
232   bool isEntailed(TNode n,
233                   std::map<TNode, TNode>& subs,
234                   bool subsRep,
235                   bool pol,
236                   EqualityQuery* qy = NULL);
237   /** is the term n active in the current context?
238    *
239   * By default, all terms are active. A term is inactive if:
240   * (1) it is congruent to another term
241   * (2) it is irrelevant based on the term database mode. This includes terms
242   * that only appear in literals that are not relevant.
243   * (3) it contains instantiation constants (used for CEGQI and cannot be used
244   * in instantiation).
245   * (4) it is explicitly set inactive by a call to setTermInactive(...).
246   * We store whether a term is inactive in a SAT-context-dependent map.
247   */
248   bool isTermActive(Node n);
249   /** set that term n is inactive in this context. */
250   void setTermInactive(Node n);
251   /** has term current
252    *
253   * This function is used in cases where we restrict which terms appear in the
254   * database, such as for heuristics used in local theory extensions
255   * and for --term-db-mode=relevant.
256   * It returns whether the term n should be indexed in the current context.
257   */
258   bool hasTermCurrent(Node n, bool useMode = true);
259   /** is term eligble for instantiation? */
260   bool isTermEligibleForInstantiation(TNode n, TNode f, bool print = false);
261   /** get eligible term in equivalence class of r */
262   Node getEligibleTermInEqc(TNode r);
263   /** is r a inst closure node?
264    * This terminology was used for specifying
265    * a particular status of nodes for
266    * Bansal et al., CAV 2015.
267    */
268   bool isInstClosure(Node r);
270  private:
271   /** reference to the quantifiers engine */
272   QuantifiersEngine* d_quantEngine;
273   /** terms processed */
274   std::unordered_set< Node, NodeHashFunction > d_processed;
275   /** terms processed */
276   std::unordered_set< Node, NodeHashFunction > d_iclosure_processed;
277   /** select op map */
278   std::map< Node, std::map< TypeNode, Node > > d_par_op_map;
279   /** whether master equality engine is UF-inconsistent */
280   bool d_consistent_ee;
281   /** boolean terms */
282   Node d_true;
283   Node d_false;
284   /** list of all operators */
285   std::vector<Node> d_ops;
286   /** map from operators to ground terms for that operator */
287   std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > d_op_map;
288   /** map from type nodes to terms of that type */
289   std::map< TypeNode, std::vector< Node > > d_type_map;
290   /** map from type nodes to a fresh variable we introduced */
291   std::unordered_map<TypeNode, Node, TypeNodeHashFunction> d_type_fv;
292   /** inactive map */
293   NodeBoolMap d_inactive_map;
294   /** count of the number of non-redundant ground terms per operator */
295   std::map< Node, int > d_op_nonred_count;
296   /** mapping from terms to representatives of their arguments */
297   std::map< TNode, std::vector< TNode > > d_arg_reps;
298   /** map from operators to trie */
299   std::map<Node, TNodeTrie> d_func_map_trie;
300   std::map<Node, TNodeTrie> d_func_map_eqc_trie;
301   /** mapping from operators to their representative relevant domains */
302   std::map< Node, std::map< unsigned, std::vector< Node > > > d_func_map_rel_dom;
303   /** has map */
304   std::map< Node, bool > d_has_map;
305   /** map from reps to a term in eqc in d_has_map */
306   std::map< Node, Node > d_term_elig_eqc;
307   /** set has term */
308   void setHasTerm( Node n );
309   /** helper for evaluate term */
310   Node evaluateTerm2( TNode n, std::map< TNode, Node >& visited, EqualityQuery * qy, bool useEntailmentTests );
311   /** helper for get entailed term */
312   TNode getEntailedTerm2( TNode n, std::map< TNode, TNode >& subs, bool subsRep, bool hasSubs, EqualityQuery * qy );
313   /** helper for is entailed */
314   bool isEntailed2( TNode n, std::map< TNode, TNode >& subs, bool subsRep, bool hasSubs, bool pol, EqualityQuery * qy );
315   /** compute uf eqc terms :
316   * Ensure entries for f are in d_func_map_eqc_trie for all equivalence classes
317   */
318   void computeUfEqcTerms( TNode f );
319   /** compute uf terms
320   * Ensure that an entry for f is in d_func_map_trie
321   */
322   void computeUfTerms( TNode f );
323   /** compute arg reps
324   * Ensure that an entry for n is in d_arg_reps
325   */
326   void computeArgReps(TNode n);
327   //------------------------------higher-order term indexing
328   /**
329    * Map from non-variable function terms to the operator used to purify it in
330    * this database. For details, see addTermHo.
331    */
332   std::map<Node, Node> d_ho_fun_op_purify;
333   /**
334    * Map from terms to the term that they purified. For details, see addTermHo.
335    */
336   std::map<Node, Node> d_ho_purify_to_term;
337   /**
338    * Map from terms in the domain of the above map to an equality between that
339    * term and its range in the above map.
340    */
341   std::map<Node, Node> d_ho_purify_to_eq;
342   /** a map from matchable operators to their representative */
343   std::map< TNode, TNode > d_ho_op_rep;
344   /** for each representative matchable operator, the list of other matchable operators in their equivalence class */
345   std::map<TNode, std::vector<TNode> > d_ho_op_slaves;
346   /** add term higher-order
347    *
348    * This registers additional terms corresponding to (possibly multiple)
349    * purifications of a higher-order term n.
350    *
351    * Consider the example:
352    *    g : Int -> Int, f : Int x Int -> Int
353    *    constraints: (@ f 0) = g, (f 0 1) = (@ (@ f 0) 1) = 3
354    *    pattern: (g x)
355    * where @ is HO_APPLY.
356    * We have that (g x){ x -> 1 } is an E-match for (@ (@ f 0) 1).
357    * With the standard registration in addTerm, we construct term indices for
358    *   f, g, @ : Int x Int -> Int, @ : Int -> Int.
359    * However, to match (g x) with (@ (@ f 0) 1), we require that
360    *   [1] -> (@ (@ f 0) 1)
361    * is an entry in the term index of g. To do this, we maintain a term
362    * index for a fresh variable pfun, the purification variable for
363    * (@ f 0). Thus, we register the term (psk 1) in the call to this function
364    * for (@ (@ f 0) 1). This ensures that, when processing the equality
365    * (@ f 0) = g, we merge the term indices of g and pfun. Hence, the entry
366    *   [1] -> (@ (@ f 0) 1)
367    * is added to the term index of g, assuming g is the representative of
368    * the equivalence class of g and pfun.
369    *
370    * Above, we set d_ho_fun_op_purify[(@ f 0)] = pfun, and
371    * d_ho_purify_to_term[(@ (@ f 0) 1)] = (psk 1).
372    */
373   void addTermHo(Node n,
374                  std::set<Node>& added,
375                  bool withinQuant,
376                  bool withinInstClosure);
377   /** get operator representative */
378   Node getOperatorRepresentative( TNode op ) const;
379   //------------------------------end higher-order term indexing
380 };/* class TermDb */
382 }/* CVC4::theory::quantifiers namespace */
383 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
384 }/* CVC4 namespace */