1 // This file is part of OpenCV project.
2 // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
3 // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
5 #include "../precomp.hpp"
6 #include "../usac.hpp"
7 #include "opencv2/flann/miniflann.hpp"
8 #include <map>
10 namespace cv { namespace usac {
getCalibratedThreshold(double threshold,const Mat & K1,const Mat & K2)11 double Utils::getCalibratedThreshold (double threshold, const Mat &K1, const Mat &K2) {
12     return threshold / ((K1.at<double>(0, 0) + K1.at<double>(1, 1) +
13                          K2.at<double>(0, 0) + K2.at<double>(1, 1)) / 4.0);
14 }
16 /*
17  * K1, K2 are 3x3 intrinsics matrices
18  * points is matrix of size |N| x 4
19  * Assume K = [k11 k12 k13
20  *              0  k22 k23
21  *              0   0   1]
22  */
calibratePoints(const Mat & K1,const Mat & K2,const Mat & points,Mat & calib_points)23 void Utils::calibratePoints (const Mat &K1, const Mat &K2, const Mat &points, Mat &calib_points) {
24     const auto * const points_ = (float *) points.data;
25     const auto * const k1 = (double *) K1.data;
26     const auto inv1_k11 = float(1 / k1[0]); // 1 / k11
27     const auto inv1_k12 = float(-k1[1] / (k1[0]*k1[4])); // -k12 / (k11*k22)
28     // (-k13*k22 + k12*k23) / (k11*k22)
29     const auto inv1_k13 = float((-k1[2]*k1[4] + k1[1]*k1[5]) / (k1[0]*k1[4]));
30     const auto inv1_k22 = float(1 / k1[4]); // 1 / k22
31     const auto inv1_k23 = float(-k1[5] / k1[4]); // -k23 / k22
33     const auto * const k2 = (double *) K2.data;
34     const auto inv2_k11 = float(1 / k2[0]);
35     const auto inv2_k12 = float(-k2[1] / (k2[0]*k2[4]));
36     const auto inv2_k13 = float((-k2[2]*k2[4] + k2[1]*k2[5]) / (k2[0]*k2[4]));
37     const auto inv2_k22 = float(1 / k2[4]);
38     const auto inv2_k23 = float(-k2[5] / k2[4]);
40     calib_points = Mat ( points.rows, 4, points.type());
41     auto * calib_points_ = (float *) calib_points.data;
43     for (int i = 0; i <  points.rows; i++) {
44         const int idx = 4*i;
45         (*calib_points_++) = inv1_k11 * points_[idx  ] + inv1_k12 * points_[idx+1] + inv1_k13;
46         (*calib_points_++) =                             inv1_k22 * points_[idx+1] + inv1_k23;
47         (*calib_points_++) = inv2_k11 * points_[idx+2] + inv2_k12 * points_[idx+3] + inv2_k13;
48         (*calib_points_++) =                             inv2_k22 * points_[idx+3] + inv2_k23;
49     }
50 }
52 /*
53  * K is 3x3 intrinsic matrix
54  * points is matrix of size |N| x 5, first two columns are image points [u_i, v_i]
55  * calib_norm_pts are  K^-1 [u v 1]^T / ||K^-1 [u v 1]^T||
56  */
calibrateAndNormalizePointsPnP(const Mat & K,const Mat & pts,Mat & calib_norm_pts)57 void Utils::calibrateAndNormalizePointsPnP (const Mat &K, const Mat &pts, Mat &calib_norm_pts) {
58     const auto * const points = (float *) pts.data;
59     const auto * const k = (double *) K.data;
60     const auto inv_k11 = float(1 / k[0]);
61     const auto inv_k12 = float(-k[1] / (k[0]*k[4]));
62     const auto inv_k13 = float((-k[2]*k[4] + k[1]*k[5]) / (k[0]*k[4]));
63     const auto inv_k22 = float(1 / k[4]);
64     const auto inv_k23 = float(-k[5] / k[4]);
66     calib_norm_pts = Mat (pts.rows, 3, pts.type());
67     auto * calib_norm_pts_ = (float *) calib_norm_pts.data;
69     for (int i = 0; i < pts.rows; i++) {
70         const int idx = 5 * i;
71         const float k_inv_u = inv_k11 * points[idx] + inv_k12 * points[idx+1] + inv_k13;
72         const float k_inv_v =                         inv_k22 * points[idx+1] + inv_k23;
73         const float norm = 1.f / sqrtf(k_inv_u*k_inv_u + k_inv_v*k_inv_v + 1);
74         (*calib_norm_pts_++) = k_inv_u * norm;
75         (*calib_norm_pts_++) = k_inv_v * norm;
76         (*calib_norm_pts_++) =           norm;
77     }
78 }
normalizeAndDecalibPointsPnP(const Mat & K_,Mat & pts,Mat & calib_norm_pts)80 void Utils::normalizeAndDecalibPointsPnP (const Mat &K_, Mat &pts, Mat &calib_norm_pts) {
81     const auto * const K = (double *) K_.data;
82     const auto k11 = (float)K[0], k12 = (float)K[1], k13 = (float)K[2],
83                k22 = (float)K[4], k23 = (float)K[5];
84     calib_norm_pts = Mat (pts.rows, 3, pts.type());
85     auto * points = (float *) pts.data;
86     auto * calib_norm_pts_ = (float *) calib_norm_pts.data;
88     for (int i = 0; i < pts.rows; i++) {
89         const int idx = 5 * i;
90         const float k_inv_u = points[idx  ];
91         const float k_inv_v = points[idx+1];
92         const float norm = 1.f / sqrtf(k_inv_u*k_inv_u + k_inv_v*k_inv_v + 1);
93         (*calib_norm_pts_++) = k_inv_u * norm;
94         (*calib_norm_pts_++) = k_inv_v * norm;
95         (*calib_norm_pts_++) =           norm;
96         points[idx  ] = k11 * k_inv_u + k12 * k_inv_v + k13;
97         points[idx+1] =                 k22 * k_inv_v + k23;
98     }
99 }
100 /*
101  * decompose Projection Matrix to calibration, rotation and translation
102  * Assume K = [fx  0   tx
103  *             0   fy  ty
104  *             0   0   1]
105  */
decomposeProjection(const Mat & P,Mat & K_,Mat & R,Mat & t,bool same_focal)106 void Utils::decomposeProjection (const Mat &P, Mat &K_, Mat &R, Mat &t, bool same_focal) {
107     const Mat M = P.colRange(0,3);
108     double scale = norm(M.row(2)); scale *= scale;
109     Matx33d K = Matx33d::eye();
110     K(1,2) = M.row(1).dot(M.row(2)) / scale;
111     K(0,2) = M.row(0).dot(M.row(2)) / scale;
112     K(1,1) = sqrt(M.row(1).dot(M.row(1)) / scale - K(1,2)*K(1,2));
113     K(0,0) = sqrt(M.row(0).dot(M.row(0)) / scale - K(0,2)*K(0,2));
114     if (same_focal)
115         K(0,0) = K(1,1) = (K(0,0) + K(1,1)) / 2;
116     R = K.inv() * M / sqrt(scale);
117     if (determinant(M) < 0) R *= -1;
118     t = R * M.inv() * P.col(3);
119     K_ = Mat(K);
120 }
getSkewSymmetric(const Vec3d & v)122 Matx33d Math::getSkewSymmetric(const Vec3d &v) {
123      return Matx33d(0,    -v[2], v[1],
124                    v[2],  0,    -v[0],
125                   -v[1],  v[0], 0);
126 }
rotVec2RotMat(const Vec3d & v)128 Matx33d Math::rotVec2RotMat (const Vec3d &v) {
129     const double phi = sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2]);
130     const double x = v[0] / phi, y = v[1] / phi, z = v[2] / phi;
131     const double a = sin(phi), b = cos(phi);
132     // R = I + sin(phi) * skew(v) + (1 - cos(phi) * skew(v)^2
133     return Matx33d((b - 1)*y*y + (b - 1)*z*z + 1, -a*z - x*y*(b - 1), a*y - x*z*(b - 1),
134      a*z - x*y*(b - 1), (b - 1)*x*x + (b - 1)*z*z + 1, -a*x - y*z*(b - 1),
135     -a*y - x*z*(b - 1), a*x - y*z*(b - 1), (b - 1)*x*x + (b - 1)*y*y + 1);
136 }
rotMat2RotVec(const Matx33d & R)138 Vec3d Math::rotMat2RotVec (const Matx33d &R) {
139     // https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/83874/efficient-and-accurate-numerical-implementation-of-the-inverse-rodrigues-rotatio?rq=1
140     Vec3d rot_vec;
141     const double trace = R(0,0)+R(1,1)+R(2,2);
142     if (trace >= 3 - FLT_EPSILON) {
143         rot_vec = (0.5 * (trace-3)/12)*Vec3d(R(2,1)-R(1,2),
144                                              R(0,2)-R(2,0),
145                                              R(1,0)-R(0,1));
146     } else if (3 - FLT_EPSILON > trace && trace > -1 + FLT_EPSILON) {
147         double theta = acos((trace - 1) / 2);
148         rot_vec = (theta / (2 * sin(theta))) * Vec3d(R(2,1)-R(1,2),
149                                                      R(0,2)-R(2,0),
150                                                      R(1,0)-R(0,1));
151     } else {
152         int a;
153         if (R(0,0) > R(1,1))
154             a = R(0,0) > R(2,2) ? 0 : 2;
155         else
156             a = R(1,1) > R(2,2) ? 1 : 2;
157         Vec3d v;
158         int b = (a + 1) % 3, c = (a + 2) % 3;
159         double s = sqrt(R(a,a) - R(b,b) - R(c,c) + 1);
160         v[a] = s / 2;
161         v[b] = (R(b,a) + R(a,b)) / (2 * s);
162         v[c] = (R(c,a) + R(a,c)) / (2 * s);
163         rot_vec = M_PI * v / norm(v);
164     }
165     return rot_vec;
166 }
168 /*
169  * Eliminate matrix of m rows and n columns to be upper triangular.
170  */
eliminateUpperTriangular(std::vector<double> & a,int m,int n)171 bool Math::eliminateUpperTriangular (std::vector<double> &a, int m, int n) {
172     for (int r = 0; r < m; r++){
173         double pivot = a[r*n+r];
174         int row_with_pivot = r;
176         // find the maximum pivot value among r-th column
177         for (int k = r+1; k < m; k++)
178             if (fabs(pivot) < fabs(a[k*n+r])) {
179                 pivot = a[k*n+r];
180                 row_with_pivot = k;
181             }
183         // if pivot value is 0 continue
184         if (fabs(pivot) < DBL_EPSILON)
185             return false; // matrix is not full rank -> terminate
187         // swap row with maximum pivot value with current row
188         for (int c = r; c < n; c++)
189             std::swap(a[row_with_pivot*n+c], a[r*n+c]);
191         // eliminate other rows
192         for (int j = r+1; j < m; j++){
193             const int row_idx1 = j*n, row_idx2 = r*n;
194             const auto fac = a[row_idx1+r] / pivot;
195             a[row_idx1+r] = 0; // zero eliminated element
196             for (int c = r+1; c < n; c++)
197                 a[row_idx1+c] -= fac * a[row_idx2+c];
198         }
199     }
200     return true;
201 }
203 //////////////////////////////////////// RANDOM GENERATOR /////////////////////////////
204 class UniformRandomGeneratorImpl : public UniformRandomGenerator {
205 private:
206     int subset_size = 0, max_range = 0;
207     std::vector<int> subset;
208     RNG rng;
209 public:
UniformRandomGeneratorImpl(int state)210     explicit UniformRandomGeneratorImpl (int state) : rng(state) {}
212     // interval is <0; max_range);
UniformRandomGeneratorImpl(int state,int max_range_,int subset_size_)213     UniformRandomGeneratorImpl (int state, int max_range_, int subset_size_) : rng(state) {
214         subset_size = subset_size_;
215         max_range = max_range_;
216         subset = std::vector<int>(subset_size_);
217     }
getRandomNumber()219     int getRandomNumber () override {
220         return rng.uniform(0, max_range);
221     }
getRandomNumber(int max_rng)223     int getRandomNumber (int max_rng) override {
224         return rng.uniform(0, max_rng);
225     }
227     // closed range
resetGenerator(int max_range_)228     void resetGenerator (int max_range_) override {
229         CV_CheckGE(0, max_range_, "max range must be greater than 0");
230         max_range = max_range_;
231     }
generateUniqueRandomSet(std::vector<int> & sample)233     void generateUniqueRandomSet (std::vector<int>& sample) override {
234         CV_CheckLE(subset_size, max_range, "RandomGenerator. Subset size must be LE than range!");
235         int j, num;
236         sample[0] = rng.uniform(0, max_range);
237         for (int i = 1; i < subset_size;) {
238             num = rng.uniform(0, max_range);
239             // check if value is in array
240             for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
241                 if (num == sample[j])
242                     // if so, generate again
243                     break;
244             // success, value is not in array, so it is unique, add to sample.
245             if (j == -1) sample[i++] = num;
246         }
247     }
249     // interval is <0; max_range)
generateUniqueRandomSet(std::vector<int> & sample,int max_range_)250     void generateUniqueRandomSet (std::vector<int>& sample, int max_range_) override {
251         /*
252          * necessary condition:
253          * if subset size is bigger than range then array cannot be unique,
254          * so function has infinite loop.
255          */
256         CV_CheckLE(subset_size, max_range_, "RandomGenerator. Subset size must be LE than range!");
257         int num, j;
258         sample[0] = rng.uniform(0, max_range_);
259         for (int i = 1; i < subset_size;) {
260             num = rng.uniform(0, max_range_);
261             for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
262                 if (num == sample[j])
263                     break;
264             if (j == -1) sample[i++] = num;
265         }
266     }
268     // interval is <0, max_range)
generateUniqueRandomSet(std::vector<int> & sample,int subset_size_,int max_range_)269     void generateUniqueRandomSet (std::vector<int>& sample, int subset_size_, int max_range_) override {
270         CV_CheckLE(subset_size_, max_range_, "RandomGenerator. Subset size must be LE than range!");
271         int num, j;
272         sample[0] = rng.uniform(0, max_range_);
273         for (int i = 1; i < subset_size_;) {
274             num = rng.uniform(0, max_range_);
275             for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
276                 if (num == sample[j])
277                     break;
278             if (j == -1) sample[i++] = num;
279         }
280     }
generateUniqueRandomSubset(std::vector<int> & array1,int size1)281     const std::vector<int> &generateUniqueRandomSubset (std::vector<int> &array1, int size1) override {
282         CV_CheckLE(subset_size, size1, "RandomGenerator. Subset size must be LE than range!");
283         int temp_size1 = size1;
284         for (int i = 0; i < subset_size; i++) {
285             const int idx1 = rng.uniform(0, temp_size1);
286             subset[i] = array1[idx1];
287             std::swap(array1[idx1], array1[--temp_size1]);
288         }
289         return subset;
290     }
setSubsetSize(int subset_size_)292     void setSubsetSize (int subset_size_) override {
293         subset_size = subset_size_;
294     }
getSubsetSize() const295     int getSubsetSize () const override { return subset_size; }
clone(int state) const296     Ptr<RandomGenerator> clone (int state) const override {
297         return makePtr<UniformRandomGeneratorImpl>(state, max_range, subset_size);
298     }
299 };
create(int state)301 Ptr<UniformRandomGenerator> UniformRandomGenerator::create (int state) {
302     return makePtr<UniformRandomGeneratorImpl>(state);
303 }
create(int state,int max_range,int subset_size_)304 Ptr<UniformRandomGenerator> UniformRandomGenerator::create
305         (int state, int max_range, int subset_size_) {
306     return makePtr<UniformRandomGeneratorImpl>(state, max_range, subset_size_);
307 }
309 // @k_minth - desired k-th minimal element. For median is half of array
310 // closed working interval of array <@left; @right>
311 float quicksort_median (std::vector<float> &array, int k_minth, int left, int right);
quicksort_median(std::vector<float> & array,int k_minth,int left,int right)312 float quicksort_median (std::vector<float> &array, int k_minth, int left, int right) {
313     // length is 0, return single value
314     if (right - left == 0) return array[left];
316     // get pivot, the rightest value in array
317     const auto pivot = array[right];
318     int right_ = right - 1; // -1, not including pivot
319     // counter of values smaller equal than pivot
320     int j = left, values_less_eq_pivot = 1; // 1, inludes pivot already
321     for (; j <= right_;) {
322         if (array[j] <= pivot) {
323             j++;
324             values_less_eq_pivot++;
325         } else
326             // value is bigger than pivot, swap with right_ value
327             // swap values in array and decrease interval
328             std::swap(array[j], array[right_--]);
329     }
330     if (values_less_eq_pivot == k_minth) return pivot;
331     if (k_minth > values_less_eq_pivot)
332         return quicksort_median(array, k_minth - values_less_eq_pivot, j, right-1);
333     else
334         return quicksort_median(array, k_minth, left, j-1);
335 }
337 // find median using quicksort with complexity O(log n)
338 // Note, function changes order of values in array
findMedian(std::vector<float> & array)339 float Utils::findMedian (std::vector<float> &array) {
340     const int length = static_cast<int>(array.size());
341     if (length % 2) {
342         // odd number of values
343         return quicksort_median (array, length/2+1, 0, length-1);
344     } else {
345         // even: return average
346         return (quicksort_median(array, length/2  , 0, length-1) +
347                 quicksort_median(array, length/2+1, 0, length-1))/2;
348     }
349 }
351 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
352 ///////////////////////////////// Radius Search Graph /////////////////////////////////////////////
353 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
354 class RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraphImpl : public RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraph {
355 private:
356     std::vector<std::vector<int>> graph;
357 public:
RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraphImpl(const Mat & container_,int points_size,double radius,int flann_search_params,int num_kd_trees)358     RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraphImpl (const Mat &container_, int points_size,
359                                double radius, int flann_search_params, int num_kd_trees) {
360         // Radius search OpenCV works only with float data
361         CV_Assert(container_.type() == CV_32F);
363         FlannBasedMatcher flann(makePtr<flann::KDTreeIndexParams>(num_kd_trees), makePtr<flann::SearchParams>(flann_search_params));
364         std::vector<std::vector<DMatch>> neighbours;
365         flann.radiusMatch(container_, container_, neighbours, (float)radius);
367         // allocate graph
368         graph = std::vector<std::vector<int>> (points_size);
370         int pt = 0;
371         for (const auto &n : neighbours) {
372             auto &graph_row = graph[pt];
373             graph_row = std::vector<int>(n.size()-1);
374             int j = 0;
375             for (const auto &idx : n)
376                 // skip neighbor which has the same index as requested point
377                 if (idx.trainIdx != pt)
378                     graph_row[j++] = idx.trainIdx;
379             pt++;
380         }
381     }
getNeighbors(int point_idx) const383     inline const std::vector<int> &getNeighbors(int point_idx) const override {
384         return graph[point_idx];
385     }
386 };
create(const Mat & points,int points_size,double radius_,int flann_search_params,int num_kd_trees)387 Ptr<RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraph> RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraph::create (const Mat &points,
388         int points_size, double radius_, int flann_search_params, int num_kd_trees) {
389     return makePtr<RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraphImpl> (points, points_size, radius_,
390             flann_search_params, num_kd_trees);
391 }
393 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
394 ///////////////////////////////// FLANN Graph /////////////////////////////////////////////
395 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
396 class FlannNeighborhoodGraphImpl : public FlannNeighborhoodGraph {
397 private:
398     std::vector<std::vector<int>> graph;
399     std::vector<std::vector<double>> distances;
400 public:
FlannNeighborhoodGraphImpl(const Mat & container_,int points_size,int k_nearest_neighbors,bool get_distances,int flann_search_params_,int num_kd_trees)401     FlannNeighborhoodGraphImpl (const Mat &container_, int points_size, int k_nearest_neighbors,
402             bool get_distances, int flann_search_params_, int num_kd_trees) {
403         CV_Assert(k_nearest_neighbors <= points_size);
404         // FLANN works only with float data
405         CV_Assert(container_.type() == CV_32F);
407         flann::Index flannIndex (container_.reshape(1), flann::KDTreeIndexParams(num_kd_trees));
408         Mat dists, nearest_neighbors;
410         flannIndex.knnSearch(container_, nearest_neighbors, dists, k_nearest_neighbors+1,
411                 flann::SearchParams(flann_search_params_));
413         // first nearest neighbor of point is this point itself.
414         // remove this first column
415         nearest_neighbors.colRange(1, k_nearest_neighbors+1).copyTo (nearest_neighbors);
417         graph = std::vector<std::vector<int>>(points_size, std::vector<int>(k_nearest_neighbors));
418         const auto * const nn = (int *) nearest_neighbors.data;
419         const auto * const dists_ptr = (float *) dists.data;
421         if (get_distances)
422             distances = std::vector<std::vector<double>>(points_size, std::vector<double>(k_nearest_neighbors));
424         for (int pt = 0; pt < points_size; pt++) {
425             std::copy(nn + k_nearest_neighbors*pt, nn + k_nearest_neighbors*pt + k_nearest_neighbors, &graph[pt][0]);
426             if (get_distances)
427                 std::copy(dists_ptr + k_nearest_neighbors*pt, dists_ptr + k_nearest_neighbors*pt + k_nearest_neighbors,
428                           &distances[pt][0]);
429         }
430     }
getNeighborsDistances(int idx) const431     const std::vector<double>& getNeighborsDistances (int idx) const override {
432         return distances[idx];
433     }
getNeighbors(int point_idx) const434     inline const std::vector<int> &getNeighbors(int point_idx) const override {
435         // CV_Assert(point_idx_ < num_vertices);
436         return graph[point_idx];
437     }
438 };
create(const Mat & points,int points_size,int k_nearest_neighbors_,bool get_distances,int flann_search_params_,int num_kd_trees)440 Ptr<FlannNeighborhoodGraph> FlannNeighborhoodGraph::create(const Mat &points,
441            int points_size, int k_nearest_neighbors_, bool get_distances,
442            int flann_search_params_, int num_kd_trees) {
443     return makePtr<FlannNeighborhoodGraphImpl>(points, points_size,
444         k_nearest_neighbors_, get_distances, flann_search_params_, num_kd_trees);
445 }
447 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
448 ///////////////////////////////// Grid Neighborhood Graph /////////////////////////////////////////
449 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
450 class GridNeighborhoodGraphImpl : public GridNeighborhoodGraph {
451 private:
452     // This struct is used for the nearest neighbors search by griding two images.
453     struct CellCoord {
454         int c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y;
CellCoordcv::usac::GridNeighborhoodGraphImpl::CellCoord455         CellCoord (int c1x_, int c1y_, int c2x_, int c2y_) {
456             c1x = c1x_; c1y = c1y_; c2x = c2x_; c2y = c2y_;
457         }
operator ==cv::usac::GridNeighborhoodGraphImpl::CellCoord458         bool operator==(const CellCoord &o) const {
459             return c1x == o.c1x && c1y == o.c1y && c2x == o.c2x && c2y == o.c2y;
460         }
operator <cv::usac::GridNeighborhoodGraphImpl::CellCoord461         bool operator<(const CellCoord &o) const {
462             if (c1x < o.c1x) return true;
463             if (c1x == o.c1x && c1y < o.c1y) return true;
464             if (c1x == o.c1x && c1y == o.c1y && c2x < o.c2x) return true;
465             return c1x == o.c1x && c1y == o.c1y && c2x == o.c2x && c2y < o.c2y;
466         }
467     };
469     std::map<CellCoord, std::vector<int >> neighbors_map;
470     std::vector<std::vector<int>> graph;
471 public:
GridNeighborhoodGraphImpl(const Mat & container_,int points_size,int cell_size_x_img1,int cell_size_y_img1,int cell_size_x_img2,int cell_size_y_img2,int max_neighbors)472     GridNeighborhoodGraphImpl (const Mat &container_, int points_size,
473           int cell_size_x_img1, int cell_size_y_img1, int cell_size_x_img2, int cell_size_y_img2,
474           int max_neighbors) {
476         const auto * const container = (float *) container_.data;
477         // <int, int, int, int> -> {neighbors set}
478         // Key is cell position. The value is indexes of neighbors.
480         const float cell_sz_x1 = 1.f / (float) cell_size_x_img1,
481                     cell_sz_y1 = 1.f / (float) cell_size_y_img1,
482                     cell_sz_x2 = 1.f / (float) cell_size_x_img2,
483                     cell_sz_y2 = 1.f / (float) cell_size_y_img2;
484         const int dimension = container_.cols;
485         for (int i = 0; i < points_size; i++) {
486             const int idx = dimension * i;
487             neighbors_map[CellCoord((int)(container[idx  ] * cell_sz_x1),
488                                     (int)(container[idx+1] * cell_sz_y1),
489                                     (int)(container[idx+2] * cell_sz_x2),
490                                     (int)(container[idx+3] * cell_sz_y2))].emplace_back(i);
491         }
493         //--------- create a graph ----------
494         graph = std::vector<std::vector<int>>(points_size);
496         // store neighbors cells into graph (2D vector)
497         for (const auto &cell : neighbors_map) {
498             const int neighbors_in_cell = static_cast<int>(cell.second.size());
500             // only one point in cell -> no neighbors
501             if (neighbors_in_cell < 2) continue;
503             const std::vector<int> &neighbors = cell.second;
504             // ---------- fill graph -----
505             for (int v_in_cell : neighbors) {
506                 // there is always at least one neighbor
507                 auto &graph_row = graph[v_in_cell];
508                 graph_row = std::vector<int>(std::min(max_neighbors, neighbors_in_cell-1));
509                 int j = 0;
510                 for (int n : neighbors)
511                     if (n != v_in_cell){
512                         graph_row[j++] = n;
513                         if (j >= max_neighbors)
514                             break;
515                     }
516             }
517         }
518     }
getNeighbors(int point_idx) const520     inline const std::vector<int> &getNeighbors(int point_idx) const override {
521         // Note, neighbors vector also includes point_idx!
522         // return neighbors_map[vertices_to_cells[point_idx]];
523         return graph[point_idx];
524     }
525 };
create(const Mat & points,int points_size,int cell_size_x_img1_,int cell_size_y_img1_,int cell_size_x_img2_,int cell_size_y_img2_,int max_neighbors)527 Ptr<GridNeighborhoodGraph> GridNeighborhoodGraph::create(const Mat &points,
528      int points_size, int cell_size_x_img1_, int cell_size_y_img1_,
529      int cell_size_x_img2_, int cell_size_y_img2_, int max_neighbors) {
530     return makePtr<GridNeighborhoodGraphImpl>(points, points_size,
531       cell_size_x_img1_, cell_size_y_img1_, cell_size_x_img2_, cell_size_y_img2_, max_neighbors);
532 }
533 }}