1 // This file is part of OpenMVG, an Open Multiple View Geometry C++ library.
3 // Copyright (c) 2017, Romain JANVIER & Pierre MOULON
4 // Copyright (c) 2020 Pierre MOULON.
6 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
7 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
8 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
10 #include <cmath>
11 #include "openMVG/multiview/solver_essential_three_point.hpp"
13 namespace openMVG {
15 //
16 //
17 // Three point orthographic essential matrix estimation
18 // This solver is based on the following paper:
19 // Magnus Oskarsson, "Two-View Orthographic Epipolar Geometry: Minimal and Optimal Solvers",
20 // Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2017
21 //
22 // Original matlab implementation can be found online
23 // https://github.com/hamburgerlady/ortho-gem
24 /**
25  * @brief Computes the relative pose of two orthographic cameras from 3 correspondences.
26  *
27  * \param x1 Points in the first image. One per column.
28  * \param x2 Corresponding points in the second image. One per column.
29  * \param E  A list of at most 2 candidates orthographic essential matrix solutions.
30  */
ThreePointsRelativePose(const Mat2X & x1,const Mat2X & x2,std::vector<Mat3> * E)31 void ThreePointsRelativePose
32 (
33   const Mat2X &x1,
34   const Mat2X &x2,
35   std::vector<Mat3> *E
36 )
37 {
38   const Vec2
39     xd1 = x1.col(1) - x1.col(0),
40     yd1 = x1.col(2) - x1.col(0),
41     xd2 = x2.col(1) - x2.col(0),
42     yd2 = x2.col(2) - x2.col(0);
44   const double
45     denom = xd1.x() * yd1.y() - xd1.y() * yd1.x(),
46     aac = ( xd1.y() * yd2.x() - xd2.x() * yd1.y() ) / denom,
47     aad = ( xd1.y() * yd2.y() - xd2.y() * yd1.y() ) / denom,
48     bbc = ( xd2.x() * yd1.x() - xd1.x() * yd2.x() ) / denom,
49     bbd = ( xd2.y() * yd1.x() - xd1.x() * yd2.y() ) / denom;
51   // cache aac * aac
52   const double aac_sq = aac * aac;
54   const double
55     dd_2 = - aac_sq + aad * aad - bbc * bbc + bbd * bbd,
56     dd_1c = 2.0 * aac * aad + 2.0 * bbc * bbd,
57     dd_0 = aac_sq + bbc * bbc - 1.0,
58     d4_4 = dd_1c * dd_1c + dd_2 * dd_2,
59     d4_2 = -dd_1c * dd_1c + 2.0 * dd_0 * dd_2,
60     d4_0 = dd_0 * dd_0,
61     tmp = sqrt( ( d4_2 * d4_2 - 4.0 * d4_4 * d4_0 ) ),
62     tmp_csol = - aac_sq + aad * aad - bbc * bbc + bbd * bbd;
64   const auto ComputeEssentialMatrix = [&](const double root) -> Mat3 {
65     const double
66       dsol = sqrt( - root / d4_4 / 2.0 ),
67       csol = - ( tmp_csol * dsol * dsol + aac_sq + bbc * bbc - 1.0 ) /
68                  ( 2.0 * aac * aad * dsol + 2.0 * bbc * bbd * dsol ),
69       asol = aac * csol + aad * dsol,
70       bsol = bbc * csol + bbd * dsol,
71       esol = - asol * x1(0,0) - bsol * x1(1,0) - csol * x2(0,0)
72              - dsol * x2(1,0);
74     return (Mat3() << 0.0,   0.0, asol,
75                       0.0,   0.0, bsol,
76                       csol, dsol, esol).finished();
77   };
79   E->emplace_back(ComputeEssentialMatrix(d4_2 + tmp));
80   E->emplace_back(ComputeEssentialMatrix(d4_2 - tmp));
81 }
83 namespace essential {
84 namespace kernel {
Solve(const Mat3X & bearing_a,const Mat3X & bearing_b,std::vector<Mat3> * pvec_E)86 void ThreePointUprightRelativePoseSolver::Solve
87 (
88   const Mat3X & bearing_a,
89   const Mat3X & bearing_b,
90   std::vector<Mat3> * pvec_E
91 )
92 {
93   // Build the action matrix -> see (6,7) in the paper
94   Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 4> A;
95   for (const int i : {0,1,2})
96   {
97     const auto & bearing_a_i = bearing_a.col(i);
98     const auto & bearing_b_i = bearing_b.col(i);
99     A.row(i) <<
100          bearing_a_i.x() * bearing_b_i.y(), -bearing_a_i.z() * bearing_b_i.y(),
101         -bearing_b_i.x() * bearing_a_i.y(), -bearing_b_i.z() * bearing_a_i.y();
102   }
104   Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 4>> solver(A.transpose() * A);
105   const Vec4 nullspace = solver.eigenvectors().leftCols<1>();
107   Mat3 E = Mat3::Zero(); // see (3) in the paper
108   E(0, 1) =   nullspace(2);
109   E(1, 0) = - nullspace(0);
110   E(1, 2) =   nullspace(1);
111   E(2, 1) =   nullspace(3);
113   pvec_E->emplace_back(E);
114 }
116 } // namespace kernel
117 } // namespace essential
118 } // namespace openMVG