1 #ifndef ELM_WIDGET_H
2 #define ELM_WIDGET_H
8  *
9  * How to make your own widget? like this (where wname is your widget
10  * name (space) and wparentname is you widget's parent widget name
11  * (the base widget class if its a 'root' one).
12  *
13  * #include <Elementary.h>
14  * #include "elm_priv.h"
15  *
16  * static const char ELM_WNAME_SMART_NAME[] = "elm_wname";
17  *
18  * #define ELM_WNAME_DATA_GET(o, sd) \
19  *   Elm_WName_Smart_Data * sd = evas_object_smart_data_get(o)
20  *
21  * #define ELM_WNAME_CHECK(obj)                                      \
22  *   if (!obj || !elm_widget_type_check((obj), ELM_WNAME_SMART_NAME, \
23  *                                      __func__))                   \
24  *     return
25  *
26  * typedef struct _Elm_WName_Smart_Class
27  * {
28  *    Elm_WParentName_Smart_Class base;
29  * } Elm_WName_Smart_Class;
30  *
31  * typedef struct _Elm_WName_Smart_Data Elm_WName_Smart_Data;
32  * struct _Elm_WName_Smart_Data
33  * {
34  *   Elm_WParentName_Smart_Data base;
35  *   Evas_Object *sub; // or any private data needed for an instance
36  *   // add any other instance data here too
37  * };
38  *
39  * static const char SIG_CLICKED[] = "clicked";
40  * static const Evas_Smart_Cb_Description _smart_callbacks[] = {
41  *   {SIG_CLICKED, ""},
42  *   {NULL, NULL}
43  * };
44  *
46  *   (ELM_WNAME_SMART_NAME, _elm_wname, Elm_WName_Smart_Class,
47  *   Elm_WParentName_Smart_Class, elm_wparentname_smart_class_get,
48  *   _smart_callbacks);
49  *
50  * static Eina_Bool
51  * _elm_wname_smart_on_focus(Evas_Object *obj)
52  * {
53  *    ELM_WNAME_DATA_GET(obj, sd);
54  *
55  *    // handle focus going in and out - optional, but if you want to,
56  *    // define this virtual function to handle it (e.g. to emit a
57  *    // signal to an edje object)
58  *
59  *    if (efl_ui_focus_object_focus_get(obj))
60  *      {
61  *         edje_object_signal_emit(sd->sub, "elm,action,focus", "elm");
62  *         evas_object_focus_set(sd->sub, EINA_TRUE);
63  *      }
64  *    else
65  *      {
66  *         edje_object_signal_emit(sd->sub, "elm,action,unfocus", "elm");
67  *         evas_object_focus_set(sd->sub, EINA_FALSE);
68  *      }
69  *
70  *    return EINA_TRUE;
71  * }
72  *
73  * static Eina_Bool
74  * _elm_wname_smart_theme(Evas_Object *obj)
75  * {
76  *    ELM_WNAME_DATA_GET(obj, sd);
77  *
78  *   if (!ELM_WIDGET_CLASS(_elm_wname_parent_sc)->theme(obj))
79  *     return EINA_FALSE;
80  *
81  *    // handle changes in theme/scale etc here. always call the
82  *    // parent class's version, as even the base class implements it.
83  *
84  *    elm_widget_theme_object_set(obj, sd->sub, "wname", "base",
85  *                                elm_widget_style_get(obj));
86  *
87  *    return EINA_TRUE;
88  * }
89  *
90  * static Eina_Bool
91  * _elm_widget_smart_disable(Evas_Object *obj)
92  * {
93  *    ELM_WNAME_DATA_GET(obj, sd);
94  *
95  *    // optional, but handle if the widget gets disabled or not
96  *    if (elm_widget_disabled_get(obj))
97  *      edje_object_signal_emit(sd->sub, "elm,state,disabled", "elm");
98  *    else
99  *      edje_object_signal_emit(sd->sub, "elm,state,enabled", "elm");
100  *
101  *    return EINA_TRUE;
102  * }
103  *
104  * static void
105  * _elm_wname_smart_add(Evas_Object *obj)
106  * {
107  *    EVAS_SMART_DATA_ALLOC(obj, Elm_WName_Smart_Data);
108  *
109  *    ELM_WIDGET_CLASS(_elm_wname_parent_sc)->base.add(obj);
110  *
111  *    priv->sub = edje_object_add(evas_object_evas_get(obj));
112  *    // just an example having an Edje object here. if it's really the case
113  *    // you have a sub edje object as a resize object, consider inheriting
114  *    // from @ref elm-layout-class.
115  *    elm_widget_can_focus_set(obj, EINA_TRUE);
116  *
117  *    // for this widget we will add 1 sub object that is an edje object
118  *    priv->sub = edje_object_add(e);
119  *    // set the theme. this follows a scheme for group name like this:
120  *    //   "elm/WIDGETNAME/ELEMENT/STYLE"
121  *    // so here it will be:
122  *    //   "elm/wname/base/default"
123  *    // changing style changes style name from default (all widgets start
124  *    // with the default style) and element is for your widget internal
125  *    // structure as you see fit
126  *    elm_widget_theme_object_set
127  *      (obj, priv->sub, "wname", "base", "default");
128  *    // listen to a signal from the edje object to produce widget smart
129  *    // callback (like click)
130  *    edje_object_signal_callback_add
131  *      (priv->sub, "elm,action,click", "", _clicked_signal_cb, obj);
132  *    // set this sub object as the "resize object". widgets get 1 resize
133  *    // object that is resized along with the object wrapper.
134  *    elm_widget_resize_object_set(obj, priv->sub);
135  * }
136  *
137  * static void
138  * _elm_wname_smart_del(Evas_Object *obj)
139  * {
140  *    ELM_WNAME_DATA_GET(obj, sd);
141  *
142  *    // deleting 'virtual' function implementation - on deletion of
143  *    // object delete object struct, etc.
144  *
145  *    ELM_WIDGET_CLASS(_elm_wname_parent_sc)->base.del(obj);
146  * }
147  *
148  * static void
149  * _elm_wname_smart_set_user(Elm_WName_Smart_Class *sc)
150  * {
151  *    ELM_WIDGET_CLASS(sc)->base.add = _elm_wname_smart_add;
152  *    ELM_WIDGET_CLASS(sc)->base.del = _elm_wname_smart_del;
153  *
154  *    ELM_WIDGET_CLASS(sc)->theme = _elm_wname_smart_theme;
155  *    ELM_WIDGET_CLASS(sc)->disable = _elm_wname_smart_disable;
156  *    ELM_WIDGET_CLASS(sc)->on_focus = _elm_wname_smart_on_focus;
157  * }
158  *
159  * // actual API to create your widget. add more to manipulate it as
160  * // needed mark your calls with EAPI to make them "external api"
161  * // calls.
162  *
163  * EAPI Evas_Object *
164  * elm_wname_add(Evas_Object *parent)
165  * {
166  *    Evas_Object *obj;
167  *
169  *
170  *    obj = elm_widget_add(_elm_check_smart_class_new(), parent);
171  *    if (!obj) return NULL;
172  *
173  *    if (!elm_widget_sub_object_add(parent, obj))
174  *      ERR("could not add %p as sub object of %p", obj, parent);
175  *
176  *    return obj;
177  * }
178  *
179  * // example - do "whatever" to the widget (here just emit a signal)
180  * EAPI void
181  * elm_wname_whatever(Evas_Object *obj)
182  * {
183  *    // check if type is correct - check will return if it fails
184  *    ELM_WNAME_CHECK(obj);
185  *    // get widget data - type is correct and sane by this point, so this
186  *    // should never fail
187  *    ELM_WNAME_DATA_GET(obj, sd);
188  *    // do whatever you like
189  *    edje_object_signal_emit(sd->sub, "elm,state,action,whatever", "elm");
190  * }
191  *
192  * // you can add more - you need to see elementary's code to know how
193  * // to handle all cases. remember this api is not stable and may
194  * change. it's internal
195  */
198 #warning "You are using an internal elementary API. This API is not stable"
199 #warning "and is subject to change. You use this at your own risk."
200 #warning "Remember to call elm_widget_api_check(ELM_INTERNAL_API_VERSION);"
201 #warning "in your widgets before you call any other elm_widget calls to do"
202 #warning "a correct runtime version check. Also remember - you don't NEED"
203 #warning "to make an Elementary widget is almost ALL cases. You can easily"
204 #warning "make a smart object with Evas's API and do everything you need"
205 #warning "there. You only need a widget if you want to seamlessly be part"
206 #warning "of the focus tree and want to transparently become a container"
207 #warning "for any number of child Elementary widgets"
208 #error "ERROR. Compile aborted."
209 #endif
212 /**
213  * @defgroup Widget Widgets Extension Infrastructure
214  *
215  * This section is intended for people willing to create @b custom
216  * Elementary widgets or to contribute new (useful, unique) widgets
217  * upstream. If neither is your case, this text won't be of any use
218  * for you.
219  *
220  * Elementary widgets are built in a @b hierarchical fashion. The idea
221  * is to factorize as much code as possible between widgets with
222  * behavioral similarities, as long as to facilitate the creation of
223  * @b custom, new widgets, may the user need them.
224  *
225  * It all starts with a base class, which aggregates behaviour
226  * @b every Elementary widget is supposed to have:
227  * #Elm_Widget_Smart_Class. Every Elementary widget will be of that
228  * type, be it directly or by means of @b inheriting from it.
229  *
230  * #Elm_Widget_Smart_Class happens to be an @c Evas_Smart_Class. If
231  * you check out Evas' documentation on it, you'll see it's how one is
232  * supposed to create custom Evas objects, what Elementary widgets
233  * are.
234  *
235  * Once one instantiates an Elementary widget, since it inherits from
236  * #Elm_Widget_Smart_Class, the system will raise a class instance of
237  * that type for you. But that happens only @b once: the first time
238  * you ask for an Elementary widget (of a given type). All subsequent
239  * ones will only point to the very same class instance. Since it's
240  * the class which points to the functions implementing the behavior
241  * of objects of that type, all of the live instances of Elementary
242  * widgets (of that type) will share the same blob of code loaded in
243  * memory to execute their routines.
244  *
245  * Now go and take a look at #Elm_Widget_Smart_Class's fields. Because
246  * it inherits from Evas' base smart class, we got a field of that
247  * type as the first member, so that Evas can handle Elementary
248  * objects internally as if they were 'normal' Evas objects. Evas has
249  * the Evas-only behavior function pointers in there, so it's all it
250  * needs.
251  *
252  * Then, comes a version field, so that whenever we got to update or
253  * change the fields on our base smart class, there'll be a runtime
254  * check of the version expected by Elementary and the one provided by
255  * any code linking with it. A mismatch will show the developer of
256  * that code he/she needs to recompile and link its code to a newer
257  * version of Elementary.
258  *
259  * The next fields are the class functions themselves. We call them
260  * 'virtual' because, as in object-oriented languages, one is supposed
261  * here to override them on inheriting classes. On most of
262  * inheritances you'll probably want to call the parent's version of
263  * the class function too: you must analyse each case to tell.
264  *
265  * Take a look at #Elm_Widget_Smart_Data. That's private data bound to
266  * each Elementary object @b instance. It aggregates data needed for
267  * all widgets, since it's meant for the #Elm_Widget_Smart_Class-typed
268  * ones.
269  *
270  * When inheriting from that base type, instance data for this new
271  * class has to have, as the first member, a field of type
272  * #Elm_Widget_Smart_Data. This has to be respected recursively -- if
273  * a third class is to be created inheriting from the one that is a
274  * direct 'child' of #Elm_Widget_Smart_Class, then the private data on
275  * this third class has to have, as its first field, a variable of the
276  * type of the private data of the second class (its parent), direct
277  * child of #Elm_Widget_Smart_Class.
278  *
279  * It is from the base private data, #Elm_Widget_Smart_Data, that we
280  * reach an object's class functions, by the given object
281  * instance. This is the reason of the first field of that struct: a
282  * pointer set to point to its class when the object is instantiated.
283  *
284  * The following figure illustrates the widget inheritance schema.
285  *
286  * @image html elm-widget-hierarchy.png
287  * @image rtf elm-widget-hierarchy.png
288  * @image latex elm-widget-hierarchy.eps
289  *
290  * @section elm-hierarchy-tree Elementary Widgets Hierarchy Tree
291  *
292  * The following figure illustrates the Elementary widget inheritance
293  * tree.
294  *
295  * @image html elm-widget-tree.png
296  * @image rtf elm-widget-tree.png
297  * @image latex elm-widget-tree.eps
298  */
300 #include "elm_object_item.h"
301 #include "efl_ui.eot.h"
302 typedef Eo Efl_Ui_Focus_Manager;
307 #include "efl_ui_focus_object.eo.h"
308 #include "efl_ui_focus_manager.eo.h"
310 typedef Eina_Bool             (*Elm_Widget_Del_Pre_Cb)(void *data);
311 typedef void                  (*Elm_Widget_Item_Signal_Cb)(void *data, Elm_Object_Item *item, const char *emission, const char *source);
313 typedef void (*Elm_Access_On_Highlight_Cb)(void *data);
314 typedef void (*Elm_Widget_On_Show_Region_Cb)(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Rect region);
317 #include "efl_ui_widget.eo.h"
318 #include "elm_widget_item_container_eo.h"
320 /**
321  * @addtogroup Widget
322  * @{
323  */
325 /**
326  * Base widget smart data. This is data bound to an Elementary object
327  * @b instance, so its particular to that specific object and not
328  * shared between all objects in its class. It is here, though, that
329  * we got a pointer to the object's class, the first field -- @c
330  * 'api'.
331  */
332 typedef struct _Elm_Widget_Smart_Data
333 {
334    Evas_Object                  *parent_obj; /**< parent object of a widget in the elementary tree */
335    Eina_Array                   *children;
336    Evas_Object                  *resize_obj; /**< an unique object for each widget that shows the look of a widget. Resize object's geometry is same as the widget. This resize object is different from that of window's resize object. */
337    Evas_Object                  *hover_obj;
338    Evas_Object                  *bg;
339    Evas_Object                  *window;
340    Eina_List                    *tooltips, *cursors;
342    /* "show region" coordinates. all widgets got those because this
343     * info may be set and queried recursively through the widget
344     * parenting tree */
345    Eina_Rect                     show_region;
347    /* scrolling hold/freeze hints. all widgets got those because this
348     * info may be set and queried recursively through the widget
349     * parenting tree */
350    int                           scroll_hold;
351    int                           scroll_freeze;
353    double                        scale;
354    Elm_Theme                    *theme;
355    const char                   *klass; /**< 1st identifier of an edje object group which is used in theme_set. klass and group are used together. */
356    const char                   *group; /**< 2nd identifier of an edje object group which is used in theme_set. klass and group are used together. */
357    const char                   *style;
358    const char                   *access_info;
359    const char                   *accessible_name;
361    int                           child_drag_x_locked;
362    int                           child_drag_y_locked;
363    int                           disabled;
364    int                           tree_unfocusable;
366    Eina_Inlist                  *translate_strings;
367    Eina_List                    *event_cb;
368    /* this is a hook to be set on-the-fly on widgets. this is code
369     * handling the request of showing a specific region from an inner
370     * widget (mainly issued by entries, on cursor moving) */
371    void                         *on_show_region_data;
372    Elm_Widget_On_Show_Region_Cb  on_show_region;
373    Eina_Free_Cb                  on_show_region_data_free;
375    Elm_Focus_Move_Policy         focus_move_policy;
376    Elm_Focus_Region_Show_Mode    focus_region_show_mode;
378    Efl_Ui_Widget_Focus_State focus;
379    struct {
380       int child_count;
381       Efl_Ui_Focus_Object *parent;
382    } logical;
383    struct {
384       Efl_Ui_Focus_Manager *manager;
385       Efl_Ui_Focus_Object *provider;
386    } manager;
387    struct {
388      Eina_Bool listen_to_manager;
389      Eina_List *custom_chain;
390      Evas_Object *prev, *next, *up, *down, *right, *left;
391      Elm_Object_Item *item_prev, *item_next, *item_up, *item_down, *item_right, *item_left;
392    } legacy_focus;
393    struct {
394       Efl_Model *model;
395       Efl_Model_Provider *provider;
396       Eina_Hash *model_lookup;
397       Eina_Hash *view_lookup;
398       Eina_Bool  registered : 1;
399       Eina_Bool  callback_to_provider : 1;
400    } properties;
401    void                          *shared_win_data;
402    Eina_Bool                     scroll_x_locked : 1;
403    Eina_Bool                     scroll_y_locked : 1;
405    Eina_Bool                     can_focus : 1;
406    Eina_Bool                     focused : 1;
407    Eina_Bool                     top_win_focused : 1;
408    Eina_Bool                     focus_move_policy_auto_mode : 1; /* This is TRUE by default */
409    Eina_Bool                     highlight_ignore : 1;
410    Eina_Bool                     highlight_in_theme : 1;
411    Eina_Bool                     access_highlight_in_theme : 1;
412    Eina_Bool                     is_mirrored : 1;
413    Eina_Bool                     mirrored_auto_mode : 1; /* This is TRUE by default */
414    Eina_Bool                     still_in : 1;
415    Eina_Bool                     highlighted : 1;
416    Eina_Bool                     highlight_root : 1;
417    Eina_Bool                     on_translate : 1; /**< This is true when any types of elm translate function is being called. */
418    Eina_Bool                     on_create : 1; /**< This is true when the widget is on creation(general widget constructor). */
419    Eina_Bool                     on_destroy: 1; /**< This is true when the widget is on destruction(general widget destructor). */
420    Eina_Bool                     provider_lookup : 1; /**< This is true when efl_provider_find is currently walking the tree */
421    Eina_Bool                     has_shadow : 1;
422    Eina_Bool                     internal : 1;
423 } Elm_Widget_Smart_Data;
425 typedef Elm_Widget_Smart_Data Efl_Ui_Widget_Data;
427 /**
428  * @}
429  */
431 /**< base structure for all widget items that are not Efl_Ui_Widget themselves */
432 typedef struct _Elm_Widget_Item_Data Elm_Widget_Item_Data;
433 typedef struct _Elm_Widget_Item_Signal_Data Elm_Widget_Item_Signal_Data;
435 /**< accessibility information to be able to set and get from the access API */
436 typedef struct _Elm_Access_Info Elm_Access_Info;
438 /**< accessibility info item */
439 typedef struct _Elm_Access_Item Elm_Access_Item;
441 typedef struct _Elm_Action Elm_Action;
443 /** Internal type for mouse cursors */
444 typedef struct _Elm_Cursor Elm_Cursor;
446 /** Internal type for tooltips */
447 typedef struct _Elm_Tooltip Elm_Tooltip;
449 #define ELM_ACCESS_DONE          -1   /* sentence done - send done event here */
450 #define ELM_ACCESS_CANCEL        -2   /* stop reading immediately */
452 struct _Elm_Access_Item
453 {
454    int                   type;
455    const void           *data;
456    Elm_Access_Info_Cb    func;
457 };
459 struct _Elm_Access_Info
460 {
461    Evas_Object               *hoverobj;
462    Eina_List                 *items;
463    Ecore_Timer               *delay_timer;
464    void                      *on_highlight_data;
465    Elm_Access_On_Highlight_Cb on_highlight;
467    void                      *activate_data;
468    Elm_Access_Activate_Cb    activate;
470    /* the owner widget item that owns this access info */
471    Elm_Widget_Item_Data      *widget_item;
473    /* the owner part object that owns this access info */
474    Evas_Object               *part_object;
476    Evas_Object               *next;
477    Evas_Object               *prev;
478 };
480 struct _Elm_Action
481 {
482    const char *name;
483    Eina_Bool (*func)(Evas_Object *obj, const char *params);
484 };
486 void                  _elm_access_shutdown(void);
487 void                  _elm_access_mouse_event_enabled_set(Eina_Bool enabled);
489 /* if auto_higlight is EINA_TRUE, it  does not steal a focus, it just moves a highlight */
490 void                  _elm_access_auto_highlight_set(Eina_Bool enabled);
491 Eina_Bool             _elm_access_auto_highlight_get(void);
492 void                  _elm_access_widget_item_access_order_set(Elm_Widget_Item_Data *item, Eina_List *objs);
493 const Eina_List      *_elm_access_widget_item_access_order_get(const Elm_Widget_Item_Data *item);
494 void                  _elm_access_widget_item_access_order_unset(Elm_Widget_Item_Data *item);
496 // widget focus highlight
497 void                  _elm_widget_focus_highlight_start(const Evas_Object *obj);
498 void                  _elm_widget_highlight_in_theme_update(Eo *obj);
500 // win focus highlight
501 void                  _elm_win_focus_highlight_start(Evas_Object *obj);
502 void                  _elm_win_focus_highlight_in_theme_update(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool in_theme);
503 Evas_Object          *_elm_win_focus_highlight_object_get(Evas_Object *obj);
504 void                  _elm_win_focus_auto_show(Evas_Object *obj);
505 void                  _elm_win_focus_auto_hide(Evas_Object *obj);
507 EAPI void             _elm_access_clear(Elm_Access_Info *ac);
508 EAPI void             _elm_access_text_set(Elm_Access_Info *ac, int type, const char *text);
509 EAPI void             _elm_access_callback_set(Elm_Access_Info *ac, int type, Elm_Access_Info_Cb func, const void *data);
510 EAPI char            *_elm_access_text_get(const Elm_Access_Info *ac, int type, const Evas_Object *obj); /* this is ok it actually returns a strduped string - it's meant to! */
511 EAPI void             _elm_access_read(Elm_Access_Info *ac, int type, const Evas_Object *obj);
512 EAPI void             _elm_access_say(const char *txt);
513 EAPI Elm_Access_Info *_elm_access_info_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
514 EAPI void             _elm_access_object_highlight(Evas_Object *obj);
515 EAPI void             _elm_access_object_unhighlight(Evas_Object *obj);
516 EAPI void             _elm_access_object_highlight_disable(Evas *e);
517 EAPI void             _elm_access_object_register(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *hoverobj);
518 EAPI void             _elm_access_object_unregister(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *hoverobj);
519 EAPI Eina_Bool        _elm_access_2nd_click_timeout(Evas_Object *obj);
520 EAPI void             _elm_access_highlight_set(Evas_Object* obj);
521 EAPI Evas_Object *    _elm_access_edje_object_part_object_register(Evas_Object *obj, const Evas_Object *partobj, const char* part);
522 EAPI void             _elm_access_edje_object_part_object_unregister(Evas_Object* obj, const Evas_Object *eobj, const char* part);
523 EAPI void             _elm_access_widget_item_register(Elm_Widget_Item_Data *item);
524 EAPI void             _elm_access_widget_item_unregister(Elm_Widget_Item_Data *item);
525 EAPI void             _elm_access_on_highlight_hook_set(Elm_Access_Info *ac, Elm_Access_On_Highlight_Cb func, void *data);
526 EAPI void             _elm_access_activate_callback_set(Elm_Access_Info *ac, Elm_Access_Activate_Cb func, void *data);
527 EAPI void             _elm_access_highlight_object_activate(Evas_Object *obj, Efl_Ui_Activate act);
528 EAPI void             _elm_access_highlight_cycle(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Focus_Direction dir);
530 EINA_DEPRECATED EAPI Elm_Access_Info *_elm_access_object_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
532 #define ELM_PREFS_DATA_MAGIC 0xe1f5da7a
534 /**< put this as the first member in your widget item struct */
535 #define ELM_WIDGET_ITEM       Elm_Widget_Item_Data base
537 struct _Elm_Widget_Item_Signal_Data
538 {
539    Elm_Object_Item *item;
540    Elm_Widget_Item_Signal_Cb func;
541    const char *emission;
542    const char *source;
543    void *data;
544 };
546 #define WIDGET_ITEM_DATA_GET(eo_obj) \
547     efl_key_data_get((Eo *) eo_obj, "__elm_widget_item_data")
549 #define WIDGET_ITEM_DATA_SET(eo_obj, data) \
550     efl_key_data_set((Eo *) eo_obj, "__elm_widget_item_data", data)
552 struct _Elm_Widget_Item_Data
553 {
554 /* ef1 ~~ efl, el3 ~~ elm */
555 #define ELM_WIDGET_ITEM_MAGIC 0xef1e1301
556    EINA_MAGIC;
557 /* simple accessor macros */
558 #define VIEW(X)   X->base->view
559 #define VIEW_SET(X, V) efl_wref_add(V, &X->base->view)
560 #define WIDGET(X) X->base->widget
561 #define EO_OBJ(X) ((X)?X->base->eo_obj:NULL)
562    /**< the owner widget that owns this item */
563    Evas_Object                   *widget;
564    /**< The Eo item, useful to invoke eo_do when only the item data is available */
565    Eo                            *eo_obj;
566    /**< the base view object */
567    Evas_Object                   *view;
568    /**< user delete callback function */
569    Evas_Smart_Cb                  del_func;
570    /**< widget delete callback function. don't expose this callback call */
571    Elm_Widget_Del_Pre_Cb          del_pre_func;
573    Evas_Object                   *focus_previous, *focus_next;
574    Evas_Object                   *focus_up, *focus_down, *focus_right, *focus_left;
575    Elm_Object_Item               *item_focus_previous, *item_focus_next;
576    Elm_Object_Item               *item_focus_up, *item_focus_down, *item_focus_right, *item_focus_left;
577    Eina_Stringshare              *style;
579    Evas_Object                   *access_obj;
580    const char                    *access_info;
581    const char                    *accessible_name;
582    Eina_List                     *access_order;
583    Eina_Inlist                   *translate_strings;
584    Eina_List                     *signals;
585    Eina_Hash                     *labels;
586    Evas_Object                   *track_obj;
588    struct {
589       void (*realized)            (Eo *obj);
590       void (*unrealized)          (Eo *obj);
591    } func;
593    Eina_Bool                      disabled : 1;
594    Eina_Bool                      on_deletion : 1;
595    Eina_Bool                      on_translate : 1;
596    Eina_Bool                      still_in : 1;
597 };
599 #define ELM_NEW(t) calloc(1, sizeof(t))
601 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_api_check(int ver);
602 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_access(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool is_access);
603 EAPI Eina_Error  elm_widget_theme(Evas_Object *obj);
604 EAPI void             elm_widget_theme_specific(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Theme *th, Eina_Bool force);
605 EAPI void             elm_widget_on_show_region_hook_set(Evas_Object *obj, void *data, Elm_Widget_On_Show_Region_Cb func, Eina_Free_Cb data_free);
606 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_sub_object_parent_add(Evas_Object *sobj);
607 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_sub_object_add(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *sobj);
608 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_sub_object_del(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *sobj);
609 EAPI void             elm_widget_resize_object_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *sobj);
610 EAPI void             elm_widget_hover_object_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *sobj);
611 EAPI void             elm_widget_signal_emit(Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source);
612 EAPI void             elm_widget_signal_callback_add(Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source, Edje_Signal_Cb func, void *data);
613 EAPI void            *elm_widget_signal_callback_del(Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source, Edje_Signal_Cb func);
614 EAPI void             elm_widget_can_focus_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool can_focus);
615 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_can_focus_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
616 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_child_can_focus_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
617 EAPI Eina_List       *elm_widget_can_focus_child_list_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
618 EAPI void             elm_widget_tree_unfocusable_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool tree_unfocusable);
619 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_tree_unfocusable_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
620 EAPI void             elm_widget_highlight_ignore_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool ignore);
621 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_highlight_ignore_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
622 EAPI void             elm_widget_highlight_in_theme_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool highlight);
623 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_highlight_in_theme_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
624 EAPI void             elm_widget_access_highlight_in_theme_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool highlight);
625 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_access_highlight_in_theme_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
626 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_highlight_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
627 EAPI Eo              *elm_widget_top_get(const Eo *obj);
628 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_is(const Evas_Object *obj);
629 EAPI Evas_Object     *elm_widget_parent_widget_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
630 EAPI void             elm_widget_event_callback_add(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Event_Cb func, const void *data);
631 EAPI void            *elm_widget_event_callback_del(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Event_Cb func, const void *data);
632 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_focus_highlight_style_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *style);
633 EAPI const char      *elm_widget_focus_highlight_style_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
634 EAPI void             elm_widget_parent_highlight_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool highlighted);
635 EAPI void             elm_widget_focus_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool focus);
636 EAPI Evas_Object     *elm_widget_parent_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
637 EAPI void             elm_widget_display_mode_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Display_Mode dispmode);
638 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_focus_highlight_enabled_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
639 EAPI void             elm_widget_focus_highlight_focus_part_geometry_get(const Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Coord *x, Evas_Coord *y, Evas_Coord *w, Evas_Coord *h);
640 Evas_Object          *_elm_widget_focus_highlight_object_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
642 /**
643  * @internal
644  *
645  * Restore the focus state of the sub-tree.
646  *
647  * This API will restore the focus state of the sub-tree to the latest
648  * state. If a sub-tree is unfocused and wants to get back to the latest
649  * focus state, this API will be helpful.
650  *
651  * @param obj The widget root of sub-tree
652  *
653  * @ingroup Widget
654  */
656 EAPI void             elm_widget_disabled_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool disabled);
657 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_disabled_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
658 EAPI void             elm_widget_show_region_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Rect sr, Eina_Bool forceshow);
659 EAPI Eina_Rect        elm_widget_show_region_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
660 EAPI Eina_Rect        elm_widget_focus_region_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
661 EAPI void             elm_widget_focus_region_show(Evas_Object *obj);
662 EAPI void             elm_widget_scroll_hold_push(Evas_Object *obj);
663 EAPI void             elm_widget_scroll_hold_pop(Evas_Object *obj);
664 EAPI int              elm_widget_scroll_hold_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
665 EAPI void             elm_widget_scroll_freeze_push(Evas_Object *obj);
666 EAPI void             elm_widget_scroll_freeze_pop(Evas_Object *obj);
667 EAPI int              elm_widget_scroll_freeze_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
668 EAPI void             elm_widget_theme_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Theme *th);
669 EAPI Elm_Theme       *elm_widget_theme_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
670 EAPI Eina_Error  elm_widget_style_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *style);
671 EAPI const char      *elm_widget_style_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
672 EAPI void             elm_widget_type_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *type);
673 EAPI const char      *elm_widget_type_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
674 EAPI void             elm_widget_tooltip_add(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Tooltip *tt);
675 EAPI void             elm_widget_tooltip_del(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Tooltip *tt);
676 EAPI void             elm_widget_cursor_add(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Cursor *cur);
677 EAPI void             elm_widget_cursor_del(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Cursor *cur);
678 EAPI void             elm_widget_scroll_lock_set(Evas_Object *obj, Efl_Ui_Layout_Orientation block);
679 EAPI Efl_Ui_Layout_Orientation elm_widget_scroll_lock_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
680 EAPI int              elm_widget_scroll_child_locked_x_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
681 EAPI int              elm_widget_scroll_child_locked_y_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
682 EAPI Eina_Error  elm_widget_theme_object_set(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *edj, const char *wname, const char *welement, const char *wstyle);
683 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_type_check(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *type, const char *func);
684 EAPI Evas_Object     *elm_widget_name_find(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *name, int recurse);
685 EAPI Eina_List       *elm_widget_stringlist_get(const char *str);
686 EAPI void             elm_widget_stringlist_free(Eina_List *list);
687 EAPI void             elm_widget_focus_mouse_up_handle(Evas_Object *obj);
688 EAPI void             elm_widget_activate(Evas_Object *obj, Efl_Ui_Activate act);
689 EAPI void             elm_widget_part_text_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char *label);
690 EAPI const char      *elm_widget_part_text_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
691 EAPI const char      *elm_widget_translatable_part_text_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
692 EAPI void             elm_widget_domain_part_text_translatable_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, const char *domain, Eina_Bool translatable);
693 EAPI void             elm_widget_content_part_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part, Evas_Object *content);
694 EAPI Evas_Object     *elm_widget_content_part_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
695 EAPI Evas_Object     *elm_widget_content_part_unset(Evas_Object *obj, const char *part);
696 EAPI void             elm_widget_access_info_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *txt);
697 EAPI const char      *elm_widget_access_info_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
698 EAPI Eina_Rect        elm_widget_focus_highlight_geometry_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
699 void                  _elm_widget_item_highlight_in_theme(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Object_Item *it);
700 EAPI void             elm_widget_focus_region_show_mode_set(Evas_Object *obj, Elm_Focus_Region_Show_Mode mode);
701 EAPI Elm_Focus_Region_Show_Mode elm_widget_focus_region_show_mode_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
702 const char           *elm_widget_part_translatable_text_get(const Eo *obj, const char *part, const char **domain);
703 void                  elm_widget_part_translatable_text_set(Eo *obj, const char *part, const char *label, const char *domain);
705 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_theme_klass_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *name);
706 EAPI const char      *elm_widget_theme_klass_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
707 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_theme_element_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *name);
708 EAPI const char      *elm_widget_theme_element_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
709 EAPI Eina_Bool        elm_widget_theme_style_set(Evas_Object *obj, const char *name);
710 EAPI const char      *elm_widget_theme_style_get(const Evas_Object *obj);
711 EAPI Eina_Error elm_widget_element_update(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *component, const char *name);
713 /* debug function. don't use it unless you are tracking parenting issues */
714 EAPI void             elm_widget_tree_dump(const Evas_Object *top);
715 EAPI void             elm_widget_tree_dot_dump(const Evas_Object *top, FILE *output);
716 EAPI Eina_Bool        _elm_widget_onscreen_is(const Evas_Object *widget);
717 EAPI Eina_Bool        _elm_widget_item_onscreen_is(const Elm_Object_Item *item);
718 const char*           _elm_widget_accessible_plain_name_get(const Evas_Object *obj, const char* name);
719 const char*           _elm_widget_item_accessible_plain_name_get(const Elm_Object_Item *item, const char* name);
721 Efl_Canvas_Object *   _efl_ui_widget_bg_get(const Efl_Ui_Widget *obj);
723 #define ELM_WIDGET_DATA_GET_OR_RETURN(o, ptr, ...)   \
724   Elm_Widget_Smart_Data *ptr;                        \
725   ptr = efl_data_scope_safe_get(o, EFL_UI_WIDGET_CLASS); \
726   if (EINA_UNLIKELY(!ptr))                           \
727     {                                                \
728        ERR("No widget data for object %p (%s)",      \
729            o, evas_object_type_get(o));              \
730        return __VA_ARGS__;                           \
731     }
733 #define ELM_WIDGET_DATA_GET(o, ptr) \
734   Elm_Widget_Smart_Data *ptr;                        \
735   ptr = efl_data_scope_safe_get(o, EFL_UI_WIDGET_CLASS); \
736   if (EINA_UNLIKELY(!ptr))                           \
737        ERR("No widget data for object %p (%s)",      \
738            o, evas_object_type_get(o));
740 #define ELM_WIDGET_CHECK(obj)                              \
741   if (EINA_UNLIKELY(!efl_isa((obj), EFL_UI_WIDGET_CLASS))) \
742     return
744 #define ELM_WIDGET_ITEM_RETURN_IF_ONDEL(item, ...)              \
745    do {                                                         \
746        if (item && (item)->on_deletion) {                       \
747             WRN("Elm_Widget_Item " # item " is deleting");      \
748             return __VA_ARGS__;                                 \
749         }                                                       \
750    } while (0)
752 #define ELM_WIDGET_ITEM_CHECK_OR_RETURN(item, ...)              \
753    do {                                                         \
754         if (!item) {                                            \
755              CRI("Elm_Widget_Item " # item " is NULL");    \
756              return __VA_ARGS__;                                \
757         }                                                       \
758        if ((item)->eo_obj &&                                   \
759            efl_isa((item)->eo_obj, ELM_WIDGET_ITEM_CLASS)) break; \
760        if (!EINA_MAGIC_CHECK(item, ELM_WIDGET_ITEM_MAGIC)) {    \
761             EINA_MAGIC_FAIL(item, ELM_WIDGET_ITEM_MAGIC);       \
762             return __VA_ARGS__;                                 \
763          }                                                      \
764   } while (0)
766 #define ELM_WIDGET_ITEM_CHECK_OR_GOTO(item, label)              \
767   do {                                                          \
768         if (!item) {                                            \
769              CRI("Elm_Widget_Item " # item " is NULL");    \
770              goto label;                                        \
771         }                                                       \
772        if ((item)->eo_obj &&                                    \
773            efl_isa((item)->eo_obj, ELM_WIDGET_ITEM_CLASS)) break; \
774        if (!EINA_MAGIC_CHECK(item, ELM_WIDGET_ITEM_MAGIC)) {    \
775             EINA_MAGIC_FAIL(item, ELM_WIDGET_ITEM_MAGIC);       \
776             goto label;                                         \
777          }                                                      \
778   } while (0)
780 static inline Eina_Bool
_elm_widget_sub_object_redirect_to_top(Evas_Object * obj,Evas_Object * sobj)781 _elm_widget_sub_object_redirect_to_top(Evas_Object *obj, Evas_Object *sobj)
782 {
783    Eina_Bool ret = elm_widget_sub_object_del(obj, sobj);
784    if (!ret) return ret;
785    if (elm_widget_is(sobj))
786      ret = elm_widget_sub_object_add(elm_widget_top_get(obj), sobj);
788    return ret;
789 }
791 #define elm_legacy_add(k, p, ...) ({ \
792        efl_add(k, p ? p : efl_main_loop_get(), efl_canvas_object_legacy_ctor(efl_added), ##__VA_ARGS__); })
794 static inline Eo *
elm_widget_resize_object_get(const Eo * obj)795 elm_widget_resize_object_get(const Eo *obj)
796 {
797    Elm_Widget_Smart_Data *wd = efl_data_scope_safe_get(obj, EFL_UI_WIDGET_CLASS);
798    return wd ? wd->resize_obj : NULL;
799 }
801 static inline Eina_Bool
elm_widget_is_legacy(const Eo * obj)802 elm_widget_is_legacy(const Eo *obj)
803 {
804    return efl_isa(obj, EFL_UI_LEGACY_INTERFACE);
805 }
807 /** Takes in any canvas object and returns the first smart parent that is a widget */
808 static inline Efl_Ui_Widget *
evas_object_widget_parent_find(Evas_Object * o)809 evas_object_widget_parent_find(Evas_Object *o)
810 {
811    while (o && !efl_isa(o, EFL_UI_WIDGET_CLASS))
812      evas_object_smart_parent_get(o);
813    return o;
814 }
816 /* to be used by INTERNAL classes on Elementary, so that the widgets
817  * parsing script skips it */
820 EAPI Eina_Bool elm_selection_selection_has_owner(Evas_Object *obj);
822 EAPI Eina_Bool _elm_layout_part_aliasing_eval(const Evas_Object *obj,
823                                               const char **part,
824                                               Eina_Bool is_text);
826 /* Internal EO APIs */
827 const char *efl_ui_widget_default_content_part_get(const Eo *obj);
828 const char *efl_ui_widget_default_text_part_get(const Eo *obj);
832 #include "elm_widget_item_eo.h"
834 #endif