1 // restart.cpp                             Copyright (C) 1989-2021 Codemist
3 //
4 // Code needed to start off Lisp when no initial heap image is available,
5 // or to re-instate links between heap and C-coded core if there IS a
6 // heap loaded.  This code is run in a state that is in effect (in-package
7 // "lisp").
8 //
10 /**************************************************************************
11  * Copyright (C) 2021, Codemist.                         A C Norman       *
12  *                                                                        *
13  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without     *
14  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are *
15  * met:                                                                   *
16  *                                                                        *
17  *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the relevant          *
18  *       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following      *
19  *       disclaimer.                                                      *
20  *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above          *
21  *       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following      *
22  *       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided  *
23  *       with the distribution.                                           *
24  *                                                                        *
36  * DAMAGE.                                                                *
37  *************************************************************************/
39 // $Id: restart.cpp 5745 2021-03-20 17:35:28Z arthurcnorman $
41 #include "headers.h"
43 #ifdef WIN32
44 #include <windows.h>
45 #else
46 #ifndef EMBEDDED
47 #include <dlfcn.h>
48 #endif
49 #endif
51 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
52 #include <unistd.h>
53 #endif
55 #include <sys/stat.h>
56 #include <sys/types.h>
58 #include "md5.h"
60 extern int showmathInitialised;
62 #ifndef S_IRUSR
63 #ifdef __S_IRUSR
64 #define S_IRUSR __S_IRUSR
65 #endif
66 #endif
68 #ifndef S_IWUSR
69 #ifdef __S_IWUSR
70 #define S_IWUSR __S_IWUSR
71 #endif
72 #endif
74 #ifndef S_IXUSR
75 #ifdef __S_IXUSR
76 #define S_IXUSR __S_IXUSR
77 #endif
78 #endif
80 LispObject nil;
81 LispObject *stackBase;
82 LispObject *stackLimit;
84 LispObject *nilsegment;
85 LispObject *stacksegment;
86 int32_t stack_segsize = 1;
88 char *exit_charvec = nullptr;
89 intptr_t exit_reason;
91 intptr_t nwork;
92 unsigned int exit_count;
93 uint64_t gensym_ser;
94 intptr_t print_precision, miscflags;
95 intptr_t current_modulus, fastget_size, package_bits,
96          modulus_is_large;
97 LispObject lisp_true, lambda, funarg, unset_var, opt_key, rest_key;
98 LispObject quote_symbol, function_symbol, comma_symbol,
99            comma_at_symbol;
100 LispObject cons_symbol, eval_symbol, apply_symbol, work_symbol,
101            evalhook;
102 LispObject list_symbol, liststar_symbol, eq_symbol, eql_symbol;
103 LispObject cl_equal_symbol, equal_symbol, equalp_symbol;
104 LispObject go_symbol, cond_symbol;
105 LispObject applyhook, macroexpand_hook, append_symbol, exit_tag;
106 LispObject exit_value, catch_tags, keyword_package, current_package;
107 LispObject startfn, all_packages, package_symbol, internal_symbol;
108 LispObject gcknt_symbol, external_symbol, inherited_symbol;
109 LispObject gensym_base, string_char_sym, boffo;
110 LispObject key_key, allow_other_keys, aux_key;
111 LispObject err_table, format_symbol, progn_symbol, expand_def_symbol;
112 LispObject allow_key_key, declare_symbol, special_symbol,
113            large_modulus;
114 LispObject lisp_work_stream, charvec, raise_symbol, lower_symbol,
115            echo_symbol;
116 LispObject codevec, litvec, supervisor, B_reg, savedef, comp_symbol;
117 LispObject compiler_symbol, faslvec, tracedfn, lisp_terminal_io;
118 LispObject lisp_standard_output, lisp_standard_input,
119            lisp_error_output;
120 LispObject lisp_trace_output, lisp_debug_io, lisp_query_io;
121 LispObject prompt_thing, faslgensyms, prinl_symbol, emsg_star,
122            redef_msg;
123 LispObject current_function, expr_symbol, fexpr_symbol, macro_symbol;
124 LispObject big_divisor, big_dividend, big_quotient, big_fake1,
125            big_fake2;
126 LispObject active_stream, current_module;
127 LispObject autoload_symbol, features_symbol, lisp_package;
128 LispObject sys_hash_table, sxhash_hash_table;
129 LispObject help_index, cfunarg, lex_words, get_counts, fastget_names;
130 LispObject input_libraries, output_library, current_file,
131            break_function;
132 LispObject standard_output, standard_input, debug_io;
133 LispObject error_output, query_io, terminal_io, trace_output,
134            fasl_stream;
135 LispObject startup_symbol, mv_call_symbol, traceprint_symbol,
136            load_source_symbol;
137 LispObject load_selected_source_symbol, bytecoded_symbol,
138            funcall_symbol;
139 LispObject gchook, resources, callstack, procstack, procmem,
140            trap_time;
141 LispObject used_space, avail_space, eof_symbol, call_stack;
142 LispObject nicknames_symbol, use_symbol, and_symbol, or_symbol,
143            not_symbol;
144 LispObject reader_workspace, named_character, read_float_format,
145            short_float;
146 LispObject single_float, double_float, long_float, bit_symbol,
147            pathname_symbol;
148 LispObject print_array_sym, read_base, initial_element;
149 LispObject builtin0_symbol, builtin1_symbol, builtin2_symbol;
150 LispObject builtin3_symbol, builtin4_symbol;
152 LispObject workbase[51];
154 LispObject user_base_0, user_base_1, user_base_2, user_base_3,
155            user_base_4;
156 LispObject user_base_5, user_base_6, user_base_7, user_base_8,
157            user_base_9;
159 LispObject eq_hash_tables;
161 char program_name[64] = {0};
163 //
164 // The tables here are slightly oddly formatted. Every other entry is
165 // nullptr (reserved for other uses...) and each string has a single character
166 // stuck on its front that is also used as a marker elsewhere...
167 //
169 char **loadable_packages = nullptr, **switches = nullptr;
171 bool trap_floating_overflow = false;
173 int procstackp;
175 entry_point0 entries_table0[] =
176 {   {0,                                 "illegal"},
177     {undefined_0,                       "undefined_0"},
178     {autoload_0,                        "autoload_0"},
179     {interpreted_0,                     "interpreted_0"},
180     {funarged_0,                        "funarged_0"},
181     {bytecoded_0,                       "bytecoded_0"},
182     {byteopt_0,                         "byteopt_0"},
183     {hardopt_0,                         "hardopt_0"},
184     {byteoptrest_0,                     "byteoptrest_0"},
185     {hardoptrest_0,                     "hardoptrest_0"},
186     {G0W1,                              "G0W1"},
187     {G0W2,                              "G0W2"},
188     {G0W3,                              "G0W3"},
189     {G0W4up,                            "G0W4up"},
190     {G0Wother,                          "G0Wother"},
191     {f0_as_0,                           "0->0"},
192     {nullptr,                           "dummy"}
193 };
195 #define entry_table_size0 ((int)(sizeof(entries_table0)/sizeof(entries_table0[0])))
197 entry_point1 entries_table1[] =
198 {
199 //
200 // All values that can go in the function cells of symbols to stand for
201 // special interpreter activity are kept here. In most cases where there
202 // is an entrypoint there is a corresponding one that behaves just the
203 // same except that it has tracing enabled.
204 //
205     {0,                                 "illegal"},
206 // A few special forms that are set up manually so slip through the normal
207 // scheme...
208     {quote_fn,                          "quote"},
209     {progn_fn,                          "progn"},
210     {declare_fn,                        "declare"},
211     {function_fn,                       "function"},
212     {undefined_1,                       "undefined_1"},
213     {autoload_1,                        "autoload_1"},
214     {interpreted_1,                     "interpreted_1"},
215     {funarged_1,                        "funarged_1"},
216     {bytecoded_1,                       "bytecoded_1"},
217     {byteopt_1,                         "byteopt_1"},
218     {hardopt_1,                         "hardopt_1"},
219     {byteoptrest_1,                     "byteoptrest_1"},
220     {hardoptrest_1,                     "hardoptrest_1"},
221     {G1W0,                              "G1W0"},
222     {G1W2,                              "G1W2"},
223     {G1W3,                              "G1W3"},
224     {G1W4up,                            "G1W4up"},
225     {G1Wother,                          "G1Wother"},
226 // The batch here relate to function re-work that discards unwanted
227 // extra arguments.
228     {f1_as_0,                           "1->0"},
229     {f1_as_1,                           "1->1"},
230     {nullptr,                           "dummy"}
231 };
233 #define entry_table_size1 ((int)(sizeof(entries_table1)/sizeof(entries_table1[0])))
235 entry_point2 entries_table2[] =
236 {   {0,                                 "illegal"},
237 // A few special forms that are set up manually so slip through the normal
238 // scheme...
239     {(two_args *)quote_fn,              "quote"},
240     {(two_args *)progn_fn,              "progn"},
241     {(two_args *)declare_fn,            "declare"},
242     {(two_args *)function_fn,           "function"},
243     {undefined_2,                       "undefined_2"},
244     {G2W0,                              "G2W0"},
245     {G2W1,                              "G2W1"},
246     {G2W3,                              "G2W3"},
247     {G2W4up,                            "G2W4up"},
248     {G2Wother,                          "G2Wother"},
249     {autoload_2,                        "autoload_2"},
250     {interpreted_2,                     "interpreted_2"},
251     {funarged_2,                        "funarged_2"},
252     {bytecoded_2,                       "bytecoded_2"},
253     {byteopt_2,                         "byteopt_2"},
254     {hardopt_2,                         "hardopt_2"},
255     {byteoptrest_2,                     "byteoptrest_2"},
256     {hardoptrest_2,                     "hardoptrest_2"},
257 //
258 // The batch here relate to function re-work that discards unwanted
259 // extra arguments.
260 //
261     {f2_as_0,                           "2->0"},
262     {f2_as_1,                           "2->1"},
263     {f2_as_2,                           "2->2"},
264     {nullptr,                           "dummy"}
265 };
267 #define entry_table_size2 ((int)(sizeof(entries_table2)/sizeof(entries_table2[0])))
269 entry_point3 entries_table3[] =
270 {   {0,                                 "illegal"},
271     {undefined_3,                       "undefined_3"},
272     {autoload_3,                        "autoload_3"},
273     {interpreted_3,                     "interpreted_3"},
274     {funarged_3,                        "funarged_3"},
275     {bytecoded_3,                       "bytecoded_3"},
276     {byteopt_3,                         "byteopt_3"},
277     {hardopt_3,                         "hardopt_3"},
278     {byteoptrest_3,                     "byteoptrest_3"},
279     {hardoptrest_3,                     "hardoptrest_3"},
280     {G3W0,                              "G3W0"},
281     {G3W1,                              "G3W1"},
282     {G3W2,                              "G3W2"},
283     {G3W4up,                            "G3W4up"},
284     {G3Wother,                          "G3Wother"},
285     {f3_as_0,                           "3->0"},
286     {f3_as_1,                           "3->1"},
287     {f3_as_2,                           "3->2"},
288     {f3_as_3,                           "3->3"},
289     {nullptr,                           "dummy"}
290 };
292 #define entry_table_size3 ((int)(sizeof(entries_table3)/sizeof(entries_table3[0])))
294 entry_point4up entries_table4up[] =
295 {   {0,                                 "illegal"},
296     {undefined_4up,                     "undefined_4up"},
297     {autoload_4up,                      "autoload_4up"},
298     {interpreted_4up,                   "interpreted_4up"},
299     {funarged_4up,                      "funarged_4up"},
300     {bytecoded_4up,                     "bytecoded_4up"},
301     {byteopt_4up,                       "byteopt_4up"},
302     {hardopt_4up,                       "hardopt_4up"},
303     {byteoptrest_4up,                   "byteoptrest_4up"},
304     {hardoptrest_4up,                   "hardoptrest_4up"},
305     {G4W0,                              "G4W0"},
306     {G4W1,                              "G4W1"},
307     {G4W2,                              "G4W2"},
308     {G4W3,                              "G4W3"},
309     {G4Wother,                          "G4Wother"},
310     {nullptr,                           "dummy"}
311 };
313 #define entry_table_size4up ((int)(sizeof(entries_table4up)/sizeof(entries_table4up[0])))
315 entry_point1 entries_tableio[] =
316 {   {0,                                 "illegal"},
317     {(one_arg *)char_from_illegal,      "char_from_illegal"},
318     {(one_arg *)char_to_illegal,        "char_to_illegal"},
319     {(one_arg *)read_action_illegal,    "read_action_illegal"},
320     {(one_arg *)write_action_illegal,   "write_action_illegal"},
321     {(one_arg *)char_from_terminal,     "char_from_terminal"},
322     {(one_arg *)char_to_terminal,       "char_to_terminal"},
323     {(one_arg *)read_action_terminal,   "read_action_terminal"},
324     {(one_arg *)write_action_terminal,  "write_action_terminal"},
325     {(one_arg *)char_from_file,         "char_from_file"},
326     {(one_arg *)char_to_file,           "char_to_file"},
327     {(one_arg *)read_action_file,       "read_action_file"},
328     {(one_arg *)read_action_output_file,"read_action_output_file"},
329     {(one_arg *)write_action_file,      "write_action_file"},
330     {(one_arg *)binary_outchar,         "binary_outchar"},
331     {(one_arg *)char_from_list,         "char_from_list"},
332     {(one_arg *)char_to_list,           "char_to_list"},
333     {(one_arg *)code_to_list,           "code_to_list"},
334     {(one_arg *)read_action_list,       "read_action_list"},
335     {(one_arg *)write_action_list,      "write_action_list"},
336     {(one_arg *)count_character,        "count_character"},
337     {(one_arg *)char_to_pipeout,        "char_to_pipeout"},
338     {(one_arg *)write_action_pipe,      "write_action_pipe"},
339     {(one_arg *)char_from_synonym,      "char_from_synonym"},
340     {(one_arg *)char_to_synonym,        "char_to_synonym"},
341     {(one_arg *)read_action_synonym,    "read_action_synonym"},
342     {(one_arg *)write_action_synonym,   "write_action_synonym"},
343     {(one_arg *)char_from_concatenated, "char_from_concatenated"},
344     {(one_arg *)char_to_broadcast,      "char_to_broadcast"},
345     {(one_arg *)read_action_concatenated,"read_action_concatenated"},
346     {(one_arg *)write_action_broadcast, "write_action_broadcast"},
347     {(one_arg *)char_from_echo,         "char_from_echo"},
348     {nullptr,                           "dummy"}
349 };
351 #define entry_table_sizeio ((int)(sizeof(entries_tableio)/sizeof(entries_tableio[0])))
Lreclaim_trap(LispObject env,LispObject a)353 static LispObject Lreclaim_trap(LispObject env, LispObject a)
354 {   int64_t previous = reclaim_trap_count;
355     if (!is_fixnum(a)) return aerror1("reclaim-trap", a);
356     reclaim_trap_count = int_of_fixnum(a);
357     term_printf("+++ Reclaim trap set at %d, previous = %d\n",
358                 reclaim_trap_count, previous);
359     return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(previous));
360 }
Lreclaim_stack_limit(LispObject env,LispObject a)362 static LispObject Lreclaim_stack_limit(LispObject env, LispObject a)
363 {   intptr_t previous = reclaim_stack_limit;
364     if (!is_fixnum(a)) return aerror1("reclaim-stack-limit", a);
365     reclaim_stack_limit = int_of_fixnum(a);
366     term_printf("+++ Reclaim stack limit set at %d, previous = %d\n",
367                 reclaim_stack_limit, previous);
368     return onevalue(fixnum_of_int(previous));
369 }
find_checksum(const char * name,size_t len,const setup_type * p)371 static const char *find_checksum(const char *name, size_t len,
372                                  const setup_type *p)
373 {   const char *n;
374     while (p->name != nullptr) p++;
375     n = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(p->zero);
376     if (std::strlen(n) == len && std::memcmp(name, n, len) == 0)
377         return reinterpret_cast<const char *>(p->one);
378     else return nullptr;
379 }
381 setup_type const *setup_tables[] =
382 {   u01_setup, u02_setup, u03_setup, u04_setup,
383     u05_setup, u06_setup, u07_setup, u08_setup, u09_setup,
384     u10_setup, u11_setup, u12_setup, u13_setup, u14_setup,
385     u15_setup, u16_setup, u17_setup, u18_setup, u19_setup,
386     u20_setup, u21_setup, u22_setup, u23_setup, u24_setup,
387     u25_setup, u26_setup, u27_setup, u28_setup, u29_setup,
388     u30_setup, u31_setup, u32_setup, u33_setup, u34_setup,
389     u35_setup, u36_setup, u37_setup, u38_setup, u39_setup,
390     u40_setup, u41_setup, u42_setup, u43_setup, u44_setup,
391     u45_setup, u46_setup, u47_setup, u48_setup, u49_setup,
392     u50_setup, u51_setup, u52_setup, u53_setup, u54_setup,
393     u55_setup, u56_setup, u57_setup, u58_setup, u59_setup,
394     u60_setup,
395 //
396 // I also include the kernel setup tables, but I put a nullptr in this
397 // table so it is easy to see where they start.
398 //
399     nullptr,
400     arith06_setup, arith08_setup, arith10_setup, arith12_setup,
401     arith13_setup, char_setup, eval1_setup, eval2_setup, eval3_setup,
402     funcs1_setup, funcs2_setup, funcs3_setup, lisphash_setup,
403     print_setup, read_setup, restart_setup, mpi_setup,
404 #ifdef ARITHLIB
405     arith_setup,
406 #endif
407     nullptr
408 };
410 //
411 // If C code is to be instated (via c!:install calls in u01.lsp etc) there
412 // needs to be a verification that the file u01.c and the file u01.lsp (etc)
413 // are in step. So once for each such file this does the check. It should
414 // only happen when the system is being built and ought not to be a big
415 // performance issue.
416 //
Lcheck_c_code(LispObject env,LispObject name,LispObject lc1,LispObject lc2,LispObject a4up)418 static LispObject Lcheck_c_code(LispObject env, LispObject name,
419                                 LispObject lc1, LispObject lc2, LispObject a4up)
420 {   int32_t c1=-1, c2=-1, c3=-1;
421     long int x1=-2, x2=-2, x3=-2;
422     int32_t len;
423     const char *p;
424     const char *sname;
425     size_t i;
426     LispObject lc3 = arg4("check-c-code", a4up);
427 // This is called as when the system is about to install some linke between
428 // Lisp and code that has been compiled into C++. It is given 4 arguments:
429 //   (check-c-code name-of-module-of-C++-code
430 //       c1 c2 c3)     % 3 parts of a checksum
431 // It looks at the setup table sfo rall the modules it is aware of. For
432 // each such the final entry will be of the form
433 //    {nullptr, "module-name", "checksum info", ...}
434 // and it sees if the information from there matches what it is looking for.
435     if (!is_vector(name) ||
436         !is_string_header(vechdr(name)) ||
437         !is_fixnum(lc1) ||
438         !is_fixnum(lc2) ||
439         !is_fixnum(lc3)) return aerror1("check-c-code", name);
440     c1 = int_of_fixnum(lc1);
441     c2 = int_of_fixnum(lc2);
442     c3 = int_of_fixnum(lc3);
443     sname = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&celt(name, 0));
444     len = length_of_byteheader(vechdr(name)) - CELL;
446     p = nullptr;
447     for (i=0; setup_tables[i]!=nullptr; i++)
448     {   if ((p = find_checksum(sname, len,
449                                setup_tables[i])) != nullptr) break;
450     }
451     if (p == nullptr) return aerror1("check-c-code", name);
453     if (std::sscanf(p, "%ld %ld %ld", &x1, &x2, &x3) != 3)
454         return aerror1("check-c-code", name);
455     if (c1 == x1 && c2 == x2 && c3 == x3) return onevalue(nil);
456     err_printf("\n+++++ C code and environment files not compatible\n");
457     err_printf("please check, re-compile and try again\n");
458     err_printf("versions from %.*s.c %lx %lx %lx\n", len, sname, x1, x2,
459                x3);
460     err_printf("version passed here %lx %lx %lx\n", c1, c2, c3);
461     return aerror1("check-c-code", name);
462 }
464 setup_type const restart_setup[] =
465 //
466 // things that are in modules that do not define enough Lisp entrypoints
467 // to be worth giving separate entry-tables.
468 //
469 {   DEF_0("~load-spid",         Lload_spid),
470     DEF_1("~is-spid",           Lis_spid),
471     DEF_1("~spid-to-nil",       Lspid_to_nil),
472     DEF_1("~mv-list",           Lmv_list),
473     DEF_4up("check-c-code",     Lcheck_c_code),
474     DEF_1("modulep",            Lmodule_exists),
475     DEF_1("start-module",       Lstart_module),
476     DEF_2("write-module",       Lwrite_module),
477     DEF_1("copy-module",        Lcopy_module),
478     DEF_1("delete-module",      Ldelete_module),
479     DEF_1("load-module",        Lload_module),
480     {"load-source",             Lload_source0, Lload_source, G2Wother, G3Wother, G4Wother},
481     {"load-selected-source",    Lload_selected_source0, Lload_selected_source, G2Wother, G3Wother, G4Wother},
482     DEF_0("list-modules",       Llist_modules),
483     DEF_1("writable-libraryp",  Lwritable_libraryp),
484     {"library-members",         Llibrary_members0, Llibrary_members, G2Wother, G3Wother, G4Wother},
485     DEF_1("startup-banner",     Lbanner),
486     DEF_2("set-help-file",      Lset_help_file),
487     {"mapstore",                Lmapstore0, Lmapstore, G2Wother, G3Wother, G4Wother},
488     DEF_1("verbos",             Lverbos),
489     {"gc",                      Lgc0, Lgc, G2Wother, G3Wother, G4Wother},
490     {"reclaim",                 Lgc0, Lgc, G2Wother, G3Wother, G4Wother},
491     DEF_1("reclaim-trap",       Lreclaim_trap),
492     DEF_1("reclaim-stack-limit",Lreclaim_stack_limit),
493     {"resource-limit",          G0Wother, G1Wother, Lresource_limit_2, Lresource_limit_3, Lresource_limit_4up},
494     {"errorset",                G0Wother, Lerrorset_1, Lerrorset_2, Lerrorset_3, G4Wother},
496     {"gctest",                  Lgctest_0, Lgctest_1, Lgctest_2, G3Wother, G4Wother},
497 #endif
498     {nullptr,                   nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}
499 };
create_symbols(setup_type const s[],int restart_flag)502 static void create_symbols(setup_type const s[], int restart_flag)
503 {   size_t i;
504     for (i=0; s[i].name != nullptr; i++)
505         make_symbol(s[i].name, restart_flag,
506                     s[i].zero,  s[i].one, s[i].two, s[i].three, s[i].fourup);
507 }
509 static int32_t defined_symbols;
count_symbols(setup_type const s[])511 static void count_symbols(setup_type const s[])
512 {   size_t i;
513     for (i=0; s[i].name != nullptr; i++) defined_symbols++;
514 }
make_undefined_fluid(const char * name)516 static LispObject make_undefined_fluid(const char *name)
517 {   LispObject v = make_undefined_symbol(name);
518     setheader(v, qheader(v) | SYM_SPECIAL_VAR);
519     return v;
520 }
make_undefined_global(const char * name)522 static LispObject make_undefined_global(const char *name)
523 {   LispObject v = make_undefined_symbol(name);
524     setheader(v, qheader(v) | SYM_GLOBAL_VAR);
525     return v;
526 }
make_constant(const char * name,LispObject value)528 LispObject make_constant(const char *name, LispObject value)
529 {   LispObject w = make_undefined_global(name);
530     setvalue(w, value);
531     return w;
532 }
make_variable(const char * name,LispObject value)534 LispObject make_variable(const char *name, LispObject value)
535 {   LispObject w = make_undefined_fluid(name);
536     setvalue(w, value);
537     return w;
538 }
cold_setup()540 static void cold_setup()
541 {   miscflags = 3;
542     setplist(nil, nil);
543     setfastgets(nil, nil);
544     setenv(nil, nil);        // points to self in undefined case
545     qfn0(nil) = undefined_0;
546     qfn1(nil) = undefined_1;
547     qfn2(nil) = undefined_2;
548     qfn3(nil) = undefined_3;
549     qfn4up(nil) = undefined_4up;
551     setvalue(nil, nil);
552     qcountLow(nil) = 0;
553     qcountHigh(nil) = 0;
554 // When I am debugging CSL I can validate the heap, for instance whenever
555 // I allocate vector. I am about to need to call make_string to create a
556 // record of the name "nil", and during that call the pname field of nil
557 // had better be valid - so I fill it in with a nil.
558     setpname(nil, nil);
559 // Similarly the package field for nil needs a (temporary) safe value.
560     setpackage(nil, nil);
561     exit_reason = UNWIND_NULL;
562 // eq_hash_tables is not an ordinary list-base, si I need to clear it
563 // individually.
564     eq_hash_tables = nil;
565     for (LispObject **p=list_bases; *p!=nullptr; p++) **p = nil;
566     eq_hash_tables = nil;
567 #ifdef COMMON
568     setpname(nil, make_string("NIL"));
569 #else
570     setpname(nil, make_string("nil"));
571 #endif
573 // The package I am using at present will always be a package object
574 // stored in the value cell of "current-package". But that symbol does not
575 // quite exist yet - so as a temporary provision I use the value cell of NIL.
576 // This has in fact been done as part of the general initialization of
577 // list-bases, but I repeat it here for extra clarity.
578     current_package = nil;
579 //
580 // The code here is generally coded on the supposition that there will NEVER
581 // be a garbage collection here, so all issues of error recovery related
582 // tests can be omitted. That makes this code much cleaner! It means that
583 // during a cold start that there is enough space (well for a COLD start that
584 // hardly likely to be an issue!) and in a warm start that none of the
585 // calls that make strings or symbols etc here trigger a genuine garbage
586 // collection - that can probably be assured by ensuring that on restart there
587 // is at least a little bit of space in hand.
588 //
589 // Well garbage collection even at this early stage should now be valid when
590 // the conservative GC is active.
591 //
593     if (gcTest)    // if "--gc-test" was on command line.
594     {   std::printf("\n: Conservative code - run a simple test of the GC\n\n");
595         simple_print(nil);
596         std::printf("\r\n");
597         Lgc0(nil);
598         simple_print(nil);
599         std::printf("\r\n");
600         std::printf("Now abort()...\n");
601         my_abort();
602     }
603 #endif // CONSERVATIVE
604     setvalue(nil, get_basic_vector_init(sizeof(Package), nil));
605 #ifdef COMMON
606     setpackage(nil, qvalue(nil));    // For sake of restart code
607     all_packages = ncons(qvalue(nil));
608 #else
609     setpackage(nil, static_cast<LispObject>(qvalue(nil)));
610 #endif
612     packhdr_(static_cast<LispObject>(CP)) = TYPE_STRUCTURE + (packhdr_
613                                             (static_cast<LispObject>(CP)) & ~header_mask);
614 #ifdef COMMON
615     packname_(static_cast<LispObject>(CP)) = make_string("LISP");
616 #endif
617 //
618 // The size chosen here is only an initial size - the hash table in a package
619 // can grow later on if needbe - but I ought to ensure that the initial
620 // size is big enough for the built-in symbols that Lisp creates in
621 // this restart code.  The size must be a power of 2. I want the object
622 // table to have the same number of entries regardless of whether I am on
623 // a 32 or 64-bit machine to make cross-loading of images possible.
624 //
625     packint_(static_cast<LispObject>(CP)) = get_basic_vector_init(CELL*
626                                             (1+INIT_OBVECI_SIZE), fixnum_of_int(0));
627     packflags_(static_cast<LispObject>(CP)) = fixnum_of_int(
628                 ++package_bits);
629 #ifdef COMMON
630 //
631 // Common Lisp also has "external" symbols to allow for...
632 //
633     packnint_(static_cast<LispObject>(CP)) = fixnum_of_int(0);
634     packext_(static_cast<LispObject>(CP)) = get_basic_vector_init(CELL*
635                                             (1+INIT_OBVECX_SIZE), fixnum_of_int(0));
636     packnext_(static_cast<LispObject>(CP)) = fixnum_of_int(
637                 1); // Allow for nil
638     {   size_t i = (size_t)(hash_lisp_string(qpname(nil)) &
639                             (INIT_OBVECX_SIZE - 1));
640         elt(packext_(static_cast<LispObject>(CP)), i) = nil;
641     }
642 #else
643     packnint_(static_cast<LispObject>(CP)) = fixnum_of_int(
644                 1); // Allow for nil
645 // Place NIL into the table.
646     {   size_t i = (size_t)(hash_lisp_string(qpname(nil)) &
647                             (INIT_OBVECI_SIZE - 1));
648         elt(packint_(static_cast<LispObject>(CP)), i) = nil;
649     }
650 #endif
651     gensym_ser = 1;
652     print_precision = 6; // I maybe prefer 15 but use 6 to agree with PSL
653     current_modulus = 1;
654 // a fastget entry of 0 means no fastget stuff present, and so in the 6-bit
655 // field I have the values 1-63 are available.
656 //
657     fastget_size = 63;
658     package_bits = 0;
659     modulus_is_large = 0;
660     unset_var = nil;
661 //
662 // there had better not be a need for garbage collection here...
663 // ... or elsewhere in setup, since the world is not yet put together.
664 // Ditto interrupts.
665 //
666 #define boffo_size 256
667     boffo = get_basic_vector(TAG_VECTOR, TYPE_STRING_4, CELL+boffo_size);
668     std::memset(reinterpret_cast<void *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>
669                                          (boffo) + (CELL - TAG_VECTOR)), '@', boffo_size);
670 //
671 // The next line has hidden depths.  When it is obeyed during cold start
672 // the C variable *package* has the value nil, hence make_symbol
673 // looks in the value cell of nil to find the package to intern wrt. Once
674 // this has been done I can put nil back how it ought to have been!
675 //
676     current_package          = make_undefined_fluid("*package*");
677     lisp_package             = qpackage(nil);
678     setvalue(current_package,  lisp_package);
679     setvalue(nil,              nil);          // Whew!
680     setpackage(nil,            lisp_package);
681     setpackage(current_package,lisp_package);
683     B_reg = nil;                             // safe for GC
684     unset_var                =
685         make_undefined_global("~indefinite-value~");
686     setvalue(unset_var,        unset_var);
687 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    Lunintern(nil, unset_var);
688 //
689 // Now in some minor sense the world is in a self-consistent state
690 //
691     lisp_true           = make_undefined_global("t");
692     setvalue(lisp_true,   lisp_true);
693     savedef             = make_undefined_symbol("*savedef");
694     comma_symbol        = make_undefined_symbol("~comma");
695     comma_at_symbol     = make_undefined_symbol("~comma-at");
696     lambda              = make_undefined_symbol("lambda");
697     funarg              = make_undefined_symbol("funarg");
698     cfunarg             = make_undefined_symbol("cfunarg");
699     opt_key             = make_undefined_symbol("&optional");
700     rest_key            = make_undefined_symbol("&rest");
701     key_key             = make_undefined_symbol("&key");
702     allow_other_keys    = make_undefined_symbol("&allow-other-keys");
703     aux_key             = make_undefined_symbol("&aux");
704     work_symbol         =
705         make_undefined_symbol("~magic-internal-symbol~");
706     Lunintern(nil, work_symbol);
707     package_symbol      = make_undefined_symbol("package");
708     packid_(static_cast<LispObject>(CP))         = package_symbol;
710     macroexpand_hook    = make_undefined_fluid("*macroexpand-hook*");
711     evalhook            = make_undefined_fluid("*evalhook*");
712     setvalue(evalhook,    nil);
713     applyhook           = make_undefined_fluid("*applyhook*");
714     setvalue(applyhook,  nil);
715 #ifdef COMMON
716     keyword_package     = make_undefined_fluid("*keyword-package*");
717     setvalue(keyword_package, make_package(make_string("KEYWORD")));
718     err_table           = make_undefined_global("*ERROR-MESSAGE*");
719 #else
720     err_table           = make_undefined_global("*error-messages*");
721 #endif
722     setvalue(err_table,   nil);
723 #ifdef COMMON
724 #define make_keyword(name) \
725         Lintern_2(nil, make_string(name), qvalue(keyword_package))
726     internal_symbol     = make_keyword("INTERNAL");
727     external_symbol     = make_keyword("EXTERNAL");
728     inherited_symbol    = make_keyword("INHERITED");
729     allow_key_key       = make_keyword("ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS");
730 #else
731 #define make_keyword(name) make_undefined_symbol(name)
732 #endif
733     gensym_base         = make_string("G");
734     expand_def_symbol   = make_undefined_symbol("expand-definer");
735     format_symbol       = make_undefined_symbol("format");
736     string_char_sym     = make_undefined_symbol("string-char");
737 // The following bunch of symbols relate to Common Lisp features and are
738 // not necessarily fully used.
739     nicknames_symbol    = make_undefined_symbol(":nicknames");
740     use_symbol          = make_undefined_symbol(":use");
741     and_symbol          = make_undefined_symbol("and");
742     or_symbol           = make_undefined_symbol("or");
743     not_symbol          = make_undefined_symbol("not");
744     reader_workspace    = make_undefined_symbol("#:x");
745     named_character     = make_undefined_symbol(":named-character");
746     read_float_format   =
747         make_undefined_symbol("*read-default-float-format*");
748     short_float         = make_undefined_symbol("short-float");
749     single_float        = make_undefined_symbol("single-float");
750     double_float        = make_undefined_symbol("double-float");
751     long_float          = make_undefined_symbol("long-float");
752     bit_symbol          = make_undefined_symbol("bit");
753     pathname_symbol     = make_undefined_symbol("pathname");
754     print_array_sym     = make_undefined_symbol("*print-array*");
755     read_base           = make_undefined_symbol("*read-base*");
756     initial_element     = make_undefined_symbol(":initial-element");
757     make_constant("most-positive-fixnum", MOST_POSITIVE_FIXNUM);
758     make_constant("most-negative-fixnum", MOST_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM);
759     make_constant("pi",
760                   make_boxfloat(3.141592653589793238, TYPE_DOUBLE_FLOAT));
761     append_symbol       = make_undefined_symbol("append");
762     raise_symbol        = make_undefined_fluid("*raise");
763     lower_symbol        = make_undefined_fluid("*lower");
764     echo_symbol         = make_undefined_fluid("*echo");
765     comp_symbol         = make_undefined_fluid("*comp");
766     compiler_symbol     = make_undefined_symbol("compile");
767     current_function    = // system-startup
768         startup_symbol      = make_undefined_symbol("system-startup");
769     mv_call_symbol      = make_symbol("multiple-value-call", 0,
770                                       bad_specialfn_0, mv_call_fn, bad_specialfn_2, bad_specialfn_3,
771                                       bad_specialfn_4up);
772     autoload_symbol     = make_undefined_symbol("autoload");
773     bytecoded_symbol    = make_undefined_symbol("bytecoded-definition");
774     traceprint_symbol   = make_undefined_symbol("trace-print");
775     load_source_symbol  = make_symbol("load-source", 0, Lload_source0,
776                                       Lload_source, G2Wother, G3Wother, G4Wother);
777     load_selected_source_symbol =
778         make_symbol("load-selected-source", 0, Lload_selected_source0,
779                     Lload_selected_source, G2Wother, G3Wother, G4Wother);
780     prinl_symbol        = make_symbol("prinl", 0, G0W1, Lprin, G2W1, G3W1,
781                                       G4W1);
782     emsg_star           = make_undefined_global("emsg*");
783     redef_msg           = make_undefined_fluid("*redefmsg");
784     expr_symbol         = make_undefined_symbol("expr");
785     fexpr_symbol        = make_undefined_symbol("fexpr");
786     macro_symbol        = make_undefined_symbol("macro");
787     break_function      = make_undefined_fluid("*break-loop*");
788     gchook              = make_undefined_fluid("*gc-hook*");
789     resources           = make_undefined_fluid("*resources*");
790     used_space          = make_undefined_fluid("*used-space*");
791     avail_space         = make_undefined_fluid("*avail-space*");
792     gcknt_symbol        = make_variable("gcknt*", fixnum_of_int(0));
793 // Note that end-of-file is represented by an odd Unicode value (in UTF-8)
794     eof_symbol          = make_undefined_symbol("\xf4\x8f\xbf\xbf");
795     call_stack          = nil;
796     trap_time           = make_undefined_symbol("trap-time*");
797 //  count_high          = make_undefined_symbol("count-high*");
798     setvalue(break_function, nil);
799     setvalue(gchook, nil);
800     setvalue(trap_time, nil);
801     setvalue(resources, nil);
802     setvalue(used_space, fixnum_of_int(0));
803     setvalue(avail_space, fixnum_of_int(0));
804     {   LispObject common = make_undefined_fluid("common-lisp-mode");
805 #ifdef COMMON
806         setvalue(common, lisp_true);
807         setvalue(raise_symbol, lisp_true);
808         setvalue(lower_symbol, nil);
809 #else
810         setvalue(common, nil);
811         setvalue(raise_symbol, nil);
812         setvalue(lower_symbol, lisp_true);
813 #endif
814     }
815     setvalue(echo_symbol,      nil);
816     setvalue(comp_symbol,      nil);
817     setvalue(emsg_star,        nil);
818     setvalue(redef_msg,        lisp_true);
820     sys_hash_table = Lmkhash_1(nil, fixnum_of_int(2));    // EQUAL
821     sxhash_hash_table = Lmkhash_1(nil, fixnum_of_int(0)); // EQ
822     get_counts = Lmkhash_1(nil, fixnum_of_int(0));        // EQ
823 //
824 // I make the vector that can hold the names used for "fast" get tags big
825 // enough for the largest possible number.
826 //
827     fastget_names = get_basic_vector_init((MAX_FASTGET_SIZE+2)*CELL,
828                                           SPID_NOPROP);
829 //
830 // The next bit is a horrid fudge, used in read.c (function orderp) to
831 // support REDUCE. It ensures that the flag 'noncom is subject to an
832 // optimisation for flag/flagp that allows it to be tested for using a
833 // simple bit-test.  This MUST use entry zero (coded as 1 here!).
834 // Also I insist that 'lose be the second fastget thing!
835 //
836     {   LispObject nc = make_undefined_symbol("noncom");
837         setheader(nc, qheader(nc) | (1L << SYM_FASTGET_SHIFT));
838         elt(fastget_names, 0) = nc;
839         nc = make_undefined_symbol("lose");
840         setheader(nc, qheader(nc) | (2L << SYM_FASTGET_SHIFT));
841         elt(fastget_names, 1) = nc;
842     }
843 //
844 // I create the stream objects just once at cold-start time, but every time I
845 // restart I will fill in their components in the standard way again.
846 //
847     lisp_work_stream = make_stream_handle();
848     lisp_terminal_io = make_stream_handle();
849     lisp_standard_output = make_stream_handle();
850     lisp_standard_input = make_stream_handle();
851     lisp_error_output = make_stream_handle();
852     lisp_trace_output = make_stream_handle();
853     lisp_debug_io = make_stream_handle();
854     lisp_query_io = make_stream_handle();
855     set_up_functions(0);
856     set_up_variables(0);
857     procstack = nil;
858     procmem = get_basic_vector_init(CELL*100, nil); // 0 to 99
859     procstackp = 0;
860 }
set_up_functions(int restart_flag)862 LispObject set_up_functions(int restart_flag)
863 {
864 //
865 // All symbols that have a pointer to C code in their function cell must
866 // be set up whether we are in a warm OR a cold start state, because the
867 // actual addresses associated with C entrypoints will vary from version
868 // to version of the binary of the system.
869 //
870     size_t i;
871 #ifdef COMMON
872 //
873 // In Common Lisp mode it could be that the user had something other than the
874 // LISP package active when the image was saved. But I want all the symbols
875 // that I create or restore here to be in the LISP (or sometimes keyword)
876 // package. So I temporarily reset the package here...
877 //
878     LispObject saved_package = CP;
879     CP = find_package("LISP", 4);
880 #endif
881     function_symbol          = make_symbol("function", restart_flag,
882                                            bad_specialfn_0, function_fn, bad_specialfn_2, bad_specialfn_3,
883                                            bad_specialfn_4up);
884     setheader(function_symbol,
885               qheader(function_symbol) | SYM_SPECIAL_FORM);
886     quote_symbol             = make_symbol("quote", restart_flag,
887                                            bad_specialfn_0, quote_fn, bad_specialfn_2, bad_specialfn_3,
888                                            bad_specialfn_4up);
889     setheader(quote_symbol, qheader(quote_symbol) | SYM_SPECIAL_FORM);
890     go_symbol                = make_symbol("go", restart_flag,
891                                            bad_specialfn_0, go_fn, bad_specialfn_2, bad_specialfn_3,
892                                            bad_specialfn_4up);
893     setheader(go_symbol, qheader(go_symbol) | SYM_SPECIAL_FORM);
894     cond_symbol              = make_symbol("cond", restart_flag,
895                                            bad_specialfn_0, cond_fn, bad_specialfn_2, bad_specialfn_3,
896                                            bad_specialfn_4up);
897     setheader(cond_symbol, qheader(cond_symbol) | SYM_SPECIAL_FORM);
898     progn_symbol             = make_symbol("progn", restart_flag,
899                                            bad_specialfn_0, progn_fn, bad_specialfn_2, bad_specialfn_3,
900                                            bad_specialfn_4up);
901     setheader(progn_symbol, qheader(progn_symbol) | SYM_SPECIAL_FORM);
902     declare_symbol           = make_symbol("declare", restart_flag,
903                                            bad_specialfn_0, declare_fn, bad_specialfn_2, bad_specialfn_3,
904                                            bad_specialfn_4up);
905     setheader(declare_symbol, qheader(declare_symbol) | SYM_SPECIAL_FORM);
906     special_symbol           = make_undefined_symbol("special");
907     large_modulus            = fixnum_of_int(1);
908     cons_symbol              = make_symbol("cons", restart_flag, G0W1,
909                                            G1W2, Lcons, G3W2, G4W2);
910     list_symbol              = make_symbol("list", restart_flag, Lnilfn,
911                                            Lncons, Llist_2, Llist_3, Llist_4up);
912     liststar_symbol          = make_symbol("list*", restart_flag,
913                                            G0Wother, Lidentity, Lcons, Llist_2star, Lliststar_4up);
914     eq_symbol                = make_undefined_symbol("eq");
915     eql_symbol               = make_undefined_symbol("eql");
916     cl_equal_symbol          = make_undefined_symbol("cl-equal");
917     equal_symbol             = make_undefined_symbol("equal");
918     equalp_symbol            = make_undefined_symbol("equalp");
919     eval_symbol              = make_symbol("eval", restart_flag, G0W1,
920                                            Leval, G2W1, G3W1, G4W1);
921     apply_symbol             = make_symbol("apply", restart_flag,
922                                            G0Wother, Lapply_1, Lapply_2, Lapply_3, Lapply_4up);
923     load_source_symbol       = make_symbol("load-source", restart_flag,
924                                            Lload_source0, Lload_source, G2Wother, G3Wother, G4Wother);
925     builtin0_symbol          = make_undefined_symbol("s:builtin0");
926     builtin1_symbol          = make_undefined_symbol("s:builtin1");
927     builtin2_symbol          = make_undefined_symbol("s:builtin2");
928     builtin3_symbol          = make_undefined_symbol("s:builtin3");
929     builtin4_symbol          = make_undefined_symbol("s:builtin4");
930     load_selected_source_symbol =
931         make_symbol("load-selected-source",
932                     restart_flag, Lload_selected_source0,
933                     Lload_selected_source, G2Wother, G3Wother,
934                     G4Wother);
935 //
936 // The main bunch of symbols can be handed using a table that
937 // gives names and values.
938 //
939     for (i=0; eval2_setup[i].name != nullptr; i++)
940     {   LispObject v = make_symbol(eval2_setup[i].name,
941                                    restart_flag,
942                                    eval2_setup[i].zero,
943                                    eval2_setup[i].one,
944                                    eval2_setup[i].two,
945                                    eval2_setup[i].three,
946                                    eval2_setup[i].fourup);
947         setheader(v, qheader(v) | SYM_SPECIAL_FORM);
948     }
949     for (i=0; eval3_setup[i].name != nullptr; i++)
950     {   LispObject v = make_symbol(eval3_setup[i].name,
951                                    restart_flag,
952                                    eval3_setup[i].zero,
953                                    eval3_setup[i].one,
954                                    eval3_setup[i].two,
955                                    eval3_setup[1].three,
956                                    eval3_setup[i].fourup);
957         setheader(v, qheader(v) | SYM_SPECIAL_FORM);
958     }
959     create_symbols(arith06_setup, restart_flag);
960     create_symbols(arith08_setup, restart_flag);
961     create_symbols(arith10_setup, restart_flag);
962     create_symbols(arith12_setup, restart_flag);
963     create_symbols(arith13_setup, restart_flag);
964     create_symbols(char_setup, restart_flag);
965     create_symbols(eval1_setup, restart_flag);
966     create_symbols(funcs1_setup, restart_flag);
967     create_symbols(funcs2_setup, restart_flag);
968     create_symbols(funcs3_setup, restart_flag);
969     create_symbols(lisphash_setup, restart_flag);
970     create_symbols(print_setup, restart_flag);
971     create_symbols(read_setup, restart_flag);
972     create_symbols(restart_setup, restart_flag);
973     create_symbols(mpi_setup, restart_flag);
974 #ifdef ARITHLIB
975     create_symbols(arith_setup, restart_flag);
976 #endif
977 //
978 // Although almost everything is mapped into upper case in a Common Lisp
979 // world, I will preserve the case of symbols defined in u01 to u60.
980 //
981     for (i=0; setup_tables[i]!=nullptr; i++)
982         create_symbols(setup_tables[i], restart_flag | 2);
984 #ifdef NAG
985     create_symbols(asp_setup, restart_flag);
986     create_symbols(nag_setup, restart_flag);
987     create_symbols(socket_setup, restart_flag);
988     create_symbols(xdr_setup, restart_flag);
989     create_symbols(grep_setup, restart_flag);
990     create_symbols(axfns_setup, restart_flag);
991     create_symbols(gr_setup, restart_flag);
992 #endif
994 #ifdef OPENMATH
995     create_symbols(om_setup, restart_flag);
996     create_symbols(om_parse_setup, restart_flag);
997 #endif
999 #ifdef COMMON
1000     CP = saved_package;
1001 #endif
1002     return nil;
1003 }
alpha1(const void * a,const void * b)1005 static int alpha1(const void *a, const void *b)
1006 {   return std::strcmp(1+*(const char **)a, 1+*(const char **)b);
1007 }
1009 // This sets up:
1010 //   lispsystem!*
1011 //   The standard input and output streams
1012 //   information about the command line arguments in lispargs!*
1013 //   floating point limit constants (which ought in fact to be the
1014 //       same on all platforms if I am using IEEE arithmetic...)
1015 //   input!-libraries and output!-library
set_up_variables(int restart_flag)1017 LispObject set_up_variables(int restart_flag)
1018 {   LispObject w, w1;
1019     size_t i;
1020 // There are a number of system variables that are not saved in
1021 // image files and so that have to be set up manually in every case.
1022 #ifdef COMMON
1023     LispObject saved_package = CP;
1024     CP = find_package("LISP", 4);
1025 #endif
1026     charvec = get_basic_vector_init(257*CELL, nil);
1027     faslvec = nil;
1028     faslgensyms = nil;
1029     multiplication_buffer = nil;
1030 // big_fake1 and big_fake2 represent a witty issue - when a bignum is
1031 // serilized and it uses only one or two words its value gets written
1032 // as a 64-bit numeric value. When it is re-loaded that value is packed
1033 // as a number - either a fixnum or a bignum as relevant. So the FAKE
1034 // nature of big_fake1 and big_fake2 will lead to the ser8ialization process
1035 // reloading fixnums if one is on a 64-bit machine. Thus defeating the whole
1036 // point of them!
1037     big_fake1 = make_one_word_bignum(0);
1038     big_fake2 = make_two_word_bignum(0, 0);
1039 // It makes sense to reset big_divisor and big_dividend on reloading a heap
1040 // image so that any very large allocation from the previous run is discarded.
1041     big_divisor = make_four_word_bignum(0, 0, 0, 0);
1042     big_dividend = make_four_word_bignum(0, 0, 0, 0);
1043     big_quotient = make_four_word_bignum(0, 0, 0, 0);
1044     setvalue(macroexpand_hook, funcall_symbol =
1045                  make_symbol("funcall", restart_flag, G0Wother, Lfuncall_1, Lfuncall_2,
1046                              Lfuncall_3, Lfuncall_4up));
1047     input_libraries = make_undefined_symbol("input-libraries");
1048     setheader(input_libraries,
1049               qheader(input_libraries) | SYM_SPECIAL_VAR);
1050     setvalue(input_libraries, nil);
1051     for (i=fasl_files.size(); i!=0; i--)
1052         if (fasl_files[i-1].inUse)
1053             setvalue(input_libraries,
1054                      cons(SPID_LIBRARY + (((int32_t)(i-1))<<20),
1055                           qvalue(input_libraries)));
1056     output_library = make_undefined_symbol("output-library");
1057     setvalue(output_library, (output_directory & 0x80000000u) != 0 ? nil :
1058              SPID_LIBRARY + (((int32_t)(output_directory&0x3ff))<<20));
1059 //
1060 // The Lisp variable lispsystem* gets set here. (in Common mode it is
1061 // the variable *features*)
1062 // Its value is a list.
1063 //       csl                      says I am a CSL Lisp
1064 //       (executable . "string")  name of current executable (if available)
1065 //       (shortname . "string")   executable wuithout path or extension
1066 //       pipes                    do I support open-pipe?
1067 //       parallel                 "parallel" function supported
1068 //       (revision . number)      eg 4020. The most recent subversion checkin.
1069 //       (name . "string")        eg "MSDOS/386"
1070 //       (opsys . id)             unix/msdos/riscos/win32/finder/riscos/...
1071 //       id                       unix/msdos etc again...
1072 //       help                     help mechanism provided within Lisp
1073 //       debug                    Lisp built with debug options
1074 //       embedded                 if built using the EMBEDDED option
1075 //       (c-code . number)        u01.c through u60.c define n functions
1076 //       sixty-four               64-bit address version
1077 //       texmacs                  "--texmacs" option on command line
1078 //       parallel                 the "parallel" experimental function exists
1079 //
1080 // In Common mode the tags on the *features* list are generally in the
1081 // keyword package. Otherwise they are just regular symbols. This makes it
1082 // slightly hard to use code that tests this list in a generic environment!
1083 //
1085     /*!!! csl
1086      */
1088     /*!! lispsys [03] \section{Items that can appear in {\ttfamily lispsystem!*}} \label{lispsys}
1089      *
1090      * There is a global variable called {\ttfamily lispsystem!*} whose value is
1091      * reset in the process of CSL starting up. An effect of this is that if the
1092      * user changes its value those changes do not survice a preserving and
1093      * re-loading a heap image: this is deliberate since the heap image may be
1094      * re-loaded on a different instance of CSL possibly on a quite different
1095      * computer of with a different configuration. The value of {\ttfamily
1096      * lispsystem!*} is a list of items, where each item is either an atomic tag
1097      * of a pair whose first component is a key. In general it would be unwise
1098      * to rely on exactly what information is present without review of the code
1099      * that sets it up. The information may be of interest to anybody but some tags
1100      * and keys are reflections of experiments rather than fully stable facilities.
1101      * \begin{description}
1102      */
1104     /*! lispsys [~~~~~~~~] \end{description} % end of lispsystem* section [restart.c]
1105      */
1107     {
1108 #ifdef COMMON
1109         LispObject n = features_symbol;
1110         char opsys[32];
1111         char *p1 = opsys, *p2 = OPSYS;
1112         int ii;
1113         while ((*p1++ = std::toupper(*p2++)) != 0);
1114         *p1 = 0;
1115         /*! lispsys [opsys] \item [{\itshape operating system identity}] \index{{\ttfamily operating system identity}}
1116          * The name of the current operating system is put on the list. Exactly what
1117          * form is not explicitly defined!
1118          */
1119         w = cons(make_keyword(opsys), nil);
1120 #if defined WIN64 || defined __WIN64__ || defined WIN32
1121         w = cons(make_keyword("WIN32"), w);
1122 #endif
1123 #if defined WIN64 || defined __WIN64__
1124         w = cons(make_keyword("WIN64"), w);
1125 #endif
1126 #if defined MACINTOSH
1127         w = cons(make_keyword("MAC"), w);
1128         w = cons(make_keyword("UNIX"), w);
1129 #else
1130 #if defined UNIX
1131         if (std::strcmp(opsys, "UNIX") != 0 &&
1132             std::strcmp(opsys, "unix") != 0)
1133             w = cons(make_keyword("UNIX"), w);
1134 #endif
1135 #endif
1136         /*! lispsys [win32] \item[{\ttfamily win32}, {\ttfamily win64}] \index{{\ttfamily win32}, {\ttfamily win64}}
1137          * Any windows system puts {\ttfamily win32} in {\ttfamily lispsystem!*}.
1138          * If 64-bit windows is is use then {\ttfamily win64} is also included
1139          */
1140 #else
1141         LispObject n = make_undefined_symbol("lispsystem*");
1142         /*! lispsys [c-code] \item[{\ttfamily (c!-code . count)}] \index{{\ttfamily (c"!-code . count)}}
1143          * This will be present if code has been optimised into C through the source
1144          * files u01.c to u60.c, and in that case the value tells you how many functions
1145          * have been optimised in this manner.
1146          *
1147          */
1149         /*! lispsys [common-lisp] \item[{\ttfamily  common!-lisp}] \index{{\ttfamily  common"!-lisp}}
1150          * For a project some while ago a limited Common Lisp compatibility mode was
1151          * being developed, and this tag indicated that it was active. In that case all
1152          * entries are in upper case and the variable is called {\ttfamily *FEATURES*}
1153          * rather than {\ttfamily lispsystem!*}. But note that this Lisp has never even
1154          * aspired to be a full Common Lisp, since its author considers Common Lisp to
1155          * have been a sad mistake that must bear significant responsibility for the
1156          * fact that interest in Lisp has faded dramatically since its introduction.
1157          *
1158          */
1159         /*! lispsys [csl] \item[{\ttfamily csl}] \index{{\ttfamily csl}}
1160          * A simple tag intended to indicate that this Lisp system is CSL and not any
1161          * other. This can of course only work properly if all other Lisp systems
1162          * agree not to set this tag! In the context of Reduce I note that the PSL
1163          * Lisp system sets a tag {\ttfamily psl} on {\ttfamily lispsystem!*} and
1164          * the realistic use of this is to discriminate between CSL and PSL hosted
1165          * copies of Reduce.
1166          */
1168         /*! lispsys [debug] \item[{\ttfamily debug}] \index{{\ttfamily debug}}
1169          * If CSL was compiled with debugging options this is present, and one can imagine
1170          * various bits of code being more cautious or more verbose if it is detected.
1171          */
1173         /*! lispsys [executable] \item[{\ttfamily  (executable . name)}] \index{{\ttfamily  (executable . name)}}
1174          * The value is the fully rooted name of the executable file that was launched.
1175          */
1177         /*! lispsys [fox] \item[{\ttfamily fox}] \index{{\ttfamily fox}}
1178          * Used to be present if the FOX GUI toolkit was detected and incorporated as
1179          * part of CSL, but now probably never used!
1180          */
1182         /*! lispsys [name] \item[{\ttfamily  (name . name)}] \index{{\ttfamily  (name . name)}}
1183          * Some indication of the platform. For instance on one system I use it
1184          * is {\ttfamily linux-gnu:x86\_64} and on anther it is just {\ttfamily win32}.
1185          */
1187         /*! lispsys [opsys] \item[{\ttfamily  (opsys . operating-system)}] \index{{\ttfamily  (opsys . operating-system)}}
1188          * Some crude indication of the host operating system.
1189          */
1191         /*! lispsys [pipes] \item[{\ttfamily pipes}] \index{{\ttfamily pipes}}
1192          * In the earlier days of CSL there were computers where pipes were not
1193          * supported, so this tag notes when they are present and hance the facility
1194          * to create sub-tasks through them can be used.
1195          */
1197         /*! lispsys [record_get] \item[{\ttfamily  record\_get}] \index{{\ttfamily  record\_get}}
1198          * An an extension to the CSL profiling scheme it it possible to compile
1199          * a special version that tracks and counts each use of property-list access
1200          * functions. This can be useful because there are ways to give special
1201          * treatment to a small number of flags and a small number of properties. The
1202          * special-case flage end up stored as a bitmap in the symbol-header so avoid
1203          * need for property-list searching. But of course recording this extra
1204          * information slows things down. This tag notes when the slow version is
1205          * in use. It might be used to trigger a display of statistics at the end of
1206          * a calculation.
1207          */
1209         /*! lispsys [reduce] \item[{\ttfamily reduce}] \index{{\ttfamily reduce}}
1210          * This is intended to report if the initial heap image is for Reduce rather than
1211          * merely for Lisp.
1212          */
1214         /*! lispsys [shortname] \item[{\ttfamily  (shortname . name)}] \index{{\ttfamily  (shortname . name)}}
1215          * Gives the short name of the current executable, without its full path.
1216          */
1218         /*! lispsys [showmath] \item[{\ttfamily showmath}] \index{{\ttfamily showmath}}
1219          * If the ``showmath'' capability has been compiled into CSL this will be present
1220          * so that Lisp code can know it is reasonable to try to use it.
1221          */
1223         /*! lispsys [showmath1] \item[{\ttfamily showmath1}] \index{{\ttfamily showmath1}}
1224          * This marks the fact that this version of CSL will support the output
1225          * style where flat simple text preceeds TeX output, with a U+0003 (end of text)
1226          * marker to separate.
1227          */
1229         /*! lispsys [sixty-four] \item[{\ttfamily  sixty!-four}] \index{{\ttfamily  sixty"!-four}}
1230          * Present if the Lisp was compiled for a 64-bit computer.
1231          */
1233         /*! lispsys [termed] \item[{\ttfamily termed}] \index{{\ttfamily termed}}
1234          * Present if a cursor-addressable console was detected.
1235          */
1237         /*! lispsys [texmacs] \item[{\ttfamily texmacs}] \index{{\ttfamily texmacs}}
1238          * Present if the system was launched with the {\ttfamily --texmacs} flag.
1239          * The intent is that this should only be done when it has been launched with
1240          * texmacs as a front-end.
1241          */
1243         /*! lispsys [revision] \item[{\ttfamily  (revision . ver)}] \index{{\ttfamily  (revision . ver)}}
1244          * The CSL subversion revision number.
1245          */
1248         /*! lispsys [windowed] \item[{\ttfamily windowed}] \index{{\ttfamily windowed}}
1249          * Present if CSL is running in its own window rather than in console mode.
1250          */
1252         w = cons(make_keyword(OPSYS), nil);
1253 #if defined WIN64 || defined __WIN64__ || defined WIN32
1254 //
1255 // In the WIN64 case I will ALSO tell the user than I am "win32". This is
1256 // a curious thing to do maybe, but is because historically win32 may have
1257 // been used as a "windows" test, and win64 is in general terms a
1258 // compatible extension so all win32 options ought still to be available.
1259 //
1260         w = cons(make_keyword("win32"), w);
1261 #endif
1262 #if defined WIN64 || defined __WIN64__
1263         w = cons(make_keyword("win64"), w);
1264 #endif
1265         setheader(n, qheader(n) | SYM_SPECIAL_VAR);
1266 #endif
1267         defined_symbols = 0;
1268         for (i=0; setup_tables[i]!=nullptr;
1269              i++) count_symbols(setup_tables[i]);
1270 #ifdef COMMON
1271 // A gratuitous misery here is the need to make words
1272 // upper case.
1273         w = acons(make_keyword("OPSYS"),
1274                   make_undefined_symbol(OPSYS), w);
1275         w = acons(make_keyword("C-CODE"),
1276                   fixnum_of_int(defined_symbols), w);
1277         w = acons(make_keyword("PLATFORM"),
1278                   make_undefined_symbol(BUILTFOR), w);
1279         if (SIXTY_FOUR_BIT) w = cons(make_keyword("SIXTY-FOUR"), w);
1280         w = cons(make_keyword("PIPES"), w);
1281 #if defined HAVE_UNISTD_H && \
1282     defined HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H && \
1283     defined HAVE_SYS_STAT_H && \
1284     defined HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H && \
1285     defined HAVE_SIGNAL_H && \
1286     defined HAVE_SYS_SHM_H && \
1287     defined HAVE_SYS_IPC_H && \
1288     defined HAVE_FORK && \
1289     defined HAVE_WAIT && \
1290     defined HAVE_WAITPID && \
1291     defined HAVE_SHMGET && \
1292     defined HAVE_SHMAT && \
1293     defined HAVE_SHMDT && \
1294     defined HAVE_SHMCTL
1295         w = cons(make_keyword("PARALLEL", w);
1296 #endif
1297 #ifdef DEBUG
1298                  w = cons(make_keyword("DEBUG"), w);
1299 #endif
1300 #ifdef EXPERIMENT
1301                  w = cons(make_keyword("EXPERIMENT"), w);
1302 #endif
1303                  w = cons(make_keyword("RECORD_GET"), w);
1304                  w = acons(make_keyword("EXECUTABLE"),
1305                            make_string(fullProgramName), w);
1306                  w = acons(make_keyword("NAME"), make_string(IMPNAME), w);
1307                  w = acons(make_keyword("REVISION"), fixnum_of_int(REVISION), w);
1308                  w = cons(make_keyword("CCL"), w);
1309                  w = cons(make_keyword("COMMON-LISP"), w);
1312 #else // !COMMON
1315         w = acons(make_keyword("opsys"),
1316                   make_undefined_symbol(OPSYS), w);
1317         w = acons(make_keyword("c-code"),
1318                   fixnum_of_int(defined_symbols), w);
1319         w = acons(make_keyword("platform"),
1320                   make_undefined_symbol(BUILTFOR), w);
1321         if (texmacs_mode)
1322             w = cons(make_keyword("texmacs"), w);
1323         if (SIXTY_FOUR_BIT) w = cons(make_keyword("sixty-four"), w);
1324         w = cons(make_keyword("pipes"), w);
1325 #if defined HAVE_CRLIBM
1326         w = cons(make_keyword("crlibm"), w);
1327 #endif
1328 #if defined HAVE_UNISTD_H && \
1329     defined HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H && \
1330     defined HAVE_SYS_STAT_H && \
1331     defined HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H && \
1332     defined HAVE_SIGNAL_H && \
1333     defined HAVE_SYS_SHM_H && \
1334     defined HAVE_SYS_IPC_H && \
1335     defined HAVE_FORK && \
1336     defined HAVE_WAIT && \
1337     defined HAVE_WAITPID && \
1338     defined HAVE_SHMGET && \
1339     defined HAVE_SHMAT && \
1340     defined HAVE_SHMDT && \
1341     defined HAVE_SHMCTL
1342         w = cons(make_keyword("parallel"), w);
1343 #endif
1344 #ifdef DEBUG
1345         w = cons(make_keyword("debug"), w);
1346 #endif
1347 #ifdef EXPERIMENT
1348         w = cons(make_keyword("experiment"), w);
1349 #endif
1350 #ifdef EMBEDDED
1351         w = cons(make_keyword("embedded"), w);
1352 #endif
1353 #ifdef NO_THROW
1354         w = cons(make_keyword("no-throw"), w);
1355 #endif
1356 #ifdef CONSERVATIVE
1357         w = cons(make_keyword("conservative"), w);
1358 #endif
1359         if (fwin_windowmode() & FWIN_WITH_TERMED)
1360             w = cons(make_keyword("termed"), w);
1361 #ifdef HAVE_LIBFOX
1362         if (fwin_windowmode() & FWIN_IN_WINDOW)
1363         {   w = cons(make_keyword("windowed"), w);
1364             w = cons(make_keyword("fox"), w);
1365 // It could be the case that SHOWMATH is compiled in but the necessary
1366 // fonts were not located. Or if they were there but "--" has been used to
1367 // redirect standard output to a file.
1368 //
1369             if (showmathInitialised &&
1370                 alternative_stdout == nullptr)
1371             {   w = cons(make_keyword("showmath"), w);
1372                 w = cons(make_keyword("showmath1"), w);
1373             }
1374         }
1375 #endif
1376 #ifdef HAVE_LIBWX
1377         if (fwin_windowmode() & FWIN_IN_WINDOW)
1378         {   w = cons(make_keyword("windowed"), w);
1379             w = cons(make_keyword("wx"), w);
1380 // It could be the case that SHOWMATH is compiled in but the necessary
1381 // fonts were not located. Or if they were there but "--" has been used to
1382 // redirect standard output to a file.
1383 //
1384             if (showmathInitialised &&
1385                 alternative_stdout == nullptr)
1386             {   w = cons(make_keyword("showmath"), w);
1387                 w = cons(make_keyword("showmath1"), w);
1388             }
1389         }
1390 #endif
1391 #ifdef RECORD_GET
1392         w = cons(make_keyword("record_get"), w);
1393 #endif
1394         w = acons(make_keyword("executable"),
1395                   make_string(fullProgramName), w);
1396         w = acons(make_keyword("shortname"),
1397                   make_string(programName), w);
1398         if (!restartp) w = cons(make_keyword("cold-start"), w);
1399         w = acons(make_keyword("name"), make_string(IMPNAME), w);
1400         w = acons(make_keyword("revision"), fixnum_of_int(REVISION), w);
1401         w = cons(make_keyword("csl"), w);
1402 //
1403 // Ha Ha a trick here - if a symbol ADDSQ is defined I view this image
1404 // as being one for REDUCE and push that information onto lispsystem*,
1405 // and I also reset the "about box" information (if using fwin).
1406 //
1407         w1 = make_undefined_symbol("addsq");
1408         if (qfn1(w1) != undefined_1)
1409         {   w = cons(make_keyword("reduce"), w);
1410             w1 = qvalue(make_undefined_symbol("version*"));
1411             if (is_vector(w1) &&
1412                 is_string_header(vechdr(w1)))
1413             {   int n = length_of_byteheader(vechdr(w1))-CELL;
1414                 std::sprintf(about_box_title, "About %.*s",
1415                              (n > 31-static_cast<int>(std::strlen("About ")) ?
1416                               31-static_cast<int>(std::strlen("About ")) : n),
1417                              reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&celt(w1, 0)));
1418                 std::sprintf(about_box_description, "%.*s",
1419                              (n > 31 ? 31 : n),
1420                              reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&celt(w1, 0)));
1421 //
1422 // The provision here is that if variables called "author!*" and
1423 // "author2!*" exist with strings as values then those values will
1424 // appear in the "about box". See a commentary in the file fwin.c about
1425 // possibly non-obvious constraints on what text you may properly place
1426 // in these strings.
1427 //
1428                 w1 = qvalue(make_undefined_symbol("author1*"));
1429                 if (is_vector(w1) &&
1430                     is_string_header(vechdr(w1)))
1431                 {   n = length_of_byteheader(vechdr(w1))-CELL;
1432                     std::sprintf(about_box_rights_1, "%.*s",
1433                                  n > 31 ? 31 : n, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&celt(w1, 0)));
1434                 }
1435                 else std::strcpy(about_box_rights_1, "A C Hearn/RAND");
1436                 w1 = qvalue(make_undefined_symbol("author2*"));
1437                 if (is_vector(w1) &&
1438                     is_string_header(vechdr(w1)))
1439                 {   n = length_of_byteheader(vechdr(w1))-CELL;
1440                     std::sprintf(about_box_rights_2, "%.*s",
1441                                  n > 31 ? 31 : n,
1442                                  reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&celt(w1, 0)));
1443                 }
1444                 else std::strcpy(about_box_rights_2, "Codemist    ");
1445             }
1446             else
1447             {   std::strcpy(about_box_title, "About REDUCE");
1448                 std::strcpy(about_box_description, "REDUCE");
1449                 std::strcpy(about_box_rights_1, "A C Hearn/RAND");
1450                 std::strcpy(about_box_rights_2, "Codemist");
1451             }
1452         }
1453         setheader(n, qheader(n) | SYM_SPECIAL_VAR);
1454         setvalue(n, w);
1455 #endif // COMMON
1456     }
1457 //
1458 // lispargs* and full-lispargs!* give access to command line args used at
1459 // launch. lispargs!* just contains anything beyond the keyword "--args"
1460 // while full-lispargs contains everything.
1461 //
1462     {   LispObject aa = nil, faa = nil;
1463         LispObject n = make_undefined_symbol("lispargs*");
1464         int i, seen_args_keyword=0;
1465         for (i=0; i<csl_argc; i++)
1466         {   LispObject s = make_string(csl_argv[i]);
1467             faa = cons(s, faa);
1468             if (seen_args_keyword) aa = cons(s, aa);
1469             if (std::strcmp(csl_argv[i], "--args") == 0) seen_args_keyword = 1;
1470         }
1471         aa = Lreverse(nil, aa);
1472         faa = Lreverse(nil, faa);
1473         setheader(n, qheader(n) | SYM_SPECIAL_VAR);
1474         setvalue(n, aa);
1475         n = make_undefined_fluid("full-lispargs*");
1476         setvalue(n, faa);
1477     }
1478 //
1479 // Floating point characteristics are taken from <cfloat> where it is
1480 // supposed that the C compiler involved has got the values correct.
1481 // I do this every time the system is loaded rather than just when an
1482 // image is cold-created. This is because an image file may have been created
1483 // on a system differing from the one on which it is used. Maybe in fact
1484 // IEEE arithmetic is ALMOST universal and I am being too cautious here?
1485 //
1486     make_constant("short-float-epsilon",
1487                   pack_short_float(16.0*FLT_EPSILON));
1488     make_constant("single-float-epsilon",
1489                   pack_single_float(FLT_EPSILON));
1490     make_constant("double-float-epsilon",
1491                   make_boxfloat(DBL_EPSILON, TYPE_DOUBLE_FLOAT));
1492 // Now that LONG FLOAT is 128-bits all the literals set up here are
1493 // liable to be incorrect!
1494     make_constant("long-float-epsilon",
1495                   make_boxfloat(DBL_EPSILON, TYPE_LONG_FLOAT));
1496 //
1497 // I assume that I have a radix 2 representation, and float-negative-epsilon
1498 // is just half float-epsilon. Correct me if I am wrong...
1499 //
1500     make_constant("short-float-negative-epsilon",
1501                   pack_short_float(16.0*FLT_EPSILON/2.0));
1502     make_constant("single-float-negative-epsilon",
1503                   pack_single_float(FLT_EPSILON/2.0));
1504     make_constant("double-float-negative-epsilon",
1505                   make_boxfloat(DBL_EPSILON/2.0, TYPE_DOUBLE_FLOAT));
1506 // For now "long" = "double"
1507     make_constant("long-float-negative-epsilon",
1508                   make_boxfloat(DBL_EPSILON/2.0, TYPE_LONG_FLOAT));
1509 //
1510 // I hope that the C header file gets extremal values correct. Note that
1511 // because pack_short_float() truncates (rather than rounding) it should give
1512 // correct values for most-positive-short-float etc
1513 //
1514     make_constant("most-positive-short-float",
1515                   pack_short_float(FLT_MAX));
1516     make_constant("most-positive-single-float",
1517                   pack_single_float(FLT_MAX));
1518     make_constant("most-positive-double-float",
1519                   make_boxfloat(DBL_MAX, TYPE_DOUBLE_FLOAT));
1520     make_constant("most-positive-long-float",
1521                   make_boxfloat(DBL_MAX, TYPE_LONG_FLOAT));
1522 //
1523 // Here I assume that the floating point representation is sign-and-magnitude
1524 // and hence symmetric about zero.
1525 //
1526     make_constant("most-negative-short-float",
1527                   pack_short_float(-FLT_MAX));
1528     make_constant("most-negative-single-float",
1529                   pack_single_float(-FLT_MAX));
1530     make_constant("most-negative-double-float",
1531                   make_boxfloat(-DBL_MAX, TYPE_DOUBLE_FLOAT));
1532     make_constant("most-negative-long-float",
1533                   make_boxfloat(-DBL_MAX, TYPE_LONG_FLOAT));
1534 //
1535 // The "least-xxx" set of values did not consider the case of denormalised
1536 // numbers too carefully in ClTl-1, so in ClTl-2 there are elaborations. I
1537 // believe that a proper C header file <cfloat> will make the macros that
1538 // I use here refer to NORMALISED values, so the numeric results I use
1539 // here will not be quite proper (ie there are smaller floats that are
1540 // un-normalised). But I will ignore that worry just for now.
1541 //
1542     make_constant("least-positive-short-float",
1543                   pack_short_float(FLT_MIN));
1544     make_constant("least-positive-single-float",
1545                   pack_single_float(FLT_MIN));
1546     make_constant("least-positive-double-float",
1547                   make_boxfloat(DBL_MIN, TYPE_DOUBLE_FLOAT));
1548     make_constant("least-positive-long-float",
1549                   make_boxfloat(DBL_MIN, TYPE_LONG_FLOAT));
1550     make_constant("least-negative-short-float",
1551                   pack_short_float(-FLT_MIN));
1552     make_constant("least-negative-single-float",
1553                   pack_single_float(-FLT_MIN));
1554     make_constant("least-negative-double-float",
1555                   make_boxfloat(-DBL_MIN, TYPE_DOUBLE_FLOAT));
1556     make_constant("least-negative-long-float",
1557                   make_boxfloat(-DBL_MIN, TYPE_LONG_FLOAT));
1558 //
1559 // The bunch here are intended to be NORMALISED numbers, while the unqualified
1560 // ones above may not be.
1561 //
1562     make_constant("least-positive-normalized-short-float",
1563                   pack_short_float(FLT_MIN));
1564     make_constant("least-positive-normalized-single-float",
1565                   pack_single_float(FLT_MIN));
1566     make_constant("least-positive-normalized-double-float",
1567                   make_boxfloat(DBL_MIN, TYPE_DOUBLE_FLOAT));
1568     make_constant("least-positive-normalized-long-float",
1569                   make_boxfloat(DBL_MIN, TYPE_LONG_FLOAT));
1570     make_constant("least-negative-normalized-short-float",
1571                   pack_short_float(-FLT_MIN));
1572     make_constant("least-negative-normalized-single-float",
1573                   pack_single_float(-FLT_MIN));
1574     make_constant("least-negative-normalized-double-float",
1575                   make_boxfloat(-DBL_MIN, TYPE_DOUBLE_FLOAT));
1576     make_constant("least-negative-normalized-long-float",
1577                   make_boxfloat(-DBL_MIN, TYPE_LONG_FLOAT));
1578     make_constant("internal-time-units-per-second",
1579                   fixnum_of_int(1000));
1581     terminal_io = make_undefined_fluid("*terminal-io*");
1582     standard_input = make_undefined_fluid("*standard-input*");
1583     standard_output = make_undefined_fluid("*standard-output*");
1584     error_output = make_undefined_fluid("*error-output*");
1585     trace_output = make_undefined_fluid("*trace-output*");
1586     debug_io = make_undefined_fluid("*debug-io*");
1587     query_io = make_undefined_fluid("*query-io*");
1589     stream_type(lisp_work_stream) = make_undefined_symbol("work-stream");
1591     {   LispObject f = lisp_terminal_io;
1592         stream_type(f) = make_undefined_symbol("terminal-stream");
1593         set_stream_read_fn(f, char_from_terminal);
1594         set_stream_read_other(f, read_action_terminal);
1595         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_terminal);
1596         set_stream_write_other(f, write_action_terminal);
1597         setvalue(terminal_io, f);
1598         f = lisp_standard_input;
1599         stream_type(f) = make_undefined_symbol("synonym-stream");
1600 #ifdef COMMON
1601 //
1602 // If I do not have COMMON defined I will take a slight short cut here and
1603 // make reading from *standard-input* read directly from the terminal. For
1604 // full Common Lisp compatibility I think *standard-input* is required to
1605 // be a synonym stream that will dynamically look at the value of the variable
1606 // *terminal-io* every time it does anything. Ugh, since people who assign to
1607 // or re-bind *terminal-io* seem to me to be asking for terrible trouble!
1608 //
1609         set_stream_read_fn(f, char_from_synonym);
1610 #else
1611         set_stream_read_fn(f, char_from_terminal);
1612 #endif
1613         set_stream_read_other(f, read_action_synonym);
1614         stream_read_data(f) = terminal_io;
1615         setvalue(standard_input, f);
1617         f = lisp_standard_output;
1618         stream_type(f) = make_undefined_symbol("synonym-stream");
1619 #ifdef COMMON
1620         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_synonym);
1621 #else
1622         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_terminal);
1623 #endif
1624         set_stream_write_other(f, write_action_synonym);
1625         stream_write_data(f) = terminal_io;
1626         setvalue(standard_output, f);
1628         f = lisp_error_output;
1629         stream_type(f) = make_undefined_symbol("synonym-stream");
1630 #ifdef COMMON
1631         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_synonym);
1632 #else
1633         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_terminal);
1634 #endif
1635         set_stream_write_other(f, write_action_synonym);
1636         stream_write_data(f) = terminal_io;
1637         setvalue(error_output, f);
1639         f = lisp_trace_output;
1640         stream_type(f) = make_undefined_symbol("synonym-stream");
1641 #ifdef COMMON
1642         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_synonym);
1643 #else
1644         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_terminal);
1645 #endif
1646         set_stream_write_other(f, write_action_synonym);
1647         stream_write_data(f) = terminal_io;
1648         setvalue(trace_output, f);
1650         f = lisp_debug_io;
1651         stream_type(f) = make_undefined_symbol("synonym-stream");
1652 #ifdef COMMON
1653         set_stream_read_fn(f, char_from_synonym);
1654 #else
1655         set_stream_read_fn(f, char_from_terminal);
1656 #endif
1657         set_stream_read_other(f, read_action_synonym);
1658         stream_read_data(f) = terminal_io;
1659 #ifdef COMMON
1660         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_synonym);
1661 #else
1662         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_terminal);
1663 #endif
1664         set_stream_write_other(f, write_action_synonym);
1665         stream_write_data(f) = terminal_io;
1666         setvalue(debug_io, f);
1668         f = lisp_query_io;
1669         stream_type(f) = make_undefined_symbol("synonym-stream");
1670 #ifdef COMMON
1671         set_stream_read_fn(f, char_from_synonym);
1672 #else
1673         set_stream_read_fn(f, char_from_terminal);
1674 #endif
1675         set_stream_read_other(f, read_action_synonym);
1676         stream_read_data(f) = terminal_io;
1677 #ifdef COMMON
1678         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_synonym);
1679 #else
1680         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_terminal);
1681 #endif
1682         set_stream_write_other(f, write_action_synonym);
1683         stream_write_data(f) = terminal_io;
1684         setvalue(query_io, f);
1685     }
1687 #if defined HAVE_LIBFOX || defined HAVE_LIBWX
1688     {   LispObject stream = make_undefined_fluid("*math-output*");
1689         LispObject f = make_stream_handle();
1690         stream_type(f) = make_undefined_symbol("math-output");
1691         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_math);
1692         set_stream_write_other(f, write_action_math);
1693         setvalue(stream, f);
1694         stream = make_undefined_fluid("*spool-output*");
1695         f = make_stream_handle();
1696         stream_type(f) = make_undefined_symbol("spool-output");
1697         set_stream_write_fn(f, char_to_spool);
1698         set_stream_write_other(f, write_action_spool);
1699         setvalue(stream, f);
1700     }
1701 #endif
1703 // I can now predefine symbols in two ways:
1704 //     -D name=val
1705 //     --D name=val
1706 // The first of these matches old behaviour and the value assigned to name
1707 // is always a string. The second can turn it into a symbol, number etc.
1708     for (auto ss : symbolsToDefine)
1709     {   bool undef = !ss.flag;
1710         const char *s = ss.key.c_str();
1711         if (undef)
1712         {   LispObject n = make_undefined_symbol(s);
1713             setvalue(n, unset_var);
1714         }
1715         else
1716         {   LispObject n = make_undefined_symbol(s);
1717             Save save(n);
1718             s = ss.data.c_str();
1719 // If you go "--D xxx" then treat it as "--D xxx=t".
1720             LispObject v;
1721             if (std::strlen(s) == 0) v = lisp_true;
1722             else
1723             {   v = make_string(s);
1724                 v = Lexplodec(nil, v);
1725                 v = Lcompress(nil, v);
1726 //
1727 // The above will first make the value in -Dname=value into a string,
1728 // then explode it into a list, and compress back - the effect is as if the
1729 // original value had been passed through the regular Lisp READ function,
1730 // so symbols, numbers and even s-expressions can be parsed.  If the
1731 // parsing fails I (silently) treat the value as just NIL.
1732 //
1733             }
1734             save.restore(n);
1735             setheader(n, qheader(n) | SYM_SPECIAL_VAR);
1736             setvalue(n, v);
1737         }
1738     }
1739     for (auto ss : stringsToDefine)
1740     {   bool undef = !ss.flag;
1741         const char *s = ss.key.c_str();
1742         if (undef)
1743         {   LispObject n = make_undefined_symbol(s);
1744             setvalue(n, unset_var);
1745         }
1746         else
1747         {   LispObject n = make_undefined_symbol(s);
1748             Save save(n);
1749             s = ss.data.c_str();
1750             LispObject v;
1751             if (std::strlen(s) == 0) v = lisp_true;
1752             else v = make_string(s);
1753             save.restore(n);
1754             setheader(n, qheader(n) | SYM_SPECIAL_VAR);
1755             setvalue(n, v);
1756         }
1757     }
1758     for (auto ss : stringsToEvaluate)
1759     {   const char *s = ss.c_str();
1760         TRY
1761             LispObject v = make_string(s);
1762             errexit();
1763             v = Lexplodec(nil, v);
1764             errexit();
1765             v = Lcompress(nil, v);
1766             errexit();
1767             Save save(v);
1768             Lprin(nil, v);
1769             save.restore(v);
1770             errexit();
1771             v = Leval(nil, v);
1772             errexit();
1773             Save save1(v);
1774             term_printf(" => ");
1775             errexit();
1776             save1.restore(v);
1777             Lprint(nil, v);
1778 // A failure in an expression set to be evaluated here is fatal.
1779         CATCH(LispException)
1780             ensure_screen();
1781             my_exit();
1782         END_CATCH
1783     }
1784 //
1785 // Now if I have the FWIN windowed system I look in the Lisp variables
1786 //    loadable-packages!*
1787 //    switches!*
1788 // (both expected to be lists of symbols) and copy info into a couple of
1789 // C vectors, whence it can go to the window manager and be used to create
1790 // suitable menus. I might get in a mess if I try to set and reset menus
1791 // multiple times, and so to avoid possible confusion I do this step
1792 // JUST ONCE. This may be limiting (in particular it means that menus get
1793 // set at the very start of a run ONLY) but should only be visible to those
1794 // who call restart!-csl.
1795 //
1796     if (loadable_packages == nullptr && switches==nullptr)
1797     {   LispObject w1 = qvalue(make_undefined_symbol("loadable-packages*"));
1798         LispObject w2;
1799         int n;
1800         char *v;
1801         n = 0;
1802         for (w2=w1; consp(w2); w2=cdr(w2)) n++; // How many?
1803         n = 2*n;
1804         loadable_packages = new (std::nothrow) char *[n+1];
1805         if (loadable_packages != nullptr)
1806         {   n = 0;
1807             for (w2=w1; consp(w2); w2=cdr(w2))
1808             {   LispObject w3 = car(w2);
1809                 int n1;
1810                 if (is_symbol(w3)) w3 = qpname(w3);
1811                 if (!is_vector(w3) ||
1812                     !is_string_header(vechdr(w3))) break;
1813                 n1 = length_of_byteheader(vechdr(w3))-CELL;
1814                 v = new (std::nothrow) char[n1+2];
1815                 if (v == nullptr) break;
1816                 v[0] = ' ';
1817                 std::memcpy(v+1, &celt(w3, 0), n1);
1818                 v[n1+1] = 0;
1819                 loadable_packages[n++] = v;
1820                 loadable_packages[n++] = nullptr;
1821             }
1822             std::qsort(loadable_packages, n/2, 2*sizeof(char *), alpha1);
1823             loadable_packages[n] = nullptr;   // nullptr-terminate the list
1824         }
1825         w1 = qvalue(make_undefined_symbol("switches*"));
1826         n = 0;
1827         for (w2=w1; consp(w2); w2=cdr(w2)) n++; // How many?
1828         n = (n+1)*sizeof(char *);
1829         n = 2*n;
1830         switches = new (std::nothrow) char *[n+1];
1831         if (switches != nullptr)
1832         {   n = 0;
1833             for (w2=w1; consp(w2); w2=cdr(w2))
1834             {   LispObject w3 = car(w2), w4;
1835                 char sname[64];
1836                 int n1;
1837                 if (is_symbol(w3)) w3 = qpname(w3);
1838                 if (!is_vector(w3) ||
1839                     !is_string_header(vechdr(w3))) break;
1840                 n1 = length_of_byteheader(vechdr(w3))-CELL;
1841                 if (n1 > 60) break;
1842                 std::sprintf(sname, "*%.*s", n1,
1843                              reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&celt(w3, 0)));
1844                 w4 = make_undefined_symbol(sname);
1845                 v = new (std::nothrow) char[n1+2];
1846                 if (v == nullptr) break;
1847 //
1848 // The first character records the current state of the switch. With FWIN
1849 // I have entries that say "x" for "I am not at present active" which copes
1850 // with switches that will become relevant only when a package of code is
1851 // loaded. I will scan from time to time to update my information - I guess
1852 // that I can put in a hook that triggers review after any module has been
1853 // loaded. See the function review_switch_settings() the follows...
1854 //
1855                 if (qvalue(w4) == nil) v[0] = 'n';
1856                 else if (qvalue(w4) == unset_var) v[0] = 'x';
1857                 else v[0] = 'y';
1858                 std::memcpy(v+1, &celt(w3, 0), n1);
1859                 v[n1+1] = 0;
1860                 switches[n++] = v;
1861                 switches[n++] = nullptr;
1862             }
1863             std::qsort(switches, n/2, 2*sizeof(char *), alpha1);
1864             switches[n] = nullptr;
1865         }
1866     }
1868 #ifdef COMMON
1869     CP = saved_package;
1870 #endif
1871     return nil;
1872 }
1874 #ifndef COMMON
1876 //
1877 // This alse reviews the list of loaded packages...
1878 //
1879 void review_switch_settings()
1880 {   LispObject sw = qvalue(make_undefined_symbol("switches*"));
1881     while (consp(sw))
1882     {   LispObject s = car(sw);
1883         char sname[64];
1884         int n1;
1885         char *v;
1886         char **p;
1887         LispObject starsw;
1888         sw = cdr(sw);
1889         if (is_symbol(s)) s = qpname(s);
1890         if (!is_vector(s) || !is_string_header(vechdr(s))) continue;
1891         n1 = length_of_byteheader(vechdr(s))-CELL;
1892         if (n1 > 60) continue;
1893         std::sprintf(sname, "*%.*s", n1,
1894                      reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&celt(s, 0)));
1895         for (p=switches; *p!=nullptr; p+=2)
1896         {   if (std::strcmp(1+*p, &sname[1]) == 0) break;
1897         }
1898         if ((v=*p) == nullptr) continue;
1899         starsw = make_undefined_symbol(sname);
1900         if (qvalue(starsw) == nil) switch(*v)
1901             {   case 'y':  *v = 0x3f&'N'; break;
1902                 case 'n':                 break;
1903                 case 'x':  *v = 'N';      break;
1904             }
1905         else if (qvalue(starsw) == unset_var) switch(*v)
1906             {   case 'y':  *v = 'X';      break;
1907                 case 'n':  *v = 'X';      break;
1908                 case 'x':                 break;
1909             }
1910         else switch(*v)
1911             {   case 'y':                 break;
1912                 case 'n':  *v = 0x3f&'Y'; break;
1913                 case 'x':  *v = 'Y';      break;
1914             }
1915     }
1916     sw = qvalue(make_undefined_symbol("loaded-packages*"));
1917     while (consp(sw))
1918     {   LispObject s = car(sw);
1919         char sname[64];
1920         int n1;
1921         char *v;
1922         char **p;
1923         sw = cdr(sw);
1924         if (is_symbol(s)) s = qpname(s);
1925         if (!is_vector(s) || !is_string_header(s)) continue;
1926         n1 = length_of_byteheader(vechdr(s))-CELL;
1927         if (n1 > 60) continue;
1928         std::sprintf(sname, "%.*s", n1,
1929                      reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&celt(s, 0)));
1930         for (p=loadable_packages; *p!=nullptr; p+=2)
1931         {   if (std::strcmp(1+*p, sname) == 0) break;
1932         }
1933         if ((v=*p) == nullptr) continue;
1934         if (*v == ' ') *v = 'X';  // X here says "update the info"
1935     }
1936     fwin_refresh_switches(switches, loadable_packages);
1937 }
1939 #endif
1941 bool CSL_MD5_busy;
1943 // Used to ensure that an image file matches up with the C code compiled
1944 // into the main executable. The linear search here for the place the
1945 // checksum lives is a bit crummy. But the total cost is linear in the
1946 // number of things that have been compiled into C.
1948 static void get_checksum(const setup_type *p)
1949 {   while (p->name!=nullptr) p++;
1950     if (p->one != nullptr && p->two != nullptr)
1951     {   const unsigned char *w = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>
1952                                  (p->two);
1953         CSL_MD5_Update(w, std::strlen(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(w)));
1954     }
1955 }
1957 void get_user_files_checksum(unsigned char *b)
1958 {   size_t i;
1959     CSL_MD5_Init();
1960     for (i=0; setup_tables[i]!=nullptr; i++)
1961         get_checksum(setup_tables[i]);
1962     CSL_MD5_Final(b);
1963 }
1965 #ifdef __ARM__
1966 // June 2016: on the Raspberry pi this code gets messed up by -O2 and -O3.
1967 // This may well be my fault, but for now I will hold the fort by sticking in
1968 // a pragma to downgrade the optimization (with a "z") level... Ugh. Every so
1969 // often I should revisit this and see if I can understand what aspect of the
1970 // code causes pain, or whether the Raspberry Pi version of g++ has moved on!
1971 #pragma GCC optimize ("1")
1972 #endif
1974 void setup(int restart_flag, double store_size)
1975 {
1976 //
1977 // restart_flag is a set of options passed as a bitmap:
1978 //    1       Do a warm start, ie re-load a heap image.
1979 //            The alternative is a cold start that should only
1980 //            be called for as part of a system bootstrap process.
1981 //    2       Grab memory for CSL to use.
1982 //            The alternative is to assume that memory has already been
1983 //            allocated, and to re-use what there is.
1984 //    4, 8, ...   not used yet!
1985 //
1986     int32_t i;
1987     if ((restart_flag & 2) != 0) init_heap_segments(store_size);
1988     garbage_collection_permitted = false;
1989     stack = stackBase;
1990     *stack = nil;
1991     exit_tag = exit_value = nil;
1992     exit_reason = UNWIND_NULL;
1993     for (int j=0; j<=LOG2_VECTOR_CHUNK_BYTES; j++)
1994         free_vectors[j] = 0;
1996     if ((restart_flag & 1) != 0)
1997     {   char junkbuf[120];
1998         char filename[LONGEST_LEGAL_FILENAME];
1999         std::memset(junkbuf, 0, sizeof(junkbuf));
2000         std::memset(filename, 0, sizeof(filename));
2001         if (IopenRoot(filename, 0, 0))
2002         {   term_printf("\n+++ Image file \"%s\" can not be read\n",
2003                         filename);
2004             my_exit();
2005         }
2006 // The initial record at the start of an image file is not compressed...
2007         Iread(junkbuf, 112);
2008         if (init_flags & INIT_VERBOSE)
2009         {   term_printf("Created: %.25s\n", &junkbuf[64]);
2010             // Time dump was taken
2011         }
2012         unsigned char chk[16];
2013         get_user_files_checksum(chk);
2014         for (i=0; i<16; i++)
2015         {   if (chk[i] != (junkbuf[90+i] & 0xff))
2016             {   term_printf(
2017                     "\n+++ Image file belongs with a different version\n");
2018                 term_printf(
2019                     "    of the executable file (incompatible code\n");
2020                 term_printf(
2021                     "    has been optimised into C and incorporated)\n");
2022                 term_printf(
2023                     "    Unable to use this image file, so stopping\n");
2024                 term_printf(
2025                     "    File is: %s\n", filename);
2026                 my_exit();
2027             }
2028         }
2029 //
2030 // To make things more responsive for the user I will display a
2031 // banner rather early (before reading the bulk of the image file).
2032 // The banner that I will display is one provided to be by PRESERVE.
2033 //
2034         {   char b[64];
2035             if (IopenRoot(filename, BANNER_CODE, 0)) b[0] = 0;
2036             else
2037             {   for (i=0; i<64; i++) b[i] = static_cast<char>(Igetc());
2038 // The banner will not be subject to compression technology because it will
2039 // normally be too short to benefit.
2040                 IcloseInput();
2041             }
2042 //
2043 // A banner set via startup-banner takes precedence over one from preserve.
2044 // But as a very special hack I detect if --texmacs was on the command
2045 // line and in that case I stay quiet...
2046 //
2047             if (!texmacs_mode)
2048             {   if (b[0] != 0)
2049                 {   term_printf("%s\n", b);
2050                     ensure_screen();
2051                 }
2052                 else if (junkbuf[0] != 0)
2053                 {   term_printf("%s\n", junkbuf);
2054                     ensure_screen();
2055                 }
2056             }
2057         }
2058     }
2059     else for (LispObject **p = list_bases; *p!=nullptr; p++) **p = nil;
2061     stackLimit = reinterpret_cast<LispObject *>(
2062                      ~static_cast<uintptr_t>(0xff) &
2063                      reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(
2064                          &stack[stack_segsize*CSL_PAGE_SIZE/CELL-200]));
2065     // allow some slop at end
2067 #ifndef CONSERVATIVE
2068     void *p = vheap_pages[vheap_pages_count++] =
2069                   allocate_page("vheap warm setup");
2070     vfringe = reinterpret_cast<LispObject>(
2071                   8 + reinterpret_cast<char *>(doubleword_align_up(
2072                               reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(p))));
2073     vheaplimit = static_cast<LispObject>(vfringe + (CSL_PAGE_SIZE - 16));
2074     p = heap_pages[heap_pages_count++] = allocate_page("heap warm setup");
2075     lheaplimit = (intptr_t)p;
2076     lfringe = static_cast<LispObject>(lheaplimit + CSL_PAGE_SIZE);
2077     lheaplimit = static_cast<LispObject>(lheaplimit + SPARE);
2078 #endif // !CONSERVATIVE
2080     if ((restart_flag & 1) != 0) warm_setup();
2081     else cold_setup();
2083     if (init_flags & INIT_QUIET) Lverbos(nil, fixnum_of_int(1));
2084     if (init_flags & INIT_VERBOSE) Lverbos(nil, fixnum_of_int(3));
2085 #ifndef CONSERVATIVE
2086 //
2087 // Here I grab more memory (if I am allowed to) until the proportion of the
2088 // heap active at the end of garbage collection is less than 1/2.  If the
2089 // attempt to grab more memory fails I clear the bit in init_flags that
2090 // allows me to try to expand, so I will not waste time again.
2091 // The aim of keeping the heap less than half full is an heuristic and
2092 // could be adjusted on the basis of experience with this code.
2093 //
2094     if ((init_flags & INIT_EXPANDABLE) != 0)
2095     {   int32_t more = heap_pages_count + vheap_pages_count;
2096         more = 3 *more - pages_count;
2097         while (more-- > 0)
2098         {   void *page = reinterpret_cast<void *>(
2099                 new (std::nothrow) char[CSL_PAGE_SIZE]);
2100             if (page == nullptr)
2101             {   init_flags &= ~INIT_EXPANDABLE;
2102                 break;
2103             }
2104             else pages[pages_count++] = page;
2105         }
2106     }
2107 #endif
2108     {   int32_t w = 0;
2109 //
2110 // The total store allocated is that used plus that free, including the
2111 // page set aside for the Lisp stack. I had better report this in Kbytes
2112 // which should then be sort of OK up to a total of 4000 Gbytes before the
2113 // unsigned long overflows on me.
2114 //
2115         if (init_flags & INIT_VERBOSE)
2116         {   unsigned long m =
2117                 (static_cast<unsigned long>(CSL_PAGE_SIZE/1000))*(pages_count+w+1);
2118             if (m > 4000)
2119                 term_printf("Memory allocation: %lu Mbytes\n", m/1000);
2120             else term_printf("Memory allocation: %lu Kbytes\n", m);
2121         }
2122     }
2123     if (init_flags & INIT_VERBOSE)
2124     {   unsigned int n = number_of_processors();
2125         if (n > 1)
2126             term_printf("There are %u processors available\n", n);
2127     }
2128     garbage_collection_permitted = true;
2129     return;
2130 }
2132 LispObject multiplication_buffer;
2134 // Here is a table of all the list-bases that CSL marks from, and that
2135 // must have their values captured in checkpoint files.
2137 LispObject *list_bases[] =
2138 {   &current_package,
2139     &B_reg,
2140     &codevec,
2141     &litvec,
2142     &exit_tag,
2143     &exit_value,
2144     &catch_tags,
2145     &lisp_package,
2146     &boffo,
2147     &charvec,
2148     &sys_hash_table,
2149     &sxhash_hash_table,
2150     &help_index,
2151     &gensym_base,
2152     &err_table,
2153     &supervisor,
2154     &startfn,
2155     &faslvec,
2156     &tracedfn,
2157     &prompt_thing,
2158     &faslgensyms,
2159     &current_function,
2160     &active_stream,
2161     &current_module,
2162     &autoload_symbol,
2163     &big_divisor,
2164     &big_dividend,
2165     &big_quotient,
2166     &big_fake1,
2167     &big_fake2,
2168     &append_symbol,
2169     &applyhook,
2170     &cfunarg,
2171     &comma_at_symbol,
2172     &comma_symbol,
2173     &compiler_symbol,
2174     &comp_symbol,
2175     &cons_symbol,
2176     &list_symbol,
2177     &liststar_symbol,
2178     &eq_symbol,
2179     &eql_symbol,
2180     &cl_equal_symbol,
2181     &equal_symbol,
2182     &equalp_symbol,
2183     &go_symbol,
2184     &cond_symbol,
2185     &echo_symbol,
2186     &emsg_star,
2187     &evalhook,
2188     &eval_symbol,
2189     &expr_symbol,
2190     &features_symbol,
2191     &fexpr_symbol,
2192     &funarg,
2193     &function_symbol,
2194     &lambda,
2195     &lisp_true,
2196     &lower_symbol,
2197     &macroexpand_hook,
2198     &macro_symbol,
2199     &opt_key,
2200     &prinl_symbol,
2201     &progn_symbol,
2202     &quote_symbol,
2203     &raise_symbol,
2204     &redef_msg,
2205     &rest_key,
2206     &savedef,
2207     &string_char_sym,
2208     &unset_var,
2209     &work_symbol,
2210     &lex_words,
2211     &get_counts,
2212     &fastget_names,
2213     &input_libraries,
2214     &output_library,
2215     &current_file,
2216     &break_function,
2217     &lisp_work_stream,
2218     &lisp_standard_output,
2219     &lisp_standard_input,
2220     &lisp_debug_io,
2221     &lisp_error_output,
2222     &lisp_query_io,
2223     &lisp_terminal_io,
2224     &lisp_trace_output,
2225     &standard_output,
2226     &standard_input,
2227     &debug_io,
2228     &error_output,
2229     &query_io,
2230     &terminal_io,
2231     &trace_output,
2232     &fasl_stream,
2233     &mv_call_symbol,
2234     &startup_symbol,
2235     &traceprint_symbol,
2236     &load_source_symbol,
2237     &load_selected_source_symbol,
2238     &bytecoded_symbol,
2239     &funcall_symbol,
2240     &gchook,
2241     &resources,
2242     &callstack,
2243     &procstack,
2244     &procmem,
2245     &multiplication_buffer,
2246     &trap_time,
2247     &gcknt_symbol,
2248     &apply_symbol,
2249     &keyword_package,
2250     &all_packages,
2251     &package_symbol,
2252     &internal_symbol,
2253     &external_symbol,
2254     &inherited_symbol,
2255     &key_key,
2256     &allow_other_keys,
2257     &aux_key,
2258     &format_symbol,
2259     &expand_def_symbol,
2260     &allow_key_key,
2261     &declare_symbol,
2262     &special_symbol,
2263     &large_modulus,
2264     &used_space,
2265     &avail_space,
2266     &eof_symbol,
2267     &call_stack,
2268     &nicknames_symbol,
2269     &use_symbol,
2270     &and_symbol,
2271     &or_symbol,
2272     &not_symbol,
2273     &reader_workspace,
2274     &named_character,
2275     &read_float_format,
2276     &short_float,
2277     &single_float,
2278     &double_float,
2279     &long_float,
2280     &bit_symbol,
2281     &pathname_symbol,
2282     &print_array_sym,
2283     &read_base,
2284     &initial_element,
2285     &builtin0_symbol,
2286     &builtin1_symbol,
2287     &builtin2_symbol,
2288     &builtin3_symbol,
2289     &builtin4_symbol,
2290     &user_base_0,
2291     &user_base_1,
2292     &user_base_2,
2293     &user_base_3,
2294     &user_base_4,
2295     &user_base_5,
2296     &user_base_6,
2297     &user_base_7,
2298     &user_base_8,
2299     &user_base_9,
2300     &workbase[0],
2301     &workbase[1],
2302     &workbase[2],   // a.k.a mv_2
2303     &workbase[3],
2304     &workbase[4],
2305     &workbase[5],
2306     &workbase[6],
2307     &workbase[7],
2308     &workbase[8],
2309     &workbase[9],
2310     &workbase[10],
2311     &workbase[11],
2312     &workbase[12],
2313     &workbase[13],
2314     &workbase[14],
2315     &workbase[15],
2316     &workbase[16],
2317     &workbase[17],
2318     &workbase[18],
2319     &workbase[19],
2320     &workbase[20],
2321     &workbase[21],
2322     &workbase[22],
2323     &workbase[23],
2324     &workbase[24],
2325     &workbase[25],
2326     &workbase[26],
2327     &workbase[27],
2328     &workbase[28],
2329     &workbase[29],
2330     &workbase[30],
2331     &workbase[31],
2332     &workbase[32],
2333     &workbase[33],
2334     &workbase[34],
2335     &workbase[35],
2336     &workbase[36],
2337     &workbase[37],
2338     &workbase[38],
2339     &workbase[39],
2340     &workbase[40],
2341     &workbase[41],
2342     &workbase[42],
2343     &workbase[43],
2344     &workbase[44],
2345     &workbase[45],
2346     &workbase[46],
2347     &workbase[47],
2348     &workbase[48],
2349     &workbase[49],
2350     &workbase[50],
2351     nullptr              // Used to mark the end of the table.
2352 };
2354 //
2355 // June 2015: I am now going to try MD5 code from Alexander Peslyak
2356 // (Solar Designer). The code is public domain and all I do here is provide
2357 // wrappers so it appears to the bulk of CSL just as the previous version had.
2358 // The main motivation for this is that I must have corrupted the Eric
2359 // Younger code at some stage since it returned incorrect results for input
2360 // strings whose length was 55 mod 64. This showed up when comparing behaviour
2361 // with a Java-coded equivalent. I expect I could track down just what I had
2362 // wrong, but moving to the alternative public domain implementation seemed
2363 // both a good way to verify that the existing code I had was wrong and to end
2364 // up with something clean and tidy for the future.
2365 //
2366 // Please note that these days MD5 is not considered cryptographically secure,
2367 // and the implementation here will not be robust against side-attacks etc.
2368 // The proper uses hare are as a checksum fur use when chance rather than
2369 // malice is the opponent.
2370 //
2371 // The Checksums here are used in two areas in CSL:
2372 // (1) There is a user-visible checksum function that can be applied to
2373 //     arbitrary Lisp objects. It is for whatever use anybody might like to
2374 //     make of it.
2375 // (2) There is a scheme that ensures that Lisp that has been translated
2376 //     into C++ and put in u01.cpp .. u60.cpp is only activated when a
2377 //     Lisp function with the same checksum is to be used.
2379 #include "md5.cpp"
2381 MD5_CTX context;
2383 void CSL_MD5_Init()
2384 {   CSL_MD5_busy = true;
2385     MD5_Init(&context);
2386 }
2388 void CSL_MD5_Update(const unsigned char *data, size_t len)
2389 {   MD5_Update(&context, data, len);
2390 }
2392 void CSL_MD5_Final(unsigned char *md)
2393 {   MD5_Final(md, &context);
2394     CSL_MD5_busy = false;
2395 }
2397 // end of restart.cpp