1 /* $Id$ */
2 /* File: cmd5.c */
4 /* Purpose: Spell/Prayer commands */
6 /*
7  * Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
8  *
9  * This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
10  * not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
11  * included in all such copies.
12  */
14 #define SERVER
16 #include "angband.h"
18 /* Max radius of antimagic field generated by a monster */
19 #define MONSTER_ANTIDIS		8
21 /* Chance of weps/armors got discounted when enchanting via spells,
22  * in percent.	[40] */
26 #if 0 /* currently disabled because it's unused, just to kill compiler warning */
27 /*
28  * Return the skill associated with the realm
29  */
30 static int find_realm_skill(int realm)
31 {
32         switch (realm)
33         {
34         case REALM_MAGERY:
35                 return SKILL_MAGERY;
36         case REALM_PRAYER:
37                 return SKILL_PRAY;
38         case REALM_SORCERY:
39                 return SKILL_SORCERY;
40         case REALM_SHADOW:
41                 return SKILL_SHADOW;
42         case REALM_HUNT:
43 //                return SKILL_ARCHERY;
44                 return SKILL_HUNTING;
45         case REALM_FIGHTING:
46 //                return SKILL_MASTERY;
47                 return SKILL_TECHNIQUE;
48 //        case REALM_PSI:
49 //                return SKILL_;
50         };
51         return 0;
52 }
54 /*
55  * Returns spell chance of failure for spell		-RAK-
56  */
57 static s16b spell_chance(int Ind, int realm, magic_type *s_ptr)
58 {
59 	player_type *p_ptr = Players[Ind];
61 	int chance, minfail, minminfail;
63 	/* Extract the base spell failure rate */
64 	chance = s_ptr->sfail;
66 	/* Reduce failure rate by "effective" level adjustment */
67 	minfail = 5;
68 	chance -= 3 * (get_skill(p_ptr, find_realm_skill(realm)) - s_ptr->slevel);
70 	/* Reduce failure rate by INT/WIS adjustment */
71 	//chance -= 3 * (adj_mag_stat[p_ptr->stat_ind[magic_info[realm].spell_stat]] - 1);
73 	/* Not enough mana to cast */
74 	if (s_ptr->smana > p_ptr->csp)
75 	{
76 		/* Hack -- Since at the moment casting spells without enough mana*/
77 		/* is impossible, I'm taking this out, as it confuses people. */
78 		/* chance += 5 * (s_ptr->smana - p_ptr->csp); */
79 	}
81 	/* Extract the minimum failure rate */
82 	//minfail = adj_mag_fail[p_ptr->stat_ind[magic_info[realm].spell_stat]];
84 	/* Non mage/sorceror/priest characters never get too good */
85 #if 0 // NEED to find a good way to do that without class
86 	if ((p_ptr->pclass != CLASS_MAGE) && (p_ptr->pclass != CLASS_PRIEST) && (p_ptr->pclass != CLASS_SORCERER))
87 	{
88 		if (minfail < 5) minfail = 5;
89 	}
90 #else
91 	minminfail = 8 - get_skill_scale(p_ptr, find_realm_skill(realm), 5)
92 		- get_skill_scale(p_ptr, SKILL_MAGIC, 3);
93 	if (minminfail > 5) minminfail = 5;
95 	if (minfail < minminfail) minfail = minminfail;
97 #endif
98 	/* Hack -- Priest prayer penalty for "edged" weapons  -DGK */
99 	if ((realm == REALM_PRAYER) && (p_ptr->icky_wield)) chance += 25;
101 	/* Minimum failure rate */
102 	if (chance < minfail) chance = minfail;
104 	/* Stunning makes spells harder */
105 	if (p_ptr->stun > 50) chance += 25;
106 	else if (p_ptr->stun) chance += 15;
108 	/* Always a 5 percent chance of working */
109 	if (chance > 95) chance = 95;
111 	/* Return the chance */
112 	return (chance);
113 }
114 #endif
116 /* ok, it's hacked :) */
117 /* of course, you can optimize it further by bandling
118  * monsters and players into one loop..		- Jir - */
check_antimagic(int Ind,int percentage)119 bool check_antimagic(int Ind, int percentage) {
120 	player_type *p_ptr = Players[Ind];
121 	worldpos *wpos = &p_ptr->wpos;
122 	monster_type *m_ptr;
123 	monster_race *r_ptr;
124 	cave_type **zcave;
125 	int i, x, y, x2 = p_ptr->px, y2 = p_ptr->py, m_idx;
126 	int dis, antichance, antidis;
128 	if (!percentage || !(zcave = getcave(wpos))) return(FALSE);
130 	for (i = 1; i <= NumPlayers; i++) {
131 		player_type *q_ptr = Players[i];
133 		/* Skip disconnected players */
134 		if (q_ptr->conn == NOT_CONNECTED) continue;
136 		/* Skip players not on this depth */
137 		if (!inarea(&q_ptr->wpos, &p_ptr->wpos)) continue;
139 		/* Compute distance */
140 		if (q_ptr->antimagic_dis < distance(y2, x2, q_ptr->py, q_ptr->px))
141 			continue;
143 		antichance = q_ptr->antimagic;
145 		if (i != Ind) antichance -= p_ptr->lev >> 1;
147 		if (antichance > ANTIMAGIC_CAP) antichance = ANTIMAGIC_CAP;/* AM cap */
149 		/* Reduction for party */
150 		if ((i != Ind) && player_in_party(p_ptr->party, i))
151 			antichance >>= 2;	/* was >>= 1 */
153 		/* Got disrupted ? */
154 		if (magik((antichance * percentage) / 100)) {
155 			if (i == Ind) msg_format(Ind, "\377%cYour own anti-magic field disrupts your attempts.", COLOUR_AM_OWN);
156 			else msg_format(Ind, "\377%c%s's anti-magic field disrupts your attempts.", COLOUR_AM_PLY, q_ptr->name);
157 			return TRUE;
158 		}
159 	}
161 	/* Scan the maximal area of radius "MONSTER_ANTIDIS" */
162 	dis = 1;
163 	for (i = 1; i <= tdi[MONSTER_ANTIDIS]; i++) {
164 		if (i == tdi[dis]) dis++;
166 		y = y2 + tdy[i];
167 		x = x2 + tdx[i];
169 		/* Ignore "illegal" locations */
170 		if (!in_bounds2(wpos, y, x)) continue;
172 		if ((m_idx = zcave[y][x].m_idx) <= 0) continue;
174 		m_ptr = &m_list[m_idx];	// pfft, bad design
176 		/* dont use removed monsters */
177 		if (!m_ptr->r_idx) continue;
179 		r_ptr = race_inf(m_ptr);
181 		if (!(r_ptr->flags7 & RF7_DISBELIEVE)) continue;
183 		antichance = r_ptr->level / 2 + 30;
184 		antidis = r_ptr->level / 15 + 3;
186 		if (dis > antidis) continue;
187 		if (antichance > ANTIMAGIC_CAP) antichance = ANTIMAGIC_CAP; /* AM cap */
189 		/* Got disrupted ? */
190 		if (magik((antichance * percentage) / 100)) {
191 			if (p_ptr->mon_vis[m_idx]) {
192 				char m_name[MNAME_LEN];
193 				monster_desc(Ind, m_name, m_idx, 0);
194 				msg_format(Ind, "\377%c%^s's anti-magic field disrupts your attempts.", COLOUR_AM_MON, m_name);
195 			} else {
196 				msg_format(Ind, "\377%cAn anti-magic field disrupts your attempts.", COLOUR_AM_MON);
197 			}
198 			return TRUE;
199 		}
200 	}
202 	/* Assume no antimagic */
203 	return FALSE;
204 }
206 #if 0 /* not used? - mikaelh */
207 /*
208  * Brand the current weapon
209  */
210 static void brand_weapon(int Ind) {
211 	player_type *p_ptr = Players[Ind];
212 	object_type *o_ptr;
213 	o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_WIELD];
215 	/* you can never modify artifacts / ego-items */
216 	/* you can never modify broken / cursed items */
217 	if ((o_ptr->k_idx) &&
218 	    (!artifact_p(o_ptr)) && (!ego_item_p(o_ptr)) &&
219 	    (!broken_p(o_ptr)) && (!cursed_p(o_ptr)))
220 	{
221 		cptr act = NULL;
223 		char o_name[ONAME_LEN];
225 		if (rand_int(100) < 25) {
226 			act = "is covered in a fiery shield!";
227 			o_ptr->name2 = EGO_BRAND_FIRE;
228 		} else {
229 			act = "glows deep, icy blue!";
230 			o_ptr->name2 = EGO_BRAND_COLD;
231 		}
233 		object_desc(Ind, o_name, o_ptr, FALSE, 0);
235 		msg_format(Ind, "Your %s %s", o_name, act);
237 		enchant(Ind, o_ptr, rand_int(3) + 4, ENCH_TOHIT | ENCH_TODAM);
239 		/* Hack -- you don't sell the wep blessed by your god, do you? :) */
240 		o_ptr->discount = 100;
241 	} else
242 		msg_print(Ind, "The Branding failed.");
243 }
244 #endif // 0
246 /*
247  * Use a ghostly ability. --KLJ--
248  */
do_cmd_ghost_power(int Ind,int ability)249 void do_cmd_ghost_power(int Ind, int ability) {
250 	player_type *p_ptr = Players[Ind];
251 	magic_type *s_ptr = &ghost_spells[ability];
252 	int plev = p_ptr->lev;
253 	int i, j = 0;
255 	/* Check for ghost-ness */
256 	if (!p_ptr->ghost) return;
258 	/* Must not be confused */
259 	if (p_ptr->confused) {
260 		/* Message */
261 		msg_print(Ind, "You are too confused!");
262 		return;
263 	}
265 	/* Check spells */
266 	for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
267 		s_ptr = &ghost_spells[i];
269 		/* Check for existence */
270 		if (s_ptr->slevel >= 99) continue;
272 		/* Next spell */
273 		if (j++ == ability) break;
274 	}
276 	/* Check for level */
277 	if (s_ptr->slevel > plev) {
278 		/* Message */
279 		msg_print(Ind, "You aren't powerful enough to use that ability.");
280 		return;
281 	}
283 	/* S(he) is no longer afk */
284 	un_afk_idle(Ind);
286 	/* Spell effects */
287 	switch(i) {
288 	case 0:
289 		teleport_player(Ind, 10, TRUE);
290 		break;
291 	case 1:
292 		get_aim_dir(Ind);
293 		p_ptr->current_spell = 1;
294 		return;
295 	case 2:
296 		get_aim_dir(Ind);
297 		p_ptr->current_spell = 2;
298 		return;
299 	case 3:
300 		teleport_player(Ind, plev * 8, TRUE);
301 		break;
302 	case 4:
303 		get_aim_dir(Ind);
304 		p_ptr->current_spell = 4;
305 		return;
306 	case 5:
307 		get_aim_dir(Ind);
308 		p_ptr->current_spell = 5;
309 		return;
310 	case 6:
311 		get_aim_dir(Ind);
312 		p_ptr->current_spell = 6;
313 		return;
314 	}
316 	/* Take a turn */
317 	p_ptr->energy -= level_speed(&p_ptr->wpos);
319 	take_xp_hit(Ind, s_ptr->slevel * s_ptr->smana,
320 	    "the strain of ghostly powers", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
321 }
324 /*
325  * Directional ghost ability
326  */
do_cmd_ghost_power_aux(int Ind,int dir)327 void do_cmd_ghost_power_aux(int Ind, int dir) {
328 	player_type *p_ptr = Players[Ind];
329 	magic_type *s_ptr;
331 	/* Verify spell number */
332 	if (p_ptr->current_spell < 0)
333 		return;
335 	/* Acquire spell pointer */
336 	s_ptr = &ghost_spells[p_ptr->current_spell];
338 	/* S(he) is no longer afk */
339 	un_afk_idle(Ind);
341 	/* We assume everything is still OK to cast */
342 	switch (p_ptr->current_spell) {
343 	case 1:
344 		(void)fear_monster(Ind, dir, 10 + p_ptr->lev + get_skill_scale(p_ptr, SKILL_DEVICE, 50));
345 		break;
346 	case 2:
347 		confuse_monster(Ind, dir, 10 + p_ptr->lev + get_skill_scale(p_ptr, SKILL_DEVICE, 50));
348 		break;
349 	case 4:
350 		sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a nether bolt for");
351 		fire_bolt_or_beam(Ind, p_ptr->lev * 2, GF_NETHER, dir, 50 + damroll(5, 5) + p_ptr->lev, p_ptr->attacker);
352 		break;
353 	case 5:
354 		sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a nether ball for");
355 		fire_ball(Ind, GF_NETHER, dir, 100 + 2 * p_ptr->lev, 2, p_ptr->attacker);
356 		break;
357 	case 6:
358 		sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a darkness storm for");
359 		fire_ball(Ind, GF_DARK, dir, p_ptr->lev * 5 + damroll(10, 10), 3, p_ptr->attacker);
360 		break;
361 	}
363 	/* No more spell */
364 	p_ptr->current_spell = -1;
366 	/* Take a turn */
367 	p_ptr->energy -= level_speed(&p_ptr->wpos);
369 	take_xp_hit(Ind, s_ptr->slevel * s_ptr->smana,
370 	    "the strain of ghostly powers", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
371 }
373 /* old spinning, now unused. Added spin_attack() to replace it - C. Blue */
do_spin(int Ind)374 void do_spin(int Ind)
375 {
376 	player_type *p_ptr = Players[Ind];
377 	int d, x, y;
379 	for (d = 1; d <= 9; d++) {
380 		if (d == 5) continue;
382 		x = p_ptr->px + ddx[d];
383 		y = p_ptr->py + ddy[d];
385 		if (!in_bounds(y, x)) continue;
386 		py_attack(Ind, y, x, TRUE);
387 	}
388 }
do_mimic_power(int Ind,int power,int dir)390 static void do_mimic_power(int Ind, int power, int dir) {
391 	player_type *p_ptr = Players[Ind];
392 	monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[p_ptr->body_monster];
393 	int rlev = (r_ptr->level + p_ptr->lev * 2 + 1) / 3;
394 	int j, chance;
395 	magic_type *s_ptr = &innate_powers[power];
397 //	j = power;
399 	p_ptr->energy -= level_speed(&p_ptr->wpos);
401         /* No magic */
402 	if (p_ptr->anti_magic) {
403 	        msg_format(Ind, "\377%cYour anti-magic shell disrupts your attempt.", COLOUR_AM_OWN);
404 	        return;
405 	}
406 	if (p_ptr->antimagic) {
407 	        msg_format(Ind, "\377%cYour anti-magic field disrupts your attempt.", COLOUR_AM_OWN);
408 	        return;
409 	}
411 	/* Not when confused */
412 	if (p_ptr->confused) {
413 		msg_print(Ind, "You are too confused!");
415 		/* Paranoia? Cease fire-till-kill! */
416 		p_ptr->shooting_till_kill = FALSE;
417 		p_ptr->shooty_till_kill = FALSE;
418 		p_ptr->shoot_till_kill_mimic = 0;
419 		return;
420 	}
422 	j = power / 32;
424 	if (j < 0 || j > 3) {
425 		msg_format(Ind, "SERVER ERROR: Tried to use a strange innate power(%d)!", power);
426 		return;
427 	}
429 	/* confirm the power */
430 	if (!(p_ptr->innate_spells[j] & (1L << (power - j * 32)))) {
431 		msg_print(Ind, "You cannot use that power.");
433 		/* Paranoia? Cease fire-till-kill! */
434 		p_ptr->shooting_till_kill = FALSE;
435 		p_ptr->shooty_till_kill = FALSE;
436 		p_ptr->shoot_till_kill_mimic = 0;
437 		return;
438 	}
440 	j = power;
442 	/* Check mana */
443 	if (s_ptr->smana > p_ptr->csp) {
444 		msg_print(Ind, "You do not have enough mana to use this power.");
445 		//msg_format(Ind, "You need %d mana to use this power.", s_ptr->smana);
447 		/* Cease fire-till-kill! */
448 		p_ptr->shooting_till_kill = FALSE;
449 		p_ptr->shooty_till_kill = FALSE;
450 		p_ptr->shoot_till_kill_mimic = 0;
451 		return;
452 	}
454 	/* S(he) is no longer afk */
455 	un_afk_idle(Ind);
457 #if 0 /* note: currently s_ptr->slevel is always 0 and there is no SKILL_MAGERY (0 too), so chance = sptr->sfail basically. */
458 	/* Spell failure chance -- Hack, use the same stats as magery*/
459 //	chance = spell_chance(Ind, REALM_MAGERY, s_ptr);
460 //	chance = spell_chance(Ind, REALM_MIMIC, s_ptr);
461 #else /* instead use newly added adj_int_pow[] - C. Blue */
462 	chance = (s_ptr->sfail * adj_int_pow[p_ptr->stat_ind[A_INT]]) / 100;
463 	if (chance < 1) chance = 1; /* minimum fail chance */
464 	if (chance > 99) chance = 99; /* maximum fail chance */
465 #endif
467 	if (j >= 32 && interfere(Ind, cfg.spell_interfere)) return; /* mimic spells interference chance */
469 	/* Failed spell */
470 	if (rand_int(100) < chance) {
471 		msg_print(Ind, "You failed to use the power!");
472 	/* Clients > can already send a dir != 0 here, for directed spells */
473 	/* Clients >= can also use '+' (dir==11) fallback to manual mode here: */
474 	} else if (dir != 0 && dir != 11) {
475 		p_ptr->current_spell = j;
476 		do_mimic_power_aux(Ind, dir);
477 		return;
478 	}
479 	/* Non-directed spells // old way of handling directed spells.
480 	   OR: New way of '+' fallback to manual mode! (dir==11) */
481 	else {
482 		/* Hack -- preserve current 'realm' */
483 		p_ptr->current_realm = REALM_MIMIC;
485   /* 0-31 = RF4, 32-63 = RF5, 64-95 = RF6 */
486   switch(j) {
489 /* RF_4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
491 //#define RF4_SHRIEK                      0x00000001      /* Shriek for help */
492     case 0:
493 	msg_print(Ind, "You emit a high-pitched humming noise.");
494 	msg_format_near(Ind, "%s emits a high-pitched humming noise.", p_ptr->name);
495 #ifdef USE_SOUND_2010
496 	/* allow us to annoy others ;) */
497 	sound_near(Ind, "shriek", NULL, SFX_TYPE_MON_SPELL);
498 #endif
499 	aggravate_monsters(Ind, -1);
500 	break;
501 //#define RF4_UNMAGIC                     0x00000002      /* Cancel player's timed spell */
502     case 1:
503       break;
504 //#define RF4_S_ANIMAL                    0x00000004  /* Summon animals */
505     case 2:
506 	break;
507 //#define RF4_ROCKET                      0x00000008  /* TY: Rocket */
508     case 3:
509 //#define RF4_ARROW_1			0x00000010	/* Fire an arrow (light) */
510     case 4:
511 //#define RF4_ARROW_2			0x00000020	/* Fire a shot (heavy) */
512     case 5:
513 //#define RF4_ARROW_3			0x00000040	/* Fire a bolt (heavy) */
514     case 6:
515 //#define RF4_ARROW_4			0x00000080	/* Generic missile */
516     case 7:
517 //#define RF4_BR_ACID			0x00000100	/* Breathe Acid */
518     case 8:
519 //#define RF4_BR_ELEC			0x00000200	/* Breathe Elec */
520     case 9:
521 //#define RF4_BR_FIRE			0x00000400	/* Breathe Fire */
522     case 10:
523 //#define RF4_BR_COLD			0x00000800	/* Breathe Cold */
524     case 11:
525 //#define RF4_BR_POIS			0x00001000	/* Breathe Poison */
526     case 12:
527 //#define RF4_BR_NETH			0x00002000	/* Breathe Nether */
528     case 13:
529 //#define RF4_BR_LITE			0x00004000	/* Breathe Lite */
530     case 14:
531 //#define RF4_BR_DARK			0x00008000	/* Breathe Dark */
532     case 15:
533 //#define RF4_BR_CONF			0x00010000	/* Breathe Confusion */
534     case 16:
535 //#define RF4_BR_SOUN			0x00020000	/* Breathe Sound */
536     case 17:
537 //#define RF4_BR_CHAO			0x00040000	/* Breathe Chaos */
538     case 18:
539 //#define RF4_BR_DISE			0x00080000	/* Breathe Disenchant */
540     case 19:
541 //#define RF4_BR_NEXU			0x00100000	/* Breathe Nexus */
542     case 20:
543 //#define RF4_BR_TIME			0x00200000	/* Breathe Time */
544     case 21:
545 //#define RF4_BR_INER			0x00400000	/* Breathe Inertia */
546     case 22:
547 //#define RF4_BR_GRAV			0x00800000	/* Breathe Gravity */
548     case 23:
549 //#define RF4_BR_SHAR			0x01000000	/* Breathe Shards */
550     case 24:
551 //#define RF4_BR_PLAS			0x02000000	/* Breathe Plasma */
552     case 25:
553 //#define RF4_BR_WALL			0x04000000	/* Breathe Force */
554     case 26:
555 //#define RF4_BR_MANA			0x08000000	/* Breathe Mana */
556     case 27:
557 //#define RF4_BR_DISI                     0x10000000  /* Breathe Disintegration */
558     case 28:
559 //#define RF4_BR_NUKE                     0x20000000  /* TY: Toxic Breath */
560     case 29:
561 	p_ptr->current_spell = j;
562 	get_aim_dir(Ind);
563 	return;
564 //#define RF4_MOAN                        0x40000000      /* For Halloween event :) -C. Blue */
565     case 30:
566 	break;
567 // #define RF4_BOULDER			0x80000000
568     case 31:
569 	p_ptr->current_spell = j;
570 	get_aim_dir(Ind);
571 	return;
574 /* RF_5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
576 // RF5_BA_ACID			0x00000001	/* Acid Ball */
577     case 32:
578 // RF5_BA_ELEC			0x00000002	/* Elec Ball */
579     case 33:
580 // RF5_BA_FIRE			0x00000004	/* Fire Ball */
581     case 34:
582 // RF5_BA_COLD			0x00000008	/* Cold Ball */
583     case 35:
584 // RF5_BA_POIS			0x00000010	/* Poison Ball */
585     case 36:
586 // RF5_BA_NETH			0x00000020	/* Nether Ball */
587     case 37:
588 // RF5_BA_WATE			0x00000040	/* Water Ball */
589     case 38:
590 // RF5_BA_MANA			0x00000080	/* Mana Storm */
591     case 39:
592 // RF5_BA_DARK			0x00000100	/* Darkness Storm */
593     case 40:
594 // RF5_DRAIN_MANA		0x00000200	/* Drain Mana */
595     case 41:
596 //      msg_print(Ind, "Haha, you wish ... :)");
597 // RF5_MIND_BLAST		0x00000400	/* Blast Mind */
598     case 42:
599 // RF5_BRAIN_SMASH		0x00000800	/* Smash Brain */
600     case 43:
601 //#define RF5_CURSE                       0x00001000      /* Cause Wound */
602     case 44:
603 	p_ptr->current_spell = j;
604 	get_aim_dir(Ind);
605 	return;
606 //UNUSED
607     case 45:
608 	break;
609 //#define RF5_BA_NUKE                     0x00004000  /* TY: Nuke Ball */
610     case 46:
611 //#define RF5_BA_CHAO                     0x00008000  /* Chaos Ball */
612     case 47:
613 // RF5_BO_ACID			0x00010000	/* Acid Bolt */
614     case 48:
615 // RF5_BO_ELEC			0x00020000	/* Elec Bolt (unused) */
616     case 49:
617 // RF5_BO_FIRE			0x00040000	/* Fire Bolt */
618     case 50:
619 // RF5_BO_COLD			0x00080000	/* Cold Bolt */
620     case 51:
621 // RF5_BO_POIS			0x00100000	/* Poison Bolt (unused) */
622     case 52:
623 // RF5_BO_NETH			0x00200000	/* Nether Bolt */
624     case 53:
625 // RF5_BO_WATE			0x00400000	/* Water Bolt */
626     case 54:
627 // RF5_BO_MANA			0x00800000	/* Mana Bolt */
628     case 55:
629 // RF5_BO_PLAS			0x01000000	/* Plasma Bolt */
630     case 56:
631 // RF5_BO_ICEE			0x02000000	/* Ice Bolt */
632     case 57:
633 // RF5_MISSILE			0x04000000	/* Magic Missile */
634     case 58:
635 // RF5_SCARE			0x08000000	/* Frighten Player */
636     case 59:
637 // RF5_BLIND			0x10000000	/* Blind Player */
638     case 60:
639 // RF5_CONF			0x20000000	/* Confuse Player */
640     case 61:
641 // RF5_SLOW			0x40000000	/* Slow Player */
642     case 62:
643 // RF5_HOLD			0x80000000	/* Paralyze Player */
644     case 63:
645 	p_ptr->current_spell = j;
646 	get_aim_dir(Ind);
647 	return;
650 /* RF_6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
652 // RF6_HASTE			0x00000001	/* Speed self */
653     case 64:
654 	if(!p_ptr->fast) set_fast(Ind, 3 + rlev / 6 + randint(2 + rlev / 4), 10);
655 	break;
656 // RF6_HAND_DOOM		0x00000002	/* Should we...? */ /* YES! */
657     case 65:
658 	p_ptr->current_spell = j;
659 	get_aim_dir(Ind);
660 	return;
661 // RF6_HEAL			0x00000004	/* Heal self */
662     case 66:
663 	if (p_ptr->lev >= 40) hp_player(Ind, ((rlev + 100) * (rlev + 100)) / 100);//225..400 (335 as eg avg)
664 	else hp_player(Ind, ((rlev + 5) * (rlev + 30)) / 14);
665 	//hp_player(Ind, rlev * 2);
666 	break;
667 //#define RF6_S_ANIMALS                   0x00000008      /* Summon animals */
668     case 67:
669 	break;
670 // RF6_BLINK			0x00000010	/* Teleport Short */
671     case 68:
672 	teleport_player(Ind, 10, TRUE);
673 	break;
674 // RF6_TPORT			0x00000020	/* Teleport Long */
675     case 69:
676 	teleport_player(Ind, 200, FALSE);
677 	break;
678 //#define RF6_RAISE_DEAD                  0x00000040      /* Raise Dead */
679     case 70:
680 	break;
681 //#define RF6_S_BUG                       0x00000080      /* Summon Software bug */
682     case 71:
683 	break;
684 //#define RF6_TELE_TO                     0x00000100      /* Move player to monster */
685     case 72:
686 // RF6_TELE_AWAY		0x00000200	/* Move player far away */
687     case 73:
688 	p_ptr->current_spell = j;
689 	get_aim_dir(Ind);
690 	return;
691 // RF6_TELE_LEVEL		0x00000400	/* Move player vertically */
692     case 74:
693     //Disabled to sync with scrolls.      teleport_player_level(Ind, FALSE);	/* wrong way, but useful */
694 	break;
695 //#define RF6_S_RNG                       0x00000800      /* Summon RNG */
696     case 75:
697 	break;
698 // RF6_DARKNESS		0x00001000	/* Create Darkness */
699     case 76:
700 	unlite_area(Ind, 10, 3);
701       break;
702 // RF6_TRAPS			0x00002000	/* Create Traps */
703     case 77:
704 // RF6_FORGET			0x00004000	/* Cause amnesia */
705     case 78:
706 	p_ptr->current_spell = j;
707 	get_aim_dir(Ind);
708 	return;
709 //      msg_print(Ind, "Haha, you wish ... :)");
710 	break;
712 //following flags are just RF6_S_... summoning spells */
713     default:
714 	msg_format(Ind, "Bad innate power %d.", power);
715 	break;
716     }
717 	}
719 	if (s_ptr->smana <= p_ptr->csp) {
720 		/* Use some mana */
721 		p_ptr->csp -= s_ptr->smana;
722 	}
723 	/* Over-exert the player */
724 	else {
725 		int oops = s_ptr->smana - p_ptr->csp;
727 		/* No mana left */
728 		p_ptr->csp = 0;
729 		p_ptr->csp_frac = 0;
731 		/* Message */
732 		msg_print(Ind, "You faint from the effort!");
734 		/* Hack -- bypass free action */
735 		(void)set_paralyzed(Ind, p_ptr->paralyzed + randint(5 * oops + 1));
737 		/* Damage CON (possibly permanently) */
738 		if (rand_int(100) < 50) {
739 			bool perm = (rand_int(100) < 25);
741 			/* Message */
742 			msg_print(Ind, "You have damaged your health!");
744 			/* Reduce constitution */
745 			(void)dec_stat(Ind, A_CON, 15 + randint(10), perm);
746 		}
748 		/* Cease fire-till-kill! */
749 		p_ptr->shooting_till_kill = FALSE;
750 		p_ptr->shooty_till_kill = FALSE;
751 		p_ptr->shoot_till_kill_mimic = 0;
752 	}
754 	/* Display the spellpoints */
755         p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_MANA);
756 }
758 /*
759  * Finish casting a spell that required a direction --KLJ--
760  */
do_mimic_power_aux(int Ind,int dir)761 void do_mimic_power_aux(int Ind, int dir)
762 {
763 	player_type *p_ptr = Players[Ind];
764 	monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[p_ptr->body_monster];
765 	int rad;
766 	int rlev = (r_ptr->level + p_ptr->lev * 2 + 1) / 3;
767 	int rlev_bonus;
768 	magic_type *s_ptr = &innate_powers[p_ptr->current_spell];
770 #if 1 /* Fire-till-kill */
771 	int cs = p_ptr->current_spell;
773         if (p_ptr->shooting_till_kill) { /* we were shooting till kill last turn? */
774                 p_ptr->shooting_till_kill = FALSE; /* well, gotta re-test for another success now.. */
775                 if (dir == 5) p_ptr->shooty_till_kill = TRUE; /* so for now we are just ATTEMPTING to shoot till kill (assumed we have a monster for target) */
776         }
777 #endif
779 	if (rlev > 50) rlev = 50;
780 	rlev_bonus = (rlev * rlev) / 10; /* polynomially growing summand for bolt and ball spells */
782 	/* Determine the radius of the blast */
783 	rad = (r_ptr->flags2 & RF2_POWERFUL) ? 3 : 2;
785 	if (!is_newer_than(&p_ptr->version, 4, 4, 5, 10, 0, 0)) {
786 		/* Only fire in direction 5 if we have a target */
787 		if ((dir == 5) && !target_okay(Ind)) {
788 			/* Reset current spell */
789 			p_ptr->current_spell = -1;
790 			/* Done */
791 			return;
792 		}
793 	}
794 //s_printf("dmpa dir,current_spell=%d,%d\n", dir, p_ptr->current_spell);
796 	/* We assume that the spell can be cast, and so forth */
797 	switch(p_ptr->current_spell) {
798 //#define RF4_ARROW_1			0x00000010	/* Fire arrow(s) (light) */
799 		/* XXX: ARROW_1 gives extra-shot to the player; we'd better
800 		 * remove this 'innate' power? (see calc_body_bonus) */
801     case 3:
802 	sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " fires a rocket for");
803 	msg_print(Ind, "You fire a rocket.");
804 	fire_ball(Ind, GF_ROCKET, dir, ((p_ptr->mhp / 2) > 600) ? 600 : (p_ptr->mhp / 2), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
805 	break;
806     case 4:
807 	{
808 //cool stuff, needs some testing:
809 //		int k;
810 //		for (k = 0; k < 1 + rlev / 20; k++) {
811 			sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " fires an arrow for");
812 			msg_print(Ind, "You fire an arrow.");
813 			fire_bolt(Ind, GF_ARROW, dir, damroll(1 + rlev / 8, 6), p_ptr->attacker);
814 			break;
815 //		}
816 	}
817 //#define RF4_ARROW_2			0x00000020	/* Fire shot (heavy) */
818     case 5:
819 	sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " fires a shot for");
820 	msg_print(Ind, "You fire a shot.");
821 	fire_bolt(Ind, GF_ARROW, dir, damroll(3 + rlev / 15, 6), p_ptr->attacker);
822         break;
823 //#define RF4_ARROW_3			0x00000040	/* Fire bolt (heavy) */
824     case 6:
825         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " fires a bolt for");
826 	msg_print(Ind, "You fire a bolt.");
827         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_ARROW, dir, damroll(3 + rlev / 15, 6), p_ptr->attacker);
828         break;
829 //#define RF4_ARROW_4			0x00000080	/* Fire generic missile (heavy) */
830     case 7:
831         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " fires a missile for");
832 	msg_print(Ind, "You fire a missile.");
833         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_MISSILE, dir, damroll(3 + rlev / 15, 6), p_ptr->attacker);
834         break;
835 //#define RF4_BR_ACID			0x00000100	/* Breathe Acid */
836     case 8:
837         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes acid for");
838 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe acid.");
839         fire_ball(Ind, GF_ACID, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 3) > 500) ? 500 : (p_ptr->chp / 3), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
840         break;
841 //#define RF4_BR_ELEC			0x00000200	/* Breathe Elec */
842     case 9:
843         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes lightning for");
844 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe lightning.");
845         fire_ball(Ind, GF_ELEC, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 3) > 500) ? 500 : (p_ptr->chp / 3), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
846         break;
847 //#define RF4_BR_FIRE			0x00000400	/* Breathe Fire */
848     case 10:
849         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes fire for");
850 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe fire.");
851         fire_ball(Ind, GF_FIRE, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 3) > 500) ? 500 : (p_ptr->chp / 3), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
852         break;
853 //#define RF4_BR_COLD			0x00000800	/* Breathe Cold */
854     case 11:
855         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes frost for");
856 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe frost.");
857         fire_ball(Ind, GF_COLD, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 3) > 500) ? 500 : (p_ptr->chp / 3), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
858         break;
859 //#define RF4_BR_POIS			0x00001000	/* Breathe Poison */
860     case 12:
861         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes gas for");
862 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe gas.");
863         fire_ball(Ind, GF_POIS, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 3) > 450) ? 450 : (p_ptr->chp / 3), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
864         break;
865 //#define RF4_BR_NETH			0x00002000	/* Breathe Nether */
866     case 13:
867         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes nether for");
868 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe nether.");
869         fire_ball(Ind, GF_NETHER, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 4) > 450) ? 450 : (p_ptr->chp / 4), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
870         break;
871 //#define RF4_BR_LITE			0x00004000	/* Breathe Lite */
872     case 14:
873         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes light for");
874 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe light.");
875         fire_ball(Ind, GF_LITE, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 4) > 400) ? 400 : (p_ptr->chp / 4), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
876         break;
877 //#define RF4_BR_DARK			0x00008000	/* Breathe Dark */
878     case 15:
879         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes darkness for");
880 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe darkness.");
881         fire_ball(Ind, GF_DARK, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 4) > 400) ? 400 : (p_ptr->chp / 4) , rad, p_ptr->attacker);
882         break;
883 //#define RF4_BR_CONF			0x00010000	/* Breathe Confusion */
884     case 16:
885         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes confusion for");
886 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe confusion.");
887         fire_ball(Ind, GF_CONFUSION, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 4) > 350) ? 350 : (p_ptr->chp / 4), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
888         break;
889 //#define RF4_BR_SOUN			0x00020000	/* Breathe Sound */
890     case 17:
891         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes sound for");
892 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe sound.");
893         fire_ball(Ind, GF_SOUND, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 4) > 350) ? 350 : (p_ptr->chp / 4), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
894         break;
895 //#define RF4_BR_CHAO			0x00040000	/* Breathe Chaos */
896     case 18:
897         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes chaos for");
898 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe chaos.");
899         fire_ball(Ind, GF_CHAOS, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 4) > 450) ? 450 : (p_ptr->chp / 4), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
900         break;
901 //#define RF4_BR_DISE			0x00080000	/* Breathe Disenchant */
902     case 19:
903         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes disenchantment for");
904 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe disenchantment.");
905         fire_ball(Ind, GF_DISENCHANT, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 4) > 400) ? 400 : (p_ptr->chp / 4), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
906         break;
907 //#define RF4_BR_NEXU			0x00100000	/* Breathe Nexus */
908     case 20:
909         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes nexus for");
910 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe nexus.");
911         fire_ball(Ind, GF_NEXUS, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 3) > 250) ? 250 : (p_ptr->chp / 3), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
912         break;
913 //#define RF4_BR_TIME			0x00200000	/* Breathe Time */
914     case 21:
915         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes time for");
916 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe time.");
917         fire_ball(Ind, GF_TIME, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 3) > 200) ? 200 : (p_ptr->chp / 3), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
918         break;
919 //#define RF4_BR_INER			0x00400000	/* Breathe Inertia */
920     case 22:
921         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes inertia for");
922 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe inertia.");
923         fire_ball(Ind, GF_INERTIA, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 4) > 200) ? 200 : (p_ptr->chp / 4) , rad, p_ptr->attacker);
924         break;
925 //#define RF4_BR_GRAV			0x00800000	/* Breathe Gravity */
926     case 23:
927         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes gravity for");
928 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe gravity.");
929         fire_ball(Ind, GF_GRAVITY, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 3) > 200) ? 200 : (p_ptr->chp / 3) , rad, p_ptr->attacker);
930         break;
931 //#define RF4_BR_SHAR			0x01000000	/* Breathe Shards */
932     case 24:
933         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes shards for");
934 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe shards.");
935         fire_ball(Ind, GF_SHARDS, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 4) > 350) ? 350 : (p_ptr->chp / 4) , rad, p_ptr->attacker);
936         break;
937 //#define RF4_BR_PLAS			0x02000000	/* Breathe Plasma */
938     case 25:
939         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes plasma for");
940 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe plasma.");
941         fire_ball(Ind, GF_PLASMA, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 4) > 150) ? 150 : (p_ptr->chp / 4) , rad, p_ptr->attacker);
942         break;
943 //#define RF4_BR_WALL			0x04000000	/* Breathe Force */
944     case 26:
945         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes force for");
946 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe force.");
947         fire_ball(Ind, GF_FORCE, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 4) > 200) ? 200 : (p_ptr->chp / 4) , rad, p_ptr->attacker);
948         break;
949 //#define RF4_BR_MANA			0x08000000	/* Breathe Mana */
950     case 27:
951         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes mana for");
952 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe mana.");
953         fire_ball(Ind, GF_MANA, dir, ((p_ptr->chp / 3) > 250) ? 250 : (p_ptr->chp / 3) , rad, p_ptr->attacker);
954         break;
955 /* RF4_BR_DISI */
956     case 28:
957 	sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes disintegration for");
958 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe disintegration.");
959 	fire_ball(Ind, GF_DISINTEGRATE, dir,
960 	    ((p_ptr->chp / 3) > 300 ? 300 : (p_ptr->chp / 3)), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
961 	break;
962 /* RF4_BR_NUKE */
963     case 29:
964 	sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " breathes toxic waste for");
965 	msg_print(Ind, "You breathe toxic waste.");
966 	fire_ball(Ind, GF_NUKE, dir,
967 	    ((p_ptr->chp / 3) > 450 ? 450 : (p_ptr->chp / 3)), rad, p_ptr->attacker);
968 	break;
969 /* RF4_BOULDER */
970     case 31:
971         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " hurls a boulder at you for");
972 	msg_print(Ind, "You hurl a boulder.");
973         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_ARROW, dir, damroll(1 + rlev / 7, 12), p_ptr->attacker);
974         break;
976 /* RF5 */
978 // RF5_BA_ACID			0x00000001	/* Acid Ball */
979     case 32:
980         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts an acid ball for");
981 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast an acid ball.");
982         fire_ball(Ind, GF_ACID, dir, randint(rlev * 3) + 15 + rlev_bonus, rad, p_ptr->attacker);
983         break;
984 // RF5_BA_ELEC			0x00000002	/* Elec Ball */
985     case 33:
986         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a lightning ball for");
987 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a lightning ball.");
988         fire_ball(Ind, GF_ELEC, dir, randint(rlev * 3 / 2) + 8 + rlev_bonus, rad, p_ptr->attacker);
989         break;
990 // RF5_BA_FIRE			0x00000004	/* Fire Ball */
991     case 34:
992         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a fire ball for");
993 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a fire ball.");
994         fire_ball(Ind, GF_FIRE, dir, randint(rlev * 7 / 2) + 10 + rlev_bonus, rad, p_ptr->attacker);
995         break;
996 // RF5_BA_COLD			0x00000008	/* Cold Ball */
997     case 35:
998         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a cold ball for");
999 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a cold ball.");
1000         fire_ball(Ind, GF_COLD, dir, randint(rlev * 2) + 10 + rlev_bonus, rad, p_ptr->attacker);
1001         break;
1002 // RF5_BA_POIS			0x00000010	/* Poison Ball */
1003     case 36:
1004         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a stinking cloud for");
1005 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a stinking cloud.");
1006 //	fire_ball(Ind, GF_POIS, dir, damroll(12, 2) , rad, p_ptr->attacker);
1007         fire_cloud(Ind, GF_POIS, dir, damroll(4 + rlev / 5, 2), rad, 4, 9, p_ptr->attacker);
1008         break;
1009 // RF5_BA_NETH			0x00000020	/* Nether Ball */
1010     case 37:
1011 	sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a nether ball for");
1012 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a nether ball.");
1013         fire_ball(Ind, GF_NETHER, dir, 50  + damroll(10, 10) + rlev + rlev_bonus, rad, p_ptr->attacker);
1014         break;
1015 // RF5_BA_WATE			0x00000040	/* Water Ball */
1016     case 38:
1017 	sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a water ball for");
1018 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a water ball.");
1019         fire_ball(Ind, GF_WATER, dir, randint(rlev * 5 / 2) + 50 + rlev_bonus / 2, rad, p_ptr->attacker);
1020         break;
1021 // RF5_BA_MANA			0x00000080	/* Mana Storm */
1022     case 39:
1023         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " invokes a mana storm for");
1024 	msg_print(Ind, "You invoke a mana storm.");
1025         fire_ball(Ind, GF_MANA, dir, damroll(10, 10) + (rlev * 2) + rlev_bonus, rad, p_ptr->attacker);
1026         break;
1027 // RF5_BA_DARK			0x00000100	/* Darkness Storm */
1028     case 40:
1029 	sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " invokes a darkness storm for");
1030 	msg_print(Ind, "You invoke a darkness storm.");
1031         fire_ball(Ind, GF_DARK, dir, damroll(10, 10) + (rlev * 2) + rlev_bonus, rad, p_ptr->attacker);
1032         break;
1033 // RF5_MIND_BLAST		0x00000400	/* Blast Mind */
1034     case 42:
1035     //sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " tries to blast your mind for");
1036         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " focusses on your mind for");
1037         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_PSI, dir, damroll(3 + rlev / 5, 8), "");
1038         break;
1039 // RF5_BRAIN_SMASH		0x00000800	/* Smash Brain */
1040     case 43:
1041         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " focusses on your mind for");
1042         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_PSI, dir, damroll(5 + rlev / 4, 8), "");
1043         break;
1044 // RF5_CAUSE_1			0x00001000	/* Cause Wound */
1045     case 44:
1046         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " causes wounds for");
1047 	msg_print(Ind, "You cause wounds.");
1048         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_MANA, dir, damroll(3 + rlev / 4, 8), p_ptr->attacker);
1049         break;
1050 // RF5_CAUSE_2			0x00002000	/* XXX */
1051     case 45:
1052         break;
1053 /* RF5_BA_NUKE */
1054     case 32+14:
1055 	sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " invokes radiation for");
1056 	msg_print(Ind, "You invoke radiation.");
1057 	fire_ball(Ind, GF_NUKE, dir, (rlev + damroll(10, 6)) + rlev_bonus, 2, p_ptr->attacker);
1058 	break;
1059 /* RF5_BA_CHAO */
1060     case 32+15:
1061 	sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " invokes raw chaos for");
1062 	msg_print(Ind, "You invoke raw chaos.");
1063 	fire_ball(Ind, GF_CHAOS, dir, (rlev * 2) + damroll(10, 10) + rlev_bonus, 4, p_ptr->attacker);
1064 	break;
1065 // RF5_BO_ACID			0x00010000	/* Acid Bolt */
1066     case 48:
1067         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts an acid bolt for");
1068 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast an acid bolt.");
1069         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_ACID, dir, damroll(7, 8) + (rlev / 3) + rlev_bonus / 3, p_ptr->attacker);
1070         break;
1071 // RF5_BO_ELEC			0x00020000	/* Elec Bolt (unused) */
1072     case 49:
1073         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a lightning bolt for");
1074 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a lightning bolt.");
1075         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_ELEC, dir, damroll(4, 8) + (rlev / 3) + rlev_bonus / 3, p_ptr->attacker);
1076         break;
1077 // RF5_BO_FIRE			0x00040000	/* Fire Bolt */
1078     case 50:
1079         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a fire bolt for");
1080 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a fire bolt.");
1081         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_FIRE, dir, damroll(9, 8) + (rlev / 3) + rlev_bonus / 3, p_ptr->attacker);
1082         break;
1083 // RF5_BO_COLD			0x00080000	/* Cold Bolt */
1084     case 51:
1085         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a frost bolt for");
1086 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a frost bolt.");
1087         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_COLD, dir, damroll(6, 8) + (rlev / 3) + rlev_bonus / 3, p_ptr->attacker);
1088         break;
1089 // RF5_BO_POIS			0x00100000	/* Poison Bolt (unused) */
1090     case 52:
1091         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a poison bolt for");
1092 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a poison bolt.");
1093         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_POIS, dir, damroll(3, 8) + (rlev / 3) + rlev_bonus / 3, p_ptr->attacker);
1094         break;
1095 // RF5_BO_NETH			0x00200000	/* Nether Bolt */
1096     case 53:
1097         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a nether bolt for");
1098 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a nether bolt.");
1099         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_NETHER, dir, 30 + damroll(5, 5) + (rlev * 3) / 2 + rlev_bonus / 3, p_ptr->attacker);
1100         break;
1101 // RF5_BO_WATE			0x00400000	/* Water Bolt */
1102     case 54:
1103         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a water bolt for");
1104 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a water bolt.");
1105         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_WATER, dir, damroll(10, 10) + (rlev) + rlev_bonus / 3, p_ptr->attacker);
1106         break;
1107 // RF5_BO_MANA			0x00800000	/* Mana Bolt */
1108     case 55:
1109         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a mana bolt for");
1110 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a mana bolt.");
1111         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_MANA, dir, randint(rlev * 7 / 4) + 50 + rlev_bonus / 3, p_ptr->attacker);
1112         break;
1113 // RF5_BO_PLAS			0x01000000	/* Plasma Bolt */
1114     case 56:
1115         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts a plasma bolt for");
1116 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast a plasma bolt.");
1117         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_PLASMA, dir, 10 + damroll(8, 7) + (rlev) + rlev_bonus / 3, p_ptr->attacker);
1118         break;
1119 // RF5_BO_ICEE			0x02000000	/* Ice Bolt */
1120     case 57:
1121         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " casts an ice bolt for");
1122 	msg_print(Ind, "You cast an ice bolt.");
1123         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_ICE, dir, damroll(6, 6) + (rlev) + rlev_bonus / 3, p_ptr->attacker);
1124         break;
1125 // RF5_MISSILE			0x04000000	/* Magic Missile */
1126     case 58:
1127         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " fires a magic missile for");
1128 	msg_print(Ind, "You fire a magic missile.");
1129         fire_bolt(Ind, GF_MISSILE, dir, damroll(2, 6) + (rlev / 3) + rlev_bonus / 5, p_ptr->attacker);
1130         break;
1131 // RF5_SCARE			0x08000000	/* Frighten Player */
1132     case 59:
1133         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " focusses on your mind");
1134         fire_grid_bolt(Ind, GF_TURN_ALL, dir, damroll(2, 6) + (rlev / 3), p_ptr->attacker);
1135         break;
1136 // RF5_BLIND			0x10000000	/* Blind Player */
1137     case 60:
1138         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " focusses on your mind");
1139         fire_grid_bolt(Ind, GF_BLIND, dir, damroll(2, 6) + (rlev / 3), p_ptr->attacker);
1140         break;
1141 // RF5_CONF			0x20000000	/* Confuse Player */
1142     case 61:
1143         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " focusses on your mind");
1144         fire_grid_bolt(Ind, GF_CONFUSION, dir, damroll(2, 6) + (rlev / 3), p_ptr->attacker);
1145         break;
1146 // RF5_SLOW			0x40000000	/* Slow Player */
1147     case 62:
1148         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " concentrates on your body");
1149         fire_grid_bolt(Ind, GF_OLD_SLOW, dir, damroll(2, 6) + (rlev / 3), p_ptr->attacker);
1150         break;
1151 // RF5_HOLD			0x80000000	/* Paralyze Player */
1152     case 63:
1153         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " concentrates on your body");
1154         fire_grid_bolt(Ind, GF_STASIS, dir, damroll(2, 6) + (rlev / 3), p_ptr->attacker);
1155         break;
1156 // RF6_HAND_DOOM		0x00000002	/* Should we...? */ /* YES! */
1157     case 65:
1158         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " invokes the hand of doom for");
1159 	msg_print(Ind, "You invoke the hand of doom.");
1160 	(void)project_hook(Ind, GF_HAND_DOOM, dir, 1, PROJECT_STOP | PROJECT_KILL, p_ptr->attacker);
1161         break;
1162 // RF6_TELE_TO
1163     case 72:
1164         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " commands you to return");
1165 	(void)project_hook(Ind, GF_TELE_TO, dir, 1, PROJECT_STOP | PROJECT_KILL, p_ptr->attacker);
1166 	break;
1167 // RF6_TELE_AWAY
1168     case 73:
1169         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " invokes a teleportation spell");
1170         (void)fire_beam(Ind, GF_AWAY_ALL, dir, rlev, p_ptr->attacker);
1171 	break;
1172 // RF6_TRAPS			0x00002000	/* Create Traps */
1173     case 77:
1174         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " cackles evilly");
1175 #if 0 /* Note: These traps would be exploitable for xp badly. */
1176 	//msg_print(Ind, "You cackle evilly.");
1177 	fire_ball(Ind, GF_MAKE_TRAP, dir, 1, 1 + rlev / 30, p_ptr->attacker);
1178 #endif
1179         break;
1180 // RF6_FORGET
1181     case 78:
1182         sprintf(p_ptr->attacker, " tries to blank your mind");
1183         fire_grid_bolt(Ind, GF_CONFUSION, dir, damroll(4, 6) + (rlev / 2), p_ptr->attacker);
1184 	break;
1186 	default: /* For some reason we got called for a spell that
1187 		    doesn't require a direction */
1188 		msg_format(Ind, "SERVER ERROR: do_mimic_power_aux() called for non-directional power %d!", p_ptr->current_spell);
1189 		p_ptr->current_spell = -1;
1190 		return;
1191 	}
1193 //	p_ptr->energy -= level_speed(&p_ptr->wpos);
1195 	if (s_ptr->smana <= p_ptr->csp) {
1196 		/* Use some mana */
1197 		p_ptr->csp -= s_ptr->smana;
1198 	}
1200 	/* Over-exert the player */
1201 	else {
1202 		int oops = s_ptr->smana - p_ptr->csp;
1204 		/* No mana left */
1205 		p_ptr->csp = 0;
1206 		p_ptr->csp_frac = 0;
1208 		/* Message */
1209 		msg_print(Ind, "You faint from the effort!");
1211 		/* Hack -- bypass free action */
1212 		(void)set_paralyzed(Ind, p_ptr->paralyzed + randint(5 * oops + 1));
1214 		/* Damage CON (possibly permanently) */
1215 		if (rand_int(100) < 50) {
1216 			bool perm = (rand_int(100) < 25);
1218 			/* Message */
1219 			msg_print(Ind, "You have damaged your health!");
1221 			/* Reduce constitution */
1222 			(void)dec_stat(Ind, A_CON, 15 + randint(10), perm);
1223 		}
1225 		/* Cease fire-till-kill! */
1226 		p_ptr->shooting_till_kill = FALSE;
1227 		p_ptr->shooty_till_kill = FALSE;
1228 		p_ptr->shoot_till_kill_mimic = 0;
1229 	}
1231 	/* Reset current spell */
1232 	p_ptr->current_spell = -1;
1234 	/* Resend mana */
1235 	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_MANA);
1237 	/* Window stuff */
1238 	p_ptr->window |= (PW_PLAYER);
1240 #if 1 /* Fire-Till-Kill */
1241         if (p_ptr->shooty_till_kill) {
1242 		int ftk;
1243  #if 0
1244 		if (cs < 32) {
1245 			ftk = monster_spell4[cs].ftk;
1246 		} else if (cs < 64) {
1247 			ftk = monster_spell5[cs - 32].ftk;
1248 		} else {
1249 			ftk = monster_spell6[cs - 64].ftk;
1250 		}
1251  #else
1252 		ftk = innate_powers[cs].ftk;
1253  #endif
1254                 /* spell actually doesn't allow ftk? */
1255                 if (!ftk) return;
1257                 /* To continue shooting_till_kill, check if spell requires clean LOS to target
1258                    with no other monsters in the way, so we won't wake up more monsters accidentally. */
1259  #ifndef PY_PROJ_WALL
1260                 if (ftk == 1 && !projectable_real(Ind, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, p_ptr->target_row, p_ptr->target_col, MAX_RANGE)) return;
1261  #else
1262                 if (ftk == 1 && !projectable_wall_real(Ind, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, p_ptr->target_row, p_ptr->target_col, MAX_RANGE)) return;
1263  #endif
1265                 /* We lost our target? (monster dead?) */
1266                 if (dir != 5 || !target_okay(Ind)) return;
1268                 /* we're now indeed ftk */
1269                 p_ptr->shooting_till_kill = TRUE;
1270                 p_ptr->shoot_till_kill_mimic = cs + 1;
1271 		/* disable other ftk types */
1272 		p_ptr->shoot_till_kill_spell = FALSE;
1273 		p_ptr->shoot_till_kill_rcraft = FALSE;
1274         }
1275 #endif
1276 }
do_mimic_change(int Ind,int r_idx,bool force)1278 void do_mimic_change(int Ind, int r_idx, bool force) {
1279 	player_type *p_ptr = Players[Ind];
1281 	if (!force && r_info[r_idx].level > get_skill_scale(p_ptr, SKILL_MIMIC, 100)) {
1282 		msg_print(Ind, "You do need a higher mimicry skill to use that shape.");
1283 		return;
1284 	}
1286         /* No magic */
1287 	if (p_ptr->anti_magic && !force) {
1288 	        msg_format(Ind, "\377%cYour anti-magic shell disrupts your attempt.", COLOUR_AM_OWN);
1289 	        return;
1290 	}
1291 	if (p_ptr->antimagic && !force) {
1292 	        msg_format(Ind, "\377%cYour anti-magic field disrupts your attempt.", COLOUR_AM_OWN);
1293 	        return;
1294 	}
1295 	/* Not when confused */
1296 	if (p_ptr->confused && !force)
1297 	{
1298 		msg_print(Ind, "You are too confused!");
1299 		return;
1300 	}
1302 	/* mimics can easily restore from chauve-souris fruit bat form */
1303 	if (p_ptr->fruit_bat == 2) p_ptr->fruit_bat = 0;
1305 	p_ptr->body_monster = r_idx;
1306 	p_ptr->body_changed = TRUE;
1308 	if (p_ptr->tim_wraith) p_ptr->tim_wraith = 1; /* in xtra2.c it would prevent regular wraithform on istari */
1310 	if (!force) p_ptr->warning_mimic = 1;
1312 	if (r_idx) {
1313 		msg_format(Ind, "You polymorph into a %s!", r_info[r_idx].name + r_name);
1314 		msg_format_near(Ind, "%s polymorphs into a %s!", p_ptr->name, r_info[r_idx].name + r_name);
1315 	} else {
1316 		msg_print(Ind, "You polymorph back to normal form.");
1317 		msg_format_near(Ind, "%s polymorphs back to normal form.", p_ptr->name);
1318 	}
1320 	break_cloaking(Ind, 0); /* can happen, if vampire rogue! */
1321 	break_shadow_running(Ind); /* can happen, if vampire rogue! */
1322 	stop_precision(Ind);
1323 	stop_shooting_till_kill(Ind);
1325 	note_spot(Ind, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px);
1326 	everyone_lite_spot(&p_ptr->wpos, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px);
1328 	/* Piece together a 32-bit random seed */
1329 	p_ptr->mimic_seed = rand_int(0xFFFF) << 16;
1330 	p_ptr->mimic_seed += rand_int(0xFFFF);
1332 	/* Penalise form-switching just for using a spell */
1333 //	p_ptr->csp /= 2;
1335 	/* Recalculate mana */
1336 	p_ptr->update |= (PU_MANA | PU_HP | PU_BONUS | PU_VIEW);
1338 	/* Tell the client */
1339 	p_ptr->redraw |= PR_VARIOUS | PR_MANA;//PR_MANA was for when p_ptr->csp was reduced as form-switch penalty
1341 	/* Window stuff */
1342 	p_ptr->window |= (PW_INVEN | PW_EQUIP | PW_PLAYER);
1344 #if 0 /* 0'ed - keep form 'saved' instead! */
1345 #if POLY_RING_METHOD == 1
1346 	/* clear temporary mimicking from polymorph ring */
1347 	p_ptr->tim_mimic = 0;
1348 	p_ptr->tim_mimic_what = 0;
1349 #endif
1350 #endif
1351 }
do_cmd_mimic(int Ind,int spell,int dir)1353 void do_cmd_mimic(int Ind, int spell, int dir) {
1354 	player_type *p_ptr = Players[Ind];
1355 	int j, k, offset = 3; /* offset: 3 polymorph powers */
1356 	bool using_free_mimic = FALSE;
1357 	bool admin = is_admin(p_ptr);
1359 	/* should it..? */
1360 //	dun_level		*l_ptr = getfloor(&p_ptr->wpos);
1361 //(changed it to no_tele)	if(l_ptr && l_ptr->flags1 & LF1_NO_MAGIC) return;
1363 	if (!get_skill(p_ptr, SKILL_MIMIC)) {
1364 		msg_print(Ind, "You are too solid.");
1365 		return;
1366 	}
1368 	/* No anti-magic fields around ? */
1369 	/* Innate powers aren't hindered */
1370 	if ((!spell || spell - offset >= 32) && check_antimagic(Ind, 100)) {
1371 		p_ptr->energy -= level_speed(&p_ptr->wpos);
1372 		return;
1373 	}
1374 	if (spell == 0 || spell == 1) {
1375 		j = p_ptr->body_monster;
1376 		k = 0;
1378 		while (TRUE) {
1379 			j++;
1380 			k++;
1381 			if (k >= MAX_R_IDX - 1) {
1382 //				j = 0;
1383 				msg_print(Ind, "You don't know any forms!");
1384 				return;
1385 			}
1387 			if (j >= MAX_R_IDX - 1) j = 0;
1389 			if (p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_DRUID) {
1390 				if (mimic_druid(j, p_ptr->lev) || (j == 0)) {
1391 					/* (S)he is no longer afk */
1392 					un_afk_idle(Ind);
1393 					do_mimic_change(Ind, j, TRUE);
1394 					p_ptr->energy -= level_speed(&p_ptr->wpos);
1395 					return;
1396 				} else continue;
1397 			}
1398 			if (p_ptr->prace == RACE_VAMPIRE) {
1399 				if (mimic_vampire(j, p_ptr->lev) || (j == 0)) {
1400 					/* (S)he is no longer afk */
1401 					un_afk_idle(Ind);
1402 					do_mimic_change(Ind, j, TRUE);
1403 					p_ptr->energy -= level_speed(&p_ptr->wpos);
1404 					return;
1405 				} else continue;
1406 			}
1408 			if (r_info[j].level > get_skill_scale(p_ptr, SKILL_MIMIC, 100)) continue;
1409 			if (r_info[j].flags1 & RF1_UNIQUE) continue;
1410 			if (r_info[j].flags8 & RF8_PSEUDO_UNIQUE) continue;
1411 			if (p_ptr->r_killed[j] < r_info[j].level) continue;
1412 			if (p_ptr->r_killed[j] < 1 && j) continue;
1413 			if (strlen(r_info[j].name + r_name) <= 1) continue;
1414 //			if (!r_info[j].level && !mon_allowed(&r_info[j])) continue;
1415 			if (!mon_allowed_chance(&r_info[j])) continue;
1416 			if ((j != 0) && ((p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_SHAMAN) && !mimic_shaman(j))) continue;
1418 			/* Don't accidentally poly into a form that suppresses polymorphing,
1419 			   to do so you need to use 'Polymorph into...' */
1420 			if (r_info[j].flags7 & RF7_DISBELIEVE) continue;
1422 			if (spell == 1) { /* check for extremities matching? */
1423 				if ((p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_HEAD].tval || p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_NECK].tval)
1424 				    && !r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_HEAD]) continue;
1425 				if (p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_ARM].tval
1426 				    && !r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_ARMS]) continue;
1427 				if (p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_HANDS].tval
1428 				    && !(r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_ARMS] && r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_FINGER])) continue;
1429 				if ((p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_WIELD].tval || p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_BOW].tval)
1430 				    && !r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_WEAPON]) continue;
1431 				if (p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_RIGHT].tval
1432 				    && !r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_FINGER]) continue;
1433 				if (p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_LEFT].tval
1434 				    && r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_FINGER] < 2) continue;
1435 				if ((p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_BODY].tval || p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_OUTER].tval || p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_AMMO].tval)
1436 				    && !r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_TORSO]) continue;
1437 				if (p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_FEET].tval
1438 				    && !r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_LEGS]) continue;
1439 				/* combined stuff */
1440 				if (p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_TOOL].tval && !(
1441 				    r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_ARMS] || r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_WEAPON])) continue;
1442 				if (p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_LITE].tval && !(
1443 				    r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_ARMS] || r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_WEAPON] ||
1444 				    r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_FINGER] || r_info[j].body_parts[BODY_HEAD])) continue;
1445 			}
1447 			/* Ok we found */
1448 			break;
1449 		}
1451 		/* (S)he is no longer afk */
1452 		un_afk_idle(Ind);
1454 		do_mimic_change(Ind, j, FALSE);
1455 		p_ptr->energy -= level_speed(&p_ptr->wpos);
1456 	} else if (spell >= 20000) { /* hack: 20000 masks poly into.. */
1457 		k = p_ptr->body_monster;
1458 		//j = get_quantity("Which form (0 for player form)?", 0);
1459 		j = spell - 20000;
1461 		if (p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_DRUID) { /* SPecial ^^ */
1462 			if (mimic_druid(j, p_ptr->lev) || (j == 0)) {
1463 				/* (S)he is no longer afk */
1464 				un_afk_idle(Ind);
1466 				do_mimic_change(Ind, j, TRUE);
1467 				p_ptr->energy -= level_speed(&p_ptr->wpos);
1468 			} else msg_print(Ind, "You cannot use that form!");
1469 		} else if (p_ptr->prace == RACE_VAMPIRE) {
1470 			if (mimic_vampire(j, p_ptr->lev) || (j == 0)) {
1471 				/* (S)he is no longer afk */
1472 				un_afk_idle(Ind);
1474 				do_mimic_change(Ind, j, TRUE);
1475 				p_ptr->energy -= level_speed(&p_ptr->wpos);
1476 			} else msg_print(Ind, "You cannot use that form!");
1477 		} else {
1478 			if ((j >= MAX_R_IDX - 1) || (j < 0)) {
1479 				msg_print(Ind, "That form does not exist in the realm!");
1480 				return;
1481 			} else if (k == j) {
1482 				msg_print(Ind, "You are already using that form!");
1483 				return;
1484 			} else if (r_info[j].flags1 & RF1_UNIQUE) {
1485 				msg_print(Ind, "That form is unique!");
1486 				return;
1487 			} else if (r_info[j].flags8 & RF8_PSEUDO_UNIQUE) {
1488 				msg_print(Ind, "That form is unlearnable!");
1489 				return;
1490 			} else if (j && p_ptr->r_killed[j] < 1
1491 			    && !(p_ptr->tim_mimic && p_ptr->tim_mimic_what == j)
1492 			    && !admin) {
1493 				if (!p_ptr->free_mimic) {
1494 					msg_print(Ind, "You have no experience with that form at all!");
1495 					return;
1496 				} else using_free_mimic = TRUE;
1497 			} else if (p_ptr->r_killed[j] < r_info[j].level
1498 			    && !(p_ptr->tim_mimic && p_ptr->tim_mimic_what == j)
1499 			    && !admin) {
1500 				if (!p_ptr->free_mimic) {
1501 					msg_print(Ind, "You have not yet learned that form!");
1502 					return;
1503 				} else using_free_mimic = TRUE;
1504 			}
1506 			if (strlen(r_info[j].name + r_name) <= 1) {	/* <- ??? */
1507 				msg_print(Ind, "You cannot use that form!");
1508 				return;
1509 			}
1510 //			if (!r_info[j].level && !mon_allowed(&r_info[j])){	/* <- ? */
1511 			else if (!mon_allowed_chance(&r_info[j])) {	/* ! - C. Blue */
1512 				msg_print(Ind, "You cannot use that form!");
1513 				return;
1514 			} else if ((j != 0) && ((p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_SHAMAN) && !mimic_shaman(j))) {
1515 				msg_print(Ind, "You cannot use that form!");
1516 				return;
1517 			} else if (r_info[j].level > get_skill_scale(p_ptr, SKILL_MIMIC, 100)) {
1518 				msg_print(Ind, "You are not powerful enough to change into that form!");
1519 				return;
1520 			}
1522 			/* using up PvP-mode free mimic transformation? */
1523 			if (j && using_free_mimic) p_ptr->free_mimic--;
1525 			/* Activation tax */
1526 			else if (j && p_ptr->r_killed[j] < r_info[j].level
1527 			    && p_ptr->tim_mimic_what == j && p_ptr->tim_mimic > 10)
1528 				p_ptr->tim_mimic -= 10;
1530 			/* Ok we found */
1531 			do_mimic_change(Ind, j, using_free_mimic);
1532 			p_ptr->energy -= level_speed(&p_ptr->wpos);
1533 		}
1534 	} else {
1535 		/* (S)he is no longer afk */
1536 		un_afk_idle(Ind);
1538 		do_mimic_power(Ind, spell - offset, dir);
1539 	}
1540 }
1542 /*
1543  * School spells !
1544  */
1545 /* Hrm, 'item' should be used for spells like Identify;
1546  * TODO: revise the PKT_ACTIVATE_SKILL packet type
1547  */
cast_school_spell(int Ind,int book,int spell,int dir,int item,int aux)1548 void cast_school_spell(int Ind, int book, int spell, int dir, int item, int aux) {
1549 	player_type *p_ptr = Players[Ind];
1550 	object_type *o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[book];
1551 	int ftk_maybe;
1552 	int ftk_type;
1553 #ifdef ENABLE_XID_SPELL
1554 	bool rep = (p_ptr->command_rep == PKT_ACTIVATE_SKILL)
1555 	    && p_ptr->current_item < 0; //extra sanity check, superfluous?
1557 	p_ptr->command_rep = 0;
1558 #endif
1560 	if (p_ptr->shooting_till_kill) { /* we were shooting till kill last turn? */
1561 		p_ptr->shooting_till_kill = FALSE; /* well, gotta re-test for another success now.. */
1562 		if (dir == 5) p_ptr->shooty_till_kill = TRUE; /* so for now we are just ATTEMPTING to shoot till kill (assumed we have a monster for target) */
1563 	}
1565 	if (!can_use_verbose(Ind, o_ptr)) return;
1567 	if (o_ptr->tval != TV_BOOK) {
1568 		/* log for debugging */
1569 		s_printf("CAST_SCHOOL_SPELL_ERROR: TV_BOOK != %d\n", o_ptr->tval);
1571 		//msg_print(Ind, "Ahah dont try to hack your client please :) :: tval");
1572 		return;
1573 	} else if (o_ptr->sval == SV_SPELLBOOK) {
1574 		if (o_ptr->pval != spell) {
1575 			/* log for debugging */
1576 			s_printf("CAST_SCHOOL_SPELL_ERROR: SV_SPELLBOOK - %d != %d\n", o_ptr->pval, spell);
1578 			//msg_print(Ind, "Ahah dont try to hack your client please :) :: sval 255");
1579 			return;
1580 		}
1581 	} else {
1582 		if (MY_VERSION < (4 << 12 | 4 << 8 | 1 << 4 | 8)) {
1583 			if (exec_lua(Ind, format("return spell_in_book(%d, %d)", o_ptr->sval, spell)) == FALSE) {
1584 			/* no longer supported! to make s_aux.lua slimmer */
1585 				/* log for debugging */
1586 				s_printf("CAST_SCHOOL_SPELL_ERROR: MY_VERSION < - %d, %d\n", o_ptr->sval, spell);
1588 				//msg_print(Ind, "Ahah dont try to hack your client please :) :: sval != 255");
1589 				return;
1590 			}
1591 		} else {
1592 			if (exec_lua(Ind, format("return spell_in_book2(%d, %d, %d)", book, o_ptr->sval, spell)) == FALSE) {
1593 				/* log for debugging */
1594 				s_printf("CAST_SCHOOL_SPELL_ERROR: MY_VERSION >= - %d, %d, %d\n", book, o_ptr->sval, spell);
1596 				//msg_print(Ind, "Ahah dont try to hack your client please :) :: sval != 255");
1597 				return;
1598 			}
1599 		}
1600 	}
1602 	/* New '+' feat in */
1603 	if (dir == 11) {
1604 		get_aim_dir(Ind);
1605 		p_ptr->current_realm = REALM_SCHOOL;
1606 		p_ptr->current_item = item;
1607 		p_ptr->current_book = book;
1608 		p_ptr->current_spell = spell;
1609 		p_ptr->current_aux = aux;
1610 		return;
1611 	}
1613 	break_cloaking(Ind, 5);
1614 	break_shadow_running(Ind);
1615 	stop_precision(Ind);
1616 	stop_shooting_till_kill(Ind);
1618 	/* No magic */
1619 	if (p_ptr->anti_magic) {
1620 		msg_format(Ind, "\377%cYour anti-magic shell disrupts any magic attempts.", COLOUR_AM_OWN);
1621 		return;
1622 	}
1623 	if (p_ptr->antimagic) {
1624 		msg_format(Ind, "\377%cYour anti-magic field disrupts any magic attempts.", COLOUR_AM_OWN);
1625 		return;
1626 	}
1628 	/* Disruption shield prevents interfering! */
1629 	if (!p_ptr->tim_manashield && interfere(Ind, cfg.spell_interfere)) return; /* school spell casting interference chance */
1631 	/* TODO: use energy */
1633 	/* (S)he is no longer afk */
1634 	un_afk_idle(Ind);
1636 #if 0 /* client-side, lacks Ind to set 'player' */
1637 	/* Sanity check for direction */
1638 	if (exec_lua(0, format("return pre_exec_spell_dir(%d)", spell)) && (dir == -1)) return;
1639 #endif
1641 	/* Actualy cast the choice */
1642 	if (spell != -1) {
1643 		ftk_maybe = (exec_lua(Ind, format("return cast_school_spell(%d, %d, spell(%d), nil, {dir = %d, book = %d, item = %d, aux = %d})", Ind, spell, spell, dir, book, item, aux)));
1644 		ftk_type = (exec_lua(Ind, format("return get_spell_ftk(%d)", spell)));
1646 #ifdef ENABLE_XID_SPELL
1647 		/* hack: repeat ID-spell attempt until item is successfully identified */
1648 		if (rep && !object_known_p(Ind, &p_ptr->inventory[-p_ptr->current_item - 1])) {
1649 			sockbuf_t *conn_q = get_conn_q(Ind);
1651 			p_ptr->command_rep = PKT_ACTIVATE_SKILL;
1652 			Packet_printf(conn_q, "%c%c%hd%hd%c%hd%hd", PKT_ACTIVATE_SKILL, MKEY_SCHOOL, book, spell, dir, item, aux);
1653 		} else p_ptr->current_item = -1;
1654 #endif
1656 		if (!p_ptr->warning_macros && dir != 5 && dir < 10) {
1657 			msg_print(Ind, "\374\377oHINT: Create a '\377Rmacro\377o' aka hotkey to cast a spell with a single keypress!");
1658 			msg_print(Ind, "\374\377o      Press '\377R%\377o' and then '\377Rz\377o' to invoke the macro wizard.");
1659 			p_ptr->warning_macros = 1;
1660 			s_printf("warning_macros: %s\n", p_ptr->name);
1661 		}
1663 #if 1 /* Fire-Till-Kill */
1664 		if (p_ptr->shooty_till_kill && ftk_maybe) {
1665 			/* spell actually doesn't allow ftk? */
1666 			if (ftk_type == 0) return;
1668 			/* To continue shooting_till_kill, check if spell requires clean LOS to target
1669 			   with no other monsters in the way, so we won't wake up more monsters accidentally. */
1670 #ifndef PY_PROJ_WALL
1671 			if (ftk_type == 1 && !projectable_real(Ind, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, p_ptr->target_row, p_ptr->target_col, MAX_RANGE)) return;
1672 #else
1673 			if (ftk_type == 1 && !projectable_wall_real(Ind, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, p_ptr->target_row, p_ptr->target_col, MAX_RANGE)) return;
1674 #endif
1676 			/* We lost our target? (monster dead?) */
1677 			if (dir != 5 || !target_okay(Ind)) return;
1679 			/* we're now indeed ftk */
1680 			p_ptr->shooting_till_kill = TRUE;
1681 			p_ptr->shoot_till_kill_book = book;
1682 			p_ptr->shoot_till_kill_spell = spell + 1;
1683 			/* disable other ftk types */
1684 			p_ptr->shoot_till_kill_mimic = FALSE;
1685 			p_ptr->shoot_till_kill_rcraft = FALSE;
1686 		}
1687 #endif
1688 	}
1689 }