1 /*
3 Cadabra: a field-theory motivated computer algebra system.
4 Copyright (C) 2001-2014  Kasper Peeters <kasper.peeters@phi-sci.com>
6 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
7 	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
8 published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
9 License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 */
21 #pragma once
23 #include "Stopwatch.hh"
24 #include "Storage.hh"
25 #include "Compare.hh"
26 #include "Props.hh"
27 #include "Exceptions.hh"
28 #include "Kernel.hh"
29 #include "IndexIterator.hh"
30 #include "ProgressMonitor.hh"
31 #include "IndexClassifier.hh"
33 #include <map>
34 #include <fstream>
35 #include <cstddef>
37 namespace cadabra {
39 	/// \ingroup core
40 	///
41 	/// Base class for all algorithms, containing generic routines and in
42 	/// particular the logic for index classification. Also contains static
43 	/// algorithms acting on Ex objects which require property
44 	/// information and can therefore not be a member of Ex.
45 	///
46 	/// In order to implement a new algorithm, subclass Algorithm and
47 	/// implement the abstract members Algorithm::can_apply and
48 	/// Algorithm::apply (see there for further documentation).  The
49 	/// general logic is that the implementation of
50 	/// Algorithm::apply(iterator&) is not allowed to make the node pointed
51 	/// at by the iterator invalid. If the algorithm makes the node vanish,
52 	/// it should indicate so by setting its multiplier to zero; the
53 	/// calling logic will then take care of cleaning up the subtree
54 	/// at the node.
55 	///
56 	/// The algorithm is, however, allowed to change the node itself or
57 	/// replace it with another one, as long as it updates the iterator.
59 	class Algorithm : public IndexClassifier {
60 		public:
61 			/// Initialise the algorithm with a reference to the expression
62 			/// tree, but do not yet do anything with this tree. Algorithms
63 			/// are not typically allowed to mess with the settings in the
64 			/// Kernel, so it is passed const.
66 			Algorithm(const Kernel&, Ex&);
68 			virtual ~Algorithm();
70 			typedef Ex::iterator            iterator;
71 			typedef Ex::post_order_iterator post_order_iterator;
72 			typedef Ex::sibling_iterator    sibling_iterator;
73 			typedef Ex::result_t            result_t;
75 			bool interrupted;
77 			/// Provide the algorithm with a ProgressMonitor object on which to register
78 			/// (nested) progress information, to be reported out-of-band to a client.
80 			void set_progress_monitor(ProgressMonitor *);
82 			/// The main entry points for running algorithms, which traverse
83 			/// the tree post-order ('child before parent'). The 'deep' flag
84 			/// indicates whether sub-expressions should be acted on
85 			/// too. The 'repeat' flag indicates whether the algorithm
86 			/// should be applied until the expression no longer
87 			/// changes. The 'depth' flag, if not equal to -1, indicates the
88 			/// depth in the tree where the algorithm should start applying.
90 			result_t  apply_generic(bool deep=true, bool repeat=false, unsigned int depth=0);
91 			result_t  apply_generic(iterator&, bool deep, bool repeat, unsigned int depth);
93 			/// Apply algorithm with alternative traversal: starting from
94 			/// the top node, traverse the tree pre-order ('parent before
95 			/// child') and once the algorithm acts at a given node, do not
96 			/// traverse the subtree below anymore.
98 			result_t  apply_pre_order(bool repeat=false);
100 			// Global information
101 			unsigned int     number_of_calls;
102 			unsigned int     number_of_modifications;
103 			bool             suppress_normal_output;
104 			bool             discard_command_node;
106 			/// Given an expression top node, check index consistency.
107 			bool      check_consistency(iterator) const;
108 			bool      check_index_consistency(iterator) const;
109 			/// Given an expression top node, check differential form degree consistency.
110 			bool      check_degree_consistency(iterator) const;
112 			void report_progress(const std::string&, int todo, int done, int count=2);
114 			mutable Stopwatch index_sw;
115 			mutable Stopwatch get_dummy_sw;
116 			mutable Stopwatch report_progress_stopwatch;
118 			index_iterator begin_index(iterator it) const;
119 			index_iterator end_index(iterator it) const;
121 			// The number of indices of a node, taking into account IndexInherit-ance. These
122 			// indices do therefore not all have to be direct child nodes of 'it', they can
123 			// sit deeper down the tree.
124 			unsigned int number_of_indices(iterator it);
125 			static unsigned int number_of_indices(const Properties&, iterator it);
127 			// The number of indices of a node, counting only the direct ones (i.e. not those
128 			// inherited from child nodes).
129 			static unsigned int number_of_direct_indices(iterator it);
131 			// The set to which the first index belongs..
132 			std::string get_index_set_name(iterator it) const;
134 			/// Rename the dummies in the sub-tree starting with head at the given iterator.
135 			/// Ensures that no dummies in this sub-tree overlap with the indices elsewhere
136 			/// in the tree.
137 			bool     rename_replacement_dummies(iterator, bool still_inside_algo=false);
139 			/// Determines whether the indicated node is 'like a term in a
140 			/// sum'.  This requires that the node is not a `\sum` node, not
141 			/// a child of a `\prod` node, and that its parent rel is of
142 			/// argument-type (p_none).
143 			static bool     is_termlike(iterator);
145 			/// Determines whether the indicated node is 'like a factor in a product'.
146 			/// This requires that the parent is a `\prod' node.
147 			static bool     is_factorlike(iterator);
150 		protected:
151 			Ex& tr;
152 			ProgressMonitor *pm;
154 			// The main entry point which is used by the public entry points listed
155 			// above. Override these in any subclass.
156 			//
157 			virtual bool can_apply(iterator)=0;
158 			virtual result_t apply(iterator&)=0;
160 			// Index stuff
161 			int      index_parity(iterator) const;
162 			static bool less_without_numbers(nset_t::iterator, nset_t::iterator);
163 			static bool equal_without_numbers(nset_t::iterator, nset_t::iterator);
165 			/// Finding objects in sets.
166 			typedef std::pair<sibling_iterator, sibling_iterator> range_t;
167 			typedef std::vector<range_t>                          range_vector_t;
169 			bool     contains(sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to, sibling_iterator arg);
170 			void     find_argument_lists(range_vector_t&, bool only_comma_lists=true) const;
171 			template<class Iter>
172 			range_vector_t::iterator find_arg_superset(range_vector_t&, Iter st, Iter nd);
173 			range_vector_t::iterator find_arg_superset(range_vector_t&, sibling_iterator it);
175 			// Locate objects inside the tree (formerly in the 'locate' algorithm).
176 			unsigned int locate_single_object(Ex::iterator obj_to_find,
177 			                                  Ex::iterator st, Ex::iterator nd,
178 			                                  std::vector<unsigned int>& store);
179 			bool         locate_object_set(const Ex& objs,
180 			                               Ex::iterator st, Ex::iterator nd,
181 			                               std::vector<unsigned int>& store);
182 			static bool  compare_(const str_node&, const str_node&);
185 			/// Take a single non-product node in a sum and wrap it in a
186 			/// product node, so it can be handled on the same footing as a proper product.
187 			bool     is_single_term(iterator);
188 			bool     is_nonprod_factor_in_prod(iterator);
189 			bool     prod_wrap_single_term(iterator&);
190 			bool     prod_unwrap_single_term(iterator&);
191 			bool     sum_wrap_single_term(iterator&);
192 			bool     sum_unwrap_single_term(iterator&);
194 			/// Wrap a term in a product or sum in a node with indicated
195 			/// name, irrespective of its parent (it usually makes more
196 			/// sense to call the safer prod_wrap_single_term or
197 			/// sum_wrap_single_term above). Sets the iterator to the
198 			/// new node.
199 			void     force_node_wrap(iterator&, std::string);
201 			/// Figure out whether two objects (commonly indices) are separated by a derivative
202 			/// operator, as in \f[ \partial_{a}{A_{b}} C^{b} \f].
203 			/// If the last iterator is pointing to a valid node, check whether it is
204 			/// independent of the derivative (using the Depends property).
205 			bool     separated_by_derivative(iterator, iterator, iterator check_dependence) const;
207 			// Given a node with non-zero multiplier, distribute this
208 			// multiplier up the tree when the node is a \sum node, or push it into the
209 			// `\prod` node if that is the parent. Do this recursively
210 			// in case a child is a sum as well. Note that 'pushup' is actually 'pushdown'
211 			// in the case of sums.
212 			// This never changes the tree structure, only the distribution of multipliers.
214 			// FIXME: this is now superseded by code in Cleanup.cc, and the generic way
215 			// to make a tree consistent is to call cleanup_dispatch, not pick-and-match from
216 			// the various algorithms.
217 			void     pushup_multiplier(iterator);
219 			// Return the number of elements in the first range for which an identical element
220 			// is present in the second range.
221 			template<class BinaryPredicate>
222 			unsigned int intersection_number(sibling_iterator, sibling_iterator,
223 			                                 sibling_iterator, sibling_iterator, BinaryPredicate) const;
225 			// Turn a node into a '1' or '0' node.
226 			void     node_zero(iterator);
227 			void     node_one(iterator);
228 			void     node_integer(iterator, int);
232 		protected:
233 			bool traverse_ldots;
235 		private:
237 			// Single or deep-scan apply operations. Do not call directly.
238 			result_t apply_once(Ex::iterator& it);
239 			result_t apply_deep(Ex::iterator& it);
241 			/// Given a node with zero multiplier, propagate this zero
242 			/// upwards in the tree.  Changes the iterator so that it points
243 			/// to the next node in a post_order traversal (post_order:
244 			/// children first, then node). The second node is the topmost
245 			/// node, beyond which this routine is not allowed to touch the
246 			/// tree (i.e. the 2nd iterator will always remain valid).
247 			void     propagate_zeroes(post_order_iterator&, const iterator&);
249 			//		bool cleanup_anomalous_products(Ex& tr, Ex::iterator& it);
250 		};
253 	/// Determine the number of elements in the first range which also occur in the
254 	/// second range.
255 	template<class BinaryPredicate>
intersection_number(sibling_iterator from1,sibling_iterator to1,sibling_iterator from2,sibling_iterator to2,BinaryPredicate fun) const256 	unsigned int Algorithm::intersection_number(sibling_iterator from1, sibling_iterator to1,
257 	      sibling_iterator from2, sibling_iterator to2,
258 	      BinaryPredicate fun) const
259 		{
260 		unsigned int ret=0;
261 		sibling_iterator it1=from1;
262 		while(it1!=to1) {
263 			sibling_iterator it2=from2;
264 			while(it2!=to2) {
265 				if(fun(*it1,*it2))
266 					++ret;
267 				++it2;
268 				}
269 			++it1;
270 			}
271 		return ret;
272 		}
275 	}