1 #ifndef _Universe_h_
2 #define _Universe_h_
5 #include "EnumsFwd.h"
6 #include "ObjectMap.h"
7 #include "UniverseObject.h"
8 #include "../util/Pending.h"
10 #include <boost/signals2/signal.hpp>
11 #include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
12 #include <boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp>
13 #include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
15 #include <list>
16 #include <map>
17 #include <memory>
18 #include <set>
19 #include <string>
20 #include <vector>
21 #include <unordered_map>
23 #include "../util/Export.h"
26 class Empire;
27 struct UniverseObjectVisitor;
28 class XMLElement;
29 class ShipDesign;
30 class System;
31 class Pathfinder;
32 class IDAllocator;
33 struct UnlockableItem;
34 class FleetPlan;
35 class MonsterFleetPlan;
38 namespace Condition {
39     struct Condition;
40     typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const UniverseObject>> ObjectSet;
41 }
43 namespace Effect {
44     struct AccountingInfo;
45     struct TargetsAndCause;     // struct TargetsAndCause { TargetSet target_set; EffectCause effect_cause; };
46     struct SourcedEffectsGroup; // struct SourcedEffectsGroup { int source_object_id; const EffectsGroup* effects_group; };
47     class EffectsGroup;
48     typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UniverseObject>> TargetSet;
49     typedef std::unordered_map<int, boost::container::flat_map<MeterType, std::vector<AccountingInfo>>> AccountingMap;
50     typedef std::vector<std::pair<SourcedEffectsGroup, TargetsAndCause>> SourcesEffectsTargetsAndCausesVec;
51 }
53 namespace ValueRef {
54     template <typename T>
55     struct ValueRef;
56 }
58 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
59 #  if (_MSC_VER == 1900)
60 namespace boost {
61     FO_COMMON_API const volatile Universe* get_pointer(const volatile Universe* p);
62 }
63 #  endif
64 #endif
66 /** The Universe class contains the majority of FreeOrion gamestate: All the
67   * UniverseObjects in a game, and (of less importance) all ShipDesigns in a
68   * game.  (Other gamestate is contained in the Empire class.)
69   * The Universe class also provides functions with which to access objects in
70   * it, information about the objects, and information about the objects'
71   * relationships to each other.  As well, there are functions that generate
72   * and populate new Universe gamestates when new games are started. */
73 class FO_COMMON_API Universe {
74 private:
75     typedef std::map<int, ObjectMap>                EmpireObjectMap;                ///< Known information each empire had about objects in the Universe; keyed by empire id
77 public:
78     typedef std::map<Visibility, int>               VisibilityTurnMap;              ///< Most recent turn number on which a something, such as a Universe object, was observed at various Visibility ratings or better
80 private:
81     typedef std::map<int, VisibilityTurnMap>        ObjectVisibilityTurnMap;        ///< Most recent turn number on which the objects were observed at various Visibility ratings; keyed by object id
82     typedef std::map<int, ObjectVisibilityTurnMap>  EmpireObjectVisibilityTurnMap;  ///< Each empire's most recent turns on which object information was known; keyed by empire id
84     typedef std::map<int, std::set<int>>            ObjectKnowledgeMap;             ///< IDs of Empires which know information about an object (or deleted object); keyed by object id
86     typedef const ValueRef::ValueRef<Visibility>*   VisValRef;
87     typedef std::vector<std::pair<int, VisValRef>>  SrcVisValRefVec;
88     typedef std::map<int, SrcVisValRefVec>          ObjSrcVisValRefVecMap;
89     typedef std::map<int, ObjSrcVisValRefVecMap>    EmpireObjectVisValueRefMap;
91     /** Discrepancy between meter's value at start of turn, and the value that
92       * this client calculate that the meter should have with the knowledge
93       * available -> the unknown factor affecting the meter.  This is used
94       * when generating effect accounting, in the case where the expected
95       * and actual meter values don't match. */
96     typedef std::unordered_map<int, boost::container::flat_map<MeterType, double>> DiscrepancyMap;
98 public:
99     typedef std::map<int, Visibility>               ObjectVisibilityMap;            ///< map from object id to Visibility level for a particular empire
100     typedef std::map<int, ObjectVisibilityMap>      EmpireObjectVisibilityMap;      ///< map from empire id to ObjectVisibilityMap for that empire
102     typedef std::map<int, std::set<std::string>>    ObjectSpecialsMap;              ///< map from object id to names of specials on an object
103     typedef std::map<int, ObjectSpecialsMap>        EmpireObjectSpecialsMap;        ///< map from empire id to ObjectSpecialsMap of known specials for objects for that empire
105     typedef std::map<int, ShipDesign*>              ShipDesignMap;                  ///< ShipDesigns in universe; keyed by design id
106     typedef ShipDesignMap::const_iterator           ship_design_iterator;           ///< const iterator over ship designs created by players that are known by this client
108     /** \name Signal Types */ //@{
109     /** emitted just before the UniverseObject is deleted */
110     typedef boost::signals2::signal<void (std::shared_ptr<const UniverseObject>)> UniverseObjectDeleteSignalType;
111     //@}
113     /** \name Structors */ //@{
114     Universe();
115     virtual ~Universe();
116     //@}
118     /** \name Accessors */ //@{
119     /** Returns objects in this Universe. */
Objects()120     const ObjectMap&        Objects() const { return m_objects; }
Objects()121     ObjectMap&              Objects()       { return m_objects; }
123     /** Returns latest known state of objects for the Empire with
124       * id \a empire_id or the true / complete state of all objects in this
125       * Universe (the same as calling Objects()) if \a empire_id is
126       * ALL_EMPIRES*/
127     const ObjectMap&        EmpireKnownObjects(int empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES) const;
128     ObjectMap&              EmpireKnownObjects(int empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES);
130     /** Returns IDs of objects that the Empire with id \a empire_id has vision
131       * of on the current turn, or objects that at least one empire has vision
132       * of on the current turn if \a empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES */
133     std::set<int>           EmpireVisibleObjectIDs(int empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES) const;
135     /** Returns IDs of objects that have been destroyed. */
136     const std::set<int>&    DestroyedObjectIds() const;
137     int                     HighestDestroyedObjectID() const;
139     /** Returns IDs of objects that the Empire with id \a empire_id knows have
140       * been destroyed.  Each empire's latest known objects data contains the
141       * last known information about each object, whether it has been destroyed
142       * or not.  If \a empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES an empty set of IDs is
143       * returned. */
144     const std::set<int>&    EmpireKnownDestroyedObjectIDs(int empire_id) const;
146     /** Returns IDs of objects that the Empire with id \a empire_id has stale
147       * knowledge of in its latest known objects.  The latest known data about
148       * these objects suggests that they should be visible, but they are not. */
149     const std::set<int>&    EmpireStaleKnowledgeObjectIDs(int empire_id) const;
151     const ShipDesign*       GetShipDesign(int ship_design_id) const;    ///< returns the ship design with id \a ship_design id, or 0 if non exists
152     void                    RenameShipDesign(int design_id, const std::string& name = "",
153                                              const std::string& description = "");
beginShipDesigns()154     ship_design_iterator    beginShipDesigns() const   {return m_ship_designs.begin();}
endShipDesigns()155     ship_design_iterator    endShipDesigns() const     {return m_ship_designs.end();}
157     const ShipDesign*       GetGenericShipDesign(const std::string& name) const;
159     /** Returns IDs of ship designs that the Empire with id \a empire_id has
160       * seen during the game.  If \a empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES an empty set of
161       * ids is returned */
162     const std::set<int>&    EmpireKnownShipDesignIDs(int empire_id) const;
164     /** Returns the Visibility level of empire with id \a empire_id of
165       * UniverseObject with id \a object_id as determined by calling
166       * UpdateEmpireObjectVisibilities. */
167     Visibility GetObjectVisibilityByEmpire(int object_id, int empire_id) const;
169     /** Returns the map from Visibility level to turn number on which the empire
170       * with id \a empire_id last had the various Visibility levels of the
171       * UniverseObject with id \a object_id .  The returned map may be empty or
172       * not have entries for all visibility levels, if the empire has not seen
173       * the object at that visibility level yet. */
174     const VisibilityTurnMap& GetObjectVisibilityTurnMapByEmpire(int object_id, int empire_id) const;
176     /** Returns the set of specials attached to the object with id \a object_id
177       * that the empire with id \a empire_id can see this turn. */
178     std::set<std::string> GetObjectVisibleSpecialsByEmpire(int object_id, int empire_id) const;
180     /** Return the Pathfinder */
GetPathfinder()181     std::shared_ptr<const Pathfinder> GetPathfinder() const {return m_pathfinder;}
183     /** Returns map, indexed by object id, to map, indexed by MeterType,
184       * to vector of EffectAccountInfo for the meter, in order effects
185       * were applied to the meter. */
GetEffectAccountingMap()186     const Effect::AccountingMap& GetEffectAccountingMap() const {return m_effect_accounting_map;}
188     const std::map<std::string, std::map<int, std::map<int, double>>>&
GetStatRecords()189     GetStatRecords() const { return m_stat_records; }
191     mutable UniverseObjectDeleteSignalType UniverseObjectDeleteSignal; ///< the state changed signal object for this UniverseObject
192     //@}
194     /** \name Mutators */ //@{
195     /** Inserts \a ship_design into the universe. Return true on success. The
196         ship design's id will be the newly assigned id.
197         \note Universe gains ownership of \a ship_design once inserted. */
198     bool InsertShipDesign(ShipDesign* ship_design);
200     /** Inserts \a ship_design into the universe with given \a id; returns true
201       * on success, or false on failure.  An empire id of none indicates that
202       * the server is allocating an id on behalf of itself.  This can be removed
203       * when no longer supporting legacy id allocation in pending Orders. \note
204       * Universe gains ownership of \a ship_design once inserted. */
205     bool InsertShipDesignID(ShipDesign* ship_design, boost::optional<int> empire_id, int id);
207    /** Reset object and ship design id allocation for a new game. */
208     void ResetAllIDAllocation(const std::vector<int>& empire_ids = std::vector<int>());
210     /** Clears main ObjectMap, empires' latest known objects map, and
211       * ShipDesign map. */
212     void Clear();
214     /** Resets meters */
215     void ResetAllObjectMeters(bool target_max_unpaired = true, bool active = true);
217     /** Determines all effectsgroups' target sets, then resets meters and
218       * executes all effects on all objects.  Then clamps meter values so
219       * target and max meters are within a reasonable range and any current
220       * meters with associated max meters are limited by their max. */
221     void ApplyAllEffectsAndUpdateMeters(bool do_accounting = true);
223     /** Determines all effectsgroups' target sets, then resets meters and
224       * executes only SetMeter effects on all objects whose ids are listed in
225       * \a object_ids.  Then clamps meter values so target and max meters are
226       * within a reasonable range and any current meters with associated max
227       * meters are limited by their max. */
228     void ApplyMeterEffectsAndUpdateMeters(const std::vector<int>& object_ids, bool do_accounting = true);
230     /** Calls above ApplyMeterEffectsAndUpdateMeters() function on all objects.*/
231     void ApplyMeterEffectsAndUpdateMeters(bool do_accounting = true);
233     /** Executes effects that modify objects' appearance in the human client. */
234     void ApplyAppearanceEffects(const std::vector<int>& object_ids);
236     /** Executes effects that modify objects' apperance for all objects. */
237     void ApplyAppearanceEffects();
239     /** Executes effects that modify objects' apperance for all objects. */
240     void ApplyGenerateSitRepEffects();
242     /** For all objects and meters, determines discrepancies between actual meter
243       * maxes and what the known universe should produce, and and stores in
244       * m_effect_discrepancy_map. */
245     void InitMeterEstimatesAndDiscrepancies();
247     /** Based on (known subset of, if in a client) universe and any orders
248       * given so far this turn, updates estimated meter maxes for next turn
249       * for the objects with ids indicated in \a objects_vec. */
250     void UpdateMeterEstimates(const std::vector<int>& objects_vec);
252     /** Updates indicated object's meters, and if applicable, the
253       * meters of objects contained within the indicated object.
254       * If \a object_id is INVALID_OBJECT_ID, then all
255       * objects' meters are updated. */
256     void UpdateMeterEstimates(int object_id, bool update_contained_objects = false);
258     /** Updates all meters for all (known) objects */
259     void UpdateMeterEstimates();
260     void UpdateMeterEstimates(bool do_accounting);
262     /** Sets all objects' meters' initial values to their current values. */
263     void BackPropagateObjectMeters();
265     /** Determines which empires can see which objects at what visibility
266       * level, based on  */
267     void UpdateEmpireObjectVisibilities();
269     /** Sets a special record of visibility that overrides the standard
270       * empire-object visibility after the latter is processed. */
271     void SetEffectDerivedVisibility(int empire_id, int object_id, int source_id,
272                                     const ValueRef::ValueRef<Visibility>* vis);
274     /** Applies empire-object visibilities set by effects. */
275     void ApplyEffectDerivedVisibilities();
277     /** If an \p empire_id can't currently see \p object_id, then remove
278      * \p object_id' object from the object map and the set of known objects. */
279     void ForgetKnownObject(int empire_id, int object_id);
281     /** Sets visibility for indicated \a empire_id of object with \a object_id
282       * a vis */
283     void SetEmpireObjectVisibility(int empire_id, int object_id, Visibility vis);
285     /** Sets visibility for indicated \a empire_id for the indicated \a special */
286     void SetEmpireSpecialVisibility(int empire_id, int object_id,
287                                     const std::string& special_name, bool visible = true);
289     /** Stores latest known information about each object for each empire and
290       * updates the record of the last turn on which each empire has visibility
291       * of object that can be seen on the current turn with the level of
292       * visibility that the empire has this turn. */
293     void UpdateEmpireLatestKnownObjectsAndVisibilityTurns();
295     /** Checks latest known information about each object for each empire and,
296       * in cases when the latest known state (stealth and location) suggests
297       * that the empire should be able to see the object, but the object can't
298       * be seen by the empire, updates the latest known state to note this. */
299     void UpdateEmpireStaleObjectKnowledge();
301     /** Fills pathfinding data structure and determines least jumps distances
302       * between systems for the empire with id \a for_empire_id or uses the
303       * main / true / visible objects if \a for_empire_id is ALL_EMPIRES*/
304     void InitializeSystemGraph(int for_empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES);
306     /** Regenerates per-empire system view graphs by filtering the complete
307       * system graph based on empire visibility.  Does not regenerate the base
308       * graph to account for actual system-starlane connectivity changes. */
309     void UpdateEmpireVisibilityFilteredSystemGraphs(int for_empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES);
311     /** Adds the object ID \a object_id to the set of object ids for the empire
312       * with id \a empire_id that the empire knows have been destroyed. */
313     void SetEmpireKnowledgeOfDestroyedObject(int object_id, int empire_id);
315     /** Adds the ship design ID \a ship_design_id to the set of ship design ids
316       * known by the empire with id \a empire_id */
317     void SetEmpireKnowledgeOfShipDesign(int ship_design_id, int empire_id);
319     /** Record in statistics that \a object_id was destroyed by species/empire
320       * associated with \a source_object_id */
321     void CountDestructionInStats(int object_id, int source_object_id);
323     /** Removes the object with ID number \a object_id from the universe's map
324       * of existing objects, and adds the object's id to the set of destroyed
325       * object ids.  If \a update_destroyed_object_knowers is true, empires
326       * that currently have visibility of the object have its id added to
327       * their set of objects' ids that are known to have been destroyed.  Older
328       * or limited versions of objects remain in empires latest known objects
329       * ObjectMap, regardless of whether the empire knows the object is
330       * destroyed. */
331     void Destroy(int object_id, bool update_destroyed_object_knowers = true);
333     /** Destroys object with ID \a object_id, and destroys any associted
334       * objects, such as contained buildings of planets, contained anything of
335       * systems, or fleets if their last ship has id \a object_id and the fleet
336       * is thus empty. Returns the ids of all destroyed objects. */
337     std::set<int> RecursiveDestroy(int object_id);
339     /** Used by the Destroy effect to mark an object for destruction later
340       * during turn processing. (objects can't be destroyed immediately as
341       * other effects might depend on their existence) */
342     void EffectDestroy(int object_id, int source_object_id = INVALID_OBJECT_ID);
344     /** Permanently deletes object with ID number \a object_id.  no
345       * information about this object is retained in the Universe.  Can be
346       * performed on objects whether or not the have been destroyed.  Returns
347       * true if such an object was found, false otherwise. */
348     bool Delete(int object_id);
350     /** Permanently deletes the ship design with ID number \a design_id. No
351       * information about this design is retained in the Universe. */
352     bool DeleteShipDesign(int design_id);
354     /** Sets whether to inhibit UniverseObjectSignals.  Inhibits if \a inhibit
355       * is true, and (re)enables UniverseObjectSignals if \a inhibit is false. */
356     void InhibitUniverseObjectSignals(bool inhibit = true);
358     void UpdateStatRecords();
359     //@}
361     /** Returns true if UniverseOjbectSignals are inhibited, false otherwise. */
362     const bool& UniverseObjectSignalsInhibited();
364     /** HACK! This must be set to the encoding empire's id when serializing a
365       * Universe, so that only the relevant parts of the Universe are
366       * serialized.  The use of this global variable is done just so I don't
367       * have to rewrite any custom boost::serialization classes that implement
368       * empire-dependent visibility. */
369     int& EncodingEmpire();
371     double UniverseWidth() const;
SetUniverseWidth(double width)372     void SetUniverseWidth(double width) { m_universe_width = width; }
AllObjectsVisible()373     bool AllObjectsVisible() const { return m_all_objects_visible; }
375     /** \name Generators */ //@{
376     /** InsertNew constructs and inserts a UniverseObject into the object map with a new
377         id. It returns the new object. */
378     template <typename T, typename... Args>
InsertNew(Args &&...args)379     std::shared_ptr<T> InsertNew(Args&&... args) {
380         int id = GenerateObjectID();
381         return InsertID<T>(id, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
382     }
384     /** InsertTemp constructs and inserts a temporary UniverseObject into the object map with a
385         temporary id. It returns the new object. */
386     template <typename T, typename... Args>
InsertTemp(Args &&...args)387     std::shared_ptr<T> InsertTemp(Args&&... args) {
388         auto id = TEMPORARY_OBJECT_ID;
389         return InsertID<T>(id, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
390     }
392     /** \p empire_id inserts object \p obj into the universe with the given \p id.
393         This is provided for use with Orders which are run once on the client
394         and receive a new id and then are run a second time on the server using
395         the id assigned on the client. */
396     template <typename T, typename... Args>
InsertByEmpireWithID(int empire_id,int id,Args &&...args)397     std::shared_ptr<T> InsertByEmpireWithID(int empire_id, int id, Args&&... args) {
398         if (!VerifyUnusedObjectID(empire_id, id))
399             return nullptr;
401         return InsertID<T>(id, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
402     }
403     //@}
405     //! Set items unlocked before turn 1 from \p future.
406     void SetInitiallyUnlockedItems(Pending::Pending<std::vector<UnlockableItem>>&& future);
407     //! Items unlocked before turn 1.
408     const std::vector<UnlockableItem>& InitiallyUnlockedItems() const;
410     //! Set buildings unlocked before turn 1 from \p future.
411     void SetInitiallyUnlockedBuildings(Pending::Pending<std::vector<UnlockableItem>>&& future);
412     //! Buildings unlocked before turn 1.
413     const std::vector<UnlockableItem>& InitiallyUnlockedBuildings() const;
415     /** Set fleets unlocked before turn 1 from \p future.*/
416     void SetInitiallyUnlockedFleetPlans(Pending::Pending<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FleetPlan>>>&& future);
417     /** Fleets unlocked before turn 1.*/
418     const std::vector<FleetPlan*> InitiallyUnlockedFleetPlans() const;
420     /** Set items unlocked before turn 1 from \p future..*/
421     void SetMonsterFleetPlans(Pending::Pending<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MonsterFleetPlan>>>&& future);
422     /** Items unlocked before turn 1.*/
423     const std::vector<MonsterFleetPlan*> MonsterFleetPlans() const;
425     /** Set the empire stats from \p future. */
426     using EmpireStatsMap = std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ValueRef::ValueRef<double>>>;
427     void SetEmpireStats(Pending::Pending<EmpireStatsMap> future);
428 private:
429     const EmpireStatsMap& EmpireStats() const;
430 public:
431     /** ObfuscateIDGenerator applies randomization to the IDAllocator to prevent clients from
432         inferring too much information about other client's id generation activities. */
433     void ObfuscateIDGenerator();
435 private:
436     /* Pathfinder setup for the viewing empire
437      */
438     std::shared_ptr<Pathfinder> m_pathfinder;
440     /** Generates an object ID for a future object. Usually used by the server
441       * to service new ID requests. */
442     int GenerateObjectID();
444     /** Generates design ID for a new (ship) design. Usually used by the
445       * server to service new ID requests. */
446     int GenerateDesignID();
448     /** Verify that an object ID \p id could be generated by \p empire_id. */
449     bool VerifyUnusedObjectID(const int empire_id, const int id);
451     /** Inserts object \p obj into the universe with the given \p id. */
452     template <typename T, typename... Args>
InsertID(int id,Args &&...args)453     std::shared_ptr<T> InsertID(int id, Args&&... args) {
454         auto obj = std::make_shared<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
455         auto uobj = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UniverseObject>(obj);
456         if (!uobj)
457             return std::shared_ptr<T>();
459         InsertIDCore(uobj, id);
460         return obj;
461     }
463     /** Inserts object \p obj into the universe with the given \p id. */
464     void InsertIDCore(std::shared_ptr<UniverseObject> obj, int id);
466     /** Clears \a source_effects_targets_causes, and then populates with all
467       * EffectsGroups and their targets in the known universe. */
468     void GetEffectsAndTargets(std::map<int, Effect::SourcesEffectsTargetsAndCausesVec>& source_effects_targets_causes,
469                               bool only_meter_effects = false) const;
471     /** Removes entries in \a source_effects_targets_causes about effects groups acting
472       * on objects in \a target_objects, and then repopulates for EffectsGroups
473       * that act on at least one of the objects in \a target_objects. If
474       * \a target_objects is empty then default target candidates will be used. */
475     void GetEffectsAndTargets(std::map<int, Effect::SourcesEffectsTargetsAndCausesVec>& source_effects_targets_causes,
476                               const std::vector<int>& target_objects,
477                               bool only_meter_effects = false) const;
479     void ResetObjectMeters(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UniverseObject>>& objects,
480                            bool target_max_unpaired = true, bool active = true);
482     /** Executes all effects.  For use on server when processing turns.
483       * If \a only_meter_effects is true, then only SetMeter effects are
484       * executed.  This is useful on server or clients to update meter
485       * values after the rest of effects (including non-meter effects) have
486       * been executed. */
487     void ExecuteEffects(std::map<int, Effect::SourcesEffectsTargetsAndCausesVec>& source_effects_targets_causes,
488                         bool update_effect_accounting,
489                         bool only_meter_effects = false,
490                         bool only_appearance_effects = false,
491                         bool include_empire_meter_effects = false,
492                         bool only_generate_sitrep_effects = false);
494     /** Does actual updating of meter estimates after the public function have
495       * processed objects_vec or whatever they were passed and cleared the
496       * relevant effect accounting for those objects and meters. If an empty
497       * vector is passed, it will instead update all existing objects. */
498     void UpdateMeterEstimatesImpl(const std::vector<int>& objects_vec, bool do_accounting);
500     ObjectMap                       m_objects;                          ///< map from object id to UniverseObjects in the universe.  for the server: all of them, up to date and true information about object is stored;  for clients, only limited information based on what the client knows about is sent.
501     EmpireObjectMap                 m_empire_latest_known_objects;      ///< map from empire id to (map from object id to latest known information about each object by that empire)
503     std::set<int>                   m_destroyed_object_ids;             ///< all ids of objects that have been destroyed (on server) or that a player knows were destroyed (on clients)
505     EmpireObjectVisibilityMap       m_empire_object_visibility;         ///< map from empire id to (map from object id to visibility of that object for that empire)
506     EmpireObjectVisibilityTurnMap   m_empire_object_visibility_turns;   ///< map from empire id to (map from object id to (map from Visibility rating to turn number on which the empire last saw the object at the indicated Visibility rating or higher)
508     EmpireObjectVisValueRefMap      m_effect_specified_empire_object_visibilities;
510     EmpireObjectSpecialsMap         m_empire_object_visible_specials;   ///< map from empire id to (map from object id to (set of names of specials that empire can see are on that object) )
512     ObjectKnowledgeMap              m_empire_known_destroyed_object_ids;///< map from empire id to (set of object ids that the empire knows have been destroyed)
513     ObjectKnowledgeMap              m_empire_stale_knowledge_object_ids;///< map from empire id to (set of object ids that the empire has previously observed but has subsequently been unable to detect at its last known location despite expecting to be able to detect it based on stealth of the object and having detectors in range)
515     ShipDesignMap                   m_ship_designs;                     ///< ship designs in the universe
516     std::map<int, std::set<int>>    m_empire_known_ship_design_ids;     ///< ship designs known to each empire
518     Effect::AccountingMap           m_effect_accounting_map;            ///< map from target object id, to map from target meter, to orderered list of structs with details of an effect and what it does to the meter
520     /// map from target object id, to map from target meter, to discrepancy
521     /// between meter's actual initial value, and the initial value that this
522     /// meter should have as far as the client can tell: the unknown factor
523     /// affecting the meter.
524     DiscrepancyMap                  m_effect_discrepancy_map;
526     std::map<int, std::set<int>>    m_marked_destroyed;                 ///< used while applying effects to cache objects that have been destroyed.  this allows to-be-destroyed objects to remain undestroyed until all effects have been processed, which ensures that to-be-destroyed objects still exist when other effects need to access them as a source object. key is destroyed object, and value set are the ids of objects that caused the destruction (may be multiples destroying a single target on a given turn)
528     double                          m_universe_width;
529     bool                            m_inhibit_universe_object_signals;
530     int                             m_encoding_empire;                  ///< used during serialization to globally set what empire knowledge to use
531     bool                            m_all_objects_visible;              ///< flag set to skip visibility tests and make everything visible to all players
533     std::map<std::string, std::map<int, std::map<int, double>>>
534                                     m_stat_records;                     ///< storage for statistics calculated for empires. Indexed by stat name (string), contains a map indexed by empire id, contains a map from turn number (int) to stat value (double).
536     //! @name Parsed items
537     //! Various unlocked items are kept as a Pending::Pending while being parsed and
538     //! then transfered.  They are mutable to allow processing in const accessors.
539     //! @{
540     mutable boost::optional<Pending::Pending<std::vector<UnlockableItem>>>                      m_pending_items = boost::none;
541     mutable boost::optional<Pending::Pending<std::vector<UnlockableItem>>>                      m_pending_buildings = boost::none;
542     mutable boost::optional<Pending::Pending<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FleetPlan>>>>          m_pending_fleet_plans = boost::none;
543     mutable boost::optional<Pending::Pending<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MonsterFleetPlan>>>>   m_pending_monster_fleet_plans = boost::none;
544     mutable boost::optional<Pending::Pending<EmpireStatsMap>>                                   m_pending_empire_stats = boost::none;
546     mutable std::vector<UnlockableItem>                     m_unlocked_items;
547     mutable std::vector<UnlockableItem>                     m_unlocked_buildings;
548     mutable std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FleetPlan>>         m_unlocked_fleet_plans;
549     mutable std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MonsterFleetPlan>>  m_monster_fleet_plans;
550     mutable EmpireStatsMap                                  m_empire_stats;
551     //! @}
553     /** Fills \a designs_to_serialize with ShipDesigns known to the empire with
554       * the ID \a encoding empire.  If encoding_empire is ALL_EMPIRES, then all
555       * designs are included. */
556     void GetShipDesignsToSerialize(ShipDesignMap& designs_to_serialize, int encoding_empire) const;
558     /** Fills \a objects with copies of UniverseObjects that should be sent
559       * to the empire with id \a encoding_empires */
560     void GetObjectsToSerialize(ObjectMap& objects, int encoding_empire) const;
562     /** Fills \a destroyed_object_ids with ids of objects known to be destroyed
563       * by the empire with ID \a encoding empire. If encoding_empire is
564       * ALL_EMPIRES, then all destroyed objects are included. */
565     void GetDestroyedObjectsToSerialize(std::set<int>& destroyed_object_ids, int encoding_empire) const;
567     /** Fills \a empire_latest_known_objects map with the latest known data
568       * about UniverseObjects for the empire with id \a encoding_empire.  If
569       * the encoding empire is ALL_EMPIRES then all stored empire object
570       * knowledge is included. */
571     void GetEmpireKnownObjectsToSerialize(EmpireObjectMap& empire_latest_known_objects, int encoding_empire) const;
573     /***/
574     void GetEmpireObjectVisibilityMap(EmpireObjectVisibilityMap& empire_object_visibility, int encoding_empire) const;
576     /***/
577     void GetEmpireObjectVisibilityTurnMap(EmpireObjectVisibilityTurnMap& empire_object_visibility_turns, int encoding_empire) const;
579     /***/
580     //void GetEffectSpecifiedVisibilities(EmpireObjectVisibilityMap& effect_specified_empire_object_visibilities, int encoding_empire) const;
582     /***/
583     void GetEmpireKnownDestroyedObjects(ObjectKnowledgeMap& empire_known_destroyed_object_ids, int encoding_empire) const;
585     /***/
586     void GetEmpireStaleKnowledgeObjects(ObjectKnowledgeMap& empire_stale_knowledge_object_ids, int encoding_empire) const;
588     /** Manages allocating and verifying new object ids.*/
589     std::unique_ptr<IDAllocator> const m_object_id_allocator;
591     /** Manages allocating and verifying new ship design ids.*/
592     std::unique_ptr<IDAllocator> const m_design_id_allocator;
594     friend class boost::serialization::access;
595     template <typename Archive>
596     void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version);
597 };
600 /** Compute a checksum for each of the universe's content managers. Each value will be of the form
601     ("BuildingManager", <checksum>) */
602 FO_COMMON_API std::map<std::string, unsigned int> CheckSumContent();
604 #endif // _Universe_h_