1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file symmetry_breaker.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Morgan Deters, Liana Hadarean, Tim King
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Implementation of algorithm suggested by Deharbe, Fontaine,
13  ** Merz, and Paleo, "Exploiting symmetry in SMT problems," CADE 2011
14  **
15  ** Implementation of algorithm suggested by Deharbe, Fontaine, Merz,
16  ** and Paleo, "Exploiting symmetry in SMT problems," CADE 2011.
17  **
18  ** From the paper:
19  **
20  ** <pre>
21  **   \f$ P := guess\_permutations(\phi) \f$
22  **   foreach \f$ {c_0, ..., c_n} \in P \f$ do
23  **     if \f$ invariant\_by\_permutations(\phi, {c_0, ..., c_n}) \f$ then
24  **       T := \f$ select\_terms(\phi, {c_0, ..., c_n}) \f$
25  **       cts := \f$ \emptyset \f$
26  **       while T != \f$ \empty \wedge |cts| <= n \f$ do
27  **         \f$ t := select\_most\_promising\_term(T, \phi) \f$
28  **         \f$ T := T \setminus {t} \f$
29  **         cts := cts \f$ \cup used\_in(t, {c_0, ..., c_n}) \f$
30  **         let \f$ c \in {c_0, ..., c_n} \setminus cts \f$
31  **         cts := cts \f$ \cup {c} \f$
32  **         if cts != \f$ {c_0, ..., c_n} \f$ then
33  **           \f$ \phi := \phi \wedge ( \vee_{c_i \in cts} t = c_i ) \f$
34  **         end
35  **       end
36  **     end
37  **   end
38  **   return \f$ \phi \f$
39  ** </pre>
40  **/
42 #include "cvc4_private.h"
47 #include <iostream>
48 #include <list>
49 #include <unordered_map>
50 #include <vector>
52 #include "context/cdlist.h"
53 #include "context/context.h"
54 #include "expr/node.h"
55 #include "expr/node_builder.h"
56 #include "smt/smt_statistics_registry.h"
57 #include "util/statistics_registry.h"
59 namespace CVC4 {
60 namespace theory {
61 namespace uf {
63 class SymmetryBreaker : public context::ContextNotifyObj {
65   class Template {
66     Node d_template;
67     NodeBuilder<> d_assertions;
68     std::unordered_map<TNode, std::set<TNode>, TNodeHashFunction> d_sets;
69     std::unordered_map<TNode, TNode, TNodeHashFunction> d_reps;
71     TNode find(TNode n);
72     bool matchRecursive(TNode t, TNode n);
74   public:
75     Template();
76     bool match(TNode n);
partitions()77     std::unordered_map<TNode, std::set<TNode>, TNodeHashFunction>& partitions() { return d_sets; }
assertions()78     Node assertions() {
79       switch(d_assertions.getNumChildren()) {
80       case 0: return Node::null();
81       case 1: return d_assertions[0];
82       default: return Node(d_assertions);
83       }
84     }
85     void reset();
86   };/* class SymmetryBreaker::Template */
88 public:
90   typedef std::set<TNode> Permutation;
91   typedef std::set<Permutation> Permutations;
92   typedef TNode Term;
93   typedef std::list<Term> Terms;
94   typedef std::set<Term> TermEq;
95   typedef std::unordered_map<Term, TermEq, TNodeHashFunction> TermEqs;
97 private:
99   /**
100    * This class wasn't initially built to be incremental.  It should
101    * be attached to a UserContext so that it clears everything when
102    * a pop occurs.  This "assertionsToRerun" is a set of assertions to
103    * feed back through assertFormula() when we started getting things
104    * again.  It's not just a matter of effectiveness, but also soundness;
105    * if some assertions (still in scope) are not seen by a symmetry-breaking
106    * round, then some symmetries that don't actually exist might be broken,
107    * leading to unsound results!
108    */
109   context::CDList<Node> d_assertionsToRerun;
110   bool d_rerunningAssertions;
112   std::vector<Node> d_phi;
113   std::set<TNode> d_phiSet;
114   Permutations d_permutations;
115   Terms d_terms;
116   Template d_template;
117   std::unordered_map<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction> d_normalizationCache;
118   TermEqs d_termEqs;
119   TermEqs d_termEqsOnly;
121   void clear();
122   void rerunAssertionsIfNecessary();
124   void guessPermutations();
125   bool invariantByPermutations(const Permutation& p);
126   void selectTerms(const Permutation& p);
127   Terms::iterator selectMostPromisingTerm(Terms& terms);
128   void insertUsedIn(Term term, const Permutation& p, std::set<Node>& cts);
129   Node normInternal(TNode phi, size_t level);
130   Node norm(TNode n);
132   std::string d_name;
134   // === STATISTICS ===
135   /** number of new clauses that come from the SymmetryBreaker */
136   struct Statistics {
137     /** number of new clauses that come from the SymmetryBreaker */
138     IntStat d_clauses;
139     IntStat d_units;
140     /** number of potential permutation sets we found */
141     IntStat d_permutationSetsConsidered;
142     /** number of invariant permutation sets we found */
143     IntStat d_permutationSetsInvariant;
144     /** time spent in invariantByPermutations() */
145     TimerStat d_invariantByPermutationsTimer;
146     /** time spent in selectTerms() */
147     TimerStat d_selectTermsTimer;
148     /** time spent in initial round of normalization */
149     TimerStat d_initNormalizationTimer;
151     Statistics(std::string name);
152     ~Statistics();
153   };
155   Statistics d_stats;
157  protected:
contextNotifyPop()158   void contextNotifyPop() override
159   {
160     Debug("ufsymm") << "UFSYMM: clearing state due to pop" << std::endl;
161     clear();
162   }
164  public:
165   SymmetryBreaker(context::Context* context, std::string name = "");
167   void assertFormula(TNode phi);
168   void apply(std::vector<Node>& newClauses);
170 };/* class SymmetryBreaker */
172 }/* CVC4::theory::uf namespace */
173 }/* CVC4::theory namespace */
175 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ::CVC4::theory::uf::SymmetryBreaker::Permutation& p);
177 }/* CVC4 namespace */
179 #endif /* __CVC4__THEORY__UF__SYMMETRY_BREAKER_H */