1 #ifndef SQLITEDB_H
2 #define SQLITEDB_H
4 #include "sql/ObjectIdentifier.h"
5 #include "sql/sqlitetypes.h"
7 #include <condition_variable>
8 #include <memory>
9 #include <mutex>
10 #include <functional>
11 #include <vector>
12 #include <map>
14 #include <QObject>
15 #include <QByteArray>
16 #include <QStringList>
18 struct sqlite3;
19 class CipherSettings;
21 enum LogMessageType
22 {
23     kLogMsg_User,
24     kLogMsg_App,
25     kLogMsg_ErrorLog
26 };
28 using objectMap = std::multimap<std::string, sqlb::ObjectPtr>;  // Maps from object type (table, index, view, trigger) to a pointer to the object representation
29 using schemaMap = std::map<std::string, objectMap>;             // Maps from the schema name (main, temp, attached schemas) to the object map for that schema
31 int collCompare(void* pArg, int sizeA, const void* sA, int sizeB, const void* sB);
33 namespace sqlb
34 {
35 QString escapeIdentifier(const QString& id);
36 QString escapeString(const QString& literal);
37 }
39 /// represents a single SQLite database. except when noted otherwise,
40 /// all member functions are to be called from the main UI thread
41 /// only.
42 class DBBrowserDB : public QObject
43 {
44     Q_OBJECT
46 private:
47     /// custom unique_ptr deleter releases database for further use by others
48     struct DatabaseReleaser
49     {
pParentDatabaseReleaser50         explicit DatabaseReleaser(DBBrowserDB * pParent_ = nullptr) : pParent(pParent_) {}
52         DBBrowserDB * pParent;
operatorDatabaseReleaser54         void operator() (sqlite3 * db) const
55         {
56             if(!db || !pParent)
57                 return;
59             std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(pParent->m);
60             pParent->db_used = false;
61             lk.unlock();
62             emit pParent->databaseInUseChanged(false, QString());
63             pParent->cv.notify_one();
64         }
65     };
67 public:
69     explicit DBBrowserDB();
70     ~DBBrowserDB () override = default;
72     bool open(const QString& db, bool readOnly = false);
73     bool attach(const QString& filename, QString attach_as = QString());
74     bool create ( const QString & db);
75     bool close();
77     // This returns the SQLite version as well as the SQLCipher if DB4S is compiled with encryption support
78     static void getSqliteVersion(QString& sqlite, QString& sqlcipher);
80     using db_pointer_type = std::unique_ptr<sqlite3, DatabaseReleaser>;
82     /**
83        borrow exclusive address to the currently open database, until
84        releasing the returned unique_ptr.
86        the intended use case is that the main UI thread can call this
87        any time, and then optionally pass the obtained pointer to a
88        background worker, or release it after doing work immediately.
90        if database is currently used by somebody else, opens a dialog
91        box and gives user the opportunity to sqlite3_interrupt() the
92        operation of the current owner, then tries again.
94        \param user a string that identifies the new user, and which
95        can be displayed in the dialog box.
97        \param force_wait if set to true we won't ask the user to cancel
98        the running query but just wait until it is done.
100        \returns a unique_ptr containing the SQLite database handle, or
101        nullptr in case no database is open.
102     **/
103     db_pointer_type get (const QString& user, bool force_wait = false);
105     bool setSavepoint(const std::string& pointname = "RESTOREPOINT");
106     bool releaseSavepoint(const std::string& pointname = "RESTOREPOINT");
107     bool revertToSavepoint(const std::string& pointname = "RESTOREPOINT");
108     bool releaseAllSavepoints();
109     bool revertAll();
111     bool dump(const QString& filename, const std::vector<std::string>& tablesToDump, bool insertColNames, bool insertNew, bool exportSchema, bool exportData, bool keepOldSchema) const;
113     enum ChoiceOnUse
114     {
115         Ask,
116         Wait,
117         CancelOther
118     };
119     // Callback to get results from executeSQL(). It is invoked for
120     // each result row coming out of the evaluated SQL statements. If
121     // a callback returns true (abort), the executeSQL() method
122     // returns false (error) without invoking the callback again and
123     // without running any subsequent SQL statements. The 1st argument
124     // is the number of columns in the result. The 2nd argument to the
125     // callback is the text representation of the values, one for each
126     // column. The 3rd argument is a list of strings where each entry
127     // represents the name of corresponding result column.
128     using execCallback = std::function<bool(int, std::vector<QByteArray>, std::vector<QByteArray>)>;
129     bool executeSQL(const std::string& statement, bool dirtyDB = true, bool logsql = true, execCallback callback = nullptr);
130     bool executeMultiSQL(QByteArray query, bool dirty = true, bool log = false);
131     QByteArray querySingleValueFromDb(const std::string& sql, bool log = true, ChoiceOnUse choice = Ask) const;
lastError()133     const QString& lastError() const { return lastErrorMessage; }
135     /**
136      * @brief getRow Executes a sqlite statement to get the rowdata(columns)
137      *        for the given rowid.
138      * @param schemaName Name of the database schema.
139      * @param sTableName Table to query.
140      * @param rowid The rowid to fetch.
141      * @param rowdata A list of QByteArray containing the row data.
142      * @return true if statement execution was ok, else false.
143      */
144     bool getRow(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& table, const QString& rowid, std::vector<QByteArray>& rowdata) const;
146     /**
147      * @brief Interrupts the currenty running statement as soon as possible.
148      */
149     void interruptQuery();
151 private:
152     /**
153      * @brief max Queries the table t for the max value of field.
154      * @param tableName Table to query
155      * @param field Name of the field to get the max value
156      * @return the max value of the field or 0 on error
157      */
158     unsigned long max(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& tableName, const std::string& field) const;
160     static int callbackWrapper (void* callback, int numberColumns, char** values, char** columnNames);
162 public:
163     void updateSchema();    // Please don't call this from threads other than the main thread.
165 private:
166     /**
167      * @brief Creates an empty insert statement.
168      * @param schemaName The name of the database schema in which to find the table
169      * @param pk_value This optional parameter can be used to manually set a specific value for the primary key column
170      * @return An sqlite conform INSERT INTO statement with empty values. (NULL,'',0)
171      */
172     std::string emptyInsertStmt(const std::string& schemaName, const sqlb::Table& t, const QString& pk_value = QString()) const;
174 public:
175     QString addRecord(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& tablename);
176     bool deleteRecords(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& table, const std::vector<QString>& rowids, const sqlb::StringVector& pseudo_pk = {});
177     bool updateRecord(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& table, const std::string& column, const QString& rowid, const QByteArray& value, int force_type = 0, const sqlb::StringVector& pseudo_pk = {});
179     bool createTable(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& name, const sqlb::FieldVector& structure);
180     bool renameTable(const std::string& schema, const std::string& from_table, const std::string& to_table);
181     bool addColumn(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& tablename, const sqlb::Field& field);
183     /**
184      * @brief This type maps from old column names to new column names. Given the old and the new table definition, this suffices to
185      * track fields between the two.
186      * USE CASES:
187      * 1) Don't specify a column at all or specify equal column names: Keep its name as-is.
188      * 2) Specify different column names: Rename the field.
189      * 3) Map from an existing column name to a Null string: Delete the column.
190      * 4) Map from a Null column name to a new column name: Add the column.
191      */
192     using AlterTableTrackColumns = std::map<QString, QString>;
194     /**
195      * @brief alterTable Can be used to rename, modify or drop existing columns of a given table
196      * @param tablename Specifies the schema and name of the table to edit
197      * @param new_table Specifies the new table schema. This is exactly how the new table is going to look like.
198      * @param track_columns Maps old column names to new column names. This is used to copy the data from the old table to the new one.
199      * @param newSchema Set this to a non-empty string to move the table to a new schema
200      * @return true if renaming was successful, false if not. In the latter case also lastErrorMessage is set
201      */
202     bool alterTable(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& tablename, const sqlb::Table& new_table, AlterTableTrackColumns track_columns, std::string newSchemaName = std::string());
204     template<typename T = sqlb::Object>
getObjectByName(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier & name)205     const std::shared_ptr<T> getObjectByName(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& name) const
206     {
207         for(auto& it : schemata.at(name.schema()))
208         {
209             if(it.second->name() == name.name())
210                 return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<T>(it.second);
211         }
212         return std::shared_ptr<T>();
213     }
215     bool isOpen() const;
encrypted()216     bool encrypted() const { return isEncrypted; }
readOnly()217     bool readOnly() const { return isReadOnly; }
218     bool getDirty() const;
currentFile()219     QString currentFile() const { return curDBFilename; }
221     /// log an SQL statement [thread-safe]
222     void logSQL(const QString& statement, LogMessageType msgtype) const;
224     QString getPragma(const std::string& pragma) const;
225     bool setPragma(const std::string& pragma, const QString& value);
226     bool setPragma(const std::string& pragma, const QString& value, QString& originalvalue);
227     bool setPragma(const std::string& pragma, int value, int& originalvalue);
229     bool loadExtension(const QString& filename);
230     void loadExtensionsFromSettings();
232     static QStringList Datatypes;
234 private:
235     std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > queryColumnInformation(const std::string& schema_name, const std::string& object_name) const;
237 public:
238     std::string generateSavepointName(const std::string& identifier = std::string()) const;
240     // This function generates the name for a temporary table. It guarantees that there is no table with this name yet
241     std::string generateTemporaryTableName(const std::string& schema) const;
243     schemaMap schemata;
245 signals:
246     void sqlExecuted(QString sql, int msgtype) const;
247     void dbChanged(bool dirty);
248     void structureUpdated();
249     void requestCollation(QString name, int eTextRep);
250     void databaseInUseChanged(bool busy, QString user);
252 private:
253     /// external code needs to go through get() to obtain access to the database
254     sqlite3 * _db;
255     mutable std::mutex m;
256     mutable std::condition_variable cv;
257     bool db_used;
258     QString db_user;
260     /// wait for release of the DB locked through a previous get(),
261     /// giving users the option to discard running task through a
262     /// message box.
263     void waitForDbRelease(ChoiceOnUse choice = Ask) const;
265     QString curDBFilename;
266     mutable QString lastErrorMessage;
267     std::vector<std::string> savepointList;
268     bool isEncrypted;
269     bool isReadOnly;
271     sqlb::StringVector primaryKeyForEditing(const sqlb::ObjectIdentifier& table, const sqlb::StringVector& pseudo_pk) const;
273     // SQLite Callbacks
274     void collationNeeded(void* pData, sqlite3* db, int eTextRep, const char* sCollationName);
275     void errorLogCallback(void* user_data, int error_code, const char* message);
277     bool tryEncryptionSettings(const QString& filename, bool* encrypted, CipherSettings*& cipherSettings) const;
279     bool dontCheckForStructureUpdates;
281     class NoStructureUpdateChecks
282     {
283     public:
NoStructureUpdateChecks(DBBrowserDB & db)284         explicit NoStructureUpdateChecks(DBBrowserDB& db) : m_db(db) { m_db.dontCheckForStructureUpdates = true; }
~NoStructureUpdateChecks()285         ~NoStructureUpdateChecks() { m_db.dontCheckForStructureUpdates = false; }
287     private:
288           DBBrowserDB& m_db;
289     };
290 };
292 #endif