1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright(C) 2010-2012  Christophe Benz, Romain Bignon, Laurent Bachelier
5# This file is part of weboob.
7# weboob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10# (at your option) any later version.
12# weboob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
17# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18# along with weboob. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20from __future__ import print_function
22import atexit
23import logging
24import os
25import re
26import shlex
27import signal
28import sys
29from cmd import Cmd
30from collections import OrderedDict
31from datetime import datetime
32from optparse import IndentedHelpFormatter, OptionGroup, OptionParser
34from weboob.capabilities.base import BaseObject, FieldNotFound, UserError, empty
35from weboob.capabilities.collection import BaseCollection, CapCollection, Collection, CollectionNotFound
36from weboob.core import CallErrors
37from weboob.exceptions import BrowserQuestion, BrowserRedirect, DecoupledValidation
38from weboob.tools.application.formatters.iformatter import MandatoryFieldsNotFound
39from weboob.tools.compat import basestring, range, unicode
40from weboob.tools.misc import to_unicode
41from weboob.tools.path import WorkingPath
43from .console import BackendNotGiven, ConsoleApplication
44from .formatters.load import FormatterLoadError, FormattersLoader
45from .results import ResultsCondition, ResultsConditionError
47__all__ = ['NotEnoughArguments', 'TooManyArguments', 'ArgSyntaxError',
48           'ReplApplication']
51class NotEnoughArguments(Exception):
52    pass
55class TooManyArguments(Exception):
56    pass
59class ArgSyntaxError(Exception):
60    pass
63class ReplOptionParser(OptionParser):
64    def format_option_help(self, formatter=None):
65        if not formatter:
66            formatter = self.formatter
68        return '%s\n%s' % (formatter.format_commands(self.commands),
69                           OptionParser.format_option_help(self, formatter))
72class ReplOptionFormatter(IndentedHelpFormatter):
73    def format_commands(self, commands):
74        s = u''
75        for section, cmds in commands.items():
76            if len(cmds) == 0:
77                continue
78            if len(s) > 0:
79                s += '\n'
80            s += '%s Commands:\n' % section
81            for c in cmds:
82                c = c.split('\n')[0]
83                s += '    %s\n' % c
84        return s
87def defaultcount(default_count=10):
88    def deco(f):
89        def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
90            oldvalue = self.options.count
91            if self._is_default_count:
92                self.options.count = default_count
94            try:
95                return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
96            finally:
97                self.options.count = oldvalue
99        inner.__doc__ = f.__doc__
100        assert inner.__doc__ is not None, "A command must have a docstring"
101        inner.__doc__ += '\nDefault is limited to %s results.' % default_count
103        return inner
104    return deco
107class MyCmd(Cmd, object):
108    # Hack for Python 2, because Cmd doesn't inherit object, so its __init__ was not called when using super only
109    pass
112class ReplApplication(ConsoleApplication, MyCmd):
113    """
114    Base application class for Repl applications.
115    """
117    SYNOPSIS =  'Usage: %prog [-dqv] [-b backends] [-cnfs] [command [arguments..]]\n'
118    SYNOPSIS += '       %prog [--help] [--version]'
119    DISABLE_REPL = False
122    DEFAULT_FORMATTER = 'multiline'
125    COLLECTION_OBJECTS = tuple()
126    """Objects to allow in do_ls / do_cd"""
128    weboob_commands = set(['backends', 'condition', 'count', 'formatter', 'logging', 'select', 'quit', 'ls', 'cd'])
129    hidden_commands = set(['EOF'])
131    def __init__(self):
132        super(ReplApplication, self).__init__(ReplOptionParser(self.SYNOPSIS, version=self._get_optparse_version()))
134        copyright = self.COPYRIGHT.replace('YEAR', '%d' % datetime.today().year)
135        self.intro = '\n'.join(('Welcome to %s%s%s v%s' % (self.BOLD, self.APPNAME, self.NC, self.VERSION),
136                                '',
137                                copyright,
138                                'This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify',
139                                'it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by',
140                                'the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or',
141                                '(at your option) any later version.',
142                                '',
143                                'Type "help" to display available commands.',
144                                '',
145                               ))
146        self.formatters_loader = FormattersLoader()
147        for key, klass in self.EXTRA_FORMATTERS.items():
148            self.formatters_loader.register_formatter(key, klass)
149        self.formatter = None
150        self.commands_formatters = self.COMMANDS_FORMATTERS.copy()
152        commands_help = self.get_commands_doc()
153        self._parser.commands = commands_help
154        self._parser.formatter = ReplOptionFormatter()
156        results_options = OptionGroup(self._parser, 'Results Options')
157        results_options.add_option('-c', '--condition', help='filter result items to display given a boolean expression. See CONDITION section for the syntax')
158        results_options.add_option('-n', '--count', type='int',
159                                   help='limit number of results (from each backends)')
160        results_options.add_option('-s', '--select', help='select result item keys to display (comma separated)')
161        self._parser.add_option_group(results_options)
163        formatting_options = OptionGroup(self._parser, 'Formatting Options')
164        available_formatters = self.formatters_loader.get_available_formatters()
165        formatting_options.add_option('-f', '--formatter', choices=available_formatters,
166                                      help='select output formatter (%s)' % u', '.join(available_formatters))
167        formatting_options.add_option('--no-header', dest='no_header', action='store_true', help='do not display header')
168        formatting_options.add_option('--no-keys', dest='no_keys', action='store_true', help='do not display item keys')
169        formatting_options.add_option('-O', '--outfile', dest='outfile', help='file to export result')
170        self._parser.add_option_group(formatting_options)
172        self._interactive = False
173        self.working_path = WorkingPath()
174        self._change_prompt()
176    @property
177    def interactive(self):
178        return self._interactive
180    def _change_prompt(self):
181        self.objects = []
182        self.collections = []
183        # XXX can't use bold prompt because:
184        # 1. it causes problems when trying to get history (lines don't start
185        #    at the right place).
186        # 2. when typing a line longer than term width, cursor goes at start
187        #    of the same line instead of new line.
188        #self.prompt = self.BOLD + '%s> ' % self.APPNAME + self.NC
189        if len(self.working_path.get()):
190            wp_enc = unicode(self.working_path)
191            self.prompt = '%s:%s> ' % (self.APPNAME, wp_enc)
192        else:
193            self.prompt = '%s> ' % (self.APPNAME)
195    def change_path(self, split_path):
196        self.working_path.location(split_path)
197        self._change_prompt()
199    def add_object(self, obj):
200        self.objects.append(obj)
202    def _complete_object(self):
203        return [obj.fullid for obj in self.objects]
205    def parse_id(self, id, unique_backend=False):
206        if self.interactive:
207            try:
208                obj = self.objects[int(id) - 1]
209            except (IndexError, ValueError):
210                # Try to find a shortcut in the cache
211                for obj in self.objects:
212                    if id in obj.id:
213                        id = obj.fullid
214                        break
215            else:
216                if isinstance(obj, BaseObject):
217                    id = obj.fullid
218        try:
219            return ConsoleApplication.parse_id(self, id, unique_backend)
220        except BackendNotGiven as e:
221            backend_name = None
222            while not backend_name:
223                print('This command works with an unique backend. Availables:')
224                for index, (name, backend) in enumerate(e.backends):
225                    print('%s%d)%s %s%-15s%s   %s' % (self.BOLD, index + 1, self.NC, self.BOLD, name, self.NC,
226                          backend.DESCRIPTION))
227                i = self.ask('Select a backend to proceed with "%s"' % id)
228                if not i.isdigit():
229                    if i not in dict(e.backends):
230                        print('Error: %s is not a valid backend' % i, file=self.stderr)
231                        continue
232                    backend_name = i
233                else:
234                    i = int(i)
235                    if i < 0 or i > len(e.backends):
236                        print('Error: %s is not a valid choice' % i, file=self.stderr)
237                        continue
238                    backend_name = e.backends[i-1][0]
240            return id, backend_name
242    def get_object(self, _id, method, fields=None, caps=None):
243        if self.interactive:
244            try:
245                obj = self.objects[int(_id) - 1]
246            except (IndexError, ValueError):
247                pass
248            else:
249                try:
250                    backend = self.weboob.get_backend(obj.backend)
251                    actual_method = getattr(backend, method, None)
252                    if actual_method is None:
253                        return None
254                    else:
255                        if callable(actual_method):
256                            obj, = self.do('fillobj', obj, fields, backends=backend)
257                            return obj
258                        else:
259                            return None
260                except UserError as e:
261                    self.bcall_error_handler(backend, e, '')
263        _id, backend_name = self.parse_id(_id)
264        kargs = {}
265        if caps is not None:
266            kargs = {'caps': caps}
267        backend_names = (backend_name,) if backend_name is not None else self.enabled_backends
269        # if backend's service returns several objects, try to find the one
270        # with wanted ID. If not found, get the last not None object.
271        obj = None
273        # remove backends that do not have the required method
274        new_backend_names = []
275        for backend in backend_names:
276            if isinstance(backend, (str, unicode)):
277                actual_backend = self.weboob.get_backend(backend)
278            else:
279                actual_backend = backend
280            if getattr(actual_backend, method, None) is not None:
281                new_backend_names.append(backend)
282        backend_names = tuple(new_backend_names)
283        try:
284            for objiter in self.do(method, _id, backends=backend_names, fields=fields, **kargs):
285                if objiter:
286                    obj = objiter
287                    if objiter.id == _id:
288                        return obj
289        except CallErrors as e:
290            if obj is not None:
291                self.bcall_errors_handler(e)
292            else:
293                raise
295        return obj
297    def get_object_list(self, method=None, *args, **kwargs):
298        # return cache if not empty
299        if len(self.objects) > 0:
300            return self.objects
301        elif method is not None:
302            kwargs['backends'] = self.enabled_backends
303            for _object in self.do(method, *args, **kwargs):
304                self.add_object(_object)
305            return self.objects
306        # XXX: what can we do without method?
307        return tuple()
309    def unload_backends(self, *args, **kwargs):
310        self.objects = []
311        self.collections = []
312        return ConsoleApplication.unload_backends(self, *args, **kwargs)
314    def load_backends(self, *args, **kwargs):
315        self.objects = []
316        self.collections = []
317        return ConsoleApplication.load_backends(self, *args, **kwargs)
319    def main(self, argv):
320        cmd_args = argv[1:]
321        if cmd_args:
322            cmd_line = u' '.join(cmd_args)
323            cmds = cmd_line.split(';')
324            for cmd in cmds:
325                ret = self.onecmd(cmd)
326                if ret:
327                    return ret
328        elif self.DISABLE_REPL:
329            self._parser.print_help()
330            self._parser.exit()
331        else:
332            try:
333                import readline
334            except ImportError:
335                pass
336            else:
337                # Remove '-' from delims
338                readline.set_completer_delims(readline.get_completer_delims().replace('-', ''))
340                history_filepath = os.path.join(self.weboob.workdir, '%s_history' % self.APPNAME)
341                try:
342                    readline.read_history_file(history_filepath)
343                except IOError:
344                    pass
346                def savehist():
347                    readline.write_history_file(history_filepath)
348                atexit.register(savehist)
350            self.intro += '\nLoaded backends: %s\n' % ', '.join(sorted(backend.name for backend in self.weboob.iter_backends()))
351            self._interactive = True
352            self.cmdloop()
354    def do(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
355        """
356        Call Weboob.do(), passing count and selected fields given by user.
357        """
358        backends = kwargs.pop('backends', None)
359        if backends is None:
360            kwargs['backends'] = []
361            for backend in self.enabled_backends:
362                actual_function = getattr(backend, function, None) if isinstance(function, basestring) else function
364                if callable(actual_function):
365                    kwargs['backends'].append(backend)
366        else:
367            kwargs['backends'] = backends
368        fields = kwargs.pop('fields', self.selected_fields)
369        if not fields and fields != []:
370            fields = self.selected_fields
372        fields = self.parse_fields(fields)
374        if fields and self.formatter.MANDATORY_FIELDS is not None:
375            missing_fields = set(self.formatter.MANDATORY_FIELDS) - set(fields)
376            # If a mandatory field is not selected, do not use the customized formatter
377            if missing_fields:
378                print('Warning: you do not select enough mandatory fields for the formatter. Fallback to another. Hint: use option -f', file=self.stderr)
379                self.formatter = self.formatters_loader.build_formatter(ReplApplication.DEFAULT_FORMATTER)
381        if self.formatter.DISPLAYED_FIELDS is not None:
382            if fields is None:
383                missing_fields = True
384            else:
385                missing_fields = set(fields) - set(self.formatter.DISPLAYED_FIELDS + self.formatter.MANDATORY_FIELDS)
386            # If a selected field is not displayed, do not use the customized formatter
387            if missing_fields:
388                print('Warning: some selected fields will not be displayed by the formatter. Fallback to another. Hint: use option -f', file=self.stderr)
389                self.formatter = self.formatters_loader.build_formatter(ReplApplication.DEFAULT_FORMATTER)
391        return self.weboob.do(self._do_complete, self.options.count, fields, function, *args, **kwargs)
393    def _do_and_retry(self, *args, **kwargs):
394        """
395        This method is a wrapper around Weboob.do(), and handle interactive
396        errors which allow to retry.
398        List of handled errors:
399        - BrowserQuestion
400        - BrowserRedirect
401        - DecoupledValidation
402        """
404        if self.stdout.isatty():
405            # Set a non-None value to all backends's request_information
406            #
407            # - None indicates non-interactive: do not trigger 2FA challenges,
408            #   raise NeedInteractive* exceptions before doing so
409            # - non-None indicates interactive: ok to trigger 2FA challenges,
410            #   raise BrowserQuestion/AppValidation when facing one
411            # It should be a dict because when non-empty, it will contain HTTP
412            # headers for legal PSD2 AIS/PIS authentication.
413            for backend in self.enabled_backends:
414                key = 'request_information'
415                if key in backend.config and backend.config[key].get() is None:
416                    backend.config[key].set({})
418        try:
419            for obj in self.weboob.do(*args, **kwargs):
420                yield obj
421        except CallErrors as errors:
422            # Errors which are not handled here and which will be re-raised.
423            remaining_errors = []
424            # Backends on which we will retry.
425            backends = set()
427            for backend, error, backtrace in errors.errors:
428                if isinstance(error, BrowserQuestion):
429                    for field in error.fields:
430                        v = self.ask(field)
431                        backend.config[field.id].set(v)
432                elif isinstance(error, BrowserRedirect):
433                    print(u'Open this URL in a browser:')
434                    print(error.url)
435                    print()
436                    value = self.ask('Please enter the final URL')
437                    backend.config['auth_uri'].set(value)
438                elif isinstance(error, DecoupledValidation):
439                    print(error.message)
440                    # FIXME we should reset this value, in case another DecoupledValidation occurs
441                    key = 'resume'
442                    if key in backend.config:
443                        backend.config[key].set(True)
444                else:
445                    # Not handled error.
446                    remaining_errors.append((backend, error, backtrace))
447                    continue
449                backends.add(backend)
451            if backends:
452                # There is at least one backend on which we can retry, do it
453                # only on this ones.
454                kwargs['backends'] = backends
455                try:
456                    for obj in self._do_and_retry(*args, **kwargs):
457                        yield obj
458                except CallErrors as sub_errors:
459                    # As we called _do_and_retry, these sub errors are not
460                    # interactive ones, so we can add them to the remaining
461                    # errors.
462                    remaining_errors += sub_errors.errors
464            errors.errors = remaining_errors
465            if errors.errors:
466                # If there are remaining errors, raise them.
467                raise errors
469    # -- command tools ------------
470    def parse_command_args(self, line, nb, req_n=None):
471        try:
472            if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
473                args = shlex.split(line)
474            else:
475                args = [arg.decode('utf-8') for arg in shlex.split(line.encode('utf-8'))]
476        except ValueError as e:
477            raise ArgSyntaxError(str(e))
479        if nb < len(args):
480            raise TooManyArguments('Command takes at most %d arguments' % nb)
481        if req_n is not None and (len(args) < req_n):
482            raise NotEnoughArguments('Command needs %d arguments' % req_n)
484        if len(args) < nb:
485            args += tuple(None for i in range(nb - len(args)))
486        return args
488    # -- cmd.Cmd methods ---------
489    def postcmd(self, stop, line):
490        """
491        This REPL method is overridden to return None instead of integers
492        to prevent stopping cmdloop().
493        """
494        if not isinstance(stop, bool):
495            stop = None
496        return stop
498    def parseline(self, line):
499        """
500        This REPL method is overridden to search "short" alias of commands
501        """
502        cmd, arg, ignored = Cmd.parseline(self, line)
504        if cmd is not None:
505            names = set(name for name in self.get_names() if name.startswith('do_'))
507            if 'do_' + cmd not in names:
508                long = set(name for name in names if name.startswith('do_' + cmd))
509                # if more than one result, ambiguous command, do nothing (error will display suggestions)
510                if len(long) == 1:
511                    cmd = long.pop()[3:]
513        return cmd, arg, ignored
515    def onecmd(self, line):
516        """
517        This REPL method is overridden to catch some particular exceptions.
518        """
519        line = to_unicode(line)
520        cmd, arg, ignored = self.parseline(line)
522        # Set the right formatter for the command.
523        try:
524            formatter_name = self.commands_formatters[cmd]
525        except KeyError:
526            formatter_name = self.DEFAULT_FORMATTER
527        self.set_formatter(formatter_name)
529        try:
530            try:
531                return super(ReplApplication, self).onecmd(line)
532            except CallErrors as e:
533                return self.bcall_errors_handler(e)
534            except BackendNotGiven as e:
535                print('Error: %s' % str(e), file=self.stderr)
536                return os.EX_DATAERR
537            except NotEnoughArguments as e:
538                print('Error: not enough arguments. %s' % str(e), file=self.stderr)
539                return os.EX_USAGE
540            except TooManyArguments as e:
541                print('Error: too many arguments. %s' % str(e), file=self.stderr)
542                return os.EX_USAGE
543            except ArgSyntaxError as e:
544                print('Error: invalid arguments. %s' % str(e), file=self.stderr)
545                return os.EX_USAGE
546            except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
547                # ^C during a command process doesn't exit application.
548                print('\nAborted.')
549                return signal.SIGINT + 128
550        finally:
551            self.flush()
553    def emptyline(self):
554        """
555        By default, an emptyline repeats the previous command.
556        Overriding this function disables this behaviour.
557        """
558        pass
560    def default(self, line):
561        print('Unknown command: "%s"' % line, file=self.stderr)
562        cmd, arg, ignore = Cmd.parseline(self, line)
563        if cmd is not None:
564            names = set(name[3:] for name in self.get_names() if name.startswith('do_' + cmd))
565            if len(names) > 0:
566                print('Do you mean: %s?' % ', '.join(names), file=self.stderr)
567        return os.EX_USAGE
569    def completenames(self, text, *ignored):
570        return [name for name in Cmd.completenames(self, text, *ignored) if name not in self.hidden_commands]
572    def _shell_completion_items(self):
573        items = super(ReplApplication, self)._shell_completion_items()
574        items.update(
575            set(self.completenames('')) -
576            set(('debug', 'condition', 'count', 'formatter', 'logging', 'select', 'quit')))
577        return items
579    def path_completer(self, arg):
580        dirname = os.path.dirname(arg)
581        try:
582            children = os.listdir(dirname or '.')
583        except OSError:
584            return ()
585        l = []
586        for child in children:
587            path = os.path.join(dirname, child)
588            if os.path.isdir(path):
589                child += '/'
590            l.append(child)
591        return l
593    def complete(self, text, state):
594        """
595        Override of the Cmd.complete() method to:
597          * add a space at end of proposals
598          * display only proposals for words which match the
599            text already written by user.
600        """
601        super(ReplApplication, self).complete(text, state)
603        # When state = 0, Cmd.complete() set the 'completion_matches' attribute by
604        # calling the completion function. Then, for other states, it only tries to
605        # get the right item in list.
606        # So that's the good place to rework the choices.
607        if state == 0:
608            self.completion_matches = [choice for choice in self.completion_matches if choice.startswith(text)]
610        try:
611            match = self.completion_matches[state]
612        except IndexError:
613            return None
614        else:
615            if match[-1] != '/':
616                return '%s ' % match
617            return match
619    # -- errors management -------------
620    def bcall_error_handler(self, backend, error, backtrace):
621        """
622        Handler for an exception inside the CallErrors exception.
624        This method can be overridden to support more exceptions types.
625        """
626        return super(ReplApplication, self).bcall_error_handler(backend, error, backtrace)
628    def bcall_errors_handler(self, errors, ignore=()):
629        if self.interactive:
630            return super(ReplApplication, self).bcall_errors_handler(errors, 'Use "logging debug" option to print backtraces.', ignore)
631        else:
632            return super(ReplApplication, self).bcall_errors_handler(errors, ignore=ignore)
634    # -- options related methods -------------
635    def _handle_options(self):
636        if self.options.formatter:
637            self.commands_formatters = {}
638            self.DEFAULT_FORMATTER = self.options.formatter
639        self.set_formatter(self.DEFAULT_FORMATTER)
641        if self.options.select:
642            self.selected_fields = self.options.select.split(',')
643        else:
644            self.selected_fields = ['$direct']
647        if self.options.count is not None:
648            self._is_default_count = False
649            if self.options.count <= 0:
650                # infinite search
651                self.options.count = None
653        if self.options.condition:
654            self.condition = ResultsCondition(self.options.condition)
655        else:
656            self.condition = None
658        return super(ReplApplication, self)._handle_options()
660    def get_command_help(self, command, short=False):
661        try:
662            func = getattr(self, 'do_' + command)
663        except AttributeError:
664            return None
666        doc = func.__doc__
667        assert doc is not None, "A command must have a docstring"
669        lines = [line.strip() for line in doc.strip().split('\n')]
670        if not lines[0].startswith(command):
671            lines = [command, ''] + lines
673        if short:
674            return lines[0]
676        return '\n'.join(lines)
678    def get_commands_doc(self):
679        names = set(name for name in self.get_names() if name.startswith('do_'))
680        appname = self.APPNAME.capitalize()
681        d = OrderedDict(((appname, []), ('Weboob', [])))
683        for name in sorted(names):
684            cmd = name[3:]
685            if cmd in self.hidden_commands.union(self.weboob_commands).union(['help']):
686                continue
688            d[appname].append(self.get_command_help(cmd))
689        if not self.DISABLE_REPL:
690            for cmd in self.weboob_commands:
691                d['Weboob'].append(self.get_command_help(cmd))
693        return d
695    # -- default REPL commands ---------
696    def do_quit(self, arg):
697        """
698        Quit the application.
699        """
700        return True
702    def do_EOF(self, arg):
703        """
704        Quit the command line interpreter when ^D is pressed.
705        """
706        # print empty line for the next shell prompt to appear on the first column of the terminal
707        print()
708        return self.do_quit(arg)
710    def do_help(self, arg=None):
711        """
712        help [COMMAND]
714        List commands, or get information about a command.
715        """
716        if arg:
717            cmd_names = set(name[3:] for name in self.get_names() if name.startswith('do_'))
718            if arg in cmd_names:
719                command_help = self.get_command_help(arg)
720                if command_help is None:
721                    logging.warning(u'Command "%s" is undocumented' % arg)
722                else:
723                    lines = command_help.split('\n')
724                    lines[0] = '%s%s%s' % (self.BOLD, lines[0], self.NC)
725                    self.stdout.write('%s\n' % '\n'.join(lines))
726            else:
727                print('Unknown command: "%s"' % arg, file=self.stderr)
728        else:
729            cmds = self._parser.formatter.format_commands(self._parser.commands)
730            self.stdout.write('%s\n' % cmds)
731            self.stdout.write('Type "help <command>" for more info about a command.\n')
732        return 2
734    def complete_backends(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
735        choices = []
736        commands = ['enable', 'disable', 'only', 'list', 'add', 'register', 'edit', 'remove', 'list-modules']
737        available_backends_names = set(backend.name for backend in self.weboob.iter_backends())
738        enabled_backends_names = set(backend.name for backend in self.enabled_backends)
740        args = line.split(' ')
741        if len(args) == 2:
742            choices = commands
743        elif len(args) >= 3:
744            if args[1] == 'enable':
745                choices = sorted(available_backends_names - enabled_backends_names)
746            elif args[1] == 'only':
747                choices = sorted(available_backends_names)
748            elif args[1] == 'disable':
749                choices = sorted(enabled_backends_names)
750            elif args[1] in ('add', 'register') and len(args) == 3:
751                for name, module in sorted(self.weboob.repositories.get_all_modules_info(self.CAPS).items()):
752                    choices.append(name)
753            elif args[1] == 'edit':
754                choices = sorted(available_backends_names)
755            elif args[1] == 'remove':
756                choices = sorted(available_backends_names)
758        return choices
760    def do_backends(self, line):
761        """
762        backends [ACTION] [BACKEND_NAME]...
764        Select used backends.
766        ACTION is one of the following (default: list):
767            * enable         enable given backends
768            * disable        disable given backends
769            * only           enable given backends and disable the others
770            * list           list backends
771            * add            add a backend
772            * register       register a new account on a website
773            * edit           edit a backend
774            * remove         remove a backend
775            * list-modules   list modules
776        """
777        line = line.strip()
778        if line:
779            args = line.split()
780        else:
781            args = ['list']
783        action = args[0]
784        given_backend_names = args[1:]
786        for backend_name in given_backend_names:
787            if action in ('add', 'register'):
788                minfo = self.weboob.repositories.get_module_info(backend_name)
789                if minfo is None:
790                    print('Module "%s" does not exist.' % backend_name, file=self.stderr)
791                    return 1
792                else:
793                    if not minfo.has_caps(self.CAPS):
794                        print('Module "%s" is not supported by this application => skipping.' % backend_name, file=self.stderr)
795                        return 1
796            else:
797                if backend_name not in [backend.name for backend in self.weboob.iter_backends()]:
798                    print('Backend "%s" does not exist => skipping.' % backend_name, file=self.stderr)
799                    return 1
801        if action in ('enable', 'disable', 'only', 'add', 'register', 'edit', 'remove'):
802            if not given_backend_names:
803                print('Please give at least a backend name.', file=self.stderr)
804                return 2
806        given_backends = set(backend for backend in self.weboob.iter_backends() if backend.name in given_backend_names)
808        if action == 'enable':
809            for backend in given_backends:
810                self.enabled_backends.add(backend)
811        elif action == 'disable':
812            for backend in given_backends:
813                try:
814                    self.enabled_backends.remove(backend)
815                except KeyError:
816                    print('%s is not enabled' % backend.name, file=self.stderr)
817        elif action == 'only':
818            self.enabled_backends = set()
819            for backend in given_backends:
820                self.enabled_backends.add(backend)
821        elif action == 'list':
822            enabled_backends_names = set(backend.name for backend in self.enabled_backends)
823            disabled_backends_names = set(backend.name for backend in self.weboob.iter_backends()) - enabled_backends_names
824            print('Enabled: %s' % ', '.join(enabled_backends_names))
825            if len(disabled_backends_names) > 0:
826                print('Disabled: %s' % ', '.join(disabled_backends_names))
827        elif action == 'add':
828            for name in given_backend_names:
829                instname = self.add_backend(name, name)
830                if instname:
831                    self.load_backends(names=[instname])
832        elif action == 'register':
833            for name in given_backend_names:
834                instname = self.register_backend(name)
835                if isinstance(instname, basestring):
836                    self.load_backends(names=[instname])
837        elif action == 'edit':
838            for backend in given_backends:
839                enabled = backend in self.enabled_backends
840                self.unload_backends(names=[backend.name])
841                self.edit_backend(backend.name)
842                for newb in self.load_backends(names=[backend.name]).values():
843                    if not enabled:
844                        self.enabled_backends.remove(newb)
845        elif action == 'remove':
846            for backend in given_backends:
847                self.weboob.backends_config.remove_backend(backend.name)
848                self.unload_backends(backend.name)
849        elif action == 'list-modules':
850            modules = []
851            print('Modules list:')
852            for name, info in sorted(self.weboob.repositories.get_all_modules_info().items()):
853                if not self.is_module_loadable(info):
854                    continue
855                modules.append(name)
856                loaded = ' '
857                for bi in self.weboob.iter_backends():
858                    if bi.NAME == name:
859                        if loaded == ' ':
860                            loaded = 'X'
861                        elif loaded == 'X':
862                            loaded = 2
863                        else:
864                            loaded += 1
865                print('[%s] %s%-15s%s   %s' % (loaded, self.BOLD, name, self.NC, info.description))
867        else:
868            print('Unknown action: "%s"' % action, file=self.stderr)
869            return 1
871        if len(self.enabled_backends) == 0:
872            print('Warning: no more backends are loaded. %s is probably unusable.' % self.APPNAME.capitalize(), file=self.stderr)
874    def complete_logging(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
875        levels = ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'quiet', 'default')
876        args = line.split(' ')
877        if len(args) == 2:
878            return levels
879        return ()
881    def do_logging(self, line):
882        """
883        logging [LEVEL]
885        Set logging level.
887        Availables: debug, info, warning, error.
888        * quiet is an alias for error
889        * default is an alias for warning
890        """
891        args = self.parse_command_args(line, 1, 0)
892        levels = (('debug',   logging.DEBUG),
893                  ('info',    logging.INFO),
894                  ('warning', logging.WARNING),
895                  ('error',   logging.ERROR),
896                  ('quiet',   logging.ERROR),
897                  ('default', logging.WARNING)
898                 )
900        if not args[0]:
901            current = None
902            for label, level in levels:
903                if logging.root.level == level:
904                    current = label
905                    break
906            print('Current level: %s' % current)
907            return
909        levels = dict(levels)
910        try:
911            level = levels[args[0]]
912        except KeyError:
913            print('Level "%s" does not exist.' % args[0], file=self.stderr)
914            print('Availables: %s' % ' '.join(levels), file=self.stderr)
915            return 2
916        else:
917            logging.root.setLevel(level)
918            for handler in logging.root.handlers:
919                handler.setLevel(level)
921    def do_condition(self, line):
922        """
923        condition [EXPRESSION | off]
925        If an argument is given, set the condition expression used to filter the results. See CONDITION section for more details and the expression.
926        If the "off" value is given, conditional filtering is disabled.
928        If no argument is given, print the current condition expression.
929        """
930        line = line.strip()
931        if line:
932            if line == 'off':
933                self.condition = None
934            else:
935                try:
936                    self.condition = ResultsCondition(line)
937                except ResultsConditionError as e:
938                    print('%s' % e, file=self.stderr)
939                    return 2
940        else:
941            if self.condition is None:
942                print('No condition is set.')
943            else:
944                print(str(self.condition))
946    def do_count(self, line):
947        """
948        count [NUMBER | off]
950        If an argument is given, set the maximum number of results fetched.
951        NUMBER must be at least 1.
952        "off" value disables counting, and allows infinite searches.
954        If no argument is given, print the current count value.
955        """
956        line = line.strip()
957        if line:
958            if line == 'off':
959                self.options.count = None
960                self._is_default_count = False
961            else:
962                try:
963                    count = int(line)
964                except ValueError:
965                    print('Could not interpret "%s" as a number.' % line, file=self.stderr)
966                    return 2
967                else:
968                    if count > 0:
969                        self.options.count = count
970                        self._is_default_count = False
971                    else:
972                        self.options.count = None
973                        self._is_default_count = False
974        else:
975            if self.options.count is None:
976                print('Counting disabled.')
977            else:
978                print(self.options.count)
980    def complete_formatter(self, text, line, *ignored):
981        formatters = self.formatters_loader.get_available_formatters()
982        commands = ['list', 'option'] + formatters
983        options = ['header', 'keys']
984        option_values = ['on', 'off']
986        args = line.split(' ')
987        if len(args) == 2:
988            return commands
989        if args[1] == 'option':
990            if len(args) == 3:
991                return options
992            if len(args) == 4:
993                return option_values
994        elif args[1] in formatters:
995            return list(set(name[3:] for name in self.get_names() if name.startswith('do_')))
997    def do_formatter(self, line):
998        """
999        formatter [list | FORMATTER [COMMAND] | option OPTION_NAME [on | off]]
1001        If a FORMATTER is given, set the formatter to use.
1002        You can add a COMMAND to apply the formatter change only to
1003        a given command.
1005        If the argument is "list", print the available formatters.
1007        If the argument is "option", set the formatter options.
1008        Valid options are: header, keys.
1009        If on/off value is given, set the value of the option.
1010        If not, print the current value for the option.
1012        If no argument is given, print the current formatter.
1013        """
1014        args = line.strip().split()
1015        if args:
1016            if args[0] == 'list':
1017                print(', '.join(self.formatters_loader.get_available_formatters()))
1018            elif args[0] == 'option':
1019                if len(args) > 1:
1020                    if len(args) == 2:
1021                        if args[1] == 'header':
1022                            print('off' if self.options.no_header else 'on')
1023                        elif args[1] == 'keys':
1024                            print('off' if self.options.no_keys else 'on')
1025                    else:
1026                        if args[2] not in ('on', 'off'):
1027                            print('Invalid value "%s". Please use "on" or "off" values.' % args[2], file=self.stderr)
1028                            return 2
1029                        else:
1030                            if args[1] == 'header':
1031                                self.options.no_header = True if args[2] == 'off' else False
1032                            elif args[1] == 'keys':
1033                                self.options.no_keys = True if args[2] == 'off' else False
1034                else:
1035                    print('Don\'t know which option to set. Available options: header, keys.', file=self.stderr)
1036                    return 2
1037            else:
1038                if args[0] in self.formatters_loader.get_available_formatters():
1039                    if len(args) > 1:
1040                        self.commands_formatters[args[1]] = self.set_formatter(args[0])
1041                    else:
1042                        self.commands_formatters = {}
1043                        self.DEFAULT_FORMATTER = self.set_formatter(args[0])
1044                else:
1045                    print('Formatter "%s" is not available.\n'
1046                          'Available formatters: %s.' % (args[0], ', '.join(self.formatters_loader.get_available_formatters())), file=self.stderr)
1047                    return 1
1048        else:
1049            print('Default formatter: %s' % self.DEFAULT_FORMATTER)
1050            for key, klass in self.commands_formatters.items():
1051                print('Command "%s": %s' % (key, klass))
1053    def do_select(self, line):
1054        """
1055        select [FIELD_NAME]... | "$direct" | "$full"
1057        If an argument is given, set the selected fields.
1058        $direct selects all fields loaded in one http request.
1059        $full selects all fields using as much http requests as necessary.
1061        If no argument is given, print the currently selected fields.
1062        """
1063        line = line.strip()
1064        if line:
1065            split = line.split()
1066            self.selected_fields = split
1067        else:
1068            print(' '.join(self.selected_fields))
1070    # First sort in alphabetical of backend
1071    # Second, sort with ID
1072    def comp_key(self, obj):
1073        return (obj.backend, obj.id)
1075    @defaultcount(40)
1076    def do_ls(self, line):
1077        """
1078        ls [-d] [-U] [PATH]
1080        List objects in current path.
1081        If an argument is given, list the specified path.
1082        Use -U option to not sort results. It allows you to use a "fast path" to
1083        return results as soon as possible.
1084        Use -d option to display information about a collection (and to not
1085        display the content of it). It has the same behavior than the well
1086        known UNIX "ls" command.
1087        """
1088        # TODO: real parsing of options
1089        path = line.strip()
1090        only = False
1091        sort = True
1093        if '-U' in line.strip().partition(' '):
1094            path = line.strip().partition(' ')[-1]
1095            sort = False
1097        if '-d' in line.strip().partition(' '):
1098            path = None
1099            only = line.strip().partition(' ')[-1]
1101        if path:
1102            for _path in path.split('/'):
1103                # We have an argument, let's ch to the directory before the ls
1104                self.working_path.cd1(_path)
1106        objects = []
1107        collections = []
1108        self.objects = []
1110        self.start_format()
1112        for res in self._fetch_objects(objs=self.COLLECTION_OBJECTS):
1113            if isinstance(res, Collection):
1114                collections.append(res)
1115                if sort is False:
1116                    self.formatter.format_collection(res, only)
1117            else:
1118                if sort:
1119                    objects.append(res)
1120                else:
1121                    self._format_obj(res, only)
1123        if sort:
1124            objects.sort(key=self.comp_key)
1125            collections = self._merge_collections_with_same_path(collections)
1126            collections.sort(key=self.comp_key)
1127            for collection in collections:
1128                self.formatter.format_collection(collection, only)
1129            for obj in objects:
1130                self._format_obj(obj, only)
1132        if path:
1133            for _path in path.split('/'):
1134                # Let's go back to the parent directory
1135                self.working_path.up()
1136        else:
1137            # Save collections only if we listed the current path.
1138            self.collections = collections
1140    def _find_collection(self, collection, collections):
1141        for col in collections:
1142            if col.split_path == collection.split_path:
1143                return col
1144        return None
1146    def _merge_collections_with_same_path(self, collections):
1147        to_return = []
1148        for collection in collections:
1149            col = self._find_collection(collection, to_return)
1150            if col:
1151                col.backend += " %s" % collection.backend
1152            else:
1153                to_return.append(collection)
1154        return to_return
1156    def _format_obj(self, obj, only):
1157        if only is False or not hasattr(obj, 'id') or obj.id in only:
1158            self.cached_format(obj)
1161    def do_cd(self, line):
1162        """
1163        cd [PATH]
1165        Follow a path.
1166        ".." is a special case and goes up one directory.
1167        "" is a special case and goes home.
1168        """
1169        if not len(line.strip()):
1170            self.working_path.home()
1171        elif line.strip() == '..':
1172            self.working_path.up()
1173        else:
1174            self.working_path.cd1(line)
1176            collections = []
1177            try:
1178                for res in self.do('get_collection', objs=self.COLLECTION_OBJECTS,
1179                                   split_path=self.working_path.get(),
1180                                   caps=CapCollection):
1181                    if res:
1182                        collections.append(res)
1183            except CallErrors as errors:
1184                self.bcall_errors_handler(errors, CollectionNotFound)
1186            if len(collections):
1187                # update the path from the collection if possible
1188                if len(collections) == 1:
1189                    self.working_path.split_path = collections[0].split_path
1190            else:
1191                print(u"Path: %s not found" % unicode(self.working_path), file=self.stderr)
1192                self.working_path.restore()
1193                return 1
1195        self._change_prompt()
1197    def _fetch_objects(self, objs):
1198        split_path = self.working_path.get()
1200        try:
1201            for res in self._do_and_retry(
1202                'iter_resources',
1203                objs=objs,
1204                split_path=split_path,
1205                caps=CapCollection
1206            ):
1207                yield res
1208        except CallErrors as errors:
1209            self.bcall_errors_handler(errors, CollectionNotFound)
1212    def all_collections(self):
1213        """
1214        Get all objects that are collections: regular objects and fake dumb objects.
1215        """
1216        obj_collections = [obj for obj in self.objects if isinstance(obj, BaseCollection)]
1217        return obj_collections + self.collections
1219    def obj_to_filename(self, obj, dest=None, default=None):
1220        """
1221        This method can be used to get a filename from an object, using a mask
1222        filled by information of this object.
1224        All patterns are braces-enclosed, and are name of available fields in
1225        the object.
1227        :param obj: object
1228        :type obj: BaseObject
1229        :param dest: dest given by user (default None)
1230        :type dest: str
1231        :param default: default file mask (if not given, this is '{id}-{title}.{ext}')
1232        :type default: str
1233        :rtype: str
1234        """
1235        if default is None:
1236            default = '{id}-{title}.{ext}'
1237        if dest is None:
1238            dest = '.'
1239        if os.path.isdir(dest):
1240            dest = os.path.join(dest, default)
1242        def repl(m):
1243            field = m.group(1)
1244            if hasattr(obj, field):
1245                value = getattr(obj, field)
1246                if empty(value):
1247                    value = 'unknown'
1248                return re.sub('[?:/]', '-', '%s' % value)
1249            else:
1250                return m.group(0)
1251        return re.sub(r'\{(.+?)\}', repl, dest)
1253    # for cd & ls
1254    def complete_path(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
1255        directories = set()
1256        if len(self.working_path.get()):
1257            directories.add('..')
1258        mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
1259        offs = len(mline) - len(text)
1261        # refresh only if needed
1262        if len(self.objects) == 0 and len(self.collections) == 0:
1263            try:
1264                self.objects, self.collections = self._fetch_objects(objs=self.COLLECTION_OBJECTS)
1265            except CallErrors as errors:
1266                self.bcall_errors_handler(errors, CollectionNotFound)
1268        collections = self.all_collections()
1269        for collection in collections:
1270            directories.add(collection.basename)
1272        return [s[offs:] for s in directories if s.startswith(mline)]
1274    def complete_ls(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
1275        return self.complete_path(text, line, begidx, endidx)
1277    def complete_cd(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
1278        return self.complete_path(text, line, begidx, endidx)
1280    # -- formatting related methods -------------
1281    def set_formatter(self, name):
1282        """
1283        Set the current formatter from name.
1285        It returns the name of the formatter which has been really set.
1286        """
1287        try:
1288            self.formatter = self.formatters_loader.build_formatter(name)
1289        except FormatterLoadError as e:
1290            print('%s' % e, file=self.stderr)
1291            if self.DEFAULT_FORMATTER == name:
1292                self.DEFAULT_FORMATTER = ReplApplication.DEFAULT_FORMATTER
1293            print('Falling back to "%s".' % (self.DEFAULT_FORMATTER), file=self.stderr)
1294            self.formatter = self.formatters_loader.build_formatter(self.DEFAULT_FORMATTER)
1295            name = self.DEFAULT_FORMATTER
1296        if self.options.no_header:
1297            self.formatter.display_header = False
1298        if self.options.no_keys:
1299            self.formatter.display_keys = False
1300        if self.options.outfile:
1301            self.formatter.outfile = self.options.outfile
1302        if self.interactive:
1303            self.formatter.interactive = True
1304        return name
1306    def set_formatter_header(self, string):
1307        pass
1309    def start_format(self, **kwargs):
1310        self.formatter.start_format(**kwargs)
1312    def cached_format(self, obj):
1313        self.add_object(obj)
1314        alias = None
1315        if self.interactive:
1316            alias = '%s' % len(self.objects)
1317        self.format(obj, alias=alias)
1319    def parse_fields(self, fields):
1320        if '$direct' in fields:
1321            return []
1322        if '$full' in fields:
1323            return None
1324        return fields
1326    def format(self, result, alias=None):
1327        fields = self.parse_fields(self.selected_fields)
1328        try:
1329            self.formatter.format(obj=result, selected_fields=fields, alias=alias)
1330        except FieldNotFound as e:
1331            print(e, file=self.stderr)
1332        except MandatoryFieldsNotFound as e:
1333            print('%s Hint: select missing fields or use another formatter (ex: multiline).' % e, file=self.stderr)
1335    def flush(self):
1336        self.formatter.flush()
1338    def do_debug(self, line):
1339        """
1340        debug
1342        Launch a debug Python shell
1343        """
1345        from weboob.applications.weboobdebug import weboobdebug
1347        app = weboobdebug.WeboobDebug()
1348        locs = dict(application=self, weboob=self.weboob)
1349        banner = ('Weboob debug shell\n\nAvailable variables:\n'
1350         + '\n'.join(['  %s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in locs.items()]))
1352        funcs = [app.ipython, app.bpython, app.python]
1353        app.launch(funcs, locs, banner)