1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2006 Bill Cox
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA
17  */
19 #include <stdio.h>
20 #include "dvdatabase.h"
22 #define DV_MAX_INDENT 1024
24 bool dvGenerateCode(dvModule module, char *includeFile, char *sourceFile);
25 void dvWriteHeaderFile(dvModule module, char *includeFile);
26 void dvWriteCFile(dvModule module, char *sourceFile);
27 void dvGenerateAdminTool(dvModule module, char *sourceDir);
28 bool dvReadFile(char *fileName, bool loadModules);
29 extern void dvBindProperty(dvProperty property, dvModule module);
30 void dvBindTypes(dvModule module);
32 /* Constructors */
33 dvModpath dvModpathCreate(utSym sym, bool insertAtHeadOfList);
34 dvModule dvModuleCreate(utSym sym, utSym prefix);
35 dvEnum dvEnumCreate(dvModule module, utSym sym, utSym prefix);
36 dvEntry dvEntryCreate(dvEnum owningEnum, utSym sym, uint32 value);
37 dvTypedef dvTypedefCreate(dvModule module, utSym sym, char *initializer);
38 dvSchema dvSchemaCreate(dvModule module, utSym sym);
39 dvClass dvClassCreate(dvModule module, utSym sym, dvClass baseClass);
40 dvProperty dvPropertyCreate(dvClass owningClass, dvUnion owningUnion, dvPropertyType type, utSym sym);
41 dvUnion dvUnionCreate(dvClass owningClass, utSym propertySym, uint16 unionNumber);
42 dvRelationship dvRelationshipCreate(dvSchema schema, dvClass parent, dvClass child, dvRelationshipType type,
43     utSym parentLabel, utSym childLabel);
44 dvLink dvLinkCreate(dvModule importModule, dvModule exportModule);
45 dvKey dvKeyCreate(dvRelationship relationship, dvProperty property);
46 dvKey dvUnboundKeyCreate(dvRelationship relationship, utSym propertySym, uint32 lineNum);
47 dvCase dvCaseCreate(dvProperty property, dvEntry entry);
48 dvSparsegroup dvSparsegroupCreate(dvClass theClass, utSym sym);
50 /* Utility functions */
51 void prUtilStart(void);
52 void prUtilStop(void);
53 dvModule dvFindModuleFromPrefix(utSym prefix);
54 uint8 dvFindPropertySize(dvProperty property);
55 void dvWrtemp(FILE *file, char *temp, ...);
56 char *dvSwrtemp(char *temp, ...);
57 char *dvPropertyGetTypeName(dvProperty property);
58 char *dvPropertyGetFieldTypeName(dvProperty property);
59 uint32 dvComputeDatabaseHash(void);
60 char *dvClassGetPrefix(dvClass theClass);
61 utSym dvUpperSym(utSym sym);
62 char *dvFindPropertyFormatString(dvProperty property);
63 char *dvClassGetReferenceTypeName(dvClass theClass);
64 bool dvModuleHasClassAttributes(dvModule module);
65 void dvAddDefaultKey(dvRelationship relationship);
66 bool dvRelationshipHashedByName(dvRelationship relationship);
67 char *dvPropertyFindInitializer(dvProperty property);
69 /* Some shortcut macros */
70 #define dvModuleGetPrefix(module) utSymGetName(dvModuleGetPrefixSym(module))
71 #define dvRelationshipGetParentLabel(theClass) utSymGetName(dvRelationshipGetParentLabelSym(theClass))
72 #define dvRelationshipGetChildLabel(theClass) utSymGetName(dvRelationshipGetChildLabelSym(theClass))
73 #define dvClassPersistent(theClass) dvModulePersistent(dvClassGetModule(theClass))
74 #define dvPropertyGetID(property) utSprintf("%u", dvPropertyGetFieldNumber(property))
75 #define dvClassRedo(theClass) (dvModulePersistent(dvClassGetModule(theClass)) || \
76     dvModuleUndoRedo(dvClassGetModule(theClass)))
77 #define dvClassUndo(theClass) (dvModuleUndoRedo(dvClassGetModule(theClass)))
78 #define dvUnionGetTypeName(theUnion) utSprintf("%s%sUnion%d", dvPrefix, \
79     dvClassGetName(dvUnionGetClass(theUnion)), dvUnionGetNumber(theUnion))
80 #define dvUnionGetFieldName(theUnion) utSprintf("union%d", dvUnionGetNumber(theUnion))
82 /* Globals */
83 extern dvRoot dvTheRoot; /* Root of the database */
84 extern  dvModule dvCurrentModule; /* Module just read by dvparse */
86 /* Lex, Yacc stuff */
87 extern uint32 dvLineNum;
88 extern bool dvLoadModules;
89 extern uint16 dvNumEndsRemaining;
90 extern int dvparse(void);
91 extern int dvlex(void); /* A wrapper around dvlexlex */
92 extern int dvlexlex(void); /* The real lexer */
93 extern void dverror(char *message, ...);
94 extern char *dvlextext;
95 extern FILE *dvFile;