1 /***********************************************************************
2     created:    21/2/2004
3     author:     Paul D Turner
5     purpose:    Defines abstract base class for Window objects
6 *************************************************************************/
7 /***************************************************************************
8  *   Copyright (C) 2004 - 2012 Paul D Turner & The CEGUI Development Team
9  *
10  *   Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
11  *   a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
12  *   "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
13  *   without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
14  *   distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
15  *   permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
16  *   the following conditions:
17  *
18  *   The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
19  *   included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
20  *
28  ***************************************************************************/
30 #ifndef _CEGUIWindow_h_
31 #define _CEGUIWindow_h_
33 #include "CEGUI/Base.h"
34 #include "CEGUI/NamedElement.h"
35 #include "CEGUI/Vector.h"
36 #include "CEGUI/Quaternion.h"
37 #include "CEGUI/Rect.h"
38 #include "CEGUI/Size.h"
39 #include "CEGUI/EventSet.h"
40 #include "CEGUI/PropertySet.h"
41 #include "CEGUI/TplWindowProperty.h"
42 #include "CEGUI/System.h"
43 #include "CEGUI/GUIContext.h"
44 #include "CEGUI/InputEvent.h"
45 #include "CEGUI/UDim.h"
46 #include "CEGUI/WindowRenderer.h"
47 #include "CEGUI/TextUtils.h"
48 #include "CEGUI/BasicRenderedStringParser.h"
49 #include "CEGUI/DefaultRenderedStringParser.h"
50 #include <vector>
51 #include <set>
53 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
54 #   pragma warning(push)
55 #   pragma warning(disable : 4251)
56 #endif
59 namespace CEGUI
60 {
62 /*!
63 \brief
64     Enumerated type used for specifying Window::update mode to be used.  Note
65     that the setting specified will also have an effect on child window
66     content; for WUM_NEVER and WUM_VISIBLE, if the parent's update function is
67     not called, then no child window will have it's update function called
68     either - even if it specifies WUM_ALWAYS as it's WindowUpdateMode.
69 */
70 enum WindowUpdateMode
71 {
72     //! Always call the Window::update function for this window.
73     WUM_ALWAYS,
74     //! Never call the Window::update function for this window.
75     WUM_NEVER,
76     //! Only call the Window::update function for this window if it is visible.
78 };
80 template<>
81 class PropertyHelper<WindowUpdateMode>
82 {
83 public:
84     typedef WindowUpdateMode return_type;
85     typedef return_type safe_method_return_type;
86     typedef WindowUpdateMode pass_type;
87     typedef String string_return_type;
getDataTypeName()89     static const String& getDataTypeName()
90     {
91         static String type("WindowUpdateMode");
93         return type;
94     }
fromString(const String & str)96     static return_type fromString(const String& str)
97     {
99         if (str == "Always")
100         {
101             return WUM_ALWAYS;
102         }
103         else if (str == "Never")
104         {
105             return WUM_NEVER;
106         }
107         else
108         {
109             return WUM_VISIBLE;
110         }
111     }
toString(pass_type val)113     static string_return_type toString(pass_type val)
114     {
115         if (val == WUM_ALWAYS)
116         {
117             return "Always";
118         }
119         else if (val == WUM_NEVER)
120         {
121             return "Never";
122         }
123         else if (val == WUM_VISIBLE)
124         {
125             return "Visible";
126         }
127         else
128         {
129             assert(false && "Invalid Window Update Mode");
130             return "Always";
131         }
132     }
133 };
136 /*!
137 \brief
138     An abstract base class providing common functionality and specifying the
139     required interface for derived classes.
141     The Window base class is core UI object class that the the system knows
142     about; for this reason, every other window, widget, or similar item within
143     the system must be derived from Window.
145     The base class provides the common functionality required by all UI objects,
146     and specifies the minimal interface required to be implemented by derived
147     classes.
148 */
149 class CEGUIEXPORT Window :
150     public NamedElement
151 {
152 public:
153     /*************************************************************************
154         Property name constants
155     *************************************************************************/
156     //! Name of property to access for the alpha value of the Window.
157     static const String AlphaPropertyName;
158     //! Name of property to access for the 'always on top' setting for the Window
159     static const String AlwaysOnTopPropertyName;
160     //! Name of property to access for the 'clipped by parent' setting for the Window
161     static const String ClippedByParentPropertyName;
162     //! Name of property to access for the 'destroyed by parent' setting for the Window
163     static const String DestroyedByParentPropertyName;
164     //! Name of property to access for the 'disabled state' setting for the Window
165     static const String DisabledPropertyName;
166     //! Name of property to access for the font for the Window.
167     static const String FontPropertyName;
168     //! Name of property to access for the ID value of the Window.
169     static const String IDPropertyName;
170     //! Name of property to access for the get/set the 'inherits alpha' setting for the Window.
171     static const String InheritsAlphaPropertyName;
172     //! Name of property to access for the the mouse cursor image for the Window.
173     static const String MouseCursorImagePropertyName;
174     //! Name of property to access for the the 'visible state' setting for the Window.
175     static const String VisiblePropertyName;
176     //! Name of property to access for the 'restore old capture' setting for the Window.
177     static const String RestoreOldCapturePropertyName;
178     //! Name of property to access for the text / caption for the Window.
179     static const String TextPropertyName;
180     //! Name of property to access for the 'z-order changing enabled' setting for the Window.
181     static const String ZOrderingEnabledPropertyName;
182     //! Name of property to access for whether the window will receive double-click and triple-click events.
183     static const String WantsMultiClickEventsPropertyName;
184     //! Name of property to access for whether the window will receive autorepeat mouse button down events.
185     static const String MouseAutoRepeatEnabledPropertyName;
186     //! Name of property to access for the autorepeat delay.
187     static const String AutoRepeatDelayPropertyName;
188     //! Name of property to access for the autorepeat rate.
189     static const String AutoRepeatRatePropertyName;
190     //! Name of property to access for the whether captured inputs are passed to child windows.
191     static const String DistributeCapturedInputsPropertyName;
192     //! Name of property to access for the custom tooltip for the window.
193     static const String TooltipTypePropertyName;
194     //! Name of property to access for the tooltip text for the window.
195     static const String TooltipTextPropertyName;
196     //! Name of property to access for the window inherits its parents tooltip text when it has none of its own.
197     static const String InheritsTooltipTextPropertyName;
198     //! Name of property to access for the window will come to the top of the Z-order when clicked.
199     static const String RiseOnClickEnabledPropertyName;
200     //! Name of property to access for the window ignores mouse events and pass them through to any windows behind it.
201     static const String MousePassThroughEnabledPropertyName;
202     //! Name of property to access for the Window will receive drag and drop related notifications.
203     static const String DragDropTargetPropertyName;
204     //! Name of property to access for the Window will automatically attempt to use a full imagery caching RenderingSurface (if supported by the renderer).
205     static const String AutoRenderingSurfacePropertyName;
206     //! Name of property to access for the text parsing setting for the Window.
207     static const String TextParsingEnabledPropertyName;
208     //! Name of property to access for the margin for the Window.
209     static const String MarginPropertyName;
210     //! Name of property to access for the window update mode setting.
211     static const String UpdateModePropertyName;
212     //! Name of property to access whether unhandled mouse inputs should be propagated back to the Window's parent.
213     static const String MouseInputPropagationEnabledPropertyName;
214     //! Name of property to access whether the system considers this window to be an automatically created sub-component window.
215     static const String AutoWindowPropertyName;
217     /*************************************************************************
218         Event name constants
219     *************************************************************************/
220     //! Namespace for global events
221     static const String EventNamespace;
223     // generated internally by Window
224     /** Event fired as part of the time based update of the window.
225      * Handlers are passed a const UpdateEventArgs reference.
226      */
227     static const String EventUpdated;
229     /** Event fired when the text string for the Window has changed.
230      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
231      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose text was changed.
232      */
233     static const String EventTextChanged;
234     /** Event fired when the Font object for the Window has been changed.
235      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
236      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose font was changed.
237      */
238     static const String EventFontChanged;
239     /** Event fired when the Alpha blend value for the Window has changed.
240      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
241      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose alpha value was changed.
242      */
243     static const String EventAlphaChanged;
244     /** Event fired when the client assigned ID for the Window has changed.
245      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
246      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose ID was changed.
247      */
248     static const String EventIDChanged;
249     /** Event fired when the Window has been activated and has input focus.
250      * Handlers are passed a const ActivationEventArgs reference with
251      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that is gaining activation and
252      * ActivationEventArgs::otherWindow set to the Window that is losing
253      * activation (may be 0).
254      */
255     static const String EventActivated;
256     /** Event fired when the Window has been deactivated, losing input focus.
257      * Handlers are passed a const ActivationEventArgs reference with
258      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that is losing activation and
259      * ActivationEventArgs::otherWindow set to the Window that is gaining
260      * activation (may be 0).
261      */
262     static const String EventDeactivated;
263     /** Event fired when the Window is shown (made visible).
264      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
265      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that was shown.
266      */
267     static const String EventShown;
268     /** Event fired when the Window is made hidden.
269      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
270      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that was hidden.
271      */
272     static const String EventHidden;
273     /** Event fired when the Window is enabled so interaction is possible.
274      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
275      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that was enabled.
276      */
277     static const String EventEnabled;
278     /** Event fired when the Window is disabled and interaction is no longer
279      * possible.
280      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
281      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that was disabled.
282      */
283     static const String EventDisabled;
284     /** Event fired when the Window clipping mode is modified.
285      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
286      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose clipping mode was
287      * changed.
288      */
289     static const String EventClippedByParentChanged;
290     /** Event fired when the Window destruction mode is modified.
291      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
292      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose destruction mode was
293      * changed.
294      */
295     static const String EventDestroyedByParentChanged;
296     /** Event fired when the Window mode controlling inherited alpha is changed.
297      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
298      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose alpha inheritence mode
299      * was changed.
300      */
301     static const String EventInheritsAlphaChanged;
302     /** Event fired when the always on top setting for the Window is changed.
303      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
304      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose always on top setting
305      * was changed.
306      */
307     static const String EventAlwaysOnTopChanged;
308     /** Event fired when the Window gains capture of mouse inputs.
309      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
310      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that has captured mouse inputs.
311      */
312     static const String EventInputCaptureGained;
313     /** Event fired when the Window loses capture of mouse inputs.
314      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
315      * WindowEventArgs::window set to either:
316      * - the Window that has lost capture of mouse inputs if that event was
317      *   caused by the window itself releasing the capture.
318      * - the Window that is @gaining capture of mouse inputs if that is the
319      *   cause of the previous window with capture losing that capture.
320      */
321     static const String EventInputCaptureLost;
322     /** Event fired when the Window has been invalidated.
323      * When a window is invalidated its cached rendering geometry is cleared,
324      * the rendering surface that recieves the window's output is invalidated
325      * and the window's target GUIContext is marked as dirty; this causes all
326      * objects involved in the display of the window to be refreshed the next
327      * time that the GUIContext::draw function is called.
328      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
329      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that has been invalidated.
330      */
331     static const String EventInvalidated;
332     /** Event fired when rendering of the Window has started.  In this context
333      * 'rendering' is the population of the GeometryBuffer with geometry for the
334      * window, not the actual rendering of that GeometryBuffer content to the
335      * display.
336      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
337      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose rendering has started.
338      */
339     static const String EventRenderingStarted;
340     /** Event fired when rendering of the Window has ended.  In this context
341      * 'rendering' is the population of the GeometryBuffer with geometry for the
342      * window, not the actual rendering of that GeometryBuffer content to the
343      * display.
344      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
345      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose rendering has ended.
346      */
347     static const String EventRenderingEnded;
348     /** Event fired when destruction of the Window is about to begin.
349      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
350      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window that is about to be destroyed.
351      */
352     static const String EventDestructionStarted;
353     /** Event fired when a DragContainer is dragged in to the window's area.
354      * Handlers are passed a const DragDropEventArgs reference with
355      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the window over which a DragContainer has
356      * been dragged (the receiving window) and DragDropEventArgs::dragDropItem
357      * set to the DragContainer that was dragged in to the receiving window's
358      * area.
359      */
360     static const String EventDragDropItemEnters;
361     /** Event fired when a DragContainer is dragged out of the window's area.
362      * Handlers are passed a const DragDropEventArgs reference with
363      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the window over which a DragContainer has
364      * been dragged out of (the receiving window) and
365      * DragDropEventArgs::dragDropItem set to the DragContainer that was dragged
366      * out of the receiving window's area.
367      */
368     static const String EventDragDropItemLeaves;
369     /** Event fired when a DragContainer is dropped within the window's area.
370      * Handlers are passed a const DragDropEventArgs reference with
371      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the window over which a DragContainer was
372      * dropped (the receiving window) and DragDropEventArgs::dragDropItem set to
373      * the DragContainer that was dropped within the receiving window's area.
374      */
375     static const String EventDragDropItemDropped;
376     /** Event fired when a WindowRenderer object is attached to the window.
377      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
378      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the window that had the WindowRenderer
379      * attached to it.
380      */
381     static const String EventWindowRendererAttached;
382     /** Event fired when a WindowRenderer object is detached from the window.
383      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
384      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the window that had the WindowRenderer
385      * detached from it.
386      */
387     static const String EventWindowRendererDetached;
388     /** Event fired when the Window's setting controlling parsing of it's text
389      * string is changed.
390      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
391      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose text parsing setting was
392      * changed.
393      */
394     static const String EventTextParsingChanged;
395     /** Event fired when the Window's margin has changed (any of the four margins)
396      * Handlers are passed a const WindowEventArgs reference with
397      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window whose margin was
398      * changed.
399      */
400     static const String EventMarginChanged;
402     // generated externally (inputs)
403     /** Event fired when the mouse cursor has entered the Window's area.
404      * Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields
405      * valid.
406      */
407     static const String EventMouseEntersArea;
408     /** Event fired when the mouse cursor has left the Window's area.
409      * Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields
410      * valid.
411      */
412     static const String EventMouseLeavesArea;
413     /** Event fired when the mouse cursor enters the Window's area.
414      * Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields
415      * valid.
416      *\note This event is fired if - and only if - the mouse cursor is actually
417      * over some part of this Window's surface area, and will not fire for
418      * example if the location of the mouse is over some child window (even
419      * though the mouse is technically also within the area of this Window).
420      * For an alternative version of this event see the
421      * Window::EventMouseEntersArea event.
422      */
423     static const String EventMouseEntersSurface;
424     /** Event fired when the mouse cursor is no longer over the Window's surface
425      * area.
426      * Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields
427      * valid.
428      *\note This event will fire whenever the mouse is no longer actually over
429      * some part of this Window's surface area, for example if the mouse is
430      * moved over some child window (even though technically the mouse has not
431      * actually 'left' this Window's area).  For an alternative version of this
432      * event see the Window::EventMouseLeavesArea event.
433      */
434     static const String EventMouseLeavesSurface;
435     /** Event fired when the mouse cursor moves within the area of the Window.
436      * Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields
437      * valid.
438      */
439     static const String EventMouseMove;
440     /** Event fired when the mouse wheel is scrolled when the mouse cursor is
441      * within the Window's area.
442      * Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields
443      * valid.
444      */
445     static const String EventMouseWheel;
446     /** Event fired when a mouse button is pressed down within the Window.
447      * Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields
448      * valid.
449      */
450     static const String EventMouseButtonDown;
451     /** Event fired when a mouse button is released within the Window.
452      * Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields
453      * valid.
454      */
455     static const String EventMouseButtonUp;
456     /** Event fired when a mouse button is clicked - that is, pressed down and
457      * released within a specific time interval - while the mouse cursor is
458      * within the Window's area.
459      * Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields
460      * valid.
461      */
462     static const String EventMouseClick;
463     /** Event fired when a mouse button is double-clicked while the mouse cursor
464      * is within the Window's area.
465      * Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields
466      * valid.
467      */
468     static const String EventMouseDoubleClick;
469     /** Event fired when a mouse button is triple-clicked while the mouse cursor
470      * is within the Window's area.
471      * Handlers are passed a const MouseEventArgs reference with all fields
472      * valid.
473      */
474     static const String EventMouseTripleClick;
475     /** Event fired when a key on the keyboard was pressed down while the window
476      * had input focus.
477      * Handlers are passed a const KeyEventArgs reference with
478      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window receiving the key press,
479      * KeyEventArgs::scancode set to the Key::Scan value of the key that was
480      * pressed, and KeyEventArgs::sysKeys set to the combination of ::SystemKey
481      * values active when the key was pressed.
482      */
483     static const String EventKeyDown;
484     /** Event fired when a key on the keyboard was released while the window
485      * had input focus.
486      * Handlers are passed a const KeyEventArgs reference with
487      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window receiving the key release,
488      * KeyEventArgs::scancode set to the Key::Scan value of the key that was
489      * released, and KeyEventArgs::sysKeys set to the combination of ::SystemKey
490      * values active when the key was released.
491      */
492     static const String EventKeyUp;
493     /** Event fired when the Window receives a character key input event.
494      * Handlers are passed a const KeyEventArgs reference with
495      * WindowEventArgs::window set to the Window receiving the character input,
496      * KeyEventArgs::codepoint set to the Unicode UTF32 / UCS-4 value for the
497      * input, and KeyEventArgs::sysKeys set to the combination of ::SystemKey
498      * values active when the character input was received.
499      */
500     static const String EventCharacterKey;
502     /*************************************************************************
503         Child Widget name suffix constants
504     *************************************************************************/
505     //! Widget name suffix for automatically created tooltip widgets.
506     static const String TooltipNameSuffix;
508     // XML element and attribute names that relate to Window.
509 	static const String WindowXMLElementName;
510     static const String AutoWindowXMLElementName;
511     static const String UserStringXMLElementName;
512 	static const String WindowTypeXMLAttributeName;
513 	static const String WindowNameXMLAttributeName;
514     static const String AutoWindowNamePathXMLAttributeName;
515     static const String UserStringNameXMLAttributeName;
516     static const String UserStringValueXMLAttributeName;
518     /*!
519     \brief
520         Constructor for Window base class
522     \param type
523         String object holding Window type (usually provided by WindowFactory).
525     \param name
526         String object holding unique name for the Window.
527     */
528     Window(const String& type, const String& name);
530     /*!
531     \brief
532         Destructor for Window base class
533     */
534     virtual ~Window(void);
536     /*!
537     \brief
538         return a String object holding the type name for this Window.
540     \return
541         String object holding the Window type.
542     */
543     const String& getType(void) const;
545     /*!
546     \brief
547         returns whether or not this Window is set to be destroyed when its
548         parent window is destroyed.
550     \return
551         - true if the Window will be destroyed when its parent is destroyed.
552         - false if the Window will remain when its parent is destroyed.
553     */
isDestroyedByParent(void)554     bool    isDestroyedByParent(void) const    {return d_destroyedByParent;}
556     /*!
557     \brief
558         returns whether or not this Window is an always on top Window.  Also
559         known as a top-most window.
561     \return
562         - true if this Window is always drawn on top of other normal windows.
563         - false if the Window has normal z-order behaviour.
564     */
isAlwaysOnTop(void)565     bool isAlwaysOnTop(void) const  {return d_alwaysOnTop;}
567     /*!
568     \brief
569         return whether the Window is currently disabled
571     \note
572         Only checks the state set for this window, and does not
573         factor in inherited state from ancestor windows.
575     \return
576         - true if the window is disabled.
577         - false if the window is enabled.
578     */
579     bool isDisabled() const;
581     /*!
582     \brief
583         return whether the Window is currently disabled
585     \note
586         Not only checks the state set for this window, but also
587         factors in inherited state from ancestor windows.
589     \return
590         - true if the window is disabled.
591         - false if the window is enabled.
592     */
593     bool isEffectiveDisabled() const;
595     /*!
596     \brief
597         return true if the Window is currently visible.
599         When true is returned from this function does not mean that the window
600         is not completely obscured by other windows, just that the window will
601         be processed when rendering, and is not explicitly marked as hidden.
603     \note
604         Only checks the state set for this window, and does not
605         factor in inherited state from ancestor windows.
607     \return
608         - true if the window is set as visible.
609         - false if the window is set as hidden.
610     */
611     bool isVisible() const;
613     /*!
614     \brief
615         return true if the Window is currently visible.
617         When true is returned from this function does not mean that the window
618         is not completely obscured by other windows, just that the window will
619         be processed when rendering, and is not explicitly marked as hidden.
621     \note
622         Does check the state set for this window, but also
623         factors in inherited state from ancestor windows.
625     \return
626         - true if the window will be drawn.
627         - false if the window is hidden and therefore ignored when rendering.
628     */
629     bool isEffectiveVisible() const;
631     /*!
632     \brief
633         return true if this is the active Window.  An active window is a window
634         that may receive user inputs.
636         Mouse events are always sent to the window containing the mouse cursor
637         regardless of what this function reports (unless a window has captured
638         inputs).  The active state mainly determines where send other, for
639         example keyboard, inputs.
641     \return
642         - true if the window is active and may be sent inputs by the system.
643         - false if the window is inactive and will not be sent inputs.
644     */
645     bool isActive(void) const;
647     /*!
648     \brief
649         return true if this Window is clipped so that its rendering will not
650         pass outside of its parent Window area.
652     \return
653         - true if the window will be clipped by its parent Window.
654         - false if the windows rendering may pass outside its parents area
655     */
isClippedByParent(void)656     bool isClippedByParent(void) const {return d_clippedByParent;}
658     /*!
659     \brief
660         return the ID code currently assigned to this Window by client code.
662     \return
663         uint value equal to the currently assigned ID code for this Window.
664     */
getID(void)665     uint getID(void) const {return d_ID;}
667     using NamedElement::isChild;
668     /*!
669     \brief
670         returns whether at least one window with the given ID code is attached
671         to this Window as a child.
673     \note
674         ID codes are client assigned and may or may not be unique, and as such,
675         the return from this function will only have meaning to the client code.
677     \param ID
678         uint ID code to look for.
680     \return
681         - true if at least one child window was found with the ID code \a ID
682         - false if no child window was found with the ID code \a ID.
683     */
684     bool isChild(uint ID) const;
686     /*!
687     \brief
688         returns whether at least one window with the given ID code is attached
689         to this Window or any of it's children as a child.
691     \note
692         ID codes are client assigned and may or may not be unique, and as such,
693         the return from this function will only have meaning to the client code.
695         WARNING! This function can be very expensive and should only be used
696         when you have no other option available. If you decide to use it anyway,
697         make sure the window hierarchy from the entry point is small.
699     \param ID
700         uint ID code to look for.
702     \return
703         - true if at least one child window was found with the ID code \a ID
704         - false if no child window was found with the ID code \a ID.
705     */
706     bool isChildRecursive(uint ID) const;
709     /*!
710     \brief
711         returns a pointer to the child window at the specified index. Idx is the
712         index of the window in the child window list. It is based on the order
713         in which the children were added and is stable.
715     \param idx
716         Index of the child window list position of the window that should be
717         returned.This value is not bounds checked, client code should ensure that
718         this is less than the value returned by getChildCount().
720     \return
721         Pointer to the child window currently attached at index position \a idx
722     */
getChildAtIdx(size_t idx)723     inline Window* getChildAtIdx(size_t idx) const
724     {
725         return static_cast<Window*>(getChildElementAtIdx(idx));
726     }
728     /*!
729     \brief
730         return the attached child window that the given name path references.
732         A name path is a string that describes a path down the window
733         hierarchy using window names and the forward slash '/' as a separator.
734         \par
735         For example, if this window has a child attached to it named "Panel"
736         which has its own children attached named "Okay" and "Cancel",
737         you can access the window "Okay" from this window by using the
738         name path "Panel/Okay".  To access "Panel", you would simply pass the
739         name "Panel".
741     \param name_path
742         String object holding the name path of the child window to return.
744     \return
745         the Window object referenced by \a name_path.
747     \exception UnknownObjectException
748         thrown if \a name_path does not reference a Window attached to this
749         Window.
750     */
getChild(const String & name_path)751     inline Window* getChild(const String& name_path) const
752     {
753         return static_cast<Window*>(getChildElement(name_path));
754     }
756     /*!
757     \brief
758         return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified
759         name. Children are traversed recursively.
761         Contrary to the non recursive version of this function, this one will
762         not throw an exception, but return 0 in case no child was found.
764     \note
765         WARNING! This function can be very expensive and should only be used
766         when you have no other option available. If you decide to use it anyway,
767         make sure the window hierarchy from the entry point is small.
769     \param name
770         String object holding the name of the window to return a pointer to.
772     \return
773         Pointer to the (first) Window object attached to this window that has
774         the name \a name.
775         If no child is found with the name \a name, 0 is returned.
776     */
getChildRecursive(const String & name)777     inline Window* getChildRecursive(const String& name) const
778     {
779         return static_cast<Window*>(getChildElementRecursive(name));
780     }
782     /*!
783     \brief
784         return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified
785         ID value.
787         This function will throw an exception if no child object with the given
788         ID is attached.  This decision was made (over returning NULL if no
789         window was found) so that client code can assume that if the call
790         returns it has a valid window pointer.  We provide the isChild()
791         functions for checking if a given window is attached.
793     \param ID
794         uint value specifying the ID code of the window to return a pointer to.
796     \return
797         Pointer to the (first) Window object attached to this window that has
798         the ID code \a ID.
800     \exception UnknownObjectException
801         thrown if no window with the ID code \a ID is attached to this Window.
802     */
803     Window* getChild(uint ID) const;
805     /*!
806     \brief
807         return a pointer to the first attached child window with the specified
808         ID value. Children are traversed recursively.
810         Contrary to the non recursive version of this function, this one will
811         not throw an exception, but return 0 in case no child was found.
813     \note
814         WARNING! This function can be very expensive and should only be used
815         when you have no other option available. If you decide to use it anyway,
816         make sure the window hierarchy from the entry point is small.
818     \param ID
819         uint value specifying the ID code of the window to return a pointer to.
821     \return
822         Pointer to the (first) Window object attached to this window that has
823         the ID code \a ID.
824         If no child is found with the ID code \a ID, 0 is returned.
825     */
826     Window* getChildRecursive(uint ID) const;
828     /*!
829     \brief
830         return a pointer to the Window that currently has input focus starting
831         with this Window.
833     \return
834         Pointer to the window that is active (has input focus) starting at this
835         window.  The function will return 'this' if this Window is active
836         and either no children are attached or if none of the attached children
837         are active.  Returns NULL if this Window (and therefore all children)
838         are not active.
839     */
840     Window* getActiveChild(void);
841     const Window* getActiveChild(void) const;
843     using NamedElement::isAncestor;
844     /*!
845     \brief
846         return true if any Window with the given ID is some ancestor of this
847         Window.
849     \param ID
850         uint value specifying the ID to look for.
852     \return
853         - true if an ancestor (parent, or parent of parent, etc) was found with
854           the ID code \a ID.
855         - false if no ancestor window has the ID code \a ID.
856     */
857     bool isAncestor(uint ID) const;
859     /*!
860     \brief
861         return the active Font object for the Window.
863     \param useDefault
864         Specifies whether to return the default font if this Window has no
865         preferred font set. This is typically set to true but whenever we
866         want to know if a default font would be used, this will be set to
867         false, and if the returned Font is a zero pointer we know that this
868         means a default font would be used otherwise.
870     \return
871         Pointer to the Font being used by this Window.  If the window has no
872         assigned font, and \a useDefault is true, then the default system font
873         is returned.
874     */
875     /*!  \deprecated This function is deprecated, as the parameter will be removed in the next major version. Separate functions
876          will be added with proper function names to replicate the functionality for useDefault=false.
877     */
878     const Font* getFont(bool useDefault = true) const;
880     /*!
881     \brief
882         return the current text for the Window
884     \return
885         The String object that holds the current text for this Window.
886     */
getText(void)887     const String& getText(void) const {return d_textLogical;}
889     //! return text string with \e visual ordering of glyphs.
890     const String& getTextVisual() const;
892     /*!
893     \brief
894         return true if the Window inherits alpha from its parent(s).
896     \return
897         - true if the Window inherits alpha from its parent(s)
898         - false if the alpha for this Window is independant from its parents.
899     */
inheritsAlpha(void)900     bool inheritsAlpha(void) const  {return d_inheritsAlpha;}
902     /*!
903     \brief
904         return the current alpha value set for this Window
906     \note
907         The alpha value set for any given window may or may not be the final
908         alpha value that is used when rendering.  All window objects, by
909         default, inherit alpha from thier parent window(s) - this will blend
910         child windows, relatively, down the line of inheritance.  This behaviour
911         can be overridden via the setInheritsAlpha() method.  To return the true
912         alpha value that will be applied when rendering, use the
913         getEffectiveAlpha() method.
915     \return
916         the currently set alpha value for this Window.  The value returned Will
917         be between 0.0f and 1.0f.
918     */
getAlpha(void)919     float getAlpha(void) const  {return d_alpha;}
921     /*!
922     \brief
923         return the effective alpha value that will be used when rendering this
924         window, taking into account inheritance of parent window(s) alpha.
926     \return
927         the effective alpha that will be applied to this Window when rendering.
928         The value returned Will be between 0.0f and 1.0f.
929     */
930     float getEffectiveAlpha(void) const;
932     /*!
933     \brief
934         Return a Rect that describes the rendering clipping rect based upon the
935         outer rect area of the window.
937     \note
938         The area returned by this function gives you the correct clipping rect
939         for rendering within the Window's outer rect area.  The area described
940         may or may not correspond to the final visual clipping actually seen on
941         the display; this is intentional and neccessary due to the way that
942         imagery is cached under some configurations.
943     */
944     const Rectf& getOuterRectClipper() const;
946     /*!
947     \brief
948         Return a Rect that describes the rendering clipping rect based upon the
949         inner rect area of the window.
951     \note
952         The area returned by this function gives you the correct clipping rect
953         for rendering within the Window's inner rect area.  The area described
954         may or may not correspond to the final visual clipping actually seen on
955         the display; this is intentional and neccessary due to the way that
956         imagery is cached under some configurations.
957     */
958     const Rectf& getInnerRectClipper() const;
960     /*!
961     \brief
962         Return a Rect that describes the rendering clipping rect for the Window.
964         This function can return the clipping rect for either the inner or outer
965         area dependant upon the boolean values passed in.
967     \note
968         The areas returned by this function gives you the correct clipping rects
969         for rendering within the Window's areas.  The area described may or may
970         not correspond to the final visual clipping actually seen on the
971         display; this is intentional and neccessary due to the way that imagery
972         is cached under some configurations.
974     \param non_client
975         - true to return the non-client clipping area (based on outer rect).
976         - false to return the client clipping area (based on inner rect).
977     */
978     const Rectf& getClipRect(const bool non_client = false) const;
980     /*!
981     \brief
982         Return the Rect that descibes the clipped screen area that is used for
983         determining whether this window has been hit by a certain point.
985         The area returned by this function may also be useful for certain
986         calculations that require the clipped Window area as seen on the display
987         as opposed to what is used for rendering (since the actual rendering
988         clipper rects should not to be used if reliable results are desired).
989     */
990     const Rectf& getHitTestRect() const;
992     /*!
993     \brief
994         return the Window that currently has inputs captured.
996     \return
997         Pointer to the Window object that currently has inputs captured, or NULL
998         if no Window has captured input.
999     */
getCaptureWindow()1000     Window* getCaptureWindow() const
1001         {return getGUIContext().getInputCaptureWindow();}
1003     /*!
1004     \brief
1005         return true if this Window has input captured.
1007     \return
1008         - true if this Window has captured inputs.
1009         - false if some other Window, or no Window, has captured inputs.
1010     */
isCapturedByThis(void)1011     bool isCapturedByThis(void) const   {return getCaptureWindow() == this;}
1013     /*!
1014     \brief
1015         return true if an ancestor window has captured inputs.
1017     \return
1018         - true if input is captured by a Window that is some ancestor (parent,
1019           parent of parent, etc) of this Window.
1020         - false if no ancestor of this window has captured input.
1021     */
isCapturedByAncestor(void)1022     bool isCapturedByAncestor(void) const
1023     {return isAncestor(getCaptureWindow());}
1025     /*!
1026     \brief
1027         return true if a child window has captured inputs.
1029     \return
1030         - true if input is captured by a Window that is a child of this Window.
1031         - false if no child of this window has not captured input.
1032     */
isCapturedByChild(void)1033     bool isCapturedByChild(void) const  {return isChild(getCaptureWindow());}
1035     /*!
1036     \brief
1037         check if the given pixel position would hit this window.
1039     \param position
1040         Vector2 object describing the position to check.  The position
1041         describes a pixel offset from the top-left corner of the display.
1043     \param allow_disabled
1044         - true specifies that the window may be 'hit' if it is disabled.
1045         - false specifies that the window may only be hit if it is enabled.
1047     \return
1048         - true if \a position hits this Window.
1049         - false if \a position does not hit this window.
1050     */
1051     virtual bool isHit(const Vector2f& position,
1052                        const bool allow_disabled = false) const;
1054     /*!
1055     \brief
1056         return the child Window that is hit by the given pixel position
1058     \param position
1059         Vector2 object describing the position to check.  The position
1060         describes a pixel offset from the top-left corner of the display.
1062     \return
1063         Pointer to the child Window that was hit according to the location
1064         \a position, or 0 if no child of this window was hit.
1065     */
1066     Window* getChildAtPosition(const Vector2f& position) const;
1068     /*!
1069     \brief
1070         return the child Window that is 'hit' by the given position, and is
1071         allowed to handle mouse events.
1073     \param position
1074         Vector2 object describing the position to check.  The position
1075         describes a pixel offset from the top-left corner of the display.
1077     \param allow_disabled
1078         - true specifies that a disabled window may be returned as the target.
1079         - false specifies that only enabled windows may be returned.
1081     \return
1082         Pointer to the child Window that was hit according to the location
1083         \a position, or 0 if no child of this window was hit.
1084     */
1085     Window* getTargetChildAtPosition(const Vector2f& position,
1086                                      const bool allow_disabled = false) const;
1088     /*!
1089     \brief
1090         return the parent of this Window.
1092     \return
1093         Pointer to the Window object that is the parent of this Window.
1094         This value can be NULL, in which case the Window is a GUI sheet / root.
1095     */
getParent()1096     inline Window* getParent() const
1097     {
1098         return static_cast<Window*>(getParentElement());
1099     }
1101     /*!
1102     \brief
1103         Return a pointer to the mouse cursor image to use when the mouse cursor
1104         is within this window's area.
1106     \param useDefault
1107         Sepcifies whether to return the default mouse cursor image if this
1108         window specifies no preferred mouse cursor image.
1110     \return
1111         Pointer to the mouse cursor image that will be used when the mouse
1112         enters this window's area.  May return NULL indicating no cursor will
1113         be drawn for this window.
1114     */
1115     const Image* getMouseCursor(bool useDefault = true) const;
1117     /*!
1118     \brief
1119         Return the user data set for this Window.
1121         Each Window can have some client assigned data attached to it, this data
1122         is not used by the GUI system in any way.  Interpretation of the data is
1123         entirely application specific.
1125     \return
1126         pointer to the user data that is currently set for this window.
1127     */
getUserData(void)1128     void* getUserData(void) const   {return d_userData;}
1130     /*!
1131     \brief
1132         Return whether this window is set to restore old input capture when it
1133         loses input capture.
1135         This is only really useful for certain sub-components for widget
1136         writers.
1138     \return
1139         - true if the window will restore the previous capture window when it
1140           loses input capture.
1141         - false if the window will set the capture window to NULL when it loses
1142           input capture (this is the default behaviour).
1143     */
restoresOldCapture(void)1144     bool restoresOldCapture(void) const     {return d_restoreOldCapture;}
1146     /*!
1147     \brief
1148         Return whether z-order changes are enabled or disabled for this Window.
1150     \note
1151         This is distinguished from the is/setRiseOnClickEnabled setting in that
1152         if rise on click is disabled it only affects the users ability to affect
1153         the z order of the Window by clicking the mouse; is still possible to
1154         programatically alter the Window z-order by calling the moveToFront,
1155         moveToBack, moveInFront and moveBehind member functions.  Whereas if z
1156         ordering is disabled those functions are also precluded from affecting
1157         the Window z position.
1159     \return
1160         - true if z-order changes are enabled for this window.
1161           moveToFront, moveToBack, moveInFront and moveBehind work normally.
1162         - false: z-order changes are disabled for this window.
1163           moveToFront, moveToBack, moveInFront and moveBehind are ignored.
1164     */
1165     bool isZOrderingEnabled(void) const;
1167     /*!
1168     \brief
1169         Return whether this window will receive multi-click events or multiple
1170         'down' events instead.
1172     \return
1173         - true if the Window will receive double-click and triple-click events.
1174         - false if the Window will receive multiple mouse button down events
1175           instead of double/triple click events.
1176     */
1177     bool wantsMultiClickEvents(void) const;
1179     /*!
1180     \brief
1181         Return whether mouse button down event autorepeat is enabled for this
1182         window.
1184     \return
1185         - true if autorepeat of mouse button down events is enabled for this
1186           window.
1187         - false if autorepeat of mouse button down events is not enabled for
1188           this window.
1189     */
1190     bool isMouseAutoRepeatEnabled(void) const;
1192     /*!
1193     \brief
1194         Return the current auto-repeat delay setting for this window.
1196     \return
1197         float value indicating the delay, in seconds, defore the first repeat
1198         mouse button down event will be triggered when autorepeat is enabled.
1199     */
1200     float getAutoRepeatDelay(void) const;
1202     /*!
1203     \brief
1204         Return the current auto-repeat rate setting for this window.
1206     \return
1207         float value indicating the rate, in seconds, at which repeat mouse
1208         button down events will be generated after the initial delay has
1209         expired.
1210     */
1211     float getAutoRepeatRate(void) const;
1213     /*!
1214     \brief
1215         Return whether the window wants inputs passed to its attached
1216         child windows when the window has inputs captured.
1218     \return
1219         - true if System should pass captured input events to child windows.
1220         - false if System should pass captured input events to this window only.
1221     */
1222     bool distributesCapturedInputs(void) const;
1224     /*!
1225     \brief
1226         Return whether this Window is using the system default Tooltip for its
1227         Tooltip window.
1229     \return
1230         - true if the Window will use the system default tooltip.
1231         - false if the window has a custom Tooltip object.
1232     */
1233     bool isUsingDefaultTooltip(void) const;
1235     /*!
1236     \brief
1237         Return a pointer to the Tooltip object used by this Window.  The value
1238         returned may point to the system default Tooltip, a custom Window
1239         specific Tooltip, or be NULL.
1241     \return
1242         Pointer to a Tooltip based object, or NULL.
1243     */
1244     Tooltip* getTooltip(void) const;
1246     /*!
1247     \brief
1248         Return the custom tooltip type.
1250     \return
1251         String object holding the current custom tooltip window type, or an
1252         empty string if no custom tooltip is set.
1253      */
1254     String getTooltipType(void) const;
1256     /*!
1257     \brief
1258         Return the current tooltip text set for this Window.
1260     \return
1261         String object holding the current tooltip text set for this window.
1262      */
1263     const String& getTooltipText(void) const;
1265     /*!
1266     \brief
1267         Return the current tooltip text set for this Window or the inherited one.
1268         If the tooltip text of this window is empty then the inherited value will
1269         be used instead.
1271     \return
1272         String object holding the current tooltip text of this window or the
1273         tooltip text this window inherited.
1274      */
1275     const String& getTooltipTextIncludingInheritance(void) const;
1277     /*!
1278     \brief
1279         Return whether this window inherits Tooltip text from its parent when
1280         its own tooltip text is not set.
1282     \return
1283         - true if the window inherits tooltip text from its parent when its own
1284           text is not set.
1285         - false if the window does not inherit tooltip text from its parent
1286           (and shows no tooltip when no text is set).
1287      */
1288     bool inheritsTooltipText(void) const;
1290     /*!
1291     \brief
1292         Return whether this window will rise to the top of the z-order when
1293         clicked with the left mouse button.
1295     \note
1296         This is distinguished from the is/setZOrderingEnabled setting in that
1297         if rise on click is disabled it only affects the users ability to affect
1298         the z order of the Window by clicking the mouse; is still possible to
1299         programatically alter the Window z-order by calling the moveToFront,
1300         moveToBack, moveInFront and moveBehind member functions.  Whereas if z
1301         ordering is disabled those functions are also precluded from affecting
1302         the Window z position.
1304     \return
1305         - true if the window will come to the top of other windows when the left
1306           mouse button is pushed within its area.
1307         - false if the window does not change z-order position when the left
1308           mouse button is pushed within its area.
1309      */
isRiseOnClickEnabled(void)1310     bool isRiseOnClickEnabled(void) const   { return d_riseOnClick; }
1312     /*!
1313     \brief
1314         Return the GeometryBuffer object for this Window.
1316     \return
1317         Reference to the GeometryBuffer object for this Window.
1318     */
1319     GeometryBuffer& getGeometryBuffer();
1321     /*!
1322     \brief
1323         Get the name of the LookNFeel assigned to this window.
1325     \return
1326         String object holding the name of the look assigned to this window.
1327         Returns the empty string if no look is assigned.
1328     */
1329     const String& getLookNFeel() const;
1331     /*!
1332     \brief
1333         Get whether or not this Window is the modal target.
1335     \return
1336         Returns true if this Window is the modal target, otherwise false.
1337     */
getModalState(void)1338     bool getModalState(void) const
1339     {return(getGUIContext().getModalWindow() == this);}
1341     /*!
1342     \brief
1343         Returns a named user string.
1345     \param name
1346         String object holding the name of the string to be returned.
1348     \return
1349         String object holding the data stored for the requested user string.
1351     \exception UnknownObjectException
1352         thrown if a user string named \a name does not exist.
1353     */
1354     const String& getUserString(const String& name) const;
1356     /*!
1357     \brief
1358         Return whether a user string with the specified name exists.
1360     \param name
1361         String object holding the name of the string to be checked.
1363     \return
1364         - true if a user string named \a name exists.
1365         - false if no such user string exists.
1366     */
1367     bool isUserStringDefined(const String& name) const;
1369     /*!
1370     \brief
1371         Returns the active sibling window.
1373         This searches the immediate children of this window's parent, and
1374         returns a pointer to the active window.  The method will return this if
1375         we are the immediate child of our parent that is active.  If our parent
1376         is not active, or if no immediate child of our parent is active then 0
1377         is returned.  If this window has no parent, and this window is not
1378         active then 0 is returned, else this is returned.
1380     \return
1381         A pointer to the immediate child window attached to our parent that is
1382         currently active, or 0 if no immediate child of our parent is active.
1383     */
1384     Window* getActiveSibling();
1386     /*!
1387     \brief
1388         Returns whether this window should ignore mouse event and pass them
1389         through to and other windows behind it. In effect making the window
1390         transparent to the mouse.
1392     \return
1393         true if mouse pass through is enabled.
1394         false if mouse pass through is not enabled.
1395     */
isMousePassThroughEnabled(void)1396     bool isMousePassThroughEnabled(void) const  {return d_mousePassThroughEnabled;}
1398     /*!
1399     \brief
1400         Returns whether this window is an auto window.
1402         An auto window is typically a Window object created automatically by
1403         CEGUI - for example to form part of a multi-element 'compound' widget.
1404     */
isAutoWindow(void)1405     bool isAutoWindow(void) const   {return d_autoWindow;}
1407     /*!
1408     \brief
1409         Returns whether this window is allowed to write XML.
1410     */
isWritingXMLAllowed(void)1411     bool isWritingXMLAllowed(void) const    {return d_allowWriteXML;}
1413     /*!
1414     \brief
1415         Returns whether this Window object will receive events generated by
1416         the drag and drop support in the system.
1418     \return
1419         - true if the Window is enabled as a drag and drop target.
1420         - false if the window is not enabled as a drag and drop target.
1421     */
1422     bool isDragDropTarget() const;
1424     /*!
1425     \brief
1426         Fill in the RenderingContext \a ctx with details of the RenderingSurface
1427         where this Window object should normally do it's rendering.
1428     */
1429     void getRenderingContext(RenderingContext& ctx) const;
1431     //! implementation of the default getRenderingContext logic.
1432     virtual void getRenderingContext_impl(RenderingContext& ctx) const;
1434     /*!
1435     \brief
1436         return the RenderingSurface currently set for this window.  May return
1437         0.
1438     */
1439     RenderingSurface* getRenderingSurface() const;
1441     /*!
1442     \brief
1443         return the RenderingSurface that will be used by this window as the
1444         target for rendering.
1445     */
1446     RenderingSurface& getTargetRenderingSurface() const;
1448     /*!
1449     \brief
1450         Returns whether \e automatic use of an imagery caching RenderingSurface
1451         (i.e. a RenderingWindow) is enabled for this window.  The reason we
1452         emphasise 'automatic' is because the client may manually set a
1453         RenderingSurface that does exactly the same job.
1455     \return
1456         - true if automatic use of a caching RenderingSurface is enabled.
1457         - false if automatic use of a caching RenderTarget is not enabled.
1458     */
1459     bool isUsingAutoRenderingSurface() const;
1461     /*!
1462     \brief
1463         Returns the window at the root of the hierarchy starting at this
1464         Window.  The root window is defined as the first window back up the
1465         hierarchy that has no parent window.
1467     \return
1468         A pointer to the root window of the hierarchy that this window is
1469         attached to.
1470     */
1471     const Window* getRootWindow() const;
1472     Window* getRootWindow();
1474     /*!
1475     \brief
1476         Initialises the Window based object ready for use.
1478     \note
1479         This must be called for every window created.  Normally this is handled
1480         automatically by the WindowManager.
1482     \return
1483         Nothing
1484     */
initialiseComponents(void)1485     virtual void initialiseComponents(void) {}
1487     /*!
1488     \brief
1489         Set whether or not this Window will automatically be destroyed when its
1490         parent Window is destroyed.
1492     \param setting
1493         - true to have the Window auto-destroyed when its parent is destroyed
1494           (default behaviour)
1495         - false to have the Window remain after its parent is destroyed.
1497     \return
1498         Nothing
1499     */
1500     void setDestroyedByParent(bool setting);
1502     /*!
1503     \brief
1504         Set whether this window is always on top, or not.
1506     \param setting
1507         - true to have the Window appear on top of all other non always on top
1508           windows
1509         - false to allow the window to be covered by other normal windows.
1511     \return
1512         Nothing
1513     */
1514     void setAlwaysOnTop(bool setting);
1516     /*!
1517     \brief
1518         Set whether this window is enabled or disabled.  A disabled window
1519         normally can not be interacted with, and may have different rendering.
1521     \param setting
1522         - true to enable the Window
1523         - false to disable the Window.
1525     \return
1526         Nothing
1527     */
1528     void setEnabled(bool setting);
1530     /*!
1531     \brief
1532         Set whether this window is enabled or disabled.  A disabled window
1533         normally can not be interacted with, and may have different rendering.
1535     \param setting
1536         - true to disable the Window
1537         - false to enable the Window.
1539     \return
1540         Nothing
1541     */
1542     void setDisabled(bool setting);
1544     /*!
1545     \brief
1546         enable the Window to allow interaction.
1548     \return
1549         Nothing
1550     */
enable(void)1551     void enable(void)   {setEnabled(true);}
1553     /*!
1554     \brief
1555         disable the Window to prevent interaction.
1557     \return
1558         Nothing
1559     */
disable(void)1560     void disable(void)  {setEnabled(false);}
1562     /*!
1563     \brief
1564         Set whether the Window is visible or hidden.
1566     \param setting
1567         - true to make the Window visible.
1568         - false to make the Window hidden.
1570     \note
1571         Hiding the active window will cause that window to become deactivated.
1572         Showing a window does not, however, automatically cause that window to
1573         become the active window (call Window::activate after making the window
1574         visible to activate it).
1576     \return
1577         Nothing
1578     */
1579     void setVisible(bool setting);
1581     /*!
1582     \brief
1583         show the Window.
1585     \note
1586         Showing a window does not automatically activate the window.  If you
1587         want the window to also become active you will need to call the
1588         Window::activate member also.
1590     \return
1591         Nothing
1592     */
show(void)1593     void show(void)     {setVisible(true);}
1595     /*!
1596     \brief
1597         hide the Window.
1598     \note
1599         If the window is the active window, it will become deactivated as a
1600         result of being hidden.
1602     \return
1603         Nothing
1604     */
hide(void)1605     void hide(void)     {setVisible(false);}
1607     /*!
1608     \brief
1609         Activate the Window giving it input focus and bringing it to the top of
1610         all windows with the same always-on-top settig as this Window.
1612     \return
1613         Nothing
1614     */
1615     void activate(void);
1617     /*!
1618     \brief
1619         Deactivate the window.  No further inputs will be received by the window
1620         until it is re-activated either programmatically or by the user
1621         interacting with the gui.
1623     \return
1624         Nothing.
1625     */
1626     void deactivate(void);
1628     /*!
1629     \brief
1630         Set whether this Window will be clipped by its parent window(s).
1632     \param setting
1633         - true to have the Window clipped so that rendering is constrained to
1634           within the area of its parent(s).
1635         - false to have rendering constrained to the screen only.
1637     \return
1638         Nothing
1639     */
1640     void setClippedByParent(bool setting);
1642     /*!
1643     \brief
1644         Set the current ID for the Window.
1646     \param ID
1647         Client assigned ID code for this Window.  The GUI system assigns no
1648         meaning to any IDs, they are a device purely for client code usage.
1650     \return
1651         Nothing
1652     */
1653     void setID(uint ID);
1655     /*!
1656     \brief
1657         Set the current text string for the Window.
1659     \param text
1660         String object containing the text that is to be set as the Window text.
1662     \return
1663         Nothing
1664     */
1665     void setText(const String& text);
1667     /*!
1668     \brief
1669         Insert the text string \a text into the current text string for the
1670         Window object at the position specified by \a position.
1672     \param text
1673         String object holding the text that is to be inserted into the Window
1674         object's current text string.
1676     \param position
1677         The characted index position where the string \a text should be
1678         inserted.
1679     */
1680     void insertText(const String& text, const String::size_type position);
1682     /*!
1683     \brief
1684         Append the string \a text to the currect text string for the Window
1685         object.
1687     \param text
1688         String object holding the text that is to be appended to the Window
1689         object's current text string.
1690     */
1691     void appendText(const String& text);
1693     /*!
1694     \brief
1695         Set the font used by this Window.
1697     \param font
1698         Pointer to the Font object to be used by this Window.
1699         If \a font is NULL, the default font will be used.
1701     \return
1702         Nothing
1703     */
1704     void setFont(const Font* font);
1706     /*!
1707     \brief
1708         Set the font used by this Window.
1710     \param name
1711         String object holding the name of the Font object to be used by this
1712         Window.  If \a name == "", the default font will be used.
1714     \return
1715         Nothing
1717     \exception UnknownObjectException
1718         thrown if the specified Font is unknown within the system.
1719     */
1720     void setFont(const String& name);
1722     using NamedElement::removeChild;
1723     /*!
1724     \brief
1725         Remove the first child Window with the specified ID.  If there is more
1726         than one attached Window objects with the specified ID, only the fist
1727         one encountered will be removed.
1729     \param ID
1730         ID number assigned to the Window to be removed.  If no Window with ID
1731         code \a ID is attached, nothing happens.
1733     \return
1734         Nothing.
1735     */
1736     void removeChild(uint ID);
1738     /*!
1739     \brief
1740         Creates a child window attached to this window.
1742     \param type
1743         String that describes the type of Window to be created.  A valid
1744         WindowFactory for the specified type must be registered.
1746     \param name
1747         String that holds the name that is to be given to the new window.  If
1748         this string is empty, a name will be generated for the window.
1750     \return
1751         Pointer to the newly created child Window object.
1752     */
1753     Window* createChild(const String& type, const String& name = "");
1755     /*!
1756     \brief
1757         Destroys a child window of this window
1759     \param wnd
1760         The child window to destroy
1761     */
1762     void destroyChild(Window* wnd);
1764     /*!
1765     \brief
1766         Destroys a child window of this window
1768     \param name_path
1769         Name path that references the window to destroy
1770     */
1771     void destroyChild(const String& name_path);
1773     /*!
1774     \brief
1775         Move the Window to the top of the z order.
1777         - If the Window is a non always-on-top window it is moved the the top of
1778           all other non always-on-top sibling windows, and the process repeated
1779           for all ancestors.
1780         - If the Window is an always-on-top window it is moved to the of of all
1781           sibling Windows, and the process repeated for all ancestors.
1783     \return
1784         Nothing
1785     */
1786     void moveToFront();
1788     /*!
1789     \brief
1790         Move the Window to the bottom of the Z order.
1792         - If the window is non always-on-top the Window is sent to the very
1793           bottom of its sibling windows and the process repeated for all
1794           ancestors.
1795         - If the window is always-on-top, the Window is sent to the bottom of
1796           all sibling always-on-top windows and the process repeated for all
1797           ancestors.
1799     \return
1800         Nothing
1801     */
1802     void moveToBack();
1804     /*!
1805     \brief
1806         Move this window immediately above it's sibling \a window in the z order.
1808         No action will be taken under the following conditions:
1809         - \a window is 0.
1810         - \a window is not a sibling of this window.
1811         - \a window and this window have different AlwaysOnTop settings.
1812         - z ordering is disabled for this window.
1814     \param window
1815         The sibling window that this window will be moved in front of.
1816     */
1817     void moveInFront(const Window* const window);
1819     /*!
1820     \brief
1821         Move this window immediately behind it's sibling \a window in the z
1822         order.
1824         No action will be taken under the following conditions:
1825         - \a window is 0.
1826         - \a window is not a sibling of this window.
1827         - \a window and this window have different AlwaysOnTop settings.
1828         - z ordering is disabled for this window.
1830     \param window
1831         The sibling window that this window will be moved behind.
1832     */
1833     void moveBehind(const Window* const window);
1835     /*!
1836     \brief
1837         Return the (visual) z index of the window on it's parent.
1839         The z index is a number that indicates the order that windows will be
1840         drawn (but is not a 'z co-ordinate', as such).  Higher numbers are in
1841         front of lower numbers.
1843         The number returned will not be stable, and generally should be used to
1844         compare with the z index of sibling windows (and only sibling windows)
1845         to discover the current z ordering of those windows.
1846     */
1847     size_t getZIndex() const;
1849     /*!
1850     \brief
1851         Return whether /a this Window is in front of the given window.
1853     \note
1854         Here 'in front' just means that one window is drawn after the other, it
1855         is not meant to imply that the windows are overlapping nor that one
1856         window is obscured by the other.
1857     */
1858     bool isInFront(const Window& wnd) const;
1860     /*!
1861     \brief
1862         Return whether /a this Window is behind the given window.
1864     \note
1865         Here 'behind' just means that one window is drawn before the other, it
1866         is not meant to imply that the windows are overlapping nor that one
1867         window is obscured by the other.
1868     */
1869     bool isBehind(const Window& wnd) const;
1871     /*!
1872     \brief
1873         Captures input to this window
1875     \return
1876         - true if input was successfully captured to this window.
1877         - false if input could not be captured to this window
1878           (maybe because the window is not active).
1879     */
1880     bool captureInput(void);
1882     /*!
1883     \brief
1884         Releases input capture from this Window.  If this Window does not have
1885         inputs captured, nothing happens.
1887     \return
1888         Nothing
1889     */
1890     void releaseInput(void);
1892     /*!
1893     \brief
1894         Set whether this window will remember and restore the previous window
1895         that had inputs captured.
1897     \param setting
1898         - true: The window will remember and restore the previous capture
1899           window.  The CaptureLost event is not fired on the previous window
1900           when this window steals input capture.  When this window releases
1901           capture, the old capture window is silently restored.
1903         - false: Input capture works as normal, each window losing capture is
1904           signalled via CaptureLost, and upon the final release of capture, no
1905           previous setting is restored (this is the default behaviour).
1907     \return
1908         Nothing
1909     */
1910     void setRestoreOldCapture(bool setting);
1912     /*!
1913     \brief
1914         Set the current alpha value for this window.
1916     \note
1917         The alpha value set for any given window may or may not be the final
1918         alpha value that is used when rendering.  All window objects, by
1919         default, inherit alpha from thier parent window(s) - this will blend
1920         child windows, relatively, down the line of inheritance.  This behaviour
1921         can be overridden via the setInheritsAlpha() method.  To return the true
1922         alpha value that will be applied when rendering, use the
1923         getEffectiveAlpha() method.
1925     \param alpha
1926         The new alpha value for the window.
1927         Value should be between 0.0f and 1.0f.
1929     \return
1930         Nothing
1931     */
1932     void setAlpha(const float alpha);
1934     /*!
1935     \brief
1936         Sets whether this Window will inherit alpha from its parent windows.
1938     \param setting
1939         - true if the Window should use inherited alpha.
1940         - false if the Window should have an independant alpha value.
1942     \return
1943         Nothing
1944     */
1945     void setInheritsAlpha(bool setting);
1947     /*!
1948     \brief
1949         Invalidate this window causing at least this window to be redrawn during
1950         the next rendering pass.
1952     \return
1953         Nothing
1955     \deprecated
1956         This function is deprecated in favour of the version taking a boolean.
1957     */
1958     void invalidate(void);
1960     /*!
1961     \brief
1962         Invalidate this window and - dependant upon \a recursive - all child
1963         content, causing affected windows to be redrawn during the next
1964         rendering pass.
1966     \param recursive
1967         Boolean value indicating whether attached child content should also be
1968         invalidated.
1969         - true will cause all child content to be invalidated also.
1970         - false will just invalidate this single window.
1972     \return
1973         Nothing
1974     */
1975     void invalidate(const bool recursive);
1977     /*!
1978     \brief
1979         Set the mouse cursor image to be used when the mouse enters this window.
1981     \param image
1982         Pointer to the Image object to use as the mouse cursor image when the
1983         mouse enters the area for this Window.
1985     \return
1986         Nothing.
1987     */
1988     void setMouseCursor(const Image* image);
1990     /*!
1991     \brief
1992         Set the mouse cursor image to be used when the mouse enters this window.
1994     \param imageset
1995         String object that contains the name of the Imageset that contains the
1996         image to be used.
1998     \param name
1999         String object that contains the name of the Image to use.
2001     \return
2002         Nothing.
2004     \exception UnknownObjectException
2005         thrown if no Image named \a name exists.
2006     */
2007     void setMouseCursor(const String& name);
2009     /*!
2010     \brief
2011         Set the user data set for this Window.
2013         Each Window can have some client assigned data attached to it, this data
2014         is not used by the GUI system in any way.  Interpretation of the data is
2015         entirely application specific.
2017     \param user_data
2018         pointer to the user data that is to be set for this window.
2020     \return
2021         Nothing.
2022     */
setUserData(void * user_data)2023     void setUserData(void* user_data)   {d_userData = user_data;}
2025     /*!
2026     \brief
2027         Set whether z-order changes are enabled or disabled for this Window.
2029     \note
2030         This is distinguished from the is/setRiseOnClickEnabled setting in that
2031         if rise on click is disabled it only affects the users ability to affect
2032         the z order of the Window by clicking the mouse; is still possible to
2033         programatically alter the Window z-order by calling the moveToFront,
2034         moveToBack, moveInFront and moveBehind member functions.  Whereas if z
2035         ordering is disabled those functions are also precluded from affecting
2036         the Window z position.
2038     \param setting
2039         - true if z-order changes are enabled for this window.
2040           moveToFront, moveToBack, moveInFront and moveBehind work normally.
2041         - false: z-order changes are disabled for this window.
2042           moveToFront, moveToBack, moveInFront and moveBehind are ignored.
2044     \return
2045         Nothing.
2046     */
2047     void    setZOrderingEnabled(bool setting);
2049     /*!
2050     \brief
2051         Set whether this window will receive multi-click events or multiple
2052         'down' events instead.
2054     \param setting
2055         - true if the Window will receive double-click and triple-click events.
2056         - false if the Window will receive multiple mouse button down events
2057           instead of double/triple click events.
2059     \return
2060         Nothing.
2061     */
2062     void setWantsMultiClickEvents(bool setting);
2064     /*!
2065     \brief
2066         Set whether mouse button down event autorepeat is enabled for this
2067         window.
2069     \param setting
2070         - true to enable autorepeat of mouse button down events.
2071         - false to disable autorepeat of mouse button down events.
2073     \return
2074         Nothing.
2075     */
2076     void setMouseAutoRepeatEnabled(bool setting);
2078     /*!
2079     \brief
2080         Set the current auto-repeat delay setting for this window.
2082     \param delay
2083         float value indicating the delay, in seconds, defore the first repeat
2084         mouse button down event should be triggered when autorepeat is enabled.
2086     \return
2087         Nothing.
2088     */
2089     void setAutoRepeatDelay(float delay);
2091     /*!
2092     \brief
2093         Set the current auto-repeat rate setting for this window.
2095     \param rate
2096         float value indicating the rate, in seconds, at which repeat mouse
2097         button down events should be generated after the initial delay has
2098         expired.
2100     \return
2101         Nothing.
2102     */
2103     void setAutoRepeatRate(float rate);
2105     /*!
2106     \brief
2107         Set whether the window wants inputs passed to its attached
2108         child windows when the window has inputs captured.
2110     \param setting
2111         - true if System should pass captured input events to child windows.
2112         - false if System should pass captured input events to this window only.
2113     */
2114     void setDistributesCapturedInputs(bool setting);
2116     /*!
2117     \brief
2118         Internal support method for drag & drop.  You do not normally call
2119         this directly from client code.  See the DragContainer class.
2120     */
2121     void notifyDragDropItemEnters(DragContainer* item);
2123     /*!
2124     \brief
2125         Internal support method for drag & drop.  You do not normally call
2126         this directly from client code.  See the DragContainer class.
2127     */
2128     void notifyDragDropItemLeaves(DragContainer* item);
2130     /*!
2131     \brief
2132         Internal support method for drag & drop.  You do not normally call
2133         this directly from client code.  See the DragContainer class.
2134     */
2135     void notifyDragDropItemDropped(DragContainer* item);
2137     /*!
2138     \brief
2139         Internal destroy method which actually just adds the window and any
2140         parent destructed child windows to the dead pool.
2142         This is virtual to allow for specialised cleanup which may be required
2143         in some advanced cases.  If you override this for the above reason, you
2144         MUST call this base class version.
2146     \note
2147         You never have to call this method yourself, use WindowManager to
2148         destroy your Window objects (which will call this for you).
2149     */
2150     virtual void destroy(void);
2152     /*!
2153     \brief
2154         Set the custom Tooltip object for this Window.  This value may be 0 to
2155         indicate that the Window should use the system default Tooltip object.
2157     \param tooltip
2158         Pointer to a valid Tooltip based object which should be used as the
2159         tooltip for this Window, or 0 to indicate that the Window should use the
2160         system default Tooltip object.  Note that when passing a pointer to a
2161         Tooltip object, ownership of the Tooltip does not pass to this Window
2162         object.
2164     \return
2165         Nothing.
2166     */
2167     void setTooltip(Tooltip* tooltip);
2169     /*!
2170     \brief
2171         Set the custom Tooltip to be used by this Window by specifying a Window
2172         type.
2174         The Window will internally attempt to create an instance of the
2175         specified window type (which must be derived from the base Tooltip
2176         class).  If the Tooltip creation fails, the error is logged and the
2177         Window will revert to using either the existing custom Tooltip or the
2178         system default Tooltip.
2180     \param tooltipType
2181         String object holding the name of the Tooltip based Window type which
2182         should be used as the Tooltip for this Window.
2184     \return
2185         Nothing.
2186     */
2187     void setTooltipType(const String& tooltipType);
2189     /*!
2190     \brief
2191         Set the tooltip text for this window.
2193     \param tip
2194         String object holding the text to be displayed in the tooltip for this
2195         Window.
2197     \return
2198         Nothing.
2199     */
2200     void setTooltipText(const String& tip);
2202     /*!
2203     \brief
2204         Set whether this window inherits Tooltip text from its parent when its
2205         own tooltip text is not set.
2207     \param setting
2208         - true if the window should inherit tooltip text from its parent when
2209           its own text is not set.
2210         - false if the window should not inherit tooltip text from its parent
2211           (and so show no tooltip when no text is set).
2213     \return
2214         Nothing.
2215      */
2216     void setInheritsTooltipText(bool setting);
2218     /*!
2219     \brief
2220         Set whether this window will rise to the top of the z-order when clicked
2221         with the left mouse button.
2223     \note
2224         This is distinguished from the is/setZOrderingEnabled setting in that
2225         if rise on click is disabled it only affects the users ability to affect
2226         the z order of the Window by clicking the mouse; is still possible to
2227         programatically alter the Window z-order by calling the moveToFront,
2228         moveToBack, moveInFront and moveBehind member functions.  Whereas if z
2229         ordering is disabled those functions are also precluded from affecting
2230         the Window z position.
2232     \param setting
2233         - true if the window should come to the top of other windows when the
2234           left mouse button is pushed within its area.
2235         - false if the window should not change z-order position when the left
2236           mouse button is pushed within its area.
2238     \return
2239         Nothing.
2240      */
setRiseOnClickEnabled(bool setting)2241     void setRiseOnClickEnabled(bool setting)    { d_riseOnClick = setting; }
2243     /*!
2244     \brief
2245         Set the LookNFeel that shoule be used for this window.
2247     \param look
2248         String object holding the name of the look to be assigned to the window.
2250     \exception UnknownObjectException
2251         thrown if the look'n'feel specified by \a look does not exist.
2253     \exception NullObjectException
2254         thrown if the Window does not have a WindowRenderer assigned to it.
2255         see Window::setWindowRenderer.
2257     \note
2258         This is really intended as an internal function. The way that client
2259         code is supposed to use skins is by defining a Falagard mapping (either
2260         in a scheme xml file or in code) and then create instances of that
2261         mapped type via WindowManager.  See
2262         WindowFactoryManager::addFalagardWindowMapping and \ref xml_scheme.
2263         With that being said, it is possible for client code to use this
2264         function so long as you are aware of the implications of doing so:
2265         - Automatically created child windows (AutoWindows) will be deleted, and
2266           references or pointers you hold to these will become invalid.
2267         - Aside from those absolutely required, there is not guarantee that the
2268           newly assigned look will create the same set of child windows, nor
2269           that any created windows will be of any given type.
2270         - Any properties set on automatically created child windows after their
2271           creation will be lost - even if the new look creates a child of the
2272           same type with the same name.
2273     */
2274     virtual void setLookNFeel(const String& look);
2276     /*!
2277     \brief
2278         Set the modal state for this Window.
2280     \param state
2281         Boolean value defining if this Window should be the modal target.
2282         - true if this Window should be activated and set as the modal target.
2283         - false if the modal target should be cleared if this Window is
2284           currently the modal target.
2286     \return
2287         Nothing.
2288     */
2289     void setModalState(bool state);
2291     /*!
2292     \brief
2293         Layout child window content.
2295         Laying out of child content includes:
2296             - ensuring content specified in any assigned WidgetLook has its area
2297               rectangles sychronised.
2298             - assigned WindowRenderer given the opportunity to update child
2299               content areas as needed.
2300             - All content is then potentially updated via the onParentSized
2301               notification as required by changes in non-client and client area
2302               rectangles.
2304         The system may call this at various times (like when a window is resized
2305         for example), and it may be invoked directly where required.
2307     \param nonclient_sized_hint
2308         Hint that the non-client area rectangle has changed size.
2310     \param client_sized_hint
2311         Hint that the client area rectangle has changed size.
2313     \note
2314         The hint parameters are essentially a way to force onParentSized
2315         notifications for a given type (client / nonclient) of child window.
2316         Setting a hint to false does not mean a notification will not happen,
2317         instead it means that the function is to do its best to determine
2318         whether a given notification is required to be sent.
2319     */
2320     virtual void performChildWindowLayout(bool nonclient_sized_hint = false,
2321                                           bool client_sized_hint = false);
2323     /*!
2324     \brief
2325        Sets the value a named user string, creating it as required.
2327     \param name
2328         String object holding the name of the string to be returned.
2330     \param value
2331         String object holding the value to be assigned to the user string.
2333     \return
2334         Nothing.
2335     */
2336     void setUserString(const String& name, const String& value);
2338     /*!
2339     \brief
2340         Causes the Window object to render itself and all of it's attached
2341         children
2343     \return
2344         Nothing
2345     */
2346     void render();
2348     /*!
2349     \brief
2350         Cause window to update itself and any attached children.  Client code
2351         does not need to call this method; to ensure full, and proper updates,
2352         call the injectTimePulse methodname method provided by the System class.
2354     \note
2355         The update order is such that 'this' window is updated prior to any
2356         child windows, this is so that child windows that access the parent in
2357         their update code get the correct updated state.
2359     \param elapsed
2360         float value indicating the number of seconds passed since the last
2361         update.
2363     \return
2364         Nothing.
2365     */
2366     virtual void update(float elapsed);
2368     /*!
2369     \brief
2370         Asks the widget to perform a clipboard copy to the provided clipboard
2372     \param clipboard
2373         Target clipboard class
2375     \return
2376         true if the copy was successful and allowed, false otherwise
2377     */
2378     virtual bool performCopy(Clipboard& clipboard);
2380     /*!
2381     \brief
2382         Asks the widget to perform a clipboard cut to the provided clipboard
2384     \param clipboard
2385         Target clipboard class
2387     \return
2388         true if the cut was successful and allowed, false otherwise
2389     */
2390     virtual bool performCut(Clipboard& clipboard);
2392     /*!
2393     \brief
2394         Asks the widget to perform a clipboard paste from the provided clipboard
2396     \param clipboard
2397         Source clipboard class
2399     \return
2400         true if the paste was successful and allowed, false otherwise
2401      */
2402     virtual bool performPaste(Clipboard& clipboard);
2404     /*!
2405     \brief
2406         Writes an xml representation of this window object to \a out_stream.
2408     \param xml_stream
2409         Stream where xml data should be output.
2411     \return
2412         Nothing.
2413     */
2414     virtual void writeXMLToStream(XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const;
2416     /*!
2417     \brief
2418         Sets the internal 'initialising' flag to true.
2419         This can be use to optimize initialisation of some widgets, and is called
2420         automatically by the layout XML handler when it has created a window.
2421         That is just after the window has been created, but before any children or
2422         properties are read.
2423     */
beginInitialisation(void)2424     virtual void beginInitialisation(void)     {d_initialising = true;}
2426     /*!
2427     \brief
2428         Sets the internal 'initialising' flag to false.
2429         This is called automatically by the layout XML handler when it is done
2430         creating a window. That is after all properties and children have been
2431         loaded and just before the next sibling gets created.
2432     */
endInitialisation(void)2433     virtual void endInitialisation(void)       {d_initialising = false;}
2435     /*!
2436     \brief
2437         Sets whether this window should ignore mouse events and pass them
2438         through to any windows behind it. In effect making the window
2439         transparent to the mouse.
2441     \param setting
2442         true if mouse pass through is enabled.
2443         false if mouse pass through is not enabled.
2444     */
setMousePassThroughEnabled(bool setting)2445     void setMousePassThroughEnabled(bool setting)   {d_mousePassThroughEnabled = setting;}
2447     /*!
2448     \brief
2449         Assign the WindowRenderer type to be used when rendering this window.
2451     \param name
2452         The factory name of the WindowRenderer to use.
2454     \note
2455         This is really intended as an internal function. The way that client
2456         code is supposed to use skins is by defining a Falagard mapping (either
2457         in a scheme xml file or in code) and then create instances of that
2458         mapped type via WindowManager.  See
2459         WindowFactoryManager::addFalagardWindowMapping and \ref xml_scheme.
2460     */
2461     void setWindowRenderer(const String& name);
2463     /*!
2464     \brief
2465         Get the currently assigned WindowRenderer. (Look'N'Feel specification).
2467     \return
2468         A pointer to the assigned window renderer object.
2469         0 if no window renderer is assigned.
2470     */
2471     WindowRenderer* getWindowRenderer(void) const;
2473     /*!
2474     \brief
2475         Get the factory name of the currently assigned WindowRenderer.
2476         (Look'N'Feel specification).
2478     \return
2479         The factory name of the currently assigned WindowRenderer.
2480         If no WindowRenderer is assigned an empty string is returned.
2481     */
2482     const String& getWindowRendererName() const;
2484     /*!
2485     \brief
2486         Sets whether this window is allowed to write XML
2487     */
setWritingXMLAllowed(bool allow)2488     void setWritingXMLAllowed(bool allow)   {d_allowWriteXML = allow;}
2490     /*!
2491     \brief
2492         Inform the window, and optionally all children, that screen area
2493         rectangles have changed.
2495     \param recursive
2496         - true to recursively call notifyScreenAreaChanged on attached child
2497           Window objects.
2498         - false to just process \e this Window.
2499     */
2500     virtual void notifyScreenAreaChanged(bool recursive = true);
2502     /*!
2503     \brief
2504         Changes the widget's falagard type, thus changing its look'n'feel and optionally its
2505         renderer in the process.
2507     \param type
2508         New look'n'feel of the widget
2510     \param type
2511         New renderer of the widget
2512     */
2513     void setFalagardType(const String& type, const String& rendererType = "");
2515     /*!
2516     \brief
2517         Specifies whether this Window object will receive events generated by
2518         the drag and drop support in the system.
2520     \param setting
2521         - true to enable the Window as a drag and drop target.
2522         - false to disable the Window as a drag and drop target.
2523     */
2524     void setDragDropTarget(bool setting);
2526     /*!
2527     \brief
2528         Set the RenderingSurface to be associated with this Window, or 0 if
2529         none is required.
2530     \par
2531         If this function is called, and the option for automatic use of an
2532         imagery caching RenderingSurface is enabled, any automatically created
2533         RenderingSurface will be released, and the affore mentioned option will
2534         be disabled.
2535     \par
2536         If after having set a custom RenderingSurface you then subsequently
2537         enable the automatic use of an imagery caching RenderingSurface by
2538         calling setUsingAutoRenderingSurface, the previously set
2539         RenderingSurface will be disassociated from the Window.  Note that the
2540         previous RenderingSurface is not destroyed or cleaned up at all - this
2541         is the job of whoever created that object initially.
2543     \param target
2544         Pointer to the RenderingSurface object to be associated with the window.
2545     */
2546     void setRenderingSurface(RenderingSurface* surface);
2548     /*!
2549     \brief
2550         Invalidate the chain of rendering surfaces from this window backwards to
2551         ensure they get properly redrawn - but doing the minimum amount of work
2552         possibe - next render.
2553     */
2554     void invalidateRenderingSurface();
2556     /*!
2557     \brief
2558         Sets whether \e automatic use of an imagery caching RenderingSurface
2559         (i.e. a RenderingWindow) is enabled for this window.  The reason we
2560         emphasise 'atutomatic' is because the client may manually set a
2561         RenderingSurface that does exactlythe same job.
2562     \par
2563         Note that this setting really only controls whether the Window
2564         automatically creates and manages the RenderingSurface, as opposed to
2565         the \e use of the RenderingSurface.  If a RenderingSurfaceis set for the
2566         Window it will be used regardless of this setting.
2567     \par
2568         Enabling this option will cause the Window to attempt to create a
2569         suitable RenderingSurface (which will actually be a RenderingWindow).
2570         If there is an existing RenderingSurface assocated with this Window, it
2571         will be removed as the Window's RenderingSurface
2572         <em>but not destroyed</em>; whoever created the RenderingSurface in the
2573         first place should take care of its destruction.
2574     \par
2575         Disabling this option will cause any automatically created
2576         RenderingSurface to be released.
2577     \par
2578         It is possible that the renderer in use may not support facilities for
2579         RenderingSurfaces that are suitable for full imagery caching.  If this
2580         is the case, then calling getRenderingSurface after enabling this option
2581         will return 0.  In these cases this option will still show as being
2582         'enabled', this is because Window \e settings should not be influenced
2583         by capabilities the renderer in use; for example, this enables correct
2584         XML layouts to be written from a Window on a system that does not
2585         support such RenderingSurfaces, so that the layout will function as
2586         preferred on systems that do.
2587     \par
2588         If this option is enabled, and the client subsequently assigns a
2589         different RenderingSurface to the Window, the existing automatically
2590         created RenderingSurface will be released and this setting will be
2591         disabled.
2593     \param setting
2594         - true to enable automatic use of an imagery caching RenderingSurface.
2595         - false to disable automatic use of an imagery caching RenderingSurface.
2596     */
2597     void setUsingAutoRenderingSurface(bool setting);
2599     //! Return the parsed RenderedString object for this window.
2600     const RenderedString& getRenderedString() const;
2601     //! Return a pointer to any custom RenderedStringParser set, or 0 if none.
2602     RenderedStringParser* getCustomRenderedStringParser() const;
2603     //! Set a custom RenderedStringParser, or 0 to remove an existing one.
2604     void setCustomRenderedStringParser(RenderedStringParser* parser);
2605     //! return the active RenderedStringParser to be used
2606     virtual RenderedStringParser& getRenderedStringParser() const;
2607     //! return whether text parsing is enabled for this window.
2608     bool isTextParsingEnabled() const;
2609     //! set whether text parsing is enabled for this window.
2610     void setTextParsingEnabled(const bool setting);
2612     //! set margin
2613     virtual void setMargin(const UBox& margin);
2614     //! retrieves currently set margin
2615     const UBox& getMargin() const;
2617     //! return Vector2 \a pos after being fully unprojected for this Window.
2618     Vector2f getUnprojectedPosition(const Vector2f& pos) const;
2620     //! return the pointer to the BidiVisualMapping for this window, if any.
getBidiVisualMapping()2621     const BidiVisualMapping* getBidiVisualMapping() const
2622         {return d_bidiVisualMapping;}
2624     /*!
2625     \brief
2626         Adds the named property to the XML ban list for this window
2627         Essentially a property that is banned from XML will never end up being saved to it.
2628         This is very useful if 2 properties overlap (XPosition and Position for example).
2630         Please note that properties that are not writable (read-only properties) are
2631         implicitly/automatically banned from XML, no need to ban them manually.
2633     \param property_name
2634         Name of the property you want to ban
2635     */
2636     void banPropertyFromXML(const String& property_name);
2638     /*!
2639     \brief
2640         Adds the named property to the XML ban list for this window and all of its child windows.
2641         Essentially a property that is banned from XML will never end up being saved to it.
2642         This is very useful if 2 properties overlap (XPosition and Position for example).
2644         Please note that properties that are not writable (read-only properties) are
2645         implicitly/automatically banned from XML, no need to ban them manually.
2647     \param property_name
2648         Name of the property you want to ban
2649     */
2650     void banPropertyFromXMLRecursive(const String& property_name);
2652     /*!
2653     \brief
2654         Removes the named property from the XML ban list for this window.
2655         Essentially a property that is banned from XML will never end up being saved to it.
2657         Please note that properties that are not writable (read-only properties) are
2658         implicitly/automatically banned from XML.
2660     \param property_name
2661         Name of the property you want to unban
2662     */
2663     void unbanPropertyFromXML(const String& property_name);
2665     /*!
2666     \brief
2667         Removes the named property from the XML ban list for this window and all of its child windows.
2668         Essentially a property that is banned from XML will never end up being saved to it.
2670         Please note that properties that are not writable (read-only properties) are
2671         implicitly/automatically banned from XML.
2673     \param property_name
2674         Name of the property you want to unban
2675     */
2676     void unbanPropertyFromXMLRecursive(const String& property_name);
2679     /*!
2680     \brief
2681         Return whether the named property is banned from XML
2683     \note
2684         Read-only properties and properties that can't write to XML streams
2685         are implicitly banned. This method will return true for them.
2686     */
2687     bool isPropertyBannedFromXML(const String& property_name) const;
2689     //! Add the given property to the XML ban list for this window.
2690     void banPropertyFromXML(const Property* property);
2692     //! Remove the given property from the XML ban list for this window.
2693     void unbanPropertyFromXML(const Property* property);
2695     /*!
2696     \brief
2697         Return whether given property is banned from XML
2699     \note
2700         Read-only properties and properties that can't write to XML streams
2701         are implicitly banned. This method will return true for them.
2702     */
2703     bool isPropertyBannedFromXML(const Property* property) const;
2705     /*!
2706     \brief
2707         Set the window update mode.  This mode controls the behaviour of the
2708         Window::update member function such that updates are processed for
2709         this window (and therefore it's child content) according to the set
2710         mode.
2712     \note
2713         Disabling updates can have negative effects on the behaviour of CEGUI
2714         windows and widgets; updates should be disabled selectively and
2715         cautiously - if you are unsure of what you are doing, leave the mode
2716         set to WUM_ALWAYS.
2718     \param mode
2719         One of the WindowUpdateMode enumerated values indicating the mode to
2720         set for this Window.
2721     */
2722     void setUpdateMode(const WindowUpdateMode mode);
2724     /*!
2725     \brief
2726         Return the current window update mode that is set for this Window.
2727         This mode controls the behaviour of the Window::update member function
2728         such that updates are processed for this window (and therefore it's
2729         child content) according to the set mode.
2731     \note
2732         Disabling updates can have negative effects on the behaviour of CEGUI
2733         windows and widgets; updates should be disabled selectively and
2734         cautiously - if you are unsure of what you are doing, leave the mode
2735         set to WUM_ALWAYS.
2737     \return
2738         One of the WindowUpdateMode enumerated values indicating the current
2739         mode set for this Window.
2740     */
2741     WindowUpdateMode getUpdateMode() const;
2743     /*!
2744     \brief
2745         Set whether mouse input that is not directly handled by this Window
2746         (including it's event subscribers) should be propagated back to the
2747         Window's parent.
2749     \param enabled
2750         - true if unhandled mouse input should be propagated to the parent.
2751         - false if unhandled mouse input should not be propagated.
2752     */
2753     void setMouseInputPropagationEnabled(const bool enabled);
2755     /*!
2756     \brief
2757         Return whether mouse input that is not directly handled by this Window
2758         (including it's event subscribers) should be propagated back to the
2759         Window's parent.
2761     \return
2762         - true if unhandled mouse input will be propagated to the parent.
2763         - false if unhandled mouse input will not be propagated.
2764     */
2765     bool isMouseInputPropagationEnabled() const;
2767     /*!
2768     \brief
2769         Clones this Window and returns the result
2771     \param
2772         deepCopy if true, even children are copied
2774     \return
2775         the cloned Window
2776     */
2777     Window* clone(const bool deepCopy = true) const;
2779     //! copies this widget's properties to given target widget
2780     virtual void clonePropertiesTo(Window& target) const;
2781     //! copies this widget's child widgets to given target widget
2782     virtual void cloneChildWidgetsTo(Window& target) const;
2784     //! return the GUIContext this window is associated with.
2785     GUIContext& getGUIContext() const;
2786     //! function used internally.  Do not call this from client code.
2787     void setGUIContext(GUIContext* context);
2789     //! ensure that the window will be rendered to the correct target surface.
2790     void syncTargetSurface();
2792     /*!
2793     \brief
2794         Set whether this window is marked as an auto window.
2796         An auto window is typically a Window object created automatically by
2797         CEGUI - for example to form part of a multi-element 'compound' widget.
2798     */
2799     void setAutoWindow(bool is_auto);
2801     /*!
2802     \brief
2803         Return whether Window thinks mouse is currently within its area.
2805     \note
2806         If the mouse cursor has moved or Window's area has changed since the
2807         last time the GUIContext updated the window hit information, the value
2808         returned here may be inaccurate - this is not a bug, but is required
2809         to ensure correct handling of certain events.
2810     */
2811     bool isMouseContainedInArea() const;
2813     // overridden from Element
2814     const Sizef& getRootContainerSize() const;
2816 protected:
2817     // friend classes for construction / initialisation purposes (for now)
2818     friend class System;
2819     friend class WindowManager;
2820     friend class GUIContext;
2822     /*************************************************************************
2823         Event trigger methods
2824     *************************************************************************/
2825     /*!
2826     \brief
2827         Handler called when the window's size changes.
2829     \param e
2830         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2831         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2832         'this'.
2833     */
2834     virtual void onSized(ElementEventArgs& e);
2836     /*!
2837     \brief
2838         Handler called when the window's position changes.
2840     \param e
2841         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2842         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2843         'this'.
2844     */
2845     virtual void onMoved(ElementEventArgs& e);
2847     virtual void onRotated(ElementEventArgs& e);
2849     /*!
2850     \brief
2851         Handler called when the window's text is changed.
2853     \param e
2854         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2855         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2856         'this'.
2857     */
2858     virtual void onTextChanged(WindowEventArgs& e);
2860     /*!
2861     \brief
2862         Handler called when the window's font is changed.
2864     \param e
2865         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2866         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2867         'this'.
2868     */
2869     virtual void onFontChanged(WindowEventArgs& e);
2871     /*!
2872     \brief
2873         Handler called when the window's alpha blend value is changed.
2875     \param e
2876         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2877         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2878         'this'.
2879     */
2880     virtual void onAlphaChanged(WindowEventArgs& e);
2882     /*!
2883     \brief
2884         Handler called when the window's client assigned ID is changed.
2886     \param e
2887         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2888         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2889         'this'.
2890     */
2891     virtual void onIDChanged(WindowEventArgs& e);
2893     /*!
2894     \brief
2895         Handler called when the window is shown (made visible).
2897     \param e
2898         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2899         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2900         'this'.
2901     */
2902     virtual void onShown(WindowEventArgs& e);
2904     /*!
2905     \brief
2906         Handler called when the window is hidden.
2908     \param e
2909         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2910         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2911         'this'.
2912     */
2913     virtual void onHidden(WindowEventArgs& e);
2915     /*!
2916     \brief
2917         Handler called when the window is enabled.
2919     \param e
2920         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2921         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2922         'this'.
2923     */
2924     virtual void onEnabled(WindowEventArgs& e);
2926     /*!
2927     \brief
2928         Handler called when the window is disabled.
2930     \param e
2931         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2932         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2933         'this'.
2934     */
2935     virtual void onDisabled(WindowEventArgs& e);
2937     /*!
2938     \brief
2939         Handler called when the window's setting for being clipped by it's
2940         parent is changed.
2942     \param e
2943         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2944         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2945         'this'.
2946     */
2947     virtual void onClippingChanged(WindowEventArgs& e);
2949     /*!
2950     \brief
2951         Handler called when the window's setting for being destroyed
2952         automatically be it's parent is changed.
2954     \param e
2955         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2956         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2957         'this'.
2958     */
2959     virtual void onParentDestroyChanged(WindowEventArgs& e);
2961     /*!
2962     \brief
2963         Handler called when the window's setting for inheriting alpha-blending
2964         is changed.
2966     \param e
2967         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2968         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2969         'this'.
2970     */
2971     virtual void onInheritsAlphaChanged(WindowEventArgs& e);
2973     /*!
2974     \brief
2975         Handler called when the window's always-on-top setting is changed.
2977     \param e
2978         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2979         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2980         'this'.
2981     */
2982     virtual void onAlwaysOnTopChanged(WindowEventArgs& e);
2984     /*!
2985     \brief
2986         Handler called when this window gains capture of mouse inputs.
2988     \param e
2989         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
2990         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
2991         'this'.
2992     */
2993     virtual void onCaptureGained(WindowEventArgs& e);
2995     /*!
2996     \brief
2997         Handler called when this window loses capture of mouse inputs.
2999     \param e
3000         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
3001         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
3002         'this'.
3003     */
3004     virtual void onCaptureLost(WindowEventArgs& e);
3006     /*!
3007     \brief
3008         Handler called when this window gets invalidated.
3010     \param e
3011         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
3012         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
3013         'this'.
3014     */
3015     virtual void onInvalidated(WindowEventArgs& e);
3017     /*!
3018     \brief
3019         Handler called when rendering for this window has started.
3021     \param e
3022         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
3023         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
3024         'this'.
3025     */
3026     virtual void onRenderingStarted(WindowEventArgs& e);
3028     /*!
3029     \brief
3030         Handler called when rendering for this window has ended.
3032     \param e
3033         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
3034         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
3035         'this'.
3036     */
3037     virtual void onRenderingEnded(WindowEventArgs& e);
3039     /*!
3040     \brief
3041         Handler called when the z-order position of this window has changed.
3043     \param e
3044         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
3045         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
3046         'this'.
3047     */
3048     virtual void onZChanged(WindowEventArgs& e);
3050     /*!
3051     \brief
3052         Handler called when this window's destruction sequence has begun.
3054     \param e
3055         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
3056         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
3057         'this'.
3058     */
3059     virtual void onDestructionStarted(WindowEventArgs& e);
3061     /*!
3062     \brief
3063         Handler called when this window has become the active window.
3065     \param e
3066         ActivationEventArgs class whose 'otherWindow' field is set to the window
3067         that previously was active, or NULL for none.
3068     */
3069     virtual void onActivated(ActivationEventArgs& e);
3071     /*!
3072     \brief
3073         Handler called when this window has lost input focus and has been
3074         deactivated.
3076     \param e
3077         ActivationEventArgs object whose 'otherWindow' field is set to the
3078         window that has now become active, or NULL for none.
3079     */
3080     virtual void onDeactivated(ActivationEventArgs& e);
3082     /*!
3083     \brief
3084         Handler called when this window's parent window has been resized.  If
3085         this window is the root / GUI Sheet window, this call will be made when
3086         the display size changes.
3088     \param e
3089         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set the the
3090         window that caused the event; this is typically either this window's
3091         parent window, or NULL to indicate the screen size has changed.
3092     */
3093     virtual void onParentSized(ElementEventArgs& e);
3095     /*!
3096     \brief
3097         Handler called when a child window is added to this window.
3099     \param e
3100         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
3101         that has been added.
3102     */
3103     virtual void onChildAdded(ElementEventArgs& e);
3105     /*!
3106     \brief
3107         Handler called when a child window is removed from this window.
3109     \param e
3110         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set the window
3111         that has been removed.
3112     */
3113     virtual void onChildRemoved(ElementEventArgs& e);
3115     /*!
3116     \brief
3117         Handler called when the mouse cursor has entered this window's area.
3119     \param e
3120         MouseEventArgs object.  All fields are valid.
3121     */
3122     virtual void onMouseEntersArea(MouseEventArgs& e);
3124     /*!
3125     \brief
3126         Handler called when the mouse cursor has left this window's area.
3128     \param e
3129         MouseEventArgs object.  All fields are valid.
3130     */
3131     virtual void onMouseLeavesArea(MouseEventArgs& e);
3133     /*!
3134     \brief
3135         Handler called when the mouse cursor has entered this window's area and
3136         is actually over some part of this windows surface and not, for
3137         instance over a child window - even though technically in those cases
3138         the mouse is also within this Window's area, the handler will not be
3139         called.
3141     \param e
3142         MouseEventArgs object.  All fields are valid.
3144     \see
3145         Window::onMouseEntersArea
3146     */
3147     virtual void onMouseEnters(MouseEventArgs& e);
3149     /*!
3150     \brief
3151         Handler called when the mouse cursor is no longer over this window's
3152         surface area.  This will be called when the mouse is not over a part
3153         of this Window's actual surface - even though technically the mouse is
3154         still within the Window's area, for example if the mouse moves over a
3155         child window.
3157     \param e
3158         MouseEventArgs object.  All fields are valid.
3160     \see
3161         Window::onMouseLeavesArea
3162     */
3163     virtual void onMouseLeaves(MouseEventArgs& e);
3165     /*!
3166     \brief
3167         Handler called when the mouse cursor has been moved within this window's
3168         area.
3170     \param e
3171         MouseEventArgs object.  All fields are valid.
3172     */
3173     virtual void onMouseMove(MouseEventArgs& e);
3175     /*!
3176     \brief
3177         Handler called when the mouse wheel (z-axis) position changes within
3178         this window's area.
3180     \param e
3181         MouseEventArgs object.  All fields are valid.
3182     */
3183     virtual void onMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs& e);
3185     /*!
3186     \brief
3187         Handler called when a mouse button has been depressed within this
3188         window's area.
3190     \param e
3191         MouseEventArgs object.  All fields are valid.
3192     */
3193     virtual void onMouseButtonDown(MouseEventArgs& e);
3195     /*!
3196     \brief
3197         Handler called when a mouse button has been released within this
3198         window's area.
3200     \param e
3201         MouseEventArgs object.  All fields are valid.
3202     */
3203     virtual void onMouseButtonUp(MouseEventArgs& e);
3205     /*!
3206     \brief
3207         Handler called when a mouse button has been clicked (that is depressed
3208         and then released, within a specified time) within this window's area.
3210     \param e
3211         MouseEventArgs object.  All fields are valid.
3212     */
3213     virtual void onMouseClicked(MouseEventArgs& e);
3215     /*!
3216     \brief
3217         Handler called when a mouse button has been double-clicked within this
3218         window's area.
3220     \param e
3221         MouseEventArgs object.  All fields are valid.
3222     */
3223     virtual void onMouseDoubleClicked(MouseEventArgs& e);
3225     /*!
3226     \brief
3227         Handler called when a mouse button has been triple-clicked within this
3228         window's area.
3230     \param e
3231         MouseEventArgs object.  All fields are valid.
3232     */
3233     virtual void onMouseTripleClicked(MouseEventArgs& e);
3235     /*!
3236     \brief
3237         Handler called when a key as been depressed while this window has input
3238         focus.
3240     \param e
3241         KeyEventArgs object whose 'scancode' field is set to the Key::Scan value
3242         representing the key that was pressed, and whose 'sysKeys' field
3243         represents the combination of SystemKey that were active when the event
3244         was generated.
3245     */
3246     virtual void onKeyDown(KeyEventArgs& e);
3248     /*!
3249     \brief
3250         Handler called when a key as been released while this window has input
3251         focus.
3253     \param e
3254         KeyEventArgs object whose 'scancode' field is set to the Key::Scan value
3255         representing the key that was released, and whose 'sysKeys' field
3256         represents the combination of SystemKey that were active when the event
3257         was generated.  All other fields should be considered as 'junk'.
3258     */
3259     virtual void onKeyUp(KeyEventArgs& e);
3261     /*!
3262     \brief
3263         Handler called when a character-key has been pressed while this window
3264         has input focus.
3266     \param e
3267         KeyEventArgs object whose 'codepoint' field is set to the Unicode code
3268         point (encoded as utf32) for the character typed, and whose 'sysKeys'
3269         field represents the combination of SystemKey that were active when the
3270         event was generated.  All other fields should be considered as 'junk'.
3271     */
3272     virtual void onCharacter(KeyEventArgs& e);
3274     /*!
3275     \brief
3276         Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window.
3278     \param e
3279         DragDropEventArgs object initialised as follows:
3280         - window field is normaly set to point to 'this' window.
3281         - dragDropItem is a pointer to a DragContainer window that triggered
3282           the event.
3283     */
3284     virtual void onDragDropItemEnters(DragDropEventArgs& e);
3286     /*!
3287     \brief
3288         Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window.
3290     \param e
3291         DragDropEventArgs object initialised as follows:
3292         - window field is normaly set to point to 'this' window.
3293         - dragDropItem is a pointer to a DragContainer window that triggered
3294           the event.
3295     */
3296     virtual void onDragDropItemLeaves(DragDropEventArgs& e);
3298     /*!
3299     \brief
3300         Handler called when a DragContainer is dragged over this window.
3302     \param e
3303         DragDropEventArgs object initialised as follows:
3304         - window field is normaly set to point to 'this' window.
3305         - dragDropItem is a pointer to a DragContainer window that triggered
3306           the event.
3307     */
3308     virtual void onDragDropItemDropped(DragDropEventArgs& e);
3310     /*!
3311     \brief
3312         Handler called when a new window renderer object is attached.
3314     \param e
3315         WindowEventArgs object initialised as follows:
3316         - window field is set to point to the Window object that just got a new
3317           window renderer attached. (typically 'this').
3318     */
3319     virtual void onWindowRendererAttached(WindowEventArgs& e);
3321     /*!
3322     \brief
3323         Handler called when the currently attached window renderer object is detached.
3325     \param e
3326         WindowEventArgs object initialised as follows:
3327         - window field is set to point to the Window object that just got lost its
3328           window renderer. (typically 'this').
3329     */
3330     virtual void onWindowRendererDetached(WindowEventArgs& e);
3332     /*!
3333     \brief
3334         Handler called when the window's setting for whether text parsing is
3335         enabled is changed.
3337     \param e
3338         WindowEventArgs object whose 'window' pointer field is set to the window
3339         that triggered the event.  For this event the trigger window is always
3340         'this'.
3341     */
3342     virtual void onTextParsingChanged(WindowEventArgs& e);
3344     virtual void onMarginChanged(WindowEventArgs& e);
3346     /*************************************************************************
3347         Implementation Functions
3348     *************************************************************************/
3349     /*!
3350     \brief
3351         Perform actual update processing for this Window.
3353     \param elapsed
3354         float value indicating the number of seconds elapsed since the last
3355         update call.
3357     \return
3358         Nothing.
3359     */
3360     virtual void updateSelf(float elapsed);
3362     /*!
3363     \brief
3364         Perform the actual rendering for this Window.
3366     \param ctx
3367         RenderingContext holding the details of the RenderingSurface to be
3368         used for the Window rendering operations.
3370     \return
3371         Nothing
3372     */
3373     virtual void drawSelf(const RenderingContext& ctx);
3375     /*!
3376     \brief
3377         Perform drawing operations concerned with generating and buffering
3378         window geometry.
3380     \note
3381         This function is a sub-function of drawSelf; it is provided to make it
3382         easier to override drawSelf without needing to duplicate large sections
3383         of the code from the default implementation.
3384     */
3385     void bufferGeometry(const RenderingContext& ctx);
3387     /*!
3388     \brief
3389         Perform drawing operations concerned with positioning, clipping and
3390         queueing of window geometry to RenderingSurfaces.
3392     \note
3393         This function is a sub-function of drawSelf and is provided to make it
3394         easier to override drawSelf without needing to duplicate large sections
3395         of the code from the default implementation.
3396     */
3397     void queueGeometry(const RenderingContext& ctx);
3399     /*!
3400     \brief
3401         Update the rendering cache.
3403         Populates the Window's GeometryBuffer ready for rendering.
3404     */
populateGeometryBuffer()3405     virtual void populateGeometryBuffer()  {}
3407     /*!
3408     \brief
3409         Set the parent window for this window object.
3411     \param parent
3412         Pointer to a Window object that is to be assigned as the parent to this
3413         Window.
3415     \return
3416         Nothing
3417     */
3418     virtual void setParent(Element* parent);
3420     /*!
3421     \brief
3422         Fires off a repeated mouse button down event for this window.
3423     */
3424     void generateAutoRepeatEvent(MouseButton button);
3426     /*!
3427     \brief
3428         Function used in checking if a WindowRenderer is valid for this window.
3430     \param renderer
3431     	Window renderer that will be checked (it can be null!)
3433     \return
3434         Returns true if the given WindowRenderer class name is valid for this window.
3435         False if not.
3436     */
3437     virtual bool validateWindowRenderer(const WindowRenderer* renderer) const;
3439     /*!
3440     \brief
3441         Returns whether a property is at it's default value.
3442         This function is different from Property::isDefatult as it takes the assigned look'n'feel
3443         (if the is one) into account.
3444     */
3445     bool isPropertyAtDefault(const Property* property) const;
3447     /*!
3448     \brief
3449         Recursively inform all children that the clipping has changed and screen rects
3450         needs to be recached.
3451     */
3452     void notifyClippingChanged(void);
3454     //! helper to create and setup the auto RenderingWindow surface
3455     void allocateRenderingWindow();
3457     //! helper to clean up the auto RenderingWindow surface
3458     void releaseRenderingWindow();
3460     //! Helper to intialise the needed clipping for geometry and render surface.
3461     void initialiseClippers(const RenderingContext& ctx);
3463     //! \copydoc Element::setArea_impl
3464     virtual void setArea_impl(const UVector2& pos, const USize& size, bool topLeftSizing = false, bool fireEvents = true);
3466     /*!
3467     \brief
3468         Cleanup child windows
3469     */
3470     virtual void cleanupChildren(void);
3472     /*!
3473     \copydoc Element::addChild_impl
3474     */
3475     virtual void addChild_impl(Element* element);
3477     /*!
3478     \copydoc Element::removeChild_impl
3479     */
3480     virtual void removeChild_impl(Element* element);
3482     /*!
3483     \brief
3484         Notify 'this' and all siblings of a ZOrder change event
3485     */
3486     virtual void onZChange_impl(void);
3488     /*!
3489     \brief
3490         Add standard CEGUI::Window properties.
3491     */
3492     void    addWindowProperties(void);
3494     /*!
3495     \brief
3496         Implements move to front behavior.
3498     \return
3499         Should return true if some action was taken, or false if there was
3500         nothing to be done.
3501     */
3502     virtual bool moveToFront_impl(bool wasClicked);
3504     /*!
3505     \brief
3506         Add the given window to the drawing list at an appropriate position for
3507         it's settings and the required direction.  Basically, when \a at_back
3508         is false, the window will appear in front of all other windows with the
3509         same 'always on top' setting.  When \a at_back is true, the window will
3510         appear behind all other windows wih the same 'always on top' setting.
3512     \param wnd
3513         Window object to be added to the drawing list.
3515     \param at_back
3516         Indicates whether the window should be placed at the back of other
3517         windows in the same group. If this is false, the window is placed in
3518         front of other windows in the group.
3520     \return
3521         Nothing.
3522     */
3523     void addWindowToDrawList(Window& wnd, bool at_back = false);
3525     /*!
3526     \brief
3527         Removes the window from the drawing list.  If the window is not attached
3528         to the drawing list then nothing happens.
3530     \param wnd
3531         Window object to be removed from the drawing list.
3533     \return
3534         Nothing.
3535     */
3536     void removeWindowFromDrawList(const Window& wnd);
3538     /*!
3539     \brief
3540         Return whether the window is at the top of the Z-Order.  This will
3541         correctly take into account 'Always on top' windows as needed.
3543     \return
3544         - true if the Window is at the top of the z-order in relation to sibling
3545           windows with the same 'always on top' setting.
3546         - false if the Window is not at the top of the z-order in relation to
3547           sibling windows with the same 'always on top' setting.
3548     */
3549     bool isTopOfZOrder() const;
3551     /*!
3552     \brief
3553         Update position and clip region on this Windows geometry / rendering
3554         surface.
3555     */
3556     void updateGeometryRenderSettings();
3558     //! transfer RenderingSurfaces to be owned by our target RenderingSurface.
3559     void transferChildSurfaces();
3561     //! helper function for calculating clipping rectangles.
3562     Rectf getParentElementClipIntersection(const Rectf& unclipped_area) const;
3564     //! helper function to invalidate window and optionally child windows.
3565     void invalidate_impl(const bool recursive);
3567     /*!
3568     \brief
3569         Helper function to return the ancestor Window of /a wnd that is attached
3570         as a child to a window that is also an ancestor of /a this.  Returns 0
3571         if /a wnd and /a this are not part of the same hierachy.
3572      */
3573     const Window* getWindowAttachedToCommonAncestor(const Window& wnd) const;
3575     virtual Rectf getUnclippedInnerRect_impl(bool skipAllPixelAlignment) const;
3576     //! Default implementation of function to return Window outer clipper area.
3577     virtual Rectf getOuterRectClipper_impl() const;
3578     //! Default implementation of function to return Window inner clipper area.
3579     virtual Rectf getInnerRectClipper_impl() const;
3580     //! Default implementation of function to return Window hit-test area.
3581     virtual Rectf getHitTestRect_impl() const;
3583     virtual int writePropertiesXML(XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const;
3584     virtual int writeChildWindowsXML(XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const;
3585     virtual bool writeAutoChildWindowXML(XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const;
3587     virtual void banPropertiesForAutoWindow();
3589     //! handler function for when font render size changes.
3590     virtual bool handleFontRenderSizeChange(const EventArgs& args);
3592     // mark the rect caches defined on Window invalid (does not affect Element)
3593     void markCachedWindowRectsInvalid();
3594     void layoutLookNFeelChildWidgets();
3596     Window* getChildAtPosition(const Vector2f& position,
3597                                bool (Window::*hittestfunc)(const Vector2f&, bool) const,
3598                                bool allow_disabled = false) const;
3600     bool isHitTargetWindow(const Vector2f& position, bool allow_disabled) const;
3602     /*************************************************************************
3603         Properties for Window base class
3604     *************************************************************************/
3606     /*!
3607     \brief
3608         Property to access/change the assigned window renderer object.
3610         \par Usage:
3611             - Name: WindowRenderer
3612             - Format: "[windowRendererName]"
3614         \par Where [windowRendererName] is the factory name of the window
3615              renderer type you wish to assign.
3616     */
3617     static
3618     class WindowRendererProperty : public TplWindowProperty<Window, String>
3619     {
3620     public:
3621         WindowRendererProperty();
3622         void writeXMLToStream(const PropertyReceiver* receiver,
3623                               XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const;
3624     } d_windowRendererProperty;
3626     /*!
3627     \brief
3628         Property to access/change the assigned look'n'feel.
3630         \par Usage:
3631             - Name: LookNFeel
3632             - Format: "[LookNFeelName]"
3634         \par Where [LookNFeelName] is the name of the look'n'feel you wish
3635              to assign.
3636     */
3637     static
3638     class LookNFeelProperty : public TplWindowProperty<Window, String>
3639     {
3640     public:
3641         LookNFeelProperty();
3642         void writeXMLToStream(const PropertyReceiver* receiver,
3643                               XMLSerializer& xml_stream) const;
3644     } d_lookNFeelProperty;
3646     /*************************************************************************
3647         Implementation Data
3648     *************************************************************************/
3649     //! definition of type used for the list of child windows to be drawn
3650     typedef std::vector<Window*
3651         CEGUI_VECTOR_ALLOC(Window*)> ChildDrawList;
3652     //! definition of type used for the UserString dictionary.
3653     typedef std::map<String, String, StringFastLessCompare
3654         CEGUI_MAP_ALLOC(String, String)> UserStringMap;
3655     //! definition of type used to track properties banned from writing XML.
3656     typedef std::set<String, StringFastLessCompare
3657         CEGUI_SET_ALLOC(String)> BannedXMLPropertySet;
3659     //! type of Window (also the name of the WindowFactory that created us)
3660     const String d_type;
3661     //! Type name of the window as defined in a Falagard mapping.
3662     String d_falagardType;
3663     //! true when this window is an auto-window
3664     bool d_autoWindow;
3666     //! true when this window is currently being initialised (creating children etc)
3667     bool d_initialising;
3668     //! true when this window is being destroyed.
3669     bool d_destructionStarted;
3670     //! true when Window is enabled
3671     bool d_enabled;
3672     //! is window visible (i.e. it will be rendered, but may still be obscured)
3673     bool d_visible;
3674     //! true when Window is the active Window (receiving inputs).
3675     bool d_active;
3677     //! Child window objects arranged in rendering order.
3678     ChildDrawList d_drawList;
3679     //! true when Window will be auto-destroyed by parent.
3680     bool d_destroyedByParent;
3682     //! true when Window will be clipped by parent Window area Rect.
3683     bool d_clippedByParent;
3685     //! Name of the Look assigned to this window (if any).
3686     String d_lookName;
3687     //! The WindowRenderer module that implements the Look'N'Feel specification
3688     WindowRenderer* d_windowRenderer;
3689     //! Object which acts as a cache of geometry drawn by this Window.
3690     GeometryBuffer* d_geometry;
3691     //! RenderingSurface owned by this window (may be 0)
3692     RenderingSurface* d_surface;
3693     //! true if window geometry cache needs to be regenerated.
3694     mutable bool d_needsRedraw;
3695     //! holds setting for automatic creation of of surface (RenderingWindow)
3696     bool d_autoRenderingWindow;
3698     //! Holds pointer to the Window objects current mouse cursor image.
3699     const Image* d_mouseCursor;
3701     //! Alpha transparency setting for the Window
3702     float d_alpha;
3703     //! true if the Window inherits alpha from the parent Window
3704     bool d_inheritsAlpha;
3706     //! The Window that previously had capture (used for restoreOldCapture mode)
3707     Window* d_oldCapture;
3708     //! Restore capture to the previous capture window when releasing capture.
3709     bool d_restoreOldCapture;
3710     //! Whether to distribute captured inputs to child windows.
3711     bool d_distCapturedInputs;
3713     //! Holds pointer to the Window objects current Font.
3714     const Font* d_font;
3715     //! Holds the text / label / caption for this Window.
3716     String d_textLogical;
3717     //! pointer to bidirection support object
3718     BidiVisualMapping* d_bidiVisualMapping;
3719     //! whether bidi visual mapping has been updated since last text change.
3720     mutable bool d_bidiDataValid;
3721     //! RenderedString representation of text string as ouput from a parser.
3722     mutable RenderedString d_renderedString;
3723     //! true if d_renderedString is valid, false if needs re-parse.
3724     mutable bool d_renderedStringValid;
3725     //! Shared instance of a parser to be used in most instances.
3726     static BasicRenderedStringParser d_basicStringParser;
3727     //! Shared instance of a parser to be used when rendering text verbatim.
3728     static DefaultRenderedStringParser d_defaultStringParser;
3729     //! Pointer to a custom (user assigned) RenderedStringParser object.
3730     RenderedStringParser* d_customStringParser;
3731     //! true if use of parser other than d_defaultStringParser is enabled
3732     bool d_textParsingEnabled;
3734 	//! Margin, only used when the Window is inside LayoutContainer class
3735     UBox d_margin;
3737     //! User ID assigned to this Window
3738     uint d_ID;
3739     //! Holds pointer to some user assigned data.
3740     void* d_userData;
3741     //! Holds a collection of named user string values.
3742     UserStringMap d_userStrings;
3744     //! true if Window will be drawn on top of all other Windows
3745     bool d_alwaysOnTop;
3746     //! whether window should rise in the z order when left clicked.
3747     bool d_riseOnClick;
3748     //! true if the Window responds to z-order change requests.
3749     bool d_zOrderingEnabled;
3751     //! true if the Window wishes to hear about multi-click mouse events.
3752     bool d_wantsMultiClicks;
3753     //! whether (most) mouse events pass through this window
3754     bool d_mousePassThroughEnabled;
3755     //! whether pressed mouse button will auto-repeat the down event.
3756     bool d_autoRepeat;
3757     //! seconds before first repeat event is fired
3758     float d_repeatDelay;
3759     //! seconds between further repeats after delay has expired.
3760     float d_repeatRate;
3761     //! button we're tracking for auto-repeat purposes.
3762     MouseButton d_repeatButton;
3763     //! implements repeating - is true after delay has elapsed,
3764     bool d_repeating;
3765     //! implements repeating - tracks time elapsed.
3766     float d_repeatElapsed;
3768     //! true if window will receive drag and drop related notifications
3769     bool d_dragDropTarget;
3771     //! Text string used as tip for this window.
3772     String d_tooltipText;
3773     //! Possible custom Tooltip for this window.
3774     Tooltip* d_customTip;
3775     //! true if this Window created the custom Tooltip.
3776     bool d_weOwnTip;
3777     //! whether tooltip text may be inherited from parent.
3778     bool d_inheritsTipText;
3780     //! true if this window is allowed to write XML, false if not
3781     bool d_allowWriteXML;
3782     //! collection of properties not to be written to XML for this window.
3783     BannedXMLPropertySet d_bannedXMLProperties;
3785     //! outer area clipping rect in screen pixels
3786     mutable Rectf d_outerRectClipper;
3787     //! inner area clipping rect in screen pixels
3788     mutable Rectf d_innerRectClipper;
3789     //! area rect used for hit-testing against this window
3790     mutable Rectf d_hitTestRect;
3792     mutable bool d_outerRectClipperValid;
3793     mutable bool d_innerRectClipperValid;
3794     mutable bool d_hitTestRectValid;
3796     //! The mode to use for calling Window::update
3797     WindowUpdateMode d_updateMode;
3799     //! specifies whether mouse inputs should be propagated to parent(s)
3800     bool d_propagateMouseInputs;
3802     //! GUIContext.  Set when this window is used as a root window.
3803     GUIContext* d_guiContext;
3805     //! true when mouse is contained within this Window's area.
3806     bool d_containsMouse;
3808 private:
3809     /*************************************************************************
3810         May not copy or assign Window objects
3811     *************************************************************************/
Window(const Window &)3812     Window(const Window&): NamedElement() {}
3813     Window& operator=(const Window&) {return *this;}
3815     //! Not intended for public use, only used as a "Font" property getter
3816     const Font* property_getFont() const;
3817     //! Not intended for public use, only used as a "MouseCursor" property getter
3818     const Image* property_getMouseCursor() const;
3820     //! connection for event listener for font render size changes.
3821     Event::ScopedConnection d_fontRenderSizeChangeConnection;
3822 };
3824 } // End of  CEGUI namespace section
3827 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
3828 #   pragma warning(pop)
3829 #endif
3831 #endif  // end of guard _CEGUIWindow_h_