1from __future__ import print_function
3import argparse
4import itertools
5import os
6import random
7import re
8import shlex
9import string
10import sys
11import traceback
12import warnings
13from collections import OrderedDict
14from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
15from subprocess import list2cmdline
16from threading import Thread
18import pkg_resources
19import pluggy
20import py
21import toml
23import tox
24from tox.constants import INFO
25from tox.interpreters import Interpreters, NoInterpreterInfo
26from tox.reporter import (
28    error,
29    update_default_reporter,
30    using,
31    verbosity1,
33from tox.util.path import ensure_empty_dir
35from .parallel import ENV_VAR_KEY as PARALLEL_ENV_VAR_KEY
36from .parallel import add_parallel_config, add_parallel_flags
37from .reporter import add_verbosity_commands
39hookimpl = tox.hookimpl
40"""DEPRECATED - REMOVE - this is left for compatibility with plugins importing this from here.
42Instead create a hookimpl in your code with:
44    import pluggy
45    hookimpl = pluggy.HookimplMarker("tox")
48default_factors = tox.PYTHON.DEFAULT_FACTORS
49"""DEPRECATED MOVE - please update to new location."""
51WITHIN_PROVISION = os.environ.get(str("TOX_PROVISION")) == "1"
54def get_plugin_manager(plugins=()):
55    # initialize plugin manager
56    import tox.venv
58    pm = pluggy.PluginManager("tox")
59    pm.add_hookspecs(tox.hookspecs)
60    pm.register(tox.config)
61    pm.register(tox.interpreters)
62    pm.register(tox.venv)
63    pm.register(tox.session)
64    from tox import package
66    pm.register(package)
67    pm.load_setuptools_entrypoints("tox")
68    for plugin in plugins:
69        pm.register(plugin)
70    pm.check_pending()
71    return pm
74class Parser:
75    """Command line and ini-parser control object."""
77    def __init__(self):
78        class HelpFormatter(argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter):
79            def __init__(self, prog):
80                super(HelpFormatter, self).__init__(prog, max_help_position=35, width=190)
82        self.argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
83            description="tox options", add_help=False, prog="tox", formatter_class=HelpFormatter
84        )
85        self._testenv_attr = []
87    def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):
88        """ add argument to command line parser.  This takes the
89        same arguments that ``argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument``.
90        """
91        return self.argparser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
93    def add_testenv_attribute(self, name, type, help, default=None, postprocess=None):
94        """ add an ini-file variable for "testenv" section.
96        Types are specified as strings like "bool", "line-list", "string", "argv", "path",
97        "argvlist".
99        The ``postprocess`` function will be called for each testenv
100        like ``postprocess(testenv_config=testenv_config, value=value)``
101        where ``value`` is the value as read from the ini (or the default value)
102        and ``testenv_config`` is a :py:class:`tox.config.TestenvConfig` instance
103        which will receive all ini-variables as object attributes.
105        Any postprocess function must return a value which will then be set
106        as the final value in the testenv section.
107        """
108        self._testenv_attr.append(VenvAttribute(name, type, default, help, postprocess))
110    def add_testenv_attribute_obj(self, obj):
111        """ add an ini-file variable as an object.
113        This works as the ``add_testenv_attribute`` function but expects
114        "name", "type", "help", and "postprocess" attributes on the object.
115        """
116        assert hasattr(obj, "name")
117        assert hasattr(obj, "type")
118        assert hasattr(obj, "help")
119        assert hasattr(obj, "postprocess")
120        self._testenv_attr.append(obj)
122    def parse_cli(self, args, strict=False):
123        args, argv = self.argparser.parse_known_args(args)
124        if argv and (strict or WITHIN_PROVISION):
125            self.argparser.error("unrecognized arguments: %s".format(" ".join(argv)))
126        return args
128    def _format_help(self):
129        return self.argparser.format_help()
132class VenvAttribute:
133    def __init__(self, name, type, default, help, postprocess):
134        self.name = name
135        self.type = type
136        self.default = default
137        self.help = help
138        self.postprocess = postprocess
141class DepOption:
142    name = "deps"
143    type = "line-list"
144    help = "each line specifies a dependency in pip/setuptools format."
145    default = ()
147    def postprocess(self, testenv_config, value):
148        deps = []
149        config = testenv_config.config
150        for depline in value:
151            m = re.match(r":(\w+):\s*(\S+)", depline)
152            if m:
153                iname, name = m.groups()
154                ixserver = config.indexserver[iname]
155            else:
156                name = depline.strip()
157                ixserver = None
158                # we need to process options, in case they contain a space,
159                # as the subprocess call to pip install will otherwise fail.
160                # in case of a short option, we remove the space
161                for option in tox.PIP.INSTALL_SHORT_OPTIONS_ARGUMENT:
162                    if name.startswith(option):
163                        name = "{}{}".format(option, name[len(option) :].strip())
164                # in case of a long option, we add an equal sign
165                for option in tox.PIP.INSTALL_LONG_OPTIONS_ARGUMENT:
166                    name_start = "{} ".format(option)
167                    if name.startswith(name_start):
168                        name = "{}={}".format(option, name[len(option) :].strip())
169            name = self._cut_off_dep_comment(name)
170            name = self._replace_forced_dep(name, config)
171            deps.append(DepConfig(name, ixserver))
172        return deps
174    def _replace_forced_dep(self, name, config):
175        """Override given dependency config name. Take ``--force-dep-version`` option into account.
177        :param name: dep config, for example ["pkg==1.0", "other==2.0"].
178        :param config: ``Config`` instance
179        :return: the new dependency that should be used for virtual environments
180        """
181        if not config.option.force_dep:
182            return name
183        for forced_dep in config.option.force_dep:
184            if self._is_same_dep(forced_dep, name):
185                return forced_dep
186        return name
188    @staticmethod
189    def _cut_off_dep_comment(name):
190        return re.sub(r"\s+#.*", "", name).strip()
192    @classmethod
193    def _is_same_dep(cls, dep1, dep2):
194        """Definitions are the same if they refer to the same package, even if versions differ."""
195        dep1_name = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(dep1).project_name
196        try:
197            dep2_name = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(dep2).project_name
198        except pkg_resources.RequirementParseError:
199            # we couldn't parse a version, probably a URL
200            return False
201        return dep1_name == dep2_name
204class PosargsOption:
205    name = "args_are_paths"
206    type = "bool"
207    default = True
208    help = "treat positional args in commands as paths"
210    def postprocess(self, testenv_config, value):
211        config = testenv_config.config
212        args = config.option.args
213        if args:
214            if value:
215                args = []
216                for arg in config.option.args:
217                    if arg and not os.path.isabs(arg):
218                        origpath = os.path.join(config.invocationcwd.strpath, arg)
219                        if os.path.exists(origpath):
220                            arg = os.path.relpath(origpath, testenv_config.changedir.strpath)
221                    args.append(arg)
222            testenv_config._reader.addsubstitutions(args)
223        return value
226class InstallcmdOption:
227    name = "install_command"
228    type = "argv"
229    default = "python -m pip install {opts} {packages}"
230    help = "install command for dependencies and package under test."
232    def postprocess(self, testenv_config, value):
233        if "{packages}" not in value:
234            raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
235                "'install_command' must contain '{packages}' substitution"
236            )
237        return value
240def parseconfig(args, plugins=()):
241    """Parse the configuration file and create a Config object.
243    :param plugins:
244    :param list[str] args: list of arguments.
245    :rtype: :class:`Config`
246    :raise SystemExit: toxinit file is not found
247    """
248    pm = get_plugin_manager(plugins)
249    config, option = parse_cli(args, pm)
250    update_default_reporter(config.option.quiet_level, config.option.verbose_level)
252    for config_file in propose_configs(option.configfile):
253        config_type = config_file.basename
255        content = None
256        if config_type == "pyproject.toml":
257            toml_content = get_py_project_toml(config_file)
258            try:
259                content = toml_content["tool"]["tox"]["legacy_tox_ini"]
260            except KeyError:
261                continue
262        ParseIni(config, config_file, content)
263        pm.hook.tox_configure(config=config)  # post process config object
264        break
265    else:
266        msg = "tox config file (either {}) not found"
267        candidates = ", ".join(INFO.CONFIG_CANDIDATES)
268        feedback(msg.format(candidates), sysexit=not (option.help or option.helpini))
269    return config
272def get_py_project_toml(path):
273    with open(str(path)) as file_handler:
274        config_data = toml.load(file_handler)
275        return config_data
278def propose_configs(cli_config_file):
279    from_folder = py.path.local()
280    if cli_config_file is not None:
281        if os.path.isfile(cli_config_file):
282            yield py.path.local(cli_config_file)
283            return
284        if os.path.isdir(cli_config_file):
285            from_folder = py.path.local(cli_config_file)
286        else:
287            print(
288                "ERROR: {} is neither file or directory".format(cli_config_file), file=sys.stderr
289            )
290            return
291    for basename in INFO.CONFIG_CANDIDATES:
292        if from_folder.join(basename).isfile():
293            yield from_folder.join(basename)
294        for path in from_folder.parts(reverse=True):
295            ini_path = path.join(basename)
296            if ini_path.check():
297                yield ini_path
300def parse_cli(args, pm):
301    parser = Parser()
302    pm.hook.tox_addoption(parser=parser)
303    option = parser.parse_cli(args)
304    if option.version:
305        print(get_version_info(pm))
306        raise SystemExit(0)
307    interpreters = Interpreters(hook=pm.hook)
308    config = Config(
309        pluginmanager=pm, option=option, interpreters=interpreters, parser=parser, args=args
310    )
311    return config, option
314def feedback(msg, sysexit=False):
315    print("ERROR: {}".format(msg), file=sys.stderr)
316    if sysexit:
317        raise SystemExit(1)
320def get_version_info(pm):
321    out = ["{} imported from {}".format(tox.__version__, tox.__file__)]
322    plugin_dist_info = pm.list_plugin_distinfo()
323    if plugin_dist_info:
324        out.append("registered plugins:")
325        for mod, egg_info in plugin_dist_info:
326            source = getattr(mod, "__file__", repr(mod))
327            out.append("    {}-{} at {}".format(egg_info.project_name, egg_info.version, source))
328    return "\n".join(out)
331class SetenvDict(object):
332    _DUMMY = object()
334    def __init__(self, definitions, reader):
335        self.definitions = definitions
336        self.reader = reader
337        self.resolved = {}
338        self._lookupstack = []
340    def __repr__(self):
341        return "{}: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.definitions)
343    def __contains__(self, name):
344        return name in self.definitions
346    def get(self, name, default=None):
347        try:
348            return self.resolved[name]
349        except KeyError:
350            try:
351                if name in self._lookupstack:
352                    raise KeyError(name)
353                val = self.definitions[name]
354            except KeyError:
355                return os.environ.get(name, default)
356            self._lookupstack.append(name)
357            try:
358                self.resolved[name] = res = self.reader._replace(val)
359            finally:
360                self._lookupstack.pop()
361            return res
363    def __getitem__(self, name):
364        x = self.get(name, self._DUMMY)
365        if x is self._DUMMY:
366            raise KeyError(name)
367        return x
369    def keys(self):
370        return self.definitions.keys()
372    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
373        self.definitions[name] = value
374        self.resolved[name] = value
378def tox_addoption(parser):
379    parser.add_argument(
380        "--version",
381        action="store_true",
382        dest="version",
383        help="report version information to stdout.",
384    )
385    parser.add_argument(
386        "-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help", help="show help about options"
387    )
388    parser.add_argument(
389        "--help-ini", "--hi", action="store_true", dest="helpini", help="show help about ini-names"
390    )
391    add_verbosity_commands(parser)
392    parser.add_argument(
393        "--showconfig",
394        action="store_true",
395        help="show live configuration (by default all env, with -l only default targets,"
396        " specific via TOXENV/-e)",
397    )
398    parser.add_argument(
399        "-l",
400        "--listenvs",
401        action="store_true",
402        dest="listenvs",
403        help="show list of test environments (with description if verbose)",
404    )
405    parser.add_argument(
406        "-a",
407        "--listenvs-all",
408        action="store_true",
409        dest="listenvs_all",
410        help="show list of all defined environments (with description if verbose)",
411    )
412    parser.add_argument(
413        "-c",
414        action="store",
415        default=None,
416        dest="configfile",
417        help="config file name or directory with 'tox.ini' file.",
418    )
419    parser.add_argument(
420        "-e",
421        action="append",
422        dest="env",
423        metavar="envlist",
424        help="work against specified environments (ALL selects all).",
425    )
426    parser.add_argument(
427        "--notest", action="store_true", dest="notest", help="skip invoking test commands."
428    )
429    parser.add_argument(
430        "--sdistonly",
431        action="store_true",
432        dest="sdistonly",
433        help="only perform the sdist packaging activity.",
434    )
435    add_parallel_flags(parser)
436    parser.add_argument(
437        "--parallel--safe-build",
438        action="store_true",
439        dest="parallel_safe_build",
440        help="(deprecated) ensure two tox builds can run in parallel "
441        "(uses a lock file in the tox workdir with .lock extension)",
442    )
443    parser.add_argument(
444        "--installpkg",
445        action="store",
446        default=None,
447        metavar="PATH",
448        help="use specified package for installation into venv, instead of creating an sdist.",
449    )
450    parser.add_argument(
451        "--develop",
452        action="store_true",
453        dest="develop",
454        help="install package in the venv using 'setup.py develop' via 'pip -e .'",
455    )
456    parser.add_argument(
457        "-i",
458        "--index-url",
459        action="append",
460        dest="indexurl",
461        metavar="URL",
462        help="set indexserver url (if URL is of form name=url set the "
463        "url for the 'name' indexserver, specifically)",
464    )
465    parser.add_argument(
466        "--pre",
467        action="store_true",
468        dest="pre",
469        help="install pre-releases and development versions of dependencies. "
470        "This will pass the --pre option to install_command "
471        "(pip by default).",
472    )
473    parser.add_argument(
474        "-r",
475        "--recreate",
476        action="store_true",
477        dest="recreate",
478        help="force recreation of virtual environments",
479    )
480    parser.add_argument(
481        "--result-json",
482        action="store",
483        dest="resultjson",
484        metavar="PATH",
485        help="write a json file with detailed information "
486        "about all commands and results involved.",
487    )
489    # We choose 1 to 4294967295 because it is the range of PYTHONHASHSEED.
490    parser.add_argument(
491        "--hashseed",
492        action="store",
493        metavar="SEED",
494        default=None,
495        help="set PYTHONHASHSEED to SEED before running commands.  "
496        "Defaults to a random integer in the range [1, 4294967295] "
497        "([1, 1024] on Windows). "
498        "Passing 'noset' suppresses this behavior.",
499    )
500    parser.add_argument(
501        "--force-dep",
502        action="append",
503        metavar="REQ",
504        default=None,
505        help="Forces a certain version of one of the dependencies "
506        "when configuring the virtual environment. REQ Examples "
507        "'pytest<2.7' or 'django>=1.6'.",
508    )
509    parser.add_argument(
510        "--sitepackages",
511        action="store_true",
512        help="override sitepackages setting to True in all envs",
513    )
514    parser.add_argument(
515        "--alwayscopy", action="store_true", help="override alwayscopy setting to True in all envs"
516    )
518    cli_skip_missing_interpreter(parser)
519    parser.add_argument(
520        "--workdir",
521        action="store",
522        dest="workdir",
523        metavar="PATH",
524        default=None,
525        help="tox working directory",
526    )
528    parser.add_argument(
529        "args", nargs="*", help="additional arguments available to command positional substitution"
530    )
532    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
533        name="envdir",
534        type="path",
535        default="{toxworkdir}/{envname}",
536        help="set venv directory -- be very careful when changing this as tox "
537        "will remove this directory when recreating an environment",
538    )
540    # add various core venv interpreter attributes
541    def setenv(testenv_config, value):
542        setenv = value
543        config = testenv_config.config
544        if "PYTHONHASHSEED" not in setenv and config.hashseed is not None:
545            setenv["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = config.hashseed
547        setenv["TOX_ENV_NAME"] = str(testenv_config.envname)
548        setenv["TOX_ENV_DIR"] = str(testenv_config.envdir)
549        return setenv
551    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
552        name="setenv",
553        type="dict_setenv",
554        postprocess=setenv,
555        help="list of X=Y lines with environment variable settings",
556    )
558    def basepython_default(testenv_config, value):
559        """either user set or proposed from the factor name
561        in both cases we check that the factor name implied python version and the resolved
562        python interpreter version match up; if they don't we warn, unless ignore base
563        python conflict is set in which case the factor name implied version if forced
564        """
565        for factor in testenv_config.factors:
566            if factor in tox.PYTHON.DEFAULT_FACTORS:
567                implied_python = tox.PYTHON.DEFAULT_FACTORS[factor]
568                break
569        else:
570            implied_python, factor = None, None
572        if testenv_config.config.ignore_basepython_conflict and implied_python is not None:
573            return implied_python
575        proposed_python = (implied_python or sys.executable) if value is None else str(value)
576        if implied_python is not None and implied_python != proposed_python:
577            testenv_config.basepython = proposed_python
578            match = tox.PYTHON.PY_FACTORS_RE.match(factor)
579            implied_version = match.group(2) if match else None
580            if implied_version is not None:
581                python_info_for_proposed = testenv_config.python_info
582                if not isinstance(python_info_for_proposed, NoInterpreterInfo):
583                    proposed_version = "".join(
584                        str(i) for i in python_info_for_proposed.version_info[0:2]
585                    )
586                    # '27'.startswith('2') or '27'.startswith('27')
587                    if not proposed_version.startswith(implied_version):
588                        # TODO(stephenfin): Raise an exception here in tox 4.0
589                        warnings.warn(
590                            "conflicting basepython version (set {}, should be {}) for env '{}';"
591                            "resolve conflict or set ignore_basepython_conflict".format(
592                                proposed_version, implied_version, testenv_config.envname
593                            )
594                        )
595        return proposed_python
597    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
598        name="basepython",
599        type="basepython",
600        default=None,
601        postprocess=basepython_default,
602        help="executable name or path of interpreter used to create a virtual test environment.",
603    )
605    def merge_description(testenv_config, value):
606        """the reader by default joins generated description with new line,
607         replace new line with space"""
608        return value.replace("\n", " ")
610    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
611        name="description",
612        type="string",
613        default="",
614        postprocess=merge_description,
615        help="short description of this environment",
616    )
618    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
619        name="envtmpdir", type="path", default="{envdir}/tmp", help="venv temporary directory"
620    )
622    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
623        name="envlogdir", type="path", default="{envdir}/log", help="venv log directory"
624    )
626    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
627        name="downloadcache",
628        type="string",
629        default=None,
630        help="(ignored) has no effect anymore, pip-8 uses local caching by default",
631    )
633    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
634        name="changedir",
635        type="path",
636        default="{toxinidir}",
637        help="directory to change to when running commands",
638    )
640    parser.add_testenv_attribute_obj(PosargsOption())
642    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
643        name="skip_install",
644        type="bool",
645        default=False,
646        help="Do not install the current package. This can be used when you need the virtualenv "
647        "management but do not want to install the current package",
648    )
650    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
651        name="ignore_errors",
652        type="bool",
653        default=False,
654        help="if set to True all commands will be executed irrespective of their result error "
655        "status.",
656    )
658    def recreate(testenv_config, value):
659        if testenv_config.config.option.recreate:
660            return True
661        return value
663    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
664        name="recreate",
665        type="bool",
666        default=False,
667        postprocess=recreate,
668        help="always recreate this test environment.",
669    )
671    def passenv(testenv_config, value):
672        # Flatten the list to deal with space-separated values.
673        value = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([x.split(" ") for x in value]))
675        passenv = {
676            "PATH",
677            "PIP_INDEX_URL",
678            "LANG",
679            "LANGUAGE",
680            "LD_LIBRARY_PATH",
681            "TOX_WORK_DIR",
682            str(REPORTER_TIMESTAMP_ON_ENV),
683            str(PARALLEL_ENV_VAR_KEY),
684        }
686        # read in global passenv settings
687        p = os.environ.get("TOX_TESTENV_PASSENV", None)
688        if p is not None:
689            env_values = [x for x in p.split() if x]
690            value.extend(env_values)
692        # we ensure that tmp directory settings are passed on
693        # we could also set it to the per-venv "envtmpdir"
694        # but this leads to very long paths when run with jenkins
695        # so we just pass it on by default for now.
696        if tox.INFO.IS_WIN:
697            passenv.add("SYSTEMDRIVE")  # needed for pip6
698            passenv.add("SYSTEMROOT")  # needed for python's crypto module
699            passenv.add("PATHEXT")  # needed for discovering executables
700            passenv.add("COMSPEC")  # needed for distutils cygwincompiler
701            passenv.add("TEMP")
702            passenv.add("TMP")
703            # for `multiprocessing.cpu_count()` on Windows (prior to Python 3.4).
704            passenv.add("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")
705            passenv.add("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")  # platform.machine()
706            passenv.add("USERPROFILE")  # needed for `os.path.expanduser()`
707            passenv.add("MSYSTEM")  # fixes #429
708        else:
709            passenv.add("TMPDIR")
710        for spec in value:
711            for name in os.environ:
712                if fnmatchcase(name.upper(), spec.upper()):
713                    passenv.add(name)
714        return passenv
716    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
717        name="passenv",
718        type="line-list",
719        postprocess=passenv,
720        help="environment variables needed during executing test commands (taken from invocation "
721        "environment). Note that tox always  passes through some basic environment variables "
722        "which are needed for basic functioning of the Python system. See --showconfig for the "
723        "eventual passenv setting.",
724    )
726    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
727        name="whitelist_externals",
728        type="line-list",
729        help="each lines specifies a path or basename for which tox will not warn "
730        "about it coming from outside the test environment.",
731    )
733    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
734        name="platform",
735        type="string",
736        default=".*",
737        help="regular expression which must match against ``sys.platform``. "
738        "otherwise testenv will be skipped.",
739    )
741    def sitepackages(testenv_config, value):
742        return testenv_config.config.option.sitepackages or value
744    def alwayscopy(testenv_config, value):
745        return testenv_config.config.option.alwayscopy or value
747    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
748        name="sitepackages",
749        type="bool",
750        default=False,
751        postprocess=sitepackages,
752        help="Set to ``True`` if you want to create virtual environments that also "
753        "have access to globally installed packages.",
754    )
756    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
757        "download",
758        type="bool",
759        default=False,
760        help="download the latest pip, setuptools and wheel when creating the virtual"
761        "environment (default is to use the one bundled in virtualenv)",
762    )
764    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
765        name="alwayscopy",
766        type="bool",
767        default=False,
768        postprocess=alwayscopy,
769        help="Set to ``True`` if you want virtualenv to always copy files rather "
770        "than symlinking.",
771    )
773    def pip_pre(testenv_config, value):
774        return testenv_config.config.option.pre or value
776    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
777        name="pip_pre",
778        type="bool",
779        default=False,
780        postprocess=pip_pre,
781        help="If ``True``, adds ``--pre`` to the ``opts`` passed to the install command. ",
782    )
784    def develop(testenv_config, value):
785        option = testenv_config.config.option
786        return not option.installpkg and (value or option.develop)
788    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
789        name="usedevelop",
790        type="bool",
791        postprocess=develop,
792        default=False,
793        help="install package in develop/editable mode",
794    )
796    parser.add_testenv_attribute_obj(InstallcmdOption())
798    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
799        name="list_dependencies_command",
800        type="argv",
801        default="python -m pip freeze",
802        help="list dependencies for a virtual environment",
803    )
805    parser.add_testenv_attribute_obj(DepOption())
807    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
808        name="commands",
809        type="argvlist",
810        default="",
811        help="each line specifies a test command and can use substitution.",
812    )
814    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
815        name="commands_pre",
816        type="argvlist",
817        default="",
818        help="each line specifies a setup command action and can use substitution.",
819    )
821    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
822        name="commands_post",
823        type="argvlist",
824        default="",
825        help="each line specifies a teardown command and can use substitution.",
826    )
828    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
829        "ignore_outcome",
830        type="bool",
831        default=False,
832        help="if set to True a failing result of this testenv will not make "
833        "tox fail, only a warning will be produced",
834    )
836    parser.add_testenv_attribute(
837        "extras",
838        type="line-list",
839        help="list of extras to install with the source distribution or develop install",
840    )
842    add_parallel_config(parser)
845def cli_skip_missing_interpreter(parser):
846    class SkipMissingInterpreterAction(argparse.Action):
847        def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
848            value = "true" if values is None else values
849            if value not in ("config", "true", "false"):
850                raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("value must be config, true or false")
851            setattr(namespace, self.dest, value)
853    parser.add_argument(
854        "-s",
855        "--skip-missing-interpreters",
856        default="config",
857        metavar="val",
858        nargs="?",
859        action=SkipMissingInterpreterAction,
860        help="don't fail tests for missing interpreters: {config,true,false} choice",
861    )
864class Config(object):
865    """Global Tox config object."""
867    def __init__(self, pluginmanager, option, interpreters, parser, args):
868        self.envconfigs = OrderedDict()
869        """Mapping envname -> envconfig"""
870        self.invocationcwd = py.path.local()
871        self.interpreters = interpreters
872        self.pluginmanager = pluginmanager
873        self.option = option
874        self._parser = parser
875        self._testenv_attr = parser._testenv_attr
876        self.args = args
878        """option namespace containing all parsed command line options"""
880    @property
881    def homedir(self):
882        homedir = get_homedir()
883        if homedir is None:
884            homedir = self.toxinidir  # FIXME XXX good idea?
885        return homedir
888class TestenvConfig:
889    """Testenv Configuration object.
891    In addition to some core attributes/properties this config object holds all
892    per-testenv ini attributes as attributes, see "tox --help-ini" for an overview.
893    """
895    def __init__(self, envname, config, factors, reader):
896        #: test environment name
897        self.envname = envname
898        #: global tox config object
899        self.config = config
900        #: set of factors
901        self.factors = factors
902        self._reader = reader
903        self.missing_subs = []
904        """Holds substitutions that could not be resolved.
906        Pre 2.8.1 missing substitutions crashed with a ConfigError although this would not be a
907        problem if the env is not part of the current testrun. So we need to remember this and
908        check later when the testenv is actually run and crash only then.
909        """
911    def get_envbindir(self):
912        """Path to directory where scripts/binaries reside."""
913        if tox.INFO.IS_WIN and "jython" not in self.basepython and "pypy" not in self.basepython:
914            return self.envdir.join("Scripts")
915        else:
916            return self.envdir.join("bin")
918    @property
919    def envbindir(self):
920        return self.get_envbindir()
922    @property
923    def envpython(self):
924        """Path to python executable."""
925        return self.get_envpython()
927    def get_envpython(self):
928        """ path to python/jython executable. """
929        if "jython" in str(self.basepython):
930            name = "jython"
931        else:
932            name = "python"
933        return self.envbindir.join(name)
935    def get_envsitepackagesdir(self):
936        """Return sitepackagesdir of the virtualenv environment.
938        NOTE: Only available during execution, not during parsing.
939        """
940        x = self.config.interpreters.get_sitepackagesdir(info=self.python_info, envdir=self.envdir)
941        return x
943    @property
944    def python_info(self):
945        """Return sitepackagesdir of the virtualenv environment."""
946        return self.config.interpreters.get_info(envconfig=self)
948    def getsupportedinterpreter(self):
949        if tox.INFO.IS_WIN and self.basepython and "jython" in self.basepython:
950            raise tox.exception.UnsupportedInterpreter(
951                "Jython/Windows does not support installing scripts"
952            )
953        info = self.config.interpreters.get_info(envconfig=self)
954        if not info.executable:
955            raise tox.exception.InterpreterNotFound(self.basepython)
956        if not info.version_info:
957            raise tox.exception.InvocationError(
958                "Failed to get version_info for {}: {}".format(info.name, info.err)
959            )
960        return info.executable
963testenvprefix = "testenv:"
966def get_homedir():
967    try:
968        return py.path.local._gethomedir()
969    except Exception:
970        return None
973def make_hashseed():
974    max_seed = 4294967295
975    if tox.INFO.IS_WIN:
976        max_seed = 1024
977    return str(random.randint(1, max_seed))
980class ParseIni(object):
981    def __init__(self, config, ini_path, ini_data):  # noqa
982        config.toxinipath = ini_path
983        using("tox.ini: {} (pid {})".format(config.toxinipath, os.getpid()))
984        config.toxinidir = config.toxinipath.dirpath()
986        self._cfg = py.iniconfig.IniConfig(config.toxinipath, ini_data)
987        previous_line_of = self._cfg.lineof
989        def line_of_default_to_zero(section, name=None):
990            at = previous_line_of(section, name=name)
991            if at is None:
992                at = 0
993            return at
995        self._cfg.lineof = line_of_default_to_zero
996        config._cfg = self._cfg
997        self.config = config
999        prefix = "tox" if ini_path.basename == "setup.cfg" else None
1001        context_name = getcontextname()
1002        if context_name == "jenkins":
1003            reader = SectionReader(
1004                "tox:jenkins", self._cfg, prefix=prefix, fallbacksections=["tox"]
1005            )
1006            dist_share_default = "{toxworkdir}/distshare"
1007        elif not context_name:
1008            reader = SectionReader("tox", self._cfg, prefix=prefix)
1009            dist_share_default = "{homedir}/.tox/distshare"
1010        else:
1011            raise ValueError("invalid context")
1013        if config.option.hashseed is None:
1014            hash_seed = make_hashseed()
1015        elif config.option.hashseed == "noset":
1016            hash_seed = None
1017        else:
1018            hash_seed = config.option.hashseed
1019        config.hashseed = hash_seed
1021        reader.addsubstitutions(toxinidir=config.toxinidir, homedir=config.homedir)
1023        if config.option.workdir is None:
1024            config.toxworkdir = reader.getpath("toxworkdir", "{toxinidir}/.tox")
1025        else:
1026            config.toxworkdir = config.toxinidir.join(config.option.workdir, abs=True)
1028        if os.path.exists(str(config.toxworkdir)):
1029            config.toxworkdir = config.toxworkdir.realpath()
1031        reader.addsubstitutions(toxworkdir=config.toxworkdir)
1032        config.ignore_basepython_conflict = reader.getbool("ignore_basepython_conflict", False)
1034        config.distdir = reader.getpath("distdir", "{toxworkdir}/dist")
1036        reader.addsubstitutions(distdir=config.distdir)
1037        config.distshare = reader.getpath("distshare", dist_share_default)
1038        config.temp_dir = reader.getpath("temp_dir", "{toxworkdir}/.tmp")
1039        reader.addsubstitutions(distshare=config.distshare)
1040        config.sdistsrc = reader.getpath("sdistsrc", None)
1041        config.setupdir = reader.getpath("setupdir", "{toxinidir}")
1042        config.logdir = config.toxworkdir.join("log")
1043        within_parallel = PARALLEL_ENV_VAR_KEY in os.environ
1044        if not within_parallel:
1045            ensure_empty_dir(config.logdir)
1047        # determine indexserver dictionary
1048        config.indexserver = {"default": IndexServerConfig("default")}
1049        prefix = "indexserver"
1050        for line in reader.getlist(prefix):
1051            name, url = map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split("=", 1))
1052            config.indexserver[name] = IndexServerConfig(name, url)
1054        if config.option.skip_missing_interpreters == "config":
1055            val = reader.getbool("skip_missing_interpreters", False)
1056            config.option.skip_missing_interpreters = "true" if val else "false"
1058        override = False
1059        if config.option.indexurl:
1060            for url_def in config.option.indexurl:
1061                m = re.match(r"\W*(\w+)=(\S+)", url_def)
1062                if m is None:
1063                    url = url_def
1064                    name = "default"
1065                else:
1066                    name, url = m.groups()
1067                    if not url:
1068                        url = None
1069                if name != "ALL":
1070                    config.indexserver[name].url = url
1071                else:
1072                    override = url
1073        # let ALL override all existing entries
1074        if override:
1075            for name in config.indexserver:
1076                config.indexserver[name] = IndexServerConfig(name, override)
1078        self.handle_provision(config, reader)
1080        self.parse_build_isolation(config, reader)
1081        res = self._getenvdata(reader, config)
1082        config.envlist, all_envs, config.envlist_default, config.envlist_explicit = res
1084        # factors used in config or predefined
1085        known_factors = self._list_section_factors("testenv")
1086        known_factors.update({"py", "python"})
1088        # factors stated in config envlist
1089        stated_envlist = reader.getstring("envlist", replace=False)
1090        if stated_envlist:
1091            for env in _split_env(stated_envlist):
1092                known_factors.update(env.split("-"))
1094        # configure testenvs
1095        to_do = []
1096        failures = OrderedDict()
1097        results = {}
1098        cur_self = self
1100        def run(name, section, subs, config):
1101            try:
1102                results[name] = cur_self.make_envconfig(name, section, subs, config)
1103            except Exception as exception:
1104                failures[name] = (exception, traceback.format_exc())
1106        order = []
1107        for name in all_envs:
1108            section = "{}{}".format(testenvprefix, name)
1109            factors = set(name.split("-"))
1110            if (
1111                section in self._cfg
1112                or factors <= known_factors
1113                or all(
1114                    tox.PYTHON.PY_FACTORS_RE.match(factor) for factor in factors - known_factors
1115                )
1116            ):
1117                order.append(name)
1118                thread = Thread(target=run, args=(name, section, reader._subs, config))
1119                thread.daemon = True
1120                thread.start()
1121                to_do.append(thread)
1122        for thread in to_do:
1123            while thread.is_alive():
1124                thread.join(timeout=20)
1125        if failures:
1126            raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
1127                "\n".join(
1128                    "{} failed with {} at {}".format(key, exc, trace)
1129                    for key, (exc, trace) in failures.items()
1130                )
1131            )
1132        for name in order:
1133            config.envconfigs[name] = results[name]
1134        all_develop = all(
1135            name in config.envconfigs and config.envconfigs[name].usedevelop
1136            for name in config.envlist
1137        )
1139        config.skipsdist = reader.getbool("skipsdist", all_develop)
1141    def handle_provision(self, config, reader):
1142        requires_list = reader.getlist("requires")
1143        config.minversion = reader.getstring("minversion", None)
1144        config.provision_tox_env = name = reader.getstring("provision_tox_env", ".tox")
1145        min_version = "tox >= {}".format(config.minversion or tox.__version__)
1146        deps = self.ensure_requires_satisfied(config, requires_list, min_version)
1147        if config.run_provision:
1148            section_name = "testenv:{}".format(name)
1149            if section_name not in self._cfg.sections:
1150                self._cfg.sections[section_name] = {}
1151            self._cfg.sections[section_name]["description"] = "meta tox"
1152            env_config = self.make_envconfig(
1153                name, "{}{}".format(testenvprefix, name), reader._subs, config
1154            )
1155            env_config.deps = deps
1156            config.envconfigs[config.provision_tox_env] = env_config
1157            raise tox.exception.MissingRequirement(config)
1158        # if provisioning is not on, now we need do a strict argument evaluation
1159        # raise on unknown args
1160        self.config._parser.parse_cli(args=self.config.args, strict=True)
1162    @staticmethod
1163    def ensure_requires_satisfied(config, requires, min_version):
1164        missing_requirements = []
1165        failed_to_parse = False
1166        deps = []
1167        exists = set()
1168        for require in requires + [min_version]:
1169            # noinspection PyBroadException
1170            try:
1171                package = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(require)
1172                if package.project_name not in exists:
1173                    deps.append(DepConfig(require, None))
1174                    exists.add(package.project_name)
1175                    pkg_resources.get_distribution(package)
1176            except pkg_resources.RequirementParseError as exception:
1177                failed_to_parse = True
1178                error("failed to parse {!r}".format(exception))
1179            except Exception as exception:
1180                verbosity1("could not satisfy requires {!r}".format(exception))
1181                missing_requirements.append(str(pkg_resources.Requirement(require)))
1182        if failed_to_parse:
1183            raise tox.exception.BadRequirement()
1184        config.run_provision = bool(len(missing_requirements))
1185        return deps
1187    def parse_build_isolation(self, config, reader):
1188        config.isolated_build = reader.getbool("isolated_build", False)
1189        config.isolated_build_env = reader.getstring("isolated_build_env", ".package")
1190        if config.isolated_build is True:
1191            name = config.isolated_build_env
1192            section_name = "testenv:{}".format(name)
1193            if section_name not in self._cfg.sections:
1194                self._cfg.sections[section_name] = {}
1195            self._cfg.sections[section_name]["deps"] = ""
1196            self._cfg.sections[section_name]["sitepackages"] = "False"
1197            self._cfg.sections[section_name]["description"] = "isolated packaging environment"
1198            config.envconfigs[name] = self.make_envconfig(
1199                name, "{}{}".format(testenvprefix, name), reader._subs, config
1200            )
1202    def _list_section_factors(self, section):
1203        factors = set()
1204        if section in self._cfg:
1205            for _, value in self._cfg[section].items():
1206                exprs = re.findall(r"^([\w{}\.!,-]+)\:\s+", value, re.M)
1207                factors.update(*mapcat(_split_factor_expr_all, exprs))
1208        return factors
1210    def make_envconfig(self, name, section, subs, config, replace=True):
1211        factors = set(name.split("-"))
1212        reader = SectionReader(section, self._cfg, fallbacksections=["testenv"], factors=factors)
1213        tc = TestenvConfig(name, config, factors, reader)
1214        reader.addsubstitutions(
1215            envname=name,
1216            envbindir=tc.get_envbindir,
1217            envsitepackagesdir=tc.get_envsitepackagesdir,
1218            envpython=tc.get_envpython,
1219            **subs
1220        )
1221        for env_attr in config._testenv_attr:
1222            atype = env_attr.type
1223            try:
1224                if atype in ("bool", "path", "string", "dict", "dict_setenv", "argv", "argvlist"):
1225                    meth = getattr(reader, "get{}".format(atype))
1226                    res = meth(env_attr.name, env_attr.default, replace=replace)
1227                elif atype == "basepython":
1228                    no_fallback = name in (config.provision_tox_env,)
1229                    res = reader.getstring(
1230                        env_attr.name, env_attr.default, replace=replace, no_fallback=no_fallback
1231                    )
1232                elif atype == "space-separated-list":
1233                    res = reader.getlist(env_attr.name, sep=" ")
1234                elif atype == "line-list":
1235                    res = reader.getlist(env_attr.name, sep="\n")
1236                elif atype == "env-list":
1237                    res = reader.getstring(env_attr.name, replace=False)
1238                    res = tuple(_split_env(res))
1239                else:
1240                    raise ValueError("unknown type {!r}".format(atype))
1241                if env_attr.postprocess:
1242                    res = env_attr.postprocess(testenv_config=tc, value=res)
1243            except tox.exception.MissingSubstitution as e:
1244                tc.missing_subs.append(e.name)
1245                res = e.FLAG
1246            setattr(tc, env_attr.name, res)
1247            if atype in ("path", "string", "basepython"):
1248                reader.addsubstitutions(**{env_attr.name: res})
1249        return tc
1251    def _getallenvs(self, reader, extra_env_list=None):
1252        extra_env_list = extra_env_list or []
1253        env_str = reader.getstring("envlist", replace=False)
1254        env_list = _split_env(env_str)
1255        for env in extra_env_list:
1256            if env not in env_list:
1257                env_list.append(env)
1259        all_envs = OrderedDict((i, None) for i in env_list)
1260        for section in self._cfg:
1261            if section.name.startswith(testenvprefix):
1262                all_envs[section.name[len(testenvprefix) :]] = None
1263        if not all_envs:
1264            all_envs["python"] = None
1265        return list(all_envs.keys())
1267    def _getenvdata(self, reader, config):
1268        from_option = self.config.option.env
1269        from_environ = os.environ.get("TOXENV")
1270        from_config = reader.getstring("envlist", replace=False)
1272        env_list = []
1273        envlist_explicit = False
1274        if (from_option and "ALL" in from_option) or (
1275            not from_option and from_environ and "ALL" in from_environ.split(",")
1276        ):
1277            all_envs = self._getallenvs(reader)
1278        else:
1279            candidates = (
1280                (os.environ.get(PARALLEL_ENV_VAR_KEY), True),
1281                (from_option, True),
1282                (from_environ, True),
1283                (from_config, False),
1284            )
1285            env_str, envlist_explicit = next(((i, e) for i, e in candidates if i), ([], False))
1286            env_list = _split_env(env_str)
1287            all_envs = self._getallenvs(reader, env_list)
1289        if not env_list:
1290            env_list = all_envs
1292        package_env = config.isolated_build_env
1293        if config.isolated_build is True and package_env in all_envs:
1294            all_envs.remove(package_env)
1296        if config.isolated_build is True and package_env in env_list:
1297            msg = "isolated_build_env {} cannot be part of envlist".format(package_env)
1298            raise tox.exception.ConfigError(msg)
1299        return env_list, all_envs, _split_env(from_config), envlist_explicit
1302def _split_env(env):
1303    """if handed a list, action="append" was used for -e """
1304    if env is None:
1305        return []
1306    if not isinstance(env, list):
1307        env = [e.split("#", 1)[0].strip() for e in env.split("\n")]
1308        env = ",".join([e for e in env if e])
1309        env = [env]
1310    return mapcat(_expand_envstr, env)
1313def _is_negated_factor(factor):
1314    return factor.startswith("!")
1317def _base_factor_name(factor):
1318    return factor[1:] if _is_negated_factor(factor) else factor
1321def _split_factor_expr(expr):
1322    def split_single(e):
1323        raw = e.split("-")
1324        included = {_base_factor_name(factor) for factor in raw if not _is_negated_factor(factor)}
1325        excluded = {_base_factor_name(factor) for factor in raw if _is_negated_factor(factor)}
1326        return included, excluded
1328    partial_envs = _expand_envstr(expr)
1329    return [split_single(e) for e in partial_envs]
1332def _split_factor_expr_all(expr):
1333    partial_envs = _expand_envstr(expr)
1334    return [{_base_factor_name(factor) for factor in e.split("-")} for e in partial_envs]
1337def _expand_envstr(envstr):
1338    # split by commas not in groups
1339    tokens = re.split(r"((?:\{[^}]+\})+)|,", envstr)
1340    envlist = ["".join(g).strip() for k, g in itertools.groupby(tokens, key=bool) if k]
1342    def expand(env):
1343        tokens = re.split(r"\{([^}]+)\}", env)
1344        parts = [re.sub(r"\s+", "", token).split(",") for token in tokens]
1345        return ["".join(variant) for variant in itertools.product(*parts)]
1347    return mapcat(expand, envlist)
1350def mapcat(f, seq):
1351    return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(f, seq)))
1354class DepConfig:
1355    def __init__(self, name, indexserver=None):
1356        self.name = name
1357        self.indexserver = indexserver
1359    def __repr__(self):
1360        if self.indexserver:
1361            if self.indexserver.name == "default":
1362                return self.name
1363            return ":{}:{}".format(self.indexserver.name, self.name)
1364        return str(self.name)
1367class IndexServerConfig:
1368    def __init__(self, name, url=None):
1369        self.name = name
1370        self.url = url
1372    def __repr__(self):
1373        return "IndexServerConfig(name={}, url={})".format(self.name, self.url)
1376is_section_substitution = re.compile(r"{\[[^{}\s]+\]\S+?}").match
1377"""Check value matches substitution form of referencing value from other section.
1379E.g. {[base]commands}
1383class SectionReader:
1384    def __init__(self, section_name, cfgparser, fallbacksections=None, factors=(), prefix=None):
1385        if prefix is None:
1386            self.section_name = section_name
1387        else:
1388            self.section_name = "{}:{}".format(prefix, section_name)
1389        self._cfg = cfgparser
1390        self.fallbacksections = fallbacksections or []
1391        self.factors = factors
1392        self._subs = {}
1393        self._subststack = []
1394        self._setenv = None
1396    def get_environ_value(self, name):
1397        if self._setenv is None:
1398            return os.environ.get(name)
1399        return self._setenv.get(name)
1401    def addsubstitutions(self, _posargs=None, **kw):
1402        self._subs.update(kw)
1403        if _posargs:
1404            self.posargs = _posargs
1406    def getpath(self, name, defaultpath, replace=True):
1407        path = self.getstring(name, defaultpath, replace=replace)
1408        if path is not None:
1409            toxinidir = self._subs["toxinidir"]
1410            return toxinidir.join(path, abs=True)
1412    def getlist(self, name, sep="\n"):
1413        s = self.getstring(name, None)
1414        if s is None:
1415            return []
1416        return [x.strip() for x in s.split(sep) if x.strip()]
1418    def getdict(self, name, default=None, sep="\n", replace=True):
1419        value = self.getstring(name, None, replace=replace)
1420        return self._getdict(value, default=default, sep=sep, replace=replace)
1422    def getdict_setenv(self, name, default=None, sep="\n", replace=True):
1423        value = self.getstring(name, None, replace=replace, crossonly=True)
1424        definitions = self._getdict(value, default=default, sep=sep, replace=replace)
1425        self._setenv = SetenvDict(definitions, reader=self)
1426        return self._setenv
1428    def _getdict(self, value, default, sep, replace=True):
1429        if value is None or not replace:
1430            return default or {}
1432        d = {}
1433        for line in value.split(sep):
1434            if line.strip():
1435                name, rest = line.split("=", 1)
1436                d[name.strip()] = rest.strip()
1438        return d
1440    def getbool(self, name, default=None, replace=True):
1441        s = self.getstring(name, default, replace=replace)
1442        if not s or not replace:
1443            s = default
1444        if s is None:
1445            raise KeyError("no config value [{}] {} found".format(self.section_name, name))
1447        if not isinstance(s, bool):
1448            if s.lower() == "true":
1449                s = True
1450            elif s.lower() == "false":
1451                s = False
1452            else:
1453                raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
1454                    "{}: boolean value {!r} needs to be 'True' or 'False'".format(name, s)
1455                )
1456        return s
1458    def getargvlist(self, name, default="", replace=True):
1459        s = self.getstring(name, default, replace=False)
1460        return _ArgvlistReader.getargvlist(self, s, replace=replace)
1462    def getargv(self, name, default="", replace=True):
1463        return self.getargvlist(name, default, replace=replace)[0]
1465    def getstring(self, name, default=None, replace=True, crossonly=False, no_fallback=False):
1466        x = None
1467        sections = [self.section_name] + ([] if no_fallback else self.fallbacksections)
1468        for s in sections:
1469            try:
1470                x = self._cfg[s][name]
1471                break
1472            except KeyError:
1473                continue
1475        if x is None:
1476            x = default
1477        else:
1478            # It is needed to apply factors before unwrapping
1479            # dependencies, otherwise it can break the substitution
1480            # process. Once they are unwrapped, we call apply factors
1481            # again for those new dependencies.
1482            x = self._apply_factors(x)
1483            x = self._replace_if_needed(x, name, replace, crossonly)
1484            x = self._apply_factors(x)
1486        x = self._replace_if_needed(x, name, replace, crossonly)
1487        return x
1489    def _replace_if_needed(self, x, name, replace, crossonly):
1490        if replace and x and hasattr(x, "replace"):
1491            x = self._replace(x, name=name, crossonly=crossonly)
1492        return x
1494    def _apply_factors(self, s):
1495        def factor_line(line):
1496            m = re.search(r"^([\w{}\.!,-]+)\:\s+(.+)", line)
1497            if not m:
1498                return line
1500            expr, line = m.groups()
1501            if any(
1502                included <= self.factors and not any(x in self.factors for x in excluded)
1503                for included, excluded in _split_factor_expr(expr)
1504            ):
1505                return line
1507        lines = s.strip().splitlines()
1508        return "\n".join(filter(None, map(factor_line, lines)))
1510    def _replace(self, value, name=None, section_name=None, crossonly=False):
1511        if "{" not in value:
1512            return value
1514        section_name = section_name if section_name else self.section_name
1515        self._subststack.append((section_name, name))
1516        try:
1517            replaced = Replacer(self, crossonly=crossonly).do_replace(value)
1518            assert self._subststack.pop() == (section_name, name)
1519        except tox.exception.MissingSubstitution:
1520            if not section_name.startswith(testenvprefix):
1521                raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
1522                    "substitution env:{!r}: unknown or recursive definition in"
1523                    " section {!r}.".format(value, section_name)
1524                )
1525            raise
1526        return replaced
1529class Replacer:
1530    RE_ITEM_REF = re.compile(
1531        r"""
1532        (?<!\\)[{]
1533        (?:(?P<sub_type>[^[:{}]+):)?    # optional sub_type for special rules
1534        (?P<substitution_value>(?:\[[^,{}]*\])?[^:,{}]*)  # substitution key
1535        (?::(?P<default_value>[^{}]*))?   # default value
1536        [}]
1537        """,
1538        re.VERBOSE,
1539    )
1541    def __init__(self, reader, crossonly=False):
1542        self.reader = reader
1543        self.crossonly = crossonly
1545    def do_replace(self, value):
1546        """
1547        Recursively expand substitutions starting from the innermost expression
1548        """
1550        def substitute_once(x):
1551            return self.RE_ITEM_REF.sub(self._replace_match, x)
1553        expanded = substitute_once(value)
1555        while expanded != value:  # substitution found
1556            value = expanded
1557            expanded = substitute_once(value)
1559        return expanded
1561    def _replace_match(self, match):
1562        g = match.groupdict()
1563        sub_value = g["substitution_value"]
1564        if self.crossonly:
1565            if sub_value.startswith("["):
1566                return self._substitute_from_other_section(sub_value)
1567            # in crossonly we return all other hits verbatim
1568            start, end = match.span()
1569            return match.string[start:end]
1571        # special case: all empty values means ":" which is os.pathsep
1572        if not any(g.values()):
1573            return os.pathsep
1575        # special case: opts and packages. Leave {opts} and
1576        # {packages} intact, they are replaced manually in
1577        # _venv.VirtualEnv.run_install_command.
1578        if sub_value in ("opts", "packages"):
1579            return "{{{}}}".format(sub_value)
1581        try:
1582            sub_type = g["sub_type"]
1583        except KeyError:
1584            raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
1585                "Malformed substitution; no substitution type provided"
1586            )
1588        if sub_type == "env":
1589            return self._replace_env(match)
1590        if sub_type == "tty":
1591            if is_interactive():
1592                return match.group("substitution_value")
1593            return match.group("default_value")
1594        if sub_type is not None:
1595            raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
1596                "No support for the {} substitution type".format(sub_type)
1597            )
1598        return self._replace_substitution(match)
1600    def _replace_env(self, match):
1601        key = match.group("substitution_value")
1602        if not key:
1603            raise tox.exception.ConfigError("env: requires an environment variable name")
1604        default = match.group("default_value")
1605        value = self.reader.get_environ_value(key)
1606        if value is not None:
1607            return value
1608        if default is not None:
1609            return default
1610        raise tox.exception.MissingSubstitution(key)
1612    def _substitute_from_other_section(self, key):
1613        if key.startswith("[") and "]" in key:
1614            i = key.find("]")
1615            section, item = key[1:i], key[i + 1 :]
1616            cfg = self.reader._cfg
1617            if section in cfg and item in cfg[section]:
1618                if (section, item) in self.reader._subststack:
1619                    raise ValueError(
1620                        "{} already in {}".format((section, item), self.reader._subststack)
1621                    )
1622                x = str(cfg[section][item])
1623                return self.reader._replace(
1624                    x, name=item, section_name=section, crossonly=self.crossonly
1625                )
1627        raise tox.exception.ConfigError("substitution key {!r} not found".format(key))
1629    def _replace_substitution(self, match):
1630        sub_key = match.group("substitution_value")
1631        val = self.reader._subs.get(sub_key, None)
1632        if val is None:
1633            val = self._substitute_from_other_section(sub_key)
1634        if callable(val):
1635            val = val()
1636        return str(val)
1639def is_interactive():
1640    return sys.stdin.isatty()
1643class _ArgvlistReader:
1644    @classmethod
1645    def getargvlist(cls, reader, value, replace=True):
1646        """Parse ``commands`` argvlist multiline string.
1648        :param SectionReader reader: reader to be used.
1649        :param str value: Content stored by key.
1651        :rtype: list[list[str]]
1652        :raise :class:`tox.exception.ConfigError`:
1653            line-continuation ends nowhere while resolving for specified section
1654        """
1655        commands = []
1656        current_command = ""
1657        for line in value.splitlines():
1658            line = line.rstrip()
1659            if not line:
1660                continue
1661            if line.endswith("\\"):
1662                current_command += " {}".format(line[:-1])
1663                continue
1664            current_command += line
1666            if is_section_substitution(current_command):
1667                replaced = reader._replace(current_command, crossonly=True)
1668                commands.extend(cls.getargvlist(reader, replaced))
1669            else:
1670                commands.append(cls.processcommand(reader, current_command, replace))
1671            current_command = ""
1672        else:
1673            if current_command:
1674                raise tox.exception.ConfigError(
1675                    "line-continuation ends nowhere while resolving for [{}] {}".format(
1676                        reader.section_name, "commands"
1677                    )
1678                )
1679        return commands
1681    @classmethod
1682    def processcommand(cls, reader, command, replace=True):
1683        posargs = getattr(reader, "posargs", "")
1684        posargs_string = list2cmdline([x for x in posargs if x])
1686        # Iterate through each word of the command substituting as
1687        # appropriate to construct the new command string. This
1688        # string is then broken up into exec argv components using
1689        # shlex.
1690        if replace:
1691            newcommand = ""
1692            for word in CommandParser(command).words():
1693                if word == "{posargs}" or word == "[]":
1694                    newcommand += posargs_string
1695                    continue
1696                elif word.startswith("{posargs:") and word.endswith("}"):
1697                    if posargs:
1698                        newcommand += posargs_string
1699                        continue
1700                    else:
1701                        word = word[9:-1]
1702                new_arg = ""
1703                new_word = reader._replace(word)
1704                new_word = reader._replace(new_word)
1705                new_word = new_word.replace("\\{", "{").replace("\\}", "}")
1706                new_arg += new_word
1707                newcommand += new_arg
1708        else:
1709            newcommand = command
1711        # Construct shlex object that will not escape any values,
1712        # use all values as is in argv.
1713        shlexer = shlex.shlex(newcommand, posix=True)
1714        shlexer.whitespace_split = True
1715        shlexer.escape = ""
1716        return list(shlexer)
1719class CommandParser(object):
1720    class State(object):
1721        def __init__(self):
1722            self.word = ""
1723            self.depth = 0
1724            self.yield_words = []
1726    def __init__(self, command):
1727        self.command = command
1729    def words(self):
1730        ps = CommandParser.State()
1732        def word_has_ended():
1733            return (
1734                (
1735                    cur_char in string.whitespace
1736                    and ps.word
1737                    and ps.word[-1] not in string.whitespace
1738                )
1739                or (cur_char == "{" and ps.depth == 0 and not ps.word.endswith("\\"))
1740                or (ps.depth == 0 and ps.word and ps.word[-1] == "}")
1741                or (cur_char not in string.whitespace and ps.word and ps.word.strip() == "")
1742            )
1744        def yield_this_word():
1745            yieldword = ps.word
1746            ps.word = ""
1747            if yieldword:
1748                ps.yield_words.append(yieldword)
1750        def yield_if_word_ended():
1751            if word_has_ended():
1752                yield_this_word()
1754        def accumulate():
1755            ps.word += cur_char
1757        def push_substitution():
1758            ps.depth += 1
1760        def pop_substitution():
1761            ps.depth -= 1
1763        for cur_char in self.command:
1764            if cur_char in string.whitespace:
1765                if ps.depth == 0:
1766                    yield_if_word_ended()
1767                accumulate()
1768            elif cur_char == "{":
1769                yield_if_word_ended()
1770                accumulate()
1771                push_substitution()
1772            elif cur_char == "}":
1773                accumulate()
1774                pop_substitution()
1775            else:
1776                yield_if_word_ended()
1777                accumulate()
1779        if ps.word.strip():
1780            yield_this_word()
1781        return ps.yield_words
1784def getcontextname():
1785    if any(env in os.environ for env in ["JENKINS_URL", "HUDSON_URL"]):
1786        return "jenkins"
1787    return None